#it's not so much changing the person completely i think... it's more just smoothening out the lil bumps and tics
seiwas · 11 months
allow me to gush for a minnie, my bf just did the cutest thing 🥺
there's this japanese bakery by his gym that we buy bread from whenever we're craving something late at night (it's usually a mix of the last few stocks but we’ve been doing this thing since 2019 where we taste test whatever’s left).
and today, just when he got home from the gym, he messaged me one after the other: "i have smth for you" -> "but i wanted to—" -> "nvm i'll just call" then called and showed me the bread he got for me 😭 he got us one each of our fave one 🥺
and he was doing this face 🥺 saying: "i can never hide anything from you ☹️ i meant for it to be a surprise but i really wanted to show you 🥺" and then after a while, "how come i can't keep things from my *insert petname* ☹️🥺?"
i am so 🥺🥲
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part nine.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 17K
warnings: suggestive
Was is it love or was is it obsession? Or perhaps it was the need to possess someone, so the only thing they could see, hear or taste was him. Your fingers grazed over the page that you kept reading over and over again. “And you, their best beloved one, are now to me, flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin; my bountiful wine-press for a while; and shall be later on my companion and my helper.” Your frown deepened at those words.
Were you just as blinded as her? There wasn’t any love, only the need to dominate. Were you just as blind as Mina was too blind to see the truth? This portrait of love — this obsession was completely different from what you have seen with your own eyes. You thought that maybe reading would make you feel better, see that you are not alone, but it only made your thoughts worse. Her supposed lover was nothing more than a greedy man. He didn’t love her. He didn’t.
Though somehow you feel like it didn’t reflect your situation at all, the story progressed into something completely different than you thought it would. You thought it would make the fog disappear and help you understand him better, but the confusion is only greater now. He is not the same as the man in the book. He wasn’t cruel to you. He wasn’t a bad man. He saved you, was nothing but kind to you. He was a real person afterall, more than a few words in a book, more than a creature thriving from the fear of the innocent.
You can’t just let words on paper tell you how to feel. You just have to go to him and…then maybe you could finally see him for he truly is.
You close the book, sighing at sight of all the other books on the nightstand that were still waiting for you, placing the one you were holding on the rest of them. Your right hand played with the soft fabric of the sheets — cold. Your eyes then flicker to the spot next to you, caressing the dent left behind and somehow you just don’t have the heart to smoothen down those wrinkles.
You remember the way his cold skin felt on yours, so piercing that you don’t even remember any fabric separating you two. He isn’t here, but it is like you could still feel him. You hate yourself for pulling away, so abruptly that you were yourself hurt by your own lack of touch. You just can’t help yourself from thinking that one day he would just vanish, like he was just a figment of your imagination. That you would touch him and he would turn into nothing — but you already now that won’t happened…You have touched each other, hands on each other’s skins, delicately grazing in a sense of eagerness…hunger. You could see it sometimes in his eyes, just for a split second, like he didn’t actually want you to see it. Maybe to not scare you away...but it only made you want more.
For how long can you pretend that he isn’t the only thing you can think about? From the moment you met him, there wasn’t a time of the day when you didn’t thought of him, dreamt about him. From his voice, to his simple smiles, eyes and lips…you hope this isn’t turning into what you think it is. You did feel this emotion easily, too easily and you are determined to stop it from ever coming out again, as you only got hurt in the process. But this feels different from any other time, because it felt like it wasn’t only coming from you. You don’t know what to do…you really do say that a lot. You didn’t even know him and if you did get to know him, would it change — or would it become even more difficult to ignore?
You have to keep yourself occupied, so you wouldn’t think so much, but every time you were with him, it seemed like you didn’t think at all. Almost like you were comfortable enough for him to think for you. After all those moments, when you finally got your moment alone, you always thought about what you should have said instead. However you realize that each time you spoke to him more and more, you would become more honest with your answers, but still being bashful enough to say more than a few words. You think that sometimes your own words confuse you, because you kind of got used to not talking so much. But he did listen every time. Carefully going over each syllable that would fall from your lips, looking at the smallest of changes in your expression.
Letting your feet carry you to the closet, you become highly aware of how quiet it is. Every step you took, the floor creaked under your feet that high pitched noise echoing in the silent room. Somehow you hated it, the silence. You did get used to it, but everything that happened yesterday made shivers ran down your spine. Your eyes would stare around each corner of the room, just waiting for something or someone to jump right at you.
The feeling of being watched made goosebumps appear on your skin, anxiety stabbing you in the heart that only seemed to acrease on speed. The thing that scared you the most was the fact that you didn’t want to be alone. Your eyes started to play tricks on you, making you see things that weren’t truly there, but you just knew that somehow there was something — someone just lurking. Creeping up on you and the thought made you feel like a scared little girl. Was it the need of being protected that made you want to be closer to him? You hate that somehow it wasn’t the only thing.
He did make you feel safe — still remembering how it felt to be in his arms. You think you are slowly starting to lose your mind…
Your fingers wrapped around the handle to the closet, opening it, ready to pick the robe hanging on the inside of the now open door, but your hand only glazed over it. Your eyes were dead set on a piece of clothing that you thought, you would never see again. You didn’t even realize it till now how much it was imprinted in your mind. You don’t even register your own hand, falling on the soft fabric of the shirt, however as you do that you almost jump away when you suddenly feel something touch your fingers. You know that it is slightly inappropriate for you to run through his closet, but you simply thought it was yours and you were already pulling the shirt from the hanger.
You could remember exactly how the fabric shined under the moonlight that night. How it almost mirrored the river and how it got stained with…blood. Your lips parted as you see the stain at the front of the shirt. It still felt wet, fresh, but your fingers weren’t coated in the red liquid, it was only the cold fabric tickling you. You take in a deep breath, smelling the irony smell from the blood as well as the smell of him. Why did he not throw it away or at least washed it? It made you feel a little uneasy and it wasn’t because you were holding something stained with someone’s blood.
It was the thing that he probably kept it like this because of you…He kept it like a trophy.
You started to become slightly sick at the thought of him just keeping it like this for you. The shirt started to get wrinkles from your tight hold as it burned your skin. You can’t forgot when he basically told you that he stalked you every night after that. You don’t think he redeemed himself enough to win your trust. Maybe it was just his nature, but you can’t help yourself from feeling relief wash over you as you put the shirt back in the closet, closing the doors quickly after that, like it would jump on you.
A heavy breath leaves you then, before deciding to just ignore this little information. Should you ask him why he kept it? And also admit the fact you were basically going through his stuff? You couldn’t possibly survive the embarrassment. You will keep quiet for now, maybe to see if you would get even something more creepy out of him. This definitely isn’t the only thing that he didn’t tell you…
You walk away from the closet to the other, opening it and realizing that you didn’t even took the robe. Though as you stare at the gleaming fabric of those dresses Hyunjin was so happy to give you, you completely forgot about your usual option of attire. ‘I wish to see you in them…’Your fingers hover over a dress that particularly spoke to you, tugging it to you. The soft yellow and pink color reflected in the light, multiple layers spilling over your fingers. So soft to the touch and light — you couldn’t help, but sigh at the feeling.
As you took it off the hanger, even knowing this is a gift for you, you somehow know that he will be the one getting the most pleasure from seeing you dressed in it.
Your lips puff out as you exhale, flickering away the loose piece of your hair that fell into your line of vision. The door, still closed, like a barrier, seem to mock you. It was calling you a coward. You stood few feet from it, the distance almost feeling like it was truly miles away. Somehow it was, because you felt like you were doing a big step. You spend a good time putting yourself together — and it seems like it was only for him. However after putting that dress on, the soft pink and yellow fabric spilling around you, hair brushed and pulled loosely up, you realize you also needed this.
Were you only this nervous, because you were scared of what he might think of you? You have never seen yourself like this. The expensive dress hugged you so well and you become highly aware that he somehow had to sneak in to your own home to know your exact size. Was it thoughtful and nice or just borderline creepy? Both you think…You are really being nervous because of him. That scared you more than him telling you, he didn’t like what he was seeing.
You take a careful step forward. Feeling your legs get heavy, hands clamping together, sweat pooling inside your palms. You still can just walk away, dress back in to your nightgown and just lay back into the bed. You are your biggest enemy right now, waiting to see if you truly have the courage to let him see you like this, knowing that it was mostly just for him. You really can’t do this…not going further, but back. Back to being your old self again, scared and just surviving. You can finally go and do something about this thing you were calling life. And what do you even know? Maybe if someone truly is trying to kill you, this might be your only chance. As silly and overdramatized as it sounded, it is the truth. So you do take a step. Each one feeling lighter and lighter, the ringing in your ears clearing up and the fog before your eyes disappearing as you got closer and closer to your destination, before you finally stood right before it.
Your eyes fall firstly to the light peaking under the door, before following the length of your skirt, fingers immediately smoothing down the invisible wrinkles. Your hand exchange to the handle, seeing yourself in the reflection of the gold, letting you get a last look at yourself, before you would open it. However you wondered if you should knock firstly. Battling with yourself, you decided to just let yourself in, but before you could do that a muffled sounds came from behind the still closed door.
Frown falls on to your face, fingers just grazing the cold metal of the handle. From what you could hear, there were probably multiple people talking at once, almost sounding like they were having an argument. Before you could stop yourself, you were already listening in, trying hard to ignore the fact that you are literally eavesdropping right now. The hushed voices were too quiet to pinpoint at least the topic of the conversation, making you press your ear to the wood. You want to justify yourself that you are only listening to know if it is a proper time to come in. The mumbling voices died down at your move, making confusion strike you, little frustrated of not getting anything. The cold wood touching your ear suddenly seem to burn you or maybe it was just the embarrassment as you almost jump right out of your skin when there is a sudden booming voice piercing through the silence.
“You know…it’s not very nice to listen to someone else’s conversation.”
You cringe at the fact you were just caught, feeling so stupid of even trying, because you sometimes forget the fact that this house has ears everywhere. They probably already knew about you from the moment you step out of the bedroom and you just had to embarrassed yourself further.
You take a step back, hand tugging at the top of your dress, like there is an invisible collar choking you. You were actually ready to just turn around and leave, running down the hallway in embarrassment and falling down on to the soft bed in hopes it would swallow you whole. However you don’t even have time to take another step back as the same voice, now softer, like just knowing about your own inner battle, spoke up and you know your heart could be heard pumping even through the door. “Come in.” You think you do recognize the voice, but hearing it in such soft tone as well as also through the heavy wooden door, you can’t put a face to it.
Do you want to? You are now acting like if you wouldn’t embarrassed yourself, you would be already inside, fully confident in yourself. There probably isn’t a way out of it now it seems. It would only be rude of you to just walk away and ignore their invention. You were so curious about what they were talking so passionately about till now…You start to feel sick, anxiety bubbling inside you the more you just stand there. Your eyes fall back to the handle, hand reaching out and twisting it, hearing a satisfying click. The sound echoes a little in your head as you open the door wider, before finally stepping inside.
The second you close the door behind you, you finally look up. The room was lighted only by the big fire place right behind the long table where they all sat. Your eyes, before going to them, look around the room. It seems like every room had its own personality — this one made you feel safe, however the authority and dominance radiating from the men before you, made you also feel so little. On the walls were few paintings and you let your eyes travel to each one of them, but one particularly stood out to you.
On the painting were the same eight men who sat just a few feet away from you. The painting was almost the whole size of the wall and seemed recent, but what can you know — they probably never changed since. Their eyes held power, the real ones piercing through your skin, giving you a real sense of how truly powerful they feel.
Your head turns to them, stopping on the man who sat on the left end of the table. You remember him from yesterday. Longer blond hair, eyes darker than a night, but they seem to flicker golden the longer you would look into them. He looked the youngest out of everyone, but those eyes were telling you that he has seen more than you could ever imagine. Next to him was the dark haired man you met at the stables and not like his friend on his right, you did know his name. Seungmin, his eyes held the same color, right hand playing with a cup that held a suspicious red liquid. However he held a small amusement at your silence, almost like enjoying the attention you were giving him and as the right corner of his lips started to turn up, you had to look away to the next one.
This one also smirked at you, but it was softer, sweet even. His features were delicate, cheeks round, eyes hidden behind his hair. You almost thought that you haven’t met him before, but as his head tilted ever so slightly at your stare, you realize you did know him. You have met him briefly, well seen him. You didn’t know his name either, but you were sure this man was with Minho the night at the club. Remembering the way he calm down the usually, cold man when he was upset about something. You at that look at the said man and of course he didn’t mirror the happy expression as the man next to him. You didn’t expect anything else from him, but you note that he was the one who spoke up when you were behind the door. It was like his eyes were just telling you it was him, still slightly shocked about the fact that he could even talk in such tone as his face didn’t seem to match it. Maybe it was just a mask, still being careful around you, though you both know, you wouldn’t be able to do anything.
At the center of the table sat the man you had just few ocounters with. On the day you were basically kidnapped — you don’t think you will ever forget or forgive about that and also yesterday when it happened. You from the moment you first saw him just knew he was somehow in charge here. Everyone here was…but he looked like the leader. Almost scary aura radiated from him as he looked you up and down with his brown eyes. The way the fire gave him a halo around his head, made you again unable to look any longer at him, because he was simply too intimidating. So your eyes then fall on the man on his left. Now, how can you not remember him? The man who held you hostage in his arms, the man who made you feel so useless and weak under him. You remember the way he was so smug about the whole situation, finding it even funnier when you try to wiggle out his grip and he reminds you of that time again as the corner of his mouth lifts ever so slightly. Your own lips purse at that, already knowing he is thinking about that memory.
From the same day, you remember the man with even longer hair than the first one. You think that out of everyone, he seemed the most happy with your presence — other than the man with puffy cheeks. Felix, if you remember correctly. You remember his name, because he was the one who was the first to show you real kindness. When you felt scared, he made you feel safe in this foreign house. You do have to thank him for that someday. Your own face softens at the bright smile he sends your way, eyes twinkling in the orange light of the room. You just couldn’t help yourself from giving a small smile in return, but it fell as you looked at him.
Hyunjin couldn’t look away from you the moment you stepped inside the room. If he did need to be breathe, it would only be taken away from him simply by the sight of you. You were a breath of fresh air, delicate as a flower. You do remind him of that as his eyes kept trailing over your figure that was wrapped in a dress which he specifically picked out for you. It warms him from the inside, head completely clean of every thought. The colors complimented you so well, looking even more beautiful in the soft orange light coming from the fire place.
His lips were parted, simply in awe of you. He realized, he was starting to get soft. Just a look it all took for him to feel at your mercy. When his eyes fell onto your features — that beautiful smile you just shared with his friend still lingered on your lips, softly bitten and pink. He can’t argue with the fact that he was also slightly jealous as you haven’t given him such a soft and bashful smile before. Though he felt small pride at the fact that he wasn’t the only one mesmerized by you.
Your heart skipped a beat the moment when you first looked at him. The blue eyes of his, you become quite found of, held softness so deep, you couldn’t help but feel giddy inside. He didn’t say anything to you yet, but his eyes told you everything you needed to know. He liked what he was seeing — he liked…you. In a sense of you dressing up for him, you have to remind yourself…
A cough coming from the man at the center of the table, makes you snap out of your thoughts, head turning to his direction. “Please–“ He spoke up, hand gesturing to the empty seat right next to Hyunjin, almost like it was meant for you all along. “–as you were so eager to join us.”
An embarrassed sound comes out of your mouth, hearing that only made him more amused. “I didn’t mean to…” You say, rather quickly. Looking around the table, before a sigh leaves your lips. “But if I’m part of this conversation shouldn’t I be present also?” The man next to Minho gave you a grin in return, the whole table a little shocked by your sudden statement. You actually just had a small feeling that the conversation was about you, but by their reaction it seems like you assumed right.
You then make your way to the chair meant for you, eyes completely everywhere, but him. Hyunjin at your closeness quickly stood up from his seat, straightening his back, before going around the table to pull out the chair for you, making you momentarily stumble as the movement was so quick it almost scared you. A short laugh leaves you at your own doings, expecting the gesture by looking up at him. You did meant to only glance at him, but as he was already looking at you, it made you jump slightly. The closeness your faces were in made time froze, but you do quickly got yourself out of it at the realization you two were not in fact alone, a whole audience right before you. Not like something would happened if they wouldn’t present.
Hyunjin wraps himself around your natural scent. The way your hair was up, made you completely bare for him to take in. His eyes just for a split second flicker to the prominent vein in your neck, skin looking so soft that he has hard time controlling his hands. His knuckles turn white as he let himself stand behind you, his own casting a shadow over you. These quick moments that felt so long for both of you, weren’t definitely missed by the others. He, other than you, did look at them, almost rolling his eyes at the obvious teasing looks.
A laugh, so quiet you couldn’t possibly hear it, was released from the youngest’s lips, a few smiles being shared in return. You look up, eyes traveling to the man who held the most authority. He looked at you with a hard stare, but the furrow in his eyebrows told you, it wasn’t anger, but concern instead. Concern over you.
The more you look at each other, the more the others seem to notice the change in the room. “Y/N.” He says and at the sound of your name you remember his. Chan. “Someone knows that you are here and I won’t sugar coat this situation any further…you are in danger and not only you, but also your closest.”
Air gets stuck in your throat. How did you not think of that? A new sense of fear strikes you, eyes wide, frightened. You felt horrible that you didn’t think of this yourself. Your mind was till now so occupied, basically only thinking about your own safety first. You know that if you would voice out your thoughts about how horrible you are starting to feel, because you didn’t even think about your loved ones, Hyunjin would immediately shot those thoughts off. You are grateful for him being so concern about you, but he just needs to understand that you are also concern about others. You could feel his stare at the back of your head and you are sure that he already knows about your feelings.
You can’t breathe from the thought of someone hurting Mia or the Johnson’s, eyes unwillingly stinging as you look up from the glossy table to Seungmin. “This someone only after few days of you being here, knows about your presence and position.” He says, red lips pulled in a thin line. Even if he didn’t seem like the type to show emotions often, you could just feel the worry radiating from him.
Those nights that you spend here, felt so quick and blurry in some way to you, but they were probably enough for someone to notice you. You can’t help, but feel confused. You know about their powers, but you didn’t spend so much time outside for anyone to see you, but even in the few minutes when you did, this someone certainly wanted you to remember that day. The logical and frightening truth probably is that they already knew about you from the beginning, maybe even right after Hyunjin made his appearance…
“But how?” You breathe out, looking over the whole table, throat dry. “I mean, why my presence matters anyway?”
Chan shakes his head at your words. You should know that you do matter, you are significant. The brunette looks at his family, before again looking at you. “After being on this earth for more than a millennium, we all made a lot of allies as well as enemies and those who seek revenge, now have seen a new light, hope…” He clasps his hands together, gesturing at you. “And you are it, Y/N.”
Your head swirls, fuzzy from his statement. Goosebumps rise all over your body, feeling how the fingers behind your head tighten around the headrest, wood cracking slightly. “It also doesn’t help that you are human.” Continues Minho, stating the obvious for the whole room.
It is quiet after that, the only noise being the flames licking at the wood in the fireplace. Were all their enemies so scared of them that they didn’t have the courage to even try going after them firstly? You can’t question this person’s motives as you are easier, way more weak opponent. However you are simply not getting over the fact that going after you, is meant to hurt Hyunjin more.
His lost half, soulmate held captive, tortured, only held alive for them to ease their thirst or just killing you — it makes him sick to his stomach.
The dark haired man is again the one slicing through the silence as he takes his cup before him, sighing into it, throwing back anything that is left. “Or we can make it easier for you — you know just a little pain and…”
You don’t know if it was meant to be just a little teasing remark, but you weren’t really in the mood as well as the others. Your whole body vibrates when the man behind you growls at those words. The noise came from the back of his throat and if you would just turn around, you would quiver at the horrifying sight of his eyes turning completely red. “Now it’s not the time for jokes, Seungmin.” Hyunjin sneers, looming over you, like caging you into him and you could feel his scent really pulling you into him.
The man that just joked, gives him a funny look, but you can’t miss the brief look at others who are also a little shocked, but not surprised. They have never seen Hyunjin so protective over someone like that, but they can’t judge him, because Seungmin’s words were really not fitting.
Though you can’t keep yourself back from thinking about the offer. You don’t think you could, you actually feel like this is the first time you felt alive as wild as it sounds. The thought of how long you will stay alive did come over you. Hyunjin is immortal and you are just a human. Would he let you live? Get old? You don’t want to think further, because you are still not close enough to each other to even think about this. But you do wonder if in the future, you would really think about this offer…
The thought of death leads you to the present. You were close to it multiple of times since you met him and you really can’t stomach that something like those things or even worse would happen to your friend Mia or the Johnson’s family. Your lip quivers, but you still held your unshed tears, knowing that they won’t help you in this situation, knowing that they would only make you feel deeper, make you blind. You need to think and quick about how to safe them from this person. You don’t even care about yourself anymore.
“So because of that my family — my ehm…there are in danger just because of me?” You whisper, already knowing the answer. Your voice unwillingly broke at the end, not missing everyone’s darkened expressions.
You swallow the lump in your throat, breath momentarily hitching as you feel a brief touch at the back of your neck, making you turn your around. Hyunjin leans over you, giving you a look of determination, his fingers still playing with the short hairs at the back of your neck. “We will protect them. I will make sure that the best of my men will be there to protect them, at night and even at day.” His voice is firm, letting the weight off your shoulders slightly fall as he sounded so confident in himself.
You give him a look, sort of sweet for a split second, catching the frown on his face soften. “This is so….I just don’t understand.” You really do say that a lot, your brain really can’t take all of these things at once, finding this whole situation — reality quite insane. Why did everything became worse? Now you are scared even more, because someone you didn’t even know wants to intentionally hurt you and more.
Hyunjin’s blue eyes flicker to the wrinkles on your forehead, wishing that they won’t become permanent. He couldn’t say this, but he also feels lost. He thinks that before all of this it was already hard for him, but now someone is trying to hurt you again. And he thinks that he maybe will not be enough. They were so close to you…He will not stop fighting for you, he will protect you, even if this someone could be anyone, he will protect you. Hyunjin knows that it is wrong to feel like this somehow help him and you get over the less important things, letting each other see both of yours more vulnerable sides.
He again, straightened his back, but he lets his body rest on the side of the armrest of your chair. The subtle move and you letting him be so close to you, meant so much for him. His gaze falls on to his dear friend, blond hair tugged behind his ear and by that he could see the concern on his soft features. Everyone is concerned for you, but him being the closest to him — he couldn’t help, but feel the most determined to eliminate this danger. “What should we do?” Felix cuts the tension.
“What can I do?” You join in. You can’t let them get into this without you. You know that this is probably their issue to solve, but you are still relevant.
“Nothing.” Says Minho, looking at you like you just grew second head. “We do nothing.” He looks around the whole room, his words shocking you and you definitely weren’t the only one confused about his verdict.
Hyunjin stares at him with wild look, scoffing at his statement. “I’m not going to sit here and wait, knowing that there were this close to her.” He says, voice raised, but you don’t have the courage to say something to him to calm down, because something tells you that maybe you shouldn’t be taking this lightly at all. Yesterday you try to block out everything that happened, but it was only the beginning to this horrible person’s plan and that did make you fear for your literal life.
“If they wanted her dead, they would’ve done it by now.” Says now the man who you only met the first day here, the one that hold you captive in his arms, but it all seems so long ago to you now. He held his head high, hand rubbing his chin. “They are seeking something more.”
You did already know that but hearing it like that makes you shiver from the unknown. “Yes, but if we do stay quiet, we will only give them time to build an alliance with everyone we’ve ever wronged.” Points out the vampire next you, looking up at him, just catching him stumble over his words. Though he held his voice leveled, the look of distress can’t be missed. You are starting to feel even worse, knowing that all of this is just because of you.
“Hyunjin’s right–“ Speaks up the man with puffy cheeks, leaning over the table to see you properly. “This isn’t just about her anymore.” What did you got yourself into? What did you get them into?
The man in the middle sighs, clasping his hands, gaining everyone’s attention. “So we shall do the same…we will make even more powerful army.” Chan then glances at you, reaching his hand out to you, like he wanted to touch you. “We will protect you.”
The way he voice out those words made you feel like there is something more to it. The undertone didn’t come unnoticed, everyone’s mood shifts into something you couldn’t quite understand. There was a hidden meaning in his statement and they all seem to be on high alert.
“If you’re referring–“ Starts off Minho, but he is only caught off by the elder.
“I am.” Chan says, making his brother only blink at his answer.
Confusion from your side is obvious, watching how the room turns glum. You can’t help, but look at each one of their faces. Some had their lips pulled down, others try to keep their faces as hard as possible, but in all of their eyes shined the same thing, completely different from the emotions they are showing. You turn your head, trailing your eyes from the hand wrapped on the armrest, going up to the length of it, before you stop at Hyunjin’s face. He didn’t turn his head to you, his Adam’s apple subtly bobbing up and down as he could feel your hard stare. They all looked unsure, sad…scared. Your lips part at your assumption. Can there even be something for them to be frightened of? Maybe it is not it fully, they are hiding something though, you will have to know sooner or later.
“What are you talking about?” You ask, eyes going everywhere around the room and Minho is the one to answer to you, eyes reflecting the flames in the fireplace.
“We are talking about the first ever vampires.” He sighs through his nose, head hanging low. “The same vampires that created us.” You choke over your answer, before realizing that you don’t even know what to say to this information. You sit up straighter, invested. The first ever vampires…
“We were their first ever creation and that made us equal. We are known as the second strongest vampire clan.” Chan continues, you holding your breath. “The original vampires can’t be killed, because it would also mean that every other vampire that was ever created would die with them…their blood bounds us all together.”
“Every vampire yearns for power.” Hyunjin says, looking down into your wide eyes. “They can’t kill the strongest, so the only option for them is us…it’s not the first time someone tried to take over everything we made.”
“The originals don’t care about anyone.” Says the blonde at the far end of the table, but his eyes are set on the table before him.
“We became unusable for them after a while…” Says Minho through gritted teeth, the man with soft features putting a hand on his shoulder, but he only shrugged it off.
You have never seen Minho since you met him so emotional, it only answers your question if the vampires that created them were somehow close to them. Your head spins slightly from all of the things you just heard. “So someone is trying to get to you, through me?” You ask, whispering, but you know all of them could hear you.
You are just stating the obvious and you can’t help, but become again concern, but it was now for them. Someone is trying to use you, knowing that at least one of the members of the second strongest vampire clan would try anything to prevent them from hurting you. Something is telling you that Hyunjin would not be the only one protecting you. If something would happen, each one of them would protect the other. You don’t know him for that long…but just the thought…the thought of something happening to him makes your heart ache. You can’t breathe simply at just the thought, hand pressing into your chest. You could feel your heart jumping wildly, awful, painful feeling coming over you. “But why?” You breathe out, mostly to catch your breath that was stolen from you.
“Jealousy must of the time…why were we picked over them?” Felix answers you. “But also, because we couldn’t control our hunger for many years, creating vampires unknowingly, because we killed their loved ones…” His teal eyes, flicker to the man next to you, before going back to you.
“We’ve done many terrible things, all of us.” Chan explains, listening to the sudden rapid beating of your heart, not ignoring this subtle sign. By it they could tell that your feelings you were expressing were genuine. “And also — no one likes being told what to do after some hundred years or so, they want new rulers.”
“We take orders from the originals.” Says to you the strong man next to him. “We have a list of every vampire ever created and take responsibility for keeping humans unknown of our existence.”You still at that, leaning your back into the chair as if to make yourself smaller. You are not scared that they would do something to you, but you just know that them going against the rules, because of you maybe meant even a bigger threat to their undead lives.
Hyunjin could feel your body go solid for a second, leaning his own on the back of your chair to possible tell you to not be frightened, but as Minho speaks, his efforts go completely unnoticed by you. “You’re human and you know about us, but maybe if we would talk this through with them, they wouldn’t have to kill you.”
Everyone could hear the small noise coming out of your mouth, noise of complete fright. However you feel that death is really becoming such a close friend to you in some way or another, but you still don’t feel charmed by it. You feel like both ends are slowly closing around you, your fate sealing right before your very eyes. “Kill me?” If you all would just wait, there is a high possibility of this person to just snatching you from them as they were already so close to you. If you would all come begging the oldest vampires for their mercy, it would also lead to possible death.
You don’t even hear the room anymore, eyes wide open, staring into the palms of your hands. You think you are drowning yourself slowly into the thought of death. You can’t help the small tears of horror forming in your eyes. You don’t hear anything for a moment, their voices just a high pitched ringing sound.
Hyunjin never felt so defeated before while looking at your state. So pathetic of him to not be the only one to protect you, but if it meant for him to visit his past to save your future, he will do it. Your hands shake from your nerves, so many emotions seeping out of you, intoxicating the air in the room. His hand travels from the chair to your high cheek bone completely unknowingly to him till his cold skin touched your burning one. He feels your body melt at the subtle touch and before you can’t even react yourself, your head tilts up to look up at him.
The ghost touch from the tip of his fingers move the fine hairs away from your sight, blurry eyes gazing into his. They were suddenly so deep in color that you for a moment stop the thoughts running through you, calming your racing heart like a sweet melody. A voice cuts in to the shared moment of vulnerability, your hearing suddenly clearing, not even realizing the conversation still kept going.
“If we tried to hide her, it would only raised more chaos. We all know the rules, because we helped creating them.”
Everyone knew the high possibility of all the vampires taking this opportunity to strike, but at what cost. This all could lead to something greater than your death. You could be the leading cause of a massacre, you could result the death of him, them, your loved ones and possibly even more people. You are starting to see the cost you will bring if this doesn’t go well planned. Even creatures like vampires, had their own rules and would happen if they would be free? You really do not want to know.
You swallow your unshed tears, eyes still on the man before you. Hyunjin doesn’t look away from you, even for a second, chest rising, like showing you to take deeper breaths. It did help you find your ground again. You are starting to feel more leveled with your emotions and it is only because of him.
As you calm down a little from the rollercoaster of emotions, you just realize how much silent it is. Everyone seem to be deep in their own thoughts, lost. Every thing they will have to do has to be well planned, though everyone seem to notice that anything still will be risky. They are walking on the edge. You can’t hide the fact you are angry with yourself that you could bring them to their possible downfall. Everything they did to make vampires live at the edge of society, unknown to normal people could be turned.
The blonde at the end of the table chew on to his lip, before his teeth nip dangerously too deep at it as something comes over him. He wants to laugh at his own idea — maybe thinking too deeply about this situation is not the key. Less is more. Even with your decisions, you sometimes have to take the obvious option. His brothers could make out the sudden shift in him, as they all lived together for so long, they are basically one.
“Why should we hide her?” He says, gaining all of their attention. “We should celebrate…perhaps a ball.”
The faces gained are obvious disbelief and confusion with his request, but they don’t immediately disagree. However you probably out of all of them seem to be the most against it, as it is maybe too risky and little provocative. “A ball?” Repeats the other blond vampire, testing the word on his tongue.
The other shrugged, the uncertainty in his tone obvious to him, because he also isn’t so sure with his own idea, but he still will stand by it. “Isn’t there supposed to be a celebration ball after a vampire finds his soulmate?” Celebration like these weren’t so unknown amongst vampires, it is almost like a tradition. Though as finding a soulmate is so difficult, near impossible, there wasn’t a ball like this in a very long time. Considering that one of the oldest, most powerful vampire did find himself amongst a human, it would really pick up the interest.
The vampire, on the left of the leader frowns. “Yes, but wouldn’t that be provoking?”
Minho humms in thought. “Maybe.” He says, starting to see what his younger brother meant by this idea. “But it sure would pick up their interest and give us some leverage.”
Your eyes follow them, each word however making your confusion bigger. The pull at your eyebrows is noticed by Hyunjin who answers those racing thoughts in your head. “Every time a vampire finds their soulmate there is celebration.” The word, the status of your relationship rolls out of his lips with a different tone that you do pick up as also his ocean blue eyes gave away how much this simple word means to him. “Before they take their vows for an eternal life together.”
He says the words slowly, each syllable piercing through you like it was some kind of a spell. He before saying that felt unsure, perhaps even shy voicing them out to you. Your breath hitched, eyes widening while still looking into his. He knew about this, but didn’t tell you. Maybe because to not make you uncomfortable, seeing as you till a day ago let him in just a little. You just started to become vulnerable, deciding for yourself if you even want to have something with him.
You don’t want to say you are now forced to be by his side, you don’t want to say that these walls around you are slowly cracking…However the thought of marriage, vows that are maybe totally different from the normal ones meant everything. It would mean that you will be forever his…
Your lips parted, a small noise coming out of you, you are simply speechless. Hyunjin watch the small reaction, taking it as maybe not so good one. He can’t judge you. He is immortal, he lived multiple lives, but you are still on your first one. And maybe even your last…No, he won’t let anything happen to you. Just the memory of your tear stained face, your scream of terror ripping out of your chest makes him sick. If you do not want him, he will understand, even if it hurts to see you so against it.
You never knew that they would be even the possibility of you getting married. Meeting someone who would love you till death will do you apart. But you did meet someone, he was death. Walking in the shadows, living and thriving at night, while you roamed through the day, surviving. Could you really marry him? Let him be the one to possible lead you to your death and then never see the light again. Would you let him turn you after a while? Would you truly love him even after he would turn you?
You drown in your thoughts again, falling silent, joining the others who also didn’t have anything else to say. They felt like this should be discussed in a private matter, maybe even romantic, but all of them knew there isn’t much time. The others feel bad for you two that you didn’t even have the time — time to get to know each other, fall for one and other. They don’t want to say that there is not hope for you to see the truth and for Hyunjin to expect your possible loss. Every vampire in the room knew about how important the thing that happened to you was, they do not wish for your death, but they also can’t let themselves fall.
“As said we’re quite old fashioned.” Cuts the tension the man next to Minho, laughter way to sharp and inappropriate, so it only dies down hallway at the reactions sent his way. Minho pinches him at that, making the other yelp dramatically, though it does ease the tension in some way.
Your vision set on the palms of your hands is dimmed as Hyunjin steps before you, blocking the light of the fire. “Y/N…” He calls out to you and to your own shock you do look at him with sorrow expression. He looks stressed, chest rising with heavy breaths that you knew he doesn’t have to take, eyes wide, trailing all over you. “It doesn’t mean that we would be married, just because of this situation — I don’t want you to think that I’m only using you–“
The urgency in his voice to and justify himself is heard and you do believe him, it is just…absolutely crazy. “No…I understand.” You mumble, gaze falling back to your hands, because you couldn’t watch his face fall even more.
There is some truth to your words, you really did understand and you were so eager to help just minutes ago, but this? Is this really the solution to this problem? It seemed risky, plan incomplete. They will put themselves into spotlight, showing off and provoking their enemy who could also possibly be at the event. The original vampires, if they would attend, will determined if you should live or not and if you somehow do, it still wouldn’t mean they would protect you. Well, if the enemy won’t get to them first.
“It is done then…” Chan says, his voice echoing around the room, making you look past the vampire before you to him. “There will be a ball as soon as possible, so it won’t seem like we’re hiding this information — your presence from the higher.” He ends his speech, not missing the small mumble from the raven haired vampire, still gripping your chair which you sit on.
“Something tells me that they already know.”
What happened after that became a blur, you could see from the corner of your eye how all of them stood up, walking their separate ways. Some stop to watch the fireplaces, some went to pour themselves drink and others just left. Hyunjin was one of them. You didn’t miss the way he look at you. So empathic for you, but he himself couldn’t help, but feel sad. You watched him stand up to his full height, how he pulled his long black hair back behind his ears, how he didn’t spare you another glance.
He always gave you a moment of peace to think and you hold yourself tightly to the chair, so you would do the same for him. You realize how difficult it actually is to hold yourself back. You want to tell him the truth. That you don’t in someway feel oppressed from the idea of you being his, but you just couldn’t…because you can’t accept it yourself. You can’t let these sudden emotions change everything that happened so far. However you do not want to overthink again, because you do it all the time. You want to talk to him.
You stand up, stumbling momentarily as your feet felt like jelly, while looking around the room. From the still two unknown men standing next to the fireplace gazing into it, to Chan drinking with the man that you for a split second met at the club. They stood next to a small stool, on it few glasses holding different colored liquids, but the one in the leader’s hand you could recognize as whisky. The crystal clear glass twinkles, inviting you. You decided to at least talk a few words with him, let him see that you are more than just a scared little girl, but you just know that these creatures always knew more about the person than the person themselves.
You pick up the front of your dress, making your way around the table to the two men drinking. You are sure that they are all waiting for your next move, counting your each step, listening closely to your heart — even if none of them still didn’t look at you, it felt like you are being analyzed. The aura they all radiate is unbearable, yet alluring — like a poison. You wonder if it comes with the gift of eternal life or if it just comes from the heart.
As you stop in front of Chan, he pours himself another glass, head still turned away from you. However the one next to him doesn’t look away, big doe eyes glaring into your soul and you are having a really hard time to look away from such intense gaze. The older fills his drink hallway, cocking his head into your direction, looking at you like he didn’t already feel your presence. “You want some?”
You stumble for a second over your answer, the amber color does look delicious, but you really don’t have the appetite and also it wasn’t your drink of choice. “No, thank you.” You say simply, watching him pull the glass to his plump lips, swallowing it all in one go. You are not sure if you should be impressed as vampires don’t probably feel a thing, only the subtle burn at the back of their throat as you learned in the past. Finishing his drink, he sets the glass back down on the table and then again looking at you.
From your past encounters, you weren’t so close to each other, so you are more obviously taken back by the vibrant color of his eyes. They looked dark from far away, but up close they look like dripping honey, like the liquor inside his glass. By the look of his, you realize that he is giving you a silent question mark, like he just knew you wanted to say something. You blink rapidly, waking yourself up, hair at the back of your head standing up at his gaze, but mostly at the vampire’s next to him. “I just…I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say exactly, but thank you, it is–“ You shutter over your words, eye screwing shut in small embarrassment. “I know the risks you are taking for me. You don’t even know how much this means to me…” You laugh shortly, feeling your cheeks burning when from the corner of your eyes, you see the other two vampires at the fireplace turn to your direction. “All of you are family and I am so sorry that when I came into the picture — I just ruined everything…I don’t want anything to happen to you, all of you. I kind of wish that Hyunjin never met me-“
“No.” Chan says, stopping you for continuing, making you jump at his voice. He sounded angry and when you look up at him in shock, you see it with your own eyes. “You really don’t know what this means to a vampire — to a person to find their soulmate do you?” He stays quiet for a split second, you only shaking your head softly. “When we become death, everything is more vibrant, clear, with our powers we also see the truth. There is nothing left for us to do. We are only lost souls roaming the earth, taking other’s energy and life to somehow fulfill our own.”
You see something in his eyes, something hidden, but you do not dare to even move at his sharp words, eyes falling onto the man next to him. “Soulmates exist. Humans can’t have soulmates as they do not feel the connection, they do not cross death and come back, they don’t have the ability to see beyond. As a vampire you see a new light, you can feel it, see it.”
“It was a bond known between two undeath people, but never a human and a vampire. The fact you can feel it too, even if everyone can tell you are trying to hide…it is extraordinary.” Explains to you further the blonde, scaring you as he stood right behind you. Turning to him, you glance briefly to the last man next to him who watch you closely like everyone else in the room. “You and Hyunjin are the perfect balance. Maybe your fate is already being written, maybe you are meant to become like us…but what if not? This bond maybe is so strong that it can defeat death itself.”
“Do you now see how important you are? You are not just a normal human to us and everyone will see that. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Chan says to you. You can’t help the warm feeling spreading inside of your chest. “You do not have to apologize or be greatful. You are family now.”
You feel tears forming in your eyes. How can you not be grateful? They are all so kind to you, you have never felt so appreciated and seen. Your mouth opens, but you can’t find the right words. He said not to thank them or apologize, maybe because these words were so little and not meaningful for creatures like them. You think that even if you kept saying these words, it wouldn’t be enough. You believe them, but you do not know if you believe with their statement. Nothing about you is extraordinary…however you can see this thing between you two. You thought the same as him, maybe you are just too good at hiding your feelings that you become blind yourself, but the fact is that you somehow you can’t be compelled by him. You don’t know why, but both of you know that this meant that you two are meant to be together, he can’t make you feel things for him because — you somehow already do…At the night on the bridge you could feel it so greatly, but now you are only trying to make these things go away — what if this would only end up in another heartbreak?
You flash the man before you a small smile, knowing that if you would even dared to say one of those forbidden words, he wouldn’t let you go till you learn otherwise. “Where do you think I could find him?” You want to shake your head at your own idea, sheepishly fidgeting under their gazes. You think you do need to see him, you think he needs you. He let you take the first steps, simply because to not overwhelm you, but you are slowly becoming unsure of these feeling you are so desperately trying to hide. You need to see for yourself if you are really being honest with yourself…but also you want to see him. You can’t let him just walk away from you anymore.
The blonde comes into your line of vision, a teasing smile spreading across his face. His eyes twinkle almost teasingly at your question, but not so surprised by it. “His workroom propably, he’s there all the time — go down the stairs, turn left, it’s the door with a painted flower on it.”
You take all of the information to your heart, silently repeating the words to yourself, because you just know you would forget otherwise. You give a nod in return, stopping yourself before you could even mutter a thank you, but you do catch the small smile of amusement on Chan’s lips. You leave silently at that, head turning to give them a last small look, because you just couldn’t resist. They really could mesmerize you by their own presence alone.
Your footsteps didn’t feel heavy as the other times you walk your way through the house, but you can’t help yourself from going back to the conversation. Learning about your importance, seeing that your existence could harm your closest. You trust Hyunjin and the others with keeping their word that they will protect them, because they all know how even not blood related family can be the most important thing in the word.
You need to talk to Mia. You need to hear her voice. You know that you can’t say anything to her, but you need to make sure everything is alright and that they she just didn’t disappear. You do not have much friends, but the ones you have were always in your life, you didn’t even realize it till now. You are so used to their presence that being without them is like losing a part of yourself. However the last part already became known…
If it comes to the question yes or no, you don’t want to say the first option only because you had to. You want to get to know him, he’s not seducing you, he’s actually just being himself. Maybe this magic pull he held is just the bond. Though even if you could feel it yourself, the need to think of him every moment when he’s not with you, needing him to look at you when he is — you really need to know if this isn’t just some kind of a trick. Is he smitten with you only because of the bond or is a truly you?
Your head starts to throb, so many thoughts at once that you didn’t even realize you already walking down the stairs. The whole house in some way feels so empty, unknown, because they were so many different wings, rooms and stairs leading to somewhere you do not known. You only been down here, when you ran out of the main door which you walk past right now or the other time when you actually took your first walk outside. Now you don’t even want to think about going outside, even if the gardens look absolutely breathtaking.
With the curtains closed, you only see a small streaks of orange light coming from the sides, letting you take a peak at the setting sun. You are starting to feel like one of them, because the day would go so fast for you, the night really is the more lively one by of the bunch. You don’t stumble over your feet, because of the few candles lit around the house. You wonder if they just don’t like electricity or are just really old fashioned, but you do appreciate their old spirit.
You are thankful that they didn’t do anything to this magical place. You could just tell by a single look that it was just kept in touch, loved. You really are surprised that you didn’t know of this place before this, you are sure it would be very popular in some sense, but also this meant that you must be somewhere completely cut off from any civilization.
The door wasn’t really hard to miss. The description gave to you was spot on, but it lack the depth. You have never seen such a beautiful painted door before. It was a red rose, petals springing out while the thorns and leaves went up to the edges of the door. The details, outlines made of gold and when you came closer to inspect it more, you realize that the whole piece was molded. You couldn’t help but trace your finger over it, marveling at the colors that in some places were faded, maybe from the age.
You smile softly at the soft detail of the handle — a smaller rose at the end of the handle which look like a few tangled stems. At the sight you however don’t let yourself in or maybe again eavesdrop again, because you know better than that, so you raise your hand, knocking carefully on the door. Few pieces looked particularly sharp and you don’t want to risk cutting yourself in a house full of vampires and also you are scared to even touch it more than that because you don’t want to destroy it by your clumsiness.
You hear noises on the other side of the door, loud footsteps, stopping before it. You gasp out as the door swings open so wildly that it knocked the air out of your lips, hair falling into your eyes. However you could still see Hyunjin’s face controlling into a small shock at your appearance, like he couldn’t just feel you through the wood.
“Y/N?” Is he really that surprised to see you? “Do you need anything?” With his next words he closes the door a little, not letting you have even a glance inside. He frowns down at you, thinking that something must have happened and it kind of did, but it was way more simple than he expects. He doesn’t see your bashful expression, his concern blinding him. “If there’s anything you need, just ask one one of the servants, I can’t right now-“
“Oh…” The noise stops him from continuing, watching the way your fingers bunched up the fabric of your dress. He still can’t believe how beautiful you look…”I came here to…talk.” You swallow the last word, but he could still hear it.
“Talk?” He repeats, tasting the word on his tongue with a concentrated face.
You want the ground to swallow you whole, because how difficult is it to talk? Nervously you fidget even more as he straightened his back, standing up to his full height. The way he towered over you is too much for you to handle, because he looked too good looking down at you. “Yes, I wanted some company, but if you don’t have the time—“
Hyunjin hides his shock behind his long hair. Is he even worthy of your company? You probably don’t even know how much your words warmed him. His cold heart jump at your honesty as yours pumps so fast, because you were actually nervous. He thought that maybe after that you would go back to your isolation. Talk to him only if necessary. Because the conversation held back in the room felt like something you wouldn’t like to talk about anymore and maybe you don’t…you really want to talk to him…
He is taken back by your words, mind swirling, eyes going back and forth at your expressive gestures, because you are simply becoming even more embarrassed. For once you did the first move and he just told you he didn’t have time for you, but how wrong you were about….
He stops you with his hand, mouth hanging open as he shakes his head at your expression. “I would really appreciate your company.” He says, a small smirk on his lush lips. You feel your tense shoulders relaxing at his answer, watching closely as he moves out of the way, opening the door wider. “Please, come in.” His hand is still holding the heavy door for you, even as you take a step in, the top of your head catching his outstretched arm. You hold your breath as you pass him so closely, you just know he did that with an intention.
The room is a little bigger than you expected, because a work room simply isn’t supposed to be so big. Though you quickly realize why it is like that, separated into sections it. Everything, everywhere — on the walls, on stands, on the multiple tables were paintings and drawings. You wish for more light to see fully on the canvases, because you become simply speechless at the sight alone. You walk around, finding different angles, even more art to look at.
You stop before one of the tables. On it there were scattered many drawings. Flowers, animals or just a small details of a person’s face. You can’t help yourself from going through them, hands just grazing softly over them, to not destroy them. You were simply in awe at each one of them. Every single one of them had their own character, they were all so beautiful…But then as you moved out of the way more papers, you came across a one that immediately spoke to you.
It was a drawing of the Moon, light scratches on the paper indicating its light that mirrored on a river. On the left edge of the paper is a bridge, still unfinished and on it you could make out a small figure. You quickly realize who it was — you. He drew you at the night you two met…he drew the moment you kept repeating inside your head. You reminisce the peacefulness yet tension there was when your eyes met for the first time. How it felt to be seen for the first time.
A smile spread over your lips, simply because you found it quite endearing. “I presume you drew these.” You say, turning around, only finding him leaning closely to you on his main desk. However you do not know that he didn’t look away from you since the moment you step inside this room. He listened how your heartbeat slowed down to a pleasant thumping.
Hyunjin if he could, would blush under your praise, but even in his small bashfulness, he can’t look away from your beautiful smile. “Yes.” He answers, proudness prominent in his voice as he also looks around the room with you.
“They are all beautiful.” You breathe out, taking it in. Every painting in the house, in the corridor you passed through is probably his, you find it absolutely amazing. “You are very talented.” You do not know where the confidence in your voice came from, but you don’t even think twice about it, simply too distracted at the moment.
The vampire is also stunned by the sudden compliments send his way, a fizzy feeling warming up his insides. Your presence and that you choose to be with him meant so much, you can’t even imagine. Lights of the few candles he lightened up, made your dress shine, skin looking so soft to touch. He wish to paint you like this — he wishes to paint you at any given moment. You are just too mesmerizing to not be painted. His eyes travel to your bare neck, listening to your pulse that jumps dangerously too loudly to his ears at the moment. He looks away from your neck, like the sight of it burned him, throat dry, thirsty. Those thoughts were forgotten for a moments when he hears you shuffling through paper, hand just grazing at a one particular drawing.
Your fingers brush against it, seeing just a glimpse of someone’s strained neck, before it is grabbed from you. You gasp at Hyunjin’s sudden appearance, his moves so quick and shift that you are left slightly spooked. His speed made some of the drawings on the table fly away, but he payed no mind to them as the drawing you were looking at is pushed tightly to his chest. “Thank you for your compliments, painting has always been a passion of mine…” He says, smiling sheepishly, a short laugh following from his lips. You just nod your head at his weird behavior, watching him lean over the table to your side, opening a book to just put the drawing inside of it. He snaps the book shut, looking up at you as he slowly straightens his back.
Shiver runs down your spine, tickling the back of your neck as your wide eyes stare up into his. He was so close, so so close. If you would even take a breath in, your chest would graze over his. Your eyes fall onto his neck, watching his Adam’s apple jump, because if you would tilt your chin up, his chin would touch your head. His hand still lingering on the closed book, made its way back through his drawings to his side, but you could see it from the corner of your eye stopping next to yours. You can’t believe you are so taken back just from this. You already touch each other like this, but it still was only, because under a certain situation. Never just to feel each other…He could sense the air around you shifting, how your shoulders tense up, he by that figured you are becoming uncomfortable, so he steps away from you. He had to so say that these tensions between you two are slowly killing inside.
He clasps his hands behind his back, walking back to his main desk, turning to you, now a decent distance between you two. “I see you are learning to enjoy my gifts.” Hyunjin remarks, eyes traveling down the length of your body. Your response is small laugh, because you are still finding your ground, back leaning on the table. You stay away from him to not go absolutely insane, but his next words almost make you. “You look beautiful.”
Such simple words, but to you they meant a lot. You did struggle with your self image, because you always thought that the way you look was the leading cause of your loneliness. So that word made you simply speechless, because he is the literal definition of it. The way he voiced out those words…made you for once really feel like it. “Thank you…it is a beautiful dress.” You say, looking down at your body. The pink and yellow fabric shifts with any small movement of yours, looking back at him, only for your eyes to fall onto his desk.
A silent gasp leaves you at the sight of your favorite flowers. You love any flower, because they all have their own uniqueness, but a traditional rose held your heart. He follows your gaze immediately, noting the way your eyes light up at the sight of the bouquet. “You like roses?” It came out more as a statement, because it was his favorite flower also.
You nod, smiling at how his features softened. “I love roses, but I must say, I prefer white over red.” A different kind of smile is send your way, his fingers taping at the table, like deep in thought by this almost useless information.
You just realize how quiet it is, it almost felt awkward between you two with all these stops before moving on with the conversation, but you prefer it this way. You finally had time to think, before answering, but you know yourself too well — it won’t stop you from saying whatever. You stay at your spot, both hands balancing your body while you watch him walk to an another, smaller table.
His back turns to you, preventing you to fully see what he is doing, but then you get a glimpse of a bottle, the glass winking at you. The context still unknown to you, till he pours it into his glass. The thick liquid, could be recognized even from far away, but you still ask just to be sure. “Is that blood?” The word rolls out of your tongue in displeasure and he just gives you a small look. His fingers played around the rim of his glass, rolling the liquid around like it was just a glass of wine. You didn’t need any conformation from him as he tips the glass to his lips. “Did you…?” You wonder, watching him take another, longer sip.
He knows what you are asking and he immediately shakes his head. Hyunjin could feel your small expression of what seemed like betrayal and disgust. He himself feels disgusted by the idea of betraying you and not keeping his promise, it hurts him a little that you would even think that. “No, I haven’t touched anyone…if that’s what you are asking.” Smacking his lips, his tongue licks at a small drop rolling down the corner of his mouth. He sees the immediate relief, how your grip on the table loosens. He then let his eyes linger on your neck again. So pretty, unmarked, you really shouldn’t tease him like that with your soft looking skin. “—if you are not offering yourself…”
Heat raises to your cheeks and you just know that he could see the blood traveling to your face under your skin. His comment wasn’t meant to be said like that, it should’ve been a small joke perhaps. Though when he said those words himself, he couldn’t fight his sultry tone. Your hand momentarily raised to your neck, his eyes following the movement. You don’t know if you should be even breathing as every move of yours made him so hopeful. You know about his desire to drink from you, maybe it is only his nature, but you could tell it meant something more. Your hand falls to your side again, deciding to let his comment be forgotten, but it still lingers a little as you try to distract yourself with looking at a painting behind his head.
The colors on it are dark, way too dark to make out the scenery. With only the few lit candles in the room, you could however make out a small house, a cottage, its windows painted dimmed orange color. In the background is something you couldn’t quite make out, but it did help your heart to stop beating so fast. Though you think again about yesterday when from the corner of your eye, you see him finish his glass. The woman who he drank off…
“I saw human and even vampire servants…” You say, instead of just saying what you wanted to say, but this small statement of yours still needed to be explained.
A smirk falls over his face, too quick for you to catch, the darkness also not being really helpful to you. You just hope that he couldn’t feel the jealousy radiating from you as you thought of the woman who he had bitten. “We only hired humans to look after you when we cannot…feeding from them is quite optional.” No, he did know your intentions, he knows why you asked him that. Embarrassment is understandable from your side, but he didn’t see it as he realized that even with more people in the house, he couldn’t protect you.
“So you compel them to stay and feed from them?” You mumble, again asking a very obvious question. He only gives you a small nod in return, but you only start to feel more bad for them. They just manipulate normal people for their pleasure. They stole someone’s freedom…”So you really keep innocent people here under your spell, feeding from them till they one day bore you?” Your words almost spit out of you.
He almost feels like a child caught doing something, he shouldn’t. You are right in one way, but you still don’t know that the humans here really don’t mind being here. They feed from them, yes, but they still have some heart to provide them with anything they want. They are not as cold hearted as you think, you should be thankful that you are not a possession of some other vampire clan. “They let us themselves, trust me the blood tastes better when the person is not opposed to it. They give us their blood and help and we give them anything they want in return…besides it’s not that often. We enjoy more going out — playing with our food.”
You frown at that not quite getting what he is saying, but the small amused raise of his eyebrow isn’t missed. “How so?” You ask, after learning that these people here are safe, not really held captive if you can even say that, makes you feel at ease.
Hyunjin can’t fight the small amusement, because you always don’t see the obvious, however you really do have a particular eye for details. He looks up at you through his eyelashes, the darkness making his eyes shine like eyes of a predator which he is. “Someone likes the chase, the thrill of seeing someone scared and completely hopeless, but more so it’s the immense pleasure of seducing someone.”
Your lips form into thin line, mainly because that the thought of him doing that to someone is making your skin crawl — you don’t want to admit it however. His voice was laced with honey, but you quickly learn that this is the way he speaks. Does he speak to his victims like this? Lurning them into his arms? If you would look at it from far away, it made you sick that vampires just use human for their pleasure only, they find thrill in their weakness. “And then what? Kill them?” The frown on your face deepened, looking at him.
He cocks his head slightly, like thinking, but both of you knew that he already had an answer ready for you. Hyunjin could see right through you, knowing exactly what you are going to ask by just a look into your eyes. “Sometimes yes…” He says in honesty. “But we prefer not to — I look at humans as equals as much as it is amusing with our nature. I was a human once too, I just simply take what I need and then make them forget.”
Forget…simple word, but you did not do that when he asked you to. After his statement you feel yourself relaxing slightly. Maybe you are looking too much into things way too quickly. You judged too hard, only being proven otherwise by him after. You have to stop seeing him like the creature that he is and see him as a person who once had dreams, like you. He was once just like you, he knows how he would react in your position — maybe he would be even more dramatic, overreacting and overthinking more than you do.
When you met him, you found yourself in a completely different world. The world of supernatural beings that you only saw on a screen. You did wonder if vampires were the only ones, because when you learn something new, you always need to know more. “Are there any other supernatural beings?” You wondered out loud. There is so much you want to ask that you forget about this most important one of them all.
“Yes.” Your breath comes out jagged, small excitement rising in your chest as well as fear. “They are werewolves and witches who created us.” You can’t believe that humans do not know of their existence other than you now, were humans this ignorant?
Your eyebrows knitted together at the last sentence and in curiosity you had to take a small step closer to him. “Why?”
He knew that you would ask, but it is important that you know. It would help him get closer to you, get you to trust him. He doesn’t see it as him being manipulative to get you close enough for him to finally feel a part of you, but he can’t help, but feel needy to answer as you did come closer to him. Though it hurts a little for him to go back to his past. “There are many types of witches, good and evil, they all take their power from the Earth.” He sighs a little, head hanging low, eyes full of emotions. “Mother Nature turned their back on them when half of their clan was murdered by werewolves. They seeked revenge so they created us, making us and werewolves the perfect rivals for each other.”
You are in disbelief that this is how vampires were created, but it somehow made a prefect sense. They were created from revenge. “Werewolves existed before you?” You asked him, walking closer to him, away from the table till only the tips of your fingers touched the wood.
The small excitement is obvious to him, even if you try to hide it. His future was painful, talking about it is painful, but as he told you more, he felt better somehow. You made him realize that is not so important as the present — future with you. “Yes…there’s actually one in this house right now, but he prefers not to speak of it.” Hyunjin whispers to you as you lean ever so slightly closer to him, him looking up to the ceiling like he could just tell that the person is listening to the conversation.
You don’t hide your shock at that. A vampire and a werewolf? Your childish excitement is interrupted by a sudden feeling of fear of the unknown. It felt like the first time he told you about their own species, your head started to hurt a little from this much information. “Who?” You ask him, the word also coming out as a whisper. It was so silly to even try to be quiet, but he found it cute when you imitated his tone of voice.
“Chan.” Your eyebrows jump for a second to your hair line, not even realizing you were standing right at the edge of the table, just a few steps away from him. “He was a werewolf before he was turned. He was the first one to be turned by the originals, so that’s why he became our leader.” The one word came out from his mouth with a weird undertone, but you don’t comment on it. “Werewolves are going extinct and so are witches, because of our hunger for blood and power.”
You gave him a look of understanding, but you know that he still was holding back, not telling you the whole truth. Your mind goes back to the man upstairs, the one who held the most authority and confidence in his steps. He seemed to be the type to somehow not be moved by anything, but hearing this about him, makes you realize that he is more than just their leader. “So he is a hybrid?”
It was a silly question perhaps, watching him immediately shake his head. “No, his werewolf side died that day with him.” You suddenly feel bad for him, it must have been so painful for him, either of them, but turning into your own sworn enemy must be painful to even imagine. “However being an Alfa made some of his followers still believe he was, even after turning, not their enemy.” You nodded, him seeing the small downside turn of your pink lips.
It was quiet for a moment after that. You are thankful a little, because you needed to sort out your thoughts. Some things were still unanswered. Though the main thing that kept your mind occupied were the first ever vampires, the ones who turned them. You don’t want to ask if they all knew each other, but something told you that they did. Your heart burns at the fact he was killed by someone close to him, turning into the creature of the night. You can see how much it hurts him to reminisce his last moments as a human. It must have been so scary for him…
Your fingers played on the table, body swaying back and forth as you change your weight on your feet. You then make your way closer, justifying yourself that it was only because you wanted to take a closer look at his drawings. Hyunjin held is breath as you passed by him, simply to not intake your scent. He watches your fingers nibble carefully on the paper, caressing it so softly he wishes it would be his skin instead. A candle on the table illuminates your most prominent features, loose hair from your up-do falling into your eyes. He can’t believe he is doing that — his eyes fall quickly to the empty glass next to him, swallowing the saliva forming in his mouth, though throat even drier than before.
“How many are there?” You ask him from the other side of the table, at his silence looking up at him. Only your look makes him snap back into reality, gazing at you with half lidded eyes, but you ignore his weird behavior. “The originals…” You continue.
“Seven.” He says, blinking at your pursed lips, like in thought, already answering you further before you could even form the next question. “Seven of us were turned by the originals…”
“But who is-“ He hates that you are really asking him that. He should’ve known better, your curiosity is immense.
Hyunjin is not the one to make your question die down hallway, your voice became little, because as you gaze at him, it became clear to you. “Felix…. I turned him.” The silence between you is heavy as you watch him slowly lose the mask of strength. Your heart burns for him, because you feel for him. He lets you see him vulnerable and part of you is feeling bad that you had to remind him of the darkest parts of his past. “I-I couldn’t control my hunger and almost killed him…I couldn’t bare the thought of him being gone, so I gave him another life…I was so selfish—“
His breath is heavy, fighting back the tears at the memory when he almost lost his dear friend, only to make his fate even worse than death. He knew it was selfish of him, he felt like one of them, because they showed him what it is at need to become a vampire. His blond friend forgive him way too quickly, he didn’t hate him for a split second for what he did. He should’ve. Hyunjin is reminded with what he did by every look at him, he could never forget how his friend’s droopy eyes looked into his. How they lose light while he slowly realized what he had done. He couldn’t let the person he loved die by his hand, so he gave him another life instead…He couldn’t watch the way your beautiful eyes dimmed from his state, you should not feel like this. He doesn’t deserve your tears.
You haven’t seen him show emotions that much, but when he did, it was overwhelming. Every emotion he let out strikes you in the chest and now you can’t, but feel sorrow, sad from the way he seems to be hating himself for a thing like this. He was scared, confused, he is not responsible for doing those bad things, but you do understand him. You can’t even breathe from the thought of something like this happening to Mia and You, but the way out of it is not beating yourself like this. You didn’t know what came over you, it was way too bold. You should’ve known better and let him calm himself down, but how could you keep yourself from him when he looks like this?
You made your way around the table, hand falling onto his shoulder in comfort. He jumps at your touch, eyes wide, shocked by your presence. He is not alone…”I am so sorry” You say, your apology also meant for your bold move. You didn’t know what else to say to him, because that is truly how you felt about him. Your hand falls from his shoulder while he looks at you with a completely different look in his eyes that made you want to back away. You translated it as a plead for you to step back, but as you do that, his hands grip your upper arms. Your lips parted into a silent gasp at the painful grip, eyes wide in small shock when you are turned around to be only pressed into the table.
Your breath becomes heavy, matching his as you try to wiggle out of his painful grip, but he doesn’t even want to look at you. His head hung low, your back digging into the table in the hopes of taking a deeper breath, more than just a few shallow gasps. He pressed himself into you and the way he breathed so deeply, makes you scared of what he might do. You shouldn’t have touched him, you think you angered him by taking a side with his blond friend, but you still stand by the fact he shouldn’t feel responsible for what he did.
The silence could eat you alive, your gasps of air and his heavy breaths were the only thing filling up the room. You could feel his chest rise, his dark blue shirt rubbing at your skin, the tips of his fingers dangerously digging into your exposed skin. You ignore the pain, scared to even look away from him. You don’t however feel as scared as you should be, you quickly learn. You are scared, only because you don’t know what made him like this. You wiggle a little in his grasp, thighs bumping into each other and by your restraint, you hit the painful spot on your leg. A small hiss leaves you and you almost jump when he finally looks at you.
Your wide eyes meet his. You think you will never get enough of the color and the red outline of his iris. Your noise of pain made his grip loosen around your arms and you could feel your skin bruising under his fingers. You watch his face as it falls into a frown, looking at you in small concern. “Does it hurt?”
You do not know what to say, because you think he is not really referring to his painful grip on your body. “What?” Comes out of your mouth, because his expression is making you confused. You hold your breath, sighing through your nose in relief when his left hand releases you, but you only become more frozen from what he does next. His left hand travels down the length of your arm, before stopping at your skirt and you are left speechless when he starts to lift up the fabric.
You stood there in shock, heart jumping maybe not so much from fear anymore as he bunched up your skirt, just to stop at your waist. It draped over you enough to not reveal anything too scandalous, but you do want to instinctively run from him. Just barely his fingers touch you and you are already feeling like you are on the edge, before you would simply crumble at his feet. You close your eyes, not being able to handle his eyes on your skin that no one has ever seen, but when you feel his fingers on the same spot your eyes fly open.
As you look down, you realize what he meant. His long fingers graze over the bruise on the inside of your thigh. His touch makes you feel hot, head fuzzy, but he didn’t mirror your expression. Hyunjin felt sick to his stomach at the purple color of your skin, where his hand gripped you in anger. Even if he didn’t linger his hand there for too long, it was long enough for it to bruise. “Does it hurt?” He asks you again.
His cold skin tickles you, watching his fingers dance across the sensitive skin. “A little…” You whisper the truth. He doesn’t show his reaction nor he says anything to your answer, the hand gripping your skirt, keeping it up, makes the material of his trousers brush over you. You don’t really understand his reaction. Yes, he did hurt you, but you do forgive him, because they are way more important things than something like this. You know that he didn’t mean it that is important. Now you just have to keep his mind out of it, because you can’t let him feel bad anymore. “Do you have any idea why I cannot be compelled by you?” You question him, trying to ease the tension.
He answers you, though not clearly, like he just didn’t simply want to be rude. It is a good question you are asking, but it is a little too much for him to think about as there is only a one thing on his mind right now. “Maybe…it is because you…” He speaks up, before looking up at you with desperation. “What are you doing to me?”
Air gets stuck in your throat at the look he gives you, feeling the tension around you suffocating you or was it just his body pressing into yours? “I don’t understand.” You rasp out, shaking your head, trying to look away from him, but his expression won’t let you.
“Just by your touch, only by a look, I become your slave…and your smell—“ You gasp, freezing when he leans his head closer to your neck, moving the loose hair away from it with a quick flick of his wrist. You couldn’t breath, short gasps ringing in the air as he leans closer to your pulse, nose ticking the soft skin. “I had to stop feeding from someone, because any time I would, I would only think of you instead—“
You gasp softly, you don’t even know if you are still frightened or something less — something more raw. You could feel each word, lips bumping into your skin. You feel adrenaline piled up inside your chest, heart beating so fast that you think you are going to pass out. The graze of his soft lips, the feel of your skin, he can’t help the animalistic growl realising from the depths of his chest. The noise makes you gasp again, almost whimper as it vibrates over your skin, awaking goosebumps all over your body. It was so erotic, you have never been in this situation before, only in your dreams, but this was real. You could feel him against you, taking in the smell of your sweat forming on your hair line and also what seem like an arousal. You did try to stop it, but this situation made you thirst for more, tummy rumbling in a well known feeling. You couldn’t help it, there was a beautiful man before you, simply breathing from your scent alone and you can’t hate yourself for enjoying it.
“Hyunjin.” You whisper, hands grabbing his shirt, scrunching the fabric on his chest. Your fingers touch his skin briefly, shaking, but deciding to scrunch up the silky material in your hands instead. To pull him closer or away? You don’t know.
At your move he pulls himself away from the crook of your shoulder and when he looks at you, you can’t help, but whimper at the state of him. You have only seen him like this from far away, too far from you to fully look at those veins around his crimson eyes. Your hand just had to graze over one, the one right under his eye. You could feel it, but you know there is actually nothing pumping the blood inside his body. You don’t feel scared, even after your eyes fell onto his fangs, sharp tips peaking out from his flushed lips.
Hyunjin watched you in awe as you don’t seem to be frightened by his appearance. He always thought this side of him was never appealing to look at, but you — you looked him like you have never seen something so beautiful as his true form. Your thumb caressed the skin under his eye, like scared you would hurt his delicate features. He hates himself for needing to pull away from you, but the sight of your pulse was becoming really hard for him. He already let you see him like this, now he could just lean in and take a bite…maybe you would even like it. However he felt this was already too much, more than enough for today, so he pulled away from you.
Your hand falls back to your side, his leaving sensation that felt little too delicious. You watch him turn away from you, making you realize your dress was still at your waist. You quickly pulled down your skirt, feeling your ears burning, trying to calm down from the whole situation. “Are you…are you alright?” You ask him, breathing still heavy as his, but when he looks back at you there is no sign of his true nature.
“Yes, I apologize for my behavior…” Hyunjin breathed out, hand running through his already messy hair.
You want to shake your head at yourself, because you only feel disappointment by his actions. He looked like nothing happened, you don’t know if he is only acting like this to safe you from the embarrassment which you are now feeling or just doesn’t want to talk about the fact that he just let you willingly see him like that. Though you have to address the big issue in this room. “You are hungry.” You stated and he looks at you like you just grew a second head — the answer is obvious.
That is the thing he doesn’t want to talk about. “Please don’t–“ He says, shaking his head. “Don’t want to even think about it…”
You sigh at his tone, the need for warm blood is shining in his eyes. “You can feed from someone. Yesterday I didn’t mean it like that and would definitely be against it, if I truly knew how difficult it would be for you…” He let’s you talk, staring at you as you take a small step closer to him. “So please feed, before either of us do something stupid.”
“But you are against it…in what way I must now.” He frowns, because he could tell even know, how you somehow despised the idea and also he always only thought of you, but it would really help him get back on his track.
“I just–“ You sigh again, nervously biting at your lip. “…biting someone in the neck isn’t it for you…”
“Arousing?” He finishes for you, raising his eyebrow. “No….not when it’s not you.”
You cough lightly, choking on your own spit. He still wears a straight face, even as your reaction was a little dramatic. Your head is starting to spin from him, because how he could he just do and say a thing like that? “S-so you will feed, yes?” You say hopefully, clasping your slightly shaking hands before you.
He sighs in small displeasure, because he knows that even if he will feed again, it won’t tame his hunger. “Yes, maybe I should now seeing that I already finished my last drop.” He says, eyes momentarily going back to the red stained glass.
He doesn’t want you to leave him right now, but he will take the risk to preserve both of yours sanities. You also don’t want to part ways so soon, but you have a lot of things that need to be sort out and those were mostly your emotions. Maybe, you are a little relieved as you leave him in his workroom, because you know that you will find each other again…
taglist (still open);
@babrieeee @akaligogrrr @hyuninslutbbgirl @satosugu4l @rockyhedgehog @lovemeorleavemetonight @dandelions-143 @skzfelixlove @syedazarintasnim @rylea08 @ahluvisyou @oddracha @what-am-i-doing-here2503 @annairacheyenne @dabiscrustyfeet @blankdyean @chartrucewhore @shuporanporang @palindrome969
i tried to get anyone but for some of you it just doesn’t work for some reason, it keeps telling me that your block doesn’t exist, I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m sorry :(
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somekindofsentience · 3 months
tossing around the idea of a heromari spiderverse au...
mostly because you could very easily make hero miles and make mari gwen and keep most things the same, lmao.
and i'm a heromari guy and i love them so much please kiss heromari.
(spiderverse and omori spoilers, under the cut, obviously)
because i'm not an artist, but rather, a nerd, i want to explore things based on what will better enhance or explore character development/arcs.
the addition of siblings would really change the spiderverse series, i think. imagine the implications of gwen's choice to leave her father in the second film if she had a younger brother who admires and loves her waiting for her at home. sunny could even be (overtly or secretly) obsessed with spiderwoman, increasing tension in the home.
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in a similar way, it'd be interesting to see the conflict caused in sunny's family if sunny's mom died. we know the family becomes completely shaken after mari's death, and if we take their father's choice to abandon the family as a habit, watching him struggle to pull the strings together after the loss of their mom would pressure his character more. this could even trap him further into his "duty" to catch spiderwoman.
figuring out who gwen's peter parker would be is difficult, but i've decided on hero. in fact, it would be interesting to explore how a gwen-esque character would cope with the having miles in his position in her universe, and needing to reconcile with this idea that he is alive, but he is not the same. giving mari restraint despite the desire to see "her hero" again would also be very interesting to explore.
also MAYBE i just wanna see mari drawn in the gwen watercolour style. i wanna kiss her. leave me alone.
miles honestly feels like the kel sibling, so i'd prefer to just have him be hero with kel characteristics. however, there is more to it than just that - hero's character would inhibit the story of spiderverse at multiple points, because of his maturity, so he needs kel's immaturity to choose to take particular actions. if you need an example, miles' choice to enter the portal after gwen was an impulsive, emotional decision, which simply doesn't fit hero's character.
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this scene was absolutely gorgeous btw. i can't believe people don't talk about it, the upside down scene was amazing but THIS. THIS. and sorry for awful quality
there are several aspects to miles' character that mimic hero's personality. the pining for gwen and miles' surprise when he sees her again could easily fit into hero's character. although implied in the original movie, having hero as a character could bring miles' acceptance that he might never see his friends again to the forefront. (although the desire to study physics could replace hero's desire to be a chef in the original game, to smoothen out the story.)
i'm not sure how to input kel or basil, but aubrey would make a good peni parker, i think.
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hairstyleforteen · 2 years
How many times can you straighten your hair before it gets damaged?
Flat ironing your hair can be done a maximum of one or two times a week.Flat ironing healthy hair once or twice a week shouldn't lead to too much damage if you use the correct technique. How often is it OK to straighten your hair? It is thought that heat styling should not be done more than once a week.Before heat styling, natural hair should always be freshly washed, conditioned, and dry.Straightening dirty hair with a flat iron will cause more damage than burning oil and dirt. Will my hair be damaged if I straighten it once? It doesn't hurt to give your hair some extra love since you probably aren't at risk for severe breakage or heat damage.If you want to take a preventive measure, use a deep conditioner once every two weeks. Can I straighten my hair everyday without damaging it? If you want to keep your hair healthy, apply a heat protector before you use a straightener.You can adjust the temperature by degrees, not just by high and low settings, with a ceramic or titanium flat iron. How much does straightening your hair damage it? Flat irons are bad news for a few reasons: Cuticles become damaged at temperatures over 350 Fahrenheit (180C) and the action of flat ironing strips can permanently damage the strands.The heat can cause your hair to dry out. Why won't my hair stay straight after I straighten it? Your flat iron isn't hot enough, you overload your hair with product, you need a trim, and your hair isn't dry are some of the reasons why your hair won't stay straight. Can you straighten wet hair? It's recommended that pre-styling products be applied while hair is wet or damp rather than after it's dried in order to avoid adding any unnecessaryMoisture. How long does a silk Press last? The good news is that the silk press can last up to three weeks with proper care.As with any straightened style, you need to factor in the weather.She says it all depends on a person's lifestyle. What happens if u straighten your hair wet? Burning and breaking your hair can be caused by wet hair.You won't destroy your hair the first time if you're lucky.There will inevitably be damage to your hair.This makes it harder to maintain your hair's texture. Is it bad to straighten your hair wet? Curling damp hair is not a good idea.The porous nature of damp or wet hair makes it more vulnerable to damage.A change in hair texture is caused by applying heat to wet hair.You may notice that your hair is not straight. Why does my hair smoke when I straighten it? Dryness.Have you ever noticed smoke coming out of your hair?That's not smoke, it's steam.It is possible to secure a style in place with the help of a straightening iron. Why do straight hair become curly? If you inherit straight and curly hair genes from your parents, your hair may change with age.Some genes can be inactive at birth but turned on by factors such as hormones, aging, or pollution. How damaging is a silk press? All heat styling can damage your hair.The silk press process is the least likely to cause damage to curly and natural hair. What is a silk Press for natural hair? A silk press does not use a chemical relaxer.The hair is smoothened out with a blow-dryer and flat iron.It's easy to think that a silk press for natural hair is the same as a traditional press and curl, but this style ups the ante. Why is my hair so frizzy and poofy? Dryness and dehydration are some of the most common culprits of frizzy hair.Curly and wavy hair is more prone to being dry.It can happen when your hair is dry. Is it better to curl your hair wet or dry? Curls in dry hair can be created with curling irons.If your hair is wet or just a little damp, it's more susceptible to hair damage because they heat up your strands.Before flipping the switch on your curling iron, air-dry your hair completely. Is straightening or curling worse? It depends on how you're styling your hair.If you're using straighteners/hot tongs to curl your hair, it's probably about even, but if you're using little or no heat, it would be more damaging. Read the full article
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soobnny · 2 years
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three questions (he wished were never answered) — sim jaeyun. spider-man au. best friends to lovers. fluff and angst.
synposis. jake has always been grateful for a lot of things: his grandparents, the opportunity that he has as Spider-man, and so much more he hasn’t fully figured out yet, but he was beginning to or in which three questions are asked and answered (4.2k words)
warnings. major character death
notes. this is my entry for the power of love collab event! the theme is superpowers and i just had to go for spider-jake hehe please enjoy ^_^ also the questions are taken from lang leav(?)’s poem im not a super big fan but i kind of got inspiration for the flow of the fic from the poem
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What was it like to love them? Asked Gratitude.
You’re not sure what time of the afternoon it is when you stumble around the side of a hidden building, just a little dizzy – at least, just the right amount of dizzy to still recognize the familiar face that’s grinning in front of you right now.
“You okay?”
The question usually laced with concern is said in complete and genuine laughter as Jake gauges your reaction. 15 minutes ago, he had managed to convince you to join him in a swinging-around-Seoul-City escapade, and you (who didn’t know any better), agreed to your best friend’s proposal. 
Of course, only now that you’re back on the ground did you know that you probably should not have agreed to him. But how can one say “no” when it comes to Jake Sim? Your best friend and the boy who has looked out for you since you were kids.
Jake Sim was the person who continuously taught you and showed you that there is love in the most mundane, everyday things that no one really thinks about – whether that’s him carrying your backpack for you, or in the shared quiet moments of walking home together, in the small talks and worrying about your future, in comforting each other over the pressures of school,  in asking if you’ve eaten already, or why you can’t sleep. There is love in Jake Sim.
“Hello? Earth to _____?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah I’m okay. Sorry.” You grin sheepishly with your untamed hair and short breaths. “It’s just never…. never doing that again, I’m never doing that again.”
“Okay, good.” Jake had managed to let out amidst his little giggles, keeping a hand on the small of your back in case you were still feeling a little dizzy. “Well, grandpa bought pizza and I think grandma’s in the apartment too. Do you uh, maybe wanna come over?”
“Okay, yeah, sure. Let’s just, maybe walk? And maybe you should uh, get changed out of that.” A quiet chuckle escapes your lips, patting your hair down but coming out empty-handed as it refuses to tame. 
Jake tries his turn at gently trying to smoothen your hair, but with a swift gesture of his hand, he ruffles it to mess with you even more which earns him a slap in the hand and a turn of your head when he tries to kiss you on the cheek in apology.
After successfully changing and hiding his suit, the pair of you trekked towards his apartment, stomachs rumbling, pizza in mind. It was a silent walk, noise reserved for the passersby or the cars on the street, and maybe Jake’s working mind - maybe it had something to do with how close you two were walking beside each other. Similarly, Jake thought that there was love in watching ou fondly over from a distance. But sometimes, he wonders what love would be like if it had a chance to step out of the shadows.
Biting his lip, he takes quick glances at your hand, looking straight ahead from time to time as a front before looking back at your brushing hands.
Contrary to popular belief, Jake wasn’t as forward as people put him out to be. While some would think he’s quick to a decision, a million different knobs have to turn through his head before actually being able to do something. 
And choosing to bite the bullet, he shyly takes your hand in his, looking back to see if you were okay with that, and you didn’t seem too fazed with the idea (aside from the creeping blush threatening to spill on your cheeks). Then again you did go full-on swinging around Seoul, so holding hands was basically nothing compared to that. 
Well, nothing for anyone else.
But you and Jake weren’t like anyone else. The two of you have been yearning from a safe distance - and he thinks he’s never seen anything quite like you. His nights are reserved for catching glimpses of you in his mind. Endless hours thinking of every flitting moment with you, every smile, every gentle glance, every soft look.
“Oh my god.” Jake chuckles next to you upon seeing his grandparents dancing to a record playing. You made no remark, eyes glued towards his grandparents who had the brightest smiles on their faces. You didn’t need to look at your reflection to realize you had a small smile playing on your lips. (You didn’t notice how Jake was grinning softly at the sight of your smile, finding happiness in your own smile).
It was something so beautiful to you, the concept of still being so in love even after time had taken so much from the two of you. And unbeknownst to you, Jake thought the same thing. Jake thinks there’s something so beautiful about being in love in general. Not that he has thought about it a lot, but ever since the pair of you turned sixteen, he couldn’t help but start pondering on the word and its meaning - especially when suddenly, he could no longer describe the way you made him feel. A strange yet comfortable uneasiness overwhelmed him every time you were closer than usual, and he thinks it’s funny how he wants to feel it more and more every day.
He didn’t realize he was in love with you at first. 
Sure, the thought of you filled Jake with a warmth he’d never been introduced to, but he didn’t think it was love. And somehow, everyone knew except for the pair of you.
His grandparents knew from the way Jake seemed to always visibly relax on you walk into their apartment. Sunghoon knew every time he caught Jake sharing a soft smile towards you from across the crowd everytime he had a competition. Jay knew when he noticed Jake wearing green shirts more because it was your favorite color. 
It started from the silent gestures that made it obvious for someone like Jake, because he was usually on his guard for the rest of the world, but with you, the armor just seemed to fall. You were his achilles heel.
The day he realized it was just another ordinary day - he was poking fun at Jay and Sunghoon when he heard you laugh. The same laughter he seeks, and he’s staring at you and he’s thinking – ‘you are as beautiful as the day I met you’.
And suddenly, an overwhelming sensation washes through him and he almost wants to vomit, but he holds in it to buy him some time to bid you farewell as you exit his club room, and it was only when he felt a sharp pain sting through his heart once you left the four restraints of the room that it finally dawned on him; he was in love.
And he’d do whatever it takes, whatever is necessary, to deserve you.
“You should join us!” His grandma urged, a knowing look on her face which successfully snapped him out of his thoughts. Jake’s grandparents were very well aware of his feelings for you, and they’ve tried to take every opportunity they got into setting their grandson up with the person he was very much in love with.
“Us? Me and Jake?” You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest, quick to shoot her down with a soft smile. “Oh well, I don’t dance–”
“Everyone knows how to dance, come on Jake, show her!” His grandma insisted.
And just as quick as you were to shoot down the invitation, Jake was grabbing your hand and pulling you all the way into the living room. You’re pulling yourself back, and he’s laughing so hard at how you were trying to avoid dancing in front of his grandparents. It was especially more amusing when you retreated almost immediately as soon as his grandparents themselves went over to position your hands on Jake’s shoulders.
“That’s it!” His grandpa was smiling so wide that you couldn’t bring yourself to deny them the sight of his grandson dancing with someone any further. If you had, his grandma had planned on pulling out the “we’re old and almost dying” card.
There was laughter in his voice when you awkwardly just stood there, arms sliding down his arms before he told you to put them back where his grandma had placed them on. “That’s right, on his shoulders.” Jake’s grandmother smiles as she watches you place your arms back on his shoulders – she cannot fathom how you and her grandson aren’t together.
“______, darling, I’m gonna need you to explain something to me.” His grandma starts, still in the middle of the living room. You nod, smiling at them politely and encouraging her to continue speaking. “How come you and Jake aren’t together yet? I just, I don’t understand.”
Her comment leaves you in a coughing fit, voice cracking a little as your eyes widen. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I… It’s - me and Jake are, you know, best friends.”
“No, see that’s what he would tell me whenever I asked him too. Alright, get back to dancing kids, but when you two start dating, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” She smiles mischeviously at the two of you before turning the record’s volume up.
You and Jake try to ignore the obvious tension building – and it’s successful when he playfully scolds you for just swaying side to side. You reply almost defensively, eyes trained on your feet with your hands awkwardly resting on his shoulders.
“God, you have so much to learn. You really aren’t a dancer, huh?” Jake chuckles before taking your chin with his thumb and index finger, lifting it gently so you were looking at him, immediately falling silent upon meeting your eyes. The counting of steps he was doing earlier was completely forgotten. 
And he might’ve gotten distracted from the way you were looking at him because he most definitely stepped on your foot. “Looks like I’m not the one with little coordination.” You grin truimphantly, sticking your tongue out at him.
“I stepped on your foot one time! Compared to the gazillion times you stepped on mine, I’m pretty sure it’s all bruised and sore now.” He joked back at you.
“Really?” You asked, eyebrows shooting up with a playful smirk on your lips. “Let me step on it again and see for myself.”
“No, no! Come on, I’m trying to teach you to dance.” And Jake knew you didn’t like dancing, and his heart warmed at the thought that you’re dancing right now because he asked you to (his grandpa practically forced you, but Jake’s brushing that over).
“Alright, let me try again.” You adjusted yourself, jumping up and down and shaking your hands before resting them back on his shoulders. He seemed to be lost in thought so you reached out to grab his hands and put them around your waist. “Come on, idiot.”
“Okay.” Jake let out a quiet whisper, gulping out loud. He always knew he liked you, but at this moment, he was starting to think it was something more, and that thought scared him, not because he was scared of loving you, but because he was scared of losing you. 
Time feels so fast.
Jake continued to try to joke so he could quiet down his head.
Jake has always been grateful for a lot of things: his grandparents, the opportunity that he has as Spider-man, and so much more he hasn’t fully figured out yet, but he was beginning to, starting with the clumsy person in front of him who kept stepping on his foot.
It was like being exhumed. And brought to life in a flash of brilliance.
What was it like to be loved in return? Asked Joy.
Jake didn’t have much luck in the field of love. There was always this voice nagging at the back of his head from the “bad romantic side” of his head that he knew all too well.
When Kyeong said ‘yes’ to his invitation for Homecoming, he thought that was it. He thought she’d be all he’ll ever know, but then Vulture happened, and Kyeong had to leave. 
It was a difficult time for Jake, ditching Kyeong during Homecoming and basically fighting off her dad, and it took him a long time to get over Kyeong moving. He put so much blame on himself, and he thought he was never going to be able to leave that negative headspace. 
Until you happened. 
It was during the first months of you two finally indulging in a relationship that Jake entertained the idea of you possibly feeling the same way as him. He had a small inkling when you danced together in his grandparents’ living room, but he brushed over the idea because he was afraid of losing you. Sure, he felt really shitty when his first relationship didn’t go well, but the thought of losing you (his best friend and his entire world) brought upon a different type of pain Jake never wanted to experience.
Still, the little things you did always made his heart rile up. From the way you smile to the way you curl your lips when you concentrate enough - it always made his stomach flip and he thinks you’re the most beautiful person he has ever seen. He didn’t want to waste the opportunity of being with the person he loved, so after a long debate with himself, he asked you out. 
Jake reasoned he shouldn’t be thinking about the inevitable pain, because if life continued to be kind to him, maybe it wouldn’t have to reach that point. Besides, he was starting to get used to the way your hand felt in his. And he likes the way he could be himself around you, and how you always seemed to know what was going on inside of his head.
So, for once, he ignores the “bad romantic” side of his brain and indulges in romance with you because Jake is truly, madly, deeply in love with you. And he’s sure he will still be years from now. Not that that’s something he would tell you. 
It would always just pass over, and he was never brave enough to utter those three words, afraid that it was all too soon and definitely afraid that he’d scare you off. You were never one for PDA, usually reserved and happy with the little circle of friends and family you had, and Jake didn’t wanna mess anything up.
That was until that one fateful Sunday night. Jake had taken you to the rooftop of an apartment for your first year anniversary (the view there’s amazing, he claimed. Perks of being Spider-man, you thought.)
He tried to plan it all out, really tried to make everything perfect for you, but right when he was about to get the food he had ordered, a bank robbery had ensued, and so takeout was long forgotten and he ended up just buying pizza after a very long night of crime fighting.
However, Jake still made time for you. He always made time for you (despite time constantly chasing the two of you).
“Did you know that the moon is actually lemon-shaped?” You spoke as you chewed on your 3rd slice of pizza.
“Yeah, despite how round it looks, it’s actually lemon-shaped. It has flattened poles and bulges on both the near and far side around its equator, hence the lemon shape.”
Jake munched down on his slice, smiling at your cross-legged figure as you looked out towards the moon, trying to point it out to Jake.
“Come on, tell me something.” You urged him, trying to get out some hidden facts he knew about that you didn’t. Jake was smart, and in the time of that you knew him, he always had something different to say wherever you went.
By now, you’re convinced you’re about to outrank Einstein from the way Jake told you so much about the world you didn’t know before.
“Uh hold on, let me think…. how about how Neptune has only completed one orbit around the sun since its discovery?”
“Hm?” You urged him to continue.
“It takes a whole 165 years for Neptune to complete one full orbit around the sun right? And since it was discovered in 1846, I’m pretty sure, it’s technically only completed one full orbit. And what’s even crazier is how Pluto probably hasn’t even completed one yet.”
He was blabbering about Neptune and Pluto and the number of days it took to complete an orbit, and then about how Pluto’s technically no longer a planet, and once he finished, you had just naturally fallen silent. 
Time always seemed to move slower whenever Jake was talking - especially something he was so fond of, it was almost overwhelming the beauty that rises from him. 
When you continue to stay silent, Jake immediately starts growing a bit more worried, had he been too talkative? Had he taken too much pizza? Did you want more? But that dissipated the moment he saw the way you were looking at him. It was the same look he always gave you.
“I love you, Jake.” 
It was a whole new experience hearing you say it first. He hadn’t felt this whole in a long time, and Jake knew you were always unsure when it came to feelings and being close to people, so hearing those words come from you awakened a whole different part of him, a dangerous spark that made him so excited.
Unbeknownst to him, you had actually known for quite some time that Jake loved you, and you weren’t fully prepared to relay those words back at him for the first few months of their relationship. But hearing him talk about the things you both loved with so much passion, seeing him look at you with adoration, knowing he’d do anything to make you happy, made you realize just how much Jake truly meant to you.
“I really, really do, and it scares me because I don’t want to lose you.”
Hearing you share the same sentiments he thought of that one day you were dancing together was so special to him, to know that you returned his feelings, it was a different kind of happiness, one he wanted to know and have for the rest of his life - with you.
“I love you too, so so much _____.”
And it’s in this moment that Jake understands what it truly means to be in love with someone so deeply. Every moment that he makes with you in his arms makes him feel as if he has never truly been alive before this moment.
It was like being seen after perpetual darkness. To be heard after a lifetime of silence.
What was it like to lose them? Asked Sorrow.
Jake knew he’d be putting you at risk by being with you, especially with him being Spider-man, but he took extra precautions and measures to keep you safe. 
He’d always double-check your building during his usual patrolling, and he’d always make sure that you would never be in harm’s reach. Jake was fairly prepared when it came to protecting you, at least that’s what he thought. 
Nothing could ever prepare Jake for what he saw next.
It all happened in a flash. Getting as many people out, the building crashing down, the rubbles, and that one scream, a voice Jake could distinguish anywhere, the voice that usually gave him comfort but was currently the reason why his heart was plummeting down to his gut.
The decision between going after the villain he’d been tailing for months now and digging through the piles of rubble was the easiest he’s made his entire life. 
You weren’t supposed to be there, you were supposed to be in the safety of your own home, how’d you get there? 
His desperation is seeping through him - he didn’t want to lose you.
The running towards the collapsed building came in a slow, untimely motion. All Jake could hear was the beat of his own heart, your name escaping his lips in frantic screams. All rational thinking flew out of his head as he dug aimlessly through the debris. He kept digging and digging, distant sirens echoing in the background but still, all he could hear was the pounding of his heart. 
His hands were bleeding, he was badly beaten up, but he kept digging. Whimpering your name whilst trying to grasp for air as tears kept escaping his eyes.
“______!” The scream that left his mouth was the most heart-wrenching thing anyone has ever heard. Jake’s growing more and more frustrated, tears clouding his vision as he pushed through the debris. 
His head snapped in the direction of the quietest whimper, coming out as a helpless call. Tearing his mask off, he whipped his head around to try and hear better, trying to grasp onto the hope he was refusing to let go.
“_______!” He scrambled towards the faintest cry he heard, pushing away the rubble and the concrete that was holding you down. 
That was when reality dawned on him, this could be it. It only pushed him to move quicker, to remove the concrete faster. He didn’t care that his body yelled out in desperate exhaustion, that wasn’t a choice. 
Just the slightest sight of you and Jake comes to a full realization of the severity of the situation. The tears continued to spill down his bloodied face, picking you up as if you would break at any moment. And it scared him knowing that it could possibly be true. You really could break, your future could be taken away from you in these minutes, and he could really lose you right here right now. 
“_______…” Jake’s voice was weak, limping towards any space his tired and frantic brain considered safe, dropping down to check on you even more. 
There were bruises everywhere, and there was too much blood.
Jake shook his head, caressing your face and looking around for any sign of an ambulance, but there wasn’t any. The thumping of his heart grows louder when your hand finds the material of Jake’s suit in the weakest grip.
“I don’t want to lose you, please don’t go. You’re all I’ve ever known, you’re the only thing that makes sense to me, please I can’t lose you.” Jake was pleading, begging for something you couldn’t give him.
“You’re gonna be okay, none of this is your fault.” your voice was barely a choke, just loud enough to be heard, trying to move your hand to hold onto Jake’s face, a melancholic smile plastered on your own, barely noticeable but it was still there.
“We’re gonna have more time, just hold on, I’m sure the ambulance is coming, just hold on please, so stop it, stop saying those things like you’re going to die, you’re not, you can’t.” 
You just smiled at him, a weak wistful smile, hand falling down to grip his hand. Your fingers tightened around his one last time, words that no longer could be said filled the silence of your thoughts. Life was supposedly going to flash before your eyes before your untimely death, but all you could think about was what your future could’ve been together.
“_______... just hang on. It’s okay, you’re okay. I don’t wanna lose anyone anymore, especially not you, God please, not her.” Jake was trying to stop the bleeding, looking at you with so much desperation in his eyes, a silent prayer to a God he didn’t even know was real or not.
“I love you, Jake.”
He turns to look at the sky, pleading. And then there was silence, and Jake knew, Jake knew but he refused to believe. 
When you’re in love with someone, you spend days wondering why time won’t stop. You wonder why seasons pass by so quickly, and how one day you two are dancing together in his living room, and the next you’re celebrating an anniversary together.
But when love is taken away from you, time seems to stop. Every second feels like forever, and you no longer clip onto a hope that you will still be able to hold your lover the way you used to be able to. It will only just be you. It’s no longer you and someone else - just you. The realization hits Jake harder than it should’ve and he cries over the love he was most afraid to lose.
All anyone could see was a stranger screaming a name, holding onto the lifeless body of the person he dreamt of building a future with. Two teenagers who could’ve been so much more if they had more time. A final “I love you”. A final silent goodbye.
It was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me – said all at once.
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it (3)
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. mentions of murder, explicit smut, oral (m. receiving), mentions of violence, TW dub-con, drama, drugs, mentions of virginity loss, dirty talk, unedited as always
series masterlist
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Pained groans filled your ears, coating the dead silent night. Immediately, you sprang up awake, finding your husband clutching his knee beside you. You rushed to the bathroom to prepare an iced compress, helping him sit beside the bed. Naoya breathed heavily above you, his usually slicked back hair falling into soft bangs above his eyes. In this light, the fierceness of his face had smoothened down into that of vulnerability, fox-eyes replaced with a sort of tenderness that partnered his pain.
Looking down at the ragged scar running down his thigh to his knee, the gnarly scar popped from his otherwise flawless skin, you ran your hands over it. Naoya sighed as you kissed the scar gently, rubbing soothing circles over his good knee.
“Does it still hurt?”
“A little,” he admitted. Both of you enjoyed the comfortable silence after that, with you kneeling on the floor as you helped numb his pain, your husband’s fingers looped through yours. Minutes passed and soon, the sunlight streaked behind him from the floor length glass windows, illuminating your dark silhouettes in a golden glow. Naoya’s eyes flickered to the clock on your table, his hands squeezing yours for a fleeting moment. “It’s today. Are you ready?”
No, you wanted to say. You and him had prepared for this moment better than anyone else, and yet, you couldn’t ignore the tightening of your chest. Much like Naoya, you both held wounds that couldn’t be healed by time.
But Naoya looked at you expectantly, soft hands cupping your face as if he immediately read the worry written all over you.
You wanted to cry, wanted to stay in his arms and pretend nothing would go wrong, but you couldn’t do it. Not when he’d saved you countless of times before, and this was your only chance of saving him.
Naoya needed you more than ever – you had to stay strong from him.
“As long as you’re there, I’ll be ready for anything,” you smiled at him, feeling warmth spread all over your chest when he reciprocated the gesture. You liked it on him; he always felt a lot more youthful every time he smiled. Reaching up to kiss his forehead, you trailed your lips down to the ring adorning his fingers to look him straight in the eye. “Always?”
Naoya nodded as a promise, “Forever.”
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Your hands treaded through Satoru’s locks, his lips sweet and tender as he tasted you. It had been a few months since your arrangement began, and slowly but surely, little by little, you were growing more comfortable with him. There was still that voice at the back of your head screaming that maybe this was wrong, this was dangerous; you didn’t know him very well – but these thoughts slipped away the moment you felt his lips on yours.
If it was wrong, why did you fit in his arms so right? He felt like home; peaceful, secure, strong and stable. If it was dangerous, why was your heart at peace? If you didn’t know him very well, why did it feel like had always been there, a fragment you’d been unknowingly waiting to build you up in all those lonely years you walked this earth?
You’d definitely underestimated him. The cocky and smooth customer turned out to be the most caring person ever, his kindness showing through the fact he’d never pushed you for anything.
Making out with him was now a daily occurrence, though you never got past the first base. Sure, there would be teasing touches under your shirt, your curious hands trailing over his pants, but it had never escalated into more than that. You could tell Satoru was holding back; the painful tent in his slacks enough proof of this. His hardened cock rubbed against the thin material of your shorts as you grinded against him, earning a harmonious man from the man who’d gotten so addicted to worshipping you.
“Satoru, hmm, baby,” you stopped kissing him, turning to look at where his hands gripped at the flesh of your thighs. A thin thread of spit connected your lips from your heavy make out session, though your mind felt dazed, core burning at the friction. If you could just...
Satoru easily caught on the words bit down your tongue, his calloused hands caressing your cheek to coax it out of you. “What is it, angel?”
“I…Can I try something with you?”
“What is it?” he tapped your cheek, a sweet smile on his face when you groaned in embarrassment, head buried in the crook of his neck. “It’s okay, don’t be shy.”
“Well, you’re always making me feel good and I know you’re holding back so I just wanted to…”
“Wanted to what, angel?” he pulled you back so he could look at your face, his usual teasing grin now hardened into a serious expression. Satoru had always been adamant to put your comfort above all else, his voice dropping an octave lower as he massaged your thigh. “I can’t know if you won’t tell me.”
Taking a deep breath, you managed to look him in the eye, squeaking out, “I want to make you feel good too.”
Satoru’s brows dipped down. “Angel,” he said, that saccharine nickname dripping like honey from his lips. Did he even know how much effect he had over your heart? Apparently not, because Satoru swooped down to steal your breath away, pressing his lips harder to reassure you he respected your limits. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” you insisted, hands fisted on his shirt. “Want to taste you.”
Satoru opened his mouth to speak, but you were faster, and for the first time in his life, he did not see something coming. His back hit the wooden headboard as you crawled down on his lap, tugging his pants down to palm the erection bulging from his boxers. His groans were deeply masculine, so fucking sexy coming from him that you rubbed your core against the sheets in desperate search for friction.
Your hands fumbled for his boxers until you completely pulled it down, gasping when his thick member slapped at his toned stomach. His muscles clenched above you, thighs quaking from your ministrations.
Truthfully, you had not the slightest idea of why he seemed so aroused when you were inexperienced at this. You had to keep sending him nervous glances as you placed a tentative grip at the base, thumb swiping the pre-cum away from his tip. Satoru’s head fell back on the pillows, strings of curses spilling past his lips. Fuck, you had no idea how to do this; you just hoped it could be good for him. Deciding to hell with it, you slipped the throbbing member inside your lips, his reaction reflexive.
Satoru fisted the sheets under him, hips thrusting up. The action caused him to buck deep into your mouth until he hit the back of your threat, tears springing at your eyes. You wanted to pull out to breathe until you looked at Satoru, and fuck, did your mind change.
“Goddamn, angel!”
Your boyfriend looked absolutely delectable like this – shirt crumpled and eyes snapped shut from the pleasure. His cock burned in your mouth, and purely out of curiosity, you swirled your tongue around his vein just to see his reaction. Satoru’s blown out pupils met yours the deeper you took him in, his arm reaching out to fist at your hair. It wasn’t painful – he never hurt you even if sometimes you wished he could go a little rougher – but you were determined to evoke more of those pretty moans from him, fighting back the tears that blurred him from your sight.
Your throat would burn like a bitch by the end of this, though that no longer mattered when his composed self fell apart bit by bits. Gosh, you loved him so much; you could keep him in your mouth forever if that could express it.
Satoru moaned the instant you hollowed your cheeks around him, pushing his hands away that moved to hold you. You didn’t want to be romantic; you just wanted to make him cum.
He saw your determination to push you over the edge that he let go, slipping his fingers through yours instead. It shouldn’t have felt so domestic when you sucked him off good, but nothing had never felt more right. You pulled him off with a pop, licking all around the base to coat his cock with his cum and drool. His groans painted the room and he wouldn’t stop squirming underneath you, dulcet low moans so, so addicting.
Other than his moans, you were also addicted by the taste of him. You flipped your head at a different angle before you took him in again, flattening your tongue on the base and making sure to poke hard on the veins. He had a fucked out grin as his knees bucked beside him, his hands keeping you flat on his head.
“Yeah, angel,” he gritted his teeth, “That’s so fucking good.”
Was he coming?
You had no idea, having never done this before. For now, you just wanted to repay all the kindness he’d shown you by sucking him off good that he’d never forget you. You probably cursed him then, conditioned this man into being so addicted to you that he would never even think about leaving.
The mere thought of that had you choking on his cock, driving him back deep your throat. Your nose came in contact with the neatly trimmed hairs on his base as you gagged on his length, nails dug deep into the linen sheets beside you.
One thrust, two more – his cock twitched, then he came. “Right there, angel, fuck!” he spilled inside you, pulling out just in time for the rest to smatter all across your face. You drew back just as his semen painted your face like he was the artist and you were the canvas, and you didn’t think you’d ever felt so majestic in your life. Satoru gripped his cock to smear the contents all over your face, on that day giving you a hint just how much of a kinky little shit he really was, but you let him – because you loved him, and you’d do anything for the one you loved. As you sat there licking away the cum sprayed on your face, he tugged you upwards for a kiss.
You leaned away, thinking he could be disgusted by the bitter taste flowing down your throat, but he paid no mind. He kissed you hard and deep, effortlessly flipping both your bodies until were trapped underneath him, cornered by the love pooling in his eyes. You stared up at him with that same adoration, albeit more hesitant, the pounding in your heart incredibly loud.
You were falling fast – way too fast – that you couldn’t comprehend what would happen if this ended. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if you were still just a baby girl? Were you mistaking his post orgasm bliss with something else, were you getting too ahead of yourself?
Satoru nudged his chin on your neck, his lips hovering right before your ear. You could hear each ragged breath, your attention zeroed in on the deep, long cut that ran on his back. Not really aware of your actions, you slipped your hand downwards to trace the ragged flesh. Satoru hissed above you, his weight nearly crushing yours as he pulled you in for an embrace far too intimate for an agreement purely on casual fucks and company.
At least, that had been your belief, until – “I think…I’m falling for you.”
You didn’t remember any time you had cried harder, the sobs wreaking your chest desperate and pitiful. Satoru kissed your tears away, each peck of his lips translating to a thousand more i love you’s that healed every crack in your soul.
You held him close then, chest to chest, hearts beating above one another. Perhaps it was too early, but you loved him – excruciatingly so it scared you deep to the bone.
“Me too,” you cried, “I love you – I love you, I—”
“Shh, angel,” he cooed, his hands now trailing down your hips. He gripped at it, his cock once again hard as it teased your entrance. You knew what was to come next, and you squeezed his bicep in anticipation, both fear and anticipation exploding through your nerves. Satoru gazed at you warmly as he read the multiple thoughts running in your head, foreheads pressed into one another as he asked, “Can I show you? Do you trust me, angel?”
“Yes,” you answered in a beat, “A million times yes.”
“I’ll show you then,” he laced his fingers through yours, a lopsided grin so impossibly handsome you just fell harder for him. “I’ll show you how much I love you. I’ll make you feel it deep ‘til you never think about anyone else but me.”
Had he failed then? Had he not shown you enough how much he loved you?
You were the same, but the person standing in front of him seemed so impossible to be you, as well. Your once sweet smile had been replenished by a perfectly practiced one, the taut tightness of your lips and the faux charm so sickeningly sweet.
But it wasn’t what he hated the most. It was the fact he was there, holding you right where Satoru once used to, kissing you right on the lips Satoru used to ravish all by himself.
He didn’t know what he was feeling. Anger? Jealousy? Hatred – upon himself or upon you?
He didn’t know, couldn’t understand anything, that he brushed past Suguru’s equally stupefied face and found comfort in the back part of the cruise. Satoru had lost count of the drinks he’d taken from the waiters who had began to look worried, but he didn’t give a fuck. The image of you comfortably situated by that bastard’s side of all people stirred something dark within his chest. Satoru stared out into the dark ocean instead, dumping his drinks with a scoff.
What a fucking joke, he laughed at himself. He believed leaving you would mean protecting you, but life had a funny way of playing its part.
“Mr. Gojo,” an all-too familiar voice, one that was much too sweet and golden for his liking, caught his attention. His eyes slid over to your form, his jaw clenched at how empty your eyes seemed. There was no spark, not a trace of the light he had always loved, and not a sliver of warmth that never failed to melt his heart. It almost felt like it wasn’t you until your perfectly manicured nails rested atop his shoulder, all elegance and grace in your steps – just as he’d expected from the infamous Zen’in wife. “My husband, Naoya, wishes to speak to you.”
Husband. So you really married him.
You spun away from him with a salacious roll of your hips, and just like that, Satoru snapped. This was you, this had to be you – except it scared him shitless this time around because you were the one walking away from him.
It reminded him of the day he left you, dread sinking deep into the pits of his stomach. Satoru reached you in two long strides, spinning you around until you nearly collided on his chest. You glared at him so harshly he might’ve burned to the ground but god, this really was you and he fucking missed you – so badly that his suit felt impossibly tight he couldn’t breathe. You were still warm against him, soft in the places he was hard, and you were, you were there.
You came back to him.
“Angel,” his voice cracked, “I know that’s you, please—”
But your grip was ice-cold, eyes shooting daggers at the offensive hand on your shoulder. “Let go of me before I shoot your arm off, Mr. Gojo,” you sneered at him, the tension attracting the attention of other guests. Satoru could feel it; the burning gaze of passerby’s who’d stopped in their chatter to spectate the scene. “Just because you are invited, doesn’t mean you get to be too comfortable with me. You and I are not friends, much less acquaintances. Let me go.”
It’s over, his own voice screamed back at him, Let’s go.
Right. He left you, and it made sense you couldn’t stand to be around him. With a broken heart, he removed his hands on you, ignoring the slight scoff following afterwards. Satoru trailed after you like an obedient puppy as you led him inside a narrow hallway, unsurprised as two burly guards slid the double doors open.
Inside the grand room sat your husband himself, his good leg perched on top of his bad one. He was in the middle of his drink, cockily clanking the ice against the glass. His cane perched on the other side of the sofa, just out of it’s owners reach.
Satoru wanted to punch his stupid face but held back as you quickly seated beside him, possessive hands on top of his thighs. He took the seat across the both of you, his lips pressed into a flat line, unimpressed by the turn of events. Though the ocean reflecting the beauty of the moonlight gleamed terribly divine that night, and you illuminated even more radiantly than ever, Satoru felt no entertainment, no joy – just pure hatred.
“Gojo Satoru, the Six Eyes himself. It’s an honour to meet you.”
“You met me before,” he responded stiffly, expecting that Naoya would crack the same way his fucked up father would. But no, he was by far worse, the young man tipping his head back in laughter as if Satoru said the funniest thing.
Beside him, you buried yourself deeper into his arms, absentmindedly sniffing Naoya’s perfume before your shoulders visibly relaxed.
It was clear you trusted this man with your whole heart, though Satoru couldn’t make sense of the attachment. Why him? How did you meet him? Was it right after he left you? How did you wound up in the world he tried so hard to keep you away from? On reflex, Satoru’s need to protect you never wavered even after years, and his gaze trailed down each inch of your exposed skin to look for scars.
Nothing. Not even a single sratch.
And as if feeling his gaze on yours, you smirked back at him smugly, that damned smile reminding him that your husband was more than capable of – what he couldn’t do – protecting you. It was such a harsh slap to his face because Satoru was most evidently the most powerful man in the room; he had more connections, had been in this world long before he walked, had more experience and bloodlust than anyone else, and yet...he couldn’t keep you.
“Indeed, and it wasn’t such a great experience, was it?” Naoya’s voice kept droning on, waving a slender hand in the air. “This is what this party is for. I hope to alleviate any tensions my father may have caused between other clans,” he nodded at the untouched drink in front of Satoru, “Please, enjoy yourself. I only wish to discuss something about Xenet with you.”
“Xenet? You mean the drug your family tried so hard to keep to yourselves?”
“Yes, that. My father…was too prideful with his creations. He didn’t want to share what was his,” Naoya smirked to himself and leaned back into the chair, with you following the motion. Satoru fisted the couch so hard he might as well break it, unable to tear his eyes away from the comfortable way you rested on Naoya’s chest, blinking up innocently at him as you did so. Your husband paid you no mind, seemingly way too used by your affectionate gestures that he continued, “But I am not my father. I care about good connections and profitable business. I think if you’d let us borrow your manufacturing base in Osaka, we could supply you with Xenet to last a decade. Free of interest.”
“And what makes you think I want to have your little drug? It’s just an ecstasy pill.”
“That’s what we want you think,” you piped in, keeping your gaze averted from Satoru’s, shooting little kisses down your husband’s jaw instead. “Xenet is no ordinary drug. It was made with the intention of just making more bougee version of aphrodisiacs and poppers at first, but we found a much more…offensive approach to this,” you trailed off, eyes glistening with mischief.
It was alien – the look on you didn’t feel right. You had changed; his angel was no more.
“Xenet, once manufactured publicly, could even help us grow richer with how affordable it is. Other than the side effects of increased sexual drive and giddiness, it’s also strong enough to be a ticking time bomb,” you announced proudly, “Consume two a day and you might die from a heart attack.”
“So it’s a failed pill.”
Your eyes narrowed at his implications, reminding him that even though you may no longer be his, one thing had not changed: you were still that top student in your Chemistry class. How else could you have saved him from getting poisoned on that day? But now, you used your intelligence differently, marrying mafia leaders, creating drugs.
“I did not create failures.”
Satoru should hate it. Hell, it was wiser to steer clear from you, yet you’d never been more alluring. Your innocence and vulnerability from when you were younger had definitely aroused him in more ways than one, his mind often occupied with the different ways he could get you to cry for him. However, this version of you, the one who had risen from the ashes and flew around like a magnificent surrounded by your own burning flames – it would be a lie to say he did not find himself fascinated by your maturity.
Seven years really changed you.
“You mean to tell me,” he leaned forward, “That you’re basically asking to borrow my base so you can make suicide pills? Is that it?”
“Xenet is only dangerous when consumed in larger doses. But taken regularly, it actually boosts your health, clears your mind. It’s like a super vitamin. It makes you feel…well, on the top of the world. Makes you feel powerful.”
“Death is not the catch,” Satoru concluded from Naoya’s lilting tone, glaring at suspicious man who was staring at his drink in so much glee. He really was fucked in the head – what did you like about this guy?
“What’s your true reason behind this?”
“I want my relatives dead,” Naoya deadpanned, “Before we turned to illegal business, the clan stocks were debated to be passed either to me, or my cousin, Toji. He’s changed his name to Fushiguro now and even had a kid, but he can’t hide forever,” he lifted one shoulder in a lazy shrug, and finally, Satoru started to see glimpses of Naoya’s psychotic father through his eyes. Naoya grinned at nowhere in particular, rubbing his hand over the matching rings you wore, the sinister grin he wore uncannily similar to something Satoru had witnessed years before, though he couldn’t quite put a finger on it. “He’s not going to take what’s mine.”
Satoru scoffed, “Why do you think I would be interested in your family issues?”
“Because that cousin of mine is the only one who’s ever gotten successfully close into killing you,” Naoya snickered, “Remember? Shibuya, 2007? He was still inexperienced that time too. We don’t know how powerful he is now.”
“That fucker went after me for no reason.”
“Money is always his reason,” Naoya explained, “You see, my father was not the real clan leader. It was Toji’s father, my uncle, but he died of lung cancer and my father invited himself to the throne. He wanted everything to be ours, so he kicked my cousin out, leaving him nameless and penniless on the street. He was desperate to survive and—”
“—and became an assassin instead,” Satoru finished for him, to which both you and your husband nodded. You were taking your trophy wife duty seriously; keeping in mind to never interrupt your husband as he spoke. Satoru did his best to not pay too much mind to you, focusing on the looming threat of Toji Fushiguro present. “Let me guess, he was sent to kill me, failed miserably, and now he’s after your money? Why would he be interested in taking the mafia business when he seems fine enough being a hitman?” Satoru urged, “He looked like he enjoyed it.”
Much to Satoru’s surprise, Naoya slammed his glass down on the table, slapping his knee as he howled in laughter. “You are really as humorous as they say, Mr. Gojo.”
“Yeah? How so?”
“Because from what I heard, Toji did not fail miserably,” you mumbled through Naoya’s neck, that grin of yours mocking as your lips trailed down his skin. “The scars on your back – you almost died that day if you weren’t saved by your guards, didn’t you?”
Oh, Satoru mused, two could play this game.
“And how’d you know I have scars on my back, sweetheart?”
Knowing he had you cornered, you scowled. You turned away from him and clutched Naoya’s biceps to soothe your wounded pride, but Satoru knew he’d most definitely hit a nerve. It was low, utterly petty of him, to be exact – but he didn’t care. Right now, his determination to win you over just grows stronger, but Naoya merely chuckled at your exchange, the fucker maintaining his eye contact with Satoru’s while kissing the top of your head.
“Darling. Don’t get too worked up. He’s a friend now.”
“Said who?”
“Said me,” he announced confidently, “My cousin may be ruthless, but he’s not as heartless as I am. He’ll do anything he can to sneak his son within the family ranks and make him clan leader. Toji may be fine living in the streets, but he wouldn’t want the same fate for his son,” Naoya rolled his eyes boredly, “He loved his pathetic wife so much that he’s burdening himself with the promise of securing their child’s future. He’s not going to stop until he finds me.”
“And where do I fall into all this?”
“Toji can’t kill me,” Naoya brought to light, and Satoru noticed the faint change in your face. You looked grim, empty faced from anxiety. “Nearly 40% of our all our money – including where our gold is stored – you do remember stealing that, don’t you?” Satoru shook his head, too distracted by your sudden silence. “You made the mistake of taking what was not yours, Mr. Gojo. It may have been just a disposable slush fund to you, but everything that account had, those were all Toji’s last remnants of his wife before she died. He kept all those money for his family, and you took it away from him,” Naoya leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, smiling through the drink he downed in one go. The sound of the glass setting down on the table was much similar to a final judgement – the dilemma hitting Satoru right in the face.
“Now unless you cooperate with us, I can’t guarantee you’ll be living for the next ten days. He’s in Tokyo right now, and from word on the streets, he’s looking for the Six Eyes.”
“I don’t have that money with me.”
“Right, because you transferred it to my wife seven years ago, right?” At his words, Satoru froze, peering at you for confirmation. However, you’d made yourself smaller, almost shaking while different memories replayed right before your eyes. Satoru wanted to come and wrap you in his arms, to tell you it’s okay because he couldn’t understand why you were trembling so much, but Naoya’s taunting felt too loud and clear. “You wouldn’t want her to die now, would you? It’s going to be a tragic story of Romeo and Juliet, two fallen lovers sharing their last breaths,” he added bitterly, “That account wasn’t activated, you fucker. Everything may be wired to her, but she can’t open it unless you complete the authentication. Now do everything I ask of you and—”
“Naoya,” you finally snapped, “Don’t.”
“Is it true?” Satoru pressed, feeling his heart crush harder in his chest. “You never got the money?”
Your face said it all. “I didn’t.” So it was all for nothing – Satoru had left everything for naught. This whole time, he thought he was doing the right thing, but it was nothing, fucking nothing, utterly useless.
He left you for no valid reason.
“Why my drug base of all places?”
“It’s the biggest running establishment. Besides, you’re a lot more influential and richer than I am. No one would dare step a foot inside while I take over the business, hm?” Naoya challenged, “Xenet’s side effects also include languidness that leads to submission. I simply want to have more control over my people.”
“You’re going to manipulate this entire fucking country.” It wasn’t a question – Satoru had really made sure this guy was fucked in the head, and he thought he was awful.
“I’m not that different from my cousin,” Naoya retorted, “We’d both do anything for money.”
“And you’re using your wife as a pawn to your sick game?”
Naoya remained unaffected by Satoru slamming his palms down on the table, standing in his full height in an attempt to intimidate him. However, your husband merely raised a brow, taunting him with a smirk. “Was I the one who caused her hell all these years by making her a target to all your rivals?”
Things escalated faster than you saw it. One moment, you were cuddled with your husband, the next, Satoru had him by the collar. Naoya refused to show the pain from when his bad knee bumped into the table, enraging the taller man with his endless goading of how Satoru threw you to the side for nothing, calling him useless, pathetic, weak. You stood in front of both of them and pushed Satoru hard enough he fell back into the seat, glaring at you from where he fell. “That’s enough!” you bellowed, protectively encasing Naoya in your arms to steady him. His grimace told you he was in a lot more pain than he let on, and you snatched his cane to the side, screaming at Satoru with so much anger it shook the walls. “Fuck you, Gojo! You need to leave!”
“You’re fucking sick,” he spat at Naoya, “You’re a thousand times worse than your old man. You’re just using her to protect yourself, you fucking coward—”
Your palm resonating with his cheek stung. Satoru was rendered silent from the burning sensation on his face, the flesh still hoarse while you shook in anger. “Don’t you fucking dare speak to him like that.”
“Why are you with this guy?”
“As opposed to being with you?” your anger thundered, “You need to leave, Satoru. I think you’ve overstayed your welcome.”
“Escort him out,” said Naoya as he caressed his knee from the couch. His voice did wonders in calming you down, those three simple words for him regulating your breathing. As if a switch had been flipped inside you, you grew demure, exchanging a thousand words with your husband in just one glance. “You and I will talk later.”
Just like that, you gripped Satoru by the arm and pushed him out the door. He would’ve been happy by your touch, but your nails dug so deep in his suit he actually hissed.
You both didn’t talk until he’s made it through the speedboat that he came in, Suguru already giving you privacy with his back turned. Not that it would change Satoru’s behaviour much because he’s weakened by you again, eyes pleading as he caught your wrist. “Angel,” he whispered, his demeanor far too pitiful for a powerful man like him. Only you – only you could make him this way. “Are you really happy with him?”
“Yes. Yes, I am,” you answered, effectively breaking Satoru for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. Because he loved you, and with loving you came knowing you – he knew there was no lie behind your statement. “I’ve had a taste of hell before, and now I’ve found bliss in my heaven.”
“You’re lying,” he tried to convince himself, shaking his head to get rid of the pathetic tears. “That’s not true, you said you loved me – that’s our promise, right? I’ll get you back, angel. I’ll protect you this time around I – I’ll do everything I wasn’t able to do before. Please. I need you back.”
“Good luck with that, Gojou,” you smiled, but nothing about is happy. In fact, you looked hopelessly, perhaps just as devastated as him. “Time is ticking. One of us is going to die soon.”
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It had been three long gruesome days since that fucking cruise party. You were glad to have finally returned home – and yes, you did have a happy home now – but it just felt different when the spot beside you was empty.
You flopped down on your king-sized bed, legs kicking up in the air as you talked to Naoya through the phone. He had business to attend to overseas, leaving you all alone in the Zen’in Estate because he was going someplace dangerous. Though you assured him you could handle yourself just fine, your husband wasn’t having any of it. He shut you up with a kiss and left not long afterwards, so now you had to settle for hearing his voice.
“Have you arrived?”
“Yeah, plane just landed,” his voice that turned gentle only for you crackled through the other line, sounds of shuffling and clinking heard before he spoke again. “Are you in bed already?”
“Bet you look so fucking pretty right now,” he teased, “You gonna touch yourself at the thought of me while I’m gone, princess?”
“You know my fingers could never compare to your cock.”
“You’re so dirty,” he chuckled back, and your laughter mingled. It was so easy to laugh with him through mindless conversations to kill the time; the two of you acting like the world around you wasn’t burning. “When I get back from Shanghai, I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk.”
“If you do that, I won’t be able to hang off your arm prettily in your events.”
“We can always cancel them, princess. I don’t mind spending the entire weekend in bed with you.”
“Naoya, stop,” you buried your face in the pillows, giggling like a schoolgirl while your husband chuckled. You could hear him ordering his favourite drink to the stewardess and for a moment, you grew jealous, thinking that maybe his servants would be pretty. Then, you remembered – Naoya hated every human being in this world with your exception – you had nothing to worry about.
“You like it when I talk to you this way,” he mused, and you made no move to deny. “So about our anniversary—”
You lifted your head from the pillow as you heard the bell ringing, which was odd because it was half past midnight already. Most of the servants had long retired into their quarters right now, the entire estate on heavy lockdown too. The only person who could arrive was probably a special parcel, and you eagerly hopped off the bed, tying your silk nightgown to make yourself modest. “Oh, hey, I think my package arrived. Someone’s ringing.”
“Is it the Louboutin I got you?”
“I hope so!”
“Have fun dressing up then,” you could hear Naoya’s smile, “Send me photos okay? No undies.”
“No undies!” you agreed, swiping end call before you rushed to the front doors. Gosh, one of the worst things about living in a manor was that you had to take three flights of steps down, the lights in the servants’ wing already turned off so you had to open it yourself. “I’m coming!”
Taking a few seconds to compose yourself, you swung the door open, ready to finally get the shoes you’ve been gushing to Naoya about for days. But you were met with nothing but a tuft of white hair, blood smattered on his cheeks, and lips crashing down onto yours. Satoru pinned you against the wall in the same manner he held you on that day he left, his kisses harsh and longing while you moaned into his mouth, legs turning into jelly.
“Angel,” he rasped into your mouth, grinding his boner to the thin material of your night gown. “I told you you’re fucking mine.”
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taglist OPEN: @sixeyesgojo @shingekiyofeels @q-the-rockaholic @whatthefuckisthatthing @friedghostspyathlete @rogueofbullshit @kat-su-ki @kellyyween @sebootyforlife @greysoulthings @charlie-xo @aoi-turtle @ladywaifuuwrites @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @hannya-quinn​ 
ALSO GUYS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ANON WHO MADE THIS NAOYA X READER DOODLE IM CRYING SO MUCHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCH I AM LEGIT SPEECHLESS LIKE YOU GUYS? ARE? AMAZING?! ANYWAYS I FINALLY FINISHED THE ENTIRE PLOT OF THIS SERIES AND WELL...I mean, I hope you guys are excited for this as I am, hehehe!! I take back my former note that this was going to be angsty. I think this is more of drama tbh but we’ll see how it goes! (side note...IM IN LOVE WITH THIS FANART PLEASE.)
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joannasteez · 3 years
Headcanon request:
The guys going shopping with their girl while she is trying on more and more hideous clothing trying to make her man crack and say “what the fuck are you wearing?”
Not sure whose included when you say “guys” so I just did the Reyes boys since I only really write for them at the moment! Also, comedy isn’t my strong suit so hopefully this isn’t completely cringe LOL, if it is forgive me! Haha
Shopping is no simple endeavor, never has been, never will be. There are far too many components to just offhandedly consider the process easy. Color scheme, sizes, fabrics, the cut of the clothing, the energy of the store, the weather outside, all these factors and many more play integral roles in making or breaking your shopping experience.
But you never considered Angel to be such an influential factor, but he was, and his far off nonchalant mood was putting a damper on your shopping.
He’d been occupied by the bright screen of his phone, scrolling and tapping away vigorously, texting EZ or Coco or Gilly no doubt, or hell maybe all three at once, which was no problem any other day, but considering you wanted his insight on the things you’d picked from the lined up racks, it was becoming a tiny bit of an issue.
Every other thing you showed him he barely looked at, giving you a short nod or a thumbs up, and these outfits were GOOD mind you. Like dinner date, catching the eye of every other person around you good, baby making till 4 AM good, and he was giving you these half assed responses.
“I’ll fix you”, you thought. Grabbing a bunch of random pieces and leading him to the fitting room.
The first couple of outfits you put together aren’t horrible but they aren’t amazing either, but that’s purposeful because you want to see how much he’ll notice. And you’re actually surprised, because he does notice, the upturn in his brow telling you he isn’t that into the outfit. “Yes? No?”, you ask.
“Try something else”, he mumbles before tapping away again at his phone.
You try again. Coming out the fitting room. “What about this?”.
He looks you up and down, taking the time to look over the fit of the clothes and the colors before he speaks. “The bottoms don’t go with that top”.
You try once again, a smile giggle emitting as you throw together the craziest, most random things. ‘Time to up the ante’, you think, as you move from out the door, clearing your voice to catch his attention.
He double takes when he sees you, and it takes a lot not to burst into a fit of giggles. “You being serious? You look like a Y2K red carpet”, he scrutinizes and you tilt your head not sure of what he’s getting at, so he clarifies as he texts away on his phone. “That’s not a compliment baby”.
You roll your eyes, making quick work of changing the top of the outfit. “Ok is it better now?” You hands smoothening over the top.
He sits his phone down, brows coming together in deep thought. “You know that word people use to like describe stuff that’s unpleasant? Stuff that’s uneasy on the eyes?”
You think for a minute..... words unsure as they leave you. “Ugly?”
“Ass”, you gripe lightly. Throwing a nearby shirt his way before you make your way back to the fitting room. His voice carrying over toward you as you close the door. “Don’t even hang that top back up on the rack, just toss that shit in the trash”.
“Excuse me J. Alexander”, you mock.
He’s confused at your reference. “What?”
“Nothing”, you say, piecing another outfit together another outfit, more ridiculous than the others. “I have one more outfit, it’s good this time I promise”.
“I’m at the edge of my seat”, he deadpans.
You come out and it takes a moment for him to respond, eyes stuck on the jarring contrast of color and patterns. He rushes to you, holding your face as his thumbs pull at the skin just below your eyes to get a better view of them, expression dramatically worried.
“Are you color blind?”
You swat him away. “No Angel, what are you talking about”.
“You must be because what the fuck are you wearing?”
Ezekiel’s a bit different from Angel when it comes to your shopping experience, and so despite his lack of knowledge or interest even in the complex goings on of such an endeavor, he realizes that it makes you extremely excited. He gives as much attention as he can muster, which is pretty hard sometimes, especially when it’s been a long day and his feet are hurting or if his muscles are sore. But there’s still a bit of an issue when it comes to him, a tiny issue you come to realize as you walk through racks of clothes.
No matter what you show him, even if it’s not particularly your style, he gives his approval.
And it’s kind of sweet and endearing, because he doesn’t want to dampen your mood by expressing how he doesn’t like a particular color or pattern on some dress or shirt or another, but honest opinions are crucial to the shopping experience. He’s hindering more than helping and he doesn’t even realize it, so now you’ve got to fix the situation a bit. Nudge him a little into the right direction.
So you pick up a couple of ok outfits, some not so great outfits and a few that are just completely awful. Even looking at them as you lead him to the fitting room you’re wondering why they’re even in the store.
You change into the first outfit, coming from behind the fitting room door to show him, and his head tilts. Eyes taking you in but he’s unsure of how to express what he’s thinking. “It’s...... nice”.
“Nice?”, you ask before looking down at your self. And again, it’s not awful, the cut of the top and the bottoms go together pretty well, but the colors are just off. “That’s it?........ nothing else?”
“It’s cool. If you like it, I like it”.
“Forget what I like, I want honesty”.
You’re changing again, into something a little more ridiculous, lips turning a bit at this little game you’ve been playing to see how long it’s take till he cracked and gave you some truth.
You come out again. Twirling to give him a 360 view. “Yes? No? Be honest”.
His face is scrunched, brows pulling in dislike. “It’s alright......... would look a lot better if you left it on the rack”.
You gasp, tone of the comment taking you back a bit and he throws his hands up in defense. “What? You said be honest”.
You try again, upping the ridiculousness with some janky looking braided belt and it’s taking more and more not to laugh at how good you’re putting these bad outfits together. “Ok ok..... this is better I think. Thoughts?”
He gives a once over fairly quickly. “Are we still doing the honesty thing?”
“You’d look better in a burlap sack”.
There’s a near by piece of some cotton shirt that lays idle, you throw it his way. “Harsh......”, your hands slipping off the ugly belt. “And for the record, I could pull off a burlap sack if I wanted to”.
He nods. “Exactly my point. Anything is better than this”.
You’re turned now, slipping of the belt and walking back to the fitting room. “Who knew Mr. I Only Wear Plaid and Sleep in my Jeans was such a critic”.
“At least I match”, he shot back. Readying himself for the next outfit.
You’ve completely thrown caution to the wind, mixing patterns and completely destroying any sense you have of color theory. Patterns clash and the contrast of the color is just despicable at this point. A four year old could do better than what you have on, you’re sure of it.
You step from the fitting room, giving a strut and face that just might make Naomi Campbell proud. And honestly you were kinda selling it..... till Ezekiel really took a good look at you. His features dropping.
“Ok babe forreal, what the fuck are you wearing?”
Taglist: @appropriate-writers-name @est1887 @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @brownsugarcoffy @elektriknachosss @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @superhoeva @witching-hour @noz4a2 @withmyteeth
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definitelyseven · 4 years
risky business | one (m)
summary: you were hired to be with everyone else but Park Jinyoung
one (m) | two | three |
You stared at yourself through the mirror, watching the half-naked women behind you rush to get ready to go on stage. Tonight was your first night at the club and you were extremely nervous. It was obvious you didn’t fit in here but you had to do this. You didn’t have a choice - not when your mother left you with thousands of dollars of medical bills and you father thinking he can pay it all off by gambling. You were millions of dollars in debt and there was no way you could pay it off without doing this; without selling your body. Your sister was still young and you couldn’t put her through this. She didn’t deserve it. She was innocent. 
“You should put on some lipstick,” the woman behind you suggested. 
“Thanks,” you smiled weakly as you took the lipstick from her. You twisted the cap off to reveal a bright red lipstick; a color you would never wear. 
“I’m Momo,” she introduced. “This doesn’t seem like a place for a girl like you.”
“Y/N. You’re right, I don’t belong here. But I need to be here,” you tell her without revealing to much detail. 
“Don’t worry. Most of them are nice and great tippers. Just follow my lead out there.”
You quickly patted some lipstick onto your lips and followed her out. The club didn’t open for about another hour but there was a special guest today and all the girls were requested to come in early. 
“Mr. Park, these are my girls. They’re all very good,” the manager of the club said before handing the attractive man a portfolio which you assumed was filled with pictures of all the girls here.
The man seemed disinterested though. He was busy scrolling through his phone, didn’t even bother to take the portfolio out of the manager’s hand. The manager eventually set the portfolio down on the table. It was awkward - all the girls were standing there half-naked, ready to shake their asses off for random men but the men standing in front of you was unbothered. It was like you didn’t even exist to them. But then again, how could you? These men were well-dressed, handsome and obviously wealthy. They could get any women they wanted so why were they here? 
“Are these girls not to your liking Mr. Park?” the manager spoke again. 
The man finally looked up from his phone and towards you and the other girls. He was attractive, really attractive. He looked like one of those models in the magazines - not one single flaw. He watched the girls carefully, mentally picking out which girl he didn’t want and then his eyes met yours. 
You held your breath, feeling awkward. This was the first time you revealed so much of your body to anyone, let alone strangers. You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing them up and down to keep warm. You could feel the goosebumps on your skin. 
“Her,” he finally said. You looked up from the ground and see him pointing at you. The girls around you began to whisper - you were just as shocked as they were. “I want her,” he repeated. 
After the man selected you, the manager rushed the other girls out of the room. You don’t know what you were selected for but he chose you. He picked you. 
You continued to stand there awkwardly until another man ushered you to come closer. You slowly made your way over to the men, taking a seat next to them. 
“You’re perfect.”
“I’m sorry but what am I perfect for?” 
He chuckled at you before speaking, “What if I can offer you another job that pays more than this one?” 
“How much?” you asked interested. 
“Two, three times as much. I’m willing to pay for something that’s worth the price,” he smirked. 
“W-what do I have to do?” you asked, scared. 
“Don’t be scared princess,” he continued to smirk, making you blush. Even his smirk was attractive. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung,” he introduced himself. “I have a proposition for you.” You raised your eyebrow at him, curious as to what his offer was and how much money you could make from this. “You work here because you need money. I work with a lot of rich, powerful and secretive men. Men that are willing to pay anything to have their fun.” You chewed on your lower lip as you listened carefully. “You’ll be doing what you’re doing here but during the day you’ll be in an office - something you can eventually put on your resume.” 
“Why me?”
“These men that I work with have seen all types of women but the type of women that is the hardest to find are the innocent but kinky ones,” he teased, tipping your chin. You gulped, nervous from his touch.
“How do you know I’m innocent and kinky?” you asked, mumbling the last word. 
“Just by looking at you. That’s why you’re perfect,” he reminded. You looked down at your lap, debating whether or not to take the offer. Jinyoung was right - you’d be doing the exact same thing here anyways but you’d be in an office. It looks so much better on paper.
“O-okay,” you agreed. “What do you want me to do?”
That night you met Jinyoung was almost three months ago. He saved you from working at the club, from stripping for random men. At least now, your sister won’t have an older sister who strips for money. These past few months Jinyoung and his team worked hard to train you into the perfect secretary by day and the perfect seducer by night. 
Today was your final test.
“I’ll wait here,” Jinyoung said before taking a seat by the fitting area. Your last test was to pick out an outfit that would make any man swoon for you. It seemed easily enough but if someone would have asked you to do something like this three months ago, it would be nearly impossible for you.
You were different now. Three months of hard work to change you into someone completely different; someone that exuded confidence, someone that can speak various languages, manage another person’s entire day, and most importantly seduce anyone that laid eyes on you which was by far the hardest thing to do.
“What do you think? you asked Jinyoung as you smoothened out your tight dress that accentuated your curves and revealed just the right amount of cleavage that would make any guy look twice.  
Jinyoung looks up from his phone and at you. He smirks in satisfaction as he shifts in his seat, spreading his legs slightly apart at the site of you. You could tell from the tent in his pants that he enjoyed what he saw. “Stunning,” he said proudly, making you blush. He made his way over to you before turning you around to face the mirror. He stares at you, scanning your body from top to bottom while he licks his lips. His hands made his way to your sides, his fingers dancing against the fabric of your dress. Jinyoung gives your waist a small squeeze. You hissed at his touch. He brushes your hair to one side, revealing the nape of your neck to him. He runs the back of his hand up and down your neck as he plays with your ear. 
“Like what you see?”
“Mhmmm, the confidence,” he hummed, giving the back of your neck a small squeeze. That was lesson #1 - confidence is attractive. Jinyoung reaches inside his pocket and takes out a diamond necklace. “Last piece to make this outfit perfect,” he whispered in your ear before putting the necklace on you. 
“There’s one last thing you can teach me,” you tell him. Jinyoung looks at you surprised as he has nothing left to teach you. “I’ll eventually have to sleep with them, don’t I?”
Jinyoung turns you around to face him. He strokes your cheek gently. He didn’t want to lie to you. “There’s a possibility that could happen.”
“Then teach me.”
“Teach you?” Jinyoung repeated. 
“Teach me,” you paused. “Jinyoung, I’m a virgin.”
“Oh...I didn’t know. If you-”
You shake your head, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it to be the reason that I couldn’t do this.” You paused again, waiting for his response. “I want my first time to be with someone I know, someone I trust.”
“I can’t do that,” Jinyoung rejected softly. 
“You can,” you assured him. “I need you to do this for me. If you want this to be successful than do this for me. Please.”
Jinyoung nods slowly, finally agreeing to your suggestion. He lets out a light sigh before pulling you into his arms.
“Do you live here?” you asked once you entered into his luxury condo.
“It’s one of my many estates,” he explained, taking off his tuxedo. You were nervous but you knew Jinyoung will take care of you. He always does. “Want a drink?” You nodded, watching him pour the drinks. 
“Expensive,” you teased as you took a sip out of the beverage. 
Jinyoung clears his throat before setting his drink down. “Show me what you got,” he demanded.
“W-what?” you almost choke.
“Show me what you got,” he enunciated. “Pretend I’m like those men.” You didn’t know what to do. You’ve never done this before. You slowly set down your drink, running different scenarios in your head on what to do next. “Don’t think, just do it.” Jinyoung takes a seat on the couch, carefully watching your next move. You swallowed the lump in your throat. You could do this. You have to do this well. 
You slowly made your way towards Jinyoung, your eyes on his as you gently bit your lower lip. You stopped in front of him before taking a seat on his lap. You run your palms up and down his chest, stopping just below his collar. You leaned in close to his face, feeling his length poke against your thigh as you pressed your body against his. Jinyoung’s hand rubs your lower back, fiddling with the zipper on your dress. 
You got off Jinyoung’s lap and kneeled down in front of him. You licked your lips before looking up at him. He was eager, desperate for you to do something; anything. You rubbed his thighs up and down, inching closer and closer to his length. You stroked him through his pants, feeling it grow harder by the second. You licked your lips again while you unbuckled his pants. His cock was pressed tightly against his pants, aching to be released. You bit your lip, nervous about touching him. 
“Don’t think, just do it.” You pulled his pants lower until his cock was fully exposed. It sprung up almost automatically. He was hard; the tip of his cock bright red with a large bead of pre-cum threatening to fall. You gulped before rubbing your thumb over the tip. Jinyoung lets out a low groan, attempting to hide his moan. His tip now wet with his own pre-cum, you opened your mouth and twirled your tongue against the tip of his cock. He hisses at your touch. You opened your mouth wider, slowly taking in his length. He moans feeling how wet your mouth feels against his cock. You didn’t know any techniques but you did know that sucking was the right thing to do - so you did. You sucked him hard like a lollipop while wrapping your hand on the base of his cock, stroking him long and hard. You bobbed your head up and down until the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. You kept bobbing your head up and down, hearing him moan and swear under his breath. You had one hand on the base of his cock, stroking him slowly while the other hand massaged his balls. You feel him twitch in your mouth as he groans in pleasure. Jinyoung gets lost in pleasure and thrusts his hips forward. His cock slams into the back of your throat making you choke. “Fuck...” Jinyoung runs his fingers through your hair, gripping tightly onto it. He guides your head up and down his cock, each time harder than the next. “Shit baby...” he moans loudly before pulling away.
You pulled away from him, saliva dripping down your chin. “Did that feel good?” you asked him, staring up at him. 
He chuckles out of breath, “Yeah....” You get up off your knees before wiping your lips. 
161 notes · View notes
strandedcrow · 3 years
thoughts on the glass animals album dreamland? (info dump welcome)
YES hi hello thank you
I talked like,, a lot so I’m sparing y'all with a cut
The album itself is just so well organized and executed it’s insane. The entire album just captures the feeling of taking a nostalgic trip through your own life and the way that it ends up forgotten in a way, sickly sweet and vague, subdued, and so easy to get completely lost in. And part of what makes it so well done is the pure authenticity it’s completely drenched in. The album itself didn’t exist until quarantine hit, they had been taking a break after a band member was injured and had to recover, and that isolation had that same impact on them as it did on most of us, and the result was this extremely genuine album embodying nostalgia itself.
As a band they’ve always done such an incredible job of maintaining a theme throughout their album that is consistent without becoming repetitive. The song Dreamland does such a perfect job of pulling you into the album, easing you into a subdued album, fuzzy around the edges but clear once you can hone in on the details, on what’s being said, perfectly reflective of the theme it’s introducing you to. While it’s doing that it’s also providing a smooth shift from the last song on the album before it, HTBAHB. Agnes leaves that album off on such an extremely a somber, desperate, and lost note, which Dreamland picks up, just as lost in itself, taking off so beautifully from Agnes’ “You’re gone but you’re on my mind, I’m lost but I don’t know why,” and getting into the why. But it does so by warning you first, “You see in kodachrome, you see in pink and gold.” This album is distorted, it’s not right, the colors are wrong and everything is sweeter than it should be. At the same time, it sets up for the songs to follow, like “That worst thing you said” for It’s All So Incredibly Loud and “You were ten years old, holding hands in the classroom, he had a gun on the first day of high school” for Space Ghost Coast to Coast.It’s those vague, unconnected memories that you haven't quite grasped onto yet in full, but you know you’re going to get lost in them once you do. You’re stepping back from the overload of information and action today to visit who you used to be and what made you who you are now.
Right after it, Tangerine does something that Life Itself did for HTBAHB, it smoothened the general sound’s transition between albums. Just as Life Itself, with its beat similar to the album before its own could have fit into ZABA with no issue, Tangerine could have been on HTBAHB without disrupting the album. The “retro” vibe, the themes revolving around both the nostalgia of Dreamland and those of past relationships deteriorating because of missed opportunities and growing apart fits so well into both albums, it’s such a great transition from the past album to the current. The “I’m begging, hands knees please, tangerine” is also a common expression used (often as a double entendre) by them, again like in Life Itself, with its chorus being “Come back down to my knees, gotta get back, gotta get free, come back down to my knees, lean back now, lean back and breathe,” which just sets up for a really smooth callback to previous songs and album. Something else that Tangerine establishes is something that’s been a running theme with Glass Animals since ZABA: fruit. There is a lot of fruit here. It used to be a running joke that Glass Animals wasn’t actually a band, but a cryptic pineapple worshipping cult (no amount of music made will fool me, this is definitely a pineapple cult). This album uses fruit to remind you of the sugary sweetness of nostalgia, but there’s more history and, well, fan specific nostalgia that goes with that metaphor, too.
Hot Sugar is similar to a later song, Waterfalls Coming Out Your mouth, in that it’s about someone who is so cool that they aren’t actually cool. The person isn’t genuine, the idea of them isn’t actually them, but this was someone that you still want to be anyways, because who wouldn’t want to be that cool? The song doesn’t have much deeper meaning underlying it compared to some other’s because that depth doesn’t exist here, with this person. You know they’re “faking it,” but it doesn’t really matter beyond deciding if you actually like them or if you just want to be them, and the answer is the latter. This song is also similar to another, later song, Tokyo Drifting, introducing the listener to this person that he wants to be like, referencing “Hot rubber on the tar,” and setting the stage for the later song to tell you more about what he wanted to be like. Also, once again, through a mention of watermelon, fruit continues to be a recurring theme in the earlier tracks on this album, when the trip through nostalgic memories is still more sweet than bitter.
Right after we get introduced to this idea of who he wanted to be, we move onto what became of someone he knew closely, shared a lot with, and very suddenly lost touch with through Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The music itself is reminiscent of the music he listened to at the time. This song, being a telling of something that actually happened, is so authentic and raw in how it ends up, all still told through the layer of confusion, hurt, and again, that sweetness of nostalgia, with “You look bizarre in the apricot” establishing a deceptively sweet but confused tone over something heavy through yet another fruit metaphor. This song also manages to hit on other songs from the album when he tries to delve into why his friend did what he did, “Were you bored of gender norms,” matching with Dreamland’s “Go ask your questions like “What makes a man?”,” “… of being alone,” matching Heat Waves’ “I don’t wanna be alone, you know it hurts me too,” and “… no mama home, a bad divorce” matching pretty much the entirety of Domestic Bliss. Like Hot Sugar, this song sets up for Tokyo Drifting, with his idea of who he wants to be but isn’t, with “Remember when you stole mom’s old Geo Metro, you wore her old bathrobe, too small to see the road.” There’s also more blatant references being made to both past shooters (Black cap back with a trench coat, ay) and the arguments afterwards of what motivated them (Playing too much of that GTA, playing too much of that Dr. Dre). While he still wants to understand his old friend, and what happened for him to change so abruptly and dangerously, he does not want anything to do with him anymore. It’s a song about a loss of innocence and the understanding that sometimes you just won’t understand why someone does something. It’s just a complete banger in general.
Which then takes us to Tokyo Drifting, which absolutely slaps. The song itself revolves around what he wanted to be like, singing from a new persona rather than his own (Cane Suga from HTBAHB was done through the same persona). It breaks the pattern of referencing to fruit, instead focusing on drugs and alcohol, dropping the sickly sweet lens of nostalgia for something more fitting of the song’s specific theme. Don’t worry, though, dragonfruit was used extremely heavily in this songs promotion as a single, so the fruit is still there, just not directly, and that lack of directly referring to a fruit in the song itself fits with the way that the song breaks from nostalgia of things that have happened and people he knew into something that was never real. There is no rose colored glasses needed for something that never even happened. I don’t have much else to say on it, it just goes hard, this was my most listened to song two years in a row lmao.
Melon and the Coconut is just sheer Glass Animals. It’s weird, it’s fun, and it sounds great. It cleanly splits the album in half, splitting the POV’s straight down the middle while making a reference to its own position in the album, “Sometimes B-sides are the best songs.” Needless to say, there are some super subtle references to fruit in Melon and the Coconut, the song about two fruit.
Then, the second half of the album kicks off with Your Love (Deja Vu), a song extremely similar in theme to previous songs about missed timing, like ZABA’s Pools and HTBAHB’s Pork Soda. Instead of fruit, “juice” is mentioned in this song. It takes the turn from thinking about people you were friends with, what you wanted to be like, to people that you were with, and things that just didn’t work out.
And then there’s Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth. It’s such a clean parallel to looking back on things with nostalgia and seeing them through the fake sweetness that time brings, with this song being about the rose colored glasses that were present in the moment, the time when you start getting to know someone but you aren’t actually getting to know them, you’re getting to know this other, more impressive version of them instead, and they get the exact same experience of you on their own end. He’s letting this other person have their own version of him while he has his own version of them in his head, and he knows their version of him is wrong, so he also knows whatever he thinks of them is going to be wrong, too. He knows them, but at the same time he doesn’t. He’s realizing here, that this person, like the Hot Sugar person, is too cool, and they aren’t real, it’s all just talk, and it’s all fake like the “chemical warfare, red lips and television eyewear, raspberry soda hair, in the pool with a blow up gummy bear.” It’s sweet, sure, but it’s also fake. “Chat shit but where’s the real you? Never seen The Price Is Right, I’m a liar been on that shit since ’99. You make me look like a clown, clap clap, you’re a clever clever cookie now” has no right go that hard, and yet it Does.
Then, abruptly, we get to It’s All So Incredibly Loud. The song itself is subdued, it’s that point in your trip through your own memories where you remember why things went wrong. You get shaken from your train of thought and lose your place in it, because you aren’t there anymore, you’re here and you can’t go back, you can’t fix anything, all that’s left for you to do now is mourn the wrongs and accept them, even though its painful. This is remembering what Dreamland meant by “That worst thing you said,” the realization that you have to break someone else’s heart, and how much that hurts.
((home movie: rockets)) is the longest home movie audio in the album, and creates a smooth transition back into childhood, journeying back through a sound similar to that of their first album, ZABA, on the way there for the album to transition into Domestic Bliss. This time, with someone else entirely’s perspective falling back onto knees, but this time under an entirely different tone, “Fight for me. We can leave I’m begging, please, on my on my knees.” These two songs back to back continue the downward spiral that too much nostalgia can leave you falling into, the wrongs, the regrets, this trip down memory lane has lasted too long, now.
Which drops us off at Heat Waves, which returns back to his own perspective after Domestic Bliss focused on a friend of his. It fits the bittersweet feeling in nostalgia, the understanding and acceptance that you can’t go back, you just have to keep going forward and separate instead for everyone’s sake, a followup less to the tangent in thought that is Domestic Bliss, and more to It’s All So Incredibly Loud. It also wraps up those previous album’s songs, Pools and Pork Soda in a way, bringing a sense of closure to the nostalgic feelings, as well as to the entire album.
And finally Helium, the bookend opposite to Dreamland. This song flawlessly embodies that feeling of when you realize you’ve just been sitting and staring at a photo album for an hour now, and you finally take a look around you, feeling the air conditioning on your skin, hearing the sounds of the world around you, snapping back out of your train of thought and into real life again. Things didn’t work the way that you used to think they would, but that’s a good thing. It is such a perfect ending to the nostalgic journey that is this entire album. Fading back into the melody that started this journey of sickly sweet memories of people you looked up to, when you learned for the first time that people can change and you might not ever understand why, ideas of who you once wanted to be, finding something light that you can laugh about, realizing how similar so many things in your life have been to each other, the realization that the people you used to look up to might not have actually been that impressive the whole time, your regrets, times you wish you could have done more, and the understanding that sometimes you shouldn’t have done so much.
I love this album so much man
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fluffi · 4 years
pairing: felix x gn!reader
genre: 70% fluff, 30% angst, barista!felix, angst subplot
word count: 2k
author’s note: hi @constellynx! you knew already, but im your secret santa! you mightve deactivated by now (which im pissed at myself for not uploading sooner) but if you havent i hope you enjoy this! have a great new year :)
warnings: mentions of getting stood up
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Maybe it was the fact that it was a Friday morning and you had no classes, or that you had walked past the cute little coffee shop on the corner of Avenue street twenty times this week, and you still hadn’t bothered to check it out. Nonetheless, you had the afternoon free today, and you were planning to spend it at Little Leaf Café.
“Welcome to Little Leaf! We hope you have a wonderful time here!” Chorused voices from employees at the café echoed as you opened the door to cold air and overlapping conversations.
It was a gorgeous café, you could tell why it was so popular. Plants of various colors were placed around the area -- hung from grids on the ceiling, on tables, growing on the sides of the walls. Not to mention the festive decorations — an assortment of green and red items meticulously placed around the café.
However, there was something...rather, someone, that was way more gorgeous than the entire café.
“Hello! How can I help you today?”
You were met with an ethereal face after lining up for what felt like ages. As soon as the last heart-struck girl left, an angel entered your line of view.
The sunny boy stood across the counter with a googly smile on his face. You noticed the way his eyes crinkled upwards, and how the apples of his cheeks turned a shade of baby pink when he saw you. He had a silver mullet that looked perfectly trimmed and maintained...you were tempted to run your hands through it. However, his contrasting baritone voice caught you off guard.
In shock and nervousness of talking to new (handsome) people, you completely messed up.
“Hi...I, um, anything? I’ll get anything?” You stuttered and internally facepalmed.
You just embarrassed yourself in front of a very cute boy, but he didn’t seem to notice. Rather, he didn’t seem to mind.
“Sure, I can give you some recommendations. Right now our xmas-special Peppermint Mocha is popular, but if I’m going to be honest, it’s not one of my favorites. I would recommend the Gingerbread Spiced Coffee, but it's your call.” He leaned over the counter and whispered, looking around to make sure his boss didn’t hear him.
As he leaned over to talk to you, you were able to see him clearer. He had glowing skin and his eyes sparkled in excitement, but it made you feel calm. You felt serene and happy looking into his dazzling brown orbs. 
Just then, said eyes blinked and squinted at you. That brought you down to Earth.
“Right, right! I’ll get whatever you said! The Singerbread Giced Coffee?” You nodded your head in panic before you realized what you just said.
“Uh, it's called the Gingerbread Spiced Coffee, but sure. Anything else?” He looked back at you after inputting your order with a teasing gleam in his eye.
“Nothing else. I’m sorry, I’m such a mess today!” You bowed in embarrassment and looked at your fidgeting fingers.
He chuckled. “Nothing to worry about. What’s your name?”
“Y/N. What’s yours?” You answered, before realizing that he only needed it to write your name on the plastic cup.
“Oh! I’ve never had anyone ask me my name before. It’s Felix.” He flashed another dazzling smile at you before handing you a table number.
Felix put your order on the pick up table and left to man the counter. Through your peripheral vision, however, you could catch him nervously glancing at you. Ignoring the rising butterflies in your stomach, you walked over to your reserved seat and placed your tray down.
Felix put your order on the pick up table and left to man the counter. Through your peripheral vision, however, you could catch him nervously glancing at you. Ignoring the rising butterflies in your stomach, you walked over to your reserved seat and placed your tray down.
Felix put your order on the pick up table and left to man the counter. Through your peripheral vision, however, you could catch him nervously glancing at you. Ignoring the rising butterflies in your stomach, you walked over to your reserved seat and placed your tray down.
However, as you were about to take a sip of your specially recommended drink, you glanced down and saw your receipt, with a specially written note on it.
Hi, Y/N. If you see this. Read my continued message on the serviette under your drink ;)
Your heart shuddered as you began to overthink pretty much every possibility that could happen between you and Felix. Maybe he wrote you a note to tell you that you were annoying? Maybe kind of weird? A little cuckoo? A bunch of mind-boggling thoughts started circulating your brain as you slowly flipped your serviette over.
Hi Y/N.
I know this seems like a really unconventional method, but I honestly don’t have the courage to ask someone out on a date in person hehe. Oops! I just said it...uh, would you want to go out with me on a date? I think you’re really cute and I love your personality! Also, um, you’re really pretty.
I was thinking that we can maybe meet at the 31st Bus Stop at 4pm? I have a shift till 3.30 so I could go there and meet you. We can plan everything else out later :3
If you’re already taken, that's alright! You can ignore this message. But do what you will with the information I gave you.
-felix the little leaf barista dude
Your face was in a dark shade of beet red as you looked up timidly and immediately locked eyes with Felix. You tried not to smile as you looked away and giggled shyly.
On Felix’s side, he had been staring at you ever since you took your order. When the two of you met eyes, his entire body froze, and he stopped what he was doing, dropping his half-washed cup into the sink.
“Dude, what are you doing, I- “ Bang Chan, his senior colleague and friend, followed Felix’s line of sight to you and chuckled slyly.
“In my opinion, the color of their face probably means that they’ll go out with you. Get back to work Lix, or you might not be able to see her later.” He nudged Felix’s side, prompting him to continue working. Felix looked up at Bang Chan in confusion and continued his work, still glancing at you occasionally.
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“I’m sorry. How can I help yo-oh. Oh.” Felix looked up at you smiling, still blessed with a tinge of pink across your cheeks.
“I should’ve given more context. Yes, I’ll go out with you tonight!” You didn’t know where you received this newfound confidence, but you were going to use all of it.
“Oh, really? That’s great! I’ll meet you there then. Be careful, okay? Can’t have you getting hurt before we have our first date.”
Once again you had melted into a puddle of nervousness. Unable to voice out anything, you nodded your head multiple times and ran out the café. Your hands were cold from the chilly season, but your heart was warm from the cute barista.
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It was ten past four. You were sitting under the shade of 31st Bus Stop, fidgeting with the hem of your waistband and looking around, by yourself.
You weren’t losing hope, you were sure Felix was on his way right now. He would never stand you up, right? 
Regardless, you sat on the uncomfortable metal bench in freezing weather, and you were about to text him, when…
You realized you didn’t have his phone number. 
You weren’t going to go home, however. Determined Y/N was planning to wait for as long as it would take. You trusted Felix.
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Forty minutes now. You had been playing some mobile games, looking out at the bustling street in front of you. During the winter season, the sun set earlier, so it was already dark and it definitely wasn’t safe for you to be alone. However, you were determined that Felix would arrive soon.
Five more minutes was what you told yourself as you stared out into the empty road, now barren of cars as the rush hour was over.
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“Lee Yongbok, where do you think you’re going?”
Felix cursed under his breath and turned to Mr. Park with a small smile. “I’m done with my shift boss, I’ll get going now.”
“Felix, it's peak season right now. If you don’t remember what I told you guys during the brief meeting, I’ll say it again. From the 12th of December to the 25th of December, all of you have your shifts extended for two hours due to the influx of customers during the Christmas season. Is that so hard to understand?” Mr. Park crossed his arms and squinted at Felix.
“Mr. Park, I’ve understood that rule. I did my two-hour extension, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going now. I have somewhere to be.” Felix tried opening the door and walking out but was pulled back by a stronger arm grabbing his.
“Nuh-uh, young man. I’m sure that whatever event you have today isn’t going to be as important as the wellbeing of Little Leaf. Now if you’ll excuse me, do get your apron and hat back on and go back to manning the counter.” Mr. Park mocked.
Felix sighed and tried one last time at changing the mind of his horrible boss. “But Mr. Park, I swear, I did my two-hour extension, you can check the roster if you-”
“Get back to work, boy. Unless you want to start a new job in 2021.”
Felix sighed and threw his bag down, walking to the staff room to retie his apron.
Later, when Mr. Park checked the roster, he would find out that Felix did do his two-hour extension, and that he never lied.
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An hour and a half, that was how long you waited. No one would ever wait for that long. No one would ever stay alone at late hours of the day, waiting for someone who probably wouldn’t even show up.
Tears stung your eyes as you sighed and stood up, huffing and smoothening your outfit out. You thought that Felix had probably stood you up. It was probably a dare, maybe he had been dared to write a generic love serviette to some desperate person who fell for his charming looks. Even then you couldn’t help but think of Felix, and tears streamed down your face as you trudged back home.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait up! Y/N, don’t leave, hear me out.” The voice you had been waiting for finally could be heard.
You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face a panting Felix. His hair was disheveled, apron still on, and his jacket was worn the wrong way round. What an entrance to a first date.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. Mr. Park honestly...he kept me for an hour more, before I convinced him to let me leave. I don’t know why, I’m so sorry. I honestly didn’t think you would be here, no one would stay that long. Please, give me another chance?” Felix took a few steps closer to you but maintained his distance. His eyes scanned yours for any response.
“I’m- I mean, it's not your fault...but you made me wait for so long. I just, I don’t know what to say. I thought you stood me up.” Your eyes watered once again.
Felix immediately waved his hands in denial and took one more step closer to you. “No, no, Y/N. I would never. I’m sorry if you thought I would ever stand you up. I should have made my way here over faster, if only I gave you my phone number. I’m so sorry-”
Your eyes suddenly widened, and you looked up. White, shimmering, pieces of ice fell upon the both of you. You stared at him in awe, mouth open wide.
It hadn’t snowed in Seoul for a long, long time. Maybe this moment was special. 
Felix smiled back at you. Amidst the white rain, he took a few steps closer to you until the both of you were so close that you could...kiss.
“Y/N. I apologize. I’m sorry for being a horrible first date. Will you forgive me?” His dark chocolate orbs glanced into yours, dragging you into a new universe.
“Yes. I’ll forgive you.” You whispered, looking at the ground.
His eyes scanned yours for any sort of consolation. He didn’t even need to ask anymore. “Y/N, can I kiss you?” He quietly asked, using his pointer finger to tilt your chin upwards.
As you nodded, he leaned in and placed his lips on yours, as the both of you stood amidst the snow. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his around your waist and the both of you deepened the kiss.
Two lone beings, coming together as one, in the midst of a snow-struck city.
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2021 © fluffi
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sticker fic:
brought to you by the sticker ficcers, @xojo​ and @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover​.
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the narrated version:
"Morning, Sunshine." Says Dean. "Some coffee?"
"SCREW YOU." Says Sam. His glorious hair is wet.
"How dare you!" Says Dean. His mouth's the O-shape of offense. He's also putting on the dead guy robe for some reason.
"BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Sam bitchfaces. In his eyes, is a glint which says, as he does - blah, blah, blah, blah. Then, he casts down his gaze. "Well, you are kinda butch."
Dean's eyes widen. His eyebrows don't rise. Instead of surprised, he looks shocked. Then he smirks, and quickly grows a stubble. With completely black eyes, he says. "I'm a demon."
Crowley appears, smirking. "Hello, boys."
"ASSBUTT." Castiel bellows. 
No one had known he was there.
"What's wrong with you?" Says Crowley, after quickly growing a stubble as well.
Castiel folds his arms. It makes the trenchcoat look fitted. You know, like a liar.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks, tucking his hair behind his ear at supersonic speed. No one knows when it happened. But he's Sam Fucking Winchester, so they know it did.
"I don't know!" Dean scratches his ear. He does not know the question was for Castiel. He makes his eyes as sad as they can be - and they can be impressively sad. One eyebrow strays up, floating on a cloud of misery. "I never was."
Sam looks alarmed in a V-neck. 
This is important information. Absolutely integral.
"Cat's out." Says Cas. He's rude, because his lips do a rude thing. And because of what he said. His eyes mock tragedy.
"Shut your face." Dean points. Pointing is rude. He does it anyway. While he does it, Sam grows bangs. "Oh god."
He lies down on the floor.
"Don't say that to me." Says Sam, with dimples of depression. He buries his face in his hands. Must feel pretty, the author conjectures.
"Come on." Dean says. He's frowning, and on a park bench. He looks closer with concentration and develops a double chin. Then he gels his hair really quickly and adds. "You look like a baby."
"SCREW YOU." Says Sam. His hair is wetter. His head is wet as well. Then he dries it with a whoosh no one notices, and looks away in disdain. He is in an open collared shirt. The author hopes you take note of these plot points carefully.
Dean shrieks.
Dean cries at a mirror.
Dean scowls, unimpressed. Ironically, his scowl is impressive. Moreover, it deages him.
Cas shrieks too. His eyes scream horrifiedness. His nostrils flare. You could see his molars, if you tried. The author tries.
Dean looks at a corner. "I don't even care anymore."
Charlie pokes her head out of a yellow car. Not enough is visible to be ugly, but readers are advised to assume it's ugly. "What's up bitches?" She's wearing a seatbelt. Gays are awesome.
"Kind of in the middle of something." Says Dean. His forehead has creases which have no right being pretty. They're pretty.
"I know. I was surprised too." Says Cas.
No one knows what he means.
Sam, suddenly lit in a green light, shows that he doesn't know what he means. He doesn't wait for an explanation, and raises his hand. "That's enough, uh yeah, thanks."
Sam is rude, beautifully.
The author is very helpful with pointing out plot points, as ever.
"You done?" Says Claire and her french braid.
Chuck is there now. He has an extremely white mug. It could have coffee inside. It could also have poison. The author does not identify as a journalist, and is not required to be unbiased.
"Do you have any bacon?" Says Chuck. He has curls. They hide the evil under.
"No." Jack says, blank faced for some reason. "You back off. Old man."
"Back off." Says Sam, in a slightly greater font size. One (1) lock of hair strays from his perfect mane, and falls on his face. It's still perfect, the author assures. Then Sam quickly gets shot, and his forehead pierced with metal rods. It's clearly for the vibe. Because Sam says, "I will destroy you." He does not say it periodlessly.
"Yeah. That's right." Says Jack. He pouts, because he's right. He can, because he's Jack.
Sam looks proud of him with a spotted blue tie and shiny, conditioned hair.
The author loves him very much.
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part two, if you're the kind of person who wants it:
Rowena purses her lips, ending up with dimples of discontent.
"Balls!" Bobby cries out. Then he takes off his cap for some reason before adding, "Were you ever nice?"
"Shut up!" Dean yells over his shoulder. He fixes her with an offended stare - as if not shutting up would be offensive on her part.
"I hate to interrupt." Says Rowena, interrupting. "What the hell is this?" She looks appalled. Perhaps she's realized she just interrupted.
He's excellent at delivering backhanded insults like that. The author is proud of his newfound subtlety.
"Gun. Mouth. Now." Dean simply reaffirms Bobby's accusation - because he's awesome like that. "Shut your face." He also says, pointing at them all, to further illustrate his paternal figure's point.
Crowley plants his chin in his palm, and looks at the floor with an unreadable (the author swears she tried) glint in his eyes. "Kill me." Perhaps they're tears.
"Oh, they don't miss me." Cas lets out, matter-of-factly, as he sips from his teacup of coffee.
"I think this was just a minor misunderstanding." Sam steps in, and brings puppy bangs with him to solidify his statement.
The author tries and fails to survive staring at them.
Dean clicks his tongue, and manages to resemble a squirrel to a T. Or an S. Everyone's entitled to spell words differently, English is a weird language.
Sam looks at Dean, irritated. "Make it stop." He grits out, clenching his jaw. He's replaced the bangs with sideburns. They have more potential to seem irritated.
"Maybe." Cas pouts, inexplicably.
"What?" Dean sounds positively aghast - but it's toned down from the years of practise from being in the poetic kind of love with the only angel in the world for him - and thus, only shows up in his eyes.
"You don't understand." Cas picks up a salesboy by his collar. He's so whimsical, the author completely gets why Dean's head over heels for him. Cas keeps everyone - especially salesboys who don't get him pie - on their toes.
"You look like a baby." Dean informs him, all laugh-lines and dimples. "Okay, all right." He says next, gruff, trying to smoothen out the curve of seeming like a goner for Cas.
Cas shoots him a discouraging look. "Ouch." He bites his bottom lip, and closes his eyes - and everyone in a seven mile radius ends up pregnant.
True story.
Also, Narendra Modi shows up, namaste-ing the phenomena that is Cas.
"Shhhhit!" Cas squints. He knows a thing or two about horrible, prejudiced political leaders, from an alternate universe Cas's experiences.
"Oh god." Sam adds, regrowing bangs really quickly.
Modi whispers into his phone, eyes trepidly on everyone in the room, and a hand covering his mouth.
Dean stares, unimpressed. Or so it seems until he says, "You gotta teach me how to do that."
Modi shoots the universal gesture for OK at him.
"I will stab you in your face." Dean declares, with parted hair and an office tie. "I'm gonna get my gun." Now he's got sleep-floofed hair and the dead guy robe. Threatening Dean Winchester sure is impressive like that.
(Maybe he'd wanted to learn right away, and took Modi's OK as dismissal.)
"Maybe you could be a little less... Lord-ly?" Sam cuts in, with his best lawyer impression. Nobody's sure who it's directed to - Dean, the Indian PM, Cas even? - but it doesn't matter because his eyebrows curve like parentheses of reasonability, hair tucked completely behind his ears - and everyone listens to this Sam.
"OKAY." Dean mumbles, sticking a needle in a doll. Or so, the author assumes he's doing.
Sam stares at him blankly for a beat, and then sighs into a smile. His hair's now long enough to curl magnificently at his neck. "You're too precious for the world." He strangles out, basically choking on the sentiment as he grabs Dean, and smushes him into a hug.
Cas smirks, smug.
"Oh, you." Sam pulls back enough to suddenly be in a maroon cardigan as he gazes at his brother through spectacled eyes of adoration.
Dean pulls him in then, bringing Sam down to his height - and Sam's hair escapes the ponytail grandly enough to fall over his face in perfect, messy locks.
The author's already weak heart stutters in her chest, and proceeds to give up entirely.
"Oh. No." Cas exclaims. Probably not for the author, but it's a sweet, borderline necromance-y coincidence. And then, unexplanably, he tilts his head and furrows his brow. "The whore."
Dean sighs, and facepalms. Sam changes into a grey button-up, and looks away into the distance.
The author daydreams too hard about being looked at like that, and loses it entirely.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 18
Summary: Love & surprises abound in Sionis’s buildings leading up to Christmas.
Arthur’s Note: After the some of the angst of At War and when they first met, as the writer it is nice returning to Gotham Lockdown 2020. This is where reader and Roman have come so far and still have a lot head of them like the grenade but that is still far off. This is nice and fluffy. I dedicate this to chapter to an amazing person and reader of my stories. Thank you for being awesome. (This is a take on your request!) lyrics from How You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra in italics at the end!
Roman rolled over in bed sighing. He had slept incredibly well after the frosting fight. You were certainly his little minx. Remembering, how your little tongue felt on his throat as you licked away some of the icing he had drawn there. He stretched, and a warm sense of contentment wash over him. Turning his head, he smiled as he saw your soft sleepy face near his on the pillow.
How had he gotten here, he mused for a moment. Dark violent, memories prickled at his mind. He could remember the people he dispatched people with Victor. He remembered the empty smiles, his cold bed. Now, everything was different. That made him happy.
Sure, he still killed from time to time, but with much more restraint. He had a solid empire in Gotham despite the silent killer that was still tormenting the world but he felt stronger about his place in the underworld of Gotham.
He went through these changes all because Victor had fucked or perhaps it had been destiny that had brought you hand cuffed to a chair downstairs. He could still recall how that beautiful wrap dress laid on your body.
Smiling, reaching up he brushed some hair from your cheek. He bit back a chuckle so as to not wake you. A smudge of green frosting laid on your cheek how had be missed that.
He sat up and carefully hung over you, bracing his hands on either side of you. He honestly couldn’t resist this. He bent down and easily licked what remained off.
“Roman?” You voice was deep and sleepy.
“Yes.” He chuckled. “I had missed a bit of frosting.”
You blinked and smiled. “I thought you had found it all.”
“I did too.” He rose an eyebrow playfully. “But, I should check. We don’t want you being sticky.”
Soon giggles filled the bedroom, the inspections turned into giggles. The two of you kissed, tickled and cuddles till you both were laying at angle across the bed.
You swallowed your breaths hard. “It’s no fair, you didn’t have as much frosting on you.” You pouted.
Roman raised himself on his elbow as he braced his cheek in his hand as he looked down at you. “I’ll have change that next time.”
“Yes you better mister.” You smiled.
“Today is very important.” He said, for first time that morning he sounded very serious.
You pressed a kiss on his upper arm. “Oh?”
“Hey that tickles. I was saying today is important. Don’t distract me with kisses.” He had tried to not smile and be serious but it wasn’t working.
“I thought that was my job as your fiancée was to distract you.”
He smirked. “Could be, I didn’t read the small print on what your job entailed.”
“Roman! You are supposed to read that! It’s crucial.” Giggling, you buried yourself into his chest.
He smiled. “I better go and read that right now.” He pretended to get out of bed and you pulled him back.
“So tell me sir, why is today important?”
“We have to put the star on the tree.”
“Oh yes! We need that up before Christmas next week.”
He nodded. “Yes! But also....” He added the silence to be mysterious. “And Victor and I are hosting a small dance part for the four of us downstairs in the club.” He loved how your eyes lit up.
“Oh Roman, that sounds amazing. I will have to get all dressed up.”
He smiled. “You better. I want to see how you were when you get dolled up for one of my meetings.”
Your eyes grew even larger. “Oh, that has been like forever.” You smiled even bigger. Your eyes glowed happily. “I remember how nervous I was. I wanted to look so good.”
“You did. I think the deal sealed since Killer Croc could not take those lizardy eyes off you.”
“Well,” you said filled with a smug air. “There is no one like me in the sewers.”
“No there certainly is not.” He bent down and kissed you, loving how one of your fingers laid on his cheek as he kissed you.
“Baby, you should let me do it. I am alot taller afterall.” Roman chuckled.
“Oh? Are you? Right now I beg to differ.” You stood proudly on the top of the three step stool with your hands on your waist. The star under one arm.
Roman came over and was shorter but not by incredible amount. “Oh! You are so tall, what am I am to do?” He chuckled. He held a hand over his heart pretending to be in anguish.
Smiling, you climbed back down from the step stool. Once again, Roman towered over you as you stood before him. “There you are, perfect and at the wonderful height where I fell hard for you.” He kissed the top of your head.
“Here you go.” You giggled and handed him the star.
You watched as he effortlessly out the star on top.
“Is it straight?”
Grabbing the mug of hot chocolate the two of you shared, you backed up. You tilted your head from side to side. “A little over to the right.”
He moved it and rose his eyebrows.
“Now just a breath to the left.”
“And now?”
“Perfect.” Putting down the mug, you met him as he climbed down.
He wrapped his arms around you and looked up at the tree. “It looks great.”
You smiled. “It does.”
He smiled. “Want to see something special?”
You were intrigued. “Sure.”
He led you over to the where your winter coats hung and your boots. “We got to out these on for a moment.”
Holding your hand you slipped on your boots and then he did the same when you finished.
“Roman’s its so cold.” You cried as the snow swirled around you. Your one hand dug into the pocked into your coat while your free hand still held his.
“Only another moment.”
The sun had disappeared the icy air held onto the snow and blew through the air.
“Ok here we are.” He stood behind you, laying his hands on your shoulders. He pointed.
You saw the twinkling of Christmas lights twinkling through Gotham. It looked like Gotham had become its own Christmas tree with lights. Everyone, despite the lockdown had strong holiday spirit.
“This is lovely Roman.” You shivered despite warming at this sweet moment.
He pulled you close. “I will always try and make this special for you. You made feel the real magic of the season.” He whispered.
“Oh Roman.” You teared up but then you sighed and your lips met.
You were smoothening your stockings when Roman in a tux, leaned in the doorway and made you gasp. He whistled. You slipped into your shiny black heels and went over to him.
“Look at you!” You ran your hands up the black jacket. “How did you ever?”
He smiled. “I have my ways.” He looked you up and down. “As lovely as ever.”
You flushed. “I am not used to this. But it feels good.” You smiled.
“Once, we’re back where we were I am showing you off as much as I can.”
You pushed him. “I’m just me.”
“Yes, which is a knock out. Alright, let’s get this dance party started. I think Victor has brought down Doll-Face.”
“Alright! Let’s go!”
He interlaced his fingers with you. Loving, how your perfume filled the air of the elevator. An eagerness filled him.
The elevator with a ding announced its arrival at the club. He brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles. “Go on into the club, let me get us a drink so it feels like old times.”
He hung back and watched. He was happy that Victor was already there and the music was giving a good beat to the place.
Squeals, giggles and voices reached levels that the club had not heard in months. You had rounded the corner, Doll-Face and five of your closest friends were there.
Sticking back to the shadows, he went to the bar and began making the drinks for all of you. He eyed, the cheat sheet his main bartender had sent him a few nights ago. Before that he had only had known how to make his drink and yours, and made a poor version of Victor’s though thankfully the man usually drank a beer so he was easy.
There was a click of heels and he out down the Amaretto bottle because your arms were around his middle and he could barely breath in the best possible way. “You’re welcome baby.”
“Roman! I...I”
He turned to face you. “Go have fun.” He loved seeing how bright your eyes were and the wide grin across your face. “After putting up with me all these months and well this entire situation, you deserve to dance and drink with friends.”
You went up on your tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re the best.” And then you fluttered off.
He only had to remake one of the drinks before he brought them out to you and the girls. He was also proud of himself that he had not spilled any of the drinks, that tray had been heavy.
He nodded and smiled as the girls once again thanked him for doing this. He was able to fend off some enthusiastic hugs. Despite them all being tested twice, the only girl he wanted to hug was his own. But seeing all their happy faces was nice. His club had been empty for far too long.
Smoothening, his suit jacket he went over and checked on Victor. “Thanks again for doing this.” He leaned against the DJ wall.
Victor smiled. “Nothing is too good for the girls. It was a shame Doll-Face didn’t have any friends we could invite.”
Roman, looked at him. “You can’t be completely surprised.”
Victor shrugged and nodded. “That’s the price of being the best female assassin in Gotham.”
Roman nodded. “At least, she became good friends with my girl.”
“Yeah, those two they are always plotting.” Victor chuckled as he cued up the next few songs.
“And you help them sometimes.” Roman quipped.
Victor scratched the back of his head. “Only sometimes.” He smiled.
You felt as light and as bubbly as the champagne that Roman brought out later. This was so wonderful. They may have always been a pain from time to time; especially when they found out Roman was your boyfriend. Though they were all still friends and right now dancing to the music was exactly what you needed.
Clinking of heels and glasses and laughter bounced off the walls. The club had only, know your four voices these last few months. But now, with all of you dancing and having a good time. It felt for a brief moment like it had before the pandemic.
Roman, you saw and smiled had gone up to one of places where he had liked to go and watched the action. “Woo!” He called out. “Who is having a good time?”
The girls and you erupted in cheers. You even screamed up an, I love you. More squeals filled the air as he moments later, he opened a bag of confetti and it billowed and rained down on all of you.
You unpinned your hair. You were not used to the dancing or all that it entailed. It had felt like old times catching up with them about how their lockdown had been going.
Hushed gasps and smiles were around the table as you all took a moment to catch your breathes when you held out your hand that held the elegant ring gave you. After this was all over they promised to give you the engagement party to remember.
It was around three in the morning, when you finally collapsed onto the sofa. Every part of you ached but you were happy. Contently, you threw an arm over your eyes.
Hearing his footfalls you watched from under your arm as Roman came around the sofa opening his suit jacket before settling beside you, laying your legs in his lap. His hands gently rubbing your calves.
“Have a good time?” He smiled, giving you a sidelong glance.
You lowered your arm. “I am. That was amazing.”
“I’m glad. I think Doll-Face had a good time too.”
You blew some hair from your eyes. “I hope so.”
You sighed, with Roman’s aversion to germs and sometimes annoyance at how they sometimes treated you, you were really happy that he did this tonight.
“How did you manage all of this?”
He chuckled. “Being one of the most powerful man in Gotham, gives you the skills to surprise your girl and her friends for an unexpected dance party.” He smirked.
“I knew there was a reason, I loved you.” You smiled and sitting up, nestling closer you rested a hand on his shoulder.
He chuckled. “Baby?”
“Yes?” You didn’t move, you were very comfy.
You felt him shift where he sat and the soft voice of Frank Sinatra filled the penthouse. “Dance with me?”
You lifted your head and smiled. “Of course. I was hoping the last dance of the night was with you.”
Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
He held you close as Sinatra’s words swirl around the two of you.
Smiling, at you took a tiny curl of confetti that had nestled close to one of your cheeks. It was almost like a flower clinging to you.
You smelled as sweetly and as beautiful as you did when the two of you had headed downstairs.
With each word your tenderness grows
Tearin' my fear apart
And that laugh, wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
He met your eyes. “Y/N, I am still learning all this romantic stuff even after all this time.” He grimaced. “It just was never part of me till, I met you.”
“Roman!” You hugged him tight. “I wouldn’t change anything about you.”
He smiled, he was a lucky man. “That’s why you’re my girl. But this,” He twirled his finger. Something, he had used to do so often, those little things one forgets when in a lockdown. He was reminded of when he first had done it, it he could order you a drink. “this song speaks of some of the love I have for you.”
Your eyes met, your eyes twinkling in the light from the Christmas tree as you danced and continued to move as one, made him one happy man.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @corey-clown @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24
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lonely is her favorite place to be
read on ao3
“Darling, I’m in a crossword puzzle.”
Spoon in her mouth, Kara shuffles on the couch, looking over the doorway where Lena is walking in post-work. There’s a frown on her face that Kara’s already gearing up to work against, fully prepared to punch people straight to space if it means Lena’s happy and safe. There will be time for ice cream later.
But when Lena looks up from the folded newspaper clutched in her hands—that Kara’s only now noticing—it isn’t a frown per se. Kara senses bewilderment more than a volatile rise in Lena’s temper, like Lena’s suspended in some state of disbelief.
Still, Kara’s impulses scream protect, protect, protect. So she super speeds her way to their kitchen, depositing the tub of imported ice cream that Lena keeps solely for her back into the freezer; leaves the spoon by their sink.
She’s on Lena’s side in a blink. Hasty enough that Lena would’ve jumped in surprise when her chin hovers above Lena’s shoulder, if not for having gotten so used to Kara’s penchant for sudden bursts in movements within a confined space.
“What’s up? What’s wrong?” Kara asks. Her arm wraps around Lena’s waist in both a comforting touch—I’m here, I’m here—and a protective stance—I’ll protect you, always. While the other cradles Lena’s jaw, gentle fingers tipping Lena’s head up so she can meet Lena’s eyes. “Who is it? Who am I gonna punch?”
“Hi, honey,” Lena greets in lieu of an answer. It doesn’t really ease Kara’s concern, so she inches closer, nosing her way to Kara’s space for an I’ve had a long day, and I missed you kiss—her proper hello. “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just—”
Lena trails off, glancing down at the newspaper once more. Kara follows her gaze, and it’s at the end of it that she sees the paper folded in on the day’s crossword.
“I’m in a crossword puzzle,” Lena repeats; points at the set of boxes where she has filled in the letters that spell her last name in her neat print.
Kara checks the number to find the corresponding clue, her eyes skimming towards the bundle of words written just below; tries to find what it is exactly that’s penned for seven down that has her zhao so nonplussed.
It’s right under 4: cloud that is the home of comets. (Lena’s answered that, too, Kara’s noticed.)
“Seven,” she starts to read for them both. “Last name of CEO billionaire and philanthropist. Brilliant Nobel Prize winner and considered the Woman of Modern Technology. Oh, it is you, babe! That’s so cool!”
“It is,” Lena agrees, albeit much more calmer than Kara’s enthusiasm she can’t seem to share. “I suppose.”
Because there’s a tightness in her throat that she never really sees coming as she reads the clue again, pricking heat at the back of her eyes. A part of her can’t help but feel utterly foolish for getting emotional over something so mundane, though Lena can’t quite explain why she is, either.
It takes the lightest sniffle to clue Kara in on her thoughts—she can’t even bear to call it a turmoil, with how banal of a matter it just seems to be— Kara’s concerned gaze falling on her once more.
“Hey,” Kara whispers. “Seriously, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I—” Lena tries again. But she sees the frown that dawns on Kara’s face, doesn’t like that she’s the one who put it there so she settles for the truth. “I’m not sure, either.”
(And she isn’t, at all. It was a good thing. A fun, cool thing even, in Kara’s own words. So Lena doesn’t really know why she feels choked up.
But, then, maybe that’s exactly why. 
Her last name in the papers is a common occurrence; an unfortunate happenstance that comes with her family’s history. Her last name being dragged in the mud for the very same history she’s still trying to right even more so. 
But this kind of graciousness is incredibly rare, where Luthor doesn’t spell murder and genocide.
Where Luthor isn’t followed by vitriol and hate.
Where Luthor means her—a force of good in humankind that’s more than just her last name. 
And Lena isn’t used to that type of kindness. At least not from the same people who spew vicious words that ring nothing true about her at all.
Maybe, that is the why.)
Kara soothes her with gentle shushes, running a strong, steady hand all over her back. She plucks the newspaper from Lena’s grasp, chucks it on the coffee table for safekeeping before speaking softly on Lena’s ear. “Hold on to me, baby.”
She hooks an arm under Lena’s knees when she feels Lena’s arms wrap around her neck, floating them gently towards the couch; cradles Lena on her lap as she slips Lena’s heels off of her feet.
Kara lets her have that moment of reprieve, where they both sit in silence and the warmth of Kara’s touch is her only form of utterance. And it’s only when Lena pulls back and away from the crook of Kara’s neck—her safe place—does Kara open her mouth to ask. “Lena, what’s wrong?”
She touches her forehead against Lena’s once, pressing a lingering kiss on her temple. But she’s completely resolved to wait for her to speak.
“I—” Lena begins to say, albeit haltingly. She feels a little less unsteady now that she’s in Kara’s arms, though there’s still a part of her that can’t quite make sense of what she’s feeling—or wants to feel. “I suppose I just wasn’t used to it. So it caught me by complete surprise.”
“Used to what?” Kara asks, her soft tone and gentle, and admittedly a little afraid to push Lena to something more than she can handle. Not when Lena’s still in the process of undoing every single misguided notion of love and family that the Luthors have instilled in her.
“Kindness,” Lena confesses. She unlaces her fingers locked on the back of Kara’s neck, sliding a hand down until her palm is pressed against Kara’s chest, right where the heart of her emblem lies. “I know how to act, what to say, when it’s hateful words that are being thrown at me. But kindness?”
Kara gives her a watery smile then, the glimmer in her eyes telling words Lena’s heard over and over, but would never get tired of hearing, still. You’re the best person I know, and you deserve nothing but all the good things in this universe and the next.
“How about we start small,” Kara then says. She takes the hand that’s on her chest, brushing her lips against Lena’s knuckles. “Like, maybe we can send the puzzle maker a small note saying that coffee’s on us if we ever come across them.”
Lena laughs softly at that, but she does agree. “But do we know who to send the note to?”
“No, but,” answers Kara, grinning wider now, lighter, sensing that they’ve reached their threshold of heavy matters for the night. “I’m sure our friend Supergirl can ask around.”
She’s rewarded with another of Lena’s soft laughter—her favorite sound in all of the Earths, next to Lena’s heartbeat. “Oh, but darling,” Lena then says as it peters. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
The girl beneath her snorts, rolling her eyes playfully. “I’m sure she can be convinced.”
“Would you know how?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Kara answers with a chuckle. She lifts Lena off of her lap, depositing her gently on the vacant space right next to her. The noise Lena makes in protest makes her laughter grow, but it’s still an early night and there’s dinner and ice cream they need to get to. So, she tells Lena, “I’ll go make you dinner, then draw you a bath. I think there’s still some red left from last night, too.”
“Kara, you don’t have to—”
But Kara merely cuts her off with a solid kiss, Kara’s hands cupping her cheeks to pin her right where Kara wants her to be. Then, she says, “I want to. Please, Lena, let me do these things for you?”
Lena doesn’t think she’s even capable of saying no to that.
Two days after, she steps inside her office and she’s welcomed by a brand new addition to her growing collection of framed memories on her desk. It’s the same crossword puzzle, cut out in a perfect square and looking more preserved and pristine inside its white-bordered frame.
But what makes it better is her last name spelled out in boxes in Kara’s loopy scrawl, with the rest of the puzzle left purposely unanswered. 
Like nothing else matters but Lena Luthor.
A week after, it’s Kara who’s walking in with a newspaper in hand, and a frown on her face that Lena finds curious.
“Babe, you’re in a crossword puzzle again.”
Lena looks up from the book she’s reading on, her interest clearly piqued. “Really?”
Kara nods; throws her messenger bag on the vacant space in the lone couch before taking her place right next to Lena.
“You don’t look particularly happy,” Lena observes. Her eyes narrow in suspicion, though a part of her already feels disheartened at the idea that their puzzle maker may have had a change of heart. She’s admittedly a little hesitant to ask, but she does, anyway. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”
“No, no,” Kara quickly assuages, and Lena lets out a breath of relief she hasn’t even noticed she’s held in. “It’s not bad.”
“Okay,” says Lena, growing even more confused as she watches the crease on Kara’s forehead etch deeper. “But why do you look like that one time Nia stole your last piece of potsticker?”
Kara’s head shoots up to send the other woman an accusing glare. “You know that’s a very painful memory! Why would you bring that up?”
“Because you refuse to tell me why you have,” Lena begins; leans forward to press her thumb on the creases in between Kara’s brows. “This,” she continues, rubbing on the spot until she feels it smoothen beneath the pad of her finger.
Kara kisses her in gratitude then, and yet she’s the one left in a daze when Lena pulls away. But her frown returns as she glances down on the puzzle again, as if she’s remembering something unpleasant. She turns to Lena once more, and speaks. “This puzzle maker, I don’t think I like them anymore.”
“Just read the clue to me, Kara,” Lena sighs, itching to get it over with. “I can take it.”
“I told you, it’s nothing bad,” Kara appeases, kissing Lena again.
“So then, read it, darling.”
“Fine,” Kara huffs. She flaps the paper and raises it to level with her face, opening her mouth to read the clue out loud. “Three, across. First name of beautiful CEO billionaire and philanthropist. A constant entry in the top three of the Top Ten List of the Hottest CEOs since twenty fourteen.”
Kara then lowers the paper down, huffing even more. “I know we sent them a note already, but maybe Supergirl really should pay them a visit.”
“She will not,” Lena quashes in between her amused chuckles. She flips her book to a close and slides it on the coffee table, shifting on the couch so that she can plop down on Kara’s lap in a straddle.
“I’m not gonna punch them or anything,” Kara reasons. “We’re just going to have some words. You know how much I love words. Maybe remind them a little who really is Lena Luthor’s number one fan.”
“Ah, but you see,” Lena says. Her lips twist into a coy smile. “That’s always been Kara Danvers. Are you telling me Supergirl should have a word with you instead?”
“Because,” Lena presses on, cutting Kara off before she can even come up with another witty remark. “I’d rather we fool around instead. But if you really want to fight over who my number one fan really is, who am I to stop that?”
“Words?” Kara then says; shakes her head hard that her glasses bobble on her face. “I don’t know. I suddenly can’t words.”
Lena laughs, swallows the rest of Kara’s silliness with a kiss.
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everwitch-magiks · 4 years
dance with somebody (ch. 14)
start from ch. 1 | back to ch. 13
“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Dex looks up, startled.
There’s only a handful of people who know that Dex spends most of his lunch breaks in the theatre club’s wood workshop. Ford is in on it, of course, since she literally gave him a key. Then there's Joyo, who inevitably ran into Dex within less than a week – if there's one person on the hockey team Dex had known he'd encounter all the way across campus in the art building, it's definitely Joyo. It really hadn't been much of a surprise when Joyo had stepped out of the pottery studio right opposite just as Dex was locking up the workshop. Dex had been prepared, had already made up his mind to simply tell Joyo exactly what he was up to and ask that Joyo keep it a secret. (Joyo had sworn, most dutifully, not to tell a single living soul. It had been unexpectedly sweet.)
Other than that, the only people who know are the theatre kids themselves, who have graciously granted Dex the use of a corner of their workshop in exchange for his advice on the construction of a few of their more elaborate set pieces. Which is why Dex is more than a little bit surprised to find Whiskey standing before him, out of breath in a way that suggests he’s just run all the way across campus.
“How did you know I was here?” Dex can’t help but wonder.
“Ford,” Whiskey says, and suddenly Dex feels silly for asking. Of course Ford would tell Whiskey, if Whiskey needed to know. There’s probably more sacred pacts between Whiskey and Tango and Ford than between all the other team members put together. “This is kind of important, and she… Wait. What’re you doing?”
Dex looks down at his work for a moment, contemplating his answer. He’s actually gotten pretty far. The red oak boards he’s using for the surface of the table are glued together, and he’s currently in the process of using a hand plane to smoothen it out before he can move on to sanding. Still, there’s actually nothing that gives away what it is that Dex is making, exactly, which is presently to his advantage. He's always intended to tell as few people as possible, just in case.
“I’m using a hand plane to even out the surface of this red oak,” Dex settles on.
Whiskey looks down at the tool in Dex’s hands. He blinks, once. Then he shakes his head a little.
“Sure,” he says, and looks up to face Dex again. “D’you have a second? I’ve kind of got… This thing.”
“Of course.” Dex puts down his things and leans back against his work bench. “What’s up?”
Whiskey, who has obviously gone to great lengths to speak to Dex as soon as he possibly could, hesitates.
Dex raises both eyebrows, a little curiously.
Whiskey clears his throat.
“There’s this guy,” he says, the words coming out in a rush.
“Oh,” Dex says. He feels pleasantly surprised. "That's… That's great, Whiskey."
It’s been so long since their pivotal conversation out on the porch, during the first kegster of the fall, that Dex has started to Whiskey might never bring this up again. Apparently, he was wrong.
Whiskey sighs, running a hand through his hair. He isn't not smiling, but it's a near thing.
“Honestly? I'm not actually sure.”
"Okay," Dex says slowly. He's far from certain of how he's supposed to navigate this. Especially since Whiskey doesn't seem at all inclined to take the lead. "D'you wanna… What's he like?"
That makes Whiskey look away briefly, possibly in an attempt to hide the way his expression softens.
"He's, um. He's kind of amazing. Completely out of my league. I've got no idea why he keeps wanting to spend so much time with me."
Dex smiles.
"It sounds like he likes you, too?"
"I guess," Whiskey says carefully. "On some level, at least. We, um. We've been studying together, and also… Not studying together. Lately, it's kind of been more of the latter."
"Right." Dex tries not to grin too widely. "Good for you, man."
Whiskey cheeks turn a little pink. It's completely out of character and strangely endearing.
"Well, anyway," Whiskey says quickly, with a sudden willingness to move the conversation forward. "The thing is, I'm not out. And he is. And I really want something that's more than whatever we're doing right now, but it's not like I could ask him to go back in the closet. So I'm just not sure what to do."
"... Huh." Dex ponders that for a moment. "And you're not planning on coming out?"
"No," Whiskey says, very firmly. "I'm not going to. That's not an option, here."
"Alright," Dex agrees gently. "That's completely okay, Whiskey. I'm just trying to get the full picture."
"I know that," Whiskey says quickly. "It's just, I've been thinking about that a lot, myself. I'd be asking so much less from him if I at least thought I might come out at some point, maybe in a few years or something. But I'm just not going to do that."
"Right." Dex nods, smiling. "Years, huh?"
Whiskey frowns, a little defensively.
"That's completely okay," Dex repeats firmly. "What I mean is, you're clearly thinking about this guy in a very long-term sense. He must be someone pretty special."
Whiskey looks away abruptly.
"I know. I'm being so stupid," he says quietly. "He probably thinks of this as just a bit of fun, or whatever. And even if he doesn't, a lot of relationships don't actually last past college. I know that. It's just, I tend to consider any important decision in a very long-term sense, and I do really like this guy a lot. A lot, a lot. So much that I could definitely see myself with him years down the line. Even if that does make me a presumptuous fucking idiot."
Dex takes a moment to ponder that. Suddenly, he's almost tempted to tell Whiskey the true purpose of the unfinished wooden table next to them. He wonders how Whiskey might react, if he did. It's not something he's ever considered before – he's been too busy wondering what Nursey will think of it, once he eventually gets to see it.
It's the question that's been occupying both Dex's waking thoughts and his dreams, lately, whether or not Nursey will actually say yes.
"I don't think you're being stupid," Dex tells Whiskey softly. He traces his fingertips across the surface of the red oak. "It's not necessarily a bad thing to know exactly what you want from someone. I think the really important thing is going to be how you tell him."
Whiskey raises both eyebrows. He looks incredulous.
"You think I should tell him?"
"Well, yes." Dex smiles. "If you want to be with this guy, then he's going to need to know where you're at, here. He's not going to magically read your mind."
"But I can't just…" Whiskey begins, before faltering. "I mean. If I come on that strong, and that's not how he feels… Then what?"
"Well." Dex thinks for a moment. "You might not want to lead with the bit about years down the line. But I don't think you should necessarily leave it out. He might not have considered any of that just yet, for sure, but there's a major difference between asking him how he feels about it as opposed to just letting him know it's something you could see in your future."
"I guess." Whiskey sighs. "We might not even get to that point in the conversation. If he isn't okay with having a relationship behind closed doors, it's game over. And I sort of doubt that's anything he's ever dreamed of."
Dex hums. "Has he said something like that?"
Whiskey thinks for a second.
"Not exactly. But I can't imagine he came out because he's a big fan of hiding."
"Right," Dex agrees. "But I guess you've been meeting up pretty discreetly so far? For your, what was it…. Non-studying sessions."
"We do actually study, sometimes," Whiskey says quickly, his cheeks turning distinctly pink again – under different circumstances, Dex thinks privately, he'd have charged a major fine right there. "We have a class together and everything."
"Oh, let me guess," Dex chirps, grinning. "Anatomy of the human body. Project partners. In-depth study."
"Oh, for fucks sake. No." Whiskey rolls his eyes. "We've been kissing non-stop, if you must know. But nothing more. Not yet, anyway."
For a second, Dex mentally kicks himself for teasing Whiskey to a point where he felt obligated to share something so private. Except, there's a change in Whiskey's expression after he's said it. He catches Dex's eyes, a small smile playing over his lips, almost like he's waiting for Dex's reaction. And that's when Dex remembers – Whiskey doesn't actually get to do this, like, ever. He never shares in their jokes about being a disaster bi or too gay to function, never comments on whether Chris Evans is hotter than Chris Pratt or which one of them he'd rather fuck or marry. To Whiskey, boy talk is a rarity, a luxury he seldom allows himself to enjoy.
Suddenly, Dex wonders if he ought to have teased Whiskey more.
"Sounds like plenty of fun to me," Dex settles on, offering Whiskey a grin. "For what it's worth, it sounds like this guy is more than a little bit into you."
"God, I hope you're right." Whiskey runs a hand through his hair, almost absently. He's still smiling. "If him and I could actually work out, that’d be… I don't know. Almost too perfect.”
"Talk to him," Dex encourages readily. "And let me know how it goes."
"Yeah. Okay." Whiskey exhales. "Now I just need to come up with a decent plan."
Dex barely resists rolling his eyes. Of course Whiskey would require a solid strategy, before attempting a high-risk play like this.
"I'm sure you'll come up with something great. You already know this guy fairly well, right?"
"For sure, yeah, I… Wait." Whiskey snaps his fingers. "Yes. You're right."
Dex raises a curious eyebrow.
"So," Whiskey continues quickly. "On a not unrelated note... Is there any chance I could borrow your truck, sometime? Maybe this Sunday?"
"Of course," Dex promises. "Whatever you need. I'm rooting for you guys."
"Thank you." Whiskey smiles again, and there's a weight to his words that probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with Dex's truck, specifically. "Dex, thank you so much. Truly."
Dex returns his smile. He wonders, not for the first time, who the fuck he should offer his dibs to now that Whiskey already lives in the Haus.
"Anytime. And good luck."
ch. 15
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aleksadnezz · 3 years
Sweet Night 2
Jae x Reader
 It is Saturday and I don't have errands today but I don't want to waste this day by just laying on my bed and watch sum tv shows because that's what I always do (after my shift or when I don't have work). I decided to take a shower and wear a white shirt, jeans and one out of my three pair of shoes cuz I’m broke af. I put sum random stuff into my tote bag just in case cuz I still have no idea where I wanted to go. I head out my room and locked it. I glance over to the room across mine, I wonder when he will return my charger.. I’m just kidding. I wonder if he’s alright, I mean if he seems okay living alone and streaming all day? or all night not leaving his apartment. I’m just a concern co-tenant that’s all.
 I walked and walked and walked until I reached to the bus station. I didn’t wait that long for the bus to arrive, I hopped in thankfully there’s not much people at this hour. It’s only 10AM and I still have lots of time to waste. Since this bus is heading to the center of the city, where most people go cuz there are a lot of shopping malls and attractions I’ll stay there and let where it will lead me.
 When we reached the bus station, I immediately got off the bus and casually walked on the street. There are lots of stores in the area that I’m in, there are sum bookstores, clothing stores and cafés. I don’t usually go outside like this but when I do, I only go to market to buy groceries so it feels new to me to go out alone in a different place. What I like about living here is that people don’t actually care about others, it doesn’t matter to them whatever you do in public as long as it’s not harmful.
 I entered to sum clothing stores just to checked their prices and left right away. Damn. Why does clothes have to be that expensive, I can already buy five thrift items for that price. I went to a bookstore and bought one book. It’s a self-help book, though I don’t actually read but I want to give it a shot, this might be a new hobby for me so. I also went to Daiso which I think is now my favorite place, they sell random stuff and cute stuff which I ended up buying more than 5 items.
 Going to stores surprisingly took me 3 hours it’s already lunch time so I went to a café that also sells meals. The ambiance of the place is so calm and expensive, and there’s not much people inside which what I like. I ordered iced matcha and sum carbonara. After I eat, I headed back home cuz I might end up spending all my recent salary in just one day cuz that’s possible to happen. Knowing myself I’m a big spender but try to manage that since I’m now earning and paying my own bills.
 On the way home I didn’t saw the strange old man, thankfully. I’m tired and can’t deal with him right now. I put down all my bags on the floor, got change and lay on my bed. I was busy scrolling through my phone when I heard a knocked on my door so I stood up and walked over my door. My eyes grew bigger when I saw who knocked. It was my neighbor, Jae. He’s wearing sum navy long sleeve button down polo and jeans, way different from what he always wears except only his slides.
 “Hi Jae.” I greeted.
 “Hello y/n. Do you have time?”
 “Yeah why?”
 “Um I know we don’t know each other that much but can you help me?”
 “Well, I guess what is it?” I honestly don’t have an idea what help he is asking. I don’t know he might ask me to help him move furnitures or carry huge boxes or even buy him food outside the building or sumthin.
 “I’m sorry if it’s so sudden, you’re the only person that can help me about this, can you do makeup on me?” Eh? that’s all? I really though he’ll make me carry boxes. When I looked at him, he’s scratching his forehead. I think he’s embarrassed. So cut-I don’t to make things complicated for him so I I’ll put my curiosity behind.
 “Yeah, of course.”
 “I already bought makeup earlier so you don’t have to worry.” I nodded and bite my lip. So, I have to go to his place? Omg
 “Uhh so where do you want us to do it?” Woah that sounds so wrong. I immediately covered my mouth that made him laugh. “I-I mean am I going to your place or?” I nervously laughed. Damn. What the fuck.
 “Anywhere you’re comfortable.”
 “Okay so.. my place?” I asked him and he nodded.
 “I’ll just get the stuff” he said and entered his apartment.
 I scanned my room making sure that my place is clean. All my dirty clothes are on my basket. I have no dishes in the kitchen. My bed is a mess so I quickly smoothen the crease I made on my bed earlier. I sat on my chair and suddenly felt my heart beats fast. I just realized that it is my first time inviting a guy that I barely know, in my apartment. Not that I trust easily, it just my gut feeling telling me that he’s a nice person.
 I heard a knocked so I stood up and opened the door.
 “Hello again” He smiled and extend his hand carrying a paper bag. I took it and oh boy it’s heavy.
“Have a seat.” I offered him to seat on my small dining table cuz I don’t have a couch in my apartment. I sat on the other chair across to him. I took out all the makeup inside the bag and lay it on the table. I think he bought every item that’s in the store, there are more than 10 products inside the bag.
 “Okay..” I looked at him and he fixed his posture and looked straight at my face. Woah. I never felt more shy in my life.
 “I already have moisturizer on.” He spoke. How come he can read my mind? Besides from being a streamer is he a mind reader too?
 “Do you think that’s enough cuz I don’t know what I bought.” He pointed the bag.
 “it’s.. a lot.”
 “I asked for assistance and the lady there suggested those.” I laughed. Poor boy.
 “I think she tricked you from buying everything.”  
 “Happy to help.” He said.
“Great. Okay I’ll put foundation on your face first.” I opened the bottle and put sum at the back of my hand. When I said that he bought every single item in the store, I mean it. He even has the complete set of brushes.
 I can see that he’s still staring at my face while I put foundation on his face. He’s prolly counting my acne and dark spots. I’m too shy to tell him not to look directly at me so I just asked him to unbox the products.
 “Can I ask?” I spoke.
 “Sure.” He answered while he’s busy unboxing each item.
 “Why am I the person you reached out for this?” I raised the foundation and brush, referring to the makeup.
 “Most of my friends are men I bet they don’t know anything about this and I think you’re the only woman that can help me plus you lived across  so..” I laughed when he said the last part.
 “What is this for? If you don’t mind me asking” There, I said it. I’m just curious why he wants me to his makeup at 3pm. Not sus at all.
 “A-ahh I have an event.. yeah an event I need to attend to”
 “Hmm. Is it like the streamercon thing?”
 “Y-yeah something like that.”
 “By the way what time is the event?”
 “Probably at 6 but I have to leave at 5.”
 “Alright I’ll just make it natural.” He nodded and stared at me again.
 “Do you play games?” He suddenly asked.
 “No and I will never.” He laughed.
 “I don’t know, I just don’t like playing and It looks complicated”
 “Maybe at first but once you started playing, you’ll get used to it.”
 “Still not convince.”
 “How about hobbies? What do you do?” I stop what I’m doing and looked up as if that I’m thinking. He looked at me intently, waiting for me to answer.
 “Nothing.” I said and continue doing his face.
 “What? Really?” He said surprisingly.
 “Yeah, I don’t really have a hobby.”
 “How about that painting?” He pointed something on my back so I looked back to see. It was my painting on top of my drawer, I hid it behind my picture frame cuz I have a nowhere to hide it.
 “That was years ago. I don’t paint anymore.” No story behind it. I just stop doing it. Besides I got busy from working.
 “Why though? That honestly looks really cool.”
 “Really?”  He nodded. “Thank you.”
 “Alright.. down to the last part.” I finished doing his face and I didn’t put a lot of makeup since he already has great skin. I just put concealer under his eyes and brought colors back to his face. I grabbed the peach lipstick and twisted it open. Still laughing in my mind cuz the sale’s lady prolly made him buy 4 lipsticks.
 Now it’s my turn to look at him. I’ve been avoiding his gaze while we’re talking, trying to focus on what I’m doing. I don’t want to make it awkward for the both of us so I’ll just make it fast.
 “Just stay still okay.” He nodded while looking anywhere but me.
 I don’t know where to put my other hand so I let it rest on my lap while the other one is holding the lipstick. I raised my hand and before the tip of the lipstick even touch his lips, he grabs my wrist.
 “Nervous.” He said, still not looking at me. I’ve seen guys afraid of having lipstick on them which I don’t understand why but I don’t question it either.
 “Is that necessary?” He added.
 “Not really but for you, yes. You’re quite pale, I don’t want you to look dead.” He slightly laughed and softly released my wrist from his hand.
 “Am I that pale?” I nodded.
 “Alright then.”
 “Do you want to?” Asking him is he wanted to put it on himself.
 “No, it’s my first time I might mess it up. I’ll just let you do it.” Woah.  I feel honored.
 “Okay hold still.” I leaned my hand on his face but I can see him leaning backwards.
 “Don’t lean!” He laughed.
 “Alright.. sorry.”
 I hold his shoulder using my other hand and raised the other to glide the tip of the lipstick on his soft lookin lips. I saw him shut his eyes and I find myself smiling cuz I think he looks like a cute little kid. I didn’t realize that the application was taking too long until he slowly opened his eyes. My smile slowly fades while my hands still attached to him, creating connection between us. Our eyes locked into each other for a solid 4 seconds until his eyes slowly landed on my lips-sxsnpRYrccxSWwhhelp
 “W-woah.. m-my makeup is a masterpiece.” I said and quickly moves away. I grab a palette with a compact mirror and hand it to him. He took it and scanned his face. I can feel my cheeks heating up.
 “Masterpiece…” He said and turned to me smiling.
 “Thank you so much y/n for helping me. I owe you.” Thankfully I’m not that dumb enough so I heard it right.
 “No worries Jae. Happy to help.” I said mocking him about the sale’s lady situation. He laughed.
 “No really. I can’t thank you enough.” His phone rings, he looked on it and put it in his pocket. “Also.. can you please keep the bag for me?” I nodded.  We stood up and walked over the door.
 “Thank you again y/n I’ll see you… sometime. I’ll definitely make it up to you.”
“Don’t bother. It’s alright.”
 “I insist.” He looked at me intently. It’s like there’s sum energy from his eyes or maybe it just him that made me agree to everything that he says. I think I need to go to hospital. There’s something wrong about here or there’s something wrong about me…
 “Alright. Alright.” I slightly raised both my hands, showing him that I surrender.
 “Good. See you then. Bye y/n” He smiled. What the fuck
 “Bye Jae.” I smiled back. I waited him to leave before I hardly shut my door. I leaned on the back of my door, thinking about what just happened today. There’s nothing wrong about me. It’s him. He’s the problem. The way he looked at me. The way he smiles. The way he laughs. Gosh.
 I’ve seen this in films before and I’m now living on it.
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Spidey Senses (pt. 1)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You have a big secret about your life, and so might your crush.
Word Count: 2253
Chapter 2
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You woke up, looking around at the apartment to yourself, and got ready for school. You made yourself some scrambled eggs; they were quick enough to make. You ate and cleaned up, not that anyone was expecting you to. You went to the bathroom, looking at yourself one last time. You frowned, but smoothened out your shirt.
Peter liked this shirt. He once told you that at lunch, when you brought him cookies made cookies for him and Ned. It was a Bowsette shirt, and this time instead of wearing it lose you tucked it in. Maybe he'd like that? Not that it was doing much for your body. You did read somewhere that having confident vibes was attractive, so maybe you just needed to act confident, and he'd notice that you wore the shirt he likes? It was stupid, but you were doing it anyways.
You locked up your apartment and walked to Peter's nicer apartment complex, where you sat down on the untagged steps outside. A few minutes later Peter came rushing out with a piece of toast in his mouth. You turned and smiled, perking up.
"Morning Peter." You chirped. No matter how bad you could feel sometimes, you couldn't help but have the best of attitudes around Peter.
"Morning." He said, voice muffled. He took a bite and ripped off a piece of toast, silently giving it to you. You took it and ate with him. "So I just got a text from Ned, and we have to pair up in biology for a project on the genetics of different forms of life."
He sounded pepped up, and so were you. You loved doing projects. It was a stress reliever from working at nights, and you got to spend some time after school with Peter. To you, projects were amazing. "So, who're you gonna pick for your partner?" You teased.
"Of course only the one person I know who can keep up with me." He nudged you, and you giggled. "I wish Liz was in that class. She's really smart."
Then there was that. Peter's crush on Liz. Though it made you feel terrible about yourself, you couldn't help but constantly compare yourself to Liz. She was so much prettier than you, smarter, actually popular. Not that you really cared about popularity, but it seemed like everyone adored her, Peter included. You didn't dislike her, you just wished you could be more like her. But if she's what makes Peter happy, then you would try to be the most supportive friend you could be.
"I bet you do." You did your best to smile. "Are we still on for joining the Mathletes?"
"I don't know. What if I get too nervous around Liz and start messing everything up? Then I'll look like an idiot."
"First of all, never call yourself an idiot. You're a genius, own it. Second, me and Ned are gonna join with you. We'll have your back Peter. We'll all have some fun, and you'll get to spend more time with her. We'll be in the back for support if you need us."
He nodded and put an arm around you, squeezing your shoulders as he side hugged you. "Thanks y/n. I can always count on you and Ned to be really awesome friends."
Though it took a blow to your feelings and self esteem, all you responded with was "Of course." as you walked into school and met up with Ned.
Sometimes, keeping things to yourself was just the better option. There were two things you kept from Peter. One, you were completely and undoubtedly in love with him. Only Ned knew about this, since he's just as close to you as Peter is. Two, the day you went to the Stark museum field trip and got bit by that spider changed your life forever.
As the day went on, so did your anxiousness. It was good this time; you didn't have work today at Delmar's Deli-Grocery, meaning it was time to suit up. Queens always needed help, and you were happy to do it. So was this other guy with similar abilities, but you never met him, so you didn't worry about it.
Mathletes went pretty much as expected. Peter was adorably awkward around Liz, but a genius none the less. You actually had some fun with Ned, goofing off as well as being able to get some work done. Peter would come back to you two every now and then to give updates. "You okay?" Ned quietly asked.
"Yeah, I'm good." You rested your chin on your hand and leaned over. "What about you? Like anybody right now?"
He gave you a goofy smile. "Nobody specific, but I'm hoping being in the Mathletes will show girls how smart I am."
You gave him a toothy grin in return. "I'm sure they will. Girls who are worth your time are suckers for nerds." Ned nodded his head eagerly in response.
Peter caught a glimpse of your conversation with Ned about girls liking nerds, and it sounded like a really tempting topic to over and listen about, but he had to focus on Liz. Giving her his main attention will show her that this is just as important to him as it is to her.
When Mathletes was over, Peter went over to you and an excited Ned, trying to ignore that nagging left out feeling he was having. "What'd I miss?"
"Y/n's gonna paint the Millennium Falcon and Death Star on my walls!" Ned said excitedly.
"Woah, really?"
You shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, it's not a big deal. I like painting, and it's not like my landlord would let me do it on my own walls. His parents are gonna take me to buy the paints and pay me for doing it too, so it's really just me getting all the benefits."
"It's gonna happen next week, so we should have a marathon over the weekend." Ned proposed.
"I love that idea!" Peter said, getting pumped up and excited in a very cute way he does. "We should do it at your house!" He said to you.
"I'm so down!" You excitedly said. "But right now I have homework to do, so let's walk home."
Ned said his goodbyes as he got picked up. You and Peter walked home together talking about Star Wars and how he would love it if you painted for him sometime. You promised him you would and said your goodbyes, watching him walk up his apartment complex steps and disappearing. You then quickly ran home to put on your super suit and head out.
Meanwhile, Peter came home to see Mr. Tony Stark in his very own living room. "Aunt May, I'm ho–"
The two heads turned to see the suddenly out of breath teen. "Oh, hey! Mr. Stark was just telling me how you got accepted." Aunt May smiled.
"W...wha–how–um, hi." He breathed out.
Tony smiled effortlessly as he got up. "I was just talking to your Aunt May over here about your acceptance for your application into the Stark internship." He winked. "Can we talk privately in your room?"
"Ye...uh, sure. Course." They both went into his room and Tony closed the door, looking around the room.
"So your aunt seems nice." Tony said nonchalantly. "Really doesn't look like an aunt."
"Um, why are you here Mr. Stark? I never filled out an–"
"She's cute." He picked up a framed picture of you and Peter, you hugging him while you both smiled. Tony instantly recognized you as the other person he was going to recruit.
"Y–uh, I guess." The question was very flustering for Peter.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"Woah! No, we're just friends. There's actually this other girl–"
Tony set the picture down and went on to his phone. "Okay, I'm bored with this story now." He then pulled up a video of a disguised man stop a car from crashing into a bus. "This you?"
"No! I don't know who that is."
"Yeah?" He looked up and got the broom that was against the wall, pushing one of the air vents out of the way and watching Peter's suit fall while tied to a rope. "Tell anybody about your powers?"
"No! Not even Aunt May, I promise. It's been a secret since I got them."
Tony nodded. "I'll cut to the point. I need you to come with me to Berlin. There's something you can help me with. Think of it as a mission. Are you up for it?" Peter only nodded his head. "Good, we got one more stop to make."
You got home to your apartment after stopping a robbery at a fast food restaurant. You took a shower and finished your homework fairly quickly. After backing some double brownie cookies for the weekend, you started pencil drawing to pass the time. That's when you heard a knock at the door. Your hair was still a bit damp as you curiously got up and answered the door. In front of your very eyes was the infamous Tony Stark.
"Woah." Was the first thing to drop out of your mouth. You wanted to slap yourself. You quietly said, "Hello."
You stuck out your hand for a hand shake, trying to make it as firm as you could while feeling nervous around the celebrity. As he shook it, you swallowed your nervousness down and remembered that everyone has flaws and he's just a regular person.
"Hi, can I come in?" You forced a smile and nodded, stepping aside as he came in and walked around your house. In all honesty, it was kind of making you uncomfortable how much observing he was doing. He noticed the same picture Peter had was hanged up on your wall. "Is this your boyfriend?"
You nervously laughed at the thought of that fantasy. "I wish." You blurted out. He raised his eyebrows and looked at you, feeling that this was going to be fun to tease about over this mission. "But I've been friend zoned, so yeah." You quickly said. "Anyways, would you like something to eat or drink?"
"Got any sweets or something? I am kind of hungry." He didn't look at you and kept wandering around your apartment. You silently nodded and took out the container of cookies you just put in the cupboard. You made those for the Star Wars binge, but if you had to sacrifice some for Tony Stark, so be it. You opened it from the kitchen counter, and he took one while inspecting your kitchen. "Oh wow. These are good. Make them yourself?"
"Yeah actually. Thanks." He opened your finance drawer with your bills, newspaper coupons and food stamps. You quickly closed it. "Um, please don't look at that!"
He looked you in the eye for a second before nodding and looking at another picture of Peter and you, this time with you trying to cover your face from the selfie. "So, I've read your personal file."
He was so straight forward that you didn't know how to react. "Oh. Are you even allowed to do that?"
"I'm allowed to bend the rules a bit sometimes." You huffed in response. Rich people. "Emancipated at 15. That's a lot."
"Yeah, I guess. I'd like to think I've adjusted well." You put on a smile again.
He leaned against the kitchen counter. "You miss your mom?"
"Um, she needed to learn how to take care of herself before she could take care of anybody else. I'm okay with that." You rocked on your heals.
"That's very mature of you, but you didn't answer my question."
You really didn't know why you felt so open with him. Maybe it was all that internet stalking. Damn. But you weren't about to spill out your life to this man and scare him off. No matter how well you felt like you kind of knew him. "Mm, it's complicated."
"And what about your dad?"
You truthfully never really think about him. "What about him?"
"You don't want to meet him? Know anything about him?"
You let out a laugh. "The only thing I want to know about him is his address, so I could file for some child support."
Tony smirked, deciding that he liked you. "Can you even file for yourself."
You sighed. "Probably not. Sometimes the government can suck."
He nodded his head, his eyes averting to your room. Shit. "What're those?"
"Oh, um, you don't need to see that!" He walked a lot faster than you and went into your room. You silently cursed your small legs. "Wow. These are a lot of drawings. And there's a lot of Thor. Do we have a little crush on a certain God?"
"Maybe!" You blurted out, much to Tony's amusement.
There was a small desk over a bulletin board full of your drawings. You got the desk when you saw pieces of wood being thrown out of a Home Depot because of chips and scratches, and you volunteered to take it off their hands. You built it yourself, wobbly and uneven, and painted some of it with the paints Aunt May got you. It made you look like the help, but it was nothing compared to the drawings you had of the superheroes.
"So what if I do? I know a ton of people who have fake crushes on you!"
"And you're not one of them?" He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Should I be offended?"
You smiled, genuinely smiled, and shook your head. "People have fake crushes on unrealistically perfect people. Thor, Thor is unrealistically perfect. You have a ton of flaws but are essentially a good person at heart... With all respect."
"What makes you think I'm not just perfect?" He was truthfully interested in hearing your take on this.
"Because it takes a person with anxiety to know a person with anxiety." Tony uncomfortably shifted his weight onto his other foot.
"I've seen some bad stuff too, not as bad as you, but I know that memories creep up when things get too much to handle. You have a ton of things to handle. I've seen some interviews that get to you. Some things that people say. The rude reporters. Even though a lot of people say bad things about you, your company, and even your family, you still have it in you to fight for everyone. That's amazing. You're not unrealistically perfect, but you are realistically perfect to me."
He paused for a moment, absorbing what was said. "If you're not in love with me, then why do you take the time to know so much about me?"
"Because, while I don't think of you as the fake love of my life, I see you as someone I look up to."
"Believe me kid, you should look up to someone else." He tried to joke it off.
You shrugged. "I don't have anyone else." You felt embarrassed suddenly, looking down at your desk. You then smiled again and searched through your drawings, picking up one of Tony smiling. "Just think of me as your number one fan. You can have that."
"Huh." Was all he said as he looked at it.
"What? Not used to seeing yourself smile?" You giggled. "Anyways, why are you here?"
"Oh, right." He took out his phone, showing you a video of you suited up, stopping a moving car full of robbers until the police showed up.
You sighed. "Okay, you found me. What now?"
"You're not going to try and lie for your secret identity?" Tony smiled again.
"To Ironman?" You giggled again. "No."
"Well, there's a mission in Berlin I need you and the Spiderman's assistance for."
"Is that what he calls himself?"
"Yeah. You met him?" You shook your head, and Tony knew he was going to enjoy this. "Well, you're about to. Ready Spidergirl?"
"Um, shouldn't I pack or something?"
"No need. I got you provisions and clothes for a few days. Especially considering that's probably the only kind of things you have."
You clutched your baggy shirt. "Rude, but true."
"Okay then, stay here." He then left the apartment for a bit and came back with a nice looking shirt and ripped jeans. "I don't want people thinking I found a homeless girl off the side of the street."
"You're so mean." You breathed out a laugh. "Thank you though. I'll be out in a bit." You stepped out a minute later uncomfortably. "Ready?"
"Look at you, looking like a girl." He teased.
You laughed. "Who'd have known? Let's go."
"You ready to meet the Spiderman?" Tony asked as you both stepped down from the apartment complex.
"Should I be? I don't even know who that is." He winked at you before opening the door for you. You slid in the back seat and looked at a surprised Peter dead in the eye. "Holy shit!"
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