#it's not that im embarassed to tell ppl what im into it's just that i dont know them well enough to open up about my interests
mihai-florescu · 1 year
E4E (enstarrie for enstarrie)
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jvzebel-x · 5 months
#sometimes i get really sad about my life you know? like. really sad about it lmao. for various reasons.#like it would be really cool to be normal. very often i just wish i was normal lmao.#but then i remember meeting this guy while i was homeless&he had everything that i late 20s/early 30s college grad would want#stable&well paying job in the field he actually went to college for#rented part of a banging a duplex that had a yard allowed dogs&was a five minute walk from downtown bar crawl area#had both one of my fave motorcycles-- an r6--&one of my all time dream cars-- a 6speed cts-v.#i presume a dating life from the tampons that were in his bathroom.#&yet. he was miserable from what i could tell lmao. &it was weird bc it was like he didnt realize that#until he met us lmao. i would be more annoyed by that. i was v annoyed by it at the time lmao. the amount of weird jealousy i dealt w while#fucking homeless+sick is disgusting&ill never forgive fucking anyone for it&a part of me will always be dead+rotted bc of it lmao.#but for him it was different in the way of. i could kind of understand it lmao.#he had come from a rough background from what i understand&was a success story.#&yet he clearly felt trapped in his own life. clearly felt like he was surrounded by things he should be more grateful for while none of it#filled the hole in him ppl like him are PROMISED success will fill. being apart of the status quo but on the good end will alleviate.#he had been in one accident&never rode his bike again. when i asked why he lied&told me the bike was unrideable bc he didnt know me lmao#&when i asked if there had been any damage past the obvious dent in the gas tank he got red+quiet+changed the topic.#he worked at some big bank&didnt bother trying to brag bc the one thing he DID know about me is that i am v anti bank+leftist lmao.#he considered himself a leftist too until he talked to me&realized he was actually v centrist in basically every view he had#&that centrism came from a desire to keep his privileges as a cis white straight man-- something that made him openly embarassed.#he used to deal thru college&when i met him he couldnt keep up w one round of dabs w me something that also obviously embarassed him.#he had surrounded himself w ppl just like him&was jarred upon meeting anyone outside of that bubble who wasnt a far right asshole.#&he didnt like what he saw about himself. &that was really obvious.#when we left his place after the brief week we were staying there he was literally in tears about how much he wanted to come.#to help&see where we ended up or whatever idk lmao. i guess im still actively annoyed by it lmao.#but i still get it on some level. when you reach the top&realize youre not fucking happy where do you go from there?#will a house do it? will moving to a different location for your same bullshit job do it? will meeting a girl exactly like you do it?#&when i want to be normal so bad it physically hurts i remember him&i think maybe things arent so bad lmao.#like it could be worse i guess lmao.
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pomni3sdelusions · 1 month
hot take.
lets normalize being cringe. Like actual cringe not ":3" "Silly!!" Way, bit like in every fcking way. You like smth problematic? Smth embarassing? Smth cuestionable? Who cares!! Like c'mon dude, if its not harming anyone, WHO CARES. Im so tired of seeing people change their minds just to fit in and not be judged, lemme tell u smth, its YOUR life, pal!! Like wathever you want, we dont care what it is, what if nobody but u likes it? U gotta enjoy it big, better be cringe and weird than never enjoy your own life. "but i got no one to talk abt it" THERES SURE OTHER OPEN MINDED PPL! look at me! Im here! Lets talk abt all ur interest and when i say all its ALLL. AGGHRJJAUSWWWA
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bonefall · 11 months
I’m not sure if you talked about it, but what do you think about A Thief in Thunderclan? I actually liked it, though it definitely had a few ehhh moments
Eh, honestly? Im kinda disappointed that James Barry had to go out on such a low note. I did not like it, it felt like a waste of time.
It wasn't like... offensively bad but I have very little good to say about it. It was fine. If you want to see more ThunderClan you can check it out?
(A lot of Thief in ThunderClan critique below the cut, I didn't like it much)
First of all, the mystery was just bad. I'm sorry. An owl? Swooping in at night for dead animals and leaving perfect scores in the dirt? It felt like a real "running out of ideas" type plot.
Brightheart was NOT fun to follow. She was uncomfortable for most of the story and secondhand embarassment is an emotion I really don't enjoy. Even moments that were supposed to be thought-provoking (like the Brambleclaw name confrontation) just felt like cringe because they were written so poorly.
Like, seriously? "Firestar why did you name Bramble after his father who disfigured me?" "Oh its because i uhhhh wanted to remind ppl of it so they would stop being reminded of it eventually" WHAT? That was a brainless enough choice when it was FIRST made, you can't fucking tell me any cat with a brain cell would go "wao... really makes you think... hngsociety"
I disliked the fact they decided to give Brightheart serious suspicion towards people like Longtail and Brambleclaw, I strongly disagree she would be like that. She feels so much to me like someone who would feel awful for doubting people she logically knows are innocent, and express to Cloudtail that it makes her feel like a bad person, but she CANT help it. She is such a kind, loving, and self doubting sort of cat... or, was, I guess? Or maybe it was never there at all and I'm the fool.
On that note? Her character arc was a mess. As much as I hate Shadow in RiverClan, I can say that Feathertail's arc was a competent *story*. Brightheart is having nightmares, suspects Bramble and Long of treason, is trying to figure out this mystery, trying to help train Rainpaw, the fact she resents not being his mentor is mentioned and dropped, she is pregnant... so much shit is going on and it feels absolutely unfocused.
And even worse, because it's overlapping with the beginning of Firestar's Quest, we end up having to Show Off The Continuity instead of telling a cohesive story. Oop Willowpelt died and Rainpaw is kind of sad about it! But wait we have to say bye to Firestar, make sure to squeeze in the Brambleclaw name confrontation before he goes! GO BACK Longtail has been blinded!! ALSO THE OWL! HERES WHY THE OWL WASNT MENTIONED IN FQ!!
And DUDE if there's anything that's a SERIOUS problem, it's Brightheart's stupid ass cutesy "look who's being USEFUL in here!" When blinded Longtail is helping out in the medcat den
First of all fuck you for the wording of that line! Second of all, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD that disabled people shouldn't have to find a way to be "useful" to belong to their society.
The fact we're getting a book from Bright's perspective as a disabled person and the whole thing is chock full of "useful" language as she struggles with PTSD makes the fact this is COMMON in WC sting so much more.
Anyway back to just, normal critique and not frustration with ableism in wc.
I feel like they really wasted Brightheart's family. I enjoyed finally getting Cinder and Bright hanging out as sisters, but we got a MENTION of Frostfur, and barely anything with her brothers. It's already a mess so why not go the whole way?
Ashfur also has his post-TBC personality retcon which absolutely kills me. Why do we need this shitty "foreshadowing"? Why do we need him to have been so obviously controlling and argumentative? Why are these writers fucking allergic to having a villain that people thought was nice and normal once?
NITPICK: if i have to see another cat gently picked up by a large bird of prey without at LEAST getting a cracked rib I will shapeshift into 10,000 crows and fly away forever
I have some good feelings towards it though, and I have to be clear, this is actually Ambivalent Bones. I'm only mad at the "Usefulness" rhetoric, the rest is just my normal amount of whinging lmao.
I do really like Cinderpelt and Brightheart finally getting some interactions. It's long overdo lmao
I like Cloudtail and Brightheart as a ship so it's nice to see them hang out.
Uhhh this is a bit of a backhanded compliment but I liked how she was upset at not getting one of Whitestorm's children to mentor? I don't like how it bodes for the wider narrative though, because we know this ends in her getting shafted FOR YEARS and unable to get an apprentice. But I liked the plot setup of her having resentment for Cloudtail because of this. I thought that would make a really good plot point for putting a wedge between them to work through. Like, stop being cowards, LEAN INTO Firestar making some very serious, insulting, short-sighted mistakes, and it interfering with Brightheart's ability to heal. Kill your darling.
There were some nice lines. I do remember Ashfur's lame "greedyclaw" insult, which was funny.
I enjoyed the cute moments between the cats in ThunderClan. Ferncloud chasing after her kids, Brightheart convincing people to help her investigate, the Willowkin being upset about their mom. It's a mess but there's some nice stuff in that mess, y'know?
Overall, my memory hasn't been kind to it. I think I was giving it a 6/10 when I first saw it, but it's dropped down to a low 5/10. Not (very) offensive but too messy and pointless to revisit.
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hjeojeo · 5 months
Sudden shower thoughts/epiphany
It just finally clicked in my head that "finding your identity" is less about like...tangible concepts like queer labels, aesthetic or movement related labels like punk, or cultural heritages.
I think, at least for myself, it's about undoing all the small learned behaviors and conditions that keep you from just. Being you.
Like for me i have so many tiny voices (more like echoes of my parents and other people i grew up with) that tell me dont do that, that's shameful, that's so embarassing, that's bad, yer not enough, Etc.
And it would be like regarding just personal choices like, how to wear my hair, how to dress, my interests, how to interact with other ppl (example: voice that says "dont talk too much")
And i am like going to turn 30 this year and i spent my whole life looking for a sense of identity thinking im always missing something other ppl dont have.
But it finally clicked in my head that
I'll always be myself no matter what bc i am a changing transcient being.
The reason why i always feel displaced and uncomfortable and as if an identity would fix me is bc all my mental barriars keep me from just being me.
And i think if i can work through my mental barriers and traumas, i think i would be at peace with myself finally.
I think i would genuinely feel okay being me
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teardew · 6 months
im thinking about making a patreon because i .. uh .. i cant justify drawing for myself anymore and its killing me lmao
it takes me really long to draw so any time i hav should be spent on comms... iv been trying to fight off burnout by drawing things i like inbetween commissions like that sv anatomy practice and vampire/werewolf mngling was just for me but it still ended up setting me behind schedule because i had to rest my eyes and wrist afterward. but not only that i also wanna like. make a lot more things ...
like i wanna do animal, insect, architectural, jewelry studies and fashion and character design explorations and try designing icon packs and branch out trying embroidery with mixed media and clothes making and get into making like 3d things with clay and soft sculptures. i wanna make historical fashion coloring books with việt phục and fashion zines ...
also theres a lot of stuff i dont post bc im not sure if anyone would be interested in all the design concepts and notes i had for example the homestuck dreamer outfits or the various sha hualing designs and sketches i had before getting to the thing i posted? like i hav a bunch of different sqh outfit and hair designs but theyr more clothing based and not detailed character/face art ...
idk !! it sounds like an excuse. its like, who cares just post it ! i know i shouldnt value my art by the amount of numbers i get from posting on social media and i dont mostly but its kinda unavoidable ? to me ? i know i only post fanart and ppl follow me for that and its not a bad thing ! being realistic i just dont think anybody but me would be interested in it ??
i dont know. god. i dont know what this post is about. ''i dont think anybody would be interested in the things i really wanna make'' but im thinking about making a patreon for things i really wanna make anyway because thats the only way i can justify it is if i can profit off it in some way. i dont really want to, but with my financial circumstances i dont know. i never wanted to make my livelihood off my art. i dont even consider or call myself an ''artist'' really, i just want to MAKE art
i dont know why i still cant find a steady job after 5 months applying to everything and its making me miserable. its embarassing, they say to be persistent with jobs but calling and even walking in to check on applications and watching employers awkwardly try to turn me away without just flat out telling me no even though none of them hire me is an exercise in public humiliation. how bad do you want a job? bad enough to make a fool of myself with nothing to show for it. and i want to make art for myself to cope but it takes too much time and time is money
maybe this post is about my art anxiety under capitalism. i dont know
i think im safe enough now to admit my friends gofundme i was posting about months ago about helping their friend escape their abusive household was actually my gofundme because i was worried about them finding out and preventing me from leaving or internet stalking me afterwards. i did hav a scare when i got a phone call i thought was from my brother but ended up being a police officer, whos my mother's friend ...
but anyways. me admitting this is just to give context that. i ran hundreds of miles away from financial security and everything i ever knew and im still struggling to find steady income nearly half a year later. i just dont understand what im doing wrong. is it my name? is it because im not from here? iv been working continuously ever since i could legally my resume isnt BAD. am i just stupid? should i have just tried to make peace with my lot in life?
i thought getting away from my family would let me be in a better place to create more art, thats one of the things i was so excited about but this feels just as stressful as when i was the only earner supporting my family during covid. i just want a stable job so i can make art. i dont want making art to be my Job. i dont want to be a ''starving artist'' begging for people to care about my art i just want to make art. but fuck i dont know how to sustain any of this
sorry for this mess. insurance is different out here and i havnt been able to find a psych either so its not like i can talk about this in therapy instead of venting on my art blog. all my life i wanted to make things without the fear of it all being destroyed. the main reason i havnt branched out from illustrations is because its entirety can be saved digitally even if its physically ruined. my sketchbooks were thrown away or ripped apart by my family either from carelessness or anger to hurt me but now that im finally enough safe to have them again or make something i can hold in my hands without the fear that someone will come in break it and make me clean up its corpse i cant afford it
i dont know what to do. is it worth it? is making art worth it? i mean. its worth the rent this month. and i still love drawing god this is probably bad for business because i dont want people to feel bad for commissioning me or anything but not to be dramatic why does it feel like im fucking dying
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moonsfavoritedaughter · 9 months
okay i feel like im gonna regret this later but i just have to get smthn outa my system real quick...
i saw a custom ai intros video of mortal kombat 1
the characters were hvaing a christmas party...
and i swear to god i need more of this kind of nsfw humor in my life more often cuz seeing kitana and mileena have a discussion over if kitana is sluttier for having a threesome under the christmas tree or if its mileena for lap dancing everybody and using a candy cane as a strip pole was just so fucking funny
alright thats it, i just wanted to say it out loud cuz if i didnt i wouldnt have been able to sleep lol
happy christmas btw, if any of yall see this, wanna tell me what that big chubby fat communist gave u for free? (i know its santa i just like calling him a fat communist cuz i feel like its funny, no offense ofc)
idk if i should tag ppl but ill do it anyways, if you guys dont know what the fuck was i talking about at the start just dont ask, dont make me feel embarassed for getting something outta my head
@h0ly-tea @3-kids-in-a-trenchcoat @gloriousvermin
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coveredinredpaint · 11 months
hi! my name is rex too and i think thats pretty cool
anyway, i was wondering if you had any tips on dressing feminine but like,,,, also being able to pass? or tips on being confident enough to not need to pass?
heyy that is pretty cool!!
im gonna be honest with you, i never really managed to pass before starting t. there were like 5 times ppl gendered me correctly but after that they immediatly "corrected" themselves. the only person who didnt was a toddler, i hope hes doing great.
all the tips and tricks ppl gave out never worked for me, never managed to figure out why, im thinking it was mostly my voice.
so i got absolutely no passing advice for you, but i can definitely tell you how to work on your confidence and say fuck you to societies ridiculous expectations
(it turned out longer than i distracted, i cant give concrete advice apparently my apologies)
tw: mention of bullying and some mental health stuff but nothing heavy
before i start i will say that it takes time. it takes time to learn and let go of this need to fit in. to learn to do your own thing even if you have to do it alone. to grow and learn who you want to be or are.
first we need to understand that expectations of how we should act or dress or look, whether based on our gender or not, are absolute bullshit. like straight up made up.
step one is kill the cop in your head. every time you judge yourself (or someone else) for something, ask why you care about that. most of the time its cause you have been taught in some way that what youre doing is not according to "the rules". this can be for the smallest things, like when i get really excited and stim about something i used to feel embarassed because "men dont act like that". sometimes i still feel that way. its not something you can just get rid of, so its important to actively affirm yourself that what youre doing is okay and that you are allowed to do what makes you happy.
dealing with yourself is already a hell of a challenge, but other people, that something else. i hope you live in an accepting area and i have heard many stories of people are queer fully accepted for it. but often thats sadly not yet the case. surely isnt for me at my school. there are people who are gonna make you feel like shit, who are gonna call you all the horrible things the voice in your brain calls you too. you are gonna wish you were "normal" sometimes, even if you dont really mean it.
going back to normal? going back in the closet? letting go of the clothes that make my feel better even on the most dysphoric days? fuck no, i finally started to get myself, my life back, im not sacrificing that for some teens whos names i dont even know. so you turn it around, no longer "why do they treat me like that" but "how dare they treat me like that" if they kick you while youre down you better bite their ankles and dont let go. most people who bully people who are "other" are terrified of what they see in us. we are living proof that their belief of how the world should work is very wrong. they call you a fag and a tranny? you better come to school next day in the gayest clothes you own. they call you an emo and bark at you? you better be dressed even more punk the next day. they may laugh at you, yell at you, even record you or push you around. it doesnt matter, they hold no power over who you are.
but please do not try and carry this alone. dont let yourself turn bitter. its is difficult to be treated like shit for simply existing. even when it doesnt hurt as much as it did its still exhausting. find someone to talk to, whether its a family member you trust, a friend, a mental health professional or other queer people online. its important not to suppress your feelings. get them out, by either talking about them or writing or making art or music.
know that its your life and you can live it however the hell you want. be kind to yourseld, be kind to others. if you are not where you want to be to right now you will in the future. cant really call it a life if you didnt live for it. it will get better, you just got to keep going and keep fighting.
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gibbearish · 4 months
i get struggling to pick up new things but. at this point its very hard not to get irritable at ppl whose big gripe with tone tags is that they cant tell what they mean, bc like. yeah some of them arent the most intuitive, but. i have yet to run into one that couldnt be figured out by context clues? especially now that theyre somewhat widely used? like yeah yeah /pos piece of shit haha but are you really gonna try to act like you cant figure out it means positive? or like i just saw one that was "i love you (/p)", and for a second was like "wait is that a shorter /pos?", but since there's not really a negative way to say that, i knew it wouldnt be that because there would be no reason to clarify that. so i asked myself what different ways there are to mean that, and remembered it could be meant romantically or platonically, and only one of those starts with a p, so it most likely denotes. yknow. "hey im not hitting on you". and like, to me that was a relatively quick process, and i can get like. maybe needing extra time to sort it out, but what i dont get is like. hitting that first "no it couldnt mean that" and immediately jumping to "this is meaningless nonsense that no one could ever understand". like no dude theres a lot of people who get it, i think maybe youre just a bit embarassed you didnt figure it out right away
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swadloom · 6 months
Welcome to my Tank!
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Mike / Swad, He/him + fish neos if you'd like!
Around-adult-limbo, no more details than that but will respect dnis over age
@mj-makoshark - Artblog. I've been drawing my comic ocs lately! Go check it out!
@occasional-pyrrhon - the one where I draw the guy
Pkmn irl roleplay (Main / currently most active): @silver-crowned-riders @rocket-researcher-antares @savior-of-raging-flames
More infrequent pkmn irl blogs: @starblessed-blasterz @therealwormhole-official @cookinguptrouble
Artfight: https://artfight.net/~MJ_Makoshark
I like getting asks, especially on my sideblogs listed above! I can just be slow and too perfectionist with replying to things. Also im anxious and forget things a lot. Reminders are fine 👍
if you're obsessed with fawning over pairings between kids and adults and call ppl who hate that antis go out into a fresh field of grass and flowers and roll around and splash in puddles. The labels can be vague so thats my specific brand of "go away please"
Mutuals feel free to tell me if you need an "x don't look" tag or the like
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Main interests / Things I might post about a lot:
🦢 #ki - kid icarus uprising my biggest old hyperfixation ever that gives me a heart attack if I think about it too long
🌞 #guy tag - posts that have mister pyrrhon kid icarus's spirit in their hearts. I hyperfixated on him so hard as a young teen during lockdown that I thought god hated me I am not joking.
🐱 #creatures - animal guys
🐝 #music tag mix of posts with music and posts about the guys who make it. They might be giaaants boy
🦈 #disney atlantis - My favorite movie my beautiful fuckeing wife
🐉 #d&d - I'm just now getting to play it again after a lot of shitty history with it but I mostly half-enjoy half-complain about the setting and monsters, and also love miniature painting
🐾 #pkmn - my last interest that I can cling onto for more than 3 seconds before being pulled back into sun guy abyss. I love elgyem
Usually original posts about each of these use the full game / show etc names and such
Other tags
🐠 #mecore - posts that are me
🐏 #rambles - The posts that make me sound the most like a Poster posting Posts to the internet. You'll get what I mean maybe
🦜 #vocabulary altering posts - a verbal stim art gallery of sorts
#👾 - Vague space and/or alien and/or technology tag, mostly art & ppl's ocs i find cool
I can have a hard time talking about some of my interests or even engaging with them without embarassment or anxiety (especially kid icarus) but most discussions I'm up for now. saying things about Pyrrhon is a physical need just i might start growling and walking around to calm down if I see official art or game screenshots of him I'm sure you can understand </3
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
*rolls into ur knees* hello im just here to say pls dont feel obligated to share parts of urself u feel uncomfortable/unsafe just bc u hit a significant follower count bc this is ur blog and u can do whatever u want to whatever level u feel comfortable with. we are all just mere spectators with no privilege to ur privacy, lucky to even have the chance to partake in ur great art ok byyyyyyyyyyyyye *rolls away rly fast*
AAAA kyuriiii thank you hvhgv What you said was all true ! I mean, it's not rlly the actual face reveal that i have an issue with. it's more of the fact that this is an nsfw blog?? like i draw porn and tell my kinks and shit, and i kinda dont want ppl to imagine my face when im sharing that typa stuff cause im still super embarassed abt those things whdhqbd but for the most part I'm really fine with it, so dont worry ! If this was a normal art blog, i probably would've posted more irl pics of me, but that's not the case soo yeahh
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superchat · 2 years
i dont really think i could find anyone with similar tastes like mine where itd be a healthy relationship, i think a lot of what i want is like. to get pushed past a breaking point or something. idk like, get bruised and cut all over and verbally berated iit all sounds really lame and dumb. my self esteem is prety low and i kinda jst want somene to push it lower. idk like more scars on me. bigger ones than i give, and have someone else give them tbh. the big one on my leg is still really red even tho it was months ago and i really liike that but taking care of it was such a pain and so sketchy and i was thankflly home alone but it was pretty bad and i need ot prep better if i do something that intense again a lot of times i just wanna resonate with someone really kind tho. i dont really resonate with anyone much tho. especially as of late. i def dont realate to family, and i dont really relate to friends at all. or online ppl, theres ppl i appreciate and think are really cool, or want the best for but idk. it jst kinda me out here in my bubble i think the fact that i have thoghts of all of what i wrote at all is embarassing and duumb and somethiing that makes me look kinda stuupid its becomnig more adn mroe apparent how odd i stand out to my family and i cant get over how often people tell me im weird, or ask me if im drunk or high when i was just getting relaxed like do i really stand out that much, does it make people uuncomfortable. sometimes i feel bad when im stuck in a situation with someone who has to hang out near or with me and its like. sorry im here dude, i hope im not making you uncomfortable. im uuncomfortable. i dont actally tell them that obv but i think abt it :uu annnnnwayssss iu just wanted to vent some and get things ot of my head for once. i think them all the time but when i put them into words i feel really stupiid. like "wow youre really like that huh, loser mentality"
on one hand im like "thisll ruin ppl perception of me and theyull just see loser mentality person and be creeped ot or something but idk at least they have better clarity abt me rather than anything else
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andcars · 19 days
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YOU'RE A CHEF and you and others in your catering company got called on a short notice to attend the silverstone gp. it's not your first time attending a gp but it seems like someone has become a fan of your cooking
TAGS . . . # female reader, reader is a chef, pining george russell, oblivious reader, open ending for next parts, platonic george russell & you, for now TYPE OF FIC . . . # social media au (instagram), tiktok LENGTH . . . # eleven posts, 1.1k words FC . . . # alva bratt
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When the team focuses on making the best possible food for everyone, we often forget the importance of making memories. We congratulate @ charliefoirer and @ sarahanne again!
liked by yndishes, lewishamilton and 1,112 others View all comments
sarahanne It was soooo good 😋
charliefoirer We should get married again ─── liked by kitchenspots
visionaryvinc Thank you again to @ yndishes for giving us your recipe. Can we get the rest of your secrets?
yndishes yes chef 🫡
lewishamilton Come back to F1 I miss the food ~
44rosberg lewis being a fan of a random catering company is kinda funny
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watching a wedding got me lonely 😴 thank u for cannes tho!
liked by noirbff and 4,213 others View all comments
noirbff spam spam spam giving u at least 69 comments ─── liked by yndishes
noirbff download raya or something if i'm not enough 🙄
yndishes nahhh i'm not paying for that when i got like coffee shops and libraries
noirbff ok have u ever talked to anyone in them
yndishes erm....... ok so what im a virgin
noirbff LMAOOO
noirbff get urself an f1 boyfriend or something since APPARENTLY ur going there next week ─── liked by yndishes
yndishes aughh I DIDN'T KNOW EITHER OKAY
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im not tired!! im not tired!! im ok!!!!!!
liked by noirbff and 1,431 others View all comments
visionaryvinc it's like 11pm please sleep
yndishes 🙄🙄 yes chef...
noirbff how is the uk
yndishes like the uk
noirbff bitch
yndishes jerk
noirbff when u find ur british bf tell me plsss
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thegirl_bffriend replied to @ talkingyn 's story so... did u find a guy yet
talkingyn bro it's ASS in the morning no one here is having fun also it's still shit how we kinda got pulled before here like a week or so
thegirl_bffriend oh yeah you haven't told me why still
talkingyn i literally did?? told you on the day??? some shitty double booking w the local catering
thegirl_bffriend that's why you guys are the best heart heart
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f1 ✓
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It amazes us how many people came to the Paddock Club for the food. But hey, we can't say no either. Thank you so much @ kitchenspots for coming in at a short notice and delivering the members a wonderful meal!
liked by kitchenspots, yndishes, lewishamilton and 175,943 others View all comments
jessiecars okay but fuck ppl in paddock club though
watertracks i can't even afford a REGULAR pass you're kidding me
sebbettel that food... I'm stealing a pass just for that food alone
lewishamilton I'm in love with their recipies 😋🏃‍♂️
noirbff @ yndishes hey this f1 driver likes ur cooking do u think u can hook up
yndishes i do NOT know u rn youre embarassing
noirbff I'M JUST SAYING... also get back to working tf
kitchenspots Our meals are open for the teams working hard this weekend!
lewishamilton 👀 I'm coming hold on!
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mercedesamgf1 ✓ The boys at Mercedes are having a very heavy snack! #GeorgeRussel #LewisHamilton #Mercedes #F1 #Foodie
flyingcarrs lewis is ENJOYING that food
mercedesrockets the way george has just been yapping to that one caterer the entire time
bandwagonweather wish that was me fr...
fruitybrocedes is george trynna get the secrets out of that girl, boy calm DOWN
sidverstappen i wanna eat that food so baaaad lewis im just like u fr
charliekarts the best part of this video is the girl getting silently scolded by the chef for talking with george holy shit
russelsproutted ngl i found her insta she's kinda cute
spiritedana bro was QUICK to find that
russelsproutted just go to the catering's ig and she's tagged in the most recent one. i dont think she's the head chef but she def gets credited for making the f
russelsproutted + ood. damn tiktok character limit
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had a nice night... thanks for the dinner <3
liked by noirbff, georgenotgeorge, and 1,834 others View all comments
yndishes IT'S GENUINELY NOT WHAT U THINK fucker let's take this shit to dms
georgenotgeorge Surprised cat face. You do look vry nice ─── liked by yndishes
noirbff get the fuck off my girl's page weirdo
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thegirl_bffriend replied to @ talkingyn 's story yeah yeah, i see you with your george
talkingyn can a girl not talk to men PLATONICALLY anymore??
thegirl_bffriend i'm saying TAKE YOUR CHANCE!!! STOP BEING LONELY!!!
talkingyn AHHHHHH
georgerussell63 replied to @ talkingyn 's story I preferred the nice picture you took of me... 😢
talkingyn 😞 yeah i can't really post that
georgerussel63 Shame... Do I get to take pictures of you instead then?
talkingyn lmaoo i'll be ur private chef and you be my photographer
georgerussel63 😂
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tysm @ papachu for making today less stressful. also ty to the other dude ig for providing me w a better bed and some wine
liked by noirbff, georgenotgeorge, papachu and 3,547 others View all comments
papachu no worries girl! hope we can work together again xoxo
noirbff so... you're the work wife
yndishes @ papachu TY AGAIN AHHHHH you were my saviour today was so stressful
yndishes @ noirbff fuck off
papachu @ noirbff nah, more like the temporary mistress
papachu @ yndishes YOU DID AMAZING!!! DW ABOUT IT
noirbff @ papachu NOW LISTEN HERE-
georgenotgeorge Hope that wine was good
yndishes pretty good actually, thanks
yndishes dude 😭
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Our, and your, favourites from the Silverstone Grand Prix. We owe it all to @ f1 for having us make all of these! The weekend has created some amazing memories for us all. #SeeYouAgain?
liked by yndishes, f1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 14,138 others View all comments
lewishamilton The paddock meal was amazing and absolutely rewarding. It made today's win way more better.
44rosberg he is down BAD for this account
noirbff @ lewishamilton yeah well its my girl who made that dish @ yndishes kiss her thanks or something 🙄🙄
lewishamilton Hahaha I might as well ~ Thank you for blessing my taste buds!
yndishes ur welcome 👍 was a pleasure making it
papayaisntorange i was one of the people in the paddock and i got to see lewis and george absolutely FANNING over the team
hamm4tonburgers TELL!!
papayaisntorange ITS REALLY JUST LEWIS AND GEORGE PRAISING THAT ONE CATERER GIRL i think she joined them for lunch which was cute
papayaisntorange she was really nice to george when he was like on a sugar rush all giggling and laughing. lewis was scared of him
georgerussel63 Hope to see you guys again!
yndishes woah this post blew up
muffledengine CATERER GIRL!! 🫵🫵🫵
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gotta update my resume to private chef on the sides 👍
liked by noirbff, georgenotgeorge, papachu and 8,847 others View all comments
papachu ooh 👀 have fun on the job
muffledegine what if that's george russel trying to steal her recipe
nandolotus LMAOOOO
georgenotgeorge 🤣
noirbff isn't that like... unprofessional of u
yndishes i'm not dating him!!!
noirbff look idk what to tell u girl but a guy who goes ahead and says he wants u to cook for him + inviting u over a lot... even delaying his FLIGHT just to spend time w u
yndishes he's being nice to me!
noirbff oh lord. god bless his soul
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🗒 𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗟 . . . oh yeah, you read it. i'm turning this one as a series. no reason in particular except i actually wanted this story to be about a PRIVATE chef (thank u to my baba <3 for the idea) but wanted to do this cute meet first. check out my taglist if you wanna be tagged for the next parts! ˎˊ˗ ᝰ.
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you support me best on tumblr with reblogs and comments ! ── by andcars ⟡
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popstart · 8 months
Please drop some more of your fav rare pairs 🙏🙏🙏
sometimes i feel like my pairs are not that rare but then i remember theyre all f/f so theyre rare by default. these are mostly just the ones i have actual thoughts about because i can see a lot of different pairs but more just like "oh yeah thats cool" not that i have severe brainrot over them.
GWEN/BRIDGETTE... ok. ive been thinking about them recently. genuinely came out of nowhere but recently my mind has been on them them them them. their clashing aesthetics speak to me. they have so much in common but they go about it in such different ways and the potential seriously switches something in my brain.
i like nichelle/julia. does anyone remember when ppl shipped them for like 2 microseconds before s1 was released then everyone moved on when they only interacted once in s1 then mkulia became the defacto julia ship in s2. I NEVER MOVED ON. I saw an edit back in the day im never gonna find ever again bc it was months ago but i havent moved on since then i literally cant even lie. they have a hate fuelled rivalry where they constantly try to one-up the other in some stupid bullshit
also like julia/axel idk why it makes me silly. I don't have thoughts on this one i just like it.
love loser one sided pining with zoey/heather. SOO MUCH ACTUALLY. i like to think zoey has rly embarassing crushes on both her and gwen. she loses her mind when heather guest stars bc shes always looked up to her and loses her mind again when they share a season. would it work out? FUCKK NO. but its funny and makes me say teehee bc zoey gives me so much embarassing baby gay energy and what's more classic sapphic than falling for the mean girl bc you have unresolved issues from a fucked up situationship you had in middle school.
similar vibes is sugar/ella. i think it can be so tragic in a way im so not prepared for. ella has so much love in her heart for everyone and sugar doesnt like that bc shes a salty jealous bitch. yeah.
ella in general is a fun character to ship with girls. like sky/ella is so delicious to me bc its like, the classic lesbian trap of they would never ever date just be weird for all time and i think ella couldn't handle it and it would be weird and sad. ella thinks theyre dating bc they hold hands and call eachother pretty while skys like wtf. idk why i push all this onto ella i just want her ending to be tragic i could not tell you why.
i feel like izzy/eva is a ship that most people can get behind but doesnt actually have much content so im giving a shoutout to them. i love izzeva. mostly bc i love eva and i really Really wanna know how and why eva knew izzy lied in s1 about the whole izzy staying on the island thing.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
so sorry this is late but thank you so much for the reading! i love your work and i feel so special that you made time to answer mine <3
i dont believe in soulmates in the fantastical way thats usually portrayed with some type of physical thing connecting them, like an invisible string or a tattoo that glows when ur close to them, but i do like to think that everyone has a person or even multiple ppl that they were destined to meet for some reason, and i do think this is my person for me. but i had never thought ab how no matter what u call it, the result is the same, and i dont know if you’re a taylor swift fan but its giving Call It What You Want :p
all parts of your reading resonated with me, omg we literally just had a conversation this past weekend where he wanted me to tell him these 2 secrets i have (not huge ones, just things im embarrassed ab) and i refused to tell. he told me i shouldnt feel embarrassed ab them and logically i know he wont shame me for it, but it still doesnt get rid of the feelings of embarrassment i have when i eventually will tell him. i know he loves me now, but it definitely was not always this clear. for a long time i struggled with knowing how he felt ab me, and he said it himself he was bad at liking people. we’ve really grown together over the past year and im happy to know that he finds this relationship secure. i hope one day i will be able to overcome my issues with sometimes blocking him out and closing up bc i really want to be the best i can be with him.
thank you again for the insight, wish u the best, ~🩵🌿
Hey! Thanks for the feedback, despite you wrote it on Anon I still kinda can recall your reading from your inputs^^. I admit I almost laughed at the glowing tattoo but you know, everyone can see that special connection with someone the way they rather. Idk if it's fantastical or not to imagine having an invisible red string (Taylor Swift^^ I'm not a huge fan of her, but yep, I know a few of her songs) that connects you to a special someone but... yeah, just don't let your adult rational mind entirely blind and block your inner child ig. If someone believes in that, then it's cool to me. As if you want to see the connection or call it in a different way. Y'all are equally valid. Everyone can see things they own way, there's no wrong or right, as I told you. This is the beauty of being so many and so different. And of having so different experiences and level/types of connections with our specific person/people. There can totally be some soulmates having moles/scares in the same place to me, why not :D
Anyway, I hope you can try and see what is blocking you from a different pov, so to become more vulnerable in the relationship and really let them in and take the whole thing to a different level. I know it's very hard to bring down our walls (they're so protecting and safe), but it's always worth it. Just remember to take your time, and follow your guts so that when you feel it's time to tell your secrets, you will have no regrets of sort.
Honestly, this guilt/embarassment you feel may originate from your inner fear of being judged: remember if this happens, it's never your fault. Others judge you because they very likely lack that thing or have it too and were told is bad, but it's easier to point things out on others than taking time to look inside and understand reasons and all. And... ofc not everyone will judge you negatively, not everyone will give you a different worth for a couple of specific things you feel guilty for (for any reason: maybe again you were judged or feared to be judged by others and left alone and... yeah, the self-preservation is still strong inside of us but we're no more living in Prehistory, people don't get eaten by lions even if by any chance they are left alone from their "groups"). Your worth is still the same and it's the one you give yourself for all you've done and all you are and potentially will be. We all have things we don't like about ourselves, but they don't have to be demonized, they can also turn into our strong points the moment we leran how to value them or give them their real worth (for us, not anyone else nor society... society is just f- up). If your guts tell you you can trust him, then trust him, don't block yourself. You won't be hurt. And if by any chance you'll get hurt (even not by him but others), you will survive. Always. Your heart is stronger than you think. Everyone's heart is stronger than we think: it can always love and let love in again. The problem is "only" in the mind (our amygdala) and the way it wants to protect us from every little negative/painful thing that we have learned first hand or through other experiences [especially emotional pain, and in a minor way, physical pain too: think about how you may walk a bit more carefully especially in the days right after you hit your foot against a night table -physical pain usually leaves a slightly less strong wound inside that may get healed faster, unless you broke a bone or sth: that may last longer and grow into a habit...but we're not here for that so I'll shut up] ;)
Best of lucks btw, take care<3
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
i should shut up
i can't talk about girl in the fireplace ep. i just can't. its literally just joan redfern: french edition. gorgeous scenery, lovely spacescraft, cool creatures but, madame de pompadour looked at the doctor and projected louis onto him - much to the obliviousness of the tenth doctor. what her failure in this regard is that the doctor - at the end of the day - will always think he is right and you are wrong and if you are right, then its impossible and or brilliant. A direct foil to King Louis who always thought he was wrong and relied on others based purely on shyness versus the doctor's outgoing. the doctor interjects while louis sits back. and because both reinette thought she was in the right - she failed to realize that the doctor wouldn't be like louis. louis would've stayed but, the doctor? in that year? with no tardis? surrounded by rich aristocrats that were doomed to be beheaded?
baby thats why he left gallifrey in the first place and they were worse!
reinette would've been abandoned before she could do any thing remotely romantic with him even if there was no way back for him.
he would be stuck but, that romance? would've been the same romance as jessica rabbit and marvin acme from who framed roger rabbit (aka literally playing the game patty cake), much to reinette's growing irritated frustration. even reinette had to kiss him (yeah he kissed back blah blah but this is twice for ten someone that wasn't rose herself kissing him and yes, a cassandra!possessed rose isnt rose. neither is a tardis!possessed rose kissing nine. i want genuine rosenine and roseten alienhuman kisses ya cowards!) and at that point of the season, if anything, only reinette would've shoved it into romance. ten showed time and time again that he is fine with not kissing (unless the impenting threat of a situation that requires it because he loves running his mouth more)
just like joan, reinette was never a contender. sad that she died, yes, sad that she left the letter we got to hear from dw: lockdown, yes. but if it had been beyond that? her traveling with him? in the show? girl wouldve been given the cold shoulder fast and swift. just like rose got mickey to catch on what they actually do when landing somewhere and dr runs off, it would be rose telling reinette what to really do to be a fellow seasoned dr travelling company.
by the time reinette would've gotten the hang of it with help, queen elizabeth i would've been had armies on her side with no help. just like in the 50th. thats the difference between being an historical advisor slash mistress who wouldve been treated just like how she saw those "little girls" (but in the doctor's case, she would've been dropped off in the middle of 2005 toys r' us christmas night and dipped for nearly 7 hours) and the most notable headstrong queen that (like heavily implied by everyone including ten himself) was able to not only get the doctor to consentually go all the way but, didn't demean other travellers thst were with him (travellers that were romantically in favor of him. also she journed missy's chat room and im just like! my oldest best friend-boyfriend versus the time lord king of england and scotland like she got bragging rights)
ten really said i'll fuck a royal conqueror before i even have one out our three quarters of a thought to even consider the possibility of fucking reinette. it took me to the point of marrying off my now-a-person hand to rose to even consider settling down with her when previous comics showed i would be more than happy to settle down with lucita marne (a witch), dr. grace holloway, and river song thrice (?) at a drop of a hat of my own alien volition.
like reinette? are you not embarrassed? ten saw reinette as a good 1600s 1700s flirt of a time and only flirting. like its second hand embarassment but worse because they really thought they were right. i think thats why ppl dont like reinette or rather how moffat writes dr x historical female figure romance.
chibnall did better on dr x historical female figure romance and still retained thasmin whereas moffat failed in this regard. he did get better with capaldi but only with 12 x river than etd ever did with rose x 9 x ten x tentoo (im saying we shouldve gotten tentoo earlier in torchwood and had episodes not just BOOM INSTANT ATTRACTION IMMEDIATELY JUST LIKE ROSE DID WITH JACK AND ADAM LIKE NO BIG DEAL SURELY THIS WONT GO WRONG AGAIN?? CROSS FUNGERS THAT HE DONT DIE LIKE THE OTHERS EHEHE 'does it need saying' FUCK YOU DOCTORROSE SHIPPERS????
we deserve better than time skips and montages if you're going build it up to a non possessed rose kiss and its not with the alien she had to be possessed by two different mind-killing entities to smooch? on the mouth? (yes i remembered nine's proud fatherly forehead kiss he gave rose) like cmon now. how you set up everybody else to be the monsterfucker but when it came down to it, she chose the human?
like. im immensely disappointed in reinette but, thats joan redfern in french so, we get what we got. but its ugh the only ones we know canonically chose and fucked the monster who is the dr while they were essentially the human in the scenario is queen elizabeth i. and river. nefertiti. the iconique matilda the painter and a king louis ii mistress unnamed. and cameca from the aztecs?? yeah. thats it really. maybe marilyn monroe. maybe cleopatra (though its implied by mickey and rose in school reunion that we were robbed of an strictly egypt adventure) and maybe... thinly veiled, charley and yaz?
yeah i can't talk about girl in the fireplace. i can't talk about stone rose because the bbc cut out a whole portion of the book in the audio that david read and im more upset over that.
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