#it's the worse combination fr
every time i think the "staff can do no wrong and any form of complaining or expressing literally anything other than "yaaay love it <3" with no further comments is bashing and literally evil we should never say anything that could even potentially be interpreted as mildly critical ever because ~some artist who worked hard on this is probably reading the forums and might feel bad if we ever express anything but praise~ also we must be constantly positive at all times unless we're passive-aggressively shaming someone for having an extremely polite and apologetically worded criticism and if you ask the staff for literally anything you had better be prepared to preface it with 3 paragraphs of apologizing for breathing air" attitude is bad on tumblr, i take one look at the forums, and holy fucking hell is it SO much worse on site
#i go for years at a time without ever bothering to look at fr forums#and then every time i do i remember why i stopped#it feels like a goddamned cult on there and every time i dip my toes i come out feeling slimy and sick#as if i just spent an hour being aggressively gaslit by my extremely manipulative grandmother#what the fuck is wrong with everyone#i'm glad i decided to keep this creepy fucking fandom at arm's length and mostly just lurk years ago#that place is not a healthy environment for anyone to be in#flight rising#legitimately the single worst fandom i've ever had the misfortune of being adjacent to#and in such a creepy and insidious way too#they'll call you an entitled whiny baby to your face and then convince you it's your fault and you're a horrible person for feeling offende#it feels like being neck deep in the absolute worst kind of preformative sj spaces#you know the ones where everyone interacts primarily via callout posts and there's discourse over if crossdressing is cultural appropriatio#that kind of toxic sj space type energy#but somehow combined with like this weird feeling of being in a mormon church in a deep south town#where all the “nice grandmas” will try to put poison in your food if they find out you're gay or voted blue even one time#and it's somehow gotten SO much worse since the last time i looked on there#they've got people literally apologizing for existing what the fuck how is this normal to any of you people#this is so far beyond toxic positivity it's like. crossbred with passive-aggression and shaming and metastatized into something new entirel#it's terrifying. i hope flight rising never shuts down just so that whatever the fuck this is can stay semi-contained.#pro tip: the more a fandom is universally convinced it's Wonderful and Welcoming the faster you should run the other way#actually good fandoms don't have to constantly reassure themselves and everyone that they're great and perfect and toxicity-free#nor do they react with immediate borderline violence to the slightest suggestion there might be anything wrong with the fandom culture#anything wrong other than “people like you who think there's something wrong with our perfect community” anyway#on that note also any fandom that insistently calls itself a “community” just. yeah. no.#get out while you still can.#fandoms work on corporate logic if they're trying to convince you they're your family or friend that's not just a red flag#that's a whole damn red fabric store
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tacagen · 1 year
can we talk about how wrong the finish line ending is. can we talk about how barry sees snapping thawne's neck as their point of no return when thawne directly expressed hope barry can still live up to his idealised expectations several times and even spoke of how exactly he can achieve that. can we talk about how barry while having the best intentions fucks with thawne's speed and timeline resetting him to a humble curator with no powers and makes their situation a THOUSAND times worse when thawne comes back as reverse-flash because that reset is a direct and ultimate confirmation of barry's desire to forget thawne and make it like he never existed (the very thing that motivates thawne to mess with barry at all, the very thing he went insane about and which led him to becoming reverse-flash) and how thats similar to creation of the flashpoint which was done with good intentions and changed the world forever even after being undone. can we talk about how it also resembles lobotomy as in permanently fucking up persons brain and its necessary functions to make them more calm and controllable in their mental illness instead of actually helping them which takes a lot more time thought and effort and how that was a quick and seemingly effective but inherently destructive solution. can we talk about how barry by taking away eobard's powers also takes his freedom from societal expectations and standards of his time he clearly didnt fit in and 25th century in general. can we talk about how barry also took the only good memories thawne ever had aka their moments together and especially their first meeting which thawne saw as perfect and held very dearly just like any other interaction with barry including the reverse era ones. can we talk about how fucking intrusive, invalidating and selfish is the whole concept of erasing any kind of memories from another persons brain, no matter how hurtful or bad or self-sabotaging those can be especially involuntarily and how only the said person should have control over that because that is their damn life. can we talk about what such betrayal will do to a man who previously became the reverse-flash just because of one single phrase that he thought was something special only between him and barry. can we talk about how this time thawne paradoxically didnt even do anything to deserve that because he never met barry and never had such possibility in the first place. can we t
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ghoodles · 1 year
I saw a post like this and so i decided to chose from the playlists i made for Sparrow's first and second arcs that i associate with the arc
So lets get on with it :3
PS-A1- Digital Silence, Just Take My Wallet
Digital silence-
Just like- the entire idea of the Spider-Society and Miguel just fits into this song. I see it as the canon events, because first of all, it's normalized of it just "being how it is and always should be" and even though its like- its not good! People they care about are dying in order to 'make them a better spider' and everyone knows that, and they just let it happen, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Just take my wallet-
Sparrow, throughout the entire arc, has lost their family, has lost their version of gwen, and, has lost themself, because of the canon. It took away their brother, it took away his girlfriend. She's lost their support system, and yeah, he gained another through the society (specifically Noir) but it doesn't dampen the loss, especially because at the end they get kicked out of the society.
PS-A2- Your Obedient Servant, Just Leave Me Alone
Your obedient servant-
Throughout the around two weeks Sparrow was gone, two new vigilantes showed up, The Prowler and Venom, and essentially stole their spotlight. (even though he doesnt want it, it still kinda hurts, and a bit frustrating cause 'Well shit i cant go home, this is literally the only thing i can do!') Sparrow is not happy about this, at all.
Just Leave Me Alone-
Sparrow goes through it this arc.. And she gets so tired, so stressed, that she begins to start snapping whenever people begin to reach out. She's in mourning, and denial has finally ran out.
Other songs that can really go either way- Dinner Is Not Over, You're Nothing Without Me, Create A Creature, Mama's Boy
Dinner is not over-
Throughout the arcs, Sparrow's mental health suffers. I mean, seeing your brother rush into the flames of your burning house in an attempt to save you- you who was perfectly out of harms way, sealing his fate and faking yours, can kinda do that to a guy!! And, there has been multiple times where he forces himself to continue, because "its not over yet."
You're nothing without me-
Ive ranted about the idea here, but essentially, Sparrow has no identity outside of being The Pumpkin-spider, at least, in their universe. Because of his 'death,' she has no legal records, she is dead legally. So, who is he if he decides to take off the mask? Nothing. He is nobody, a dead man walking.
Create a creature-
Mama's Boy-
Sparrow has grown up with just her mom, nana, and brother. She loves them all dearly, however, especially during their days as the pumpkin-spider before the fire, their relationship became especially strained.. He wants that connection back, especially after the fire, but he cannot talk to them, its all over the news that she did it, even though it couldnt be further from the truth.
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anditwentlikethis · 10 months
God had a plan for me when he made me a Sporting and Borussia Dortmund fan (he wants me to kill myself)
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cloudybrain-fr · 2 years
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as a filigree and veilspun lover, i'd been agonising over whether i should get the gene change scroll for one of my veilies. i finally caved into the urge and got it, originally I planned it for another one but titania looked the best out of the four i have.
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synthwife · 2 years
i feel like ppl always ask about media that came into your life at a perfect time, like it was made special for you and it was exactly what you needed at that age. well what about fucked up evil media that came into your life at the worst possible time and made you insane for 8 months
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poppy-metal · 4 months
being the center of patrick’s attention. he’s nodding and maintaining eye contact. leaning into your space to hear you better and youre forced to realise how all encompassing he is. how broad his shoulders are and the ease with which he can crowd out the rest of a room. it’s just you two in this little bubble. you can almost feel his body heat cus i know he radiates warmth like a furnace. i’d become so tongue-tied. deer caught in headlights fr. trying to fight the urge to lean into the smell of his cologne and the tone of his voice. idk whats worse him knowing the effect he’s having on you yet wanting you to finish your words anyways or having no idea your inner turmoil but also getting caught up in your eyes and how cute your babbling is. need him to leverage the height/size difference and rail me into the sheets. he would be so smug if you started tugging on him in public/while y’all are outside (doing smth important) to pull him away for a quickie in a dark room somewhere bc you couldnt help how turned on you got just bc of how he carries himself. need him to slut me out i’m so serious
ughhhhhhhhh unnnnfffffff uhhhhhhhhh
i think its a combination of both, if patrick is smitten with someone - he's so into you and being around you that hes kinda oblivious to the fact that he's all in your space, he genuinely just gravitated that way subconsciously. but. but hes not stupid. its not long before he'll notice how flustered you are, and put it together with the fact of him being so close. then he'll be doing it deliberately, with intention. with a knowing kind of tilt to his lips about it. god, aren't you cute? he thinks about taking you home and putting his tongue between your legs and seeing how cute you get then - projects that desire in the way he interacts with you. biting his bottom lip, running his tongue along his teeth, making you notice his mouth. looking at your mouth when he nods and hums to whatever you're saying.
you're done for.
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midnight-omega · 10 months
Male Omega hc
I wrote these a while ago and never posted them. Male omegas and female alphas are my favorite dynamics and my favorite pairing fr so I wanted to do an entirely separate post on my boys
Pretty long so bear with me under the cut also its fairly nsfw at some points reader beware
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🍥 Omegas in general are considered a rarer dynamic but when adding primary gender to the statistic male omegas are one of the rarest of the 6 gender/dynamic combinations
🍥 Male omegas typically cannot impregnate. It can happen in extremely rare cases but it’s so unlikely no one really considers it a thing. They are biologically built to conceive and bear pups even tho this is a little more challenging for them
🍥 Male omegas have wider hips than an alpha or beta male, but narrower hips than a female beta or omega. This can make it difficult to give birth naturally. It’s possible and happens all the time! But sometimes it’s just too narrow and a c-section is needed
🍥 Male omegas have lower fertility rates than their female counterparts. They’re more on par with betas fertility wise which means they aren’t likely to have litters (3-4 pups) like females can. Males usually carry 1-2 pups at a time and anything more is considered a high risk pregnancy
🍥 Over the course of their pregnancy they do develop breasts
🍥 They’re much smaller than the other dynamics, more on par with a female alphas, but they do lactate
🍥 This is a permanent change! They do not reduce after the first pregnancy
🍥 This physically marks males who have carried a pregnancy at least until 3rd term, and those who haven’t
🍥 Unfortunately male omegas suffer from body dysphoria at a higher rate than other gender/dynamic combinations
🍥 There’s a lot that goes into this and it differs from omega to omega, but it boils down to masculine body parts that function and a more masculine stature vs how feminized the omega identity has become and the feminization of bearing children. 
🍥 Pregnancy and the development of breasts makes this a lot worse
🍥 Binders are rather popular and easy to find because of this. It’s highly recommended to use these instead of resorting to your own tactics to avoid any bodily harm
🍥 Top surgery is also available for male omegas who feel strong or crippling dysphoria, but they won’t be able to lactate afterwards. More traditional packs/religions frown on the surgery for this reason and prefer binders as a solution
🍥 Pharmacies, department stores, lingerie stores, anywhere you can buy a bra or healthcare products will probably sell some sort of postpartum binder!
🍥 Speaking of lingerie stores, stores that specialize in omega lingerie typically carry two styles of bottom for every top. One that accommodates afab anatomy and one that accommodates amab anatomy
🍥 Some omegas feel the opposite kind of dysphoria tho, where we just talked about those who are unsettled by their more “feminine” parts there are other’s who identify with their omegean side more and find their more masculine parts more upsetting
🍥 Tucking is a common solution, though this is kept kinda on the down low in omega only circles. You won’t find this sort of thing advertised in common media
🍥 I mentioned earlier that male omegas are p much sterile, so this makes them really popular hookups especially for other omegas going through a heat
🍥 In some areas male omegas are more demanded than alphas when an unmated omega wants a partner for heat
🍥 Not only is there really no pregnancy risk with them, but some argue they make better lovers in general since they understand the vulnerability of penetration/heat and how to work the anatomy since they’re built similarly 
🍥 The concept that male omegas do not get as much pleasure out of penetrating compared to receiving is a myth! Both kinds of orgasms are equally pleasurable and some males only enjoy penetrating just as others only enjoy being penetrated. Its a personal preference!
🍥 The omega micro penis is also a myth. Omegas are smaller on average but they’re really not much smaller than an average beta
🍥 Keep in mind that when concerning length most alphas are showers and most omegas are growers. Your omega man might end up bamboozling you :))
🍥 Omega cum is clear or opaque. No/little sperm = no white
🍥 Male omegas are at the very bottom of the unspoken hierarchy. Normally the male takes place above the female, but it’s not the case with omegas who’s primary biological function is to conceive. Since female omegas are better at that they’re considered above males
🍥 Male omegas are very rarely represented in leadership positions because of this. Even within packs it’s extremely rare to find a male omega in a place of power/respect
🍥 This also contributes to a lot of the adversity they face. Males are at a higher risk of mental illnesses, suicide, sexual abuse, drug use, and face higher incarceration rates
🍥 Lightening the mood a bit…
🍥 Males have a deeper purr than females. It tends to be quieter too, but that can vary from person to person
🍥 Male omegas growl at anything. Any small inconvenience or discomfort grrr… they can whine and keen like all omegas but on average they tend to be more gruff with vocalizations.
🍥 Male omega fashion varies widely from place to place. They can be more masculine coded or more feminine depending on the dominant culture of the area. Neck covering is popular with all omegas, so high necked outfits or matching chokers are always in style.
🍥 Weddings and mating ceremonies are similar in variation with options for more feminine coded or more masculine coded outfits. Jumpsuits with pants partially concealed by the top flaring down is the style for male omegas.
🍥 feminine coded examples:
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🍥 A more masculine coded example thank you kpop ur visuals are unparalleled bc i could not find more masculine ones for the life of me until i remembered ab6ix the future world tour in seoul donghyun booby titty outfit:
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🍥 Male omegas can be referred to as wife/mom or husband/dad depending on the preference of the individual. If someone needs to clarify which of their dads gave birth to them they’ll use the terms dam and sire, otherwise parental names are a toss up
🍥 All omegas have nesting instincts, if they don’t suppress them, but males and females have slightly different habits. Male omegas tend to pick very closed-in areas with one entry/exit. They also keep their nests extremely hidden, it’s unlikely you’ll know where it is unless you’re mated to or a child of theirs.
🍥 Males need just as much affection, attention, and physical touch as females do. If they’re aloof don’t let them fool you
🍥 If alpha male dude bros can be compared to overexcited dogs then omega males can be comparable to cats
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
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Welcome Back
A/n: Releasing another one shot about him because this scenario had been living in my head for a long time. I know that one is kinda long but it was one of the scenarios I most enjoyed writing fr❤️
Tw: Nsfw content
There was no better combination than a calm night accompanied by the sound of crickets and water running down the stone steps of the small river in the garden next to your bedroom. You were sitting on the chair in front of the bed while thinking about several things at the same time, your eyes wandered to the crack in the sliding door that led to the garden to see the moon shining in the sky.
The nights in Hino were always the same but now they remained colder since the man you loved had to leave one day and was now captain of a squadron of magic knights.
You sighed heavily remembering the last conversation you two had, which wasn't the most pleasant. You had so many things to remember about each other, so many. You've never been able to look at anyone else since then, no one could make that flame grow again, just him.
Now the question is: How long would you keep staying there, thinking about the way he looked at you and touched you, instead of moving on with your life like he did?
You had no answer and every time you thought about moving on, he came back to your mind again and you went back because once again, there was no one left but him.
You took the glass next to the chair and filled it with drink and drank it, feeling the liquid burn your lips and throat. You closed your eyes, after putting the bottle down and took a long sigh as you remembered all those scenes again.
You wanted to hate him, you wanted to punch him for leaving you behind. Why had he slipped through your fingers like that?
You should hate him instead of crying and wondering why he left for the kingdom of Clover, which was far away. You really wanted to hate him, but how? How would you hate the only person you truly loved in your life? The only person you opened up to and felt comfortable with?
So many nights coming home after getting drunk, and that's when things started. The hands snaking over both of the bodies, the hot lips, the wet kisses and so many other things...
The way you would hugged him on the living room couch or in bed, his hand stroking your hair as you two talked until fell asleep.
"No, you can't keep thinking about him. Forget that idiot..." You muttered with a long sigh, even though you knew you were lying to yourself with every word
The thoughts were scattered in seconds when a knock on the front door sounded and you jumped a little, startled.
You closed the door that led to the garden and straightened the ribbon that held your robe together before leaving the room and going to see who it was.
You placed your hand on the door handle, intrigued by the fact that someone had come to visit you at that time. As soon as you opened the door, you could have sworn you were hallucinating, or at least, you'd rather be. That idiot you were trying to forget, had appeared but this time in person and right in front of you. You definitely weren't expecting that man to ever think about showing up after all this time.
Now you were undecided between closing the door in his face or let him in but when you looked into his eyes for a while, calmly analyzing them, you knew he wasn't coming to make things worse.
He wanted something he thought he lost years ago.
"Hi..." Your voice was low and shaky as you lowered your eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in? I didn't come to cause trouble, I promise."He spoke in a deep, calm voice, putting out his cigarette
Yes, he hadn't forgotten anything like you thought. He was aware that the last conversation was hard for both of you and he also knew that going there might not be the best choice but he had to try.
You looked down and motioned for him to come in, without saying anything.
He went to the living room and sat on the couch, you entered the room shortly after, standing in a corner, arms crossed and looking at some random corner. When he felt your presence, he looked back but you remained there motionless.
"Come closer, I won't bite you."He called you, pointing to the armchair next to you to sit."Let's talk."
"I don't think we should do that, it went wrong last time." You remembered, now looking at him
"We were young…"
"No, it wasn't just that. You had a goal and I had a place I didn't want to give up."
"I, however, gave up Hino when I was a brat because of family problems. You knew that and yet, I came back here, years later, as a magic knight. I remember you welcoming me that day with a big smile and we ended up drunk after a night of drinking. It could have always been like this, but life was not a bed of roses..."Yami said, looking at the ceiling and sighing
"Yes, and it wasn't. It really wasn't..." You said, approaching him and sitting in the armchair. "and now you come back as a captain, hoping that I would welcome you with a smile again. The thing is, that it didn't happen and you'll be leaving soon for the kingdom, carrying out your duties and I'll stay here alone and... waiting for you."You whispered the last words, knowing you had already said something you shouldn't
Yami looked at you for a moment, seeing melancholy in your eyes. He always seemed oblivious to other people's feelings but he wasn't a total idiot like many thought. He just felt more than he said. He knew you still liked him, maybe there was still hope. The captain hadn't forgotten about you either since he left that day. He remembered every night and every day with you. Every single one of them.
"Do you want something to drink?"You asked, trying to change the subject after seeing the tension that had arisen in the room between the two of you
"Yeah, something really strong, please."He waved and you got up and went to get something very strong as he had asked
His eyes following you to the kitchen, not failing to notice how nervous you looked.
You returned with his drink and he thanked you before drinking it, placing the glass on the coffee table.
"Do you still have that at home?" He asked, referring to the drink you offered him
"Yes, it used to be your favorite... our favorite, in fact." You looked at him and he smiled
"Yes, I know. Don't you drink too?"He took another sip and handed the glass to you
"No, I'm fine."
"You need it, it would cheer you up a little."He insisted
"No, seriously, I'm fine." You assured
Yami put the glass aside and leaned back but his eyes focused on nothing else but you, looking you up and down as if they were trying to talk to you.
You didn't know why he was there, or rather, why you were sitting with him, as if everything seemed fine and, on top of that, he was drinking your favorite drink. The one you two used to share the bottle with each other.
Could it be that you were doing that because you still loved him and because you didn't want to lose that bond again?
You didn't admit it but maybe that was it, but there was an internal struggle within you between the pride and the love you still felt and that was making you very frustrated.
"Hey?! Are you there?" He snapped his fingers close to your face and you 'woke up'
"Yes, I am and I would be better if you weren't here." You said, giving in to pride and using coldness, even though you knew you would regret it bitterly later
"Don't say that, you're ruining my sensitive heart here." He placed a hand on his chest to emphasize the scene
"Fuck that heart of yours, you didn't care about mine when you went to Clover."You got up and went to your bedroom, unable to stay in the same space as him
"Y/n, come back here, I'm not finished yet. Hey! Are you listening to me?" He shouted from the room but you ignored him. "That idiot is a tough nut to crack..." Yami grunted, getting up and went up to your room
That night would be long...
You were walking in a circles, completely out of your mind when the door opened and you immediately turned to face him.
"Yami, get out now!" You ordered as soon as you saw him
"I just came here to see you but not like this." Yami said, approaching you."Come on, calm down."
"Yami, seriously, GET OUT!" You weren't holding back anymore and your voice started to become tearful, something you wanted to avoid
"You don't want to do this, I know..."His words only intensified the moisture in your eyes until you felt tears falling
You were mad, you were tired but at the same time you felt light for letting out what was inside you all those years, even if it was in front of him. All those tears were suppressed for months and you always told yourself that you wouldn't cry for him but now you had reached the limit with that situation.
And tired of all those emotions, you confessed.
"I missed you..." You shouted, between tears and sniffles. "That feeling never went away because you were the only person I had... When you left after our last conversation, I just wanted to disappear. I didn't know when you would come back, or if you would actually come back." You looked at him and he was looking at you, while you vented. He had a heavy heart after seeing what a mistake it was to leave you alone. "I was alone all these years, there was no one else after you, just you."Your eyes met his, full of tears and he felt bad, seeing you like that. He blamed himself even if neither of you were to blame for what happened. It was just a mismatch of life.
“Things could have been different between us. It was my fault that you were like this and now I don't think there is anything I can really do to make things right..." He said, looking down
"No, no, it wasn't your fault for following your life goals," You said, wiping your tears and moving your hair away from your face, sighing."But, there's something I need to know."
"What?"Yami asked and you looked at him for a short moment
"Have you been thinking about me, all this time? Did you manage to look at anyone else, after me?" You asked, taking slow steps towards him and looking him in the eyes. Yami was a little taken aback by the question but answered.
"I did, I thought about you a lot of times, even though I know I should move on."Yami sighed and you looked away."Regarding the second question, I can also say that there was no one else. Even if there was one or the other, that tried..."He chuckled and you looked at him sideways
"Of course they tried, who wouldn't try anything with a man like that?" You thought
"Yami?"You looked at the man in front of you, from top to bottom
"I still miss you," You lookes into his eyes, telling the true about what you were feeling."Your touch still remains in me, your lips, your eyes, your voice, your arms, everything about you is still marked on me." You curved your lips in a smile
"Y/n..."He felt a little lost for words seeing how your eyes had changed expression
Your name left his lips in a soft, low tone but you stopped any other words from coming out of his mouth as you kissed him intensely, taking him by surprise. He didn't think you would kiss him like that after all that, he even thought you would kill him right there.
Your hands held the back of his head firmly while his went to your waist, you could taste the taste of the drink on his tongue in that rough kiss. You broke the kiss to catch your breath, looking into his eyes, there was desire but something even deeper.
"You...What happened to you?" He asked, unable to help but smile
"Just shut up." You ordered before kissing him again
His hands undid the knot of your robe and removed the fabric from your body, exposing your naked body, your hands hurriedly ran over him, removing his shirt. You needed him more now than at any other time, you gave in to the deepest thoughts, the strongest desire, which you fought for years but now you had lost.
He grabbed the back of your thighs and took you to the bed, laying on top of you. He kissed your neck, marking all the skin as your fingers ran through his disheveled black hair. Maybe you missed it more than you thought.
He left the curve of your neck and brought his lips to your breasts, his mouth was voracious around them, his hands felt the flesh and his tongue swirled around your nipples, making you let out low moans.
He was more intense and his touch was more voracious and rougher than the other times. He was no longer the magic knight you had dated, he was the captain and an indomitable man now.
He knelt on the mattress and grabbed your legs, spreading them and reveling in the sight of the wet sheen, running down your folds that only made him want to bury himself deep inside you.
"You're too wet for a person you don't want to see in front of you," Yami said, running two fingers through the slit and you arched up. "Did you miss that too?"
"Yes, fuck yes." You said, breathlessly
He distributed kisses all over your thighs, leaving red marks all over, until he reached the middle of your legs and devoring your clit, making loud moans come out of your lips. Your body was taken by surprise by that man's roughness.
Many years might have passed but he was still the best at what he did down there. Yami ran his hands from your thighs and brought them to your waist, keeping your body firm against his face as he ate you out. Your hands pulled his hair, whimpers left your lips feeling the humidity increase.
You wanted that so much, you wanted his hands running through you, digging his fingers deep into your skin and leaving marks that you would appreciate in the morning.
His lips sucked your sensitive spot, the tip of his tongue swirling around it and driving you crazy, your head fell to the side with your eyes rolling back.
Yami looked up to find your face reveling in pleasure, that sight only turned him on even more and he could already feel his member aching against the fabric of his pants.
"Yami, I ahhh...so close. "You said between moans and with heavy breathing
He was completely oblivious to your words, wanting to take more from you, to taste how delicious you were.
"Come to me, let me taste you," He whispered, in a husky voice against your pussy. "You still have the best taste"
You could swear it was his voice that made you come at that moment, everything about that man was hot. He brought one hand to your folds, caressing them before inserting a finger into you, you closed your legs around his head and he used his other arm to hold one of them.
He added the second and your loud moans afterwards were music to his ears. He really thought about you calling for him, with that voice so full of desire, in his room.
His fingers moved in and out of you quickly as the tip of his tongue continued to taste your overstimulated clit. You closed your eyes, unable to take all that any longer, drops of sweat slid down your skin and your body trembled with goosebumps.
It didn't take long for you to come and wet the captain's fingers, who removed them from you and took them to his mouth to taste you again, wiping the corners of his mouth afterwards.
You opened your eyes seeing him looking at you, you could guess by the look and that mischievous smile that he was still starting.
"What's wrong, princess? Are you going to faint from exhaustion? You've weakened." He chuckled and you couldn't help but smile with him too, even though the urge to punch him was still there
"I didn't weaken, I'm just waiting for you to decide."You said, placing your hands on the mattress and sitting up to see his face up close
"Decide what?" He frowned
"If you're going to fuck me or if you're going to go back to the clover kingdom and leave me here to finish the rest," You said, taking one of your hands to caress the bulge in his pants. "Come on, captain. You know you want this too." You whispered next to his lips
He had to admit that when you called him captain, it caused something in him and he would want to hear that come from your lips again.
He grabbed your chin with one hand and pulled you forward to kiss you, you knelt in front of him with your legs still heavy, without moving away from his lips for even a moment. You took your hands to his pants and started untying the belt on his pants, he lifted his hips so you could lower him along with his underwear. He helped you to take the rest and threw them aside before kissing you again, his tongue carrying your own taste in it.
You took your hand to his cock, stroking it from bottom to top, feeling the first drops run down your hand and the length. He moaned against your lips when you sped up the movements with your hand, one of his hands grabbing the back of your neck and the other on your waist. You left his lips, licking yours, swollen and wet, while looking into his eyes that begged for you.
"I want you inside me," You asked and he sighed heavily. "Do what you want with me."
Yami didn't hesitate and turned you onto your back, placing you face down on the mattress and positioning himself behind you. You lifted your hips up towards him as your hands grabbed the sheets, you looked over your shoulder, enough to see his hands spreading your legs and grabbing your hips. Yami already missed that sight.
"I want to see if that voice still sounds as loud as it did back then." He said as he ran his hands over your skin and you giggled, looking back
"Why? My dear captain missed my voice too? How sweet!" You said and he slapped on of your cheeks and you moaned
"Don't talk too much. You'll end up hurting yourself." He leaned over to whisper in your ear and you chukled
He pulled away and held his cock, keeping the other hand on your hip, entering you slowly and making you whimper when you finally felt him inside, making your walls widen and your legs tremble. You dreamed about feeling that sensation again and now you couldn't be more pleased to be able to to feel him filling you, making you squirm beneath him.
He barely waited for you to adapt to him and he started thrusting into you from behind and you gripped the sheets tighter. The captain really didn't expect something like this to happen again but there he was and since you had done it like this, he would give it his all. He thrusted you strongly as he remembered the memories you two before, in Hino. He wanted to fuck you the day you two argued, he wanted to shut your mouth with his and try to resolve things but you needed space and when you pushed him away and ran away from him, he realized he couldn't do it nothing, but now, now he could.
His hands grabbed your flesh, marking it well so that he could see his hands there later and be able to say that he had done it to you because you were still his. His hips slammed against yours hard and fast, your legs could barely handle that intensity. Yami was a very strong man and had no problems using that strength to his advantage.
One of his hands went to your clit and rubbed it in quick, circular movements, eliciting countless moans from you. He looked at the reflection in the mirror next to him and that scene made him even harder and made him go deeper.
You were also able to see him through the reflection, his body coming and going against yours, your insides tightened around him just seeing that image. Tears of pleasure were overflowing your eyes and your mouth kept whimpering and saying his name.
You no longer remembered anything that had happened before, just how good he was making you feel.
"That's it...Just like that...So good" You moaned breathlessly and he smiled
He pulled you against his chest with one arm around you, his hand running down the valley of your breasts and the other caressing you down there while you held onto his forearms.
"Do you like this, huh? Couldn't you get over the idea that you were made for me all this time?" He said, thrusting you even deeper and you arched your back, tilting your head back
Your mind was blank and you didn't speak up but he was right, you couldn't and there you were.
"I'm coming...Yami ohh, I'm coming..." You said with a loud moan
You laid your head on the mattress as your cum squirted over his length, still penetrating strongly and erratically inside you. He bent down to suck the skin of your neck, he placed both hands on your hips, giving you one last strong thrust as he came inside you, filling your insides as he enjoyed the way your wet, warm insides tightened him inside you.
You lost track of what time it was, if it was still night or if he was still there.
Little by little, you were coming down from the enormous peak of pleasure he had given you and that was when you realized that it was still night and that it was late and that yes, he was still there.
Yami withdrew from you and you let your exhausted and sweaty body fall onto the mattress, you couldn't feel your legs and your breathing was very unregulated. With a lot of effort, you managed to turn around to face him, equally panting.
The captain took the cigarette out of the pocket of his pants, lying on the floor, and lit it, blowing the smoke as he sat on the mattress, looking at you at the mess he had done with you.
"You look like you won't be able to walk straight for the rest of the week." He said taking a drag and you smiled
"Guess who's to blame?"
"You're the one who started teasing me."
"Me? You're the idiot here, you're the one who did these things to me."
"But you like it when I do that, don't you? Because I don't ear you complain about it" He said, releasing the smoke between his lips and looking you in the eyes
You could see something else in his eyes besides the previous desire, it was as if he wanted to be there, close to you. You didn't want to talk about feelings now but you couldn't help it, you had to bet.
"Yami?" You called in a low voice and after managing to catch your breath
"You still love me?"You asked, after a moment of hesitation
The captain took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and pulled your body onto his lap, you put your arms around his neck, looking into the eyes of the man you would do anything for.
He placed a kiss on the crook of your neck and then looked at your face again before kissing you gently. He wasn't a man of beautiful words like in usual romances but his actions made your heart burn with love. However, he clarified it in words just for you.
"Yes, I still love you, idiot." He whispered next to your lips and you smiled, feeling a tear fall
You hugged him, wrapping his body in a hug of longing and the need to have him with you. You could stay in his arms forever, it would always be your favorite place, your place of comfort. You couldn't contain the tears and small sobs against the crook of his neck.
"Why are you crying? I said I loved you and you react like this? I don't understand..." He frowned as he ran a hand through your hair
"It's just happy to know, that's all. Tears are not always about sadness."You said, moving away from the crook of his neck
"Oh, I thought you were sad because I liked you. My heart couldn't take it..." He chuckled as he wiped your tears with his thumbs
"You and your stupid little heart again." You rolled your eyes, smiling
"Seriously, he's very fragile and--"Yami countered but you silenced him with a kiss
His hands caressed your back as he tasted the lips he loved so much. It was something slow, unhurried and intimate, something you loved living.
"Yami..." You whispered his name, pulling away from the kiss for a moment. "I think..."
"Say it." He encouraged, seeing you confused
"Would you accept me in your squad?"
Yami never expected to hear those words coming from someone who clung to that place so tightly but he would never reject you.
"Are you sure? You're not going to cry because you miss home?" He teased you
"Your presence is my home and if we still love each other why should I live far away from you?"
"Yeah, you're right. Well, I can take you with me but be prepared because those people there are fucking crazy."
"Your magic knights?"
"Yes, those brats." Yami laid you down on the mattress and lay down by your side, pulling you close to him
"I'm sure they love you."
"They do."He sighed
"Would they love me too?" You pondered
"I think so but if not, nothing like a good kick in their asses to make them change their mind about you." Yami said in a threatening tone and your eyes widened
"You're always the same brute idiot as always." You snuggled into his chest and he chuckled
"Don't you like this brute here?"
"You didn't hear me complain, did you?"
"Then, shut up and let me sleep."You slapped his chest
"This woman is still a danger..."He muttered, before falling asleep shortly after
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tricogarfield · 20 days
Zahnfee/Rhun Headcanon post!
Sooo...I will try to put all my current Zahnfee headcanons in here :D if I forget something, I will either add it to the post or, if there is enough to talk about, make another post! Perhaps I'll do one headcanon post for other JCU charas :DD The way I will go about this is, I will first explain general headcanons about Zahnfee xierself, then how I think the whole Dark/White thing works, then headcanons regarding my last piece of fanart and, if I still have some headcanon after that, then I will tell them at the end! Let's-a-go!:D
First up, pronouns headcanons! White: she/her Dark: he/him Grey/Zahnfee/Rhun: xier/xies The reason why they dont all use he/him is because everyone uses she/her pronouns for both, Grey and White. Ju however, in the BTS video, still uses she/her pronouns to reffer to White even when calling her White and not "DIE Zahnfee", so it's not needed from a grammar point of view. Which is why I stay with she/her :D the xier/xies for Grey is simply because I'm in love with that for Zahnfee after reading these pronouns used in a fanfic that I love a lot! Aside from that, I think Zahnfee would probably be Agender and somewhere on the AroAce spec (triple A battery fr) With that out of the way, I headcanon Zahnfee as the youngest of the brothers :DD there are a lot of people that think Fips is the youngest (totally valid and I absolutely see your point), but I love the idea that the creepiest one (who also happens to have a daughter) is the youngest brother NSNSN Additionally, I also think that, back when they were still mortal, Rhun was the only one of the bunch that was afab, but that will make more sense once I get to how Dark and White work! Now, onto Dark and White! I've seen people portray Dark as a add-on, if you will, for Zahnfee that just gives xier more power. However, I think that BOTH, Dark and White, are equally Rhun/Zahnfee and both are needed, to have the full person! The way I imagine it would have gone is that Rhun, back when xier was still one person, would have started to split into halves. One half represents the chaos inside xies, the hunger for teeth, the urge for freedom, the source of xies power, manifesting as something abnormal. A monster even, as the nuns back then would call it. Everything "bad" about Rhun manifested into Dark. Meanwhile the other half represents discipline, Rhun's mortality, xies morals, the need to follow rules and not stand out, manifesting as human looking. The "good" side, the one that needed to be the dominant one as the nuns used to preach. All that is white. Imagine how that must feel with the age of, let's say, 13 years. You can feel yourself splitting, you can hear your thoughts contradicting themselves more and more often, you smile in situations you were taught not to smile, you get pulled apart by the urge to escape and by the need to follow the rules and stay in place. And on top of all that, eventually, your skin starts changing as you feel yourself being split into two halves. Suddenly the entire left side of the skin on your head is transluscent, then your neck, then your torso and even your wrists. And one day, you fully split into two different entities. What was one is now two and now, everything the nuns preached you is good and what you have come to hate is one half of you while the other one that the nuns hated you for but what gives you the feeling of actually being alive is the other.
And then these two entities combine into one person again, leaving two minds to share one train of thought, two creatures suddenly sharing one body, the human side and the abnormal side. And to make matters worse, now you have to actively fight to keep both sides combined so that the bad won't run away and leave the good to die.
This is why they are all reffered to differently. Grey is the only time that both sides are complete, White and Dark simply are incomplete without the other. They are vastly different yet quite literally need their other half. Rhun is not White or Dark, Rhun can only ever be Grey. Because White is everything that Rhun hates about xierself and Dark is everything that Rhun was preached was bad about xierself. But Rhun can't just split into two to live as Dark, because that would mean killing a part of xierself and living as the shadow of that part. To truly be alive and follow xies job and collect teeth, Rhun needs both of xies halves.
And in the end, Dark realised that he doesn't want White to die. Dark hates everything White represents, but Dark doesn't necessarily hate White. Just like White hates everything Dark represents but doesnt immediately hate Dark.
So the two entities combine into one, sharing one train of thought and one body, so that both can live on and that they are able to use their power to it's fullest.
PHEWWWW, THAT WAS A LONG RANT, my bad for that! Anyway, I will leave this as is and make another post for my Oskar and Zahnfee headcanons! So stay tuned!:D
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whatitshouldvebeen · 7 months
‘m so sad bc I think I missed the Johnny slaughter wave here on tumblr 😞 it ended before I could even begin to write for him 😪 my husband fr
I blame GUN media for handling their game terribly. When they stopped cross play they lost tens of thousands of players and never recovered (+ the hackers never stopped, ofc). Their game maps are basically puzzles that — once solved — become very repetitive.
Couple that with poorly handled expansions + patches including:
Releasing Black Nancy at the same time as one of the most anticipated killers of all time (Chucky) was released in their similar-genre competition Dead by Daylight.
Nerfing the killers too harshly like how they massacred our boy Johnny until picking him would make other killers leave the lobby to not be hindered by his dead weight. Sissy and Cook have also received similar nerfs, and Leatherface's revving sprint was stealth nerfed as well.
Ignoring things that made the game experience painful to play. For example, the car on the gas station that the survivors could just crouch in forever took something like 8 months for them to block. As someone who's worked on game environments, adding an invisible block would take about thirty seconds. And how grandpa would screw everyone over waking up, that was only recently fixed. Oh, and stunlocking the family forever with doors, that was fun...
And let's not forget GUN's rudeness toward their fans such as:
Responding to shipper's posts by vehemently denying that their ship would ever be canon.
Being sassy about people asking for alternatives to having to play leatherface every game by removing the requirement but not adding any new or fun ways to fulfill the leatherface role (sledgehammer Johnny? Mallet Leatherface?) + leaving barracades up with no way to destroy them.
Insinuating those of us asking for shirtless Johnny were being thirsty hoes for asking (and we were), making us have to fight for him to be shirtless, then being rude toward the people who then asked for thirst skins for Julie/Connie/etc. Most of their player base comes from dead by daylight, we are all thirsty and no one should be shamed for asking for skins they would like to look at.
Let's not forget the extremely overpriced Nicotero Leatherface skin that both had broken audio on release and who's chainsaw is significantly quieter giving a very real advantage to playing him. Also, covering half the main screen with an ad for it was very desperate IMO.
Lastly, the killers to victims ratio is outrageous, something like 1 killer to every 25 victims. Yet they keep making playing killer worse and worse (cough, like by adding Danny who's skill is still broken af, cough)
All these factors combined spelled certain doom for poor ole Johnny. While some people like myself are still loyalists, the fact of the matter is, GUN killed their boy. In a perfect world, Johnny would be added into a TCM movie to revitalize interest in him. But I think the game has no hope.
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alexxncl · 1 year
who fell first, who fell harder (dateables + thirteen)
no luke bc he's a baby
(yes i have favorites, thirteen is one of them)
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs | brothers edition
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dia did both, fight me
when he met solomon, it was purely childlike wonder
mc on the other hand, there was something about them that piqued his interest
despite being so much less powerful than him, they treated him as if they were equals, poking fun at his naivety, joking with him, pushing him to open up when they knew something was wrong
he always had a profound interest in humanity, but was forbidden to act on it due to his father's overprotectiveness (fuck the demon king fr /hj)
they always encouraged his curious spirit, to barbatos' displeasure, but sometimes they managed to convince barbie to join them on whatever adventure dia had planned under the guise of needing protection
they were overhwelmingly open with him, gravitating towards his castle when they had a bad day, and he later found himself doing the same when barbatos and luci weren't around
they read him better than barb and luci combined on most days
he always thought about them on his business and personal excursions, making sure to pick up souvenirs that reminded him of them just so see their eyes light up when he gifted them to them
they made him feel like his dreams were worthwhile, like he'd been able to live up to both his father's and an entire kingdom's expectations of him
how could a simple human make him feel like the weight of the world was off if his shoulders with something as small as a smile?
mc begun to realize that no matter how busy he was, he'd always find a way to make time for them
whether it was in his room, on a phone call, over text, he'd always check in on them to see how they were doing
they always noticed how much he struggled with his position, wanting the best for everyone even if it meant digging himself into a hole
they'd always ask him when he'd get back from his trips, waiting in his room to surprise him with sweets or tea and a movie
the sleepovers happened more often after the lesson 16 incident, he didn't want them staying at the HOL even under the brothers' protection, he was less paranoid if they were within arm's reach
one night, he got back later than expected and found mc curled up in his bed in their nightclothes, and he realized how turly in love with him he was
when both of them woke up the next morning, mc was beyond apologetic for falling asleep and taking up too much space and -
he kissed them and confessed right after
this was a month or so before they left the devildom
mc fell first, barb fell harder
mc didn't like him all that much at first, he was always so secretive and elusive to every question they asked him
why couldn't he just be normal?
they spent as much time as they could around him, trying to catch him at his weakest point so they could pry answers out of him
spending so much time around someone will force you to pick up on the smallest details
how even in the worst situations, he puts on a smile
how his eye bags continued to get worse and worse weeks into the semester
how after dia's trips he'd be more likely to doze off in class
how he'd hide his physical and mental pain from everyone, so well that even luci and dia rarely picked up on it
regardless of his bad days, mc still pestered him with questions about his powers, about how he met solomon, about why they of all people were chosen for the program, all while asking questions about what he liked and disliked, what his favorite color was
they started bringing snacks and energy drinks to classes they shared with him
whenever they went shopping, they bought him gifts related to what he'd tell them
they slowly started opening up about why they were so curious, feeling like they didn't belong or weren't good enough to succeed at the school
then, he caught a glimpse of their death
he'd grown close to the human, the thought of losing them was almost unbearable
their bright smile, the way they supported the young master, their intelligence, hell, even their endless questions about him and his history
he vowed never to interfere with the timeline for personal gain, but mc was too important for him to lose
after sending them back, he'd talked to his past self about why they were so important, why a human with a life as small and insignificant as theirs had ended up meaning to much to him in such a short amount of time
he'd make sure nothing like this would ever happen to them again, insisting on escorting both dia and mc to school every day
diavolo, despite barbatos' best attempts at hiding it, noticed how much he'd grown to care for the human and insisted that if barbatos didn't tell them how he felt, he'd do it himself
the confession happened a few days before mc left the devildom, they were sitting in his room with the newest tea from the human realm when he told him how he felt
"i know, i was just waiting for you to make a move"
they're still as insufferable as the day they fell to the devildom, but he loved them nonetheless
solomon fell first, mc fell harder
there's a reason he took them on as his apprentice
he saw how close they were with the brothers, how easily they made pacts with them despite knowing them for not even half as long
they'd all felt mc's aura, it almost matched his own
he'd never met someone as optimistic about such a multidimensional situation, being thrust into a world where you were nothing but food to those around you
solomon was there when their happy-go-lucky act about the devildom started to show its cracks
he saw the homesick look in their eyes every time they walked through the devildom streets, strolling through the halls, walking to their room in the HOL
he hated how much it reminded him of himself, he wanted to be there for them
he was the only other human in the devildom after all, they had to be close
he'd conjure up cityscapes, sneak up to the human realm late at night to bring them gifts from their hometown, ask them their favorite recipes (for some reason, he always had to pry those answers out of them)
whenever mc missed home, they'd walk over to purgatory hall and knock on his door, sometimes tearfully wishing they could go home, even with no family to greet them
they'd tried to help him cook, but even their guidance could barely salvage whatever mess he ended up creating in the kitchen
they begged him to teach them spells, to take them under his wing, and even to learn how to become immortal after growing more accustomed to the devildom since the thought of leaving their family behind hurt too much to think about
they didn't want to leave him behind
they'd do anything in their power to stay with him as long as possible, even if it meant pestering him and barbatos about his immortality endlessly
solomon's confession was far from planned, they were back in the human realm having a picnic in the park, reminiscing on all the adventures they had in the devildom
mc talked about how scared they were at the thought of death, and how close they were to experiencing it after the lesson 16 incident
they never expected him to fall for someone with a life so short in comparison to his, someone who could be nothing but a memory if an enemy's cards were played right
the way he held their hand and told them he loved them, it would've been impossible not to feel the same
simeon did both
contrary to (somewhat) popular belief, the religious guilt he felt due to his status wasn't bad at all
he'd already been demoted from seraph to archangel
what would a little admiration for a human do?
even after the admiration turned to love, turned to desire, turned to lust, he still couldn't bring himself to care about the possibility of being cast out due to his emotions
hell, he would've been cast out sooner if he wasn't so scared to fall before the celestial war
mc is everything he dreamed of having, and then some
their eyes, their smile, the way they carried themself with so much integrity and the way their heart constantly overflowed with love for all of those around them
he wondered how much of that love was for him, how many other emotions they felt towards him
they were always so patient with him, they took such good care of luke, they made lucifer and his brothers happier than they'd been in centuries, happier than they ever were in the celestial realm
could he be happy, too? was loving them all it took for him to find true happiness?
mc took a liking to the angel from the moment they'd met him
he was a far cry from whatever image of an angel they'd had in their head, especially considering their religious upbringing
prim and proper of course, buy willing to indulge in the sins the brothers were so well known for, whether it be for his own personal gain, for luke, or, surprisingly, for them
he was always prideful when mc came to him for help or advice
he was greedy for their time and envious of those who spent too much with them, never having his fill
the silent wrath held towards belphegor after he mercilessly tried to take mc away from their family, from him
how he'd spend hours in bed hoping to dream of them
how when they kissed for the first time, it left them breathless and weak in the knees at the thought of him seeing them in that light
to them, he was the embodiment of everything they'd ever wanted
to him, they were his refuge, a home he'd gladly return to after his fall from grace
they taught him everything he needed to know about humanity, about being
mc did both
they'd always had a thing for intelligence
walking through the reaper's cave made them want to meet her, despite solomon advising against it
when they finally did meet her, the first thing they noticed about her was how pretty her eyes were
ofc they tried flirting, but none of their attempts worked
regardless of how she felt about them, they always wanted to learn more about her
they asked how old she was, how different the other world was from the devildom, if she could show them around
they hoped they weren't annoying her
she was harder to read than the rest of the brothers, but they'd broken down tsundere acts before so it wasn't anything new
they went out of their way to cross paths with her whenever they walked to class, they sat next to her at lunch to ask her how her day was
they asked about her traps and loved the way her whole demeanor changed when she got passionate about her ideas and creations
they started noticing small details, like how she clicked her pencil in time with the clock when class was almost over
how she had a soft side for luke despite scaring the shit out of him during their first meeting
how she was always so careful around mc, like they'd break if she pushed them too hard
how whenever she was overwhelmed, she'd play with the chains on her clothes because having something cool in her hands calmed her down
how despite claiming to hate solomon's guts, she was just frustrated that she couldn't get her hands on his soul
how pretty her lips looked when she smiled
she started opening up to mc as the semester went on, talking about her history with all three realms
how she was there when lilith died
how she was there when solomon was supposed to die
how she was there when mc's candle burnt out
how distraught she was when mc chose to pour some of their candle into beel's, wondering why someone with a life as fragile as theirs would sacrifice something so precious
she wanted mc to care for her the way they cared for the brothers, for the angels, for solomon
she started answering more and more of mc's questions
she started letting mc walk her home, and eventually showed them the ins and outs of the cave
the fountain of knowledge became their safe haven, free from the eyes of those who would give thirteen sideways glances when she walked hand-in-hand with the best friend of the seven rulers of hell
thirteen was talking about how she was tasked with carrying solomon's soul to the otherworld once he died, how she felt like a failure for not being able to do so, when she noticed mc with a sad smile look on their face
they told her nothing in the world would've made her anything but perfect in their eyes, even if she had no choice but to let their candle burn out
she asked mc what else was up, the sad smile being replaced with a more content expression
"nothing, just thinking about how much i love you"
she wanted to bolt right then and there
why did that make her feel funny?
love? of all the words they could've said, they loved her?
falling in love with death, the irony of it all, thirteen would give anything to keep that smile on mc's face
(even if it meant sneakily pouring bits of solomon's candle onto mc's behind her family's back)
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cringefailvox · 7 months
Hi. I read you're fic about Vox, Alastor and Rosie's friendship/ relationship (that I really enjoyed) and it recently struck me, Vox, kind of replaced Alastor and Rosie with Val and Vel, for better or for worse, depending how you look at it. I found it interesting that Vox is written as someone who values an actual relationship with someone, not necessarily vibing with what he and Valentino has. Also wanna ask, how you came to ship Vox and Rosie? I didn't know I would enjoy the ship when I read it, as much as I did.
ooohhh that part about vox replacing rosie/alastor with velvette/valentino... vox seems to me like someone who's always at least three degrees of separation from everything around him, thinking himself both above authenticity/vulnerability while still desperately craving it. so while he does genuinely care about vel & val, what he has with them is built precariously on top of this insecure detachment in a way that his relationships with alastor & rosie aren't. in a lot of ways, the vees are safe for him because he can trust them to be exactly what they are (unstable and messy and chaotic, and they all function fine that way), but he'd invested a lot of genuine vulnerability in alastor, which is why it was so devastating to lose that connection so violently.
i think i started shipping vox/rosie because i was initially intrigued by their mutual connection through alastor and what they might think about each other in canon, but then i started realizing that even without that connection, they have a fascinating combination of traits together. rosie is supportive, keen, nosy, dangerous, and very attuned to the dynamics and relationships around her -- on the other hand, vox is ambitious, insecure, nosy, manipulative, and motivated by a need for total control. they're both opportunists, both overly involved in other people's business, both charming and accommodating when they need to be, both loyal to their allies, both competent and powerful overlords, both very skilled at reading people and responding to their needs accordingly.
i think this combination of similarities paired with their significant differences (integrity vs greed, authority vs influence, respect vs contempt) makes them absolutely FASCINATING to put together. and of course i love alastor, so his connection to both of them just ties it all together quite nicely.
thank you for the ask, and i'm very happy you enjoyed my fic as well!! that means the world to me, fr <3
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blackberry-jam · 1 year
That post about cannibalism becoming too mainstream and destigmatized by certain sections of the internet and therefore losing its weight and horror and visceral nature just has me thinking about how HABIT ate a baby and everyone was like oh lmao he’s just an edgy cool guy!!!! He’s just like me fr!! Haha!!! Which. I think not enough people are freaked out by the fact that he forced Evan to eat his own child raw and possibly alive. He mentions “the bones” and implies that it took awhile. Like that wasn’t Hannibal-style Brioche With Baby Pâté and Shredded Zucchini in a Plum Vinaigrette, he just opened Evan’s mouth and bit down until the job was done, and I think that says a lot more about Habit than people want to examine. Idk it just. has me thinking. The number of times hurting children comes up in entries and supplementary materials about HABIT is kind of overwhelming, really. I’ve seen people talk about how they think he’d draw the line at hurting children, but the source material goes out of its way to state otherwise- just about every time he’s in contact with children they die. Or worse. He’s the summation of the worst of humanity, the combined aggregate of all of our flaws and crimes, and one of those crimes is cannibalism, so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a habit (ha) of it.
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 5
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Melissa Chase (Milo Murphy’s Law)
"Her self worth is entirely based on her grade point average and getting straight As. She can’t remember anything, ever (specific examples include forgetting her maths book regularly, her student pass for the subway, and how many days are in February). However, she CAN remember the blood type of every president. She is terrible at throwing She gets visually upset when she realises that a plan was changed last minute, and that an academic event she expected to do well in was combined with a sporting event, giving no time to prepare for the new event She freaks OUT when she thinks she’s going to disappoint her headteacher- she doesn’t seem to expect to be given any actual punishment, just that the headteacher will be disappointed and think that she’s irresponsible She has a whole conspiracy room in her house dedicated to researching her best friend’s medical condition- Murphy’s Law being an interest that she is clearly very passionate about and interested in. she does all of that and still can’t remember her maths book. relatable queen her ambition in life is to be a “journalist, and queen of the universe” "
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
"A ball of stress and anxiety. She's always angry because nobody listens to her, cares about her feelings, or believes her about anything, which tbh is like the quintessential teenage girl experience. Secretly just wants her parents to recognise and appreciate her."
V-Flower (Vocaloid)
"they believe that people only care about them when they are in pain"
Ciaphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
"Don't let the sharp jawline and the mutton-chops fool you: Ciaphas Cain has no idea what he's fucking doing and would very much like to not be here right now. He is a high-ranking Commissar, essentially a walking morale boost for Imperial Guard soldiers and one of the only symbols of hope in the grimdark Warhammer 40k universe. He also has no idea how he got the job or how to get the hell out. Commissar Cain spends all his time accidentally doing magnificent bastard things while trying to run away from danger and dying inside. Over the course of his books, he's named Hero of the Imperium, has a hot mommy inquisitor fall in love with him, and saves hundreds of planets per panic attack he has. His cowardice and impostor syndrome are second only to my own, and that's why he's just like me fr."
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson series)
"he's got big no thoughts head empty energy! he loves his friends and girlfriends SO much (more most YA characters, i think; he would have no qualms about sacrificing the world to save the people he loves, which goes against the typical hero). he is almost always ready to fight a bitch. he has adhd and accidentally says things he shouldnt all the time (but this has made him good at problem-solving, bc he creates a LOT of problems for himself)"
MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
"Oooooh boy where do I begin. MK the Monkie Kid is the protagonist of the story but he has *so many issues*. He wants to be a good person but has a whole lot of impostor syndrome and is convinced he will only hurt people the more he tries to save them. He is convinced that every major villain in the show is his fault, even as far as misremembering/changing up some events to put blame onto himself He also has an absent mentor figure that was supposed to help him but guess what he had to figure out all his powers on his own so abandonment issues go brrrr. He has so much anger toward his mentor Wukong but he just *bottles it all up* (common theme) Also he is so trans and adhd coded. First, MK is a nickname. We don’t know his real name, but it is v much implied he used to go by something else. He and his friends also puts a lot of emphasis on manly stuff like ‘I’m a big boy!’/‘he’s a Monkie *Man*!!!’/‘im the smartie boy, the plan man!’ He also has trouble focusing and listening to other people, is sometimes blunt and he is VERY interested in Sun Wukong and the journey to the west (Chinese classical novel that the show is based on) and just in general always needs constant reassurance and support from his friends. He is often compartmentalizing his feelings and internalizes a lot of fear and blame is also suppressing a part of himself that scares him. (Which, same) He loves his friends so much and tries so hard to keep them all safe, even hiding his own problems and worries from them as an attempt to protect them. He wants to go back to season 1, back when each episode was a villain-of-the-week kinda story, with no world-destroying threats. But nope, he saw the horrors, and he can never go back to the bubbly Monkie Kid from the beginning. Also he is terrified of spiders :>"
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maidstew · 1 month
okay, i think i left this in tags, so like ignore this if you read those, but I can get into Urban Canville. I have the contrarian in me that can shake some sympathy thoughts loose:
I like the idea that he might be lower class than some of his other peers (going off a Peter headcanon that Io Jasper is as well and that she's a merit scholar to the Academy. His parents are referred to dismissively. Coriolanus can't even be bothered to remember what exactly they do. He posits physicists question mark).
Everyone not hesitating to dogpile him on national tv... makes me really think his family isn't in the position to complain.
I think his bad attitude could spring from insecurities about that and lashing out. (a lot of mentors can be this way to me, but I think coming from a less prestigious family could really put a chip on his shoulder)
He is canonically very smart and probably won't shut the fuck up about it, but when you aren't as rich and your family isn't as prestigious, what else have you got to compete with?
He likes making people feel stupid. It's his one sure-fire way to feel like he has the upper-hand. Since it's couched in the system of academic excellence, people can't punish him for it directly
Although, similar to how I see Arachne kind of leaning towards abusing her power over her tribute, I think that Urban would do the same.
I bet he tries to fit in when people are shitting on someone else but everyone gives him a weird look because they are like... "hey, you can't say that. you were just shitting on us?"
He either stays in academia or is a scientist (or both). Maybe he makes bombs. Maybe he was making prototypes for what eventually became the pods in Mockingjay?
I think he could have a very ugly personality that comes from very human frustrations. But he's a dick. I hope everyone makes him worse.
maybe he dies in a lab accident (his own bomb). maybe he is legitimately killed by rebels... maybe a lab assistant or a test subject kills him... i think he might be one of the mentor deaths in my headcanons that is not caused by Snow
okay that's all the urban canville i've got... idk
omg abyssal thank you!! you fr pulled through with this
i actually really like your first headcanon! the idea of him being a scholarship kid and the other kids not respecting his parents gives him an interesting (and kind of sympathetic to me?) background! i could actually understand his anger better when you think about it like that!
everyone is comfortable to dogpile on him during the games- so combining that with your first headcanon, i wonder if this is a regular occurrence? like, students like io and urban are the first to get pushed around because they have no important name to back them up.
i could see him weaponizing his intelligence as a defense mechanism in this scenario! he can’t compete with the elite they way they compete with each other, but he can best them in class. he acts very pretentious about it as a way to get back at them!
i agree, urban would definitely abuse his power over his tribute because he finally has someone ‘lesser’ than him to take his anger out on.
i think it would be interesting to have him cause his own death in the lab by overestimating himself!
anyway, this was all brilliant! thank you for sharing!!
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