#it's colored version y'all
scary-monsters · 1 month
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today (aug 19th) is my personal headcanon birthday for this loser 🧡 that makes him a leo, which feels correct to me personally.. i adore him so much and would've loved to do something more involved for his special day but i've been so busy and drained 😭 he is SO dear to me and has been my biggest artistic motivation for a couple years now, so i will spend the day thinking about him 🥰
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moonkhao · 5 months
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Make him kiss my hand or forehead? Okay, forehead… What?! They screamed louder for ‘hand’. ⟡ credit: Imcutteraster
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respectthepetty · 23 days
Addicted Heroin (Th) Cut Scenes and Colors - Episode 4
I'm reporting on the missing scenes from YouTube's version of Addicted Heroin [episode: one, two, three], but let me state before I share episode four's missing scene -
I don't care how you get it, but you need to watch that version because the edited version is missing entire chunks of relationship development, and I cannot make sense of why or how the company decided to cut these moments.
Now . . .
First cut scene:
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After Pop sprains his ankle, and Hero takes him home, Hero spends the night again. They are wearing the same color and sleeping on Green Guy Pop's green bed. Hero wakes up in the middle of the night, not because Pop is snuggled up to him, but because Pop's foot isn't elevated.
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So like the Blue Boy he is, he gets up, adjusts Pop, elevates his foot, and lays back down.
Second cut scene:
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The next day, Hero and Pop walk into class with Hero trying to get Pop to rest his sprained foot on his foot so Hero can walk for both of them. It's a ridiculous idea, but Tiger is in the classroom sitting next to Pink Person's Only's pink bottle, package, and pencil case, which tracks because even Only's shoelaces are pink.
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Pop tells Hero to apologize to Tiger for yelling at him the previous day and when Hero argues back, Pop plainly tells him if he doesn't, he won't be allowed to "climb him into bed tonight." Tiger is confused but Hero gets the message!
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He apologizes to Yellow Yal Tiger, but it comes across as a threat as he tells Tiger to forgive, right now(!), and I noticed that Tiger's pencil case is a yellow car while Hero is basically physically holding Tiger in place so he doesn't run away.
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Third cut scene:
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When Hero goes to speak to the leaders, he speaks much longer to them and outlines the issues: 1) his aunt is being bullied, so the leader states she will have a booth in a building now, 2) his uncle was not paid, so the leader says that is a private matter since the uncle worked for a private company but they'll get him his money, so 3) Hero says if he worked for the government, that wouldn't be a problem, so the leader says they magically have an open position, and 4) the road to Pop's house is awfully dark, so the leader says it will be lit up like a festival by the next day.
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They give him the beautiful basket and send him on his way as they freak out about all they just promised him.
Fourth cut scene:
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Once all the changes start to happen, Pop catches on quickly that Hero has done something to make it happen, so Hero immediately owns up to it, and tells Pop he pulled some strings based on his name and connections.
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Pop says even though he wants to be upset and feels like it's cheating, he is happy for his dad, and knows that his grandma and dad love Hero anyway, so they wouldn't be upset either. Then, HERO ASKS IF POP LOVES HIM TOO!
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Pop calmly responds that Hero is basically a stray dog that he has taken in for good karma and walks away.
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Fifth cut scene:
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Hero's friends, Spark and Panther, come to visit for Spark's birthday, so Hero asks Pop where the best place in town is so he can take them. It's a small-town karaoke bar which means it's far from the places these rich boys usually visit, and they clearly don't like it. They go as far as making fun of Pop's name calling him Pop-Eye and Poppy which Hero quickly puts a stop to it.
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Spark brought alcohol that his father got oversees, so they get drunk from it. Pop is drinking soda instead, so Hero takes his blue cup and drinks from it prompting Spark to question Pop about how close he is with Hero since Hero never allows anyone to share his drinks or touch him.
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Pop realizes that Hero's story of "friends giving a helping hand" was a lie since when Spark tried touching Hero, Hero immediately got upset and threw Spark's hand off of him.
Sixth cut scene:
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Hero is drunk, or at least says he is, so Green Guy Pop takes him back to his house, and Hero is clingy believing they'll be snuggled up in Pops' green bed any second now as usual.
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But BAM! There are two color-coded beds in the room! Pop's green one is still there, but right next to it is Hero's new blue bed, which Pop's dad brought him as a thank you for the job.
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Hero is not pleased about this development and wants to sleep in Pop's bed with him. He tries making a case for himself by saying that it's winter and Pop will get cold. Pop tells him he actually gets very hot at night with Hero next to him. Hero then says that Pop likes to snuggle him (which is true), but Pop throws out that he knows the "friends' helping hand" story is fake!
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Pop says he'll go sleep with his dad since Hero won't stop pestering him, so Hero finally says he'll sleep on his own color-coded bed and stops begging Pop.
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Seventh cut scene:
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After Pop and Hero realize their parents are married to each other and they are now step-brothers, they go through a color-coded journey (which was in the edited version), but I need to point out that Pop is sitting on Hero's bed rather than his own!
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But Pop is skipping school and his responsibilities because of it, and Only is concerned. During their morning assembly, Only questions his "Kitty" (which is what he calls Tiger and Hero has started this as well). Tiger doesn't know anything and is annoyed Only is bothering him about this because he thinks if Pop wanted to tell them, he would have, so they just need to mind their business.
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Hero tells Only to tell Pop that Hero won't be at school the next day, so Pop can come back then he leaves the assembly. Only is confused, but convinces Tiger that they need to visit Pop now that they have to deliver this super important message. Tiger is even more annoyed.
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Eighth cut scene:
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The boys ride on Tiger's yellow bike to Pop's house to delivery the super important message and comment on how romantic this ride is like a scene from a love movie.
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Then they hit another bump, so Only grabs Tiger too tight and Tiger is, once again, annoyed. (I LOVE THEM!)
Ninth cut scene:
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The boys arrive at Green Guy Pop's house, and Only jumps into the questions that need answers, like 1) how close is Pop to Hero since they are alternating days to attend school, 2) did they have an argument, 3) why are there two beds, 4) does Pop have a sibling they don't know about, and 5) what the fuck is going on. Tiger is upset because Only is being nosy and tells him to mind his own business, but they argue because Only tells Tiger he clearly doesn't know as much as Tiger (a snarky comment about Tiger being smart) and states that the Pink Sand Duo (which I think are girls from his Only Fans) overheard Hero speaking to the principal about transferring schools.
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Pop looks down at his and Hero's pink notebook of love writing exercises and becomes instantly sad.
Bonus scene:
Because if you are watching the unedited version, you deserve a spoiler.
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This scene was in the show with Pop walking back home with his green socks/shoes, but the shirt he gets snatched in is the same shirt he is wearing in the trailer when he is tied up.
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nxctern · 7 months
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Chill Charles
You can get two transparent versions of this here if you want to colour it and support a starving artist
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miramisaki · 6 months
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77(???) days until Charlie...
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rainbyte · 1 year
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dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
Psst. She's got something to show you!! Check it, Tiny Falin!
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justablah56 · 2 years
tee hee hee I made another shitty dndads gif >:]
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rotating him <3
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ferretonfire · 7 months
50s DINER AU (or its just a costume) FOR MY BIRTHDAY >_<
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i wanted to give him roller skates but hes so fucking tall it wouldn't fit LMAO
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y-akkun · 1 year
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Tadano my beloved
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 6 months
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Drew this a bit ago - Minister of Ministries! taking a mid-paperwork nap
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sorrel-the-kabbage · 2 years
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I haven't posted in forever (and I don't have access to a lot of my old art rn so I can't keep posting those until I do) so here's something I drew the other day!
Shinsou!!! This was originally just show/pose practice but I blinked and suddenly it was a fully shaded fullbody scene lol
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
Did you know that in addition to being the birth flower of March, several daffodils symbolises new beginnings and rebirth; but a single daffodil symbolises misfortune? I thought you might find this interesting...
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Also known as an excuse to practice bright colors and weird angular shading!
@plushii-gutz : BEHOLD, HE
Version with blood under the cut bc I'm a lil edgy like that
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No danganronpa jokes pls I went with pink bc it fit with the rest of the colors
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
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A reference for all of Emet's layers, soon to be reblogged with colored and lineless versions!
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thesnowflake18 · 2 years
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Lightbringer ✨
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batscrem · 1 year
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Why yes I am tossing this one in at 1 AM, why do you ask
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