#it's saying what good has one and done read the Bible save your soul television preaching hotel room Bible ever done for me
XO is actually a fascinating song from a Christian perspective but idk if I can figure out how to put it into words
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andrewuttaro · 4 years
American Christianity’s Death by Trump
This conversation could’ve very easily been had before January 6th, 2021. It should’ve happened on a massive scale in 2016. Some of us have had this conversation in small groups and through blog posts exchanged on forums. Some whole Churches have even put out statements and memorandums and even condemnations. Not enough. After that date, this conversation is imperative for everyone who considers themselves a Christian in the United States of America.
I know you read the title. If you bothered to read this post, you must believe there is something sincere and worthy here. I don’t think its hard to see. Do you? Is American Christianity dying because of the influence of President Donald Trump? If you don’t think that’s true you probably don’t think its even remotely true. I’ll get to you in a minute; but if you’re someone who maybe even endeavors to wear a cross or crucifix around your neck and you don’t think he’s the death of us, but you’re close to thinking that… how does this image make you feel?
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Used? I know Christians who tell me this event in June 2020 made them feel used. Yeah, the ones I’m thinking of voted for him before and after this event. If you don’t think he’s the death of us, then you probably have a couple words about Abortion or “religious liberty” on deck. Sure, as a practicing Catholic I can attest to voting in this country as a double-edged sword. Two dominant political parties: neither represents the entirety of our beliefs, no nationally viable party here probably ever will. We all vote for a candidate in spite of their disagreements with us on certain beliefs. It’s been the Christian way since the rise of modern democracy.
But save your abortion and religious liberty defenses. They’re not enough. Not now, if they ever were. Not with this man. Only God will finally judge his soul, but tell me honestly: do you think he’d ever been inside that Church? Do you think he knew where it was before the day he ordered the tear gas to clear his way there? Do you think he saw that book he held aloft as anything more than a political weapon? Does he know Christian faith as anything more than a political tool? And let’s not pretend its just about the man himself. Trump World, all those who support him including a broad swath of the Christian religious elite in this country, has turned a blind eye to the more authoritarian actions for what? Political expediency? We can now abandon any religious principle for what, desire to follow a political leader? That thinking has now made publicly professed Christians into accomplices in an Insurrection.
One last thought to the crowd who feels he’s not the death of us but not by a lot. Perhaps you think him, and his movement are a passing torment; and true followers of Christ will soon come to their senses to how they were swindled by this great swindler of American history. Even if Jesus-following Americans see the light of a Post-Trump world (if such a thing will exist anytime soon) would our revival matter to anyone beyond us? What has this President, who overwhelmingly carried at least one Christian demographic group in both his elections, done to our credibility, our witness to Jesus Christ? What has he done to our mission? Nothing we will be able to repair in my lifetime, not in the public life of this country.
Now for you folks who, if you’re still reading, are cringing at my dramatics: I won’t address American Evangelicals here or the myriad low-liturgy Protestants who effectively belong to that group as well; I don’t know your life experience the way I know the Catholic life experience in this country. So, here’s some thoughts on that: 48% of American Catholics identify as Republicans, 47% as Democrats according to a recent Pew Research Report. You may look at those numbers and say religion doesn’t really matter to most Catholics in their political lives if there isn’t a consensus, right? Well, apart from American Evangelicals who voted for Trump in both of his elections at rates at or above 90%, every Christian religious group in this country is split nearly down the center like Catholics. What should we gather from this: perhaps the Gospel goes different ways in different places? That’s probably right but this is different.
The Gospel doesn’t go any way with this man. If you call him the sinful doer of God’s Will please then also give that title to the far more respectful man succeeding him; a man who has been inside a Church for something other than a funeral recently. Yes, we Christians must discern our vote and often finally do the democratic duty in spite of half our beliefs; but this man occupies a whole different eschatological plain than the average politician. Christians need to respond a certain way to politicians like this. An Insurrection of the same caliber consisting of predominately non-white dissidents would’ve been a bloodbath and I don’t think you have a leg to stand on disagreeing with that considering this past summer. How do our black and brown brothers and sisters hear our witness to the Gospel after this crowd gets waved into the Capitol and take selfies with the police like some kind of anti-democratic festival? The President of the United States incited an Insurrection that law enforcement gave preferential treatment to and you still want to defend whoever American Conservatism tells you to in the name of Jesus?
Call all politicians liars, cheats and sinners if you want. I won’t argue against that point. But no leader of the free world in modern history has so decisively and shamelessly used Christianity and its place in American history and contemporary life as a weapon like Donald Trump has. That tear gas bible scene was just the most obvious incarnation of it. If this man’s public life has even inclined a single soul toward the Gospel of Jesus Christ than it is truly God’s miraculous doing. He breathes no sincere word of Jesus’ message and no number of my fellow Catholics can be confirmed to the Supreme Court to further God’s will under this man’s reign. If he is not the modern Nero, enjoying musical accompaniment as Rome burns, then nobody is. If any Christian stands by a political demagogue of this caliber they do so at the detriment of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Before the Insurrection, the biggest media conglomerate bearing the title of “Catholic”, Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), was already silencing any voice that went against their idol in Donald Trump and his agenda. Right-Wing Catholicism in this nation has seen prominent Priests and Bishops support America’s authoritarian to the point of calling on Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, to resign! Anyone who doesn’t adhere to Trump, the secular icon of neo-conservatism, evidently isn’t good enough to even lead a religious institution. America’s most well-known Catholic Bishop, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Arch-Diocese of New York, has slow peddled any criticism of Trump to this point and still only tacitly criticizes him in the aftermath of this attack on American Democracy. What has become of us Americans who also venture to call ourselves Christians?
The only reason there are any self-identifying Christians supporting him is by way of cultural comfort. Some find it easy to support him given their place in this nation’s socio-religious structure. Some find it advantageous to support him for a variety of reasons that find there way back to the love of money. Finally, still others support him for the sinister dreams of the perversion of the Gospel best called Christian-Nationalism. I know it for fact that members of that last group broke into the Capitol. Those who do not identify as Christians are watching and nothing this man has done has made their hearts softer to the message of the Gospel. If you can’t recognize that you are only deceiving yourself now; and indeed, the Gospel isn’t truly your highest priority.
I will turn 27 years of age this, our Lord’s year 2021. My generation has as many who identify as agnostic, atheist or nonreligious as we do all religious. For my generation, the Christian faith is not growing; and the wisdom of old age will not restore it for the millions of us who never knew it in the first place. This ugly episode has certainly converted none of us. I acutely remember the day after he was first elected: I was a Youth Minister and sat in a staff meeting as we all looked down at our hands dumbfounded. How would we ever teach the faith with this cloud hanging over our heads? How would we even be credible? My fears that day in 2016 were fully confirmed on January 6th, 2021.
American Christianity will not die because of Donald Trump. Yes, Christianity will sure enough persist in this country for as long as it lives. Religion is always culturally entrenched, and the religion of Jesus Christ will likely always be somewhere entrenched in the life of this nation. But if the Christians of this country stand by or, worse more, cheer on future authoritarians like Donald Trump, our witness to the Gospel of Jesus will be void of all meaningful mission and bankrupt on a moral level that would alienate us from the face of God.  Such a fate is tantamount to the death of the Christian faith in this country and the sooner we realize this sooner we can envision someday when we begin to make it right.
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wordsbysra · 5 years
page turner
*** hey! this is a project i did at college this semester! the prompt was to present on something that gave our lives meaning, so i wrote a letter to my dad. plus i’ve been itching to post, but i’ve been too busy to write something new... thanks for letting me be both corny and vulnerable :) sra ***
When given this project, I was torn on what gives my life meaning. There’s plenty of things that fill me up with joy. Music has always been healing to me, but you can hardly classify dubstep and techno as therapeutic. I really like Trader Joe’s but eating your weight in cookie butter has its consequences. Makeup has always been an amazing way to express myself, but I understand it’s hard for people to believe I can do some sharp ass winged eyeliner, considering I look like I’ve been forgetting to wash my hair for the last four years. Even amongst all these things that make my life sweeter, nothing compares to my family. My dad, in particular. My dad taught me the value of education. He spent weeks on my elementary school science fair projects, tutored half of my high school statistics class over Skype, and even made me a list of 100 books to read before I graduate college. I just started #38 “Ham on Rye” by Charles Bukowski last night, but we’ve got a long way to go. He introduced me to literature, one of my greatest passions. Obsessed with crafting lavish stories that will keep you perched so far on the edge of your seat that you’ll forget to breathe, my dad is the brightest mind I’ve ever known. His consistent encouragement helped me overcome the anxieties and doubt that clouded my potential. Not only did I want to share with the class how my dad brought purpose into my life, but I wanted him to hear it too. Or read it… I wrote this sappy letter, but when I need them most, words fail.
Hey Dad,
           It’s strange to think that I’m over halfway done with my collegiate experience, when it feels like just yesterday, you were still helping me with my times tables. For the first time in a long time, I am excited about learning. I am engaged in my classes (after 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep), I look forward to doing homework, and I feel like I might actually have a shot at doing something great when I’m out of here. For months, I panicked about what I was going to study. The devil on my shoulder told me English was a waste of a degree (it’s not). The devil on my other shoulder told me I wasn’t creative or bold or funny enough to ever tell a good story. But you, my middle-aged angel, encouraged me to follow my instincts and tell my story. I’ll never forget when you told me, “It’s the only story you get, so make it a page turner.”
           It started in my bedroom when I was maybe four years old. I couldn’t seem to sleep with my closet door wide open and you found yourself sitting at the edge of my bed while I spoke incoherently about the monster that was watching me from behind my shirts and dresses. This was when the joy of story-telling was brought into my life, as you configured a story about the monster. You told me that the monster was scared, just like me, and every time I couldn’t sleep, neither could he. In hindsight, this was probably the biggest parenting cop-out ever, but it cured my nightmares. However, you still found yourself at the foot of my bed nearly every night after since I wanted to know more about the closet monster. What was his name? How old was he? Did he have a little brother like I did? You had me immersed in a world that didn’t truly exist, something that only a true storyteller could do. I was an intuitive little girl, so I knew your stories couldn’t possibly be real, but sooner or later, your stories became ours.
           The first true book I ever read cover to cover was “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. I sat in the cramped backseat with Alex as our overstuffed car inched forward in traffic towards the annual family reunion in quaint Idaho. I don’t know why we always had to reunite with Mom’s redneck survivalist side of the family, but you have very little say in family matters when you’re six years old. Between heaving fistfuls of Cheez-Its and those waxy fruit snacks that Mom always tried to pass off as real Gushers, I sat with a book gripped in my hands, its pages overflowing in my tiny lap. Every few minutes or so, a timid, “Dad, what does this word mean?” would escape from the backseat and be met with a simple definition, an example sentence, and so on and so forth. A grueling nine hour drive later and I had finished my first chapter book; I couldn’t stop gushing about how awesome Hermione was “because she’s smarter and tougher than all the boys”. The constant support I received to keep on reading led me to discover characters that inspired me. I found a sense of identity through intelligent young girls who stood firm in the face of danger. When it was time for us to begin the journey back to home sweet home Nevada, you surprised me with the second book of my new favorite series. I read out loud to the whole car for hours until my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep with another story whirling around my head.
           Unfortunately, the older I became, the less I enjoyed reading. High school started to hinder my imagination and I was eventually diminished into just another statistic for the school district. It became less about telling a story and more about being able to analyze a story and condense my thoughts into a well-written, well-structured essay worth half of my grade. MLA style or bust! Reading books with you definitely wasn’t cool anymore (sorry) and we drifted apart. When I was seventeen, you were admitted into the hospital for a severe complication from one of several surgeries. Even with a bleak chance of survival looming over our heads, you still managed to give me a new story every time we came to visit, be it about a nurse you liked or a dumb commercial you had seen on television. Seeing someone so strong become so vulnerable really broke a part of me, but I ultimately became more appreciative of all the great experiences you had given me. I would run to the library before each visit, frantically searching the shelves for whatever request you had scrawled on a sticky note during my previous visit. Sitting by your side for hours, finishing off the pudding cup stash you were saving for me, each of us with a different book in our hands, pages turning every few moments. Even on your worst days, your sickest days, your weakest days, the powerful stories we read side by side outshined every moment of suffering. It was this point in my life that I realized the power of a really good book, and in an instant, my love for literature was reignited.
           You made me realize that there is so little time to spend focusing on minute details and irrelevant characters. The only plot I should be worrying about is my own, since I am my own story, all by myself. I will always look back fondly on our weekly Saturday dates to the public library, and getting lost at the bookstore amongst the towering walls of bindings and pages, and staying up all night to finish a novel so you’d take me to the movie premiere, but I can’t wait to make the same memories with children of my own one day. Your love of books helped morph me into the most inquisitive version of myself, always eager to pick up something new to read, but always reminiscent of the texts I cherished when I was younger. “The Poisonwood Bible” (which was the first book I had recommended to you) has a quote that often makes me think of you: “I attempted briefly to consecrate myself in the public library, believing every crack in my soul could be chinked with a book.” You helped me discover parts of me that I didn’t know were there and encouraged me to be proud of all my cracks and dents. Don’t worry, I’ll make you sound totally awesome in my memoir one day. Thank you for introducing me to the whimsical worlds hidden between dusty pages and 12-point font. You helped excavate the purpose that had been buried inside of me all along. I am eternally grateful to be your daughter and I’m excited to see what crazy stories lie ahead for us. How’s this for a page turner?
P.S. I spent that $50 you gave me over Thanksgiving break at Barnes and Noble. I’ll let you borrow the books I picked up. Please send more money.
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ezekielbadung · 3 years
 Ways to grow spiritually in accordance to God Holy spirit.
A friend told me that I've never really been saved because I never walked down the aisle of a church. Is that the only way to salvation in Jesus?
People come to Christ in many different ways; your experience won't necessarily be like someone else's. Some conversions are sudden and dramatic, a radical change from one way of living to another. Some people are convicted of sin in church or at an evangelistic meeting in a basketball arena, and when given the opportunity to walk down the aisle to say, "Yes to Christ." Others find Christ through a television program where the Gospel is clearly presented. Still others repent of sin at their bedside after reading the Scriptures. God speaks to the sinner's heart no matter where we are. But there is only "One Way" to salvation, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
Paul, before he became an apostle, approached the city of Damascus on a mission to arrest followers of Jesus, when a brilliant light suddenly blinded him. Later he recounted that he fell to the ground and heard Jesus say: "Why are you persecuting Me?'" (Acts 22:7). From that moment on, Paul began serving the One he had once rejected, and God used him to spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire.
The important thing is not how we come to Christ, but that we do come, and that we are sure we are now trusting Christ for our salvation. We must humble ourselves in repentance of sin and receive the forgiveness that Christ Himself offers. Don't let another moment go by without making that decision. Nowhere in the Bible are we promised a second chance after death, nor are we promised even one more day of life. The Bible tells us that today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).
How can we grow spiritually?
No matter how long we’ve been on a spiritual journey, we can know one thing to be true. We will never just naturally keep growing deeper spiritual roots. Our very nature and propensity towards selfishness and sin will always strive to take us the other direction. But ten (10) things are listed below that will help us understand how we will grow in spirit in accordance with God holy spirit.
 Choose to Receive Christ as Savior and Lord of Our Lives
Without first acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord of our lives and making the choice to follow Him and put Him first, we will never be able to grow spiritually. We must receive His forgiveness and love and recognize the authority that He is in our lives. Learning to “abide in Him,” and dwell in His Presence every day will lead us towards deeper spiritual growth as we seek to know Him more. Without these first steps in place, the rest would seem impossible.
“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5)
 Pray
God reminds us in His word the incredible importance it is to pray, to talk to Him and spend time in His Presence. Jesus, Himself, spent hours praying and coming before His Father. He reminds us to pray continually, to develop an attitude of constant communication with God. And if it was important for Jesus, it is crucial for our own spiritual journey. God desires our fellowship. He longs for us to talk to Him and listen for His voice. Sometimes, we don’t even know how to pray. Maybe we’re at a loss for words, or our hearts are broken, but we can find strength in knowing that Christ, Himself, intercedes for us when we don’t know what to pray. Just opening God’s word and praying His truths back to Him is so powerful and effective. We’re speaking out living words straight into the darkness we might find ourselves in. It renews our minds, it comforts our hearts, it brings peace to our spirits.
“Pray without ceasing,” (2 Thessalonians 5:17)
  Read God's Word
Read it, meditate on it, study it, learn from it, write it out, speak it out loud, teach it to your children, pray God’s words back Him… this is an absolute necessity for spiritual growth. We need His Word every day, living and breathing through us. It’s our guide in this life, it’s alive and active, it’s powerful and true, it’s our only offensive weapon against the enemy. Jesus is the Word. And withoutknowing what is within these beautiful, amazing pages, we will never fully know our Lord.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
 Worship and Praise Him
Worshipping and praising our King are a powerful force in pushing back the forces of darkness and building faith within our own hearts. As we make the choice to give Him the honor due His name, even when it feels more like a sacrifice to offer praise, it will strengthen our spirits and open up the door for God to do amazing things. Scripture reminds of that over and over. Maybe we’re hurting or carrying huge burdens, but God hears, He knows, and He understands our pain. He reminds us that He encircles our praises, His Presence is close to us as He as He comforts the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He will never turn away. We can make the choice every day, to lift our hands and voices to our Mighty Savior and Lord.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)
 Fellowship with Other Believers
 People are so important in this journey of life, friends and family who will stick with us no matter what we face, who will cover us in prayers and offer wise counsel and help. Find a church that teaches the word where you can grow and serve. Show up and keep showing up. Often, it’s a choice to keep seeking community when busyness or life struggles will seek to draw us away. We were never meant to journey alone. Never feel ashamed that you’re reaching out for help, that you have questions--we’re all in a continual state of growth. And no matter what we’ve walked through, God will use our stories to help others in the years still to come. It’s often through our own pain, grief, or hardship that we can have a fuller understanding of what others walk through as well. There’s great comfort in knowing that God will use what we have experienced, no matter how difficult, to help someone else. Christ, Himself, suffered and was tempted in “all things,” reminding us that He truly understands “all” that we walk through in this life.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, ...” (Acts 2:42-47)
 Serve Others
Serving and giving to God and others around us helps us to take our eyes off ourselves and see the bigness of God in this world around us. We’re never meant to do life all on our own. He desires we use the gifts, abilities, and blessings that He’s given to us to help those around us and bring glory to Him through our lives. God reminds us in His word that it’s truly “more blessed to give than to receive…” and the life and servanthood of Jesus is our ultimate example to follow.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace…” (1 Peter 4:10)
  Be Ruthless with Sin
Sin will always take us farther than we ever intended to go. It’s been proven over and over again. Don’t be fooled. Don’t mess around with thinking you’re strong enough to withstand it all on your own or that you can play with fire and not get burned. God calls us to strive to live holy as He is holy, He reminds us to set our minds on the things above, not on the things in this world. He invites us to ask forgiveness when we get off course and assures us of His faithfulness to forgive and wash us clean. Unconfessed sin will lead to greater difficulties down the road, increased pressure, anxiety, and even despair. But God calls us to live differently. He promises He will make all things new and bring restoration, freedom, and grace.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
 Walk in the Spirit
Learning to walk in the Spirit is learning to say no to the flesh and yes to God. It’s the willingness to put God in the driver’s seat of our lives and to choose to deny our own fleshly nature. And, it’s not always easy. In fact, it can be really, really hard, every single day. The enemy will bring temptation and fear. He will do everything He can to lead us away from choosing to live fully for God. But once we determine in our hearts that we will walk in God’s ways and pray for the filling of His Spirit in our lives, He is faithful to fill us afresh with His power. He is mighty within us. We never walk alone, God equips us to learn to walk in the fruits of His Spirit and will turn our lives around for great purpose and blessing.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”( Galatians 5:22-23)
 Believe that the Hard Times Will Bring Greater Good
Though this can be one of the most difficult truths of deep spiritual growth, those of us who have experienced difficult trials know the power that can come from these times. God will often use, not the easiest times of life, but the hardest seasons to bring the greatest depths of growth in our lives. It’s in those times that we learn perseverance, deeper faith, and the awareness that God is with us no matter what we face. We come to understand, through humility and pain, that it’s in our weakest moments that God becomes strong. We may not ever wish for struggles and storms in this life, but we can trust God to use them all for good, somehow, in us and through us. He is faithful and we truly can “count it all joy” when we experience hard things, because we know He’s at work on our behalf.
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-4)
 Put on the Armor of God
We will face battles in this life. Hard, spiritual battles. Enemy attacks. Difficulties and temptations. Without the armor of God protecting us day by day, we cannot stand. God has given us everything we need in this life to stand strong against the devil’s schemes and the struggles we’ll face. He desires that we live aware and follow the truths in His Word. Put on His armor, every day, be fully prepared to face whatever is up ahead, and know that you are held secure by a Mighty God.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-17)
Ezekiel Badung is the writer...
Facebook page:ebadung kielzy
God bless you as you read.
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live4thelord · 5 years
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STEP 1: Be Afraid
Always have the fear of God before your eyes (Psalm 36: 21) and avoid all thoughtlessness so that you are constantly mindful of everything God has commanded.
“A monk should constantly keep in mind that all who despise God will burn in Hell for their sins, and that eternal life is prepared for those who fear Him.”
-chapter 7: Humility
HOMEWORK: Spare the life of a bug. Bonus points if it’s a mosquito.
“Give up your own will, and take up the strong and most excellent weapons of obedience to do battle for Christ the Lord, the true King.”
HOMEWORK: Let someone less competent than you tell you what to do.
“Since idleness is the enemy of the soul, the brethren should be employed in manual labor at certain times. At other times, they should read spiritual books.”
-chapter 48: Work and Prayer
HOMEWORK: Secretly do someone else’s chores.
STEP 2: Don’t be true to yourself.
Do not be in love with your own will, but put into practice the word of the Lord which says: “I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.” (John 6: 38)
“Sarabites are the absolute worst kind of monks. Living without a shepherd, they invent their own monastery, which isn’t even in the Lord’s sheepfold but in their own. The gratifi-cation of their desires is their law because what they like they call holy, but what they hap-pen to dislike they call unlawful.”
-chapter 1: The Different Kinds of Monks
HOMEWORK: Skip the next episode of your favorite television show.
“If an older man asks to be received into the monastery, don’t be too quick to accept him; if he persists in his request, let him know that he must keep the whole discipline of the Rule, and that nothing will be relaxed in his favor.”
-chapter 60: Older Men who Ask to Join the Community
HOMEWORK: Let someone tell you a story you have already heard.
“Each monk should sleep fully clothed so that he will be ready to rise in the morning as soon as the bell rings. However, he should not wear his knife to bed or he might roll over and stab himself in his sleep. Moreover, the older monks should have their rooms near those of the younger ones. Thus they may gently encourage one another on the way to morning prayer, because sleepy monks like to make excuses.”
-chapter 20: How the Monks Should Sleep
HOMEWORK: Make sure the last thing you read tonight before going to bed is Scripture
STEP 3: Don’t follow your dreams.
For the love of God, be obedient to those in authority over you, imitating the Lord, who be-came “ obedient unto death.” (Phil 2: 8)
“When a monk is told to do something, he will instantly quit his own work and, leaving unfin-ished whatever he was doing, set about what he is told with the ready step of obedience.
- chapter 5: Unhesitating Obedience
HOMEWORK: The next time you see something not done your way, leave it be if it works.
“If the monks have been working in the fields or if the heat of the summer is great, lunch may have to be moved earlier. The abbot should arrange for a this so that whatever the brethren do, they may do it without having good reason to complain.”
-chapter 41: Meal Times
HOMEWORK: At dinner tonight, serve yourself the crunchy heel f the bread, the blackest ba-nana, the smallest piece of pizza, or whatever looks least appetizing on the table.
“The brethren must be obedient not only to the abbot, but also to one another, knowing that this path of obedience is how they will reach God.”
-chapter 71: Mutual Obedience
HOMEWORK: The next time someone treats you unfairly (cuts in line, lays loud music, eats something with you name on it in the fridge…) smile and thank God for him.
STEP 4: Suffer fools gladly.
Be patient in suffering, even when you encounter difficulties and injustice, for Scripture says, “He who endures to the end will be saved.” (Mt 10:22)
“A monk should desire eternal life with all spiritual longing and keep the day of his death al-ways before his eyes.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Spend an entire day without correcting anyone.
“Above all, there should be no grumbling – not in word, not by gesture, not for any reason whatsoever. If anyone is caught grumbling, he should be severely disciplined.”
-chapter 34: How Each Monk Should Be Treated
HOMEWORK: Keep you next opinion to yourself.
“The stability of our community is the workshop where we praise the spiritual art relentless-ly day and night.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Smile at someone who doesn’t look like they’re going to smile back.
STEP 5: Put Your worst foot forward.
Never hide any of the evil thoughts which arise in your heart or the evils you commit in se-cret. Instead, reveal them to someone you trust. For Scripture says, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him.” (Psalm 37: 5)
“The monk should confess his sins to God daily in prayer with sighs and tears, and resolve to amend them for the future. Later, he should reveal those thoughts to a spiritual father.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Take the blame for a something you didn’t do. ( There will be an opportunity.).
“If anyone makes a serious mistake or misbehaves in some other way, let him tell a spiritual father who knows how to heal his own wounds, and not make public the faults of others.”
-chapter 46: How to Fail
HOMEWORK: Fix something you didn’t break or clean something you didn’t dirty.
“If a brother notices that one of his elder is angry, let him without delay cast himself down on the ground at his feet and beg for a blessing.”
-chapter71: Mutual Obedience
HOMEWORK: Make no excuses the next time you are reprimanded.
STEP 6: Be someone’s doormat.
When ill treatment comes your way, try to accept it. Learn to be content with the lowliest and worst of everything, and in all that is demanded of you.
“The abbot must never be excitable, anxious, obstinate, jealous, or suspicious. Such a per-son is never at rest.”
-chapter 64: How to Elect an Abbot
HOMEWORK: Laugh with someone who laughs at you.
“No community is without friction. Therefore the morning and evening prayers should never end without the Our Father. The superior himself should say it in front of everyone so that the brethren will be reminded of their promise when they say “forgive us as we forgive other.”
-chapter 13: Weekday Prayers
HOMEWORK: Deliberately walk (or drive) behind someone slow.
“A monk should not chase after pleasures.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Give up thirty minutes of television or video games, and read the Bible instead.
STEP 7: Have a poor self-image.
Believe in your heart that you are an unworthy servant of God, humbling yourself and saying with the Prophet, “I am a worm, and no man; scorned by men, and despised by the people.” (Psalm 22:6)
“As soon as evil thoughts come into your heart, dash them against Christ,”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Thank God for something you are not good at.
“Do not desire to be called holy before you are; but be holy first, that you may be truly so called.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Thank God for something you’re good at.
“No one should be excused from kitchen duty, because this is how merit and charity are acquired. Also, the servers should wash the linens at the end of the week and do the Saturday cleaning. Both the outgoing and the incoming servers should wash the feet of all.”
-chapter 35: Kitchen Duty
HOMEWORK: Clean a toilet.
STEP 8: Think inside the box.
Only do what is lawful, and follow the example of your elders.
“The monk should fulfill daily the commands of God by works; he should love chastity, and he should hate no one.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Think of a rule you don’t like, and reword it in a positive way.
“If any monk, without the permission of the abbot, presumes to associate with an excommunicated brother in any way, let him be excommunicated as well.”
-chapter 26: Those Who Associate with the Excommunicated
HOMEWORK: Just say “thank you” the next time someone tells you something you already know.
“Choose a prudent man to be cellarer of the monastery – someone of settled habits, temperate and frugal. Above al, he should be humble, so that whenever he receives a request, he will answer with a kind word, for it is written: “Does not a word surpass a good gift?”
( Sirach 18: 17)
HOMEWORK: Clean up someone else’ s mess. Bonus points if it’s on the floor.
STEP 9: Don’t speak up.
Only speak when you are spoken to, for Scripture says, “When words are many, transgression is not lacking.” (Proverbs 10: 19)
“Listen, my son, to the teachings of the master, and incline the ear of your heart.”
HOMEWORK: Refrain from having the last word in your next conversation (even if it’s friendly).
“Let us do what the Prophet says, “I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue” (Ps 39:1). Because silence is so precious, the monk should rarely speak even for good and holy reasons.”
-chapter 6: Silence
HOMEWORK: Drive somewhere with the radio and the cell phone turned off.
“While the monks are eating, someone should read aloud from a book. In church at the start of the week, the reader should ask everyone to pray for him that God may ward off the spirit of pride.”
-chapter 38: The Weekly Readers
HOMEWORK: The next time someone compliments you, give God the credit.
STEP 10: Laughter is not the best medicine.
Do not be too quick to laugh, for it is written, “A fool raises his voice when he laughs.” (Sirach 21: 20)
“We believe that God is present everywhere and that the eyes of the Lord see the good and the bad in every place (Proverbs 15:3). Therefore, we should always keep in mind how we ought to behave in the sight of God and His angels, and let us so stand to sing, that our minds may be in harmony with our voices.”
-chapter19: The Practice of the Presence of God
HOMEWORK: Spend 30 minutes reading Thomas Aquinas’ philosophical treatise on angels. It will blow your mind.
“Guard your tongue against vulgar or wicked words, do not love excessive talking, watch how you joke around, and avoid unrestrained raucous laughter.”
-chapter 4: The Tools of Good Works
HOMEWORK: Make someone smile without making them laugh.
“We are reluctant to dictate the quantity of goods for others. However, allowing for the weakness of the sick, we think one hemina of wine per day should be sufficient for each because “wine makes even wise men act like fools.” (Sirach 19:2)
-chapter 40: Food and Drink
HOMEWORK: Spend an entire day without looking at a screen.
STEP 11: Be unassertive.
If you must speak, do so gently, humbly, earnestly, and quietly, with few and sensible words; for it is written: “The wise man is known by the fewness of his words.”
“No monk should defend another in the monastery. Nor should he take sides in an ar-gument because it causes very grave scandal. If anyone should violate this rule, let him be severely punished.
-chapter 69: Presuming to Defend a Brother
HOMEWORK: The next time someone annoys you, don’t tell anyone.
“Let the cellarer of the monastery be in charge of all the monastery goods. If a broth-er make a stupid request, the cellarer shouldn’t sadden him with a cold refusal, but politely and humbly tell him no.”
-chapter 31: The Cellarer
HOMEWORK: Find a point of agreement with someone who has a different opinion.
“The extent of an excommunication should be determined by the seriousness of the offense as well as the prudence of the abbot. And it should continue until the disobe-dient monk has made satisfaction.”
-chapter 24: Different Kinds of Excommunication
HOMEWORK: Let yourself be interrupted in a conversation and don’t finish what you were going to say unless someone asks.
STEP 12: Keep your chin down.
Wherever you go, bow your head in prayer, remembering the words of the publican: “God, be merciful to me a sinner.” (Luke 18: 13)
“Even when a monk is away from his monastery, he should perform the Work of God in holy fear and on bended knee wherever he happens to be,”
-chapter 50: A Monk on a Trip
HOMEWORK: With reverence, say the name of Jesus twenty times today.
“The monks should wake up even earlier on Sunday. After the usual prayers, the abbot should read a lesson from the Gospel, while the rest of the community stands in fear and trembling. If -God forbid – the brethren wake up late, some of the lessons or the responses may have to shortened. When this happens, the monk at fault should make a public apology in the chapel.”
-chapter 11: Morning Prayer on Sundays
HOMEWORK: This Sunday, set an alarm to go off every thirty minutes. Whenever the alarm sounds, stop what you are doing an say an Our Father.
“Nothing should be preferred to the Work of God. If a monk should arrive late for pray-er, he should not stand in his usual place, but should take the lowest rank in choir. This way, perhaps he will be shamed into changing his behavior.”
-chapter 43: Tardiness
HOMEWORK: Arrive twenty minutes early for church this Sunday.
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plogan721 · 5 years
Journaling Highs and Whoas
I have been journaling up a storm lately.  It is one of the things I do when something is bothering me (my recent problem with a client that ended up in a divorce from him), figuring out my next moves for a trip that I and the family are taking, and getting into bible journaling (more on that next week).  Sometimes I forget that part of this writing a blog is teaching you how to make the most of journaling, and how journaling can do wonders for your mind, body, and soul (prayer is another), allows you to have some clarity to some of deepest thoughts, and allows you to look back on it as a lesson learned.  So today, I am focusing more on rules and regulations of journaling, especially when things do not exactly go your way, and I have a small little trick up my sleeve that will help you boost your confidence about journaling.
Image by David Schwarzenberg from Pixabay 
First of all, a little scalding if you do not mind….
There I said it, and I meant it.
We, as humans, tend to do what as known as self-deprivation.  We like to tear ourselves down and we like to take others along for the ride. 
Take, for instance, food.  Now I do not know what happens in your house, but in mine, a conversation inside my head goes a little like this (It usually starts in the car, yes, the car):
Me thinking: “I am hungry, what do I want to eat”
Next thing I know, I go through my favorite foods and cuisines: “When was the last time I had sushi?” (last week).  “Do I want it again this week?”  Maybe, but how about Poke (pronounced- “Poo-kay”- a Hawaiian dish that has made it to the mainland United States that is quite delicious (at least to me))?  “What about Mexican?” The list goes on and on, and continues for about 5 minutes.   When I have settled on something, I will as myself if I want something sweet with it? If the answer is yes, then I will get it, feel guilty about eating it, then write in my journal about how stupid it was for me to get it in the first place because I am fat, I am saving for this trip, and it is that time of the month.
Please, please, please, say that you either made a mistake for eating the desert (or eating out in the first), or say “next time I will think twice before I eat out”.  I am telling myself that as well.
Tip #1:  Affirmations
One of the things I am learning to post not only on social media but in my journal as well as positive affirmations.  This is a clip I found on YouTube.  This is Jessica, and she has a morning affirmation that I like.  This was shot in 2011, but the attitude should be the same then as it is now.  She explains in the mirror what she likes and only that.  It is all positive.  While you do not have to climb on the counter in your bathroom like this spunky, little 4-year-old (who is probably in middle school now), have that same enthusiasm in your journal, as she has in the video, which you can see here.
Now with that, you can place your problems in your journal, and you should, but do not say how stupid you are, hate is such a strong, powerful word, and mention how you will come out of it.
OK, let’s move on….
Your writing.
Tip #2: Write like you are in school
I say that because I realized how bad my writing has become and it is creeping into my blog posts.
I have certain saying that I put in my journal that I do not say when I write out blog posts, or at least it should not.  For example, in the beginning of this post, I wrote, “It is one of the things I do when something is bothering me (my recent problem with a client that ended up in a divorce from him), figuring out my next moves for a trip that me and the family are taking, and getting into bible journaling (more on that next week)”.  I almost wrote, “figuring out my next moves for a trip that I and the fam are taking”.  This part of the sentence would have been reserved for my journal, not this blog post.  The professional way of writing is to avoid all personal abbreviations because not everyone will understand them.  How many people would understand that the abbreviation “fam” is actually “family”?  Probably less than .1 percent.
So my tip for you is do not separate your journal writing from your former writing.  This includes business and school. Now, if you do not work or you are not in school, this naturally does not apply to you, but get in a good practice anyway.  This includes spelling and grammar.
This is not sponsored, but I use a program called Grammarly.  I have mentioned this site a few times, but it has really helped me.  I am on the free version, which does not go deep into the grammar part, nor does it correct that part either.  It is reserved for the premium part.  Once you pay for premium, it will check and correct everything, but while it is doing this, please learn from your mistakes so the program does not have to correct you again.  I know by next month; I have to pay for it because now I use it in place of MS Word’s spellcheck and grammar check.  Now MS Word’s spell and grammar check will still do its thing, but Grammarly will go behind it, in case the feature misses a problem.
   Tip #3:  Have fun with your journaling
I have mentioned this before, but have a mixture of journaling posts.  You can have your hardcore journaling where you are upset with something and you need to have it solved.  You can have your project journaling posts where you are working on a project, having to list your project, materials, and cost estimates.  You can also have your maternity, baby, and child update journals, where all you list are what is happening that day and how are you feeling and so forth.  All of that is fine, but do not forget to stop and smell the roses along the way.
What do I mean?  Add humor to those posts.  Add a little fun, positive fun in your posts, so when you look back on these posts, you can laugh a little as well.
For example, I am doing a project journal.  I am redoing my craft room. I am finding do much humor in planning the craft room, my small space, and even choosing my furniture and the cost of that furniture.  I decided to go the Ikea route, (not sponsored) like so many crafters.  The reason why this furniture is often choosing is for the flexibility of this furniture and in comparison to the most costly furniture, it is cheaper.  Now if I only put in the boring stuff, how can I look back and laugh at when I was building my Alex drawer units only to find out I put the wrong screw in (you do know that the instructions do not come with words, right?), or had the wrong measurements to the space I was putting them in? humor help with the spots that no matter how much you feel like you have not done anything, you have really accomplished a lot.
Tip #4- find a quiet spot.
It does not matter what you do in that spot when you write, make that spot as free from distractions as possible.  For me, it is my bedroom.  I have a television in the room, but it no longer works.  I also write in the craftroom, late at night.  The only problem is the cat, who wants attention, but when she realizes that I am in my zone, Gizmo Elizabeth will go and lay down.  This is when I feel alone and serene.  Sometimes, I will throw on a little gospel or some of my favorite types of music and chill when I write.  This now my new way of writing my blog posts as well.  No television, no distractions.
This is how I would like to see you writing in your journal, both handwritten and digital.  This is the only way you can get put your true thoughts and be your true self.  Raw, and uninterrupted.  Put on your favorite music, I suggest no harsh rock music, but maybe a rock ballad.  Same if you listen to rap, hip hop, or even Holy Ghost feel-good praise music.  Now is the time to quiet the mind and relax.  Sip your favorite beverage (yes, ladies wine is allowed), and start writing.  My drug…uhm…. drink of choice tonight was pumpkin spice latte coffee with a couple of McDonald’s cookies I picked up on my way from my parent’s house. 
 Tips and Tricks
I always say no matter what is going on in your life, writing helps.  Screaming only escalates the problem.  It helps you to let go.  No, you do not have to read it back right away.  In fact, wait a few months after it is over with.  With breakups, that is a totally different situation and something that you should read back years later.  For abuse situations, burn the entry, or at least read it when you are ready to read it.
Add humor when possible.  Write your entries like business or school documents, such as spelling and grammar corrections, but not for the idea.
One last tip.  If you handwrite your entries, decorating is allowed, as long as you can read it.  No one likes to lift up a sticker just to read an entry.
Have fun, be safe, and do not beat yourself up if you make a mistake.  You are only human.
God bless you.
from Blogger http://bit.ly/31GK2yL via IFTTT
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kenzymirror · 6 years
I join Pastor Ambrose to urge the church to atone for the unjust death meted to otherwise precious Sister Grace Tony Iwuoma Let us talk about Sister Grace. Many of know her and some preachers dwell much on her beauty. She is enchanting and captivating but, unfortunately, she has led many astray. Not that she intentionally lured anyone away from the Truth but she’s like a glowing damsel whose charm blows siren anywhere she goes. Some people get so charmed by her beauty they miss their steps and fall into a ditch. Sadly too, some pastors have joined the train of drooling admirers. They fantasise and romanticise grace and adorn it with unworthy alien clothing. Once you embrace grace, they teach, you’re done forever. Sin has no effect upon you for grace has paid it all. Really? That is why I squirm when some people talk about Sister Grace. I become suspicious because they don’t know her but see her as escape route from sin. Sister Grace is heart-broken because have dubbed her immoral and worldly. They have poisoned sweet Sister Grace but she refuses to be buried. I was glad when one Pastor Ifeanyi Ambrose (+2348138734922) raised the alarm on the rape of Sister Grace by some so-called pastors and unbelieving believers. I was glad to know there were still remnants in the tribe of lovers of Sister Grace for who she truly is. Pastor Ambrose talked about a pastor who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke) and people flock there but straight from the church, they end up in hell fire because unlike the Berean Christians, they don’t want to read the Bible to know the Truth and so, swallow the toxic teaching of this pastor who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke). On their way to or fro Ori Oke, this satanist ‘pastor’ who has a church near the mountain ambushes them. He tells them that God does not care about sinfulness; God cannot discipline a Christian because Jesus has paid the entire price and thus, sin is no longer a problem. This implies that people can sin without their conscience pricking them. However, Matthew 1:21 said the major reason Jesus came was to save us “from” sin, not to leave us “in” sin. God doesn’t take as much delight in prayer and fasting as He does in seeing us live in holiness and walking in Truth. Some people can fast and pray for forty days and forty nights and end the same fasting with fornication or covetousness. This is where many unbelieving believers miss God. They think that seed sowing can atone for a careless Christian life, forgetting that simple obedience is better than sacrifice. READ ALSO: Christians advised on true godly life Oh, how sad! Preachers are now helping Satan to fight God and they call it ministry. Please, ask every eternal security, licentious preacher that comes your way: “What if a man confesses Jesus Christ as His Saviour and then goes to fornicate the same day and died in the act of sin without asking for God’s mercy…If a man dies in the act of sin without asking for forgiveness from God, will such a man go to heaven or hell; will grace cover him?” Of course, you too can answer the question. The answer you give will expose the futility or deception of the messengers of ‘grace’. We cannot continue in sin because grace abounds (Romans 6:1-2). Nevertheless, you are following a pastor that doesn’t know God or even simple Bible truths and you think all is well. You are following religious leaders that are teaching you how to bow to idols and to commit fornication with a licence you call grace. Maybe you still haven’t read Titus 2: 11-12 to understand the true meaning of Grace. The devil now speaks through satanist ‘pastors’ from polluted altars, varnished pulpits and satellite television channels, saying that once you confess Jesus your lifestyle thereafter does not matter. You say, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ” but the perversion in your spirit doesn’t know that righteousness ought to always make one to live right. You can’t be the righteousness of God and be smoking, womanising, masturbating or indulging in sundry unholy vices. And our moony sisters come in sparse dresses, looking ‘sexy’ as if the church is a sex market; our straggling brothers fry their hair, sag their pants and rhumba like crazed showmen; our parents revel in concubinage while our pastors mortgage their calling to fat offering, banishing the Holy Spirit while imported comedians crack lewd jests to make us laugh away the idiocy of wanderlust souls. READ ALSO: Exhibit lesson of alms giving, prayer, righteousness in Lenten period – Clergy We crave or confess we want to be like Jesus. Does Jesus smoke, womanise or do those things? Is Jesus an alcoholic? Oh, Jesus turned water to wine and Paul told Timothy to take a little wine? That is true but did anybody tell you what manner of wine; couldn’t it have been vinegar? A day of reckoning is nearby when every man shall account for our deeds on earth. Therefore, we sum up with Revelations 22:11. For those who know the truth; continue and never weary but if the befuddled won’t learn, never give them time to teach you error but rather seek for a way to win them to Truth. If they are proud in their error like the ‘satanist’ preachers, walk away after asking them to repent or perish. Be careful! That your pastor can pastor you to hell if you don’t learn simple Bible truths. Lack of sound Bible knowledge is worse than HIV/AIDS. While HIV can destroy your body, lack of sound biblical truth can terminate your eternal soul. Once saved is not always saved, ask Hebrews 10 verse 38. Ask Demas that drew back from following Apostle Paul. Ask Lot’s wife that escaped the fire of Sodom but looked back, she will tell you that once saved and returning to sin can turn you into a blocked salt. You can lose your salvation if you don’t daily walk with the Master in obedience to the Holy Spirit. READ ALSO: Holy Spirit, my turning point – Kamiye I join Pastor Ambrose to urge the church to atone for the unjust death meted to otherwise precious Sister Grace. Grace is good but any grace that gives you licence to sin is a disgrace. Is your pastor’s pulpit pulling you out of the pit of sin or pushing you into the pit of iniquity? As for the deceived and careless pastor, who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke) and his hypnotised members as well as other eternal security preachers, repent Now and follow holiness. Eternal security preachers have no part in this ongoing Reformation. They will be kicked out by the Spirit of Truth. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men…Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world…Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:11-13. The post The death of Sister Grace appeared first on – The Sun News. The post The death of Sister Grace appeared first on kenzymirror.com. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2OOe4eO via IFTTT
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kenzymirror · 6 years
The death of Sister Grace
I join Pastor Ambrose to urge the church to atone for the unjust death meted to otherwise precious Sister Grace Tony Iwuoma Let us talk about Sister Grace. Many of know her and some preachers dwell much on her beauty. She is enchanting and captivating but, unfortunately, she has led many astray. Not that she intentionally lured anyone away from the Truth but she’s like a glowing damsel whose charm blows siren anywhere she goes. Some people get so charmed by her beauty they miss their steps and fall into a ditch. Sadly too, some pastors have joined the train of drooling admirers. They fantasise and romanticise grace and adorn it with unworthy alien clothing. Once you embrace grace, they teach, you’re done forever. Sin has no effect upon you for grace has paid it all. Really? That is why I squirm when some people talk about Sister Grace. I become suspicious because they don’t know her but see her as escape route from sin. Sister Grace is heart-broken because have dubbed her immoral and worldly. They have poisoned sweet Sister Grace but she refuses to be buried. I was glad when one Pastor Ifeanyi Ambrose (+2348138734922) raised the alarm on the rape of Sister Grace by some so-called pastors and unbelieving believers. I was glad to know there were still remnants in the tribe of lovers of Sister Grace for who she truly is. Pastor Ambrose talked about a pastor who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke) and people flock there but straight from the church, they end up in hell fire because unlike the Berean Christians, they don’t want to read the Bible to know the Truth and so, swallow the toxic teaching of this pastor who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke).
On their way to or fro Ori Oke, this satanist ‘pastor’ who has a church near the mountain ambushes them. He tells them that God does not care about sinfulness; God cannot discipline a Christian because Jesus has paid the entire price and thus, sin is no longer a problem. This implies that people can sin without their conscience pricking them. However, Matthew 1:21 said the major reason Jesus came was to save us “from” sin, not to leave us “in” sin. God doesn’t take as much delight in prayer and fasting as He does in seeing us live in holiness and walking in Truth. Some people can fast and pray for forty days and forty nights and end the same fasting with fornication or covetousness. This is where many unbelieving believers miss God. They think that seed sowing can atone for a careless Christian life, forgetting that simple obedience is better than sacrifice. READ ALSO: Christians advised on true godly life Oh, how sad! Preachers are now helping Satan to fight God and they call it ministry. Please, ask every eternal security, licentious preacher that comes your way: “What if a man confesses Jesus Christ as His Saviour and then goes to fornicate the same day and died in the act of sin without asking for God’s mercy…If a man dies in the act of sin without asking for forgiveness from God, will such a man go to heaven or hell; will grace cover him?” Of course, you too can answer the question. The answer you give will expose the futility or deception of the messengers of ‘grace’. We cannot continue in sin because grace abounds (Romans 6:1-2). Nevertheless, you are following a pastor that doesn’t know God or even simple Bible truths and you think all is well. You are following religious leaders that are teaching you how to bow to idols and to commit fornication with a licence you call grace. Maybe you still haven’t read Titus 2: 11-12 to understand the true meaning of Grace. The devil now speaks through satanist ‘pastors’ from polluted altars, varnished pulpits and satellite television channels, saying that once you confess Jesus your lifestyle thereafter does not matter.
You say, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ” but the perversion in your spirit doesn’t know that righteousness ought to always make one to live right. You can’t be the righteousness of God and be smoking, womanising, masturbating or indulging in sundry unholy vices. And our moony sisters come in sparse dresses, looking ‘sexy’ as if the church is a sex market; our straggling brothers fry their hair, sag their pants and rhumba like crazed showmen; our parents revel in concubinage while our pastors mortgage their calling to fat offering, banishing the Holy Spirit while imported comedians crack lewd jests to make us laugh away the idiocy of wanderlust souls. READ ALSO: Exhibit lesson of alms giving, prayer, righteousness in Lenten period – Clergy We crave or confess we want to be like Jesus. Does Jesus smoke, womanise or do those things? Is Jesus an alcoholic? Oh, Jesus turned water to wine and Paul told Timothy to take a little wine? That is true but did anybody tell you what manner of wine; couldn’t it have been vinegar? A day of reckoning is nearby when every man shall account for our deeds on earth. Therefore, we sum up with Revelations 22:11.
For those who know the truth; continue and never weary but if the befuddled won’t learn, never give them time to teach you error but rather seek for a way to win them to Truth. If they are proud in their error like the ‘satanist’ preachers, walk away after asking them to repent or perish. Be careful! That your pastor can pastor you to hell if you don’t learn simple Bible truths. Lack of sound Bible knowledge is worse than HIV/AIDS. While HIV can destroy your body, lack of sound biblical truth can terminate your eternal soul. Once saved is not always saved, ask Hebrews 10 verse 38. Ask Demas that drew back from following Apostle Paul. Ask Lot’s wife that escaped the fire of Sodom but looked back, she will tell you that once saved and returning to sin can turn you into a blocked salt. You can lose your salvation if you don’t daily walk with the Master in obedience to the Holy Spirit. READ ALSO: Holy Spirit, my turning point – Kamiye I join Pastor Ambrose to urge the church to atone for the unjust death meted to otherwise precious Sister Grace. Grace is good but any grace that gives you licence to sin is a disgrace. Is your pastor’s pulpit pulling you out of the pit of sin or pushing you into the pit of iniquity? As for the deceived and careless pastor, who has a church near the mountain (Ori Oke) and his hypnotised members as well as other eternal security preachers, repent Now and follow holiness. Eternal security preachers have no part in this ongoing Reformation. They will be kicked out by the Spirit of Truth. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men…Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world…Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:11-13.
The post The death of Sister Grace appeared first on – The Sun News.
The post The death of Sister Grace appeared first on kenzymirror.com.
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