#it's different from the usual radioapple but different is nice!
mousy-nona · 7 months
Prompt: Lute changed her name into Astarte/Astaroth.
Humans asked silly questions all the time. Why am I on this Earth? Who created me? What purpose, they asked, do I serve?
Lute never had to ask those questions, because she knew all the answers already. She knew for whom she was created. She knew the why. She knew the what. She knew her purpose. 
She was the right hand of Adam, the sword and shield to his heart. Since the day he had formed her from the clay of the earth and the clouds of the sky and a sprinkle of the Almighty’s grace, she had been by his side. It was Adam who made her laugh until her stomach hurt by shoving twenty – count ‘em, twenty! – french fries up his nose. It was Adam who had made her cry when he’d disappeared for three days (on a tour of drugs and debauchery, she later found out, which made her feel rather silly about the whole thing). It was Adam who had shown her how good a hug felt, Adam who taught her what it meant for the heart to skip, to beat.
They had shared a billion moments, a trillion words – an eternity of memories. 
She had thought she had another trillion more.
But now, as she held him in her arms and his golden lifeblood spilled into her lap, as that trickster gleam faded from his eyes and his body grew impossibly still, she found herself asking her own questions. The one humans never have to ask. 
What happens after your Creator dies?
Lute had served a purpose. She had been created for a reason. But those (damneddirtyevil) dead humans had stolen it from her. 
As she carried Adam’s body back to Heaven (she would never let those damned demons have him, never), she resolved that the tears she spilled that day would be her last. Lute was dead. She was buried with Adam – because without Adam, there could be no Lute. Sine qua non.
She needed a new name. A new identity. 
What good fortune, then, that she knew exactly where to get one. Her skin prickled as she crossed the barrier between Heaven and Hell, as if it was shedding the angel she had once been. 
Good, she thought. All the better to wear a demon’s skin.
She touched down in front of a long abandoned castle, his pentagram seal long since worn by the harsh winds. The devil that had lived here had been one of the original Fallen; he had commanded 40 legions and been a crowned Great Duke of Hell.
Adam had killed him centuries ago for calling him “a bitchy fratboy.” 
She picked up his bent crown and fallen staff, shaped like a serpent mid-strike. She dusted off the crown, placed it on her own head. It fit perfectly, as if she’d been meant for damnation all along. 
She had picked him for two reasons. First, she would need all 40 of his legions (and then some) for what she had planned next. She would need the fear that his name inspired. 
Second, the castle had been strategically built on a hill – with a truly to-die-for view of that wretched hotel. 
Revenge was her middle name, but her first…
They would call her Ishtar. They would call her Inanna. They would call her Astarte. 
They would call her Astaroth, and all would fall on their knees before her. 
Starting with that fucking housekeeper.
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alxxbee · 15 days
Ok, I just saw your redesign of Lucifer for the 2P AU you did and I honestly like it a bit better than in the show, he actually feels prideful here since purple is in fact the biblically accurate color of Pride! :D
Also making him a brunette and adding bright blues (a biblically accurate color of Sloth) as accents was a nice choice :) and the golden eyeshadow! :)
But does he still rule Hell in the AU with Alastor coming from Heaven? And what's the latter's role IN Heaven?
(I’m actually not very familiar with 2P lore if there really even is one but i’ll try))
((i also haven’t rewatched the show since it literally came out i maybe have forgor about like many things LMFAO))
(this also got deleted like twice and i’m pissed for rewriting this again)
(anyways here’s 2P Lucifer in my own interpretation)
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2P Luci thrives in being alone, finding comfort and strength in it rather than misery. He doesn’t mind ruling Hell on his own. He doesn’t need anybody and doesn’t want anybody. His relationship with 2P Lilith has broken apart completely, due to their different views on redemption and the treatment of sinners. 2P Lilith is tricky since we know almost nothing of her, but i believe that she harbors a deep disdain for Hell and rejects the idea of controlling sinners for personal gain
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BUUUUT something that has been in my mind recently is how he is essentially the embodiment of Pride.. but since 2P is (technically) the opposite of something (an inversion) The opposite of pride would be HUMILITY. Instead of making him a sad, insecure ruler, ..I’d like to think he thrives on human’s insecurities, fear, humiliation and self-doubt instead.. (rather than in the show he puts ON a prideful face when in reality he’s quite timid and socially awkward))
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His relationship with 2PAlastor is quite decent (2P radioapple 🙂‍↕️) they still bicker but not in a hateful way like they do in the show, lighthearted jokes and banter, reflecting a mutual respect. (Lucifer knows how sensitive 2P Al is, and despite flourishing in humans despair and emotions, He has a soft spot for 2P Al.) ..Oh and they do not try to win over Charlie’s affection, ((2P Charlie actually does not really gaf about them XD))
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Does not care for Heaven.. maybe even hates. but is not emotionally affected by his fall, I don’t know if Lucifer actually misses Heaven in the show, we can see how deeply affected he still is by their rejection of his creativity.
so i guess id like to think instead of him feeling hurt or betrayed(?), he feels somewhat thankful. Thankful that he was able to flourish in HIS ideas at last, finally seeing the evil of the world like he intended to.. destroying the order Heaven worked hard to maintain. Maybe he wanted Eve to bite the apple because he WANTED evil to come and corrupt the world, He knew what came with free will. He was a rebellious angel who went against Heaven in every way, intentionally with malice. Implying that Lucifer does not regret his role in giving sinners free will. He also cares for his sinners but not in a good way, more like he wants as many as possible so he could one day potentially top over heaven in power. A power hungry bastard.
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He is serious, and a realist. NOT goofy and silly lmao. (Though he has goofy moments i shall not strip him of his whimsical fun entirely)
2P Lucifer and Original Lucifer share some similar qualities aswell. Something Both 2P Luce and Original Luce have in common is that they love Charlie.. and will protect her at all costs. Luci actually maintains a positive relationship with his daughter, He is close with her and tries to be in her life like a good father should, but 2P Charlie doesn’t usually give him the time of day. although she can be quite mean, and not the bubbly type at all like she is in the show, she still loves her father to a certain extent.
Again, we don’t really know much about the characters and the family’s history in the show.. And until we do, everything i said could be changed completely!! Like i said this is something for fun!! I haven’t really been thinking much about this AU, i designed him as a silly redraw but if i ever in the future add more details to his lore i will 🫶
Oh and as for the relationship with Original Alastor and 2P Luci…
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Ok that’s all idk i don’t write for a reason 💀💀💀 💔
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prince-liest · 5 months
I gotta ask about Lucifer Magne's Practical Guide to Good Manners
Ehehe, this is the oldest WIP of the bunch and I'm not 100% sure if I will ever actually finish it, BUT. Heads up, I don't get explicit here but it's a PWP WIP.
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It's basically a radioapple PWP, and I ran into issues when I realized that while I liked the idea, I had no fucking clue how to write it in a way that would involve a level of consent given that Lucifer was comfortable with, especially given the premise.
But if I do figure it out, the particular thing I was interested in exploring in it was the idea that an angelic presence just makes people feel good, in a way that Lucifer maybe doesn't have 100% control over. He ends up accidentally projecting his own praise kink directly into Alastor's brain via sheer angelic benevolence, thinking he's being so nice and helpful by doing all the things he likes just so that Alastor can have a good time despite their animosity, and meanwhile Alastor is, like, eyes-crossing 'what the actual fuck is happening what the fuck' the whole time and can't really do jack because, y'know. Lucifer is the devil. From the bible. Who is currently forcing him to say 'please and thank you' just so he can call him a good boy for it.
It's just fun for me to think of Lucifer as usually a guy who prefers to play submissive in any D/s games until Alastor comes along and turns their every interaction into that much of a pissing contest - but he's still projecting a lot of his own feelings onto the situation and what he thinks Alastor must enjoy, while in reality they're on completely different pages as to what is enjoyable about submission.
(Luckily, I also write 'being forced into certain types of uncomfortable situations' as a big chunk of what Alastor gets out of it, so they both have a fucked up but still good time. Probably the only way to actually put the fear of the devil into Alastor, though, to be honest. Meanwhile Lucifer is whistling the next morning, thinking he got a good grade in Dom, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.)
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androgynousblackbox · 6 months
Types of sex [Radioapple, Appleradio]
A03 link
Up until being with Lucifer, Alastor only knew about sex like a transaction at the absolute best. Something you do because it will give you something in return or something expected by another party. If there is not an actual motive for it, it's completely worthless and irrelevant to the rest of his life.
After Lucifer enters his bed, he starts learning about all the different kinds of sex there are.
The lazy sex in which he wakes up to a morning wood already poking him from behind and Lucifer whispers if he can use his ass or thighs to relieve himself, and he says yes, the build slowly making him grind back. He doesn't always finish or touches himself, but it feels nice all the same. The quick and messy sex of the "I have to have you right now, right here, or I will go insane" variety that is like a whole hurricane trapped in a jar, contained to this one moment in which he truly could not care about the rest of the world. His head is still spinning when he has to try to fix his clothing. The passionate and full of hands everywhere sex that turns into slow and full of soft kisses sex that burn his skin all the same. The slow one sex that speeds up to the point he has to grab to the head of the bed and leaves his legs useless, his body electrified as every blood vessel is fighting to come down to a normal rythm. The casual sex in the afternoon when they have nothing else better to do, so might as well do this, usually with some giggles involved because Lucifer keeps saying he looks so pretty like that and he has to hide his face on the shoulder of the fallen angel. The "we had a fight and I am still a bit mad, but I mostly just want to be around you and that somehow turned into this" sex that no matter how many times does he play it on his mind, he can never understand how it happened. They don't remember either why they were fighting in the first place or decide it wasn't worth it anyway. The failed sex that seemed to be going there, but then something happens. A problem with the hotel, people needing their attention, Lucifer deciding to talk about something and he won't stop, so Alastor stays on his lap and listens. The little touches and kisses that don't leave him feeling like he is actually missing anything.
The continuation of the failure sex that always feels like a relief and a secret promise that, even if the world does keep existing and demanding attention, this is also important.
The foreplay that very well could be sex with how good it feels and he is later shocked to realize that it wasn't technically sex.
The sex where Lucifer fills his ears with soft words of encouragement, compliments, little secrets about how he thought about him during the day, and doesn't shut up except for kissing, making him feel small and vulnerable in a way that he has no idea how to properly understand, so when they do reach the sex there is an element of comfort there, because this at least he can handle.
The ridiculous and silly sex, because they both can't be serious for too long, so someone makes a stupid joke or something goes wrong and they giggled about it like two idiots while their bodies are still connected. The snort of Lucifer just makes him laugh even more. This one never feels like a failure, even if none of them finishes and the mood changes entirely.
The sex through the radio because fuck phones when Lucifer has to attend some issue in any of the other rings where Alastor isn't allowed to accompany him, so that is the only way for them to communicate. It doesn't really do anything for Alastor, physically at least, but he loves to hear Lucifer moan on the other side while talking about what he imagines doing to Alastor if they could be in the same room. Lucifer's voice was already beautiful, but it was extra lovely then, hoarse and worked up, going deep when he was reaching the climax and in the end saying his name with a low curse that almost felt like a claw running down his spine. The only sound that he wished he could record to repeat it over and over again.
He still doesn't understand why people obsess over sex overall. Alone or with someone else. In his opinion, it's not about sex at all. Lucifer is the real difference and he will the only demon in hell to know about it.
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pageofheartdj · 7 months
*deep sigh* I am reeeally getting into Angel Dust/Lucifer it's not even funny!
Like! I just! They would be so fucking soft and thirsty I am melting thinking about them!
Fuck they are getting into my heart what am I supposed to do with it xD someone take responsebility kjhjgh
OKAY okay! I have a plan! All my good plans end with poly! Because it's always the best solution!! Aren't no way I am letting go of my radioapple, they carved their place in my heart and staying there xD
But also like!! This is really getting into "This is Lucifer, Alastor's boyfriend. And this is Angel, Lucifer's boyfriends. And this is Husk, Angel's boyfriend" meme territory xD Like usually, as in 99% of the time, I am all for 'everyone in polycule are mutually into each other'! Rarely I step away from this. But this time. This time I actually feel like them not 'connecting' with every one works better XD
Like yeah uh I am not going to even try to see Alastor and Husk, not now at least xD And I have some radiodust history, so there is a soft spot for them xD But honestly it'll be more like two couples connecting through shared partners hjgf XD
Alastor and Husk with their 'fucking hell our partners are fucking and we dont mind but this shit is getting awkward between us now' XD
Like this is too funny not to think about it. Husk doesn't want to fuck it up for Angel and he is geniunely glad that he got together so nicely with the King of Hell who is also suprisingly chill dude. Not without lots of issues, but who doesn't have them. And thank fuck Angel doesn't try to drag Alastor(not that the guy wants it xD) to their shared bed like he sometimes does with Lucifer and even then they often just end up in a cuddle pile sggf
But er yeah, Alastor and Husk and their whole... thing. Angel being flirty with Al and Alastor... tolerating it and sometimes offering Angel to join him and Lucifer~ Husk and Lucifer growing comfortable with each other on different levels(I see you, that one huskluci shipper, you planted the idea of them together you little- xD) And of course Angel and Lucifer being all sweet and horny and enthusiastic about each other❤
Fuck how did I end up falling in yet ANOTHER poly ljkhjgh XD
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paperbagruler · 3 months
Ayy everyone! I was on ao3 and I wanted to  recommend some nice reads.
Electronic Heart: I Hated You from the Start! by CookieCatSU
A lovely Digital artwork (My personal name for po3ficus) Inscryption fanfic about the two scrybes falling in love! Now the fic is a slow burn with a bit of an * because it’s kind of implied that Mags already had a thing for Po3 so if anything it’s more of a kind of slow burn on Po3 part. And even that’s kind of pushing it but I’m rambling here go check it out!
Poppy Worldwide: SALVATION ROUTE by Mizpa
A real heart tugger this one, is following The story of our main character in game-but different! our charming player wants to and will and does save every single person in the factory! But that doesn’t come without its own trials and tribulations, will our sanctioned savior save all the toys? Of course they will! But will they leave the same person they were when they came out? Read and see! oh and just wanted to mention that this story is a little graphic and has panic attack descriptions just keep these warnings in mind and have fun!
And last but certainly not least…(drumroll please) 
You Smell Divine by sabbathgoat
A charming radioapple fic that stars Alastor and his oder. He usually doesn’t wash himself and I by usually I mean not in the last several years since arriving to hell but that all changes when he develops an infatuation with Lucifer! please go check it out! Have a good one everybody!
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