#it's so crunchy im sobbing
choctalksalot · 1 year
this took way too fucking long for what it is
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ult dirkjake shenanigans are getting real wild
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amberluvsbugs · 2 years
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This hurts me more than you could ever know-
I managed to get my computer set up properly so that I can finally do some shit but its been a while and my hand is making things look crunchy ajhsdkjas
I gotta practice a bit to get back into the grind but i should recover hopefully and finally make progress on my projects and commissions
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phobzz · 1 year
I made a cover of death by glamour with the meowsynth
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lmao i forgot how funny the autopsy scene is. oh theyre peeling his scalp up
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kohanaaaaa · 7 months
Aside from that I finally managed to get my Haruka to level mastery 2 after how many months of collecting materials
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simplyashrub · 1 year
Babe wake up,
I just put Montreal Steak Spice on an unwarmed Eggo fresh from the freezer 👀
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
(resending because it looks like some of my asks got deleted)
[Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!]
I'm glad that you're excited for the fic! I'm going to split up the story arcs into their own fics and turn it into a series! book 1 will feature Wukong's journey and following isolation up to a hero is born.
[...Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.]
at least he can still get the flavor through the chips
[...So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.] + [MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."]
upon learning that MK kinda remembers him Wukong def feels guilty about not being able to raise himself, especially with the fact that MK doesn't hold anything against his "birth mother" for giving him up.
but then MK being a monkey comes out of the bag in s4 and MK and Wukong actually get to talk about it. it's a very emotional conversation, with Wukong having come to terms while in the scroll about all of his reasons for not being able to raise MK, and MK just being the sweetest most understanding boy ever, even if he wishes he could have known sooner. they come out of that conversation stronger.
what if after MK learned he was a monkey when he and Macaque go into the scroll to get Wukong they stumble upon a memory of a tiny baby monkey that looks like his monkey form cuddling into Wukong's stomach like MK remembers doing with his "birth mom" and that's how he realizes that Wukong was the person he thought was his mom. when he faced the scroll's curse he got flashes of his life before the noodle shop, but nothing that revealed anything about his birth mom except the small flash of Nuwa, so the sudden, proper reveal still takes him by surprise. he also stumbles upon the memory of Wukong crying as he makes the decision to and give away MK.
[Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else...]
In a way, giving the title to anyone else probably feels like the final straw of admitting that Ao Lie really is truly gone. but admitting that finally means learning to let go, allowing Wukong to grow and heal from his grief which in turn will lead to him isolating himself less. character development ya'know, and in the end he probably feels like moving on is one of the best things to honor his late brother's memory, Ao Lie would want him to move on and find joy in what he has now.
[...PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him.]
Wukong is def very confused when he and DBK go to tell PIF that they have a plan to stop the bone demon but it involves giving the fire back to Red Son, and before he can even say hi she has him in a bear hug. he isn't used to this, he is very confused.
[And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...] + [Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.]
Macaque, as happy as he is that she looks enough like him that he can pass as the baby-daddy, def feels a bit guilty upon learning that the only reason that is is because of how how much Wukong missed him after he left. he loves being a parent to Yuebei, but as much as he loves people assuming that she is his their likeness also serves as a reminder that he wasn't there.
he has a lot of time to make up for, and he plans on getting right on that.
[PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')]
Macaque is honestly just happy he's allowed to be involved in baby's life.
[Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??] + [Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.]
hey, it was a delicious cake. though Wukong is pretty sure cakes aren't supposed to be spicy.
the attention Mei and the older ladies are giving him over the pregnancy is honestly a little overwhelming at times due to how unexpected it is. especially from PIF and Macaque's adopted mom figure, he'd thought the two of them would be far more mad about mac dying then anything else. he does apologizes to Jiuweihuli about bonking her over the head that one time when he was hormonal and stressed when they get a proper chance to talk.
[You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.]
if the infamous "god killer" is set to show up and then you learn that the god killer is the child of the Sun Wukong, menace to the heavens, and earned her title before she was even out if the womb, that is terrifying. imagine what she'll be like when she gets older and starts combat training.
[like turning the Medusa's head into a shield.] +[Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.] + [I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.]
the medusa comparison is awesome and on point!
I love idea she puts so much trust she puts into the staff because it was her first proper weapon. I feel she also puts a lot of trust into it because it's from her parents.
I love the Dr. Facillier comparison, I was thinking of her swishing her mask on like a miraculous lady bug transformation.
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[I'm excited to see how your drawings go!]
I'll be sure to share soon!
[Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.] + [Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone.]
everyone is panicking, just to different lengths. Wukong for his own sake is trying to keep his excitement to a manageable level, Macaque is notably not, portaling warm blankets and pillows and water and towels to the campsite or wherever the end up settling for Wukong's labor to play out (i like to think Guanyin takes everyone to the south sea). Mei and MK are shaking each other and screaming while Red Son tries to calm them down, Ne Zha is running around doing everything Guanyin asks of him to keep himself distanced from hyperventilating. Tang is torn between trying not to be sick and writing about what's going on, Pigsy is already tearing apart the kitchen, and Sandy is politely calling the Demon Bull parents to let them know where they are, that they're all safe, and that the baby is on the way! while keeping LBD's host preoccupied.
[Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.]
the bull family are on their way the second they hear about what's going on. they aren't missing the birth for anything, and they wanna be there for their family. also they need to check in on Red Son
[Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.]
Guanyin is there to go through all them with her, Yuebei is amazed at much her baba loved her well before she was ever born, even if it becomes a little bittersweet after she learns that he could have died for her to be born and was willing to go through with the pregnancy anyway, for the sake of the baby he loved so much he may have never been able to meet. when she goes home she gives her baba a big hug. Yuebei: *walks into to the house* BABA Wukong: *not expecting her back so soon* oh! Yuebei, are you okay, I'm sorry about the fight earlier I was- Yuebei: *tackles him into a hug, muffled talking with her face buried in her Baba's chest* m'sorry, I love you. Wukong: *a little surprised but happy* love you too little one ps: what do you think Wukong would use as an affectionate nickname for Yuebei in this au? also, at what point do you think her name was decided on.
[Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.]
they absolutely would, even if looking at Yuebei would always be bittersweet long after it stopped actually hurting whenever she saw Wukong in her. I feel like in the event she was left in Guanyn's care, Guanyin wouldn't hide her parentage, and the first time Yuebei asks about details at like 10yo or something and they spend the next few hours going through the things Wukong left for her (except for anything specifically for certain dates/milestones).
[Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.]
Macaque def cries at every big relationship milestone between him and Yuebei (and him and Wukong, seeing how much Wukong has changed for the better makes him very hopeful they could have the life they promised each other, but seeing how much Wukong has also been hurting he is very grateful he has the oppurtunity to make things better. ultimately, he is very grateful he made the decision to stay and not squander the chance). but there's def a period of time in there where anytime Macaque and Wukong get in a fight (because healing and reconciliation isn't linear) it sets his relationship with Yuebei back a couple squares.
I always thought that Macaque having six sensitive ears and being a theater performer would make him a killer at vocals, and he can change his voice pretty much at will to something completely random, someone else's voice if he hears them, or mimic the sounds of animals and/or other non-living objects that produce sounds. so he would absolutely nail and accents and voices he needs to do to keep Yuebei appeased. he probably at some point mimics Wukong's voice in order to calm her down, because out of all her "good sounds" her baba's is the most "safe".
[Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.] + [Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...] + [Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.]
the brotherhood assumes Yuebei is also Macaque's kid like everyone else, and because of this Peng def is not above teasing the already fussy infant monkey. Yellowtusk is looking at his brothers either ignore or "torment" the infant of at least one if not two of their other sworn brothers. he realizes in that moment that the other two aren't who he thought they were, or at the very least they aren't anymore, but most importantly they aren't the type of people he wants to be involved with. the change of heart leads him to not feeling to bad when leaving his brothers to their fate when Yuebei has enough for the sake of his own safety.
(dont worry you asks didnt get deleted, Im just very lazy/bust with college)
referencing this previous Slow boiled au post.
[I'm glad that you're excited for the fic! I'm going to split up the story arcs into their own fics and turn it into a series! book 1 will feature Wukong's journey and following isolation up to a hero is born.]
I wait with bated subscribe button.
[upon learning that MK kinda remembers him Wukong def feels guilty about not being able to raise himself, especially with the fact that MK doesn't hold anything against his "birth mother" for giving him up. but then MK being a monkey comes out of the bag in s4 and MK and Wukong actually get to talk about it. it's a very emotional conversation, with Wukong having come to terms while in the scroll about all of his reasons for not being able to raise MK, and MK just being the sweetest most understanding boy ever, even if he wishes he could have known sooner. they come out of that conversation stronger. what if after MK learned he was a monkey when he and Macaque go into the scroll to get Wukong they stumble upon a memory of a tiny baby monkey that looks like his monkey form cuddling into Wukong's stomach like MK remembers doing with his "birth mom" and that's how he realizes that Wukong was the person he thought was his mom. when he faced the scroll's curse he got flashes of his life before the noodle shop, but nothing that revealed anything about his birth mom except the small flash of Nuwa, so the sudden, proper reveal still takes him by surprise. he also stumbles upon the memory of Wukong crying as he makes the decision to and give away MK.]
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Wukong doesn't want to tell MK the truth cus he think's he'll hate him for having to give him up.
When MK and Mac see the memory of a baby monkey demon hugging (a much more sad-looking) Wukong's stomach, the memories all come flooding back to MK about who he thought was his "birth mother" . Even though he knows the Monkey King isn't really his birth parent (glaring at Nuwa), he knew that the choice to raise MK fell on his heavy shoulders. Even if MK is a *little* upset when he finds out via S4 Memory Scroll-ing with Macaque that he's a monkey demon, MK understands that the Monkey King was simply unable to care for him while he lacked a support system. Wukong wanted MK to have a "normal" childhood that he was denied, and that simply wasn't possible on FFM at the time.
Ultimately MK is glad that Wukong had the good judgement to leave MK with Pigsy all those years ago, no matter how much it hurt.
They find the memory of Wukong standing outside in the city streets, affixing a strong glamour spell to the baby's head, and sobbing as he forces himself to stop holding them long enough to disappear and make a noise that alerts the pig chef inside the shop. It's very Meet the Robinson's esque.
The first thing MK does when he reunites with Wukong, is hug him tight and say "I never blamed you." Wukong is confused until the realisation that MK was in his memories kicks in, and he starts sobbing too.
[In a way, giving the title to anyone else probably feels like the final straw of admitting that Ao Lie really is truly gone. but admitting that finally means learning to let go, allowing Wukong to grow and heal from his grief which in turn will lead to him isolating himself less. character development ya'know,]
Yeah, even if the decision to give DBK the title of "Godfather" was pretty rash in the moment, Wukong eventually hits a point where him and DBK end up having a talk about the monkey's "late younger brother" when Wukong hesistate to make it official.
DBK is understanding of why Wukong finds it hard to move on from Ao Lie's passing. He wouldn't know what he would have done if he'd lost his Xiandi all those centuries ago. DBK is patient enough to let his little bro come to terms with this emotional hurdle. He just wished he had more time to know this odd, horse-like dragon that Wukong adored as a brother.
The convo probably happens at the same time they decide to give Red Son back the Samadhi Fire + PIF giving Wukong's an unexpected hug.
[Macaque, as happy as he is that she looks enough like him that he can pass as the baby-daddy, def feels a bit guilty upon learning that the only reason that is is because of how how much Wukong missed him after he left. he loves being a parent to Yuebei, but as much as he loves people assuming that she is his their likeness also serves as a reminder that he wasn't there. he has a lot of time to make up for, and he plans on getting right on that.]
OH you better believe post S3 Macaque is running up that Dad hill full sprint to be there for Yuebei. Even if him and Wukong take a while to confront their issues, and have a fight or two, Mac ultimately wants to BE THERE for the King who missed him so much, and the cub that changed it's appearance to reflect that.
S4 is Macaque busting on through, resolving any petty fights him and Wukong had in the past, saving his mate and cub, and developing a fatherly attitude towards MK. This is THEIR happy ending, and Mac's not gonna let Azure take that away from them.
Fun fact; since Stone Eggs are able to "steal" the Dao of others, it ws common in Stone Monkey days for widowed monkeys to start the egg-making process while buried next to their mate in hopes that both of their traits lived on in the baby. It's influenced a lot by yearning/want of the parent for their mate (the supernatural "other parent").
[the attention Mei and the older ladies are giving him over the pregnancy is honestly a little overwhelming at times due to how unexpected it is. especially from PIF and Macaque's adopted mom figure, he'd thought the two of them would be far more mad about mac dying then anything else.]
Wukong is def confused but amused by how much PIF and Jiuweihuli are adoring of him, but are shooting Mac the stinkeye. PIF has already declared herself the baby's Godmother in partnership with her husband's title, and Jiuweihuli is treating the situation as if she's expecting a grandchild. Even when Wukong explains that Mac only "started the process", that doesn't deter the demonesses.
Wukong is ofc overwhelmed by the positive attention, and scurries away for a break once the womens' backs are turned. Red Son offering him a confused, but tasty spiced cake is like a breath of fresh air.
[if the infamous "god killer" is set to show up and then you learn that the god killer is the child of the Sun Wukong, menace to the heavens, and earned her title before she was even out if the womb is terrifying. imagine what she'll be like when she gets older and starts combat training.]
Yuebei, aka "The God Killer" toddles into a fancy heavenly party and all the Celestials scatter like they saw a tiger enter the room. The infant monkey just jumps on the banquet table and starts chowing down on the hors d'oeuvres like her baba before her.
[I love idea she puts so much trust she puts into the staff because it was her first proper weapon. I feel she also puts a lot of trust into it because it's from her parents. I love the Dr. Facillier comparison, I was thinking of her swishing her mask on like a miraculous lady bug transformation.]
Yuebei and her big bro MK share the trait of "I believe, so it is", and that includes her super-cool FIRST STAFF that was probably made from a completely normal stalk of bamboo by Wukong and Mac as a birthday gift.
Ooo I like that Ladybug idea for her skull-mask. Magical girl transformation except she's dressed to reap souls. >:3
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Oh gosh now Im thinking of little Yuebei being obsessed with Sailor Moon. XD
[everyone is panicking, just to different lengths.] + [while keeping LBD's host preoccupied.]
The campsite is just a warzone of panicking found family members as they scramble to get things ready for the baby's arrival. I love the idea of Sandy having enough sense to call DBK and PIF on the phone to give them a heads-up.
And poor Bai He. Just got over being possessed for x-amount of months by an ancient world-ending demon, and now she's just swept up in the chaos that a baby is coming!? She probably "heard" things while being piloted by LDB, so she knows "someone" is having a baby, she just doesn't understand the context. Especially considering that the monkey demon couple (one's the Monkey King?!) have been tending to her like parents the whole trip home. and- "Is that lady Guanyin?"
Bai He def has a "she's so cute!"-moment when she sees Yuebei for the first time. She's cuter than a kitten! :3
[the bull family are on their way the second they hear about what's going on. they will do what they have to for their family.]
The second that the Bull Couple learn that Wukong is ok after LBD's defeat, they're flying over to see if their Xiandi is ok. DBK has to be reprimanded for almost getting into a fight with Nezha over their protective instincts towards Wukong in this state.
[Guanyin is there to go through all them with her, Yuebei is amazed at much her baba loved her well before she was ever born, even if it becomes a little bittersweet after she learns that he could have died for her to be born and was willing to go through with the pregnancy anyway, for the sake of the baby he loved so much he may have never been able to meet. when she goes home she gives her baba a big hug. Yuebei: *walks into to the house* BABA Wukong: *not expecting her back so soon* oh! Yuebei, are you okay, I'm sorry about the fight earlier I was- Yuebei: *tackles him into a hug, muffled talking with her face buried in her Baba's chest* m'sorry, I love you. Wukong: *a little surprised but happy* love you too little one]
OOOOUHHH!! Yuebei having the realisation in her teens about how much Wukong sacrificed/could have lost to ensure she was born safetly!! Yuebei def stares at the tapes Guanyn provides in silence, tears rolling down her face as she sees and hears her Baba in different eras, telling his baby that they may never meet but that he loves them no matter what!!
Yuebei would feel so guilty for running off after a petty fight with her Baba! Especially if one of the things she yelled at Wukong was along the lines of; "You never do anything for me!"
Wukong is just relieved that his daughter came home safe and sound. Guanyin def did the divine version of a text message telling Wukong that Yuebei came to her island, but Wukong was still worried.
[ps: what do you think Wukong would use as an affectionate nickname for Yuebei in this au? also, at what point do you think her name was decided on.]
Wukong's nickname for Yuebei is "Egg" much like MK in the TMKATI au. Hard to get rid of the moniker when Wukojng had been using it for almost a thousand years. One of the rarer nicknames he had for her was "little moonlight" whenever he was particularly wistful.
Macaque calls the baby cuter things like "starlight" or "sunspot" cus she's "a little Sun" (pun).
The name "Yuebei" aka "Lunar Apogee" was only decided in the later months leading up to her birth. Wukong had wanted to wait until the Egg was born to decide. And ofc with his "moonlight" finally back at his side, Wukong's brain went towards moon-themed names...
[they absolutely would, even if looking at Yuebei would always be bittersweet long after it stopped actually hurting whenever she saw Wukong in her.]
Guanyin would 100% refer to herself as being Yuebei's "grandmother" in the scenario that Wukong had not survived/woken up. Little Yuebei would have grown up on Fragrant Mountain in the Southern Oceans as beloved as any creature under Guanyin's protection. Safe from teh eyes of Heaven. Wukong knows he would have made a good choice.
[Macaque def cries at every big relationship milestone between him and Yuebei (and him and Wukong, seeing how much Wukong has changed for the better makes him very hopeful they could have the life they promised each other, but seeing how much Wukong has also been hurting he is very grateful he has the oppurtunity to make things better. ultimately, he is very grateful he made the decision to stay and not squander the chance). but there's def a period of time in there where anytime Macaque and Wukong get in a fight (because healing and reconciliation isn't linear) it sets his relationship with Yuebei back a couple squares.]
Macaque and Wukong I think would have had a fight just prior to S4, likely over how MK is being trained as Wukong's successor - Wukong want's to be careful and soft on the kid, while Macaque was more the mindset of preparing MK for the worst-case scenarios. It caused the two to be on not-speaking terms, even though they were still both technically co-parenting the baby. Wukong had walked out on the most recent fight, and taken Yuebei to the old stone palace to decompress when MK found the memory scroll.
The subsetquent hours is Macaque fellign like sh*t for making Wukong hate him again + Yuebei crying when Mac raised his voice. He's convinced that he F-d Up Big, and that Wukong would never trust him again- oh hey a text from Mei.
Mei, texting: "Scroll thingy ate Monkey King!! *shocked emoji*" Mac, on an ancient nokia: "WHAT!? Where's the baby!?" Mei: "Being babysat rn. Don't worry, we're on the case!" *thumbs up* + "100 emoji" Mac: "oh thank buddha."
Macaque still goes to Water Curtain Cave to see whats up... only to find no Monkey Kids, and the smell of a familar lion...
[I always thought that Macaque having six sensitive ears and being a theater performer would make him a killer at vocals, and he can change his voice pretty much at will to something completely random, someone else's voice if he hears them, or mimic the sounds of animals and/or other non-living objects that produce sounds. so he would absolutely nail and accents and voices he needs to do to keep Yuebei appeased. he probably at some point mimics Wukong's voice in order to calm her down, because out of all her "good sounds" her baba's is the most "safe".]
Macaque canonically can nail voices and animal sounds! He pretended to be Mo meowing when he split the vans up.
I can just imagine him setting a fussy Yuebei down for sleep and trying to read her a story like;
Macaque, normal voice: "Bustopher Jone-"
Yuebei: *gives him a stank face* >:(
Macaque: "Oh ok, little miss high-standards."
Macaque: *clears throat*
Macaque, now in a goofy falsetto ala Ed Wynn: "Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones— In fact, he's remarkably fat. He doesn't haunt pubs—he has eight or nine clubs, For he's the St. James's Street Cat!"
Yuebei: *delighted giggling!* :D
Wukong: *secretly watching from the doorway, falling in love with his Warrior all over again*
[the brotherhood assumes Yuebei is also Macaque's kid like everyone else, and because of this Peng def is not above teasing the already fussy infant monkey. Yellowtusk is looking at his brothers either ignore or "torment" the infant of at least one if not two of their other sworn brothers. he realizes in that moment that the other two aren't who he thought they were, or at the very least they aren't anymore, but most importantly they aren't the type of people he wants to be involved with. the change of heart leads him to not feeling to bad when leaving his brothers to their fate when Yuebei has enough for the sake of his own safety.]
Yellowtusk is the only one of the Brotherhood trio who recognises that people have changed in the last few hundred years.
The Pilgrims are dead and gone, and their decendants are far different from their originals. Brother Bull is a family man who would do anything for his wife and son.
Brother Wukong is, from what Yellowtusk overheard, has become far wiser and more cautious. And not to say the acts of heroism he's heard attributed to Brother Macaque! (Defying and saving the world from the icy bone demon that resurrected him is no mere feat - it was the talk of the celestial and demon worlds for weeks). Not to mention the tiny dark-furred infant monkey that Azure holds, squirming in his grip...
And he also recognises that his own two companions have changed... but not for the better.
The selfless leadership once held by Azure Lion has become warped into a form of tyrany, one where their new Emperor holds their sworn brothers' infant hostage and openly fantasizes about taking Brother Wukong as his consort.
The curt bluntness he had appriciated in Peng's words have become needlessly harsh and tormenting. Even towards something as small and blameless as the infant they hold hostage.
Yellowtusk recognises that perhaps even he has changed. Being made to relive your mistakes throught the Scroll can do that. He realises that he should have said more to defend his shyer brothers, and wishes that he had the foresight to know that the Jade Emperor would have succeeded in their haphazard coup.
Yellowtusk is Wise because he recognises that the best option is to jump this sinking ship now while there's still time.
He goes to take the hostage infant away from Azure's grasp when the little girl suddenly grabs hard on one of Peng's flight feathers, the gold plating crumbling away in her grip...
Yellowtusk backs out of the throne room as the child of Sun Wukong destroys the two grown warriors like they were toys to be broken. He's thankfull that his calmer treatment of the infant only leaves him with a sore trunk from the little monkey tugging on it to guesture that she was hungry.
Sorry it took so long to answer! I've been very lazy over xmas :3
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mamadarama · 2 months
IM CRYING IN THE MIDDLE OF WORK I AM SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SO GETTING THIS PAYCHECK CUZ!!!!! CUZ!!!!!!!!??? MADAREI (BASHES MY HEAD) it looks like they're the 4 stars thank fucking god cuz I won't recover for Butou-Kai and Rei FS2 soon + New Years Madara and Meru and AUGHHHHHHHHHH PUNCHES THW WALL IMAGINE GOING YO A RESTAURAMT AND YOUR WAITER IS CRYING OVER NEW ENSTARS CARDS insert Kuro sick image AUGHHHHHHHHH I FEEL LIKE!!!!! EXPLODING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I'm on break IM ABOUT TO SOB!!!! IN THIS LOCKER ROOM!!!!!!!
- @umiedibles madayume 🍀
well boss makes a dollar and all that . rei looks so cute in the unbloomed ver of his card yes get it girlboy (ignore how crunchy the ss are)
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no idea whats going on here tho . normal madara behavior. i think he might be yelling at niki.
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little-luna-llama · 8 months
i've been rereading and rereading and rereading the fic series over and over and over. i thought the custard cookie iii fans had either mostly dimmed out or migrated. i only saw a fanart of the bluebell au by chance and got excited enough to see an old hypfix in the dash that i found the fic and god. i am so happy to see another cciii fan in here. you've got me watching all the new beast-yeast storyline eps for this. god you nail shadow milk's voice so well but also i've just listened to his eng voice actor and he truly does sound silly. his english voice actor is doing really well for a first impression. i might be developing another character fixation but who the hell knows. all i can say is that i am back in low-content crk hell where this time i might start actually writing for it. FUCK.
also slightly off-topic what was he doing. no i am serious what was custard cookie iii (who CANNOT be older than like 10) doing on his own chasing a puppy with a crown and when he gets adopted by a bunch of friends there is no alert raised. where was he living before that??? who was taking care of him??? why was no one looking for him??? we know his family lineage and that's like. most of everything. WHAT was that child doing. i would shake him like a pinata but i don't think he deserves that. devsisters i will shake YOU like a pinata because WHY are there so many underdeveloped characters.
yeah that's basically it for now byeeeeeee
for the second part, I totally get the frustration with the underdeveloped characters, and as for what custard was doing for me it really depends on the au/headcanon I'm going for. I only have 1 au where i hc him older than 11 and thats specifically because its an au set in the future of another au thats dark choco centric, and i often go for around 9, (technically it makes him 6-8 when he first meets the crew because his birthday is implied to be the anniversary date and at least 1 year has passed since he canonically attended Holly's year end ball)
I literally have an au where they spawned in one day because of a wish(an old friend of pure vanillas who wished to help him like he helped them as a form of good karma gets their wish fulfilled and the magic granted to them by vanilla becomes custard iii hence how they share similar abilities and custard is so attached to vani). And "dad" in their memories is just what they used to look like, with the old soul looking after him if he needs it.
In a fairly canon timeline I see that custard was raised by his dad, who went out the day before the adventure started and didn't come back, and custard left to go and find him, and ends up getting adopted by several parental/carer figures including but not limited to: chili pepper, rye, dark choco, madeleine, pure vanilla, dark cacao, tea knight, crunchy chip and c-arrow.
And also gets 3 new siblings in Gingerbrave Strawberry and Wizard, and forms a small chaos squad with Poison mushroom, Strawberry crepe and snapdragon.
As for what happened to his dad, idk rlly. Part of me wants to do a tiger lily conspiracy in that the St pastry order kidnapped tiger lily for her connection to holly(and by extension eternal sugar and mystic flour) and lost her when butter tiger showed up to protect her and that something similar happened to custards dad and he's currently in their hold.
Or in a complete curve ball I could say that Custard iii was kidnapped and escaped, but did not realise he was being kidnapped in his childish naivety.
Until devsis gives us more crumbs this is the best we got.
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screampied · 3 months
vegas i love you so so much your fics are so crunchy and delicious and THEY ARE SO FUN TO READ AND THEY ARE SO SO WELL WRITTEN i wish i was so much more articulate because you deserve to hear how amazing your writing is !! ^_^
i love you too omg 🫂🫂🫂🫂 more in fact 🙂‍↕️
sobs ur so sweet this means a lot tysm babey IM SO GLAD U FEEL THAT WAY N ENJOY THEM it makes the time worth it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️💓 you’re very articulate no worries !!!! i hope you have a greaaaat day nonnie 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️ sending u many many smooches n positive energy xxxx
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marrijaydeboo · 2 years
what iiiiiiif reader was left behind in the boiling isles and when hunter comes back with the others they just TACKLE HIM TO THE GROUND with a hug and is confused why flapjack is not with him
( im still heartbroken :( )
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S3 Hunter x Reader!
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A/N: Ik I said season 3 Hunter but I like this scene okay?
Also anon, I didn't write them going to the boiling isles bc we have no idea what it's like on the other side so I'm sorry if you don't like this
Warning/s: Spoilers, mentions of injuries
!NOT Proofread and will go through editing later!
╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ -𓅪
It's been so long since you last saw your friends and was forced to hide away from The Collector.
If you were a human then it'd be a miracle that you were still alive all by yourself.
"Y/N! King!" Luz cried You were running towards the door that leads to the human realm, you were almost there but before you knew it the door slammed shut leaving you with The Child of Stars "Luz! Belos-!" slam.
You have no idea how you ran away from them. You forgot.
While hiding away from the most chaotic child you've ever seen you also practiced your glyph magic and make new combos
If you were a witch you also made combos and got random old grimoires, textbooks, and notebooks near the Hexsides area and study their contents
Maybe find a location where there's a stash of Titan blood and rebuild a door somehow?
Whilst practicing your skills in an open area you felt a breeze from behind, you thought it was just wind from a spell you were practicing but when you turned around it was a portal, you quickly hid from the nearest tree and you couldn't believe it. It was Belos. I thought Collector killed him?? You thought.
You walked towards the portal and observed, it looked exactly like the portal to get to the human realm and you remembered,
"Luz Belos is-!" slam
No, no, no, no, no, ,no.
"Belos! Some of his parts dropped on Hunter's shoulder!" You opened the door and it didn't have its portal. The Collector giggled from behind, "too slow!"
Which means, if Belos got out of that portal alive then your friends are there!..hopefully alive like him.
You went through the portal, your rubbed your eyes to adjust from the light inside. Not long enough you felt a cool breeze, you looked up at the sky, then to your feet, it was an autumn leaf a crunchy one infact 😩
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice, "Luz?", you saw her and the whole group. They look just as messed up as when they left you.
What concerned you more was Hunter, He looked worse. "Hunter?" You felt your voice crack. Almost immediately he stood up from the ground, trying to run towards you.
You sprinted and embraced him, lifting him in the air. You and Hunter were sobbing but also laughing. Everything felt like a dream, it was all too much You felt your knees weaken and you lost your balance, making you fall on top of him, you apologized sitting up.
(I hope y'all can see what I'm seeing/writing 😭)
(@tokosparrow giggles this is the part I hope you like it )
"I can't believe it! It's you!" You held his face while failing in trying NOT to cry. His old scar was larger than the one he had before, "what happened? Where's Flapjack?" he avoided eye contact, "I'm sorry" he breathed out. "I messed up."
You were confused, you thought Belos did this. Why is Hunter apologizing?
He told you everything in a quick summary, You placed an arm behind his back rubbing circles. "Hey, Belos possessing you is not your fault." you looked behind you to see everyone, "I've got a few ideas." Hunter looked at you with curiosity, "huh?"
"First idea, Everyone! Group hug Hunter!" and in a blink of an eye everyone was around Hunter
You all let go of him after he felt a but better, "next idea is to save Eda and everyone else!" Amity looked at you as if it was a dumb idea, "Wait, you aren't with Eda and the others?"
"How did you escape The Collector?!"
"Nope! Been living in some dump for months."
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kitkat4406 · 1 year
A Killer Love
TW- Mentions of death, mentions of blood, mention of poison, fighting, crying
Pairings- Logan x Remus eventually
Part nine > part ten > Part eleven
“Aren’t you cold?” Logan asked, the wind blowing leaves up from the gutters and side alleys. He scowled a bit at the leaves trying to get into his hair and mess it up. He rolled his eyes as a little kid jumped around on the sidewalk stomping on the crunchy leaves. 
“Remus?” Logan looked down at Remus. Kill him, he’s not worth it, see the blood spill from his-
“Huh? Oh yeah- sorry” Remus smiled, rubbing at his red eyes again. Bleed, drug him, kill, kill kill- “I’m not all that cold, I’m alright” He smiled softly.
“Are you sure?” I’m not hurting him, it’s Remus… he thought to himself, grimacing as his... less than pleasant thought doubled in volume. Remus nodded.
“I’m ok!” He grinned. He gasped suddenly and Logan’s eyes snapped over. “Logan! We have to go get ice cream!” He laughed with a soft blush dusting his cheeks. Logan smiled, raising a brow. Poison the ice cream, cut him up, watch the blood drain from his face, burn him with a hot iron- 
“It’s fall, it’s already cold enough” he chuckled. Remus frowned, make him smile, but then lit up.
“Then you and I can share a jacket to warm up!” Remus giggled. Logan rolled his eyes with a soft smile. Remus took his hand, pulling him along. Make it so he can’t stop smiling, cut it into him.  
“Shut it” he whispered harshly to himself, closing his eyes tightly. He just wanted to spend time with Rem-
“W-What?” Remus whispered, dropping Logan’s hand. Logan’s eyes widened, looking up. “I-“ Remus stepped back, tears brimming his eyes.
“I’m so sorry Remus- I was just-“ Logan fought with himself, looking for a believable lie. Tell him the truth and watch him run, then kill him. A dead man tells no tales- “I was over thinking something- I swear on my life-“ Remus shook his head, sniffling. 
“You're lying-“ He whispered, his voice cracking at the end. 
“No im not-“ Lies lies lies lies, lies are so much fun
“Stop lying!” Remus cried, taking another step back to counter Logans step forward. “I can see it on your face- I’m not a fool!” Remus said loudly, clutching the front of his shirt as he tried to breathe. “I know what you're doing!” Logan held his own breath. He knows too much
“I- Remus I swear- I’m sorry- I was trying to-“
“To shut me up I know- I know I’m annoying but you didn’t have to string me along!” Remus yelled at him. Logan flinched at the yell. How dare he… punish- kill- torture- nobody yells at-
“You aren’t annoying Remus-“ Logan whispered. “You aren’t- that’s such a falsehood that I can’t believe you even said it- your creative- you share your ideas- you are in no way-“ Logan looked away, steeling himself. “You are in no way annoying” Logan whispered. “I am sorry for saying what I did, I didn’t mean to say it aloud. I was simply over thinking and spiraling. I apologize” Logan whispered, looking at the pavement with shame. Lies, it’s all a lie Logan breathed deeply, shaking his head. “I’m sorry Remus” Remus choked on a sob, shaking his head.
“I want to go home-“ He whispered, going past Logan quickly and leaving for the nearest bus stop to take him back to the edge of town. Away from Logan. Logan made no move to stop him, knowing it was most likely for the best. He walked home silently, hands in his jean pockets.
He caused enough damage today anyway.
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hakkiest · 2 years
tagged by th everloveliest @evergardenwall  tes ma joie de vivre sammie chuac
last song: according to Spotify, Instinto by Papisa, but I was listening to Dire Straits on the gramophone (?) earlier so maybe Calling Elvis by them instead?
last show you watched: Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I am an unapologetic Monty Python stan yes I did have a 60′s 70′s phase
last movie: Hunt for the Wilderpeople which I still hadnt gotten around to watching and oh my god. it made me cry. it made me sob. i loved it. I also started watching The Duke of Burgundy which I FINALLY FOUND OH MY GODDDD the only version id found before was a miserably crunchy russian dub and now I have it not only HD but subtitled. huge win for hoh lesbian nation
currently reading: Nothing :miserableface: I always get soooo stressed out with deciding what my first book of the year is cause I’m deeeply sure it dictates how my year of reading is going to be so I’m still in the pointless worry stage.
current obsession: Is it a cheat if I say art? Maybe. It’s origami though. I’m working on a really pretty pigeon
tagging lemme see. @paddooo @napo-con-fritas @nose-bl @ihatethewest ver uns mutual br @fourtimesleo @dyke-on (im not sure we are mutuals tho) and moon whatever your current url is
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dilucsrevenge · 2 years
im sorry i keep l;ike replying to your things and u reply back but when i open your blog my browser dies sobs wails cries etc etc. the blacksmith from mondstadt is soo crunchy tbh
IM SO SORRY I KEEP KILLING YOUR BROWSER … u can interact with my posts as much as u want 🫶🏻 mondstadt blacksmith though … sheesh
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skzingitup · 2 years
Today we are reviewing one of my fave kpop group’s new album MAXIDENT by Stray Kids with the title track Case 143
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I just wanna say how I’m so proud of these dudes, they write and produce their own music and their skills get stronger with every release 🫶🏻 anyway on to the review
Case 143 - 7/10 - it’s definitely interesting. I was worried i wasn’t gonna like it all that much based on the snippet on tik tok but it’s much better within the context of the whole song. This song does what they set up in the previous release Maniac and improves upon it. Although the first section of the chorus is jarring, its a huge ear worm and im addicted to it. If Stray Kids were going to do a love song this is exactly how i expected them to do it 😭 (also give the music video a watch you won’t regret it, it’s quite funny, felix gets slapped by a cooked chicken 😀)
Chill - 8/10 - a song written and composed by our Hannie!! His songs are always so nice!! This is a cool jazzy style r&b song. It takes some similarities from lofi music too and some classic hip hop beats and overall its so good. Han’s solo written and composed songs have only improved since debut and i love it so much!!
Give me your TMI - 9/10 - This one is for all my living tombstone fans and fnaf fans!! The crunchy instrumental is everything and the drop into the chorus is so interesting. Also when Changbin starts the song with a strong rap that seems like complete nonsense, you know the songs gonna hit!! But yeah keeping up with hip hop sounds, the incorporate crunchy edm and alternative rock style sounds too and it just makes this song so funky I love it!!
SUPER BOARD - 6/10 - where do i start with this song… the intro itches my brain so hard. The “nada da shooom super board” gets stuck in your head so badly 😭 the song leans into a more rock style but instead of an electric guitar riff, you get these synth sounds and it adds that retro flare to the song. Although the repetition of nada da shoom super board can get a bit annoying and lessens the replay-ability of the song for me
3RACHA (Bangchan, Changbin, Han) - 5/10 - this is well and truly a Drill song. Like this is something straight out of the streets of south london. The raps of our producing unit are satisfying to my ears however this style of music just isn’t my personal taste and i don’t think i would listen to it often. Not a bad song tho ✨also ik chan is australian but im claiming changbin and han as honorary brits for this song
TASTE (Hyunjin, Felix, Lee Know) - 8.5/10 - when Hyunjin described this song as a cold version of red lights he wasn’t wrong. They need to keep this man in the studio his brain is amazing. 4th member of 3racha?? Perhaps. Whenever you put Danceracha (this unit) in the studio expect a hoe anthem honestly. I’m very proud of how Hyunjin and Felix’s vocals have improved. Lee Know really gets to use his more powerful vocals and that makes me so happy!! Also the drop in this song is insane. Listening to it isn’t enough i need it shot into my veins 😭
Can’t Stop (Seungmin, I.N) - 7/10 - my vocalracha 🫶🏻 this is a pop rock style song. They worked with one of day6’s producers for this track which you can tell!! But it suits them so much!! Seungmin and innie’s voices are so lovely the drums and guitars are so strong. You will absolutely catch me dancing about to this song 😭 however i will say that the mixing between the vocals and the instrumental feels a bit off. Idk how to explain it. Also they cut off Seungmin’s high note, gonna sob.
Circus (Korean version) - 8/10 - This was the title track for their lastest Japanese mini album so i’ve heard if before. Its a bop. But I will say i think the korean version flows a lot better between the english lines and the korean ones. Where as the Japanese version felt a little too sharp?? But yeah Circus would slay is every language if we’re honest
Anyways, Maxident Album of the year. Also is you ever wanna talk to me about Stray Kids pls send me an ask, I love these dudes so much 😭🫶🏻
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delcakoo · 2 years
bro i’ve been vaccinated for a year already 😭😭 this is the first time i’ve ever gotten covid im pretty sure my coughs have been so crunchy it’s embarrassing… like someone could sample my coughs and it could literally be used for a crazy bass drop… producers out there… i could use a little money 🤷‍♀️
- ⛄️
OKAY BUT PLS FEEL BETTER SOON :( i havent had that crunchy cough in years but i still vividly remember how fucking painful it is 🧍literally th worst type of sickness 😞😞 PRAYING FOR UR SPEEDY RECOVERY LOVEEEE <3
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