#it's his duo boon with poseidon.
lunian · 2 years
Poseidon getting in such situations with his siblings is one of the funniest stuff for me, I swear
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I love it
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he is always on the edge of big problems and still like 🌊 :D 🌊
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halfling-myth-lady · 5 months
Okay,so hades two has just released and I want to talk about some things:
On one hand,no narrator Zagreus which was something I hoped would happen so :(
But on the other hand,NARRATOR HOMER CONFIRMED!
I already like Apollo.he’s fun.
Dora is so cute.
In the trailer I got “strict teacher vibes” from Hecate but it’s a pleasant surprise to see how soft she is with baby Mel.
Also the portrait with zag,hades,and Persephone…
(They better not be dead supergiants-)
But on the topic,I think it’ll be an Orpheus situation where the second(or even third) boss gives us an item like a divine water bucket or something that we can use to wake him up.
Oh look a reason to use the cast.
Okay,but I also think this could be something like in hades early access were they aluded to things that’ll be added later.
This adds up with the fact that in hades 1 Hermes was the penultimate god added and you can’t get him till asphodel(i think)
Either way he better be okay.
The character portraits range from “pretty good”to “yep this is gonna get touched up” but not in a bad way.just that the shading look kind of off
Also I already love Hephaestus and hestia.
They are hyping up hestia as a nice grandma that can go unhinged if needed and I am all for it.
As soon as I saw Odysseus I already knew It’d be hilarious if Poseidon was there and what do you know?
Speaking of,I wonder if all gods from hades 1 are gonna come back or a few are gonna get switched around.
If so then ares is probably getting shafted which makes me sad.
On that topic,Aphrodite wearing ares’ war makeup is great.
Seeing Selene made me wonder if Helios is gonna appear,but then I remembered Apollo.
But even then i still want other titans to be added like the air guys just so that we can have an Apollo/zephyr interaction if possible.(if you know you know.
If Hermes does appear in this game I wish he has duo’s with other gods.(and his own curse)
I also wish that since we see Artemis outside of the boon bubble we can have profesional associates interactions.
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Why hello there.
Listen,I don’t have much to say about the newest LO episode so here’s an ares ranking to go along with the other ones.
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Percy Jackson:
Look,Ares is a really weird figure when it comes to how the media presents him.
Almost always they present him as this sexist frat boy when in mythology he is:
A reported protector of mistreated woman.
The patron god of the amazons and was worshipped to the point that their leader had 2 babies with him.
Scored the GODDESS PF LOVE AND BEAUTY and there is no way you cannot convince me she doesn’t have some pretty high standards(even though apparently you can convince most of the writers on this list)
And as much as I love Percy Jackson,it is not devoid of crimes.
In the first book,he helps Luke/Kronos steal Zeus’ master bolt and Hades’ helm of invisibility as to start a civil war within the gods.id say this is a pretty good portrayal overall.
…until we get to the second book.
This myth will be very important so long story short:a daughter of ares got r*** by a son of Poseidon so Ares,like any reasonable and bloodthirsty god of war,fucking killed him.
After this,he got put on trial for murder as if he wasn’t the literal god of bloody war,and all the ladies vouched for him so he got set free.
Let’s just say,Rick Riordan didn’t know of this myth.
In the second book,there’s a scene where Clarisse La Rue,a DAUGHTER of ares talks to him through a magic mirror.
There,he threatens her and says he should have sent one of his sons on the quest.and keep in mind she is his FAVORITE DAUGHTER.
So yeah.
I don’t really like this portrayal but he gets points for bringing Clarisse and (technically)Frank into this world since I like them both.also the fact that Percy could tell he had beef with him even without having any other memory.
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Lore Olympus:
Remember when I said that modern Ares was more often than not a sexist frat boy?we’ll add “predator” and “Reddit nice guy” to that list because RS can’t write.
If in Percy Jackson Aphrodite had terrible standards here said standards are so much worse.
He spends MONTHS trying to seduce a 19-YEAR-OLD and then tries to marry her without her consent.
Great.this guy is a predator,Reddit nice guy,AND stupid.
I remember saying that the only character who could get a lowers rating than LO Persephone being LO hades and then I remembered this fuck existed.
Fuck him.
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Your know when you see something and then immediately want to wash your eyes with soap?this is my soap.
He is my third favorite Olympian in the game,coming third to Hermes and Artemis.
So here’s a few reasons why I like him:
Doom anything with impending doom and the increasing doom damage boon does absurd amounts of damage.
Curse of nausea is one of the best duos in the game.
He respects woman.(oh look they finally Aphrodite standards)
His quest is stupidly easy and he was the first Olympian who’s bond I maxed out.
I know this joke has been made so many times but.he really is a Chthonic simp.
He doesn’t get too pissed if you don’t pick him is trial of gods.hes just here for the bloodshed.
It may be just the fact that almost every other interpretation of ares is bad,but I really like him.
Also Aphrodite wearing his face paint in hades 2-
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He’s cool.
I really don’t have much else to add except the helmet stays on during sex.
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Gods school:
Welp Back to the incels-
Him straight up telling Aphrodite that he can do whatever he wants because she won’t leave is just.why.
I don’t get why people go to this myth,turn it around,and act as if they’ve done a service by making Ares miserable when in the myths it was already a good ending.
What is with the obsession with making ares a toxic ex boyfriend when in the myths him and ‘dite were literally love and war.
Another issue I have with gods school is the fact they made Aphrodite a Karen Smith when in the myths shes a Regina George but that’s a problem for the Aphrodite ranking.
Also I just realized the Aphrodite Hephaestus ares myth is the og “I fell in love with a bad boy story”-
Epic:the musical:
I don’t have a physical picture of him but I already like him.
The only time he he appears is during a bit of an unfinished song but he does bring up some pretty good points,like the Scylla thing.
Also the fact Athena didn’t directly refute any of his points but instead persuaded him with the fact that the moment Ody gets home the suitors are going to be fucked is surprisingly great.
Also can I just say how absolutely hyped I am for god games?Aphrodite’s part fucking rocks and I’m excited for Apollo and Hephaestus.
Also here’s my ranking for epic Hermes since I wasn’t part of the fandom back then:
*insert dolphin laugh here*
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deadbaguette · 9 days
as i see ur a person who has copleted the hades game; i want to ask if u have any advice in weapons, keepsakes or techniques to get out of asphodel 😭😭 i have gotten to the hydra two times i think but i can't find a way to defeat it so i would appreciate any kind of advice to finally get to elysium and reunite patroclus nd achilles
Oooh! I’ll see what advice I can provide😭 I do have a lot of hours on the game, but I’m not particularly good LMAO
I’ll give what advice I can for each weapon (except the gun, I’m horrible at the gun), a build you can use, and some techniques (below the cut because this might get long)
Just a bit of an explanation of status effects because it’s relevant for a lot of the builds:
- Weak (Aphrodite), Doom (Ares), Hangover (Dionysus), Chill (Demeter) are all primary status effects. Meaning they’re a part a few of the base boons (attack/special/dash and the cast too in only Aphrodite’s case)
- Jolted (Zeus), Rupture (Poseidon), Exposed (Athena) are secondary status effects. Meaning you have to get a separate boon to apply this effect to things like the attack/special/cast/dash
Having two of any of these applied to an enemy can proc the mirror of night effect ‘Priviliged status’ which at its max upgrade gives a 40% damage bonus
The fists:
The fists are arguably the easiest weapon to use early game. And the aspect of zagreus works because of that dodge chance which is nice when you’re early game. But I recommend running this with the Demeter aspect if you can.
The most broken build I use on them? Athena Ares duo boon build.
Start off with an Athena keepsake (i’m not sure if you have this, but give nectar to her if you haven’t), this guarantees your first boon to be her. Pick the one that makes your special deflect/divine flourish. Athena boons are SO GOOD early game, absolutely abuse that deflect ability especially on the hydra.
If rng isn’t on your side, equip the Ares keepsake after the fight with Meg. When you get his boon, pick curse of agony/your attack inflicts doom.
Now you have to look for their duo boon, merciful end (your attacks that deflect trigger/activate doom immediately). You can get this in: charon’s shop and from the chambers but NOT in trial of the gods (when you have to pick).
Try avoid taking other gods in throughout Tartarus and Asphodel (except Artemis, crit is always good so try get the boon ‘pressure points’)! This fills up your pool of potential gods to get, and you really only want Ares or Athena.
If you get Athena, aside from the special here are boons you should pick:
Divine dash/your dash deflects (this one is a must get, but it does not open the option for duo with ares keep it in mind!)
Blinding flash/abilities that deflect also make foes exposed (then you can proc the mirror of the night buff ‘privileged status’)
Bronze skin/more resistant to damage which is always nice ESPECIALLY in Asphodel when the lava is alr causing you enough trouble lol
If you want a cast/call, it honestly doesn’t matter who you pick. I would suggest the Athena cast/call though if you’re having trouble with the Hydra because the cast deflects and the call makes you invulnerable.
The sword:
Okay some advice for the sword. The best attack combination imo on the sword is: dash strike 2x, and then special. This gets a lot of dps out of it, and if you have the mirror of the night ‘privileged status’ in use it’s really easy to trigger
An easy build that I don’t go wrong with is on the aspect of nemisis build (but tbh u could use Zagreus’ aspect I just like the extra crit). It’s an Ares oriented build which is uses duo boons.
You’re going to want to start off with the Ares keepsake, this guarantees your first boon to be him. When you get his boon, pick the one that applies doom when you use your special (boon: curse of pain).
If luck is on your side, let’s hope you can find an Aphrodite chamber or an Artemis chamber. If not, equip one of their keepsakes in the room after fighting Megaera. Then you’ll get their boon guaranteed in Asphodel
But if luck IS on your side and you get:
An aphrodite boon, then pick heartbreaker’s strike/the one that applies weak to your enemies on your attack. This is when you begin to apply a lot of consistent damage
An Artemis boon, then pick true shot/her cast. This opens the duo boon options for Artemis. Almost every Artemis boom is really fucking good BUT the ones you should look out for are the Aphrodite+Artmeis duo boon (increase crit damage against ‘weak’ foes) and pressure points (lets any damage crit which is really good)
If you happen to get Athena and not Aphrodite, you can choose to put her on the attack instead BUT you have to keep in mind that then you should look for her boon ‘blinding flash’ (all abilities that deflect also make foes exposed).
The bow:
Crush shot aspect of Hera is a really good and really easy build! Equip the aspect of Hera which means that you imbue the cast INTO the bow. And your next shot will have all the casts as well.
Really the only thing you need for this is Aphrodite’s cast (so equip her keep sake in the start). And just… put every pom into the cast LOL
Some extra boons to make your life easier:
divine dash (I cannot stress enough how good this boon is)
get a Poseidon boon, his attack/special/or call, and unlock the duo boon for +1 level for each Pom upgrade
Get an Artemis boon along with Poseidon if you have him, her attack/special/or call), and unlock their duo boon which makes each cast fire a secondary projectile that does less damage
The shield
This is maybe one of the best early game especially against the hydra. The ability to block when holding the attack/doing the bull rush is so useful. For this one I always run Zeus’ aspect. It’s the only one that allows you to attack while your special is out. I like running a hangover build with this, but I’m not entirely sure how optimal it is lmao.
Equip the Dionysus keepsake, pick drunken flourish/special inflicts hangover. Throw your special at the enemy, and it applies hangover per hit (this is why the Zeus aspect is good because you can still attack while you’re applying hangover).
This is arguably the easiest build I use because (maybe it’s ironic) but Dionysus gets along with so MANY gods. Ares, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena… all their duo boons with him are 10/10.
So any of them come your way, here are imo the optimal boons you can pick to open the possibility for duo boons with Dionysus:
Athena: divine dash (again….) and you can get the duo boon with Dionysus which slows down projectiles IMMENSELY. Super good against the hydra
Ares: curse of vengeance (revenge damage, if you take damage inflict doom on the enemy) and you can get the duo boon which makes the hangover tick rate go from 0.5 seconds to 0.35 seconds. This basically doubles the amount of hangover dps you do, it’s so broken
Aphrodite: heartbreaker strike (the attack) and get the duo boon which increases the amount of hangover stacks you can do. So while the base is five (where you’ll do whatever amount of damage per tick x5 if you have 5 stacks applied), it adds 3 stacks (so now it’s like x8 damage per tick).
There is also Artemis, who you can choose true shot (your cast) to unlock the duo boons. Either Dionysus’ or Aphrodite’s are good options (increases crit chance to hangover foes per stack applied, increases crit damage to ‘weak’ foes)
Prioritize the Aphrodite and Ares duo boons they are the best.
The spear
The spear might be among the hardest for beginners? But it is my favorite weapon and the one I used the most in the beginning and throughout the game. I almost always run the Demeter cast build, but since you haven’t reached the surface I don’t think you’ve unlocked her (it’s been a while I’m not sure SGDGHSSGHS sorry). So uh I’m not able to help with the spear build until you’ve reached the surface 🙏
(You can check out this post based off a comic I drew where someone did the build!)
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seadolph · 4 months
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Yay!! Finally beat Chronos. Used the Moonstone Axe, fully upgraded Aspect of Melinoe. Had Moon Water for the Hex, upgraded to +4 heals per fountain, +45hp. Can't believe the one time I get the extra DD from Hermes' legendary, I don't use any Death Defiance.
More under the cut:
Keepsakes: Started with Apollo Keepsake in Erebus for the Upgraded Rarity to Attack, Knuckle Bones for Oceanus, Chaos for the Fields, Luckier Tooth for Tartarus
Hammers: Psychic Whirlwind (I think it would be a decent hammer if I played on controller or something, would be more useful if I could actually trigger the omega attack when I want instead of being at the mercy of my mouse), Executioner's Chop (+20 Magick for final chop at end of attack sequence. Probably one of my fav hammers for the axe, much easier to trigger and get going, uses up that Magick a lot so Moon Water is available just in case.)
Cards: Uhhh I think the most important ones I have on are Death Defiance (upgraded once, for 2 DDs), fully upgraded Messenger (dodge chance at max 10%), The Lovers (upgraded once, I think of it like the Acorn, 2 hits), and Origination (aka Privileged Status, also upgraded once, this is great with Demeter Freeze and Cyclone). The Unseen I have on for magick regen and to activate Centaur. I have Wayward Son equipped (no upgrade yet but helpful for health), and I think I have the Huntress active too.
God Boons: Apollo and Demeter primarily -- Apollo attack, Demeter cast inflicts both Freeze and Cyclone for the Origination dmg boost. Picked up Light Smite at some point for Daze, which helpfully affects everyone when I get hit. Poseidon was meh, although I guess Hydraulic Might probably helped sometimes. Dad boon was Howling Soul, which is the one that launches your Cast like Hades' skulls.
Apollo Demeter Duo - Torrential Downpour: Literally picked this up in the Shop right before going to fight Chronos, probably saved the whole run. Having picked up Howling Soul just a couple of rooms before mean I could now charge up and chuck this at Grandpa while he's hanging around using his area attacks, and it saved me a lot in his second phrase. Yeah, yeah, I was up to like 90 Magick usage for one cast by the end, but WOW.
Path of Stars: Moon Water!! Yeah it doesn't look as fun as the rest but it does what it's supposed to do and does it well. Healing!!! +45hp, renewed 4 times usage every Fountain. (No carryover.) TBH probably the reason why I didn't end up using those DDs.
Chaos: Buff to Boon Rarity (Erebus), Buff to Magick Regen (Oceanus), Buff to channel Omega Moves faster (Keepsake, the first one I got reduced Magick usage before I picked up Executioner's Chop. Cue me not being able to get the Hex going 🙃.)
Hermes: That Legendary! Not that I ended up using it, but it does look super cool. Matches his colour. Anyway, I think the added speed to attack probably helped more.
Anyways, with Daze and Messenger up, at times there was some lucky dodging going on. Pretty sure Chronos missed one of the OHKO all-area attacks when I didn't quite make the circle in time. 😅
TLDR primarily used Apollo attack for all the areas through Chronos, started mixing it up in the first phase, then in the second phase switched to making sure I got out of the way of attacks and charging up to yeet some awesome Duo casts at him.
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blackquillchillin · 8 months
So i've been playing hades a lot lately, and its got me thinking.
Poseidon doesn't even need to compete to the favorite uncle it is so stacked in his favor.
But, in the myths at least he's not always a great person either, like all the gods have been really awful at times, cause thats just how greek gods are.
BUT he's also clearly very fond of Zagreus, and as shown during his and Zeus's convo when they offer you a duo boon, dosn't think Zeus is as great as Zeus does (though to be fair, who does. It also shows he's a little intimidated by Zeus, but i refuse to let that ruin my fun)
So, consider this.
Poseidon listing to Zag complain about Zeus, just as a matter of course, and not really understanding what Zeus did that bugged him so, but nodding along as though he understands completly:
Zag: "And he called Nyx Father's concubine, as though she was only a distraction for him, and not like she raised me, was pretty much my only loving parent as a child, or put me in contact with Athena, or also raised my boyfriend and keeps the whole house in order-"
Poseidon, internally, not yet aware of the whole persphone deal: wait isn't that accurate though? did they get married, is she the queen proper? I thought she WAS just a fling, concubine would imply she was at least there consistently, thats a title in and of itself, right? is Zeus really wrong? whats going on down there?
Poseidon, externally: "Oh, Little Nephew! I understand completely, with how rude he was, your anger is completely justified! you let your favorite uncle handle it, I'll set him straight!"
Zagreus, who is still trying to maintain goodwill with the olympians: "Yeah-wait, you don't need to-"
and BAM they lose contact and he just has to pick a boon, hoping he didn't just start something.
in case you wondered, this is the line of dialogue that inspired this post, colored of course by my personal dislike of Zeus as a person (I do quite like him as a character, but he's worst uncle. F-.).
Zeus, triggered by accepting a boon from him "By the way, Nephew, I hear-tell your mother Nyx is quite the catch! If you'll forgive my saying so, of course. Your father's never had much of a sensibility around companionship, though perhaps this concubine of his brought something out in him, at last!"
I neglected to grab a screenshot, but thanks to the files assembled here, https://hades-dialogue-resources.carrd.co/ I was able to find them again. Thanks so much to @thanzage, I don't know you but i recognize it was probably a lot of work to pull all that together. Thank you.
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natjennie · 2 years
GOOD LORD I have been. changed. by that hades ed art. like.. his boons. his voice lines. "be careful what you ask your god for- she just might answer" his duo boons for all of the gods. HIS POSEIDON DUO BOON. CAN YOU IMAGINE. "ocean's vengeance" makes any boons with knock-back effects do double damage and inflict doom. "the kraken" call gives you +20% attack and special and cast damage but you take +100% damage. boons called shit like "head of smoke" makes your dash a disorienting mist that confuses and stuns enemies for a few seconds. "take it on the left" gives you increased max health and damage reduction when attacked from front on. "no prisoners" defeating multiple enemies with one attack temporarily boosts your damage. "one gun and one knife" doubles your cast, one targets an enemy in front of you and one targets one behind. some really special shit like "eyes everywhere" shows you the rewards for two chambers in advance. "fine things" double coin and gem rewards. "seven sugars" gain an assortment of coins, gems, and health when you pick up nectar. do you get it.
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hot-footed-heir · 8 months
Hi Zagreus! Huge fan; what would you say your favorite boon was while escaping the Underworld? Also, have any of the Olympians or Chrhonic gods contacted you in Hoenn?
I could hardly pick one favorite boon. All of them had their own uses for each escape attempt. Though if I had to answer, blade to my throat? One of the Duo boons, the one from Poseidon and Dionysus. Exclusive Access. Having rarer boons from all Gods was instrumental in more than a few attempts.
...Unfortunately, none of the Gods have managed to contact me directly since I "Fell" here. Evidently though, someone managed to find out where I went, since Skelly managed to get dropped here right in front of me not too long after.
🦴Er, yeah. What Zaggy-boy said.
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
do you have a favorite god to get boons from in hades? (mines is dionysus, he always manages to give me good boons like the bestie he is)
Dionysus is a super chill bro and I support you :)  He is a ton of fun to run into, and status effects are always clutch.  Some of his higher-level boons are awesome, too.  (Looking at you, Dionysus/Zeus duo boon that can just wipe out whole swathes of the field with a Festive Fog lightning storm.)  Also, he recently proposed we prank Orpheus together, and I died laughing.  (My friend​, who is not playing the game but is hearing me ramble about it A LOT on discord, looked up Zagreus on Wikipedia where I dare not yet tread for fear of spoilers several days ago, and they mentioned the whole “sometimes mythical Zagreus is conflated with Dionysus!  Have you met Dionysus yet?  Are you SURE you’re not also Dionysus?” a few times before that happened.  I am so proud of my booze bro for making that happen.)
Honorable mention also goes to Aphrodite, who comes with some really great status effects (I think she might have my favorite Aid, and that Aphrodite/Zeus duo boon that charges it up super fast makes it incredibly useful, just a constant spam of charm spells) and really fun interactions.  She was never my favorite Olympian as a kid (yes, of course I was a Greek myth kid, what do you take me for), but I appreciate how much she is exactly what she appears to be in this game, you know?  She’s a little shallow but she’s not ashamed of herself for it.  She’s free with affection and happy to share.  We all know she’s the kind of lady who loves watching some drama go down, and she is not above starting some shit, but she’s not actually making any pretenses about that and I appreciate that on her.  I legit believe she’s trying to help me get out of Hades because she thinks it’s just awful that anybody who counts as a real person should be stuck down there in that dark awful place (mortals don’t count as real people but, y’know, it’s the Greek gods, that’s sort of a given).  And, ok, maybe I have a little extra affection for any version of Aphrodite who’s not just “ooh, she’s a slutty mean shallow girl who likes to manipulate everybody to stroke her own ego, we’re so ~edgy~ for thinking she’s awful”.  They did a good job making an Aphrodite I can support, and I am glad for that.
Poseidon probably has the boons with my favorite effects (tidal dash is great and I love it), and Zeus, Athena, and Ares all have specific boons that I really enjoy in certain circumstances.  Favorite character, though, hands down, is ABSOLUTELY Artemis.
Some of this is definitely pre-existing bias--I was always somewhere between Artemis and Athena for favorite deity back during my time as a Greek myth kid, although I like her way more than Athena here.  Most of it is just that the way she’s written is so great.  She’s awkward!  She leaves me awkward voicemails because she doesn’t know what to say!  She’s not super comfortable around all of her loud, competitive, extroverted relatives with all their enormous personalities and equally enormous egos.  She is so obviously the sort of person who doesn’t entirely know what to do with herself when she doesn’t have a job to do, and, really, the world just makes so much more sense when she’s out in the woods on a hunt by herself taking things seriously and getting her work done.  She is explicitly hanging out with her family right now for the express purpose of working together to save me, and you can hear in her voice how it’s making her a little tense having them around all the time but she’s doing it anyway because this is important.  Her duo boon dialogue with Zeus!  Dad acting all indulgent about his odd daughter who won’t do the sensible thing and take a husband or at least a lover, for Olympus’s sake, and Artemis who is like, ‘really, you really don’t get why I would rather be out in the woods than committing myself to dealing with the sort of guys we have around our family’.  (The mention of preferring to be alone or with her nymph friends has big ace/lesbian crossover energy, and as a vaguely-aceish vaguely-lesbianish queer lady I am all about it.)  And yet she still invites us to come hunt with her once we get out of the Underworld up to Olympus.  Her safe alone space, away from her overwhelming family, and she’s willing to welcome Zagreus into it after she helps him get away from his family. 
The tricky thing about Artemis is that nearly all of her boons are crit-related, which officially makes them the boon set I am usually least interested in.  Part of this is absolutely math fallacies because math brain works very very hard at my actual job and does not want to come out and play during video game time, so it rebels against actually sitting down and calculating what percentage crit rate might do more good with my particular playstyle with various weapons than simply a flat damage increase from another boon.  Part of it’s the fact that I can see the impact of other boons, but not the increased critrate (because everything is always going much too fast to notice a single individual crit when it happens).  Part of it’s just how I tend to react to buffs and builds: law of large numbers aside, a flat bonus/effect applied to every single hit is always going to be more consistent and reliable than the crapshoot of a crit chance, and coming from a turn-based combat background, consistent and reliable is still a (possibly undeserving) priority to my game-strategy brain.
On the other hand, Artemis also has one of my favorite boons in the entire game in Support Fire--you know, the boon that fires off a bonus target-seeking arrow every single time you hit an enemy with your weapon in any way, or cast, even if you don’t hit anything.  It’s pretty good with sword/shield/spear.  It’s great with the fists, where you’re going to be multi-hitting anyway, and absolutely essential with the railgun if you’re me and can barely use the railgun.  Exit Wounds, where enemies take damage when they drop the cast, is also really great.  Both of those are boons with prereqs, so I’ll often hope for an Artemis boon early in the game (usually her cast boon or that boon that gives you a low crit chance on all damage, because that one doesn’t preclude putting other specific strike/flourish/dash boons on) to try and set myself up to get them later.  It tends to work pretty well, plus then I get to hang out with Artemis more, and that is always a winner.
(Yep, I sure did write a six-paragraph response to a two-line ask.  For everyone who’s followed me in the past couple of weeks--you MUST be aware by now that this is how I do.  You MUST have figured out what you signed up for.  I am not sorry.  (I’m a little sorry.))
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xenodile · 4 years
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For clears 9 and 10, I switched up my mirror buff from the “40% increased chance to get Rare Boons” to “20% increased chance to get Boons/Hammers/Gold/Poms as chamber rewards” and my God what a difference it made.  I was actually able to get the Boons I wanted and like, put together a full build.  Rarity is nice but actually getting what you want is better.
Clear number 9 was wacky because I got THREE Chaos gates before hitting Elysium and a fourth that I had to pass on in Elysium itself.
To be honest I was a little disappointed I didn’t get to fight Dad on clear 10, I gave Poseidon + Zeus a try and Poseidon’s call combined with his and Zeus’s Duo boon is hilarious.
From here on out it’s all about completion and sidequests.
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aviatrickss · 4 years
I only did one run on Hades tonight but it was So Much so I’m blabbing my thoughts into the void:
(To be fair, one run for me is now like 45min of gameplay, which is v cool!)
Poseidon’s legacy boon is Fishie Lures???
On a related note, why is catching the goddamn fish the hardest part of the game?? I didn’t know it existed until a week ago jfc
On a related note, Zag’s fishing lines are so fucking cute oh my gooood
Ares and Aphrodite really try to fuck in front of you when they give you the duo boon huh
FUCKING!!!!!! Than popped up in Asphodel and was like “woooww almost couldn’t catch up w you speedy boi” (ft. Hermes boon) and then at the end of the contest when Zag is like “i dont need ur pity help >:(“, Than is like “oh i was just in the neighborhood nbd im still Mad *poofs*” like ???????? I see thru you, petty pretty bastard man
(I think he was salty bc I beat him 😌)
Also?????? I used a death defiance in the contest (possibly i was being reckless in order to beat him), this bitch imediately yells across the fuckin battlefield “BE MORE CAREFUL!!!!” sir i am care you
I just found out about Eurydice being Orpheus’ muse but every time I go into Asphodel now I can’t find herrrrr :( i just want love to win
Listen... I thought Theseus/Asterius was just, yknow, cute sorta plausible fanon but..... there’s fucking lore there? They love each other???? I’m supposed to be nice to Theseus Dickhead now bc of it???????
Hypnos being sad bc Than is a shit brother is killing me where’s the button to make him be nice to his little clown brother
Achilles gets nectar-drunk and talks about Patroclus for the first time!!! But I don’t think Zag knows that Patroclus is the Elysium Lad (even though it’s in the codex?). It’s still cute tho he loves his gay dad :(
Hades really initiates a whole convo to make a minotaur joke about you being bull-headed huh
You. Really just walk in on Than and Meg negotiating Who Gets Zag huh
Love is real but second-hand embarrassment is realer
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toushindai · 5 years
Another Hades ficlet! This one playing off the Aphrodite-Artemis duo boon conversation.
[ read on AO3 ]
Aphrodite rounds on Artemis as soon as Zagreus turns back to his eternal task. Artemis makes her face stony and forbidding, but that won’t stop the goddess of love when she’s got that steely sparkle in her eye.
“You and Zagreus, sweetheart? I love it, absolutely love it!”
“You have the wrong idea.”
“If there’s anything I can do to help out, you just let me know, won’t you? He’s just perfect for—”
“Aphrodite.” Artemis raises her voice. “I’m not interested in Zagreus that way. You’re mistaken.”
But Aphrodite sends her an indulgent smirk. “I’m never mistaken in matters of love, sweetheart.”
Artemis rolls her eyes to the heaven and turns away. She can think of several rather significant mistakes Aphrodite has made in that domain, but try telling her that. Easier to just ignore her.
Although even that takes some doing. Artemis tries to leave, but Aphrodite follows, catching her arm. “Artemis. Sweetheart,” she wheedles. “You do know you don’t have to be alone, don’t you? We all wish you’d spend a little more time with us. But I understand. Poseidon’s a boor, and Zeus…” Whatever she’d meant to say, she rephrases it as Artemis tenses. “Well, he certainly is in charge, isn’t he? And the little godling is as good a prospect as any to get them off your back—”
“Would you get off my back?” Artemis snaps. Aphrodite falls silent, her eyes wide in feigned injury. “I’m not interested in Zagreus. Not in the way you think. I just don’t want him to feel so alone.”
She wants to be his friend. And everyone else thinks they’ve achieved that already and don’t seem to care that the Underworld’s darkness means none of them have ever heard a word Zagreus has said. Artemis is left behind, again. It isn’t fair. So the last thing she needs is for the other goddesses to step in and foul things up for her.
“Just leave me be,” she says. “I won’t interfere with your messages to him, so don’t interfere with mine.”
Aphrodite pouts. But she releases Artemis’s arm. “Very well,” she says. “I still believe the two of you would be just adorable together, but you know I can’t help thinking that, hm? If ever you change your mind, you just let me know, and I’ll send Eros out to greet him as soon as he gets here.”
“I’ll shoot your son in the heart before he can even nock an arrow,” Artemis retorts.
Aphrodite receives the (entirely sincere) threat with an indulgent smile. “There’s the Artemis we all know and love. Until next time, darling.”
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cesium-sheep · 3 years
I got through the entire first health bar with all 4 revives intact which is good because I’d never seen any of the patterns from the second health bar before so I was taking a lot of heavy hits, lost 3 in quick succession during his final phase but I still had one left and I still made it.
but I did it!!! attempt #43? build under the cut.
I had:
fully leveled zagreus aspect stygius
athena attack (rare, lvl 4)
poseidon special (rare, lvl 2)
artemis cast (lvl 3)
dionysus dash (rare, lvl 2)
artemis call (rare)
thanatos’s artifact during tartarus and asphodel, skelly’s tooth after that
cursed slash (bloodthiiiiirst)
hermes dash bonus (rare)
hermes attack speed bonus
dash nova
poseidon bonus damage on knocking enemies into walls I think?
dionysus athena duo boon
artemis support fire (rare, lvl 2)
poseidon god gauge bonus after taking damage, rare
hermes dodge chance (epic)
also mirror shit but I can’t remember which is which, it’s purple x4 green purple green purple x3 in that order and they’re pretty much all maxed except I think the rarity bonus one.)
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
New Hades Update Out Now, Adds New Area And Final Boss
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/new-hades-update-out-now-adds-new-area-and-final-boss/
New Hades Update Out Now, Adds New Area And Final Boss
Supergiant Games has released a new update for Hades. Still in early access, the game receives a bunch of content in this update–including new weapons and powers as well as gameplay changes to certain enemies and items.
This latest patch is Hades’ sixth major update, adding a brand-new location at the very edge of the Underworld for you to explore. “We’re actively working on [Hades] based on our plans and your feedback,” Supergiant Games wrote in the patch notes. “We expect to keep adding features, characters, weapons, foes, powers, environments, and more, while expanding the story and fine-tuning all aspects of the experience.”
Supergiant Games hasn’t announced when Hades will leave early access, but this latest update suggests the game could possibly officially release soon. The new area, Temple of Styx, adds more story elements and includes the game’s final battle, so Hades now has both a beginning and an end. Other notable highlights in the update include gameplay reworks, such as the ability to call upon divine aid more often and the addition of new Boons and “Duo” Boons. The update also adds two new pieces of music to the game’s soundtrack.
Hades is an Epic Games Store exclusive, offered for free on the PC digital storefront from day one as an incentive to download the launcher. The full patch notes for Hades’ latest update can be found below.
Hades August 6 Update Full Patch Notes
General Gameplay
Boss foes switch between phases faster (their invulnerability periods are shorter)
Knock-away effects now work against boss foes
Trial of the Gods: spurned gods’ Boons no longer have reduced rarity; they may offer ‘Exchange’ Boons for Boons from the other god
Slightly reduced the length of each biome (since completing a run now takes longer than before)
Increased healing from Death Defiance effects
After clearing Encounters, Chamber doors should unlock slightly faster than before
Pool of Purging: newly added! Look for these in chambers from time to time
Increased value of Charon’s Obol Chamber Rewards and gifts from Sisyphus
Wall Slam damage scales up in each successive biome
Health pick-ups no longer block projectiles
Weapons & Powers
Heart-Seeking Bow: increased damage of main Attack (Dash Attack is unchanged)
Shield of Chaos: returns sooner after the Throw special if there are no other foes near it
Various improvements and fixes to input buffering
Boons & Blessings
Reworked and renamed Wrath and all Wrath Boons: now you can Call for Olympian aid more often, or use your entire God Gauge for an ultra-powered effect like before
Billowing Strength (Zeus): newly added!
Thunder Dash (Zeus): normalized base power level
Tempest Strike (Poseidon): slightly reduced power level
Tempest Flourish (Poseidon): slightly reduced power level
Divine Strike (Athena): slightly increased power level
Proud Bearing (Athena): increased power level
Heartbreak Strike (Aphrodite): slightly increased power level
Life Affirmation (Aphrodite): newly added!
Impending Doom (Ares): newly added!
Clean Kill (Artemis): reduced power level
Fully Loaded (Artemis): no longer upgradeable using Poms
Tipsy Shot (Dionysus): now enhanced by Rapid Cast (Hermes)
Second Wind (Hermes): newly added!
Greater Recall (Hermes): newly added!
Greater Evasion (Hermes): reduced power level of Rare and Epic rarity
Passing Through (Hermes): reduced power level
Second Wind (Hermes): reduced power level
Lightning Phalanx (Zeus x Athena): newly added!
Vengeful Mood (Zeus x Ares): newly added!
Freak Accident (Zeus x Artemis): cut from game; replaced with…
Lightning Rod (Zeus x Artemis): newly added!
Sweet Nectar (Poseidon x Aphrodite): newly added!
Exclusive Access (Poseidon x Dionysus): newly added!
Merciful End (Ares x Athena): reduced power level
Heart Rend (Artemis x Aphrodite): newly added!
Hunter’s Mark (Artemis): Status Curse now applies to a nearby foe (instead of the one you hit)
Ocean’s Bounty (Poseidon): yields greater rewards; no longer affects Centaur Hearts
Razor Shoals (Poseidon): reworked; Rupture damage no longer scales with move speed
Vicious Cycle (Ares): effect no longer stacks from separate sources
Grasp (Chaos): reduced max. possible bonus
Daedalus Hammer Upgrades
Sniper Shot (Bow): reduced min. distance for damage bonus; reduced damage bonus
Twin Shot (Bow) and Sniper Shot (Bow) are now mutually exclusive
Pulverizing Blow (Shield): fixed an issue causing on-hit effects not to trigger from the second hit
Exploding Launcher (Spear): now increases base damage of the Throw special
Invigorating Blast (Rail): power-up effect is applied more reliably
Foes & Encounters
Beware of a variety of all-new foes and sinister traps in the Temple of Styx
Thanatos: reduced frequency of his area attack; also increased preattack duration and recovery time
Trial of the Gods: Athena effects no longer harm you as foes spawn
Slam-Dancer: attacks more frequently
Alecto: increased damage of Whip Shot attack
Bone Hydra: increased health and armor
Soul Catcher: butterfly projectiles can no longer be deflected (only destroyed)
The Minotaur: reduced health
Theseus: reduced health; removed Chariot reinforcements
Keepsakes & Items
Lambent Plume: clear-times required to gain the benefit now vary by encounter type
Kiss of Styx (Well): increased shop cost
Level Design & Environments
Added Temple of Styx chambers
Other minor fixes and improvements to various chambers
Art & Visual FX
Added new Temple of Styx environment set
Updated textures for Megaera
Updated look of Witch variants in Asphodel and Elysium
Added slight animation to portraits for Dionysus and Ares
Added visual effect for Exit Wounds (Artemis)
Updated visual effects for Shatter Shot (Aphrodite)
Updated UI and visuals for Death Defiance effects
Updated some artwork in the House of Hades
Updated visual effect for spurned god’s Boon vanishing in Trials of the Gods
Updated visual effect for Gorgon and Megagorgon projectiles
Updated shadows on some House of Hades characters
Updated main menu based on new Major Update
Menus & UI
Updated Wrath Gauge UI (now called the God Gauge) as part of the Wrath system rework
Updated biome map with the Temple of Styx
Updated text for various Boons and interactions
Added visual timer when using Lambent Plume (Hermes)
Improved feedback on active Heat UI when using the Pact
Text clarifications to some Boons and upgrades
Other minor changes and improvements
Music & SFX
Two new music tracks, for the Temple of Styx and final battle!
Added many new sound SFX for the Temple of Styx
Other minor changes, fixes, and mix improvements
Voice & Narrative
Added narrative events with several characters
Added more Zagreus voice lines for various gameplay contexts
Added new Storyteller events for successfully clearing runs; removed some that no longer apply
Added Codex entries for new Styx foes, as well as Asphodel and Elysium Witches
Updated requirements for some narrative events
Fixes and tuning to some contextual voice events
Updated Development Roadmap to reflect our plans for our next Major Update, and beyond
Updated Credits; including with some exceptional Community Contributors (Thank you!!)
Cerberus: now permits Zagreus to pet him in certain contexts
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where foes could deal extra damage to you after Charm effects on them expire
Fixed an issue where Poms of Power sometimes offered no visible changes in Boon power
Fixed issues with the effects of Light of Ixion (Well) and Trove Tracker (Well) not stacking correctly
Fixed an issue with exiting Chambers just as the last foe is slain in a Trove Trial
Fixed an issue preventing Wrath Boons from being offered as Pom of Power upgrades
Fixed Ares’ Blade Rifts getting stuck in walls in some contexts
Fixed Tipsy Shot (Dionysus) creating multiple Ammo drops due to Burst Shot (Artemis)
Fixed Battle Rage (Ares) activating from Thanatos kills or Exalted respawns
Fixed Dying Lament (Aphrodite) hitting the player in rare instances
Fixed Sudden Rush (Daedalus) sometimes causing the Shield’s Bull Rush to have reduced range
Fixed Drift Dash (Hermes) sometimes causing the Shield’s Bull Rush to have reduced range
Fixed a rare issue with the next chamber not unlocking in the Fallen Warrior’s chamber
Fixed being able to gift Ambrosia to the Fallen Warrior before learning his name
Fixed pre-boss Shop Chamber previews sometimes appearing alterable by Fated Authority
Fixed incorrect footstep sounds sometimes occurring in the House after multiple consecutive runs
Fixed the center-most projectile in Tisiphone’s flurry attack being invisible
Fixed Skull Earring (Megaera) visual feedback not clearing after healing above the activation threshold
Fixed a graphical issue where Elysian Arrow Trap projectiles did not always dissipate correctly
Fixed gameplay timer briefly counting up between Olympians speaking and the Boon screen opening
Fixed ‘Petrified’ status icon sometimes not displaying correctly
Fixed music state sometimes advancing incorrectly after returning from Erebus
Fixed an issue causing the save indicator to show in the Main Menu after quitting right after saving
Fixed instances where Bone Hydra’s neck segments could sort in front of the head
Fixed various other graphical sorting issues
Many other minor fixes
Source : Gamesport
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ravel-puzzlewell · 4 years
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@footnotefever​ making another post bc tbh other one was atrociously long 
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to like shame you for already unlocking Arthur on first clear! But I still think there are better and quicker options if shields don’t work for you, for example Chiron bow with Poseidon+Sea Storm on special does stupid high damage while staying 3 km away from Garbage Dad and you don’t even have to aim. Eris rail with Cluster bomb and Rocket is just straight up broken, it hits for literally thousands with zero effort from you.
I love Athena’s call and use it on melee high heats all the time, girl can sing Gaga’s “Telephone” about me with how much I’m calling her tbh. but I think Ares and Poseidon are kinda clunky. Like sure, if you have to choose between them and idk, Aphro or Artemis, they are better. But normally with Athena dash and not very high heat in melee I prefer Zeus or Dio calls which do huge supplementary damage very fast. And Demeter call is pretty nice in all builds.
For dashes, Athena is queen, Poseidon is great for not-melee builds. I only take Ares if I’m already doing his cast build and rifts are getting XXL. Arty is cool for high crit glass canon builds on Nemesis if you’re already comfortable with it and like nothing else. Dio, Aphro and Demeter only get on dash if for some reason I want them for specific Duos and Priv status, but can’t get on main attacks. Zeus is the most garbage dash
agree with wallet on start if you don’t have specific god. Sometimes on cast builds I take Charon’s keepsake to get extra long additional casts and cast damage, otherwise Mom’s blossom is nice. 
btw, fun build to try is revenge build on Zeus+Ares duo that makes revenge boons trigger every 1,5 sec even if you are not hit. Obviously, you need a lot of revenge boons, but I got Zeus, Ares, Athena, Demeter and I just stood there in final fight without even moving and Shit Dad died by himself lol. I had about 250 health, dodge boon from Hermes and 3 death defiances and he died when I still had 1 left lmao
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