#it's only the first day. no glaring problems yet. but I'm just more calm and feel lighter when i can choose what my environment is like
daz4i · 1 year
who knew that all i needed to feel like a normal human and actually function properly is to spend time with my friends and also be alone with no one else in the same space other than my cute and cuddly cat who is also in a good mood now that it's just us
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
Batfamily x male reader
Batfamily x male!reader - this is part 1 everyone.
Summary: some talking is done.
Warnings: angst, fluff, (Y/N) is trying and so is the fam, cursing, trying to forgive, a punch was thrown, cutting people out
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The fight echoed through the manor. Even days after it, the tension was still palpable. (Y/N) truly wanted nothing more with his so called brothers and father. If they tried to talk to him, they would be ignored or (Y/N) would just snap at them.
Almost biting their head off.
Safe to say, things were going to complete and utter shit.
Bruce didn't even know how to start talking to (Y/N). Was he emotionally reserved? Yes. But will he try everything in his power to make it right?
Yes. Everything he can do, he will do.
Bruce has decided to call a meeting. He made (Y/N) leave his room and (Y/N) has never looked worse. He couldn't sleep for days on end, only getting about 4 hours per night. He wasn't in the mood to eat either. He was only alive because Alfred had to make sure he was still alive.
Everyone noted that he looked like he didn't want to live anymore. More so, he looked dead. (Y/N) just sat down, an angry look on his face, arms crossed and body language closed off. He sat down as far as away as he could from them, clearly not happy to be here in the slightest.
He tucked himself in the chair, ignoring everyone and everything.
" (Y/N)... " Bruce started quietly, clearly not wanting to have a blow out and an explosion. " We have to talk through this problem. " Bruce continued just as softly and (Y/N) scoffed.
" We know we have been... Neglecting you, to say the least. But... We want to fix our mistakes. We want to be better. " Bruce said and (Y/N) chose to roll his eyes instead of listening. No matter what they could say could ever fix this.
" Well... 10 years too late. " (Y/N) said sarcastically, tapping his fingers against his tucked up knee, clearly anxious to leave this room behind. He really was anxious too leave.
" And we realize that. " Tim started softly, looking at (Y/N) with a sad look on his face. (Y/N) wouldn't allow them to see them sweat.
" Bullshit. " (Y/N) said quickly. They don't realize shit. " You are only doing this because Jon came over and pointed it out and now you are worried that the word doesn't spread. " (Y/N) spat out, leaning on his tucked up knee, glaring that the floor.
" That is not true. " Damian said and (Y/N) looked up, glaring at Damian, scoffing at the words, then laughing bitterly.
" Oh please. You never told Jon about me! I'm assuming all of your friends don't know I exist, right? " (Y/N) said as he rubbed his eyes from the exhaustion.
The silence was the only answer that (Y/N) needed.
" Yup and there it is. No one knows I fucking exist! " (Y/N) said loudly, blood pressure raising. He took a deep breath to calm down. " Just as I thought. No one knows I exist. No one even cared about my school achievements either... Let me ask you something Bruce. " (Y/N) asked, turning his attention to Bruce.
" Do you have a college fund for me? Just like you do for other four? " (Y/N) asked, itching for an answer. When Bruce looked away in shame and (Y/N) scoffed yet again.
" Also, don't you fucking dare setting it up. I have got a scholarship anyway. " (Y/N) answered the unasked questions. Bruce was proud of (Y/N). How could he have done this to (Y/N), forget to put a college fund...
" I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to forget you. " Bruce said, keeping his distance, but wanting nothing more than just hug him and kiss the anger away.
But alas, that's not how it works. (Y/N) has to forgive him first.
" Can you tell us more about the scholarship? " Jason chimed in, wanting to speak about something that (Y/N) could be happy about.
" It's for MIT. " (Y/N) said quietly and everyone was in shock. They didn't know that (Y/N) was into science and mathematics and what not.
Another mistake of theirs.
" That's amazing (Y/N). " Tim praised, smiling at (Y/N). Getting into MIT is hard as hell.
(Y/N) rolled his eyes, but deep down inside, he craved that praise more than life. But some praise won't erase everything that happened.
" You would really have to move then... " Dick said sadly and (Y/N) glanced at all of them. They all seem sad that he would have to move all the way to Massachusetts, but it would be necessary. (Y/N) needed to get out of here. One way or another.
" I think what we all mean to say is that we are sorry. There is no excuse, not a single thing that could justify what we did and what we have caused to you. " Damian said and (Y/N) was shocked to hear the word sorry just tumble out of his mouth like that, so effortlessly. So easily. But he composed himself quickly.
" How do I put his nicely? " (Y/N) said, looking sarcastic. " I don't give a damn about any of you. I don't give a damn about apologies at all. I don't care about any of you. The moment I move out, all of you are going to be dead to me. Period. " (Y/N) said as he quickly stood up, going to his room.
He isn't going to fucking listen anymore.
" No, (Y/N) wait! " Everyone called after him and tried to stop him. Jason managed to grab his arm, but (Y/N) threw a punch and knocked Jason down on his ass, making the others rear back. It was a truly what the fuck moment for all of them.
(Y/N) was never violent.
(Y/N) slammed the doors of his room shut and everyone was silent. Jason was breathing heavily through his mouth as (Y/N) broke his nose.
" He has a hell of a punch. " Jason muttered as he stood up.
" We have a shit ton of gravelling to do. " Tim muttered and everyone nodded in agreement. Saying that they are dead to him, well, will be dead to him, that was sort of a nail in a coffin. Coffin about their relationship...
That was probably on the brink of death, if not dead already.
" Come on, he needs some time alone. " Bruce said and ushered everyone out of the hall, mostly Jason to take a look at his nose, to treat it and heal it.
That same night, (Y/N) quietly managed to get his things into a car, while others were on patrol and blocked them in the process. Then he started driving to MIT, because he didn't have the nerve to put his things onto a plane and go. And besides, he didn't have enough things anyway.
(Y/N) could finally start his new life.
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maple-the-awesome · 9 months
Body Swap || Part 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairings: Wild, Four, Sky, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
This dungeon had been going great - so great, in fact, that you were actually sad to reach the end of it. Sure, the puzzles were a pain in the butt and the miniboss was an embarrassing waste of time, but what had made it all worth it was the fact that you had gone through every trial right by Link’s side. 
In a group of ten travelers, a date day with just the two of you is rare - extremely and unjustly rare - therefore you had both jumped at the chance of completing this dungeon alone together. Everything was going swimmingly, too, right down to the main boss battle. A tiny, itty bitty yet still very evil wizard is nothing compared to your combined force, so you expected it to be a piece of cake that would end in a wonderful memory to look back on later. Instead, it ended in a very different, less appreciated way.
One more hit was all it should've taken to defeat the little guy, however right as Link raised his bow for the final arrow, the wizard began swinging its wand around in a last ditch effort for success. Fearing for your partner's safety, you had rushed over with your shield, hoping to use it to block whatever spell the wizard planned, but in an unexpected twist, said spell turned into a cloud of smoke instead of a ball of energy like you expected.
As the boss made his escape, the fumes of his final spell poisoned the air and entered your lungs with an uncomfortable burn. Link and you both fell to your knees in coughing fits, suddenly feeling dizzy and woozy much to your concern...
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Aside from the initial wave of nausea you felt, that wizard's spell seemed like nothing more than a harmless distraction for escape, at least that's what you would've went on thinking if not for the sight that greeted you once the smoke officially cleared.
"Oh jeez! ...Uhhh, are you alright?" Although a shock indeed, you remain calm with your first priority being to check on Wild who's still fanning away the fumes from his face.
"Yeah, I'm alrig -" He freezes almost as soon as the words are said, his eyes immediately shooting open to look down at his body - or rather your body that he's suddenly found himself in, "WHAT THE -?! HOW AM I - I'M YOU?!"
“Very observant, Wild,” You roll your eyes before looking around the room to find no sign of that wizard. Whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate might depend on your ability to reverse this little problem he’s now left you both with, “...Guess that little guy was such a sore loser he decided to play dirty then retreat. What a coward.”
Standing up, you start examining yourself for possible injuries - ones that weren't already a part of Wild's collection, that is. Thankfully you see nothing aside from a small cut above your hip from a hit he had taken earlier; an easy fix with the help of a red potion. If only the same could be said about your incredibly tangled hair that you pull a leafed branch out of with a cringe, "When was the last time you've taken a bath?"
"Personal hygiene is very important. It keeps you from harboring full-on ecosystems in your hair."
"...You sound just like the Captain…" Wild mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the ground. Once up, he wobbles and holds his arms out for balance as if he’s never stood on two legs before.
"Oh, the Captain! He’s going to have the time of his life with this one - all the boys will, I'm sure,” In Wild's opinion, your teasing smirk doesn’t quite carry the same effect as it would if on your assigned face. Instead, it looks a bit...silly to see you speaking as himself and judging on your sniffled laughter, he, too, must look equally as funny glaring back at you as you. 
"Ugh. I can already hear Twilight blaming us for not being careful enough," He groans, subconsciously runs his hand over his arm which is smooth like silk rather than being rough with scars. Huh. He had forgotten how that felt...
"Yep, we're in for a heap of nagging and annoying jokes when we get back, but I say we at least have some fun with it while we can. Wanna see how long it takes anyone to notice?" You nudge his side as you pass by towards the exit of the boss chamber, your suggestion finally lifting his spirits.
"I don’t know. It could take them all night if we keep our mouths shut about it."
"No way. They'll notice as soon as I do something stupid and you don't, which should take approximately an hour at most…I mean, assuming that you’re not asked to make dinner tonight.”
“Oh, well in that case, they’ll definitely notice then. You’re a terrible cook.”
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You moan while rubbing your burning eyes. Even with them closed, you can still see remnants of the same flashy colors that had followed after that wizard’s stupid spell; like a firework show inside your eyelids that's so realistic you can actively smell the gunpowder.
"Don't panic," You hear someone say. You assume it must be Four since he's the only other person here, although his voice sounds different, almost like…
"Don't...? Why would I panic - AHH!" Once finally being able to see straight, you expected to find Four kneeling in front of you, but instead you just see yourself. It's as if you're looking directly into a mirror until you glance down at your hands. That's when you let out a shout, doing the exact opposite of what Four asked by instantly panicking upon realizing they aren't actually your hands, but his. Your clothes, your hair, your BODY; IT’S ALL HIM!
"I’M YOU!”
"I can see that."
"...H-How are you not freaking out?" You blink at him - er, you? Whoever! You blink at who should be Four but is actually you as he simply shrugs in response to your question as if this is just another Tuesday for him!
"This isn’t really the ‘craziest’ thing that's happened to me. Maybe in the top three, but..."
You stare at him for a long minute, wanting to be angry that he's behaving so calmly right now, although he does have somewhat of a reputation for being one of the more relaxed Link's, not to mention the pair of you have seen some pretty crazy stuff during your adventures, both separate and together.
Running a hand through your hair, you take deep breathes and try your best not to be so freaked out especially once remembering this isn't technically your hair you're touching which makes you instantly stop the action, "...What do we do to fix this?"
"I...don't know."
"You 'don't know'? What, are we supposed to just live like this forever?!"
"No, of course not!" He crosses his arms uncomfortably and sighs, "We'll find a way to reverse the spell and get back to our normal bodies. We're in Legend’s world, but I think he mentioned that his Zelda knows some magic, so if we can get to the Castle, she might be able to help us."
You groan, running your hand over your face in irritation. You were having such a good day until this point! Why can't the universe allow you just one normal evening with your boyfriend, huh? Is that too much to ask for?
Four offers you a hand and helps you up. Once on your feet, you realize yet another detail about your current situation that makes you uncomfortable, "Woah. I'm not used to looking at myself from another perspective like this…or being so low to the ground.”
Four rolls his eyes at your comment before taking your hand and dragging you after him outside of the dungeon.
"Oh, come on! Doesn't it weird you out, too? Looking at yourself from my point of view while I’m in your body?"
"Of course, it’s weird,” He sighs again, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I'm just considering myself lucky I'm only looking at one of me."
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"Sky? You alright?" You crawl blindly out of the smoke cloud, coughing along the way while keeping your eyes squeezed shut to prevent anything from getting in them. Although you receive no verbal reply, you can at least relax upon hearing Sky's wheezing close by. 
You’re about to repeat your question, yet your voice dies within your throat. Once opening your eyes, you see yourself kneeled on the ground where you fan smoke away from your nose with a face scrunched up in irritation – except that’s not really you. It can’t be! You’re right here, so how is it that you’re suddenly able to look at yourself through a third person perspective? …Then you look down, slowly but surely putting the pieces together in your head.
Just as predicted, the 'other you' looks up in response, even giving a small hum before their eyes go wide with the same shock you undoubtedly mirror.
“(Y/n)? Is that you? You’re –“
“- You…And you’re me,” It doesn’t matter how many times you close your eyes and reopen them. Each time, you’re greeted by the same sight. Thanks to that stupid wizard, you’ve switched bodies with Sky which definitely wasn’t on your agenda for today…or any other, for that matter. Worst part? Neither of you know a thing about magic to reserve this, “…Shit…”
“M-Maybe someone else knows how to fix this?” Sky suggests hopefully, although judging on his waivered smile, even he must realize it’s a long shot. Not many Links are accustomed to magic either, and believe it or not, no one’s been in this situation yet not that they’ve ever cared to share, anyway.
“Here’s to hoping…Come on, we should at least get out of this place before that wizard comes back and switches our heads,” Sky gulps, but nods.
Standing to your feet, you brush yourself off and prepare to make your exit from this dark boss’s chamber, however you pause in place when you notice Sky following you at much slower pace, his posture rather stiff as he holds his arms slightly away from himself, “…Why are you walking like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like…” You copy his stance then give him a pointed look that makes him bow his head in embarrassment.
“I-I don’t want to touch something I’m not supposed to!”
"Awww, that’s sweet, but dude, you can relax. They're only feminine arms. They won't kill you," You roll your eyes, but can't help smiling at how careful and sweet he's trying to be. If there’s one thing to be grateful for in this situation, it’s that you got switched around with a gentleman instead of a pervert, "Just don't touch my breasts or anything and we’ll be good.”
Poor Sky whimpers uncomfortably after your comment…Yeah, hopefully this situation can be solved without leaving any lasting trauma behind...
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"Mmm...Hey, are you alright?"
Hyrule's voice sound so distance despite him being so close by. You wish you could see him, but every time you try to open your eyes, you're only met with blurred colors and sparkles, "...I-I think so..."
Hyrule sighs and is about to say something else, but his relief is instead punctuated with a gasp once he looks down at his hands. He whispers your name, however his voice goes unnoticed the first time. He has to shout it a bit louder for you to actually hear him. Finally, you're able to open your eyes and see a bit more clearly - at least that's what you thought before looking over to his voice and just seeing yourself.
"What kinda spell was that? My eyes aren't working right," You start vigorously rubbing them again only for Hyrule to reach out and grab your wrists to stop you.
"They're working. At least, I-I'm pretty sure they're working. You, uh, see yourself instead of me, right?"
"And I see myself instead of you."
Hyrule bows his head, removing his hands from wrists to stare down at them with a wobbled frown, "I don't think it's a trick of our ours. I think that spell switched our bodies."
"...Oh...Oooh!" After his words sink in, you glance down at yourself and pick at your tunic, confirming that it feels as real as it looks.
“Alright. This might seem bad, but look on the bright side: neither of us are hurt so the others can scold us too much, right? Let’s just get back to camp and –" Hyrule’s cut off when you suddenly squeal. Startled, his head snaps back up at you, fearing that perhaps you had gotten hurt somehow, yet to his surprise, you have a bright smile on your face as you tangle your fingers in your hair – or rather his hair.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just – I’ve always wondered if your hair is as soft as it looks and it definitely is!” You giggle, unable to help yourself from testing your theory personally. Hyrule's hair has always appeared to be the fluffiest out of all the Links and you've been dying to ask him if you can touch it, perhaps even braid it. Now that you technically in his body now, might as well, right? It's at least some benefit to this weird situation, “What do you use to wash it?”
"I, uh...water, I guess?"
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I'm in love with the "Traveler finding fragile reader" scenario I've seen floating around your blog because this scenario is super interesting for Dottore specifically. Actually caring about someone else, perhaps even more than he does himself and his ambitions, not having the upper hand, and being almost wholly at someone else's mercy in a meaningful way are all probably very foreign things to Dottore. Since I suck at writing proper stories, here are some scattered thoughts.
After all the times they've encountered and clashed with the Second Fatui Harbinger, the Traveler had subconsciously realized that they would have to be just as ruthless, just as cruel as he is to neutralize him. They'd truly come to terms with this after learning about your existence, and muster the will to act upon this knowledge as the doors to the location you were being hidden in slammed open. Paimon's gaze snapped to the source of the sound, and in that split second the Traveler summoned their blade and held its edge against your throat. (As an aside, imo the Traveler would totally do something like this if they had to. We saw how they were willing to coldly execute you-know-who in the Aranyaka quest.)
As he burst through the doors, Dottore was greeted with the sight of the accursed Traveler's determination-filled glare, their white floating imp's wide-eyed stare… and the lab's dim lights gleaming off the blade held over your throat. Their surprisingly calm voice grates against his ears. "Paimon, keep your eyes on Dottore. There's no telling what he might try."
The only other time Dottore had ever felt this alarmed in his centuries of existence was when you just didn't wake up one day, reduced to barely clinging to life with the support of his modified Akasha terminal. This was a new first for Dottore - the first time he lost his rationality. Objectively, this was a favourable scenario - he knew the terrain here like the back of his hand, which would be a major advantage against an opponent as powerful as the Traveler. With this, he had a decent chance of permanently removing possibly the biggest obstacle to the Fatui.
The above should have been what went through Dottore's brilliant mind, devising scenarios to bring it to fruition. Instead, every cell in Zandik's brain was working in overdrive, trying to find a way to somehow get the Traveler away from you, to keep you safe. He knows the kind of person the Traveler is - if it were anyone else, he'd have no problem calling their bluff and striking at the slightest hesitation, but this was you, the only life he couldn't afford to gamble with.
(How the actual confrontation goes down is anyone's guess, since I don't have any concrete ideas. A proper fight is likely out of the question because a clash between two of the strongest beings in Teyvat is going to be incredibly destructive - you're almost definitely getting caught in the crossfire somehow, and Zandik can't have that.)
Anon. Im. I have no words. Your writing IS SUPERBBB. ITS AMAZING. All those things you said are so true. Even to this day sometimes Dottore is surprised he cares about you this much. He would have never thought he had the capacity for that previously. He always thought he had the situation and his emotions always under control, yet his love for you still blossomed. That was the one time he felt as though he could not predict something. The Doctor was known for his meticulous plans and actions, with no room for counterattacks or opposition. He was used to the cowered figures, terrified expressions of the people beneath him.
Until now. 
Dottore doesn’t have much regrets in his life. He doesn’t regret his countless experiments or people he hurt. That didn’t really matter to him. But right now, he was thinking that he should have killed the Traveler when he had the chance. Then you wouldn’t be stuck in this situation, the Traveler’s blade held dangerously close to your throat, hanging you on the thin line between life and death. (Traveler’s dull blade never seems to disappoint ig…)
The sight has him slowly losing his normal composed, rational train of thought. The tone the Traveler takes with him only worsens his thoughts, and he can’t help but think back to the time when he nearly lost you. From then he swore to never put you in more harm than you already were. But it seems like that was a broken oath now.
Scholars must plan for every possible situation and take everything into account. And now, he has to consider the possibility you may… 
There are innumerable amounts of plans and actions unfolding in his head, but each of them leaves you at risk, the one thing he has to avoid at all costs. He simply cannot risk your life. You still have a life ahead of you, the one that you deserve, one when he finally cures you. And he shall not let this Traveler stop him, no matter what he has to do.
Even as this goes on, the Traveler still can’t help but be fascinated by the fact they have the Doctor in a chokehold, not by sheer power, blackmail, knowledge, or anything along those lines. But rather from a person who didn’t seem to be anything special. If the situation was different, they would have liked to see the kind of person you were to be able to change the normally ruthless, unfaltering Doctor into a hesitant one.
I enjoyed this tremendously infinity/10, I loved how u described Paimon as an imp 😭 Traveler better watch themselves after that because when he gets you to safety, he ain’t holding back 🚶‍♀️LIKE I WISH I HAD MORE TO ADD BUT THIS IS PERFECT. I can only imagine maybe the Omega clone stepping in somehow, or a very tense verbal confrontation between the two of them where he has to give up some secrets in exchange for you. Or a crash/explosion from somewhere else distracting the Traveler enough to be able for Dottore to retrieve you.
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chapter 8.
Note: as I needed a break from writing the Dead Man fic yesterday and today, I was in need of my silly little fighter!Sihtric, because his story isn't over yet. Other Fighter chapters are in my masterlist.
Warnings: fluff, suggestive, little bit of angst. mention of alcohol/getting drunk, Sihtric's breeding kink.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric became a whole different man after his retirement, and not in a way you had expected.
wordcount: 4,1k
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'I think I need to remind you who I am.'
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'Gods,' Sihtric groaned.
You looked up from your book, annoyed, having read the same page five times already, as your man kept distracting you. Sihtric leaned with both hands against the glass window of your hotel room, shirtless while wearing black swimming trunks, overlooking Bondi beach. Him being constantly shirtless has been the only pleasant thing so far, ever since you arrived at the hotel room yesterday morning, which you had only left for breakfast, lunch and dinner… in the hotel itself.
'It's so fucking hot,' he whined.
'What did you expect?' you glared at your husband from the bed, 'it's Australia.' 
You rolled your eyes just before Sihtric turned to face you.
'Yeah, well, I thought everyone always exaggerated,' Sihtric huffed.
It was only two in the afternoon, and Sihtric had been getting on your nerves for hours already. You loved your husband, more than anything, but ever since he retired from his fighting career about a month ago, he had changed. Sihtric clearly always used his job as a way to channel his bloodlust, so to speak, but since he had given it up for you, not even punching a bag or a sparring partner anymore, he had been incredibly hard to be around. He was constantly complaining about everything and he was even more hot headed than ever before. Sihtric was also much hornier than ever before, which you didn't even know was possible and hadn't been a problem back home, but it is a problem now. He had been so determined to go to Australia with you, where the heat was unbearable this time of year, so it was even too hot to have sex. And when your already short fused husband couldn't get it on with you, because the weather made you both feel slow and lightheaded, he became even more insufferable to be around, you found out.
'Look,' you said, taking a deep breath as you closed your book, 'you were so pushy about going here, and now we're here. Will you at least pretend to enjoy it?'
Sihtric stared at you, with dark eyes and his jaw clenched, which told you he felt provoked by you. Which also meant he was getting turned on, while you started to lose your patience with him and his behaviour.
'I didn't even want to go here,' you sighed, 'I'm here for you, Siht, okay? If we're going to sit on our fucking asses all day in a hotel room, because it's so fucking hot,' you mocked Sihtric's voice, 'then what the hell are we doing here in the first place?! Such a waste of money,' you muttered.
'You're mocking me?' Sihtric asked, his voice low and calm, but the fire in his eyes burned heavily as his mismatched pair were still locked on you.
'God!' you yelled and jumped up, 'you're absolutely unbelievable lately! You keep complaining about the heat, in fucking Australia! So, yeah, maybe I am mocking you!' you hissed.
You walked into the hallway of your hotel suite and grabbed your flip flops, as well as your bag, wanting to leave the room before you'd climb the walls, or worse; hear another dumb complaint coming out of your man's mouth. But Sihtric was quick to corner you, like he had done that very first time you ever met, during his intake at your office. His chest heaved up and down steadily, with big breaths, and he stared down at you with his silly intimidation tactic.
'You raise your voice at me?' Sihtric breathed as you rolled your eyes.
His eyes darted between your lips and your eyes, before he eyed you up and down completely. He liked that little summer dress you had on. And he had definitely loved the sight of you bending over in it to pick a pen up from the floor, which he deliberately dropped before he had leaned back on the bed about an hour ago, waiting for you to notice the seemingly innocent pen, that had probably rolled off the desk. Unaware of Sihtric's trick, you had picked up the pen before you went to read your book, not long after he set his plan in motion, and he had been horny ever since, but even the airco didn't cool off your room, he thought, which left him frustrated.
'Hm?' Sihtric hummed and took your chin, firm but gentle, forcing you to look up at him, 'you mock me and raise your voice at me?'
'And?' you shrugged, feeling a cheeky grin tug at your lips.
'And?' Sihtric repeated, 'do I need to remind you who I am?' he cockily held his chin up high as he looked down at you, and he licked his lips.
You provoked him on purpose by rolling your eyes once more. Sihtric may be behaving incredibly boyish as of late, but you still enjoyed riling him up, as you thought he was so hot and sexy when he felt he had to be dominant towards you. And riling him up also meant he wouldn't complain for at least a few minutes.
'Yeah, I think I do,' he said, then hummed again, 'I think I need to remind you who I am,' he kept holding your chin as his free hand moved up your thigh, sliding underneath your short, floral dress.
Your breath hitched as his hand moved up towards your bare buttocks, and he squeezed your ass hard.
'I already thought you weren't wearing any panties,' Sihtric chuckled mischievously and bit down on his lip for a moment, 'yeah, you definitely need to be reminded who you belong to, and who you are talking to with that little attitude of yours.'
'Let us not speak about attitudes in this room, Sihtric Kjartansson,' you taunted.
'So you do know who you're talking to?' Sihtric husked, rubbing his big, warm hand over your ass before he bruisingly squeezed the skin again, making you squirm slightly as he still had you backed into a corner. 'You need to be taught a lesson about the way you speak to your husband, little miss,' he smirked, knowing you were getting aroused too.
'Sure,' you feigned a yawn.
'You're asking for a good spanking,' Sihtric murmured.
'Am I?' you asked innocently.
'Mhm,' he hummed and rolled his hips against yours, his hard cock pleasantly putting pressure onto your wet folds, 'you need a hard lesson, it seems. But don't worry,' your husband chuckled, 'I will teach you some manners.'
Sihtric moved his hand from your chin down to your throat, wrapping around you with the exact amount of intensity you enjoy, while he started to tease your core with his fingertips.
'When I'm using that tight pussy of yours,' his voice raspy, 'you will say "yes, sir", "no, sir", and "sorry, sir",' Sihtric hummed at the arousing thought, 'you will say "more, sir", "harder, sir", and most of all,' he smiled, 'you will say "please, sir, fuck me a little deeper, sir".'
'You think I will?'
'Oh, you will, baby girl,' he whispered.
'Well, I think you need a cold shower,' you shrugged.
'I think we both do,' Sihtric smiled, 'I think you need to rid me of some anger,' he said, then threw you over his shoulder and carried you into the large bathroom.
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After you had dinner in the hotel, you struggled to walk down the stairs of the main entrance, while Sihtric held you close, his hand placed on your lower back. Your husband had a lot of built up anger in him lately, and by the time he was done with you in that shower, you were sore and numb at the same time. Sihtric seemed fine, albeit a little on edge and still complaining, but at least less horny and rather satisfied, for now.
Since Bondi beach was packed with tourists, you both agreed to take a cab to Maroubra beach, which was rather empty when you arrived, about an hour before sunset. Sihtric held your hand as he walked you up to the sandy beach, where he picked you up in his strong arms to carry you closer to the water, then onto a large rock that gave you the perfect view of the setting sun. You spread out the towel you had packed and before you could even blink, Sihtric pulled you down with him and held you in his arms, lovingly pecking your cheek and neck.
'I love you, bunny,' he whispered.
'I love you too, tiger,' you smiled.
God, you thought, how handsome Sihtric looked right now. His hair braided and tied back into a short ponytail, the setting sun casting an orange glow on his beautifully scarred face, while his big eyes looked at you in awe. His white, thin sleeveless shirt showed off his biceps while his swimming trunks showed off his muscular legs, and a part of his deadly thighs.
'You think you're pregnant already?' he suddenly asked.
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'stop being so obsessed with getting me pregnant.'
'Well, how many more times do we need to try?'
'Babe, I don't know,' you sighed softly, 'but… I guess if it doesn't happen soon we should go to a doctor,' you said softly.
'What do you mean?'
'Maybe, you know,' you said hesitantly, 'maybe I can't get pregnant the usual way… I mean, it's not like we're not trying, but,' you sighed again, 'no luck so far.'
You looked down at your feet while Sihtric studied your frown.
'Hey,' he whispered, then kissed your cheek, 'we'll keep trying, okay? It will be fine. And if you want to go see a doctor in a few weeks or months, then we will. We'll find a way.'
'But… what if I… what if I can't get pregnant?' you whispered.
'We will find a way, bunny,' Sihtric kissed your lips softly as he held your chin, 'I promise we'll find a way. Don't worry about that, my love. No need to stress about any of that.'
Sihtric held you as you sat in silence for a while, gazing at the view.
'You know,' he said after a while, 'I always thought Australia had more… mountains. You know, that scenery from those movies you like so much. Lord of the… Kings?'
'Do you mean Lord of the Rings?' you frowned, offended.
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric smiled, proud he almost got the title right despite him falling asleep before Frodo even showed up.
'Honey, that's New Zealand. Not Australia.'
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The next day kind of went the same as the day before. It was too hot, Sihtric was constantly complaining about literally everything, and when you had enough and wanted to go for a walk, Sihtric got you in the bathroom again. After another hour of sex in the shower, you went for dinner again and back to the same beach as yesterday, as it was a quiet and beautiful place. At least, it was until your loving husband opened his mouth again.
'The food here could've been a little better,' Sihtric complained, remembering dinner.
'You seemed to like that steak just fine.'
'It was okay,' he shrugged and looked around, 'why don't they have lounge chairs here?'
'Sihtric, please-'
'Or a bar or something. I'm hungry,' he mumbled, 'if that restaurant wasn't so slow with their service I would've ordered a dessert.'
'Siht,' you sighed.
'Of course,' your husband hissed as he slapped a bug which had landed on his leg, 'fucking bugs here. The fuck is with this place?'
'I can't believe I'm saying this,' you finally snapped, 'but will you please, please pick up boxing again. I am begging you.'
'What?' Sihtric looked surprised and confused.
'You're driving me nuts, babe,' you groaned, 'please.'
'What are you talking about?' Sihtric frowned.
'Honey, you're constantly whining. You get annoyed at every little thing possible, you have absolutely zero patience and you're constantly horny,' you said, 'you really need to find something to keep yourself busy. Nitpicking is not a hobby.'
'I don't nitpick-'
'I don't!'
'It's too hot,' you mocked him, 'the food is too bland. I don't like this beach. Where are the mountains? There are too many bugs. The bed is too soft, the pillow is too hard, and the shower is too small. I'm hungry, I had too much to eat. I'm tired. Baby, I can't sleep. Sweetie, will you rub my back? Please don't rub my back, honeybun, I got a sunburn. I also have a headache. Bunny, I'm horny, but it's too hot to have sex. Bunny, I'm so hard right now, but-'
'Okay, okay,' Sihtric snarled, 'fine. I see what you mean,' he sighed, 'but I just don't understand what me being horny has to do with all this.'
'Because you have all this build up anger and tension inside, you're getting rough, Sihtric.'
'I… I thought you liked that,' he said, suddenly clearly upset.
'I do, but not to the point where I can barely walk afterwards,' you chuckled lightly, 'like today.'
Sihtric looked down at his feet, and you could tell he was fighting to keep his bottom lip from trembling as he clenched his jaw.
'I'm sorry,' he barely whispered, avoiding eye contact.
'You don't have to say sorry, even though I appreciate it,' you said, 'sure, a little rough is fine, as we used to do. But you need to understand that I am so small in your arms, which I love, don't get me wrong,' you smiled softly, 'but earlier today it really seemed like you forgot how strong you are.'
'I'm sorry,' Sihtric whispered again, and tried to get up on his feet, but you stopped him.
'No, honey,' you said and held his hand, 'don't try to leave now. We have to talk about this right now. I'm not mad, I'm not rejecting you, you didn't hurt me, not the way you think at least. We're good, I promise.'
Sihtric looked a little insecure but sat back next to you again, keeping his head down. Like a puppy who got told off, while it was nothing like that.
'Like I said, sweetheart,' you cupped his cheeks, 'you have to find something you can put your energy in. Something that will take your mind off the little things that get you so worked up. I mean, we never really discussed it much, but do you even have a plan? For the future I mean?'
Sihtric shrugged lightly, trying to regain his confidence again.
'I just want a family with you,' he said softly, still looking down.
'And I want a family with you,' you squeezed his hands, 'but even if I were to get pregnant soon, it will still take a while before I'd give birth,' you chuckled, 'I mean what future plan do you have for yourself?'
'I don't know,' Sihtric said, and finally looked into your eyes again, 'I also notice I'm not myself lately. And I miss the fights, of course I do. But I know you don't want me to fight again, so I didn't mention it.'
'Yes, but you can still keep up with boxing or kickboxing, whatever, without participating in professional fights. Have you thought about that?'
'But that's not fun for me, you know that. It's too easy,' he said, 'but… I guess I've been thinking of either opening a new gym or moving locations to a bigger building.'
You smiled at Sihtric, relieved that he actually had been thinking about picking up some kind of work again, instead of constantly coming to you for his entertainment or complaining.
'That's really good,' you said, 'you want to expand then?'
'I guess,' he said, 'maybe get into coaching or just be a sparring partner. In between my own workouts of course. And,' he smiled shyly, 'I was also thinking that… maybe you could work at the gym too. Since I retired I don't need much physio anymore. And I know you won't say it, but I can tell you really want to get back to work too.'
'I do,' you agreed, 'I'm not made to go on holiday all the time and do nothing.'
'I know, baby,' Sihtric chuckled and traced his fingertips over your hand.
'But… you mean you'd become like my boss then?' you furrowed your brow, 'because I'm not sure if I like that idea. That usually goes wrong…'
'Oh, no, no,' Sihtric said, 'no, bunny. I don't want some strange power play like that. I don't want to be your boss. At least, not at work,' his cheeky grin appeared again, 'I just thought maybe you could rent a space in the building I'd buy. You'd be your own boss, you'd just pay me a fair rent and that's it. You'll still have me as your client too whenever I need it.'
You looked at Sihtric, thoughtful. You liked his idea. You never thought about an option like this, but it would be perfect for both of you. He could still go around and punch bags, and sometimes people, while you could go back to helping other people with physio exercises.
'A fair rent, huh?' you gave him a suspicious look.
'Yeah,' Sihtric said, 'we'd have to look into a property and determine a decent price. And if you're a little short on rent sometimes, you know, I'm sure we could fix that,' he winked.
'You mean like a blowjob could fix that?' 
You rolled your eyes when Sihtric feigned innocence, and then you both laughed. You wrapped your arms around Sihtric and pulled him in for a kiss.
'See,' you smiled, 'all good. Sometimes we just have to have conversations that aren't always pleasant. But that's life too.'
'I know,' Sihtric said, stealing another kiss, 'I just didn't know I've been such a bother to you lately. I never wanted that.'
'I know, sweetheart,' you kissed his cheek, 'I know everything's been rough for you too. And I hoped this trip would give you some peace of mind, to find yourself back again. But it only seemed to get worse. I couldn't bite my tongue anymore just now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out.'
'I don't want you to bite your tongue around me, bunny, that's not right,' Sihtric cupped your cheeks, 'you know you can talk to me.'
'I know, but I didn't want to upset you either,' you sighed, 'but, okay, this is dealt with. I told you my issues, you told me your issues. Let's solve them together and move on now.'
'I like that idea,' Sihtric smiled and nuzzled your nose.
'Speaking about ideas,' you perked up, 'I know we're both not the biggest party people, but there's a beach party tomorrow evening at Bondi. I thought, why the hell should we not go? Have a few drinks, have some fun. People seem to not recognise you much here so far, or they just leave you alone. We should try it.'
'Hm, I don't know, bunny,' Sihtric said, a little unsure.
'Come on, honey,' you pouted, 'remember how much fun we had at that bar in Hawaii?'
Sihtric smiled at the fond memory, but his smile faded when he remembered what had happened afterwards, and you knew what went through his head.
'Don't think about what happened at the hotel,' you said and took his hands again, 'I just want to dance with you again, love. I miss seeing you smile like that. We'll have fun, I promise. And you can safely drink some alcohol again now that you're not taking any medication anymore.'
'Yeah, I guess that's true,' Sihtric said, 'but I'll probably be drunk in no time,' he grimaced.
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Sihtric wasn't wrong. You had been at the beach party for only an hour and half, and Sihtric was completely wasted after two cocktails already. He was handsy, clingy and most of all; horny. He was slurring his words heavily, his mismatched eyes glossy and droopy, cheeks flushed red and he had a satisfied smile on his face. His hands kept grabbing your hips, pulling your ass against his crotch as he wanted to dance with you. You couldn't even call it dancing, Sihtric wasn't even aware of the music anymore, he was basically just dry humping you at this point. Luckily, there was a lot of that going on at that event, so no one even batted an eye at you and Sihtric. But you were too sober and felt a little ashamed, because you were in public.
'Siht,' you chuckled, blushing heavily at his cheeky behaviour while your back was pressed against his chest, 'calm down, love.'
'I am… calm,' Sihtric slurred, his hands moving under your thin skirt. He nuzzled your neck and giggled drunkenly in your ear. 
'Gods, I want to fuck my wife,' he breathed, and suddenly spun your around.
Sihtric cupped your cheek and brought his other hand to your waist, pulling you flush against his body again.
'You're so f-fucking b… beautiful,' he smiled with heavy eyes, 'I want to make babies,' he hummed, then stumbled a step back over his own feet as he lost his balance, pulling you with him.
'Sihtric!' you giggled, desperately keeping the beast of man up on his feet, 'you're too drunk, we should get back to the hotel.'
'No, no,' he shook his head, 'I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine,' he laughed and took your face in his warm hands again, 'let's m-make babies on the,' he took a deep breath, 'the sand… that's near the- the water,' he frowned, 'or is the, the water near the ssssand?' he hiccuped and got distracted when someone walked by, offering shots.
'Honey, you had enough to…' you stopped talking when Sihtric downed the shot and quickly grabbed another, but not before he accidentally knocked over five full glasses.
'Oh,' he chuckled, 'oops. Why are these little things so little?' he asked, looking at the shot glass.
You apologised to the employee and they tried to explain it was okay, but Sihtric interrupted.
'Hey…hhhey,' Sihtric smiled at the stranger, 'I… this is my w-w-wife,' he said and gave the employee a mean look, but quickly giggled again, 'I'm going to get h-her pergnan… pren… pregan… I… I'm going to b-breed her,' he eventually nodded proudly.
'Oh my god,' you said with wide eyes, 'I'm so sorry,' you told the employee who smiled awkwardly at you, 'he's… he's clearly drunk. I'm taking him to the hotel now. Sorry for this mess.'
'Not a problem, miss,' the employee said and snorted, 'it's not every day you hear a retired boxing champion say he wants to breed his wife. Have a good night.'
'Thanks,' you said, embarrassed, and you pulled Sihtric with you over the beach, who was quick to grab another fruity cocktail with a little pink straw before he left the party.
'Heeeeey,' your husband slurred and he wrapped his arms around you, causing you to trip over his feet, and you fell onto the darkened side of the beach, 'where are you going? Oh- Oh… baby,' he murmured when he realised you had fallen down, and he crouched down next to you, spilling half of his drink over your dress.
'Honey where did you get that drink?' you scoffed, 'did you pay for that?'
 'No,' Sihtric confessed, 'mmmmmmaybe. N… no, I s-s-stole it,' he gasped, 'am I… am I going to jail again?'
'We,' you huffed, 'are going to sober you up at the hotel.'
You tried to get back up on your feet, but Sihtric was all over you, leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses wherever he could while his hand squeezed your flesh with lust.
'Sihtric,' you chuckled, 'come on, not here,' you said and tried to escape his strong arms.
'Why not,' he hummed, 'w-wifey,' Sihtric smiled, then laid back on the sand, keeping you in his arms while he refused to let go of his drink. 'I want to… fffuck,' he sighed.
'Honey,' you clicked your tongue, 'I'm sure you do, but you can't even keep your eyes open. Come on now,' you managed to stand up while he held your hand.
'Hm, baby, it's not fair,' he whined, tugging your hand like a spoiled brat, 'I want youuuu…'
'When you sober up,' you said, 'let's go now, love.'
'No!' Sihtric pouted and crossed his arms.
'God, you're such a child,' you muttered, but had to admit you thought he was still adorable, 'okay, well, fine. You stay here, darling. I'll see you back at the hotel I guess,' you said and turned to walk away.
'No, no!' Sihtric yelled, hoarsely, 'baby… I…' he suddenly groaned, and you froze at the sound of his trembling voice, 'I- I don't feel… well,' he said.
You turned back to Sihtric and ran up to him.
'Honey?' you asked, worried, 'are you okay?'
'I feel… feel dizzy,' he struggled to speak and grabbed your arm.
Fuck,' you hissed, terrified he had a sudden episode that was the aftermath of his concussion somehow.
But then Sihtric suddenly pushed you away as he leaned in, closer to the ground, and he threw up; the aftermath of getting drunk so suddenly. You grimaced and took another step back, giving him his space to be sick without him vomiting over your feet. After about a minute, Sihtric wiped his mouth and sat back.
'I… I'm never drinking a-a-again,' he mumbled, and then gulped down the half spilled cocktail he had managed to keep safe during this entire adventure.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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blue-moonjelly · 1 year
Quiet Fears
Demon Brothers x NB reader
{angst and later comfort, mental health insecurities, discussion of anxiety and depression, reassuring and comforting}
*note: I’m admittedly not used to writing this type of thing, but lately I’ve been finding myself in the similar position regarding mental health and I just thought it was something many others could relate to, it’s a little choppy but I hope someone can find a little bit of comfort in it*
For weeks now, everyone in the house of lamentation could sense something in the air when it came to you.
First noticing the small changes, the way your smiles made fewer appearances, the manner in which you chose to spend time alone more often, and the odd habit of spacing out during conversations that once elicited thousands of words from you.
Though everyone was quick to take notice of these changes, it had been mutually decided among them that no one would speak of it unless it came from you, and that each of them would give you your space and be patient in their concerns.
Even if it did kill them.
"Hey has anyone seen MC" Mammon asked as he made his way through the kitchen, catching the attention of the twins who had been in the midst of taking out a freshly baked cake from the oven, "I wanna show them this new plushie I bought today, thinking it might be their thing, y'know"?
"No, we haven't" Belphie answered first.
"We've been baking their favorite" Beel continued "A devil's dark chocolate cake, and I haven't had a single bite yet"
"MC" Levi called out while also stumbling into the kitchen with Satan right at his side, "Oh, we were looking for MC, I wanna show them the new game we've been waiting months for to release, it has music with Ruri-chan's backing vocals" he practically squealed.
"And I wanted to show them this new blanket I got for us to share when we do our daily readings by the fireplace" Satan explained as he hold up the softest blanket any of them had ever seen, he blushed while explaining himself, "none of our blankets keep them warm enough".
"MC, oh my darling MC" Asmodeus hummed as he skipped past the kitchen, only stopping when he caught a glance at the formed group from the corner of his eye, "oh you're all here, I was looking for MC so I could show them this new set of press on nails I made them, I wanted to make the perfect ones just for my little darling"
"Yeah well get in line Asmo, 'cause I'm gonna be the first one who gets to give MC a present" Mammon spoke up first as he broke from the group and began to run straight to MC's room, yelling over his brothers who protested as they quickly followed from behind.
"Nothing is wrong" your voice suddenly boomed out from the common room, quickly stopping the brothers in their tracks as they turned to see you lash out at Lucifer in front of the fireplace.
The brothers all stood within the entrance, crowding next to one another as they looked between their eldest brother and MC, both of them staring down the other with a glare.
"that's not very convincing" Lucifer responded, his voice and body language both seemingly calm, but anyone could tell the blood inside of him was boiling.
Lucifer, the one who was usually the most logical of the bunch was now going against the unsaid rules they all had written, his emotions leading him into a heated search for MC.
"What do you want me to say Lucifer" you continued to yell, "seriously, since you seem to know my emotions better than I do, tell me, what is it exactly that you're waiting for me to admit. Do you want me to bother everyone with my problems? You want me to be a burden in saying that I'm sad without even having a valid reason? That I'm sad when everything in my life seems to be going so well, that I'm anxious it will all break away just as quickly as it came, that I'm scared all of you will one day wake up and realize I'm just a mere human who can't even handle their own shit? is that what you want me to say Lucifer?"
You finally managed to notice the rest of the brothers crowding the entrance of the common room, each of them staring back at you.
"MC" Lucifer's voice trailed off as he called your name in a delicate whisper.
“This is just the way my brain works Lucifer, it’s sad it’s scary and it’s shitty. The truth is that there's never just one thing that's really wrong, I wish there was and I could just give you all a simple explanation" you began to speak in a less heated tone. You had been dreading ever having this conversation, you were scared of ever having to explain yourself and deep inside you hoped that it never would have to be addressed. You were happy, the happiest you could ever remember being, surely your mind could just accept that.
"I've just always been like this for as long as I can remember, my fears and emotions are heightened so much more than other humans. I take medication to help and do things to keep me busy and for the most part it helps, but there are other times when nothing or no one can, and I'm simply just in a dark pit that I need to rest in for a moment" you then took a careful breath as you tried to remain some composure, "I just never wanted you all to see this part of me, the person who can't even save themself from their own mind”.
It was silent, you didn’t dare try to make eye contact with anyone, fear that you scared them off was enough to nibble you into a cowering submission, fiddling with your fingers as you stared off into the fire place that flickered before you.
Suddenly, you were being scooped into Lucifer’s familiar grip and carried off of your feet before being placed on the couch. A large soft blanket being draped around you and Satan who sat to your left, Mammon tucking himself to your right side as he patted a plushie you both cuddled between, Levi scooting himself to one knee as he brought out his console to show you the game you both had been waiting months for, Asmo grabbing your left hand and leaning close to your other knee as he prepped your nails for a press on set, the twins joyfully talking between themselves at the front of your legs while they both began to cut pieces from a cake they had.
“There is nothing you have to explain” Lucifer said from above your head as he brushed his fingers between the strands of your hair, “you just have to know and remember that we love you MC, all of you” he ended with a kiss to the top of your head.
None of them were questioning you, no awkward glances or tip toeing over you in silence, they simply accepted what you had to say and treated you as you always wished others would. They comforted you in the best way they knew how, by being present and loving you as their selves.
You couldn’t help it, the tears rushed down your cheeks as you felt an inexplicable rush of warmth and love from the demons you knew adored you. A relief like nothing you had ever felt before, washed over you as everyone continued to unconditionally accept and love you.
You didn’t try to hide these tears though, in fact you were thankful for them, for there were no better words you could use to describe the amount of adoration you had for these boys.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hello! how are you? I hope well.
so :) I'm the person who made the requests for Liu Kang and Reiko on Ao3 and I'm glad you joined tumblr :D
I hope it won't be a problem if I ask for some headcanons of caregiver Shao Kahn and regressor Reiko?
Oh my gosh hiiiii!!! :D. I distinctly remember writing yours (I was SO excited about havung an escuzse to write Reiko <3)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Shao w/ Regressor Reiko Hcs
🗡 Reiko regresses to about 4-5
🛡 Very much a kid regressor . . . But my goodness, an energetic kid regressor
🗡 The first time Shao saw Reiko regress was when Reiko was clearly irritating a middlespace Rain and had to intervene before any fighting started
🛡 Ended up ‘watching’ both regressors (Rain denies that he was ever babysat, he was just in the room while Shao watched Reiko 😒)
🗡 Reiko actually panicked after Shao watched him and was worried about his job position (it was an incredibly vulnerable scene between both men)
🛡 Ever since then, Reiko likes running to Shao some times when he's small
🗡 Shao actually adores watching him, especially because he had to raise Reiko to face war and terrifying things and now he can give him the childhood he knows Reiko lings for
🛡 (^ Feels secretly guilty that his way of raising Reiko is why he regresses, Reiko has yet to comment)
🗡 Reiko does see Shao as a Dad figure, and after he first regresses around him, almost any praise from him will make him feel small and involuntarily regress (it got better, and was able to control it again, don't worry)
🛡 Once called Shao ‘Dad’ by accident when he was big and it made Reiko slip by accident because of how worried he was about Shao getting upset
🗡 Shao just patted his head and asked if there was anything he could do for him
🛡 Reiko is very . . . energetic, and extremely chaotic
🗡 Loves wrestling!!!
🛡 Actually, loves any type of play fighting
🗡 Wrestling, sword fighting, pillow fights, all of them!!!
🛡 Although he gets a bit (really) rough when he's play fighting and can accidentally hurt someone :(
🗡 Luckily, Shao's very strong, and he's more than willing to play fight with Reiko
🛡 Makes sure to give him wooden play swords though, he's not having any accidents happen
🗡 Usually, Reiko likes acting like a brat or patience testing
🛡 But with Shao? He is an angel!! 👼 (Que to all his friends glaring at him)
🗡 Will try to patience test, but is also much more willingly to follow Shao's ‘orders’ than anyone else
🛡 Shao realized this and encouraged him to act more normal and be more kid like
🗡 He might be his best soldier, but right now, he's his favorite kid
🛡 (^ No Reiko didn't cry at that confession, you saw nothing)
🗡 Shao is a lot more willing to let things slide because of this
🛡 Usually, when he says it's bedtime, it's bedtime
🗡 But if Reiko chooses to whine and pout? Well . . . five more minutes won't hurt, but no more!!
🛡 Shao's CG nicknames are Dada, Papa, or just Shao (a sign that Reiko's regressing too, since he always makes sure to say General Shao)
🗡 Reiko's favorite nicknames are Little Warrior, Little One, Baby Boy, Darling, ‘Hun, Precious
🛡 Reiko does have times where he's not super chaotic and energetic
🗡 Instead, he's very calm and is willing to sit down and cuddle
🛡 Loves cuddles, and loves it when Shao cuddles him because of how big Shao is and how tiny he feels
🗡 Also really touch starved and actively searches for praise and attention (even if he has to act out for it)
🛡 Story time!!! Outlandish tales!!!
🗡 You thought Reiko gave good story times? Shao gives amazing story times, and little Reiko firmly believes every single one of them
🛡 . . . They'll probably get him hyped up by accident though and try to get Shao to fight him like how the fighter in the story did >:3
🗡 . . . You don't understand the amount of angst I could give Reiko (he's one of my favorites)
🛡 Coming back after an incredibly harsh day as a warrior only to break down as soon as his door shuts
🗡 Or rushes to the bathroom to hide in the shower so no one can see him cry
🛡 Luckily, either one of his friends or Shao always find him
🗡 Reiko would say he ever regresses super young, he prides himself in being a big kid
🛡 But these days? These days anyone who sees him like this all really agrees that he regresses more to a baby headspace
🗡 Needs to be held and cradled, needs to have someone there but is also too afraid to reach out for someone
🛡 Demands cuddles when he's like this
🗡 Shao physically can't let him go anyhow, Reiko's grip is way too tight on him
🛡 Shao got Reiko a bottle for when he gets like this, because Reiko can't use his big kid cups with how shakey his hands are
🗡 Reiko pouted and claimed he didn't need it but it's super useful for when he's like this
🛡 Most times when he's small, he keeps his face paint on, he likes wearing it, very proud of being a warrior
🗡 But sometimes he'll take it off (no one is allowed to make fun of his face because he will burst into tears)
🛡 Shao has caught Reiko more than once looking in the mirror confused because he didn't recognize himself without his war faint
🗡 Will let his hair down more when he's tinier, and loves it when Shao plays with it
🛡 He's actually more of an independent regressor, and is able to regress and watch himself
🗡 But his constant search for anyone who will give him praise and soft touches makes him a lot more dependant than he realizes
🛡 Luckily though, Shao realized, and makes sure to give Reiko some extra fatherly loving
🗡 Reiko's favorite regression item is a stuffed bear he has that he's owned for years
🛡 It was the first stuffie he was ever given, and was actually a gift from Shao himself when he was first taken in
🗡 That bear does not leave his room and stays on his bed, most times tucked in comfortably
🛡 Shao was surprised to see the stuffie still alive and offered to buy Reiko a new one (his old one is pretty . . . tattered)
🗡 Reiko absolutely refuses because that's his favorite stuffie and no one can take it from him >:(
🛡 It's only one of the few things he sees as his and can't bare to part with it
🗡 . . . It is so . . loved to the point that while it mainly stays tucked in Reiko's bed, he can't sleep with it because one tear and it’ll go bye bye
🛡 So it's either gently in his hands (one of the only things he's gentle with) or on the bed
🗡 Shao did get Reiko a new stuffie specifically for sleepy time but now Reiko has two favorite stuffies!! :D
🛡 Shao isn't always a soft man, but he's extremely soft towards a little Reiko, that's basically his kid after all <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Heyaa I was wondering if you could please write a yandere Silas from tvd fic?
Sorry it took so long to respond. I got a puppy, my phone got shut off, my puppy ate the WiFi, and I found out I was allergic to weed. Anyways I fucking got you! 😼
Warnings- Kidnapping, reader is a vamp, i don’t know how good i captured his character but i’m open to advice, idk but tell me if i missed something
What Is Wrong With You?
It wasn’t like my life wasn’t always in danger anyway, but something about this situation seemed much more… Deadly? Scary? I really don’t know. All I do know is that it felt like if I made one small mistake I will never see anyone other than this man again.
It made no sense! Why is a man who spent years upon years just trying to get this girl back just suddenly flip and turn that obsession on me? I just don’t get it!
I sat on the bed in the middle of the room. If I dwell on the interior it looks like it belongs in a castle. Dark blue tapestries and bed sheets with complementary white and grey color accents. I had to admit that the bed was more comfortable than any I’ve ever laid in. The room was like that of a dream. It doesn’t take away the fact I’ve been kidnapped.
I’ve been here long enough that I’ve just grown more confused and more bored. He won’t explain why he’s acting like this, and I don’t think he even knows.
The doors swing open showing a very happy Silas. He walks to me with what I only describe as pure glee.
“Good morning, Sunshine!~” he said, flopping onto the bed.
Sighing, I turned to look at the sky through the dark curtains. “I don’t like the day.” I don’t want to please him with too many words.
He turned to lay on his stomach. “Oh, don’t be like that. You know I can just read your thoughts.” He says.
I glared back at him. “What is wrong with you?”
Silas smiled and tilts his head in mock confusion.
“None of this makes any sense,” I say, “You are in love with Amara, that’s obvious. So why are you kidnapping me, calling me cute nicknames, stealing my daylight ring, tying me to this stupid bed, and wanting me to feel happy with your perverted flirts!” 
Silas stares at me. It’s a calm, demanding look. A large jump from his taunts and jokes. “You,” he starts, “are so kind, you always give people your hand even when they have a bad past. Even when you know they’re going to hurt you, you try to help them.” He grabs my hands gently. “Amara isn’t the same, she isn’t afraid to put herself first.”
I cut him off quietly. “She’s been through a lot.”
He laughs. “See there it is again always sympathizing. Strong yet so sweet. I hate to admit, but over the time we’ve interacted I’ve realized you are the true epitome of perfection. And to this,” He motions to the ropes and room. “I knew you would never pick me first. You’re too scared…” Silas smiles again and pats my leg. “But that's no problem, I'm going to get you good. It’s only a matter of time before you fall for my charm!”
He’s thought about this more than I thought… I don’t know what’s more frightening, him thinking this is alright or that he really thinks I’ll love him.
“Don’t be like that Dovey. There’s no need to be so negative.” He pouts mockingly. 
Silas stands and leans to kiss my cheek. I try to pull away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him.
He straightens. “Well I have some annoying friends to take care of. You’ll wait here for me won’t you.” He laughs harder and walks out the room.
I start to lean into the bed, but he pops his head back in. “Love ya!” He says with a wink.
I truly am screwed.
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poptod · 2 years
Hii! How are you? I don't want to bother you, but can I ask more of the Ahkmenrah x reader ( gn or male please if your comfortable with it). I love your writing. If not that's not a problem. Again I am sorry to bother you and have a nice day. :)
hello! i'm doing good, i have a crush on one of my friends and i've been making them a lot of crafts. anyway i don't know if you're talking about a continuation of an existing fic or if you just want more gn!readerxahk in general so I'm just going to go with the latter since there's no mention of a fic in your ask.
i'm actually working on an ahk fic right now that's implied male reader but again, no mentioned gender. i have four chapters of it up on AO3 called It Feels Like Being Alive. the first chapter is mostly setup though so if you want some fun little interactions I'll post a part of the fifth chapter that i havent posted yet. i'll put background under the cut in case someone cares about spoilers but i would recommend reading the previous chapters before this bit.
if you were talking about another fic and i'm just not connecting the dots please let me know!
Your name is Wau, and you are hiding the Prince from the wandering eyes of the Gods as your master is off running an unavoidable errand. You're a soldier from the underworld, and you're not really supposed to be talking to anyone in the first place, so Ahkmen's barrage of questions is a little daunting.
"I think you should rest your mind. You're asking so many questions your tongue must be on fire."
"Is that a common phrase in the Duat?" He asked with a sugary smile, leaning closer to you as you both sat on the dirt floor.
"No." You frowned. "And that's another question."
"Ugh!" He exclaimed, falling onto his back with his arms splayed dramatically across the room. "You're such a pedant."
"I never claimed to know anything, I'm just stating the obvious."
"That's exactly what a pedant is. Like, I know you said no questions and I asked you another questions, and that's because conversation is made up mostly of questions!" He spat out in a flurry of words.
There was almost a blush in his cheeks, matching the sudden depth and darkness of his pupils.
"Look, Wau, I want you to do something. For me," he said, and scooted closer to you.
You tried to move away, forgetting you were leant against a wall.
"Can you do that?" He asked as his voice turned smooth and honeyed.
"… depends on what it is," you said, ever the mediator.
"No," he said, narrowing his eyes at you. "Just do it for me. No denominatives."
Anything to get him out of your face; he was close enough for you to nearly feel his ghostly breath on your skin.
"Calm down, will you?" He asked in the most exhasperated voice you'd ever heard. "Have a conversation with me, like a normal person."
"I don't know if it's escaped you, but I am not a normal person. I don't think I even count as a person."
"Of course you're a person!" He exclaimed, as though you'd insulted him. "I've seen you laugh and… things. Of course you count. You've just… not had a lot of practice, being.. normal." He trailed off somewhat, before regaining his train of thought. "How long have you been alive, anyway?"
You glared at him, and thought to mention that that was yet again another question, but instead leased the breath in your chest, your eyes sliding shut.
"I don't know. There are no seasons in the Duat. Only the eternal harvest. The Gods don't share their timekeepers with the million shabtis that serve them."
"That's unfortunate," he said quietly, his eyes scanning your face with a gentleness. "And they don't let you come to Egypt much, then?"
"There is little reason to. The Gods love to come here themselves, they don't need to send their servants on 'errands' to a land they'd rather visit."
When you looked up, you found him with a smile on his face, staring at you warmly. Your brow furrowed in deep aversion.
"What?" You said flatly.
"This is a good start," he said, tilting his chin upwards. "Thank you for..." he sucked in a considerate breath, before breathing out the words, "taking my advice."
Your eyes widened, horrified by the warmth in your cheeks, and the sudden, sickening flutter in your chest.
"You're a very strange person," you finally said after a minute of staring at him silently.
He chuckled.
"And you're really clueless, aren't you?"
You frowned, and straightened your posture.
"Don't worry," he dismissed, "it's adorable."
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sirensea14 · 1 year
Royalty au part 2: the meeting
Ok i was too lazy to do this, but im gonna give ya some shit about my Royalty Au
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(srry if its only a sketch, i got an artblock and i dont wanna continue it 😅, this setting was supposed to have many chairs and a long table, medieval and kinda gloomy atmosphere--)
A meeting was launched by the Dish Kingdom, inviting Bendy the Ink Demon on behalf of the Demons, Alice Angel the Princess of Heavens for the Angels, along with her consort Boris the Wolf. The Oceanic race's Queen, Siren of the Seas, is also present at the meeting. There were many seats open yet only four are closed. Boris refused to sit even as his wife intends him to, he's a stubborn one. At the doors of the room, two Knights with cups for a head are present, armed with no weapons, Siren looked at them confused.
Cuphead, the one with red cape and pants and a black shirt worn by the royals, noticed her looking at him. He felt heat rushing through his face as he was familiar with the woman. He saw her days ago when they were at a day off,
"Uh, Cuphead?" Mugman, the one with blue cape and pants, whispered to him as he noticed his weird stare at the Oceanic. Cup though snapped on his own and immediately looked at the floor.
"We must discuss the problem of Demons and Oceanics invading the people." King Kettle's tone of authority started. "I have received many reports of your kind disturbing the peace of people, and even the Dishes. We must not take this lightly as you, rulers of your respective kingdoms, must take responsibility for this." the king pointedly looked at Bendy and Siren. Bendy returned the look with a smug face which seemed to have insulted the king's address to the problem, meanwhile Siren simply looked sheepishly--as he expected to a young ruler.
"Do you have any word for this, Prince Bendy--"
"Well I do have!" he cut King Kettle off which insulted the king. "And what would that be?"
"Demons' nature. You can remove that from us," he smiled unpleasantly. The others don't like it when he smiles, it always seemed like... he has something to sinister in mind.
The old king sighed, "Well, you have to take responsibility of it nonetheless. It is your duty as a prince, as an heir, to preserve peace between our kingdoms." he declared. Bendy scowled and lashed his tail back and forth in annoyance. He glared at the distance, the Cup brothers tensing up as he looked past them.The king shifted his attention to Siren, "And you, Lady?"
"W-well, I..." she stammered, completely lost of words. She didn't know what to say, would it be disrespectful to them? King Kettle waited for her answer. She thought deeply of what to respond. "Its because people would go about and disturb my kind. No one would want that right?" she looked at Kettle, Bendy and then Alice, "No, I don't think so. Oceanics have been either wandering on the surface of the water or diving deep into the darkness for fear they will be found again. I'm sorry if I did not address this as you know, I'm just a 'naive ruler'" she made air quotes.
King Kettle was shocked, but he shook himself off, "But you still have to stop them to harm others, or else a conflict can start."
"Not unless you stop them first from hurting mine," she shot back in a calm tone. It wasn't meant to be rude, but she guessed people have different viewpoints so Bendy laughed, Alice and Boris simply speaking in silence, and King Kettle slightly annoyed by Bendy's laugh. He was disrespectful throughout the meeting but Siren guessed that's demon nature.
"Well what's this meeting for anyway? We need to learn issues and talk about how to solve them," Alice spoke up, she eased up the tension building in the atmosphere. The Cup headed brothers sighed in relief, "Yeah, she's right. Why don't you lock your kind up so we can have peace." Bendy laughed once more. Cuphead and Mugman had their guards up, and King Kettle looked like he was about to burst.
"Why don't you shut up?" Siren spoke at the tense situation. Despite the malicious aura of the Demon, she showed no fear as he stood up. "What did you just say woman?"
"I said, Shut up." he told him in a firm tone. Bendy's face was dark. No one can boss him around like that. Cuphead and Mugman pointed their finger guns at him. "Now, now please calm down--"
"Not now Alice. It seems that I have another soul to claim..." he smirked.
Siren narrowed her eyes, "Try me,"
With those words, Bendy moved towards her and tried to grab her neck in a flash. The knights blasted toward him and King Kettle tried to get his spear, unfortunately he was old so he cannot intervene with them. Alice summoned a rune to stop Bendy. Fights often happen so she knew what to do. But this time she isn't able to use it, as smoke covering the two up has drifted away, it revealed Siren holding Bendy's nape and slapped him on the table. His hand was apprehended and couldn't move due to Siren's restrictive movements to him. The people in the room looked at them flabbergasted and wide-eyed. Cuphead was amazed. Bendy struggled with her hold. She was strong. He wanted to free himself but can't do it, he eyes glowed purple and had the look he saw no one have. People fear him, and he wasn't used to the look of defiance.
Alice stepped in and put an array of runes as rope. "I'm sorry he acted this way, Siren. He's always like this a-and--"
"No, no. It's okay, Alice. I'm used to brawls and I won't stand back and cower."
After that they continued the meeting a bit more and were told to go home. Siren was someone Bendy did not expect. Before he went home to Hell, he looked at Siren who was retreating to the beach, "Very interesting," he smirked before he summoned a portal. He then went in and teleported back home.
Aaaandd thats how the demon and the siren met! Yey! What a great start right?
At first i wanted this to be visual but i guess I'd be writing short stories of it hereeeeee
Thi was supposed to be a big art for me, but guess what? Im a big disappointment!
Siren out--
Art (i promise I'll do this, this time, but it'll be different :)))
How Siren met Holly
Ms chalice and the cups
These'll happen maybe by tomorrow and next (not the art tho) , after all I write story pretty quickly
Thank you for reading this til the end :)))
And sorry if im a disappointment and for the typos
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 31: The Story's Not Over Yet
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''There is a legend, a legend born long ago, about a wicked, a wicked man no one knows. Went and unraveled six innocent little souls. The souls found bodies, the bodies started to move. Some say they still walk, walk the halls staying from view. I got a secret, that I am here to tell you: 'That place is this very place, and all the stories are true'.''
– Bringing Us Home by TryHardNinja (Five Nights at Freddy's 4)
Springtrap sighed as he closed the book he had finally finished reading, Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, and put it on the stack he left on the bed. He actually thought he'd only finish Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets for tonight, but after he was done with it, he grabbed the sequel, intending to just read the first chapter for a small preview. Instead, he somehow spent the entire night reading the whole book, getting quite immersed into the story. If anything, he understood why Sam told him that she got addicted to the books.
He was quite glad that Sam provided him with the books, as he felt that it wouldn't be a bad thing to think about something other than haunted animatronics or what Connor was up to. Not to mention, that kid didn't appear at all, so he was on his own this time, finally having the peace he desired for so long.
I should enjoy it while I still can. Springtrap glanced over to the bed, where the left the other books, and grabbed the fourth novel, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, taking a look at the cover and the summary on the back before opening it. Okay, this time it'll be just one chapter… Or maybe two. He sighed, closing the book. I'm probably not going to stop reading it, am I?
Chuckling to himself, he opened it again, continuing reading the first chapter and enjoying the quiet and calm night. Sam and Emma were both asleep and, while he did go out once to check on Sam, he decided to stay in his room until they woke up. Springtrap was quite sure that it wouldn't take much longer for the sun to rise and he was anxiously waiting for the daytime.
He wondered whether Sam had something in mind for today, even though he figured that after what they've been through the past few days, it would've been better to stay at home. Nevertheless, if she did come up with something, he knew he would probably agree to it. He did promise to keep her entertained and out of trouble, after all. His ears lowered as he thought about that promise.
The only problem is that those two things aren't often mutually exclusive, at least not in this case.
It was early in the morning when Springtrap finally heard someone walking downstairs. He was sure that it was Emma, as Sam would usually check on him. He wondered whether he should go talk to Emma, shuddering at the icy gaze she gave him when they returned home last night. It was more than clear that she was still angry at him for daring to even suggest that he could act as Sam's father. Nevertheless, he figured he should confront her again about the idea.
Taking a deep breath, he went downstairs, where Emma was preparing breakfast. He peeked into the kitchen, still reluctant about this confrontation, only for Emma notice him. He felt anxious when she glared at him, his ears lowered.
''Good morning, Afton,'' she said, her eyes narrowed. ''Are you just going to stand there and stare at me, or actually tell me whatever you have on your mind?''
''Um, I- Good morning, Emma,'' Springtrap said, startled, only to frown. ''Why would you even assume that there's something I want to tell you?''
''Well, let's see…'' Emma said, placing her hand on her hip and tilting her head. ''Yesterday, we had an argument, and considering the look you gave me once you returned, you still had that topic in mind. Not to mention, whenever you're bothered by something, you usually ask for Sam's advice; unless it is something that does involve her, but you're not ready to talk to her about it, then you come to me. So, what is it now, Afton?''
Springtrap stared at her.
''You know, it's sometimes scary just how good you are at figuring things out,'' he said. Emma just smirked. ''In any case, you're right. I did reflect on what you told me during our argument and I came to the conclusion that I shouldn't rush into making such decisions; at least not before I actually thought them through. Also, I understand that I still need to work on improving myself, and I know that it will be quite difficult.''
''Honestly, I'm surprised that you decided to admit that,'' Emma said. ''If you weren't a soul trapped inside an animatronic, I would've given you a cookie, or rather, a biscuit; if we're going to use British terms.''
Springtrap glared at her, fuming, with his eyes glowing purple.
''Emma, I'm pouring my heart out to you and you're just making fun of me,'' he said in an annoyed tone, then paused. ''On the other hand, I should've expected this considering whom I'm talking to.''
He then walked over to the table, sitting down and staring at it, still irritated. Emma sat across him, still holding the cup of coffee.
''Nevertheless, I actually expected you to protest,'' she said, with Springtrap looking up, giving her a confused look. ''You're quite attached to Sam, so I thought you'd actually argue back and try to convince me that it would work, or you would just proceed with it regardless of my opinion.''
''Why should I do that?''
''You seem to be the kind of person who'd do that,'' Emma replied.
''Maybe I am, but I care about Sam and considering you're her mother, it should be expected that I ask both of your opinions on the matter,'' Springtrap explained.
''I see…'' Emma muttered. ''While I am glad that you subverted my expectations, next time, you really should try to use your head before you do something. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of genius?''
''Only when it comes to robotics,'' Springtrap replied dryly. ''Social interactions aren't my forte, and I can't think straight when I panic.''
''You sure don't,'' Emma smiled knowingly, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at Springtrap. The latter was confused, wondering what she meant, only to realize a few seconds later what this was about and give Emma a look that was a mix of bewilderment and embarrassment, which quickly turned into annoyance.
''You really had to bring that up?!'' he asked, remembering the time he introduced himself to Emma. Emma shook her head.
''You're hopeless, Afton,'' she said. Springtrap groaned, leaning his head against the table, ears lowered.
''I regret everything I said,'' he muttered. Emma snorted, drawing Springtrap's ire.
''I have no doubts about that,'' she said as she walked over to the microwave, taking out the sandwich she left to be heated. ''Although, I have heard worse.''
''Like the guy you punched in the face?'' Springtrap asked, looking up. Emma frowned at the memory and sighed.
''If it makes you feel better, in comparison to him, you're rather pleasant, if awkward,'' she replied. Springtrap gave her a surprised look. Emma then grinned smugly. ''Of course, you can also be a complete idiot at times.''
Whatever joy or relief he briefly felt was completely washed away by that remark, despite the fact that he knew that it was completely justified. He was left glaring at Emma, who was nonchalantly eating her sandwich. After a few minutes, they heard Sam coming downstairs.
''Hey!'' she greeted them cheerfully, only to realize that's something wrong, as Emma looked quite satisfied, while Springtrap seemed to be exasperated. ''Did something happen?''
''Don't worry, we just had a little conversation,'' Emma replied.
''I guess that explains the current mood,'' Sam said, glancing at Springtrap as she gave him a sympathetic smile. She then went to the kitchen counter, taking out a bowl, milk and cereal.
''Anyways, what happened last night? Do you have any plans for today?'' Emma asked them. Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances.
''Well, we found a few strange animatronics at the Machinations Factory,'' Sam said. ''Springtrap dismantled them, though.''
''Why?'' Emma asked, looking at Springtrap.
''Trust me, you wouldn't have wanted any of those roaming around,'' he said, with Emma giving him a suspicious look. ''As for today, I'm not sure…''
''Actually, I wanted to stay at home and play video games on my laptop,'' Sam interrupted. Emma rose an eyebrow.
''Really? Nothing else?'' she asked suspiciously.
''Well, unless I get another idea later, no,'' Sam replied. Emma stared at her for a moment, but then shrugged.
''If you say so,'' she said.
Sam noticed Springtrap looking at her with a questioning look on her expression, with her briefly shaking her head. Springtrap, having realized what she meant, leaned against the chair, sighing.
You want to wait, right?
Something is wrong. Connor had put on his earpiece in an attempt to communicate with the animatronics, but they wouldn't respond. Is it broken?
He walked steadily towards his workshop, looking around for any signs of the Freddy and Bonnie animatronic. However, they were nowhere to be found. Feeling frustrated, he entered his workshop, only for his eyes to widen in shock when he saw the chaos inside the place.
The animatronics had been completely dismantled, the parts strewn across the floor. He had no idea what exactly happened to the animatronics, but by just looking at the room, he could tell that the damage was great and that he will spend a while fixing them.
''How did this happen?! Who-''
He paused as he realized that what he had been doing at the factory wasn't exactly a secret anymore and that there were two other people who knew what he was hiding. He wondered just how long they had been keeping an eye on him and looked around, as if searching for any hidden cameras.
Why are you so paranoid? You know this place better than anyone else. If there was something odd, you would've already found it.
The sting of paranoia he felt was suddenly replaced with a rush of astonishment. Since he doubted that the teen had any idea how to deal with the animatronics, that would meant that it was Afton who did this. Connor's eyes narrowed as he kicked lightly a piece of metal away, noticing that the damage might've been even worse than he had initially thought. The circuit boards were destroyed, along with the devices he made to control the animatronics easier. He had also noticed that some parts of the endoskeletons had been removed or damaged.
They can be replaced, though.
While Connor did lament the loss he suffered, he didn't feel angry about it. Instead, he saw it as a challenge.
They were imperfect, unfinished.
The animatronics he had created weren't just good enough, and Afton had shown that by easily dismantling them. Connor wasn't sure why Afton even showed up here, but he believed that, for some reason, he disapproved of the animatronics he saw. Maybe he saw the animatronics as insignificant in comparison to his own creations, or perhaps he was angry that Connor made twisted copies of the animatronics he used to worked with.
I need to make them better. They aren't good enough.
Connor didn't really care about what Afton's reason for destroying his creations was. He wasn't angry that they were dismantled, as he was still working on them and this showed just how much he still needed to do. All he knew is that he needed to perfect them, make them deadlier, while also letting them follow every command he would give. He needed answers and those animatronics would help him gain them. Nothing would stop him from getting what he felt that he rightfully deserved.
He then left the room, deciding to check the others just to see whether Afton had tampered with anything else, feeling a pit in his stomach when he stood in front of the room where he left Bran. He put his hand on the door knob, reluctant about opening it, only to hear a strange noise coming from inside.
What's going on?
As he opened the door, he saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark. Raven suddenly lunged at him, grabbing him by his neck and pinning him on the ground. Connor gasped for air, kicking Raven and trying to get the animatronic off him. However, Raven held him down, his eyes glowing. He looked furious.
''Krach- Krach-'' He attempted to talk, but let out only groaning sounds. Connor struggled, trying to free himself. He pressed the ear piece, hoping to control Raven, but nothing happened. Realizing that the device that controlled the animatronic was gone, he reached for the cables at Raven's neck. His fingers trembled feebly as he tried to turn the animatronic off, only to see black and red. He gritted his teeth, feeling his windpipe being crushed, only to suddenly get overwhelmed by the darkness, hearing only a distant laughter.
''Krach- Krach-''
Sam stretched, looking at the loading screen for Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban. She was currently half-way through the Carpe Retractum Challenge, and despite how many times she had already played the game, she always loved to play it again.
''Alohomora!'' Ron exclaimed as he unlocked a chest with the spell, gathering the goodies that fell out of it.
''You know, I thought that you might have a plan for today, as you always have one,'' Springtrap, who was sitting next to her on her bed, said. ''Although, I guess we cannot do much until Connor makes his move.''
''Yeah,'' Sam said, focusing on the video game. ''However, I am worried about what his next move will be.''
''You mean, aside from repairing the Drawkills?'' Springtrap said. ''He will try to find us, and I assume that he might even go to Freddy's, if he didn't already, in order to see whether I'm there.''
''Do you think that we should go to Ricky's to keep an eye on him?'' Sam asked, briefly glancing at Springtrap, before turning back to the video game, having managed to getting close to the end of the challenge.
''I think that it's time for a direct confrontation,'' Springtrap replied. ''Unless you have something else on mind…''
''No, you're right. We need to confront him,'' Sam said firmly, turning to him. ''Besides, isn't that what Connor wants as well? After all, he did search for you.''
''Now that you have mentioned it, I am also curious about what he actually wants from me,'' Springtrap said. ''I mean, while we did have a few theories, nothing is confirmed until we speak to him.''
''Exactly,'' Sam said, turning back to her video game. She was currently at the Bean Bonus Room stage, which was a timed challenge and required her focus.
Springtrap just observed her as she played the video game. Perhaps, someone would call it absurd that she was more focused on a video game considering the current situation, but given what they both went through, they needed some time off. Springtrap actually did feel better after having a peaceful night for once and he felt that Sam was using video games in a similar manner, easily disconnecting herself from the real world and immersing herself into a story inside the virtual reality.
''Say, Sam…''
''Yeah?'' Sam paused the game once the cutscene was over, going to the main menu.
''When I talked to Emma, she told me that, whenever you felt miserable and depressed, that you would lock yourself into your room and refuse to come out,'' Springtrap said, noticing the look of concern on Sam's expression. ''I was just wondering whether you used those video games as a way to escape reality.''
''Actually, I did,'' Sam said, looking at the main menu, which was playing a haunting orchestral piece followed by a choir. ''At least, when I played the games, I knew there wasn't anyone who would make me feel like I was a nobody.''
''But, you aren't a nobody,'' Springtrap replied. ''You're an amazing person who deserves much better.''
''If you mean the treatment I received from my bullies, then yes, I deserved better friends than them,'' Sam said, saving her current gameplay and quitting the game. ''However, if you believe that I'm still better off without you, then you're wrong.''
''At least you wouldn't have ended up hurt,'' Springtrap said, glancing at her scarred arm. Even though the scar she had was faint, it was still there and it was a constant remainder of how close she got to actually dying.
''Yeah, because I'd refuse to leave my room and continue lying to myself that everything's fine,'' Sam replied, a sly grin on her expression. ''Maybe I would've healed on my own, but your presence certainly did speed up the process.'' She then gave him a sympathetic smile. ''Although, I do understand why you're still convinced that what you're doing is wrong. After all, wanting to keep me happy must be the first selfless thing you had done in ages.''
''I guess you're right,'' Springtrap said, still feeling a little insecure. He noticed Sam looking at him, aware that she wanted to simply comfort him. Nevertheless, he knew that she was right. After all, everything he had done in the past was for his own selfish reasons and this experience was something completely different.
''We're not done with that issue, right?'' Sam asked, with Springtrap nodding timidly. She sighed, turning back to her laptop. ''Nevertheless, you know what I think about it, and rest assured, I'd be quite vocal if I had changed my mind.''
''There's no doubt about that,'' Springtrap said, a little amused as he thought about the times Sam yelled at him for something he had done or said that she disapproved of. Sam meanwhile typed something on her laptop, her eyes widening in surprise as she opened a website.
''Hey, look at this!'' she exclaimed. Springtrap looked at the monitor, a little stunned by what he saw. Sam was grinning, looking quite excited about the date displayed on the website.
''So, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is supposed to open in a few days,'' he said, his eyes glowing in a very faint purple.
''I can't wait for that!'' Sam said in an enthusiastic tone. ''I've been waiting for ages for it to open; well, ever since a new location was announced after Henry's fake one burned to the ground.''
''What I'm more interested in is how Fazbear Entertainment will handle this location,'' Springtrap told her. ''They're not exactly competent, and I can only imagine that they'll find another way to ruin everyone's experience.''
''Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see how that will turn out. At least this location is genuine and not another trap,'' Sam said.
''Unless Henry find a way to burn that one down as well,'' Springtrap said in a deadpan tone.
''I don't think he would do that,'' Sam said, rising an eyebrow as she looked at Springtrap. ''Would he?''
''I wouldn't put it past him,'' Springtrap replied, remembering the cold gaze Henry gave him. ''Although, you and I both know that the only reason he did that was because of what I had done and because of the other haunted animatronics.''
''Not that it worked in the long run,'' Sam pointed out. Springtrap snorted, but then quickly went quiet.
''You know, I do hope that he won't interfere this time,'' he said. ''Technically, I'm the only haunted animatronic, and I'm not exactly keen on going on a murder spree. He doesn't really have a reason for doing that unless he considers just me being here a hazard.''
''Not that you aren't one,'' Sam said in a snarky tone. Springtrap's eyes glowed purple, this time a little stronger.
''True, although, it's not for the reasons he believes,'' he said, noticing Sam's questioning look. He tilted his head, looking at her curiously. ''You know well that I'm responsible for this horror story from start to finish. Even though I'm back, I'm not planning on continuing it, but there's still something I want to get done.''
''Do you mind telling me what that is?'' Sam asked, noticing Springtrap's eyes suddenly flaring up purple. He looked quite eager, like a kid who was promised a shiny new toy. Sam felt a little unnerved by his reaction.
''It's a surprise of mine,'' he said. ''Trust me, there's nothing to worry about.''
''Yet,'' Sam said flatly. Springtrap's ears lowered, with him looking a little crestfallen. He really hoped that Sam would trust him, but he understood why she remained wary. ''In any case, I wonder how people will react to the opening of Freddy's. While I'm excited, I don't believe that everyone else will feel the same, especially considering the reputation Freddy has.''
''I guess that their reaction remains to be seen. It has been more than 30 years, but some might still remembered what had happened. While those who had visited Freddy's when they were children might visit it out of pure nostalgia, I do believe that there would be people who'd refuse to visit the restaurant due to not only being aware of the murders that had occurred, but also because of the other accidents that happened, despite the fact that they were clearly preventable,'' Springtrap added the last part in a heavy tone.
''Like the Bite of '83,'' Sam noted in a quiet tone. Springtrap felt a pit in his stomach as a flash of a blood-covered Fredbear appeared in his vision, with the seemingly lifeless body of Sammy hanging out from it, his skull crushed. He nodded.
''Yes…'' he muttered.
''You know, perhaps it's Freddy's dark past what makes the place so appealing,'' Sam said, with Springtrap giving her a surprised look. ''Remember Fazbear's Fright? It was supposed to be a horror attraction based on the events that occurred more than 30 years ago, and I'm sure that people would've gotten interested. Being an urban explorer, I love visiting places that have some kind of story behind them, especially if something horrible happened. I mean, for example, I have seen a lot of videos on YouTube about people visiting and investigating haunted places. I believe that there's something in the human nature that draws us to such creepy stuff and makes us feel fascinated by those horror stories.''
''When you think about it, those who will visit Freddy's are probably people like you; teens and young adults who have heard of what happened at Freddy's in the past, but don't really understand the depths of the reasons of why the restaurant has such a dark reputation, and have decided to visit it out of pure curiosity. After all, we both know that Henry's restaurant had customers, despite its past,'' Springtrap said. ''There's also the possibility that they would get bored of Ricky's and want to see what the other animatronic location has to offer.''
''There are also the Five Nights at Freddy's video games,'' Sam said, glancing at her laptop. ''Even though they weren't up for too long, they probably had drawn attention, especially because Fazbear Entertainment was very vocal about discrediting this indie game developer, claiming how everything that occurred and was represented in the games was completely inaccurate and not true.''
''Speaking of which, I doubt that some random guy would've even been capable of making video games with such surprisingly accurate lore, unless he had access to the necessary documentation,'' Springtrap said, frowning. ''In short, these games shouldn't even exist, or at least not in the way they are depicted.''
''If that's so, there's always the possibility that he had some help, maybe even from those who are currently managing Fazbear Entertainment. After all, they had a long history of trying to cover everything up,'' Sam said. ''Not to mention, this might not only be a cover up in order to dismiss the events that happened at Freddy's as urban legends, but also an attempt to draw the attention of future patrons for the reasons I had already mentioned.''
''It makes sense,'' Springtrap said, his eyes glowing in a soft purple, as he added in a disdainful tone, ''Although, I would prefer if some of the things that had been brought up had stayed a secret,… like the entire bloody story of what had happened.''
''Well, the games are quite vague about the lore, and the only reason why I figured the story out is because I put a lot of time and effort into decoding everything,'' Sam said, understanding why he felt this way. ''In other words, I may be the only person alive who actually knows the complete truth behind the story.''
''That's undeniable,'' Springtrap said, with Sam nodding.
''You know, I do feel that some memories should be preserved, but I also want to create new ones. Nevertheless, depending on how the management handles this location, maybe it won't be so bad. I mean, I've been to Henry and Michael's location and it was an amazing experience. If it weren't for the fact that it was a trap, it probably would've become extremely successful,'' she said in a cheerful tone. ''Besides, I can't wait to see the animatronics again on the stage. After all, Freddy's, and obviously Ricky's, remain kind of unique as they're probably one of the few, if not the only restaurants who didn't throw out their animatronics and completely replaced them with animated mascots. Honestly, I'm so excited about finally visiting it!''
She then noticed Springtrap's thoughtful gaze. It looked as if he was reminiscing about something, but he didn't seem to be lost. There was something in his eyes, the same kind of caring look he showed whenever he wanted to cheer her up.
''I have to admit, you remind me of Elizabeth, Sammy and Michael when I introduced them to Fredbear's Family Diner. They had shown the same kind of excitement you do now,'' he said in a sorrowful tone, lowering his head. ''Not to mention, when I had shown Circus Baby to Lizzy, she had told me how much she loved me and how she was happy about the animatronic I made just for her.''
''If you had the chance to change the past, you'd put your family above your own selfish desires, right?'' Sam asked him, with Springtrap nodding. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
''Still, they're gone, and the past cannot be changed,'' he said, looking at her. ''I have already come to terms with that, and besides, you're here now. I want to make your experience as enjoyable as possible.''
''Thanks,'' Sam replied. ''At least you won't have trouble staying at Freddy's, as a Bonnie character wouldn't be out of place there in comparison to Ricky's. They might get confused why Spring Bonnie is actually back, though, especially since he was decommissioned character.''
''I doubt they'll pay much attention to me even if they do actually realize that I'm not supposed to be there,'' Springtrap said. ''In any case, I'm here for your entertainment.''
''I know, but that also includes bringing up your past, something you aren't really comfortable talking about,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap giving her a troubled look. It was more than clear that he really wanted to move on from that. ''Nevertheless, I am really curious to see how this will work out and I do hope that there won't be another follow-up to this horror story. Even though you are here, the actual horror story did end when the previous location burned down to ashes. The current horror story is the one at Ricky's.''
''True, although I'm not really looking forward to how the part with Ricky's and Connor will end,'' Springtrap said. ''Considering what we've been through last night, it is safe to say that it might get even worse.''
''I guess you're right,'' Sam muttered, glancing at the monitor which showed the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza website. She smiled and turned to Springtrap. ''You know, we could visit Freddy's tonight. I'd like to see if they had finally brought the animatronics there.''
''Sure.'' Springtrap nodded, briefly glancing at the website. Even though he had been at the restaurant several times along with Sam, he still felt that things would be different once the location had finally opened. He then smiled, recalling the conversation with his old partner.
I'm sorry Henry, but nothing you say or do will deter me from continuing with what I had in mind. The story is not over yet.
His vision was blurry as he opened his eyes, with pain pulsing through his body. Something heavy was lying on him, and as he tried to move it, he realized it was a black bird-like animatronic.
Bran, what is wrong with you?
He managed to push away Raven, his vision slowly clearning. He blinked a few times, staring at the animatronic, completely stunned about what just had happened.
How is this possible?
Connor recalled his last moments before he blacked out, remembering how Raven had lunged at him, attempting to strangle him. To his luck, he had managed to disconnect the cables that kept the animatronic active, else he would've died at Raven's hands. He didn't know what shocked him more: the fact that Raven was able to walk, or the fact that he tried to kill him moments ago.
''You know, Bran, the attack was completely unprovoked,'' Connor told him in a bitter tone. ''I wanted to keep you here because I needed you. I needed your support, and I'm sure that this fate is much better than just being a disembodied spirit.''
The animatronic didn't react, with Connor being sure that Bran couldn't move his mechanical body unless it was active. However, he was quite happy that Bran was now capable of walking and interacting with him on a higher level than before, even though it was obvious that his old friend was still angry about his own death, despite the fact that Connor told him that he would get used to his new body.
''Still…'' Connor trailed off, acting on a hunch. He crouched next to Raven, removing the mask and looking at the endoskeleton's head. As he had suspected, the device that controlled the animatronic itself had been removed. He also checked the rest of the endoskeleton, noticing that some parts had been replaced. However, instead of feeling upset, Connor grinned. ''So, he is responsible for this? Of course; after all, he would know what to do.''
He stood up, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. He knew that he now had exactly what he wanted – Afton's attention. However, he still had figure out how to lure him out in order to talk to him in private, as something told him that Afton wasn't exactly interested in having a conversation with him. Considering what he had done, Connor could only assume that Afton saw him as someone inferior, someone who wasn't worth his time.
Then I have to prove that I'm his equal.
Connor knew that he would be spending another night here repairing and working on creations. Even after he had left them the last night, he knew that they were unfinished. The devices he used were still in the experimental stage and he had planned to improve them. Not only would they be stronger, faster, more independent and exceptionally deadly, but would also follow and execute every command he issued.
They will be perfect.
However, there was something missing and he felt that he could gain this last piece he needed from his conversation with Afton. He needed to show him that he shouldn't be underestimated. After all, weren't his own creations entitled to some kind of recognition for being not only intimidating, but also awe-inspiring? Connor hoped that, once they were complete, he would get the respect he deserved.
I will get my answers.
#Previous Chapter
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎥 -for Fele! -fatestouch
@fatestouch | 🎥
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"Can I help you? If you're looking to buy, I'm not in that kind of business. So you can go be creepy elsewhere."
It wasn't his first time sneaking out of Eifos manor, by any means. By now, it was easy-- he knew exactly when and how he could get out. The duration of time that he could be gone. How best to hide the evidence that he had been out in the first place.
He always felt a bit guilty doing it...after his favorite tutor had been fired, and kicked out of Carpathia's capital for giving Felesio lessons outside the manor grounds. Something that his parents would never have agreed to.
After all, Felesio was the pride and joy of his parents. Their "beloved" son, who they knew was destined to become Carpathia's next Paragon. To put the young master in a position that may leave him open to the influence of who knew what? To put him in danger among the rabble?
Well. Even Fele knew that was absolutely unacceptable.
But that was in the past, now.
Most days, it felt like all he could do was study. Practice. Prepare. He wanted to live up to his parents' expectations for them. He wanted to even go beyond them. And yet...
That craving to go out into one of the cities and towns outside grew steadily stronger each day. The sorts of things that he saw, and experienced there were unlike anything else.
And so, he had begun sneaking out. Day after day, he would explore a little bit more of the capital. Except for one spot that he made sure to stop at each time.
The market place, where he would stand and listen to a young woman sing near an alley way. Each day, she would end with the same song-- a tune that he had never heard before, but found inexplicably stuck in his head every time he heard it.
...Which brought him to now, when he'd actually gotten up the courage to approach her. Sharp eyes glaring him down as he fought to stammer out a reply.
How rude...! Nobody had ever dared to speak to him in such a manner, before!
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"Wh-- b-buy...no! And creepy? What's your problem?! I haven't done anything to you! I just listen to you sing, sometimes!"
The woman squinted at him, leaning this way and that as if to inspect Felesio, before finally giving a little hum.
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"...Huh. Yeah, I guess. You've got your hood down today, so I didn't recognize you. Still, what's a lady supposed to think when you're dropping blood gems in her bag every time you show up? You Council brats really couldn't be more oblivious, could you? Aren't they supposed to teach you all kinds of things in those big, fancy houses of yours? Every single one of you steps out here, dumb as a box of rocks, though."
If it were possible, Fele's face would have been bright red in embarrassment. Though he had always had a bit of trouble managing his expressions well. Smiles always twitched at the corners of his mouth when he was frustrated, or twisted when he found something funny at a time he was supposed to appear calm.
"Okay, okay, you look like you're gearing up to start swinging or something, so take a breath, fancy pants, I don't mean to go making you mad or nothing like that. C'mon, why don't you tell me what you keep showing up for, then? You've never got any bags, so I doubt you're shopping...sneaking out, then? Ooooh, what a rebel...~"
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"S-shhh, could you please talk a little softer? If you know I snuck out, why would you draw so much attention to us?"
And yet, when Felesio looked around, it didn't actually seem as if anyone was paying attention to them, at all. It's only once the woman scoffs a laugh that he looks back toward her.
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"Please, nobody gives a rat's ass about what people like me are doing, around here. Not unless I start getting close to a cart or something, and they start watching like they think I'm gonna steal the shirt right off their back! That's besides the point, though...you wanna see the capital?"
He nods, about to speak again, when she interrupts him.
"No, you don't. You wanna see the interesting parts of the capital. The fun stuff. I can show you that, if you want a guide. I guess it's the least I can do, considering you've been paying for my meals and stuff for a while, now! See, look-- you even bought me these earrings! And this dress! It's a real, genuine Abelle! So what do you say?"
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"...Something tells me that you are not the type of person that I should be trusting to lead me around the city. However...if you are willing to guide me about the city, then...yes. I would say that sounds preferable to how I have been going about it. And...that is not a genuine Abelle, by the way. The stitching on the hems were done in the wrong direction, Miss..."
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"Jinnea. Jinnie. Jea. Whatever, really. And if that's the case, then we're making a stop on our way, so I can kick that hoity toity bastard's fangs in and get my money back. You can stay outside if you're squeamish about violence."
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"Felesio Eifos. I may be a bit squeamish about it at times, but...in this case, it would be warranted. What kind of scam artist would even think to attempt such a thing to a woman as charmingly charismatic as you? The audacity is appalling, truly."
"...Somehow, I feel like you're giving me shit, Felly."
"It was for referring to me as creepy."
"Aha! You see? I couldn't even tell, what with you talking all formal like that! Just be normal! Let your hair down, live a little! The sarcasm is a start, but I'm not allowing any of that prim and proper crap on my tour, got it? It's not gonna kill you!"
"Well...no, but...ugh. Fine, I will try, even if it goes against my lessons. So let us go, and...kick that hoity toity bastard's fangs in...or however you worded it."
"That was a good try, but you've gotta put some oomph into it when you say stuff like that. It's okay, we'll get there! Now...do you really like my singing that much? Let's talk about that on the way-- flatter me a little, we're on a date!"
"A d--?! We are not...!"
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Esme and (Y/n) see each other again during a special inter-school Magift training session.
However, things go awry and the disk is about to hit (Y/n)— but Esme is there to save the day!
Requested by @fantasticbiscuitmakerflower.
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"Hey, Ace! You forgot your water bottle over at my place!"
Your eyes remained fixated on the agile red-head that had just been chasing one of the RSA students who currently was in possession of the disk. Ace seemed busy with how he had his teeth gritted; it was only through wildly flailing your arms around that you caught his attention. When his snappy eyes finally fell on you, he exhaled in exhaustion and signalled his friends for a break.
At once, the atmosphere on the Magift training ground shifted to something more calm, and everyone began to loosen up as they headed to the bleachers to grab a drink. While Ace jogged over to you, you watched the players with curious eyes.
You could immediately tell who the NRC and RSA students were respectively — not only based on the colour of their clothes, but also based on their attitude. Almost all of the NRC students, despite the break, still kept up their hostility against the guests, who didn't seem to care about the hateful glares at all. It was a strange sight, you had to admit.
Right then, Ace appeared in front of you and flicked your forehead with his sweaty fingers. You jerked away in disgust, shooting him an angry glare. However, he simply ignored your fury and went on to grab his favourite water bottle from your hands. "Oh, geez." He quickly unscrewed the lid to gulp down water frantically. "Thanks for bringing it over, (Y/n)," the first-year chimed once he had emptied half the bottle.
You shot him a little smile and patted his shoulder. "No problem. You always gotta stay hydrated." Then, your eyes flickered over to the other NRC students, who seemed just as exhausted yet motivated as Ace. You recognised a few familiar faces within the group. "Besides," you mumbled with your eyes drifting to the other team, "how is training going? How are the RSA guys holding up?"
Ace rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Oh, they're good— really good. They have this one player that's really agile! And uh... he's one of the few I can get along with. The rest are kinda preppy." Chuckles escaped his lips as he continued, "But... what a shame that our team forgot to invite Malleus again."
His words drew laughter from your lips, and you had to wipe a few tears from your eyes. You had to admit that his humour was on point sometimes — but sometimes his jokes didn't make the mark. Nonetheless, you shot him a dopey smile and ruffled his hair, but only after he had wiped his sweat off with a towel. "Well, I'm just really proud of you for having made it onto the team, you know? After the whole inter-dorm Magift debacle a while ago." Your smile turned crooked around the corners at that awkward memory.
Just as Ace opened his mouth to agree, a hand landed on his shoulder, and a person appeared from behind him out of nowhere. You jumped slightly in surprise, as did your Heartslabyul friend. "Acey, you coming back?" the newcomer asked with a sly smile on his lips. "Or do you want me to score another point?" His voice had a teasing twinge to it as his gaze remained fully fixated on the red-head.
Ace let out a little whine. "Oh— is the break already over? I was so busy talking to (Y/n)—"
The mysterious boy let out a little gasp, his green eyes meeting yours. "(Y/n)?" he called out, a grin forming on his lips. "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here, not that I wouldn't have hoped to cross paths with you anyway." As he finished his sentence, he shot you a wink that made you giggle.
"Esme," you muttered and smiled, "what a surprise to see you here."
Ace's eyes darted back and forth between the two of you, and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at you. "You two know each other?" he asked, genuinely caught off-guard by the revelation.
You shrugged. "Kinda...?"
"Oh!" Esme clasped his chest dramatically. "You wound me, (Y/n)..." A deep chuckle escaped his lips afterwards, causing your face to warm up in embarrassment.
You were forced to lower your gaze, in fear that he might catch a glimpse of your embarrassingly large smile. The three of you stayed like that for a while, and the silence that no one dared to disturb became more awkward as time passed. Even worse, the other players had started to gaze your way in curiosity.
Eventually, Ace couldn't take it anymore and turned to you to ask, "Uh... do you want to stay and watch us wipe the floor with those RSA losers?" He stuck his tongue out at Esme, who only elbowed him in response.
"I..." You shot the two boys a hesitant smile. "I can't leave Grim alone at home for too long."
While Ace was about to accept your excuse, Esme wasn't ready to take a defeat like that. You were about to turn around and leave, but he managed to grab your wrist and whirl you around. The gesture caused you to gasp in surprise, especially when you were faced with his shimmering green eyes. "Oh, I insist that you stay and watch, (Y/n)," he said firmly and tilted his head to the side playfully.
All you wanted to do in that very moment was scream your heart out — but you didn't want to embarrass yourself more than you had already. Your lips pulled up into a dopey smile, you couldn't help but feel appreciated. "Well, if you say so." Your heart still fluttered heavily when he removed his grasp on you and took a step backwards. Still trying to regain your closure, you squeaked out, "I'll be over there by the bleachers." And, off you were.
"Just stay out of danger!" Esme yelled after you. "Those disks can hit really hard sometimes."
You nodded quietly, but didn't dare to turn around even once, in fear that embarrassment would creep up on you again. And much to your luck, there wasn't much time for them to dilly-dally around since training was soon resumed. With everyone distracted by that, you plopped yourself down onto one of the spectator benches. Your breathing was uneven, and it hitched whenever you dared to gaze into his direction.
But your courage grew over time, and eventually, you couldn't take your eyes off of him anymore.
Ace had been right: Esme's agility was awe-striking. Perhaps he wasn't as strong as some of his other team members, but he definitely made up for that by being able to slip right past his opponents and being light on his feet. Just watching him was somehow hypnotising, and you soon found yourself mindlessly watching him dash from one end of the field to another.
The majority of the training session went on well, and, although you never had really harboured any interest in Magift due to your own lack of magic, just watching Esme made you happy. Every time he managed to score a point for his team, you would inwardly cheer to yourself. You even swore he would glance in your direction every so often, especially when the aforementioned scenario would occur. Yet, you tried to keep your cheering to yourself, afraid you would be called a traitor by your fellow students.
You were so lost in your own thoughts and daydreams that you eventually didn't pay attention to what happened on the field anymore — and so it happened that the Magift disk was hurling towards you. It zoomed through the air at the speed of light, and it would have hit your head if it weren't for another figure jumping right at you and forcing you to the ground with him.
"(Y/n)! Are you alright?"
A groan escaped your lips as you slowly sat up. "What..." You had to blink once or twice to see clearly again. And when you had regained your vision, you realised that it was none other than Esme who was hovering above you. Flustered, you opened your mouth, but you couldn't bring out a single word.
A chuckle escaped his lips as he helped you to your feet again. You reluctantly let him assist you, but your gaze never met his. "Tsk, what did I tell you about watching out for those disks?" he asked while fixing your clothes and hair. "That was close... too close..." It was only then that you dared to look up, and you found serious concern lingering in his sparkling eyes.
You couldn't suppress a smile from surfacing. "Thank you, Esme."
For a moment, as cliche as it sounded, only the two of you seemed to exist. The noise the other players produced suddenly disappeared. You gazed into one another's eyes deeply, and you swore you could feel some sort of invisible connection to him. It was simply magical—
But your little moment was interrupted by one of the players shouting, "Stop it, you lovebirds. We have a match to play..."
Your smile turned bashful as you rubbed your neck sheepishly. "I owe you one..."
"Cheering for me will be enough, dear!" Esme merely saluted playfully before dashing off again.
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paintball169 · 3 years
Commissioner Gordon to the Rescue!
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Paris, Eiffel Tower, 4:34 AM
" Ladybug we can't keep this going! We need help! " a bee -striped heroine's voice is heard from a distance. Abeille .
" While that is true, who is going to help us? The justice league already called us a joke." someone says followed by a sharpening sound. Tatsu .
" Why don't don't we ask Batman? He's the most reasonable one" a calm voice reasons supporting his girlfriend's idea. Serpent .
" Yes, but how are we going to call Batman without ending up in asylum? Bailing ya outta there is hard work ya know?" the spotted armoured heroin asks. Ladybug.
" She's right guys" the quick witted fox hero chimes in. Reynard.
"Why don't we broadcast worldwide news that if Justice League doesn't show up in Paris within 24 hours we'll destroy the world" the usually quiet turtle cladded hero asks. Shellder.
"Yeah right! That way we'll have even more charges." Serpent says glaring at Shellder.
"Hey LB don't you know a police officer there? Afterall you are from there." Abeille asks the once street kid.
"Yes, Bug. You know the old guy. Maybe we can ask for his help." Tatsu asks her girlfriend.
"That's a nice idea. The Commissioner does have contact with Batman! Oooh then we might get to use the Bat Signal! Oh my Kwami, what if he doesn't recognise me?" Ladybug asks.
"He will recognise you Bug!" Shellder chimes in.
"The Bat Signal is real!" Reynard exclaims.
"That's out of the point. Don't get distracted!" Tatsu scolds.
"Ladybug, do you trust him enough to reveal your identity? Cause if you don't he won't believe you either." Serpent reasons.
"I guess. After all he saved my life multiple times." Ladybug answers unsurely.
"Ladybug there's no 'I guess' it's either Yes or No." Serpent says sternly.
"Then I do. I trust him." Ladybug answers firmly.
"Alright then, Yes it is." Abeille says.
"To Gotham we go!" and Reynard jumps off. Returns a minute later. "So, when exactly are we going and where?" he then asks.
"Now, Luks call Jagged and inform him. I'm sure he'll cover for us. Kalki if you may?" Ladybug asks.
"Of course Great guardian, but till Serpent finishes the call can you tell how and when have you been to Gotham?"
"Oh that, I was a street kid with my brother back then. We used to steal for a living. Jason took care of both of us. I was just three when we started living on the streets. Jay was eight. There were a few warehouses where all the street kids lived together. Commissioner Gordon came disguised as an old man and gave the kids blankets. He also anonymously left food for kids. When I figured out that was him I asked him why he didn't report us to the CPS. He answered Kid I know the CPS gives you Pipsqueaks shitty homes. Don't think about it. When I was seven I was kidnapped by Scarecrow. For testing some toxins. He threw me out saying I wasn't good enough. So somehow I found myself in Paris. Without my brother." Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.
"I called Dad and he said Okay because the Sandboy akuma was hard. Five hours particularly, all of your guardians think we're having a sleepover." Serpent says breaking everyone out of their stupor.
"LB, Can I use Kalki this time? Please?" Reynard asks.
"Fine, Here." She says giggling.
Gotham, Police station, 10:52 PM
Gordon POV
The shift is almost over yet I can't help but feel something interesting is about to happen.
Suddenly a blue portal appears. I take out my gun for defence.
"Woah, Woah no need for a gun. We come in peace." The one dressed like a fox answers.
"Who are you? Clarify your purpose!"
"We're heroes of Paris. We come to ask for your help." The one with a katana answers.
"Heroes? In Paris? Since when? I'd say it was a joke, But the portal proves it. Why wasn't the Justice league informed?"
"Slow down a bit, 3 years, Justice league laughed on us, to specify Green Lantern." Striped one? Answers.
"A...Alright, But how can I trust you, For all you could be joker's goons."
"You can trust us, If you don't, you know her you can trust us." The one with harp points to a spotted Ladybug?..
"Okaay, What're your names?"
"Official Introduction Time!" The flute one answers.
"The name's Reynard, Paris's Residential Fox Hero! Fox to meet you!"
"Or Nathaniel Kutzberg"
"The name's Abeille, Bow down Peasants!"
"AKA Chloe Bourgeois"
"I am Serpent, The most Responsible one."
"Or Luka Stone."
"I'm Shellder, Pleasure to meet you."
"Or Marc Anciel"
"Tatsu, Nice to meet you Commissioner, Kagami Trusugi"
"I... I'm Marinette Todd, Hi Commissioner"
"Dear Lord Mari is that really you? What do need my help for?"
"We need to come in Contact with the bats, And can you help me find my brother?"
"Sure Mari, But about your brother you see, He's a Bat too..."
"What?! Seriously?"
Bat Signal, Gotham, 11:13 PM
Red Hood's POV
"Alright we're here Gordon, What's the problem?" Big B asks in his Batman voice.
"We have visitors Batman, They're looking for you." Commiss says. Who in the world would look for Batman?
One by one Teens dressed as animals come out from dark. Drat everyone's just as confused as me.
"Alright who're you playing dress up? Ya know that's dangerous." I ask voicing everyone's curiosity. Suddenly a blue blob attaches to me and starts Giggling.
"Jay-Jay it's me" My eyes start to sting. Only one person calls me that.
"P-Pixie?" I ask unsurely. Pixie nods her head.
"Pixie-Pop it's really you!" I say once i register what's going on.
"I'm never leaving you again Squirt. You're alright! Remind me not to let you alone on streets again, Leave it to Mari for a recipe for trouble!" I tighten my hold on her.
"Hood who's this? Why are they all dressed up?" B. Yeah I forgot he was there as well.
"B, This is Marinette, my little sister. Although I do not know why she and those kids are dressed up."
"Allow me to explain, There's been a super villian in Paris for three years now. These kids are the Heroes there. They came to me First cause they didn't want to get arrested. Green Lantern called them a joke. I know you'd shoo them off, but Bats I saw a Portal open. They came through it. And Jason, Your sister's the team leader!" Gordon explains.
"What! That bitch let me at him! troubling my sister for no good !I, Jason Todd will Skin him"
"Hood! No names at the Field!" Demon Spawn says.
"Relax, She knows."
"Elaborate" B says.
Batcave, Gotham, 8:56 AM
"Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth!" Red robin exclaims.
"Ha! Take that Chat! I was right!" Ladybug says.
"Red robin can you do research on one Lila Rossi? She's probably working for him." Abeille says.
Batcave, Gotham, 11:12 AM
"Guys! Emergency meeting!" Red Robin Shouts.
"Lila Rossi wanted psycopath in 3 different countries!"
College Dupont, Paris, 11: 34 AM (Next Day)
"You bitch why did you file a fake report against Lila!" Alya barks out at Marinette.
"My daughter did no such thing." That wasn't Tom Dupain. There stood in all Glory Bruce Wayne himself.
"Yo-Your Daughter?" Alya asks
"Yes, my adoptive daughter, Jason todd-wayne's biological sister."
"Hey Alya don't shoot the messenger, I filed the evidence on behalf of ladybug and her team!"
"What do you mean? Multimouse isn't supposed to be active!" Agreste says.
"Oh, I didn't know that! I mean how do you think your miraculous was taken Chat Noir?"
Gasps were heard.
"It was you!"
"Yes. Now son of a bitch outta my way!"
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you heard Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth."
Andre's Ice Cream, Paris, 12:13 PM
"Well that went better than we thought, right Babe?" Kagami asks her girlfriend.
"Sure did Gami!" Marinette repies.
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One Night| Hunter
Note: Nsfw content,
Warnings: creampies, p in v, facials, squirting, name calling, rough, hair pulling, light choking, smoking 18+ content
Reader: Female
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"Thanks again." Y/n thanked the kessel burbon slid to her, sliding credits to Cid, "any more missions?"
"No,those clone boys took the last one I had." Cid spoke, "there won't be any more for a few cycles."
"Clones took my jobs?" Y/n questioned, sipping the hard liquor.
"Yeah! When wrecker through those KT troopers like it was nothing!" Omega cheered as the group walked down into the bar.
"Speak of the devil." Cid spoke, Y/n turning her head.
"Yes Wrecker's strength was acceptionally helpful this mission. Yet Omega's new tracking skills came in handy." Tech spoke.
"And Echo's climbing skills! How do you do that with one hand?!" Omega cheered.
"Pratice." Echo spoke.
Hunter chuckled at Omega's happiness.
"We did good boys-"
He stopped, seeing Y/n casually talking to Cid, sipping on her drink, her hair a mess, a few braids in her short hair making her hair uneven in both long and short length. In baggy black robes a belt tired tigh around her waist. Boots knee high with her baggy pants tucked in. Her eyeliner red and in sharp wings up towards her relaxed brows.
She turned her gaze towards hunter, her eyes a cybernetic white, then her head followed. Her gaze lingering on him as she smiled smally.
"Oh no no no! Watch your eyes dark and broody!" Cid argued, rushing around the counter.
"Don't mind me I'm also looking disrespectfully." Y/n teased getting up from her seat, following behind Cid.
"Uh," Hunter tried to speak, woah was his only thought process, "Your...new."
"Not knew. Just havent seen me before." Y/n smiled, standing next to Cid with a hand on her hip, "names Y/n's and Im presuming you all are the clones that have been taking my jobs?"
"Oh, we are?" Omega looked up at Hunter, who was still at a lost for words.
"What?" Hunter asked looking down at Omega.
Y/n chuckled, walking up to the longer haired male, "Listen, dark and broody, we can be friends. I just want my missions."
She leaned into his face, his face becoming red "Y-yeah..."
"Thanks then." Y/n smiled, his eyes gazing to his banana, "I'll take this as payment for taking my last missions."
With ease she pulled the headband off his head, turning her head half way to talk to Cid she smiled.
"I'll see you late then mom." Y/n chuckled, nudging Hunter as she passed, "Im off to collect some credits Im owed."
"Did she just call Cid Mom?" Wrecker questioned Y/n walking out the bar and up the steps.
"I believe she did." Tech responded.
Hunter was hit in the side with Cid's walking staff, "I'm docking your pay half!"
"What!?" Hunter argued.
"Thats what you get for lookin at my kid like that!" Cid defended, "watch it next time"
"Well if our pay has already been docked. She was quiet pretty. Her eyes especially." Tech repsonded as Hunter nudged him hard.
"Don't worry, Hunter if you marry her Cid's your new mom!" Wrecker laughed shoving the man.
"I don't even know her!" Hunter argued.
"And that'll never happen!" Cid defended, "now watch it before I dock all your pay! You won't be seeing her again."
"But she took Hunter's bandanna." Omega pointed out, Hunter feeling his head.
"She did?!"
"And I thought Wrecker had it bad for that twilek girl he helped at the market." Echo told.
So there Hunter was, left the whole day with no headband, atleast 3 standard hours he waited, rubbing his head feeling as if he was missing something, well he was missing something.
"Hey! Mom! You'll never guess the load I got this time!" Y/n called out walking down the steps and into the bar, "I beat fifteen of the finest warriors apparently! Yeah right!"
Y/n walked in, gym bag at her side, the boys turning to the girl, stripped down to a tank top and a diffrent set of black pants that were tucked into her boots, a certain red bandana around her thigh.
"Oh you're all still here." She spoke, "I was-"
Hunter stepped infront of her, "I'd like my bandana back."
"Hm? Yeah come on." Y/n spoke, walking around him, "follow me."
"Yeah no sorry- not happening-" Hunter argued grabbing her wrist, "just hand it over."
Y/n ripped her wrist from him, hurting his hand in the process, "well then take it off, its right there."
Hunter kept his gaze away from Y/n's thigh, her ahoulder looking interesting at the momment.
"Well its mine then." Y/n spoke going to walk away but her arm was grabbed, Hunter turning to her as he kept his gaze up, his hands feeling for the band,
She chuckled, "little higher and you'll be at my zipper-"
He sighed looking away as he felt his bandana, his hand reaching around and untying it from her thigh.
"You smell nice." Y/n teased
"I don't see how you're Cid's kid." Hunter commented.
"Not by blood sweetheart." Y/n commented.
There was a chuckle as Hunter turned his head, Tech and Echo going back to there silence Wrecker luckily out and about with Omega. Hunter removed the band finally as Y/n chuckled.
Y/n leaned over, kissing Hunter's cheek as he flushed, "rooms down the hall on your left, we should be lucky my mom's on the upper floors."
Hunter only nodded as Y/n walked away, waving to his two brothers who were playing sabbec at the bar.
Hunter turned around to follow her a few mintues later, "don't be too loud."
Hunter glared at the two but made his leave anyways, following Y/n's instructions. Making it to the last door he knocked the door sliding open as Y/n sat on the floor, a tray in her lap, neon fairy lights on the strung carelessly on the walls and ceiling, weapons littered on the floor, some things hanging on the walls, there was a mess of the bed.
"So you came." She spoke popping whatever she was rolling into a jar, setting it on her nightstand and pushing the tray into the drawer. Standing up zhe grabbed a box of matches, throwing herself into one of the large bean bag chairs, big enough for two people, "lock the door would you?"
He did as asked, "why call me in here?"
"Well...Dark and Broody." Y/n spoke, "sit, come on."
Patting the seat besides her he walked over, "I have a name."
"Okay? Tell me it."
"Okay Hunter." She spoke, "you seemed tense. So we. Me and you. Are gonna smoke-"
"Smoke? Smoke what-"
"One of these." Y/n spoke holding up the jar, "Kessel herb."
"Spice? Yeah no-"
"No. Herb." Y/n defended, "there's a big difference."
Hunter watched her swish the jar around in front of him, "you pick one for me atleast."
Mentally sighing he did as asked, Pulling out a joint for her she smiled, closing the jar and setting it aside, "atleast this doesn't smell bad, smells like flowers."
Hunter watched her open up the match box, the joint between her lips as she striked the first match, a complete dud, she moved onto the second one, also a dud, by the fourth one Hunter was wondering if she'd ever light the thing.
"Dropped them in water-"
"I can do it." Hunter cut off, Y/n gladly handing him the match box as she leaned over, he striking out on the first match but the second one he got working, the flame bright and prominet despite the red undertone of the lights, leaning over as well he lit the thing easy as pie.
He watched her take a deep inhale in bowing out through her nose she leaned back, muscles already calming and relaxing.
"Why did you really call me in here."
"I told you to smoke." Y/n spoke, "I know a stressed man when I see one. Shit half the time I am a stressed man."
Hunter watched her take in another puff, "Plus it would ruffle my moms scales."
Hunter chuckled Y/n was right about that much, "yet also wanted to see if you wanted to hook up for a night."
Hunter coughed, not because of the smoke but the abruptness, "I'm sorry?"
"Well I seen you look at me the way you did earlier," she told, "and you're pretty good looking, but you seem to atleast have a good head on your sholders, men I know that look at me usually make a comment right away, you kept them to yourself."
Hunter responded with silence, "it's just a suggestion, an idea." She told him turning to look at him.
Again silence and Y/n contuined to smoke as if it was no problem that he said no, he found it, hot, sexy even. She knew what she wanted and she asked if told no she was okay with that, carrying out through her day.
"Why me?"
"I just explained why, you." Y/n spoke, "its yes or no tense guy."
Hunter shifted, its been a while, he mentally sighed, Y/n returning to smoking casually. Was this a way of teasing? If it was, it was harsh, and it was working. Shifting once more there chlothed and armored touching one another.
Damn, Hunter thought, to have her strong thigh in his hand, his head between her thighs. He looked up seeing Y/n pull the joint away once more, feeling the stare Y/n turned her head
"Wanna try it after all?" Y/n questioned, bringing the joint infront of him, "if not more for me."
Fuck it, the empire rules the galaxy, the republic fell, his brother is trying to kill them, what could he possibly loose from having any fun.
He took it with gloved fingers bringing it to his lips, Y/n watched him take a deep inhale, Y/n impresssed.
"This isnt your first rodeo." She teased.
He leaned in closer to her, if even physically possible, removing the joint from his lips, he pushed closer to Y/n, his lips placed on her's softly, and only for a momment, then pulled away, strings of smoke coming from both there lips now as Hunter's mind felt clear, relaxed.
"Lets do it." Hunter responded, usuing his armor as an ash tray, pressing the ashes to death on his chest plate as the embers died.
"One puffs not gonna get you anywhere." Y/n teased.
"But you will..." he whispered against her lips, pressing furthur once more he kissed her.
The kiss much more passionate than the first, Y/n running her hands through his hair, his bandanna slipping off in the process as she tossed it away.
"Fuck you're so hot..." He whispered into the kiss, Y/n moaning softly, his hands untucking her white tank top from her pants.
"Don't tell Im sharing with someone, thats why you came back all undressed." He teased against her lips, his hands hiking up her t-shirt past her covered breast.
"If sharing means arena fights. Then yes." Y/n teased back causing Hunter to chuckle.
Hunter pulled away, unclapssing his armor as she watched, letting it be tossed to the floor he was stripped down to his blacks. Bitting her lip at the buldge in his blacks, he leaned back into her,kissing her lip's passionately, forcing his tongue into her mouth she groaned, his touange pressing against his as they fought.
The kiss ended in a tie, both pulling away panting, Hunter let his hand's find her bare skin in the mean time, traveling up her adoment and covered breast he found her shirt, pulling away he lifted it over her head and arms. About to kiss her again she stopped him, pulling on the edge of his blacks, she pulled his shirt up, he lifting his arms in the process, his gloves rolling off with his sleeves in the process. Tossing the article of chlothing somewhere random. He removing her black sports bra, he kissed her just above her breast.
She humming in pleasure as he did so, traveling up to her neck, kicking her boots and socks off in the process, her legs tensed squeezing together Hunter had found her sweet spot, the space just above her collar bone, where her muscle was tense.
"H-hunter..." she panted, kissing the side of his head as she let out a soft groan, her head rolling back as her fingers tugged on his hair.
"You drive me crazy doing that..." Hunter whispered against her skin, dragging his kisses down her chest, and to her breast, where he let himself take in one of her soft buds.
"Fuck..." he moaned, his hair being pulled once more.
"Maker you're mouths amazing-" Y/n spoke her legs squeeze together tighter, adding to her pleasure as she groaned.
Switching over to give the second one just as much attention his hand cupped her other breast, squeezing her battle scared flesh softly, his other hand slipping behind her waist band slipping into her panties.
Hunter pulled away from her bud with a intoxicated look, "Your soaked..."
Y/n chuckled, "and you're hard as a rock..."
Pulling his hands away from her, she watched him undo her pants, pulling them down as quick as he could, and with her help of kicking them off they were gone.
Y/n reached for the last of his blacks, pulling them off his hips he pulled at them as well, removing his boxers as well. His chlothes barely releasing his length, Y/n's hand wrapped around the base of his aching cock.
Y/n's face laced with warmth and a teasing smirk she let her thumb rub the strip under the base of his cock, he groaned watching her tease his cock. His hand pulling at her panties she raised her hips to help, and he loosely pulled them down enough to let his hand go between her legs.
His finger's teasing her clit softly as she meweled, "Fucking hell..." she whined softly.
Both messes under each other's touches Y/n picked up a pace, her hand starting to milk his cock as he moaned heavily, body both relaxed and tense he gripped her thigh.
"Easy- now..." Y/n whispered to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips, "Don't wanna finish just in my hand do we?"
Hunter shook his head no, "you better be on something...I'm gonna cum in you till you beg me to stop..." he moaned.
She chuckled, leaning into his ear, "yeah? Am I gonna be sitting in pools of your cum?"
"Fuck yeah you are." He told her, "f-from every fuckin hole, starting with you're mouth."
She was taken back both by comment. He stood up as she looked up at him, his cock in her face, she moved forward, her lips brushing against his cock as she licked his tip, the taste of Pre-Cum now on her touange.
"Salty..." she teased kissing down his shaft, her hand wrapping around his base. Looking up at him his face was flushed, yet still held a determined look of lust in his eye.
Pulling back to the tip of his cock she kissed the tip, opening her mouth she pushed his tip in, her hands resting on his hips.
Fuck does he feel so good down my throat, Y/n thought, her eyes closed as she moaned, bobbing her head almost instantly causing Hunter to groan.
"Easy doll. You don't wanna choke." He teased, watching her bobbing increase he moaned loudly, her pace only increasing, "Maker you know to suck cock- s-shit-"
Y/n pulled away jacking his siliva covered cock off, "H-hunter fill me with your cum please. I wanna be in a pool of your cum."
He covered his mouth, what the fuck., but he wasnt complaining, watching her deep throat him again he groaned, his hips starting to pool back and thrust, and as soon as he knew it he was holding the back of her head, mouth fucking her hard.
"Yeah baby take it all...like a little slut take it all for me." He moaned, " hell- I'm-"
Hunter hit deep inside her mouth, cumming down her throat, mid way pulling out letting the rest coat her face.
"H-hunter!" She meweled, but he covered her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear.
She swallowed his cum, groaning into his hand as he pulled his hand away.
"They can't hear us..." she panted, cum covered her face and mixed with her drool as she tried to catch her breath, "t-the walls are solid concrete..."
"Well then...I suppose I will be making you scream..." he panted as she bit her lip, looking down at her he chuckled.
Face covered in cum, running down her lips and chin, her breast perky, marks already starting to form on her neck, her panties down to her knees as she sat waiting for him, flushed and horny.
"Maker I can not wait to put my cock in that tight pussy of your's." He told her, his thumb holding her chin.
"Then do it. Fuck me till you can't cum no more" she begged, watching him kneel down infront of her, causing him to chuckle.
"I want a taste of you first." He told her.
Pulling her panties off she bit her lip as he grabbed her legs roughly by the back of her knees, spreading them from one another, she shifted in her spot, allowing her legs to spread a bit wider and give him a better veiw. Hunter didn't bother teasing her, her pussy soaked and aching as he dived in, eating at her clit.
"F-fuck Hunter!" She cried, her back arching as she gripped onto his hair immediately.
Y/n was in heaven, Hunter between her legs completely devoring her.
"Baby so sweet..." he moaned into her cunt, licking up every bit of her fluid he could, shoving his touange deep inside her.
"Oh- maker! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" She begged, his fingers joining his touange deep inside her, as an incoherent mewel escaped her lips, his fingers thrusting deep inside her.
"Come on baby..squirt for me i wanna taste it." He whispered against her cunt.
"H-holy shit!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, eating her raw her back arched and her legs squeezed together but he pulled away, spanking her on the back of the thigh.
"Do that again and I'll stop eating you out and fuck you until you're raw." Hunter deamnded, she nodded mindlessly, as he went back to devoring her.
Her pussy pulsating as he shoved his touange deep insider her, his fingers competing for space.
"H-hunter..." she whined, feeling like she was to snap, "H-Hunter- Hunter! Hunter!"
She squirted into his mouth, her legs squeezing together in pleasure.
"F-fuck!" She moaned, back arching as her legs shook, "F-fuck,"
He pulled away from her, flicking her clit with his fingers intesifiying her orgaism. Moaning loudly she watched him getting up to his knees he leaned over her grabbing her face.
"I told you if you closed your legs again I'd fuck you until your raw." He argued as Y/n blushed deeply.
"I'm sorry sir..." she apologized, pussy still pulsating, still completely soaked with a mix of her own cum and his siliva.
"What did you call me?"
"S-sorry daddy." She apologized.
"Atleast you know your place."
Holy fuck, where did this Hunter come from? Not that she knew Hunter at all, but it was still a shock to see the 'dark and broody' man become such a sex addict that liked to be called daddy.
"You either call me daddy or sarge," he demanded grabbing her chin, "understand?"
She nodded in response.
"I can't hear you."
"Yes daddy."
"Good girl..." he praised, "the better you are the more cum you'll get, understand?"
"Yes daddy."
He spred her legs open again, his knees resting on the bean bag below her as he lined himself up with her soaked entrence. Pushing his tip in her she moaned loudly, her feet resting on his hips, he chuckled, grabbing her hips tightly he shoved himself in her fully.
"F-fuck!" She cried out, "Oh maker yes!"
He started beating into her without warning, she crying out in pleasure as her body shook.
"D-daddy so rough! Oh-yes!" She shouted.
"Touch yourself While I fuck you," he demanded, her hand hand reaching between her legs,rubbing her clit while he fucked her senseless, "Good girl, looks like someone wants to be filled with cum."
She moaned nodding her head in the process as he beating balls deep into her, hearing his cum filled balls slapping against her soaked skin.
"F-fuck daddy please!" She begged, one of his hands finding the back of her hair as he gripped it, arching her over.
"Please what baby girl? Come on. Tell daddy what you want."
"P-please cum in me!" She cried drooling in pleasure, he groaned her tight pussy walls clenching around him, "H-Hunter!"
Moaning heavily he gripped her hair tighter, her free hand gripping his forearm as she bit her lip. The feeling built up in her stomach.
"Y-yeah! D-daddy! Daddy make me cum!" She begged, he watched her come unraveled, beating into her roughly her back arched, toes curling as she moaned loudly, soaking his cock as she squirted onto him, he pulled out of her, rubbing her clit intesifiying her orgaism.
"Oh- Shit!" She cried, the quicker he rubbing her clit more she squirted, slipping back into her he delievered a few hard thrust as she cried out, pulling out once more her orgaism intense as she held her legs open.
"Fuck daddy!" She cried.
"Come on baby let it all out." He praised, slipping into her again and fucking her roughly for a few more thrust, pulling out once more as she squirted the last she could.
"H-hunter- Hunter!"
"Shh baby. Shh." He spoke leaning kissing her roughly she kissed back, pulling away he looked down at her, "You still need my cum in you huh baby?"
"Mhmm, yes please." She begged.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing her sloppily as she groaned.
Pulling away she held onto his arm as he pushed his way back into her, causing her to mewel out his name.
"What a perfect little pussy." He told her, starting to thrust into her, his hand rest at the side of her throat as his thumb pulled her chin down, she wore a curled smile with a deep blush, her pupils dialted wide and pupils seemingly in the shape of hearts.
"H-hunter...daddy..." she meweled.
He grunted down a groan, feeling himself starting to become unraveled, "pussys still tight for me,fuck-"
His gripp tightned around her neck, causing her to choke slightly, as his thrust became sloppy, becoming increasingly rougher as her moans grew louder once more. Loosing rythem he pulled his hand away from her neck, his hands gripping her hips for leverage as he pulled them against his thrust, groaning loudly he still beat into her harshly, his cock pulsating in her. She begged for him to creampie her, her hands finding his hair as she tugged and pulled.
"Ah! Fuck! Yeah! Fuck!" He groaned, "Oh! OH!"
He shoved himself deep inside of her keeping her steady as her back arched, his own body arching into her's as he released a massive load of cum into her.
"Oh! Fuck yeah!" He groaned, completely loosing control, contuining his rough thrust.
"H-hunter! Hunter! Holy shit!" She cried out.
"Fuck Im cumming again!"
"H-hunter! Fuck!" A second smaller load was shot into her, filling her womb with his hot seed as he held her hips tight, rocking into her steadily as to make sure he stuffed her. He panted heavily, his ears seemingly ringing as he looked down at her.
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, her breast rising and falling with heavy pants.
"Good girl..." Hunter praised, slolwy pulling out of her, Y/n letting out the last of her soft moans.
He panted heavily, his hands spreading her legs as she ended up holding her legs open by her inner thighs, Hunter watches the thick cum leaked out of her, cum covering her pussy folds.
"Good girl." Hunter praised, a few of his fingers scooping up some of the cum as she opened her mouth, letting it sloppily leak from Hunter's hand to her mouth and face, "Now, turn over on all fours, Im not done with you yet."
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amzngdevil · 2 years
A peaceful meeting - Modern!AU Reaperstang
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Summary: an oneshot about the aquarium date setting in modern-days. No war, no sci-fi plot, just normal people in their 20's meeting at an aquarium.
Word count: 738
The moment she entered in the aquarium, she felt peaceful. She tried to convince her brother to join her, but he freeze at the entry.
"C'mon Adrius! Don't you like aquariums?"
"I don't like people." He pointed at the crowd ahead while ajusted his headphones under his hoodie. "Enjoy your day, Mustang."
"Be careful out there, Jackal." She replied with a smirk. That was their internal joke, the usernames they used when they're playing Red Rising online, a space opera game.
Now, in her first time in an aquarium, she was all alone. Well, at least she wouldn't be bothered for anyone.
The few lights in the place created a kinda magical atmosphere. She felt amazed by the presence of the creatures around her, separated only by glass. It was a little frightening, indeed, but also bring a different feeling, something that her quick mind strangely haven't found words to describe yet.
People made their way down the hall up ahead while she decided to lag behind. Dodging a group of kids who probably came with the school, she approached the glass on her right. On the other side, only a small shoal of colorful fish strolled through the calm waters. Without thinking straight, she sat cross-legged on the floor, admiring the reflections of the scales in front of her face.
"Peaceful, isn't it?"
She startled when heard the voice. There was a boy standing next to her also starring at the little fishes, hands in his pockets. He was quite tall and strong, his hair slightly darker than hers, tied tightly in a bun at the back of his head.
"Sorry for starled you." He gave a small smile, showing his dimples. "Just saw that you were enjoying these little fellas as much as I was, and I couldn't resist coming over to talk."
"No problem. Wanna sit here with me?"
What the hell was she doing? Asking a stranger to sit by her side? Really? Her mind's voice started to arguing with her, but she didn't care.
"What's your name?" he asked as he sat down.
His eyes widened for a second.
"Just like that Train's song." He whispered.
"Meet Virginia, yeah." she smiled. "Is one of my favorites."
"It's my favorite of all life!" the dimples appeared again. "I'm Darrow, by the way."
The conversation was interrupted by a group of seahorses approaching. Excited by the attention, they floated in a slow dance in front of Virginia and Darrow's delighted gazes.
"There's so many amazing creatures on Earth... I wonder how many even more beautiful we don't know, and how many we didn't knew before they disappeared." she said dreamily.
"Y'know, I think that with the right resources, humanity would create animals that were totally different from the ones that already exist. Maybe bring the mythological ones into reality." Darrow leaned slightly toward her.
"What for? Why create something and just let it get stuck in reserves and aquariums? I understand in the case of an endangered species, but..."
"For entertainment." he shrugged. "For the simple pride of being able to create."
"This is still pretty much strange to me."
"It's exactly what the gods did when they created us."
"Do you believe in gods?"
"No, but I love saying these kind of things to those who believe." he winked.
The laughter that taked her body camed from a deep place, making her shoulders shake. Many people would find that conversation boring and even bizarre, but she liked the way Darrow reasoned. And he liked the sound of her laughter.
A lock of hair escaped from her braid, and he reached to take it back in place. Her eyes were golden, a shade unlike any Darrow had ever seen. Her skin prickled under the contact of his calloused fingers. Their faces came closer. Breaths heavier.
"Hey! The tickets were for a walk. If you want to sit and kiss, there's a square nearby." the aquarium's guard glared at the duo.
Darrow closed his eyes and muttered a curse, making Mustang smile beneath the blush on her face. They got up, awkwardly.
"Can I make you company?"
He offered his arm so she could enlace it with hers.
"Only if you promise to give me your number later."
It was his turn to blush at the flirt. They walked down the hall, and suddenly the most beautiful thing about that place were no longer the animals behind the glass.
Notes: And here it is: my first RR fanfic! Hope you all enjoyed as much as I enjoy write it. English isn't my native language, so pls forgive any mistakes. Feel free to come in my askbox to share your comments, tell if you catched all the references I spread in this fic or just say hi! ♡
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