#it's my birthday so I get to post another coot!!!!!
stickynotebirds · 8 months
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238. Eurasian Coot (from memory)
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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Rutland Water second bog: 20/08/2021-Lyndon Nature Reserve part 2 of 2: Water Rail, Red Admiral, Brown Hawker and more 
We went back on ourselves to the third hide along taking in the nice sheep which I took the first picture in this photoset of when I had a positive premonition a little bit. When thinking of what targets of birds we may be able to see at Rutland Water, Water Rail spring to mind. We hadn’t seen one here since but in either 2009 or 2010 I think one of our very first Bird Fairs we saw a Water Rail in a reedbed channel from this hide. And soon after getting into the hide a kind person in there said she had seen a Water Rail and I was astounded as we got up and looked into the channel to see the richly shaded dark brown and handsome plumage of the Water Rail. It was a wow moment and fantastic few minutes as I adored seeing this splendid species one of my absolute birds of the year. It was a brilliant way to secure a bird year tick for the trip something that feels so good to come from it as always if I can get it. It’s my 174th bird of the year my third highest ever amount of birds I have seen on this date compared to past years. I was so pleased with this bird as I have seen them every year since 2017 sometimes more than once in a year and I could have so easily not seen it this year we saw it on a winter Slimbridge trip around my birthday in January early on in the year in 2019 and 2020 which couldn’t be due to lockdown this year so it was a huge relief to see the often elusive Water Rail today. I took the third picture in this photoset of this bird among others I tweeted on Dans_Pictures and the second picture of a nice view from this hide. 
In a case of no Bird Fair but a bird fest we saw a Sedge Warbler another of my favourites in the reeds just before the Water Rail.
Walking back to the centre there was another amazing moment as we got exquisite views of a strong species here the Brown Hawker flying around a scene I loved so much seeing it’s glorious warm brown colours some of the greatest views I’ve ever got of this species. It really was all bases covered as it turned into a wonderful butterfly day next with great views of Small Tortoiseshell and Common Blue adding a great bit of extra flair as if any more was needed to the day and adding well to Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood and Small White earlier in the walk around. There were lots of great moths around today too.
At the visitor centre a Grey Squirrel which I took the fourth picture in this photoset of made a nice sighting as it did from one of the hides as well as some feeding woodland birds with the feeders there. We then had a nice look at all the other hides east of the visitor centre going all the way down to the one in the woods where we have happy previous memories in visits gone by. It was atmospheric to hear ice cream van music or similar in the woods and I heard it the next day at Egleton reserve too. I took the fifth, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset on the way to and at the hide in the woods.
The music was quite enchanting my Mum said it was the captain pugwash theme tune with some mushrooms seen well in the woods too. We spoke to some lovely people at the woodland hide that had come this weekend in place of the Bird Fair like us. Back at the visitor centre noticing a fantastic painting of a Barn Owl on the side of it which I took the eighth picture in this photoset of one of some fantastic artwork around the place which I hadn’t seen here before so it must have been done over the last two years before going for a lovely relaxing evening in the hotel including my first time in a restaurant since late 2019 which was great it was lovely to see a Greenfinch and other feeding birds and three Red Admirals sat nicely on a bulging clump of hemp agrimony in the garden at the visitor centre. I took the ninth picture in this photoset of this beauty. These were exceptional views. There were amazing views of lots on this packed, productive with truly an enormous list of species seen and fun day out with lots of stunning vistas landscape wise of water, woods and all around. I very much enjoyed today it was everything I hoped it could be to open the trip. 
On the way to our Corby hotel the Premier Inn the place we’ve stayed most for Bird Fair over the years as well as Kestrel hovering complimenting nicely the obligatory Red Kite/Buzzard battle as to what I could see more of on the journey up earlier I loved seeing the usual gateway to coming to this amazing area the distinctive, beautiful and quintessentially rural villages. We came a different way in today so didn’t see these until now. This included one of favourite stretches of road between my two favourite villages to pass through here and anywhere because of how pretty they are Caldecott and Rockingham but to get from one to the other along the road you must cross two county borders going from Rutland one of the smallest counties in England to Northamptonshire via a small slice of Leicestershire. The images of these villages sum up this as one of the happiest times of year for me so I loved being back and I loved noticing in Caldecott especially how even the newer buildings have so much of the gorgeous light brown bricks which allures me to the villages so much keeping their distinctive edge so nicely. A fantastic first day away! I got the tenth and final picture in this photoset of a quite pleasant view from my hotel room. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Water Rail, Ruddy Darter, Migrant Hawker and Muntjac Deer of the year, five of my favourite birds the Osprey, Great Crested Grebe, Great White Egret, Little Egret and Sedge Warbler, two of my favourite butterflies the Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral, Mallard, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Coot, Moorhen I’m not sure I’ve ever or maybe appreciated ever seeing these two and rarer relative Water Rail on one day before, Lapwing, Common Tern, Black-headed Gull, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Little Grebe, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, Blackcap, Blackbird, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Pied Wagtail, Stock Dove, Meadow Brown, Small White, Speckled Wood, Brown Hawker, Common Blue Damselfly, moths, Grey Squirrel, Field Vole, a nice black slug I have seen lots of these lately, spiders and I heard Green Woodpecker another of my favourite birds.
Part 1 of Friday’s post is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/660257865202794496/rutland-water-blog-1-20082021-lyndon-nature
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quietfounder · 5 years
This is the first time I wrote a really long post about DuckTales
So, to pass the time until DuckTales come back in April I decided to map out the seasons that’s already been aired to find out who and what the season’s about, how many episodes a particular storyline or arc is given, and maybe make a few theories about season 3.
Before I start, season finales are not included in the count up because I think they just include everything that we learned throughout the season.
Season 1 is Dewey’s season. His main arc is about finding out what happened to his mom, but his personal arc is learning that he doesn’t have to always have do things on his own to impress anyone and that it’s okay to rely on others for help.
Now on to how many episodes that focused on him this season:
Escape to/from Atlantis! (Woo-oo! part 1)
The Great Dime Chase!
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!
The Spear of Selene!
The Missing Links of Moorshire!
Day of the Only Child!
Sky Pirates...In the Sky!
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!
Total: 8 episodes
I really debated on having some episodes included in the list because if you think about only four episodes focused on his Della investigation and some episodes didn’t focus entirely on him but still had a major part. The Last Crash of the Sunchaser is not on here or any of the following lists because I think the focus was evenly divided among the characters. Well I guess you could make the argument that it focused on Dewey and Scrooge since they seemed to be the driving forces in that episode. But I don’t count it because it’s way too sad and I’m not putting myself through that. But anyway, I got to thinking “No it’s Dewey’s season. His episodes don’t have to be exclusively tied to that arc.” Besides, his other episodes have moments of what he really thinks of himself and how he wants others to see him. Plus, we got Dewey Dew-Night!
Wow that got long but let’s move on to the next season!
Season 2 is Louie’s season. His main arc is about him trying to find a specific in his family and how to fit in it with what he knows how to do best. His personal arc is about him learning to be more humble and more appreciative of what he has.
Episodes that focused on him:
The Most Dangerous Game...Night!
Storkules in Duckburg!
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!
The Richest Duck in the World!
Total: 7 episodes
I honestly had no problem trying to decipher which were Louie’s episodes. I didn’t think to include The Ballad of Duke Baloney because it was mainly about Glomgold.
Season 1 also had another character that it focused on and that was Scrooge. His arc was about reconnecting and bonding with his family after being separated from them for so long.
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!
The Missing Links of Moorshire!
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!
From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22!
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!
Total: 6 episodes
I counted these episodes even though some of them was also about other characters because they were about Scrooge’s history and relationships with these people.
Season 2 was also Della’s season since this was the first time we fully got to know her. Her arc was about reuniting with her family and learning to adapt to new situations.
What Ever Happened To Della Duck?!
The Golden Spear!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!
The Richest Duck in the World!
Total: 7 episodes
I think Della’s episodes were pretty much straightforward. In episodes where she’s focused or involved in a B story where she has a role that has some significance, Della either bonds with her kids, makes connections with new people and/or learns a lesson while also learning something new about her in the process.
In season 1, Magica is the main villain. Her arc is about stealing Scrooge’s Number One Dime to free herself from it, then to seek revenge on Scrooge and his family.
Terror of the Terra-firmians!
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!
Total: 3 episodes
I decided not to include The Beagle Birthday Massacre because the episode was mainly about Lena and Webby, and Magica doesn’t appear until the very end. Also, we don’t get mention of any plans from her until Terror of the Terra-firmians.
In season 2, Lunaris is the main villain. His arc is about befriending Della to gain access to her rocket ship manual for him to use to invade Earth.
What Ever Happened To Della Duck?!
The Golden Spear!
What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!
Total: 3 episodes
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck is not on the list even though Lunaris appears at the end is because that was primarily a Della episode. Same reason why The Richest Duck in the World is not on here. Lunaris may not have actually appeared but Penumbra did send out a warning about Lunaris’ invasion. However, that happened at the very end of the episode.
From doing this, we can tell that a season is usually about one of the kids, an adult relative of theirs, and their respective season’s villain.
So for season 3, we already know it’s Huey’s season and that investigating F.O.W.L. is one of his arcs.
I gonna take a guess as to what his other arc could be about but it could be that Huey learns that some things can be out of your control and that you need to make the best out of the situation. I’m basing this on some moments in the show of where something didn’t make sense, Huey would get angry, upset, or afraid.
Donald could be the adult relative that the season is also. Plus, we been told that Donald does have a mini arc coming up.
F.O.W.L. is the villain of season 3. Either just the faction or the vultures themselves doesn’t matter. 
Well that’s it for my train of thought. I hope y’all enjoyed get a look into my head about these seasons!
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shy-violet-soul · 6 years
The First Bite
Characters: little Dean Winchester, little Sam Winchester, appearance by Bobby Singer Rating: E for everyone Warnings: allusion to child abandonment, allusion to child endangerment, scared child, angst, a little bit of fluff Summary: A small country store, the best pie in the county, and a boy looking for work.  The story of how Dean fell in love with pie. Word Count:  6,400-ish (holy crap, I wrote all that?!) A/N: I read a Tumblr post that talked about why adult-Dean always chipmunk’s his food and has a deeply passionate love affair with pie.  And so, I came up with this slice of heartbreak.
A huge “thank you” to the phenomenal writers @thesassywallflower and @percywinchester27 for being my betas!  The kind feedback from your talented perspectives is so appreciated!
This is a work of fiction based upon characters created and owned by the CW.  My work is not be published without my written permission.
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(1st ever moodboard by me.  Photo cred. to owners via Google)
Effingham, IL ~ 1988-ish
Knees creaking as he descended the stairs, Louis “Louie” Moenning ambled over to the window of the store, and switched on the “Open” light.  Just like clockwork, Owen Weis drove by and honked his hello as he sped down US 40 to work, Louie waved his reply as he unlocked the front door.  Coffee maker fired up, popcorn machine plugged in, Louie worked his way down his morning punch list.
Once Effingham got all modern and built a Walmart, business at his little store had taken a real hit. But, then that Schultz fellow helped build the giant ‘Cross of the Crossroads’ out on Highway 70, and he had enough tourist traffic to keep the lights on. Things had been pretty quiet lately, though.  Louie paused to enjoy the view of blue sky as he looked northeast towards town.  Vic and Ada Lovelace had stopped by yesterday with a couple of bushels of apples from their trees.  Vic Lovelace was by no means a reliable source of information, but Louie always enjoyed chatting with him.
“Heard George Prescott down at the diner say they’re having that same problem at St. Anthony’s again.  Up on the mama floor.  Lights won’t stay on, and he’s checked the wiring top to bottom.  I’m telling you, it’s a spirit.  It’s a spirit from that fire in ‘49,” the old coot insisted, slapping his knee for emphasis.  
Nodding exaggeratedly, Louie poured the other man a cup of coffee.  “Sure, Vic.  Probably one of them nuns.  Better watch she don’t smack you with an invisible ruler for snitching my caramels when you think I’m not lookin’.”
A mischievous grin touched Louie’s face when he recalled Vic’s scandalized expression.  He didn’t buy into all that nonsense, and no spirit had been thieving his candy for years.
“Don’t forget to water the plants!” The reminder echoed down the stairs from the living quarters above.  Louie just grunted as he bent down to unlock the safe.  Violet and her plants.  He swore that woman had a whole green hand, not just a thumb, with her knack for growing things.  The old bell jingled a welcome as the front door opened, and Louie kicked the safe shut and stood.
A wiry young boy, maybe 9 or 10 years old, stood just inside, holding the stack of the day’s newspapers Marchie had dropped off for him.  Serious green eyes stared up at him as he keeled back from the strain.  
“Well, thank you for hefting those, let me take ‘em.  You’re a might young to be handling that,” Louie hustled to take the load from the youngster.
“Thank you, sir, but I got it.  Where do you want ‘em?”  Louie nodded in recognition at a man’s pride, staying just close enough to grab something if need be.
“Right over there by that metal rack, if you don’t mind, son.  Yep, that’s perfect,” praised the old man as the lad carefully plopped them down, scooting the string-tied stack as close to the rack as possible.  Faded blue eyes squinted down at him, and Louie offered him a smile.  “You must be new around here.  Think I know all the kids.”
“Just passing through.  You mind if I look around?”
Another smile touched Louie’s face.  “Not at all.  I got me a few comic books at the end of the magazines down there,” he pointed.  The youngster’s mouth pulled up at the corner in a half-smile before he turned towards the aisles.  Rounding the counter, Louie watched the little stranger for a moment.  He was in the grocery aisle, staring studiously where Louie knew the chips, crackers, beef jerky, and the like were displayed.  He shook his head fondly as he squatted back down by the safe - growing boys are always hungry.  
The front door bell rang again, snagging Louie’s attention.  A fellow walked in, worn quilted vest tossed over a flannel button-down.  A ragged ball cap, so faded the logo couldn’t be read, sat on top of longish dirty blond hair - a mullet, Marchie would have called the cut.  Louie could smell the stale cigarettes on him from here.  From the bloodshot eyes and hand tremors, he figured the stranger was beyond hungover.
“Help you, sir?” Louie called out, startling the man.
“You got coffee?” His shoulders hunched behind the query as he shifted on his feet awkwardly.  Louie hesitated a moment before lifting his chin towards the machine.
“Brewing right now.  First pot might be done.”  The stranger turned, hesitated, then fidgeted his way to the coffee pot.  Louie watched him for another moment; when he did nothing more than pour himself a cup of coffee, he returned to his task.  His fingers hurried to open the safe to get the cash drawer, his memory seeing the gun he kept under the counter.
Movement out of the corner of his eye drew his glance up - the hungover stranger stood at the end of the counter, staring at him.  The hairs on the back of Louie’s neck prickled, and he cursed his bad knee when he couldn’t get his feet under him to stand.
“That coffee’ll be fifty cents.  If you want to come around this way to the front, I can help you there,” Louie offered, a clear warning in his voice.  The stranger didn’t move, just stood silently, coffee dribbling over his shaking fingers to the floor.  “Mister, you step around here to the front, and you can pay and get on the road.”
Just when Louie was about to scramble for that gun, the rack of chewing gum and breath mints on top of the counter toppled over, slamming into the stranger.  As he cursed and grappled with the metal stand, cellophane packages raining in all directions, Louie climbed to his feet and pulled the gun free, placing it visibly on the counter.  
“Sorry about that, Pops.  By the way, I forgot to tell you.  Chief Nelson from the PD said he’d be stopping by at 8:30 this morning to drop off that book.  I told him that would be okay.”
Swallowing past his suddenly dry throat, Louie nodded gently at his green-eyed back up.
“That’s just fine, sport.  We’ll clean this up in a minute.  Why don’t you call down to the station and ask Nelson to join us for breakfast?”  Before the lad could reply, the stranger bolted for the door and ran.  Louie took a moment to calm his afib, then turned to look at the boy.
“Young man, you just helped me in a mighty big way.  Thank you.”
Thin little shoulders shrugged as he studied his shoes.
“It was no big deal.  He needed to get bent.”
Louie wasn’t sure what ‘get bent’ meant, but he nodded in agreement.  “Well, it was a heckfire lot more than ‘no big deal’.  I figure that fella planned to rob me.”
His little saviour stared out the door after the ne’er-do-well, shaking his head.  “Humans suck.”
Chuckling, Louie carefully stepped over the spilled packs of gum and righted the metal rack back onto the counter.  Without a word, the lad started scooping handfuls of gum to the counter while Louie grumbled to himself as he scooted the rack into place.  When he turned back, he smiled to see all that gum being studiously stacked by brand and flavor.  Louie watched the young man for another moment before reached down and scooped up the cash drawer, fishing out a shiny silver dollar as he wedged it in the register.  He smacked the coin down by the boy’s elbow with a flourish, then extended his hand out.
“Young man, I don’t know your name, but I’m Louie Moenning.  I’d be pleased to shake your hand, and I hope you’ll take that as a thanks for your help this morning.”  The kid surprised him by looking at his hand first, then the money, before putting his own smaller hand in his.  The strength and calluses in his grip further surprised Louie.
“Dean Winchester.  You don’t have to pay me for that.  Just doing what’s right.”
Such grown up wisdom in such a little fella.  “Well, Dean, consider it payment for hauling in that newspaper and stacking up the gum nice n’ neat.  Hard to get any help from young people these days.”  Louie busied himself setting the packages back on the rack; from the corner of his eye, he watched Dean stare at the silver dollar, then glance back towards the grocery section that had earlier engrossed him before he joined in restocking the gum.
Footsteps on the stairs announced Violet on her way down.  He grinned when his bride appeared in the white dress with big yellow flowers he’d given her for her birthday.  She complained she looked like old wallpaper, but he thought she looked just like Princess Di.  Wonder if Prince Charles ever got the glare Vi was shooting at him now?
“You didn’t water the plants, did you?” she accused, hands on her hips.
“Now, Vi, I had a customer, and this young man was kind enough to help me.”  
Violet’s brown eyes began to sparkle as she smiled.  “Louie!  Have you finally changed your mind about hiring some help?”
He blinked at her in confusion.  “No, no, Violet, I-”
“He looks like a strapping young man, too.  Think you can handle boxes when orders come in?”
Dean snapped to attention.  “Yes, ma’am.  I can carry boxes just fine.”
“How are you at sweeping?”
“Real good.  I can sweep really good.”
“Stocking shelves?”
“Violet!” Louie frowned at his wife.  This was getting away from him.  Yes, they’d talked about him hiring a helper, but he didn’t know this boy, helpful or not.
The boy in question turned those green eyes back to him, earnest and hopeful.  “Mr. Moenning, I’d be happy to help you out for a few days.  I can be here at sunup, and I’ll work till dark.  Whatever job you need me to do.  You don’t have to pay me much.”
Shooting his wife an exasperated look, Louie folded his arms over his chest.  “How much you figure ‘not much’ is, son?”
Dean looked down at the floor, then cast a brief glance over his shoulder towards the shelves behind him.  Neither of the Moennings saw his fingers twitch as he counted.  “Two dollars and thirty-four cents.”
Both Moennings blinked at the strangely specific amount, then turned to regard each other.  Louie pursed his lips when he saw the mulish set to Violet’s chin, and sighed.
“Mr. Winchester, I’ll tell you what.  You go out front and water Miss Violet’s plants for me, and I’ll pay you that two dollars and thirty-four cents.  Alright?”
“Yes, sir.”  The boy hurried out the door, and Louie turned to his wife.
“Violet Iola Moenning.  What do you think you’re up to?”
“Louis Daniel Moenning.  Your promised me you would hire a helper.  And one shows up practically gift wrapped.”
“But, Vi, we don’t even know this boy.  He said he was just passing through.  For all we know, his family could be mixed up in all kinds of...ne’er-do-well stuff!” Louie sputtered at his wife.  She scoffed at him as she stepped forward to peer out the window.
“Nonsense!  Just look at him.  He’s even got the water pressure turned down so the water doesn’t plow into the dirt.  That little man is being real gentle with my petunias.  Better than you’ve ever been,” she scolded with a side eye in his direction.  He only harrumphed as he came around to join her studying the boy.  
“Well…,” Louie watched as Dean finished up watering, and began carefully coiling the hose - more so than he was wont to, he had to admit.  “He was mighty helpful this morning.  Thinks good on his feet.”
Sensing victory, Violet patted his arm gently as she wrapped her other arm about his waist.  “And since he’s not staying long, it would just be for a few days.  Like a test shot those car salesmen talk about.”
“Test drive, Vi.”
His wife only sniffed.  “He may need to make arrangements, so you pay him his money and tell him to come back tomorrow.”
Knowing he’d well and truly lost, Louie only sighed as Violet took herself back up stairs.  The bell jingled again as Dean returned, and Louie had to smile at the hopeful look on his face.  Moving back to his spot behind the counter, he opened the register. “Well, now, Mr. Winchester.  For your help this morning, here is two dollars and thirty-four cents.  You go on now and enjoy your day, and I’ll see you back here 8 o’clock sharp.  Deal?”“Deal.”  Green eyes crinkled a bit as Dean grinned at him before he studied the money in his hand.  “Would it be okay if I bought a couple things?”“It’s your money, son.  You’ve earned it.”  Without a word, Dean spun and hustled toward the shelves.  Certain he’d be returning with a comic book, Louie shut the register and finished piling the gum and mints where they belonged.  The boy returned in a quick minute, carefully placing a box of Ritz crackers, a small can of Vienna sausages, and a can of Coke on the counter.  Almost proudly, he slid the silver dollar from earlier and the newer coins and $1 note towards Louie.“Thank you, Mr. Moenning.  I’ll be here in the morning.”  Chuckling to himself, Louie bagged up the foodstuffs for the boy and waved him out the door, watching him run west down the highway.  Growing boys and their food - he should have figured.
Louie guessed he shouldn’t have been surprised that the young Mr. Winchester was a man of his word.  What he wasn’t prepared for was how the boy gave him a heart attack by popping up in front of the door just as he was unlocking the next morning.  While he calmed his afib down, Dean proved his readiness to get to work.  Newspapers were hefted in, the string pocket knifed free, and the daily dose of headlines plopped in the rack.  Louie couldn’t help the approving smile he gave the boy as he directed him to the wash closet for a broom.
That day set the pace for the next four.  Dean would be waiting on the doorstep well before 8:00am, and always got right to work - newspapers, sweeping, dusting.  Wednesday was soda truck day, and the boy dragged or pushed cases like a pro.  Thursday brought Robbie with the food goods delivery, and again, he found himself impressed at the boy’s stick-to-it attitude with the bulky packages of canned goods, bottles, and the like.  
At noon, Violet brought him lunch, happily adding an extra plate for the boy.  Dean always stared at the sandwich, chips, and cookie for a moment.  He’d thank Violet politely, ask if he could eat it later, and return to work when given permission.  The first two times it happened, he and Violet just shrugged at each other.  The plate always stood empty by afternoon.  The third time, Violet had to dash off to lunch at a friend’s, and Louie got a phone call.  The fourth time, Violet didn’t want to take ‘no’ for an answer.
The day had started rainy, with Dean surprising him with his absence from the doorstep.  Louie caught himself staring out at the highway, looking in both directions for a glimpse of the boy.
“He’s late?” Violet’s query sounded behind him.  Louie grunted his reply.  “He shouldn’t be out in this rain.”
Dean was a surprisingly reticent ten year old, proving himself an expert in classic rock and hand tools, but unwilling to talk about much else.  Louie realized with a pang he didn’t even know where the boy was staying.  When he turned around, Violet stood wringing her hands as she squinted into the downpour.  “He’ll be wet through when he gets here.  I’ll go make something hot to drink.”  She spun on her heel and hurried back upstairs.
Silently, Louie went about his normal routine - coffee maker, popcorn machine, cash drawer - 8:08am.  The quiet store, so familiar from before, seemed altogether too quiet without the serious little worker bee of the last three days.  The elder Moenning shook his head and ambled to the wash closet for the ‘wet’ rug.  Any customers today were sure to track in water, needed to give them somewhere to wipe their boots.  As he struggled with the bulky, awkward floor mat, the bell jingled.
“That you, Dean?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Glad you made it!  I’ll be right there!” he called out.  No answer came from the boy as Louie finished wrestling the mat out, carrying it to lean against the counter for a moment.  Dean wasn’t just inside the door as he expected; a slight scuffle-ish sound drew his attention to the back.  Dean appeared, looking like a half-drowned pup, wet wedges of dark hair dripping into his eyes.  He’d tried to keep the worst of the rain off with a trash bag, but Louie could hear the squelching of his soaked shoes from here.
“My goodness, boy!  Am I glad to see you.  You didn’t have to come all this way today!  Couldn’t your dad drive you?”  Louie hurried to drag out the old space heater from under the counter, ignoring the complaints of the coils as they heated up while he peeled the boy’s sodden jacket off of him.  
“He’s working.  ‘S alright, I wanted to be here.”
“Louie, is that Dean?”
“Yes, Vi, he’s here.”  Muted exclamations filtered down, staccatoed with Violet’s footsteps above them.  Moments later, she pounded down the stairs as Louie tried to urge Dean to kick off his shoes.
“Heavens to goodness, child!  You’re soaked through!  Here - you sit right there and drink this.  I made you my special hot chocolate.”
Dean’s shoulders hunched, his hands bunched with discomfort.  “I don’t want to make any trouble.  I’m fine.  I tracked a bunch a’ water in, I’ll go get the mop.”  When Louie and Violet wouldn’t rest till he’d drunk the beverage, the boy chugged it in four swallows and bolted for the mop without a word.
The rain kept customers away.  After he wrung out his socks and shoes and studiously mopped up the tracked-in water, Louie had Dean tackle expired products. After setting him up with empty boxes for the refuse, Louie started a deep clean of the popcorn machine.  It gave the older man a chance to think and watch.  
No one could ever complain about the determination with which the boy went after each chore,  not one too menial or too dirty.  He attacked the pesky dustpan-leftovers line and straightened magazines with a precision he remembered from his Marine uncle.  No complaints, no stopping to rest, just a serious gaze and busy hands.  Maybe too serious.
Ready to give credit where credit was due to the father who clearly taught Dean an impressive work ethic, as Louie watched the boy today, he was more ready to give him a piece of his mind.  Faint shadows flagged the boy’s eyes, and more than once, he paused from his work.  Catching his breath?  A small hand rubbed between his eyes.  Headache?  Louie wasn’t sure, but he did know whoever this Winchester was, he wasn’t taking care of his son.
When Violet reappeared with lunch, she’d done some extra fussing.  Their ham and cheese sandwiches had an L and a D carved in the bread, the chips arranged in a circle around them.
“Here we are!” she sang out, handing both working men a plate.  Louie pressed a kiss to her cheek, offering her a warm smile as he sat down.
“You’ve been reading Betty Crocker again, haven’t you, Vi?”  He chuckled when she shooed him away, turning to face the boy as he tried to slink away.
“Now, young man, you’ve been working like a fiend messing with all those cans and boxes.  I insist you take a break and eat your lunch right now.  I can’t have you gettin’ sick on me!” she exclaimed, urging the boy to the folding chair she’d set out for him.  Louie nodded his approval as he gestured with his sandwich to Dean.
“Come on, Dean.  Break time.  Work’ll still be there after we eat.”  Dean squirmed a bit under their watchful gazes, then took a bite.  Satisfied, Violet turned to her husband.
“Ada’s going to drop by my Avon order today, if she wants to get out in this rain.”
“Whaddya get?”
“Just a lipstick.  I was out of Bold Orchid.”
Louie shook his head as he chewed around a chip.  “You mean, the pink one?”
“Louis Moenning, you have no fashion sense.”
“I agree, dear.  It’s a good thing I have you.”  When Dean scooted off his chair to amble towards the back, they paid him no mind - he’d been told time and again to help himself to a soda.  
“They got any more apples ready?”
“I hope so, I put the last of them in a pie for after dinner.”
Dean reappeared, chewing the last of his sandwich as he offered his empty plate to Violet.  “Thank you, Mrs. Moenning.”
She patted the boy’s cheek fondly.  “Of course, hun!  I love to see clean plates!”
He shrugged his shoulders a bit awkwardly, turning to Louie.  “Mr. Moenning, the coffee machine stopped working again.  Want me to unplug it and get the tools?”
Louie grumbled to himself, telling Dean, “yeah, let’s take another look at it.”
Violet smacked a pink/Bold Orchid kiss to his forehead, taking the plates back upstairs.  While Dean dug in the closet for the tool box, Louie approached the coffee machine.  As he stared accusingly at the cursed contraption, a movement to his right caught his attention.  Louie glanced over at the display of umbrellas - one must have fallen and opened, for the dome of the thing showed out towards the store.  With a careful lean, Louie snagged the item, wiggling it when it appeared to get stuck on something on its way.
A pair of huge hazel eyes stared up at him, startling Louie something fierce.
“What the...who are you?” he stumbled out, reaching down to tug the youngster to his feet.  Small, swimming in a too-big rain jacket, the little curly top looked absolutely petrified.  His bottom lip trembled, his hands shook - holding a ham and cheese sandwich with a D carved in the bread.  Flummoxed beyond description, Louie took a step back.  “What is going on here?”  
In a blink, the little mister mustered up a scowl, trying to look mean.  Then, he squared himself up into a miniature little boxer’s stance.
Louie didn’t remember a lot about the next few moments except pain, shouts, more pain, crying, and stars and black dots in his vision.  Gradually, Violet’s voice threaded its way into the mess.
“Louie!  Louie, what happened?  Dean, who is this boy?  It’s alright, hun, don’t cry - Louie if you don’t open your eyes this instant, I’m calling an ambulance!”
Growling under his breath, Louie tried to roll to his side, cupping his throbbing manhood gingerly.  “Don’t call an ambulance!” he barked out.  After another moment of Violet’s whispered reassurances, Louie dragged in a deep breath as a different voice came through.
“I’m so sorry!  I’m sorry!  He didn’t mean to, it was my fault!  I’m responsible, please don’t punish him.  I’m sorry!”
Dean.  It was Dean’s voice.  Louie forced his eyes open and saw his serious little soldier clutching the pint-sized boxer to him, tears running down his face.  While Violet steadied him, Louie made his way to his feet, the pain in his crotch still keeping him hunched over.
“Alright, everybody,” he declared, still short of breath.  “Alright, let’s everybody calm down.  Violet, why don’t you go get a couple more chairs?  I think we all gotta do some talking.”
Five minutes later, the four of them sat facing each other.  The littler little boy was wedged firmly against Dean, Dean’s arm tight around his shoulders.  The bedraggled ham sandwich had long ago lost the fight, laying in limp chunks from the youngster’s chubby fingers.  When Violet had offered to take it, the boy had clutched it closer; Louie knew the heartbreak in his wife’s eyes mirrored his own.
“Dean, why don’t you introduce us to this young man?” Louie started, adjusting the icy liter bottle of beer against his abused parts.  Pale, solemn, Dean tightened his arm around the little boy’s shoulders.
“This is Sam.  He’s my brother.”  The boy’s voice croaked with the words.  A ten-year old’s terror trembled his chin for a moment, belied by the protective ferocity glowering from him.  Louie nodded while Violet tried a winning smile at little Sam.  
“It’s very nice to meet you, Sam.  Sam, I’m Louie Moenning, and this is my wife, Violet.”  Sam ducked his chin in answer, looking for all the world like he was trying to disappear.  Louie thought another moment before he spoke again.  “I’m sorry I scared you earlier.  You packed me a real good punch.  Did your brother teach you to do that?  Hit a man in the privates if you think he’s going to hurt you?”
A beat of silence, then the little boy nodded.  “He said they’d go down like a potato and leave me alone,” came the tiny answer.
Louie had to smile at that, chagrined as it was.  “Well, Dean was right.  I sure went down like a potato.  And, again - I’m sorry I scared you.”
Serious hazel eyes blinked at him before he offered Louie a nod, then looked up at his brother.  “Dean, is that the lady who made the sandwiches you brought me?”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
Sam turned a shy smile to the lady.  “They were real good, even with the cheese.  Dean said I could pick it off and just eat the ham.  Was that okay?”
Louie blinked at the question, watching Violet’s head tilt a bit in confusion as she cleared her throat.
“That was absolutely okay.  Now - I know the sandwich you’ve got there has cheese on it, and it looks a little tired.  Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll make you a new one with no cheese?” she asked gently, holding a hand out to him.  Sam shrank back against Dean’s side, looking up at him fearfully.  “Oh, don’t you worry, hun.  Dean’s coming for a new sandwich, too.”
Astonishment blinked from Dean’s green eyes as his gaze shot between the two Moennings.
“No, I - I gotta get back to work.  You don’t pay me for sitting around.”  
Memories flipped through Louie, awareness stitching sadness behind.  The very specific $2.34 and the carefully chosen groceries.  The disappearing sandwiches.  The absent father.  The clear fatigue and headache from earlier.  Dean’s actions were more than just protective over his brother.  He was raising his brother - earning money, buying food, sacrificing in a man-sized way from his little boy heart.
Clearing his throat once, twice, Louie tried to smile.  “That’s alright, Dean.  You’ve earned a break.  You go on and help Mrs. Moenning upstairs.”
As soon as the three disappeared upstairs, Louie closed the store up.  There was more important work to be done.
If little Sam’s words had  broken Violet’s heart, those shared at their dinner table stomped all over the leftover bits.  Sam, who she learned just turned five, often lifted hazel eyes to Dean, waiting for his nod before answering questions or making a move.  She’d made a double-batch of her famous Sloppy Joe sandwiches, along with crinkle cut French fries, pickles, tall glasses of chocolate milk, and no cheese for Sam.  Gradually, the littlest Winchester warmed up to her. He chattered about how strong Dean was when he piggybacked him to and from the motel seven whole times now.  About all the ‘radical’ bugs he’d found under the big tree by their fence where he waited each day for Dean.  How Dean taught him his numbers to the Scooby-doo song.
Dean, on the other hand, sat as silent as stone.  He wouldn’t touch one morsel of food until after he saw his brother’s plate filled and several bites down the hatch.  After the hushed conversation she’d had with Louie, Violet wondered when Dean had last had a first bite of something without having to worry about whether his brother was hungry.  When the sandwich platter was empty, and the little faces were pleasingly sauce-smudged, Violet ducked into the kitchen and returned with the apple pie she’d baked earlier.
“Now, I hope you boys like pie!  My Violet makes the best in the county.  She won a blue ribbon for her apple pie,” Louie praised.  She blew him a kiss as she began to slice.
“Do I like pie?” Sam whispered to his brother as Dean wiped his face.
“You will, don’t worry,” came the confident whisper in reply.  Louie sent his bride a proud smile as she placed a huge slice in front of each boy.  Curiously, she handed only Dean a fork before she continued slicing for the two of them.
“You go ahead, Dean, tell me what you think,” Violet encouraged nonchalantly, seemingly very involved in her cutting.  Dean looked over at Sam, who simply watched his brother disarmingly.  The older boy looked downright uncomfortable before turning to his brother.
“Here, Sammy, I’ll take the next fork.”
“That’s alright, Dean, I’m counting on you as my expert taste tester.  You show your brother how eating apple pie is done.”  Violet served up another slice with aplomb, and Louie quickly realized her endgame.  He busied his hands holding the pie plate for Violet, both of them watching Dean from the corners of their eyes.
Tentatively, Dean dug the tines into the pastry, coming away with a healthy chunk of golden fruit.  The syrupy goodness, delicately dusted with spices, coated the apple luxuriously.  When Sam nudged his elbow with a, “go on, show me!”, Dean carefully took the bite.  As the flavors unraveled in his mouth, Louie couldn’t bite back the grin when the boy’s eyes drifted shut.
“Mmmm,” he murmured absently.  Violet smiled, radiant in her glee, as she handed Sam a fork with a flourish.
“There you go, young man!” she crowed.  “Show us what you learned from a master pie taste tester!”  Smiles abounded across the table as everyone enjoyed the dessert; and if Dean’s smile was a trifle brighter, a bit more grateful, no one was the wiser.
While Violet had the boys help her clear the table, the doorbell downstairs summoned Louie to the little-used “front door”.  Ada Lovelace stood there, bag in hand, smiling up at the bearded man behind her holding the umbrella.
“Ada, hello!  Come to sell my beautiful wife beauty products she don’t need?”  
The woman trilled a laugh as she lifted the bag.  “And bring you apples!  Louie, this man has a question for you about someone.  Robert, was it?”
“Bobby, ma’am.  Bobby Singer.”  The newcomer paused as Louie ushered them both in the entry way out of the rain.  He removed his hat, showing a head of thinning, reddish hair that matched his beard as he shook hands with Louie in greeting.  “I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Moenning, but I’m looking for a couple of boys.  Man down at the Field & Dream Motel back a mile or so said they headed this way this morning.  Both have dark hair, kinda’ quiet.”
Louie squinted at the man, studying him briefly before he gestured up the stairs.  “Come on up, both of you.  Violet’s got coffee and pie on.”
The quiet Mr. Singer hesitated a moment before heading up the stairs.  He kept his back to the wall, not entering further into the room while Ada unbuttoned her jacket.
“Violet!  Company,” he called.  The clinking of supper clean-up stopped as Violet murmured something before she stepped into the doorway.
“Ada!  You didn’t have to come out in this weather!”
“Oh, it was no trouble.  Saw you’d closed up, everything alright?” The shorter woman’s gaze flicked between the Moennings curiously.  
“Right as rain, just decided to close early for a good meal.”  After Louie’s statement, the boys appeared, both of them pausing at the sight of the stranger.
“Uncle Bobby!” Sam shouted delightedly, running to the man.  A wide smile crinkled Dean’s eyes, relief sagging his shoulders a bit.  
“Hey, there, boys!  Good to see you!”  Mr. Singer hefted Sam up to his hip, ruffling Dean’s hair affectionately.  “You ready to go?”
“Is Dad with you?” Dean wanted to know.  Louie caught the flicker of frustration on Mr. Singer’s face before he schooled his features.
“No, he asked me to come get you two and he’ll meet us at my place.”
Nothing could hide the disappointment that wiped away the smiles from the boys.  After an awkward moment, Violet clapped her hands.  
“Boys, Mr. Moenning and I can’t possibly eat all that pie.  Come help me pack it up for you.  I’ve got some Tupperware we can use.”  
The three adults watched Violet lead the boys away before Ada turned to Louie.
“I need to be running.  Would you give this to Violet?” When Louie nodded his affirmative, she handed the bag over.  “Oh!  Before I forget - did you hear what happened in town today?”
“No, no customers in today.”
“Well.  First of all, after the most bizarre chase through the hospital, the police caught a man who had been lurking outside the nursery.  He was going to steal a baby, can you imagine?  All the lights kept going out up there again, doors kept getting stuck, it was a mess.  By the time it was all over, the only door that was stuck was to the room he’d run into.  The fool was raving like a lunatic that someone kept trying to attack him.  He’s in jail as we speak.  But that’s not the only thing!”
Louie shook his head, baffled at the gall of the perpetrator.  “Well, my goodness, Ada!  What could top that tale?”
The woman leaned forward, intent on her news.  “The groundskeeper at the cemetery found a grave disturbed.  And not just disturbed - completely dug up!  Someone broke into the casket and burned that poor soul!”
Disgusted and mystified, Louie frowned at the woman.  “Who on earth would do such a thing?”
Ada shook her head, just as baffled.  “I don’t know.  And the saddest part?  It was one of the nurses who died in the hospital fire of ‘49.”
Louie snorted at that.  “Oh, Lord.  Don’t tell Vic that!  He’s for sure that hospital is haunted!”
“Haunted,” Ada scoffed at her husband’s notion.  “It is sad, though.  That grave was Fern Riley’s.  She’s the nurse that died in the fire trying to protect the babies.”
Silence fell at the announcement; the day St. Anthony’s Hospital burned had been a sad one.  Everyone in the small town had been affected - everyone knew many, if not all, of the 77 people who died.  Ada sighed, then rebuttoned her coat.
“I best get back to Vic.  Tell Violet she can write me a check later for the lipstick.”
“Her pink lipstick?” Louie smirked as he ushered the woman to the stairs.
“Bold Orchid, Louis, get it right,” she sassed.  Louie waved her on her way before turning back to Robert Singer.  The man had a strange stillness about him - like someone who knew a lot more than what they’d ever say.  Before Louie could ask, voices and footsteps told him Vi and the boys were headed this way.
“You from around here, Mr. Singer?”
The other man shook his head.  “South Dakota.”
“You know this Winchester fella?”
Watching Dean hold the green Tupperware of pie like it was the Holy Grail, Louie fixed a stern eye on Singer and dropped his voice.
“You tell him from me that he’s doing a piss-poor job of being a father, leaving his children hungry and fending for themselves.”
It was a small comfort to watch Singer’s gaze dart to the boys in shock, then curdle with disgusted anger.
“I’ll be more than happy to.”
A chorus of happy chatter from the boys accompanied them as everyone trooped down to the store.  While Dean reminded Sam to make his thank you’s and good-bye’s to Mrs. Moenning, Louie popped open the register before coming around the counter for his own farewell.
He smiled at Sam’s well-trained seriousness as he pumped his hand in a man’s handshake, looking for Dean’s approving smile afterwards.  As Dean stepped towards him, Louie placed a warm hand on his shoulder, smiling down at him.
“Well, Mr. Winchester.  You were a man of your word.  You did every job that came your way, and more besides. Minimum wage is $3.35 an hour.  You worked for me four days here, and you did a man’s work every hour.  So, here’s $110.00.  There’s your wages for hours worked.  You earned it.”
If the boy’s eyes got any wider, they were going to fall out of his skull.  The boy’s throat bobbed once, twice, as he swallowed.
“I - I - I can’t accept this, Mr. Moenning, it’s too much!” Dean frantically shoved the money back towards him, but Louie raised his hands and stepped back.
“No.  We had a man’s agreement.  You’d gone anywhere else, they’d a’ paid you minimum wage.  Ain’t that right, Mr. Singer?”
The man’s mouth opened, closed, then opened again.  “Mr. Moenning’s right, Dean.  If he says you worked the hours, then he can pay you a wage he sees is fair.”
“Yes, sir.  Thirty-two hours at $3.35 an hour - you take that $110.00 and we’ll call it square.  Deal?”  Louie held a hand out to the boy; he stared at it for a long moment before he looked up at the older man.  Tears shimmered in the green eyes as he shook his head firmly.  Gratefully.
“Thank you, sir.  Th-thank you.”
Louie smiled at him as Violet stepped up to his side.  They looped their arms about the other’s waists as Singer led the boys to the door.  Sam waved a smiling good-bye to them as Dean paused at the door.
“Thank you, sir.  Ma’am.  I mean...thank you.”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Louie felt Violet tighten her arm around him comfortingly.  “You’re a good man, Dean Winchester,” he told the ten-year old boy.  Just like that first day, a corner of his mouth kicked up a bit in a half-smile.  With a little wave, he followed his brother out the door.  The roar of a truck engine sounded, and they were gone.
The Moennings never saw the boys again, not that they expected to.  Whenever it rained, or the coffee machine broke, they’d remember the two fondly.  They wondered if Sam still had all that hair, if Dean was still a natural with tools, if both of them were still so serious. They always shared a quiet smile when they had apple pie.  No words needed to be spoken as the memory of serious green eyes threaded between them.  They both hoped that whenever there was pie on the table for the Winchester boys, wherever he was, Dean always got the first bite.
**2nd A/N:  The hospital fire mentioned here is a true story.  St. Anthony’s Hospital in Effingham burned down April 4, 1949.  Among the 77 lives tragically lost - patients, employees, nuns, a priest - was 22yo nurse Fern Riley.  A nurse in the maternity ward, she was heard shouting, “I have to stay with my babies!” as she ran towards the nursery, where her body was later found.
In case they want to read it: @pinknerdpanda @littlegreenplasticsoldier @mirandaaustin93 @my-mind-is-incognito @mrswhozeewhatsis 
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inky-imagines · 6 years
Dragongirl’s OC Special
Hey, @dragongirl98765​!
I finally finished your OC special!
I apologise for the delay. I did have it ready(ish) when I came back, but then I read it and decided it needed a rewrite. 
And then I got stuck rewriting another OC special so yours got put on the back-burner and it was just a terrible mess. Again, I’m truly sorry! 
Honestly, I’m still not 100% happy with it, but I thought you shouldn’t be kept waiting because I’m perfectionist.
Enough about me and my inadequacies, here’s your OC special! I hope you enjoy it!
Length Warning: This is easily the longest piece of writing on my blog at 8 pages (3000+ words), so most of it is under the cut.
In addition, I apologise if there’s an increase in grammatical errors in this. 
I always proofread and edit before I post but I’ve never written anything this long before so some may have slipped through the gaps. Please let me know if anything needs changing!
Again, I hope you enjoy!
If he hadn’t been in such a rush, Chrome might’ve noted how different the laboratory looked at night, how the place seemed alive from the magic of the day, lit with the silver moonlight pouring from the windows.
But he was, so the laboratory’s unearthly beauty went ignored in favour kicking down the guard captain’s office door.
The elf leapt in the air with surprise, the once neatly stack paperwork on his desk flying everywhere in disarray.
“What is wrong with you?” Ezarel snarled, hand over his heart. “Can’t you knock?”
Chrome ignored him, slamming his hands on the desk, “I need your help.”
Ezarel’s eyebrows shot up, the looking at Chrome as if he’d grown an extra head. “After that entry? No.”
“It’s important.”
“Enough to break in my door at 11PM?” The elf scoffed and turned away, bending to collect his lost papers.
“Serenity’s birthday tomorrow. I need your help for a party.”
That made him pause.
“It’s her birthday tomorrow.” Chrome repeated, a tad impatiently, “I want to throw a party.”
“Wait, wait,” Ezarel dropped the papers, massaging his temples. “She hasn’t said anything about this to me. Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Chrome crossed his arms, scowling. “She wasn’t gonna say anything about it, I found out completely by accident.”
“She was pretty against a party when I suggested it but,” His look softens and he drops his gaze, “I thought it’d be a nice surprise for her, y’know? She’s helped us a lot over the last year, I figured it’d a bit dicky not to do something.”
There was a brief pause then Ezarel sighed, no doubt deflated his girlfriend wasn’t going to tell him about her birthday.
“I see. Did you have anything specific in mind?”
“So you’ll help?”
Ezarel grumbles, searching through his cabinet drawers for spare paper, “Like I have a choice.”
“Oh wow, you’re actually are a decent boyfriend. I guess I was wrong about you.”
Sniggering at Ezarel’s dirty look, Chrome sat on the edge of his desk, then became serious once more.
“So here’s what I was thinking…”
They managed to plan the party by the end of the night.
Though they didn’t have many supplies thanks to the party’s last-minute nature, Chrome was proud to say the plan they had was manageable.
Then they’d asked around for help.
It didn’t take long for things to spiral out of control; suddenly they needed a bigger room for all the self-invited guests, more food to feed them and entertainment in form of a goddamn orchestra (it was a small one but still).
Fortunately, the number of volunteer helping meant the party wasn’t impossible, but it’s scale meant Chrome couldn’t be fussy about any offers of help.
Even if they came from the birthday girl herself.
“Geez, what’s Karuto’s up to?” Serenity grumbled, shifting the food container in her arms, “Why’d he need this much food all of a sudden? We’re not running low or anything.”
Chrome shrugged as best he could with his own load, pottering behind her, “I dunno.”
“It can’t be a festival.” Serenity continued, “We don’t have any of those until August. Besides, they specifically send the familiars out to do some foraging this morning. That suggests this was kinda last minute, otherwise, they would’ve just used previously allocated rations.”
Serenity cast him a side-eye. “You’re not being conducive to this conversation, Chrome.”
He flushed, glancing away.
Despite being a shadow member and a teen, Chrome didn’t like lying, least of all to Serenity who could read him like a book. The only way to ensure he didn’t tip her off was to keep quiet, but apparently, even that was suspicious.
“What do you want me to say?” He huffed, head still turned as if he was sulking, “That there’s a massive conspiracy going on? We’re just carrying food, Sere.”
He chanced a look at her. She seemed entirely unconvinced, peering at his face with a discerning eye.
“You know something.”
“Wha-? D-don’t be stupid, “ He scowled, praying his nervousness wasn’t apparent, “You think they’d tell me if they were planning something?"
“Probably not.” She admitted, “But Floppy told me that you joined the familiars on the food hunt.”
“What? Why? That little-!“ Wait. Floppy hadn’t joined the hunt.
He knew what he was going to see before he looked at her, the victorious smirk on her face just affirming he’d fucked up.
Sweat poured down his neck. He’d fallen for the simplest trick in the book and now he was going to pay for it.
Maybe he could simply brush it off?
Nope. The raw curiosity on Serenity’s face told him that she intended to rip the truth out of him whether he wanted her to or not.
He swallowed, “I-“
“Chrome!” Never had he thought he’d be so happy to hear that voice?
“Karuto!” The faun stood just outside the pantry door, scowling furiously.
“It’s about time you show up-“ He stopped, noticing Serenity, “…What’s she doing here?”
“I offered to help Chrome carry the collected food.” She explained, a protective tone replacing her interrogative one. “Is that a problem?”
“Is that a pro- Of course it is!” The faun bellowed before rounding on Chrome, “You think you can just push your work on other people?”
Taking the box from Serenity’s arms, Karuto dumped it on Chrome’s, making the boy sway precariously.
“Hey, that’s too heavy for him!”
“He’s fine,” He dismissed before glaring at Chrome, “You! In the kitchen! NOW.”
Chrome gave Serenity a weak smile, mouthing his thanks before sprinting unsteadily into the kitchen.
She took a few steps forward to follow him.
“Where’d you think you going?” Karuto demanded, stepping in her path.
“You can’t expect Chrome to unpack that all by himself.”
“I can and I do.” He said, “Now scram! You’ve got work to do, don’t you?”
She shook her head, “Not really.”
Karuto scowled, racking his brain for a way to get rid of her quickly. He couldn’t start on the party until she was gone, and he was already running low on time.
“Your boyfriend was looking for you.” He lied, arms crossed.
“Ez?” She frowned, “He said he didn’t have time for me today though…?”
“I’m just repeating I’ve heard. Now shoo! I don't you need buzzing around my workspace.” He flicked his hands at her as if she were an annoying fly.
“Okay, okay!” She relented, taking another step backwards. “But before I go… You’re cooking a big meal, right? What’s the occasion?”
He scowled, clearly debating between telling her or sending on her way.
“A celebration.” He finally said, deciding honesty would get his peace faster, ”For a very special someone. Now get going.”
She looked like she wanted to ask more questions, probably about this special someone, but kept quiet, nodding her thanks before she jogging away.
For a brief moment, Karuto felt a tad worried. No doubt, Ezarel was still hard at work on the party’s decorations. Everything would be ruined if Serenity were to burst in unexpectedly.
Then he shook his head, returning to his kitchen.
‘I’m sure it’ll be fine.’ He thought, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’
Normally, Ezarel was happy to see his girlfriend.
Whenever she visited, she provided a pleasant respite from his mind-numbing work and often brought honey cakes, which was always a plus.
However, when he had an office filled with her last-minute gifts and a helper – Yhkar – who’d insisted on hiding in his closet, he wasn’t so pleased to see her.
“Karuto told you what?” He frowned, praying that the old coot hadn’t just dumped a significant amount of trouble on his shoulders.
“That you needed me for something.” She repeated, distracted by the scraps of wrapping paper on the floor. “What are you doing in here?”
“Just packaging some light-sensitive equipment.” He lied, thankful he’d insisted on transmuting plain wrapping into something more appropriate instead of outright using birthday paper. “Listen, I think the old man was messing with you. I haven’t asked for you at all.”
Which was true. If anything, he’d told everyone to keep her away from his office so he could apply all of the literal magic touches on the decorations and presents easily.
“So, I got tricked?”
“Basically.” He shrugged then froze as the closet door opened slightly.
Yhkar stuck her head out, looking between Serenity and Ezarel nervously.
Shaking his head, Ezarel tried to discreetly motion for her to get back in, but she refused, jerking her head pointedly to the side.
Following the motion, Ezarel saw the source of the brownie’s concern.
When Serenity had first knocked, they’d scrambled to shove all party related items out of sight: under his desk, behind a bookcase, in the cabinets. Somehow, somehow, they’d missed a small stuffed animal on a small end table by the door. Easy to miss when walking in, impossible when walking out.
Normally it wouldn’t be a big thing – at worst Serenity would think it was his – but the ‘Happy Birthday Serenity!’ stitched over the plushie’s heart would most certainly tip her off.
It only took him a second to decide what to do.
“Actually, Serenity,” He said, standing up so suddenly she actually started back. “I do need you for something.”
She pulled a face at him, confused. “But you said-.”
“I just remembered,” He said apologetically, guiding her to his side of the desk while Yhkar crept quietly out of the closet.
“What did you need me for then?” He sat her down, purposely turning the chair’s back to Yhkar, before rummaging through the desk’s drawers.
“I need you,” He grinned when he found what he was looking for, “To help me adjust this.”
In his hand was a stunning bracelet, clearly elvish in design and material. It gleamed in a way the flaunted the rules of physics, the silver almost captivating in its hue.
“Oh wow.” She took it from him, turning the bracelet one way than another, “It’s gorgeous, Ez.”
“I’m glad you think so.” ‘It’s for you after all.’
He didn’t want to let her see the gift before it was time, but even he knew the party was bigger than his ego, though that didn’t stop him from scowling as he fixed it on her wrist.
“It fits me perfectly!”
“Of course it does,” He snorted, crossing his arms while glancing at Yhkar still creeping towards the bear, “You’re the same size as the person I’m giving it to.”
Her face fell a little, eyebrows drawing together as she looked at him. “It’s a gift? For who?”
“Someone.” That made her frown even more, and she glanced away from him.
“A special someone?”
“Not in that way.” A pause, then, “You’re not jealous, are you?”
“Of course not,” She said, though her eyes said differently, “I just heard that we’re doing something for a special someone in the guard and thought-“
“It was for them? You’re not wrong, I suppose.”
She glanced away. “Are they special to you?”
Ezarel blinked then grinned, never one to miss a chance to tease someone.
“Of course, “ He purred, “They’re the smartest, kindest, most wonderful person I know.”
With each praise uttered, Serenity’s pout grew fuller and fuller until it was all Ezarel could do refrain from laughing.
“They sound wonderful.” She bit out, still not facing him.
“They are,” He agreed, tilting her face to gently rub his nose against hers, “But you’re still the person I tolerate the most.”
Her face lost its irritated flush, replacing with an embarrassed one.
“…You have a weird way of saying I love you.”
“You’ve been with me for a year now. What else do you expect?”
She giggled, leaning forward, her lips brushing lightly against his in silent invitation. One he would’ve accepted happily had she not pulled away at the last second, a flash of orange catching her eye.
“What the…”
Before he realised it, Serenity had pulled away, leaning around the chair to stare at Yhkar, who was half in the closet, looking like a deer in headlights.
The room was silent.
“H-Hey, Serenity!” The brownie greeted awkwardly, “How long have you been here?”
“…What are you doing?” Yhkar flushed then paled, glancing left and right.
“I-I-I needed to get something on top of the cabinet here!”
“So why are you climbing in? And isn’t this Ezarel’s office?”
The brownie flushed again, “You know I have short legs and-and “ She glanced at Ezarel, begging for help.
“I said she could come in here to grab something earlier,” Ezarel said, gently placing his hands on Serenity’s shoulders. “I’m guessing she thought she could reach the top if she used the inside as a stool.” Yhkar nodded vigorously in agreement, her face regaining some colour.
“But when did she…?”
“Bracelet please.” He interrupted, holding out his hand.
“What? Oh.” She unclipped it, still glancing at Yhkar, and handed it over. “So, Yhkar what did you need?”
“Confidential,” Ezarel spoke for the brownie, gently ushering the shorter girl out. “It’s actually something we need to talk about right now so…”
Letting herself be shepherded to the door, Serenity frowned, “Is related to that special person? Who are they?”
He simply grinned, placing a kiss on her forehead before he shoved her through the door.
The last few rays of the sun warmed Serenity’s face as she lying in the gardens, enjoying the warm breeze blowing through her hair.
Or she would be had it not been for the thoughts racing through her head.
It was an open secret, the guard was preparing something for a ‘special someone’. She didn’t mind being left of the loop (okay, maybe a little bit), but other than Chrome this morning – which she’d gathered he wasn’t supposed to do – nobody would let her help with it.
Denied from even her from usual duties, she’d been forced to spend the day with the numerous familiars recuperating from the early morning forage. Of course, they also knew what was going on, and despite her pleas, they kept quiet, insisting she’d find out eventually.
 “It’s ridiculous!” She complained to her companion, “It’s clear they need the help, but they won’t let me? It’s like they don’t trust me enough to do anything…”
She sighed, rolling on her side, “Did I do something? Is this a unique form of punishment? What do you think, Oz?”
Oz – an ostrich-like familiar with a similar temperament to her blue-haired master – squawked, tilting her head at Serenity in what would be a cute fashion if Serenity hadn’t understood exactly what she meant.
“…I realise you’re incapable of empathy, but you could at least try.”
Oz honked in mirth, preening smugly.
“I don’t know how Ez puts up with you,” Serenity sighed, facing the darkening sky again.
Ready to sink into her thoughts, she closed her eyes and-
“Hey, Serenity!”
She jolted up at the unexpected yell, turning to her caller.
“Did I startle you? Sorry!” Alajea laughed, bowing her head apologetically.
“You could do with tempering your voice.” Serenity scolded lightly, “I can hear just fine.”
Pause. “Do you need something?”
“Would you please come with me? I have something to show you.”
“Something?” Already she was getting to her feet, despite every fibre of her wanting to stay in that comfortable spot.
“Yup.” The mermaid grinned at her, grabbing her hand.
Pulled firmly along, Serenity followed the younger girl into the guard, only mildly surprised to see Oz –who’d been surprisingly quiet throughout the entire exchange – trotting behind them.
Even though she could see a number of people milling around, the guard felt empty, as if a large chunk of it were missing.  
“Did something happen?” She asked, but the mermaid gave no answer, casting a secretive smile in direction and pulling her passenger along harder.
“Here we are!” Alajea cheered, before letting go of Serenity and knocking the door.
After a moment, she nodded turning to Serenity.
“So what did you want to- Hey!” With one smooth motion, Alajea shoved Serenity through the door and she tumbled forward.
Righting herself, she got ready to cuss out Alajea then she looked up and lost her breath.
The room was awash with floating lights, each emitting an enchanting glow that lit the room with a soft yellow light. Familiar faces filled the space, some of which were already picking a most impressive spread on the two tables that spanned the length of the room.
At the front of the room an invisible orchestra was playing, the instruments played by invisible hands, next to it a pile of presents stood.
Hanging from the walls were banners weaved from the most exotic flora she’d ever seen, all reading: Happy Birthday.
“Happy birthday!” The crowd cheers, flooding her with well wishes and cheers.
She’s overwhelmed, her voice cracking as she spoke, “I don’t know what to say…”
“Thank you would be nice.” Chrome huffed, stepping out from the crowd. Then, more gently “Happy birthday, Sere.”
Serenity laughed, running to envelope the boy in a hug. “Thank you!” She gushed, placing a kiss, which she knew he’d hate, on his forehead. “Thank you all so much.”
“Ugh, don’t get all mushy on me.” The teen snapped, wriggling away at last, “I didn’t do this so you could bring out the waterworks.”
“I’m not crying!”
“You kind of look like you’re going to though.” Alajea teased.
Serenity sccowled, but couldn’t keep up the façade for long as she was all but dragged to the dancefloor, her friends swarming around her.
It wasn’t long before the party was in full swing, people dancing or conversing amongst themselves.
Serenity sat in a corner, taking a few moments to nibble at some food and take in what had been done for her. She almost didn’t notice when Ezarel came to join her, a tad breathless.
“Sorry, I’m late.” He collapsed next to her, stealing some of her food from the plate as he did.
She snatched the plate away from him, giving him a pout. “Where’ve you been?”
“Had something to finish,” He explained, reaching for her plate again, “Enjoying the party?”
Her face lost it’s playfulness, becoming more sombre, “I still can’t believe you guys did this all for me.”
He snorted, reaching around her for another nab at her food. “Surely you didn’t expect us to tiddle our thumbs and do nothing.”
She frowned at him, before dropping the plate in her lap, her shoulders slumped. “But it’s so last mintue. This can’t have been easy...”
“It wasn’t,” Ezarel agreed, “But I’d say you’re worth the trouble.”
A flush rose to her face, and she ducked her head. “Gosh, Ez. You’re almost romantic when you say stuff like that.”
“That was the intention. Now shut up and give me your hand.”
She blinked at him before raising a hand.
Taking it with surprising gentleness, he clipped a bracelet on her wrist; similar to the one she wore before, but far more intricate in design, her name engraved elegantly on the centrepiece.
“There.” Ezarel nodded, satisfied. “The other one looked too plain on you, so I thought I’d change it a bit, hence why I was late. Like it?”
Serenity stared at the bracelet, mesmerized by the craftsmanship.
“You-You do like it, don’t you?” She looked at him and for a second he feared she might cry.
But no, she laughed, setting aside her food to launch herself at her boyfriend. “I love it!”
He stiffened, then relaxed, wrapping his arms around her in turn, and whispering in her ear, “Happy birthday, Serenity.”
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rowanacnw311-blog · 5 years
9 Signs You're a australia tour package from singapore Expert
What do you believe of after you listen to the phrase Australia? Kangaroos, seashores, and ‘g’working day mate’? Very well Of course, Australia does have its reasonable share of ‘roos, though the land Down Under provides A great deal of a lot more than that! We’re speaking awe-inspiring mountains, epic highway outings, great nationwide parks, beautiful waterfalls…the listing actually is endless. We’ve rounded up some prime Aussie vacation bloggers who have specified us their strategies regarding the greatest areas to visit in Australia – and you may be certain that regardless of what you’re looking for as part of your vacation, Australia can supply it and a lot more. Continue reading for 24 of the greatest destinations to go to in Australia!
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Western Australia
South Australia
Most effective areas to go to in New South Wales
1. Blue Mountains
Greatest Destinations To Visit In Australia - Blue Mountains
Advisable by Rachel and Jeremy through the Kiwi Pair
Should you’re hunting for a dose of character, the Blue Mountains are for yourself. Only 1.5 several hours in the hustle and bustle of Sydney, it can be frequented as every day vacation or possibly a weekend getaway, based upon your travel time frame. You should definitely have time to go to Wentworth Falls. This place gives walks of various trouble with stunning sights with the waterfall, and it’s just a short push from the most crucial celebration – The A few Sisters. These famed rock formations are definitely the highlight of this picturesque postcard location.
Should you head to Echo Point you can get an epic look at of these, or hop on Scenic Environment’s gondola. As you’re there, don’t miss the Scenic Railway – the steepest passenger railway on the globe! Last although not the very least, Lincoln’s Rock is a must. With views of your vast landscape and also a secret tiny cave great for watching the sunset, it’s the very best end on the working day.
Blue Mountains hostels from $17.80 a night
two. Bathurst
Finest Sites To Visit In Australia - Bathurst
Advisable by Tara from Where by Is Tara
Bathurst is among my favorite spots in Australia for a lot of explanations. One of them is the fact my cousins have farms available. They let me continue to be Any time I go through and produce me to cattle marketplaces, and that is a true novelty to me getting developed up in town. Another purpose I love Bathurst is because it is frequently missed by vacationers, Even with possessing much to offer. It’s the oldest inland city in Australia and is also the site of the original Australian gold hurry.
Visit the T-Rex for the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, take a spin around the famous Mount Panorama Circuit. Or simply seize a cup of coffee from Campos, take a stroll by Machattie Park and check out the commemorative plaque from Charles Darwin’s stop by in 1836. For a novel working day excursion inside the Bathurst region check out the gold rush city of Sofala (it looks like a ghost city and it has a fantastic ebook store), or head for the Jenolan caves for many purely natural magnificence, limestone-type!
Sydney hostels from $15 a night
3. Sydney
Ideal Places To go to In Australia - Sydney
Encouraged by Rachel and Jeremy with the Kiwi Few
Sydney is the biggest city in Australia – crammed with attractive beach locations, entertaining functions and fantastic food items. The most effective ways to perspective The fantastic thing about Sydney is by getting a relaxing stroll. An incredible beach walk, and one of the better, is from Bondi Beach to Coogee Seashore. It offers beautiful sights of the area’s popular rocky shorelines, slim beach locations and sandy shorelines. A different well-liked wander is together the Sydney Harbour Bridge walkway. Each walks are cost-free and are a terrific way to get pleasure from Sydney.
We adore obtaining up substantial and looking at cities from earlier mentioned. An ideal way To accomplish this in Sydney is by executing the Skywalk at Sydney Tower. At 268 metres high, it’s certain to get your coronary heart pumping. You’re harnessed in although so it’s not (far too) Terrifying! And finally, a necessity do of Sydney would be to try to eat your heart out. Check out a deep fried Golden Gaytime ice cream from Just what the Fudge Cafe, you won’t regret it!
Sydney hostels from $15 an evening
4. Byron Bay
Best Areas To Visit In Australia - Byron Bay
Suggested by Dane from Holiday From In which
Byron is one of Australia’s major tourist destinations but if you’re prepared to place in a little do the job it is possible to even now uncover some extra perfectly concealed gems just out the back during the hinterland mountains. From plenty of waterfalls and swimming holes to remarkable mountains and bush walks this little area conceal so much magnificence. I'd personally suggest starting off using a hike to the bottom of Minyon Falls to get a swim, a hike to the highest of Mt Warning for an incredible dawn, Yet australia travel packages from singapore another swim at Killin Falls and then a hike into the Normal Arch. These are just many of the most accessible but there is so much more for those who’re ready to discover.
Byron Bay hostels from $twenty five a night
Finest locations to visit in Victoria
5. Melbourne
Finest Areas To go to In Australia - Melbourne
Proposed by Aditi from Diary of the Cusp
Melbourne has secured its location of essentially the most liveable metropolis on the globe the seventh time in a row. Most days see a assorted weather conditions – hail, sunshine, rain, wind – but that doesn’t impede the livelihood of Melbourne. Any given day you will find an function, an show, a music gig, or even a clearly show to relish. You can get use of free trams inside the metropolis circle to wander throughout without having outlaying a buck on transportation. Melbourne is really a multicultural metropolitan with copious places to eat serving slavering foods and cafes for your caffeine fix – Melbourne’s coffee is a lot of the most effective on the earth.
Melbourne hostels from $18 a night
6. Great Ocean Road
Finest Sites To Visit In Australia - Great Ocean Street
Advised by Jack and Jenn from Who Wants Maps
Lorne is a well-liked halt alongside The nice Ocean Road (and also to the Twelve Apostles). It’s the ideal location to take it easy together the seaside, possibly Select a surf, eat a lot of the best fish and chips, and take pleasure in the scenery. Jack is a surfer and loves to head out to the Great Ocean Highway for your surf. But the excursion isn’t complete with no quit in Lorne for a parma plus a pot post-surf. Lorne also has some wonderful walks and waterfalls to take a look at, like Erskine Falls and Phantom Falls. My preferred, is when you go through the proper season, you could capture several whales at sunset. Grab a wine in a seaside restaurant and take pleasure in the serenity.
seven. Mornington Peninsula
Most effective Locations To go to In Australia - Mornington Peninsula
Proposed by Aditi from Diary of the Cusp
Mornington Peninsula is usually a peninsula Situated southeast of Melbourne, just one hour drive from the city. It has been an immensely common day trip or staycation website for your inhabitants of Victoria, Particularly Melbourne for many years now. Mornington Peninsula has much to supply to its readers – beaches, countrywide parks, scenic sights, relaxing spas, vineyards, golf programs, mazes, camping sites and so a great deal more. This plethora of activities and the short distance causes it to be so desirable to go to during prolonged weekends like Queen’s Birthday, Christmas, Boxing Day, New 12 months and so forth. Sampling some Pinot Noir when during the peninsula is a necessity.
Ideal locations to go to in Queensland
eight. Sunshine Coastline
Very best Places To go to In Australia - Sunshine Coast
Proposed by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
The Sunshine Coast has bought being One of the more attractive strips of coastland in all of Australia, boasting beautiful, lengthy white shorelines lined with wellness conscious cafes and boutique dresses retailers. If you aren’t soaking up the sunshine on one of several several beach locations, you are able to head out into the hinterland for every day of mountain hiking or hop from the beaten monitor to find out secluded swimming holes and waterfalls with not a soul in sight. Noosa Countrywide Park and fairy swimming pools is an complete ought to do, just steer clear of the midday rush of your crowds.
Sunshine Coastline hostels from $twelve.fifty a night
nine. Brisbane
Ideal Sites To Visit In Australia - Brisbane
Encouraged by Erica from A lady Who Wanders
Brisbane is my hometown and a location I intend on keeping for a really while. Why? Because it has everything! In contrast to its money town counterparts of Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane offers each of the benefits in a portion of the price. High on my listing of spots to visit is Southbank, the house of doing arts and Queensland culture and also back again alley bars and river entrance dining. Southbank also options Australia’s only inner-city Beach front, a person-made marvel which normally takes you far from the hustle and bustle of the city and right into a tropical oasis with glowing waters and white, sandy beaches.
West Stop is yet another suburb I hugely advise going to, with its hipster vibe, insanely great coffee and street markets to maintain you purchasing for several hours. In case you’re after a view of town with the top rated, head up to Mt Coot-tha for its breathtaking 360 sights of the town and the surrounding hinterland. I also highly endorse climbing the Brisbane Story Bridge for an extra special addition to your journey, as being the check out is amazing and the adrenalin rush a single not to be skipped!
Brisbane hostels from $15 an evening
ten. Gold Coast
Best Locations To go to In Australia - Gold Coast
Advised by Erica from A woman Who Wanders
In case you’re hunting for a spot which has everything, search no even further and have oneself for the Gold Coast! With arguably some of the best beaches in Australia, the Gold Coast is my “go-to” place throughout the scorching summer months months. But if lazing about on tender, white sandy shorelines or swimming while in the crystal crystal clear ocean doesn’t just take your fancy, the Gold Coast Hinterland is simply a short travel through the Beach front and it has a number of the most remarkable strolling tracks and viewpoints in Queensland.
My favorite thing in regards to the Gold Coast is how the vibe is incredibly laid back again nonetheless also electric powered, with locals and travellers alike experiencing the “Sunday sesh” ambiance on the working day as well as the bash scene that involves lifestyle as soon as the sun goes down. If you’re planning on viewing the Gold Coastline at any time before long, my individual tips for the top destinations to visit are Burleigh Heads beach plus the Lamington Nationwide Park.
Gold Coastline hostels from $21 an evening
11. Airlie Seashore/Whitsundays
Greatest Sites To Visit In Australia - Whitsundays
Advisable by Jack and Jenn from Who Desires Maps
Airlie Beach front is an ideal place to acquire a flavor of almost everything. You could embark on an adventure to The good Barrier Reef, sail to your Whitsundays, consume a few of the freshest foods straight out of your ocean, and walk a lot of the most gorgeous coastal walks in Australia. Did I mention there are numerous amazing beer gardens?
Airlie Beach is an ideal hub to meet other backpackers which have a hankering for experience. We had a great deal of pleasurable occurring a myriad of nautical adventures. We even husked our own coconuts and performed with turkeys and wallaby’s within the island. Airlie Seaside is usually noted for its gentleman-produced lagoon, a superb spot for beachside/poolside cocktails.
Airlie Seashore hostels from $28 an evening
twelve. Noosa
Ideal Spots To Visit In Australia - Noosa
Advised by Fanny from Minka Guides
Rising up, I always read about Noosa from other Australians as this desire coastal place. Currently being from your place, I didn’t genuinely understand why until finally I eventually frequented a handful of year in the past and fell in appreciate. Not like a number of other legendary coastal towns, Noosa isn’t filled with towering skyscrapers And large purchasing malls. Actually, the community council don’t Permit any person Construct increased as opposed to trees, making certain this sub-tropical city retains its astonishingly attractive seaside city vibe – even though also getting an incredibly popular position to visit!
The leading Beach front might get really active with sunbathers, so I’d advocate accomplishing a trek as a result of nearby Noosa National Park to 1 of its gorgeous and deserted stretches of sand. A forty five-moment stroll together the Tanglewood Track usually takes you to definitely Alexandria Bay, exactly where very small, translucent fish swimming inside the shallows (and the occasional nudist) are your only business. Complete paradise.
Noosa hostels from $24 an evening
13. Atherton Tablelands
Finest Sites To Visit In Australia - Atherton Tablelands
Advised by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
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Assume endless waterfalls, rolling environmentally friendly hills dotted with dairy cows and rustic, relatives run cafes. All within just one hour’s generate clear of Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands is an ideal gateway to your countryside, no matter whether or not it's for a day trip or for a long weekend. The ultimate way to see the Tablelands is to hop in an automobile, grab an area map and just push. The waterfall circuit of Elinjja Falls, Millaa Millaa Falls and Zillie Falls aren't to become skipped and if you materialize to find yourself there on the last Saturday from the thirty day period you should definitely look into the Yungaburra marketplaces.
Atherton Tablelands hostels from $25 an evening
14. Townsville
Most effective Places To Visit In Australia - Townsville
Advisable by Sam from Sam Around The World
Boasting palm laden Seashore fronts, a 90% prospect of sunshine and heat temperatures all year spherical, Townsville can be an absolute should on any North Queensland itinerary. Wander the strand and understand loaded WWII background or have a excursion to The good Barrier Reef and dive the S.S Yongala shipwreck – it’s one of the better dives on this planet. And it doesn’t cease there, town is home to your vibrant nightlife, a formidable food items scene and easy accessibility to The gorgeous Magnetic Island. For those who time your trip ideal you’ll have the possibility to experience one of the islands notorious comprehensive moon get-togethers!
Townsville hostels from $eighteen a night
15. Cairns
Very best Locations To Visit In Australia - Cairns
Encouraged by Nicola from Polka Dot Passport
There are actually not many sites on the planet in which you can shell out your morning snorkelling by way of a lively underwater playground that is a component of the planet’s largest solitary construction of residing organisms, and your afternoon dipping into turquoise h2o holes, canopied by Among the most assorted and oldest rainforests in the world. Cairns can be a gateway not to a person but TWO purely natural earth heritage web-sites, The nice Barrier Reef along with the Daintree Rainforest, rendering it a fairly Unique position to go to. Don’t leave without having undertaking a horse journey alongside Cape Tribulation Seaside, using a visit out towards the GBR or likely croc-spotting together the Daintree River.
Cairns hostels from $12 an evening
16. Whitehaven Seaside
Very best Places To go to In Australia - Whitehaven Seaside
Encouraged by Dane from Holiday From Where
Whitehaven Beach is a 7km stretch of coast situated in the Whitsundays. It is actually most simply accessible from Airlie Seaside, Except if you will be Fortunate more than enough to have a yacht. The Seaside is well-known with locals and vacationers alike but when you choose to camp there you will have the Beach front all to oneself and just a handful of other Blessed campers for sunset and sunrise. The white colour from the sand and the unbelievable blues within the drinking water make this A really one of a kind desired destination that is continually sighted in nearly every ‘ideal beach on the planet checklist’.
Cairns hostels from $twelve an evening
Most effective sites to visit in Northern Territory
17. Uluru
Very best Areas To Visit In Australia - Uluru
Proposed by Crystal from Castaway With Crystal
Uluru is most likely Australia’s most recognisable landmark. But this massive chunk of rock is usually particularly sacred to your local Anangu Aboriginal persons here, an area of great electric power. It's the centre of your universe and the house with the ‘Earth Mother’. From the outskirts of Uluru, inside of modest caves, Aboriginal rock artwork is usually observed that may be tens of A large number of many years outdated. These are definitely regarded countrywide treasures and Uluru is actually a UNESCO Environment Heritage web-site.
However you may even now climb to the very best in the rock and encounter the undoubtedly magical views, doing this is some extent of controversy in between the local Aboriginal men and women plus the countrywide park company that manages the area. For this reason, visitors are intensely inspired never to climb. Uluru rises 348 meters above the ground, but the bulk of the rock lies underground. It's a circumference of 16 kilometres and can be walked about in complete using a cleared path.
Alice Springs hostels from $27 an evening
18. Darwin
Best Areas To go to In Australia - Darwin
Encouraged by Edit From Edit Around the globe
Though Darwin may be the cash metropolis of the Northern Territory, it is very modest – nonetheless it’s basically a great place for browsing. Moreover, for background fans, it’s a real treasure town Using the Museum and Artwork Gallery with the Northern Territory and several other aboriginal artwork galleries. On the other hand, journey seekers can check out the Crocosaurus Cove, where the Cage of Dying practical experience delivers the thrill of currently being in precisely the same setting, a lot more precisely within a Particular cage in the h2o, together with a 5m extended croc. Crocodile can also be uncovered on numerous restaurant menus all over Darwin. From crocodile sandwich to croc pizza, The range is huge and really delectable. It tastes relatively like rooster, but it arrives at a Considerably larger value.
Using a tour on the Adelaide river gave me the opportunity to begin to see the approaches of your crocs once they’re getting ready to assault. Litchfield Nationwide Park is a fantastic
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trentonifnr462-blog · 5 years
6 Books About australia travel packages You Should Read
What do you believe of once you hear the word Australia? Kangaroos, seashores, and ‘g’working day mate’? Effectively Indeed, Australia does have its good share of ‘roos, although the land Down Beneath delivers A great deal much more than that! We’re conversing awe-inspiring mountains, epic road journeys, great national parks, beautiful waterfalls…the listing actually is limitless. We’ve rounded up some prime Aussie travel bloggers who definitely have presented us their ideas concerning the finest destinations to go to in Australia – and you may be particular that regardless of what you’re searching for inside your journey, Australia can present it and more. Continue reading for twenty-four of the greatest spots to visit in Australia!
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Western Australia
South Australia
Ideal locations to visit in New South Wales
one. Blue Mountains
Very best Spots To Visit In Australia - Blue Mountains
Advised by Rachel and Jeremy from The Kiwi Pair
Should you’re looking for a dose of mother nature, the Blue Mountains are in your case. Just one.5 several hours in the hustle and bustle of Sydney, it can be frequented as a day journey or perhaps a weekend getaway, based on your journey time frame. Ensure that you have time to go to Wentworth Falls. This spot presents walks of different problem with spectacular sights on the waterfall, and it’s just a short push from the most crucial event – The A few Sisters. These famous rock formations would be the highlight of this picturesque postcard region.
Should you head to Echo Place you can get an epic view of them, or hop on Scenic Earth’s gondola. When you’re there, don’t miss out on the Scenic Railway – the steepest passenger railway in the world! Final but not least, Lincoln’s Rock is a must. With views of your broad landscape plus a secret small cave ideal for viewing the sunset, it’s the very best close towards the working day.
Blue Mountains hostels from $17.80 an evening
2. Bathurst
Most effective Places To go to In Australia - Bathurst
Proposed by Tara from In which Is Tara
Bathurst is among my favorite spots in Australia for lots of explanations. One of them is the fact that my cousins have farms out there. They allow me to remain Each time I pass through and bring me to cattle marketplaces, that is a true novelty to me possessing grown up in the city. The opposite rationale I love Bathurst is mainly because it is commonly ignored by travellers, In spite of obtaining a great deal to offer. It’s the oldest inland city in Australia and is the site of the first Australian gold hurry.
Stop by the T-Rex for the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, have a spin around the famous Mount Panorama Circuit. Or simply grab a cup of espresso from Campos, take a stroll by Machattie Park and check out the commemorative plaque from Charles Darwin’s visit in 1836. For a singular working day journey while in the Bathurst location look into the gold rush city of Sofala (it looks like a ghost town and has an incredible guide store), or head to your Jenolan caves for many organic elegance, limestone-design!
Sydney hostels from $15 a night
3. Sydney
Greatest Locations To go to In Australia - Sydney
Suggested by Rachel and Jeremy within the Kiwi Few
Sydney is the biggest city in Australia – full of beautiful shorelines, pleasurable things to do and superior food stuff. Among the finest approaches to check out The fantastic thing about Sydney is by using a relaxing stroll. A fantastic beach wander, and probably the greatest, is from Bondi Seashore to Coogee Seashore. It offers beautiful views of the realm’s well-known rocky shorelines, slim seashores and sandy seashores. A different well known wander is together the Sydney Harbour Bridge walkway. Both of those walks are totally free and so are a great way to enjoy Sydney.
We really like finding up significant and looking at towns from higher than. The best way To do that in Sydney is by doing the Skywalk at Sydney Tower. At 268 metres superior, it’s certain to Obtain your coronary heart pumping. You’re harnessed in even though so it’s not (also) Terrifying! And finally, a necessity do of Sydney would be to try to eat your heart out. Attempt a deep fried Golden Gaytime ice cream from Just what the Fudge Cafe, you gained’t regret it!
Sydney hostels from $fifteen an evening
four. Byron Bay
Most effective Areas To go to In Australia - Byron Bay
Recommended by Dane from Holiday break From Where by
Byron is one of Australia’s top rated vacationer Locations but should you’re willing to place in a little bit perform you may even now locate some additional nicely hidden gems just out the back while in the hinterland mountains. From numerous waterfalls and swimming holes to amazing mountains and bush walks this smaller area hide a great deal natural beauty. I'd suggest beginning using a hike to The underside of Minyon Falls for your swim, a hike to the best of Mt Warning for an unbelievable sunrise, another swim at Killin Falls after which you can a hike to your Pure Arch. These are definitely just several of the most obtainable but there is so considerably more when you’re ready to explore.
Byron Bay hostels from $25 a night
Greatest locations to go to in Victoria
five. Melbourne
Ideal Spots To Visit In Australia - Melbourne
Suggested by Aditi from Diary of a Cusp
Melbourne has secured its spot of quite possibly the most liveable city on the planet the seventh time in a row. Most times see a different weather conditions – hail, sunshine, rain, wind – but that doesn’t impede the livelihood of Melbourne. Any supplied day you'll find an celebration, an exhibit, a tunes gig, or even a exhibit to relish. You obtain use of free of charge trams within the metropolis circle to wander throughout without the need of outlaying a buck on transportation. Melbourne is a multicultural metropolitan with copious restaurants serving slavering foods and cafes in your caffeine fix – Melbourne’s espresso is some of the very best on the globe.
Melbourne hostels from $18 an evening
six. Excellent Ocean Highway
Finest Areas To go to In Australia - Fantastic Ocean Road
Suggested by Jack and Jenn from Who Requires Maps
Lorne is a well-liked stop alongside The nice Ocean Street (and to the Twelve Apostles). It’s the best destination to rest alongside the seaside, maybe Opt for a surf, consume some of the best fish and chips, and enjoy the scenery. Jack is usually a surfer and likes to go out to The good Ocean Road to get a surf. Though the excursion isn’t total with out a prevent in Lorne to get a parma in addition to a pot post-surf. Lorne also has some wonderful walks and waterfalls to discover, like Erskine Falls and Phantom Falls. My most loved, is for those who go in the suitable time, you'll be able to capture a couple of whales at sunset. Get a wine in a seaside restaurant and benefit from the serenity.
seven. Mornington Peninsula
Best Sites To go to In Australia - Mornington Peninsula
Suggested by Aditi from Diary of a Cusp
Mornington Peninsula is actually a peninsula Positioned southeast of Melbourne, just one hour generate from town. It's been an immensely well-known day journey or staycation web-site with the inhabitants of Victoria, especially Melbourne for decades now. Mornington Peninsula has a lot to supply to its site visitors – beaches, national parks, scenic views, soothing spas, vineyards, golf classes, mazes, camping sites and so far more. This myriad of routines plus the brief length causes it to be so desirable to visit through lengthy weekends like Queen’s Birthday, Xmas, Boxing Day, New Year and so on. Sampling some Pinot Noir whilst while in the peninsula is a necessity.
Finest places to go to in Queensland
eight. Sunshine Coastline
Very best Areas To go to In Australia - Sunshine Coastline
Advised by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
The Sunshine Coastline has bought to generally be The most gorgeous strips of coastland in all of Australia, boasting gorgeous, prolonged white beach locations lined with health mindful cafes and boutique garments shops. If you aren’t absorbing the sunshine on one of several quite a few beach locations, you could head out into the hinterland for on a daily basis of mountain hiking or hop off the overwhelmed monitor to discover secluded swimming holes and waterfalls with not a soul in sight. Noosa National Park and fairy pools is definitely an complete must do, just avoid the midday hurry of your crowds.
Sunshine Coastline hostels from $12.50 an evening
nine. Brisbane
Best Places To Visit In Australia - Brisbane
Suggested by Erica from A Girl Who Wanders
Brisbane is my hometown and a location I intend on keeping for an exceptionally very long time. Why? Because it has every thing! Unlike its money metropolis counterparts of Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane delivers the many perks at a fraction of the fee. Large on my list of places to visit is Southbank, the house of accomplishing arts and Queensland tradition together with back alley bars and river entrance dining. Southbank also attributes Australia’s only interior-city Beach front, a person-manufactured marvel which can take you clear of the hustle and bustle of town and right into a tropical oasis with sparkling waters and white, sandy shorelines.
West End is another suburb I remarkably propose traveling to, with its hipster vibe, insanely superior coffee and Road marketplaces to help keep you searching for hours. For those who’re following a view of the city in the best, head up to Mt Coot-tha for its gorgeous 360 sights of the city and the surrounding hinterland. I also highly advocate climbing the Brisbane Tale Bridge for an extra Exclusive addition to the trip, as being the view is gorgeous and the adrenalin rush one not to be skipped!
Brisbane hostels from $fifteen a night
10. Gold Coast
Finest Spots To Visit In Australia - Gold Coastline
Recommended by Erica from A lady Who Wanders
In case you’re hunting for a spot which includes it all, look for no further and get by yourself on the Gold Coast! With arguably a few of the finest shorelines in Australia, the Gold Coast is my “go-to” spot over the scorching summer season months. However, if lazing about on smooth, white sandy beaches or swimming during the crystal crystal clear ocean doesn’t consider your fancy, the Gold Coast Hinterland is only a short travel from the Beach front and it has a lot of the most amazing going for walks tracks and viewpoints in Queensland.
My favorite thing with regard to the Gold Coast is how the vibe is amazingly laid back nevertheless also electric powered, with locals and visitors alike experiencing the “Sunday sesh” environment on the working day along with the occasion scene that relates to lifestyle as soon as the Sunshine goes down. In case you’re setting up on traveling to the Gold Coast at any time shortly, my personal tips for the ideal spots to visit are Burleigh Heads Seashore plus the Lamington Nationwide Park.
Gold Coastline hostels from $21 an evening
eleven. Airlie Beach/Whitsundays
Best Sites To go to In Australia - Whitsundays
Advised by Jack and Jenn from Who Requirements Maps
Airlie Beach is a wonderful place to secure a taste of anything. You could embark on an adventure to The good Barrier Reef, sail for the Whitsundays, consume several of the freshest food straight out of your ocean, and stroll some of the most wonderful coastal walks in Australia. Did I point out there are many brilliant beer gardens?
Airlie Beach is an ideal hub to fulfill other backpackers who definitely have a hankering for experience. We had a lot of fun occurring all sorts of nautical adventures. We even husked our personal coconuts and played with turkeys and wallaby’s on the island. Airlie Seashore can be how to plan a trip to australia recognized for its man-built lagoon, an outstanding spot for beachside/poolside cocktails.
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Airlie Beach front hostels from $28 a night
twelve. Noosa
Very best Spots To Visit In Australia - Noosa
Advised by Fanny from Minka Guides
Rising up, I always heard about Noosa from other Australians as this dream coastal desired destination. Remaining through the country, I didn’t definitely realize why right until I eventually visited some calendar year in the past and fell in adore. Unlike many other iconic coastal metropolitan areas, Noosa isn’t filled with towering skyscrapers and massive procuring malls. In fact, the nearby council don’t Allow any one Establish larger in comparison to the trees, ensuring this sub-tropical city retains its amazingly beautiful seaside city vibe – whilst also getting an incredibly well-known spot to go to!
The principle Seaside can get rather active with sunbathers, so I’d recommend executing a trek by nearby Noosa Nationwide Park to 1 of its attractive and deserted stretches of sand. A forty five-minute walk along the Tanglewood Observe normally takes you to definitely Alexandria Bay, where small, translucent fish swimming within the shallows (plus the occasional nudist) are your only enterprise. Absolute paradise.
Noosa hostels from $24 an evening
thirteen. Atherton Tablelands
Best Places To go to In Australia - Atherton Tablelands
Proposed by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
Think endless waterfalls, rolling inexperienced hills dotted with dairy cows and rustic, loved ones operate cafes. All in just an hour or so’s drive clear of Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands is the right gateway on the countryside, no matter whether it's for each day trip or for a protracted weekend. The best way to see the Tablelands should be to hop in an auto, get a region map and just generate. The waterfall circuit of Elinjja Falls, Millaa Millaa Falls and Zillie Falls aren't for being missed and if you take place to end up there on the last Saturday on the thirty day period make sure to check out the Yungaburra marketplaces.
Atherton Tablelands hostels from $twenty five a night
fourteen. Townsville
Greatest Places To Visit In Australia - Townsville
Advised by Sam from Sam World wide
Boasting palm laden Beach front fronts, a ninety% potential for sunshine and warm temperatures all 12 months round, Townsville is an complete ought to on any North Queensland itinerary. Wander the strand and learn about rich WWII background or take a vacation to the Great Barrier Reef and dive the S.S Yongala shipwreck – it’s one of the best dives on the planet. And it doesn’t prevent there, the city is residence into a lively nightlife, an impressive meals scene and easy access to The attractive Magnetic Island. Should you time your journey appropriate you’ll have the prospect to practical experience one of many islands infamous full moon events!
Townsville hostels from $18 an evening
15. Cairns
Ideal Locations To go to In Australia - Cairns
Encouraged by Nicola from Polka Dot Passport
You will discover not several locations in the world where you can expend your early morning snorkelling by way of a vibrant underwater playground that is part of the world’s major single construction of dwelling organisms, as well as your afternoon dipping into turquoise h2o holes, canopied by Among the most assorted and oldest rainforests in the world. Cairns is a gateway not to a single but TWO normal world heritage sites, The good Barrier Reef as well as Daintree Rainforest, making it a reasonably Unique put to go to. Don’t go away devoid of undertaking a horse ride along Cape Tribulation Seashore, getting a visit out into the GBR or heading croc-spotting alongside the Daintree River.
Cairns hostels from $12 an evening
16. Whitehaven Seashore
Greatest Spots To go to In Australia - Whitehaven Seashore
Proposed by Dane from Holiday getaway From Where by
Whitehaven Beach can be a 7km extend of coast located in the Whitsundays. It is actually most effortlessly available from Airlie Beach, unless you are lucky ample to personal a yacht. The Seaside is well known with locals and vacationers alike but if you end up picking to camp there you will have the Seaside all to you and just a handful of other Blessed campers for sunset and sunrise. The white colour in the sand and also the remarkable blues within the drinking water make this A really one of a kind location that is consistently sighted in nearly every ‘greatest beach on earth list’.
Cairns hostels from $twelve an evening
Best areas to visit in Northern Territory
17. Uluru
Finest Areas To Visit In Australia - Uluru
Recommended by Crystal from Castaway With Crystal
Uluru is most likely Australia’s most recognisable landmark. But this large chunk of rock is additionally extremely sacred for the regional Anangu Aboriginal people listed here, a place of terrific power. It's the centre in the universe and the home on the ‘Earth Mom’. Within the outskirts of Uluru, within smaller caves, Aboriginal rock artwork is usually witnessed that may be tens of Many years previous. They are regarded countrywide treasures and Uluru is often a UNESCO Planet Heritage web page.
While you may nevertheless climb to the best of the rock and practical experience the certainly magical views, doing so is a degree of controversy in between the neighborhood Aboriginal people and also the national park assistance that manages the region. This is why, holidaymakers are intensely inspired never to climb. Uluru rises 348 meters over the ground, but the majority of this rock lies underground. It has a circumference of 16 kilometres and may be walked all around in entire using a cleared path.
Alice Springs hostels from $27 a night
eighteen. Darwin
Ideal Destinations To go to In Australia - Darwin
Advisable by Edit From Edit Around the globe
Even though Darwin may be the capital town in the Northern Territory, it is quite compact – but it really’s actually a fantastic spot for shopping. Moreover, for record lovers, it’s a true treasure metropolis Using the Museum and Art Gallery on the Northern Territory and several other aboriginal artwork galleries. On the flip side, experience seekers can check out the Crocosaurus Cove, where by the Cage of Dying working experience gives the thrill of staying in a similar atmosphere, more exactly within a Unique cage while in the drinking water, along with a 5m long croc. Crocodile can be found on lots of restaurant menus all over Darwin. From crocodile sandwich to croc pizza, The range is big and really delectable. It tastes somewhat like chicken, nonetheless it comes at a Substantially increased selling price.
Using a tour about the Adelaide river gave me the opportunity to begin to see the techniques on the crocs after they’re getting ready to assault. Litchfield National Park is an excellent spot to see crocodiles of their organic habitat – plus it has great swimming spots Positioned in a significant enough altitude which the crocodiles can’t
0 notes
laneoahp293-blog · 5 years
Forget how to plan a holiday to australia: 3 Replacements You Need to Jump On
What do you think that of when you hear the phrase Australia? Kangaroos, shorelines, and ‘g’day mate’? Well Certainly, Australia does have its fair share of ‘roos, nevertheless the land Down Less than provides A lot in excess of that! We’re speaking awe-inspiring mountains, epic street outings, massive countrywide parks, gorgeous waterfalls…the checklist actually is limitless. We’ve rounded up some top rated Aussie vacation bloggers which have supplied us their recommendations with regard to the most effective places to go to in Australia – and you can be particular that what ever you’re in search of inside your vacation, Australia can present it and a lot more. Keep reading for twenty-four of the greatest sites to go to in Australia!
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Western Australia
South Australia
Very best spots to go to in New South Wales
one. Blue Mountains
Most effective Destinations To go to In Australia - Blue Mountains
Suggested by Rachel and Jeremy within the Kiwi Pair
If you’re seeking a dose of nature, the Blue Mountains are in your case. Just one.5 hrs within the hustle and bustle of Sydney, it can be visited as a day trip or simply a weekend getaway, according to your vacation time frame. You should definitely have enough time to visit Wentworth Falls. This spot delivers walks of various trouble with stunning sights in the waterfall, and it’s just a brief drive from the main event – The Three Sisters. These well known rock formations would be the spotlight of this picturesque postcard space.
For those who head to Echo Point you can find an epic view of these, or hop on Scenic Environment’s gondola. When you’re there, don’t overlook the Scenic Railway – the steepest passenger railway on the earth! Final although not minimum, Lincoln’s Rock is a necessity. With sights of your vast landscape in addition to a solution little cave ideal for observing the sunset, it’s the very best end for the working day.
Blue Mountains hostels from $17.eighty a night
2. Bathurst
Very best Destinations To Visit In Australia - Bathurst
Suggested by Tara from Wherever Is Tara
Bathurst is one of my favorite places in Australia for so many causes. One of these is usually that my cousins have farms in existence. They let me remain Any time I pass through and bring me to cattle markets, that is a real novelty to me acquiring developed up in the town. One other cause I really like Bathurst is because it is usually neglected by travelers, despite acquiring a great deal to supply. It’s the oldest inland metropolis in Australia and is the website of the original Australian gold hurry.
Visit the T-Rex on the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, have a spin across the renowned Mount Panorama Circuit. Or just get a cup of coffee from Campos, have a stroll by way of Machattie Park and check out the commemorative plaque from Charles Darwin’s go to in 1836. For a singular working day trip inside the Bathurst region look into the gold rush town of Sofala (it seems like a ghost city and has a fantastic reserve store), or head to the Jenolan caves for a few pure magnificence, limestone-model!
Sydney hostels from $15 an evening
three. Sydney
Very best Destinations To go to In Australia - Sydney
Advised by Rachel and Jeremy in the Kiwi Couple
Sydney is the most important metropolis in Australia – filled with wonderful seashores, enjoyable pursuits and superior meals. Probably the greatest approaches to see The fantastic thing about Sydney is by having a relaxing stroll. An incredible Beach front stroll, and among the best, is from Bondi Seashore to Coogee Seaside. It offers beautiful views of the region’s famous rocky seashores, slender shorelines and sandy seashores. One more well known stroll is along the Sydney Harbour Bridge walkway. The two walks are no cost and so are a great way to enjoy Sydney.
We appreciate getting up higher and seeing towns from previously mentioned. The ideal way To do that in Sydney is by accomplishing the Skywalk at Sydney Tower. At 268 metres substantial, it’s sure to Obtain your coronary heart pumping. You’re harnessed in though so it’s not (way too) Terrifying! And eventually, a must do of Sydney is to take in your heart out. Test a deep fried Golden Gaytime ice product from What The Fudge Cafe, you received’t regret it!
Sydney hostels from $15 an evening
four. Byron Bay
Finest Areas To Visit In Australia - Byron Bay
Advisable by Dane from Getaway From In which
Byron is among Australia’s prime tourist Places but in case you’re ready to place in slightly perform you can even now uncover some more properly hidden gems just out the back from the hinterland mountains. From plenty of waterfalls and swimming holes to outstanding mountains and bush walks this modest area disguise a lot natural beauty. I'd recommend starting off that has a hike to The underside of Minyon Falls for the swim, a hike to the very best of Mt Warning for an incredible sunrise, another swim at Killin Falls then a hike into the Normal Arch. These are typically just many of the most available but there's so considerably more should you’re ready to examine.
Byron Bay hostels from $25 a night
Best areas to visit in Victoria
five. Melbourne
Ideal Places To go to In Australia - Melbourne
Encouraged by Aditi from Diary of the Cusp
Melbourne has secured its spot of probably the most liveable metropolis on the planet the seventh time inside of a row. Most times see a diverse temperature – hail, sunshine, rain, wind – but that doesn’t impede the livelihood of Melbourne. Any supplied day you will discover an party, an show, a songs gig, or possibly a clearly show to relish. You can get access to no cost trams within the metropolis circle to wander throughout without outlaying a buck on transportation. Melbourne is usually a multicultural metropolitan with copious places to eat serving slavering foods and cafes in your caffeine resolve – Melbourne’s coffee is a lot of the most effective on the planet.
Melbourne hostels from $18 a night
6. Wonderful Ocean Road
Very best Spots To go to In Australia - Terrific Ocean Road
Advised by Jack and Jenn from Who Requires Maps
Lorne is a well-liked prevent alongside the Great Ocean Road (also to the Twelve Apostles). It’s the proper location to relax along the seaside, probably Opt for a surf, try to eat some of the finest fish and chips, and enjoy the scenery. Jack is really a surfer and loves to go out to The nice Ocean Highway for a surf. Nevertheless the vacation isn’t finish with no halt in Lorne for any parma as well as a pot post-surf. Lorne also has some attractive walks and waterfalls to discover, like Erskine Falls and Phantom Falls. My beloved, is in case you go in the proper year, you can catch a couple of whales at sunset. Get a wine at a seaside restaurant and take pleasure in the serenity.
7. Mornington Peninsula
Most effective Places To Visit In Australia - Mornington Peninsula
Suggested by Aditi from Diary of a Cusp
Mornington Peninsula is often a peninsula located southeast of Melbourne, just an hour or so drive from the town. It's been an immensely popular day excursion or staycation web site for the residents of Victoria, In particular Melbourne for many years now. Mornington Peninsula has a great deal of to provide to its readers – shorelines, countrywide parks, scenic sights, comforting spas, vineyards, golf classes, mazes, tenting web sites and so considerably more. This myriad of functions plus the transient distance makes it so desirable to go to throughout very long weekends like Queen’s Birthday, Xmas, Boxing Working day, New Year and so on. Sampling some Pinot Noir although inside the peninsula is essential.
Finest places to visit in Queensland
eight. Sunshine Coast
Most effective Areas To go to In Australia - Sunshine Coastline
Advisable by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
The Sunshine Coast has bought to get one of the most gorgeous strips of coastland in all of Australia, boasting lovely, extensive white beaches lined with wellness aware cafes and boutique apparel retailers. Any time you aren’t absorbing the sunshine on among the list of quite a few beaches, you could head out for the hinterland for per day of mountain mountaineering or hop off the beaten observe to discover secluded swimming holes and waterfalls with not a soul in sight. Noosa Countrywide Park and fairy pools is an complete ought to do, just stay away from the midday hurry on the crowds.
Sunshine Coastline hostels from $twelve.50 an evening
nine. Brisbane
Greatest Sites To Visit In Australia - Brisbane
Proposed by Erica from A woman Who Wanders
Brisbane is my hometown and a location I intend on being for an incredibly long time. Why? As it has anything! Not like its cash metropolis counterparts of Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane delivers all of the benefits at a portion of the cost. Superior on my listing of spots to go to is Southbank, the house of doing arts and Queensland culture and again alley bars and river front dining. Southbank also characteristics Australia’s only interior-city Seaside, a man-created marvel which usually takes you from the hustle and bustle of the city and right into a tropical oasis with glowing waters and white, sandy shorelines.
West Conclude is an additional suburb I really endorse traveling to, with its hipster vibe, insanely excellent coffee and Avenue marketplaces to help keep you buying several hours. For those who’re after a see of the town from your major, head nearly Mt Coot-tha for its amazing 360 views of the town and the encompassing hinterland. I also hugely recommend climbing the Brisbane Story Bridge For an additional Distinctive addition to the trip, since the view is stunning and the adrenalin hurry one particular never to be missed!
Brisbane hostels from $15 a night
10. Gold Coast
Best Areas To Visit In Australia - Gold Coastline
Proposed by Erica from A Girl Who Wanders
Should you’re looking for a vacation spot which includes everything, lookup no additional and get oneself towards the Gold Coastline! With arguably a few of the ideal beach locations in Australia, the Gold Coast is my “go-to” spot throughout the incredibly hot summer months months. But when lazing about on smooth, white sandy beach locations or swimming while in the crystal crystal clear ocean doesn’t get your fancy, the Gold Coastline Hinterland is barely a short drive in the Seaside and has several of the most wonderful strolling tracks and viewpoints in Queensland.
My favorite matter concerning the Gold Coastline is how the vibe is amazingly Visit this website laid back yet also electrical, with locals and travelers alike taking pleasure in the “Sunday sesh” ambiance in the day plus the celebration scene that concerns lifetime when the Sunlight goes down. Should you’re organizing on browsing the Gold Coast whenever quickly, my individual recommendations for the very best sites to visit are Burleigh Heads Beach front as well as Lamington Nationwide Park.
Gold Coastline hostels from $21 a night
11. Airlie Seashore/Whitsundays
Best Areas To Visit In Australia - Whitsundays
Encouraged by Jack and Jenn from Who Needs Maps
Airlie Seaside is a perfect place to acquire a style of every thing. You could embark on an experience to The nice Barrier Reef, sail on the Whitsundays, eat some of the freshest food straight out from the ocean, and stroll several of the most stunning coastal walks in Australia. Did I point out there are some magnificent beer gardens?
Airlie Seashore is a perfect hub to meet other backpackers which have a hankering for experience. We experienced a lot pleasurable going on a myriad of nautical adventures. We even husked our own coconuts and played with turkeys and wallaby’s to the island. Airlie Seaside is additionally known for its guy-designed lagoon, an outstanding location for beachside/poolside cocktails.
Airlie Seaside hostels from $28 a night
twelve. Noosa
Greatest Destinations To Visit In Australia - Noosa
Advisable by Fanny from Minka Guides
Expanding up, I always read about Noosa from other Australians as this desire coastal desired destination. Getting within the region, I didn’t really realize why until finally I last but not least frequented a handful of year in the past and fell in love. As opposed to many other iconic coastal towns, Noosa isn’t crammed with towering skyscrapers and massive buying malls. The truth is, the area council don’t let any individual Construct increased when compared to the trees, making certain this sub-tropical town retains its amazingly attractive seaside town vibe – even though also becoming an exceptionally preferred put to visit!
The primary Beach front can get very busy with sunbathers, so I’d recommend undertaking a trek by means of nearby Noosa Nationwide Park to one of its wonderful and deserted stretches of sand. A 45-moment wander along the Tanglewood Keep track of requires you to Alexandria Bay, where small, translucent fish swimming during the shallows (and the occasional nudist) are your only company. Complete paradise.
Noosa hostels from $24 an evening
13. Atherton Tablelands
Ideal Locations To Visit In Australia - Atherton Tablelands
Advisable by Sophie from Adventures of Soph
Feel infinite waterfalls, rolling inexperienced hills dotted with dairy cows and rustic, family run cafes. All inside of an hour’s travel from Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands is the proper gateway to the countryside, irrespective of whether it's for every day trip or for a protracted weekend. The ultimate way to see the Tablelands is usually to hop in an automobile, get a location map and just travel. The waterfall circuit of Elinjja Falls, Millaa Millaa Falls and Zillie Falls are usually not to become skipped and if you happen to find yourself there on the final Saturday of the month you should definitely check out the Yungaburra marketplaces.
Atherton Tablelands hostels from $25 an evening
fourteen. Townsville
Very best Destinations To go to In Australia - Townsville
Suggested by Sam from Sam World wide
Boasting palm laden Seaside fronts, a 90% chance of sunshine and warm temperatures all yr spherical, Townsville is definitely an complete must on any North Queensland itinerary. Wander the strand and study abundant WWII history or have a trip to The nice Barrier Reef and dive the S.S Yongala shipwreck – it’s the most effective dives on the earth. And it doesn’t cease there, the city is household to the vivid nightlife, a formidable food stuff scene and easy accessibility to the beautiful Magnetic Island. If you time your vacation correct you’ll have the chance to working experience one of several islands infamous whole moon events!
Townsville hostels from $eighteen a night
15. Cairns
Ideal Spots To Visit In Australia - Cairns
Recommended by Nicola from Polka Dot Passport
There are actually not a lot of locations on the globe in which you can expend your morning snorkelling via a lively underwater playground that is a component of the earth’s most significant one framework of residing organisms, and your afternoon dipping into turquoise h2o holes, canopied by Just about the most various and oldest rainforests on the planet. Cairns is really a gateway not to just one but TWO natural world heritage sites, The good Barrier Reef and also the Daintree Rainforest, which makes it a fairly Exclusive spot to go to. Don’t depart devoid of performing a horse journey together Cape Tribulation Seaside, taking a visit out towards the GBR or likely croc-spotting together the Daintree River.
Cairns hostels from $12 an evening
sixteen. Whitehaven Beach
Best Spots To Visit In Australia - Whitehaven Beach
Encouraged by Dane from Holiday break From Where
Whitehaven Beach front is a 7km extend of Coastline located in the Whitsundays. It is actually most very easily obtainable from Airlie Seashore, Unless of course that you are lucky more than enough to personal a yacht. The Seaside is preferred with locals and tourists alike but if you decide on to camp there you should have the beach all to your self and just a handful of other Fortunate campers for sunset and sunrise. The white colour of your sand and the amazing blues during the drinking water make this a truly one of a kind place that is consistently sighted in nearly every ‘finest Beach front on the earth record’.
Cairns hostels from $twelve an evening
Finest sites to visit in Northern Territory
17. Uluru
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Ideal Destinations To go to In Australia - Uluru
Advisable by Crystal from Castaway With Crystal
Uluru might be Australia’s most recognisable landmark. But this huge chunk of rock is also extremely sacred to the community Anangu Aboriginal men and women below, a place of excellent electrical power. It's the centre of the universe and the house of your ‘Earth Mother’. In the outskirts of Uluru, in little caves, Aboriginal rock artwork is often found that's tens of A huge number of decades old. They're deemed countrywide treasures and Uluru is a UNESCO Entire world Heritage site.
Though you may nonetheless climb to the highest from the rock and working experience the certainly magical sights, doing this is a degree of controversy involving the neighborhood Aboriginal folks as well as countrywide park assistance that manages the region. Because of this, travelers are heavily inspired not to climb. Uluru rises 348 meters higher than the bottom, but the majority of the rock lies underground. It has a circumference of sixteen kilometres and may be walked around in comprehensive using a cleared route.
Alice Springs hostels from $27 a night
eighteen. Darwin
Greatest Destinations To Visit In Australia - Darwin
Proposed by Edit From Edit All over the world
While Darwin will be the capital town from the Northern Territory, it is very compact – but it’s truly a terrific spot for purchasing. In addition, for historical past enthusiasts, it’s a true treasure town Along with the Museum and Artwork Gallery on the Northern Territory and several other aboriginal artwork galleries. Then again, experience seekers can check out the Crocosaurus Cove, the place the Cage of Demise experience offers the thrill of becoming in the same setting, far more precisely inside a Unique cage in the water, together with a 5m extensive croc. Crocodile can even be found on several cafe menus all around Darwin. From crocodile sandwich to croc pizza, The range is huge and very delectable. It preferences somewhat like rooster, but it really arrives at a Significantly bigger selling price.
Using a tour to the Adelaide river gave me the chance to see the procedures of your crocs when they’re planning to attack. Litchfield Countrywide Park is a good place to see crocodiles within their purely natural habitat – as well as it's excellent swimming places Positioned at a superior
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: 9/23/2019
Comic Books (Crom the Barbarian): Who is Crom the Barbarian? Crom the Barbarian was created in 1950 by Gardner F Fox and John Giunta. The Barbarian, Crom, is a small speed bump in comic book history. Gardner F. Fox and John Giunta take direct inspiration from the Robert E. Howard, Conan pulps. They pen out their version of Conan and call him, Crom!
Fiction (DMR Books): The third of Talbot Mundy’s Roman novels, Purple Pirate was serialized in Adventure magazine from May to October of 1935 and then published in book form by Appleton-Century at the end of that year.  Set in the time of the founding of the Second Triumvirate in 43 BC, this story continues the adventures of Tros of Samothrace amid the war-torn chaos of a period where half a dozen factions fought for the control of Rome and the seas were stalked by pirate kings who harassed the Wolves of the Tiber when they could and plundered the rest of the world when they willed.
Fiction (Adventures Fantastic): Tanith Lee was born on this date, September 19, in 1947.  She passed away in 2015.  Lee wrote in a variety of genres, including fantasy, horror, and science fiction.  She was highly prolific, and many of her short stories haven’t never been collected.
Until now.  Immanion Press is collecting all of her work that hasn’t appeared in any of her collections.  In observance of her birthday, I read two stories from the collection Strindberg’s Ghost Sonata and Other Uncollected Tales.
D&D (Skulls in the Stars): Time for another edition of Old School Dungeons & Dragons! I did soooooo many of these threads on twitter, I’m kinda amazed and appalled. Still have many to catch up on here…
DDA1: Arena of Thyatis (1990), by John Nephew. This more obscure module is one I’ve had in my collection for a long time, but only finally got around to reading once I started these threads!
Ian Fleming (M Porcius): 007 is back, here at MPorcius Fiction Log. You may recall that I thought that Moonraker, the third of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, was recycling some of the memorable parts of Casino Royale, the first–Bond gambling against a Soviet operative who claimed to have forgotten his past due to war-induced amnesia, and then unsuccessfully chasing this villain in a car after he had kidnapped a female British agent. Let’s hope that the fourth 007 adventure, Diamonds Are Forever, first printed in 1956, has some new ideas.
Comic Books (Bleeding Cool): Earlier this year, Marvel Comics picked up the Conan license and began publishing Conan and Conan-related comic books, based on the character created by Robert E Howard, just like they used to. And started putting Conan in The Avengers, which was new. But they aren’t stopping there, they are also creating new runs of comic books based on Howard’s characters Dark Agnes, Solomon Kane, and more. Again, just like they used to.
Science Fiction (Brian Niemier): Talk about a signal grace. No sooner do I publish a post on the need for a confident, masculine Christianity willing to engage the culture than a new science fiction genre rises to the challenge. Not one, but two vocally Christian authors have stepped up to deliver something not seen since the heady days of the pulps: men’s adventure novels specifically informed by a Christian worldview.
Robert E. Howard (Howard History): While scanning through “The Eyrie,” the letters-to-the-editor pages in Weird Tales, I stumbled upon the following forgotten Howard letter. It doesn’t appear in any of the bibliographies, to the best of my knowledge, and has never been reprinted. How it has been missed for so long is anyone’s guess. The letter appears in the May 1926 issue, which hit the newsstands on April 1st, so Howard probably wrote it earlier in March.
Cinema (Black Gate): I had an open spot to take in a film I’d never seen before: a 35mm screening of the 1992 classic by Ringo Lam (Lam Ling-tung) Full Contact. Lam passed away late last year at only 63, and so Fantasia honoured him with a presentation of one of his greatest works. Written by Yin Nam, the movie’s about Jeff (Gou Fei in some translations, Ko Fei in others, played in any case by Chow Yun-Fat), a tough bouncer in Bangkok whose friend Sam Sei (Anthony Wong) went into debt to a loan shark to pay for Jeff’s mother’s burial.
Horror Fiction (Paul McNamee): Dover have reissued two hard-to-find horror collections by Joseph Payne Brennan. I’d been waiting to get a hold of THE SHAPES OF MIDNIGHT for a long time. Happy that NINE HORRORS AND A DREAM showed up, too.
These collections are a master class in writing short fiction. The stories contained in NINE HORRORS AND A DREAM are not flash fiction but with a few exceptions, they are short shorts. Brennan gets in, gets to the core of the tale, and gets out. The stories are lean and trim. The stories in THE SHAPES OF MIDNIGHT are slightly longer but still short overall.
Steampunk (Adventures Fantastic): David J. West (no relation) is a prolific writer of fantasy in a variety of subgenres.  His work ranges from horror to sword and sorcery to weird western and everything in between.  He publishes multiple books each year.  The man is making the rest of us look bad setting an example to the rest of us by showing us what pulp speed looks like. Speaking of speed, In My time of Dying is a fast-paced weird western with steampunk elements that rushes along at a breakneck pace.
Science Fiction (John C. Wright): Over the last month, there’s been a concerted effort by identity-politics zealots in science fiction publishing to erase science fiction history in regards to the contribution of one of the most well-known editors of all time, John W. Campbell, whose work with Astounding Magazine shaped the field of science fiction as we know it today. Campbellian-style fiction became the standard with greats like Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov, and the legacy continues to this day.
Fantasy (Swords and Stichery): Throughout Hyperborea there are pockets & fully integrated populations of Deep Ones. They walk among mankind unnoticed and unchallenged. But there are rumors of older races of fish like men and aquatic peoples with gills who do not have the taint of the Deep Ones running through their veins nor hear the song of Tulu. Atlantis faced destruction & its colonies on ‘Old Venus’ & ‘Old Mars’ were their only hope of survival. Clark Aston Smith wrote about this in the Poseidonis cycle of stories.
Westerns (Western Fictioneers): Did you know that our own Western Fictioneers blog is #1 in the Top 20 Western Fiction Blogs, Websites and Newsletters to Follow in 2019? was surfing the net, as a writer will do, looking for new and interesting information on our favorite topic, and I came across this article. This gave me an idea for a useful blog post of my own, so I present my … Top 10 Old West Blogs, Websites and Newsletters (in no particular order):
Greyhawk (Boggswood): What can we say about this world?  I imagine a place of ruin and desolation, where once prosperous towns are mere ruined piles or half flooded husks where a few poor fishermen eek out a living in the shadow of the ominous Coot. The elves and dwarves have fled (or have they?), but the great elven forest remains, and has spread eastward, engulfing the abandoned ruins of Jackport.
Gaming (Ars Ludi): What do I mean by great player? Knowing the rules? Yeah that’s important if you’re teaching a game, but “rules mastery” is definitely not what I’m talking about. Someone who makes up cool stuff? Someone who talks in funny voices or has their character do amazing things? Naw, none of that. I mean, that stuff’s fine, but that ain’t it. When I cast my baleful gaze on someone and think “that’s a great player”, it’s because I can see that, deep down, they pay attention to the balance at the table.
Sensor Sweep: 9/23/2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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vocatharsis · 6 years
Cogs’ TS2 Apocalypse Run (X)
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Got a hankering for some old-fashioned simmin’ early this year, so I downloaded The Sims 2 Ultimate Edition using my otherwise-barely-used Origin account. I’m trying my hand at an apocalypse challenge run (using Phaenoh’s incredible mod-assisted ruleset from Mod The Sims) and it’s proving very fun so far! 
In this challenge, I’ve got to gradually guide a bloodline through lifting a series of tough restriction sets, which go away one by one as I get family members to top the game’s various career tracks. For example, the Culinary restrictions (the first set removed) allowed me to open the fridge no more than once per day, while Medicine (the second) banned all personal hygiene technology except a single sink. As the ‘X’ in brackets in the post title might suggest, I’ve been doing well so far. 
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If you like The Sims series, nostalgic videogame reflections, wry/silly challenge run blogging or all of these things, feel free to read on!
In which we start with a bit of a surprise -- sharpest-dressed coot in all the wastes -- B-R-A-V-O-O-O -- a ladies’ guy, apparently -- “It’s money that paid for all them renovations we did!” -- Panoptica becomes even more of a warrior.
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Welcome back! (Or, if this is your first time reading, Welcome!) It’s time for another update. 
Last time, I detailed how Shelmerdine, the run’s founder, died of old age, and how her second child Panoptica (pictured above) reached the top of the Intelligence career, giving my household the power to make and answer phone calls (among other things). 
Look, John’s already reaping the benefits of his ‘increased chance of bringing a friend back home from work’ Popularity Aspiration perk; naturally, he uses it to gossip openly with some geezer about state secrets.
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Divulge away, John. 
Anyway, Sake’s well into the Elder life stage at this point, meanwhile John, Forseti and-- 
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Wait, what? 
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I seriously thought he had one more day left after this one--
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Nooooooo... (*sigh*) well, thanks for everything, Sake. You were important. (This actually came as a surprise to me when it happened.)
Here, have a picture of Panoptica swinging Forseti around.
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John’s actually on the verge of becoming an Elder himself at this point. He hasn’t reached perma-plat - yet - but I do wanna keep his lifespan as long as I can, just because. So I had him pick up some new skills, e.g. by learning Cleaning from a book. This builds Nature enthusiasm...
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“The hell are you supposed to be?”
He’s got platinum aspiration now, so I figure I might as well just buy a birthday cake and let him get on. Final hug with Panoptica while they both still have non-grey hair!
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Ah, these two siblings. They’re so great.
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Lotta candles. We can only hope his Elderwear has some semblance of dignity, so he leaves a decent-looking ghost behind.
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The twins are excited to see what abomination the RNG calls forth.
Let’s see...
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I... John, holy shit. You got a suit. You’re already the best-dressed ghost the Smiths have yielded thus far.
Now it’s time to let the twins become teens!
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Niiice! Now they have fourteen or so days to use some of the career rewards and gain whatever skills they can in preparation for their lifts. 
Oh, and now that Forseti’s a teenager, he’s finally tall enough to scrub weeks of filthy sandwich grime off the kitchen counter, just like he always dreamed.
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(FYI, Forseti has the Popularity aspiration; Aaron has Family. Both have Knowledge as their secondary. I chose their aspirations partly based on the possibility of getting a useful lifetime wish, but it appears that the lifetime wish isn’t rolled until they fulfil their first want as a teen, or until you load the save. And for both of them, the LTWs rolled were for Knowledge, no their mains. So maybe picking a secondary right away causes the game to roll the LTW for it instead of their main life goal? Hm, perhaps I can use this...)
Since Aaron’ll eventually be moving out of the house, and since at that point I’ll be allowed to marry him off to someone and have it count toward restrictions as well, I’m fine with him having a teenage romance. Here’s Tosha Go, one of the standard townies. They’re just friends - for now. 
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Using the ‘Ask: What are your skills?’ interaction (thank you, Panoptica!), I found that she has fairly high creativity. So I might direct her towards lifting Journalism, or perhaps Business? That’ll wait, of course, since she’s not an adult yet. 
Juan has nearly all the skills he needs to reach the top of Architecture at this point (he has the Logic and Mechanical, and will need just two more dots in Creativity) so I sent him and someone else to my homemade ‘makeshift city hall’ community lot. I decided to make it a rundown-yet-still-somehow-standing Scout hall, with scavenged chairs and stuff dragged in to make a crude neighbourhood mooting place. 
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He signs up via the jobs board (at rank 6, since he’s overqualified), and spends the rest of his weekend using his new drafting table to build Creativity. 
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Meanwhile, Aaron gets the last of his chess-grind done, followed shortly by Forseti--and about time, too. I’ve discovered that the ‘hobby wants’ are partly determined by personality, so Forseti’s hyper-playful and hyper-athletic nature isn’t inclined to roll the ‘play chess’ want. 
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I’ll wean Forseti off games until his enthusiasm drops to safe, non-obsessed levels to avoid another poor, poor Kent incident. (You give ‘em chess, suddenly they pine for crummy EA snowboarding simulators and Marco Polo...)
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As an Elder, John’s suddenly got a lot of free time on his hands. This is true whether I like it or not: one of the things with TS2 elders is, they wake up when their Energy need is full, and won’t do the ‘stay in bed unless directed otherwise’ thing that most others do. I have him working on maxing all his skills, just becos.
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Better also pay protection money to the mob while you’re out there, though. Those guys are dangerous. Except, you know, I’m actually swimming in money at this point after two generations of maxed careers and no retirement (plus Shelmerdine and John both getting loadsamoney from the good outcomes of their top-of-career opportunity cards). It’s only around §11500 (i.e. half the lot value) per week, and we make more than that. I can easily afford to have a higher lot value once Architecture is lifted. 
Time for Juan’s first day as a Draftsman. 
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Oh, and I got Forseti to take the first job in the newspaper (as I’m allowed to do) so that he could maybe reroll wants after work. He got Journalism, which is fine. 
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Meanwhile, Aaron is flirting with a teen townie called Meadow who came down the street. Don’t worry, it’s not serious; they’re not even friends yet. 
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And I’ll probably pair him up with Tosha in the end, since Tosha said she was ‘very good’ at Creativity whereas Meadow is ‘pretty good’ at the same. Given that both girls had two chemistry bolts with Aaron, I’m guessing that they’re both Family Sims like he is.
The next few days see Juan climbing up through Architecture, and Forseti making a few new friends. It occurs to me that Aaron’ll need to do some networking for when he eventually moves out...
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Forseti tops his teen job, which of course doesn’t count for lifting restrictions,
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and the next day, Juan lifts Architecture!
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“Right! Let’s do up the ’ouse!”
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Now I finally have a space where I can plonk down John’s military obstacle course, which is the fastest Body-skilling object in the game. 
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Might as well give it a whirl! It seems random, but they alternate between clearing it with ease and getting stuck on stuff. You have no idea how many pictures I’ve taken of people falling flat on their face trying to jump that second hurdle. 
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Panoptica, meanwhile, is running it like a champion, which creates the opportunity for another one of those well-timed ‘descendant vs spouse’ comparison moments.
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N’aw, but I shouldn’t be mean to Juan. He’s doing fine. And not at all tragically, as in the last one’s case. 
That’s plenty for this update, I think--got through quite a bit of my backlog. Thanks for reading!
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renfys · 6 years
April’s Entertainment
It was Bethend’s birthday!
April has been full of gardening whenever the sun shined long enough, trying to stay dry and more teeth grown. It’s been another odd month at QLF.
We gave up on Bones in season ten. It’s was getting boring and a bit more bonkers than we liked. So now we’re watching The Great British Bake Off Again because well, Mel and Sue and bread and cakes. We’re up to date with RuPaul’s Drag Race, I watch Annihilation which was a great film and genuinely scary. Phineas is watching Mr Men cartoons from the seventies and eighties and train videos on YouTube.
I’m reading the Dead Sea Deception. It’s okay, I like conspiracies and history so we’ll see how it goes. Snappy and I are still working our way through the Mr. Men books. We’re actually on the Little Miss books now. Bethend has read Food Of The Gods, Soldier of Arete, Ghost of Monsieur Scarron and probably a couple of others she can’t remember.
I’ve written twelve poems this month as part of NaPoWriMo. Not as much as I would like but I don’t mind. I posted them on my Medium blog and the last one was Cherry Blossoms. I’ve also written a couple of guest posts that I’m trying to find homes for.
I blasted my way through Ni No Kuni II. I loved it. I played over sixty hours of, finished it and am now just pottering about just trying to get 100%. I also played Rollercoaster Tycoon (the original) this month cause I had a craving and I also started playing PVZ: Garden Warfare 2. Bethend is playing Minecraft and Kingdom.
For Bethend’s birthday, we went to the NY Met’s broadcast of Cendrillion. We’ve seen it before and we have the 2009 show in DVD. This was so much better. They’ve played around with the choreography a little and it was so much funnier this time. Plus Alice Coote who plays Prince Charming was much better and Joyce Di Dinato can do no wrong.
Bethend and I both got tattoos this month. She added to her Big Fat Cat tattoo and I added to my animal leg. We get our tattoos done by Alex at Monster Ink who is excellent and booked up months in advance. We also managed to get Bethend’s arbour up over the door, Snappy got her a comic book for her birthday. I’ve been going to my LGBTQ writing workshop and the last session was this week. But we’re creating our own writing group which is awesome.
Hopefully, May will bring warmer weather cause it’s a busy month.
The post April’s Entertainment appeared first on Queer Little Family.
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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12/03/2021-Part 1: The wildlife photos and tales: 5 pictures in this photoset are different to the ones I tweeted tonight and they are first, third, sixth, seventh and ninth in this photoset 
With 41 photos produced today I am trying something slightly different and uploading to Tumblr only and not Twitter for fifteen photos across two blogs, five of them in this one, and to do this with good amounts taken of each I am doing one blog with my wildlife photos and experiences today and another my next post on the landscape side of things. This is to reduce the amount I tweet in the evening and if I produce more than 30 or well beyond 30 pictures in a day anyway I do this with the exclusive uploads for Tumblr in places, but it just meant I wasn’t telling wildlife stories in the post without showing any picture I took of it like I usually do for a lower yield as I’d tweeted that one which can sometimes happen I feel. 
My day of birds started whilst I was working this morning by seeing the Starlings shown in the first two pictures in this photoset taken with my bridge camera in a feeding house we have in the garden a fairly new one. The second picture solely showing the tame Starling that we got sensational views of whilst out in the garden on Sunday as it was so approachable it was interesting it returned. My Mum had told me it was there and I took these photos by contrast inside the house. I also took the third picture in this photoset of a Woodpigeon out the back. 
I then took the fourth-eighth pictures in this photoset at Lakeside of Greylag Goose, Mallard female and male, Coot and Canada Geese on and by the lakes. The Greylags and Mallards in particular were wallowing in an interesting bit of mud at the base of beach lake prominent after the rain of Wednesday in particular and some today and yesterday which was interesting. This allowed me some great chance to really see these lovely waterbirds up close, take them in and appreciate them which I found powerful today. I also was impressed again with my new lens for detail on bird photos it was perhaps brought more for landscapes but since I got it for my birthday I have found it can be good detail wise for subjects such as birds up close. But it said something about the walk I think that with my big lens and macro with me too all but one of my wildlife photos was taken with this normal lens and that was because I was lucky to get so close to the birds today. It was also memorable to see Lesser Black-backed Gull pair on beach lake once more, and on concorde lake a delightful group of Tufted Ducks with one memorably seen splashing in a landscape shot I took and tweeted on Dans_Pictures tonight. As I walked on through the wooded path area I took the ninth picture in this photoset. 
I was delighted as I walked south of the Monks Brook Halt railway station platform to spot a little bird going up a tree and binocular views it was as suspected only my second ever Treecreeper for this site after November. I was so thrilled to see this as because of my history with them here, whilst a common bird to see in woods elsewhere, this is one of those members of the group of rarer birds I have seen at Lakeside during my working from home days which I have loved. I was stood pretty far back to the tree in question by this point and I kept my eye on the bird as I took what felt like an age to grab my big lens from the bag and put it on. I wanted a photo of a bird I have so rarely photographed, and this tool was needed. I half expected it to have flown by the time I had the lens on but it hadn’t and I snapped the tenth and final picture in this photoset of this Treecreeper. What followed was definitely my most prolonged view of a Treecreeper, and possibly the or one of my best ever views of this species. 
I edged carefully closer and stood on the steps that take you down to the lake from here with a slop beside for those who want to walk like that a feature of Lakeside I have known since I was a child. To my amazement it was still there, I couldn’t muster a photo to take forward of some took whilst closer as it was not naturally a bird that looked facing me or anything so none of the closer ones really showed its face or were different enough to this one. But it was phenomenal to as doesn’t happen in the vast majority of my sightings of these birds see the Treecreeper creep up the tree bit by bit scuttling away and not switch sides at all going round the back or fly off for a while. At a stills safe but slightly closer distance I got to take in its impressive and adapted feet, wonderful colours and strong beak among other things. Seeing what a magical and quirky bird it truly it. It was exceptional to be so close and to get to see so long a stunning bird. I liked taking the tenth picture and was pleased with how it came out I shall compare them at some point but I think this could be if not my best ever effort for this bird quality wise I have not photographed a lot down the years in the top 2 I did take a memorable Treecreeper picture at Denny Wood in the New Forest in late 2017 which was feeding on a flat log where good was placed but I can hands down say this is the best picture I’ve ever taken of a Treecreeper creeping up the tree today living up to its name and I was thrilled with that. A special natural moment that really lifted me in my lunch break and gave me something to be so attentive to and just admire, what a day and what a week again for birds in the end for me. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary for all of today: Treecreeper, great views of Chaffinch and Great Tit at Lakeside too, House Sparrow, Starling, Woodpigeon, Collard Dove, Carrion Crow, Magpie from the house after a slight absence recently of them here, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull and another great bee in recent days.  
In my next post are 10 different landscapes and other photos to those I tweeted tonight. I hope you all have a nice weekend. 
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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19/04/2021-Part 2 of 2: Buzzard out the back, Portland harbour and RSPB Lodmoor (Another 10 pictures in this photoset that are different to those I tweeted earlier) 
Following on from my previous post, but going back in time a little to begin with...just before we left this morning I was thrilled to see a Buzzard flying at the back of the scene from my bedroom window as I got ready. I then watched it for a bit flying then got back to what I was doing. Then I saw it again shortly after and it glided beautifully against a great blue sky right outside my window which it was amazing to have again it was fantastic to see it in sharp focus and make out its pure beauty and large extent. A smashing wildlife moment to kick start my first day of five days of annual leave.
At Portland harbour I took the first three pictures in this photoset there in the sunshine poking through another interesting soft cloud formation after yesterday I took the first picture in this photoset showing that and a lovely moon out in the day time I am noticing moons and taking pictures so much lately and another two photos of views we enjoyed trying out a present my Mum got jointly for her recent birthday and it was also for her wedding anniversary and her husband’s birthday too we had been giving money on these occasions towards this too a new telescope. It was great to look at a ship, the famous white horse in this area in the telescope seeing the brilliant sharp quality it offers at a few zooms and more landmarks as well as a Cormorant it really is a quality telescope really brilliant to look through certainly a present we were proud we could get for them. I liked noticing from here and all day some as they do in spring fields now covered yellow from oilseed rape we saw some on the way today too which was beautiful and some nice flowers. 
After being at Portland Bill as I posted about in my lats post it was then on to Lodmoor where walking along the path overlooking the lagoons sun kissed themselves we got a stunning view of two Mute Swans coming so close, one with a muddy face which I took the fourth picture in this photoset of. In the lowering and bright evening sunlight it was perfect conditions for photos and I lapped up the chances for this taking some photos I was proud of and I got one of another bird the Black-headed Gull too which is the sixth picture in this photoset I took the seventh of the path and eighth of the lagoon too.
We had come here hoping to see a reported Bar-tailed Godwit and with yet more supreme bronzed Black-tailed Godwits for us lately it was there wading at the edge of a bank at the back I took the fifth picture in this photoset of that. I spotted it and made out the three key factors of distinguishing alongside the paler plumage; the upturned beak, the eye stripe and of course the brown lines on its lower tail feather which give it its name. This year tick of a bird we saw here before on a day we got alongside here and Radipole Lake nearby ten year ticks in a day on the first May bank holiday Monday in 2014 we were now in that territory for ticks today making it another personally historic one was one of the sweetest today as we had missed it at Lymington-Keyhaven nature reserve at home so far this year where we saw it the last two years in the winter and we saw it in January in Moray, Scotland in 2018 so I’d maybe become used to seeing them by this stage in a year and who knows if I’ll go on to see them again this year so it felt absolutely crucial.
I would use that word too for our eighth and final year tick today as with another possible Bar-tailed (it didn’t lift its beak off its back for us go really be able to tell) was a smaller wader a fairly golden looking Common Sandpiper perhaps especially in this brilliant light. Always a top bird to see in a year often in spring so this did feel really good to see it and I loved watching it for a good while seeing it bob once as they do too. A perfect way to bring the year ticks today to a close with another species I do really think a lot of seen.
As we walked on and back I was thrilled to spot a Marsh Harrier appear at the back of the reedbed and then fly over a little it was astonishing to see this raptor they are so beautiful and you can’t come to Lodmoor and not see Marsh Harrier. It was also great to see and hear Sandwich Tern and Mediterranean Gulls great views of those and some more nice flowers including beautiful green alkanet which I’ve seen a few times at Lakeside Country Park locally in recent weeks so nice to connect a place further afield to home. We eat a chippy tea on the outskirts of Weymouth looking back over into Portland and at a beautiful little church and lovely bit of pink blossom to see which I loved taking in I took the ninth picture in this photoset of that scene. A fond memory I will take from this one of my days of the year and best days ever I am sure. When home just as it was getting dark the moon looked amazing and bright so I took a picture of it and I also photographed a lovely spider in my en suite the tenth picture in this photoset I had seen this right before leaving this morning. What a way to spend a Monday!
Wildlife Sightings Summary: (Portland Harbour) Cormorant, Herring Gull and Carrion Crow. (RSPB Lodmoor) My first Bar-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper of the year, two of my favourite birds the Little Egret and Shelduck, Grey Heron seen very well too, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Canada Goose including two flying over seen very well, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Sandwich Tern, Mediterranean Gull, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Marsh Harrier, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Dunnock, great views of Robin and Blackbird with some beautiful singing too and other nice flowers here too like Periwinkle.
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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24/12/2020-Christmas Eve photos and sightings: Lakeside and home-10 different pictures in this photoset to those I tweeted 
I took the first two pictures in this photoset of a Collared Dove out the back and some more lovely flowers that have sprung up on the balcony lately adding a great bit of colour. It wasn’t quite to be bringing back something I did so much over the summer for one day only and have two walks at Lakeside today with an early Christmas Eve finish, I was in control of my destiny for that a little bit this year but had to balance it against leaving the work I was doing in a good place ready for my initial return next week (ahead of a week’s leave in January for some - tier 4 friendly of course - bird year list building and my birthday to open 2021 for me) so I didn’t finish before darkness fell. I did manage to bring something else I had gotten out of the habit of doing back though and bring both my big lens and macro lens on my lunch time walk with me rather forgetting about my macro the lens that dominated my early working from home daily exercise walks on its own due to not so many flower, insect and mushroom photo opportunities now. My big lens accompanies me on nearly every walk nowadays for convenience mostly as I can still take a landscape on it and then its there if birds or mammals are around to take photos of as my zoom lens for my DSLR. So this was nice. This was mostly down to it being so sunny so just in case I more likely in these conditions found something I wanted a close up with, in the end the macro provided that little bit more width compared to the big lens for landscape shots today. But as predicted in the glorious Christmas Eve sunshine, I used it as a chance to take so many pictures well over 30 again hence the need for exclusives in this photoset. 
Some of which include the third-ninth pictures in this photoset on the way to and at Lakeside this lunch time. I had had a sort of premonition that I would get a chance to photograph birds today, and specifically a young Great Crested Grebe and I did take a picture of one of these today as I tweeted, with alongside the Collared Dove shots of Tufted Duck, Carrion Crow and House Sparrow. I tweeted the ones not included in this photoset on my Twitter Dans_Pictures. I was pleased with these and the amount of bird photos creeping back into my sets the last couple of days after maybe not so many. The Great Crested Grebes I got exceptionally close to a rather sleepy trio of the younger birds which was another brilliant moment this year with them. The Tufted Duck a male looking nice and frequent right now too so this is always great to see. 
As I tweeted a picture of earlier coming back down the northern path today soaking up the sun once more I noticed a green ball thing in a tree. My Mum told me this is mistletoe I did wonder what it was, not something I have seen much of before. So I really learnt something there today I had heard of the plant obviously and how fitting that on Christmas Eve I spotted this quintessential part of Christmas. Another great plant to learn in my year of learning such things and had they not finished posting tonight I would have mentioned seeing and knowing this in my wildlife/photography highlights of 2020 posts.
On the way back along the northern path today I saw some birds flying in an interesting manner they were sort of hanging in the hair making a frantic movement. I wondered if it was a bat weirdly out in the day time, but when it flew into view more I realised it was a Kestrel chasing a small bird. Not something I had often seen before so a quite magical moment seeing a star of my Lakeside walks in 2020 do this. The small bird did appear to get away and the Kestrel disappeared into the barely leafed trees of Lakeside which featured in my photos a lot today. A really intimate wildlife moment and fantastic one which set me up for my afternoon well. I took the tenth picture in this photoset in this photoset of sky this afternoon among another which I tweeted taking another nice one of a waxing gibbous moon just now (into Christmas Day).
Wildlife Sightings Summary: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Mute Swan, Coot, Moorhen, Black-headed Gull, Robins well, House Sparrow, Starling, Goldfinch, a nice couple of Blue Tits in the garden earlier with Pied Wagtail seen well there too and on the paths out the front, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Magpie, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow, Wren and Kestrel. 
As I said to end my highlights post earlier this evening I wish all of my friends on here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to your families too! Thanks for all your incredible support in 2020 and I hope you all stay safe and well this festive period. 
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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28/03/2020-Moon and 29/03/2020-A plant dominated Lakeside walk for permitted daily exercise 
Last night I took the first picture in this photoset of the moon. I try not to go for thin crescent ones as I find the full or near full ones much easier to focus on quality wise but over the last few days of the lock down/working from home these pretty little moons have been visible normally with a single star outside my window. Including the night we clapped for the NHS heroes in fact I think I first noticed it on Thursday so I’ve just found it rather comforting and wanted to have a go with a picture. I took this picture around half 9 last night well after I’d logged off my laptop so the processing and uploading of it rolled over until the next day something I do a lot in summer when those sunsets late at night happen. I may be doing that with the clocks turned forward in the coming days now as with me working from home starting at half 8 in the morning I want my laptop logged out well before half 8 in the evening to allow 12 clear hours. The likelyhood from now is I may catch a sunset between half 7 and quarter to 8 so I might still sneak some out on the night but I think the likelyhood is I’ll be wanting to log out by that point anyway. With me here every night and not visiting my Dad’s two nights a week as usual for obvious reasons currently it doesn’t make much of a difference as I can just process and upload the any sunset or as it gets fuller especially moon pictures the next evening when I finish work along with any other from that day. 
Today once again it was Lakeside Country Park right beside our house where we took the dogs for our daily exercise. We went when it was still pretty sunny even if the wind was up and I took the second, third and fourth pictures in this photoset. The former two views that I had captured recently photographed again but one from a slightly different angle and one with some nice sparkly water a key feature of my Lakeside walks over the last week. The latter is a view I loved capturing as I’ve never captured this before along this key woodland path within Lakeside. I think that’s because a) you often need the right light conditions for a picture like that well within trees to focus all right and come out well and b) under normal circumstances there’d always be a person - fellow dog walker, cyclist etc - using the path so would rather take the charm away from the scene. So I used this moment during lock down to take the picture today. 
Whilst birds and a bee were observed as we walked on as the wildlife sightings summary shows below, it turned into a flower walk after this. I took the fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of lesser celandine at the back of the woods there were many on the floor in the boggy areas and some cowslips that had sprung up in the nature reserve bit.
I then took the seventh, eighth and ninth pictures in this photoset of a sea of beautiful white and purple flowers that I actually noticed in this point in the fenced off nature reserve area on a walk in late March last year and photographed one of the purple ones. My Mum saw these here this week on a walk I wasn’t on and posted her picture of a purple one on Facebook. Someone kindly identified it for her as with my limited flower knowledge something even I had heard of the Snake’s head fritillary. So armed with that knowledge today I was determined to see them again and we couldn’t miss them and take pictures of them. Fittingly I took a picture of one on the same day I took a picture of a Peacock butterfly but missed a chance to photograph a Small Tortoiseshell on the day in 2019 because my old macro lens malfunctioned it sort of had a thing it did where it would not focus and continued to do that. That particular day it came good again for the Snake’s head fritillary though. So it was quite fitting that I should now be here with my macro lens replacing the old one well and truly bedded in within my photography the lens I got for my birthday in January especially after this week. 
The Snake’s head fritillary really is a beautiful flower showing how rich an area the nature reserve bit of Lakeside is or has become. But also I feel very lucky that I can see some on my local daily exercise walk in these times. Its very probably the closest I will ever come to photographing a snake’s head (other than a lizard perhaps) as I have a phobia of snakes. Depending on how long the lock down has to last I could struggle to see fritillary butterflies this year with species such as marsh, pear-bordered etc being ones we see in very specific sites quite a way away from home and even usually having to travel a fair way for summer species silver-washed and dark green. So I at least today had this moment with these plants. Another day where I really tried to focus on the nature around me when out for a little bit and in the garden to keep the spirits up. I hope you are all keeping well. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, Coot, Mallard, Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, close views of Chaffinch and Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, House Sparrow, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Jackdaw, Bee and I heard Wren. 
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dansnaturepictures · 5 years
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07/01/2020-View from the cottage and Slimbridge again
This morning I took the first picture in this photoset one of a few I took of the really nice view from the guest house we are staying in the same one we did last year when we came on this trip at this time of year at Wotton-under-Edge in Gloucestershire. Today as I did yesterday which I posted about here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/190105802507/06012020-slimbridge-wwt-for-twitter-friends I went into WWT Slimbridge this time with my Mum all day whereas her husband went in yesterday too whilst she had the dogs and we did separate walks around the place for the most part. It is my birthday today which is the occasion and this was an absolutely perfect thing to do on my birthday as it was when we came on 7th January last year. I had another amazing day in there getting four more bird year ticks more than I expected after I saw so many of the key species in there yesterday and others and it took my year list to 103. It was a really good end to my few days staying here and with us travelling home tomorrow and me at work again Thursday maybe or maybe not stopping somewhere on the way home wildlife/photography wise tomorrow possibly a great end to a phenomenal few days off since 1st January for me.
As we looked in the first few hides from the Peng observatory up until the fabulous estuary tower it was great to get to see again some of the key species I saw yesterday. This included Bewick’s Swan one shown in the second picture I took in this photoset, Pochard, Shelduck, Pintail and many more ducks and waders. I also took the third picture in this photoset of a few of the birds together. As we looked in the willow hide I was also so happy to see not one but two Water Rails today really getting to watch one move about a lot as I did yesterday. I took the fourth picture in this photoset of one. Not a bad bird to get close to on my birthday and I have been spoiled seeing these beautiful birds and stunning species the past two days. I also saw a lot of the key species yesterday well again throughout today.
As I reached the Knot hide I quickly saw a raptor flying through a Sparrowhawk, always a great one to see for the first time in a year. This brought up the big milestone already as my 100th bird of 2020 a pretty good species to be that for me. This was the earliest ever date I have reached 100 birds on in a year six days earlier than last year the previous earliest when I reached 100 at Blashford Lakes right at the end of my week off. I cannot believe I have done this well really and I feel so happy that I have got here seeing so many top birds along the way.
We then got up to the estuary tower which I was really impressed with yesterday and met a kind WWT guide and some nice fellow watchers. We looked in the guide’s telescope and saw some White-fronted Geese one of the key Slimbridge species which I missed yesterday. We saw them quite far off in the fields which reminded me of how we saw them when we first ever did here and our early few sightings of them here. Between here and two other locations I have seen this species six times now. I felt very lucky to see it today one of my birds of the year so far I just snuck in seeing it I felt.
We then went into the Zeiss hide a view from it shown in the sixth picture in this photoset via the south lake discovery hide and a walk across the reserve I took the fifth picture in this photoset of many feeding water birds. Here we met the guide again who had had word that a Cattle Egret was now showing from the estuary tower. I had read this one had been spotted on Twitter on the Slimbridge sightings account earlier. So we rushed back with him to the tower and were delighted to see it behind a fence not too far away. It was a great view and I thought a beautiful bird this is to see and really a rare one too. I always try to see this bird every year now though and this is only the seventh time I have ever seen one but I have seen them six years running now. They are such amazing birds and this was an absolute bonus of a bird to see here I love it when you go to these reserves and see birds you don’t really expect to. I was happy to see it a standout bird this week and year already. I got the record shot the seventh picture in this photoset of this bird.
Whilst in this hide again I was also delighted to spot a Fieldfare flying into a tree my first this year another bird I did need to see so a key year tick for me today. This tower hide has certainly provided a lot of brilliant chances to see top birds this time around. It was a very nice view of this bird.
We then resumed our hide journey I took the eighth picture in this photoset a view from Kingfisher hide and also spent some precious time with the huge array of captive birds from around the world here one of my favourites in the North American section the Wood Duck shown in the tenth picture I took today in this photoset. I also took the ninth picture in this photoset of Jackdaws going to roost always a fantastic sight here I have found over the years. 
We then saw the always spectacular feeding in the evening at the Peng observatory and hide next to it as it was getting dark. It was wonderful to see masses and masses of water birds wanting to feed following the wheelbarrow the WWT staff member was towing with the food in and throwing it out. It was great to hear him do the whistle which tells these wild birds that food will be coming and his commentary beforehand. It was a brilliant end to this 2020 journey in this reserve and possibly my whole time off. I saw so many incredible species here, everything on a great scale and intimate moments were really present as well. This was all for a good cause the WWT as such with our entrance feeds and I just had so much fun away supporting the rest of my sensational week off of birds so well. Thanks for all your support from the start of the year days up until today it really does mean so much to me.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Sparrowhawk, White-fronted Goose, Cattle Egret and Fieldfare of the year, three of my favourite birds on my birthday the Shelduck, Pochard and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bewick’s Swan, Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Greylag Goose, Egyptian Goose, Barnacle Goose, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Pintail, Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, Gadwall, Coot, Moorhen, Water Rail, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Jackdaw, Rook, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon, Collared Dove, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, House Sparrow, Robin, Blackbird and Grey Squirrel.
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