#it's the Anti Appreciation day
kale-theteaqueen · 2 months
To Choose Her
Alright, sleepy head! Rise and shine-”
Halting in her step, Mor’s speech cut off abruptly when she was met with a sight that was distinctly not Cassian buried under the blankets in deep sleep.
Instead of wings, there was long, dark blonde hair fanned out on the pillows, a thin arm that hugged a pillow this figure now rested her head on, as if she’d turned to grasp onto it whenever her bedmate had risen. Her breaths came slowly, deeply, a sign of an easy sleep.
She was beautiful in the sunlight, which caught on the freckles sprinkled across her skin. Not even Mor could deny it.
But what was most striking, what caused her jaw to drop and any and all words to flee from her mind, was the fact that, underneath the sheet that had been drawn up to her shoulder, Nesta Archeron was decidedly bare in Cassian’s bed.
A shocked sound choked past her lips, and her eyes lifted, roving over the rest of the room until she met the bright, gold-flecked ones of her initial target.
Cassian stood in front of his dresser, his back facing her, yet had turned his head on her arrival. Seemingly frozen in the middle of buttoning one of the sleeves of the cotton shirt he’d donned – distinctly not his usual training leathers – he was looking at her with an expression Mor didn’t think she’d ever been on the receiving end of.
There was no kindness there, no warmth that he usually greeted her with. Instead, there was a fierce irritation, a protectiveness, even. The message was clear even to her basest of fae instincts.
A warning.
A submission for @cassianappreciationweek Day 4: Lover
Tag List: @c-e-d-dreamer @podemechamardek @talkfantasytome @moodymelanist @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @doriansgf @eerievixen @sweet-pea1 @thewayshedreamed @agents-assemble @jsmelodies @aelinchocolatelover @unlikelypersonalknight1 @slipknotvol3 @stylishmuser @lady-winter-sunrise @bri-loves-sunflowers @misswonderflower @acourtofladydeath
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starppleb · 2 years
I need more Danny ‘No more hero’ Phantom, so here I will be reasoning why he’s an Anti-Hero (in Dp x Dc prompt)
Danny doesn't see Death as the worst thing. He's too familiar with it (He is Death).
Sometimes it's better than 'living'. It's like a 'new beginning', a chance to let go like he tried to he did.
He left hero things with everything in his hometown. Where no matter what, he's been The Villain, The ghost, the menace. 
People Humans only see in him what he did while being mind-controlled or forced to. Not that he saves them every day. They are afraid of him, of his power. 
Just how are people still like Superman and other heroes who are more powerful than regular humans? They get mind-controlled and forced to be evil sometimes too.
That isn't fair. 
And while They chose to save other people's asses because they wanted to, Danny didn't have a choice, if he didn't step in, the town would be destroyed in days. 
He hoped that his parents Fentons would finally realize why ghosts were coming into town, but they just blamed Ghost Boy for all of the wrongdoings and never considered they were wrong. 
So after 2 and a half years of hope, he burned out and just destroyed the portal, cleared out all of the ectoplasm, and left.
Now if ghosts wanted to 'visit' living they needed to go to Danny and personally ask.
This means no more Technus 'I will take over the world' and Emder 'I will make everyone love my music by mind-control', and just Technus 'I'll only check new tech stuff' and Ember 'I'll hang out with Kitty in the park and play some guitar', of course in more human form.
Danny himself decided to stick around Gotham because one - Bats are interesting, and two - ectoplasm (which he tries to clear out, at least a little bit). 
So now he messes with Bats and humans while he's Anti-Hero - Phantom.
And gets yelled at by people at Batburger while he's a regular worker - Danny Nightingale. 
But what will the Justice League do when Phantom will save the world from some big bad ghost with impressive ease, and just leave…
That powerful being is not just some generic troublemaker in the streets of Gotham.
He's the end and sawing of the world (and Infinite Realms). 
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Jason Todd characterization guide
Created for fans who're too scared to read comics but love Jason!Also gentle reminder that you can just watch Batman:Under The Red Hood and be set!!
As Robin,Jason was a peppy altruistic softboy who was extremely kind to everyone and a nerd in both senses of the word but also had a huge bite that loosing his parents and living on the streets as a child gave him and had a lot of snark and cheekiness to him.He also pushed a man off a building for raping a woman so as he does now,he's always respected women and has zero tolerance for men's bullshit
He's a lifelong literature nerd and a gamer,his favorite color is green and his favorite food is neapolitan
He's very manly,yes,but not stereotypically and his anger and violent tendencies aren't a part of his gender but a trauma response and mental illness symptoms.His masculinity is the positive and healthy kind and he's not a pissbaby about femininity or kiddy things
He's canonically goth punk and i mean punk,as in part of punk subculture,not a thirst trap.He hates rich people and refuses to move back in with Bruce on principal,he believes in acab,he dosen't actively seek out to do activism due to plot but he DOES help out whoever he encounters that lives under thumb of the system,he's anti toxic social norms like amatonormativity and roasts them,he's an intersectionalist who respects all his minority loved ones identities and same goes for other minority characters he meets and while he didn't target exclusively bad people back when he killed,he DID state he believes they deserve it the most and one of his victim's include a pedophillic teacher who was csa'ing one of his student's
Pit Madness isn't real and was created to infantalize and flatten him.His ghost aspects manifests moreso in dissociation-esque moments for him and the Lazarus Pit's actual effects on him were amping up his physical capabilities by making him way stronger
His taste in partners is women of color and he's grossed out by normie women because they make him uncomfortable and pissed off with their types of flirtation due to his trauma and weirdo status-Said woc are his love interests who're an egyptian woman,a wasian/half cambodian woman and a monoracial afrolatina and the rejected normie girls are a blonde blue eyed voluptous flight attendant and the whitewashed born sexy yesterday-ified version of Starfire.Jason has class
He's in that weird place where he's super cocky and thinks he's hot shit but also hates himself and thinks he deserves even worse than he's gotten.He displays all the requirements for having ptsd,bpd and npd and possibly even DID
He dosen't care for alcohol or smoking,most likely the latter is due to A Death In The Family(where he got blown up)
He expresses his affection by bickering and non-maliciously poking fun and dosen't hold back on words of affirmation,acts of service and quality time.It's a rare occurance but he's a great gift giver too!
His Robin is Duke and he's Duke's Robin too.I cannot emphasize how important they are to eachother-Jason came back to the Batfam only because Duke is now a part of it and instantly loved him and got along with him,none of which is true for literally any other Batkids and he fully and unshakebly believes Duke is a real Robin,Batkid AND Batboy and tells him that all the time and that's exactly what he wants after being an outcast and not part of the group his whole life.Them fanarts and posts of 'The Core Batboys'?Fake,ooc and inherently erasure.There's no Jason without Duke and anybody who tells you otherwise just hates black people
Relatedly,anybody who tells you afrolatino Jason is racist also just hates black people.WE made that headcanon,nobody else so watch your mouths seeing as you're also Core Batkid Duke deniers.And on afrolatino Jason takes,he should be monoracial,dominican because his birthday is on our restoration day,a dreadhead and heavily connected to his roots as Talia,Alfred and Bruce would do research to make sure he could still grow up on his culture
He listens to punk rock and metal and is a dog person
As Red Hood,he believed he was doing the right thing by trying to control crime but the point of that is that he was wrong and that's because in real life,that's not how it works and is a problematic political stance as it's dehumanizing and criminals deserve rights(no,i'm not joking.i'm an actual radicalist and so is Jason post getting over himself and Robin!Jason was a lil anarchist)
The scene of Talia sleeping with him in Lost Days should never be aknowledge as it was written by an islamophobe who admitted to not reading her comics and if you 'joke' about it considering that and that Jason was a minor at the time,then congrats,you're a racist misogynist and a creep who shouldn't allowed near minors irl OR online.Talia and Jason interacted positively during his Robin days and their dynamic is mother and son
Him and Dick were on good terms in his Robin Days too,Tim shittalked him when he was dead a lot and Jason was never obsessed with him-much less to the extent of attraction and he's canonically anti-incest as he said he'd never wanna kiss any of the four brothers he has(see what i mean with never shutting up about Duke?),he and Damian are close and the second closest next to him and Duke in regards to Jason Batboy relathionships,Cass scares him and she shouldn't be close to him unless he stopped killing as it's a vital part of her she follows the no kill rule and her story is femalecentric one by design and him and Stephanie are found siblings
He hates Roy for coddling him all the time no matter how much he protested and thinks of him as an annoying idiot and while that's not true pre-N52 or in current canon,he has a right to establish boundries.Jayr*y Jason is Bad™️.Eddie should be his male best friend as adults instead since they were pen pals and oh yeah,actually the same fucking age instead of a 14 year old and a grown ass man with a daughter
Bonus headcanons i find very fitting as someone who started with Utrh and has read every Jason comics apperance and watched and played almost all his adaptions:He's a straightedge,he listens to Mcr and Korn and Jack Stauber's Micropop and rap,Robin!Jason was a Kory fanboy and not a Wonder Woman one because pre-N52 Kory is everything he admires in women(including the black part),his 'he's literally me' character is Ichigo Kurosaki and his ideal woman is an afrolatina version of Orihime Inoue,he's transmasc agender and goth/ghostgender as xenogenders and reclaims the f slur as a shorthand descriptor,he owns a jumbo sized Jake The Dog plush,he's a master chef with a specialty in dominican,arabic and mexican foods,he's covered in scars and some are self-harm ones,he's jacked(fat AND buff)and he's a Team Dad to break the cycle and his non-bio kids are the Kid Outlaws from mine and my mutuals Rhato fixit(120 issues and 2010-2020 runtime,is what he deserves)and Damian's generation the All New Teen Titans and if he were to have a daughter,he'd give her a gothic name
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
i hate when hope's stans say that Bonnie Is weak when Bonnie whole bloodline Is even the reason why almost everything on tvdu exist, what do you think?
The Bennetts are the backbone of this franchise but will never get real credit for it.
Hope benefits like most of the white witches from desirability and privilege. TO added into this as well by removing Ayana's importance towards the Mikaelson history. Esther did all of this work by herself and has the grand sister who comes with all this power. When that is not what we were shown in TVD. Legacies won't properly credit Bonnie for her work or skillset but can make negative jokes about her. While fueling of Bennett blood for spells because not even Hope Mikaelson can do specific requirements of a Bennett witch. They even brought in some unnamed Bennett witch to utilize once.
The Bennetts are an example of something black women and people face every day. You can have all the credentials and work--the Bennett's are involved in the world building, and magic basics but aren't even development or screentime and people will still flock to someone white who did not have to do much in order to have respect from everyone else.
Bonnie and her relatives are victims of racist writing but given their history are far from weak. Bonnie alone was 17 years old, as a self-taught witch mastering the power to bring a 1000-year-old hybrid to his knees successfully. The same Bonnie a season later saved everyone's asses even Klaus which is how he lived another day to get someone pregnant ANYWAY...Bonnie wasn't weak and never has been just not written with a real desire for her or her family. The real tea is that many fans don't see Bonnie's power as something to respect.
I'll leave you with this whenever someone makes comparisons about magic or witch abilities it is always Bonnie and or her bloodline being compared. You don't see Freya vs Davina covered as much or Hope vs Davina. Those fans see their power especially NOLA witches as respectable.
Hope has a werewolf queen mother in Hayley and she isn't even brought up in these never ending power debates lmfao.
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mcmusing · 1 year
Previously, on X-Men: The Hypocrisy Games....
OMG, Charles, we're not kids! We inexperienced rubes are totally ready to stop WW3! Ugh, you're always so overprotective!
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OMG, Charles, they're just kids! How could you put a heavily trained fighting force in danger?! You have no regard for our safety!
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Why do I have to stay covered up during the segregated '60s? The world should worship my blue!
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How dare Charles create a world that worships my blue in the integrated '80s-90s? Ew, better cover up.
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
U like Sansa? Personally she’s so bland and self righteous that I find it impossible to like her :( her personality depended on the people she was spending time with
Sansa is like my problematic little sister who makes my life a frustrating hell, but I still spoil her everytime I come to visit.
She certainly has her issues and I have judged her for them in the past, especially regarding her entitlement, selfishness, and classiest views. All of which are issues riddled throughout her story.
But there is a part of me that remembers that behind it all, she is just an innocent, naive girl who is being forced to play house in the capitol and family that murdered her father in front of her, and is forcing her to play pretend that she can't wait for the rest of her traitor family to die so she can marry the King who did all of this in the first place.
Sansa in the books, and Sansa in the first four seasons are very much that girl who while has a LOT of growing up to do, she is still just that naive girl who desperately needs someone to care about her with no hangups attached like everyone around her, but she never gets it. She is nothing more then a pawn to these people who see her as a useful pretty airhead instead of someone that given the right mentor and environment, could be very clever and quick on her feet.
In the first four seasons she has some great moments. Like when Joffery forces her to look at her fathers head on a spike, and she risks her own life by stepping forward about to push Joffery off the ledge before she's stopped and knocked back into reality by the Hound telling her to keep herself alive and play along. Or the scene where Margaery proposes she can get Sansa to Highgarden by marrying her to Loras and you just see that innocent girl who wants someone to care about her finally have hope, only to be seen next on the docks in tears as all of it was taken away from her before she could even dream about that better life.
She isn't the most interesting character, and her last four seasons in the show I have made quite clear I absolutely hate her characterization, but the Sansa we see whose still just a girl trapped in Kings Landing being forced to say she wants her whole family dead and smile while doing so, I feel for her.
I remember that Sansa in those moments, behind all her issues and flaws, is just a naive girl who no one around actually cares about and it makes me care about her more, beacause no matter what her flaws are, someone should.
But I do not at all blame people who cannot get past those flaws.
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I am once again begging Ed stans to understand that it's possible to love Ed and believe he deserves love AND also admit that he mistreated and tormented the crew during the Kraken era. Not only is this possible, this is the position the show wants you to have. You think Izzy deserved everything he got? Fine, whatever, forget about him for a minute. There's a whole crew in there you're supposed to empathise with and feel sympathy for, too. The six of them that Ed actively tried to kill or left for dead, for starters. Pay attention to the crew's experiences and reactions. They're shown to be traumatised, grieving, clinging to disassociation (Frenchie) and nihilism (Archie) as coping mechanisms and suffering from PTSD flashbacks. And, since this type of fans constantly go on about how it's racist to think Ed did anything wrong... what about the fact that a lot of the crew are PoC too? What then?
If you've watched the first 3 episodes of S2 and there was only one person on that ship you felt sorry for, then you're not a fan of OFMD, you're just a fan of Ed in isolation. And if the only way you can love Ed is by denying that he ever did anything wrong, then you're completely missing the point of the show. OFMD never said that people only deserve to be loved if they're morally perfect and flawless. The show doesn't subscribe to the dichotomy of Good vs Bad. Good people can do bad things. They can hurt the ones they love. Even if they didn't mean to, even if they themselves were suffering at the time, it doesn't mean they don't need to take responsibility for their actions or avoid the consequences. Stede didn't mean to hurt Mary and his kids when he left, but he still did. He had legitimate reasons for leaving, he didn't just do it for the lolz, but it was still wrong and Mary was right to be angry at him. And Stede needed to face up to this - not just for their sake but his too. Even though it turned out their lives were better off without him, reconciling with Mary was still crucial for his character development.
It was the same for Ed, it just didn't get handled quite as well due to lack of screentime, but the idea was the same. When Ed realises he'd been cruel to Fang and apologises, he isn't sinking into self-hatred and despair. Quite the contrary, this is a moment of growth for him. Because the fact is, just because you as a human being are inherently worthy of love doesn't mean you can go around hurting everyone and expecting them to put up with you. That's just not how it works. You don't need to be perfect, but you do need to listen to people when they tell you that you hurt them and apologise genuinely and try to be better. The show is very sympathetic to Ed but it does NOT excuse his actions. The crew aren't portrayed as villains or antagonists for being scared and angry at Ed for what he did to them. Even Stede was on their side with this one. If even Stede is able to see things from the crew's POV and have sympathy for them, then you should too. Stede doesn't love Ed because he sees Ed as a pure uwu angel. He loves Ed... because he just does. He loves being around him. They really click together. They have so much in common. That doesn't mean he approves of literally everything Ed has ever done. It just means he loves Ed despite that.
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pseudophan · 6 months
honestly they were disrespectful to themselves. they let it get completely out of hand for a MONTH. the palace did this to themselves
yeah... look nobody will get me to agree with people being like 'conspiracy theorists have gone too far' 'you've all been disrespectful towards catherine' 'there was never a reason for any of this' 'you should be ashamed for what you said' etc etc etc. because like... first of all, again, i hold zero respect for these people. why the fuck should i. but even if i did... it's their own fucking fault???? the fuck?????? lmao?????????? literally only a handful of people gave a fuck until that doctored photo. and then they just kept making it worse. and i'm sorry but i actually don't think they're entitled to their privacy when their entire job is pr and they're blatantly lying in all their pr shit like ? what else are you good for lol. but then that also makes me angry because as much as i don't like kate for several reasons i'm still a bit genuinely offended at her behalf for how they've handled all this shit.. like making her take the blame for the photoshop (i hope for her sake it was her own idea, because otherwise........), having her appear alone in the video announcing her cancer (why tf isn't william there when she's talking about how he's by her side lmao), the general just lack of giving a fuck about anything whilst the world went wild theorising about her.... i can't tell whether she's taking the fall to cover for something else or if they're just all absolute assholes ?? again like. i don't like kate middleton. for many reasons. but i like william and charles a whole lot less and it's infuriating that they're making me feel like she's been wronged lmao
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naminethewriter · 3 months
A Secret Vision of Style
Day 3 gives Roman a chance to flex his creative muscles! His partners are... a bit worried about his choices, though 😅 @anaroceitweek
Masterpost | Anaroceit Week 2024 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Roman is redecorating a room with an… interesting choice of color.
Content Warnings: Anti-minimalism
Janus took a look around the room.
“I know you said that this was an unusual choice and you had a vision but painting the walls grey? Just looks tacky, honey.”
“I’m not done yet, obviously! It’s gonna work, trust me,” Roman defended, paintbrush still in hand.
“I am! Mostly.”
“Are you trying for minimalism or what?” Virgil asked as he joined them. “That’s so not your style, princey.”
“Don’t insult me! I would never be that basic. Just you wait, I have big plans.”
“That you won’t tell us about.”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise otherwise now, would it?”
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one day I will write a master post about all the issues I have with art "made" by AI. I just saw a fic written by chatgpt and I've seen an absurd increase in drawings/paintings using this technology and it makes my blood boil.
Humans are supposed to make art, not machines. Art is supposed to touch our hearts, to reflect on the current times. It's supposed to address, love, heartbreak, friendship, and the other endless emotions that make us feel alive. A software will never be able to replicate those strong feelings.
Stop trying to replace artists, whether they do it professionally or just as a hobby. Nothing and I mean NOTHING will be able to replace the stroke of a brush, the chosen careful words on a page but most especially the thought and hard work that goes behind a piece of art.
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sbd-laytall · 9 months
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bananonbinary · 9 months
my favorite stupid joke with all my chronically disabled friends and family is roleplaying as a white anti-medicine suburban mom whenever anyone has an obviously-real medical problem. like suggesting yoga or a random fad diet to fix a nasty flu or sore muscle. or broken leg. or autism.
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coffeeshib · 1 year
I'm so sorry to hear that you've gotten negative comments on your stories, especially the ones where Kara struggles. I find it somewhat baffling considering she's the main protagonist of the show and literally the way she is because of those struggles both what she's been through and ongoing. How can you love SC and not like both characters and want to read about both of them as individuals?!
Like the best kind of stories for me are the ones that acknowledge both of their struggles and the very different ways they've dealt with them. If you look at Kara's history, the fact that she's lost her entire world (multiple times!), been stuck in basically torture for years in the Phantom Zone, again, multiple times, and not allow her to have struggles and flaws to have to process?! It's kind of cray. It would be the most unrealistic thing for her not to have any issues whatsoever.
I do hope you'll at some point get back to writing SC but I totally get if you don't. I'll support you and your creative endeavours regardless.
By the way, I recently came across "Eat the rich" by ThornedRose44 that reminded me of this. Basically it's about Kara's struggles with guilt and Lena's patience with it. It's a wonderful read and reminded me of this, that we very rarely get to read about Kara's struggles. I'm faulty of that as well, I tend to gravitate toward the fluff rather than angstyness, I tend to need to pick times when I can handle reading them. But I want to read about both of them, not just one or the other having stuff to deal with.
Anyway, I join others in being upset on your behalf, you're like my fev author and it makes me sad that someone takes their issues on someone who just wants to share their creative work with others.
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it's okay i'm over the negative stuff!! i'll definitely get back to sc someday absolutely. also thank you for the fic rec, judging by your description that's the certified good soup stuff!! if i ever get back in the sc reading mood i'll check it out, i'm a big fan of thornedrose's works! 🫶
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Hi! Tumblr showed me one of your recent posts where you destroyed a nasty anon and while I’m sorry you’ve dealt with that kind of harassment, I reveled in the beat down and the subject made me go scrolling through your blog but I haven’t come across it yet and I’ve already spent too much work time looking so I figured I’d ask.
I would love, love, love to see this edit of Labour you did. Because as soon as I read it existed, I was like omg, of course, it’s literally PERFECT for the context.
I’ve been a Zutara fan since the beginning, but have mostly stayed in my fanfic bubble. That said, I’m super excited to read through your pinned post with Zutara dissertation once I’m off work!
hi, ohmygosh thank you so much!! it means a lot to me to know that people are actually this interested in my silly little edits <3 you can find the labour edit here! i hope you enjoy it :)
wishing you a great day at work, and a warm welcome to the tumblr zutara community <33
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mcmusing · 1 year
From the beginning, he always offered her love, acceptance, safety, forgiveness, and loyalty.
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By the end, she only offered him disdain, ridicule, disregard, bitterness, and abandonment.
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uselessmonsterboy · 1 year
I hope that you are recovering well mute. I know at times it might not seem like it but you have a lot of people that care about you.
Hope you feel better. If I could make you homemade soup I would, get better soon. And make sure you get plenty of bed rest don’t want you pulling any stitches or having to go back to the hospital.
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I can sit up now (sorta) and am allowed to now walk to the front door and back on my own (gotta get my body to not hate me lmao)
And i know thank you, lovely :)♡
I am able to stay awake longer than a few hours at a time now too since my meds are getting spaced out further and further and my body isn't as shakey but alas my art isnt on the up and ups yet woop
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