#it's not until much much later (after dealing with Porty and the others) that MK realizes OH NO there is one clone left!!
purble-turble · 1 year
Dark Not Dark but Xiaotian yanking Lust off, snarling about how anyone is gonna ride a bull it's him. Red and Xiaotian are immensely flustered after that.
HAHA! Ok listen, I am way behind on writing for my Dark but Not Dark fanfiction, but now I definitely want to include something like this in a chapter about Lust Clone and his misadventures with Red Son 😍
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miss-conner3 · 1 year
Which of MK's clones does he trust the least and trust the most with his kids?
The answer might surprise you (owo)
But the least reliable, according to the most popular MK clones, would be the Delivery Boy and the Artist, and the most reliable would be Porty, despite what one might think.
Delivery Boy, although his exterior is big and somewhat slow, there is a slight threat that he might eat the children, both unconsciously and not. MK doesn't usually take him out to take care of the children, but when he does, he makes sure to finish whatever he is doing to return home quickly. It's not going to happen that Delivery Boy swallows any of the children with rice... although he has never shown any sign of wanting to do that.
As for the Artist, he can take care of the children decently, but if MK leaves him with them all day, when he returns, he will find the whole house painted and will have to deal with the occasional argument with the children about why they should erase "their works of art" from the walls. This improves as they get older, but the influence of the Artist to explore his art is too much temptation for the youngest, especially when it comes to Mao and little BaoBao.
Meanwhile, Porty, who is the craziest and has a history of involving a bunch of clones to go against MK in the past, is the one who is closest to the children and with whom his "father side" awakens (something he will never admit). Porty has a certain resentment towards them, but like MK, he can't help but love and care for them, although, of course... in his own way.
The only rule that Porty has is that as long as he doesn't take them out to a discotheque, he is free to have "mini-parties" at home while MK is not there, although later he has the obligation to order everything with or without the help of the children. This depends on how late it is for them.
I would say that with those three MK he manages most of the time, although these did not become relevant until after the break with the mother. During that time, MK created a clone that took over the task of caring for the children in his absence. And that turned out… as well as you could imagine XD
The children baptized this clone as “Pops” due to the event that unmasked him as one of the MK clones. This fulfilled perfectly the role of replacing MK by taking care of the children without their noticing, taking care of them like a loving father who only has his children in his heart; he was too perfect to last.
The problem didn't come from a rebellion against MK (like Porty did), but rather the kids, who were getting used to MK's powers during this time, somehow ended up blowing it up by accidentally dropping a bookcase on it. This caused them to panic, believing they had killed their own father, and call Mei, who, to her credit, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
After that event, MK had to make a list of his abilities and give a long talk about them to the children so that no other such incident would happen again.
As for Pops, MK continued to invoke him regularly to take care of the children, only now they know that he is a clone.
I expatiated, but hey, that's my answer haha XD
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
so today i remembered to transfer the Shadowpeach Drabbles I wrote for @winterpower98 Cursed AU onto Ao3, and in honor of that (and simply because I wanted to) I have written a bonus part-
"Another cave? Seriously?"
The group of three stood at the entrance to the cave, looking in, trying to see as far as they could into the darkness.
"Must we explore every cave we stumble upon?" Macaque sighed.
"Well, it's not gonna explore itself." MK shrugged, turning to go in, only to be stopped as Wukong leapt in front of him.
"Oh no you don't." He said, "You're not going in there by yourselves. I'm coming with you this time."
"Wait, why would you-" Macaque started, confused.
"Because the last time you two went into a cave by yourselves, MK ended up with an injured leg." Wukong said, arms crossed. "I'm coming with you this time, and that's final."
"But what about-" MK started-
"It's fine. I'll be fine." Wukong said, walking past MK and Macaque, marching into the cave as though if he waited any longer he'd loose his nerve. "Let's hurry up and get this over with."
MK watched his mentors back with concern, before glancing to the side to see Macaque mirroring his expression. Said expression snapped back into a more neutral one once he noticed that MK was looking at him though.
"C'mon." Macaque said, nudging MK as he walked past him. "Let's make sure he doesn't freak out and fall down a hole or something."
Surprisingly enough, things didn't immediately go downhill.
Well, that is, up until-
A loose rock tumbled down from above, and Wukong, who was already very on edge, startled backwards, bumping into Macaque and knocking him over, sending the both of them rolling over a ledge and down a small cliff, the both of them ending up laying on top of each other.
MK, after doing a quick check and making sure they were both okay, stood on the edge of the ledge and smirked.
"I thought you said you were going to keep him from falling down a hole." He said, and Macaque groaned.
"I didn't think he'd knock me down with him." He said, slowly moving to sit up as Wukong hurriedly backed off of him, giving a murmured apology.
And then MK jumped down the ledge, landing with a thump and knocking loose a few more rocks, and suddenly Wukong was clinging to Macaque again.
(Macaque was suddenly grateful, that he was the one with the super hearing. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of Wukong noticing how fast his heart was racing from the close contact.)
"Sorry." MK said, wincing as he realized he'd startled his mentor. Wukong gave him a nervous smile.
"It's fine bud." He said, but Macaque could feel him shaking a little. Macaque sighed, before starting to try and peel Wukong's arms off of him.
"You can let go of me now." He said, trying to ignore the knowing look MK was giving him. "C'mon, we won't be able to move if you keep clinging to me like this-"
"It...helps though. The touch, I mean." Wukong reluctantly admitted, slowly letting go. "Though you're right, I guess we wouldn't be able to move if I'm clinging to you like-"
"Why don't you just carry him then?" MK asked, and Macaque's head shot up.
"What-" He hissed, and then nearly bit his tongue to keep himself from yelping as suddenly he was being lifted up, being held tight against Wukong. The Monkey King wordlessly held him bridal style, obviously happy for a way to maintain contact while also being able to move. His arms were tight around Macaque as though he was holding onto a teddy bear for comfort. He turned around, starting to walk as Macaque remained silent in shock, trying to process what had just happened.
He looked over Wukong's shoulder, back at MK, who gave him a smirk and a thumbs up.
Oh that little sh-
The shock finally wore off, and Macaque started struggling.
"Put me down!" He hissed, fur bristling. "I can walk by myself!"
"I know." Wukong said, but didn't even loosen his grip in the slightest.
Macaque gave up on struggling suspiciously quickly.
Oh, how MK wished he had a camera.
Well, actually, he did, in fact, have his phone with him, but every time he started trying to pull it out, Macaque would glare at him from over Wukong's shoulder.
MK eventually resolved to committing the image to memory in order to draw it later.
As it was though, they'd found another exit out of the cave, one that lead into a wide open meadow instead of the dark forest they'd been traveling through. Wukong immediately let out a relieved sigh, slouching a little and loosening his grip on Macaque, who almost immediately jumped out of his arms, brushing invisible dirt off his clothes.
"Glad that's over." He said, before registering the muffled giggling coming from behind him.
MK kept one hand covering his mouth to keep his giggles quiet, and at Macaque's questioning look, he subtly gestured to the monkey's tail.
Which was currently wrapped around Wukong's.
Wukong seemed to notice this fact at the exact same time Macaque did, an embarrassed flush taking over both monkeys faces, their tails letting go of each other as they looked away in different directions, avoiding eye contact.
MK almost wished that Mei (or maybe even Red Son) was here so that he could have someone to lose his mind over this with.
Pretty much anyone would do, really, he just needed someone to rant to about all this-
Wait. He could have someone to rant to, now that he thinks about it.
He looked back over at Wukong and Macaque, making sure that they were suitably distracted.
And then he took one of his hairs and blew on it.
And Porty MK popped into existence.
He still looked like a monkey, exactly like how MK currently did, but the sunglasses and coat made it obvious that it was Porty. (MK never really did understand how Porty and the others had managed to maintain their clothes and personality. To be honest he....didn't really want to think too hard about it.)
Anyways, back to business.
"Are you seeing this?" MK asked, gesturing over at where Wukong and Macaque had somehow swapped from looking away from each other, flustered, to all out glaring at each other, albeit with a certain sense of playfulness in it that would be hidden to anyone who wasn't looking for it.
"Oh, I'm seeing it alright." Porty said, before smirking a little. "But don't worry OG, y'see, I've got a plan."
And really, MK should've dispelled Porty right then and there.
But on the other hand, it'd been weeks. Weeks of dealing with the mutual pining that rivaled the number of pine trees in the forest they'd been walking through.
In the end, he'd ended up accepting Porty's plan.
Porty shook MK awake later that night. (MK had dispelled him as they'd walked through the meadow, only bringing him back in secret before going to bed once they'd made it back to the edge of the forest.) The clone must've been hiding in the trees or in a bush, MK thought, as there were stray leaves within his hair.
"They're asleep." Porty whispered, "C'mon, OG. Let's hurry this up."
MK crawled out of his sleeping bag, shaking some of the tiredness out of his body as he stood up.
The plan was simple.
MK would push Wukong out of the tree. Porty would catch him. (MK had, recently, discovered the Monkey King was actually a heavy sleeper. His strong nighttime vigilance from legends had literally only been the result of him not sleeping at all.) Once they'd secured Wukong, they'd carry him and lay him down near where Macaque slept, and simply let things play out from there.
MK was halfway up the tree Wukong was sleeping in when he remembered something important.
"...Are you sure you'll be able to catch him?" MK asked, and both he and Porty went silent as they remembered just how easily a clone could be destroyed.
"...Good point, OG." Porty said, "Let's swap, I'll push him out of the tree, you can catch him."
With a quick change of positions, the plan was back in motion. Porty shoved Wukong out of the tree, and MK caught him, stumbling a little under the dead weight. (And oh, was he ever glad for his super strength.) The two of them paused for a moment, waiting to see if Wukong would wake up.
When the Monkey King showed no signs of stirring, Porty jumped down from the tree, landing beside MK, and the both of them turned around, slowly walking over to where Macaque lay on the other side of the camp.
"...What are you doing?"
And oh, MK had just known he had forgotten something.
Both MK and Porty startled, MK only just barely keeping himself from dropping Wukong, as they whirled around to see-
Wukong's hair clone, lounging back on his cloud, watching them with a disapproving look.
"It was his idea!" Porty quickly said, pointing at MK, who let out an offended "Hey!", before suddenly Porty dispelled himself, disappearing in a quick flash, leaving MK alone with the Wukong hair clone.
MK nervously giggled, tightening his grip on the asleep Monkey King as the hair clone's eyes narrowed.
And then suddenly the clone smirked, amusement in it's eyes, and MK relaxed, letting out a breath of relief.
"It's about time you actually tried to push things along." The hair clone said, lounging back on its cloud, looking away. "I can't say he's gonna be happy in the morning though."
MK rolled his eyes, he'd already long since accepted he'd probably have to go through some kind of stern telling off tomorrow. With the hair clone seemingly having given it's permission, MK turned, completing his mission of bringing Wukong over to Macaque, gently laying the Monkey King on the ground beside the shadow monkey.
Macaque shifted, rolling over, and MK froze, worrying that he'd accidentally made too much noise-
But then Macaque put an arm around Wukong, pulling him closer, Wukong responding by nuzzling into the other's neck as their tails curled together.
MK made no short work of pulling out his phone and snapping a picture. (And sending said picture to both Mei and his own email. One could never have too many backups after all, Macaque was sure to try and delete it once he knew it existed).
Mission accomplished, he returned to his own sleeping bag, whispering a quiet good night to the Wukong hair clone as he walked by.
(In all honesty, MK didn't think this would get Wukong or Macaque to confess. It might push them a little closer to it, yes, but it wouldn't make it actually happen, no, there was far too much going on, too much history for one night of cuddling together to lead to a full out love confession.
Until that time, he'd be fine with just watching the chaos that unfolds.
....He was fairly sure that, come morning, their expressions would be hilarious to witness though).
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