#it's one of the few times they're side by side during a stream together
sonicrainicorn · 8 months
Here's a fun, wholesome fact for the single dad au: Kevin and Dan always play the newest Zelda game together. It's tradition
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starmocha · 4 months
the day bleeds into nightfall Zayne/MC | 1242 words | AO3 She was coming home soon. A/N: So, um, you know those text messages you get from the guys when you don’t sign in for 30 days or more? Yeah…this stemmed from that…oops.
She was coming home soon.
It had been over a month since she was assigned a mission in another town. Zayne always worried whenever she was taken far away from him, though he knew she was a strong, capable fighter able to hold her ground against any wanderers no matter how big or small.
He couldn't help it. It was in his nature to always worry about her, to fuss over her, nag her—love her.
To assuage his worries, he kept up the text message exchange, finding solace in sharing tidbits of his mundane life with her as he waited for her to return home.
She was coming home soon.
Zayne passed a poster, pausing to examine it before he snapped a photo on his phone.
He typed out a message:
They're holding a new Kitty Cards event next month. Didn't I promise you a rematch last time?
He attached the photo and hit sent. He took another glance at the poster, and resumed his walk home, already seeing her seething across from him when he would, without a doubt, win again.
She was coming home soon.
It seemed his schedule as of late had been packed with surgeries after surgeries. He hadn't been home much recently, choosing to sleep in his car or office for a little bit instead out of mere convenience. When he needed sustenance, the cafeteria food would suffice or he would stop by one of the eateries near the hospital. For some reason, lately he didn’t care too much for taste, finding no pleasure in the meals he ate. He simply needed food from a biological standpoint, desiring only the energy they would give him to carry on with his life.
Remember to eat and sleep on time, he sent the message at noon and then reclined the seat in his car for a few minutes of shut eyes before his next scheduled surgery.
She was coming home soon.
Zayne mindlessly scrolled through the suggestions of movies on the TV's streaming app, finding nothing particularly interesting. He passed the different movies displayed, not reading the titles or even registering the thumbnails, but eventually he finally settled on a random psychological thriller, though his attention continued to remain elsewhere.
As the opening credit started, Zayne looked down at his phone, already typing away a new message for her:
The movie you wanted to see should be released by the time you come home. I'll buy us tickets. Hurry back.
She was coming home soon.
It's going to rain next Thursday. Dress appropriately, and don't dilly-dally in wet clothes.
He stared at the sent message, and without thinking, sent another one as an afterthought:
I can't always stay by your side.
She was coming home soon.
One day, after a particularly long meeting with the hospital's esteemed medical staff, Zayne returned to his office and noticed the potted plant on his desk near the window.
He settled into his seat, grabbed his cup of water, and poured the remaining liquid into the pot. He looked at the growing plant fondly before snapping a single photo to attach to his message:
The daffodil we bought together is thriving. Hurry back so you don't miss its flower.
He leaned back in his chair, chuckling softly at the memory of her mistaking garlic bulbs for daffodils.
She was coming home soon.
He visited the bakery near the hospital, the very same one where they had run into one another during an afternoon rain shower.
As he stared at the assortments of delectable pastries in the glass display case, he found that they did not brighten his mood as usual. In the back of his mind, he could hear the different voices competing to be heard.
Zayne breathed in sharply, wanting the voices to be silenced, and ordered one mille-feuille, not noticing the workers' surprised expression, unused to seeing the sweet-toothed doctor order so little.
When he returned to his car, Zayne opened the cake box and scooped a single forkful into his mouth.
If I have something sweet, I'd be happy, even if it was a bad day.
He dropped the plastic fork and broke down in his car.
That evening, he sent her another text:
Have you eaten yet? There is a new hot pot restaurant that opened downtown. Hurry on back to me. I'll let you indulge to your heart's content.
She was coming home soon.
He heard the hushed whispers, caught the sympathetic glances from his peripheral vision.
Greyson told him it was okay if he needed to take time off. All of the doctors at the hospital were ready to cover all of his shifts for as long as he needed.
At first Zayne dismissed everyone, baffled by their unusual reactions. It was just another normal day. Patients were in and out of the hospital like clockwork. There was no time to waste with small talks like this.
It was just another normal day. Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and the—
Zayne froze in the middle of the operation, his hands shaking as he heard the staff around him fall into a state of panic as the fifteen-year-old patient started experiencing Evol-related complications during the cardiac surgery. Normally level-headed, he found that he was unable to will his body and mind to act accordingly. He stood there, watching through blank eyes, this perfectly crafted world of his crumbling as the memories of the past three months stared him down in the surgery room in a cruel taunt.
She was coming home soon.
She was coming home soon.
She was coming home soon…
At first, he couldn't hear any of the yelling from the surgery staff. Everything and everyone sounded like they were underwater, just muffled voices competing to be heard. Even everyone's movements seemed sluggish, as if time had slowed down, prolonging this hellish moment.
When Greyson rushed in and yanked Zayne away from the surgery table, screaming in his face, he immediately snapped out of his daze, and moved quickly to stabilize the patient, barking out orders to the staff.
By the end of the grueling, nerve-wracking hour, the young patient pulled through to everyone’s relief. Within twenty minutes, Zayne put in his request for an extended leave and offered his sincerest apology to the patient's family for his carelessness.
As he quietly left Akso Hospital, he heard the hushed whispers again, seeing the sympathetic glances from his peripheral vision.
He wished he was deaf and blind.
For the first half hour, he drove aimlessly through Linkon City before he found himself leaving behind the neon lights and heading to the cliffside on the outskirt of town overlooking the city. On the horizon, the colorful lights of the city competed for dominance with the bright stars in the night sky.
Zayne pulled out his phone, his fingers were already typing out a message for her, recalling his earlier incompetence. Halfway through the message, his eyes landed on the past conversations. He shakily scrolled up, reading the familiar one-sided conversation with an increasingly fast heartrate.
His breath hitched when he finally found one message from her, dated three months earlier:
Zayne, when I come home, let's make up for lost time! My treat!
He dropped his phone and screamed.
Three days later, he placed a small bouquet of jasmine for her.
“I miss—I love you…”
She was not coming home.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 2 months
Never Say Never| Pt4
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Blood, Physical fighting
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
The following days were a blur of chaos and anxiety. The news of your relationship with Hyunjin had spread like wildfire, thanks to Kai leaking the information to Dispatch.
"Was his debt really that bad to where he had to sell out his ex girlfriend?" Jeongin mumbled. "Broke ass bastard." This time Chan nodded, not scolding Jeongin.
It had been stressful for the guys, since this involved on of their own. But they put aside their own frustrations and worries and put them aside and focused on Hyunjin and you.
The sudden surge of attention was overwhelming, and you found yourself struggling to keep up with the flood of messages, follow requests, and comments. The guys did their best to distract you but that was about all they could do.
Hyunjin had been called into an emergency meeting with JYPE management, and the atmosphere at the dorm was tense during it.
You felt a mix of fear and anger, knowing that Kai's betrayal had not only exposed your relationship but had also put you in the crosshairs of the most toxic side of the fandom.
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling through the endless stream of notifications on your phone when the door to the dorm swung open. Hyunjin walked in, followed closely by Chan, both of their faces set in grim determination.
"Y/N," Hyunjin said, his voice soft yet urgent. "We need to talk."
You nodded, setting your phone aside. "What's going on?"
Chan took a seat across from you, his expression serious. "Management is preparing a statement. They're going to confirm your relationship to try and control the narrative."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What does that mean for us?"
"It means things are going to get a lot more intense before they get better," Chan explained. "But we're all here to support you. We're a family."
Hyunjin reached for your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “I'm not going anywhere. We'll face this together."
The next few days were a whirlwind of meetings, phone calls, and strategizing. JYPE's PR team worked tirelessly to craft a statement that would both confirm your relationship and address the invasion of your privacy. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but you found solace in Hyunjin's unwavering support.
Finally, the day of the statement's release arrived. You sat beside Hyunjin, your hands intertwined, as you watched the comments flood in on instagram after the statement was released. The company spokesperson addressed the media and fans in the statement, acknowledging the relationship and condemning the actions of those who had violated your privacy.
"JYPE respects the personal lives of our artists and will take all necessary measures to protect them. We kindly ask for your understanding and support during this time. And we wish the newfound couple happiness." the spokesperson concluded.
The statement brought a mixed response from the public. While many fans expressed their support and understanding, the more toxic elements of the fandom only grew more vicious. The threats and hateful comments continued to pour in, and the stress began to take its toll on both you and Hyunjin.
You started to question whether it was the right choice, choosing to begin again. But whenever that thought hit your mind you quickly swatted it away. Knowing that even if it crept into your head, you would never truly believe it was the wrong decision.
One evening, after a particularly difficult day, you found yourself standing on the balcony of the dorm, staring out at the city lights. Hyunjin joined you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I hate seeing you like this," he murmured. "It's not fair." He kissed your neck gently, and from the scorching imprint of his lips, you could tell exactly what shape they were in.
You leaned back against him, closing your eyes. "I know. But we'll get through it. We have to."
Things reached a boiling point when you received a particularly threatening message from an anonymous account. The message contained personal details about your family and friends, and it was clear that whoever was behind it was serious.
“Is he that broke?” You mumbled angrily to yourself. Hyunjin looked up from his easel.
“Baby…is everything okay?”
You sighed. “I think Kai is selling more of my information. I find it wild you have fans that would pay to get my best friend’s old address. Or the address of my elementary school…” You sighed and rested your head back on the couch.
Hyunjin was uncharacteristically quiet and you looked up to see a face of anger you had never quite seen him warn.
“Jinnie are you-
Hyunjin's anger finally boiled over. "I’m over it. I'm not letting this go on any longer."
He stormed out of the dorm, leaving you and the rest of the members who had been sitting quietly in stunned silence.
It wasn't long before you received a call from Chan, who had gone after him.
"Y/N, Hyunjin confronted Kai," Chan said, his voice filled with urgency. "It's not pretty. You should get down here."
Your heart raced as you quickly left the dorm, heading to the location Chan had given you. When you arrived, you found Hyunjin and Kai facing off in a small, secluded alley. Kai's face was bruised, and Hyunjin was breathing heavily, his fists clenched. A bit of blood on them.
"Hyunjin, stop!" you shouted, rushing to his side. When he swung again, his fist connecting with Kai’s jaw with a sickening crunch you screamed and stood in front of him.
“Channie stop him!”
Kai looked at Hyunjin with a sneer. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He said spitting some blood on the ground next to him. “You think it’s alright for an idol to go punch a civilian?”
Hyunjin turned on him, his eyes blazing with fury. "You're the one who leaked our relationship. You're the one who put Y/N in danger. You're a coward."
“You’re one to talk. You’ve never been desperate. I thought Y/N would understand. You’ve always been the forgiving type, havent you?” He said nodding towards Hyunjin, a subtle allusion to your reconciled relationship.
Before you could react, Hyunjin threw another punch, sending Kai sprawling to the ground. You grabbed Hyunjin's arm, pulling him back.
"Hyunjin, please. This isn't the way," you pleaded.
He looked at you, his anger slowly dissipating as he saw the fear and concern in your eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just… I couldn't stand seeing his disgusting face. No matter how desperate he was he shouldn’t have sold your information for money. He put you in danger.”
Kai struggled to his feet, glaring at both of you. "This isn't over."
Chan stepped forward, his voice cold and authoritative. "Yes, it is. If you come near Y/N or Hyunjin again, there will be serious consequences. We have enough evidence to press charges." He waved his phone at Kai. “All though, it’s seems appropriate to go about this in a legal sense regardless.”
Kai scoffed but didn't say anything further. He turned and walked away, leaving you, Hyunjin, and Chan standing in the alley.
Back at the dorm, the atmosphere was heavy with tension. The members were worried about the fallout from the confrontation, but Hyunjin was resolute.
You helped him wipe the blood off of his hands. And the blood on the edge of his lip.
“Did he hit you?” You murmured as you dotted a wet cloth on his lip. “He hit me first.” He said quietly, and you looked up at him, his voice carrying sadness, but not even a fraction of how much he was holding in his eyes.
“Do you…regret us?” He asked so quietly it was almost inaudible.
You shook your head. “That’s a dumb question Jinnie. The only thing I regret is doing something to make you believe I regret making the best decision in my life.”
"We're going to get through this," his voice was weak. "Right?"
You took a breath and wrung out the cloth, sitting next to him on the tub.
“I’d like to think we already have gone through the worst of it.”
The days that followed were filled with more meetings and discussions about how to move forward. JYPE provided additional security, and you took a temporary break from social media to protect your mental health.
Hyunjin was put on flexible “house arrest”. Chan had taken up the matter with the company of Hyunjin’s fight. And they were easily able to dismiss it as self defense. And issue a warrant out for your ex boyfriend in grounds that had nothing pertaining with you or Hyunjin, so if any legal matters were taken to the point of incarceration, Hyunjin and his altercation with Kai couldn’t be brought up as evidence.
Despite the ongoing challenges, you and Hyunjin found strength in each other. Your relationship grew even stronger as you faced the adversity together. The support from the other members was unwavering, and they went out of their way to make sure you felt safe and loved.
A few weeks later, Stray Kids had a major concert scheduled, and you knew this was going to be a pivotal moment. Hyunjin had been unusually quiet, clearly lost in thought, and you could sense he was planning something important.
You decided to give him space to breathe. Ever since entering a relationship with him for the second time, things had been hectic for him.
The concert was a massive success, the energy of the fans palpable in the air. As the performance neared its end, Hyunjin took a deep breath and stepped forward to address the crowd.
"Thank you all for your incredible support," he began, his voice steady. "There's something I want to share with you all tonight. Many of you know about the recent news regarding my relationship with Y/N."
The crowd murmured, a mix of curiosity and concern.
"I want to be honest with you," Hyunjin continued. "Y/N and I have faced a lot of challenges because of this revelation. To give you context, Y/N and I had been in a relationship previously. And we spent a little while apart because I was too afraid to tell the world about my relationship. Now I have the opportunity to, yet it was stolen from me by someone with malicious intentions. It's been hard, but we've stood by each other through it all. And tonight, I want to make a promise- in front of all of you; you guys will be my witnesses." The buzz of the crowd quieted down a little.
He turned to you, his eyes filled with love and determination. "Y/N, you mean everything to me. And I want the world to know that. I promise to protect you, to stand by you, and to love you with all my heart." Hyunjin’s voice trembled slightly as he took a sharp breath. "One day, I promise you, I will marry you Y/N. And make sure everyone knows just how much you mean to me.”
The crowd erupted in cheers, the support overwhelming. You felt tears streaming down your face as you looked at Hyunjin, your heart overflowing with emotion. The cameras panned to you and you couldn’t help but laughed as you gave small waves, trying to hide your welling tears.
The crowd's cheers grew even louder, and you couldn't hold back your tears any longer. Hyunjin stepped down from the stage and pulled you into a tight embrace, the world around you fading as you focused on the love and support you felt in that moment.
The days following the concert were a whirlwind of positivity and love. The fans' overwhelming support drowned out the remaining negativity, and you and Hyunjin found yourselves surrounded by warmth and encouragement.
As you sat on the balcony of the dorm, the first day of rest the kids had had in a while; Hyunjin took your hand and looked into your eyes. "Y/N, I meant every word I said on that stage. I love you more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
You smiled, nodding. "I love you too, Hyunjin. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us." Your heart thumped, as you sensed Hyunjin had more to say to you.
"Y/N," he said, taking a deep breath, "I have something for you."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. Your heart raced as he opened it, revealing a beautiful, simple ring.
"Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice filled with love and anticipation. And confidence.
Tears filled your eyes as you nodded, your voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Hyunjin. Yes."
He slipped the ring onto your finger. Neither of you able to find the words to express the happiness you felt.
Your wedding was a celebration of love, surrounded by your closest friends and family. As you exchanged vows, you felt a profound sense of peace and happiness, knowing that you and Hyunjin had faced and overcome so much together.
As you danced under the stars at your reception, you couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought you to this moment. The challenges, the heartache, and the triumphs had all led to this beautiful day.
In the years that followed, you and Hyunjin built a life filled with love, adventure, and creativity. You traveled the world, inspiring others with your story and the strength of your bond. The support from fans continued to grow as the boys continued their promise to stay. And as you watched the guys go off and bring even more people to join your non biological family, you felt a deep sense of gratitude for the love that surrounded you.
Through it all, you never forgot the lessons you had learned. The challenges you faced had made you stronger, and the love you shared with Hyunjin was a constant source of joy and inspiration.
As you stood together, looking out at the life you had built, you knew that your journey was far from over. There were still so many adventures to be had, so many dreams to be realized, and so much love to share.
“I’m happy.” You murmur, as you rested your head on his chest after a long day.
He hummed quietly and pet your hair. “Me too.”
“Remember when you said, you wished you never asked me out?” You asked quietly, your pinkie tracing light scribbles on his bare chest. He sighed and turned to face you in your shared bed and blinked.
“I should never say never…” he comments quietly.
“But I’ll say it.” You whisper. “Because I never want this to end.”
He smiles softly. “Me neither, jagiya. Me neither.”
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
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@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
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magneticflower · 8 months
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When is it not raining in Ketterdam?
I got rather inspired and wanted to draw Kanej since it had been a while. It snowballed into me also writing a little thing to go along with it. I hope you enjoy both sjsj. The rest of the writing will be under readmore~
 It almost feels like old times, being out on the streets of the Barrel in the wee hours of the morning instead of at the Crow Club to meet her. Almost. Except he wasn't making his way through the Barrel to scout out a target or to discuss intel without the risk of being heard with her, and they weren't teenagers anymore. He was heading towards the docks for a goodbye. It wasn't the first time he had done so in the last five years, and provided her Saints kept watch like she said they did, it wouldn't be the last. 
He made his way down to berth twenty-two and could already see her waiting for him at the railing on the side of her ship, her familiar figure silhouetted by what streams of moonlight could make it through the smoggy sky that encased the Barrel most evenings. He preferred the times when she was silhouetted by the sunsets that only seemed to be visible when she returned, but he couldn't begrudge her for leaving to where she was at her best. He just hated how he felt in the hours leading up to and after her departure. Kaz pulled himself together just fine after, but he had never entirely managed to shake himself of those hours. Maybe one day.
"Punctual as always, Kaz," she said as he made his way to stand in front of her along the railing.
"I know how you like your sleep. I won't keep you long."
"I don't mind losing some sleep, not if it is for you. Saints know I have done it plenty of times before."
"I distinctly remember several instances of you grumbling about that."
Inej rolled her eyes, "Are you trying to keep this brief because you've got somewhere you would rather be, Kaz?"
No, there wasn't a place in the Barrel that he would rather be than right here, right now. Perhaps only his office, but only if she was there with him. "I am trying out being considerate."
"Not what I asked."
Kaz exhaled through his nose, "You know the answer to that, Inej."
Luckily for him, she wasn't keen on being as obstinate as he usually was, so instead of insisting on a real answer, she simply asked, "Then why are you so far?"
He eyed her momentarily, "How could I be closer than I already am while on the dock?"
Inej's eyes looked down and his own followed suit. "Are you telling me you want me to climb up those crates?"
She looked back up, "Well, I may or may not have had my crew leave those right there for that very reason. Come to whatever conclusion that gives you."
"It was raining earlier. They're wet."
"When is it not raining in Ketterdam?"
"Right now."
"Kaz." She gives him a familiar look that tells him she is done with the back and forth. He either does it or doesn't. Of course he does it.
"If I fall on my ass climbing these..." he muttered as he made his way up the boxes to fulfill her request to come closer.
Inej laughed, "If you do perhaps you'll gain greater appreciation for what I used to do for you. At the very least you will leave me with a great memory to reflect on during the less than favorable nights when I'm gone."
Kaz was too busy making his way up to give a retort. It wasn't as if these were particularly difficult, they were just a few measly crates, but his leg never liked this sort of weather and it was proving to stand by that.
"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" She said once he fully made it up, no unceremonious fall to be had.
"It wasn't particularly good either. We're not teenagers anymore," he countered, shifting his weight to better accommodate his leg.
Inej rested her arms on the railing so that she could lean closer to him, a grin on her face. She still had to look down at him even though he stood on the crates now. Regardless, they were closer, just like she wanted. He had wanted it too.
"You're only twenty two, Kaz, you're hardly ancient. Besides, you are the one that declines to simply come on the ship when we say our goodbyes. I know you said it is because it might wake the others, but one day you will have to oblige me, since you are giving being considerate a chance." He knew the last sentence wasn't just a request to come aboard for goodbyes. One day she wanted him to come with her. Maybe one day he would.
"It would be louder. I am not the Wraith."
"No, I suppose you are not. You're just the crow that keeps coming by because she didn't have the good sense not to feed him," she retorts, leaning forward a little more.
"I don't recall you giving me any information recently, Wraith."
"I suppose not," she said as she moved her hands down to place them on either side of his face to prompt him to lean up as she leaned closer to him as well, "Give me a minute to think of something," she finished as she closed the gap between their lips. It was soft and slow. perhaps because the two knew that this was where the goodbye started.
Almost as if Ketterdam couldn't handle the silence of their moment, Inej began to hear the pattering of the beginning of the rainy morning ahead of her. She pulled back, though only enough to stop the kiss, but not enough to let the rain hit his face. Not enough to ruin this.
"Kaz, it's raining."
"When is it not raining in Ketterdam?"
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Leona | Fluff, and love, a lot of love | Set up is that Leona's S/O was there during his overblot and took care of him during the aftermath. One morning he jokingly asks if they're married now, S/O says "if you wanted that? Yes. My heart is in your hands and that's not something I give to just anybody.. but it's yours to keep if you'll have me."
Soft mornings with Leona is all any of us need. So here you go, some ultra fluff for the lion.
Disclaimer: This is an AU of Twisted Wonderland where all characters (minus Ortho) are 18+. If you’d like more information about the AU, please refer to the links below!
Request Information | AU Information | Masterlist
Leona Kingscholar: Morning Proposal
You tried to stifle your yawn to no avail. Your eyes watered as you did so against Leona’s neck before nuzzling into his arms some more. Leona’s hand on your waist gave a gentle squeeze as he started to come to as well, the morning streams of light painting the room a beautiful gold. You weren’t ready to wake up yet, you still wanted to sleep for a few more minutes. Leona’s body was warm against your own and you didn’t want to leave any time soon.
“Morning.” His voice was husky as he grumbled it out and you hummed, loving how his voice sounded when he just woke up.
“Mornin…” You managed to hum, not changing your position. His arms wrapped around your own as he changed his position, laying on his side with you wrapped up in him. You made your own slight adjustments to get more comfortable as well.
“I wouldn’t mind waking up to this every morning…” Leona said, his voice still laced with sleep, “It’s nice.” He said and you swore you could hear the smile on his voice.
“Then just marry me already.” You joked and you felt him stop breathing for a moment.
“What did you say?” He asked, suddenly feeling more awake. You two had been through hell and back together, especially after the overblot. It came to a point where you stayed at his dorm almost all the time, just to wake up like this. You also wouldn’t mind waking up every morning to this, so why not get married and make it happen?
“You heard me, kitty cat.” You said with a small laugh, “Just marry me already.” You said again and Leona adjusted you so he could look you in the eyes.
“Say it again.” He said and you smiled and gave him a soft kiss.
“My hearts already yours, Leona, ever since the first time you wrapped your arms around me. I’d love nothing more than to be tied to you.” You said, making sure he knew you were earnest.
“I…fine.” he said, a small flush on his cheeks and you heard a small growl, “We’ll get married then.”
“Sounds good to me…now can we sleep in a bit longer?” You asked and he huffed.
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Kenan and YN had their wedding in Istanbul a few weeks ago and now it's time for her to move to Italy with him. When he fetches her from her parents house, she can't stop crying during her farewell because she has never been outside Turkey before and she is going to be so far away from her family, in a country where she only knows her husband. So, something soft and comforting where he promises her dad to protect her because she is his and having a heartfelt conversation when they're alone in the car or plane because she can't stop crying.
In which you have to move to Italy and leave your family
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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The warm, familiar breeze of Istanbul carried with it a bittersweet feeling as I stood by the window of my childhood bedroom, looking out at the bustling streets below.
Just a few weeks ago, Kenan and I had celebrated our wedding surrounded by loved ones in this very city.
Now, it was time to leave this place and start a new chapter in Italy, where Kenan played for Juventus.
The excitement of our new life was overshadowed by the looming sadness of leaving my family and the only home I had ever known.
Kenan was due to pick me up soon, and the house was filled with the somber yet proud faces of my family.
My mother fussed over my suitcases, making sure everything was in order, while my father sat quietly, his eyes betraying the emotions he was trying to keep in check.
My younger siblings hovered around me, their faces a mix of excitement for my new adventure and sadness at my departure.
The doorbell rang, and my heart skipped a beat. Kenan was here. My father opened the door, and Kenan stepped in, his presence instantly making me feel a little more at ease.
He greeted my family warmly, exchanging pleasantries and promises to take care of me.
"It's time," my father said, his voice thick with emotion. He hugged me tightly,
whispering, "Take care of yourself, kızım. Remember, you can always come home."
"I will, Baba," I replied, tears threatening to spill over. "I love you all so much."
Kenan stepped forward, shaking my father's hand firmly. "I promise to take care of her, sir. She's my world, and I'll do everything I can to make her happy and safe."
My father nodded, patting Kenan on the shoulder. "I know you will, Kenan. Just make sure she calls home often."
With that, it was time to go. I hugged my family one last time, tears streaming down my face. Kenan gently led me to the car, and I could barely see through my tears.
As we drove away, I looked back at my parents' house, watching it grow smaller and smaller until it disappeared from view.
The reality of the situation hit me hard, and I couldn't stop the sobs from escaping my lips.
Kenan reached over, taking my hand in his. "Hey, it's going to be okay," he said softly. "I know this is hard, but I'm here with you. We'll get through this together."
I nodded, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "I know, Kenan. It's just... I've never been away from home like this. I'm scared."
He pulled the car over to the side of the road, turning to face me. "I understand, aşkım. It's a big change, and it's okay to be scared. But remember, you're not alone. You have me, and we'll build a new home together in Italy."
I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and love there. "I just don't want to feel alone," I whispered.
He cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs gently wiping away my tears. "You won't be. I promise. We'll make new memories, explore new places, and create a life together. And anytime you want to come back to Istanbul, we'll make it happen. Your family is my family now, too."
I leaned into his touch, finding comfort in his words. "Thank you, Kenan. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He kissed my forehead, then my nose, and finally my lips, lingering there for a moment. "You'll never have to find out. I'm here, always."
We continued the journey to the airport, Kenan keeping my hand in his the entire time. Once we boarded the plane, I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to find some peace in the midst of my turmoil.
As the plane took off, I felt a fresh wave of tears. Kenan wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close. "It's okay, aşkım. Just let it out. I'm here."
I cried quietly, feeling his comforting presence next to me. After a while, the tears slowed, and I looked up at him. "Thank you for being so understanding. I know this isn't easy for you either."
He smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "We're a team, remember? Your feelings matter to me. And I want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you."
I nodded, feeling a bit more reassured. "I just need some time to adjust, I guess."
"Take all the time you need," he said, kissing my forehead again. "We'll take it one step at a time, together."
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greyyson-but-no · 1 year
five small moments | tommyinnit
let me know if you want me to do another one of these. they're really fun [not chronological order but can be from the same relationship]. tommyinnit x fem!reader
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1 - tickling them from behind before hugging them [318]
you stood at the kitchen counter, stirring the tea with mossy cobblestone by bears in trees echoing from the speaker in the office. today it was only you and tom in the office, having the whole place to yourself as tommy streamed from his individual room and you edited on the shared computer for a new video that was supposed to come out tomorrow.
being so into the music (since it was tommy's playlist), you didn't hear tommy exit his office to sneak up behind you. a shriek came from you as his hands swiftly moved to your waist and tickled against the exposed skin. your heart rate increased slightly as a laugh came from you, tommy burying his face into your neck, pressing a tickling kiss to the skin there as well.
"tommy!" you laughed, listening as he laughed as well, squeezing your waist as the tickling came to a stop.
he moved his arms around your waist, pulling you against his front, a chin on your shoulder. the hoodie he was wearing engulfed you, and suddenly you were the calmest you'd been in ages. suddenly the song turned to ultimately by khai dreams and tommy was slowly starting to move to a sway, along with the soft beat of his favourite artist.
"tommy..." you asked slowly, head rested back against his shoulder, at the perfect height. "what are you doing?"
your boyfriend chuckled softly, enjoying the confusion. "nothing in particular. enjoy my time, that's all."
"you're cute." you giggled at him, turning around in his arms to pull him into a tighter hug, head against his chest. his arms move from around your waist to your shoulders as he holds you tighter than before. nowhere else did you feel as safe, nowhere else made you feel like you didn't need to be anywhere else. with tommy, you knew you were the safest you possibly could be.
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2 - knuckles brushing against each others and getting shy [367]
the london vlog had been in the works for a few weeks now, but since ranboo could only just get to the uk in the past week, it could only have been filmed now. london was busy as hell, as usual, but that was good because it meant there were lots of distractions to keep the video on its toes.
tubbo and ranboo were walking ahead of you and tommy as the four of you walked down southbank. somehow, you and tommy had gotten distracted by the skateboarders under the bridge and so tubbo and ranboo were a few meters ahead. it didn't take them long to notice, but ranboo immideately noticed how close the two of you were standing together.
soon enough, the camera was directed at the two of you. "what do you think they're talking about?" tubbo asked, zooming in with the camera.
"i dunno, but they're both being rather cute about it, huh." ranboo declared.
it was then that your hand dropped from the railing, falling to your side and so close to tommy's hand that both ranboo and tubbo noticed, one of them reaching over to zoom the camera even more onto your hands brushing up against each others.
"just hold her hand, dude!" ranboo whispers, loud enough so that the camera can hear it. and then there were the actual skin touching. an obvious shy attempt of tommy's to hold your hand but the action was taken over by nerves as he pulled away and shoved his hands into his pockets. "c'mon!" ranboo cried, tubbo raising a hand in disbelief.
"i've been telling him to ask her out for months now." tubbo explained. "they're both idiots, though."
"they're both idiots whether its to do with the fact that they like each other not, toby." ranboo laughed, shoving tubbo slightly. "come on, lets walk on, they'll catch up eventually."
both you and tommy felt the disappointment in yourself that you didn't make the move that day. tommy was sure to get a teasing by both tubbo and ranboo during the sleepover thatg occured that same night. maybe he would ask you out the next day. since you were seeing each other anyway.
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3 - one small kiss before a passionate one [484]
tommy held your hand at your front door, the moon high in the sky above the two of you as he smiled down at you. nothing in that moment could have taken the grin off your face. the first date with him went so much better than you expecting, a goofy session of bowling in town ending up in the park and getting locked in. he had hefted you over the fence to get out, both landing on your sides and not being able to get up from stomach-pain inducing laughter.
"thank you tommy." you smiled, watching as a chuckled sligjtly under his breath. "i had a really fun time tonight."
you felt his hand squeeze yours slightly. "even when we got stuck in the park."
"even when we got stuck into the park, yes." you nodded.
suddenly a comfortable silence took over, the rush of traffic at the end of the road and a slight breezing being the only sound. it wasn't bad, and you were even about to invite tommy inside. maybe to watch a movie or something, but he spoke first. it was a question that you certainly hadn't been expecting - but in no way does that mean you didn't want it.
"can i kiss you?" and maybe the nod you answered with was a little too eager.
tommy was still hesitant, though, reaching a hand slowly up to rest against the skin of your cheek, thumb caressing the skin slightly. it took you to nod again for him to lean down finally and press his lips against yours. it was everything you expected and more, but over too soon. nerves got the better of him and he pulled away, making it a simple little peck. not enough.
"sorry." he mumbles, a hand lifted away from your cheek and going around the back of his head to scratch the back of his neck.
your eyes softened, noticing how shy he became all of a sudden. it wasn't the tommy you really knew, but it was sweet and even endearing. you knew that he would appreicate the move you wanted to take, so you took it immediately. a hand reaching up to his wrist, using it to pull him down against your lips again. a longer, more eager kiss that represented how much you liked him. how much you wanted to ask him inside because somehow this boy had gotten you more smitten than with anyone else.
and when you pulled back, you didn't miss the excited look in his eyes that said he really did appraicte the move you made. that, and the small gasp he let out as he stood up straight. "woah."
"you're welcome." you laughed, grabbing his hand again. "i really don't want to say goodbye. did you wanna come inside and watch a movie?"
tommy smiled again, nodding. "only if there's popcorn."
"you under estimate me, tom."
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4 - playing with each others hair [291]
the lion king was playing on the tv in front of you. the soft pillow that was your boyfriend was laying beneath you, arms wrapped tight around your waist, his face buried in your hair. ignoring the obstacle of the blanket that was laid over the two of you, you swiftly spun yourself around so that you were kaying stomach to stomach with tommy, being able to see the grin on his face when he saw yours.
"hi." he smiled.
you didn't say anything, just pressing a kiss against his forehead and resting your head alongisde his, nose against his hair. he moves so that there's one hand around your waist and the other moves up to your hair, twirling a strand of his around his fingers.
his hair didn't smell the same, though. instead of his usual shampoo smell he always had, there were a softer, more familiar smell to it that you recognised. you pulled away from him and frowned at him. "did you use my shampoo?"
"maybe..." he grinned slyly. "i ran out of mine, that's all."
you giggled at his words, a hand now in his hair, brushing the fluffiness around and twirling it inbetween your fingers. "no i don't mind at all. it's made it really soft."
tommy mumbled something, smiling up at you and pressing a surprising peck against your nose. "maybe i should use it more often, then."
"well, i certainly won't be complaining." you laughed, letting your hand fall from his hair and onto his chest, cushioned by his favourite hoodie. you let your head also fall onto his chest, feeling his arms squeeze you tightly as you closed your eyes and let yourself be comfortable around him. oh, how you loved him.
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5 - small comforts while the other is crying [545]
your eyes were hot with tears that fell down onto your cheeks and then to the floor, some landing on your shoes as you ran up the stairs that led to his apartment. you didn't know why you had come here it seemed like he was the only that could comfort you enough to get you out of a mood like this.
the knock on his door was weak. weak enough that you were worried he wasn't going to hear it, but then you hear him call 'i'm coming!' from inside and all most of your nerves were gone. and just a second later, the door swung open, revealing tommy in jeans and that same hoodie you loved, his arms dropping from the edge of the door and the grin on his face dropping as he saw the look on your face and the tears in your eyes.
"love." he murmurs. "come here, oh my god."
you practically fell into him, the softed of his hoodie instantly becoming home and the sense of inevitable doom slowly whitling away into nothing. just a figment of your imagination. there were a small close of his door before he took your hand in his as he took you into the living room. he told you to ignore the show that was playing on the tv but you cold help but check to see whether you had seen it. you had.
he settled you on the sofa, taking you immeditely into his arms again, his cheek resting against your hair, unconsciously rocking you back and forth. worried started to overtake him, though, as thoughts of what could have caused this breakdown on you entered his mind. if it was something, he would make sure you never had to do it again; if it was someone, he would make sure whoever it was apologised and you got revenge.
but you were more important. "do you wanna talk about it? what happened, lovely?"
"uhh." your voice was shakey as you pulled away from him, using your sleeve to wipe the tears from your cheeks. "i can't-" you paused, gathering your thoughts. "i can't remember. i just suddenly felt so alone, there was no one around and i just felt so lonely so i thought i would come to see you and on the way i thought you wouldn't want me to interupt your day off so i turned back but then i started crying and now i'm here and i don't know why and i'm so sorry, oh god, you probably don't want me here-"
tommy laughed as he pressed his hand up against your mouth, stopping your fast train of thoughts in an instant. "you're rambling, love."
"sorry." you mumbled from under his mouth. he took it away frmo your face and took your hand in his again.
"you've got nothing to be sorry for." he explained, "i told you when i moved here that you could pop around any time you wanted and i wouldn't care less. you mean the world to me, and i couldn't stand you being lonely, ever. please, i'd rather you be here and not feel isolated than suffer at home."
you smiled, sniffing and leaning your head onto his shoulder. "yeah. thank you."
"always." he smiled, and your worries came to an end.
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
More of the YouTuber AU random bits
Just thinking of this thing as I'm working on the drabbles
There's compilation videos of all the times Gaz kinda blushes/smiles softly when Alex calls him a pet name. There's compilations literally titled "Alex for SIMP President" and it's just all the times he's being Alex and in love with Gaz. The Among Us video fuels these like gasoline lol
There's "Soap Being Scottish" compilations.
There's "Times They Forgot Alex is an Amputee" compilations
There's compilations of Gaz's side eyes to his camera every time one of them says something really wild/insults him directly
Once he and Alex move in together there's compilations of "Times Alex Interrupted Gaz's Stream Just For CuddlesTM" and it's all the times where Alex just walks into Gaz's office and sits on his lap
There's "Times Gaz Had Beef With A Weird Russian Dude" compilations, but they're just every time anyone, especially Gaz, brings up his misfortunes with helicopters, especially when Nik is the pilot.
There's Ghost compilations that always comment on his dark humor/edgy humor; there's compilations on all the times he's referenced 'death' in his life (like how in some games his tag is "LegallyDead")
From @eaveplzzz 's tags during a reblog of the OG post, there's so many theory videos on what happened to Alex's leg; why do they always say "Classic Soap" or "Soap NO" when he has a bomb/sets off an explosion; Who Is Ghost? theory videos are a big hit, especially the ones about if he's actually "legally dead" or not; the theories about what happened between Gaz and Nik
Gaz eventually being convinced to do vlogs.
His first one is "Moving In Together" and it's literally just a cute/funny video taken from highlights of his stream where he and Alex unpack a bunch of boxes while answering questions from his chat. (the compilation videos go hard after this stream/video goes live) *there's one question during this where someone asks Alex if he's missing his leg because he sold it to help Gaz's career and he just beams at the joke while Gaz screams into his hands*
This stream/video was so popular Alex suggests they make an entire channel dedicated to doing streams like that again/playing games just the two of them/a day in the life type super duper cute shit *there's one clip where they start slow-dancing cause they're listening to a playlist put together by the chat and a slow song comes up. There's so many music video-esque compilations where there's a love song/dedicated-to-this-one-person-for-the-rest-of-my-life songs play to a bunch of their cute moments with the slow dancing in the kitchen being the refrain*
He does eventually post a vlog style video but it's just random bits of things he recorded while at a big gathering over the Christmas holidays with everyone. There's a few ways viewers piece together who is who: Soap because he's the only Scot, and they're always yelling his name in some fashion, Dylan (Gaz's friend) is also easily picked out, Nik once again due to his accent, and eventually everyone catches on with Price *comments go crazy spamming the time signature Price first appears with "Daddy??"*
What surprises everyone the most is when Ghost finally makes an on-camera appearance. It's a brief video, where he's smiling at Soap and Gaz doing something silly. It's just Simon in that moment: no mask, no black around the eyes, his hair is recently cut and styled, and he's happy
*bout to make it sad for a second y'all*
There's a stream once where Gaz makes it clear everything he makes during it go to a Veteran's Help program. It's before the holidays, a very vulnerable time for all veterans, and it's just a quiet stream where he plays a relaxing game and answer questions from chat. He talks about Task Force 141 (briefly and in as little detail as possible), he talks about the helicopter incidents, how he met all the guys he plays with, he talks about he and Soap getting up to no good together, he talks about some of the struggles he had adjusting to civilian life since he didn't know anything else, how much of a help his friends and Alex had been.
It's later revealed the reason he did the stream is for Simon. Because even though it's been years since the incident with his family, it's still something that can hurt badly to this day. How he and Soap were shopping for gifts for Soap's several nieces and nephews. How there was a little toy plane that made the exact same sound Simon's nephew's once did. They even looked the same. How a little blonde boy begged his mum for it. The child looked so familiar it broke one of Simon's barriers.
PTSD isn't curable, it doesn't just disappear over time. There's ways to trigger really bad episodes, and this was just one of those times. It was hard for everyone to see Ghost have such a big setback, but for Gaz? The way they all found ways to help Ghost during it. The way he and the rest of the team, their friends and loved ones, helped reach out to pull Simon back onto his feet. And Gaz wanted other veterans to have that support, especially during the holidays.
He and the 141 (Price, Soap, and Ghost) eventually start doing charity streams just for veterans and the many existing resources for them. They're always wacky, sometimes they're gaming, sometimes they're all in-person doing a fake game show with some of their friends. There's one where they all travel to Mexico to host one with their Las Almas friends to benefit North American veterans' benefits charities.
I don't know, I'm just having so many thoughts about this AU I might just write an entire GazAlex fic based on their lives involving Gaz becoming a big creator.
There's so many thoughts about this AU HOLY SHIT
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trashytoastboi · 5 months
Day of Lust - Asmodeus
~NSFW Alphabet~
Warning: NSFW content ahead (whole bunch of this and that)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
💅🏻 Asmo knows the importance of aftercare and is very good at it. The pillow talk from his end is a little one sided; you'd think he’s having a conversation with himself. Asking if what he did felt good for you- but then answering his own question saying he knows it was great. Asmo does genuinely check in to make sure you’re fine especially if there was some kind of intense play involved or a heavier scene that Asmo wanted to try. (He likes a lot of different things) Aside from his quality control questions he will ground you, bring you back to the present and make sure you’re feeling okay physically and mentally. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
💅🏻 Asmo is an anatomy genius for all the wrong reasons. He knows how to locate and sound out the exact erogenous zones on the human body. (His skills are not only limited to the human body) he doesn’t have a singular part of your body as it depends on whatever is the most sensitive. His favourite is whatever he knows will elicit the most response for you. If your back is sensitive then he’ll love to tease, touch and kiss your back. If it’s your thighs then he’ll turn his attention to your thighs, your neck, your sides etc etc. As for Asmo, his most loved part of his body is everything. Early on into his adjustment to his new form he never thought he’d be able to love himself but over time he came to love himself dearly, his new self and all the charms he possessed. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically) 
💅🏻 Loves cumming on your face or body. He just adores how sexy it is to see you covered in his cum. If Asmo does happen to cum inside you then best believe he’s going to lean down and clean up his own mess with his tongue (he is nasty in the best way). Asmo gets a rise from seeing how shy you get when he does it. As for quantity, it's an average amount. Thankfully with the amount of times he makes you swallow you’re thankful he's not giving you those monster loads because you just know you’d choke. He’s also pretty conscious about taste and tries alllll the methods to keep it tasting on the sweeter side to make it more palatable. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
💅🏻 Asmo picked up a few interesting hobbies, his regular, somewhat secretive cam shows being one of them. What better way to feed his need for attention while displaying the purest form of the Avatar of Lust. Frequently made little jokes about wanting his partner to join him during one of his cam sessions. There were already tons of people who already watched him, even a few fans who always suggested things! Asmo wanted to share his beauty in every aspect. It was the least he could do for his adoring fans. But now he wanted to show off your beauty, oh those adorable little moans and whimpers when you call his name. He would be so selfish to keep it all to himself. The idea alone of fucking you on stream had Asmo all hot and bothered. Asmo usually proposed the occasional theme, or took suggestions, maybe buying some kind of sexy outfit for you to show off and wear when you two were together. He decided to suggest a masquerade theme to make things exciting. Asmo's dirtiest little secret was never telling you about the hidden camera. Nor the live audience who were tipping Asmo everytime he made you cum. You also realized in future it might be a good idea to use your account to suggest more fun things since Asmo loved listening to his followers and you were one of his favourite fans that suggested many fun things, not that he realized it was you. 
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
💅🏻 Asmo definitely knows what he’s doing. It would be stranger if he didn’t. He knows how to do things and in a variety of ways too. You didn’t realize that the same act could have so many variations and alternatives, it was almost like taking a masterclass everytime he fucks you. Asmo loved exploiting your lack of knowledge to surprise you with something new every time. It’s more prevalent whenever Asmo himself learns something new, he’ll be running to give you a demonstration of whatever he learned. Oh look, a new position, he’s pulling you into his room already, some crazy new tongue technique that he wants to perfect while using you as his practice dummy. Asmo after all is so very generous with knowledge. Pleasure makes the world go round.  
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
💅🏻  Listen Asmo truly has a taste for the challenging, but you can say for certain it’s unique and sometimes just a little bit on the challenging side to master. 
💅🏻The Spider - You weren’t so sure about this one, Asmo gave you the rundown and the how to. But it just didn’t seem..Comfortable?? Asmo did explain it should be treated like an appetizer kind of position. It can rub all the right spots if done right it just never really gets you there, but that’s precisely why Asmo loves it. (Despite his poor partners having an aching back for the next few days) 
💅🏻 The Star - This quickly became one of your favourites too admittedly. Also made you appreciate how strong Asmo’s back must be to pull this off for an extended amount of time, you were more impressed by that than the amount of times he made you finish. Especially when he spices it up with a really deep thrust as he grinds against you.
💅🏻 The Thigh rider cowgirl - It’s just a little upgrade from regular ol cowgirl and Asmo loves it from the front row seat he gets when you’re on top. Plus it’s hot that you’re getting all needy while riding him and grinding against his thigh at the same time. It’s so pretty to see you getting there, most of the time in this position,  he doesn’t offer you a hand because he loves seeing you getting yourself off by using his body. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
💅🏻 Asmo is honestly so unserious and not in a humorous way. You’ll be so into it and catch him on Devilgram or something and you’ll just have to ask if he’s being serious that he’s literally doom scrolling right now. (He is) Sometimes he’ll be trying to show you a funny video or reel he found while rearranging your guts and you can’t keep up with whiplash. It can really kill your mood and he can sense that, then a switch flips and Asmo will get serious to make it up to you and get you back into the mood. 
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
💅🏻 He is completely clean and ridiculously smooth. You’d swear that he has never grown any hair to begin with. You did ask if he’s even capable of growing a happy trail (or any body hair for that matter) and Asmo assures you that he can definitely do it! It might take a long while. Hard to believe and you’ll believe it when you see it. I mean you’re not complaining but you’re hounded by curiosity to know if the carpet matches the drapes since you’ve never seen the ever elusive and mystic carpet. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
💅🏻 Asmo is a very sensual soul, he’s tried his hand at romance and can’t really go beyond the aesthetic of romance. Scented candles, rose petals and the like, the emotional aspect of romance isn’t really his style. If you had to find a way to describe it. Then the best way would be saying it’s like a summer fling. It’s hot, passionate but lacking a certain intimacy to it, like a deeper level of the corny romance. When you’re wrapped up in the moment you don’t miss it all that much, however, you do wish that you could experience something of the romantic variety with Asmo. It just doesn’t do it for him though and he won’t feel a reason or urge for romance in that sense. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
💅🏻 A little self love, Asmo is all for it. Very pro self pleasure. No one can learn one’s body quite like they can. Every time he does it he considers it an opportunity to get acquainted with his body again. He’ll also encourage you to do it! (Not Asmo suggesting watching each other masturbate) While in most cases he’d argue that he prefers having a partner or partners, he doesn’t mind giving himself a helping hand. Uses a lot of toys and sometimes calls you up so he can hear your voice while he’s busy. Asmo loves it when he learns something new about himself. 
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
💅🏻 He’s a kinky one and while that would be a bullet list so long you might confuse it for a shopping list, here’s three worthy of mention.
💅🏻 Exhibitonism - Asmo loves putting on a show and he loves being watched, or at least thinking he’s being watched. If there’s not another person to play the role of a voyeur he’ll propose taking photos and videos and in that sense the camera becomes the watcher. 
💅🏻 Bondage - Either on himself or on you. There’s a certain charm to being all tied up and at the mercy of someone else, uses it on you more for teasing purposes because he knows you can’t do anything while he’s driving you made with pleasure. 
💅🏻 Role Playing - This is really where Asmo lets his kinks shine, all the different roles he assumes and those he wants you to play. You’ve done the typical ones: Nurse and doctor, lonely spouse and repair man, cop and criminal. Asmo loves it so much and he puts ridiculous amounts of effort into cultivating an actual story for the scene?? (Came for the porn stayed for the plot) 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
💅🏻 Anywhere - No seriously he has 0 issues about location 
💅🏻 He’s had you in more than a few bathrooms of the high end nghtclubs of the Devildom, his personal favorite are the ones that have LED lights on the mirrors because he says they make for the nicest pictures. Plus he loves having you bent over the sink looking at yourself in the mirror while he’s ruining you (affectionately of course) and then will use the same mirror to fix his makeup.
💅🏻 Asmo has had you just about everywhere in the House of Lamentation, save for (most) of his brothers bedrooms… Once he managed to convince you to fuck in Lucifers bed, you honestly don’t know why you agreed and were all the orgasms really worth the punishment?
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
💅🏻 Asmo doesn’t need all that motivation when he’s the motivator, he’s a hair's breadth away from getting needy whether by something sexy or absolutely mundane his brain can spin it any way he wants it. Well only when it comes to you, everything and anything you do can get him going. You're attractive in so many ways that he can’t help getting all hot and bothered while watching you perform boring day to day tasks. He likes when you initiate contact with him and it doesn’t have to be of the sexual variety. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
💅🏻 He’s pretty kinky and he’s tried everything at least once, kudos to him and his curiosity. Things that he tried and will probably not do again has to do with certain body fluids, nope- it ruined his skin, the smell was a major turn off for him and overall the most enjoyable part of the experience was the shower and full body scrub afterwards. He’d permit blood, not tons of it and with your permission of course but he will not delve into watersport territory again. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
💅🏻 He’s a giver and a taker, it’s a two way street for Asmo and he couldn’t choose because it’s 50/50 for him and he loves them equally. There’s a charm to going down on his partner, sucking, slurping, maybe a little nibble or two to drive them mad while he works them over with all the accumulated tongue skills. He’s also not a major meanie who makes you choke on his cock or anything like that (unless you want to of course) Asmo really likes seeing you get all brave and try to take him all, something about seeing your throat bulge just drives him feral.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
💅🏻 Baby he can do anything you want. Asmo changes his mind halfway through sometimes and it might start rough, hot and heavy and end up being all soft and sensual (Whiplash) but different strokes for different folks (not kidding) Asmo will learn what really gets you going and how to cater to that. He sticks to it enough to know that you’re getting just what you want but also switches it up to keep it exciting. If you’re energetic and up for it, Asmo could easily have you screaming into his sheets while going at an inhuman pace, but if you're a little more on the tired side he’ll give you some Asmo therapy and really take care of you. 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
💅🏻 Biggggg fan of these. They’re cheeky, daring and exciting. Plus there’s a real appeal to the rush of it all just trying to get each other off as quickly as possible. Watching you get all whiney and needy while not even taking your clothes off properly and begging him to not tease because there’s no time and you need him right now. (Makes his brain go brrrr) 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
💅🏻 Do I need to answer? It’s hard to find something that Asmo hasn’t already tried. He believes he can only decide on hating something after trying it, and with you he knows you might have some reservations. So he’ll assess something in depth, looking at the risk and doability before bringing it up to you. He’s very informative about what it will entail, what to expect, and some things to look out for. Asmo does encourage you to experiment and push your limits but he’ll do so gently and respectfully with full boundaries intact.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
💅🏻 While I would usually say he’s a one and done, he's got a crazy amount of control and endurance and can make that one round last an eternity.  Could push for a second round if he really wants to though it’s rarely needed by the time he’s done. You’re usually too fucked out that the second round actually sounds like overkill. Besides he’s got a mouth, hands, toys, a whole arsenal at his disposal and he might just make you regret asking for more. 
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
💅🏻 He has the whole collection; nipple clamps, anal beads, monster dildos, fleshlights, buttplugs, chastity cages, vibrators- if it exists Asmo probably has it. There’s some things in his collection that you've never seen nor knew existed and some you now wish you didn’t know existed. Asmo knows how to use all of them and even gives you recommendations telling you which are the best for a little self love, which are great for playing with partners, and what's great for teasing. Loves using them on himself and you, honestly it’s hard to say you’ve been together without a toy being integrated into the mix somehow. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
💅🏻 He’s just soooo mean, he’ll tease you just for the sake of teasing. Asmo loves hearing you beg and will really deny you under the guise of calling it foreplay. He wants you to save yourself for the main event but god does he know exactly how to get you to the verge only to deny you and keep you frustrated. Asmo does it just to see how far he can push you until you’re desperately begging him to give you what you want already. He’s lowkey a little sadistic about it. 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
💅🏻 Whines, whimpers, moans, talks, yelps - he’s got a range. He’s so shamelessly loud and does not care about keeping it down, even at the sake of disturbing his poor brother's sleep. Trust the whole House of Lamentation knows when ya’ll are fucking because he practically announces it. Half the time you’re in public it’s a struggle just trying to get Asmo to keep quiet, all of your close calls have been because of him being too loud. Asmo loves hearing his own voice honestly and will talk a lot just to talk. 
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
💅🏻 Matching lingerie sets ♡ he loves buying you lingerie and he’ll get himself the same pair in a different colour. The designs are ridiculously intricate (and hard to put on) He treats it like unwrapping a gift and wants it if it has a lot of things to pull on, untie and undo. Especially with his mouth, he wants you to figure it out too, but it’s hard to beat a demon that just unlaced an entire corset in under a minute with nothing but his ungodly tongue skills. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
💅🏻 Not very thick, more on the longer side. Slight curve and the prettiest shade of pink on his head. He has a prince albert piercing, he knows how to use it so it gets the job done (and very well you might add) lots of smaller veins along the underside that are all super sensitive and make him shiver if you touch him. 
💅🏻 Demon form - Not much change to size but changes shape a little. Gets a more horned tip, (perfect to really bump against all your sensitive zones) and gains a few ridges the texture of which feels pretty interesting and intense at times. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
💅🏻 Very high- he’s a needy boi. He’s just always down for that kind of fun and hopes you’ll join him. If you’re not in the mood then he’ll help himself along (honestly doesn't mind) buttttt he’d appreciate it if you watched him while he put on quite the show for you, an orgasm (or many) a day keeps the sad feels at bay! 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
💅🏻 He’ll deliver the swiftest, most amazing aftercare, proceed to bathe and do his skin routine before tapping out and going to bed. He does it out of necessity to meet his beauty sleep quota more than exhaustion. Loves cuddles afterwards though and helps him to sleep a little deeper than usual. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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angelinpiink · 1 year
May I ask for some hange nsfw head-cannons❤️
❥ note: ofc! ive been waiting far longer than forever for someone to request some hange fics so i'd have a reason to expose my obsesssion w them so yayy with that being said enjoy ^-^
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Hange Zoe Nsfw Headcannons࿐ྂ。
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Given their personality, hange is neither submissive nor dominant. They are an experimentalist always wanting to try something new to keep things exciting in the bedroom. They’re so very versatile, so much so you never know which version of hange you’ll get– the sadistic side of them waiting to inflict sexual torture with some new toy she’d discovered or the side that is desperate for you to do the same to them.
Hange often uses pet names like “darling.'' And let's not forget to mention the tons of praise you'll receive for just existing. They call you “good girl.” any chance they get as if your life depends on it. They’ll do just about anything you ask with the exception of degrading you. They just can't seem to bring themselves to say such awful things to you without feeling guilty afterwards. Hange just adores you far too much. However, that's not to say they can't find joy in it when it's done to them.
In fact, nothing makes hange more turned on than when you are mean to them. It's exciting for them to see how far they can push, teasing you until you are a whiny mess, begging for them to take care of you. Or How when the roles are reversed and you are the one in control, they say all the right things to make you cave and give them what they want.
Hange has a high sex drive and truly doesn't care where you are or if you too fucked a few minutes ago. They will never ever get enough go you. Just being in your vicinity is enough to get them worked up. Did I mention they don't know how to keep their hands to themselves? They have to be touching you at all times because let’s face it they are obsessed. This will undoubtedly lead to you two fucking at the most inappropriate of times.
Public places are not exempt from the list of places they’ll have their way with you. Hange will make you sit with a vibrator inside of you, when going out to dinner together with friends and turn the settings to the highest vibration, giggling to themselves because to them it’s a fun little experiment or game to see how long it takes everyone to notice you're on the verge of cumming. Originally they don't notice at all. Instead they just take your shuffling in your seat, the fumbling over your words or the random inflections in your voice when you you speak as hange’s personality rubbing off on you. That is until the two of you excuse yourself from the table mere minutes apart from one another, your reasoning for this being to head to the bathroom and hange’s unclear gibberish answer of where they’re headed off too makes its obvious that their destination is the same as yours.
During sex, hange likes to start things slow and sweet despite what their personality may suggest or how eager she may come off as, things are more enjoyable to them when they have a chance to savor it. This is not to be confused with hange being slow in bed either because the second you ask them to quicken the pace of their fingers pounding into your pussy, I hope you can take it. Hange will fuck you mercilessly until your thighs are quaking and tears are streaming down your cheeks and all because hange is so fond of savoring the moment they're not going to let you cum anytime soon.
It's safe to say that hange is a one of a kind lover, you won't ever find anyone who can satisfy you as well as they do or who’s as wrapped around your finger. Never will you be bored of them due to them constantly introducing you to new things and helping you uncover what it is that gets you off. In short they are the full package, any needs you have can and will be met.
here's my masterlist!
ps. be on the lookout for nsfw headcannons for all aot characters.
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
How would the TCE boys hold up in a zombie apocalypse?
Putting aside the fact that Krulu and Miara would never let that happen.
[A zombie apocalypse setting is very intriguing, because you have to ask yourself a series of questions here. Are there only human zombies or monster zombies too? What properties do monster zombies have in particular? What has started the apocalypse? How does it spread?? It'd take so incredibly long to piece this all together coherently. So I'm going to go with something quite generic.]
TW: Mild gore; Unsanitary acts; Mild angst.
Morell has a very unique skill in this bleak scenario. Provided the zombie isn't too old, Morell can probably cook it in a way that still provides some type of nourishment and doesn't infect you. Or maybe it does... Just a little bit at a time. Maybe that's why he's been a little more bloodthirsty and twitchy lately. Is that a dark patch spreading around his cap? Zombies have began to avoid him, perhaps because he's a freak even to them. A zombie that eats zombies...
Grimbly is not having fun. But for one reason only mostly. Undead blood doesn't taste good, and it hardly sustains him. Depending on the scope of the invasion, he may die of starvation, or simply have to target survivors. Otherwise, he'd likely have an easier time avoiding zombies due to his speed, and killing them likely isn't that big of a hassle either. Grimbly could make a living wiping out groups of zombies for people and getting paid in blood.
Gallon would move to water bodies and mostly remain there. Zombies are sluggish in water generally. Slimes can remove nutrients from a surprising amount of things, so his biggest fear Iis only getting distracted enough to get bitten, and that the infection starts rotting his slime too fast for him to regenerate in time. He's so alert he's going vastly insane and extremely murderous towards most.
Santi is... Existing. He fucked a few zombies, don't judge him! Some of them are entertaining and clean, others just kinda... Well. He doesn't really find them to be ideal meals. Especially when he has to crush their jaws and break limbs so they don't infect him during coitus. He doesn't exactly feel threatened, but he does feel lonely and always a tad hungry. He's waiting to attach himself to someone and gain a steady stream of food, preferably someone weaker so he can act as their guard dog. Please he's so tired of limp zombie dick and lumpy pussy. They can't even suck.
Vinnel is getting a little too silly with it. Zombies can't pierce his suit, it was made by a God, after all, no rotted teeth and claws can ruin it. So he just floats around, picks some of them up and performs for absolutely no one but himself. The jester has put clown makeup on at least five zombies. They have names and they're his best friends! Except Pogo, the little shit keeps tearing the tutu off. Ungrateful fuck. Not everyone has the privilege to look good during the apocalypse, Pogo. Vinnel is also always starving to a degree. He doesn't kill survivors anymore out of desperation for genuine conversation. Most people just run from him.
Nebul, as an undead, has nothing to worry about. He will actually weaponize large hordes of them using his abilities as a wraith. Nebul is a creature to be feared during an apocalypse. He's likely the mastermind behind organized zombie attacks. His goal? To establish control of sizable portions of land and inflict total submission on those living he comes across. It may devolve into an apocalyptic cult. He's having a grand old time really! You may find him walking around with several bare humans in leashes crawling by his side. Somehow, someway, Purpur can eat zombies and be perfectly fine.
Patches, likewise, is not a target. Except he's less preoccupied with domination and more so trying to fight his instincts to put the living dead back into their graves. It's strange, his dullahan instincts don't usually react like this to other undead... He's holed up somewhere like a hermit, trying to study the source of the infection and keeping Stitches from exhausting himself in an effort to kill all zombies. Curiously, the sound of his yelling as a dullahan causes great confusion and fear in these particular types of undead. He has succeeded in controlling at least one zombie, but killed it shortly afterwards.
Belo is devastated, like any angel ought to be watching the Earth get populated by corruption that Dorem ought to have fixed. He kills most zombies he comes across and cannot be infected as far as he knows. Zombies avoid him, actually. Belo spends his time finding groups of survivors and attempting to help them fortify their bases. After all, they're all that's left... Even if they're demons, anything is better than those rotting husks. In a way, Belo feels as if he's been abandoned a second time, his existence is vastly miserable.
Sybastian is having a strange time. The zombies that have a fainter sense of smell don't pick up on him when he mimics them, the rest do, forcing him to be very careful. He's not having an easy time considering his method of dispatching zombies is very physical and he could get bitten in zones of his body that he fails to harden. Sybastian has lost many a mimicling to the apocalypse and lives mostly to protect the remaining ones, who have managed to survive alongside him. He too wants to find a group, in spite of adult mimics not being pack species.
Fank-e is having a... Boring time, mostly. He's not a target, in fact, he's loud and grating enough to drive zombies away. He doesn't need food or water. But he does need maintenance, so it's imperative he finds someone who can work in robotics minimally well or he'll perish eventually. Truth of the matter is he can't exactly die from battery loss, he may just lie dormant collecting moss and dust until someone with enough resources finds him. It's just as likely that he'll get torn into pieces and reused as armor or plating for other important machinery.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
CEO Dream is a camboy, he wears a mask and does it for stress release; merger company CEO Hob is one of Dream's best clients.
For a number of reasons, CEO Dream Endless needs to relax. He's been running the family business since he got out of school. It's not the original path he wanted to take (even doing his art doesn’t really relax him anymore), but he's good at it and the business is doing well.
When he was in school, Dream might have relaxed by being a camboy. He developed a strong following and a number of high-spending clients. He was always masked and at best people who watched his feed saw his raven tattoo (but since CEOs aren't naked in board rooms, no one sees the tattoo anymore). But he was free to follow directions and show off and get off for his internet "friends". He had one regular, RG, who gave the best "instructions".
When he agreed to take over running the family business, he shuttered his website and just stopped responding to chats and emails. There are times he misses it and RG. But it's been years.
Still, Dream is so stressed right now. The company is merging with the Gadling organization. The merger is a good thing, but he wants to change the organizational structure and continue working with Gadling Org CEO Robert Gadling, Jr, Hob. It is nerve-wracking. Dream has never had to share governing responsibilities, but Hob has good ideas for where to take the company that shouldn't be lost. Hob is so smart and fun. But Dream's getting so much push back from the family.
He just needs to RELAX.
Again, it's been years, but Dream just can't not - he'll reopens his cam site,,,,just for him; just this once. There is no way that any of his regulars (RG) would still be around. Besides he's older now, not the same twink he was when he first did it.
When the notification popped up that Raven was livestreaming. Hob couldn't believe it. That beautiful boy dropped of the face of the earth a few years ago. Hob was devastated when it happened. One minute Hob was spending every bit of money and free time he had glued to his computer watching a sex demon angel perform his every wish, the next nothing.
Hob kept up his "RG" moniker and subscription notification for the site active on the hoped chance that his beauty came back. So the notification was a welcome surprise, but it's been years.
What could the reactivation from the site even mean.........
Oh, god! Raven was older, but still so beautiful. Hob was again in so much trouble.
Oh, so SPICY.
For a while, everything is normal for Dream and Hob. The merger is running smoothly, they're working well together and troubleshooting the issues that crop up quite easily. And for Raven and RG, things are going well too. Raven keeps streaming intermittently and he's THRILLED to see RG pop up and message him every time. No one seems to mind that Raven isn't quite so skinny and wide eyed as he used to be. In fact he gets more compliments that ever.
And perhaps the two words would never have collided. But then, Hob and Dream find themselves together, working very late. There's a big deadline for a project coming up and a few complications have come up, so they've decided to work into the early hours and just get the issues solved.
Until Dream upends a pot of cold coffee down the front of his shirt. Sleep deprivation be like that. He has no choice but to take the shirt off, and it's soaked into his undershirt too so that has to go... and he doesn't notice that Hob is staring until its too late. The raven tattoo on the left side of his ribcage is fully on show.
Hob clearly recognises it. His eyes are so wide it's almost comical. Dream feels his face during deep, deep crimson and he starts sweating hard. He never, ever imagined that this would happen.
"If it makes it any better, I'm very much a long term fan." Hob whispers. "You probably wouldn't recognise it but my screen name is RG."
Oddly enough, that makes it a lot better. Suddenly Dream isn't thinking of jumping out of the window into the street below. All he can think about is everything he's ever done for RG - all the time he's edged himself and begged for relief, all the times he's fucked himself on dildos and watched RG say the prettiest little thing I've ever seen, such a sweetheart, aren't you a good boy for me? In the chat.
Hmm. Maybe the project can wait until a more reasonable hour of the day. Because the truth is, Dream can see the bulge in the front of Hob’s nice work slacks, and he's not going to think about anything else until it's inside him.
Get ready for a Raven x RG collab, coming soon...
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swordfright · 6 months
Tell me about how the structure of the medium impacts the story 🔫
My brother in Christ, prepare yourself for the most boring essay you could possibly imagine. I'm going to over-simplify a few things here for the sake of Getting To The Point, so bear with me.
I think a good starting place is that DSMP is an example of New Media. The go-to definition most folks use is this one: that New Media are stories told via "communication technologies that enable or enhance interaction between users as well as interaction between users and content." In other words, NM is basically this category of stories made up of convergent elements, which satisfy a multimedia requirement, and are heavily reliant on both participatory fan culture and recent advances in technology that allow creators/audiences to communicate with one another instantly.
There's a couple ways you can understand DSMP as a New Media, but as far as I'm concerned, one of the most interesting is prosumption. The term "prosumption" describes a creative situation where a piece of art is being produced (at least in part) by the same people that consume it; they're both audience and creator. DSMP is a really great example of this phenomenon, because A) it's serial and therefore the CCs had ample opportunity to respond to and engage with the audience's reception of their story; and B) because the chat feature allows CCs to interact directly with their audience during roleplay rather than after the fact. These features, among others, kinda set the stage for DSMP to function as a highly prosumptive piece of media.
In particular, the stuff that interests me is the stuff to do with storytelling convention (genre, perspective, etc) and how prosumption turns all that on its head. There are a number of altercations in DSMP canon where the course of the story is altered because of real-time interactions between the CCs and their chat - particularly times when a CC's chat warns them about events happening at the same time elsewhere in the server. In this kind of scenario, the CCs are static, they can't really leave their own stream. Their viewers, on the other hand, are able to jump between streams and talk to each other to figure out what's happening in the overarching story. When this happens, viewers have choices to make: are they going to tell a CC what's going down on the other side of the server? If so, how are viewers going to communicate those events? Viewers are biased, they directly inform CCs, and the information they divulge (as well as how they divulge that info) goes on to influence CCs' actions and thus the events of the story, to some degree. In my opinion, this is a pretty new and exciting way to prosumptively construct a narrative! Media has always been interactive to some extent (especially serial works), but the interaction being live and in real-time is pretty significant in my view because it can exert unique pressures on a narrative.
Speaking of audience choice, that brings me to the next thing I want to yap about: ergodic storytelling, a term that refers to stories “negotiated by processes of choice, discernment, and decision-making.” For reference, a good non-MCYT example of this would be hypertext fiction, because it's generally characterized by the ability of the interactant (that's the reader, in this hypothetical example) to explore material provided by someone else, either as a kind of conceptual landscape (think setting in a video game), or as puzzle pieces that must be put together in order to give the interaction the "big picture" of the story. Basically, with hypertext fiction, there is a core text (the main document that forms the skeleton of the story) and there are multiple hypertexts branching off of the core text - and whether the reader ends up reading those branches, and in what order, inevitably shapes that reader's perception of the whole story.
So here's where it gets tricky. In the case of DSMP, where is the core text located? Is there any one identifiable core text at all? Or is it more appropriate to consider each individual stream or VOD as its own singular core text, with the related Twitch channels and Youtube recommended in the sidebar being "branches"? Alternatively, if the streams and recordings distributed on the server members’ official channels are the central text in the grand hypertext fiction that is DSMP, then can adjacent spaces where audiences do the work of creating and archiving lore be considered their own story branches? I don't have answers to these questions. No one does. That's part of what makes DSMP exciting.
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To translate the above quote out of Academia Hellspeak: in an ergodic story, the audience has agency, but the agency enabled and allowed by the text varies in its intensity and mode. Yes, stories told ergodically necessitate choice — and therefore enable agency, turning the reader or viewer into interactant — but that element of choice doesn't always look the same. Some hypertexts are more choice-reliant than others, or are choice-reliant in different ways. So, rather than being a choose-your-own-adventure story, DSMP is more closely analogous to a story where the audience chooses the perspective through which they view plot developments, in addition to having some influence over how plot developments unfold.
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(☝️From a 2021 Polygon article, if you think I sound crazy☝️)
The web of choices DSMP presents to viewers is very complex, even compared to other forms of choose-your-own-adventure game. Because each CC approaches the task of story-creation from their own angle (bringing their own narrative baggage to the writers’ room, so to speak), those shifts in perspective this Polygon article describes often also constitute shifts in genre. For instance, cc!Wilbur brought his music production experience and interest in musical theater to the server, cited operas and stage musicals as some of his main inspirations; and accordingly, much of c!Wilbur's most crucial arcs observably draw from those sources. When you watch a c!Wilbur stream, you’re watching a story about statecraft, about revolution, about the triumphs and tragedies of ego that play out during the process of nation-building. On the other hand, cc!Quackity has repeatedly identified Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul as his primary influences; accordingly, his RP character’s story is closer to a piece of gritty prestige television in some places (especially LN series). Unlike with c!Wilbur, a lot of c!Quackity's tension does not revolve around a romanticized fantasy of revolution but around more personal conflicts: securing your place in a new regime, navigating exploitation as both exploited and exploiter, etc. In terms of both plot beats and character arcs, Wilbur and Quackity’s respective storylines embody many of the genre conventions the content creators are working within.
Moreover, a shift in genre often entails a shift in style or mode. Because cc!Wilbur was heavily inspired by musical theater, the presentation style of his character’s storyline is correspondingly both theatrical (i.e. only loosely scripted, nearly always televised live, and improv-heavy) and musical (featuring multiple instances of Wilbur singing in-character ballads and anthems.) On the flipside, Quackity’s streams (especially the later ones, since I'm mostly focusing on Las Nevadas era here) demonstrably mimic the prestige TV shows the CC draws his inspiration from, with lore sessions being pre-recorded rather than televised live, featuring distinctive sonic and visual aesthetics popularized by neo-Western thriller dramas. So, where a piece of media like DSMP is concerned, shifts in perspective entail shifts in genre, which in turn entail pronounced shifts in style. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it's an entirely new story depending on which character the viewer decides to follow. In that regard, what initially appears to be a single choice (whose perspective to watch a plot event through) has the power to determine a wide array of other elements, as viewers’ responses to the options presented to them will decide the overall tone of the section of the story they're about to watch.
While I think the genre-switching is genuinely super cool, lately I'm a lot more interested in perspective-switching and how it's related to viewer empathy. One side-effect of DSMP being televised live is that yes, you can watch a plot event from 30+ different POVs, but you can't watch every POV live. Typically, you either have to switch between multiple streams, or you need to pick one streamer to watch live and maybe later you'll watch other characters' POVs as you see fit. This has an impact on your perception of how that plot point went down because watching something live feels very different from watching something after-the-fact. I haven't done study on this, so what I'm about to say is mostly conjecture, but I wouldn't be surprised if viewers felt greater empathy for (and greater degrees of kinship with) characters whose POVs they watched live.
The choice of which character to follow also has observable impacts on other kinds of narrative conventions (who is the main character of DSMP? the boring answer is c!Dream because the server's named after him, but the real answer is the protagonist is whoever's POV you watched most of the major plot events through) but to be honest, those questions don't interest me as much.
So, going back to perspective and empathy. I think viewers' reactions to Exile are a really solid way of exemplifying the thing I'm trying to say, so this is the part of the yapping where we gotta bring up the dreaded Exile discourse.
Even though the Exile VODs are available and new viewers can go back and watch them, those viewers experience the Exile arc in a way that is fundamentally different from the experience had by viewers who had to wait in between updates as the videos were being streamed serially in real-time. I would argue that viewers who were “present” during the whole arc noticeably felt the brutality of c!Tommy’s treatment to a greater degree, because the audience was effectively forced to sit in exile alongside Tommy’s character - stewing in anxiety, looking forward to the possibility of appearances from other characters, and living in fear of Dream’s next visit, etc etc. Obviously you could also make this point using c!Dream's time in Pandora as an example, but I'm using Exile here because I've actually seen a lot of fans bring this up when discussing the arc: "people who didn't watch live Don't Get It," "the reason newer fans don't see Exile as scary is because they didn't have to watch it live," that sort of thing. And while I have certain qualms with some of the implications here, I do think these are really fascinating responses! These sorts of responses show that viewers consciously perceive their viewing experience as having been fundamentally different from others' based on a temporal element that's unique to serial fiction!
This instance of a divergence in collective fan experience is an example of choice being rendered unavailable to viewers by virtue of the story’s structure and means of distribution; audience members who happen to accidentally miss streams or who begin following the story after major events have occurred will never be able to engage with and witness those events as LIVE viewers, merely as retrospective ones. They don’t get to make that choice, but they do get to make choices about which perspective (and therefore genre) they get to experience the story through. So it follows that each aspect of DSMP, a semi-ergodic story, can be categorized as either ergodic or non-ergodic, and whether a particular storytelling element is ergodic can change depending on WHEN the viewer began tuning in to the story.
I have a lot more shit to say (shocker) but I'm gonna cap it here for now. Though I do want to add that this is kinda why I have a lot of patience for the crazy diversity of interpretation you tend to get in DSMP fandom. If you took a random sample of fans and asked them what they think of various arcs, characters, and plot events, chances are they would all have fairly different things to say. To me, that's a feature, not a bug. Obviously I have my own opinions, and obviously I do think it's possible for a given interpretation to be "bad," i.e. not grounded in the text - but I have a lot more patience for it here, in a fandom where agreeing on what "the text" EVEN IS presents a challenge. We can't all agree on who the main character is, so I don't ever expect us to agree on more nuanced questions of theme and conflict resolution in the narrative. Again, that's a feature, not a bug. I don't think it was ever possible to reach a consensus with a piece of media like DSMP because of how inextricable the audience is from the story.
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leahrintarou · 11 months
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🎃 Semi Eita - Humiliation
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Warnings: sub!semi x dom!reader, humiliation, they're exes, mentions of blackmail with explicit (sexual) vids, degrading, handjobs, reverse pleasure, enemies to..enemies ig, he's a slvt fr. Word Count: 3k
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"you're out, y/n." he said sternly. y/n was a bit astonished by semi's newly told information. She'd been a part of his band ever since it was founded. Infact, she was the one who pushed him to start a band since his desire for it was practically unexplainable yet so strong. He didn’t have enough confidence in himself so with that extra push, he finally said 'fuck it'. Later on into this journey of theirs, it became more serious. They even added three other individual members to their group overtime and together their band was finally complete.
Four years into the founding of their band, y/n and semi matured and grew to realize their feelings for each other. While everything went smoothly for the three years of their relationship with the exception of a few bumpy roads here and there. Recently however, those few bumpy roads became plenty and the two reached a breaking point when a rumor spread across social media that y/n had been cheating on semi with another one of their bandmates. This rumor was false of course but semi needed and excuse and right now was the perfect one.
They ended things a month ago and while they ended things on a decent note, the remaining facts of the truth were something that the two never discussed. The tension between then was thick in the air that encased them and that air triggered arguments every other day. Their bandmates were over it since it was getting in the way of their work and even during interviews, meet and greets, or live streams, fans will pick out the tiniest details, clip them, and make up and entire situation pertaining to who, what, where, and why.
Recently, a clipped part of an interview went around where it showed that y/n and semi weren't wearing their matching Jewlery pairs in which included two rings and two necklaces. When this news spread like wildfire within their fanbase and was labeled as "y/n really was a cheater!", semi realized how much of a problem that it was really causing, so when y/n entered the studio as requested, the word's that left his lips caught her completely off guard. "what?" She questioned dryly.
"you're out, y/n."
"oh, so you can find another bassist in time for the tour?" She smiled in amusement when he sighed with an eyeroll. Clearly he was unbothered so y/n figured he had everything under control..except for her. Out of their long years of lasting relationships of the sort, semi could never control y/n and strangely, it's something that bonded them. She always held her ground whether people took her side or not and right now was one of those times. The three other members of the band sat on the couch or on a beanbag in the corner of a room. They didn’t speak and they weren't surprised by semi's words which meant they might've talked this out prior to her arriving and agreed on this choice. Without her.
"you're staying for the tour, but after that, it's over, y/n."
"after that my ass. You think I'm gonna suck up and play on tour knowing damn well it'll be my last because my shitty ex can't handle a little rumor?" She scoffed. Now semi had finally seemed to be reacting to her words. "you'll be paid the same like alwa-" y/n cut off the voice of one of her bandmates with a sharp glare. "it's not about the fucking money".
"then what's it about, y/n?"
Semi stood up, approaching y/n's figure. She reached for his wrist, pulling him out of the room as three pairs of eye's followed them with curiosity. "what's all this about?" Semi raised an eyebrow when y/n pulled out her phone, swiping the screen with a small grin. She clicked up the volume of her phone and although it was faint, semi heard the sound of his own pathetically moaning voice emitting from the speakers. "why do you still have that video, you sicko?" His facial expression was full of anger as he tried to reach for her phone. y/n didn’t defend herself, making him snatch it from her hold with ease. shrugging as he was about to throw the device to the ground, she spoke.
"that video is also on a flash drive and my laptop. Breaking my phone won't do a thing."
His arm lowered and semi stared at y/n in shock. He was so recklessly stupid back then. Allowing y/n to record their moment of intimacy since he claimed that he got a kick out of it (which was true). That moment of intimacy soon faded into a video of semi letting y/n do as she pleased to his body while he laid there and enjoyed every moment. She tied him up, blindfolded him, used various toys on him, edged and even overstimulated him. All of it. And it was all on video footage.
If it weren't for the stupid tattoo that he'd gotten a few years back while drunk on the night of a party, his body wouldn't have been that easily recognizable. However, that wasn’t the case and the large array of stars tattooed along his pelvis and up the sides of his ribcage was basically one of his personal trademarks. In the video, y/n even made it obvious that she never said his name once so it couldn’t possibly be her fault if his identity was unveiled.
All of the blame was on semi at this point and the guilt paired with the regret was practically leeching off of his being. "stop by my place later, semi." And with that, she took her phone from his loosened grip before grinning at his glare and state of being at a loss for words and actions.
The only action that he could do was the one that y/n had just told him.
"why do you want me here?" Semi questioned, patience thinning before he could even take a seat. "you're not kicking me from the group. me leaving it will make people believe the cheating rumors are actually true." she said, letting him enter her home. Semi took a seat on her sofa and y/n sat next to him. "so you plan to blackmail me with that video so you can stay?" he seemed frustrated and was struggling to keep his composure. "yup, basically."
"why do you still have it anyways?"
"cause, you look pathetic in it. it's nice to see that you could be that vulnerable every once in a while." she smiled, feeling amused with semi began to look like a ticking time bomb. It was a matter of seconds til he'd break and y/n was only making it worse. "shut up. you'll never get me to do that shit again." he said, voice coming through his gritted teeth. y/n leaned back into the couch, matching semi's own positioning.
"really? you think so?"
"positive." it was now when semi shifted his hips and tugged on the fabric of his pants when y/n realized that his words were most certainly a bluff. "so, can we make a deal? you don't kick me and ruin my reputation and the world won't see how much of a pathetic person can be." she let out a laugh when he rolled his eyes. "fine..for now at least. If you lose that video of me, then you're fucked." he mumbled, focusing on the screen on the tv that was being displayed in front of them.
"won't happen."
the late night soon began to approach and y/n was slightly dozing off. semi on the other hand was wide awake and the discomfort forming within the area of his lap was getting unbearable. His pride was getting in the way of aiding in his current problem. He shifted a bit away from y/n which awoke her slightly. she examined his figure and semi let out a sigh when she leaned closer to him. "what's wrong?"
"nothing. I'm going home since its getting late.
"you don't think it's a good idea to get rid of that?" when semi stood up, y/n was able to see his current situation and probably the real reason why he needed to leave her home. "if you're trying to get at what i think you are, then give up. I'm going home." y/n smiled since despite his words, he had yet to take any steps to her front door. "why? are you scared?" she knew a simple tease could threaten his ego so when he glared at her, y/n knew that she was getting somewhere.
"scared of what?"
"not being able to handle it. Last time you only lasted three-"
"that was so long ago. you're never gonna let me live that down, are you?" y/n shook her head with a smirk on her lips. "not til you prove otherwise." semi rolled his eyes almost cursing himself when he fell right into her trap. y/n tend to do that to him often and it worked almost every time. He sat down next to y/n, sighing when he realized his own decision. He could've left. y/n didn’t directly tell him to stay. This was all his own will and reactions to her teasing words. He knew this, yet the ache of his member was becoming so unbearable that he didn’t think he could drive home safely in the first place.
'this is the last time with her'
He said to himself. It was probably a lie because he said the same thing last time and here he is now, tensing at y/n's touch against his thigh. He was fully clothed yet, he felt incredibly vulnerable. y/n's palm traveled to his lips as she watched his features contort into one of discomfort. y/n was taking her sweet time while he just wanted to get this over with and leave. If he were to say something, she'd probably take even longer so he kept his mouth shut, biting his bottom lip to restrain any possible sounds. His body language game himself away when he flinched as her fingertips grazed over the head of his member.
"why are you so hard already, semi?"
Her voice had an unreadable tone and semi couldn’t bring himself to look at her, let alone hold eye contact. He knew just how aroused he was, but for y/n to say it aloud made him feel all the more pathetic. Especially since he knew what got him riled up in the first place. He thought he could keep that fact to himself buy y/n's next words along with her touches guided him down a different path. "answer me." she said. y/n used her free head to guide his face in the direction of where she sat. Semi made eye contact with her for a split second and he crumbled.
"I-I don’t know" he stuttered out. Y/n made quick movements, unbuttoning his pants before pulling them down to his thighs along with his briefs. The cooler air made him shiver and just as y/n was about to directly grip his erection, he held her wrist. She looked up at him unamused as he physically deflated but brushed it off. "don’t overdo it."
Before he could get a response from y/n, semi didn’t notice that his grip had weakened, making her slip out of it to finally encase his erected member in a warm fist. He bit back a moan and it came out more like a grunt after he covered his eyes with his inner elbow. He tiled his head onto the back of the sofa when y/n let go and instead caressed the tip of his member with the pads of her digits, spreading his precum around the entirety of his length. She took her time and the slow yet effective pacing was getting to him a bit fast than he'd like and a bit faster than y/n expected.
"did you actually get turned on over the fact that i have that video of you?" She scoffed, smiling when his chest hitched along with his breathing. "or was it the fact that I said I'd leak it if you kicked me from the band?"
"neither," y/n knew his words were a lie and it was easy to tell since after her question, he twitched against her touch, giving her the correct answer along with reassurance. It didn’t take a lot to overwhelm semi and she knew this all too well. He was driven by emotions and whether it'd affect him positively or negatively, he still hated it. How easy it was to get him excited, angry, sad, and at this time; how much easier it was overall it was to get him aroused. "are you gonna cum already, semi?" y/n asked after seeing how he began to tense with her touch.
"I can't help it." His voice came out as a whine since y/n could practically read him like a book. He lost all control over his own boy and at this point, y/n's voice was the only thing keeping him grounded. "take your arm from your face. Can you not bring yourself to watch just how turned on you are?" She reached up, gently gripping his elbow to remove his arm from over his eyes. He was reluctant to open his eyes but once he did, they landed right to his lap and he almost wanted to crawl into a hole when he saw how much precum was leaking from the tip of his member.
He regretted his words from earlier. How he told y/n he could hold out longer, but it was a lie and he didn't want to believe that. When she tightened her fist, he couldn’t bring himself to hold back the moan that fell from his lips, y/n's stroking along the length of him was so secure and so effective by the way his hips jerked and the way his panting pace increased. "I haven't even been touching you that long and you're already about to cum.." She spoke mostly to herself but the words were aloud and she was sure semi heard them since the whine that past his lips felt all the more real.
"and from what exactly? The fact that the video I have could ruin you with the click of a button?"
"y-y/n stop" his words sounded desperate. His once sturdy voice was now small and fragile. Her words where getting to him and he hated how his body was finding it so amusing and pleasureful. Her words were true, but what felt all the more true was the fact that he was about to cum. "you can't handle your truth, semi?" She asked, using her free hand to guide his field of sight to her own face. The expression on features soon turned into a look of pity when she saw how fucked out he was becoming. She couldn't bring herself to feel all that bad though since it was more so his fault for becoming so aroused at a simple touch.
"y/n please let me cum. Don’t stop." he panted. y/n tended to do that almost every time she was in control of semi's body. She'd stop just when he was about to tip over the edge and make him start all the way from square one. If she was feeling particularly mean, she'd do that process more than once. Tonight however, she had other plans in mind. She nodded to his words and his shoulders only relaxed partially since the grin on her lips weren't all that convincing. "I'll let you cum only because you look so pitiful."
He was about to reply with some sort of snarky comment to cover up his embarrassment, but when y/n leaned closer to him to place a kiss to the sensitive area of his collar bone, he could only let out a whimper and the pace of her jerking hand sped up so suddenly that semi couldn’t help but meet his high right there and then. y/n made eye contact with him for a small second and with a sinister smirk on her lips, she let go of his member, watching as he came untouched. Semi let out a desperate whine at the lack of contact and even though he did come to his climax, he felt incomplete and unsatisfied from y/n's brutal actions.
His member twitched against his abdomen and he was about the reach for himself to ride out his own high, but y/n gripped both of his wrists, forbidding him to do so. A whine fell from his lips and he looked at to y/n, chest heavying as he mumbled his next words. "why did you do that?"
"so I could do this-"
y/n let go of his wrist as he slowly settled down and once again; gripped his member in a fist. It seemed as if all air left his lungs when his body jerked forwards. Y/n shifted her body to straddle his thighs and keep him a bit more still. She jerked his overly sensitive member as he let out uncontrolled and whiney moans. "f-fuck, y/nnnn" he desperately gripped a nearby throw pillow as y/n watched in amusement. She used her free hand to push down on his chest, keep his body sturdy. "you wanted me to touch you, right?"
Semi tried to bare through the oversensitivity but it was too much and he couldn’t handle another second of it. He let out a choked moan, eyebrows contorting while his abdomen tensed and his hips jerked up against y/n's figure. "o-okay, okay. Enough." He finally managed to say, making her slowly let go. She smiled as he visibly relaxed, panting as he threw his head back onto the back of the couch, trying to pull himself together.
"you're fucking brutal, y/n."
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ngl, this is so mid AND it was a requested scenario so i feel so bad 😭 either way though, i hopeee some you enjoyed this a little bit. tysm for the support! reblogs and notes are appreciated!
Taglist: @meowmeowmau @jiwooahae @sunaemoby @diana7was7here @msbyomimi @chocoweird0 @riiceandsoup @issllaaa
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altraviolet · 9 months
Hi! I was reading the most recent chapter and was wondering on some clarification about something.
This part when SW and Rodimus are talking says:
"Mourning and grief washed over Rodimus. “Oof.” He smelled ash and buildings burning. Screams rose in his processor. Emergency escape protocols primed for action. The flat palm pressed against Soundwave's chest curled into a fist. Each finger dragged a tiny sliver of blue paint with it. “Holy shit.”
Soundwave retracted his field. Its sudden absence whiplashed Rodimus from smothering grief to echoing hollowness. He vented quickly and dismissed the emergency protocols. Soundwave said nothing. His visor displayed a faint wireform of Rodimus, as it often did when they were together in private. Reticles centered around the form's face and chest.
Rodimus touched the bottom of Soundwave's visor, where his fingers had once pulled away wet with blue. You saw Nyon and you cried... because you knew what it meant to destroy something you loved. “It hurt.”"
Does this mean Rodimus was aware that SW has seen his memories of Nyon?
This moment was intriguing to me because it feels like they're both brushing into deeper emotions (especially SW). Its really cool we get to see Rodimus's perspective during this conversation. Is there anything you can share about how SW was feeling during this moment?
>Does this mean Rodimus was aware that SW has seen his memories of Nyon?
Yes. In ch 43 we see Rodimus's thoughts:
“Are you afr- afraid of m- me?” “Nah,” said Rodimus. He tried to lift his spoiler. Only the right side rose. He forced cheer into his voice. “You kidding me? As far as I can tell, you pulled something out of me that killed a god.” And you cried doing it. You saw Nyon and you cried. Rodimus swallowed. “How cool is that?”
That's the first instance of "You saw Nyon and you cried."
It comes up again in the most recent chapter, in the excerpt that you have above. We see that thought continued/concluded: You saw Nyon and you cried… because you knew what it meant to destroy something you loved.
They are indeed brushing into deeper emotions here. SW has shared one of his most devastating memories and Rodimus now has a reference point for SW's pain.
Writing this part in Rodimus's POV meant that we didn't see SW's struggle from the inside, as we usually do, but I had challenged myself to do an all-Roddy POV chapter.
I'll go through the scene and tell you what SW's thought process was :)
We start this scene with Rodimus entering SW's room. Rodimus has been avoiding SW, so SW is equal parts excited and nervous to see Rodimus. These emotions are shown to the reader via Rodimus noting how his tentacles are moving (Soundwave's emotions come out in his body language more and more as the fic goes on. Differently than his LL friends, of course, but due to their influence on him. He even wondered if he would start doing that in a previous chapter). Rodimus invites him to pick a game, but SW doesn't want to do that. He wants to... talk. He wants to hold Rodimus while he talks. He arranges his tentacles in the shapes they take on when holding Rodimus, so he can show Rodimus what he wants instead of having to say it.
Once properly settled, it takes a bit for SW to get into it, but he's bursting to share the garden with Rodimus. He plays the sounds of the stream and the dripping stalactites. He shares the crystals and data with Rodimus, explaining a few in detail. He enjoys sharing this.
Rodimus asks for clarification re: the garden.
“This is the garden you told me about a long time ago? With... Megatronus?” “Affirmative. I was made to destroy my life's work with my own hands.” The cyphers froze and went out. “I could replay the explosions. I mapped them all precisely. I do not want to.” “Don't. You super don't have to do that.” The tentacles slid around Rodimus. He squeezed them gently.
This tentacles sliding represent SW's gratefulness at not having to detail the destruction of the crystals.
SW tells Rodimus it hurt. It's hard for him to say it, so he repeats the words. Rodimus kisses him, then holds still. The kisses are for Rodimus, the stillness is for SW. SW appreciates it.
SW says that returning from 2938 hurt. Rodimus takes a moment to get what he means: returning from 2938 hurt because the crystals exploded. The garden's crystals exploded and that hurt, too. One reminds SW of the other. SW is glad Rodimus has put the two together.
Rodimus invites SW to share his pain instead of holding it in. SW doesn't want to, because it hurts. He doesn't want to hurt Rodimus. He knows Rodimus has his own pain. Rodimus insists, so SW does so. He retracts his field when Rodimus says "Holy shit."
They have a little bit more convo. SW is very relieved when Rodimus tells him that if they can get supplies from 0001, SW will never have to build another portal (ie giant crystals) destined to be destroyed again.
SW is relieved to have shared the painful connection between the garden's destruction and the 2938 portal's destruction. The reason for being nervous is over: he has shared the difficult thing.
You didn't ask about Rodimus's admission after this but to summarize: when Rodimus said he didn't feel like he was good enough for Drift and he was afraid SW would leave him, SW was reminded of his own fears, and that Stardrive line that plays over and over in his head. He plays her voice in an attempt to show Rodimus that they both have feelings of inferiority. He doesn't speak to Rodimus's feelings (he doesn't know enough about the whole Drift and Ratchet/gray years thing to comment intelligently and he doesn't want to get mixed up in it) but he explains his own: he's so different, even his fingers are the wrong shapes. But, he proffers, maybe they're not wrong. They're just different. SW hopes Rodimus will agree. SW proposes that they shouldn't fear being inferior anymore. They should turn Rodimus's gift of ultimate understanding inward as well as outward.
Rodimus's suggestion of "Together: superior" absolutely delights him. He thinks it's hilarious because it's a play on his own personal mantra, but it is also true. They do feel better when they're together, and moving forward like that can only do good things. It cements Rodimus as a partner, in his mind, because he specifically used the word 'together.'
That's the rundown =) Thank you for the question! If I think of anything else, I'll reblog with additional info.
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
could we have perhaps. a cozy night in for ava lilith bea and libby? perhaps with a board game, or a movie?
"You've really never seen Lilo and Stitch?" Ava squints at them, not entirely sure they're not fucking with her. That's their usual go-to, after all, the deadpan comments and blank stares when they try to pull one over on her, but these seem to be legitimate. "Okay, scratch all plans, we're watching it tonight."
"Our only plan was a movie night," Lilith remarks, "and you'd like us to scratch that plan in favour of… a movie night. Makes sense."
"Shut up, it does."
"Ava, you said we're not s'posed to tell people to shut up," Libby pipes up.
"Yeah, Ava," Lilith says, flat as anything, "we're not supposed to tell people to shut up."
"I'm sorry, Libby."
"No apology for me?" 
Ava leans in close, her lips brushing the shell of Lilith's ear. "I'll make it up to you later."
Beatrice leans in on Lilith's other side. "Can you two get it together for a second? Ava, Libby will want help getting the living room set up for movie night."
"How long does it take to set up–"
"She's very particular," Bea says, just as Lilith's nails pinch the skin at Ava's waist. 
Ava jumps. "Oh! Right, yes, of course. You got it, boss." She stands and reaches out a hand to Libby. "Let's go figure out where to stream it, hey Libs?"
"You could just as easily have made her do the dishes," Lilith grumbles. She deposits the last few mugs beside the sink and kisses Beatrice's cheek. As Beatrice sways towards her, Lilith's hand sneaks up the front of her shirt. Her hand is frigid against the warmth of Beatrice's belly, her pinky hooked in the waist of her pants, her other fingers fanned out across the span of her abs. The ring feels so cold it almost burns where it touches her skin.
"Lilith Williams," she cautions, still with that thrill of excitement at getting to apply the surname again – she's not sure it's going to dissipate this time around – "I asked you to help me, not accost me at the kitchen sink."
"Hardly accosting if you enjoy it, Beatrice." Lilith's lips trace the line of Beatrice's jaw. "And Ava's got Libby distracted. Lemme make out with my wife a bit, please."
"Fine." She spins on her heel, hooks a soapy hand in the neck of Lilith's henley and pulls her in close.
"Beatrice," Lilith groans against her mouth, "please don't stretch the neck out." 
Beatrice nips at her bottom lip before pulling away and patting the wrinkles from the front of Lilith's shirt. "Go get changed, otherwise Libby's going to ask why you're all wet and I highly doubt Ava will be able to resist the easy follow-up."
"Are you crying?" Ava leans around Libby to ask the question, one hand gripping Beatrice's shoulder to keep from falling.
"Shh!" Libby poke her in the thigh. "We don't talk during movies!"
"Yeah, Ava, we don't talk during movies," Lilith deadpans. She turns her face away, but still fails at being discreet in wiping tears from her eyes with the heels of her hands.
"Let her be," Beatrice cautions, tugging Ava back into her side and readjusting the blanket draped over their laps. There's a roughness to her voice, and Ava cups her chin, turns her face towards her. 
The tear tracks are faint but present, and Ava thumbs her cheeks dry. "You okay?"
Beatrice nods bravely, sniffs back a new round of tears. "I'm fine." She stretches the arm that has been circling Ava's shoulders across the back of the couch, and Ava glances back to find she's intertwined her fingers with Lilith's. "Little, and broken, but still good."
"Still good," Lilith echoes her, not even attempting to quell her tears now. She ruffles Libby's hair with her free hand. "Still good."
Libby bats her hand away and crosses her arms. "What's the point of having a 'no talking' rule if I'm the only one who follows it," she gripes. 
"Sorry, Libby," they chorus, and settle back into the couch cushions.
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