#it's not very hard to spot someone who doesn't really know what they're doing; and that's the kind of critic i am with myself i suppose
autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
If I could completely wipe my mind of what it means to be proficient with a violin I would do it
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aayakashii · 2 months
How would they react if you received a confession from some random student?
Warning: yandere behavior, possessiveness, A LOT of manipulation etc etc you know the drill
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Gasp! You received a confession! A human student fell for you and confessed that they have had a huge crush on you ever since they saw you in the admission ceremony. They even invited you on a date! You're so excited! But... wait... how will your ghouls react to that...?
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Fuji Kaito
Absolutely distraught.
He knew you first! He was supposed to be your first option!
He doesn't try to hide how desperately jealous he is.
Bombards you with self-deprecating messages that do more harm than good because it gets super annoying after a while.
Stops eating properly and pays even less attention to class, which makes him take even more remedial classes.
Asks you for your help immediately. He's so insistent on you tutoring him, that you end up saying yes just so he'll stop whining.
He happily creates a schedule that eats up most of your time, so you can only see him every single day. After all, he has such a hard time learning! You gotta help him a lot 🥺 and no, Luca isn't an option.
It's almost like he planned this... but nah, that's Kaito we're talking about. He wouldn't do this, right
Lucas Errant
He doesn't really understand what he's feeling at the moment
At first, he has a positive reaction – after all, you're an amazing person! It's only obvious you'd have admirers.
But then he finds himself thinking more and more about it.
Is that person capable of protecting you? Do they possess any type of skill in combat so they can fend off anomalies? Will they pay attention to your needs? Will they hold your hand when they walk you home? Will they actually walk you home when it's late??????
He starts worrying more and more about your safety until he can't brush off his concerns any longer.
He will not approve of this relationship. He's pretty sure that person isn't capable of providing you with all you need and deserve.
At least not like he can. He knows he can protect you. So... stay with him instead, will you?
Ishibashi Tohma
Hm... Really. So you have a little admirer. How cute.
Tohma couldn't be more obvious with the disdain and contempt towards the person who confessed to you.
He always manages to spot you wherever you are, just to steal you away and drag you with him to do something 'important'.
"Why yes, you must come with me to pick up this order of tea leaves I have put on. Of course I can't do this alone, you have to learn the ropes of my work since you're my dear helper."
You better not be thinking about going on dates. Tohma will ruin all your plans by summoning you to his side as soon as you step out of your dorm.
He will control your time and your schedule until you forget entirely about that silly little person who tried to take you away from him.
And when you hear the first whispers of awful rumors about that person, Tohma already has his hands on you, permanently dragging you away from them and their terrible influence.
As if he wasn't the one that spurred the gossip in Frostheim from the very beginning.
Kamurai Jin
No. Just no.
Don't even think about it.
You just aren't allowed any distractions from your work for him. You're his servant.
Actually, sratch that. You're his, period.
The fact that someone would be so bold to try and take you away from him is unbelievable.
And you're CONSIDERING their confession? Are you insane? What do they have to offer you? How can you even begin to think of them as more important than him?
You're crazy if you think he'll just let you go and date some peasant.
Jin WILL bribe the person who confessed to you to make them go away in a heartbeat.
He's convinced that everyone will fold when they're faced with money. Everyone but himself, because he already has it all.
All except you, apparently.
Jin will offer them a life changing amount of money just to keep them away from you.
Don't worry, he'll be right there to see your little heartbroken face when you're walk back to him after all that.
He'll take his sweet time picking up your pieces and putting you back together.
Mido Alan
Alan stuffs his hands inside his pockets and scowls as soon as you let him know about someone confessing to you.
Oh, he despises that idea.
At first, he wonders whether it is because he might see you as a little sibling or... some other platonic thing... that activates his protective instinct.
But then he sees you crack a little smile as you talk about actually going on dates, and the jealousy he feels is simply undeniable.
Alan may be stoic, but he's very well acquainted with his ugliest feelings.
And this jealousy is simply the most hideous thing.
Do you know that person? Do you think they truly care about you? No. They don't. At least not like him.
Alan doesn't say all that openly, but he hangs around you for longer and longer, like a guard dog. Arms crossed and scowling, ready to pounce at anyone crazy enough to invade his space.
And obviously, you're in his space. You're the only one allowed in it. The only one he wants attached at his hip.
He eventually wins by wearing down his competition. After all, no one is brave enough to poke this lion with a short stick.
You're just not worth them risking their lives like that...
Don't worry, Alan is right by your side to pet your little head and comfort you.
He'll always be by your side.
Haizono Sho
Well, look at you. Being popular and shit. Gotta be feeling good, huh?
Kinda upsetting that the one who likes you is a loser that definitely doesn't deserve you.
Who said that.
Sho immediately bans you from eating at his food truck.
If you're gonna play these dumb games, then he has his own cards to play, too.
Even if you have zero intention of making him jealous and genuinely just want to go on a cute date, he WILL see it as a challenge.
He would rather get hit by a car than see you taking some random ass dude to HIS food truck to eat HIS food during a date. You're supposed to eat his food only if you go on dates with HIM.
He's gonna make you choose between him and your stupid new guy as soon as you tell him about the confession.
Are you going to abandon him? Are you really going to choose some dude instead of a friend? Someone who needs your support and ideas? Someone who ACTUALLY cares about you and didn't just randomly appear out of nowhere?
There is a correct answer for his ultimatum, and you better choose wisely.
Kurosagi Leo
Some people do have awful taste, huh.
Cannot fathom why someone would ever fall for you.
You're plain and boring, just a stupid NPC. That person must be just as boring as you, if not worse.
He makes sure to tell you all of this so you know your place.
But then you decide to give that person a chance and begin to ignore his messages.
How fucking dare you answer him only in the end of the day. You're supposed to be at his beck and call. You're supposed to be by his side whenever he needs you, like a good NPC.
He gets antsy. He's bouncing his legs, biting his nails and feeling his stomach flip flop inside him.
Okay he GETS it. You can stop trying to make him jealous now, god. You're so fucking desperate for his attention, aren't you?
Just... answer his fucking texts for once, okay?
Otherwise, he's gonna have to handle that rando that's been glued to your side on his own terms, and you don't want that.
Don't make him do something both of you will regret <3
Sagara Haru
Of course someone would fall for you! Who wouldn't?
You're so sweet, strong, patient, helpful, comforting, and you always do your best to spend time with him so he feels less overworked and...
If you have a s/o, this means you won't be able to help him and spend time by his side, huh...
That is a problem.
Haru needs your company. He needs to know your whereabouts and what you're doing. You won't leave him hanging behind on his own, right?
He knows that you care for the animals and you wouldn't abandon them, but what about him?
Will you really leave him behind?
Haru is busy with everything in Jabberwock, so it's not like he can neglect his job to follow you around, but... Maybe he can keep an eye on you through his little gps.
Whenever he sees you out and about, he'll shoot you the cutest, most heartwrenching message about how he the animals miss you.
It never fails.
After all, you're so sweet. He knows exactly how to tug on your heartstrings until you run back to him.
Otonashi Towa
You're not going to date anyone.
Towa loves romance, yes, but only if it doesn't involve you with someone else.
You're his Dandelion! You're his. You're not going to leave him, ever. Why are you even thinking about someone else? You're so silly, Dandelion.
Towa doesn't try to be subtle. He will threaten the other person and kick them out of your life immediately.
If he needs to strike them down with a dozen lightnings, he will do it. Do not doubt him whatsoever.
Don't be sad, though. If you wanted to go on dates, you should have just said so!
He will take you to every pretty place he finds in Darkwick – cave systems, flower fields, dense woods, and anywhere else you feel like going!
As long as you go with him.
He's not letting anyone steal you from him, ever.
Shiranami Ren
Whines and whines and whines and whines.
He becomes actually insufferable.
"You're actually going to become one of those disgusting people that flaunt their relationship everywhere, aren't you?"
"Ren, I don't even know if I'll accept the date..."
You don't get it, though. He thought you were different. He thought you weren't like everyone else! But you got A CONFESSION?
That's like the most normie thing in the whole world...
And who's gonna watch B-horror movies with him now? Who's gonna play his mobile games and do his dailies with him?
You're gonna be just like those assholes that forget their friends when they start dating, aren't you?
He knew you were just too good to be true. That's on him, though. He was stupid to believe you would stick around.
Wait, no, please don't go. Please don't get mad at him.
He just doesn't want you to spend your time with someone else... but also, he would rather die than straight up tell you that.
Maybe read between the lines of all his whiny ass messages and forget about that other guy, how about it? It's almost time for a raid anyway.
Hoshibami Taiga
Oh honey. I don't know why you think you can even leave Taiga's side for long enough to receive a whole confession.
Although, if someone is crazy enough to mess with TAIGA'S little kitten, they are very brave.
Taiga may let them shoot their shot just to amuse himself and see how the dumbass would try to woo you.
But if they got even a little bit closer, his gun would fire immediately.
It would either end in someone getting terribly traumatized and/or wounded, or in death.
Getting away is just not an option if you're Taiga's.
You're always in his reach. No reason to think about silly little scenarios like "receiving a confession".
Pffft. Don't be stupid.
Romeo Lucci
Are you fucking insane? Shut up and go fetch him a face mask.
Of course he's not letting you date anyone. You're his assistant. You dont have time for shit like that.
What do you mean you don't need permission? Oh that's RICH.
Romeo isn't very patient about this whole situation.
If you try to argue too much, he just pushes you into his secret room and then inside one of his cages until you understand your place.
He's never letting you just walk away and spend your precious time with some broke asshole. Your time is HIS. YOU are his. Don't get any funny ideas.
It doesn't matter if you get mad at him. He will keep you locked up until you're sweet and compliant again. Just the way you're supposed to be.
And if that doesn't work quickly enough, he can always order his men around and beat whoever tries to get too close to you.
No one fucking steals from Romeo. Much less what is the most valuable to him.
Shinjo Ritsu
Ritsu is incredibly confused once you bring up going on dates with someone who confessed to you.
Did you forget you are legally binded to him by the terms of your partnership?
You have no time to go on dates. During working hours you have to be fulfilling your part of the contract right beside him.
It's not his fault that there's so much work to do that you end up needing to work overtime...
Yes, he IS very against unpaid overtime, obviously.
But it's not like you're not getting anything from this! You'll have the best lawyer in Japan always ready to help you.
But you'll only have this rare privilege if you stop being foolish and forget about dating that silly student.
You have to focus. Focus on your partnership.
Focus on him.
Focus on Ritsu alone.
Kusanagi Haku
Oh, so you hesitate to accept his invitations, but you're quick to go on a date with some other random person?
Ouch. Yikes.
Immediately lets you know that the person a very nasty spirit posessing them.
But you'd be a bit silly if you believed what he says because Haku is going to blatantly lie.
If that's what it takes to keep you far from anyone trying to get their hands on you, you BET Haku will try to manipulate you.
"Exorcising them? Nah, can't do it. Too strong of a spirit, you know? Better just keep your distance ;)"
He's honestly shameless. Doesn't stop following you around for a second and always manages to barge into every conversation you have with a general student, even if it's not even the person who confessed to you.
Can't be too careful, you know? After all, you're so sweet, what if more people fall for you?
He hates competition, so it's best to just cull everyone that gets too close to you. Makes things a lot easier for him.
And you know, since you're so eager to go out on a date with someone, why don't you choose him for once?
It's not like he'll ever let you have another option besides himself after all.
Kagami Subaru
Oh, he's guilt tripping you right away. All those years of acting are SHOWING.
Have you watched a kabuki play? There are some SAD ones, you know.
And you best believe Subaru is going to look like you've just ripped his heart apart as soon as you tell him about the confession.
You're the only actual friend he has besides Lyca... Do you really want to leave him in the dust like that? All for some dates? He really thought he mattered more to you than that...
It doesn't matter how much you try to reassure him you won't abandon him, he'll only stop being gloomy once you tell him word for word that you are not going to date anyone else.
And as soon as you do that, it'll be like clouds letting the sun shine again. He'll smile and cling to you like a magnet, gently feeding you the softest daifuku.
All while subtly touching you and checking your memories for the face of whoever dared to confess to you.
His good relationship with Darkwick will definitely come in handy to keep them far away from you.
Kotodama Zenji
He is having such a hard time with this!
He is more than happy to know you're appreciated! You are such a wonderful person! His lovely little human!
However... he can't help but feel awful about it all too. What if you stop talking to him?
After all, besides you, only Haku and Subaru see him. He knows you wouldn't be able to talk to him if you had someone unrelated right next to you. Much less someone who isn't even a ghoul!
His late night visits become more frequent. He stands at the foot of your bed, looking at your sleeping figure, very conflicted.
Is he allowed to be a little selfish, even though he's a spirit?
Soon enough, you stop hearing from the person who confessed to you. It's not that big of a deal, but you ARE curious as to why they up and vanished.
You'll never know how they suddenly got prophetic nightmares about how they shouldn't date you, complete with some bloodied messages on their wall...
Mizuki Rui
He's absolutely distraught. Not only he cannot touch you, now he must be tortured by the sight of you touching someone else?
Even worse: someone else touching YOU?
His days just keep on getting worse.
Will you still please visit him at his bar then? You won't completely starve him of your company, right?
Maybe he should just touch this crush of yours.
Haha, just kidding! He wouldn't do that.
He will, however, hide in the darkness for as much as he needs until he's sure that he approves of that date of yours.
Spoiler: he will never approve of anyone that isn't him.
Rui will bombard you with messages until you understand that his jealousy will never subside unless you reject that person once and for all.
And maybe, for some peace, you should. Because Rui is nothing if not insistent.
From the corner of your eyes, you see the way he lurks in the shadows of every place you visit.
Give yourself a break and mend the shinigami's heart for once, please?
Edward Hart
Oh dear. Who's going to take care of him now 😔
You're heartless, you know. Wasting your finite human time with a pointless date, instead of helping an old man when he needs you... You wound him so...
Ed is the king of emotional blackmail. He will moan and groan on and on about how weak and alone he is (even though Rui does everything for him) and how cruel you are for not spending your days in his room, tending to all his whims.
It doesn't matter if Rui can help him with this malware-riddled website. He wants YOU to help him. His plain but pretty little thing.
Didn't you learn you must respect your elders, love?
Then go lay down on his bed with him, thread your fingers through his hair, and shush him when he's tired and in pain. You're his walking balm, dear.
Don't leave him hanging. That would be so rude of you.
Lyca Colt
No no no no no no no no
You're not gonna date anyone!! You're not going to hang out with anyone else, ever!!!
Lyca is another one that's not subtle.
He'll just cling to you 24/7 and growl at the person who confessed to you until they run away.
He'll NEVER let you spend a single minute longer with some boring human. You have to spend time with him and teach him more about... well, about everything! You're his caretaker, aren't you?
The fact that he used to protest every time someone called you his babysitter does not matter anymore!
He is going to stay by your side and chase everyone away. How dare they try to do those disgusting things with HIS human!
It's overwhelming how clingy and possessive he gets – even more than before.
Lyca won't let you breathe peacefully. He'll be clinging to your arm, your hand, your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can grab just to show everyone that you belong WITH HIM ALONE.
It's best if you just accept it. They do say it's hard to teach older dogs how to behave, don't they...
Isami Yuri
He didn't expect much from you, but to waste your time with meaningless endeavors... Disappointing!
You better never sleep then! Because he's not letting you off the hook! You're still spending more than half of your day in Mortkranken, under HIS watchful eye!
And if he sees you texting some random guy, well. He'll just have to snatch your phone away from you.
How dare you think of anything else besides your apprenticeship under him?! Him, Isami Yuri, the best doctor in Darkwick. You're so ungrateful!
Yuri will wring you dry. He's so merciless, it'll be honestly best if you just focus on him...
He wants your full attention and focus. If you go on... *retches* dates... your mind won't be into your work.
Stop this insanity, worm, and pay attention to him. Pay attention and praise him. Don't go praising some random, worthless person. They don't deserve it.
But Yuri does. Yuri deserves your praise.
Praise him.
And forget all about anyone else.
Kirisaki Jiro
Hm... will going on dates affect your health positively? Your mental health, maybe? Huh.
Jiro doesn't really understand what he feels about you spending time with someone else.
What he does know is that he likes having you around, as much as he can process how "liking something" feels.
He likes how you take care of him after he showers and how you worry about him, no matter how many times he tells you it's pointless. He likes your reactions and how you try to be helpful. He likes you.
If you spending time with someone else means he won't have you doing all this anymore, or at least not as much as he'd like, he can't say he approves it.
Jiro straight up tells you he doesn't want you to go on dates and why.
It'd be wise to listen to him. Otherwise, he'll try to get his fix of you by following you around.
Not sure you'd want the tallest and strongest man in Darkwick following you around like a shadow... but you do you.
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pupyuj · 1 year
Pervy G!P babysitter Yujin who can't stop imagining fucking reader who is married but her husband is always away so she sees that as her chance of "helping you out" with your problems. Biggest problem Yujin being extremely hot.
Also don't worry, your works always slay and I can't wait to read more of your work (Especially Yujin because I need her cock in me badly)
an older ask! 😳 n thanks a lot for ur kind words then anon &lt;;33
yujin's definitely the type to take that job bcs she wants to fuck a hot milf... and that milf being you! she does end up enjoying spending time with a kid but at the end of the day... she always comes into your unnecessarily huge mansion with a mission 😈 yujin's super polite and well-mannered, plays with your kids very well and even gets him some gifts sometimes! you grew fond of her after she went above and beyond for your kid and ever since then, you've seen her as more of a confidant than an... well, an employee 😭😭
it was definitely strange to call someone so young your friend, but that was what became of your relationship! especially after your partner got so busy that you started feeling lonely around the house 😞 yujin always made sure to keep you from getting bored though! from cooking meals for the kid with you, helping you with cleaning, playing with your kid with you.. yujin was good company! but ofc... her ulterior motives got the best of her one day! 🫣
making sure that the kid wasn't around when she makes a move... sees you looking all stressed from work without your partner to comfort you :((( yujinnie offering her help by putting her hands on your shoulders and giving you a well-earned massage! "your partner... they're a very hard-worker but i can't help but think that they're being a little unfair to you, (y/n)-ssi." yujin lowering herself so she's right up your ear, making the slightest moves to be softly pecking your head,, and you're so tired that you can't rlly think correctly... leaning in to her and making the mistake of moaning when she suddenly gropes your tits??? now yujin definitely doesn't have to think of stopping herself.
"y-yujin... wait, i'm... i can't be doing thi—"
"fuck no. stay here." she pulls your back against her, attacking your neck 😳 her hands were already inside your blouse, groping and touching everywhere she could :((( humping your ass while she pinches your nipple, forcing her tongue inside your mouth, and rubbing your clit all at once?? it was all too much for you and soon enough you've completely thrown away all your self-control,, letting yujin touch you as she pleases, reaching down her pants and squeezing her dick... and you're even the one who unbuckled her belt and unzipped her pants! you were so desperate to be filled that you didn't care that you were cheating on your spouse—all you wanted was yujin, and for yujin to fuck you good 😵‍💫
memkehjksd yujin pumping in and out of your cunt while you're sat on top of your desk,, your arms around her neck, holding on for dear life while she pounds your pussy like she's never fucked anyone before,, her grunts in your ear?? bites your shoulder, your neck... 🤤🤤 yujinnie making sure you're taking the full length of her thick cock with every thrust :(( reaching even some spots your partner did not know about.. fuck, yujin was way too good at this...
"lemme breed you, mommy... fill this fucking pussy full of my cum... can i? can i, please??" her hips stuttering the closer she gets to her climax :((( yujinnie gets super whiny too,, whimpering and muttering "mommy" against your skin,, one clench around her dick pushing her over the edge and making her spill her seed inside you 😵‍💫😵‍💫 she really does fill you up so fucking full too! "how was that...? i'm good, right, mommy?" yujinnie was asking with a shit-eating grin, knowing damn well she's just given you a good fuck after forever 🥴
you were just recovering from all of that when yujin had this genius idea to sit on your bed, wrap your panties around her cock, and jack off right in front of you,, "f-fuck..! mhm!" her coming in your panties,, and telling you to wear them bcs it inflates her fucking ego so much... and to both of your luck, your partner arrives home later that night and you had to stand and be all sweet in front of them while wearing some cum-soaked panties... yujinnie watching from the side with a smirk, winking at you when you happened to make eye contact with her while your spouse kissed you,,,
and ofc, each and every single one of her next visits became merely an excuse for the two of you to fuck like rabid animals,, but what can you say??? being bred full of yujin's cum everyday have become too much of a good thing to give up 😵‍💫
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moondirti · 6 months
due to popular demand, a follow up to this featuring: 18+ content, gaz, ballerina!reader, internet stalking, men being gross, another a thinly veiled character study
Kyle is a good man.
Granted, his metric is not attuned to common standards for morality anymore, nor has it been that way since basic. He's sure that if he were to pick any sheltered samaritan off the street to read out his laundry list of transgressions, they'd balk at the fact that their taxes go to keeping him fed. They'd rather their image of the army stay unsullied and ideal. They'd rather keep him at arms length with a thank you for your service and not confront the blood caked beneath his fingernails.
But he can no longer be held to their degree. No longer exists within these spaces. No. Kyle – or Gaz, if one were to go off of what he's called most often nowadays – is a doorstop. A pestle. Something inconspicuous, obscure, that serves the sole function of making life easier for everyone but itself. And he assumes this role with a handful of others who have nothing else to live for, exiled to crowd the back of Foxhounds and kill at a moment's notice. Foul men. Friends.
If someone were to line up every operative on a special forces unit, or better yet collect the likes of the 141 and asses each for their moral standing, Gaz can rest knowing he'd come out on top. He's not yet as far gone as they are; can enjoy a night out or a pretty bird writhing underneath him without wanting to choke her out. Only devoted to his captain, or the others, to the extent that their professional relationship calls for (no matter how much it itches at him to watch Ghost take care of Soap, or to reject Price when he offers him a drink).
Sure, he laughs at their jokes. Might pitch in when they're swapping stories of their filthiest catch, Soap rattling on about the lass who'd stuffed her tongue up his arse, or encourage them to shoot on sight if they spot a potential threat, civilian or otherwise. Yet the difference is this: when he goes home, he can stuff that all away.
Knows not to let it infest the boundaries of the real world. Off deployment, his comrades play pretend at the noncombatant lifestyle, but the guise is ill-fitting. They're too big for their skin. They stretch and tear at the conventions holding them in place, like feral dogs made to heel. Kyle doesn't have to be tamed. He's still functional, familiar with the expectations held of him. Can submit to integrity more easily than most.
Kyle is a good man.
And that's what he tells himself as he returns home, train car completely void of anyone but himself. He's good for having given you up. He's good for not have followed you home. There'd been a brief lapse of judgement, but he's good for doing something about it before things passed the point of no return.
You've lived this far without his protection, he reasons. Yet it doesn't change the unreachable itch, closed away in a supposedly locked box. Gaz. Or, his captain's voice, cigar-smoked and advisory.
But why should you continue like that.
It's hard to fall asleep that night.
He's sick with worry wondering if you ever got home, bile broiling and distending up his throat at the thought of having abandoned you. It's pure concern that compels him to find your socials, really. Kyle is only searching for an update, or recent post, indicating that you're alive.
With nothing to go off of but a face, he searches for dance studios in both Acton Town, your area, and the Kensington, the area where you'd boarded the tube from. He makes a shortlist of the most reputable ones (your attire seemed to imply that you were a seasoned ballerina) and cross-checks them as hosts of upcoming recitals. Two renditions of Swan Lake and a production of Giselle turn up, each with their very own cast lists. Thus begins a tireless search of every name credited.
His heart almost leaps out of his nose when you eventually load into view, then plummets at how easy you'd been to find.
Your vulnerability only sets Kyle's conviction in stone. Bloody good thing he's got your best interests in mind.
Locked twitter, a LinkedIn, and a public Instagram page which sends his blood pressure skyrocketing after checking your follower count. Popular. And of course he can see why. Over a hundred posts chronicling bright smiles and flattering outfits. You mainly use the account to promote your practice, though; feed full of skimpy little outfits, leotards and exposed sternums and impossible poses.
Stop it. He's here for something specific.
Kyle sips in a deep breath, scrolls back to the top of your page, clicks on your most recent post. A casual video of your leg raised on a barre while your friend counts how high above your previous record you're able to stretch. Your skin is sweat-slicked. Your mouth is thrown open in a half-laugh, half-pant. He almost forgets why he clicked on it in the first place, before the timestamp catches his eye.
30 minutes ago.
So, you'd gotten home.
He can go to bed now.
Exit your account. Swipe up on Instagram to clear it from his running apps. If he's extra disciplined, he'd block you. Rob himself of the temptation to tug himself over the photo of you in the splits.
Kyle is a good man because he knows his limits.
(But Kyle now also knows the address of your studio. That, even if he blocks you, it'll take up space in his chest. A ticking-time bomb. A knowledge that'll haunt him whenever he's on the District, Circle, or Piccadilly lines, and the train announces Gloucester Road. A force, a stone in his throat, that'll grow so large it'll force him to stand up and disembark, to walk until he's standing right outside and wait on you to wrap up rehearsal.)
It occurs to him that the point of no return has long since passed.
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inclusivity note: i felt the need to say that, while reader is a dancer, her profession is not meant to imply anything about her body type. flexibility and agility are not limited to thin builds, and while the ballet industry can be very toxic, i've seen my fair share of spaces where all figures are embraced and success is determined only by ability!
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wgshdwgd im sorry if youre not accepting snippet reqs </333
but could i req you write abt a villain who *everyone* is genuinely terrified of. and then the hero just politely tells them to shut the fuck up. like, villain could be monologuing or smth and hero would cut them off saying that they would really appreciate it if villain could finish up in the next hour or so because they dont want to miss bargain day at the supermarket.
uwah im sorry if i broke any rules </33 stay safe its a crazy world out there <333
"-Could you please just shut up?"
There was a moment of absolute, horrified silence. One man promptly fainted. Nobody seemed to breathe for a few seconds.
The villain turned, slowly, towards the protagonist.
They were on their knees on the floor, surrounded by armed guards ready to execute the various staff still in their building. Their expression was one of exhausted long-suffering, one hand pinching the bridge of their nose as if to stave off a headache.
"Excuse me?" the villain asked, oh so softly.
"Will you please stop talking?" The protagonist dropped their hand, levelling the villain with a look. "Like, if you're going to slaughter the lot of us, just do it, don't make us listen to the spiel first. It's been forty five minutes."
"Are you so eager to die?"
"No. But if I'm going to die, I think I'd like to get it over with. Otherwise, I'd like to just go about my day. I need to buy food before the shop closes and takeaway costs a fortune. I mean, bloody hell. Forty five minutes. Do you really think anyone here is listening?"
The villain stared.
"Like, not to be rude," the protagonist said. "But they're all scared out their minds. They are not processing the finer points of your monologue. It's just so unnecessary."
"I could cut out your tongue and feed it to you."
"You don't have anything better to do?"
"I could cut out their tongues," the villain swept a hand around the room, "and feed them to you. That sorts out dinner, doesn't it?"
"I mean, I'm vegan, and not a cannibal, but I appreciate you're more concerned with being menacing than actually addressing the issue."
The villain stared some more.
The protagonist stared back.
"The data I need is still downloading," the villain said, after a long moment. "If I let you leave, someone will do something stupid like try and call the police."
"Sure, sure. But the monologue."
"You don't enjoy the sound of my voice?"
"I wouldn't take it too personally. It's been a week. Bit overstimulated, to be honest. Anyone's voice right now feels a bit like a cheese grater on my nerve endings."
"A bit like a cheese grater."
"No offense."
The villain blinked at them, slow and somewhat incredulous. "A cheese grater."
The protagonist shrugged.
"I'm assuming you didn't miss who I am in the last forty five minutes," the villain said.
"And yet."
"It's not that you're not terrifying," the protagonist said. "I just - forty five minutes. Humans aren't set up to be this stressed for forty minutes. My head is killing me. Processing all this - if you don't kill us - is going to be hard enough without having to fit in all the life admin I'm not currently getting done."
"Come here."
The villain crooked a finger to beckon the protagonist forward.
The protagonist swallowed, eyeing the villain warily, but didn't make them ask again. With a glance at the armed henchmen, they shuffled forwards to the spot the villain had gestured at their feet.
"You know," the villain said, "it's been a very long time since anyone has talked back to me."
"Sorry. I'm really not trying to be rude."
"No," the villain mused, head tilting with something alarmingly like curiosity as the protagonist came to a stop. "You're really not, are you? Turn."
The villain gestured again, to indicate that the protagonist should face away from them.
"...You can't just give me all the orders at once? I get this is more dramatic, but I probably wouldn't be trying your patience as much if-"
The villain seized the nape of the protagonist's neck, like scruffing a kitten, making their breath catch.
Everyone watched for the inevitable torment. The punishment. The kill.
The villain's fingers dug into the knots of tension in the protagonist's neck, power sparking up the touch.
The protagonist sagged. "Holy shit," they breathed.
"Um. I mean - yes - but -"
"Good." The villain glanced up to the henchmen. "Shoot everyone else."
"What? Wait - no -"
The sound was deafening.
Then the silence was, once again, absolute.
"You didn't have to do that," the protagonist whispered. "I didn't mean - if I offended you -"
"Oh, you didn't, don't worry. That's why you're still alive. Tell me about yourself."
The villain's grip stayed unrelenting on the back of the protagonist's neck, holding them securely in place.
"We still have ten minutes," the villain said, in a tone of great patience, "before the download completes. Tell me about yourself. I shouldn't be the one doing all the talking, after all. It's very rude of me, isn't it?"
Hesitantly, the protagonist talked, watching the blood pool on the floor. What else was there to do?
The computer finally gave a quiet beep to indicate that the download was complete.
"Good. Very good." The villain gave the protagonist's neck another gentle enough squeeze. "Now. Let's go grocery shopping," the villain said cheerfully. "Up you get. Dinner's on me."
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ivvyela · 1 month
imagine with me, if you will, a nwh potential fix-it involving none other than the multiverse saving duo deadpool and wolverine.
i know, i know - but please, let me cook.
wade and logan now jump across timelines to "fix" things aka travel the multiverse for funsies and deal with the consequences later and somehow end up in a universe where peter parker doesn't exist, but spider-man does. and wade, blessed with the power of "i know this for the plot", immediately knows that is bull. shit. and sure enough, they find one very depressed, very lonely, and very jaded peter parker.
after much annoyance, light stalking, and following spider-man while he's on patrol, they get peter to spill how he ended up in this situation. and after hearing everything, logan breaks the silence with a simple, yet effective: "shit, kid. that... shit."
"yeah, well... now you know, so you can, like, leave me alone."
"nope, not gonna happen." wade shakes his head and tactfully ignores logan's imploring look of what-the-fuck-are-you-getting-us-into-now "i take my job as marvel jesus very, very seriously, so frankly, this is my job to fix your sorry little life, buddy. and if flat-out telling them you exist didn't work, then - "
"oh, i actually... i never told them."
"...come again?"
"i tried to tell them, but i couldn't. so..."
"i'm sorry... your best friend and girlfriend were crying, telling you to come find them and remind them of you, and you chose not to?"
"they're happy and safe without me! i wasn't going to ruin - "
"oh my god. you sweet, self sacrificial, idiot spider-baby. okay! we can fix this! we're no tony stark, but consider us your pseudo daddies for the time being, kid. let's get you your life back."
which is how one very emotional and determined deadpool, followed by a stoic, nonchalant wolverine (who, in all honesty, probably should be completely against this, but once wade commits to something, he can't be talked out of it, and the sooner he gets his fix from this the sooner he can go home, so fuck it we ball), end up in a certain cafe, all up in a poor barista and her friend's face with a cut-out yearbook photo of some kid, yelling "LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT THIS BOY! HE'S SO LONELY! LIKE A SMALL, FORLORN, VICTORIAN CHILD! REMEMBER HIM, GODDAMMIT!"
(their efforts result in two confused and scared teens, and getting kicked out of said cafe.)
peter practically begs them to just leave him alone, that this was his choice, and he's fine with it, but both wade and logan know a lie when they hear one. they both know what being alone can do to a person, and peter is just a kid who got dealt the shittiest cards in life and at this point, it just feels wrong to leave him here without trying to do something. and maybe they both have a small soft spot for the teen, so what?
and peter knows both men can see through his broody, teenage angst front he's been putting up since the spell, and he's tried so hard to hate the two of them, get them to hate him so they would leave, but they're not budging, so really, there's no point in trying to push them away, right?
and so, he lets them in. he learns that while logan is stoic and intense and kinda terrifying, he's also someone who just wants to do the right thing for the people he cares about. he's also lost people, and he blames himself, but he's come out on the other side. he would tell peter about his daughter, laura, who wouldn't let him wallow in self pity because she is good, better than he has ever been. he never saw himself as a father, but she's still around, so he must be doing alright.
and at first hearing it would result in a pang in his chest, memories of thai food after walking into a smoke-filled kitchen, assurances that things will work out when everything feels hopeless, a tombstone that can never convey everything she was, but now... it's nice to hear that logan still had someone after losing everyone.
so, peter listens to logan's stories. in return, peter tells logan all about his mom.
and wade was brash and loud and conceded and really, really annoying, but he's... no, that's it. he's all of those things, but in a weird way, it's like all those bad qualities merge together to make him a good guy. and yeah, he can walk away at any point, he has absolutely no obligation to help peter, but he does it anyway.
("nonono, don't you dare make me some selfless hero type, kid. i know for a fact that every deadpool has a peter. i'm doing this for the me in your world."
"you're... huh?"
"bottom line, i'm a selfish bastard. i'm doing this for me, 'kay?")
peter didn't fight it. he's had experience with seemingly self-absorbed, deflecting type heroes.
wade doesn't replace him, not even close, but... still.
maybe peter will never get back what he lost. but, for the first time, peter sees a light at the end of the tunnel. that, maybe, he can stop being just spider-man, and he can start being peter parker again, too.
(and if there's a barista talking to her friend about how it's weird that two guys would show up holding a photo of an odd customer from weeks ago, demanding they remember him, and despite not knowing him she felt something, and her friend couldn't help but agree, well... that's neither here nor there.)
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il-miele-che-scrive · 6 months
the one where Carlos is spotted at a certain singer's concert
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y/nofficial Gracias por la noche maravillosa, España❤️‍🔥Te quiero mucho
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username1 Te amamos, Y/n ❤️❤️
username2 Estoy enamorada de ti 😍
username3 But can any of you tell me what was Carlos Sainz doing at the concert? 🤔
↳username4 Who? Is he like famous or something?
username3 GIRL-
username3 He's a Formula One driver... And currently single may I add
↳username5 I mean it's not like it's a secret that Y/n and Carlos know each other
username3 Wait, really? How do I find out about that just now?
username5 Y/n and Lando are in the same friend group literally, last winter break there were gossips going around about Lando dating Lily, Magui, Y/n, but they're all just one big friend group. Long story short Lando dragged Carlos to Y/n's concert
username3 How did I not hear about this 😭
username5 Well, maybe you just aren't on Tiktok, I hardly ever see people talk about this stuff outside of Tiktok
username3 That would explain a lot
username5 Yeah and they aren't very flashy with their friendship anyway, Y/n would sometimes appear in Romeo's post or be seen hanging out with Lando and Max but that's it
username3 Damn, to be a rich kid
landonorris we all know who that heart is for...
↳y/nofficial For the Spanish, obviously
landonorris for the spanish certainly
username5 Lando pls go be a menace somewhere else
username3 For the SPANISH?
username4 The concert was in Spain lol in case you can't read yet
username3 Yeah but you know who's Spanish? Carlos Sainz, that's right
username6 So Lando and Carlos went to that concert?
↳username7 It seems so, they were both seen there
↳username8 Someone said Lando DRAGGED Carlos there and I'm willing to believe it 😂
username9 I remember that live where Lando was unhinged and said Y/n is Carlos' celebrity crush 🤣 I don't think that's a coincidence
↳username10 The devil works hard but Lando Norris works harder
carlossainz55 Hermosa❤️ *this comment was deleted*
username11 WE SAW THAT, CARLITO 📸
↳username8 Saw what? 👀
username11 He commented "hermosa" but deleted it already 🤭
username10 Bro forgot to switch to his fangirl account😭
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y/nofficial Don't worry, going back on tour soon, had to take a little break to enjoy time with my new boyfriend whom I love very much
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landonorris that's not quite what soft launching means
↳y/nofficial What do you mean? Can you see his face? Can you tell who he is? Exactly. So it's soft launching
landonorris I know EXACTLY who it is
username1 Don't be shy Lando, tell us, we can keep a secret...
username2 Betting my right hand that it's Sainz
↳username3 Prepare to lose a hand lol
username2 Why? It's clearly him
username3 Doesn't he have a race like tomorrow?
username2 Nope, it's summer break
francisca.cgomes You're glowing lately ✨🩷
↳y/nofficial Oh, that's just the boyfriend effect 👹
username5 LMAO I LOVE HER
username6 i'm on my knees 🧎🧎🧎
↳username1 Lmaooo is that Carlos' fangirl account?
username3 Does he have one?
username1 I don't know, I'm joking, but if he did actually have an account like this, I can see him commenting this kinda stuff
username7 ngl guys I don't like her vibe, she has bad, dirty energy
↳username2 Stfu it's not like you ever had a chance with Carlos
↳username8 She has a bad vibe, because...? Because she took your man? Now your chances with him went even lower than 0?
username9 I get what people mean, she barely ever smiles, looks so grumpy on all photos
↳username1 I once had a chance to meet Y/n, she's actually a sweet angel!!
↳username3 She's just the normal black cat gf (and Carlos is the golden retriever boyfriend🥰)
↳username10 Trust me, she's that kind of person who seems angry/upset all the time, but when you approach them they're the nicest person you could ever talk to
username11 It's called a resting bitch face, I also have that 😭
username10 Same!!! People keep asking if I'm alright, but that's just the way my face looks lol
username12 Carlos bagged a baddie, I hope they never break up
↳username3 Never break up? Firstky they gotta make it official cuz for now we don't even know if that's Carlos
romeobeckham you're in love, we got it 🤮
↳landonorris yeah, she doesn't have to be so flashy about it, right?
romeobeckham literally
romeobeckham she never posts us, but the moment she gets a boyfriend everyone needs to know
landonorris did you see how on the previous post people were surprised we're friends?
romeobeckham maybe they wouldn't be if @/y/nofficial ever posted us
y/nofficial How about no? ❤️
landonorris you owe us
romeobeckham and you better pay up y/n
y/nofficial Chill out guys 😭 I'm getting us all out for dinner, how about that?
landonorris deal 🤝
romeobeckham i guess 🙄
username13 She owes them for what? 😏
↳username14 Probably for hooking her up with Carlos lol I wish it was a joke
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carlossainz55 Cooking up love and filling our hearts up with songs that speak to our souls. Te amo, mi vida
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y/nofficial Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar❤️‍🔥
↳carlossainz55 I think they can, I really like the latest release
username2 "In a world full of noise you've become my favorite song" 😭😭 of course it was about Carlos
username3 New parents alert and I love them
↳username2 I just hope they will never divorce like my real parents did
landonorris congrats or something for finally having the balls to announce it
↳y/nofficial Shut up or you're banned from the dinner
landonorris you can't ban me, if not for me you and Carlos wouldn't be together
↳carlossainz55 You should find a girlfriend too sometime
landonorris you told me the same thing a few years ago and it didn't work out, I guess I won't be taking any more love advice from you
↳y/nofficial The ribbon makes him so babygirl🩷🎀
username7 If she's usually the black cat, someone has to be the babygirl in this relationship
username5 I want a simp boyfriend in mi vida
username6 She made him a playlist 🥺 I wonder if it's her songs or love songs in general
↳y/nofficial There's some Adele, some Taylor Swift, some Shakira, just a bunch of romantic songs🫶
username7 Noooo I imagine them dancing to all these love songs while cooking and my single heart cries 😭 so happy for them, but I also what this kind of romance for myself
francisca.cgomes Can't wait to see Y/n in the paddock
↳y/nofficial Back at you!!
francisca.cgomes Matching outfits. What do you say?
y/nofficial I SAY LET'S DO IT
↳username8 They're about to become my favorite wag duo
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passivenovember · 5 months
thinking real hard about Billy and Steve finding each other years after they've settled into themselves.
Billy's gone to therapy and he lives in a little house on the shoreline. Steve makes it to California. Doesn't have the six nuggets, yet. He's working insane hours at a job that isn't very lucrative, but he never had to sell his soul to his old man--
So. Point is. They're happy. Content, almost.
And then they find each other.
Steve's burning a pot of water when the phone rings.
It's like a knife through the air. A thorn in his side, pain and annoyance ramping up to an 11 as he yanks the receiver from the wall. "Yeah, now's not a great time," He says, because the goddamn smoke alarm's gonna start wailing any second now, and Steve's neighbor is real trigger-happy when it comes to alerting the fire department. "Look, I'll call you--"
"--Why answer the phone?"
Steve would know Billy's voice anywhere, the rough and tumble drag of someone who used to live fast and hard but doesn't, anymore. "I," Steve says, "I don't--"
"--It's like. Why answer the phone if it's not a good time to talk?"
"I don't like being impolite."
Billy hums, smoke and lightning on the end of the line. "So, you weren't waiting for me to call?"
"No," Steve says. But he was. Has been since high school and all the weird, boring, disheartening years that followed until Billy appeared at the dive bar on Saturday. Like a vision. An angel.
"Damn. And here I was, taking a full 72 hours to figure out what I should say," Billy tells him.
Steve can hear a smile.
Aches to taste it, but-- "That's kinda lame, Hargrove."
"So what?"
"So. You're kinda lame, I guess."
Billy laughs at him, then, high and bright. It shoots confetti into Steve's kitchen, the curling tendrils nearly catching on fire as Steve comes back to himself. He pulls the pan of water and dumps it into the sink, killing the flame on the stove.
"Yeah, I'm a disaster. Maxine tells me all the time," Billy says, "It's just. How weird, y'know?"
"What? You?"
"No, you," Billy tells him, chuckling again. "Fell outta the sky, or something. Into a shitty dive bar."
"So did you--"
"--Fell outta my dreams."
"So did you," Steve says, and his stomach twists. Tumbles. Washing-machine guts still soiled with the bloody red spots of a decade-long crush.
"Huh. You're kinda forward, Harrington."
Steve shrugs, face burning. "Long as I'm not as lame as you are."
"Dude, I didn't say you weren't lame."
"Sure, you didn't."
Billy's next laugh Steve feels in his gut, heat pooling behind the thatch of curly down at his pelvis. "Still such a bitch, pretty boy."
"I'm just being honest. We aren't getting any younger, I'm not really interested in playing it cool, anymore."
Something rustles as Billy shifts his weight, "You were cool, once?"
"I don't wanna play it cool, either," Billy tells him, as serious as a heart attack, "Look, can I be honest? You mind?"
Steve nods and then remembers Billy can't see him. "Go ahead."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Steve peers through the kitchen window, trying to imagine Billy somewhere on the edge of town with sunlight in his hair. Smoking in bed, naked gold until the duvet pulls him under hips first.
"Harrington, I need to see you again."
"Need is kind of dramatic."
"Maybe I'm feeling dramatic."
"Thought this was honesty hour, Hargrove?"
"It is. Honestly? I wanna kiss you," Billy tells him. "At midnight. In the pouring rain because I was too chicken-shit to do it after our first date."
Steve focuses on not swallowing his tongue. Damn near fails. "Was that a date?"
"No, it was bigger. It was the stars aligning, the start of--"
"--God, you are feeling dramatic."
"When can I see you?"
"I dunno," Steve says, fiddling with the lip of the sink, "When are we expecting rain?"
"Not sure."
Steve can hear his smile. Aches to sink into the softness. "I need a window to commit."
"Tonight. I'll make it rain."
Steve snorts, light as air. "You're crazy."
"I've had ten years to plan for this, Steve."
"Alright, lemme--" Steve pads over to the refrigerator, peering at his Kittens and Firefighters calendar. May is covered in birthdays, vacations, late nights at work, and roll-over plans from April, all hacked into the cardstock in striking red.
Steve groans and flips to June. "--Can you still make it rain in a month?"
"A month," Billy demands, "Fuck. You're hot shit but I didn't think--"
"--I have a full-time job. And friends who want to hang out when I'm not at work, but since I use all my energy at work I cancel on them, and things get moved around and--"
"--You can't make an exception for the guy who wants to eat you out?"
The pages of the calendar flutter, May settling heavy in the room. Steve swallows and his throat clicks. "Uh. My friends--"
"--Aren't gonna eat you out."
"They would. If I asked them to, at least one of them would."
"I'm not really loving that idea, pretty boy," Billy says, teasing. "What about over a lunch break?"
"You want to eat my ass over a lunch break?" Steve snorts, "I'm not a hooker."
"What's wrong with--"
"--I'm not," Steve says, "And even if I was, I'm not cheap. You couldn't afford the hour, and we'd need more than that, anyway."
"What about a sleep over?"
"A sleepover?" Steve says, turning from the refrigerator. "Like, where I come over to your house and stay until the morning?"
"Or I come over to yours, yeah."
"Actually, let's do yours. Maxine's place is getting fumigated, so she and Lucas are staying in the guest house."
"You have a guest house?" Steve doesn't remember mention of that during their first date, but. He was distracted.
Billy laughs, "Bet I could afford your hour, pretty boy."
"I thought," Steve says, twirling the phone cord around his hand, "In high school, I remember you telling Becky Gordes that you don't do sleepovers."
"I'm gay."
"Okay, but what about Eddie Munson? The whole school thought you were fucking him, did he ever sleep--"
"--No, my dad would've killed both of us," Billy tells him, and. Something in his voice makes Steve's blood run cold. Makes him believe it.
So he shifts gears, "But. Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who said anything about a sleepover tonight," Billy says. Steve imagines the look on his face. Shit-eating grin bright and sharp and beautiful as always. "Unless you want me to come over tonight?"
"I never said that."
"I can work wherever I want. I don't have to go in at all, if I don't want to."
Steve pads over to his junk drawer, digging around for a red pen. "What does Saturday look like for you?" He bites the cap off, holding it like a straw in the curl of his tongue.
Billy laughs, "I thought you said you weren't free until next month?"
Steve chews on the cap for a moment, pen shaking over the cardstock surface of his calendar. He imagines Billy like he was that night. Different but exactly the same. Charming and soft in a way that only comes from the toil of regeneration. Years and years shedding skin.
He'd been funny and smart. Quick wittted.
Sweet. Like cotton fuckin' candy.
Steve remembers not wanting the date to end, not believing that the universe would give him Billy with no strings attached and laying awake that night, hoping Billy would call, and that they'd get their chance, and now--
"Shit. What the fuck am I doing?" Steve asks, but it comes out garbled and messy and wrong. Comes out sounding like, she whale the food ham ding dong.
Billy laughs at him, again, anyway. "What?"
Steve spits the pen cap onto the counter. "You really want to eat me out tonight?"
"--Because. I was too fucking stupid to realize what was happening between us in high school. Or. What was happening to me when I saw you in high school, and this is important to me," Steve says in a rush. Fuck being subtle, right? "We're not getting any younger. And I haven't slept with anyone for a long time, much less someone who I've wanted for as long as I can remember, so if you're going to come over here and fuck me--"
"Or talk," Billy says gently. "We could talk more. Get to know each other."
Steve listens to the static on the other end of the line.
"I want to get to know you again, Steve," Billy says.
And Steve cracks. Like a bowl in the microwave, curdling under pressure and heat. "Alright, just. Do you have a pen and paper?"
"For what?"
"My address," Steve says, leaning against the sink, "I want to get to know you, too."
"Tonight," Billy asks, digging around for something.
"Tonight," Steve says. "What the hell."
"You've got something to write with?"
"Yeah," Billy says, sounding like he's barely holding it together. "Yeah, just. Whenever you're ready."
That night, after, just as Steve falls asleep in Billy's arms--
It rains.
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This is an oddly specific request but could I ask for headcanons with Kafka and a reader who’s on the curvier side? Like I’ve got DDs, I have wider hips, and like Kafka I have abs but only if I suck in my stomach. So I guess I feel very seen and validated by his body type??
Sfw/nsfw is fine, and feel free to delete this if it’s too vague. I hope you have an awesome day! ☺️
MDNI under the cut, please and thank you!
A/N ::: I woke up at 4:30 this morning and am falling asleep as I write this lol. Proofed as well as I could for the remaining brain power I have.
Anon! I LOVE this so much. And oddly specific requests are fine with me. It just means I have more to work with! I hope you like this and that it meets all of your needs =).
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Always had a soft spot for women with more to love. And you've only made these feelings of his grow in intensity.
Can't believe YOU are interested in him. Sure, he knows he's strong and relatively good looking (my god, he deserves the world) but only recently has he started to feel really comfy in his own skin.
Respects the hell out of you for being so confident in your body.
Never tires of seeing you walk around in your bra when you get ready in the morning.
Has trouble focusing on his breakfast when your tits are looking so much more delicious than what he's trying to eat.
Has given up on finishing his food more than once to take a few well-placed bites of you.
Can't get enough of your ass, especially when you're bent over something in the kitchen. Or the bedroom. Or the bathroom. Anywhere, really.
Comes up behind you and starts to rub your hips, squeezing and pulling at you, whining because he doesn't want to wait until later to have you all to himself again.
You've let him indulge in his fondness for the softness of your body more than once.
You're nearly convinced that he likes what he's doing to you more than you do.
The way he reacts when he's eating your pussy, moaning and pulling your body closer against his face, his big arms wrapped up under your thighs and his hands almost turning white they're gripping the fat of your legs so hard.
It's like he's possessed, unable to control himself.
And when he fucks you, his abs bulge and flex as he slams into you, his cock hitting all of those spots deep inside of you, driving you mad.
Does his best to let you cum first.
When he finishes, sometimes he'll pull out and cum all over your tits, stomach, ass. Any part of you that he's fixated on at that moment in time.
Has had trouble deciding and almost ruined his own orgasm - luckily, there are only beautiful parts to you, and he was able to finish anywhere.
He's never had a preference for where he puts it before, but with you he just seems to really like to cover you in his cum.
Provides world-class aftercare.
He offers you anything he can think of that you might want or need.
Warm washcloth to clean up a little? Sit tight, kitten, he'll be right back.
Hungry? Where do you want to eat? He's famished, anything you want sounds great to him.
Thirsty? He's already walking his chubby, jiggly naked butt down the hall to the kitchen for a glass of ice water for you.
Tired? Great, so is he. The two of you have curled up more than once to take some quiet time for just you.
He's got you covered for anything.
So grateful to have someone so loving, patient, and caring in his life.
Fights (playfully) with you about who is luckier: You or him. But he never backs down that he's the clear winner here.
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@kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@darkstarlight82 @southside-otaku
@bakubunny @mintiblossom
@breathofthewind29 @viburnt
@trevengersprincess @manji-hoe
@witchy-scribblings @
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Sorry if I’m a bother, if that’s the case feel free to skip over this one.
I freaking loved it! I’m now inspired to draw Sam with the overlords now! If it’s not too much trouble could I ask for Zestial, Charlie and the rest of the hotel’s reactions to Sam?
(Ooo!😳 what if for Angel’s it’s Valentino who tries to hurt him?! That could get messy!)
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A/n: Nah dude you're fine! Though I don't write for Zestial (not that that's your fault I keep forgetting to put that in the rules.)
Warnings (?): nothing major happens but Val's here so warning for abuse. Also, Alastor is hurt in Husk's part and Val is hurt in Angel's part, it's nothing graphic but if you don't want to read about that skip those parts.
!!!not proofread!!!
Charlie: Just as cuddly as you! Gladly accepts any candy from you. She ends up getting candy from the hotel for you. Let's you tag along if it's safe (or at least what she assumes you can handle.) Despite being the princess of Hell it's a known fact that she's a pushover and usually refuses to use her powers. So it's not that much of a surprise when someone attacks her. What is a surprise is how you react. I'm going to be honest, she is at least a little scared of you now. Though she's pretty sure you'd only attack people when they hurt your friends. We’re about 80% sure they're harmless.
Vaggie: She ain't too keen on cuddles, but isn't totally against it. She's not great with kids when they're just chilling so she doesn't know what to do. Also, she isn't one for sweets but appreciates the gesture. You remind her of Charlie in a weird way (but like platonic obviously.) Vaggie got some crayons for today's bonding activity when some random sinner attacked Vaggie. Before Vaggie could defend herself the sinner was ripped off of her. She just stared dumbfounded as you took care of the sinner. Well, there goes her thinking you're like Charlie. I mean sure you seemed sweet when somebody attacked a person you liked. You became terrifying and did anything to defend them- wait never mind you're more like Charlie now.
Angel Dust: Kinda creeped out by you before you do anything tbh. You follow him around nearly everywhere and keep offering him candy, despite barely knowing each other. But he understands you're a kid and may have a hard time showing you care, but he sets a ground rule: NEVER follow him to work. It's not a place for kids to be, and you followed that! Valentino just couldn't keep his hands off Angel even out of the studio. You too were just at a park, it was night so no one was really around. Until Valentino spotted Angel, you didn't hear any of the words that were said between them. But you did see Valentino hit Angel and that was the end of that. Seeing you almost kill Valentino was horrifying but also very cathartic. After the initial shock wears off you get about 20 bags of candy and however much cuddle time you want.
Husk: He's pretty blunt about finding you off-putting. But you don't seem to care and still follow him around like a lost puppy. The fact that him insulting you didn't sour your opinion of him even a little bit concerns him. So he starts to look after you. Not because he cares about you! Just because it'd be messed up to let a kid get manipulated no matter who they are. He totally cares about you. He gives chocolate milk or any sweet drink you like at the bar. One day Husk decided to stand up to Alastor which seemed to be a huge mistake on Husk's part. It would have been if it wasn't for you walking in on the scene. The threats were made good on. Just towards Alastor instead of him doing them. Husk is a little shaken up but hey he's probably free now. Gets you any candy you want and shows you a shit ton of card tricks.
Niffty: Tbh I don't have much to say about her. She finds you interesting but doesn't give you much thought. Though eventually when you protect her she returns your affection. Because you are scary and small which are both things she is.
Sir Pentious: (this is while he's in hell btw) Not great with kids. Like I don't think the egg bois are kids but even if they are the only experience he has with kids is his minions. But he does try! He does care for kids. He'll get you candy and cuddle if you want. He used to try to take over territories a lot. He always failed but he still made a lot of enemies that way. So when one of them finds him and tries to hurt him while you're around? I mean if he still wants that territory he can definitely take it now. To be honest I think he'd find you cool, even if you're more than a little scary.
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Hai um, can you do like, Rengoku x Reader who struggles with body insecurities? Mainly like, the tummy or back plush?
I did already do Rengoku x chubby!reader but I don't ever think there can be enough of the sunshine man, so yes, yes I can!
There are 3 things in Demon Slayer I refuse to accept: 1) that the breathing styles don't actually create the cool effects, 2) that thing about what happens after they activate the slayer marks, and 3) that Kyojuro has a six pack. My boy lives on copious amounts of carbs and fried food and has a little squish himself (also it just makes sense for a swordsman to have extra padding- would you rather get stabbed through your muscles and internal organs or a couple of inches of fat? Anyway...)
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(God I fucking love him)
NSFW beneath the cut. GN!Reader. TASTY.
You're at the kitchen sink washing sweet potatoes for dinner when Kyojuro comes up behind you and hugs as he often does, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and pressing his lips to your neck.
He feels you tense up slightly. You stiffen in his arms and your hand defensively goes to capture his wrist.
He knows immediately what's wrong. He's very good at reading people and this has happened before. You're concerned about your tummy again.
"You're so beautiful," he assures you, his voice soft and low against that spot just below your ear. "Inside and out."
You try to cover your vulnerability with humor and hold up one of the vegetables in your hand. "Nah, I look like this."
His thick, black eyebrows slant in concern, "Now, sunflower, you know how I feel about sweet potatoes. They're beautiful too. But..." He loosens his hug a little to place his hand across your belly. "They're hard and un-cuddleable, and you're soft, so the comparison doesn't really hold up beyond you both being my favorites."
You smile and he leans into you, kissing your temple. "Did someone say something to hurt you?"
"No, it's just a feeling." You look down, as the weight of your insecurity crushes you.
"Hm," he hums thoughtfully.
He turns you round to face him and gets down on his knees, gazing up at you with adoration and reverence. He takes your hand in his and gives it a soft squeeze.
"I need you to listen to me, but I will repeat it as many times as you need me to. You are beautiful to me. I adore every aspect of you, and that includes your softness."
He tells you this with the utmost sincerity and gentle kindness, his thumb stroking circles on the back of your hand as he speaks.
And when he's done and you nod your head in understanding, he pulls you into an embrace, resting his cheek on your stomach and smiling to himself.
He's telling the truth too; he will absolutely tell you how wonderful you are to him however many times it takes and he means it wholeheartedly.
No matter what your insecurity is; your tummy, your back, arms, thighs, chest, he adores you and thinks you're the most wonderful person. His very favorite person, in fact.
Now... when it comes to insecurities about your body during sex, Kyojuro is just as supportive, but he will show you how much he appreciates your body, as well as simply telling you.
OBVIOUSLY Kyojuro is King of Going Down and he will happily spend forever between your thighs, but if you're self conscious about your tummy he's gonna make a little stop there first.
He'll kiss it all over telling you how gorgeous you are, that you're precious and wonderful and worthy.
He'll get so wrapped up in your loveliness he'll forget how loud he is.
*kiss* BEAUTIFUL! *kiss* GORGEOUS! *kiss* SEXY!!
You laugh because your lovely man is just so effusive with his love and appreciation of you, and it's impossible not to feel it.
And then he'll wipe that smile off your face as his kisses trail lower...
While he's going down on you, he'll lay his arm over your stomach. Since he can't hear well (especially with your thighs cradling the sides of his head) your belly tells him a lot about how you're enjoying yourself.
He pays attention to the rhythm of your breaths, the tension in your muscles and the way your soft body moves with them.
He LOVES the way your lower belly tenses when you're right on the brink.
And when he's made you cum he'll make sure you're fucked right.
He never gives you less than his all.
He'll either press down into you, relishing the soft, plush warmth of your body against his
or he'll have you ride him; half-closed fiery eyes drinking in the sight of you, hypnotized by the way you move.
"Beautiful~" he whispers, because he simply cannot hold that thought in.
He just adores you.
No matter what, his love for you burns bright, and he'll spend his life trying to get that fire to spread to your heart too.
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Hi how are you? 😃 May I request some headcanons of RE characters (you choose, i can't choose because I like most of them 😅 ) with a reader who worked 13 days straight and has insomnia so they're pretty much in autopilot or zombie mode at the end of that but are more polite then usual? I hope I don't have to work that many days in a row again 😩
HI yes i can relate as someone who doesn't know how to say no to picking up shifts. my record is only ten days thought, rest in peace my love that sounds HORRIFIC. i chose some guys at random (along with chris and leon, my favorites lol) i hope you enjoy!
Chris Redfield
literally him too
this man has never known a good nights sleep since he was like 21 and even then it was kind of rocky
he has less sympathy because of it. to him it's kind of normal
he works like no one else has ever worked because he cares about his cause. it's a bit hard for him to understand that not everyone does in the case of work
he feels bad seeing you this way though and he knows it
he may have done it before but seeing you go through the zombie nature was affecting him now. you were his person, his safe spot, and you weren't safe
once the sympathy comes it doesn't leave
calls your boss!!!!
on your phone!!!
he's so scary. he's a scary big man. tall. big. large. so large.
they gave you three days off in a row actually
they also mentioned to not have your boyfriend call on your phone again because of professional reasons and it wasn't until then that you knew he even called
you were so out of it you hadn't checked your outgoing calls (and why would you?)
anything he can do to help, he will. just ask it of him.
The two of you sat in front of the TV. His arm was over your shoulder as you leaned against him, more comfortable now than you had been in weeks.
"You hungry?" he questioned, glancing down at you.
"I could eat."
"Anything specific?" You glanced up at him, meeting your eyes. He could read your look. You wanted him to go and get food. He narrowed his eyes, playfully. "It's late."
"I know. I'm being silly."
"Well I didn't say no."
Leon Kennedy
Leon is the most likely on this list to also have some sort of insomnia. He can't even talk against you either because he has the same exact issues
working too much, not sleeping enough
he drinks sometimes till he can't feel the effects of either
so who is he to say that you should go to bed or that working so much was destructive?
despite it being hypocritical, he sees the overall exhaustion within you
you're suddenly quietly polite, you have nothing in you to fight against him, even when he makes his normal banter and you don't return it
that's what really affected him. until you got rest, you could never really be back to him. your polite tired nature made him want to protect you. you were his, he couldn't let you go on like this
he showed up at your work
he didn't chew out your boss, no, he just 'brought you lunch' and then politely demanded that you be given two days off
he may have brought a weapon. it wasn't very good of him but then again, neither was having someone work 13 days straight
you promised him that you would do it for him next time
"What about when you go off to Japan for a month and I know you aren't sleeping?" you questioned. You sat in bed together, eyes heavy, no work in the morning.
"If you were in Japan I couldn't know if you were sleeping either," he pointed out.
"I feel like you would find a way." He smiled, that charming gentle smile. Comforting, homey.
"You're right. I would." You rolled your eyes.
Carlos Oliveira
was a fierce advocate for you taking a day off and is mid contact with your boss
he doesn't care if it was your choice. he really doesn't. he loves but you but damn if he won't let you go through that again
you're so quiet that it scares him sometimes. the life in your eyes is just barely there
he is a bit of a workaholic himself sometimes but he knows how to take breaks. he prides himself in being able to separate himself from that when he can
he tries to lull you to sleep (like you don't know what he's trying to do)
you're stubborn and he knows this and you're also far too tired to admit how tired you actually are
the kind of boyfriend to give you tea and hope it does the trick. to give you massages, make you listen to him talk so much that hopefully you'll fall asleep in his lap
he adores you to pieces. he really does. how can he bear to see you like this?
it's like you're a zombie and not the bad kind. he wanted you to spend the whole day in bed and again, he will call your boss on your behalf, he'll pay for the rent if he can, he doesn't care
he'll do whatever he can to save you from the fate of another awful night like that
His hand massaged your shoulders as you sat together on the couch. You had been silent for a while and although it used to worry him, he was just happy to have you beside him.
"No work tomorrow," he mentioned quietly.
"Don't talk about work," you whispered. He nodded, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.
"Sorry." You looked at him at your side. "I think I might lock you in the bedroom so you can get some sleep."
"You know that's not how that works," you whispered, though you smiled at the gesture anyway.
"It's how it should work."
Ethan Winters
Ethan understands better than most how hard it can be to let things slide
he knows that working sometimes helps. it helps the silence in his head when all he can focus on is that he's so tired and the has to work
because he understands, he also has a certain degree of protection he has over you
he knows what it feels like to be unable to feel his eyelids anymore because they're so heavy
the very second you have off he demands that you stay inside
he would rather you be laying down and not moving for a while if he could stand it, allowing you to bask in the quietness
he would make you promise him that you would try your hardest to sleep because he thought that once exhaustion came over you it would be too hard not to
he wanted to tell you about how hard it was for him after the Baker house to sleep because he had so many bad memories that he didn't want to relive
he tries to relate to you about that. he wants you to know that sometimes his bed is a demon in and of itself
insists you take time off afterwards. he doesn't care how it happens but you need a day of rest and that's final
"They'll probably need me in sooner," you admitted, quietly. He shook his head over dinner. He had made it for you that night, happily, some of your favorite foods.
"Two days minimum," he said.
"You're not my boss Ethan," you told him honestly but he shook his head. He was having none of it.
"You should quit."
"I know. But I can't."
"I know," he hummed, shaking his head. "Two days. Two. In a row."
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nogenderbee · 6 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Welt, Jing Yuan and Blade with a a lover who summons cute monsters to fight?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yes!! Honestly, I found it actually so cute I loved writing it ^^ Picked oneshot format because I just had general idea for it, so hope you still like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff, TW: description of fights
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Welt and you were just exploring new planet, admiring it's scenery, when you were stopped by group of local enemies.
"Let's deal with them so we can continue our trip..."
You said a bit annoyed, as your date was interrupted and now you had to fight instead of having romantic walk.
Your boyfriend just nodded and in the next second, you did your little ritual in order to summon your cute monsters! Welt knew you could summon cuties like that hut he'd never assume you'd summon them to fight! But he decided to just take this fight on him and do his best to protect you, not aware of what your summons could do.
"Love, watch out!"
He yelled to you, when he noticed monster attacking you. His voice and expression was full of panic, just for it to be surprised in the next second, when your summons turned out to be actually terrifying... They still looked cute but they'd most likely be able to rip off someone's head...
"That's... ehem, I'm happy to know you can protect yourself. Let's continue our walk, shall we?"
He may act like he's neutral towards your powers, but he's actually intrigued! He just chooses not to ask you this directly, as to not make you uncomfortable and because you have a date right now, and he wishes to enjoy it too~
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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You wanted to show Jing Yuan a really nice spot after his hard days if work. He told you he doesn't recall place like that, but the truth is he just couldn't tell it to your face he knows it, so he nade a sweet kid that he'll tell you about later either way. It's worth seeing your excited smile.
You were just enabling about these very pretty flowers you found there when he suddenly pulled out in, avoiding monsters attack.
"Watch out. I'll have to ask you to get behind my, sweetheart. I promise I'll solve it quickly."
"Just leave it to me this time!"
You actually stepped forward, wanting to take care of him for once and maybe to impress him too~
"Just be careful. And know I have your back if anything happens."
He gave you a gentle nod and you became your little ritual. Jing Yuan was net with familiar cute looking pink monsters he saw before due to you showing him them. And how surprised was he when they suddenly defrosted all enemies in the blink of an eye...
But when you looked at him after him realizing how powerful you are, instead of being shocked it startled, he actually had a gentle smile and have one of your cute monsters a pat.
"You have my gratitude for protecting my lover and me."
He actually takes a like of them! He'll be happy to have them around as he trusts you and so does he trust your summons! He'll simply appreciate it and lower his guard a bit whenever they're around.
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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"Get behind me."
"Oh c'mon, you don't need to always baby me! I can fight enemies myself!"
"Just don't complain when you get hurt."
You and Blade were on his mission together. If you're Stallaron Hunter or not, only is your decision, but you decided to help him on it at least a bit either way!
He was fighting with his sword like usually, this time also leaving you behind a bit, not caring to check on you as much since you wanted to fight for yourself. He'd probably look when you yell or something... who knows this man?
"Hold on, I'll just summon my monsters!"
You announced and your boyfriend looked your way for a second, you did your little ritual and soon, here they were. Pink flying octopus with way too big eyes and also a pink cat with the same situation. Blade's jaw dropped as his right hand slashed the enemy.
"Please tell me it's another one of your jo-"
But then these cute animals defeated rest of enemies in blink of an eye... brutal blink of an eye... Your boyfriend's look of disappointed quickly changed into his neutral expression. But he was actually quite impressed with how deceiving and yet powerful your monsters are.
"I guess you can fight for yourself after all..."
"Well you'll do just that from now on."
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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for the cullens, who would you say is the most to least set in their ways?
That's hard, anon, because... well, they're the Cullens.
But alright, let's make this controversial list.
Edward and Rosalie compete for the top spots here but I think Rosalie has to win because we don't see her change significantly in canon. Because of Bella and his falling in love with her, Edward changes both his outlook on life and significant personal beliefs (vampires having souls).
Now, it's hard going to get there, and he doesn't really change as a person, but he does confront himself and does grow in the series.
Rosalie, however, firmly believes that being human is the only option no matter what, even when faced with Bella who shows someone who firmly wants to become a vampire, doesn't want children (at first), and is quite happy upon becoming a vampire.
Rosalie has her set beliefs and she really really really doesn't want to change even when presented alternatives. She also doesn't want to admit that hey, what may be the right thing for Rosalie may not be the right thing for Bella and things that matter to Rosalie may not matter to Bella.
Rosalie is incredibly stubborn and not just set in her ways but determined to be set in them.
Runner up is Edward.
Edward has certain views of himself, the world, Bella, his father, just about everyone that he will not change no matter the evidence he is presented with. He also is incredibly stubborn and when he decides on a course of action, fuck you, that's what he's going to do.
The entire series takes place because Edward is absolutely unwilling, in all circumstances no matter how dire, to ever turn Bella into a vampire.
Add onto that things like Edward being bound and determined to kill himself via the Volturi the moment Bella dies (remember he plans this early in Twilight when he realizes he's in love. He knows he's not going to turn her, so he's going to wait out her human life then kill himself afterwards and he has the whole thing planned out. It was just a matter of when).
Edward also wants to be a gentleman from the 1910's, when he grew up, and says as much often. Bella wants to do modern dating? Well, Bella, Edward wants to be a gentleman (except when it gets in the way of the things he wants, then he's going to ignore that).
Edward's incredibly set in his ways.
Alice is interesting.
In some ways, she's the very definition of flexibility. Alice is a leaf on the wind, following her visions for the best future, and as a result never quite understandable. She doesn't fight her visions, isn't set on a particular course of action, and will pivot as needed to do what's best for her and her family.
Except that's the thing, that's a philosophy and way of being Alice.
This is the way Alice has been for her entire life that she can remember, following her third eye and doing what's best, manipulating those around her in a benign manner to get the best outcome even if there are risks.
In many ways, Alice really should be number one, except that it's not that stubbornness of Rosalie and Edward and you are able to negotiate with her (so long as her inner eye agrees that's for the best).
Esme's third but it's a trailing fourth.
Esme doesn't have the willful stubbornness of Edward and Rosalie, the lack of any desire to change whatsoever under any circumstances or ever change her mind about things, but she does seem very unflappable and very untouched by anything that happens around her.
Esme always unfailingly sees the best in people--even people who are an enemy army of vampires going into Bella's bedroom to steal her clothes. There are times she seems completely out to lunch with what's happening and fails to confront Edward on his alarming behavior (she confronts him but it goes sideways quickly).
It's hard to imagine Esme changing her ways significantly because she's so... Esme.
This is a very very very trailing fifth for Jasper, he's nowhere near Rosalie and Edward's level and really not set in his ways at all. Jasper overturns his life, goes on a whacky diet after eating people for a hundred fifty years, starts going to high school.
Jasper is far from set in his ways.
But he does have trouble adjusting and getting himself out of the "I am a territorial warlord" headspace.
Jasper's always looking for threats and how to eliminate them, he doesn't think twice about killing Bella in Twilight to keep the secret even when the family's debating over whether this is something they should do. In Eclipse he's right back in his element of planning the fight with the newborn army.
He struggles the most with his thirst (though this is likely due to losing the genetic lottery and not so much personality) and as a result struggles with the Cullen lifestyle.
He tries to interact with Bella as a human and when he does it leads to disaster and then he retracts and keeps huge distance until he feels he can safely be around her.
Jasper's not set in his ways but it does seem it's hard to remove himself from the past.
Emmett's a very easy going guy who's lighthearted and gets along with just about everyone. He's great at easing tension, doesn't take things too seriously, and is able to talk down both Rosalie and Edward throughout the series.
Now, that's a kind of unflappable personality that's not really prone to change, which puts him here on our list, but that's not what I'd really call set in his ways.
Emmett gladly adopts new technology, doesn't seem hung up on anything about his human life whatsoever, and while I don't imagine his personality changing much it really doesn't have to.
I think Emmett's a very adaptable person (as shown by his taking a vampire wife who saved him from a bear in the first place).
The only thing that's a bit strange is his bear vendetta but you do you, Emmett.
In some ways, Carlisle deserves the top spot on this list, as he's the most stubborn man alive. He'll happily die before giving up this diet, even if his eyes turn funny colors, he'll train himself to be a doctor, he remains a devout Christian even when a demon, and he does what he wants.
However, he's also kind of the definition of change.
This 16th century Anglican priest became a demon, then decided to make being a demon suit him, traveled the world to find people like him, then becomes a doctor and attends university because he can, and adapts to each new work environment and his ever expanding family of vampires and nonsense thrown his way.
Carlisle is anything but set in his ways for all that he's very very stubborn about his ideals.
We don't see much of her but Renesmee has no real ways to be set into. She lives in a bizarre glass bubble (in which a war almost happens three months after she's born), she herself is constantly changing physically every second, and it's hard to imagine her ever getting herself into a rut because like it or not things are going to happen as she gets older.
This puts her at the least set in her ways.
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skz-sarang · 2 months
. . . ♡ you can’t help but become the sun ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪Lovey’s relationship with stray kids! ❫ ୧ ⊹
.⋆。˚⋆☆ Hyung line edition ☆⋆˚。⋆.
࣪warnings! mention of ED , anxiety
word count! 300+ each
a/n! popularity percentages all above 85%
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popularity : 95 %
⸻ Chan was the very first member to know and meet Lovey; after all, she is at JYP thanks to him. The first thing that struck Bangchan about Sarang was her talent – a voice unlike any he had heard before, sweet, gentle, enchanting, and mesmerizing like the songs of sirens. The second thing that struck him was her eyes – so big and deep, filled with pain, fear, and uncertainties. Too many negative emotions for a young girl like Sarang. Chan took Lovey 'under his wing,' giving her the strength to dream, providing a launching pad through Stray Kids. Chan and Sarang share an unparalleled bond; he saw her at her lowest and brought her back to shine. She sees him as her savior, that glimmer of light in a dark room. He's always there, ready to protect her, shielding her from the world. Chan would give up a kidney for her. The bond between Chan and Lovey is like an invisible thread keeping them connected. Every smile from her is confirmation of the positive change Chan brought into her life. In their relationship, Chan is more than a friend; he's a confidant, a mentor, and a guardian angel. She trusts him completely and knows that he will always have her back, no matter what. Lovey's strength has become his inspiration, and every success of hers is a shared victory. They tend to be very clingy since they are both affectionate. They often spend time together, especially in the studio, as Sarang doesn't want to leave Chan alone to work, and he doesn't want her to go home alone late at night. Sarang always ends up falling asleep watching him work.
fans favorite moment : During an interview, Sarang was asked about her emergency contacts. She took out her phone, a big smile on her face, and showed the two contacts: Jihoon, her brother, and Bangchan. Her explanation was, "I chose these two simply because Jihoon is my family, while Channie - oppa is the person I trust the most." After hearing this, Chan, who was unaware, widened his eyes and immediately stood up from his stool, going near Sarang and engulfing her in a huge hug: "I luv you, bubbles, you're what I hold most dear"
Charang things :
Holding hands while crossing the street and/or in crowded places like airports.
Chan’s goodnight forehead kiss
late night drive
watching marvel movies together
making playlists for each other
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popularity : 96 %
⸻ when lovey and leeknow first met, they didn't immediately hit it off. not because they didn't like one another, but because they're both super introverts that have a hard time talking to new people. especially because lovey was the only girl so he was like wtf??? and minho as an attitude , so sarang was a bit scared of him. but jisung forced them to talk to each other and they were like “oh maybe they're not so scary. ” after that they started becoming really good friends, and really enjoyed one another's company. they could always tell each other just about anything, and not have to worry about judgment. Now, their relationship consists of Minho making fun of sarang embarrassing or flattering her, flirting with her, even in front of the cameras. If you need someone to make her a blushing mess, simply call Lee Know. He loves to tease her, is his favorite thing since he discovered that she gets flustered easily. He loves watching her pink shades cheeks. She lets him do that only because they're pretty close. Minho is quite of a character, usually isn't lovely dovely, especially in front of cams or stays, but has a soft spot for her; out of all them members he's probably the member who looks after her the most. Since he learned about her problem with food, he has always taken care of her, making sure she didn’t skip meals and teaching her how to cook.
fans favorite moment : During “mysterious kitchen” lovey was peeling carrots, but he had some difficulty, and had a pair of cutting himself. Lee know approached her and put his head on the shoulder of the shorter girl. “Don’t you know how to shave carrots?” He asked giggling. Lovey replied with a laugh, shaking her head. Then he stood behind her, hugging her and took knife and carrot from her hands, showing her how to do it. The scene is depopulated sh twitter and tiktok with fans crazy for their closeness and connection.
Minrang’s things :
always there to help sarang calm down when she’s in the middle of an anxiety attack
back-hug while cooking
matching phone cases
tickling her only to hear her laugh
Cat-cuddling dates, whether with soongie doogie dori or snoflake and gingerbread
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popularity : 87 %
⸻ Changbin has a daddy-like behavior towards her, he always has a hand on her at airports, or puts his jacket on her lap for cover her when she wears skirts or dresses; he just in general keeps an eye out for her. He is like a protective shield, watching out for her and making sure she is safe and happy. He’s also the most likely to voice a concern if he thinks her concept is too sexy, because he honestly treats her like his baby. It’s also not uncommon to find these two up in the late hours having in depth conversations. Whether it’s something they’re laughing about or if it’s a deep and serious conversation. They’re kinda big on communication, especially since Sarang has such a hard time opening up to others. Changbin always encourages her to say what’s on her mind, but he’s never forceful about it. He just likes to let her know that she can say what’s on her mind, and he’ll always be there to listen. Their connection goes beyond the public eye, as Changbin values the depth of their friendship and ensures that Sarang feels secure within the group dynamics. The genuine and caring nature of their relationship adds a heartwarming dimension to their interactions within the group. Despite Changbin's dedication to working out, Sarang, not particularly interested in fitness, joins him during his exercise routines. It's not about the activity itself for her; rather, it's a gesture of companionship. Changbin appreciates her willingness to be by his side, turning their workout sessions into lighthearted moments filled with laughter and encouragement.
fans favorite moment : During The filming of a skz-talk in the promotions of “ Maniac ” ,Changbin noticed Sarang wincing as they walked backstage after the energetic Music Bank stage. He glanced down at her feet and couldn't help but empathize with the discomfort she must be feeling in those high heels. "Hey sweetie , I can see those heels are killing you. Why don't you take a break and let me carry you or something?" Sarang chuckled, appreciating Changbin's concern but refusing to be a burden. "No, it's fine. I'll survive." Changbin, however, was having none of it. He bent down, swiftly removing his sneakers. "Come on, I'd rather see you walking comfortably. Here, take these. I don't mind going barefoot." Sarang stared at him in surprise, then gratefully accepted the shoes, feeling an unexpected warmth in her heart. “Thanks, Oppa. You're a lifesaver." Changbin just shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "Anything for your comfort, Bubbles. Let's get you feeling better."
Sangbin’s things :
Changbin giving lovey is jacket whenever is cold
trying to get her to workout without results
shooting finger hearts at him from a distance.
messing with her hair
her personal bodyguard
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popularity : 91 %
⸻ lovey and Hyunjin share a high-energy bond. They bring out each other's playful sides and have a natural chemistry on and off stage. They are partners in crime. Hyunjin likes to joke around with the members but not with her; he prefers having her as his accomplice. He loves her style, and she really looks up to him as an artist. He knows she has low self-esteem, so he's always cheering for her, Hyunjin is her n1 Fan. And god save anyone who criticizes her, because he will be ready to fight. They’re also big goofballs, and can often be seen doing dramatic skits during their variety shows and just being ridiculous. Sarang and Hyunjin share a dynamic where their friendship blossoms into a creative synergy. Hyunjin, known for his playful interactions, discovers in Sarang not just a companion but a muse for collaborative ideas. Their joint goofiness spills over into impromptu moments of laughter, creating a unique and endearing atmosphere within the group. Hyunjin's protective instincts kick in as he becomes a vocal advocate for lovey, showcasing a fierce loyalty that solidifies their bond as not just friends, but partners in both mischief and creativity. Lovey and Hyunjin often find solace in creative endeavors, particularly in painting together. In these artistic moments, Hyunjin takes on the role of a patient teacher, sharing his knowledge and techniques with Sarang. Their painting sessions become a canvas for shared laughter, learning, and the beautiful fusion of their individual styles. Through this artistic collaboration, lovey not only hones her skills but also deepens their connection, creating a masterpiece of friendship and shared passion.
fans favorite moment : During an exclusive music show performance by JYP, there's a humorous moment when Sarang whispers something in Hyunjin's ear. Both burst into uncontrollable laughter, but as soon as they realize they're on camera, they quickly hide, trying to mask their amusement. Fans suspect they might have been teasing the PDnim.
Sanjin’s things :
gossiping at award shows together
hyunjjn using lovey for an “arm rest”
painting together
dancing v-lives
pinky promises
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©2023 , skz-sarang masterlist
!TAGLIST! : @smh-anon (send an ask to be added to the taglist!)
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frownyalfred · 9 months
Hey Res! Please ignore this ask if it's too troublesome or bothersome
I saw you had an guide for non-drikers writers that wanted to write about a character who drink. I was wondering if you could the same about guns?
I read synchronicity and I loved it how you used Jason's knowledge with guns to control the narrative and pacing. I don't know if you have actual technical knowledge on handguns (I think it's a no? But maybe you do?) But any tip is nice
Thank you a lot 🩷
Hi anon! This is such a fascinating question and I hope I can provide a somewhat plausible answer. I am familiar with some guns and have shot a few in my lifetime, but I am far from an expert.
Some things I think writers need to keep in mind while writing their firearm-related scenes. For clarity, I'm just going to call them guns below.
Are you thinking of a specific gun? Make sure you know its full name but ALSO make sure you know its nickname. Your character might think of it as "the Berretta" instead of its full name, etc.
What does your gun fire? Does it take shells, bullets, cartridges, etc? Shotguns, for example, don't fire bullets. That's a common mistake I see.
How do you reload said gun? Is it easy? What parts of the gun do you have to touch? Reloading a shotgun is MUCH different from reloading a handgun, for example.
Most guns get hot and release gunpowder residue when shot. They're LOUD. You can have several cascading things happen to a character who fires a gun or is near a gun when it fires: ringing ears, the smell of gunpowder, the hot feeling of the gun's muzzle, etc.
Even the best sharpshooters miss shots. IRL shooting is HARD, especially when moving. Different guns have different benefits to shooting style, stance, targets. Firing a handgun willy-nilly will rarely result in accurate shots, even if you dual wield (which is silly, this is SO hard).
Stance MATTERS. If you've ever seen Hannibal, there's a scene where Will talks about his choice of shooting stance with Beverly. They bicker over Isosceles and Weaver, which are two standard stances. One uses a triangle between your arms and the gun to brace for the kickback of the shot, while the other moves that brace to one side with a different grip. Will eventually chooses the latter stance because of a past shoulder injury. (GIF of Will struggling with his original isosceles stance)
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If a gun isn't properly braced when fired, it will kick back and hit you. Sometimes in the face. Yes this has happened with me and a rifle. My first day shooting cans, I had a huge bruise on my face AND on my chest where the rifle butt kicked back.
If your gun uses bullets, there are different calibers. If you've ever watched Mythbusters, you can see why caliber matters -- it depends what or who you're shooting. Are you trying to penetrate armor? Are you sacrificing accuracy for power? Different guns use different calibers for numerous reasons, and guns can be altered to use other ammo as well.
With respect to discussing caliber while writing: It's all VERY complicated if you don't know guns, so make sure you're not giving too much detail if you can avoid it. That's a very easy way to spot a lack of experience with guns, in my experience. Your reader doesn't need to know the caliber just because the character is shooting a gun -- but in an autopsy, sure, the caliber is relevant.
You will lose your hearing eventually if you fire guns close to your ears unprotected. It's not sexy, and it also causes something called tinnitus. The real pros wear ear protection.
In terms of realism for writing, here's a couple rapid fire busted myths: You can't dodge bullets unless you're superhuman. Bullet wounds to the legs/arms/shoulders can absolutely still be fatal. Cardiac arrest caused by being shot is usually fatal, and CPR doesn't really help on its own. "Running out of shots" depends on the gun AND the modifications someone has made to it. You can't always tell just by looking at a gun what it will do. Silencers are rarely "silent" and are heavily regulated.
Injuries: Some bullets tear through bodies. Some aren't high enough caliber to do more than go in and lodge in some tissue. Some fragment and bounce around in weird ways. Depending on how gruesome you want to get, there's a lot of different ways to describe gunshot injuries. I've always been the kind of person to google images for better understanding, but I understand that's not for everyone. I think NYT or WaPo did a good piece on traumatic gun injuries a few years back, complete with an interview with an ER doc from Chicago (?). One thing I learned there -- sometimes people lose their legs, or both legs, after being shot in their leg.
In terms of describing how someone uses/fights with guns, I know the John Wick movies are a little cheesy, but they are staged by people who REALLY know their guns. They talk about what he's using usually before the scene starts, and there's very few frills when it comes to stance, firing, etc. John does a cool trick in the first or second movie where he ejects a casing one-handed away from his face, a notoriously hard maneuver that most people usually do with two hands to avoid getting burned. I highly recommend watching the John Wick movies for blocking ideas.
Which reminds me -- holding a gun sideways is a terrible idea. For many reasons. Stance, casing ejection, stability, etc. Someone can use it against you.
Never point a gun at something you're not willing to shoot. Well-trained characters should follow this rule religiously. If they were soldiers, agents, etc, they will know this rule.
Similarly, multiple people with guns will "clear" a room before entering. They will be trained for something called crossfire, which is when someone is downrange of their gun and could potentially be shot. A group of characters bursting into a room without clearing their shot is a nightmare. This is how people shoot their friends or random civilians.
I hope someone more knowledgeable can add onto this! These are just some big things that stick out to me when reading. I highly recommend checking out Mythbusters, John Wick, and even Hannibal for some semi-realistic shooting references. Good luck!
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