#it's like that surprised pikachu meme
ringosmistress · 1 month
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little-pondhead · 1 year
DP x DC idea:
Danny is very familiar with dimension-hopping, and his favorite to visit is the DC universe. It seems he needs to practice his timing, however, because all his new friends there never seem to remember their adventures together. Maybe he should try overshooting the timestream a little?
Danny likes visiting the DC universe but is unaware he's visiting a different version of that universe each time. All his adventures with the heroes and villains aren't shared experiences with every counterpart in the multiverse. So to Danny, he's met the Batfam and Supers dozens of times and knows their identities. To them, a slightly eldritch teenage boy who knows more than he should just appears out of the blue one day, talks to them like they're old pals, and is never seen again once his "vacation" is over.
A few of the multiverses collide by accident, and the heroes get to meet their counterparts that did go on those wacky adventures with Danny. Bonus points if the collision point lands them all in the Ghost Zone.
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yeliuxi · 2 months
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Some gossiping Da Qing and Shen Wei for @rose-tinted-vision!! Thank you for your donation for @danmei-action <3 I had such a fun time drawing these two.
Check out the Danmei Gotcha for Gaza here (link)! Prompts are open until August 31st!!
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Me: I wonder why I feel like shit and have no energy to do anything
Me, a few days later: Ah, it was trauma processing
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alteredsilicone · 5 months
Larian on twitter telling someone "no kissing between durge and Gortash" LMFAO
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chipped-chimera · 1 year
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Sometimes my AuDHD brand of special interest do be winning though
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mblue-art · 2 years
It's me again, anon, who adores your love-hate towards Cross. Friend recently showed me a video in tiktok where there was a sound of 'oh I hate that man...but oh, cara mia...how i love him'. It immediately reminded me of you. Tsunderes keep winning. Let's go tsunderes ✊️
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hhhh h hhhi anon i do, i do ha-
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himbo-of-destiny · 1 year
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good-beansdraws · 2 years
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"My selfishness won’t let you go — You’re the only one I won’t forgive"
Based on that one frame from Android Girl
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infernal-feminae · 8 months
Oh wow. Tumblr really didn't notify me that I have asks in my inbox :U
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depeshemode · 1 year
every time i search fics on ao3 before i finish watching the source material, i am (surprise) met with spoilers. do you think i would learn from this mistake and stop myself from doing it again? the answer is no bc i’m insufferable and very stupid
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New Stray Kids comeback, you probably don't know what that means!
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Part one of memes made from @ao3-crack posts+the first skz five star photoshoot!
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crowned-ladybug · 2 years
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Frostflower for @bellasdragons <3
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
I keep thinking about the possibilities of Yoda-Kantam-Lula....-....Mana-Ky-Asajj Jedi Lineage (I am correct) but mainly what my sister pointed out about it after I brought the idea up; Asajj's absolute terror and devastation when she finds out Yoda is her grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand Master:
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carminewill · 1 month
❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜ / for saiko
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" Well I didn't exactly think it was going to feel pleasant. " Saiko replies - her words LACK her usual bite and it just comes out as TIRED. She prefers to blame her lack of aggression on the blood loss. " I'm a bitch with an attitude, not a wuss. " She replies, allowing a weak smirk on her lips. That can't be said for ALL of the militants. Most of them were just scared people who happened to have a gun. They didn't like pain and had weak wills that caved to others. Like her, or Aguni, or Niragi, or just anyone with an actual BACKBONE.
She was prepared for the sting of cleaning the deep gash. Or she thought she was. Saiko was no stranger to pain. It had already been a familiar friend BEFORE coming to the Borderlands, both to inflict and to endure. She won most of her fights, but that didn't mean coming away UNSCATHED. This is definitely the worst she's ever experienced though. Fitting given the hellhole this place was.
" FUCK ! " Saiko hisses and throws her head back because it doesn't just sting a little. It hurts like a bitch. But to the militants credit, she doesn't flinch. Her nails dig into the ground and she lets out a slow, shaky exhale ( and maybe another curse ) . The pain makes her eyes squeeze shut but she forces them open, forces herself to watch the other woman work. She's not letting pain rule over her. What Saiko doesn't understand is why Pat is helping her.
" Well. This is going to be one hell of a story if anyone ever asks how I get this scar. If it scars. " Saiko's not sure if the injury will or not ; it seems like some tiny injuries scar and other major injuries DON'T. All she knows is there is a lot of blood and she's tired., Saiko doubts anyone will ask about the scar regardless. People don't get to know Saiko personally. Not here, not in the real world.
Finally the question burns her up too much to keep silent. " Why? " Why are you helping? / @cartelheir
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violet-witch-6 · 1 year
I for one loved the final season of tmmm. It’s getting a lot of hate for not doing this or that or just not being 100% a happy ending (how dare it be bitter sweet??? She’s?? Isolated from her loved ones because of the inevitable cost of her ambition and fame??? ImPoSsiBle!!).
When we first started with the flash forwards of Midge’s children and we saw how estranged they were, I admit I wasn’t too pleased, but as the season was coming out I was also doing a rewatch, and the more of the old seasons I watched, the more s5 made sense. This is where we’ve always been headed. Every big turn in the series has always presented Midge with the question “will you choose your domestic life or your career?” and she chose her career. Every. Time. Over men, over family, over her children. Even when she was presented with Benjamin, ostensibly an opportunity to try and make it work with a man who actively supported her career, she walked away from him because she knew that he would never matter to her as much as being on stage would. To be honest, I think the flash forwards were nearly kind. They started out rough in the first half of the season with the estrangement, the several failed marriages, and the implication of a falling out with Susie, but eventually they balanced out. She fought with Susie, but they eventually found their way back to each other. She was distant from her family, but she still loved them and used her money to support her mother’s dream. She got everything she wanted because she made a choice and she took it as far as she could.
As far back as s2e7 (and honestly even before that), this message has been explicit in the show with that painter showing Midge his master piece and explaining how it ruined his life because he put everything he had into that. The epilogue is showing us Midge’s version of that, and tbh, it still pulls its punches, because she still manages to have meaningful (if distant) relationships with Susie, her family, and Joel whereas the painter’s story was somehow even more depressing.
Was s5 perfect? Of course not. Some of the scenes didn’t land for me, and there are things I wish they would’ve done differently, but when it comes down to it, this was a pretty good conclusion. It showed how the characters grew, and how they were still exactly who they always were. It gave every character an ending that made sense for them (even when some of them made me sad) and honestly, Midge’s four minute set on the Gordon Ford show (which could not possibly have been just four minutes) could not more blatantly have been a thesis statement that the show never once veered away from. Everything was building to this conclusion, and I for one found it satisfying in the way that a well crafted story/conclusion is always satisfying, even if it’s a conclusion that makes people uncomfortable.
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