#it's so intriguing I'm so obsessed this is definitely one of the best games I have played in my life
camryn-haitani · 8 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open can I request headcanon (barou, rin and bachira: separate) falling in love with the female reader who also plays football? Thank you in advance.
all requests are appreciated and this is my first one ever so I thank you a million times<3
BlueLock Boys falling in love with another football player
Rin Itoshi, Barou Shoei, and Bachira Meguru (separate) x football player reader
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the title is pretty self explanatory so yeah<3
TW: cursing, sae slander, biting in Rins(not sexually or violently, just in a playing way), alcohol mention in barou's(none is consumed),
all characters are aged up and adults
these are going to be very long bc of the backstory of how y'all meet. so please bear with me. they may be ooc and I apologize. these brackets [ ] are little notes from me, just so y'all know
lowercase intended
Rin Itoshi
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Rin got forced to go to a women's football game because Isagi's best friend is on the team (you). Isagi physically dragged rin through security, in the concession stand line, and into their seats. Rin didn't even know who he was rooting for.
"hey dip shit." Rin asked. "what's up man?" he answered, not looking at rin, waiting for you to come out to the field. "who's team are we rooting for exactly?" he said with his monotone voice. "(whatever team you choose). they wear (whatever color) and (whatever color)." Isagi said. Rin only nodded and waited for the game to start.
he got startled when Isagi immediately stood up and started screaming your name when you came out on the field. Rin didn't even bother and only looked up at the jumbotron. you had your resting bitch face that weirdly attracted him to you. not romantically, but you definitely intrigued him. he put his phone down and started paying attention to the game, well he payed attention to you. you were the striker for your team so he was definitely paying attention to you.
Rins eyes were trained on your figure the entire game. he cheered (not as loud as Isagi did) when you scored a goal, he internally celebrated whenever you took back the ball, and he definitely payed attention when you came on the screen.
after the game was over, your team had won so Isagi excitedly dragged Rin to where you and your team was back at the locker room. you gave him access to the locker room since he's your bestie.
"y/n!! congratulations!!!" he let go of Rin and tackled you in a suffocating hug. "omg hi isa." you look over to his friend. "who's this?" you pointed to rin. your eyes widen when you realize something. you pulled Isagi off of you and ran over to rin.
you grab his shoulders and shake him. "oh my god oh my god oh my god. you're rin itoshi! you're literally sae's brother, I know y'all hate each other but holy shit! I'm besties with your brother but I know you're the better brother. and I'm rambling on and on because I'm nervous because I'm literally obsessed with you and your plays on the field. I've studied how you play and I just have to say youre absolutely amazing. this is actually a dream come true. I'm so ha-" you get cut off by Isagi. "oh my god y/n, shut up!" he pulls you away from rin.
"no it's ok, I surprisingly enjoyed that." Rin looks confused. "I'm sorry, when I meet people I look up to, I get super nervous and I can't stop saying what's on my mind. just like I'm doing right now. I'm so so sorry, I've looked up to you since the beginning of my career. and I ju-" "y/n! you're doing it again" Isagi interrupts.
"you... you look up to me?" Rin asks. you nod aggressively. "also sorry for shaking you." you apologize. Rin motions his hands for you to give him your phone. your eyes widen and your mouth drops. you start to mouth words but no sounds come out. you nod before running to get your phone from your bag.
"wow Rin you got yourself a fan." Isagi wraps his arm around rins shoulder. "did you know about this?" he asks. "maybe I did.... maybe I didn't" Isagi looks at rin. "it's also why I wanted to bring you to one of her games. she wasn't kidding about studying your plays. she's stayed up countless nights looking at your strategies and plays. she has pages and pages of her and your plays combined" he says.
Rin feels proud of himself for some reason. you, of all people, are a huge fan of him. he didn't think he was anything special. but when he hears you say those things to him, he felt more confident in himself. he internally smiled to himself.
he sees you run back to him and he pulls out his phone. "holy fuck, wait till I brag to sae about this. I'm sooooo gonna make fun of him for this." you were so nervous you absolutely could not contain your excitement. "uhm brb, imma go run around the field for a few minutes. haha...." you sprint off to the field while Isagi follows after you.
Rin soon follows Isagi after putting your phone in his pocket so it won't get lost. he can faintly hear you yell, "I did it! I win in life!" with your arms up in the air. Rin saw you run up back to him at full speed and he braced for impact. you jumped in his arms while he caught you and held his face in your hands. "you are my inspiration for this career and I'll never be able to thank you enough." you quietly tell him. Rin slightly softens when he hears your words.
you get down and he gives you back your phone. "y/n we have to go but I'll see you later tonight right?" Isagi yells. "yes! I'll make your room." you say back. you see Rin and Isagi leave the locker room and you open your phone to see rins contact
Rin(the obviously better brother✌️)
you smiled and hugged your phone.
time skip
you and Rin have talked a lot since y'all first met. like every day. good morning and good night texts, training texts, 3am texts, and all around everything texts. Isagi teases you both because of it, but neither of y'all care. Rin enjoys your company and you enjoy his, what's so wrong with that?
one thing
he has caught major feelings for you. he even changed your name in his phone to have a heart next to it. and it's the "<3" heart too. he's down bad. he's come to Isagi multiple times asking what you like, don't like, your favorite restaurant, snacks, movies and TV shows, e v e r y t h i n g.
he wanted to make sure he wouldn't upset you by saying the wrong thing or hanging out at a place that you don't like. he constantly pestered Isagi to make sure he wouldn't fuck it up.
Rin wanted to see you again (even though y'all hung out yesterday). surprisingly enough, he's never stayed the night at your house. so you took it into your own hands and texted him.
you: hey rinnie rin rinnnnn
rinnie rinnie :3: yes?
you: I have come to realize that you've never stayed the night at my place. sooooooooooo
rinnie rinnie :3: lemme guess.
rinnie rinnie :3: you want me to stay the night?
rinnie rinnie :3: I'll be over in 20
you put down your phone and cleaned up a bit, even though Rin said he didn't care if your house is clean or not, he's there for you and not your house.
you called Isagi and told him all the details.
you: "isagiiiiiii I'm so nervous... Rin staying the night tonight."
Isagi: "ok.... and?"
Isagi: "woah there, calm down. I know you're like in love with him in more ways than one, but pookie calm down. just.... be yourself."
you: "wow thanks for that cringe shit. that helps nothing!"
you heard the door bell ring and you get all excited but nervous at the same time.
you: "he's here! I'll tell you what happens when he leaves. bye isaaaa-" you hang up the phone
you throw your phone on the couch and open the door. rin has his backpack on with his stuff. 'hes so cute.' you say to yourself. "am I just gonna stay outside while you stare at me or are you gonna let me in?" he laughs a bit. "oh shit, yeah come in." you move out of the way
he sets his stuff down and plops onto your couch, stomach first. you flop on top of his back. he can easily push you off but chooses not to.
"whatcha wanna watch? or are you hungry? i can door dash?" you spurt out all the options. "I'm ok for now, but thank you. we can watch attack on titan if you want." he suggests. "season 3?" you ask excitingly [this is my favorite season, I watch it all the time :D] "always" he answers. he pushes you off his back and you land in the floor.
before he got to your house, you moved your coffee table and set down a few blankets and pillows. so you sat between his legs on the floor while he's on the couch. you wrap your arms around his legs and pull them closer to you.
"ow! you bitch!" he laughs. you bit his leg. not hard enough to cause damage, but enough to hurt. he pulled his legs up to sit criss cross. you pick yourself up and flop in top of him, going limp. "get off of me, you're not a lap dog." he smiles. "nah it's comfy here." you respond.
he pushes you off yet again and you land on the floor. you place your chin on his legs and look up at him. his gaze at you softens as he stares into your eyes. this bolt of confidence runs through him and he kisses your forehead. he stands up and goes to your kitchen. your mouth wide open as you follow him.
"what was that?!" you ask
"what was what?" he innocently says
"you know damn well what that was."
"oh you mean this?" he turns around and kisses you again but on your lips. his hands on each side of your face and your arms around his neck. "I like this" you say in between kisses. "I'm glad you do." "hey rin?" you pull back. "hm?" "i love you." "i love you too."
Barou Shoei
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barou and Raichi coincidentally won tickets to the women's football match this weekend and so they decided to go together cause why not. they get there and wait for the game to start. they introduced all the players and they start the match.
of course your team won cause your teammates are bad bitches. and wow, another coincidence, the tickets included a meet and greet with the team. barou and raichi ask staff members where the meet and greet was because they don't know where the hell to go. they follow the directions and find the others waiting for the team to come out. they stand in the back of the line and wait.
"hey man, uhm I'm actually a huge fan on y/n's so this is actually a big deal for me. so I apologize if I get nervous or freak out..." raichi admits. "nah man youre cool. I don't even know anyone on the team so you can help me. i honestly don't care, I just came to see their strategies." barou stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks around.
your team comes out and sits at the tables for the meeting. the line moves slowly and Raichi gets more jittery and shaky as he gets closer to you. "dude calm down, it's not like youre meeting the president of the United States." barou says. "dude shut up! she's amazing, she's set records, man!" raichi shoots back. barou just rolls his eyes and continues to wait.
they finally get to your table and you flash them a smile. "hi guys, it's nice to meet y'all." you hold out your hand for them to shake. raichi nervously takes your hand and shakes it. barou keeps his hands in his pockets. "aren't you... Barou Shoei?" you point your sharpie at him, "and your Jingo Raichi, correct?" you point your sharpie at Raichi. raichi's eyes widen in shock. "you.... know who we are?!" he yells. "yeah! i remember y'all from BlueLock! y'all were amazing." you compliment. "he's the fangirl here," Barou points to Raichi, "he's been freaking out ever since we got in line. going on and on about how your plays are so cool and your record setting skills." "Barou!!" he slaps his arm. "it's ok, I appreciate it." you look around in case anyone is looking as you lean in. "I'll give both of y'all my number in case y'all have any questions." you wink at them.
you write your number down on an autograph sheet and give each of them one. "dude....." raichi never taking his eyes off of the paper. "hey man, nice job. you got her numberrrrr" Barou teases him. "so did you!" he yells. "come on man, let's go home." barous doesn't want to admit it, but he had a fun time.
time skip
barou gets home and actually debates on whether to texts you. he's got nothing better to do so why not.
you: hey
y/n(that football player): oh hi :)
you: I'm bored
y/n(that football player): I'm actually surprised you texted
you: whys that
y/n(that football player): idk thought you wouldn't text me. I heard you didn't know who I was lol
you: yeah I had no idea until fanboy said something
y/n(that football player): I figured, you didn't seem that intrigued when we met. soooo, since you're bored, whatcha wanna do?
you: ion know that's why I texted you.
y/n(that football player): idea timeeeee. everyday, we have to ask each other one question and the other has to answer.
you: wtv sure
you: favorite food
y/n(that football player): (your favorite food), wby??
you: (whatever you think fits him)
y/n(that football player): oooh cool
y/n(that football player): I have training tomorrow so imma have to go to bed. text you tomorrow, goodnight:p
you: same, goodnight
time skip
the texting went on for months. he's asked you multiple times to help him train and of course you helped him, and Raichi too. sometimes all three of y'all have practice together. raichi has asked you hundreds of questions and you've answered all of them of course.
barou has taken a certain liking to you. he doesn't mind when you text him outta no where or when y'all hang out outside of practice.
y/n❤️: shoeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
you: yes y/n?
y/n❤️: whatcha doinnnnnn
you: absolutely nothing, you?
y/n❤️: good, I'm coming over
you: you have no idea where I live dumbass
y/n❤️: then gimme your address >:(
you: fine (address)
y/n❤️: be there in a fewwww
he started panicking. what if his house isn't clean enough? what if you don't like his house? what if his house smells weird? all the questions running through his head while he's picking up the tiniest of clutter around his home. he doesn't know why he's doing it but he's worried about what you think... of.. him...
he drops everything in his arms. "shit" he realizes. "I like.. no, fuck! I'm in love with her. what? no! yes? but how? I mean, I get excited when she texts, I get sad when she loses her games, I feel comfort when we hang out, but that doesn't mean I lover her." he stands still for a few seconds. "fuck" he sighs. "I do love her..." he picks his stuff back up and continues to clean.
after he's done, he hears a car pull up. his heart pounds in his ears and his hands gets shaky. he hears the car turn off and the door slams shut. with ever step he hears, his heart pounds in his head.
he shoots up and opens the door before you have a chance to knock. your hand was halfway up to knock but he opened the door. "hi Shoei!" he moves out of the way to let you in. you set your keys down on the counter and take off your hoodie. you sit nervously in one of the chairs and wait for him to say something.
"uhm are you hungry?... or thirsty?" he asks. "water please." you respond. his body softens when he hears her voice. he walks to the kitchen and gets her drink. he hears her phone ring and looks at her. "oh it's Raichi. I'm gonna take this." you point to your phone. "you can go upstairs or the other room if you want." he tells her. you (unknowingly) walk to his room and answer the call. he finishes getting your drink and sets it on the counter.
he sits on the couch and waits for you to be done. 'ah shit I forgot to get the charger Nagi let me borrow. I'll set it on the table so I can give it to him tomorrow.' he says to himself. he walks to his room and opens the door.
"yes Raichi I know. I'm just so nervous around him..." you speak while your back is turned to him. "i just... I don't know if he feels the same way. he's so.. handsome and caring and sweet. i love everything about him, jin. i love him. and I'll say it a million times. I'm in love with bar...ou" you turn around to face him, jaw slacked open. "uhh.. I'm sorry. I'll go if you want me to. i understand if you feel uncomfortable around me now and-" "shut the fuck up." he walks over to where you stand and kisses you. you don't know how to react, you're frozen. 'is this happening? am I drunk? no, I can't be, I've had zero alcohol." you think to yourself.
"no stupid this isn't a dream. i love you too, stupid" he says, pulling you in for another kiss.
Bachira Meguru
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back in bachira's BlueLock days, you were their supervisor. you know, monitoring their health, how they're doing, how they're performing, all that. you don't know how but you became particularly close with bachira without even noticing. you would make up stuff just to see team z play, or slip out of a meeting to watch him practice. he never showed off in front of you because who cares what others think of him. bachira taught you how to play the game and dribble just like him too. but once BlueLock was over, y'all lost contact.
over the years, he continued football. he constantly watches games, specifically (the team you play for). he went to their home games, he collected their merch, he even bought collectable cards, but there's one card he takes every where in his wallet. and it's your card. he thought she was so cool with her tricks, plays and strats [he forgot who you were].
bachira, of course, bought tickets for your next home game. so when the time came, he packed what he needed and set off to the stadium.
bachira always buys the expensive tickets too. he got that money money. so when he hears that y'all were having a meet and greet after the game, he just had to buy them.
bachira sat in his seat and waited for the game.
lil time skip to the middle of the game
he was watching you ever so closely and he remembers this thought every time he watches your games.
'her dribbling looks so familiar.'
time skip
the game was over and he was so excited since y'all won. he quickly ran out of his seat and head to where the meet was.
bachira groaned when he saw the big ass line, but it was all worth it to me you. he steps excitedly when he takes a few steps closer in the line, not being able to contain his excitement. you're his inspiration for continuing his football career.
finally, it was bachira's turn. you flash him your warmest smile, "hi, I'm y/n." you held out your hand. he immediately shook your hand.
your eyes widen as you immediately stood up and put your hands in the table, making your teammates stare at you and Bachira startled. you leaned in closer to his face, inches from his. bachira got flustered by this and his cheeks turning a bright pink. you're eyes widen even more in realization.
"oh my god!! bachira!!" you yell, hopping over the table and smother him in a hug. he immediately returns it but he's confused as to why and how you know his name. "it's me! y/n, from BlueLock! i was y'all's supervisor. megs, you inspired me to take in football and go into a professional career." you hold his face.
it takes him a lil bit to place you in the correct spot in his memory but he figures it out. "holy shit! y/n hi!" he hugs you. you wrap your arms around him, tightening every second.
you sit back down and sign whatever he wants you to sign. you secretly slide him your number, not wanting the other fans to see and you go back to signing autographs and taking pictures.
time skip
[I apologize for all the time skips :(]
he almost immediately texts you once he got home.
you: HI Y/N
the best football player💪: HELLO BACHIRA
the best football player💪: YES I DID THANK YOU
those kinds of texts went on for a good while. you both enjoyed them and always though about each other. you offered for him to come practice at your teams field when no one was there so he can practice with you and he can teach you more stuff he's learned since BlueLock.
these practices went on for a long while. sometimes until 2:00 am or later. but neither one of you cared, y'all were having fun and thats all that mattered to you.
bachira always loved these practices. it's a chance to get closer to you. his stomach would always erupt in butterflies when you invited him to practice and he never knew why. he always got that lovesick puppy look in his eyes when you show him a trick you learned. and again, he never knew why he would feel like that, but it was only with you
a few months have pasted since you've reunited with bachira and you've loved it. it was around 1:40 am and you invited bachira to yet another field practice, just y'all two. he was dribbling up the field while you were trying to steal the ball back. he ran upfield and you got closer. he tried to fake you out but you accidentally tripped him. he landed in his back and you fell but caught yourself with your arms. palms all grassy, knees hurting from the fall, bachira's ass hurt when he fell, but none of that mattered to y'all because you were staring into each other's eyes. not wanting to look away, you picked yourself up.
"I think we're good for today. I'll get our stuff..." you turned away. bachira just laid there staring. he didn't want you to get up, or leave. he heard your footsteps and that knocked him out of his trance.
you were about to walk off the field when you heard quick and fast footsteps. "y/n!" he yelled running up from behind you. "bachi-!" his lips crashed onto yours. you dropped all your stuff just to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I didn't know you felt the same way megs." you smiled against his lips. "I'm glad I showed you then."
"I love you, y/n"
"I love you too, megs"
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13eyond13 · 10 months
a friend of mine who isn't into Death Note asked me why people ship Lawlight. I gave her a pretty good answer but I feel that couldn't encapsulate it fully and you are the most articulate/analyzer person I can think of here, can you help me?
omg, I'm flattered you think that, but a bit worried I won't be able to speak for everybody about this! I'll probably just have to mostly say why I like to ship it and hopefully that will suffice...
1) the constant tension and the mind games between them is the heart and soul of the series to me. Light's a complicated character that is both very entertaining to follow and also sort of an infuriating bastard to watch as well, so when L waltzes in being like "HOLD ON A MINUTE HERE I KNOW IT'S YOU AND I'M DEFINITELY GONNA PROVE IT" and Light both seems to get extremely excited about how clever he is and also horrified and determined not to lose, that makes for a very charged dynamic that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Light's curiously positive reactions to L opposing him, as well as the way L intuitively understands him and pushes his buttons so effectively, is definitely one of the funniest and most intriguing things to watch in the entire show.
2) there's a lot going on in the narrative to continuously draw parallels between them and to sort of suggest that they're the true equal and peer that the other one has never actually had their entire lives, the solution to the boredom and loneliness and aloof superiority they've both been feeling due to their above-average intelligence and privileged positions and ambitious competitive stubborn streaks and so on. People love that and also find it super tragic/angsty or fascinatingly ironic and darkly funny that they end up only meeting in an enemies, "you're the closest thing to a real friend I've ever had but one or the other of us will have to die" sort of way
3) This part of their relationship also gets me as well - they probably would not have easily met if Light HADN'T been Kira, because L never has to meet any of the people he works alongside nor any of the criminals he catches in person - Light was just good enough at being a criminal to force L to meet him in person, basically. And there's also no guarantee that if they DID meet in other circumstances that they would have clicked so weirdly well as they do, because their cat and mouse game was probably the best way they could both impress each other the most and prove their own intelligence and entertainingness to each other as well. The immense difficulty of setting up this ship so that it actually works is part of the enduring appeal to me.
4) I think there's just a lot of intrigue to how much is left unsaid between them the entire time. They literally never get to have an actual straightforward heart-to-heart even once in the story, but they're seen obsessively thinking about each other the entire time (and Light continues to do so for years after L's death, even to the point of comparing everyone else who opposes him to L unfavorably after his death and admitting he feels bored again now that L is gone). I think a lot of fans were kind of dying to see them interact in a more straight-forward way
5) the handcuffs are certainly fairly suggestive and kinky hahaha... and the memory loss arc definitely brings up a lot of interesting "what if" type scenarios in every shipper's mind. Not everybody is convinced that they really hate each other, and seeing them work together on the case like that causes a lot of people to think about how they might get along if Light had never picked up the notebook in the first place. The fandom has a lot of people who really like the idea of them together whenever Light isn't Kira, and also a lot of people who think their dynamic is superior and works better when Light IS Kira - and having both of these different dynamics between them presented to us in canon makes for even more interesting possibilities to explore
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the-au-collector · 3 months
I've got to ask, what is the unusual/unique (in a good way) au you've come across (or cooked up yourself)?
Thanks for the ask!
I realize now you asked for one fic but uh--I kinda compiled a list of some of my favorite AUs instead. I've read a lot of fics, but to save your sanity I'll stick with my 3 main fandoms: Linked Universe, Kingdom Hearts, and Tales of the Abyss. I'll tag authors where I can, but some I just couldn't find anywhere 😭
This definitely isn't all of them but if I tried to compile every single AU I've loved, we'll be here all day.
Kingdom Hearts:
Familiars by @kutikue @letoasai- all the characters are witches and/or familiars. I've just started reading it but it seems good so far! Definitely one of a kind!
Runaway Wind by Pred1059 - Ven wakes up early. It gets very off the rails very quickly.
Vulpes to Dandelions by YumeTakato (deviantart profile)- An Ava is Sora's Mom AU as well as a Master of Master's Arc speculation series. This one also goes into alternate universes and other things that make it unique.
Linked Universe:
Links Assemble by @vicmillen (Victor_Millen on AO3)- Marvel fusion AU featuring Warriors as Captain America. It's in-the-works so seriously, go over to Vic's blog and check it out!
Townhouse AU by st0rmy - a really fun AU where all the Links end up living in the same townhouse together. Chaos ensues. Time is tired.
Tales of Courage from Across the Galaxy by @wizard-finix (CubanCracker62 on AO3) - Star Wars fusion. I'm currently reading it, but it's good so far! There's also some art for it too!
Linked Nexus AU by @zarvasace- Space AU. I've just started reading it but I can't wait to see where it goes.
Wing Bois AU by @breannasfluff - probbaly one of the most unique AUs in the fandom. The Links have wings and bird traits. It's also very fluffy!
Hero's Aspect AU by @tashacee - Wild gets stuck in the Hero's Aspect outfit. I'm currently trying to catch up on all 45 parts, but it's definitely one of the biggest AUs for Linked Universe.
Opera House AU by @bokettochild (FlamingIdiot on AO3) - modern AU but all the Links work in an opera house. It a very different and interesting setting for a modern AU. I also can't reccomend Ketto's fics enough to be honest.
Fierce Hero 9 by @crazylittlejester (Can_Opener on AO3)- Big Hero 6 but it's Linked Universe. It loosely follows the plot of the movie, but there are some huge, interesting differences between this and the movie.
Tales of the Abyss:
Bladework by @starcrossed-sky - probably the best "Asch joins the group" series out there. Lots of political intrigue. The characters are so well-written and the 2nd person POV is so unique! Definitely made me obsessed with 2nd person POV lol. Follows the plot of the game initially
Reflections by @darkangelmya - an AU where Asch decides to return to the manor instead of running away with Van. Asch is an overprotective brother and it's awesome! Also follows the plot of the game, probably the most religiously of all my other fic recs for this game
Troth by @daily-rayless (Rayless_Night on AO3) - A post-game Asch comes back too AU focused on Asch and Natalia's relationship. Very beautiful, Rayless is an amazing author!
As for stuff I've written... I have to say the more unique ones boil down to [obscure media I read when I was 13] fused with either Linked Universe or Kingdom Hearts 😅 So like, my Lockwood and Co Fusion or the Stravaganza fusion I'm thinking of making lol. I also have a lot of unfinished Kingdom Hearts fics from years ago, like a "Eraqus gets brought back to life but he's 16 again and has amnesia" fic and a "Brain ends up in the time of Days and changes things" fic.
As for serious fics... I can't not plug my passion projects, the Reconnect the Chain AU and Relinked AU. They're both Linked Universe fics where the Links reunite (though I'm planning Relinked to be a comic). They're AUs of each other, with Reconnect the Chain being an AU that boils down to "what if Relinked happend 10 years earlier minus all the kidnapping?" (AKA, it's my fluff outlet lol).
I yet again managed to write an essay but uh--enjoy the fic recs!
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horrorknife · 5 months
hi ! sorry if this sounds weird but like
i stumbled upon one of your hoffheight posts and I'm so. genuinely fascinated ?? like, i THINK i understand it (I've certainly put them in a microwave and stared at them for the past few days) but i want to "get it right", if that makes ANY amount of sense. I want to interpret them correctly, I think is a better way to phrase it (it's 2am nothing I say will make more sense and I apologize for that.)
I think in a post you mentioned them being like, reflections of each other or something, which, I didn't realize but shit yeah?? they are aren't they. something about being on hair triggers or whatever. GOD they fascinate me so much I need you to understand how much this dynamic intrigues me. having them both be unstable in their own rights (esp with anger issues and all) it just. I love that ?? it's so fun!! I keep spinning them in my mind !!!
I think you also mentioned them being some flavor of qpr and as someone who's aromantic I. god qpr's my beloved. I really need them to be an evil qpr. that means a lot 2 me. ESPECIALLY if it's not even mentioned, but it definitely is a qpr. in my head Adam would have the potential (still not likely) to know what a qpr is, but he would never label it as that. at least not verbally. I love when there's a silent agreement that two people are definitely not romantic but labelling something as platonic is insincere. they're a secret third option don't worry about it !!!
sorry for dumping this into your inbox, I have a lot of thoughts and assumed it'd be mildly funny if I just left them with you. do with that what you will. I hope you have a nice day and thank you for the food for thought
[bonus ask that's ACTUALLY an ask and not just the ramblings of a mad man, do you have any fic recommendations of the two? for research, of course]
HI!!!! oh my fucking god anon you have no idea how excited and happy this makes me . *little cat running around in circles moment* 
so like. i imagine there’s this cord between them and neither of them understand it. they can both just Smell the sameness on each other, the familiarity of deepset rage and suffering and loneliness. adam’s young and impressionable and hoffman would be able to use him to his advantage. hoffman would love this guy. my characterization of adam post bathroom is lonely, detached, and even angrier than before so he gets into fights for the self destructive nature of the thing and hoffman would LOVE how unhinged he is (we all saw how much hoffman seemed to admire/get obsessed w strahm and that guy is Nuts). they’re the same kind of prey animal! they have the same fear of abandonment!!
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something something the way they both die in the same spot, attached to the same pipe, forced to watch as LAWRENCE (OF ALL PEOPLE!!!!) abandons them for dead. adam is desperate for life adam is in a game rigged against him. hoffman fights and fights and gnashes and thrashes against this the entire series and yet he ultimately has no choice but to succumb to it, he dies the same horrific way adam did, alone and abandoned and feeling that same primal prey animal fear. there's something to both of them being lawrence's only (CANONICAL) victims (brad, ryan, and dina are lawrence's vics to me. but that's a different post) there's something to the way that adam dies in the first film and haunts the narrative forever and the person who reprises that role is HOFFMAN of all people. the way that this comes full circle is really really delicious to me
adam's camera is his buffer from the real world, it's how he processes things, he's at his best when he's unnoticed and free to Watch. guys we're not doing enough with the voyeur thing. guys. adam catalogs information adam loves holding secret knowledge. in a similar way, hoffman is holding a knife between himself and the real world, he's processing everything through a layer of violence before all else because he can't risk human connection anymore. all of his relationships are made through violence and this is of course present here as well because you adam's deepest connections are also facilitated through violence. you can argue that this is true of all saw characters and you'd be right but there's something so specially flavored about it when you look at hoffman and adam next to each other.
hoffman needs Direction From Someone Else in order to be an effective cog in the jigsaw machine–after john dies he just falls apart immediately and gets clumsy and makes stupid mistakes bc at the end of it all hoffman has been robbed of a Normal existence and the thing he really wants most is companionship (again, seen in the way he interacts w rigg and strahm–he communicates his ‘affection’ in adversarial ways to keep them hooked + offers them genuine chances at survival but they’re both too clouded and Against Him for it to work. king of misjudging situations) and direction. i think if he even had a LITTLE help he’d be a lot better at being jigsaw
conversely, adam is this poor, broke 25 year old clinking pennies together in his shithole apartment. and he has the same stripping of purpose hoffman does. he doesn’t communicate with his family anymore (for undisclosed reasons but this is one of my personal pinpoints for bi/transmasc adam), effectively abandoned by them, and we know that his one namedropped friend (his “BEST” friend btw) is a piece of shit TO him and ABOUT him. adam gets walked all over and he lives at the universe’s disposal to kick the shit out of. he’s been abandoned or mistreated by everyone significant in his life. hoffman is a well off and well respected cop with a whole department of people who highly respect him but he’s empty inside bc he’s incapable of having any meaningful relationships the moment he gets involved with john. he has to fully wall himself off again because it’s too risky to get close to other people. imagine your only worldly thread of understanding from another person ends up being the serial killer you’re chasing/impersonating. and he hates you.
adam’s a genuinely understanding and kind person under his defensiveness, we all know this, we’ve all seen saw 2004. he’d be kind to hoffman and hoffman would see stars. he forgot people were capable of treating him like a normal person. having hoffman warm up to you is the equivalent of having a crochety old man who hates everyone share apple slices with you. you’re a little nervous about it, you’re a little on edge, but he’s just cutting out his apple slices and handing you one every so often. a test of trust. maybe you’re uncomfortable but you’ll take his offering to be polite. you’ll enjoy his company, you’ll share that apple with him, you’ll forge a new bond with that person. this is the type of companionship im kind of getting at. 
um but yeah . rambling aside. back on track. unspoken/unaware qpr hoffheight is THE THING to me. yes we love each other yes we’d kill for each other no we’re not in love. we have a secret third thing and it’s called I Have To Keep This Guy Safe Right Fucking Now Because He Matters To Me More Than I Can Understand. OH mid paragraph im remembering something important. this absolutely all takes place within a sphere of hoffman and adam’s relationship starting with hoffman making adam his apprentice. i feel like that might have been obvious up there ^ but i want to be very clear w my intentions and my vision. KJDFSJKDF. ALSO oh my god . fuckkkkk fuck  fuck fml i think hoffman thinks 2 himself that angelina would probably have liked adam and that definitely endears him to the guy. 
like you said yeah i think adam has the Potential to know what a qpr is (but i dont think he does know)!! if anything he would ultimately just recognize it as an inherently special and inherently queer relationship…auuuu………i know i didnt get too into the evil parts of them too much here but thats cuz it would make me end up writing a 6k essay on them or something. just know that they do butt heads a lot because at the end of the day theyre from completely different universes and adam is an ODD/BPD king.
god . i could really just go on and on and on and on about them. i have so much more to say LOL but this is already a bit of a wordy response >__< i just have such a clear vision of their vibe and dynamic in my mind. it comes to me like sherlock visions. i’m being pelted with big times new roman font things that say shit like “HOFFHEIGHT GAY SEX” “They Are Everything To Each Other In A Codependent Ass Way” 
if u have more questions or u wanna rap abt this more PLEAAAAASE feel free 2 send more asks or reach out via messages i love discussing my evil plots with them. i am literally ALWAYS locked and loaded and ready to talk about hoffheight. anon i unfortunately do not have fic recs because i do not like reading fanfiction. im incredibly particular about characterization and i’m a little bit of a writing snob. i don’t trust them in anyone else’s hands for fic if i’m being honest. i don’t think anyone else’s vision will fully align with mine and i’m too autistic to risk seeing that be done wrong. i’ll get too emotional KJDNKJSNFJ
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gloster · 9 months
Tagged by @brazilian-whalien52
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Honestly- and this PAAAAAAINS to me to say since my middle-school self would be furious at me-but probably Troyella. Obviously, still love them. Still think of them fondly, but compared to other ships, they're on the lower end.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
I'm TEMPTED to say troyella again since they were the ship that made me realize what shipping was- and how hard it can go for a fangirl. But in terms of a ship you remember watching, loving, and loving seeing their interactions, that would have to be Tom and Kimberly from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Their chemistry, their moments were the reason why I loved the show so much
I didn't know what ship or OTP meant, but they were the definitely the first couple I remembered LOVING seeing them together
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
That would be Troy & Gabriella. The movie wasn't enough for me, so I decided to make more stories on them
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
That would be a tie between InuKag and Robstar. Those were the top 2 ships I remember seeing TONS of Youtube videos and fanart in middle school.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
*thinks hard* I want to say....no. Least I can't remember. I just chill in my little corner with my friends, gushing & reading fics of our ships
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
The way I DESPISED LOATHED AND HATED TROYPAY with a burning, burning deep passion. Couldn't stand the ship. Still don't like the ship. And obviously, Tommy x Kat because NO NO NO NO
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Payurain in this WIP I'm really enjoying. Seriously, love these two boys
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Oh dear lord, my OTPS literally have their yachts at this point. And the list of the top ones constantly switch, but at the moment I can say my top 6 include: drarry, zutara, sheith, tododeku, payurain, and of course dickkory
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Oh. Dear. Lord. The way at least several ships can fit this question, but that belongs to my top 3 ships that were done so dirty.
OBVIOUSLY-and forever fuming about it-THESE TWO:
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Forever and ALWAYS THESE TWO that had everything. The history, the chemistry, best friends to lovers, ride or die, battle couple...and yet the writers were like, nah
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TO INFINITY & BEYOND BEYOND BEYOND: DRARRY . You can't tell me NOTHING. If Harry was a girl, they would have been endgame. If Draco was a girl, they definitely would have gotten together. I will forever stand on this hill
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I wouldn't dislike at all, but I can definitely say after the previous season, they got more on my radar and that would be Geto x Gojo. I've always been intrigued by their dynamic, but season 2 really showed so much depth in their relationship, their friendship, and how things went wrong. Just so well done and also extremely heartbreaking
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Maybe.....Honestly, I can't think of one. Like none are coming to my head. Closest one I can think of would be Alison x Emily or Spencer x Toby. The former because the toxicity of the ship, the way Ali manipulated and gaslight Emily's emotions was fucked up. Just as Toby letting Spencer think he was dead, let her think she found his corpse, and watch her break down...only to give a half-ass apology.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Honstly, Kyo x Arisa from Fruit Baskets- and that is solely because watching the way Arisa constantly rifled Kyo up was too damn hilarious.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Hands down, that would have to be drarry
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Probably two sides of the same coin. Different in many ways but similar in others. With drarry, both being just a boy in time of war. For zutara, the sun and the moon. Grump x Sunshine, which is a similar dynamic for many of my ships.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hands down, the quickest way for me to hate a ship is the following: A always loving B, B being OBLIVIOUS to A's affections even though the whole country is aware of it, and then when A finally moves on THAT'S WHEN B suddenly realizes OH MY GOSH I LOVE THEM. 🤢🤮🤬😡 I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Also, if the dynamic of the ship is unequal such as bully and bullied, in which the bully spends 90% of them torturing the love interest and then final 10% actually showing some care...NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
Tagging: @kila09, @dreamydrarry, @sebbies, @negrowhat, @goldentruth813, @starlitruns, @omgitsseddie, @sweet-potatah-pie, @narcobarbies, @bavariansugarcookie, @itsjustafia
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cadybear420 · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet for Evie (OG HSS f!MC) and Aiden
A - ATTRACTIVE. [what do they find attractive about the other?]
For Evie: Appearance wise, Evie is obsessed with pretty much all of Aiden. His eyes, his lips, his hair, his butt, his thighs, his hips, his waist, his stomach, his chest, his hands. She especially has a fixation on his butt, but overall she can't really choose a favorite. Personality/Behavior Wise, Evie strongly admires Aiden's dedication to music and how passion-driven he is, as well as his kindness to her and his growing interest in trying new things.
For Aiden: Appearance wise, Aiden loves all of Evie, but his two favorites would have to be her muscles (especially her arms) and her nose. Personality/Behavior wise, Aiden admires Evie's passion, as well as her confidence and creative free-thinking mind. Most especially, he loves Evie's dedication to him– how she's willing to give him time of day, how she loves to spoil and praise the absolute crap out of him, how she's always got his back in more ways than one, how he just feels so safe with her.
B - BEST MEMORY. [what is the best memory they have with each other?]
Neither of them can really decide on a best memory. There are way too many amazing and special moments to choose from.
C - CUDDLE. [how do they cuddle?]
Evie is always big spoon and Aiden is always little spoon. But both love to snuggle against each other's chest and listen to each other's heartbeat. They also love cuddling with Aiden straddling/sitting on Evie's lap.
D - DATES. [what are dates with them like?]
Their dates vary quite a lot. Going swimming, eating out, going to the movies, watching a movie at home, going for a walk, Evie listening to Aiden play, staying home and listening to random music tracks together and talking about them, cuddling at home, to name a few.
E - EVERYTHING. (you are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
Evie: "You are My King, you are my love, you are my life"
Aiden: "You are my muse, you are my world, you are my love"
F - FEELINGS. [when did they know they were falling in love?]
For Evie: She started to really crush on Aiden the first time he invited her to listen to him play. She already knew she loved him by the time they officially became official, but wanted to give it time to let it sink in and to give Aiden some time to figure out his own feelings as well.
For Aiden: He first realized he was crushing after she took him to the roller rink to help clear his head when he was struggling with his music. He did start to realize he loved her by the time they became official, but he wanted to be sure of it first.
G - GENTLE. [are they gentle? if so, how?]
Listening to each other's heartbeat. Playing with each other's hair. Caressing each other. Aiden softly humming tunes into Evie's ear. To name a few.
H - HANDHOLDING. [how do they like to hold hands?]
Nah I'm just kidding. Usually they hold hands the basic way, but sometimes they'll interlock fingers.
I - IMPRESSION. [first impression/s]
When Evie first met Aiden, she definitely took him for the more stoic, reserved, serious type. But this, along with his physical appearance, did intrigue her. Soon enough, she would get to know his more passionate side.
When Aiden first met Evie, he was interested by her more free-thinking attitude. But he was also a bit startled/overwhelmed by how "forward" she could be every now and then– but even then, Evie never overstepped her boundaries.
J - JOKER. [are they into pulling pranks?]
Evie isn't quite a prankster type, but she does enjoy stuff like sneaking pinches to Aiden's butt every now and then (don't worry, Aiden's okay with it).
K - KISSES.  [how do they kiss?]
Regular kissing, cheek kissing, jaw kissing, neck kissing, collarbone kissing... you get the idea. Pretty much any kind of kissing is fair game for them.
L - LOVE. [who says ‘i love you’ first?]
As per canon, Aiden said it first when they went to prom together. He first knew it for sure when they went on their post-promposal evening picnic. Even then, he was still nervous about confessing it to her, but by prom he was able to say it.
And when he did, Evie was very close to tearing up. To hear those three words from him meant so much to her, that the person saying those words genuinely and truly appreciated her. And of course it was at that moment that Evie felt ready to return the sentiment.
M - MORNINGS. [what are mornings like with them?]
Sometimes they're morning people, sometimes they're not. If Evie wakes up before Aiden, she'll cuddle and snuggle with him for a bit until she wants to get up or until he wakes up. If Aiden wakes up before Evie, he'll usually admire her or snuggle in her arms.
N - NICKEL. [do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?]
So, Evie spoils the absolute shit out of Aiden. She gets him flowers that he likes, chocolates and treats that he likes, she loves to pamper and worship him, anything that makes him happy. Aiden used to (and sometimes still does) feel guilty about Evie spoiling him so much, but he still loves the treatment.
Likewise, Aiden does spoil Evie to a degree as well. He's especially attentive to the small details about what she likes, especially her affinity for cute things like stuffed animals. And let's not forget the many songs he composes for her, of course.
O - ORANGE. [what color reminds them of their other half?]
Evie tends to associate the colors black, purple, blue, and gold (especially the combo of purple and black) with Aiden, all of which are among some of Aiden's most favorite colors. Aiden tends to associate the colors purple, powder pink, mint green, and red with Evie, most of which are among some of Evie's most favorite colors.
P - PET NAMES. [what pet names do they use?]
Evie loves to call Aiden: Darling, Baby, Babe, Baby Boy, Babygirl, My King, Sweetie, Cupcake, Love, Honey, Honeybun.
Aiden loves to call Evie: Sweetheart, Darling, My Muse, My Love.
Q - QUESTIONS. [what are the questions they’re always asking?]
IDK really, there's quite a lot. Both of them are always eager to learn more about each other.
R - RAINY DAY. [what do they like to do on a rainy day?]
Usually they'll watch a movie or a show together, read a book, have conversations about something, Aiden might play music for her, they might listen to music together, they may cuddle/snuggle in bed or even– ahem– get a bit steamy, they may shower/bathe together, they may dance together, almost any fun indoor activity is fair game.
S - SAD. [how do they cheer themselves/each other up?]
When Evie is sad, usually what works best is when Aiden will just hold her close to him. Sometimes he may try to cheer her up by also offering to do/get her something she likes or giving her words of encouragement. But usually it's the physical touch and closeness as well as talking about the problem with her, of course– that he's best at and that works best for her.
When Aiden is sad, Evie will hold her close to him and try to talk about what's wrong while also caressing/massaging him, kissing him a little, and giving him words of encouragement. Sometimes she may even try to hum a song into his ear– something Aiden's parents would often do to help him feel better ever since he was four.
T - TALKING. [what do they love to talk about?]
Almost anything, really. Favorite pieces of media, childhood memories, past experiences, the occasional political discussion (they both align very closely in political views), discussions of music, etc. Sometimes it can be just casual small talk, other times they may have conversations that go on for hours.
U - UNENCUMBERED. [what helps them relax?]
Taking a walk together, going to the roller rink together, any form of exercise, giving each other massages, getting steamy with each other, showering or bathing together, and much more.
V - VAUNT. [what do they like to show off? what are they proud of?]
Evie is proud of her muscles and her physical capacity, and she loves to make Aiden swoon by flexing or showing off her strength. She's also quite proud of her creative mind and her own dedication to her passions.
Aiden is of course very proud of his musical abilities– in fact, that honestly goes without saying. He does also take pride in his appearance, and ever since he started to date Evie he's taken more of an interest in trying out "shorter" clothing like crop tops and short shorts.
W - WEDDING. [when, how, where do they propose?]
Evie proposed about 2 years after her graduation from Berry, on a lovely late May afternoon after she'd finished her 2nd year of University. They'd known each other for about 5 years at this time, and even though they both went to different Universities, they were still able to keep in touch and meet up quite often, their relationship only growing stronger by each day.
Evie had been planning her proposal since late February/early March that year. They'd talked about the possibility of marriage multiple times over the past few years, but it was by this point that Evie was very sure that Aiden was the one.
Evie took Aiden on a very extensive date that day. A day full of swimming, go-karting, and dancing. Then she took him back to her house, only to find that she– or at least their friends– had decorated the shit out of her house. Then she led him to her backyard, giving a speech about her love for him... before dropping down on one knee and opening up a purple velvet ring box. Aiden said yes before she even had a chance to actually pop the question.
Their wedding would take place about 3 years later, in a grand hotel. Evie nearly burst into tears when she saw Aiden walking down the aisle. One year after that, they'd move into a cozy apartment in San Francisco, where they lived in for about a year before moving to their own house in Cedar Cove to have children.
X - XYLOPHONE. [what’s their song?]
Oh Jesus, I think this can only be answered in the form of an overly extensive playlist.
Y - YOU. [you’re the ___ to my ___]
Evie: "You're the Black Cat to my Orange Cat."
Aiden: [Insert some musical instrument reference here]
Z - ZEBRA. [if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?]
Both of them are major cat people and would get about 2-3 cats. One of which would be Aiden's black cat Meowzart (which he got as a kitten after the whole Isa fiasco was over) and another of which would be Evie's white-and-orange cat Daisy (who was about 2 years old when Meowzart was a kitten).
Aiden is also a fan of dogs, especially since his family has had a German Shepherd named Wolfgang since he was in second grade (who passed away during his second year of University). But he far prefers to have cats.
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aces-and-angels · 2 years
I’ve loved reading your ILW playthrough thoughts, especially Matty! I did all his variants because I’ve wanted a villain romance story from PB forever. Matthias is so well written. I felt completely fed! I found the betrayal route with MC and Matty living together to be the most satisfying for me. If I was going to be bad I wanted to see it play out fully. It was intriguing to see the villain have one weakness and it be MC. Matty lived his whole life obsessed with the Power and alone because of it. Then he found the one being who made him actually sacrifice his obsession at times so they could live their best “Power Couple” life. When Matty was willing to literally jump into the fire for MC I was like “Evil Daddy really is whipped huh?!”. Lol! The team gave us such a perfect “us against the world” storyline, even tossing in the potential for a divorce because that was classic overly dramatic MC/Matthias, haha! I loved it. I loved all the toxicity that was their dynamic. I’m glad that one of his variants was them sipping cocktails on the beach because that’s what I saw them doing in my mind if they won against Loha.
ANON- YOU ARE GIVING ME LIFE RN; thank youuu 🥰🥰🥰
This was such a nice message to receive ♥ As much as I loved playing through the game itself, writing up my thoughts on the story was equally, if not, more enjoyable to do. ILW is such an engaging story made by very talented individuals who put their whole ass chests into making it possible. Since I can't legally give any of them money, I thought at the very least I could share my thoughts lol
I've had a bit more time to digest Matthias' route in its entirety and have come up with more things to say (even tho I had titled that post as my 'final thoughts'- bit presumptuous of me- I don't think ILW is getting out of my head any time soon lmao) Plus, this gives me the opportunity to do a deep dive on a successful betrayal route😊I'll add a 'read more' section bc I got a tad carried away while writing it lol
So for anyone interested:
an impromptu final thoughts on the ilw finale: matthias edition pt. 2
(ch 23 spoilers below... and I guess above too... just avert your eyes lol)
First, I'm with you anon- we were desperately owed a villain story from PB. I can't think of many choices books that give players the autonomy to determine an MC's status as a hero/villain. There are definitely choices that you can make throughout their books that are deemed 'incorrect,' but when boiled down, the MCs generally are the same flavor personality-wise. Not saying playing the 'good guy' isn't enjoyable- it certainly can be if the story is engaging enough- but when that's your only option, it's very easy to grow tired of it.
The amount of ways Matthias' route can turn out is in itself very impressive. The several ways you can interpret Rowan in each of these scenarios is just as satisfying. (The juxtaposition of a genuine!Ro with a character like Matthias is wild- I'm still not over the divorce lol)
Anon, you made very interesting point on Matthias choosing to give up his obsession with the Power. I'd like to counter and say that he never did. (not saying you're wrong at all anon- as I mentioned before in other posts- players are free to decide how the story ends however they want). It is certainly plausible that Matthias is truly happy with Rowan. The language seen throughout the epilogue displays a clear devotion and inexplicable bond between the pair.
Your hearts beat as one, and you feel him even when he's not around. His power calls to yours in a way that makes your heart beat faster and you always ache to touch him. There are no words for the feelings you have for each other. Even to call them feelings seem trivial, since your love is now a foundational part of both of you. It's there, as solid and necessary as your heart and soul.
I think it's important to remember who Rowan and Matthias are at the end of ILW (in this route): the Power itself contained within a human vessel. So I see it more as Matthias' obsession simply changing its form rather than him giving it up for the sake of being with Rowan. As I said in my previously, there are always strings attached when it comes to Matthias' love/devotion. Some sort of condition that must be met. Rowan just happened to turn into the thing he desired most.
In the past two 'finale thoughts' posts I've written, I speculated what I believe will happen beyond the epilogue with Ro and whoever they end up with. Simply trying to answer the question, will they last?
To briefly recap my answers in the posts I've made so far in case yall haven't seen those-
Abel x Rowan (mixed route): maybe
Amalia x Rowan (blood route): forever and evah bby (and then a little bit after that)
My answer for Matthias x Rowan: not. a. chance. Here's why:
Going back to your message anon- Matthias and Rowan's relationship is toxic. No ifs ands or buts about it. When I think of these two together, the words that immediately pop into my head are:
I want to highlight this scene at the end of ch 22:
You grin, wide and satisfied... but then a new thought comes unbidden to your mind. Why should you have to share this glorious power with him? What does he matter? Who is her in comparison to you? That Power, that euphoric beautiful endless Power, it could all be yours. You're everything, an endless raging sea of power. What does this pitiful creature matter to you? - You turn to fully face Matthias, a manic grin plastered to his face. - Matthias: Is it whispering the same things to you as it is to me? Rowan: Yes. Matthias: Are you going to kill me, love?
You can argue that his refusal to kill Ro for sole ownership of the Power is enough to prove his unyielding loyalty towards them. But Matthias is first and foremost a self-serving character. If he had the same thought as Ro once, there's a very good chance that thought could pop up again. No way can an eternity go by without that thought creeping up in either of their minds.
What is required to bring their relationship to life brings the rest of the world down to its knees. For the rest of the gang in ch 23, Rowan and Matthias are an unstoppable force. The only thing that can stop them is each other. I think the epilogue more than hints at their fiery end by showing the literal destruction of their newly 'purchased' mansion during their... ahem... well y'know 😏
Rowan: I can't believe we broke everything. Matthias: Really? Because I most certainly can. --- Rowan: Do you think there's anything in this room we haven't broken? Matthias: Actually, I don't think we ever made it to the couch. Rowan: That's too bad. Matthias: Just give it a moment, my dear. We'll soon fix that.
A mansion that Ro decides they want on a whim- destined to be reduced to rubble. What happens when Rowan and Matthias are left with the world at their fingertips?
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It burns. And when the world burns, they too will burn with it. (If you can't tell, I recently re-watched the Hunger Games on Netflix lmaooo)
Ending on a quote from ATLA bc Matthias ain't ever beating these fire nation allegations:
"I had a pupil once who had no interest in learning discipline. He was only concerned with the power of Fire, how he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path. But Fire is a horrible burden to bear. Its nature is to consume. And without control, it destroys everything around it. Learn restraint or risk destroying yourself and everything you love." -Jeong Jeong
If yall are still reading this, what's good gang? ILW's main blog has an ongoing poll on which route players chose going into the final chapter. So far, it looks like the Blood route is winning. I'll be a bit nosier and ask a follow-up question. Good way to see how many people really made it to the end
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eusuntgratie · 1 year
Hello, I came across the 'fighting in Ice Hockey' Wikipedia page and was very intrigued! Now several youtube compilations (Best nhl fights, then funny moments, then best goals etc) and several Hockey AUs for pairing I'm already a fan of later, I'm ready to continue my hockey journey (descent?) - do you have any blogs you can recommend? Also do you have a place to start re teams and or like essential viewing or reading? Normally I can just watch a show or read a book, but this feels a bit different and I don't know where to start 😅
Also I see the is quite a bit of RPF on Ao3- totally chill with that good writing is good writing after all, but is there any like background on why certain pairings are popular?
oh goodness, hi! and welcome to the madness that is hockey fandom/hockey rpf! i'm probably/definitely not the best person to answer this as i'm pretty new to hockey fandom and only closely follow three teams, but i'll do my best <3
okay *most* hockey blogs are focused on one or a couple of teams. so it's a little tricky to point you in a direction if you aren't already attached to anyone. you can find a lot of good hockey primers on tumblr if you search for a team or a ship + primer.
if you have a local or localish team, maybe start there? descend into tumblr tag hell. many of us start out going oh haha i'm just going to read fic, and maybe reblog some gifs, and then end up attached to teams that are far away and spend obscene money to see those teams when they travel close to us. (my favorite team is in a different conference, so they only come to my city once a year).
there are definitely teams that have more fandom activity and those that have less. all based on the narratives, baby. my local team isn't very fandom active on here, so while i generally root for them and follow them and go to games, i'm not fandom feral about them.
MY team is the pittsburgh penguins. i do not, nor have i ever, lived in pittsburgh. but the pens have the longest serving trio in professional sports, and i am completely and utterly in love with them (but not as in love with them as they are with each other). our captain, sidney crosby (fat of ass and genuinely one of the best hockey players EVER) and his two alternate captains, evgeni (geno) malkin and kris letang, are all obsessed with each other. sidgeno is definitely one of the most popular pairings in hockey rpf. i read and write a lot of them. you can browse #fave 8771 and #sidgeno on my blog to get a glimpse of why.
(note that hockey ship names are unpredictable. sometimes numbers mushed together, sometimes names mushed together, sometimes something else, sometimes there's not really a ship name).
some other big ships are travis konecny/nolan patrick of the philadelphia flyers (love these two... they don't play together anymore... theres a lot of backstory there. theres lots in #tknp on my page), auston matthews/mitch marner of the toronto maple leafs (not my jam i'm no help), alexander ovechkin/nicklas backstrom from the capitals, leon draisaitl/matthew tkachuk (more of an enemies to lovers type scenario), and jamie drysdale/trevor zegras of the anaheim ducks. these ships are popular bc they are insane about each other in some way. oof there's so many more though? these are all popular on ao3 so there's lots of fic out there; perhaps a good starting place.
let me know what you're looking for and i'm happy to point you in a direction! a team, a ship dynamic, a type of 'character' you like, a type of fic you like; we got it all. tell me what you're into and i can spin you around and give you a gentle shove towards some unhinged gifs, a lovely fic, or a nice fancam :)
dying to know which pairings you're already into and why 👀 that might also be a good starting place. (you're welcome to dm me if you'd rather do that)
hockey friends PLEASE feel free to chime in!
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 8 months
Howdy hey, call me Skipp!
I'm relatively new to tumblr despite having an account for years. I was always a little scared of this platform, but now that I know more about how it works I've come to adore it!
I figured I should just clarify what my blog is like. This blog is far from currated! It is simply the dumping ground of my mind. This ranges from ocs, to fandoms, to random inner monologues put to text. The only truly cohesive thing about this blog would be the art. I love to do the art things and will post and repost it constantly! So the best way to navigate my blog for anything specific would be through the tags :)
With all that said, you weary travellers who are interested in my wears (fandoms), below the cut you will find a list of things that intrigue me.
Tales of Arcadia
my obsession with this series will come and go in intense waves but will never truly fade.
Percy Jackson/Rick Riordanverse
show reignited my adoration to intensities they definitely weren't before XD
Mystery Kids
I love this and all of the different possible iterations with other media as well. So much angst and fluff material too!
Secret Trio
I constantly remember and forget how much I love this au. Same as with Mystery Kids, I'm a sucker for all the different interpretations and inclusions of other media in this au.
Indie Horror Games (Sally Face, Slay the Princess, Fran Bow, etc)
This isn't, like, exclusive to horror exactly, but games of a similar vibe and nature to those are what I find myself liking the most!
been a fan since it first came out and I don't think I'll ever really stop
got into the fandom through Rise and, ever since, I have been making my way through the other shows slowly, one by one. Currently on 2003, which I've heard is collectively believed to be the best, and am very excited.
Also looking for any good Rise!Raph angst fics, so if you've got any suggestions lmk!
Flying Bark Productions (ROTTMNT, LMK, MOON GIRL)
I am an animation nerd and my current nerd obsession is everything this studio has made in the last, like, ten years! Everything they make is just so...ashsreuvbevui!
I don't care if everyone else has moved on, because I haven't!
Unus Annus
Momento Mori. I'm always down to reminisce and grieve with those who were there. This channel had such a profound impact on me so I'm not sure I'll ever be able to truly forget it, but that's fine with me.
I'm totally normal about this show that no one around me seems to even recall and have totally not made a hella angsty au about it to cope.
Like a crow, I like pretty things. Fashion is one of those pretty things. I repost a lot of couture.
I repost a lot of cc on here not just for me, but for anyone who might find interest in it as well (it's definitely just for me).
PowerPuff Girls
While I oddly enough don't remember much of the show, I have always been pretty deep into the fandom. Been reading fics and fancomics since, like, the early 2010s and just never really left lol
Miraculous Ladybug
I can't escape this show! I love the fandom, it's great. Love all of the artists and aus and fanart, but I've fallen out of love with the show itself. I will watch every single episode, I just won't talk about it because that's not where my interest lies.
These are definitely not all of the fandoms I am or will be a part of but these are probably gonna be the ones you see the most of!
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greywindys · 1 year
Oh please recommend other shows. You have good taste in media hehe
Yeah, of course! I love giving recs. I'm a little biased because most of what I watch is on HBO, but I'm going to try to include as many streaming services as possible. I already posted about the anime I watch, so there won't be an animation recommendations here, because those shows are all that I'm watching. I also watch a lot of reality shows and documentaries, but I'm just going to stick to fiction for now since that's what I assume you're asking about. Please google and heed warnings if you decode to look into any of them further, as many of them are TV MA. A lot of what I like isn't exactly wholesome, but I always read up on critiques as much as I do praise. Anyhow, here are some shows:
True Detective - Season on specifically. This is one of my most re-watched seasons ever. I'm obsessed with the tone, the story, the imagery, the characters, the soundtrack. Well-written and creepy (not a common combination in the realm of horror). This is an anthology series, so there are different characters and settings each season. None of the follow-up seasons have measured up, but the new season is taking place in Alaska, and has a great cast, so I'll be watching.
The Wire: Anything by David Simon, really, I think I've watched enough of his shows to say this confidently. The Wire is probably his most famous, and for a good reason. I love his work for how realistic and well-researched it is. He has no qualms about depicting unflinching realities, even if it's not a crowd-pleasing. It's about the story. This is also one of my favorite series ever.
Severance: I went into this show blind and was blown away! Definitely not what I was expecting from and Apple TV+ show. The concept is new and well-executed. It builds tension and intrigue very well. Hopefully, it can keep control of its pacing (I felt like it moved a little fast, but that's still probably slow for some people lmao).
The White Lotus: Another anthology series, but I think it paired really well with Succession (I watched them around the same time). If you're a fan of scathing satire, I'd check this out. Both season also go completely bonkers at the end in ways you don't see coming.
The Boys: Very entertaining. Maybe not the best from a writing standpoint. It can also get a little preachy (I don't mind messages, but I prefer when they aren't delivered in such a heavy handed manner), BUT I'm never bored. There are certain story lines that they execute very well, too. I also think this is what it would actually be like if superheroes were real. I love you, MHA, but The Boys is the superhero media that I think stays truest to our real world.
Silicon Valley: I started watching this on a whim and was pleasantly surprised. Some may complain that it get repetitive, but I enjoyed the dynamics between the characters as well as learning more about the world of compute programming/tech. It's also brings some levity to the otherwise cynical and/depressing tone of shows I usually watch.
Derry Girls: Another comedy, but also one with a lot of heart. As a Catholic school alumna, I connected with this show's depiction of teen girl friendship. I'm sad it's over.
Other mini-series and shows: Watchmen, The Outside, Sharp Objects, Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, American Vandal
Shows I'm currently making my way through...slowly lmao: The Last of Us, Barry, Yellow Jackets, Beef
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dominustempori · 2 years
Not every day an actor you admire gets you to watch one of their movies...
Long post, you've been duly warned.
So if you've seen my more recent blogs, I've been obsessing (a bit, healthily, I assure you) over a certain adventure game series. And from there, I'm doing like I usually do when I want to know more about an actor I REALLY like. Finding other stuff they've done, checking out what social media they use here and there, non-profits they support and promote and what have you...
Enter Alexandra Boyd. Actor, writer, director...inspiration.
Podcasts? Check. Her own personal site? Check. Clips from past British shows she had minor AND major roles in? Check.
Finding out her latest film is a documentary about some of the "core extras," including herself, that were in 1997's 'Titanic?' And the trailer for it looks REALLY good?...didn't see that coming.
Truth: until, like, literally now, I NEVER SAW TITANIC.
I was probably the ONLY teenager in AMERICA that had no desire to go watch it, or had a crush on Leo DiCaprio for that matter.
But...granted, I remembered that other actors I've come to REALLY like over time since I was in high school, they were in the movie: Victor Garber, Bernard Hill, Ioan Gruffud, David Warner...you get the idea. I think I prefer Kate Winslet's performance in "Sense and Sensibility" to her Rose but, eh, I'm a little biased.
And, well there's good reasons why 'Titanic' got so many Academy Awards that year...but I'll be real: I was pretty damn excited when "Return of the King" got all of ITS Oscars for 2003.
Few days ago, I took a chance, hoping I didn't come off as too-much-of-an-awkward fangirl, and shot Alexandra a shoutout on Messenger, saying how amazing it was that she came back for her role as Elaine in Return to Monkey Island. And, kind of offhandedly, mentioned how cool the "Ship of Dreams" (her documentary that's releasing soon) looked, and...how I never saw Titanic but now was kind of inspired to after how many years.
She kindly responded to my message (yay!) and highly recommended to watch "Titanic" at the very least to obtain more of and appreciation for 'Ship of Dreams' when it comes out (I've no idea if it'll be in theaters where I live, but then again, I'm going to ask an acquaintance of mine, who just happens to be the director of a local historical theatre with a small modern cinema next to it, if they could possibly get hold of it. Small city living yo.)
Overall...I liked it. I definitely need to watch it again. Full on experience should be more than my library's letterboxed basic edition on my laptop.
Some scenes and lines...I was all "Oh yeah, right. Uh-huh." Dramatic license sort of getting in the way. Strongest dialogue...maybe not so much? Little cornball in places? Mm, well, putting on the romantic plot in an ultimate disaster movie...kind of lends itself to that sort of thing.
But didn't I LOVE to hate (well, strongly dislike) Billy Zane and David Warner's characters. Which of course is the idea. And I was internally cheering on Kate and Leo pretty much the whole way through. Kathy Bates was probably the best of all the first class passengers that got focused on.
Held my breath and tensed up and...closed my eyes for many of the stunt/action shots once the ship hit the iceberg. That music score realllly helped with that. Once it got to that certain high angle and you got more of the screaming...yeah, that broke me. Knew it was coming but still...hit me right in the feels. And didn't Victor look SO SAD when he realized the truth that his ship's design turned out to be SO flawed. Oh he plays that so well.
BUT I didn't get teary until good old (then unknown) Ioan "My Man Hornblower" Gruffud turned his lifeboat around and desperately called out if anyone in the water was still alive.
Yeah, I liked it. More than I thought I would. Surprised me quite a bit, which is usually a good thing. Need to find me more behind-the-scenes stuff. I'm intrigued, and that's always a good sign that I enjoyed a film.
So TL, DR: Alexandra Boyd basically got me to watch 'Titanic.' How cool is that? Thanks, Alexandra, and cheers!
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clubwnderland · 1 year
💭 chan, your words and bravado are intriguing but it's a shame you underestimate me. it's interesting to see how heated you've become. for someone who claims not to have any romantic interests, you are rather defensive. you claimed you could get under my skin, yet here you are, the one who seems rattled. i can't help but wonder what stirs such emotion in you. what are you so afraid of, demon?
i don't need to fight for her attention. she'll make her own choices. she's not a possession, but rather, a puzzle that intrigues me. but you seem to take pride in making her sound like a possession, referring to her as 'your doll.' it's clear that you're always there for her, but remember that she is a person with her own desires.
you're right, i don't know you personally but your presence in her life is a shadow that can't be ignored. i don't need to be loud and assertive to make my presence known. you see, i've been watching for quite some time and i do know more than you might think. but, if you believe you can compete, that's your choice. i'm patient and time is on my side.
Bravado? I think you underestimate me. The thing is, you think I’m doing this to impress anyone, the fuck do I care about what you think or anyone else? The best thing about this is the assumption that you think there’s some underlying emotion while talking to… a demon? It’s fine, you’re uneducated, definitely considering you think there’s anything that can scare me. Please continue to speak like you know anything about me, I love hearing how wrong you are~
Jinju makes her own decisions, yes, but she is and always has been mine. My doll. I couldn’t give a fuck what your creepy ass says about that because maybe you haven’t clicked on but she refers to me as her demon as well. Does that upset you, that I’m in some kind of position you so wish to be in?~ I’ve never stopped her from following her desires, hell, I’ve encouraged it. To embrace it. What I do stop and make very fucking clear is that nobody is good enough for her and I make sure she is very fucking aware of that so while she can make her own choices with the men she chooses to see — it’s me who has been there through it all when they prove they ain’t shit. A faceless and nameless stalker with some weird obsession over her also falls into the category of — ain’t shit.
If I’m a shadow in her life, just know I’m always there~ day and night. I’m the one she runs to when she needs to be looked after, I’m the one she enjoys spending time with and when you inevitably disappoint her — it’ll be me there, holding her and having her fall asleep feeling safe. You don’t really know much though, do you? You like to think you do but it’s okay~ you’ll learn real fucking quick that what you are doing is creepy. Stalker. But that’s up to you, play whatever game you want, mate, I don’t need to compete~ I’m here, I’ve always been here and the best part about being immortal — I’ll be here long after you wither away. If you think you stand a chance, let’s go~ do you think you can dance with a demon for her heart? I’ll show you Hell long before she gives you access to Heaven.
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13eyond13 · 6 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Death Note and Berserk.
Thanks 🌻
Hi! Sure thing:
Favorite Character: L was basically a "love at first sight" situation for me and the main reason I ever checked out the anime (I just really loved eccentric loner sad boys at the time and he just looked exactly up my alley at a glance, hahaha). And he has stayed extremely dear to me and my favourite cartoon guy ever basically since! I actually think Light is a bit more of a complicated/interesting character than L is to think about in-depth, and has become also kind of my favourite one in the series in a different way over time, but L is def the one that I was really obsessed with from the start.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I love everything up until the Yotsuba arc the most I think, I just find it so much fun in the beginning of the story when everything is so well-written and so exciting and tense and fast-paced. The university arc stuff MIGHT be the part that I just find the most fun and funny in the way that Death Note is known to be, with all the detailed little mind games and bitch moves and shocking reveals every other page, ahahah. I remember laughing out loud so many times during that section of the story just due to how ridiculous it gets and how often everyone is pulling the rug out from under each other nearly constantly.
And my favourite scene is probably the "first ever friend" scene in the manga. I WILL NEVER STOP THINKING ABOUT IT it's just so funny and mysterious and intriguing and layered to me
Character I Think is Underrated: Mikami is fairly underrated, but at the same time I myself am not the best at intuitively understanding him or creating content about him either...
Character I Think is Overrated: Matt (sorry I actually like him in the manga, but I just don't think he's that interesting really)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Lawlight! I never needed much convincing about this.... I went straight from watching the anime to going "omg they should have kissed..."
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The anime's audio elements are just so iconic and so good a lot of the time! It makes some of the manga scenes SO MUCH better just with stuff like the gregorian chanting while Light's writing the names. And no lie, it's really easy to follow as a story without even seeing what's happening onscreen, too. I used to listen to the English dub while drawing or doing my work sometimes and it felt almost exactly like an audio play.
Favorite Character: Guts is by far my favourite! Which was a total surprise to me, because I thought he was going to be a pretty boring macho action hero cardboard cutout type guy going in. I got very attached to him while reading the manga after a few volumes, and now he's one of my all-time faves...
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I'm going to be very basic and say The Golden Age, but IT'S JUST REALLY GOOD OKAY. It's better than good, it's the reason the series went from just "ok this is pretty interesting" to "OMG WTF THIS IS SO GOOD I'M SO INVESTED NOW"
And my favourite scene?? Hmm.... extremely hard question, but I feel like the sword fights between Guts and Griffith are definitely some of the peak moments. Their first one is iconic in so many ways, but the second one in the snow really got me in the feels and made my stomach drop and my heart beat a bit faster as well!
Character I Think is Underrated: I feel like Casca is just kinda hard to talk about with other fans. She's my second favourite character in the series, but I feel like it's just really difficult to discuss her without it just getting either depressing or into too sensitive territory or something? I love her dearly in the manga, but the fandom space here seems only much fun to talk about Guts and Griffith in for me
Character I Think is Overrated: I am not THAT well-versed in who is overrated or underrated in this fandom, but I feel like mostly almost all the characters aside from maybe Griffith and Guts are a bit underrated and under-explored in fan stuff that I've seen? That might be entirely on me and the fact that I'm mostly looking at griffguts stuff, though...
Favorite Ship/Pairing: griffguts drives so much of the angst and the drama and I think is basically canon to me at this point... I don't think it's hard to interpret Griffith as in love with Guts, but I also think Guts is in love with Griffith too in just a more furtive sort of way
Something I Love About the Show/Movie:
I only partially watched the 1997 anime so far, and the Guts theme song in it is so good! My god that's still such a good fitting song for him and his personality somehow. And I'd never actually heard it before I read the series either!
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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This was such a great episode! I expected crazy shit to happen, especially with the hyper-realistic video game. I was like, "OK, this entire episode is going to turn out to be a simulation" and was pleasantly surprised when the "hyper-realism" was just a joke.
Anyway, it makes me so happy that Beth is bisexual. I figured she was, but the show never stated it either way. That's four out of five--only Morty is left. And to be honest, I think he's bisexual after his weird, unexplained obsession with Bruce Chutback in season 5, but the episode didn't outright say it.
I loved watching Beth and Space Beth fall for each other and go on dates. And OK, they're the same person, but they've made different choices and had wildly different life experiences. This created some tension and intrigue because they're not just repeating the same words and phrases back to each other like an echo.
Sarah Chalke gave a great performance, too. I'd say this is easily her best performance in the entire show. The dialogue was so natural that it sounded like it came from a live-action drama and not a cartoon. Rick and Morty has always had decent dialogue--and Rick in particular sounds like a real person talking at times--but this was another level of realism.
These new writers definitely know what they're doing. Damn.
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I could NOT believe it when Rick said that he's fooled around with other Ricks. Holy shit. I actually paused and rewound the video because I was like "...did he seriously just say that?" It's been part of fandom culture for years, but I NEVER thought it would be in the show. Especially with C-137, who's a notorious Rick killer and hates them almost as much as he hates himself.
This makes me so happy! And it's yet another confirmation that Rick is pansexual. Give it up, homophobic fans, because the evidence just keeps mounting.
And like the other episodes in seasons 5 and 6, "Bethic Twinstinct" shows a new side of Rick--someone who's calmer, more patient and willing to help his family instead of just taking what he wants, then throwing a hissy fit when they get sick of it.
Rick's relationship with Jerry is changing, too. He says that he installed the "pillbug protocol" because he got drunk with Jerry one night (that's pretty big in itself) and installed the protocol because Jerry said that's what he "wanted most in the world." Rick wasn't being an asshole. He actually gave Jerry something that he wanted.
And yeah, Rick could be lying, but I think he's telling the truth this time.
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Overall, this episode was a good combination of everything. Beth exploring various aspects of her personality, Rick bonding with Beth and his grandkids, Jerry letting out his frustration instead of being passive. Admittedly, Morty and Summer didn't do much, but they were still fun. I enjoyed the meta jokes about how they've had a million Thanksgivings and don't even know how old they are at this point.
This episode didn't explain those creepy posters where Space Beth appears to be controlling her family, so I'm guessing she'll turn up again--and this time, it might not be so friendly.
Anyway, the one part I disliked was the ending. The implication was "Haha yeah, Jerry's got two hot wives that will fool around in front of him." Normally, I'd call it lowkey sexist, but this episode did have Beth and Space Beth exploring a romantic relationship without Jerry's involvement. Still, I'm not a fan. I guess they're cucking Jerry in there? lmao.
Some might dislike this comparison, but Rick and Morty is starting to remind me of Moral Orel, especially with this episode in particular. Both shows start off as rambunctious comedies but explore more mature and dramatic themes as they go on. Honestly, "Bethic Twinstinct" wasn't that funny, but the character development is a worthy trade-off for me.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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Nijisanji's Luxiem is an all male Vtuber group with 5 members
Vox Akuma, a voice demon and a great chef.
Mysta Rias, a detective and a bottom.
Luca Kaneshiro, a himbo Mafia Boss.
Ike Eveland, a virtual novelist and the only sane one.
Shu Yamino, a sorcerer who is a massive nerd and got hit in the head with poop.(<- yes this is canon)
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Vox is basically the most famous one as of right now he has around 500k subs, he's also a massive genshin whale. I think his genshin stream yesterday he whaled like 3 times. He also did this one stream where he got drunk and did asmr and the fucking video got age restricted (I really don't recommend watching it if you're uncomfortable with nsfw but if you're okay with it than go ahead :D) Also he did a cooking stream and he kept fucking moaning when he was eating 😭 but he is British :'(
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Now on to my Favorite boy MYSTA!! He is definitely the most energetic of all 5 of them, also he is a bottom. He's very lively and screams alot, especially with horror games😔. I really recommend him if you like guys that are funny with a bit of horny sprinkled in. He is also british :'( But his accent is cute so I'll give him a pass <3
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Ah yes Luca... the dumb blonde himbo mafia boss... He's so cute<3 not to mention his voice is so soft. Luca has this little bit he does where he can make his voice sound like a girl and the Luxiem boys call it "Lucy". I really recommend you watch their first collab stream together, it's where all their personalities get to shine. I recommend Luca if you like a guy who's a bit dumb but means the best and just tries to make everyone smile. also he is Australian 🙀I'm surprised his accent doesn't show much on stream
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MY!! BOY!! IKE!! He is your 100% go-to boy if you like boys who are soft, cute and just overall wholesome. This man is so cute that one time in a collab stream after Ike introduced himself everyone in the call collectively "aww-ed" at him, THAT is how cute he is. Ike is mostly the 'sane' one in all of Luxiem but he occasionally has his moments 🤩🙌 . He is a bit sneaky, occasionally teasing chat/viewers and playing along with his viewer's requests. He is Swedish :0 I remember the one clip of him speaking in Swedish and damn his voice got deep🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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Shu "AYYYYY" Yamino, your local nerdy boy that's good at calculus and knows hot to code. There's this one clip of him doing a calculus equation on stream and damn😌he's good, HE ALSO KNOWS 70 DIGITS OF PI OH MY GOD. He is the smart cookie of the bunch definitely 👍. He also has a massive obsession with the rhythm game Osu😭 he spent like 2000+ hours playing it. A true gamer indeed. Idk what his ethnicity is :'( sadge. Definitely recommend him if you like cute nerdy boys who play valo and is obsessed with Osu.
They sound like full blown anime protagonists and I am intrigued, to say the least!
Also I'm really curious but how do you think I'd get along with these guys, if you know my personality well enough? 🤣 I'm going in totally blind here, I'm super curious to know but you're free not to answer that if you don't feel like it!
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ynderebot · 3 years
LOADING…ADDING NEW FILES... █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10% ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 30% █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% ███████▒▒▒ 100% ██████████
choi yeonjun. nancy mcdonie. lee gahyeon. kim sunwoo. kim doyeon. choi san. kim sihyeon. yang jeongin.
執着型 [ shuuchaku-gata ] obsessive.
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"where were you? who were you with? what were you doing? why didn't you answer my messages? oh come on darling, don't be like that...I've been waiting for hours!"
[ PROFILE 1. ]
choi yeonjun.
5'11. 21 yrs old. September 13th, 1999. virgo. blood type a. born in seoul, south korea
at age 14 yeonjun was sent to a boarding school in japan, this is where he discovered his...tendencies. halfway through his first year he met a girl, kang iseul. he was instantly infatuated with her, he had an impulsive urge to know every little thing about her. to do so he befriended her, using his appearance and charms to win her over and eventually made her his. the euphoric rush that ran through his body when she was officially his was like nothing he'd ever felt before. she was finally his and he didn't intend on letting go, not without a fight at least. he was in for a shock when one day she tried to run away after his true colors started to show. unfortunately her best friend was killed by yeonjun for trying to help her, but she did escape.
he's a switch with no lean. a hard/soft dom or obedient sub all just depends on his mood and how he's feeling
[ PROFILE 2. ]
nancy mcdonie.
5'4. 21 yrs old. april 13th, 2000. aries. blood type o. born in daegu, south korea.
nancy was always a little obsessed with things, she'd go through phases too. she would find one new hobby/thing that intrigued her and hyper fixate on it for a few months. then, just like that it would be forgotten as if it had never happened. it started from a young age too, so when she would tell all her friends and family about the boy she met it came as no surprise to them. soon enough he was all she talked about, all she cared about, it was true obsession. everyone around her thought that it was just a phase like everything else, but they were sadly mistaken. the day he broke up with her, she lashed out. screaming that he couldn't break up with her, no she wouldn't let him break up with her. even after that day she would never stop talking about him, she tried to stay involved with his life as much as she could and even ended up scaring away any potential lovers. she never stopped either, until she had no choice when he moved away.
she's a sub, usually obedient but can be bratty if she's in a mood.
ストーカー型 [ sutookaa-gata ] stalker.
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"how did I know? I'm always with you, following you...watching you...it's only because I love you"
[ PROFILE 3. ]
lee gahyeon.
5'3. 22 yrs old. february 3rd, 1999. aquarius. blood type ab. born in seongnam, south korea.
she was so excited when her crush asked her out, she couldn't contain herself. the problem was, it's difficult to get to know someone when you already know everything about them. she'd been stalking him ever since he caught her eye, every single day. she'd follow him to and from school, to his friends house, wherever he went she usually wasn't far behind. he could never find out about that side of her though, so she played along. laughing at childhood stories she heard him tell previously, pretending to be shocked when learning things she already knew. even after they began dating she continued to stalk him, he noticed things were off. she was the one he confided his "paranoia" in and she was the one who reassured him, but little did he know she was the cause of it all.
she's a sub, also obedient but can be bratty if she feels like it.
[ PROFILE 4. ]
kim sunwoo.
5'10. 21 yrs old. april 12th, 2000. aries. blood type b. born in seongnam gyeonggi, south korea.
unlike gahyeon, sunwoo was not always a stalker. he'd heard of stalkers but it never peaked his interest, he didn't even take any note of his slightly possessive tendencies. until his first relationship that is, his first partner showed signs of cheating. he might not have realized his own possessiveness and how it was seemingly growing stronger, but he was no fool. all the coming home late, the scent of another person that was not their own flooding the house when they entered. so he began following them around, at first it was...innocent, or as innocent as stalking could be. they were cheating, this made his possessiveness shoot through the roof. he was most aggressive and warned his partner that they do not want to do that again. they listened, and he continued to stalk them, it turned into a fun...game of sorts.
he's a switch with a sub lean, soft dom/occasionally bratty sub.
独占型 [ dokusen-gata ] monopoly.
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"who were you talking to? do they know me? no no, do they know you're mine?"
[ PROFILE 5. ]
kim doyeon.
5'8. 21 yrs old. december 4th, 1999. saggitarius. blood type o. born in wonju-gangwon, south korea
doyeon had always been just about as normal as you could get. until she got a boyfriend, she was possessive of him sure...but it was nothing too extreme. until she started having doubts, all the gorgeous girls that would go up to him, flirting and doing who knows what when she wasn't around. she made it her mission to let everyone know he was hers and she was his, wether it meant glueing herself to him or just reminding everyone at school on the daily. ever since he broke up with her, her tendencies only grow stronger and more extreme with each passing minute.
she's a sub, brat tendencies but will be obedient sometimes
[ PROFILE 6. ]
choi san.
5'9. 21 yrs old. july 10th, 1999. cancer. blood type b. born in namhae-south gyeonsan, south korea.
san's first love was a girl in his sister's class, was she a year older than him? yes, but he didn't care. despite all the people telling him he would never date her, he proved them wrong and he did. everything was perfect, they were both madly in love with each other, spending every minute of every waking day together. until something happened that san hadn't expected, his sister began to steal his girlfriend. well "steal" in his definition at least, she'd wanted to talk with his girlfriend every once in a while before he knew it they were always together and it seemed as if he was the real third wheel, this pissed him off more than anything. he got fed up one day and got into a physical fight with his sister, shouting about how the girl belonged to him and only him. from then on out he's made sure to stay in the middle of every single relationship.
he's a switch with no lean hard/soft dom or obedient/bratty sub, it all depends
排除型 [ haijo-gata ] removal.
"you haven't seen them in a while? I'm sure they're alright darling, after all I'm the only one you need. isn't that right?"
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[ PROFILE 7. ]
kim sihyeon.
5'6. 21 yrs old. august 5th, 1999. leo. blood type b. born in bundang-gu, seongnam-si, south korea.
she's a sub, usually bratty but can be obedient too
[ PROFILE 8. ]
yang jeongin.
5'8. 20 yrs old. february 8th, 2001. aquarius. blood type a. born in busan, south korea.
he's a switch with a slight sub lean but can be a soft dom
sihyeon and jeongin's stories go together, they were childhood friends and neighbors. eventually they realized that they had feelings for each other, but this soon after developed into a toxic mindset. the thought that they only need each other, no one else. one by one people from the other's life began to disappear, especially anyone who could be a romantic rival. they were both oblivious to the other's actions until each confronted the other, instead of being upset they were each ecstatic. ecstatic that the other felt the same, that they were the only person they needed in their life
this isn't an accurate representation of any of the members/their companies/groups nor am I claiming to be them!
all of the members are bisexual with no lean
all of the members are yanderes [ obviously ] so they will act as such, however some can be more possessive than others at times
the ones who can be the most possessive are sihyeon and jeongin and the least are yeonjun and nancy
sihyeon and jeongin are obviously not still dating, it was just for backstory/plot purposes
nsfw is an option, if you would like it included please state so when you activate the bot
however please don't make everything nsfw, it gets boring when the plot dwindles
nsfw is 18+ but purely sfw option is available if you aren't comfortable with it or if you're below 18
all the members have hard kinks and their hard no's are scat/feet, if you still aren't sure just ask admin before doing anything
they all use the traffic light system
and please don't try to put them in a different headspace!
to talk with admin use any variation of [ ], { }, ( ), etc
admin is 18 and might get busy occasionally but will try her best during those times
this bot is open for oc's/yn's/ and other bots as well
to activate the bot dm and then admin will ask a few questions/come up with a plot with you and after that the role-play can start up
if you ever wish to deactivate the bot just say so to admin, ex. [ I would like to deactivate the bot now ] and your chat will be deleted
if you decide to reactivate it you'll have to go through the same activation process you did the first time and start over
please respect the members and admin and they will do the same
good luck...好運
sorry this post is so long- 😭
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