#its also a bit windy which is now hurting my eyes so i cant stop tearing up
basslinegrave · 2 years
what the fack i hate existing outside im eating a really good kebab at the station and i thought of the jerma burger "omg..🤭" and choked and now my face is all snot and tears
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brelione · 4 years
Wish I was Sarah PT 2 (Sarah X Reader X Kiara)
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Part One
Kiara woke up to her phone buzzing,you asleep next to her with your phone still in hand.She groaned,checking her phone and squinting at the bright light.It was one in the morning and her parents were trying to find out where she was. “(Y/N),hey.Wake up,we gotta get home.”She whispered,shaking you slightly.You grumbled,smacking her hand away. “Nooooo.”You protested,trying to curl back into your ball of warmth.
 “Yessss.Come on,your parents are gonna be looking for you.”She pulled you up,shivering slightly at the lack of blankets.You two didnt even bother to bring the plates back,slipping through the cracked rock and onto the soft sand,the cool air hitting you skin. “I’d really prefer not to be awake right now.”You laughed,guiding her back to the large house.People were still in the yard,older folks still talking and cleaning up all of the dishes.You felt heat rush to your face as you noticed Sarah Cameron,head in her hands as she stared down at her phone at the table,half asleep.
You and Kiara went inside,greeted by her mother. “Where’d you run off to?”She asked.Kiara gestured towards you,wanting you to explain. “Sorry,its loud and we wanted to watch a movie so we went down the beach.Sorry.”You answered softly,seeing your aunt on the couch.Mrs.Carrera wasnt mad though,in fact,she was ecstatic.Kiara hadnt made any girl friends since Sarah Cameron or even kook friends for that matter. “Dont worry about it,just tell us next time.”She smiled down at you.You played with your fingers,nodding before going over to speak to your aunt.Sarah turned to watch you,biting her bottom lip as she watched you leave.That was three months ago.
Kiara grinned as you showed her an oddly shaped rock that you found by the beach,asking her what it looked like to her. “It looks kind of like a bat but it could also be a cat if you look at it when its flipped over.”You flipped the rock,running your fingers along the rough bumpy surface.She nodded,looking through the sand for shells. “Hey,Kie?”You asked,putting the rock in your pocket.She hummed,still looking through the sand.
 “What’s going on with Sarah Cameron?”You asked.Her breath hitched,frowning as she looked at you. “You dont want to be involved with her.She’s evil.Shes like a snake that lures you in and then suffocates you!She’s the worst person ive ever met and her brother is a crack head that beats the shit out of people for no reason.Trust me,you dont want anything to do with her.”Kiara huffed,looking you in the eyes.
You pouted slightly,becoming uneasy. “She seems nice.”You mumbled,making her shake her head. “No,shes not.She acts nice and then she’ll betray you like she does to everyone.She betrayed me!”Kiara exclaimed.
You nodded,biting the inside of your cheek. “Okay.”You mumbled.The rest of the day was a bit awkward after that conversation,Kiara concerned that you were falling for Sarah.She was trying to think of something to tell you that would make you hate Sarah,anything to keep you from chasing after her.She couldnt though.There was nothing that could stop you from liking Sarah.She just needed to get you to like her more.She had asked you not to be around Sarah or talk to her.You had told her that you wouldnt and she was stupid enough to believe you.Two weeks after you made that promise the worst thing imaginable happened.
Kiara hadnt hung out with the boys in a while and they were getting sick of her ditching for you.That lead to her agreeing to go to the beach and surf with them early one morning.It was windy and cool but the waves were fantastic.She carried her surfboard under her arm,walking to the water with John.B as Pope and JJ tossed down towels and their cooler of off brand soda and tuna sandwiches.Her head turned when she heard squeals and giggling,two voices shouting to one another.
She squinted,making sure that she was seeing things right.Sarah Cameron was wearing a red sweater,one that had faded from being washed and worn so many times.She held a tennis racket,fighting off birds that were trying to get to the mice that stayed in the tall grass.She wasnt the only one though.You stood with a tennis racket as well,wearing a bikini top and shorts as you shouted at the birds,trying to get them to leave the mice alone.
Kiara felt her heart drop,realising what was happening.You had told her that you wouldnt talk to Sarah at all and here you were giggling with her.She couldnt even blame you.Your oblivious self had no idea just how much Kiara liked you and how desperately she wanted you to like her back.Sarah had to know what she was doing.The blonde glanced her way,a small smirk on her face to let Kiara know that she was defeated,that you liked Sarah and Sarah had won.
The way you looked at Sarah with so much love and longing made Kiara’s heart hurt.It was the same way that she looked at you.Kiara bit her tongue,looking back out at the waves. “What just happened?”John.B asked,looking down the beach to where Kiara had been staring previously.He thought he understood when he saw Sarah,thinking it was her alone that had ruined his friend’s mood.Kiara hadnt told the group about you yet.She knew that they would beg her to meet you.
SHe had convinced herself that she was worried that they’d like you more than her but she knew better.She was worried that you’d like them more than you liked her just like Sarah.She wasnt ready for those words to collide.Kiara couldnt be mad at you which just made everything hurt more.She had liked Sarah a long time ago so she could understand you.She could relate to how you stared at her with such admiration and how you were following Sarah like a lost puppy.Tears began to blur her vision as she realized that Sarah would hurt you and ruin you.
She hated Sarah so much but right here and right now she wanted nothing more than to be Sarah.You liked Sarah better.Everyone had always liked Sarah more.Kiara had cried into her pillow that night,wishing that you were different,wishing that you hated Sarah.She had sat at her window like a little kid,praying to the first star that she saw that she would wake up tomorrow and be Sarah.When she woke up her pillow was damp from tears and her head hurt,skin splotchy and eyes puffy.Her phone was ringing,causing her to groan and answer without checking who it was. 
“Hello?”She asked,tired. “Hey,Kie.Did you just wake up?”You asked.She grumbled something which you took as a yes. “Its like almost noon.Are you feeling okay?”You asked.She blinked a couple of times,sitting up in her bed. “Yeah,I was just tired from surfing yesterday.Whats up?”She asked,rubbing her head. “I was just wondering if you wanted to come to the cave and paint it with me.”You answered,waiting for her to reply. “Yeah,okay.Give me a little bit to get dressed.”She told you before hanging up.
She looked in the mirror,groaning at how sick she looked.She splashed some water on her face,putting on a baggy yellow t shirt and some white jeans.She tied her hair up in a bun,changing her jeans when she remembered she would be painting.
John.B had called her,requesting that she come to his house to watch Spongebob with him,Pope and JJ. “Cant,im busy.”She answered,trying to keep things vague.He huffed. “Busy with what?”He asked.She bit her lip,trying to think of an explanation. “Im hanging out with my friend.”She answered,hearing him let out a dramatic groan.
 “You’re hanging out with that girl again?Cant she just come with you?”He asked.She smiled,sighing. “Nope.”She hung up.She couldnt introduce you tot he boys.When she had walked down the beach,a smile on her face,excited to see you she frowned,seeing you speaking to Sarah Cameron.
Sarah wore just a sports bra and sweatpants,her hair in a ponytail which let Kie know that she was out on a run.She noticed the way you were biting your lip,eyes not meeting Sarah’s.You were nervous,flustered.Sarah gave you a quick hug before jogging away,not seeing Kiara. “Hey,Kie!”You smiled,jogging up to meet her half way,pouting a bit when you saw how mad she looked. “What’s wrong?”You asked,not understanding.
She rolled her eyes,crossing her arms. “What’s going on with you and Sarah Cameron?”She asked,making your heart drop. “What?”You asked,smile gone.She sighed,looking down at the sand. “You like Sarah,I know that you do.But you cant trust her,okay?”She asked,trying not to cry or sniffle.You licked your lips,looking down the beach.
 “I dont think I understand.”You pulled at the sleeves of your shirt,feeling vulnerable. “Sarah is a really bad person.She pretends to be all sweet and defending mice and turtles but she is disgusting and shes like a rock fish.She lures you in and doesnt look scary and seems all innocent and then you get close to her and she poisons you!She ruined my life and hurt me and she hurts everyone!She’ll hurt you too if you stick around,alright?”Kiara asked.
 “You’ve said that before...but I just...I dont know.There’s something about her.”You mumbled.Kiara wanted to cry,to run,to drown herself in the ocean that was so close. “There’s other girls out there,(Y/N).Theres ones that wont betray you and act like you dont exist.I just dont want to see you get hurt in a toxic relationship,alright?”She asked,his heart thumping.You nodded,giving her a small smile. “Lets go paint then.”You smiled,grabbing her hand and running over to the crack in the rock wall,sliding through.
Kie slid through behind you,giggling as she looked for a place on the rocks to paint.You found a flat area,picking up a palette and squirting out little mountains of red,yellow,blue,balck and white along with a few brushes.Kiara went on the more abstract approach,pouring colors onto her hands,rubbing them together and pressing them against the rocks and smearing them,trying to make something like butterfly wings.
She felt your brush glide against her arm,making a wet streak.She looked over at you,a confused smile. “What are you doing?”She asked,looking down at her arm.  “I need it to be the same color as your skin.”you answered simply,making a large circle with the toffee like color.She watched you,not really caring about what she was supposed to be painting,focused on the way your brush was moving as you made a darker little wave in the middle of the circle,watching as it formed into a nose.
Kiara tried not to stare for too long,making a rainbow flower from her handprints.You used a different brush to make dark chocolate waves of hair,trying to fix the hairline of the painting,getting the paint onto the sides of the circle to make it more like Kiara’s face. “You’re painting me?”She asked,knowing the answer was obvious.
You smiled,nodding and making two dark lines closer to the hairline,making them into little curves for eyebrows.It took a good two hours for you to finish the portrait,Kiara had put on her playlist for the two of you to listen to.Once you were satisfied with the portrait you stepped aside,letting the model see it. “Oh wow….that literally looks like a picture.”She smiled,taking a photo of the painting.You simply shrugged,a small grin on your face. “I kind of just memorised your face I guess.”You answered,feeling heat in your face and neck.
She was hesitant to kiss your cheek lightly,smiling as she looked away from you.Her phone dinged,ruining her good mood because she knew exactly what it meant. “Shit,I have to go home but i’ll see you tomorrow?”She asked,turning off the music and slipping her phone into her pocket. “I’ll walk you home.”You said quickly.She didnt argue,glad that you were willing to do that.
You held onto her hand as the two of you walked,getting some rainbow paint on your hand. “You have school tomorrow?”You asked sadly.She nodded,knowing that you didnt know much about that,being homeschooled and all. “You’ll come see me after school though?”You asked. “Of course.”She answered,coming up her driveway. “So...tomorrow?”She asked,your hand still holding hers.She wasnt prepared when you leaned forward quick,kissing her.
Her eyes went wide for a second before calming,her hand lifting to cup your chin,getting purple paint onto your skin.She smiled into the kiss,feeling so many things at once.It ws the feeling you get when you’re at the top of a rollercoaster,excited and nervous to go down,laughing as it all happened.It was the feeling you get when you hear your favorite song that you had listened too when you were young.
The stong that you used to scream the lyrics too on car rids and listen to it on repeat,the one that you could remember even years later and the excitement that would course through you when you heard it.It was the feeling you get when you get a huge thing of cotton candy at the fair,the sweetness of it melting in your mouth as the sun goes down,the heat on your skin.
You pulled away,your forehead still against hers. “Yeah,i’ll see you tomorrow.”You grinned,turning around and walking away,leaving her speechless.She let out a loud sigh,licking her lips and smiling so hard it hurt before she made her way up her driveway.When she walked into her house her mother was making dinner,her dad on the couch.She went right up the stairs and into her room,falling onto her bed with her face in her pillow as she squealed,staring up at her ceiling,blushing.
Her father came upstairs,asking her who she had hung out with that day. “(Y/N).”She answered,sitting up and trying not to smile again. “Is that the girl that we like?”he asked,referring to himself and Kiara’s mother.Kie nodded,sighing softly. “Okay,dinners ready.”He answered,going back downstairs.
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binxisaphe · 5 years
Binxi sat alone amongst the ruins of the circles of answering. Setting sun basking it in shades of orange and long shadows. The diminutive Keeper was fond of this site. Often found here training alone, or lost in meditation sitting amidst the rubble left behind. The site was elevated. High enough to enjoy the breeze that passed through the towering peaks of Gyr Abania.
 The feel of the wind was one thing he missed. The forest that bordered these lands, the self same woods he called home. They could be stifling. The dense vegetation of the shroud didn't leave much for the wind to flow through.
 It was why he often left the forest to meditate. Like he was doing now. Legs crossed under him. Eyes shut. The gates of his chakra opened wide letting aether free flow through him. He was completely still in this. With the exception of beads passing through forefinger and thumb at sequenced intervals. 
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(Un)fortunately for Binxi, a T'yoshi was also there for a while longer than he has, also meditating and completely still. Her chakras all open allowing her aether to flow free, but upon sensing Binxi's aether, her own aether flared as if out of anger, like a fiery hurricane about to hit. Muscles tensed, veins appearing. She still remembers, Binxi. She still remembers.
The sudden surge of power. It invaded the calm blank nothing that was his mind. Distracting him. His hand froze on the beads as he stopped count and recitation of his mantra. It was a wonder he didn't notice another before the surge of aether, especially one already opened to the gifts of Rhalgr like they where. But he recognized it for what it was, if not to whom is belonged to.
 Mulling it over he sighed, taking the length of beads and rewrapping them around his forearm. Letting go his hold on his chakra and allowing gates to slide shut one after the next until none remained open. His eyes slowly opening as he looked around. He didn't see anyone else in the failing light. Leisurely the small Keeper got to his feet. Dusting off his pants before he causally walked in the direction of the aether surge. Curiosity once again getting the better of him.
 Rounding a pillar, or what was left of one. He saw her there sitting as he had. In meditation. He hadn't seen T'yoshi since the last operation was carried out in the tunnels. Canting his head, he stood watching the woman. Wondering if she had even noticed his approach now that he had let go of the power of his gifts. Leaning against the pillar, he decided to call to her instead of approaching. "I did not know you where here Sister." 
The surge of raging aether subsided as the scarred monk of a Seeker does not meet Binxi's gaze, but it still surrounds T'yoshi like a fiery windy barrier. "Neither did I, Brother." She said the last part forcefully, with an angry undertone.
Keeping his eyes on T'yoshi he tapped his chin in thought as he chose his next words carefully. He spoke slow and deliberate. "You sound strained Yoshi. Somethin' botherin' you?"
 His voice and expression where friendly, but it didn't match his eyes. Pale silver orbs keeping vigilant watch on the Seeker. Even though he felt the surge of power subside, he could still tell she held onto it.
"I am talking to him." She opened one of her eyes, showing a very angry glare aimed at Binxi.
He snorted at her response, head shaking slowly as she glared at him. If the glare was suppose to cow him, it didn't seem to work in the slightest. He chewed on his lower lip in thought. He knew exactly why she was mad at him, debating to play the fool or confront her on it was the decision he was battling with. The latter won out. He didn't return the heated glare with anything but genuine curiosity. "So you're still upset over that? I am not sure why."
"...You killed an unarmed and surrendered imperial soldier in cold blood. You clearly defied Alliance orders, and you don't seem to care. It is only fortunate that you left before the leaders arrested you alongside that Elezen traitor." Yoshi took a deep breath, stood up, and faced Binxi straight in the eye, starting to walk towards him. "And the worst part was that I stayed quiet. Out of respect, for you being a brother Fist of Rhalgr, and Elder Tigre's pupil." Yoshi stands tall at five fulms and seven, possibly eight ilms. Tall for a female Miqo'te like herself. "I am basically harboring a criminal."
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"Yes, I killed my enemy." He didn't deny it. His tone was flat. Even. He kept any emotion from it. "I suppose I did defy orders, but that has been handled. My pay has be cut until further notice. So no, you are not harborin' a criminal. " He watched as she stood and turned to face him before walking closer. 
 He remained leaning against the pillar. "And to be fair I never asked you to do me any favors. But I guess thanks anyways?" He shrugged it off. "Perhaps if this was a normal war. I'd of not dispatched him. But this isn't a normal war T'yoshi. You understand this yes? To me so few fail to realize this with how quickly we are willing to turn on ourselves and sentence our own to death. Blind to the truth."
"Truth? What truth? That, let me guess, all imperials are evil, grunts or otherwise? That you wasted potential information that could be useful to the Alliance? Tell me Binxi, what is the 'truth' to this war?" T'yoshi's tone rose and grew more angry with each word.
"That its not that simply they wish to defeat us. They want to eradicate us, or was proof of them draggin' the hound from Menphina not enough for you. This isn't just a fight to defend lands, or countries, boarders. Its a fight for survival, a right to live." He waved T'yoshi off, turning his back towards her as he took a few steps away from the woman. "You are naive enough to think they'd talk, tell anyone anythin' of import? Not likely. You do know what legion that is on Ala Mhigo's doorstep don’t you? They already think us weak, soft. We'll spare their lives and keep them fed an safe even if they reveal us nothin', so long as they surrender." 
 He paused, looking out towards the forest. "Do you know what happens to us, If we surrender to them? Ever have the misfortune of being a prisoner of Garlemald? What I did was a mercy compared to what they've done."
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She remained silent the whole way through, although her expression doesn't seem to change. Her chakra seemed to calm down however. Perhaps Binxi's extremist words are somehow ringing to her. Garlemald won't stop until all Eorzeans are dead. So why bother accepting their surrender? 
 "So it's better to kill every imperial then. After all it's a fight for survival. Kill or be killed." T'yoshi brought out a smile...an eerily calm smile, as she walked towards Binxi. 
 "Maybe I have been too naive after all, Binxi. After all I've never tried to kill, and I have been a lousy soldier. My sister is a better soldier than me." She stops walking, when she is exactly one ilm away from Binxi. She slowly and quietly brought a fist towards Binxi's back, just enough to not make physical contact. 
"However...mercy or not..." And boom, in an instant, T'yoshi opens all her 6 chakra gates and unleashes a powerful fiery one-ilm punch right into Binxi's back. "...That is not enough to be absolved by me."
The keeper kept his eyes towards the forest to the west. Watching the suns last rays pass over the top of the trees. Minutes now and it would be gone from sight. The sky taken by darkness. Despite it all, his calm even tone of voice, casual demeanor. T'yoshi had him on guard since the moment she spoke to him. He had already been wary of the woman. 
 His ears flickered at the sounds of her footsteps crunching sand and rubble underneath. The sudden calming of her gifts. How suddenly agreeable the woman was to his words when a moment before they where hard to swallow. He didn't trust any of it. Least of all the woman at his back. His own gates flung wide, releasing the flood of aether through his veins. Grasping for it, forcing it. Binxi forced it into the only aspect he knew. Air. Empowering him to move faster then should be possible, until he expelled it in a powerful gust of wind. Kicking up sand and rubble, screening the both of them. Reducing visibility almost to nil. 
Her fist would of found nothing. He was already gone. Slamming shut his gates as soon as they opened, the wind dying and sand falling without his control. He was no where in sight. Faint hastened footsteps reverberated off the ruins with no discernible direction to which way. Then there was silence. Until Binxi finally called towards her, his voice echoing off the ruins as well. Making it difficult to tell where he was. "You wish to do me harm, Sister?"
Yoshi does not react in outright anger. Instead she caaaalmly straightens herself, with tranquil fury apparent on her face. She also closes her own gates, possibly so she can be able to sneak up on Binxi. Hearing his voice echoing through the ruins, she pursed her lips. She didn't like hurting a fellow Fist like this, but his methods are too extreme. They may not be best suited for a Fist of Rhalgr. 
 "Tell me, Binxi. Does Elder Tigre know of your folly? By killing a surrendered soldier, you are giving truth to their claim that we are savages. Do you truly wish to continue on with that knowledge, Brother?" 
 She then hopped off the Circles of Answering, almost looking like she was flying elegantly before landing on her two feet in front of Schism, slowly walking a bit before turning her head back to the temple. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and tries to sense Binxi's aether. 
 "Know that I don't wont to do this. You seem more fit to be a soldier than a Fist, in my eyes at least." Her voice is calm, but she does feel pained towards Binxi. Why does he have to be the way he is? She fears he may be going down a dark path from which he may never come back.
The keeper's laughter echoed off the walls of the darkened ruins. The sun had finished its descent past the horizon and the shroud of night was settling in. Which only aided the nocturnal Miqo'te. His pale silver eyes could pierce into the darkness where his diurnal cousin's could not. 
 "Wrong." The single word bounced back towards   T'yoshi followed by a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I wonder where this silly notion came from. You honestly believe that is the reason they call us savages? The Empire does the same and worse, no Sister. That is not why they call us that." 
 There was another pause but this time he started again giving the woman no time to interject a answer. "They call us savages because they believe us to be primitive and inferior to them. Our countries, our cultures, our way of life. It does not fit with their grand design of world conquest. Instead they would see us subjugated and shown a better way to live, a less 'savage' way to live. If you truly wish to rid yourself of the imposed title of savage, all you to do is submit to them and give up everythin'. Become another functional piece in their grand machine that is the empire." 
 "Me on the other hand. I will continue to fight, to resist. To be a 'savage'." The silence returned, only broken by the soft sound of skittering feet. The sounds of them reverberated of the wall still offering little to no direction other than he had retreated deeper into the temple ruins. 
 His voice echoed back towards her. This time filled with amusement and curiosity. "Tell me Sister. What is it you mean to do, that you do not want to?"
The seeker clenched her fists, emanating with a fiery aether, before walking inside the temple ruins, listening to Binxi's words. To his question she replied, with a serious yet sad tone. 
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 "...To seal your fists. Or break them. Because I do not thin you are worthy of His art." Even with the bale of darkness setting in, it did not frighten the diurnal woman. She had grown up in a mixed nomadic tribe, and she can use her own aether as a radar or sonar. Upon stepping inside, her voice echoes through its walls. Unknown to her there are shadowy figures that have been spying them from the shadows up above, eavesdropping. One of them speaks into a linkpearl, relaying information. 
 "You did not answer my first question, Brother. Does Elder Tigre know of what happened? I cannot believe you had been left off with a mere pay cut. You should have at least spent time in the gallows for that war crime, or even stripped of your rank and fired." Her chakra flared in her rising anger, alongside a singular...shadow chakra..hidden but unlocked inside herself, that she herself hid. "You sound as if you were one of the extremists that attacked at the Levinfist hosted at this very temple, or even one of the Griffin's men." 
 She then paused and tried to calm down, but then started again without giving the man a time to interject, as payback, while at the same time looking down into the abyss on the path between the entrance and the inner sanctum. "Maybe your views are justified. I am sorry if you or a friend happened to have been a former prisoner of Garlemald. But your words cannot absolve you of your actions. If I talked that day, you would probably not even be here anymore. Your actions helped put everything at risk, and they caused the chaos that also put that one Ishgardian against his people. You endanger everything we’ve worked for."
She remained silent as she entered the inner sanctum, staring up at the large statues before closing her eyes. Did she really have the right to be speaking all this? Maybe people, even herself are blind to the truth. She truly does consider Binxi's words, but then she opens her eyes, possibly also metaphorically. Is she really just a regular student at this point? Maybe it's time for her to move on up. As she calms down, her singular shadow chakra also closes. Last time Binxi probably saw Yoshi before tonight, she had 5 light chakras...was there a 6th chakra waiting to be open..? Or possibly the 7th...it is unclear. 
Speaking with a curious tone of her own, she asks, "Tell me, Brother. Why did you choose to become a Monk, let alone a Fist of Rhalgr? Did you truly wish to help people, or are you harboring a darker vendetta? Revenge? Envy? I want the honest truth, Binxi. I wanted to become a Monk because not only did I want to be strong, but it was to protect my friends and family. But I also did it without trying to kill. Call me a lousy soldier, but I am glad I did not stick with becoming a soldier, because ever since I became a Fist, I have grown, lived, and fought. Even now I struggle to overcome past and present weaknesses. I still bear the scars, all physical, emotional and mental of when I fought in the Revolution." She raised a scarred arm clenched into a fist. "I have my fellow brothers and sisters, especially my mentor, Elder Singing Stream, whose words and training still echo in me to this sun." She then lowered her fist. 
 "They have guided me on a path of light, Binxi. I fear that you tread a path of darkness, and soon there may be a point of no return. I am not fearful of you, Brother. I am fearful FOR you. So tell me, why did you become a Monk?"
The scrabbling sounds of boots and hands on stone could be easily heard as T'yoshi made her way into the temple. But the Keeper would still be nowhere in sight. The sounds instantly dying as she continued speaking and made her way into the temple. To his credit the Keeper did well to keep himself hidden.
 Although it took effort on his part to not outright berate the woman. Her words burned his ears as irritation rose up in him. Forcing himself to bite his tongue as he tracked the woman through the temple, she was making it easy on him. Holding on to her chakras like she was, it was like a blazing beacon in the night. It wasn't until she entered the inner sanctum and finished speaking, questioning him yet again did he finally speak up. 
 "No. Worren doesn't know." He was using the echoing sound of his own voice to mask his exertions and the continued sounds of his boots scraping on the old stones of the temple. "And I endangered everythin', how? By killin' another Garlean? You honestly believe that shite you're sayin'? We where to strip them of their armor and lead them bound. So tell me how where we to collect this precious information I supposedly robbed everyone of? If you'd have half the sense to think for yourself, you would of realized we couldn't've  managed escortin' them back quickly enough. Not with the amount of wounded we had. So we would of been found and they rescued by their allies that where quickly pushin' back into the tunnels. You're right..." He took a moment to quell his irritation, pushing all emotions aside as he continued. 
"...you are a lousy solider. Would you have preferred them to be freed and allowed to rejoin their ranks to have another chance at killin' another Eorzean!? While we perish or end up as prisoners?!" Binxi puased giving himself a break. Catching his breath before continued. "And that Ishgardian that you oddly enough lay the blame at my feet for. He was the one that struck down a prison first. Not I, I was merely followin' his lead since he came to the same realization I did a moment faster. It was a shame his own turned on him so quickly. Like a pack of rabid dogs. As for my own, I was ordered to remain silent then to leave. They gave out a punishment they thought was deservin' of the circumstance."
The keeper looked down into the darkness of the schism from where he clung. If T'yoshi hadn't noticed yet, she would definitely realize where he was soon. "As for my path leading into 'darkness'..." He said the words mockingly, glancing back up towards one of the holes in the roof of the schism. That was his exit. He had been scaling one of the pillars towards the ceiling. "Id be more concerned about you. A path of light you walk? Can't be too well lit if you just decide you're going to attack your brethren from behind unprovoked. In an attempt to maim them on some rage induced self righteous quest to pass judgment and deliver punishment. Real pious of you." 
 Binxi felt he had wasted enough words on her. Unblocking the aether flow from his chakras, he propelled himself off the pillar towards one of the holes in the ceiling. Focusing the Air aspected aether he controlled to send him upwards with a powerful gust of wind. Once in he reach he grappled for a handhold desperately, barely finding one in time before he almost plummeted into the abyss of the schism. Hanging from the hold he found in the roof he looked back down into the abyss and called out his farewell. "Farewell T'yoshi. Hopefully the next time we meet you have better control of your emotions." Turning his attention upward Binxi began to finish the climb up and out of the roof of the temple.
((Rp logs from a scene between Binxi and T’yoshi ( @team-nysa ) that went down in the Monk Discord.))
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taephoriia · 7 years
Married life with Taeyung.
i had a dream, can you make something with that – Taenia ( here you go girl ) !SMUT WARNING!!!
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So im married for 2 beautiful years now with the love of my life, i cant think of anyone else i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
so here im just working in my office, the only thing i want to do is put my pants of because i feel more comfy in just my white button up shirt, after a few mins of working and me stressing i recieve a phone call “sweety don’t freak out but Taetae is in the hospital he had an accident” i let everything drop “okay uhhm im coming!!” after i hang up i grab my jacket and ran to the parking lot searching for my keys “OHHH COME ON WHERE ARE THEY!!!!” i scream out loud when i found them i go in my car and i start to cry and my breathing is not good “okayy calm down” i rush to the hospital, and i ran inside and ask the lady at the receptionist where Kim Taehyung’s room is, once she tells me where it is i quickly ran into the elevator once im on the right floor i see my mom and my mother in law standing there “he is right in here, come on lets get inside” i hear my mom saying. We walk into the room, and i see Taetae laying on the bed with alot of scratches and bandages on his face and hands, i start to cry slowly my mom put a chair at his bed and i sit on it and i gave him many kisses on his hands. i see him smiling at me and i cry a little bit more “im okay baby, nothing bad” i hear him saying “im just injured, on my head and i have no broken bones sweetheart” i smile at him and thanking god that he is okay “he was waiting for me outside the house, but it was very windy and a tree crashed on the car and that hurted Taehyung” his mom says to me “ohh okayy, thank god its not so bad” then the doctor walks in “okay everything is okay, and you will be home by tonight!” im so happy he doesn’t have to stay a night “okay thank you doctor” i say and the doctor walks away “sweety do you need help bringing him home?” i smile at them “no i can do this you two can go home i know you guys have things to do, i will call you when we are home” they give us a hug and a kiss and walk out of the room. Tae and i talked for a few minutes asking him how he feels and if he is okay, i took my jacket off and opened one button of my shirt because its to damn hot in her, i sit infront of Tae and i see that he is getting tired and he falls asleep, i begin to feel tired to and fall asleep to, and sleeping on a chair is not as comfy as you might think haha, i woke up around 4 in the morning and when i open up my eyes is see Tae looking at me he looked very serious at me, and with his scratches which is really hot
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i grabbed my phone and i saw the time “okay babe we can go home now, did you slept good? does it still hurts?” he smiles at me “yes baby im okay” he gets of the bed and tries to change his clothes himself, i stop him and help him out “let me do that baby” he lets me help him and i took off his hospital clothes, you know i don’t care about something else i just want him to rest and do nothing else. i look at tae and i see that he is a little flustered and i could also see that he was a little turned on, but then again he is naked. after that we went back home, after i put him on the couch “Taetae, what do you want to eat?” he smiles at me and just for a seconds closes his eyes “can we have some mac and cheese?” “ofcourse we can have that” i gave him a kiss and give the remote control for the tv,  i walk to the kitchen and start making food and everytime i feel Tae looking at me so i turn around and he looks quickly back to the tv, i giggle quitely i mean he is so cute with some many pillows around him and a blanket and watching tv. i finish cooking and i put everything on a plate and i walk back to him “there you go sweety, i also have something to drink for you” he smiles but looks at me confused “ohh baby you need help, do i need to feed you??” he smiles wider “haha no, but you dont want something?” “no im not that hungry” he looks at me with a pouty face “you need to eat baby, you need the strenght to take care of me haha” i laugh “haha okay i will have a little bit then” i sit down next to him and eat a little bit and watch the tv show with him. after the show ended i put everything back in the sink and i walk to the bedroom to change, i take off my dirty white button shirt that i have on for the whole day already, when i had the shirt not over my head yet i feel two strong big hands around me, aftar my shirt was off he pushed my hair aside and whisper in my ear “i can’t resist you anymore baby” i blush real hard and i feel that im getting a little wet in between my legs when he says that, i mean have you heard his voice! “i want you so badly, i wanna fuck you on al kinds of places” i gulp “are you sure Taetae? i mean you are injured, im a little bit tired” but that didn’t work because im so weak for this man he takes the rest of my clothes off “baby im fine, i dont have broken bones remember i can fuck the living shit out off you!” i turn around and i start to kiss him, he still wears his clothes so i slowly removes his, once he is naked i go down on my knees and i start to slowly suck on his hard cock, and with every moan i go faster and i take him deeper in my mouth. “ohhh yess baby!!!” after a while he comes in my mouth and i swallow everything, he then push against the wall and start to kiss my neck while his fingers are pleasuring me between my legs “ohh baby, you are so wet for me” i start to moan, and once i almost come he stops and smiles evily at me, before i can even say something he pushes really hard into me and start to fuck me sensely i was so surprised that he can be so rough while he is injured. he keeps fucking me hard and faster, he walks to the bed and puts us down and start to fuck me even harder and he start to lick my breast and bite slowly on my nipples “ohh T-taee i-i aaahh!!” i was a moaning mess, and not just me but the beautiful sounds he is making, he rolls on his back and i sit on him and start moving my hips really fast and hard we look each other in the eyes and i bend over and kiss him, he turns us over again and stands behind me and start fucking me doggystyle, while he grabs my hips hard and start smacking on my ass “ ohhh i i think im gonna cum babygirl!” he grunts and goes faster “ohhh aaahh me too tae!!!!!” we both cum we both fall on the bed and his pulls me closer and i lay my head on his chest and he covers us under the blanket “baby, i love you so much, why dont we get some rest i think be both need that!” i smile and give him a kiss!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i hope you like it!!!!
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