#it's not just Pizzazz either... there are some Hmm moments between Jem and Shana (het and happy RIP) and Jem and Danse (hmm!!!!) too
spandexual · 1 year
hey man why did they frame it like this when this is ostensibly a song about Jem flirting with Rio (who is her boyfriend) (well he's Jerrica's boyfriend and Jem is Jerrica in disguise but he doesn't know that and she won't tell him for some stupid reason? but she keeps flirting with him and kissing him and implicitly fucking him and everything and getting upset that he's cheating on her. with herself. which like ok I get that the cheating is upsetting. but you started it. and it is still you he's cheating with. I think Jem/Jerrica is a horrible person btw) what I'm getting at is wow I need to do a rewatch of this show and maybe I was not making up the intense lesbian vibes that exist in my head
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