#it's really weird watching him just intuitively get how it works
glorious-spoon · 1 year
My oldest kid STRUGGLED with learning to read - part of this is that Covid started when she was in kindergarten and distance learning was an unmitigated nightmare, so she pretty much lost any momentum she'd had and took most of first grade to catch back up. It was really only when my sister in law got her a Captain Underpants book for Christmas when she was seven that she was suddenly like, oh! this can be fun! and took off with it.
My younger kid, on the other hand, just sat down and read me an entire book, out loud, barely stumbling over sounding out three- and four-syllable words. He's five; this is well beyond what they're practicing in school. He just... learned how letters make sounds and instinctively picked the rest up. The contrast is wild.
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monicahar · 1 year
“thanks for the flowers!”
“what flowers?”
in which they find out you receive a gift from someone that isn't them.
characters; wanderer, alhaitham, kaveh
; i keep seeing that damn tiktok 😐 gender neutral reader, fluff, crack,
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WANDERER eyes you skeptically, suspicion being evident on his pale features as he scans your expression up and down. has he already caught on to your little prank?
“first of all, who in their right mind would court you? and with some sappy flowers as well?”
you return his unamused gaze, finding him very unfunny.
“you do know that you're dating me, right?”
“unfortunately.” he clicks his tongue, further leaning towards your face, brows still furrowed as if he's trying to decipher something, gazing at you with an unreadable expression that has your resolve crumbling. “is this another one of your antics to get a rise out of me? if so, it's not working.”
his lips break out into a grin upon watching your eyes widen. but your shock doesn't last long—him immediately seeing through your silly scheme isn't an unexpected outcome, funnily enough.
“you're too serious sometimes.” you pout at him whilst he scoffs, “just humor me. what would you actually do if i managed to receive flowers from another?”
“it's simple—you can't.” comes his swift and confident reply, offending you as you stare at him incredulously, weighing the implication of his words.
“you speak of me like i'm the most unattractive person in teyvat—what do you mean i can't?”
“you're an idiot. would i have really chosen you if you were unattractive in any way?” he crosses his arms before facing you completely, indigo hues staring directly into yours.
“i already eliminated all those who dare steal you from me.”
you freeze on the spot, processing what you've just heard.
“...excuse me?”
“—just kidding. i'm no longer that type of person, hah.” he huffs out a derisive laugh, yet his humorous farce does not meet his eyes.
not finding any comfort in his supposed testament of it only being a joke, you opt to stare at him confusingly in return. weirdo.
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ALHAITHAM, much like the wanderer, catches on to the prank immediately. whether it's intuition, scarily precise deduction or just the way you generally act weird when it comes to lying to his face—he still figured you out in the end like it's nothing.
but unlike the wanderer, he decides to humor you and play along. what a good boyfriend.
“...you mean you didn't give me the flowers?” you flutter your lashes at him, a horrible and terribly inefficient way to convince him that the whole thing with the flowers is actually real. alhaitham suddenly has the rare urge to laugh. since when did you act like this?
alhaitham shifts in his seat. “no. who do you think it's from?”
“hm.” you hum thoughtfully, bringing a finger to your chin as if in deep thought. the scribe briefly wonders how far you're willing to take this joke. but he digresses—the chances of him actually getting mad at you are akin to that of kaveh finally shutting up—
“maybe kaveh? he grew an interest in flowers recently, so i've heard. maybe he sent some as like a sign of friendship or something along those lines...there's no way it means something else, riiiiiight?”
alhaitham pauses his train of thought.
speak of the devil.
momentarily doubting his conclusion that you're just pulling a prank, he quietly glowers at you as if silently telling you to take back your words.
“what about him?”
you immediately cower upon the drop in his tone—raising your arms in defense when alhaitham moves to stalk closer to you. “i was joking! i didn't get any flowers from anyone and last time i conversed with kaveh was when i—”
“let's go.” he grabs the back of your collar and drags you along, a newfound heavy weight in his footsteps as an indescribable and uncomfortable feeling creeps up on his neck.
“i really was just joking, 'haitham! i was bored and i wanted to annoy you for a bit! i swear!”
even if it wasn't true, the thought of kaveh gifting you flowers without his knowledge—
alhaitham's expression subconsciously turns sour. quite unlucky that you couldn't witness the extremely scarce sight of jealousy on your boyfriend as you are comically dragged against your will behind him.
“the nearest flower shop is just around the corner. tell me if anything piques your interest.” he says in way that has no room for argument. he is getting you flowers now.
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KAVEH falls for it, obviously. not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed outside his designated profession, you see.
“i don't remember buying any flowers...” he mutters to himself, the gears in his head turning. it's almost laughable when he finally pieces your words together, a look of disbelief painfully present on his faxe but by some miracle, you resisted the urge to burst out in giggles right then and there. “wait...i didn't send any!”
“is that so...then who would send me flowers other than you?” you edge him on, instigating at its finest, much poking a sleeping bear with a stick while you circle it tauntingly.
an actual enraged kaveh is something you've never seen before, just some tantrums and endless ranting about some clients and his roommate. you've always wanted to see it—just not directed at you, hopefully.
“that's...ah, people already know you're dating me though, so it can't be someone hitting on you. maybe it's just from a relative or—”
“really?” you tilt your head, feigning a bit of confusion. “then i suppose i should keep these red roses then. i'll ask tighnari how to keep them alive, i guess.”
“w-wait, wait—could you repeat that?”
“hm?” you face him, “i'll ask tighnari?”
“no, the one before that.”
“...i'll keep the red roses?” you had to hold yourself back from grinning ear to ear when his eyes widen.
it's not unexpected that someone versed in the beauty of art would recognize one of the most common flower's meaning. quite the handy trivia.
he immediately stands up, grabbing your hand in tow as you yelp in surprise at his abruptness.
“those flowers mean love! like, actual romantic love! i'll burn it for you right now! where'd you put it!?” the intensity of his ruby gaze sends shudders down your spine.
“it's not like i reciprocate it—”
“still, no one other than me should be sending those...!” kaveh tightens his grip on your hands, “i don't like the idea of someone hitting on you. i can't let anyone attempt to take you away from me...”
you blink. “kaveh...”
“—that's why show it to me now! or i'll bite you!”
“okay, okay! jeez...”
now...how are you going to break the news to him that it was actually yellow roses, and most definitely not from an admirer?
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the biggest hater of my work is myself. wtf am i writing bruh ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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haine-kleine · 2 months
dunno if I should call this a headcanon or a theory and I know Horikoshi just went with what looked cool but the more I think about Dabi's initial design when he came to the League in the context of what we learned about him and what we saw happen to him during the second war, the less sense it makes that his body was already in that state.
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according to the anime, he was learning by watching Endeavor's videos online. before Sekoto, he wasn't learning from any source at all and went about his training intuitively, but after Sekoto I strongly doubt he would be actively practicing his quirk, for a multitude of reasons. his body was still healing from the skin transplantation, the trauma associated with accidentally burning himself to death, plainly not having a place to train a fire quirk, which tend to be flashy and to use your quirk in public, having a provisional license is required, otherwise he risks getting arrested. he did a very good job staying out of the public's eye for the 7 years since he escaped AFO, who was also implied to be unaware of Touya surviving for so long.
so as far as we know, all he did for those 7 years is lay low and be very online. which makes his remark to Spinner hilarious ngl, at least Spinner sprung up to action as soon as he saw something that had inspired him, while Dabi had spent 7 whole years sitting on his very personal trauma and not going to therapy.
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when Giran brings him to Shigaraki, he doesn't share any information about Dabi save for him being very invested in Stain's ideology. no criminal records, maybe, but not even a word of his absurdly strong quirk? no mentions of arson at all? they did discuss Toga making it to the news, so Dabi being left out like that was a bit weird in the context of the conversation, like him seeking out Stain's contacts was enough reason to let him join the League. he won't be useful to you, Shigaraki, but he's got the spirit. please take him in, he has nowhere else to go?
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if you really look at the way Dabi uses his quirk until MVA, it's noticeable how he seems to have no idea what he is doing. there's no technique, no finesse to his moves, just throwing out huge blasts of fire with his hands and hoping for the threat to leave him alone.
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when Shigaraki attacked him (fully provoked) his reaction was too slow to summon any flames at all, and if it weren't for Kurogiri, that would have been it for Dabi.
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When he is fighting Geten and starts going beyond his limit, he scares himself with the increased fire output. because, yup, overusing his quirk by accident was the source of his trauma.
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the databook puts his technique as the weakest of his stats. his power is huge and eventually allowed him to become the strongest fire quirk user in the BNHA universe, but his technique was extremely lacking.
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all of the above just doesn't paint the picture of someone who has been consistently mastering his quirk for 7 years. rather, it gives the picture of someone who had just started using his quirk for the first time in years, having background training from his childhood.
it's not even that Dabi isn't hardworking as hell or doesn't have the potential to be trained, because he's a complete opposite. continuously going beyond his limit, despite his own body getting in his way, mastering Enji and Shouto's complicated techniques they have worked for weeks/months/years on in a matter of minutes after just observing it. surely, he has been watching Enji and learning the way his father uses his quirk for years, but putting theory to practice? i doubt he even had the chance, before joining LOV.
he had to wait, because starting to actively use his quirk sets the clock into motion, counting down the time he has left. he is like a candle, destroying himself with his fire, until nothing is left at all. he had to make sure his plan of revenge will have a chance to succeed before fully committing to the 'Dabi' route, a slow and agonizing process of cremating himself by continuously using his quirk. because when he really starts using his quirk for long stretches of time? this is what happens to him.
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to conclude this post, I know why the final design was chosen (because it's cool as fuck) but after analyzing the crucial points of Touya's story and his relationship with his quirk, I really think him joining the League with post-coma design would have made more sense. once he had started really using his quirk, his body would slowly degrade to the state Dabi's was in, because his fire literally melts his skin. but his body already having 40% surface third degree burns, when he didn't even use his quirk the entire time, perfectly holding up up until the first war arc and then quickly starting to burn down? idk, seems a bit inconsistent?..
anyway, i love the concept of Dabi's skin slowly and inevitably burning down after he had joined the League. him losing more and more skin until there's barely anything left, when he reveals himself to his father and is bitter at the lack of recognition, because burning himself to the point of being unrecognizable was one of the many sacrifices he had made to be finally seen by Endeavor.
also, more of this. because this was bittersweet as hell
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I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE your Reverse Falls HCs from what I've seen :). I would love to ask more about so much aspects haha.
What is Reverse Ford's main goal in this universe?
What is Ford' and Stanley's backstory?
Mind sharing some info about Reverse! Dipper and Reverse! Mabel?
HOKAY. i will use this ask to talk a little about the reverse stans' backstories because i have Some Ideas. as always full answer under cut bc its got images and rambles galore
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in my mind, the gleeful family association with magic & the supernatural starts with caryn's phone psychic business, and ford having "The Gift" while stan ABSOLUTELY doesnt. but in real terms that means just having a really strong intuition and being able to guess well. (at least thats what filbrick and caryn thing. ford genuinely thinks he has some semblance of psychic ability and so does his mom, but they just havent properly honed it yet) and so ford is the preferred child for that, instead of his smarts really. ford is also obsessed with the supernatural still, but it's more focused on the magical aspect.
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ford and stan's relationship ends up being close because stan is the only one who believes ford about magic. i mean there are other reasons but thats very important to ford
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ford, seeing how stan has always had his back by believing what he says about magic, offers to try and "tutor" stan into having The Gift. drilling him for hours by holding up cards and making him guess, stuff like that. but yknow, since both of them are kinda clamoring to inherit their mom's business, stan kinda ends up relying on ford for everything, and theyre taking on almost a mentor-student relationship when theyre Literally Brothers.
instead of west coast tech, the scholarship ford is being offered is for a famous performing arts school after his teachers saw him take the leads in school plays year after year. they tell him a scout will be at their school's talent show, and ford decides he's going to put on a stage magic show (with stan as his assistant). this time, not only is stan worried about ford leaving, but also, since they've both been working towards a really similar thing (performing for a crowd), he's really worried he'll never get a chance to show off that HE has skill, too! ford brushes him off about this saying that he'll put a good word in for stan when he's at performing arts school and stan is like "ok." and agrees to be his assistant.
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in the middle of ford's show, he goes rogue, trying to show the scouts that he can be just as skilled as ford is, and completely screws up the trick he ends up performing. ford doesnt get that internship, ford is furious, so is filbrick, stan gets kicked out, you know the rest.
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ford goes to backupsmore and double-majors in both theatre and whatever he majors in in the show. he plans to move to gravity falls because of its high ratings of weirdness. after stan got kicked out, instead of becoming a traveling salesman, he becomes a street magician who doubles as a pickpocket. stealing peoples' watches and stuff. he runs around all over the place
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ford digs up four mystic amulets once he gets to gravity falls and stays there for a while, and is like "oh man i can USE these". so how i imagine the amulets to work is that they're kinda like, a conduit through which you can learn legit magic? like casting spells and stuff. but he probably only needs one so he keeps the other three in his house (and that's how the kids eventually find the others)
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and of course thats how he starts up the tent of telepathy!
but he wants more. he wants to make the world pay for ever calling him a six fingered freak. and he wants to prove to the world that his magic IS real. he can't just lie sequestered in gravity falls forever. so he goes hunting for more answers about gravity falls' weirdness, and how he might be able to get more POWER to make a show so good the entire world will see... and that's how he summons will cipher! will tells him about the portal, and how itll open up a dimension of weirdness into his own, and ford accepts on those terms, looking out just for himself. then he asks fidds to come help with the portal, fidds walks out on him, he shackles will to him in a deal, but they both realize they don't have the manpower to run the portal. reluctantly, ford calls stan up, telling him to come and that it's important.
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...but of course that doesnt go well. stan initiates a physical fight and ford ends up getting sucked into the portal. will is left alone with stan, who tells him he can buzz off because HE certainly doesnt want him around. stan works for the next 30 years to get ford back because he wants ford to finally be the one who has to suck up to HIM and owe HIM something.
at some point, mason and mabel's parents become unable to take care of them and give them to stan. he reluctantly takes them in, but soon after, not only do they find the amulets but also journal 2, and they end up reactivating ford's deal with will, getting passed down to the "next of kin" after stan rejected it. AND THATS SORTA WHERE THE SHOW STARTS. THUMBS UP.
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teagballs · 3 months
Hihi!!! I was wondering if you could do a fluff/smut fic w Charlie and afab!reader, the reader is a virgin and is nervous for their first time but Charlie is just super sweet, funny, and caring w them <3 thank you!!!
first time | charlie kelly x reader smut
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authors note: this request has been in my inbox so long i am SO sorry anon omfghwuehehe. im finally in the mood to write smut cuz im off for summer (woohoo) and charlie was also the most requested for me to write smut of 😭😭 SO here we are. this is my first charlie fic i hope i did him justice. love yall as always
cw: NSFW !!!!!!!!!! smut smut smut. afab!reader, taking virginity, p in v sex, charlie is so sweet shsh, 1.9k words
nsfw below the cut
Charlie was an amazing boyfriend. Astonishingly. Not that you went into this relationship believing he was a horrible person or something, just expecting that he would have a lesser grasp on how a relationship functions, and the key things that happen in one. But no. He remembered birthdays and brought you "unique", but well appreciated gifts. And he tried to do one thing he knew was vital for a relationship: affection. Charlie, despite not totally getting the hype himself, was intuitive of what a partner would expect in a relationship and made sure to give you affection. He would give you little awkward cuddles when watching a movie, forehead kisses when you left for work, and would make out with you if you both felt in the mood. When things got heated though, you would back away and mutter apologies about not being ready. And that was okay. He would confirm with you that that was okay and he didn't want to do it if you weren't happy, and that he wasn't upset. But even still you would understand if he was. Because you never explained why you didn't want to.
Despite general weirdness and being unadjusted to society as a whole, Charlie Kelly knew how to fuck. Put gracelessly. It was probably that rough and rugged look that attracted others, as well as you. You knew him long enough to know this about him. And this thought was haunting. Not because you were insecure about him having partners in the past, but because you hadn't. There was a major difference between you and you're boyfriend, Charlie: you were a virgin.
You were growing tired of this abstinence, but you were ruled by fear. What if Charlie was embarrassed or even turned off by your lack of experience? Even so, you couldn't stay like this. For his benefit and your own. So you ask him to talk. Charlie wasn't great with picking up on social cues, so he didn't understand why this could be a big deal. He did pick up on your uncomfortable behaviour, however. You were fidgeting with your hands and pushing your hair out of your face obsessively. You fumbled over your words.You avoided looking at him on the opposite side of the couch.
"So, um, I wanted to talk to you about taking another, uh, step? I guess? In the relationship. Not like marriage or something, um, like sex?" You blabber nervously.
Charlie felt it was important to hold eye contact while you spoke. He was unusually quiet and nodding along. It was encouraging. He wasn't overly eager but also not distressingly unemotional either. He waited for you to continue.
"I know I haven't really wanted to go, uh, 'all the way' before, and you've been really good about it, but I think I'm ready now? But I've been really hesitant about it because, well, I don't have any experience." You were starting to get more comfortable expressing your feelings. "I'm a virgin, Charlie."
Charlie studied your face for a moment. He went to speak, but you butt in first.
"I don't know if I was maybe supposed to tell you? I don't know. I was just nervous you.." You paused and bit your lip, "I thought maybe you'd lose interest?"
"No, never!" Charlie said quickly. It was the first he'd spoken since you asked him to talk, and it was a strong rebuttal. "No, I'd never lose interest in you. I like you a lot. I jus' wanted to make sure you were happy n' stuff." He said. You smiled, feeling a wave of relief hit you.
"So, what, you wanna do it now?" Charlie said bluntly. He wasn't known for being tactful or having much grace in his words. He didn't move from his place across from you. He waited for your reaction. Suddenly, you were feeling a little warm under his gaze.
"If- if you want to- I.." you fumbled.
"No. Do you want to?" Charlie enforced.
You nodded gently before given spoken consent. "Yeah. I do. Badly."
Charlie leaned over the couch. His calloused hand found your cheek. You assumed they were coarse from all the 'Charle work' he had to do at the bar, but he was so so gentle with you. Before he connected his lips, he leaned in close, his breath vibrating against your skin for a moment. He was giving you an opportunity to protest of back away, but of course, you didn't.
You had a lot of practice making out with him, but this felt more charged. You knew what would happen after this. His body followed yours. When you needed to pull away for air, he followed suit and gave you space. When you reconnected, his hands gently held your waist. You found yourself being pushed to be lying on the sofa.
"Is this okay?" he pulled away to ask. You nod and his hands tangle in your hair - not pulling or tugging, just relaxing in it - and moved your face closer.
You're fully laid back on the sofa when your lips disconnect this time. His hands move to grab your shirt. Your heart is beating faster and faster when you realise this is happening now. You're not uncomfortable. No, this is a feeling of excitement.
He delicately lifts the shirt over your head. He's treating you as carefully as you would some bone china or a kitten. You were in the comfort of your own home, so you were braless, and he's studying your tits like they were a piece of fine art, someone's magnum opus. Or whatever Charlie would consider fine art.
"Can I uh- touch?" His voice has a gravelly touch to it, unusual for your squeaky boyfriend. It makes your stomach flip.
When you nod, his hands quickly reach to paw your breasts. The rough texture of his hands against your nipples makes your breath labour a little. He takes note of it.
He continues to fondle you. You're twitching and breathing heavily. But to be honest, you're wishing he would touch your pussy. Deciding to take matters into your own hands and feeling more confident now, you grab his shirt and pull it over his head. He's taken a back by your actions but not upset at all. He let's you take his shirt off. It ruffles his hair a little
You lay back and admire his toned arms. It had always been a feature you were drawn to in him. You'd watch him carry beer boxes or a keg in the bar and feel yourself get wet at the view.
He lets you study him without saying anything and obliges when you kiss him again, just happy to see you gain some confidence in the foreplay. His beard is rough against your face as he angles his head to get deeper into your mouth.
His hands move lower, headed towards the waistband of your sweatpants. "Is this okay, baby?" He mumbled your mouth in-between kisses.
"Yes, please." Please? 'I sounded so pathetic', you thought.
Charlie shimmied your sweatpants down. Your lips stopped moving against his, and you felt your chest get heavy. Charlie stopped what he was doing quickly.
"Are you okay?" probably the 100th time he had said that tonight, but comforting no matter. "We can stop if you need -"
"No, no, no," you cut him off. "It's okay. I'm just a little nervous still."
Charlie leaned his forehead against yours. "You're okay, s'only me." He repeated.
After a minute of silence and when your heart rate returned to normal again, "You can keep going."
Charlie gently took your underwear off. You were embarrassingly wet. Apparently, caring and affirmative boyfriends really get you going.
"So pretty," Charlie mumbled to himself. You could've cum right there.
He gently rubbed his finger along your soaked slit. The contact made you jolt. He kept his eyes on your face the whole time, ensuring you were still into it. The whines you were letting out were all the confirmation.
"Are... do you need me to, like, uh, 'warm you up' or..?" Charlie mumbled awkwardly while still stroking your wet slit.
He was asking if you were wet enough for him to fuck you. You were. You had been since you started making out. And you certainly were now that you were staring at his hard dick in his pants.
You shook your head, "No, I'm ready." You say, taking a deep inhale.
Charlie carefully hooked his hands under your knees to bring you to the edge of the sofa and spread your legs. You angled your hips and watched him bring his dick out of his pants. He tugged it a few times while looking at you spread before him. He kept one hand hooked under your knee again as the other held himself.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." You reply breathlessly.
He pushes himself into you. When he's got his head in, he grabbed your other knee to open you more. He was trying to keep you at the most comfortable angle. The squelch noise that was produced was borderline pornographic. Your eyes squeezed shut when you took him in, slowly slowly. It did hurt. You felt like you were being split open.
Charlie obviously noted your discomfort and repeated, "s'okay," and "doing so good" in a soothing manner over and over until he bottomed out.
He brushed the hair that was sticking to your forehead away so he could see your beautiful face. He was waiting till you gave him confirmation to move. It felt like forever as you waited for the horrible sensation to fizzle out, but it did. Eventually all you could feel was a deep, deep need for him to properly fuck you.
"You can move," you said shakily.
Charlie cautiously moved out, then back in again. This time, it felt good, so good. You found yourself angling your hips so he could be deeper. He kept increasing the pace, letting out low huffs while you began to whine and groan.
The he hit it.
"Jesus! Fuck.. right there."
He jumped a little at your outburst, worried he had hurt you. But when he realised he had found your G spot, he quickened his pace.
You were moaning now, and Charlie had to bite his lip to hold back a smile. Of course he was happy to be fucking you, but he was also grateful that you trusted him enough to be your first.
Charlie moved your legs to his shoulders so his hands were free. One moved to fondle your chest while the other moved down to apply pressure to your clit. The combination was all too much. You gripped his forearm tightly and choked out, "gonna cum."
Charlie only sped up his administrations, and you were pushed over the edge. You spasmed and whined as you came. He let you ride it out on his cock as he gently stroked your hair.
When he was sure you were done, he pulled out to jerk himself off while watching you pant and come down from your high. He grabbed his discarded shirt and came into it.
He shuffled back down onto the sofa so he could hold you. You leaned into his chest and tried to catch your breath. He danced a finger around a strand of your hair.
"S'good... oh my god." you mumbled while looking at him. "Thank you... thank you, Charlie," you babble.
"'It's no biggie." Charlie replied. But he did understand the gravity of the sex you just had.
"Let me get you a towel," Charlie moves to stand up, but you grab his arm.
"No, no, we'll do that in a second. Just hold me." You whisper.
He does, of course. Gently kissing your head while appreciating that he gets to inhale the scent of your hair. He rubs gentle circles on your upper arm. You both could die happy in this moment.
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zweiginator · 2 months
seeing the words law student and patrick has awakened something in me. academic rival patrick in general has me gnawing at my enclosure.
i’m just imagining him being academically gifted the way he is with tennis. like he never puts any real effort into perfecting his craft but he’s just naturally and intuitively so good at it!! you normally wouldn’t mind something like that but he’s so goddamn cocky you can’t stand it!!
i know that coasting on talent would never fly in law school but for our fictional purposes let’s pretend like that would work
also imagining working on a group project with patrick and he’s SO laid back because he knows he’ll be able to get his part of the project done with ease and you being super stressed about him not pulling his weight. he finds your stress hilarious and is actively trying to find ways to distract you from getting your own work done.
i will be thinking about academic rival patrick for a very long time. thank you for putting this in my brain.
lawstudent!patrick who loves to see you riled up. he likes how mad you get, how you yell at him and call him names. maybe he's a masochist but a pretty smart thing like you spitting insults at him and saying he's worthless in the context of your group project really gets him going.
he'd never tell you that, and you just think he doesn't take you seriously. but it all comes to a head when he's watching tv on your couch on full volume while you're trying to outline cases and you snap at him again, telling him to fucking focus for once.
"jesus, chill out. we'll get it done." patrick shoves more popcorn into his mouth and you didn't even realize he's eating your food.
"patrick!" you stand up and grab the remote. he grabs it back, lifting it above his head as he stands up. you try to reach it by standing on the couch, but patrick grabs you by the waist and pins you down on the couch.
"we have to--" you begin to scold him again but the way he's looking down at you like you're nothing like a thing for him to play with is making you feel weird. in a good way, weird.
"we have to what?" he pushes a strand of hair away from your face. patrick's fingers brush against the waistband of your pajama pants.
you feel his erection, stiff against your cunt, still covered by his sweatpants.
"jesus christ--whatever." you yank the hem of his shirt and pull him into you. "i fucking hate you."
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cocoa-rococo · 2 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Morton
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The gentle giant who's solid as stone, and the main enforcer of Bowser's army! A wonderful lad, he is.
Fond of scrapbooking! He has a few about his siblings and growing up together, but also keeps some about his interests. Wendy likes to gift him cute papers and pattern clippers, and Lemmy finds him cool stickers.
Likes watching wrestling with Roy, which often becomes wrestling with Roy.
He likes watching cooking shows for recipes ideas with Larry, and listening to him ramble about how people are doing things incorrectly.
Has a fairly good memory, and is the most likely to not get distracted on a mission, a trait Ludwig is incredibly grateful for.
Favorite season is winter, due to the novelty (but he can't stay in the snow for too long). Summer is a close second.
A pretty decent writer. His prose is fantastic; it's speaking aloud that he had trouble with.
Surprisingly good at healing magic, possibly more so than Ludwig or even Kamek.
He got gifted a camera from Iggy when he was ten, and he's been taking good care of it ever since. He uses it for scrapbooking, mostly, but he likes taking pictures of what surrounds him.
Very fond of yarrow flowers, due to the colors and how so few of them grow in the Darklands. He first discovered them when he was stationed on a mountain fortress waiting for Mario, and picked a whole bunch to keep inside.
Favorite candies are butterscotch and caramel chews, as well as crunchy rock-candy.
While his favorite pastries are donuts, Wendy once gave him a slice of her patisserie’s strawberry shortcake to try, and he’s been hooked on the flavor even since.
Prefers keeping his notes on pen and paper rather than a phone. He likes the feeling of writing.
Favorite fruit is raspberries and oranges.
Allergic to peanuts, but he prefers Nutella anyway.
His skin is actually much thicker than his siblings to help resist temperature extremities, and since he likes to burrow in sand a lot, it sometimes can get cracked and dry. He and Wendy like to get treatments and make a day of it together.
One of his favorite things is just sitting with his siblings and seeing what they're doing. He's happy to help with whatever they're involved in.
The physically strongest koopaling out of the seven. He's sometimes not quite aware of his strength, but he's trying to get better at it.
Has a soft spot for cute, fluffy animals. Probably aware of Larry's love for a ‘girly’ pony show, but doesn't mind.
Likes listening to Ludwig go on about his mystery novels, and helps as a sound-board for when he needs to bounce theories off someone.
He keeps a miniature zen-garden in his room, and likes to spend time raking little patterns in the sand and moving the rocks around.
The first of his siblings to figure out how to transform his wand into another weapon.
Magic is a weird case with him; trying to cast was difficult, even if the effect was fine. When he learned how to wield his hammer, however, it felt much more intuitive.
Really good with kids, even if he doesn't see a lot of them. He was the most excited out of all his siblings for when Junior was born.
Easily the best secret keeper out of the seven. That koopaling is a VAULT.
Has a fondness for birds, especially ducks. He once got to go to a farm with little ducklings and hold them, and he was crying happy tears almost the entire time.
Coincidentally, he's got an amazing rubber ducky collection. It's very cute, and touching it without his permission will very likely kill you.
Is a big fan of sculpture work, and sometimes will make little trinkets and carvings from chunks of rock he finds. His love of making things is also what convinced him to create Morton's Construction, when his siblings were making businesses.
Wendy is on a persistent quest to make him an Instagram for his scrapbooks and carving work. Morton is on a persistent quest to remember to use it, but always gets distracted.
One of the best taiko drummers —and kumi-daiko performers — this side of the Darklands. He practices with the Hammer Bros.
Can and will stop everything and anything he's doing to make sure an animal crosses the street safely.
Has an almost mom-level accuracy for knowing where lost things are. Any time his siblings can't find something, they go to him, and ninety percent of the time, his guesses are right.
Loves giving hugs! Does not love how he sometimes hugs a little too hard and people get squished.
He likes experimenting in the kitchen with Larry, offering spice suggestions and combos, even if he turns the heat on way too high.
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mythicalgeek · 7 months
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is a tragically underrated work of art.
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If your a fan of fantasy like Lord of the rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars please give The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance a watch.
Its a prequel series to the 80s movie and it's one of the best fantasy shows in recent years and goes back to classic fairytales and mythical storytelling.
Everything is mostly done with practical effects and only uses CGI where it's really necessary. The show also brings back puppetry and even though none of the character's are humans there's more humanity in this show than most media we get today.
The world of thra is a magical and strange place that you find yourself immersed in, with all the creatures and beuaty of the natural world at full display you find yourself encanted by it.
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The gelfings are really adorable and you can't help but care about them, the main three protagonists have well flushed out personalities and each one has a interesting journey they go on that lead them to start the resistance and the quest to save there world.
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The Skekies are really creepy and make for some pretty great villains. There motivation and interactions are giving just as much time as the heros, they rule thra with cruelty and manipulation, stealing the live force of the planet and the then the gelfing. There some of the most terrifying villains we've gottan in the last few years and I gotta say, I was absolutely horrifying by them.
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This show does a lot of things right and one of them is how it writes the female characters. Deet and Brea (the two female leads) are very feminine heroines who are kind, empathetic, intuitive, clever and strong without it being showed in our faeces. Even when the female characters are warriors or soldiers there femininity is not devalued or see as a weakness. We also have more complex characters like Seledon and the gelfing leaders (who are all female) and it's just so nice to have a fantasy show that handels the female reputation so beautifully.
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At the same time the male character's are also written with the same amount of care and respect, for example Rian (the main male lead) is a soldier who after finding out the truth about the skekies, is faced with the hard challenge of spreading the truth while dealing with loss and trauma, we see plenty of moments where his aloud to be vulnerable and we see him grow into a strong leader for the resistance.
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We also have Hup who even though he is a side character, is a lovable podling who steals every sence he's in. He dreams of becoming a hero and has such a heartwarming friendship with Deet it's hard not to love him and want more of him.
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All the relationships between the gelfing feel so intimate and pure, wheater there familial, platonic or romantic the show gives us so many beautifully written relationship and dynamics, that add to the emotional core of the story.
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There's also some political drama with the gelfling clans and the skekies as they try to hold on to there power, it's done in a way that both kid's and adults can follow.
The action is surprisingly good for show with only puppets, we have sowrd fights, flying gelfings dropping booms, wild carriage rides and it's really exciting and done well.
There is only 1 season unfortunately but it's still worth the watch, I do have to warn everyone that there is a lot of scary and truely horrifying moments so if your sensitive maybe give this a pass, but there's a balance between the dark and whimsical and there's so many funny and sweet moment's that allow you two catch your breath.
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This series is a hidden gem in the world of fantasy and that's a dame shame because it is everything you could whant from a epic fantasy story that we just dont see a lot of anymore.
I like shows like The Witcher and Rings of power but none of those shows have captured my imagination or sense of wonder like the dark crystal aor did. I have so much love for this beautiful, weird, creepy, wonderful, magical puppet show and I wish it got more recognition for the work of art it truly is.
The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance is pure magic and deserve so much more attention. It's on Netflix so check it out if your looking for some good fantasy.
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unlikelyjapan · 1 year
s2e6 rewatch notes - part 2
OK, jumping back in from the point where Stevie says "Carm, this is a good thing."
Richie passing Tiff the Sprite (inside the bedroom that is totally just the walls of Donna's brain - the Carmela Soprano-esque mom tchotchke's mixed with predatory animal statues and black accents - maybe a bit too on the nose....) and saying "Carmy made this for you - he's a god damn pop machine, this guy. He's a weird little dude!"
Both Richie and Tiff mistake Carmy's kindness for weakness, just like everyone else from his past. It explains why Tiff would gravitate towards someone like Richie - she hates his brashness (see when she wanders into the kitchen scene after throwing up and he's just revving everyone up) but accepts it so long as it's countered with tenderness because that fits with her idea of masculinity and normalcy.
"We're trying to....um....you know, hook him up with Claire Bear -loosen him up a little bit."
Tiff - "With Claire? Why would you do that? She's so nice."
Nice people (shorthand for normal people) deserve archetypical masculine guys who can be romantic - not people who are neurodivergent and kind. Trauma doesn't factor into any of their considerations in setting people up, because they don't reckon with their own.
The subject changes to Richie and Tiff's relationship and future plans/housing - after just discussing how to "turn Carmy into a MAN man" we watch Richie quietly flounder because we know damn well The Beef won't afford the kind of life Tiff envisions for their new family. Tiff shares her dream about the all-green clothes for them/red for the baby (the baby breaking their mold/image) and they wonder aloud if they're going to be good parents and if Eva is going to like them.
It's true that they'll be better - they're present, they don't want to start from a bad place. But when we look at how they were razzing Carmy, it's indicative of the fact that they're not about to shed the baggage of their histories - they are playing roles that were established for them through their pasts, so they're doomed to failure after the glow of new family wares off and life gets in the way. It'll just look a little different, a little better.
Richie utters "I don't want to be at The Beef every day" to Cicero as Mikey is ranting about the Bill Murray story in the background. Richie was exhausted by the patterns in his life 5 whole years ago, and it wasn't just about providing for his family. It's so obvious that he fully regressed during the pandemic/things not working out in his new life the way he hoped. He also knew at that time that "I'm good with people, but I've never really had an outlet for that" and he never gets to prove what he intuits until "Forks" - by the grace of Carmy, no less.
*lights a candle for Natalie Berzatto* All of Natalie's abuse is so straight-forward and targeted. I'm glad they explored her character this season, but she's still too neatly-tied for the type of abuse she endured. Some of that is a celebration of her core female essence/strength, but I feel like some of the veneer still has to crack in future seasons - if they have her reeling from postpartum depression in S3 on top of her initial worries about Donna/motherhood, it's truly going to break my heart.
Taking a moment just to appreciate John Mulaney belittling the Faks, as it's the only scene where I found their presence enjoyable.
Carm grabbing the saltines and asking Mikey about them working together - Mikey saying The Beef is a nightmare is self-explanatory, but the fact that Carmy follows it up with "I don't want you talking to Claire if you don't give a fuck" and Mikey assuring him that he does, convinces Carmy that Mikey loves him through his meddling with Claire. Out of the two things Carmy has yearned for (at this stage in his life) since high school, Mikey only wants him to have one of those things - the one Mikey and co. decide will be good for him.
Mikey saying "I give, like, the biggest fuck" and Carmen looking pacified/accepting of that statement, means that his father brother is telling him that Claire is the most important thing for him to pursue in his life, and he's just asserting his love for his brother by trying to set him up with her. So much damn pressure....
Discussing The Bear drawing outside the pantry
"It's beautiful....",
"Yeah....we could do this"
"Yeah.....let it rip."
I'm pretty sure this is the last one-on-one conversation Mikey and Carmy ever had, matching the suicide note - this scene is a living goodbye, and John Berenthal plays it like he knows it. Expert-level shit, expert-level acting all around.
All hail Sarah Paulson's hot mess of a character (you can take the dysfunctional girl out of the midwest, but you can't take the midwest out of the dysfunctional girl), even if she was just around to narratively offer Carmy a flashing exit sign (knowing that he's talented and cognitively different from the rest of the lot) and dole out the story about how bears grieve.
I think one thing that Richie, the Fak's and other "related by friendship" hangers-on have in common is that they recognize that Mikey and Carmy's familial suffering has made them dynamic in ways that their own suffering has not. Both have their own unique gravitas that separates them from all the other men in their crummy suburban life - these other men are trying to absorb power by proxy.
"Can you just go and get Dad's gun out of my drawer and I think I'm just going to blow my fucking brains out and then you guys can make dinner because I don't think anyone would fucking miss me" - many thanks to @loudlightobservation for pointing out in the part one comments that Donna probably has untreated Borderline and Narcissistic PD. I initially thought this scene was over-the-top, but I burned an hour reading about how severe the reactions to perceived abandonment can be in these cases.
As per my comments about Natalie and her veneer, at least she can do things like ask Stevie "can you hug me?" and select men like Pete who will always be ready to do so. Unlike the boys, she learned how to identify needs and self-soothe early, probably because she was the most neglected of the three.
Didn't know where to put this: Cicero's relationship/flirtation with Donna when she's in the kitchen "do you know how fucking hot you are when you're slurring your words?", Lee's hatred of Cicero, and Lee trying to make inroads with Donna (again) through a work collaboration - the building in Wilmette likely being the property that Cicero mentioned having to offload. Carol (revealed to be Cicero's wife by name in s1e4) yelling at Lee as he enters for his first scene of the show. Again, I didn't know where to put these interconnected notes, but WHAT. THE. FUCK. HAPPENED. HERE.
Also, is Lee a former partner in The Beef (after he presumably replaced the Berzatto patriarch for a stay) and that's part of the resentment towards Mikey - along with sharing Donna for a time? Or is it something else? I've had a hard time piecing together these narratives beyond the obvious psychosexual connection to Donna.
Ugh, the all-hands crucifixion of St. Pete - I morphed from "who is this cuck?" in season 1 to wanting to storm onto the set and carry him out myself like a baby - not unlike how I felt the first time I saw Carmy slapping the donut out of Marcus' hands. Cringe but ultimately minor transgressions in a charged environment wind up being the greater sin than full-on emotional abuse with the Berzattos.
I'm finding there's less to dissect in the second half of the episode - everything is more overt. Cicero is generous. (re: shielding Richie). Natalie and Carmy are emotionally spent from their Donna-duty.
The whole final Donna/Carmy kitchen scene brings up a lot of existential questions I ask myself as a cook about food being a mechanism of control. I love to gather and cook for people - but I also know I'm an anxious person who needs to control the narrative, and sometimes I want people to be somewhat beholden to me through the care I extend to them through food and entertaining. In doing this, I sometimes feel pushy, and know there is always a level of avoidance in hosting/caring for people.
But with Donna, and through that conduit, Carmy - food IS control. Food IS enmeshment. Food IS the forcing function for unruly togetherness (through the restaurant and grand celebrations in the Italian tradition).
I hope that Carmy, through his collaboration with Syd, carves out a healthier narrative of what caring for people through cooking and service means. I don't think he hates cooking, as others have postulated - I think he hates the enmeshment, I think he hates himself for feeling he needs to control people through food. I think he hates feeling forced to do it, because he can't function that highly outside of it. The sooner he can extricate himself from his past, the sooner I think he'll love creating food and sharing it again.
The Lee and Mikey jousting bit is essential to the dinner unravelling, but while it's immaculately acted, it's not really interesting to me since it's such an overt conflict. Poking the bear, fighting to be the patriarchal figure of the house, blah blah blah. It makes for great visuals, but it doesn't reveal any new depth beyond "men=fucked."
And the "cousin, you're scaring the normals" comment - I see no evidence that anyone who would willingly wander into this abattoir fits that description. The best part of the scene is when Lee says "throw another fork at me and you're going to get fucking rocked" and then there's just the pregnant pause, immaculately shot, with the old clock ticking in the background.
Lee's "You're nothing. You're nothing. You're nothing" harkens back to "You're bad at this. You are bullshit. You should be dead" - all of the Berzatto men are capable of being ground to a pulp by other men they perceive to be authorities in some form or another, and I think we're only just beginning to see in this season how women factor into the equation (those in charge and those who are seemingly powerless) after a lifetime ruled by Donna.
Donna, who enters the scene, and everything defers to the power she holds over everyone with her tempestuous illness.
Ha, I missed the line in Stevie's grace where he says "We're healthy, I think? No ones si....no ones physically very sick."
"Natalie Rose Berzatto...." God. If I had turned off subtitles, JLC's delivery in this scene would make anyone hear "Do you know how much I fucking hate you" - because that's what she meant. And God bless Michelle.
It seems like, the moment Carmy looks at the car and the cannoli, it's finally cemented in his mind that Mikey and Donna are intrinsically the same person (but the selective trauma memories he maintains after Mikey's death wipe out the bad, hence his surprise about him using etc). Ending with Natalie's A+ horror film face and the lyrics "Could you ever know how much I care?" was absolutely the right editorial tone to end the episode.
I'm going to be honest....I thought I'd find a lot more in this hour than I actually did.
I'm really looking forward to Bolognese onwards, mostly because I really miss Syd now - the show without her energy (mostly because Natalie still has inadequate development, through no fault of her own) is just male trauma from a male perspective....
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - July 1
Seward speaks!
“His spiders are now becoming as great a nuisance as his flies, and to-day I told him that he must get rid of them. He looked very sad at this, so I said that he must clear out some of them, at all events.”
First of all, this is what happens when you decide to run thought experiments on your patients to take away from the fact that you got rejected. Harsh? Yes, but am I wrong??
Also, I love that Renfield looks so sad that Jack lowers the “all” to “some”. He has no logical reason to do this, except that he feels bad. I know Seward does a lot of bad doctor things (and we WILL get there), but it is nice to notice those traces of him being sympathetic when he doesn’t have to be. Also, it’s funny to imagine how the conversation went:
Seward: you have too many flies and spiders in here. You need to get rid of all of them.
Renfield: …all of them?
Seward: yes! All of them.
Renfield: oh…ok…I see…😔😔💔🥺🥺🥺🥺
Seward: …
Seward: ok, FINE. You can keep SOME of them.
Renfield: really??
Seward: But I expect a reduction of these things in the next three days!
Renfield: you got it! :D
Renfield literally pulled “puppy dog eyes” and it worked! Good for him.
“He disgusted me much while with him, for when a horrid blow-fly, bloated with some carrion food, buzzed into the room, he caught it, held it exultantly for a few moments between his finger and thumb, and, before I knew what he was going to do, put it in his mouth and ate it. I scolded him for it, but he argued quietly that it was very good and very wholesome; that it was life, strong life, and gave life to him.”
Hey, buddy, if you don’t want to be grossed out by the guy LITERALLY CATCHING BUGS FOR FUN, maybe don’t study him under a microscope?
Also, again, Renfield doesn’t argue with Seward in an unrestrained or violent manner: he quietly pushes back that the fly “[gives] him life”. Now as far as depiction of mental illnesses go, I would say Renfield is far from being the best — of course — but I will say it’s interesting that Stoker deliberately breaks the stereotype of him being unhinged or violently angry when his ideals are challenged. Did this man just eat a fly? Yep. Did he also then calmly assert it’s good protein for him? Also, yes. While we know something deeper is going on with Renfield, as far as most readers knew at this point in the story, he was just another man in an asylum. I do know there was somewhat of a shift in how mentally ill characters were being portrayed — still not great overall, but now showing them as more calm and rational than previous characters: Jekyll from the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as well as the Woman from The Yellow Wallpaper come to mind as examples of this. Like I said, not great depictions — just different and more complex shifts in how mental illnesses were shown in literature.
“This gave me an idea, or the rudiment of one. I must watch how he gets rid of his spiders.”
Yep!! Be warned, Seward. I don’t think he gets rid of these spiders in a normal way. Although it’s funny he’s like “I just watched him eat a fly. Disgusting. I must observe him further to see if he does it again with the spiders.” 😂😂😂
“He has evidently some deep problem in his mind, for he keeps a little note-book in which he is always jotting down something. Whole pages of it are filled with masses of figures, generally single numbers added up in batches, and then the totals added in batches again, as though he were ‘focussing’ some account, as the auditors put it.”
Hey, we all have our hobbies, you don’t have to call it a problem of the mind: rude 🙄. You’d think he’d call the fly thing more of a “mind problem” but I guess that’s fine? Also, hmm, adding up single numbers as if he’s making an account? And he wrote it down right after you saw him eat a fly? That doesn’t seem weird to you, Seward? Or perhaps he does intuit the meaning and doesn’t want to think about it/put it down before he knows for sure yet. If that latter, he’s just like Jonathan in that regard! I’m not surprised Lucy recommended him for Mina LOL. I’ll keep looking out for more similarities!
That’s all for this entry, let’s see what Renfield does next!
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ronnieafterdark · 6 months
Starting this side blog off with a bang, here's some previews of some fics I'm working on. Who knows if they'll ever be published! I certainly don't.
Fic one:
Mike narrows his eyes as continues to watch the camera footage, his chin nestled in the crook of his hand. He watches as the trespasser fidgets with a book, as if they're trying to read but they can't take in any of the words. Like when you read an entire page and realize you were zoned out for most of it so you have to go back and read it again. This person broke into a building to read a book? That's really fucking ballsy. He wants to confront this person (because that's, you know, one of his number one job duties) but he can't help but think about the last time he ‘confronted a criminal’ at a security gig. His eyes drift over to the dust-covered intercom to the side of the monitors which has gone unused for the entirety of his tenure at Freddy's (and probably for the past few decades, too). He would say that there's absolutely no shot that it still works, but, then again, the owner of this place tends to place a weird amount of care in keeping things functional. He knows how to use a modern intercom (he used to be in charge of announcements over the intercom at an aquarium he worked at once—his boss thought he had a great radio voice, or something. That was until he flubbed one of this lines, accidentally saying ‘testicles’ instead of ‘tentacles’... Yeah, he wasn't on announcement duty anymore from then on), but he has no idea how an intercom from the eighties would work. It should be pretty intuitive, he figures.
Fic two:
"You act like you think I care about you," you say, rolling your eyes. "I don't think that. In fact, I want nothing less than for you to care about me," he mutters, voice suddenly growing colder, his previous playfulness dissipating. "And why is that?" You ask, eyes meeting his. "Because I don't care about you. I don't want my apathy to be unreciprocated." You nod, a quick breath leaving your nose. "Gotcha." "You know," he shrugs, leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up on his desk, "you should probably stop worrying about me as much as you do. Between the two of us, do you really think I'm the one who's most likely to have a bounty on their head? You're the one who does all the killing." You glare at him. "Well that's a real fucking comforting thought, but I assure you that I don't have to worry about myself. Nobody stands a chance against me." He sighs, resigning to your stubbornness. "Fine. Just remember that you can never be too careful."
Fic three:
I'm the one who first notices it— no, wait, I think he notices first. He can be a bit of a baby at times and he gets all dramatic over the turbulence. He's the first to say ‘something seems wrong’, but because Derek is Derek, it sounds something more like: "What the fuck is up with this damn thing? It's shaking like a goddamn druggie going through withdrawal. Hold on... Look at that. Look at the fuckin'... System... Thing." Error: server maintenance. "The hell does that mean?" "It's like when you can't play a video game because they have to do something with the server," I respond, taking a closer look. "That's a lot of error signs. How do we fix whatever's going on?" "Fuck if I know. I'm not an engineer." "I don't want to touch anything and make it worse." He gets up, standing next to me and gazing at the ever-increasing amount of error messages on the screen. Error: unable to connect to server. "What, so we can't use Bluetooth anymore? 'Least I don't have to hear your damn music anymore," I mutter. Error: piloting system down. "Oh, that sounds bad—" Error: controls disabled. "Controls disabled? Wait, does that mean—" Error: engine disabled. "Engine disabled? Holy shit— Derek! We're crashing!" Derek's head whips around, immediately locking eyes with me. Pure panic. He lurches forward, grabbing hold of my shoulders and—
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lewis-winters · 1 year
would love to hear more about the skinny/speirs confrontation 👀 (I'm sure other would too so feel free to answer publicly)
Ok I did not actually anticipate ppl being interested HAHAHAH but since ya'll asked nicely (@ep6bastogne and @hellofanidea mWAH to you too), here it is under the cut.
Ok so like. Understandably, people are more focused on Web and Lieb when it comes to the mountain top scene and that's perfectly fine. They're the ones I first thought about too. But then the more I watched that scene, the more I nyoomed in on two details: 1) It is implied that Speirs personally gave the order for Liebgott to go up there and deal with the officer, and 2) Skinny is the one who ends up pulling the trigger.
Which brings me to like. This fic I started planning in my head but couldn't quite write down because I am. Lazy. Anyway, it follows several plot points:
1) This is piggyback riding off my meta that Ron had ulterior motives to sending Liebgott up the mountain, which I have outlined in this post. TL;DR Ron used Lieb's anger (and to some extent, Web's too-- in my head, he heard about the incident with the baker in ep9, and he wanted to exploit that, not anticipating that Web's own self-preservation (of both his own person and morals) would get in the way) to do his dirty work, knowing that he wouldn't be questioned because of his position and because of said anger blindsiding all logic Lieb might have.
2) Skinny somehow knows this. He's more intuitive that people give him credit for. If Ron handpicked Lieb and Web because he knew, at least to some extent, that their anger would push them to do what he wants, then what the hell was Skinny doing there?
3) That question will haunt Skinny for awhile. Because why did Ron know, somehow, that Skinny would pull the trigger when either Lieb or Web could not? What anger and violence did Ron see in Skinny that made him think: "ah, yes, him; that's my killer of killers"? And most importantly, why did Skinny prove him right?
This is very much informed by how irl Skinny's PTSD was very much centered on the people he killed as a soldier (as opposed to people he lost). He's constantly cited in his writings and his letters that he felt unforgivable. So it isn't a massive leap for me to go yeah!! that boy killed an unarmed man (albeit a nazi, but I don't think even that could help him justify this) and then was later present when Web says "war's over, anyone would run" which no doubt would add to his already guilty conscience.
Add all of that together, and you have a recipe for a very traumatized lost boy wondering if maybe he's carrying a monster inside of him, and if maybe Ron could see it.
4) the answer, in the end, is that Ron couldn't see it. This was the dialogue I wrote first, and it has had me by the balls ever since:
"So why me? What did you see in me that was so twisted and cruel that you decided I should be up there, huh? Tell me!"
"... Nothing. I just needed a third man."
5) anyway. Ronald does, finally, admit to having used Lieb and Web to get what he wants. But Skinny doesn't care, because all he hears is that he's collateral damage. And that's not quite as comforting as Ron thinks it is.
soooooo. yeah.
**another plot point I have listed but couldn't really put anywhere in this weird ass list: there's also some cognitive dissonance sprinkled in there-- Skinny could justify Lieb and Web's reactions. He'd say Lieb has the right to do it. He'd also say Web's attempt at perserving himself as wise. it's important to note that Skinny went into this with the mindset that he was already unforgivable from the beginning. this just exacerbated it, but also gave him somebody who could probably answer his questions (i.e. am I really unforgivable? am I rreally a monster? am I a murderer? etc etc).
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kamomie · 1 year
My thoughts as of rn on foolish's betrayal
The “arc” did just start, so things are subject to change. But this is my opinion/take on what happened yesterday and the things that stood out to me.
Long read ahead and this is the short version OTL
To me, even entertaining and trying to do an “well actually��” in this case is so unserious and disingenuous. Q!Foolish betrayed his friends. As of right now, he’s a traitor. I don’t know how you could watch q!Foolish arrest q!Pac and q!Mike, and not think that in itself wasn’t a major betrayal? He literally led them to the place of arrest without giving them any sort of indication that they were in potential danger. He arrested them for crimes they seemingly didn’t commit and gave them up to the federation. Just like that. This was at the very least betrayal of q!Tazercraft, but in my opinion, also a betrayal of all his friends. Especially the Brazilians and Richarlyson.
Part of the betrayal is also the fact that q!Foolish really doesn’t think he did anything wrong, he feels no remorse. Leading up to the arrest, he keeps saying stuff like “they’ll understand, they won’t get mad”, as if he’s not fully grasping the severity of his actions.
He really sat there in the federation office and just went along with Cucurucho’s plan with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. And that just continues, he gets a bit nervous too, but mainly he’s super excited and happy.
Another thing I noted was the “I trust your strong sense of justice” book Cucurucho gave him. It doesn’t align with his person at all. Q!Foolish hasn’t ever been about justice, he’s been much more of a let live kinda guy. Even his answer to Cucurucho about what he thinks about Order, is a clear indication that he’s not really occupied by these themes, to him order is fine, if it doesn’t get restraining. That’s really all the thought he has about it. Q!Foolish is not someone with a strong sense of justice. He’s actively hiding an illegal item as we speak.
It felt as though Q!Foolish intuitively knew something was off, but he actively chooses to not think about it. He clearly doesn’t see himself as someone with a strong sense of justice, he does find it a bit weird Cucurucho asks him to do the arrests, when the federation usually does it fine themselves. But in his excitement, he ignores all the red flags.
Q!Foolish also seem to be under the belief that he’ll be easily forgiven and that no one will be mad at him, which shocks me, because by now, he should know that working with the federation and not sharing information is social suicide on the island. Especially when he really isn’t being threatened nor blackmailed. For all intents and purposes, he could’ve refused, but he didn’t even entertain the idea of not helping the federation.
Even when q!Cellbit makes it clear, that if q!Foolish is in any way omitting truth and not sharing information, he would no longer consider him a friend, q!Foolish still just talks in circles and refuses to elaborate and explain. Q!Foolish seems to think he can get away with his empty words and generally likeableness. The final nail in the coffin is his lie to q!Jaiden. Painting his actions as a last resort to protect Richarlyson is clever but also so underhanded. But if it ever comes out or people start to question it, it will also be his downfall.
He thinks he knows what he’s doing and that he’s in control, but in reality, I think Cucurucho/the federation are using him and he’s in way over his head.
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romanarose · 6 months
Congrats again bb, and no pressure for this one if you’re overwhelmed but I think it’d be cute if we could pls see a scene (LaL) where one of them has like pre wedding jitters or something and how they deal with it
Leather and Lace
Takes place after Take Your Time but before For the Longest Time. Before Laci and Santi go through their rough patch (which don't worry to anyone who read lal but not the others, they are totally okay.) Laci and Santi are engaged.
Warnings: Insecurity, references to Laci'spast sexual trauma, addiction, domestic violence, bad life before Santi. mentions of miscarriage and potential fertility troubles,
Santi could always tell when Laci needed him. Always. Whether in person, away from each other, it didn't matter. Laci liked to say that's why he took the mission that lead him to her in the first place, he knew she needed him. Santi didn't believe in all that, but he did like that he had this intuition. Even when it woke him up.
"Ah!" Santi startles awake, eyes wide to find his pretty fiance staring at him. Lacina was propped up with her head on on her arm, just watching him, he Ghost Face night light illuminating her. "Jesus Lace, you scared me."
"Oh, so my face is scary, is it?" Laci teased with a smile.
"Nope, prettiest thing I've seen in my life" Santi pouted his lips.
Laci got the hint, leaning in to press a kiss to him.
"You aright, munaquita?"
She binked. "You really wanna marry me?"
Santi scoffed for a moment turning away to laugh, then he looked back. She was serious. "Laci, how can you ask that? We got engaged 2 weeks ago!" He pulled her onto his body. Laci was wearing shorts and a tank top with Santi's long sleeve from back in the jungle. Laci rested her head on her arms that she crossed ovr his chest. Santi liked when she laid on him, her body weight was a perfect comfort.
"No one's ever wanted to marry me before."
"That's because everyone stupid."
"What if I get bad again and we can't have sex"
"Lace, we've both made each other cum untouched."
"What if I can't have kids."
Santi's eyes widened at that. Not because having kids mattered more than her, but that she would suggest that. "Baby-"
"I might not! I miss carried when I was in-"
"Because they were starving and hurting you!"
"Well I lost my period for a year! Maybe I lost my chances!"
Santi pecked her cute little nose. "Doesn't matter. I drank so much back in the day, maybe I fucked shit up too."
"I don't think that's how it works."
"Don't matter. if we," Santi was sure to say we. He didn't want to place all the responsibility on her. "can't have kids, I still got you and that's what matters."
Laci's face scrunched up, thinking of all the reasons he may break up with her. "What if my body looks really weird after a baby"
"Then I'll love your weird body just as much as I love your body now." Which is a lot. He squeezed her ass for good measure.
"What if I go vegan"
"I'll eat meat at Frankie's house."
"What if I decide to get like, really into horoscopes. Like, a lot."
"I'll find my birth certificate and get you the exact time and place I was born."
"What if I wanna name our baby something really bad like... McBreighleigh"
Santi laughed, but answered. "Then in a few years you'll hear me yelling "Brin! It's time for pre-school"
"What if Yovanna comes back."
Santi frowned. "Wha- Lace..." He tucked a lock of her fine hair behind her large ears. Where's that coming from?
She shrugged, looking away. "I dunno..."
"Laci..." Santi gently guided her face to him. "C'mon."
Laci sighed, but looked back at him. "Ben told me you talked to her the week you found me... Why didn't you tell me that..."
Ah. "Sweetheart... I didn't mean to keep it a secret... but we don't... we don't talk about our dating past..." They didn't. They each new the basics. Santi knew that every man she dated used her for money or sex or something to take their anger out on. She didn't like talk about her long history of addiction, sexual trauma and abuse with him. She had her therapist, and Santi was there any time she needed. He knew some stories, he knew the worst of things of course. He wanted to know so he could learn how to not trigger her. He didn't know her full history. If he wanted to, she could tell him. It didn't seem like she wanted too.
Likewise with Santi, Laci knew the basics. She knew she was the first serious girlfriend he'd ever had. He'd dated, even lived with women before, but it was all pretty casual. Yovanna was the first time things had gone deeper. Santi admitted yeah, he had loved her, but she wasn't Laci. After Colombia, Santi had visited her and her brother in Austrelia, a solice for a few weeks after the horrors... but Santi needed to be near his friends. Benny's drinking and fighting was becoming unmanageable for Will alone, and Jana had broken up with Frankie, leaving him a coparent, but with a raging coke addiction. Santi had to be there for him and for his daughter. The last time Yovanna and him had talked was a few days before he found Laci. She didn't want much contact, still fearing Lorea's men and all the drug lords whose money they burned.
"She was just checking in, Lace. She doesn't want me. I don't want her."
She was silent for a moment. "I don't get it."
"Get what?"
Laci sat up straddling his chest. She squished his cheeks. "How anyone could not want you." She was smiling now, and Santi was smiling back, squeezing her thighs.
"Miss Lacina, it doesn't matter if she did want me, I got you, mi chica perfecta, ella sol de mi dias, mi todos. I don't want anything else."
"Even a woman who looks like a super model with normal sized ears and doesn't drown in a 5" pool?"
"PPPSSSHHH" Santi scoffs. "Being tall is overrated. I got the prettiest girl in the world right here."
Laci grinned at that, hopping off him and scrambled back into bed. Getting under the covers, Laci nudges him onto his side and wraps and arm around him. becoming Santi's big spoon (or his lil backpack, as Santi called it.)
"You okay now, munequita?"
He felt her nod against his neck, then give him a kiss. "yeah. Can you just like, remind me you still love me and didn't secretly get tired of me every now and then?"
"Yeah, Miss Lacina." Santiago interlaced his fingers with hers. "I'll remind you every day."
Thank you guys!!!!
This is for my 2000 followers celebration, but ima tag a few people fron the original LaL days, some of you have been here with me since before 500 followers, a year and a half ago!
For those who didn't keep up with the other series, Laci and Laci are married now, and Laci is preggo with their son <3
@pimosworld @miraclesabound @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @bensolosbluesaber @whatthefishh @kirstydreaming @missdictatorme
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ay-chuu · 2 years
Hi! Your bsd prompts are so cute!
Can I request chuuya with one but they are dazai’s little sibling (if possible gender neutral) sorry I just love that prompt <3
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Still Human
Pairing: Chuuya x reader/ Dazai (platonic) x Reader
A/N:I also added lots of Dazai! Hope you like it, my dear, I'm giving you a big hug ♥ And you are more cute
Prompt 1: "Wait a minute, are you jealous?"
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Siblings are weird, you thought. Because you cannot define your siblinghood.
Your elder brother, Dazai, invited you to Japan even though he didn't want you to. You were normally a high school student studying abroad. The last time you saw your brother… you were about the age of 12. Or so you remember.
Dazai secretly loved you. As the brother of someone like him, he was glad that you found joy in life in small things. But this makes Dazai… jealous. VERY jealous.
And Dazai was scared. If he loves you too much, he was afraid that because everything he loves is gone, you will also go. Maybe you would have left him, or worse, you would have died.
Maybe that's why Dazai was always strict with you. Cruel, without compassion, but still a brother who never did anything to you (how could he...) and did not speak. It's as close to his natural state as possible, but it's so far away.
"I need your help. I need the help of someone with my last name."
He could have called other members of the family. But he called you because you knew that you were the only one in the family who would respect Dazai. His thoughts, what he had done and what he was going to do. Whether you approve or disapprove.
Anyway, that's… it was none of your business, was it? A brother who does nothing but provide you with the opportunity to study abroad, is strict and cruel. Cold and cruel. So… staying as far away as possible is the most logical choice, isn't it? right…
Oh what does it matter, dear! You might agree to help, so you pay your little debt to Dazai and come back to study! You suppose you're not going to fall in love with his partner and light the flame of your bond with your brother, are you?
Oh, idiot. You're a big idiot.
The siblinghood is strange because sometimes it is unidentifiable and it is just there.
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Siblinghood is strange, it connects two people in another event that does not concern a person theirself.
Love is strange, the first moment you feel it consists only of the feelings and intuitions of that moment.
When you saw Chuuya for the first time, his eyes were very interested in you. A sweet hazel color mixed with gray. Curly, orange and long hair... he was sweet...
Oh also there was Dazai-
"I want you to go to that bar and get that document using your name. If I take it, I'm open to being followed." After your brother's cold words, you just looked into his eyes. You didn't react. You didn't say anything directly. You've thought about what you're going to say. It was a quiet moment between the two of you.
There was someone watching this quiet moment though. Chuuya maintained his professionalism and did not react in any way. Although inwardly he was surprised that that bandaged bastard had a sibling and treated them so coldly and rudely. But well... he likes you. like you do Was it right or wrong? He didn't care, he just really liked you and your fearless eyes on Dazai, the way you behaved.
"If I do this, will my debt to you be paid? And will you prevent any trouble from happening to me?" you said, quietly looking at your brother. Dazai just gathered his hands on his chest and shook his head. No smile, no sneer - he doesn't have the audacity to do it- just a cold -and faintly cowardly-look.
"Good." And with that, you walked into that bar without a care at all. You got your work done and got out as fast as you could. You put documents in your brother's hands. "I want a plane ticket as soon as possible." you said and walked to your brother's car without caring at all. Dazai then looked at you with a slight shock. He didn't know what to wait. But for some reason... Why, he hoped you'd be kinder to him, because he... because he missed you. Because he secretly wanted to preserve his devotion to the only person in the family who understood him.
Later, when he caught Chuuya's look at him, he quickly changed his behavior and hoped that he wouldn't understand.
“Ah! How disrespectful, that rude brats! Like you!"
"Oi, shut up. Back to work." Chuuya straightened up to walk to the car with Dazai.
Chuuya had seen Dazai's look. And oh, my God, he was getting to like you even more and more. That's why when you three went back to the mafia, the first thing he did was start a conversation with you. Strangely enough, the first thing you wanted to do was talk to him too.
Siblinghood is strange, because even though you don't feel like a human being, you act humanly for your sibling's problems.
Love is strange because the reciprocity of feelings constitutes the telepathy of action.
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The siblinghood is stupid, at least Dazai thought so. Because siblinghood makes you feel what a "person" has never been able to feel.
Love is strange because even if you don't want to stay in a place at all, you want to stay.
"What did you say?"
"Plane tickets are available after 1 week at the earliest. you will stay here for 1 week."
You looked your brother in the eye again. You didn't show any reaction too. -Dazai hated it.- Even if you swear at all the aircraft companies in your heart, you did the only thing you could do. accept.
"Okay. As long as there's a place I can stay, I'm fine." and yet you walked to Chuuya without saying anything else. You wanted to get as far away from your brother as possible.
"What did that bastard say to you?" Chuuya resting his arm lightly on the table and looking at you with a cheeky little grin. Since the day you received the documents, there has been a sweet bond between you. You smiled and sat down next to him. "I'm here for another 1 week." You tapped him playfully on the shoulder. "You're going to live with that bastard's sibling for another 1 week. how bad it's for you!" Chuuya chuckled. "I can't say that i'm sad." and then… he blushed slightly. After responding to his words with a smile, you felt your cheeks warm up too.
He was right. It wasn't a bad thing, actually.
The siblinghood is strange, you thought, because even someone like your brother, wants you to stay, when he can buy you a ticket on any plane he wants.
Love is strange, Chuuya thought, it occurs quickly, but the moment it is felt, time slows down.
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The siblinghood is strange, Chuuya thought. It turns someone who doesn't feel human, like Dazai, into a human being.
Love is strange, Chuuya thought. It makes someone who doesn't feel human like himself feel more than one thing.
"You can't interfere with me!"
"You were literally going to be killed there!"
"This don't concern you, brat! Stop acting like we have a brother and sibling relationship between us. You only came here to pay off your debt to me! Don't bother me! Or you'll pay the consequences!"
"Is that so?" You walked to Dazai with anger and confident. "What are you going to do, Mr. mafia? Are you going to torture your sibling and enjoy it? To the sibling you told to stop treating us like siblings, not deigning to relate in any way? Hm?"
Dazai grinned. "Oh? Do you think I could do not it? I even trained a guy like you, kid. If you go beyond my limits, of course I will enjoy it."
You looked him straight in the face. "No, you didn't train Akutagawa. You just took the anger out on life out of him." Dazai quickly wiped the grin from his face with that words. "You will never have the pleasure of killing me. You're just going to push me away from you and you're going to suffer for it for the rest of your life. You are a coward. A coward who is afraid to live. A coward who refuses to hide it even though he loves me. A coward who tries to keep me here with excuses, even though he can buy a plane ticket right away if he wants!" You said the last part to his face, screaming and with your eyes full.
Chuuya stood there and looked at the two of you. He didn't know what he could do. He just stood there and tried to grasp the events.
You stopped and wiped the tears from your face. "Enough. You can do whatever you want. You can kill yourself/be killed whenever you want. But at least... at least, please don't leave until you've strengthened your bond with me... Don't make me suffer when you're selfish and trying to protect yourself. Please, even if you are afraid that I will leave, let us be siblings. Because that's what siblinghood is, brother..." Dazai stopped. He thought he'd been protecting you from him for years. But it was hurting you... and so it hurts him. He got scared. You were right. Right to the end. So he did the only thing he could do. He walked up to you gently and hugged you tight as he took you in his arms. You didn't move at first. You didn't know how to move. You just let your emotions flow out of your eyes.
And Chuuya clenched his fist when he saw your tears while watching you there. That bandaged bastard was stupid. A cowardly fool who will never appreciate you. And Chuuya felt the blood flowing through his veins heat up. That he growled as he breathed. Chuuya was jealous. Not only that Dazai has someone reliable like you, but also the connection between Dazai and you. Oh, Chuuya was jealous with a grudge.
Nevertheless, he fell silent and smiled to himself. He sensed your secret happiness. Deciding to make your moment with Dazai more private by leaving the two of you alone, he slowly walked to the exit of the secret underground space. When he looked at you one more time, he just wanted to tell himself that he felt satisfaction. That his heart was racing for your happiness, and he wanted to tell himself a lot more lies.
He wish he would admit that he is so in love with you and save himself all the trouble. -and did.-
The siblinghood is strange, you and Dazai thought, because the siblinghood erases the bad feelings that have accumulated over the years with a moment and turns them into good feelings.
Love is strange, Chuuya thought. Because it makes you jealous of a lot of things at the same time.
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The siblinghood is strange, Dazai thought. Because even though you are not dead, it feels and hurts like you are dead from the time you leave.
Love is strange, Dazai thought. Even if the man you love is one of the people he hates the most in fact, the one he trusts the most, he wants your happiness.
" I like your bandages." You murmured with a tiny smile as you pulled your brother's hair from his face. Dazai, on the other hand, just shook his head and returned the smile.
"If anything happens while you're there, call me."
"Oh, I certainly will."
And you both just... shut up. Until you couldn't help yourself.
You wrapped your arms around Dazai and buried your face in his neck. "You can visit me decently, you know…" Dazai chuckled as he hugged you back. "Hmm… you seem like someone who is troublesome but worth it." he said playfully. You only answered with a little pat on the shoulder, and, withdrawing your arms from him, kissed his cheek.
"Oi, the plane has 15 minutes to take off. Go put your sibling's bags in the trunk, you bandaged bastard." Chuuya said as he walked towards you with the tickets in his hand.
Strangely, Dazai never made a sound. Just before he started running towards the plane, he took your bags and turned around and spoke to Chuuya. " Be nice to they or die at any time, Chuuya. Do second and you will make me happier, thank you!"
And dazai just stuck out his tongue and kept running… You just touched Chuuya on the shoulder before he went completely crazy. gladly The angry expression on his face was erased as he looked at you in surprise.
"Well… I think this is the end for us." you said it sweetly. You gently took you hand from his shoulder and wrapped it in his. Chuuya was slightly startled by your movement before blushing and answering. The feeling of your hand in his was very good…
"Don't talk like that. L-like Dazai, you can visit me. I mean, if you want, of course."
And you took your hand before rubbed it against his cheek.
"Dazai won't like what's going on between us."
"I don't care about that bastard. In your stupid fight last week, he thoroughly proved how stupid he is by not appreciating you. He has no right to interfere with us."
"Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
Chuuya felt the blood rush to his cheeks and his body tremble at both your touch and your words.
"J-Just-! mmph!"
His sentence was interrupted by the joining of your lips together. Your lips… felt so good, so much so that Chuuya felt that all the trembling in his body was gone, the blood flow spread to his entire body, and he died and fell into heaven. Damn, you're making his heart ache.
"I am very happy to have met you, Chuuya." You pressed a paper into his hand and stroked his cheek. "Please call or write me a letter until I complete my education. The next time I come to Japan, I don't want to start all over again or either stoping this. I want to be filled with the excitement of waiting for you."
"A-all right…"
“Yes. Promise."
And you just smiled. As you pressed another little kiss on his lips and hugged him for the last time, you heard an announcement saying that it was the last 5 minutes before your plane fly. You held his hand tight before you left. "I love you. See you next time…"
And Chuuya, from the moment you let go of your hand, he came back to earth again. His heart ached. He really wanted to keep you and make you stay here. But he knew he had no right to it. That's why he just held tight to the paper in his hand and remembered his promise to you. He was not going to care about distances to keep his word. He would water the beautiful red rose of your love that was planted until you came, every day if necessary. He would offer his love to you with all his passion, no matter where in the world you were.
The siblinghood is strange, Dazai thought, it makes someone feel that they missed from the second sibling left.
Love is strange, you and Chuuya thought. Because love can make even a leaving happy.
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When you got on the plane waving to your brother, you felt that your heart was filled with a very strange peace.
Yes, the siblinghood is strange. But how important is it that a bond that you enjoy is connected to each other in what way?
And yes, love is a strange experiment that involves feelings. But when feelings come into mutual reaction, isn't the result satisfactory?
After all, emotions are what make a person human, right? So, what does it matter, we're all still human at the end of the day.
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maskedteaser · 2 months
hii i just saw the rdr2 matchups you did and i love them AND HOLY SHIT APEX FAN‼️‼️ i love how detailed you are!! love your writing!! so if ur not too overwhelmed with requests id like to make one :3 and honestly if ur doing matchups for apex id love that too there's so little apex ffs, especially x reader </3 no pressure tho!!
anyways as for me. uhh. i don't use labels (aside from being asexual) but am pretty masculine in gender, and my love is for any gender. my pronouns are he/him :3
more about me,, im vegetarian, my favorite animal is the octopus, im chronically ill & disabled, which means i have chronic pain and have pretty bad sleep (literally writing this at 10 am after not being able to sleep all night) but despite that i have a weird paradox where i am kinda strong? like i can pick ppl up. but can't have much activity for a long time lest i cast spell 200 bpm on myself. but for the sake of the ff i could totally bench press arthur morgans 180lb of pure muscle. its true <3
in apex i main wattson and bloodhound! but i also like crypto, octane ofc (who doesn't), loba, and... im sorry.. wraith 😭 i got wattsons heirloom after. a very long time of opening packs AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH no regrets!! french girl with giant nessie plush!!!!! tho i haven't played in forever (and honestly may keep it that way with how much they're nerfing bloodhound.. like.. c'mon man.. not my main.. they've already been nerfed so much 😭)
i recently started playing rdr2 cause im visiting family that has it (theres actually been a lot of funny stories being on an unfamiliar console, like playing 22+ hours and reaching chap 2 without knowing how to save.. and i didnt know how to tell arthurs weight so i kept him underweight for so long my poor starving man </3) after playing rdr1 quite a bit. i also vibed with john hard in 1 but i lowkey thought he was an angsty young adult in rdr2 and not a FATHER. my favs are arthur and javier tho i can barely see the latter cause where tf is he on the map?? same with charles where IS HE??? but anyways i also vibe so hard with kieran.
tho i could talk forever about my interests, other than that for personality: id describe myself as actually kinda confident around strangers, i love to compliment ppl i come across. for friends, much of the same, i like using improv as humor if that makes sense, ive been told im easy to talk to, i consider myself intuitive (also contributed to me being a tarot reader i believe), but i am the type to have a veeerryy hard time expressing negative feelings im having, and never crying in front of people, so no shortage of bottling emotions. im also rather rigid on cleanliness and WILL start tweaking if me/my space goes too long w/o cleaning. i really, really care about people (i would want to be a paramedic!! if my body could allow it..) and i so want to make peoples lives better!! but also can rather easily stop people from walking over me, should they try. i care about kids a lot, and get very peeved when other ppl dont know how kids brains work and mistreat them because of such, and cause they just have no respect for children. honestly with thinking like.. about formulating matchmaking requests i never really seem to think about what id want out of a person. honestly, just when someone cares (wow, such high standards) but should the time come, mmmost times im not afraid to make a selfish ask. most. maybe. sometimes. and im very, very empathetic and it SUCKS i take psychic damage every time someone even remotely, even HYPOTHETICALLY feels bad. this is not a virtue.
for hobbies, i like to play video games as you may have guessed, i also like to read (non fiction, classic lit and danmeis especially), make art of all kinds but mainly physical sketches, and im always looking to add more shows/movies to my watched list.
i love to visit restaurants and cafes and interesting places surrounding food!!! my idea of a good time is eating with people, even if its in a crappy chuck e cheese. i love to try new foods (but it's a bit hard since becoming vegetarian), and i love matcha! i also love visiting just interesting places in general. why go to disney when you can see a beautiful spot in nature, or an art exhibit, or a park, or just the lively downtown? but other than that, i love my dedicated space 💗
i dont like rude people. mean people. people mean to kids and animals. bigots. assholes. any synonym for that. but honestly, not much else. there are other things that sure tick me off but can be pretty easily taken care of or compromised for.
i hope i didnt write a damn essay. half of it was geeking out over interests but. im guessing the brainrot is shared. but thank you so much for even reading my request this far!! (*˘︶˘*)
hii! sure thing! i love doing matchups especially when you guys give me lots of details :) let's get to it :) THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!!! I'M REALLY SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES!!!
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okay, first things first - let me tell you why I didn't choose other characters :)
❝ im chronically ill & disabled, which means i have chronic pain and have pretty bad sleep ❞
Well, I need to be honest with you, I believe that despite your strenght, REVENANT would just make fun of your disability, he would NOT care at all, he'd probably pick on you and be REALLY rude. I hope it's not offensive (i'm sorry if i'm insensitive, it's not my intention), but I know he'd want to offend you. You could actually have a good hate-ship (if you know what i mean), where the only thing you guys do is fight with each other but I don't think that's what you want.
❝ im also rather rigid on cleanliness and WILL start tweaking if me/my space goes too long w/o cleaning. ❞
I'm sorry, have you seen OCTANE'S room? Let me remind you of that...
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Can you see what is happening on his floor? This guy would probably drive you insane with how messy he is and I know he wouldn't care if you tried to ask him to clean it up... It would probably lead to many arguments and fights between you :(
❝and im very, very empathetic and it SUCKS i take psychic damage every time someone even remotely, even HYPOTHETICALLY feels bad. this is not a virtue. ❞
I have this feeling that Loba would see you as an easy target to manipulate, she'd think that she could use you after seeing that you feel really bad when someone feels bad, so she'd probably talk about her past a lot around you - trying to make you feel like you need to help her with everything. I doubt that it could work out :( I hope you see my vision and I'm not weirdly delusional with my ideas.
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I feel like you and Vantage could have a really good relationship! You both seem to aim high with your ideals and I just think that you both are really empathetic, a little bit emotional even... You share the love for animals. She has her Echo and she'd probably die for him. Vantage would never let any animal be mistreated when she's watching.
" why go to disney when you can see a beautiful spot in nature, or an art exhibit, or a park, or just the lively downtown? " - I think she thinks exactly the same! She seems to be a big fan of nature and she is an explorer. Born on a cold planet where everything wanted to kill her, she knows that nature can both be beautiful and deadly. She is also really nice, and I think that when she gets closer to someone, she actually CARES, like...A LOT. You'd probably be treated really well. I think that Vantage would be really patient when it comes to you and expressing your feelings, she'd never let you just walk away if she saw that you were upset, I think that communication and trust is a priority in every relationship.
She'd listen to you when you tell her that you have chronic pain and she'd do exactly the things you ask her to do, always trying her best to help you and she'd make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard.
Thank you for reading 👽👽👽
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