#it's honestly rare for me to love every single character in a story equally but like
sophiesbookishthings · 4 months
May Reads
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
I get it. I get the Sanderson hype. This is book 1 of the Stormlight Archive. It is such an incredibly unique and creative book. It's absolutely everything I want out of a fantasy book. The world building is mindblowing. I mean, he even thought about how the grass would work differently. The grass! I feel like no one ever thinks about the little differences like that that make the world they're writing so much more real and interesting. And the characters are enjoyable too. It's very rare that I read a book where I'm equally invested in every single pov. There's usually always one where I'm waiting for the next to start. Not this one. I was equally invested in all of them. And yes this book is HUGE but it is 100% worth it and I know this series is going to live in my brain forever. I am going to stop now cause I could seriously write an essay. I cannot recommend this book/series highly enough.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (⭐️ and a secret 6th star)
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
This is a novella in the Lunar Chronicles about Queen Levana's backstory. I was looking forward to this one cause I love a good villain backstory and it sure delivered. Meyer did a great job of showing that yeah some bad things happened to Levana but she handled pretty much all of them so badly and how that made her who she became in the main series. It reminded me a lot of Snow's arc in the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes where he A) had a less than ideal childhood/family life and B) just kept making worse and worse decisions as the book went on and falling deeper into the villain role.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
The first thing I did when I opened this book and saw Dream was go "wait that's literally just Neil." I love that the artists did that. It made me laugh. So I watched the show before I read the comic and I'm impressed how accurate the show was. There are slight differences but I like both versions honestly. If you like comics or gothic horror, this is a good one to read
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
I found this book and was immediately intrigued. Octopuses are one of my favorite animals. I think they're fascinating and incredibly smart. My mom and I both ended up with a copy of this book, so we read it at the same time. It wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, but I did still really enjoy it. I really enjoyed how the main characters grew throughout the story. I especially loved the octopus pov. And I figured out how one character fit into the story before my mom. Which she didn't appreciate lol.
4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨️
Daindreth's Outlaw by Elisabeth Wheatley
I dont have a ton to say about this one. It felt very fast and like it was very much just a bridge from the first book to the third. That didn't make it a bad book, though, by any means. I did like the new sorceress character that was introduced and the magic/evil forest setting. I also enjoyed the fmc exploring and discovering her new powers.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
More Stormlight Archive! I genuinely don't know how I read 4 books between the first one and this one cause these books live permanently in my brain. I'm super excited about where this one left off. It was a really interesting place (literally lol). So much happened in this book and it was cool to see the characters grow in their power. And all the reveals! The backstory reveals, the whole deal with the parshendi (which was super sad), the deal with the spren and the shardblades, whatevers going on with szeth (who I love), and somebody not being dead (I knew it!). I particularly loved shallan in this book. I adore a manipulative protagonist. They just do something to my brain. And patterns a cutie. I was about to fight kaladin, though, and I love him too, but oh my god. I don't know. I could talk about this book forever, so I'm gonna just stop rambling and say that I loved it and leave it at that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
I feel like fandom would be better and calmer if we just... stop expecting canon to give us every single thing we ever wanted. 
Like. I really enjoy darkfic, and I enjoy seeing a character I love get hurt badly. I could eat up a hundred fanfics with that exact premise. But I don’t want the plot of the main canon story to grind to a halt so I can watch the lead get pushed to the breaking point repeatedly. 
The story should be the story. Fanfic should be all the things that don’t fit in the story that we want to see explored. And this is about a bunch of topics. 
I see people arguing about what ships ‘should’ be canon, but. Assuming that the author isn’t just pairing up characters at the last minute, usually they’re laying the groundwork for endgame relationships long before we reach the end. You ship doesn’t need to be ‘canon’ for you to like it or make content for it, and if the creator dropped everything to appease every shipper, they’d make a mess of their story. 
Likewise, a character doesn’t need to get what they ‘deserve’. Sometimes it’s bad writing. But also sometimes it’s because they wanted to make a message about forgiveness, or about atonement, or about the world being an awful place where people rarely get what they want, or because they want that character to do something in the future. 
Fiction isn’t just escapism central. Sometimes authors want to convey messages or themes. Sometimes authors need to set everything perfectly in place for a specific scene or line which is the point of the whole story. It may not always be well-written, but the story that’s going to be told is the story the author wants to tell. (Unless executive meddling occurs but that’s a whole other can of worms) 
If you see a different way the story could have gone, or a concept you want to explore more deeply, that’s great! That’s amazing! If you want to write a fluffy happy fix-it fic where no one dies and everyone lives, or where two characters who don’t canonically fall in love do, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do the thing! Write for your own enjoyment! I genuinely adore writing and reading horribly self-indulgent fanfic! 
But it just really annoys me when people say something ‘SHOULD’ have happened to a character, or that two characters ‘SHOULD’ be together. When I write, I’m very deliberate about when and how I include romantic relationships. I don’t need or want someone screaming at me to throw away all my characterization and plotting because two strangers ‘look cute together’. 
And honestly this goes for me too. I love reading tragedies where characters get horribly injured or even die, but I save that for one-off fanfics or even longfics that don’t effect the plot at large. The author’s got a place they want to take the story, and I want to see where they’re going with it and what the ending they had in mind was before I decree ‘okay but what if there was a needlessly angsty possessed fight here’. 
Just like. There is the story, and it serves one purpose. And there is fanfic, which serves another, equally important and fascinating purpose. This is not an attempt to decry one or the other, just pointing out that not everything you or I like NEEDS to be canon. It’d be like trying to make Goncharov real. :P 
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yamcat · 5 months
ten faves in ten fandoms
I was tagged by the ever lovely @saltedpin , thank you for thinking of me, this was so much fun <333!!!!
Golden Kamuy: this is a tough one for me, because one of the things I love the most about this story is just how well written and intriguingly fleshed out each character is, especially in relation to eachother and to the story itself, but I think I will go with the OG who captured my interest right away, Tsukishima Hajime. Yes we love an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with authority and sense of duty, throw in the belief of living on borrowed time and therefore a life that can't possibly belong to you anymore, and I'm all yours.
Haikyuu!!: the thing is that I've always been IN love with Daichi, but Oikawa is the one who I have always felt the strongest for. A proud dramatic overachiever who cares too much but pretends like he doesn't, genuinely passionate about what he loves to the point it risks consuming him; a tough bitch as much as a sensible nerd. I care for him a lot.
HunterxHunter: Gon, my precious little feral kid who gets traumatized over and over again, but still decides to be kind. What I love the most about him, though, is that he is never portrayed to be inherently good; he is stubborn and occasionally selfish because of his nature as much as because he is just 12 y/o and he doesn't know any better, which is what makes him as lovable and charming as he is.
Helluva Boss: I know I'm not too loud about it, but I have been utterly in love with this show for a good couple months now, as well as with the helluva boss himself, Blitzø. He is a raunchy little imp who severely struggles with self-love and therefore does his best to push away every opportunity he has at a good and healthy relationship because who could possibly love him, right? but he genuinely TRIES, and sometimes he succeeds too, plus, he's still always there for the one he cares about. and honestly, he is just so fucking funny, he has my entire heart.
Dungeon Meshi: Laios, the supposedly knight archetype who does eventually fulfill his destiny, but in the messiest way, unwilling, and at the cost of what he loves the most. There are so many characters I genuinely like in this story, but I am too fascinated and amused by Laios' obsession with monsters and how it makes him so smart and so dumb at the same time to not love him the most. I'm sorry, apparently I have a particular liking for people who are extremely passionate about what they love.
Star Trek: I was unsure about who to choose between Spock and Kirk until the very end, but I have to say Spock. His double heritage and the way he navigates it, all the suffering and treasures he finds in feeling less and more, misunderstood and capable of understanding more than anyone else the multiplicity that deeply characterizes the universe he explores and is so curious about. Rarely I have empathized so much with a character before. Plus, he can be a dramatic bitch, Spirk divorce ark Spock is my favorite Spock.
Tiger & Bunny: honestly both of them, but for the sake of the game I shall say Bunny a.k.a. Barnaby Brooks Jr., my favorite traumatized model face babe with deeply rooted trust issues who completely falls in love with a hot loser single dad who has the tendency to help everyone else but himself. A match made in heaven. And me with them
LOTR: Frodo Baggins. No one understands him like I do....
FMA: my heart is divided between Olivier Armstrong and Riza Hawkeye, because what's not to love about strong, gorgeous, mature, cunning, intelligent, trust-worthy, powerful women? Different flavors, but equally delicious.
Saiyuki: Genjo Sanzo. In a few words, a trigger-happy, easily annoyed, short-tempered Buddhist monk who overly smokes and drinks. In a lot of words, please read Saiyuki.
I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it, it is a lot of fun! And of course, please feel free to @ me if you so wish to!
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thatdamndonnareed · 2 years
I can't wait to rewatch episode 5x10 so I can focus on the other stuff going on in the story, because it was such a good action packed episode and I feel like I missed a lot of details because I was too busy gushing about the opening scene. My heart was literally bursting out of my chest and I could not concentrate on anything.
What I love about this show so much is that, while yes I'm obsessed with Chenford, I'm also equally obsessed with all of the other characters and their well-beings. It's a rare show in which I genuinely like every single character and would be heartbroken if anything were to happen to any of them. (Yes, even Nolan and Bailey, which I know are not everyone's cup of tea, but I still genuinely like them both as characters--just maybe not so much as a couple--and I wish they would flesh out Bailey's character a bit more than just the love interest because she has potential).
Nyla continues to be a mother fucking bad ass. I adore Nyla and James' relationship, and their friendship with Angela and Wesley just gives me the warm and fuzzies. Angela and Wesley are just top tier married couple.
Sgt. Grey is just the best as the Papa Bear, with his gruff exterior but super squishy interior. He truly cares about all of his children, even Smitty.
Don't even get me started on Aaron "#1 Chenford fan" Thorsen. I need an entire DnD themed episode where Aaron and Celina rope in everyone else to play with them, and Tim pretends to be annoyed but secretly he is SUPER into it and Lucy can tell he is having so much fun, and she's just itching to tease him about it later. (Because let's be real, Tim Bradford is 1000% a closeted nerd).
The Rookie just makes me absolutely delighted, and I'm very very much enjoying Season 5. It's honestly one of the few things that are actually giving me joy right now. I'm so glad I decided to start watching it again after I took a year long break after watching S1.
And, I'm so glad to be a small part of the Rookie community.
xo, Nicole
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gaywriting · 1 year
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe book review
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz (2012)
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""All of your instincts, Ari, all of them, tell me something. You love that boy. I think you love him more than you can bear." "I can't. Why are you saying these things?" "Because I can't stand watching all that loneliness that lives inside you. Because I love you, Ari."" (p. 349)
i've owned this book for years but embarressingly enough i didn't get around to reading and finishing it until february 2022. after hearing about it i figured i would like it and i definitely did. i have so many feelings tied to it, so ill try my best to write my thoughts here.
the story follows 15 year old Aristotle Mendoza, an american-mexican boy living in El Paso, Texas, in the 80's. he is the youngest in a sibling group of 4 and basically grew up as a single child. his mother is caring, but carying a deep scar from Ari's brother, who's in jail and Ari has never managed to bond with his emotionally distant father, due to him having been sent to Vietnam before Ari was born. Ari struggles very hard with himself, his family and his place in the universe. then one day during summer vacation, having shut himself off to everything and everyone in his life, he escapes to the local swimming pool, despite not knowing how to swim. here he meets Dante Quintana, a 15 year old american-mexican boy, with an equally special name and a very different world view, and who offers to teach him how to swim. the boys hit it off and quickly become very close friends. soon Ari is forced to face all of his demons and it all starts with Dante.
t h i s b o o k yall... i don't even know where to start asdfdgghjk this book is one of the most beautful stories ive had the pleasure of experiencing. the journey Alire Sáenz pulls us along of Aristotle and his relationship with coming to love himself and his life is such a deeply personal, emotional and wonderful thing to witness. first off this book felt to me like opening up a book an seeing a mirror. many of Ari's struggles are struggles i have experienced in my life as well and rarely have i related so much with a main character in a YA romance book. i was a little hesitant to read it since people were praising it to the moon and back, but honestly sometimes the hype do speak the truth because this book is honestly so good!
some people call this as a romance book, but it would not be the first word i would use to descibe this book (maybe i would do that with the sequel but we'll get to that one next). this book, in my opinion, is a philosophical, coming of age book that shows the reader a family of broken individuals that each have to learn how to deal with the trauma in their life, as well as how to open up and lean on each other. the fact that one of Ari's bigger pushes towards facing himself and his issues is Dante and the blossoming romance between the two is just a plus in my opinion. not every lgbt story needs to be thrown into the romance bucket, where that's all there is to the story, since that's not all there is to life.
Dante is just the sweetest little weed smoking rascal, a boy who feels every single emotion in his body like tenthfold and just wears it all on his sleeve. incapable of telling lies and so sure in himself and his beliefs. his only insecurity is his sexuality, and reading the letters he sends to Ari, about him figuring it all out and when he speaks of how he needs his sibling to be straight, is heartbreaking.
If you want to experience a psychological coming of age lgbt story with two precious boys learning to love and accept themselves and each other, despite the struggle that that life entails, then i c a n n o t recomend this book more. it was honesly one of the best books i read last year, don't let the hype scare you away and give it a try! ❤️
honestly to say im upset that i cant find a way for me to watch the movie is such an understatement. i might be going into it too optimistic and get Super let down, but as far as ive read (avoiding spoilers) people say its good, so the hype is crazy 🍿
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 2 years
10 characters
tagged by @talays-portkey ❤ I chose 10 characters from 10 different things that I consumed this year and liked.  I’m gonna say a few things about each and try to keep it short. 
tagging @intyalote, @the-cloud-whisperer, @not-saying-revolution-but, @cortue, @isabellaofparma, @sassyassassy. Have fun, there’s no rules!
continues under the cut: 
Sean /Not Me: The Series (2021)
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Not Me, as a whole, breaks me in the best ways possible. And Sean - he’s just everything to me. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful character arcs you can give me is having a character find a few more reasons to live. Make them start cherishing their life as a thing that should be protected and you have me on the floor sobbing. And Sean is this to me - comfort and pain wrapped in one person.
Jim Jimenez /Our Flag Means Death (2022)
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Do you know how hard it is to choose only one character from this damn show? I love them all so much, with my entire heart. But Jim is my special kid okay. It truly hits diffently, seeing them having their own arc in this silly little show, being just as silly with their crewmates, but also being badass and cool off the side and also having such a precious friends to lovers romance alongside everything. My beloved. 
Ayukawa Ryuuji “Yuka”/ Blue Period (2021)
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This anime wrecked me, everything about Yuka wrecked me. Their story made me cry for two hours straight and unlocked something in my brain. I don’t know how to explain. 
Shen Yi /Under The Skin (2022)
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With everything happening this year, I almost forgot I watched this show, but everytime I remember it, I’m so incredibly fond. It’s rare to watch a crime show that feels comforting, but this one does it! And I attribute a lot of it to this lovely protagonist, because he is so warm, sensitive and charismatic. I loved watching Shen Yi and going through all these cases from his point of view. He just feels like such a comforting presence and honestly, more protagonists should have this characteristic. Let them be gentle!! 
Guillermo de la Cruz/ What We Do in the Shadows (2019-?)
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As someone on this hellsite put it - he’s the most character ever. Last week I finally caught up with the new season and I’m all here for Guillermo’s emancipation arc! Fuck it up son!!!! I’m cheering you on, keep doing your hot girl shit!
Vegas Theerapanyakul & Pete / Kinnporsche: La Forte (2022)
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Yes I’m cheating again but what are you gonna do about it. I couldn’t choose between these two because I find them both equally as engaging and interesting. If you’ve been following me - you know. You know the insanity I feel for these two. Who would’ve thought comfort is stored in the toxic BDSM couple. Emotional support fucked up men. Truly on the top of the list for this year.
Striga /Castlevania (2017-2021)
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Listen it doesn’t need much - give me a queer muscly lady with a huge sword and the coolest action sequence of the series and you have me sold. My actual favourite is Alucard, but I feel like we, as a society, should appreciate love and go crazy over Striga a bit more. Like, she’s right there!!
Lucifer Morningstar /The Sandman (2022)
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I just think they’re neat. Once again a show full of wonderful, beautiful characters, but Lucifer simply lives in my mind rentfree. @ netflix I beg, please renew this show so we can get the sequel with Lucifer going apeshit. I’m on my knees. 
Wen Ning / The Untamed (2019)
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Sooooooooo I’ve been rewatching this curse of a show for the past week while lying sick in bed with covid and. AND. After three years the pain truly does not get better. Once again, I did not know who to choose for this - every single character in this god forsaken show deserves their own spot. But I somehow ended up on my darling, my boy, my favourite Ghost General. His story arc fucks me up so badly every time and yet it is one of the most beautifully tragic things. He’s a red thread, pulled through the entire story, and it makes my heart bleed. (and yes @the-cloud-whisperer​, I’m gonna come back to you soon and finally scream with you properly)
👑 Louis de Pointe du Lac / Interview With the Vampire (2022-?)
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2022 has not ended yet but I know this guy takes the crown. I’ve been a fan of the Vampire Chronicles since I was 15 and finally. FINALLY. I get what I fucking deserve. And FINALLY here is a Louis that I adore - one that is charismatic, one that feels raw and real, and one I can finally love and be invested in. This show truly made me fall in love with his character when before that, he always paled in my affection to Lestat. He always kinda bored me in the books and the movie adaptation. As my friend put it: we all want to be Lestat but actually we are all Louis. But here is he at last, my highest quality blorbo: Louis de Pointe du Lac, resident disaster man full of existential despair, wrath and love. This show is all I’ve been thinking about and I will not apologise. 
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Skinamarink (2022, dir. Kyle Edward Ball) - review by Rookie-Critic
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How can I even begin to describe Skinamarink? I guess I'll just start by saying this film is incredibly alienating and experimental. The entire film is comprised of close-up, off-angle shots of the house the entirety of the story takes place in. You never see any of the character's faces, and rarely do you actually see any part of them at all, save for their feet, as a lot of the shots in the film are low-angle, almost as if the camera was just sitting on the floor and happened to be recording. The film revolves around two siblings, Kevin and Kaylee, who awake one night to find that not only is their dad missing and their mom acting strange, but also all of the windows and doors leading to the outside have vanished. What follows is about an hour and a half of unfettered confusion, uncertainty, and darkness. The kids do the best they can given the situation (the youngest, Kevin, is 4, and Kaylee doesn't seem to be much older), and the film plays out in a very bleak fashion.
I'm not going to lie, this was a rough watch. Due to nature of the way the film was shot and the wildly low quality of the film's audio and video (the movie was made on a budget of about $15,000, and there's more visual noise on screen most of the time than there is actual image), large swaths of the runtime feel like they drag. I generally don't get as much sleep as I should, and not having a ton of visually interesting things on screen was making it very hard to stay awake for a majority of the movie, which in conjunction with the aforementioned shooting style, also made the film hard to follow. Not impossible, though, you can definitely piece everything together, but I spent a lot of that dead space between big moments in the film putting those pieces together. However, it wasn't just a rough watch because of those criticisms, it was also a rough watch because it scared the ever-loving shit out of me.
I love horror. As a former child scaredy-cat, I can tell you everything used to frighten me. At some point in high school I decided to fully immerse myself in horror and I never looked back. So much so, that nowadays it's an incredibly rare occasion that a horror movie truly gets to me, I mean really digs down into my soul and embeds itself there. From the second the first door disappeared, this movie absolutely had my number. Every jump scare, every shot staring into an abyssal hallway or bedroom, a sequence where a TV playing a cartoon stops itself and replays the same 10 second loop 5 times. I was more unsettled than I have been in a very, very long time. I drove home in complete silence. I was looking over my shoulder as I walked from the theater to my car, and likewise from my car to the inside of my apartment. I walked in and appreciatively touched my front door after I closed it behind me. I was actually, legitimately afraid to go to sleep that night. To go into a dark room by myself, shut the door (or leave it open, honestly with the headspace I was in, both were equally upsetting for different reasons), lay down, and close my eyes, leaving myself vulnerable to whatever evil presence might be lurking just beyond the cutoff point; where my eyes can no longer tell the difference between silhouette, shadow, and plain darkness. This film shook me to my absolute core, and it did it without ever showing me a single thing. It may drag in spots and it may be hard to tell what exactly is going on due to not being able to actually see any of the action, but it is for precisely those same reasons that it is so effectively terrifying. Kevin's final lines of the film, said just seconds before the house lights in the theater came back up, have stayed with me in the days following like ghost in my ear (and yes, I meant seconds. There are no credits, there is no sitting and contemplating what you just witnessed to some creepy music and names floating toward the top of the screen. You are unapologetically and uncaringly dropped back into reality immediately after the film's closing moment.).
What the movie lacks in straight plot, it more than makes up for in atmosphere and terror-factor. I can't recommend this for most people, and even the ones willing to take a chance on something on the fringes of what storytelling can be perceived as and what even constitutes a movie might find it to be a snooze-fest at best, but Skinamarink tapped into my psyche and made me feel a way that I'm not sure I've truly felt since the first time I saw A Nightmare on Elm Street when I was maybe 13. I have to give it my utmost respect for that.
Score: 8/10
Currently only in select theaters for a limited time, then coming to Shudder at an unspecified date later this year.
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I really really liked Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune a lot
i laughed really hard at parts and cried a lot at other parts and altogether really enjoyed the exploration of grief and starting anew and what life means while you still have it and everything the book explored
i just really really loved reading it. i started reading it yesterday afternoon and finished it today, this evening, because i just wanted to read more. i loved all the characters so much. i loved the story. would 100% recommend
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
(By/leth rant, feel free to ignore!) With you on the confusion regarding the By/leth love in 3H. Because so much of the praise I see for them is for how they "helped the students through so much" or "had them gather towards one cause" or "was such a mentor figure to them" and I just... don't see any of that in the actual character By/leth.
Because, yes, that is what they do narratively speaking. That is what you are supposed to get from By/leth. But what does By/leth, like, actually do to accomplish any of that? Why is it so impactful that it's By/leth that catches Dimitri in the rain, when they could have literally never interacted with Dimitri outside of the plot forcing them to? And that part, the no interaction, that applies triple to the side characters who don't even have the plot legally obligating By/leth to deign to speak with them - you the player can have them completely ignore everyone and everyone will still praise By/leth as their one true reason for being able to walk in a straight line.
Which is what is the single most annoying thing about the people who are trying to claim that these characters would go to shit without By/leth there holding their hand and smacking them on the head with a rolled up newspaper when they do a no-no. How can that possibly be the case when you the player can so easily make By/leth behave as though they don't give a shit about any of the characters around them? How is anyone gonna honestly say that By/leth is on an equal level of importance as, for example, Dedue for Dimitri?
And even besides that, how is giving the most bland, instagram motivational guru pep talk (when they're not literally grabbing someone else's words hello yes not happy about how Rodrigue was handled) to these characters with deep-seated issues supposed to be By/leth being a "mentor figure" to them, or By/leth "helping the students through so much"? Why are these words so impactful only if they come from By/leth's mouth? Why is literally every single other character narratively implied to be less important than By/leth, when it comes to analyzing everyone's impact on each other?
3H has always been shit about that with By/leth, as it takes an already shitty idea ("okay but what if every single character in the world loved this one person who just stands there menacingly and what if they needed this character to ever have a chance at being happy tho?" Mr. Gary and Mrs. Mary Sue, what a lovely day to see you) and doesn't even put in the effort to show off why that's the case for these characters at all.
i think you hit the nail on the head there, anon (for me at least). many people see by//leth as a character who cares for the students, but for me that's more something the narrative... makes them perform the right actions around every now and then. but im not actually feeling that they care. there is nothing abt the character that makes me go, 'oh yeah, of course they'd act like this, of course they care, it's who they are as a person'. to me it's always felt like the game needed a character that performed the actions by//leth carries out so that other characters can get exposition and an arc and the story can move forward - but that there isn't anything inherent to the character that would motivate them to do all that stuff.
and even when people say that sometimes they do smile at students or ask if they're all right, ive always felt that having instances where they show emotions or seem to care for students doesn't make for a personality. when i say i don't think by//leth has a real personality, i don't mean "they're completely blank and never emote or show any emotion whatsoever" bc then id be lying (it does happen even if it's pretty rare and bland). i mean that i don't think they have a well-rounded, full personality - like a base set of morals, a well-defined set of characters traits, dreams or goals and all the things that make it possible to say 'they'd react in this way or that way to some hypothetical situation, they'd care about this and they wouldn't mind that'. because of this i also feel that there's no coherence to their reactions in supports etc. you never know when they're going to crack a joke, or be stern, or show care, bc (to me) nothing they do or say naturally flows from a well-rounded personality. reactions feel like very separate instances, more as of it's the writers coming up with logical or funny responses for each individual context rather than by//leth, the in-game character, reacting to things according to their in-game personality. when a game feels like that i don't think that's a good sign.
and an important point, as you say, is that you as the player can straight up decide you won't be giving by//leth a certain character trait by never choosing the corresponding dialogue options and, much more damning, you can completely ignore students. if you want byleth to completely ignore a character you hate or always choose the dialogue options that they dislike you can do that. i did the latter myself during my ss run with edelgard. i ignored her whenever i could and made sure to always choose the dialogue options she wouldn't like - and still she calls byleth 'my teacher' and acts like a lovesick maiden whenever the game gives her the opportunity to do so outside supports (which is often).
the way that every character latches onto by//leth immediately after meeting them (with no apparent reason other than they're there) and then looking at by//leth to fix all their hurts and mentor them and listen to their trauma exposition is especially difficult to swallow if you don't feel that by//leth is much more than the game's mechanic to make you as the player interact with the characters and have an influence on the story. especially bc you know it comes at the cost of characters who canonically have deep relationships openly supporting and helping each other - bc that's a role largely reserved for by//leth
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I just wanted to send out a love note to 9-1-1. This show is rare for so many reasons, many of which others have discussed in detail, but the one I’ve been thinking about recently, especially after Chimney’s monster performance this week, is that I am emotionally invested in every character in this show. Every. single. one.
That’s rare for me. So often I’ll watch a show and have a favorite character or storyline, or a few I like and a few I don’t. I’m not invested in all the characters to the same extent. I don’t love them all equally, and watching the show can seem like such a chore when you’re waiting around for the part or people you like to come back. 9-1-1 is different. (5.03 aside), I never feel unhappy when it changes to a different character or plot line bc I’m just as interested in what’s going on there, and I can’t help screaming about how much I love every character. They show up, and I am once again blown away. That doesn’t mean I love everything they do. For instance, I am fully invested in Athena as a character and her relationships with everyone as well as her own growth even if I’m not fond of her recent storyline.
Somehow this show has made me love everyone. It’s no secret I started watching for Buddie, but I have been completely drawn in by everyone. Each character is so well done and nuanced. I went into the show knowing a lot of spoilers and assumed I wouldn’t like Abby. Oh no, I LOVED Abby. Loved her. I’m not fond of how she eventually treated Buck, but I was actually sad to think she’d be gone after season 1. With Maddie, all I can think is that she saved herself (from Doug), and it subverted any expectations I had. I loved it. Her current storyline is breaking my heart. I don’t think I knew much about Michael before I started watching, but every time I see him, my brain immediately goes, “oh he’s a favorite.” I mean, he and Bobby are up there when it comes to my favorite duos. “There goes the Neighborhood” might be my favorite episode bc of how much fun it was to watch Michael, Bobby, and David be ridiculous together. But then Chimney’s on screen, and I can’t stop gushing about how much I love him. He has so much heart. Same with Hen. There’s something about Hen I identify with, and when she’s struggling or heartbroken, I can’t help but feel for her. I love her story and her family. I get giddy any time I see Karen. And Eddie. Eddie Eddie Eddie. His character is so complex, so unique and yet understandable and relatable. I am excited to see how his story will unfold this season. (It might possibly be the one I relate to most, but we’ll see). I could go on about every character.
This is just so rare for me. Normally I’d be waiting for the Buddie scenes (tho they do make me very happy when we get them…that balcony scene, oh my God!) or the HenRen scenes, suffering through the rest, and that’s honestly what I expected would happen when I started the show. But no, that’s not 9-1-1. It’s nothing like I expected. They created a world of complex characters (masterfully acted) that I’ve fallen completely in love with. I am invested in their stories, their struggles and triumphs. Everything. This is a truly great show.
Disclaimer: I started the show at the end of season 4 and caught up over the summer.
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jungleslang · 3 years
I'm sorry, but I cannot understand people who say that Elriel shippers hate Lucien and want to cause him pain or are advocating for him to experience pain and ultimately be unhappy. I understand that the mating bond is a huge deal in fae culture, and that it's more difficult to deal with for the male than for the female. But shipping Elain with Azriel despite this does NOT mean that I hate him. The opposite is actually true. It literally makes zero sense.
I've seen this argument too many times throughout the years, and I saw it again today, so I've decided to address it. I'm going to discuss why Elriel doesn't equal Lucien being unhappy, as well as some Elriel and Vucien foreshadowing, and why this could lead to Lucien's happiness. Be aware that I'm obviously biased, and this is in no way meant to hate on Elucien or Elucien shippers. I'm just addressing this specific argument. All ships are valid, and we don't ship shame in this house. This is just my personal opinion, and I know that what I ship might not be endgame.
Also this is gonna be pretty long, don't say I didn't warn you.
I want to start off by saying that a big reason why I don't ship Elucien is honestly BECAUSE I love Lucien. Elain has consistently shown not even an ounce of interest in him for the past three books. Lucien himself also says that Elain was "thrown at him," while Jesminda, his past love, chose him. Elain has never used or shown her appreciation for any of the gifts Lucien gave her (which is her right). She has clearly stated that she does not want a mate. She also currently has feelings for Azriel, and it's been said that Elain "shrinks" in Lucien's presence, her newfound boldness suddenly gone. I'm sorry, but why would I want this for Lucien?? Why would I want Lucien to be with a woman who does not love him and currently has feelings for another male? A woman who literally shrivels up when he is near her? Lucien deserves to love and be loved wholeheartedly. And of course, Elain does, too.
Additionally, Lucien's words about Jesminda highlight that having a choice and being truly chosen are things that matter to him. And who are the people that Lucien has actively chosen to be with? Jurian and Vassa. Lucien is a centuries old fae male, with experience in multiple courts, and he's chosen to shack up with two humans in the human lands. That means something, and it shows that Vassa and Jurian are the people he feels comfortable with, the people he trusts, and most importantly, the people who make him feel wanted. Wanted enough to literally live with them after all of his trauma, after being barred from his home in the Spring Court by Tamlin, a person he loved cherished more than anyone else. And Jurian and Vassa have also chosen him.
As someone who absolutely loves Lucien, THIS is what I want for him. For him to be with people he chose and who in turn chose him. I want what's best for him, and so far, the text has indicated that Jurian and Vassa are what's best for him. I mean come on, the three of them literally created a name for themselves, the Band Of Exiles. The one time we saw Lucien actually laugh in ACOWAR was when he was with Vassa at the end. He blushes at the mention of her and has a "spark" in his eyes when he talks about her. Let's also not forget about this part in ACOFAS:
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Lucien says that he's not living with them, the manor belongs to all of them. And even Feyre remarks how he's more comfortable around them, two humans, than people of his own race. I feel like this part is so overlooked. To me, it really demonstrates that Lucien has indeed found a home with these people, a home that belongs to all of them, and that he feels he truly does belong with them.
Additionally, it bothers me when people imply that rejecting the mating bond automatically equals unhappiness while accepting it guarantees love and happiness. Elain and Lucien rejecting their mating bond does not mean that Lucien is doomed to be unhappy and in pain for the rest of his life. And accepting it does not mean they'll be happy, either. We literally have proof of this in the books, and it comes in the form of Rhysand's parents. Rhys says that his parents were wrong for each other, and that his mother eventually came to hate his father, only staying with him because she was grateful to him for saving her wings. That is not a happy relationship.
Also, something that is one of the biggest hints toward Elriel for me, is the fact that every single mated couple we see in the books that actually ended up together had feelings for each other BEFORE the mating bond snapped into place. Rhys had feelings for Feyre while they were under the mountain, and Feyre fell in love with Rhys before she knew they were mates. Nessian's mating bond also didn't snap into place until after they already loved each other. And we also have Kallias and Viviane, who were in love before they discovered they were mates. These relationships all had solid foundations before the mate bond came came into play. Romantic feelings were established before the bond. For Elucien, this was not the case. Their mate bond snapped into the place the day they met each other, which directly mirrors Rhys' parents, whose mate bond snapped into place the moment they met and who also weren't right for each other. (Coincidence? I think not.)
We also have to remember that we have never been inside Lucien's head, with the exception of that one scene where Feyre infiltrates his mind while he's talking to Elain. That one glimpse alone mainly deals with the feelings he has for Elain due to his instincts because of the mate bond. It's also where he says Elain had been thrown at him. We don't actually know the extent of what he feels or doesn't feel for Elain. We don't know if he has romantic feelings for her outside of his instincts because of the bond, which we know is important based on what we discussed above. Yes, Lucien gives her gifts and clearly wants to get to know her, but we don't know whether he's just doing this out of obligation because the bond is so important in fae culture. Which might also be the reason Elain hasn't formally rejected him yet.
I think that there is a decent chance that this is the case based on what we've seen in the books. I also get the feeling that Lucien might be pursuing Elain out of obligation because Elain hasn't given him the time of day, and they've had no meaningful moments/conversations up until now. He doesn't really know her. How can you have feelings for someone you don't know and haven't spent any real time with? There are also these scenes from ACOFAS and ACOSF:
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In ACOFAS, Feyre says that Lucien doesn't seem to have a real interest in bridging gap between him and Elain. In ACOSF, Cassian says the words "my mate" drip with discomfort when Lucien says them. This indicates that he's not so comfortable with calling Elain his mate / having her as his mate.
I also think this part is important because the level of comfort the characters have with each other is a distinguishing factor of the ships. Lucien is more comfortable around Vassa than Elain, while Elain is more comfortable around Azriel than Lucien.
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As I stated before, this is the only time we see Lucien laughing in ACOWAR. Additionally, his shoulders are loose, indicating that he is not only comfortable but also relaxed, which is a rare thing for Lucien in the recent books with all the shit he has going on. In contrast, there's always a tension underlying his and Elain's interactions. Based on the fact that Vassa is chatting with him "animatedly," I would say she's likely comfortable around him, too.
There are also these two passages from ACOMAF, which I'm sure every Elriel shipper already knows lol.
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We can also see that Elain has been at least somewhat comfortable around Azriel from the start, even when she was afraid of the fae and engaged to a fae-hating man. She even engaged him in a genuine conversation about flying. These two excerpts also show that Elain is somewhat attuned to Azriel as well. She notes his body language and uses it to gauge the situation. This also indicates a certain level of trust in him. And this has only increased as the story progressed. He's content to just sit beside her in the garden, she tells him about her plans for the garden, and they stay up late talking to each other. Their interactions signify how at ease they are with each other, which I think is big thing for Azriel, who's always described as cold and filled with an icy rage. Rhys says it took Mor centuries to get Az to loosen up, but he eased up around Elain in a remarkably short amount of time for someone usually so closed-off.
So, the conclusion here is that Elucien is not the only ship that guarantees all characters' happiness as some people say. Lucien is completely capable of being happy and finding a home without Elain accepting the bond, and the evidence is in the books. The fact that Lucien actively chooses to live together with Jurian and Vassa, and that Elain has constantly chosen to be around Az while showing no interest in Lucien is the reason while I will always stan Vucien and Elriel over Elucien. It's all about choice for me, which is something that's also emphasized in the books and seems to be important for both Elain's and Lucien's arcs.
And all Elriel shippers absolutely don't hate Lucien. If I'm being honest, I actually like Lucien as a character more than Azriel. While I am a diehard Elriel stan and I adore Az, Lucien is a more interesting character to me. He was raised in the Autumn Court, lived in the Spring Court, and ended up becoming part of the Night Court, as well. Then we find out he's the heir to the Day Court, and now he lives in the human lands with Jurian and Vassa. He has connections to so many places, and yet struggles to belong. He was lost, and found a home with two other lost people. The Lost Queen Vassa, and a human who was resurrected in a world that moved on without him.
This is also why, in my opinion, Vucien / The Band of Exiles has so much more potential than Elucien. I don't want another story about mates ending up with each other. Give me the found family trope that is the Band of Exiles.
If you've made it through this whole thing, thank you. As always, I'd love to hear your opinions!
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
You can find my 2020 cdrama post here: dangermousie.tumblr.com/post/638449659546845184/2020-end-of-year-post-cdrama-edition
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2020; if it originally aired another year, it’s not on this list.
It’s been a pretty lackluster kdrama year. There are probably only 5 kdramas I truly loved and only three of them I was really obsessed over. Better luck in 2021!
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
42 Born Again - so bad, so incoherent, so insane, I have no idea why the leads signed up for it (and unlike some of the other watchers, I think it was awful from the very start.) There is literally nothing about this drama that makes sense.
41 Love with Flaws - a bunch of people who should be tried under the Geneva Convention.
40 Sweet Munchies - Jung Il Woo proves his inability to pick a functional script.
39 Meow the Secret Boy - if you ever wanted to bang a cat, this drama is for you. Not being a furry, however...
38 Do Do Sol Sol La Sol - I lost braincells just typing out this title.
37 When I Was the Most Beautiful - the only way it’s not the dumbest, most pointless melo of 2020 is because Born Again considerately came out the same year.
36 Woman of 9.9 Billion - if you want to watch an artsy French movie about miserable people, but only badly made, boy do I have a drama for you.
35 Lies after Lies - screams after screams.
34 Backstreet Rookie - people were up in arms about various problematic plots. I am a survivor of many plots much more problematic but even I couldn’t survive how utterly boring and annoying this drama was and how utterly irritating the leads were. This has taken Ji Chang Wook off my top favorites into “should I even check his latest Lovestruck in the City? Probably not” territory almost single-handedly (Melt Me helped, to be fair.)
33 Men Are Men - boring is boring.
32 Dinner Mate - two beautiful boring people eat out a lot.
31 Was It Love - no it wasn’t.
30 Alice - Joo Won in the shower can make up for a multitude of sins but not plot nonsense of such magnitude. When you find yourself thinking it would be better if he hooked up with the alternate universe version of his mother because at least then something entertaining would happen, you know it’s bad.
29 More than Friends - started out OK, then made me hate basically everyone and kept going.
28 Start-Up - honestly, it’s probably more decent than its place here, but the toxic and batshit fandom for it (the worst this year) made me feel like breaking out in hives any time it’s even mentioned.
27 The Spies who Loved Me - how to take a good cast and waste it.
26 Private Lives - it was good but it never took off with its concept and spent more time on the incoherent plot than the OTP which was its one strength. It’s a decent drama but coming after Heartless City and My Beautiful Bride from the same writer, it’s a disappointment.
25 Record of Youth - as high as it is due to Park Bo Gum hard carrying this entire awful drama on his shoulders and doing it so well I finished it. Alas, while he is in one drama (and that drama is great), the rest of the characters and the entirety of the script are a pointless useless mess.
24 Do You Like Brahms - excellent first third, mediocre middle, and terrible last third. I don’t know what musical term applies to this? Diminuendo, I think.
23 I’ll Go to You When the Weather is Nice - nice and mellow but nothing much happens.
22 Forest - mainly for Park Hae Jin’s excellent and frequently naked bod.
21 The Ballot - I didn’t love it as much as everyone did but it was well-made.
20 Hyena - more romance and less weird law stuff would make it better.
19 365 Repeat the Year - surprisingly solid.
18 The Game Towards Zero - see 365.
17 When My Love Blooms - very old fashioned, very lovely.
16 Chocolate - also very old fashioned and very lovely but also with Yoon Kye Sang performing medical procedures bleeding and shirtless. MMM.
15 (tie) Secret Royal Inspector - a fun if run of the mill sageuk.
15 Find Me In Your Memory - best melo this year.
14 Mystic Pop Up Bar - surprisingly good even though I wasn’t planning to check it out.
13 Where Your Eyes Linger - came out of nowhere but was tender and hopeful and lovely.
12 Itaewon Class - Park Seo Joon hard carries a drama that is already excellent. Love it.
11 Psychopath Diary - Yoon Shi Yoon is such a treat in a hilarious, cynical, dark comedy.
10 Kairos - more like ouroboros.
9 Queen Love and War - in a year where sageuks are very rare, this was solid and surprisingly moving and shippy.
8 The King Eternal Monarch - people didn’t like it but I did. It’s no masterpiece and both the leads and the writers have better dramas, but it was a lovely romantic fairy tale for me.
7 Mr. Queen - sharp, hilarious, and some of my favorite actors.
6 Psycho But It’s OK - healing, sharp cinematography and even sharper chemistry.
5 Crash Landing on You - the last ep pissed me off so much this drama is dead to me but I loved it so much until then I can’t place it lower in good conscience.
4 Train - who knew I would go this hard for an OCN drama or that OCN would do romance so well? But this time-travel mystery romance is just incredible and I shipped the OTP and rooted for the characters and loved every last bit of it.
3 Run On - this is the drama Record of Youth wanted to be but failed. Smart and lived in, you feel like you are peeking at real people, but also even four episodes in, I am so invested in the main characters separately and together, and care for them so much, it’s a little frightening.
1 (tie) Tale of the Nine Tailed - my perfect fantasy romance. I liked it better than Goblin, yeah I said it.
1 Flower of Evil - all the tropes I love in one incredible package. I would rewatch episodes waiting for new ones trying to puzzle the story and to stay withdrawal but it works just as well on rewatch. Lee Jun Ki brings his trademark tortured intensity and for once, both his leading lady and his script back him up and are worthy of that. It’s perfect.
It’s a tie between Tale of the Nine Tailed and Flower of Evil but if I had to pick just one, FoE, because it had me seriously obsessed and guessing about the protagonist and gave me the narrative tropes I love so much and an OTP that statisfied all my hurt/comfort kinks and then some.
Born Again - honestly, this is so bonkers it almost becomes good but alas...
Do Hyun Soo/Baek Hee Sung, Flower of Evil - he is so messed up, so on edge, so traumatized. Yet capable of so much warmth and caring even as he himself doesn’t realize his humanity. FoE is basically a story of a man pushed and punished by the world for his entire life who, because of one woman, finds a safe place and peace and slowly comes to life without realizing it, and watching his desperation to keep this small bit of normalcy is so heartbreaking and exciting all at once. Plus, you start the drama thinking he’s a psychopathic serial killer and end it (if you are me) thinking he must be protected at all costs and if anyone even looks at him wrong they must suffer, and that’s quite a change!
Nam Ji Ah, Tale of the Nine Tailed - she is so funny and tough and smart and loving and amazing that I will totally buy that a literal demi-god will do anything and everything for her and love her for literal eternity.
Dad in Record of Youth - yes in a year with serial killers and supernatural demons, I picked a normal character from a mediocre drama. It’s his everyday awfulness to his family that hits so hard and I am sad he never got his comeuppance.
Ji Ah x Yeon - a fearless reporter and an immortal demi-god who’s been hoping for his human beloved to reincarnate. A really rare set-up where the OTP is equally ride or die, so compatible and completely BAMF. I got why he waited for her for that long and then fell in love with her all over again. Perfection.
Runner up: Flower of Evil - he is so messed up he literally does not believe he is capable of love or empathy, but he falls in love with her anyway and so utterly she permeates his entire life. She is tough as nails and only believes what she sees and is the sole person who believes in him against the world. She loves him but he needs her. She needs him but he loves her. They are amazing.
Seo Dan x Gu Seung Jun, Crash Landing on You, North Korean x Conman were so good I shipped them harder than the main OTP and the end of that storyline pissed me off so much I dumped the drama and didn’t finish it for months (and it’s still dead to me.)
Record of Youth - it started out and they didn’t have much chemistry but the dialogues were interesting and I thought the chemistry would grow. It didn’t and deteriorated, their dialogues became boring and relationship had zero development (about as much as the supposed female lead.) I think we were supposed to feel bad they broke up and they were going for a bittersweet open ending, instead I found myself happy about the break up of two incompatible, chemistry-less people and hoping for the love of God they never get back together.
Yeon and the bridge of knives, Tale of the Nine Tailed - Yeon choosing to undergo the creeptastic bridge of knives for a chance to save Ji Ah, who at that point he is not aware is the reincarnation of his Joseon love because, as he says, he doesn’t care if she is or isn’t, it just would be more horrible to have her die than to undergo the horrific torture he is undergoing, and then the sequence with his catching her, her weeping over him and the fact that she is the original Joseon girl revealed and all the bandaging and his watching her sleep and all that loveliness, is everything for yours truly.
Runner up: Hyun Soo having that break-down at the cliff at the end of ep 15 of Flower of Evil as Ji Won desperately tries to convince him she is alive and he finally stumbles to her.
Runner runner up (it’s my list, I will do what I want): Do Won preparing to blow his brains out to give a chance to Seo Kyung to live in Train.
Seon-Gyeom, Run On. Yeah, I know. Im Siwan is tiny, delicate featured and has a runner’s build, none of which are things that normally appeal to me. But his character is so odd, so honest, so unflinching in pursuing what he thinks is right, so incapable of self-pity despite plenty of reasons for it, and so ridiculously attractive when he smiles, I don’t even care.
Kim Bum, TotNT - I started out being annoyed by him and ended up looking forward to his scenes and being distraught by his ending.
Honestly, none. I was fine with all the endings. I wouldn’t mind seeing post-end life of Tale of the Nine Tailed characters or the OTP settling into their literal new world in Train, but I am good.
Time jump that solves all the problems off screen or alternatively years pass and everyone is frozen - something that kdramas need to learn and need to learn badly. See Record of Youth, Brahms and Start Up.
Men who are ride or die for their OTP - this was a great year for this - the male leads of four of my five dramas were beyond anything on that scale (only exception is Run On because it’s still too early to tell there.) Yes PLEASE.
This was a banner year for that what with Start Up, Do You Like Brahms, Record of Youth, and Private Lives all starting out well and nosediving off the cliff but winner is Crash Landing on You. I loved it so much for bulk of its run but the last episode pissed me off so much I deleted all my files and called it a day.
Flower of Evil - I had no expectations of this drama and wasn’t even planning on watching it despite liking both the lead actors because yet another “look at evil serial killer be evil” drama with no romance was not my thing. Luckily someone convinced me there might be some romance and I peeked curiously. Honestly, their promo campaign was the most misleading and dumbest thing ever.
Runner up Psycho but it’s OK - I have never liked Kim Soo Hyun in anything before and the drama premise seemed WTF but it was shockingly good and KSH totally blew me away.
Hardest Working Lead
Yoon Shi Yoon - he starred in two (!!!) dramas in 2020 playing three characters and not only were both these dramas awesome in a lackluster year, but if it wasn’t for the fact that I knew it was the same actor and the fact that the characters shared a face, I would have never believed that they were played by the same actor. So good!
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
My Beautiful Bride and Deserving of the Name - I was obsessed with both of them and honestly, they were much better than the bulk of 2020 kdramas I watched.
The Moon That Rises in the Day, Hong Chun Gi, Joseon Exorcist, Island,  Frightening Cohabitation, Snowdrop.
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to Caitlyn 101 (Mirror’s Edge)
Summary:  Caitlyn is a thief looking for the next big score. Used to taking wristwatches and wallets from rich folk, she's aiming to take down bigger game as she discovers the hidden magical world within her hometown. Her first mark is an unassuming shopkeeper and his collect of ancient relics. All set with a plan, Caitlyn makes her move. Though plans rarely go off without a hitch.
Hello everyone! E here, hoping you are all well and staying safe. So the next chapter of my little side project is here! Honestly wasn't planning on getting back to this so soon but I was having fun worldbuilding and character creating and here we are. You can blame my friend @hains-mae for enabling me.
Right so the next thing I write will probably be the part two to this then the next chapter of the Underground. Umm that's really it for me so have a great week, be safe, wear your mask, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Please feel free to reblog, share, leave kudos or leave comments with things you liked or feedback if you read it on a03. I promised I'd try to promote myself more and it feels weird haha.
E is out, have a great one everyone! and here’s the link to the doobly do 
---> https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/76014323
There was an arrogance that seemed deeply etched into every aspect of the magical world. She stood among valuable, ancient relics from throughout human history: Vases from Greece lined the shelf above her. A row of Roman gladius blades in various states of decay with only a flimsy glass case between them and Caitlyn’s pocket. Tarnished Victorian era slivered lockets left about like loose change.
Millions dollars worth of the past and she, a stranger, was left unattended with it all.
Technically she wasn’t supposed to be in here with the locked door and close sign but the fact in the 5 minutes it took her to pick the lock and scout the first floor without a single soul attempting to stop her really was a testimony to the haughtiness of the ‘shopkeeper’.
It had been only few months since she saw past the false reality that was superimposed onto hers and she was still readjusting: Magic was real. Elves, dwarves, little halfing folk? Real. People shooting bolts of lightning and flames while riding storm clouds? Real. The guy who kept awkwardly hitting on her every time she tried to get a hotdog from the cart at the corner? Just a regular creep BUT could’ve been magical.
Even their currency was a show of their excessive wealth: Sliver, gold, platinum coins Actual platinum traded away like it was nothing! People starving and helpless on the streets and these bastards just walked with some of the rarest metal on the planet in their pockets like chump change.
Anger bubbled within her stomach along with self righteousness and a bit of her breakfast but she took a deep calming breath, closing her bluish gray eyes. ‘Calm down Cait’ she scolded herself ‘This isn’t the first time you’ve seen excessive wealth squandered and wasted. You’re here for a job so do it and never come back.’
She glanced around the waiting room she found herself in. It was off to the side of the shopping front andthere were very few things of interest in the tiny room: Some old, tattered chairs that had seen better days. A very, very tacky abstract painting hung over a bricked up fireplace. There was a scattering of magazines older than her with loose stables and free roaming pages everywhere.
A place of show and very little use.
“Hello my angel.”
Caitlyn seized up. She had been so caught up in her rage she hadn’t been paying attention to anyone coming down the stairs. Three stories with a handful of people about and nary a sound could heard. Must be some sort of magic.
She shook herself out of her stupor, slowly exhaling to calm her nerves. She forced her lips to curve into the cutest, lost smile she could muster. She opened her purple jacket a bit further so the guy could get a clearer view of her tight white tank top and running shorts.
“Helpless. Remember you’re helpless.” She whispered to herself before whirling about, her long black hair with dyed purple coloring flowed behind her gracefully as if she was an actress in those stupid hair product commercials.
“Oh!” she spoke with mock surprise, scrunching her face cutely as possible “I’m so, so, so sorry! I’m lost and the door was open and sorry!”
She leaned forward, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck as she gave whoever it was a better view of her outfit.
Hook, line and sinker.
“No problem sweetie. No need to lie to me.”
Hook, line and sunk apparently.
She blinked, unsure if she heard what she thought she heard. She glanced up to find a strangely dressed man with the goofiest grin.
He was cute in a ‘I dress as an obscure, indie character for cosplay’kind of way: His messy, unkempt black hair sat under a black fedora. He wore a long black trench coat that had seen better days. At least he preferred more colors than black on black. His collared shirt was a nice baby blue with an equally nice light brown vest. Black dress pants because men’s fashion is incredibly boring and shiny loafers to completed the look. Whatever the look was.
She expected him to be taking a good look at her attire.
What she found was him staring at her.
His warm dark brown eyes were soft, gentle and he refused to break his gaze from her bluish grays even though there were more tempting sights on offer.
She was on the back foot. No wandering glances, no self pleasured smiles. Not even a creepy chuckle. Just a strangely dressed, inch shorter guy looking like he just found the love of his life in this moment.
“I…” she cleared her throat “Umm….did you hear me?”
He gave a quick nod “Yeah. You broke in and you were trying to cover your tracks.”
It wasn’t that he guessed correctly what was she up to that threw her off. It was how casually he said it. More discussing the weather than committing a felony.
She raised an eyebrow, not sure how to proceed from whatever this was. There were always some people who caught on about her intentions fairly quickly but no one had ever been so….indifferent about it.
“I don’t work here.” the man offered, slowly closing the distance between them but leaving the doorframe wide open “I really don’t care that you’re here to rob the place.”
This has to be a trap. This had to be. No one was ever this….laidback. Were the other goons on the side waiting to jump her when she bolted? Was she on camera and he was letting her go knowing full well he had all the evidence he needed to track her down?
Or maybe he really didn’t care. He seemed more interested in talking than stopping her and there was this strange presence about him. A calm she’d never felt before even when her parents were alive. It was odd and foreign to her but she felt safe. Protected.
She shook her head, slowly inching closer to the doorway. The man made no attempt stop her. He just stood there, smiling, hands in his pocket.
The rational part of her brain said to run. This whole thing was botched and it was better to cut her losses than find out first hand what magical creatures could do to her. The less rational side of her head told her to wait, to talk this guy. Lying was obviously pointless but she had a feeling he would answer any questions she’d had and she had plenty.
“So…” she rose a suspicious eyebrow “Not gonna stop me?”
He shook his head “I wish you’d stay but I understand if you don’t want to be found in Andor’s shop. He’s one of those new elves. Less honor more power.”
She blinked. He said elves right? Just threw it out there like it was an everyday matter of fact and not a deeply held secret of her hometown.
“Elves aren’t real.’ Caitlyn said matter of fact.
“We both know better than that.” The man gave a bright smile.
“What do you want?”
The words spilled out of her mouth despite her best attempts but this guy was throwing her off so badly she forgot how to function.
“Talk to you of course.”
The worst kind of people were the sincere ones. They were sappy and gooey. They just so happy it was sickening. They had to be up to something. They had to some scheme or scam or something they were waiting to drop on you. No one was that happy, that purely honest. They were the liars who were so good they convinced themselves they were good people. No one was good and everyone had a dark corner in their soul they hid from the world.
Caitlyn knew she had plenty in whatever was left of her ratty soul.
“And if we talk? Will you let me go?”
The man nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Caitlyn licked her lips anxiously “Promise?”
Promise? What was she 12? No one kept their promises. Not even her.
He placed his hand over his heart “Cross my heart.”
“Let’s talk,”
He jerked his head towards the door “Outside. Don’t want you to ruin your heist.”
Today was not going how she was expecting. She was thought she was going to break into an elf ran front, scout the area and come back in the middle of the night. She hadn’t been expecting to have coffee and bread with a random stranger on the street.
Well she had coffee, mystery man opted for hot chocolate.
They stood in a strangely comfortable silence a block from Andor’s. The man offered to pay for whatever she wanted and she took him up on it. Couple of baked goods, a sandwich for lunch, some water and of course her cup of wake up juice. If he was mad at her for her splurging at his expense, he hid it well. He just took his coco and some fancy elvish bread. Looked good but Caitlyn wasn’t up for trying other beings food. She didn’t know how it would sit with her stomach.
The elf who ran the cart, a few months ago human to her, waved goodbye to the pair as he counted the human cash the man gave him.
The trench coat cosplay stood patiently, sipping his drink and waited for her to break the silence.
She refused to break the silence first. Not wanting to sound too eager. Eagerness was a weakness and this guy was already throwing her off her rhythm.
“I’m Finnrick by the way.”
She turned to him, unsure if he was messing with her or not.
He gave her the same goofy smile “Finnrick Drift, private investigator.”
“Ah huh.” She nodded slowly “So you’re a magical P.I.? Like elves cheating on their wives, dwarves dodging their taxes P.I.?”
“Sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders “Ironically elves like dodging on their taxes more than dwarves.”
“You’re new to the whole other side of Newton Haven huh?”
She glanced at her coffee “Lived here my whole life. Really makes me wonder if I lost my mind.”
“Don’t worry, we’re all mad here Alice.”
Why was she talking to him? Why was she being honest? This was weirder and getting weirder every passing second.
Finnrick changed subject “So, robbing Andor? Any particular loot you are after?”
Caitlyn narrowed her eyes “Trying to fish something out of me Finny?”
“Guilty as charged” He beamed with pure happiness “Don’t want you wasting your time on shiny trinkets he cares nothing about.”
Caitlyn remained silent. She wasn’t used to such transparency. Normally this would be the point where the guy would lie or pretend to not have heard or awkwardly switch the subject but Finnrick answered openly and honestly. So far.
“So” Caitlyn straightened up, pulling her jacket wide open “What do you think? Great outfit right?”
Finnrick turned to her with a grin, his cheeks turning a pinkish hue as his eyes locked onto hers “Your body is absolutely lovely but your eyes even more so.”
Caitlyn could feel the flush coming. She coughed loudly, focusing on her drink as she willed the embarrassment away.
Finnrick chuckled lightly but returned to his drink. The silence returned, still comfortable as before.
This is was bad whatever this was. She needed to regain some level of control and stop acting like a teenage girl on her first garbage fire of a date.
“So” she cleared her throat “Mister P.I. what would you recommend taking if not all those millions of dollars of historical items he leaves about?”
Finnrick crushed the foam cup effortlessly as he gestured to the third floor of the shop “His office has a pretty simple safe. He keeps loads of paperwork. His various contracts, accounts, treasure hoards”
Caitlyn scoffed in disbelief even though her eyes shone with excitement “Treasure hoards? Elves? I thought dragons were the hoarders. Weren’t elves supposed to be above all that lovely corruption?”
“No one is above corruption.’ Finnrick answered “Elves are just like everyone else.”
Caitlyn crossed her arms and leaned back with a cocky swagger “And why, pray tell, would I care about boring paperwork?”
“Because it really hurt him in the pride.”
Damn Finnrick was good. Not only she was eager to learn more, she could already feel the smug satisfaction of bringing a powerful prick down a peg fill her cause.
Finnrick seemed to notice this because he went on “Andor is a young elf. 100 years give or take.”
“A hundred years is young?”
“When you live a thousand years every other race is a child to you. Andor’s old man is a swell guy. He’s one of those good elves you see in Tolkien.”
“Tolkien?” Caitlyn furrowed her brow “He wrote the books that those Lord of the Rings films are based on right?”
“Yeah actually.”
“Oh and the Hob…”
“We don’t talk about that.” Finnrick quickly added “But see the problem is Andor’s old man doesn’t know his son has become the small time crime lord. Thinks he’s running an antique business selling off old junk that was gathering dust in the family’s attic.”
Something clicked into place for Caitlyn “Wait. Junk from the attic? You mean all those relics on the shop floor?! THAT’S OLD JUNK!?”
Finnrick gave a casual shrug “Elves are weird. Andor don’t know shit about selling, all his money comes from his illegal business practices. That’s how he keeps the shop afloat.”
“I see” Caitlyn spoke, her bluish grays sparkling with mischievous intent “If those records disappeared, his shop sinks and he has to run back home to daddy.”
“And out of the city” Finnrick finished with a smile “And those records are pretty valuable to loads of people. Easier to fence and less messy to explain than a long lost Greek vase showing up in someone’s private collection. You’d get good prices for those hoard locations alone. Better than trying to carry tons of stolen and lost treasure back to your house.”
Caitlyn eyed Finnrick carefully “And you’re doing this out of the kindness of your heart? Trying to do your ‘civic’ duty to our fair city?”
“Among other things” Finnrick admitted “But mostly for the greater good.”
“Pfft, greater good? Yeah sure buddy. Like you know what’s the greater good.”
“Will you do it?”
Caitlyn paused, allowing all this information sink in. It was much better than she had planned and while she wasn’t sure of Finnrick’s angle, he seemed honest enough. Of course everyone seems honest enough the first time you meet them.
“Let’s say I do” she spoke, placing her hands on her hips to play the part “What’s in it for you?”
“A favor” He replied simply.
She rose a curious eyebrow “A favor? It’s not date with me, is it?”
“No, I plan to earn that one myself.” Finnrick answered cheerfully.
Caitlyn coughed “Fine, good. Not a date. Least you’re not a creep. But a favor is pretty vague.”
“It’ll be simple I promise.”
Caitlyn narrowed her gaze suspiciously “You promise?”
Finnrick put his hand over his heart again “Cross my heart.”
Caitlyn took a moment, weighing the pros and cons of the situation.
Caitlyn offered her hand towards the trench coat cosplayer “You got yourself a deal.”
He gently took her hand in his own and gave it a firm shake. She was surprised when, as he pulled back, she felt a strange metallic item left behind.
She looked at the crystal butterfly hair clip he placed in her hand: It was a beautiful with sliver hues and multi-colored shards of glass across its wings.
“What’s this?”
“A gift.”
Caitlyn felt uneasy with the ornament in her palm: It felt cold and distant like it was feeling her out and wasn’t liking what it found.
“It’s attuning to you.” Finnrick explained “It’s syncing up to your whole aura.”
“Aura?” Caitlyn shot him a glare of disbelief “This isn’t one of those new age hippie things is it?”
Finnrick shook his head “It’s a magical item. Yours specifically. Everything alive has a deep and very convoluted to explain connection to this plane. The hairclip is trying to match yours so you and only you can use it.”
“It feels wrong.”
“Because it doesn’t know you yet. It will.”
Caitlyn felt unease about whatever this was. Part of her wanted to toss it as far as she could. The worst part was she felt the item probing at her, changing temperatures as if trying find a comfortable setting for both of them. Burning one moment and too cold the next. This was magic and it made her felt like she knew nothing.
But part of her felt it slowly and subtly trying to match her, focusing on her and on her place in the universe. It felt more natural each passing moment and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t curious what mister detective over here was letting her borrow.
Caitlyn blew a strand of hair out of her face “How long does this usually take?”
“An hour.” Finnrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone “Oh shoot I have a meeting to get to.”
He turned to leave and suddenly Caitlyn felt alone. Awkward just standing in the street without someone to talk to.
“Wait!” She reached for him but quickly pulled back when he faced her “….any advice?”
Finnrick scratched his chin for a moment “Red tiles. Avoid them or they’ll blast you off the roof.”
“G-gotcha.” Caitlyn didn’t want to know what blast off the roof was code for “A-and the hairclip? What’s it do?”
Finnrick gave a cheeky grin and Caitlyn could feel her face flush “I guess you’ll have to find out angel. Bye for now. May we meet again soon.”
And like that, he was off. Strolling down the straight with a bounce in his step and humming a tune.
Caitlyn glanced at the ornate hairclip in her hand.
Turns out there was a lot more to this magical world than she thought.
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
Chaos Horizon
Part 6 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is out! Man, next week is already the new year... what a year this has been! Anyway, I don’t have a lot of things to say today so let’s get right to it! Oh, and have a happy holiday everyone!! 
Let us never forget that this whole series begin because of the amazing @tri3tri and her equally amazing fics and galaxy brain. If you haven’t check out her blog yet, then please do! I’m such a sucker for family drama and yandere characters and her blog continues to feed me whenever work stresses me out. 
A year has passed in Twisted Wonderland. More importantly, for the students in Night Raven College. 
Renata has learned quite a few important things just this one, short year. Yes, she needed allies for the time when her father finally discover her presence here in Night Raven College, but she never expected to honestly care and dare she admits it, love Hoyle and Rex. 
They were nothing like the friends she made in her old school back at the other world. She noticed their true personalities underneath the surface with each passing days. Underneath his sarcasm, gung-ho attitude and sly tongue, Hoyle Trappola is someone who cares deeply for those who managed to see through him; see past his defences. Renata felt blessed to be his close friend after a night the three of them shared in her bedroom, just playing games and watching movies on his laptop. In a rare window of honestly after Renata explains about her family life and circumstances, Hoyle repaid her honesty by admitting that he wish that he could be a better son to his Dad. Being a single father is tough and despite doing his best to shield him from the hardships and struggles, Hoyle overheard one night when his Dad is talking to his grandparents on the phone. How they urged him to consider marrying a woman so he could have someone to support him and Hoyle in the house. 
This was when he was still a child.
Renata didn’t offer sweet, comforting words. She knows that all Hoyle wanted was to vent, so he let him talk while tucking her head on his shoulder and pressed close to his side. She listens because that was Hoyle needed. 
Rex is the total opposite of Hoyle, yet just as bright and amazing in his own way. Underneath his serious demeanours, resting bitch face and volatile impulses, Rex Spade is actually an insightful and gentle-hearted boy who looks out for Renata and Hoyle even when it’s unwarranted. Though it’s quite easy for them to persuade him to join in their shenanigans with a few teasing words and in Hoyle’s case, a challenge. 
Never had Renata enjoyed her school life with friends like these! 
The other important thing - or realisation - that Renata discovered is that her Mama’s friends always kept her in their thoughts. 
Though Hoyle’s Dad gobsmacked expression when he brought her to his home for Winter’s Break was, uh, an experience. To put it very mildly. 
Renata originally planned to return home via the same spell that Headmaster Crowley used all those years ago to send Mama and her siblings back to her world during Winter’s Break. But while Hoyle, Rex and her were hanging out and playing cards in Heartslabyul’s main lounge, Hoyle brought up in mid conversation that his Dad offered their home to stay if she had no way to go during the holiday. 
“You’ve been talking about me to your Dad?” Renata had asked, folding her cards on the table. It sucks to learned that she’s terrible at poker and she pouts whenever Hoyle snickered at another bad hand on her. “Or have you been complaining about me?” 
Beside him, Rex stares down at the cards in his hands, hard. As if they hold the answers to the universe. Around them, the other Heartslabyul students gave their table a wide berth, though there were a few brave souls that greeted Renata when they came over to tease Hoyle. 
Renata happily introduces herself to them as a show of appreciation. 
“A bit of both. Mostly complaining when we had to clean the Hall of Mirrors.” Hoyle easily admits without a shame. He gathered all their cards into a deck and shuffled them. “Anyway, you down? My Dad seems to know your Mum so he offered our place to stay if you don’t have any plans.” 
Ace trappola, one of Mama’s best friend that she mentioned before. Renata would like to see just what kind of man he is. 
With a nod, Renata reply, “If it’s no trouble then, yeah. I’d like to hang out at your place for Winter’s Break. I’ve never been to the Rose Kingdom before.” 
And we’re now back to the present - where Renata and Ace are hanging out at his home; both waiting for Rex to show up with his Dad. 
It’s the last day before they had to returned to Night Raven College. 
“Have you met Rex’s Dad before, Hoyle?.” Renata asked, her eyes glued to the TV as she munches her bowl of cereals. They could hear his Dad walking about upstairs. 
“Have I met him before? Dude, he’s my godfather.” Hoyle scoffed, scarfing down the last bits of his own cereal before placing the empty bowl on the coffee table in front of them. A simple breakfast while watching the morning cartoons are the best. “Rex got his stick-up-the-ass attitude from his Dad.” 
“Ah. So he’s super strict?” Renata guessed. 
“More like serious, but he’s actually silly.” Hoyle amended. “He and my old man love to argue literally about anything and everything. They’re weird like that.” 
Renata just hums. She’ll get to meet him soon enough. Upstairs, his dad hollered at him to clean up so they could go out as soon as the Spade arrives. While the Trappola are getting ready, Renata gathered the dirty dishes from their breakfast and went to the kitchen to wash them. 
Mama always told her to be on her best behaviour if she’s under someone else’s house. 
Just as she puts the last bowl away, she heard heavy footsteps - heavier than Hoyle’s - coming from behind. 
“You really didn’t have to clean the dishes, you know. Usually Hoyle does it before we go out every Sunday.” Said Ace, leaning against the wall. 
“It’s not trouble at all, Mr. Trappola.” Renata assured him. She dry her arms by blowing hot air onto them before turning around to face her Mama’s best friend. “It’s nice that you finally look at me, instead of my horns.” 
“A-Ah, you noticed that?” Ace stammers, abashed that he wasn’t as subtle as he thought. 
“It’s cool, Mr. Trappola. I get that a lot at school too.” Renata admits easily. She’s gotten annoyed at him tip-toeing around ever since Hoyle introduces her. It was obvious that he has questions; it just that he doesn’t know how to ask them. 
Scrambling to salvage the situations, Ace took a moment to exhale harshly before he decides to be his honest self. “It was rude of me, yeah? We all didn’t know what to think when your mother just... disappeared one day and then suddenly, my kid brought back her own kid who just so happen to look like the King of the Valley of Thorns...” He trailed off and then he regards Renata with a severe expression. “What happened your mother, Renata-chan?” 
“It’s a long story, Mr. Trappola.” Renata said instead, smiling ruefully. “And I don’t want to ruin our day. Can I tell you and everyone what happened to Mama and us later tonight?” 
“Sure, kiddo... Is it alright for me to called you that?” 
“Mm-hmm! So what are we doing today, Me. Trappola?” 
It was nice to see the ice chip away from Ace little by little, now that the man sees past her appearance. While waiting for the Spade to arrive, Renata had a lot of fun chatting and laughing with Hoyle and his Dad, now that there’s no awkwardness lingering between them. Ace didn’t waste any time telling the teenagers all the trouble her Mama and him got into at Night Raven College and hearing the life that Mama had before Father kidnapped her was a blessing to hear. 
Judging from Ace’s story, it sounded like her Mama had a lot of people who truly loves her. It’s good to hear it. 
The buzzing of the doorbell interrupted Ace mid ranting how it was Deuce who often got them all in trouble - not him! - and MC never seem to realised that and no one back him up. His reminiscent were put on hold when Hoyle went up to usher the Spades in. 
Deuce Spade immediately blanked out, mouth slack-jawed the moment Renata waves hello to him. He looks as if he just saw a ghost. 
“Yeah, I know how it looks like.” Ace interjects when Deuce couldn’t stop spluttering and stammering, his eyes kept switching to Ace and then at Renata...and then back to his best friend. Ace just clap his shoulders in a comforting manner. Meanwhile, Rex ducked underneath the two men to scurried over where Hoyle and Ace are seated. He squeezes himself in between them to show them the new café that just open up in the Rose Kingdom through his phone. 
Once Ace managed to stressed out to Deuce that Renata will explain hers and MC’s story later in the evening, they all head out to town. 
“You said that you’ve never been to the Rose Kingdom before, Renata?” Rex asked out loud for the others’ benefit. The town nearby to the Trappola house is bustling with life today. “Then there’s so many things you gotta check out! Do you like desserts? What kind of desserts do you like? Have you ever tried ice-cream cake before?” 
“Easy there, Rex. You’re going to overwhelm the poor girl.” Deuce lightly scolded his son. His eyes linger a little too long at Renata before he caught himself and jerk away. “A-Anyway, how about we all walk around first and see what catches Renata-chan’s attention.” 
“Sounds like a plan, Mr. Spade!” Renata internally wondered if all of Mama’s friends would react this way when she introduces herself to them. 
That entire day, the Spade and Trappola played the perfect hosts to her. As they brought her to one shops after the other, chill out at the park after lunch and regale how the Queen of Hearts used to govern her kingdom, Renata found herself comparing the Country of Thorns to the Rose Kingdoms with every little things that she saw. Everything is so bright and... open here. The sun is shining down on them and everywhere they go, humans occupied the land but Renata did notice a few beastmen going about with their lives. It was nice to truly witness the world outside of Night Raven College and the Valley of Thorns. 
Hoyle and Rex made sure they kept close to Renata, shielding her with their bodies when strangers stare at her a little too long for their liking and would usher her into a shop or café to distract her from their curious stares. They weren’t subtle about it, but she is touched that they care about her that much. 
Renata is beginning to understand why Mama always talk so fondly about their Dads. 
After dinner, everyone returned to the Trappola’s house so Renata could finally explain herself. The living room is packed full and it reminded Renata of her siblings and Mama crowding in front of the TV to watch a movie. 
“Did Mama ever told you guys that while she was at Night Raven College, she met Father at night?” 
“Father... so your... Dad... really is...” Ace began, but unsure how to even continue but Renata save him the trouble with a nod. 
“Malleus Draconia. Mama said he’s a pretty big deal during his time at the school, being one of the top 5 strongest Magician in this world and all...” 
Hoyle scoffed. “Understatement, Renata. He’s the strongest Magician in all of Twisted Wonderland now. The number 1.” He explains. 
Well. Renata wonders how her little sister would react to this when she tells her later. 
Renata then continue on with the story. “Mama explained that they were friends and that in the beginning, everything was fine. But in the end, their story completely went off the train tracks.” 
And so, for the rest of the evening, Renata did her best to explain what had happened to Mama as honest as possible. They love Mama and so they deserve the truth. 
She told them everything that Mama had told her and her siblings. Of Mama’s friendship with Malleus Draconia and how what looked like a happy ending turned horribly wrong when her Father was consumed with the horror that one day he would outlive his wife and one and only dear friend. His intense love, possessiveness and obsession with her and their children blinded him to everything else - to the point that he kept their Mama and them in a gilded cage. 
Renata kept her dislike over Bellatrix to herself when she explains how they managed to escape from the castle on the eve of her Father’s second wedding. In the end, it was thanks to Headmaster Crowley that they could live freely in the other world. 
Until the Ebony Carriage came to pick her up and now, here they are.
Renata watches her audience did their best absorb the information overload.
“I never thought...” Ace muttered, distressed. His bit his lower lip, thinking hard. “I never thought that Malleus Draconia had MC all along... what a fucked up situation!” 
Deuce is troubled as well. “Poor Prefect... to think the Malleus Draconia fell in love with her... No wonder we couldn’t find her!” 
Beside him, Rex nods furiously while Hoyle is already growing bored of this conversation. “It sucks, but it sounds like your Mum is pretty badass for a magicless human. I mean, being able to escape from the most powerful Magician ever in Twisted Wonderland? The King of all dark Fae? Kudos to her.” Hoyle interjects. “So, what’s gonna happen now? You said that your Dad is crazy possessive over you guys, so I very much doubt it if he’s not looking for you guys. Even until now.” 
Finally! They’re getting to the good parts. 
And so with a curious smile, Renata asks, “Funny that you mentioned that. Do you guy know what Sebek Zigvolt is up to these days?” 
Night Raven College’s Entrance Ceremony is always a big event on this island every year. 
He was one of the main characters last year - of the many that was addressed by the Mirror of Darkness - but as a Second Year student, he’s standing among the rest of the older Savanaclaw students now. Scenting the newly sorted First Year cubs and waiting for the whole thing to wrap up already. 
At the centre of the chamber, the headmaster continues to called out names to step forward and face the Mirror of Darkness. 
Amber Leech, Aeacus Shroud, Felix Felmier... the ceremony goes on. 
“Psst! Bakari!” A voice suddenly whisper. 
Bakari turn his head to the side and there’s Renata with her ceremony robes’ hood up, beaming at him. She’s standing away from her Diasomnia mates, a good space between her and the crowd at the back that no one seems to pay her any attention. 
Bakari slips away from the rest of the Savanaclaw students in favour of walking towards her. 
“How’s the fresh meats?” Was the first thing that Renata asked him.
“Some of them look promising.” Bakari admits. “More predators than preys so far.” 
“Oooh, Savanaclaw’s hierarchy is so harsh.” Renata reply a bit absentmindedly. Bakari notices that her green eyes are scanning the room and the crowds around them. Looking for someone. Something unpleasant churns in his stomach but he resolutely ignores it. “Are you gunning for the Dorm Leader’s position?” She wondered.  
Bakari scoffed, his tail flicking irritably just at the mere thought. Unlike his Dad, he has no lofty ambitions to secure a powerful position for himself. “Savanaclaw is governed by the laws of the strong eating the weak. You have to be the strongest in order to be the Dorm Leader and I have better things to do than watching over my dorm members.” 
Like figuring out how to appease his Dad after he told him to stay away from the lizard bastard’s whelp during Winter’s Break. Regardless of her surname. 
As if he’s going to do that though. He wants to fully unravel the mysteries of Renata MC/S. For the time being, she’s the most interesting creature in Night Raven College. 
“Sounds tough.” Renata murmurs. “Well, it’s a good thing that you don’t want to be a Dorm Leader! Otherwise your workload would take you away from me.” 
Bakari just hums. Already gotten used to her offhanded flirting. 
The two of them watch in the background as the group of First Year students gradually thinned out. The headmaster’s loud voice carried to the back of the chamber. 
“... Sherrie MC/S, please step forward!” 
Murmurs erupted when said student pulled down her hood, a pair of black horns is clear for all to see. 
Bakari glance to his side to see Renata beaming. “You were looking for your sister?” 
“Something like that! It’s so nice when everything is coming together, don’t you think?” Renata chuckles, pleased with herself for some odd reason. It just made Bakari more and more intrigue. 
And the uncomfortable feeling within him vanish just like that. 
The murmurs now turn into confused whispers and fingers are pointing as they all watch Renata’s little sister melded into the crowd of new Octavinelle students. Some of the students nearby even glance behind to stare at Renata and when she cocked an eyebrow at them, they quickly turn away. 
“Octavinelle? Did the Mirror made a mistake?”
“I thought only merfolks are sorted into Octavinelle.” 
“Those horns looks just like her’s. There’s no way she’s a merfolk!”
“Maybe her magic is not as strong to be sorted to Diasomnia?”
The students of Night Raven College sure love to gossip, Renata couldn’t help but internally mused. Even worse than those back in her old school. 
“Guess you’re planning to catch up with her after the ceremony?” Bakari assumed, casting a sideway glance to gauge her expressions. 
“I’ll meet up with her tomorrow, after she settles in for the night.” Renata answered. “There’s no need to rush. We have lots of time to prepare for the future.” 
Ok! I think I did ok with this oneshot. Editing, was as usual, a bit tedious but the power of Miku’s songs prevail and I manage to push this through! Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday. 
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greycappedjester · 3 years
HI IM OBSESSED WITH ALL YOUR HAIKYUU STORIES I LITERALLY LOVE THEM ALL YOUR CHARACTERIATION AND STORY WRITING AND STYLE IS SO AWESOME AND PLEASING TO READ I FEEL SO MANY EMOTIONS WHILE READING and because i am in love with him, i wanted ot ask if you have any random headcanons about hinata and his random friendships with people? it can be any characters or comething i just always love hinata content. i also especially liked him and hoshi friendship in hogwarts and how kagehnas understood ech oth
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Thank you so, so much :)
Sorry this one's taken a bit to answer; but, I am soooooo glad you like the series and the characterizations and just, ahhh, thank you so much!
So, random friendship headcanons we go....
Hinata and Aone:
-So, Aone is one of the current Prefects where he's amazing and everybody loves him. But, earlier than that and back in first year when Hinata was trying to figure him out a bit because "wow, he's huge and kind of scary but he plays Quidditch so he has to be cool and he's a Hufflepfuff so that's probably good but he also kinda looks like he wants to murder me but maybe he means that in a good way". Anyway, Hinata had a habit of getting lost on his way to Quidditch practice and weirdly almost always ending up next to bathrooms. Until one day, he came back to his room and found a carefully drawn little map with a lot of the major hallways detailed on it. It didn't have a name but, months later, he recognized it as Aone's handwriting and it was one of the kindest things that had ever happened to Hinata at that point. After that, they had an unspoken bond and Hinata only got lost 83% of the time.
Kageyama, Yachi, and Kenma:
-I don't know if I've ever mentioned; but, I need these three as my socially anxious "oh, fuck, someone's talking to me ABORT ABORT how tf do I make small talk" friends. Sure, they all have vastly different responses (Kageyama: Yell at it or glare until it goes away; Yachi: Hide or maybe mutter anxiously; Kenma: grab nearest book and hope they go away) but every now and then they'll have a moment when Lev and Hinata are being particularly Extroverted (TM) when those three just look at each other and go "right, they're the crazy ones here" (No shade to all my extrovert friends, ya'll got Hinata and Lev over there being like "I think our friends need more company!!!!! :D" while the social anxiety trio hiss like angry cats in the corner)
Iwaizumi and Bokuto:
-Voted (in their friend group) "Most Likely to Go the Longest Without Getting Into Any Kind of Mortal Peril" for four years running. I honestly think that except for having the friends they do that the worst trouble Iwaizumi and Bokuto would ever get into would be Quidditch related. That said, I also think both of them would be bored out of their minds since all of them are some kind of brand of danger prone. However, on the days that Bokuto and Iwaizumi are left to their own devices, two things happen: (1) absolutely nothing and it's a peaceful day; (2) everyone comes back to the two in some strange competition--including arm wrestling (Winner: Iwaizumi), orgami (Winner: Bokuto), card stacking (Tie as they decided to work together to combine card stacks into the ultimate card castle....everyone was as disturbed as they were impressed). Idk how to describe it but in terms of energy Iwaizumi and Bokuto have the low-fi version of bro energy where it's equally strange but somehow nothing's on fire...like it would be for any of the other pairings
Daichi and Noya (or also the beginning of the Crows)
The story of how Daichi looked at those crazy Gryffindor first years and went "well, someone's gotta make sure they don't die": Daichi's second year was a strange one. He'd finally made it to the reserve Keeper on the Quidditch team and there was talk that he could take over next year while at the same time that batshit wild first year with the crazy hair turned out to be some kind of flying prodigy and was immediately made Seeker.
Who's a good person to keep an eye on him? "DAICHI," cheers the rest of the Quidditch team. "Wait, what," says Daichi who was late to the meeting. And, thus, Daichi became the father of one (soon two as he learned Tanaka and Noya were a package deal). "Well, at least I'm not doing this alone," said Daichi. "W-what do you mean," said Victim #2-also-named-Asahi.
And, thus X2, Noya and Tanaka (plus Ennoshita who was dragged along with), got two live-in babysitters...one more effective than the other since Asahi got an immediate crush and was completely unhelpful in actually stopping anything since he just kind of blushed and stuttered whenever Noya smiled at him.
Chaos reigned.
Noya and Tanaka friends with the centaurs, made beginning plans to ride the Giant Squid (didn't actually make friends with it until second year), and gave Daichi a lifelong fear of acromantula.
You see, our poor hero Daichi was very fed up and more than a little exhausted. But, at least he had Asahi. "They're really not that bad," Asahi insisted. "I gave Noya a Butterbeer earlier and he said--" Nevermind, Daichi was completely alone.
However, while Daichi debated the pros and cons of child abandonment, he happened to come across an unusual sight.
The sight was Noya, dirty and slightly bruised like he always seemed to be, but holding a small little thing in his hand that took Daichi more than a few seconds to realize what it was.
"Is that a bowtruckle?"
Noya grinned. "Yeah. Little guy fell out of his nest." He nodded up at a tree. "Took me forever to get him to come over. Bowtruckle's are skittish and don't trust people much."
Daichi blinked. "Aren't those nearly extinct and used for lockpicking."
"Yeah, probably why they don't trust people much."
Theoretically, Daichi knew that bowtruckles were incredibly, incredibly rare and that there was more than one magical creatures student that would cry just seeing one, let alone knowing there was a whole nest on campus.
...But, that would also mean that everyone else would know about it, too, and somehow Daichi didn't think that everyone else would handle the little creatures with the same care and patience that Noya did. Actually, come to think of it, Daichi wasn't sure that even he could. Funny enough, Daichi had never seen Noya actually quiet before.
In the end, Daichi helped Noya out with a good Levitation Charm and decided that maybe it wasn't that bad being a single parent at the ripe old age of twelve years old. At least he had some pretty good kids.
.....he has since vocally regretted that roughly 2,012 times and actually regretted it 0.
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 3
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
Seeing Lan Zhan For The First Time
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Ever since I saw the fanmade romcom trailer of the show, I can’t get the image of bridegroom Lan Wangji out of my head. His entry is so elegant and his presence throughout the show truly ethereal. (Wei Ying, you’re not even trying to hide those heart eyes. We get it! You’re impressed.)
Lan Zhan’s Character Growth
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We only remember Lan Zhan as the guy who reserved all his emotions and smiles for Wei Ying, so rewatching the rigid, inflexible person he used to be kind of drives me crazy. Lan Zhan before he met Wei Ying started his journey as a lone, icy, untouchable snow-capped peak and by letting himself love and be loved by Wei Ying in return, the person he becomes in the end is like a warm, summery mountain shining with life and no trace of the glaciers that thawed over. His character evolution is no joke and it is only because Wei Ying’s companionship makes him more human and allows him to be the best version of himself. Lan Zhan’s arc is one of the best things in the show and the most rewarding reason to watch it.
Did I Just Meet The LOML
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Lan Zhan taking note of his future soulmate showing off his intelligence right from the start. But shhh, he’s too much of a tsundere to admit that right now.
But Lan Zhan, What About The 9pm Curfew? 
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Notice how Lan Zhan is up late at night waiting for Wei Ying, like a Good Obedient Boy from the Lan clan ready to catch a lawbreaker red-handed. Are we sure he has not simply mistaken his positive feelings for annoyance and found a way to spend more time with Wei Ying?
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Wei Ying, my bro, I think you might be the moon in this case.
Flirting With The Law Enforcer? That’s One More Violation! 
It’s cute to watch their dynamics in the beginning, Wei Ying is already so familiar with Lan Zhan, tries to share his drink with him, teases him for the first of many times. And Lan Zhan just looks like “?????? Are you flirting with the law enforcer?! That is yet another violation of the Lan clan rules!”
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Wei Ying coquettishly pushes Lan Zhan's sword into its sheath and the chase that comes next is the beginning of something monumental and exciting. 
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(I understand preserving the original meaning is difficult in English translation but they really had Wei Ying call Lan Zhan inflexible only to follow it up with a beautifully choreographed fight sequence? Really?)
Wangxian’s First Meeting Is Romantic Cinematography At Its Finest
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This scene right here is in my opinion, the most romantic scene to ever exist in all of fiction. If anyone tries to argue that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are best bros, show them this scene. There is no hetero explanation for why it is so romantically shot. We have seen it countless times in fairytales. This is unmistakably the meeting of two people destined to be in love forever. It stole my breath the first time I saw it, and has done every time since. Like legit, it needs to be on top of those lists that boast the most iconic meetings in romantic history and taught in academic institutions worldwide.
First of all, a moonlit first meeting is enough to immortalize a story in our memory as being inherently romantic. But Wangxian are so effortlessly and picturesquely sword fighting (or should I say dancing?) on the rooftops, hair and clothes gently swaying to the tune of WuJi and thanks to the slow-motion closeups that make them glow like a live painting under the moonlight. 
(And surely I was not the only one who heard this random bell ringing at night and got reminded of wedding bells or the film ‘Your Name’? Lol!)  
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We see that neither of them has the upper hand in the fight. This is important because it establishes they were born to be each other’s equals on the battlefield, something Zewu Jun points out later. (Just one of the many soulmate things Wangxian share.) I have no doubt Lan Zhan is freaking out wondering, who the fuck is this guy? How can he match my every strike and step without even uncapping his sword? 
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In these above shots, there is a beautiful, unmissable symmetry in the way they are framed that drives it home that they are two halves of the same whole; their paths will be bound together, their perspectives will come to reflect each other. They are one and the same. The way they fight is also kind of intimate and very poetic. The super romantic backdrop and their placement shows that they are in perfect tandem and their chemistry is loud and luminous from the first time they meet. 
There is nothing straight about this scene. Not even the shot angle. Look! 
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There is also something quite god-like and celestial about their meeting, like we are witnessing two prophesied immortal beings whose encounter is going to change the fate of the universe. And does it not, indeed?
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I think I heard the moon longingly sigh in this scene because she felt so single. Honestly, understandable. It’s so maddening how two soulmates meeting for the first time can turn out to be this iconic, beautiful, brilliant, breathtaking and every other word you can think of. (We’re lucky Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are used to dancing, the fight sequences are all so graceful. *chef’s kiss*)
I feel like this one scene reduced every straight romance I’ve ever seen to ashes. I’m honestly curious, can anyone outdo this in the future, gay or not? It has become The Standard for first meetings. I envy the talented, creative minds that envisioned and executed it.
TL;DR : The whole scene is drenched with a romantic field of vision meant specifically for the audience to swoon over.
“Lan Zhan!”
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Wei Ying drops one of his two precious pots of Emperor’s Smile because Lan Zhan attacked them. Most people would just be mad in this situation but it's the first time Wei Ying calls him "Lan Zhan”. I wonder what led Wei Ying to have such an informality with Lan Zhan, who didn't consider him his friend until much later. It could be that it’s just who they are, two people with opposite personalities. But we don't see Wei Ying exhibit this closeness with strangers and yet he's whining Lan Zhan's name in that classic style of his, right from the first night they meet. Adorable! (Lan Zhan who owes him two bottles of Emperor’s Smile for breaking them spends the rest of his life buying them for Wei Ying.. In case you needed a reason to cry.)
Breaking The Rules & Breaking The Barriers To Lan Zhan’s Heart
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Wei Ying actively criticizes the Lan clan’s rules and finds their teaching unreasonable. He thinks drinking Emperor’s Smile when he’s sitting on the roof technically doesn’t count as being “inside” the Cloud Recesses where alcohol is banned. A small detail but it shows Wei Ying’s gift of seeing through the grey areas in morality. It is a trait that ultimately influences Lan Zhan to shed the hard and fast ideas of orthodoxy he was raised on and share Wei Ying’s quest for justice. This makes both of them the only people inside the world of The Untamed who are able to see the deep-seated problems in the existing system and question them. Their love story is inextricably tied with rewriting the laws of their world and if that does not make The Untamed the most revolutionary romance to ever exist, I don’t know what does. 
Lan Zhan Really Just Cares A Lot
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Turns out Lan Zhan didn’t let the Yunmeng Jiang clan stay out in the dark after all. Love how he’s Gay Gripping his sword in panic and backing away from Wei Ying because he doesn't want him to know he's a good person whose heart is in the right place. You know, because that's a horrible reputation for his tsundere persona to have. Zewu Jun takes one for the team and blows his cover, which becomes a common occurrence in the show. Wei Ying is also quick to apologize to him like, “I had a good feeling about you!” when we’ve seen he rarely does that with disciples from other clans. 
President In Action
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The conversation between Lan Zhan and Zewu Jun needs no analysis and the latter’s triumphant smirk in the end when Lan Zhan walks off is all the evidence you need that He Knows What’s Up. I love how Zewu Jun probably sits around like, "I have to personally do something or my dumbass brother is going to spend his whole life alone, when he's clearly met his soulmate and is too blind to admit it." Thank you, President of the Wangxian club. We do not deserve you.
What Did Wei Ying Mean?
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Wei Ying says all the female suitors from all the clans admire Lan Zhan without knowing how cold and rigid he really is, and he doesn’t complete his sentence because Lan Zhan uses the silencing charm on him. What did he mean by this? What were you going to do, Wei Ying?! 
Episode 3 gives us insight into the inception of their romance and we see every moment since the beginning has been tailor-made to tell the audience this is going to be a love story set against fantasy-driven, action-packed odds in ancient China. 
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