#it's like dishonored 2.5 not 3
madegeeky · 2 years
Epic Free Games (til 2 Feb. 2023, 10am cst)
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Adios is a cinematic first-person game about sticking to a complicated decision.
You're a pig farmer in Kansas. It's October. Cold, crisp mornings are the norm, and you have decided that you're no longer okay with letting the mob use your pigs to dispose of bodies. When your old friend - a hitman - arrives with his assistant to deliver another body, you finally screw up the courage to tell them that you're done.
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Hell is Others is an extraction horror PVPVE top-down shooter. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape of Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt and loot in a place where blood is currency.
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ubormaci · 3 months
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So today I sat down to write a comprehensive list of the wizard-games I played and how well they fulfilled my wishes of wizardry, ending with this ranking you see.
As this lacks the precedings, here are some of my explanations/justifications without which it would be easily questionable:
The main thing I was looking for was games which contained spells that were unique and versatile. A rule of thumb I used was that I was looking for spells which couldn't be described as 'deal x type of damage' or 'affect x stat'. My favorite example would be Water Walking from Morrowind: it's such a simple spell, it really feels like something wizards would have thought up as a small thing to help themselves.
Of course, the general gameplay also played part in my ranking; anotherr thing that influenced placement was how easy/common using magic was in a given game: most games with restrictive mana (Dishonored 1&2, Baldur's Gate 3) had that as a large negative from the start. It needs to be mentioned that in the case of Skyrim and Morrowind I circumvented this restriction, adding some, frankly unreasonable, magicka regeneration. (As soon as I used up some magicka it filled back up, is the speed I'm talking about.)
There are also some games here which are not very outwardly wizard-y: Cruelty Squad, Supraland, Control, Prey, etc. The explanation is that for all these games, I was looking more at the actual effects; it doesn't really matter wether it's called a spell or a superpower. Prey's mimicry skill is one of my favorites from the entire list, and it could fit in any fantasy game as some form of polymorphism.
With these explanations done, let's get onto the placements themselves:
Dishonored 2 is at first place because its spells are well-integrated, provide interesting interaction with the world, and generally it's my favorite to play, it's immersive sim derived aspects helping to enhance the feelings of versatility. The 1st and 2.5 are also high up, but the second one is my favorite because it has the largest selection of spells, with the only negative being the limited mana supply.
In A tier I put the two large CRPGs I played through, DOS2 and BG3, since both of them contain a lot of spells, but most of them are boring, with few of them being usable outside of battle/in interesting ways. (Notable ones include Teleport, Nether Swap, Invisibility, Speak with Animals/Dead, Feather Fall.) Prey was also put here because of . . . mostly mimicry, and, like with Dishonored, the feeling of versatility that is delivered by the environment that has been created to host an immersive sim: a lot of the games further down the list are there because they fail in this regard, such as Skyrim and Morrowind just feeling very static. (I do understand the limitations that led to this, but still.) (Control was also put there because it has the best flying in any video game I've ever played, and a telekinesis that is very satisfying due to the environment's reactivity.)
In B tier is Deathloop because its spells are more boring than Dishonored's (and I just don't like it as much), Skyrim and Morrowind which have boring spells and boring combat and little reactivity/versatility but still feel somewhat good due to their large open world; Cruelty Squad, which is an unorthodox pick, but particularly the grappling hook implant and it's equivalent of Dishonored's "Dark Vision" made it fit, I think. It doesn't really have spells, per se, but the implants themselves are enough.
Two other games which are less well known are Tenderfoot Tactics and Moonring: the former is an open world, in which you play as a rowing band of goblins trying to rid it of a magical fog. Magic is only used in battle, and even there, it is almost exclusively in the form of damage spells, but the thing that made it special is the environmental manipulation the entire game is built on top of: almost every spell either raises or lowers elevation, and you have to constantly keep it in mind. Moonring (which is completely free on Steam, by the way, 100% with no microtransactions or DLC of any kind) is a retro, open world RPG: imagine Pixel Dungeon and you wouldn't be far away. (I've seen it compared to older Ultima's, but I haven't played those, so alas.) It has a unique magic/spell system, but it's held back by its stingy mana system. (Some standout spells include: puppet, making an enemy mimic the player's movements, traps in the form of a poison trap/exploding doll, teleporting but being blinded.)
In C tier and lower are the games which I rarely actually want to play: Supraland is a linear puzzle game, while Wildermyth just became boring for me pretty quickly. EYE is a campaign based game which I enjoy the idea more of than what it actually is; the spells are cool though. (A very good video on the game; I recommend watching even if you never intend to play it.)
In D tier are Noita and Wizard of Legend: I played the former for 20 minutes, the latter for 5 hours, but I like neither of them. I am aware of Noita's depth, but it doesn't appeal to me: it's "godmode" endgame I find excessive, and, as previously stated, it is full of spells that are different flavors of damage. (I am oversimplifying it, I know; sorry Noita players. (And yes, I am aware of the alchemy system, environemntal reactivity, secret bosses/areas. They don't change the core of my issue.)) It's just too focused on combat for my taste, same for Wizard of Legend: all the spells are just . . . damage. I don't find them wizard-y at all. (And yes, I've been aware of the start of how subjective of a ranking that is; that didn't stop me from making this list.)
In E is Super Grave Snatchers, which is a necromantic arcade-style game; it is centered on combat, spells have little versatility, and it got boring for me fast.
And in F tier is Hogwarts Legacy, a bit of a joke placement (but also not).
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Chemical warfare used to teach coworker manners... #Pettyrevenge
A few years ago I used to work as active duty in the USAF in the Security Forces squadron. Basically military police. A typical workday would have me spend 12 hours checking ID's at the front gate, patrolling the base or being put in a non-moving post in the middle of nowhere in which you would spend most of the time contemplating your life choices. The last one is where our story takes place.
At the time, we were combining two different work groups (night and day shift) to build up our manpower for the week because we were expecting some important people to fly into our base. Also, all this was happening in the middle of January, so the average temp outside was around "Too F@#$ing Cold".
I was tasked with being posted on the flight line in a truck with two other airmen. One of the guys I was partnering up with, we'll call him Nate, was from my group so I already knew him. The other guy, we'll call him Jimmy, was from the other group. I didn't know much about the guy so I asked around about him.
The best way to describe him in one word would be "cornhusker". Jimmy was what you would call a good-old Midwestern boy. A good guy honestly and a decent coworker. However, he had this one particular quirk that could quickly get on your nerves. Jimmy was well known for farting and never apologizing for it! I would have understood if he had some kind of medical stomach issue or digestion problems. But nope, Jimmy was healthy as a horse and just loved ripping ass at his fullest potential.
Oh, and his justification for never apologizing for it was also priceless. Jimmy was well known for saying "What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?" every time. Hearing this kind of rubbed me the wrong way and so was Nate, so I decided to prepare in case he tried to pull this stunt with us. I told Nate what I had planed and his reaction said it all.
Nate: Dear God, I hope it wont have to come to this.
Me: It'll hurt me more than it will hurt him.
On the first day of us working together, it didn't take long before s!#t started to go down. Nate and Jimmy were sitting up front in the truck and I was sitting in the back seat. After about two hours of just us talking and trying to stay warm, Jimmy did exactly what we were warned he would do. Jimmy not only let out a fart that made me question if he was medically clear to serve our country, he didn't apologies or even roll down his window. This of course lead to us reacting appropriately.
Nate (while rolling down his window): Dude what the hell!! Are you dying?!
Me (while trying to cover my face because I cant roll down my window): Bro you can apologies, or at the very least commit Seppuku for this dishonor!
And of course Jimmy gave his trademark excuse.
Jimmy: What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?
Me: Dishonor on you, your family and your cow!
This ticked me off and so I decided to immediately take action and initiated plan F. Without Jimmy seeing, I took out a box of pure high fiber breakfast protein bars from my gear bag that I got from the commissary right before work. I don't remember how many their were in the box, 6 or 8, I just know that I ate them all in like 20 min. 1 hour later I began to feel the inner demons working their way though my intestines, so I start a conversation with Nate to give him the codeword to let him know that things were about to get bad.
Me: Yo dude, any plans this brake?
Nate: No not really, you?
Me: I was thinking about re-watching the Last Airbender movie.
Once Nate herd our code word "Airbender", and the fact that I mentioned that movie, he knew it was time to leave. Nate then excused himself to go read some "important" government emails (YouTube) in the building we were closest to and that he would be gone for a bit.
Side Note: Our post had a specific rule we had to follow. Their had to be two people at the truck at all times. One person can leave for however long to go to the bathroom, smoke, get food or whatever. But until that one person comes back, nobody else can leave. Now back to the story
At this point, Nate had been gone for about 5 min, Jimmy was chillin in the front seat and I was in the back getting ready to exercise the horror that raged inside me. I gave myself my last rights and one min later it happened. I let out the most aggressive and physically demanding fart you could ever expect a 160 lbs. Filipino to be able to do. Jimmy's initial reaction was surprisingly positive.
Jimmy: Damn boy, where I'm from we call that a tree bender! HA!
But then, 3 Seconds later, the smell hit. Jimmy began to gag and franticly started to roll down his window and stick his head out the truck.
Jimmy: Good Lord what died and decided to haunt your ass!!??
I just laughed a little and started to text Nate everything that was happening. After about another min the smell began to dissipate and Jimmy brings his head back in from the freezing cold. Once Jimmy was done rolling up this window, I once again let loose another and even bigger fart. Pretty sure I made the truck vibrate. And once again the smell forced Jimmy's head out the truck.
Jimmy: Ok seriously, what the hell?!
At that moment I just decided to just sit back and let karma take the wheel and gave back to him his famous catchphrase.
Me: What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?
This started a vicious cycle that lasted over half an hour. Every time the smell would begin to die down and Jimmy thought it was safe enough to stop sticking his head out the window, my butt would just lion roar again and reclaim the land. It got to the point that Jimmy just had enough and decided to just get out the truck.
Jimmy (While stepping out of the truck): Nope! That's it! Cant handle it! My eyes are burning! Your messed up cuz this isn't natural!
Me (In a stereotypical Boston accent): Hey, you mind! I'm breathing back here! One hundred percent O'natural!
Jimmy got out and because of the rule we had to follow he couldn't leave the area or go inside the closest building with Nate. All Jimmy could do was stand outside the truck in the cold until my lower intestines decided it was done, which was about another 2.5 hours. And don't worry, we all had some decent cold weather gear.
When it was all said and done, we all worked the rest of the night and week without any more incidences. I don't know if he went back to his old ways when he went back to night shift, I just know he didn't pull anymore stunts like that with us. Because of that, I like to think he learned his lesson.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this and if you know what exact laws I broke in the Geneva Convention, please let me know because I pretty sure I violated a few of them. Thank you, and I'll end this by simply saying
"Respect is a two-way street"
(source) story by (/u/PinoySilver)
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thepettymachine · 4 years
✾10 Random Questions✾
I was tagged by the lovely @technicallyswagpizza​. Thank you!~
1. If you could travel one place in the world where would you travel? 
My friends and I always talked about going to Japan together but I also would love to see Italy.
2. What do you do in your free time away from Sims? 
Play other video games, art, yoga, do Netflix/Hulu/Disney/Crunchyroll binges, spend time with family, and sometimes volunteer.  
3. What other games do you play besides The Sims? 
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Definitely Horizon Zero Dawn, Dishonored Series, God of War, Bioshock series, and Mass Effect/Dragon Age. So violent games with story behind it.
4. How tall are you? 
5. One random interest of yours? 
I love HIstory. I love learning about why things are the way they are and in short, History is written by the victors, so you have to read what the losers said to get a good grasp of the situation.
6. Current favorite bands or artists?
Favorite Bands include Jungle, Glass Animals, Caravan Palace, The Killers and Queen
Favorite Artists are Janelle Monae, Lizzo, Lana Del Rey, Childish Gambino
7. Something you’re looking forward to.
Getting into Art school. I’ve scared but applying and hope to get in. I’ve been doing long soul searching and find myself wanting to work in a creative field and as long as I don’t do something personal to me, I think it can work fine. (I would have personal art as a side project or something in the future)
8.Current favorite films. 
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I don’t know why but I’ve watched Moonrise Kingdom like 4 times without ever getting bored. So definitely this one, Into the Spiderverse, Hot Fuzz and April and the Extraordinary World
9. Who is a historical icon who has left an impact on your life?
probably Jesus
10. Favorite series (book or movie).
I like Six of Crows duology. As for tv shows, Jane the Virgin, The Twilight Zone, Aggretsuko, Gintama, and BNHA
You’re not obligated by I’m tagging:
@mistyplumbobs​, @tragicpixel​, @muckleberri​, @winnerscurses​, @katsujiilove​, @deathflowertea​
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Of The Best Oster Hair Clipper For Your Needs
An extra 2.5-inch woofer delivers improved sound as it comes in a smaller more aesthetically pleasing bundle, priced in 89.99. For men utilizing a hair trimmer in your home is equally as important as having a toothbrush. How would I get tht? Wahl devised the hair clipper from 1919 and it is a recognized leader in massagers, as well as pet, house and specialist grooming. Each of the accessories needed for the use are accompanied by the Wahl Balding Clipper. For improved performance, regular oiling is needed by them via the usage of the oil contained in the kit fittings. Includes: table football, pool with all accessories. In addition, it contains: hair clipper guide combs, blade guard, salon-styled scissors, barber's comb, sectioning clips comb, left ear aids, neck brush, cleaning brush, along with storage case. The guide combs, that are the attachments responsible for ensuring that a proper cut, have to be stable and durable.
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This usually means that you don't need them before or after every use. Pet trimmers are good for touch-ups on dogs that have had their coat dressed; and they are good for dogs which don't have coats that are very heavy or desire trimming. But we just get commission on things you purchase and don't return, so we're just happy if you're happy. You'll find that this will help you get clarity in your cuts, blurs and more, if you're going to taper, fade or blend. Get the 500GB Xbox One S AC Origins bundle with Dishonored 2, Fallout 4 and DOOM around for #219.85 in ShopTo. Get a variety of Dualshock 4 V2 wireless controllers at ShopTo for #36.85. Pair it with all an Steam Controller and Wireless Receiver for #43.98 to get a smooth experience. Want to play all of your favorite Steam games on the big screen? Get the Steam Link for 11.99 at GAME.
Wahl Five Star Magic Professional Hair Clipper
If you'd like something which could cut through thick hair like butter it's a option. Before it time to get out the clippers, exhibitors should bathe their job animal a week, or once every two weeks, Wetzel explained. Preorder L.A. Noire for your Nintendo Switch now and find the game and extra downloadable content. Get the Steam Link for 11.99 at GAME. Want to play all of your Steam games in the large screen? And who wouldn't need to seem good? The epidermis fade is a hairstyle for guys, and the trend doesn't seem like it is going to get obsolete. That is you'll have to have the very best hair clippers for men. Payable it is possible to draw the money back to your bank accounts. Haircuts are one of these expenses for many folks, however you can save a good deal of money by pickup up a pair of clippers and performing haircuts at home--particularly in the event that you have children.
Features like the extra-long cable gives the consumer a broad range of movement, so quality haircuts can be given from each angle. They also offer greater flexibility, providing cleaner cuts using an artistic touch for various haircuts although they require a larger amount of skill. Mirrors and combs are all essential in each barber's shop. As a feature, the internet is combed by our team and shares several Amazon deals we have turned up. Get the LG G6 32GB SIM-free smarrphone #391.99 at Amazon. Get it at Amazon, together with all Prime, for #34.00. As the best Andis clippers for collapses, you can expect this machine to have the work done no matter how curly, wavy, coarse, or thick the hair really is. Save over #50 on the DOLCE GUSTO by De'Longhi Jovia EDG250.B hot drinks machine at Currys PC World for 28.00. Buy 3 and store #50 using code ECHO3PACK, or buy 2 and rescue #25 with code ECHO2PACK.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
are there any games in 2017 you DO like? at this point it's starting to sound near-impossible given the number of 2017 ya hate
Thought the same too tbh but then I remembered we’re only thinking about the big 3 Japanese games that were released….not every game….and there are a lot of games I liked or would like to play. So games I played and loved:
Uncharted Lost Legacy is probs my fav right now, my own personal GOTY….I think it says something when I look back on the game and I realized I was smiling the entire time and was hungrily hoping for more convos between Nadine and Chloe.
I’m liking Yakuza 0 right now (technically 2017 for english speakers iirc). I’ve been wanting to get into the series for awhile, and it really reminds me of Sleeping Dogs (LOVE THAT GAME!). Yakuza might be a little more silly than Sleeping Dogs, but both play out just like an Asian Crime drama movie, it’s amazing it’s like I’m watching a movie.
Kingdom Hearts 1.5&2.5 of course (I’ll be cheat-y and include it, I’d be lying if I didn’t).
Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Finally get to play KH: DDD and yay Aqua!
I’m liking Nioh so far……..I need to git gud tbh but it’s good from what I’ve played.
Oh The Nonary Games for the PS4. Despite loathing ZTD, I automatically love VLR and I’m liking 999 so far. 
Hellblade: Just got a hold of it. Love it so far. 
Assassin’s Creed Origins. Takes time to get used to the changes but it’s fun.
Outlast 2. Martha still haunts my nightmares ;w;
Danganronpa ½ and UDG for PS4: Yeah I’ll be cheat-y again.
The mini free SMT Jack Bros game that Atlus Released on PC.
Games I played that I thought were Ok (didn’t love it but it was a good romp): 
Horizon Zero Dawn. Only issue I had with it was that it was Uncharted climbing in an Assassins’ Creed open world and that doesn’t mix well imo, and that I couldn’t un-hear Chloe from LiS, but all in all it was a good time.
Blue Reflection. Note: NOT worth $60, maybe $30 but that’s pushing it, still it’s a fun romp for a low budget game (both in terms of development and localization). Has a lot of potential, and it’s been confirmed (iirc) to be getting a sequel so hopefully they can capitalize on it. 
Ones I want to play but haven’t (or very little, or have on another console but not the re-release) , but I have a feeling that I’ll, at the very least, like them:
Yakuza Kawami
Gravity Rush 2
Digimon World Next Order (own but haven’t played yet, trying to finish Cyber Sleuth first)
Sonic Forces (I have no standard for Sonic games, but I played 5 min of this and it seems like a fun romp at least gameplay wise)
Dishonored Death of the Outsider
Caligula (own, have played a little of it, need to play more)
Tokyo Xanadu (PS4 ver, but if it has a separate trophylist I’ll also play the vita ver if I can find it)
South Park: Fractured But Whole (plus I need to play the other one too I guess)
Hello Neighbor
Crash Bandicoot
Resident Evil 7
The Silver Case (please port No More Heroes and Lollipop Chainsaw to the PS4 too ;w;)
Telltale Batman (that goes for the 2016 first season too, I need/want to play both)
FF 12 for PS4 (really trying to get into FF games ;w;)
A Hate in Time 
.Hack// GU
LA Noire (cheat-y again cause I played the PS3 ver 8U)
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (the kinda nonsense I probably need right now 8V)
Pokemon Ultra Moon
Okami HD (cheat-y or no y’all gotta play this)
Akiba’s beat
So I guess it’s an a-ok year in gaming for me. It’s just the three big Japanese games (P5, Automata, DRV3), two of which I was very excited for and the other I just, at least, expected to like, were the big disappointments for me and so it kinda overshadowed 2017. But with Uncharted Lost Legacy actually filling me with unbridled happiness (for reasons I can’t explain I just loved it), it looks like I’m at least ending 2017 out on a good note. 8U
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beautiful-beat · 7 years
Baahubali 2 : Change that Bollywood need
First of all, this movie was awesome. But for some reasons people thought this was a bad movie. 1. Poor special effect You have to understand this was an Indian movie. The total budget of the movie was 2.5 billion INR. If you compare movies made recently, Captain America: Civil War 250 million dollars, Batman v Superman 872.7 million. If Baahubali 2 was made in 100 million dollars, this problem wouldn’t have existed. So comparing movies with Hollywood in terms of special effects is unfair. 2. Illogical fight sequences and lack of realism You are looking at the fight scenes and thinking well, that can’t happen in reality. I felt the same way while watching first part until I realized while watching Baahubali 2, that there was a critical error in my way of perceiving. Now consider Japanese Anime, the reason why I am judging the movie on the basis of realism is because it isn’t in animation. It is the movie about the super warriors almost powerful as demigods, how do you expect them to fight? 3. Story was unimpressive It’s an epic, not a mystery thriller. Epics are symbolic tales that display the complexities in the simplicity of man’s greatest motivations. Which is why bad character is unfailingly bad till the end, because he symbolises evil and corruption, much like Duryodhan in Mahabharat, he is not good and bad, he is a jerk. He dishonored a woman exactly like the antagonist in Baahubali, who does the same with Baahubali’s wife after his death - he captures and enslaves her. Another example is Katappa much like Karna who when faced by moral dilemma chooses duty and loyalty over friendship. Epics are not about psychological practicality. Take Troy for an example, it’s a simple story of kings, ego, and desire.
Now why I thought this movie was awesome. What does Bollywood lack? Creativity. We steal everything - songs, fight sequence, chase scenes, story, even posters. I watch every movie with expectations: would I get to see something that my mind has not seen before and couldn’t have come up with? This movie served that answer numerous times, granted, some of the action was way over the top, but again, you have to suspend disbelief and imagine if you watched the same in anime, would you have not thought that was awesome? Take the scene of Baahubali dying, his death scene is possibly one of the most epic scenes I have watched in movies. Not him getting pierced through in the back by a sword, but the scene where he uses the boulder and surrounding rocks as his throne, sits like a king and dies like a total badass. Just stylistically, it was very creative to have a character die like that.
Let’s take a look two biggest earners in Indian cinema, Dangal and Baahubali 2. Script and story are the winner, not star power, cheesy item songs, releasing old classic songs into remixed party songs. Same shit is throwing in every Bollywood movie, similar dialogues, similar love stories, same concept, lack of acting, same action choreography being repeated for two reasons. One, if bosses of Bollywood find something that works, they tend to keep doing it to death. Two, we almost worship film stars.
The best part in Dangal and Baahubali 2 is, both of these movies are phenomenally different from each other. Both movies are in itself an experiment on the Indian audience which yielded unexpected fruitful results. And that is my opinion. What do you think?
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blu3mila · 8 years
Omg you're from Estonia?! And you know dishonored?! Like WOW don't see many people from my country with same interests as i have. And hey your art is amazing!❤ :3 ❤
to be honest? i know ~2.5 ppl that r into dh And live in Estonia 
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A Little Too Tight Part 2
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Pairing: Hux x Reader Summary: Second Part to A Little Too Tight where you decide to step out of uniform code yet again in hopes to arouse your General.  Warnings: Wayyyy NSFW again. Choking, cussing, sex, spanking. Word Count: 2.6K A/N: So idk how I feel about how this came out?? I love the dialogue but idk I’m a garbage can lmao. I really want to continue this like a 2.5 part where you see Hux’s softer side with aftercare and then a Part 3 where it’s a couple months later and you’ve been trained so well so he takes you to meetings with him as a “treat”. Idk request it if you want those extensions. 
Part 1
     It had been three weeks since you wore the skirt that violated the dress code and was lucky enough to receive the ultimate pleasure from your General rather than a reprimand. Feeling aroused far too often lately, you wondered what exactly would happen if you wore it again. Deciding to risk it you left your quarters to start your shift feeling confident and daring. Hux was already on the bridge when you walked in, his head buried in his data pad to notice your presence.
     “Good morning General..,” you greet in passing, barely brushing past his shoulder. Your tone was sultry with a hint of playfulness and the tips of his ears turned a bright red in either embarrassment or arousal. He couldn’t decide which. Looking past your shoulder, you both lock eyes and you smirk at him ever so slightly, just trying to gauge a reaction out of his stiff demeanor. He quickly turned his head forward and clenched his jaw, fearing that if he looked at you for another moment he would have to excuse himself due to the overwhelming rush of thoughts from your last encounter in his office. The sound of your heels against the tiles echoed in his mind.
     And just like the first meeting you two had, he came up behind you, bent down and growled low into your ear – “My office. Ten minutes. You dare not be late whore.” You kept your focus forward, frozen from the sudden close proximity of your superior.
     Your breath hitched; you could barely respond without sounding like a weak fool. Hux knew he could break your confident façade in a mere few seconds, and he reveled in his power. Cocking an eyebrow and smirking he left as quickly as he appeared.
     “Yes, Sir..,” you trailed off as he left. Your heart was pounding inside your chest and you swore you felt almost dizzy. When you got to his office, just like before, you didn’t even need to knock for him to grant you entry. You slip inside to the dimly lit office and the General is facing towards you with his hands clasped on the desk. A cigarette rests in an ash tray that had recently been put out, still producing a hazy trail of smoke. His eyes pierce through you and the all-too familiar feeling of a knot in your stomach had returned.
     “Let me begin by stating that your deliberate dressing in such a way is acceptance to be my obedient toy.”
     He pauses awaiting your response, eyeing you up and down slowly, practically undressing you. You started to barely shake and of course he picked up on your weakness.
     “Yes.. t-that is correct.” You could barely look him in the eye without your arousal growing.
     “And is that any way to address your newly established master?” he spits sharply, his glare making you feel as vulnerable as a predator’s prey. His domination had already begun and you barely just accepted his offer not even two seconds ago. You knew he meant business but you were in a sense shocked and aroused.
     “No Sir. My apologies…” you respond quickly, folding your hands behind your back and looking down to the floor in embarrassment.
     “That is what I thought,” he retorts as he leans back in his chair.
     “Arrive at my quarters at 1900 hours. Wear no undergarments with your already dishonorable attire and hair tied back. You are dismissed.”
     “Yes, Sir.. Thank you Sir..,” you lowly reply, slipping out of the door and back to your station.
     Before you go to his quarters, you stop by your own and fix your attire according to his commands. Once you found your way, you knock on his door and it slid open with a hiss; your heart dropped to your stomach with nerves. When instructed to enter, you took in the monochromatic and utterly clean environment around you. Hux draws closer to you and you are instructed to sit on the edge of his bed.
     “If you are to be my pet you will follow these ground rules.”
     Nodding your head, he pulls out something from behind his back.
     “You shall adorn this collar any time you are in these quarters,” he continues, a leather collar dangling from his index finger with a heart shaped charm attached engraved with the word “kitten” on it.
     “Hair pulled back and either don the fine lingerie I provide you or nothing at all.”
     The thought of basically waltzing around his living quarters in nothing but a collar waiting for your master to come home had engraved into your head as he spoke.
     “You shall always address me as either General or Sir. You will be rewarded with attention and pleasure. If you misbehave or disobey, you shall be punished in a multitude of ways depending on what I see fit. Any sort of violation to these rules shall result in immediate punishment. And if these rules are met and you show promise, you will be granted permission to live in my quarters, is that understood?”
     “Yes General.”
     You weren’t anticipating this many rules but you weren’t surprised given the general’s nature. But at this point, you were willing to bow down to any of his whims considering the pleasure you received from him the last time you met in private.  
     “Good. Now strip and kneel before me.”
     Once you do as you are told, he walked behind you and slips the collar around your neck, clasping it snuggly. Crouching down on one knee behind you, he kisses your neck surprisingly softly, considering how harsh his words were just a moment before. Your head lolled to one side and you sighed, relishing in how his soft lips felt pressed against your skin.
     “You’re going to be quite the behaved little slut for me, aren’t you kitten?”
     Lost in the pleasure you were in a haze, only being able to respond with a small hum. Pursing his lips tight and furrowing his eyebrows, he wraps a hand around your neck and applies pressure which caught you off guard.
     “And how did I state you would respond to me any time I spoke?” he hissed right into your ear.
     “Yes General..! I-I’m sorry Sir! I promise to be a good kitten for you!”
     His grip loosened and he snaked two leather gloved fingers into your mouth which you immediately started to suck and swirl your tongue around, whimpering every so often.
     “Good girl. You will please me greatly..”
     The taste of leather is over stimulating and you relish that this would be your new lifestyle. Humming lowly in contentment at his new pet, he slips his other hand down to your sex, rubbing your aching clit in small circles, eliciting a moan from you.
     “You like that don’t you? Filthy girl…” he snarls.
     You whimper and attempt to reply with a “Yes, Sir” but it comes out a gargled mess due to your tongue teasing his fingers. Without warning he withdraws both of his hands and you try to look at him behind you with a confused pout, as you thought you were being good and obedient like he wanted. Standing, he begins to walk in front of you and loops a finger around your collar. Hux lightly tugs at it, instructing you to rise to your knees.
     “You have been eager to learn thus far and deserve your master’s cock,” he purrs as he loosens his belt. You lightly palm his growing erection while biting your lower lip, attempting to hide your immense eagerness to please him. Smirking ever so slightly at your hidden desperation, he releases his member and you couldn’t be happier being in such close proximity to your general’s cock once again
     “May I, Sir?” you ask as politely as possible, with the most innocent expression adorning your face.
     “Of course my pet,” he grants as he wraps your ponytail in his fist. “Show me how much you need your General.”
     You take his cock in your hand and start to rub it slowly, trying to make him impatient while looking into his ice blue eyes. And impatient he was.  His grip tightened the more eager he became.
     “Go on whore, don’t pretend to be coy.”
     “Yes General…” you bowed your head in submission and did as you were told, pumping your fist along his shaft at a steady pace. You ran your tongue underneath his cock, feeling every ridge and vein bless your tongue until you reached the tip of his cock. You lightly played with his tip to gauge a reaction out of him, making him want more from his kitten. His jaw tightened as his eyes snapped shut, releasing the breath he held. Looking up at him while your tongue dragged along his cock, he looked down at you, marveling in the fact that he found such a beautiful kitten to spoil. You take the entirety of his cock into your mouth, fighting your gag reflex and trying your hardest to please him. Hux is happily surprised by this and his grip tightens again, beginning to guide your head along his shaft as he hisses in pleasure.
     “F-fuck I’ve missed my cock down your throat… That’s it slut take your General’s cock..”
     Grabbing your head, he thrusts his member into your mouth, picking up the pace and practically fucking your mouth. His breathing becomes heavy as he relentlessly uses your mouth and throat to please him. He almost lost his composure and suddenly withdraws his cock. He pulls you onto your feet by your collar, drawing his kitten in for a desperate kiss. It was almost like he was begging for your affection, needing to feel your soft lips grace his own.
     Relishing in the sudden intimate contact, Hux guides you to the foot of the bed by your hips continuing the kiss and pushes you onto it, eyeing you with carnal desire.
     “Spread your legs. Expose that beautiful cunt of yours.”
     Feeling a wave of excitement you do as you are told, your cheeks flushed red as he devilishly leers at your womanhood. You felt so vulnerable with your legs apart, wearing nothing but your new little collar. Descending to his knees, he runs his hands along your waist and thighs, adoring the way you blush as you’re fully on display for him. He trails kisses along the insides of your thighs, progressing up to your dripping pussy. Every soft kiss made you crave his attention more and you let out an impatient whimper, needing his tongue more than ever.
     Ceasing his actions, he snaps at your insolent filled whines - “you will be patient and value my attention or you shall receive nothing like a disobedient bitch. Do you understand pet?”
     “Y-yes, I’m sorry sir..” you whimper in response as he relaxes his expression slightly.
     Continuing to his previous position, his lips ghost over your budding clit, kissing it ever so tenderly. Your breath hitches and you were dying for more, so you thrust your hips towards him desperately trying to feel any sort of release.
     Grabbing your hips, he pins them to the bed aggressively.
     “Control yourself you insolent whore.”
     His tongue glides over your luscious folds, tracing his way to your clit. You bite your lip and arch your back, savoring how his warm, wet tongue flicked your most sensitive spot.  The more he satisfied your desire, the closer you drew near your release. Trying to control your hips from bucking, you let out a moan loud enough for surrounding quarters to hear.
     Your release erupted seemingly out of nowhere and you practically screamed out in utter ecstasy. You latch onto his fiery hair and buck your hips into his lips, your body being unable to handle the sensory intensity of your orgasm. Calming down from the height of your orgasm, you breathe heavily and sigh with relief, a small smile curling onto your lips.
     Displeased, he stood, rolled you over onto your stomach, and slapped your ass hard enough to turn it a shade of crimson. It majorly surprised you and tears gathered in your eyes from the sudden sting.
     “You are to ask for my permission before you ever think about giving into your own release. I control your pleasure, and I control when you finish.”
     Looking over your shoulder at him you meekly reply, “Yes sir… Thank you for the pleasure you give me.”
     “Of course my kitten,” he replies, softer than his previous statements.
     He climbs on the bed next to you, strips the rest of his garments, and gives you a chaste kiss before instructing you to lie on your back. Once again you were spread before him, cunt glistening and pleading to be ravaged.
     “You look so beautiful before me my pet,” he praises as he aligns his cock to your eager cunt. “So eager and wonton to be filled by your General… how sweet of a dirty little cumslut you are.”
     Before you could reply, he sinks his cock into you, every inch pressing deeper until you couldn’t handle any more. You elicit a drawn out moan, begging for more of your General’s member.
     “F – nghh – fuck.. You feel better than I remember…”
     His pace quickens and only the sounds of your whimpers, his grunts, and the slapping of skin could be heard. He thrusts his cock harder into you, desperate to feel the same euphoria he felt with your last encounter. He wrapped his arms around you and held onto you closely with the strength of the intention to never let go, pressing his chest into yours as his hands pushed into your hair. His cock continued stroking the spot that gave you unbearable bliss, pumping your slick cum down his shaft as he thrust into you. Clutching onto his back, you started to leave scratch marks which only aroused him further as you whimpered and moaned at the rough and unbearably pleasing contact.
     “This is what you’ve wanted isn’t it? Hm? To be an innocent little toy for your superior?”
     Whimpering you nod – “Oh gods yes sir…! I’ll obey any command if it means I get to serve you!”
     He lost any and all composure at that moment hearing you surrender yourself underneath him and couldn’t handle much more.
     “Cum for me. Now,” he snarled through gritted teeth.
     You don’t know what came over you but you lost all control of your body and your cunt tightened around his cock, giving you the best orgasm you’ve felt since you last experienced one another. The moment your cunt constricted around his cock, Hux couldn’t control his desire to defile you with his seed. All he could do was grunt as his cock pumped you full with his seed. You could feel his cock pulsing inside of you, pumping out the remaining spurts of his cum and filling you to the brim, his liquid starting to leak out as he finished his last few thrusts.
     You both laid there, calming down from your highs and breathing heavily in each other’s arms with your foreheads pressed together, noses barely brushing. He kissed you slowly, softer than you had ever experienced. He looked into your eyes and couldn’t bring himself to look away.
     “You will make quite an admirable kitten, darling,” he divulges softly, running the back of his hand down your cheek.
     You smile shyly and blush at his words, feeling proud that you have pleased and obeyed him so.
     “Now then, let’s get you cleaned up and properly cared for.”
     You nuzzle into his neck and let out a contented sigh, feeling quite delighted with your decision to wear that skirt in the first place.
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aheliotech · 5 years
Ransomware statistics for 2019: Q2 to Q3 report
New Post has been published on https://www.aheliotech.com/blog/ransomware-statistics-for-2019-q2-to-q3-report/
Ransomware statistics for 2019: Q2 to Q3 report
Ransomware attacks continued to become more focused and sophisticated in Q2 and Q3 2019. In contrast to the spray-and-pray campaigns of the past, threat actors are increasingly targeting larger and more profitable targets such as businesses, schools and government organizations.
Ransomware strains such as Ryuk played a dominant role, crippling dozens of public entities across the U.S., while ransomware-as-a-service like Sodinokibi and GandCrab enabled ransomware distributors to generate millions, perhaps even billions, of dollars in ransom payments.
This report is based on data from more than 230,000 submissions to Emsisoft and ID Ransomware between April 1 and September 30, 2019. Created by Emsisoft Security Researcher Michael Gillespie, ID Ransomware is a website that enables both businesses and home users identify which ransomware strain has encrypted their files by uploading the ransom note, a sample encrypted file and/or the attacker’s contact information. It also directs the user to a decryption tool, should one be available.
For details on ransomware attacks against U.S. governments, education and healthcare entities, see State of Ransomware in the U.S.: 2019 Report for Q1 to Q3.
What are the most commonly reported ransomware strains?
1. STOP (DJVU): 56%
ID Ransomware heatmap for STOP
The most commonly reported ransomware strain during the period April 1 to September 30 was STOP (sometimes referred to as DJVU), which accounted for 56 percent of all submissions. There were more than 76,000 STOP/DJVU submissions to ID Ransomware, which probably represents only a fraction of the total number of victims. First spotted in late 2018, STOP/DJVU has grown to include dozens of variants.
STOP targets home users and is often distributed via torrent sites. It is typically hidden in applications such as software cracks and key generators, which are tools that allow users to activate paid software for free.
Once executed, STOP encrypts files with AES-256 encryption and instructs the victims to pay a ransom of $490 worth of Bitcoin in exchange for decryptor software and a private decryption key. After 72 hours, the ransom demand doubles to $980. Free decryption tools are available for a limited number of variant, but newer versions cannot be decrypted.
2. Dharma (.cezar family): 12%
The second most common ransomware submitted to ID Ransomware over Q2 and Q3 2019 was a Dharma variant that appends the .cezar extension to encrypted files. It accounted for 12 percent of submissions.
Dharma has been around in one form or another since 2016, but has seen a spike in activity in recent months. This may be due to threat actors making more effective use of multiple attack vectors such as malicious email attachments, infected installers and weak or leaked RDP login credentials. Unlike many other types of ransomware, Dharma (.cezar family) does not specify a ransom amount; instead, it instructs victims to contact the ransomware distributors via email to negotiate the ransom. The ransom amount tends to be higher for larger companies.
Dharma primarily targets businesses. It has affected a number of major organizations, including Altus Baytown Hospital, Texas. The attack encrypted hospital records and files containing important patient information such as names, social security numbers, credit card information and more. The hospital refused to pay the ransom, and instead hired a cybersecurity consultant to restore the hospital’s systems from backups.
3. Phobos: 8.9%
Named after the Greek god of fear, Phobos was responsible for 8.9 percent of ID Ransomware submissions between April 1 and September 30. Phobos closely resembles the Dharma ransomware family and was first spotted in early 2019.
Phobos primarily spreads by exploiting open or poorly secured RDP ports. Lists of stolen RDP credentials are frequently sold on the underground market and can be extremely valuable to cybercriminals. As with Dharma, Phobos does not state a ransom amount and instead instructs victims to email the attackers to discuss the price of decryption. There have been instances of no decryption tool being delivered after payment.
Phobos primarily targets businesses and public entities. In July 2019, the Wyoming Area School District lost access to data after it was hit with Phobos, which entered the system via a brute force attack on an outside port. The school district agreed to pay more than $38,000 worth of Bitcoin to the attackers in order to recover the encrypted files. Most of these costs – as well as additional fees involved with hiring a cybersecurity lawyer and the services of a ransomware recovery company – were covered by the district’s insurer, but the district was still responsible for paying a $10,000 excess.
4. GlobeImposter 2.0: 6.5%
GlobeImposter 2.0 accounted for 6.5 percent of ID Ransomware submissions during Q2 and Q3 2019. Not to be confused with Globe or the original GlobeImposter, GlobeImposter 2.0 uses AES-256 cryptography to encrypt a victim’s files and demands a ransom that ranges from one to 10 Bitcoin.
In June 2019, Auburn Food Bank, a charitable organization that provides free food to people in the Auburn School District, was affected by GlobeImposter 2.0. The ransomware encrypted almost all of the food bank’s computers, preventing staff from accessing their files and emails. Rather than paying the unspecified ransom, Director Debbie Christian opted to wipe all affected systems and rebuild the network. Recovery costs were estimated to be about $8,000.
5. REvil / Sodinokibi: 4.5%
Sodinokibi, sometimes referred to as Sodin or REvil, accounted for 4.5 percent of submissions. First spotted on April 2019, Sodinokibi is believed to have been created by the same group behind the highly profitable ransomware strain known as GandCrab.
Sodinokibi is a ransomware-as-a-service that relies on affiliates to distribute and market the ransomware. It is extremely evasive and uses advanced techniques to avoid being detected by security software. Attack methods include exploitation of a vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic, phishing campaigns and compromised managed service providers (MSPs). Most of the initial Sodinokibi attacks were concentrated in Asia, but more recent outbreaks have targeted European organizations.
Sodinokibi has been involved in several high profile attacks, including a coordinated mass attack on multiple Texas local governments. In August 2019, the Department of Information Resources (DIR) revealed that 22 local entities in Texas had been affected by Sodinokibi, which was deployed through MSP software. A range of important city services were disrupted, such as payment processing operations and the printing of identification documents. The threat actor demanded a ransom of $2.5 million in exchange for the decryption tool – a demand that was rejected by all of the affected entities. Some cities were able to restore their systems from backups, while others were forced to rebuild from scratch. The DIR deployed cybersecurity experts from a number of government agencies to assist with the recovery process.
We developed an imperfect solution for Sodinokibi. It doesn’t completely eliminate the need to pay the ransom, but it can significantly reduce the amount victims have to pay. We used this workaround in a case involving a managed service provider and 1,200 endpoints, and were able to recover the affected systems for approximately 90% less than the initial ransom demand.
Dishonorable mention: Ryuk
Despite not being one of the 10 most commonly submitted ransomware strains, Ryuk deserves a mention due to how disruptive and profitable it was during Q2 and Q3. First seen in August 2018, Ryuk, which is believed to be operated by the cybercrime group Grim Spider, primarily targets large organizations. It is typically distributed via spam email campaigns, or in combination with other types of malware such as Emotet and TrickBot.
Ryuk was involved in a number of high-profile ransomware cases during Q2 and Q3. In May, Ryuk infected the computer systems of Riviera Beach, Florida, after a police department employee opened a malicious email attachment. The city agreed to pay the ransom of almost $600,000 to regain access to utility payment services, and email and phone systems.
A few weeks later Ryuk struck again, this time in Lake City, Florida. City leaders eventually agreed to pay the ransom of $460,000.
Ryuk also affected Collierville, New Bedford and Georgia’s Judicial Council and Administrative Office of the Courts, among many others.
Decryption may be possible in a small number of cases. Our researchers have been able to successfully recover data encrypted by Ryuk in 3-5 percent of cases. Organizations that have been affected by Ryuk can check if their case is decryptable by submitting a sample to Emsisoft or ID Ransomware.
10 most commonly reported ransomware strains
STOP (djvu): 56.00%
Dharma (.cezar family): 12.00%
Phobos: 8.90%
GlobeImposter 2.0: 6.50%
REvil / Sodinokibi: 4.50%
GandCrab v4.0 / v5.0: 3.60%
Magniber: 3.30%
Scarab: 2.00%
Rapid: 1.80%
Troldesh / Shade: 1.40%
Which countries are most affected by ransomware?
Ransomware is a global concern and Q2 to Q3 2019 was no exception.
Asian nations proved to be a popular target. Indonesia, for example, accounted for 17.1 percent of submissions, while India was responsible for 15 percent of submissions. This may be explained by the rapid digital expansion in Indonesia and India, which has seen the number of Internet-connected users in these areas rise significantly in recent years. Sudden digital growth can cause a time lag in the adoption of effective cybersecurity measures and consequently leave users more vulnerable to ransomware. In addition, Indonesia has one of the highest rates of software piracy in the world, which may further increase the risk of ransomware infection.
Western nations are also common targets. The U.S., which suffered hundreds of ransomware attacks on local government agencies, schools and public entities over Q2 and Q3 2019, accounted for 13.6 percent of submissions. Meanwhile, Germany, France, Italy and Spain accounted for almost 1 in 5 submissions. Certain types of ransomware, such as Sodinokibi, which are leveraged as ransomware-as-a-service attacks, are often used to demand large ransom sums – sometimes to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. These attacks typically target large companies in the West, presumably because they are perceived to be wealthy and capable of paying the ransom.
Top 10 ransomware submissions by country
Indonesia: 17.10%
India: 15.00%
USA: 13.60%
Brazil: 13.20%
Korea: 12.60%
Egypt: 8.80%
Germany: 5.90%
France: 4.90%
Italy: 4.50%
Spain: 4.40%
As ransomware attacks continue to become more sophisticated, organizations need to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Businesses of all sizes should review their existing security strategy and ensure their policies and security technologies are in line with current best practices.
In addition to preventative measures, organizations should also have a contingency plan in place in case an infection does occur. Businesses should implement a disaster recovery plan, including a reliable and regularly tested backup system. A robust recovery plan allows organizations to recover their systems without paying a ransom and enables them to resume normal operations as quickly as possible after a ransomware attack.
Organizations such as Emsisoft, ID Ransomware and many others are working with law enforcement agencies and anti-ransomware groups such as No More Ransom to help the victims of ransomware recover their files without paying the cybercriminals.
The post Ransomware statistics for 2019: Q2 to Q3 report appeared first on Emsisoft | Security Blog.
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blue-scorpion-king · 6 years
Fourukaa, aka 8 other names -Earl Zolubu’s 3rd  sword-
*Earl's 3rd and most recent sword= Fourukaa: The straight, double-edged katana sword that was supposed to be the 13th Saijo O Wazamono, but got affected with an curse to obtain an 'outsider' garuda demon spirit (Legendary bird, or bird-like being, from Hindu/Buddhist/Jain myth). With 9 names, changing from one to the other as the views on this sword changed over time, from before the curse, the time of maybe the katana going a bit beyond the line of acceptable swords, during the sudden 'possession' of the sword, to long after it was not to be make the number of the Saijo O Wazamono grade swords from 12 to 13. Aoi Mizu no Yamanoha ("Blue Water Mountain Edge")/Hiya Ame ni sono Shisha no Kuni, or Shisha, for short ("Cold Rain in the Land of the Dead")/Shouhisha Kuro Katsuryoku ("Consumed By Black Vigor")/Warui Hana, or Warui Ringo ("Bad Blossom", or "Bad Apple")/Namae wa Tsuke Rarenai Ken ("The Sword That Shall Not Be Named")/Kuro Taaru No Sebun Chakura no Hasu ("Black Tar of the Seven Chakra Lotuses")/Hi to Taiyou ("Fire And Sun")/Garuuda (Garuda)/Fourukaa ("Forcalor", an water/air fallen angel-demon of Hell, or "Fall Mother") How Earl earned this extremely high grade, but cursed sword: Back in 2038, 8 years ago from 2046, During his trek to get back home after events that got Earl & one of his best friends, Meruem, to escape the prison, Impel Down, in Bagklock Earth's (One Piece) equator, on one of the last islands on that journey, Wano Kui, things went nutty mcgee when Earl found a small, small 'lake', that had an air-tight wooden coffin for an cursed sword, Fourukaa, one of 9 names, that was once considered to become the 13th out of the Saijo O Wazamono grade swords, and buried by those of the blue snow tipped mountain-dwelling Hikui Tomo Senotakai/Hi-tomo-takai ("Short & Tall") clan. Feeling that such a sword, even if cursed, shouldn't really go to waste, buried underwater, it wouldn't have to bother future generations of Wano, if it is not on Wano soil anymore, & that he can tame the demon inside the katana blade, Earl went to the clan to ask if he can earn the sword after a duel, which he expected to meet resistance on the idea to even consider opening the coffin. But, after much convincing, on one condition, Earl would have Fourukaa in his possession, as a swordsman, after attempting to defeat Yama-inshou of the Midori Oni Yuki (Earth Elemental Sword Style), with 2 swords, one blade is an odachi and the other is an wakizashi, who is the strongest and fastest, despite his 4'0" height, in combat on top of Mt. Aoi Yuki, in front of the graves of the samurai who choose to be buried under the tip of the mountain, under the blue snow. It was a grueling, blood-shedding duel between Earl and Yama-inshou, with more and more nobles walking to the short, snowy mountain, where Earl had to uncap his first three power caps to be on equal ground, before delivering one final blunt strike, both hands on the blade, the baskethilt to Yama-inshou's forehead like an hammer, and knocking him out, fair and square. After that, after earning Fourukaa by the lakeside, Zolubu had to watch , with an expression of grimace and yet, acceptance, that Yama' would be willingly to accept his dishonor and smiles at Earl for being a true warrior, even as an outsider. Yet another face and name Earl would never forget. From there, after the other events in Wano Kui, 8 years later, Earl had the sword with the 'demonic problem bird', Fourukaa, ever since, hanging beneath Lanza, and managed to get a grip on the sword's curse mostly. Entire katana length: 42 inches long, -That is said that every single part of this 'unorthodox' katana to have been soaked with crushed lotus flower juice, mixed with juices of 7 different crushed foods; red Daikon ("Radish"), Unshu Mikan ("Citrus/orange"), yellow-colored Gohan ("Rice"), Tsukemono ("Cabbage"), Ao Ringo ("Blue Apple"), Budou ("Grapes"), & Ierouseji ("Yellow Sage"), symbolizing the 7 Chakras, the blood of an dying asura, and the blood of an buddha at an almost eternal slumber, while it was forged and put together for religious purposes, which makes an very exquisite smell, even mixed in with the blood of enemies and duel opponents. Blade length: 28.0 inches long. Originally a normal blue-gray copper/steel alloy blade, before the Garuda's curse changed it to mostly a vantablack blade, with dark copper blue crow feather hardening line/hamon design on the blade itself. Weight: 43 pounds (43/Shizan in Japanese can literally mean "Stillbirth", which is a part of a superstition that room 43 in the maternity section of a hospital should be avoided). No sori/curvature at all. Width of the base: 4 inches wide. Width of the Yokote (Line between the tip and the rest of the blade's 'sheet'): 37mm. Thickness of the base: 2500 mm/2.5 inches. Thickness of the rest of the blade: 2000 mm/2.0 inches. Length of the Nakago (Tang of the sword): 23.36 cm/9.2 inches. Tsuba width: 14 inches by 10 inches. The dark brownish green Habaki design is of an snorting, angry horse, with an fiery bright orange mane, clamping to the base of the blade with its mouth, the rest coming out of its mouth to throat. The Tsuba (Guard) design is shaped like an mountain, with a blue 'peak', or the bottom of the Habuki, with the carvings of 2 grinning baboon monkeys, with purple fur, dark pink skin, & long tails, making the rest of the tsuba. The Fuchi (Collar) design is of an grey & orange whale in red (Bagklock) sea water, covered in the crater-riddled rock of the 3 (Bagklock) moons, with an big mouth that is shaped like an hole, with a black 'abyss'. The menuki (Tsuka ornament) design is a brownish-green dragon with 14 tendril-like tongues and 2 cyclops-like eyes. 7 'sealing' Mekugis (Handle pins). Squared Tsuka (Handle) length: 14.0 inches. The Bloodgood maple wood tsuka is scarlet red in color and the pink Same-kawa (Wrapping), in an heart-shaped snake scale pattern, makes the pattern of an silhouette of a buck deer's head. The Shitodome ('Before-pommel' if you will) & Kashira (Pommel) design is of a blackish crow, with a purple hue, that has six straight wings, three heads, and three legs, the 2 (Bagklock) suns behind it, casting its shadow, with the end of the Kashira shaped like an wolf's head, that looks similar to the ruler of Area 2 of the Gourmet World, one of the 8 Kings, "Wolf King" Guiness. The cobalt saya's design (Scabbard), made out of reinforced cherry blossom tree wood, is that the koiguchi (Saya's 'mouth') is shaped differently than other katanas, made out of an red oni/ogre's canine tooth, while it is shaped like an grinning red oni (Similar in looks to Toriko's Red Gourmet Devil), along with the kojiri, or the end of the saya, being made out of a blue oni's canine tooth, while it is shaped like a grinning blue oni (Similar in looks to Toriko's blue Gourmet Devil). The right side of the saya is decorated with the design of the ten heads of the Ramayana asura villain, Ravana (Ravu~aana in Japanese), expect with one being an skull, with tiger-like canines, in the far, far bottom of the saya, while the other side has the different colored lotus flowers representing the 7 Chakras and at the ends of the saya, cut by the coil, are the green-haired, pale skinned Buddha, with eyes barely open, and an blue skinned, black haired Asura. & The sageo (Cord) is light gray in color. The nature of this sword's curse is to change much of the sword to vantablack, thus having 99.965% of light be absorbed, not reflected, *directly* becomes linked to one's 7 Chakras, add watery effects to the very air from each movement, like swinging & thrusting, while having visible whirling, & waving, air around the blade, REALLY wants to shed blood, and to absorb both the 'light' of its owner's opponent's soul and their shadow when slain, little by little with each successful strike, until just 1.4% of the soul & shadow remains. Theme song: "Bad Apple!!", an extremely famous Touhou arcade game song.
Earl Zolubu on Four: [“Fourukaa is a problem demon bird to deal with at times. But, I can use it enough to keep it right on the path of my thrusts and swings. It is a cursed honor, maybe. But, it is a honor to wield such a sword like this indeed.”]
~The Bat~
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howlinglady · 7 years
After playing on/off for almost 7 months, I finally platinumed Dishonored 2. Could have had it a lot earlier if I’d gotten the lore stuff on my second run, but the biggest pain in the ass was the sliding headshot and the chained possession.
Slidign headshot took me over an hour over multiple days to get, I finally got it by sliding towards and unconscious hairs lying sideways. The circle of life would have been easier if I hadn’t killed the guard by the pond in the conservatory and then overwritten the save before. I had to knockout someone, put them close to the pond and then start with the hound, rat, bloosfly, hopping to the fish was kinda hard but I got it in the end.
Now I have to do Death of the Outsider, which I think is easier. Also I gotta continue my ng+ ultra hard Horizon playthrough plus frozen wilds dlc that I still haven’t played. And I want to actually finish uncharted 4 and do lost legacy at some point.
Most of all, I want to see if I can plat Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. I got the 1.5+2.5 collection and I’d like to plat the first one. I doubt I’ll ever get the rest, specially since I don’t think anyone of them have stacking difficulty so you need like 3 playthroughs each. Then I want to finish and do most of Dragon age: inquisition.
I have a huge backlog of games I want to finish, try for plat, and a few others I haven’t even started cause I have so many. Plus I sink a fuckload if hours into overwatch, and recently way too much in fortnite battlw Royale
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Your Hair Survival Manual.
The two-times WNBA champions on Thursday declared their inaugural Stand up Along with Planned Being a parent evening for 18 July, when the nightclub host the Chicago Heavens at Seat's KeyArena. Bartlett, in promoting this decision to endeavor right into the gastronomy market under the Tourism Linkages System, stated this provides to build up Jamaica's competitiveness as well as to branch out the country's tourist item to produce higher growth fees in each website visitor arrivals as well as profits. What you need to know: There have been a lot of satisfy compilations targeted at more youthful guys, yet handful of that avoid contacting them like they're youngsters. Although that is actually nearly THIRTEEN years of ages, Rome: Total amount Battle is among the most ideal video games from 2017 thanks to its own re-release on apple ipad. Concurrently, these relatively extremely- self-assured people can be fast to anger. Grasp the general auto mechanics and the video game opens up, however that never relinquishes its own devious edge, later on offering freeform microorganisms, and also those that increase and vaporise. Family pet treatment industry features the solutions like family pet resting, dog mobile pet grooming as well as supporting people which desire to grow stock like honey bees as well as hens in their house situated in city etc Increasing expenses also depends on where the container is increased, as well as the top quality from medicine the cultivator intends to accomplish. The usefulness from these aspects is actually clarified due to the reality that except little economic conditions that possess commodity-based riches, all little economic conditions that have actually experienced quick levels of economical growth have actually done so by being actually congenial to the planet. When the stew" is ready, the water is going to vanish off the vapor and the flowerpot obtains darker. Note the Escalator (1), go through the Details (2), speak with the Scientist (3), check out the Representation (4), accomplish the Tool (5) and also Clamp (6) duties with the Tool parts (a-f) and the Clamp parts (A-B) and also keep in mind account (7). Recipe: Whisk 1 mug unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 cup ordinary yogurt, 1 tbsp maple syrup, 1 tablespoon vanilla extraction and 1/8 teaspoon salt in a channel bowl up until merely combined. Sullivan is at home # 8 on road # 4. There is a huge group standing by outside the garage near a DJ along with a turntable. AHAs are actually optimally effective within a pH array between 3.0 and also 4.0. The pH for Cream P50 1970 is actually 3.5, while the pH for the new Cream P50 formula is actually 3.0. Both pH levels are effective, however AHA outcomes increase in both speed as well as effectiveness at the lesser end from that 3-4 scale. The app on its own has a simplistic user interface that matches iphone 7 layout, as well as provides you with 3 distinct buttons: secure, preparing, and also even more. I assume I was incredibly crystal clear to the producers that understood I was wondering about Zeke's sex that it wasn't something that was relevant in the activity. Certainly not simply performs completely dry shampoo keep your hair grease-free, it additionally adds texture and also hold-- which is actually precisely what you wish when you are actually increasing out an edge.. This secret upgrade is actually additionally should achieve at the very least 1 or even 2 of the trophies in this particular activity. Playing this activity at 60 frameworks a second vs. 30 frameworks has a reasonably recognizable effect on the activity.
Nottinghamshire, that travel to Taunton Tuesday for a One-Day Cup ko, stay leading of the division, by 16 points over Kent, which have actually participated in 6 activities to Notts' 7. This is actually a really good job in order to get done while your pc off depending on for how long you leave this off those tasks may be finished by opportunity you get back to the activity. In the third method, you can easily make your own Mushroom Empire coming from properties, designs and also other items that you acquire utilizing coins and Toads collected through participating in the initial pair of video game methods. She's regularly known that August wases initially top priority due to the fact that her moms and dads are actually therefore over -preventive over him, however little by little, that's crystal clear that she's beginning to grow a little bit of nasty. When you hear the audio from a gong, the only time you recognize for certain if the collectible is available is actually. Pinball video games usually either ape real-world desks or go full-on videogame, with very animated content that would be difficult on an actual table. If you participated in football activities in the 90s, after that Super Game Football (or SAF) will correct up your alley. Koji Igarashi's latest game doesn't divert coming from his skills way too much, but generates a spiritual successor properly deserving of the label. The game was actually kind of like an extra threatening model from an usual Super Mario Bros If you needed to have any type of more convincing, that is actually off the devs behind the outstanding Dishonored games. Certainly not to worry, if you 'd like to catch up on each one of the necessary story you can possibly do so on PlayStation 4 through participating in Empire Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix and Empire Hearts 2.8 Last Section Beginning. HBO has actually certainly not launched any sort of statement on the leakages - there sufficiented from a kerfuffle over sneak peek accessibility after season 5 incidents were leaked in 2015 - but this shows up the majority of followers are supposing the plot information to become right. In a similar way, Completely Bare Don't Develop There hydrates the skin layer and also helps prevent regrowth. http://ayantalesprit-manger.info of people think that they must trim that while that's increasing out, yet this could actually be actually counter top instinctive. Then fall your building contractors (they could be any type of level) on the pipeline to repair this. Once the aqueduct is actually restored, this is going to take some time just before the plants have increased good enough to produce.
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