#its always weed its always a joint lmao
amourninghost · 8 months
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Why'd you stand there laughing, holding your microscope? If you can't see the problem, then I guess there's nowhere to go
he likes to leave the house at 3am to touch grass (dissociate indefinitely)
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madaqueue · 3 months
would you feel the noise?
playlists | "static" x steve lacy
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pairing: satoru gojo x f!reader
themes/content: modern non-curse au. angst, smut. mentions of gojo x geto. language, cheating (but your boyfriend does first lmao), alcohol, weed, substance use (ket but never explicitly stated), dubcon-ish (you're both high), semi-public + unprotected, p in v (missionary). 18+, MDNI
word count: 3.9k
a/n: this got a little angsty at points and is so incredibly self-indulgent anyways happy pride i will never back down from the bi gojo agenda!
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It’s all so fucking fake.
But then again, was anything real?
The smoke filling your lungs is real. The burn with each inhale is real. The crackles of the bonfire, its shape transforming with each second, overwhelms the crashing of the waves. Certainly, that is real.
Faintly in the background finds the hum of conversation, the whispers of laughter. It was always so easy for them, worming their way into others’ hearts. Maybe it wasn’t real - maybe they were nothing more than parasites, feeding on each other’s desires to feel wanted, to feel seen.
Tossing the now-spent joint into the fire, you stand, legs slightly wobbly from the mix of weed and shitty beer coursing through your body. Finding your boyfriend seated around the fire, his hand resting on some unfamiliar girl’s thigh, the mix of sand and rocks beneath your feet crunches as you make your way to him. When his eyes catch yours, he takes no action to move from the damning position beyond a sinister smile growing across his lips.
“Hey babe, grab me another beer, would ya?”
Even the retorts that used to fill your mind aren’t there anymore - Why can’t you? Too busy talking to your new favorite slut, whatever girl decided to give you an ounce of attention? Or too busy pretending to promote your shitty music, as if this party is the one that’ll finally make you go big and get you out of this town you claim to hate so much? - as you nod.
Making your way up the grass-covered dune away from the beach, you pass other groups lost in their own constructed worlds. Reaching the car, you pop the trunk and grab two beers from the cooler before returning down the shadowed path to the beach.
Maybe it’s seeing his arm wrapped around her. Maybe it’s the way you wish the flames would engulf them, consuming them until there’s nothing left. Maybe it’s just that you’re too fucking tired of this. But when you find yourself approaching the group around the bonfire, your legs won’t bring you there. Sighing, you turn towards the ocean - maybe you could find peace in the waves instead. When your body senses the presence of someone else seated on a washed-up log, the one you had hoped to reside on until your boyfriend decided it was finally time to leave, it was already too late.
His white hair glows under the moonlight as he turns over his shoulder to face you, his blue eyes unmistakable even in the dimness of night.
He looks different, yet distinctly the same. In the years since highschool he had grown, but something about him looks wrong, as though his soul was gone, nothing daring to take its place. Seating yourself next to him, the lingering dampness of the wood cool against your thighs, the changes are more prominent up close: his frown lines are deeper, his eyes less bright. Even his shoulders fall forward under an unidentified weight, one he was unable to carry. The light inside him had finally dimmed.
“Hey,” he weakly smiles, “it’s good to see you. Been a while, huh?”
Shock is dulled by the combination of substances in you, yet your heart picks up speed at hearing his voice again after so many years. At least it still remembers him. “Yeah, it has been.” Your arms instinctively move to offer him a beer, as though you were back in the highschool dorms sneaking in liquor before a party. “What are you doing here?”
Reaching out a hand he accepts the drink, the condensation momentarily tethering him to reality as he shrugs, gaze still focused downwards on the sand at his feet. “Thought it might be nice to see people.” Lifting the bottle he takes a sip, the taste familiar despite the years since he last shared a drink with you. “Why are you here?”
Without turning around, you tilt your head back to gesture at the group gathered behind you around the fire. “Came here with my boyfriend, he said there were supposed to be some producers here or something that might like his music.”
Gojo seems to sink into himself for a moment as he mumbles a soft, “Oh.”
Silence blankets you, yet something in it is comfortable, a lack of pressure to speak just for the sake of hearing yourselves talk. As you both sip your beer, he senses the changes in you, in the way you move your body. There’s a new rigidity, a tightness in your muscles as though every move took a concerted effort. You used to be so free, so unencumbered, a stark contrast to the tension that buzzes around you.
As he finishes his drink he places it into the sand before rummaging through the pockets of his jeans. Pulling out a small plastic bag, he gathers his keys, collecting the white substance inside before lifting it to his nose and inhaling. Turning to you, he holds out the baggie. “Want some?”
You don’t know why you say yes, perhaps some combination of fatigue and curiosity, an implicit trust in Satoru that he wouldn’t lead you astray. “Sure,” you nod with a sly grin. Lifting his key to your nose, you take the bump, the substance trickling through your sinuses and burning the back of your throat.
He smiles, seeing a glimmer of the girl he once knew: the nights you’d sneak out from the dorms, handles of vodka hidden under your jackets; hotboxing his first car, a shitty sedan that broke down a few months later, the smoke fogging up the windows; the barefoot runs through backyards, hopping over fences when cops would inevitably show up at the party you attended. “Not even gonna ask what it is?” he teases, his eyes crinkling as he smiles.
You shrug, still smirking as you lean back, your hands resting on the damp wood. “Would’ve said yes no matter what.” Memories - or rather, blurs of them - flash through your mind, the days that turned to weeks you could barely remember, hunting for anything to numb the pain that dug itself into your bones. Every emotion was another ache, your joints creaking under the weight of surviving each day. Weed and alcohol happened to be the most accessible forms of escape, but at this point your body barely felt like your own, your cells simply a form to contain the lingering shreds of your soul.
He hums in response, allowing silence to settle upon you once again. The waves crashing begin to blend together, their sounds muffled in your ears. Has your body always felt so heavy? All you can feel is the cool wood beneath your palms and the warmth of Satoru’s arm next to yours, prickling your skin with his proximity. Your vision seems to pulse with each beat of your heart, each crashing wave of the sea. Are you the ocean? Is it breathing?
“Hey,” Satoru turns to you, moving as if in slow-motion. His eyes are glowing under the light of the moon, his smile making your cheeks feel warm. “Wanna get out of here?”
For a brief moment, you remember why you’re here, the boyfriend you left behind by the bonfire. Slowly, you glance over your shoulder. Your eyes eventually focus in the distance, finding his form illuminated by the crackling flames as he’s making out with the girl you saw him talking to before, his hands grabbing at her hips. That piece of shit. You should be angry, you should go up there and confront him, but instead of rage you just feel free. “Mhm,” you hum, the sound seeming to echo through your vision.
You feel yourself starting to float away, taken under in the current, until Gojo’s fingers intertwine with yours, pulling you back to the surface. Your legs wobble as you stand, his grip on your hand tightening as he leads you away from the party down the beach.
With each step, the sand crunches under your bare feet.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
You can’t help but giggle at the sound - how could your body make that? The miniscule pebbles adjust under your weight, leaving damp footprints in your wake.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
“What’s so funny?” Satoru turns to you, a smile plastered on his face.
“I crunch,” you laugh, momentarily turning your gaze down as your words land in the open air.
And he giggles, the sound bright under the dark sky. Picking up his knees, he slams his feet into the ground, forcing loud stomps to echo as you both laugh. Marching along the beach, you continue your path, holding tightly to one another as your joy bubbles into the air.
Rounding the corner behind an outcropping of trees, you find yourselves in a secluded cove, away from the noise of those gathered at the party on the other side. Gojo plops down on the sand, his body thudding as he lays back. You mirror his motions, unconcerned with the dirt coating your clothes as your back hits the ground.
Staring at the sky, you feel yourself wanting to be a part of it, to meld into the darkness, a cloud tethered to the land with lead. Heavy. Yet, you’re grounded by Satoru’s presence, the cool scent of his cologne, the gentleness of his thumb rubbing over your hand.
Glancing at him, he looks younger, no longer consumed by the years that had passed. His boyish youth has returned once again as his eyes lazily fix themselves upon the stars, as though each pinprick light heals him little by little.
He looks the same as the last time you saw him, the day of your highschool graduation. You promised to keep in touch, but as it often does, life got in the way. He and Suguru promised to call, to come visit, but with moving and work and the recurring responsibilities of adulthood, your friendships dissolved over time. On your part, you similarly assured them you would stay a weekend in their shared apartment downtown, a vow you failed to keep, recalling the pictures they sent you after moving in together. Suddenly, the striking absence of Geto fills your mind.
“Where’s Suguru?” you ask, your voice hitting your own ears before you realize what you’ve said.
Gojo tenses next to you for a moment, a flash of something - regret? - momentarily crossing his features before he settles back into the numbing bliss. Yet, hearing his name is enough, his mind forcing him to relive it, to feel it again.
The fights.
“You just don’t understand me, Satoru.”
“Because you don’t let me understand you - you don’t let me in! It’s impossible, Suguru, I don’t fucking know what you want!”
The pain.
“Then maybe you should stop trying.”
“Suguru, that’s not what I meant-”
“Why try to do something impossible? That’s not fair to either of us.”
The emptiness.
“It’s for the best, Satoru. We can’t love each other in a way that matters.”
“Suguru, please-”
“I’ll never forget you.”
Sighing, his gaze remains fixed on the sky. “We broke up.”
“Oh,” is all you can get out, barely able to process his words but feeling the hurt lingering behind them. “I’m sorry he lost you.”
A weak smile tugs at his lips. “It’s okay. I’m over boys, anyways,” he laughs, slipping back into the substance-induced euphoria he forcefully brought himself, a welcome embrace as he allows his thoughts to once again melt away. “Speaking of which,” he murmurs, the vowels drawing out, “how long have you ‘n’ your boyfriend been together?”
The stars seem to connect, each one a memory of the time you spent with him. “Eight months.” Each point a constellation of your past, yet none of them make you happy. Mostly, it’s just him taunting you, pushing you away, using your emotions against you. The times he’d pressure you into coming with him to a club only to find him making out with some girl in the corner; the concerts he’d bring you to and conveniently forget to introduce you to his friends; the nights he’d promise that this time he’ll be there, he won’t stand you up again, and the silent taxis home alone. “But I don’t love him.”
“Oh?” Satoru whispers, as though lowering his voice would allow him to better understand yours. “Why not break up with him?”
Your shoulders shrug, pushing the sand around them up. “‘s nice to have someone around, I guess.”
“I get that,” he quietly murmurs, gaze still fixed above. You simply hum in response before you feel him shift next to you. “Hey, I have an idea,” he breaks the silence, his smile evident in his words, the letters curling up at the end. “You should be my girlfriend.”
A chuckle in the shape of his name erupts from your throat as you entertain the idea, one that is completely, and utterly, impossible.
“I’m serious!”
Your head lazily flops to the side, your cheek resting against the cool sand as you meet his gaze, a blissed-out grin on his face. Under the moonlight, he looks angelic, his skin perfectly smooth, the curves of his body contrasting against the darkness of the woods behind you. In his soft eyes, you find a peace you didn’t realize you had been searching for, a silent promise behind them.
“Okay,” you giggle.
Before you can process the words, his smile widens, his shoulders relaxing as they release a weight he didn’t know he held. “Really?”
“Mhm,” you nod, the word making your body warm with its vibration, in tune with the frequency of the universe.
For a moment you just lay there, the crashing waves against the shore, a shared adoration flowing between you. Satoru blinks, his eyelids resting closed before he reopens them, his demeanor visibly brightening every time his gaze finds you laying next to him, as though he temporarily forgets your presence only to reexperience the joy of finding you again.
“Do you wanna go swimming?”
As if on cue, your senses momentarily shoot through your body, jean shorts digging into your hips, the warm cloth of your tank top over your shoulders. “Now?” you chuckle.
“Mhm,” he beams. “I bet the water’ll feel amazing.”
Something deep within your soul trusts him, submitting to his desires. “Okay,” you grin before sitting up.
Crawling towards each other, you allow yourselves to close the distance between you on your hands and knees, your motions abiding by a planet-sized magnetic pull. Grazing your hands over his chest, you help him remove his shirt, your palms lingering over his firm chest. Since you last saw him, he had filled out perfectly, no longer the scrawny teenager you once knew. Now, his muscles ripple as he lifts your tank top above your head, simultaneously undoing each other’s shorts, as though separating your touch for even a moment would cause you to lose one another, to lose yourselves in the darkness. Tossing your clothes in the sand, crisp air tingles your skin, covered only by a bra and panties, while Satoru, now adorned only in his boxers, returns his hand to yours. Squeezing your palm, he glances over at you, a silent reassurance behind his eyes.
“Ready?” he asks.
With that, you’re running into the sea. The water momentarily shocks you as cold pricks at your skin, but Satoru pulls you deeper and deeper until you’re both diving under the waves. Resurfacing, shared laughs echo along the ocean. He shakes out his hair, cool droplets landing on your face as you jokingly shove him away. Easily catching your wrists he pulls you closer, the warmth of his chest hitting yours a welcome contrast to the icy sea. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck as his rest along your lower back, holding you against him.
Each wave has you bobbing slightly, grounded only by the brightness of his eyes. They flit across your face, your flushed cheeks, soft lips curled into a grin. “You are so beautiful,” he murmurs.
His body feels solid, well-defined against the fluidity of your surroundings. “You are too,” you giggle.
Gaze never faltering, you both lean closer, and closer, and closer, until his lips meet yours. They’re soft, slightly cool after being outside all night, as you sigh into him. There’s a subtle sweetness lingering as his tongue swipes against yours, a quiet desperation behind his actions. Suddenly, cool air hits your skin as he carries you out of the water, sand hitting your back as he carefully lays you along the beach.
Pressing his weight against you, the kiss becomes messier, teeth bumping as your lips clash. Despite the breeze rustling through the leaves of nearby trees, you feel warm, a comfort in the imprecision. His clothed erection pushes against your core, your hips bucking against him as you moan into each other’s mouths. The friction is addicting, the damp cloth rubbing perfectly against your clit. Your thoughts are fuzzy, your body acting on its own as your palms trail over his back, lower and lower until they’re pawing at his waist.
“Need you,” you mutter into him, “need you s’bad.”
His head falls slightly, finding a place in the crook of your neck as he places wet kisses along your skin, a slight saltiness lingering on it. “Y’sure?” he whispers.
“Please, Satoru,” his name leaving your throat shockingly clear, the only thing cutting through the haze, finally granting you a second of clarity through the substance- and lust-induced fog.
Hearing you call his name, a shiver runs up his spine, as though it was the first sound he ever heard, as though he was reincarnated to live in this moment forever. Pulling down his boxers, his cock springs out as you tug your panties down your legs, meeting their fate in the sand.
Positioning his hips, he aligns himself with your entrance, his hands glued to your hips. Slowly, slowly, slowly thrusting into you, your walls stretch around him, your soul tearing open and releasing the white hot light of ecstasy.
“Oh fuuuuuuck,” he groans as he enters you, his eyes rolling into his skull, jaw slacking open.
Your hands trail up his back to land at his face, cupping his jaw as you softly giggle at his total loss of any remnant of shame, allowing the feeling of your body, your warmth, to completely overtake him, releasing the most primitive, desire-driven version of himself. Pulling him back into you, you rejoin his mouth to yours, tongues mingling in the space between them. Rolling his hips into you, each thrust sends wave after wave of euphoria up your body. Atoms align perfectly, allowing you to slip into one another, the distance between you infinitely approaching zero. You only exist at the points where his skin touches yours, his pelvis smashing into you, his fingers digging into your waist, the warmth of his lips and the gentle flutter of his eyelashes.
You aren’t quite certain if your eyes are open or closed, the darkness clouding your perception indeterminately from the sky or the inside of your eyelids. Either way, the scene is beautiful, each sensation painting a new color across your vision. Satoru’s cock pressing into your gummy insides, purple; his hand trailing up your torso to lazily grope at your tits, green; his hot breath as he whines with each imprecise thrust, blue. The image evolves, ever changing, impossibly beautiful. When his voice hits your ears, it immediately brightens, somehow even more complex, a masterpiece of sensation.
“So perfect,” he murmurs, never daring to separate his lips from yours, “y’were made f’me.”
“Made for you,” you babble back, and you truly do feel it, the way your walls meld around his length, how your bodies perfectly fill in each dip and curve of the other’s, your souls fitting perfectly against one another. “Best thing, feel s’good.”
“So, so good,” he whines, “so warm ‘n’ sweet.”
“Sweet, sweet,” you mumble into him, the taste of booze and something sugary lingering on his tongue. “Soft.”
“Mmm.” He shivers as your hands roam his body, one ascending to his hair and one trailing down his spine, tracing imprecise patterns into his skin. “Love you,” he spills.
The words tumble out before he could stop them, his hips momentarily stilling as he hears them. Before he could retract them, the hand in his hair pulls him further into you, your back arching off the sand as you whisper your response. “Love you s’much.”
Some part of you feels it’s just your body reacting, the bare minimum networks active to recite language. Yet, a deeper part knows it’s true, a quiet love you’ve always held for Satoru. Perhaps now, in the absence of your better judgement, the self-imposed cognitive rules, this piece of you is finally free to enact its control, speaking its truth, allowing it to be heard, felt.
At your affirmation, Satoru lets out a blissful whine, his thrusts picking up their pace yet somehow softening, a new tenderness behind them. You love him. He doesn’t even know what it means, really - after Suguru, his perception of love changed irrevocably. Yet, as he feels the warmth of your skin beneath him, the comfort of your presence, he doesn’t feel a pressure to know, a whisper of meaning lost into the waves of the ocean.
In your shared ecstasy, back and forth mindless babbles continue filling the air, the shape of the words gliding across your vision. It’s beautiful, you think, the way sounds create shapes create meaning; maybe that’s what you’d been looking for: meaning.
No, you had meaning - hell, sometimes you think you had too much meaning. Maybe you needed the absence of meaning, a stillness, a silence. Your life had been too rough, too tumultuous, whitecapping waves covering the oasis of your thoughts. No, you needed unbroken waters, a calm pond to sink into. As your fingers trail over the smooth skin of Satoru’s back, you feel yourself wading into the depths of his soul.
The thrusts of his hips, the rasp of his breath, consume your senses. He melts into you, you melt into him, both of you becoming grains of sand and stars in the sky. In another moment you expand, becoming the sea and the moon, watching over one another, a patient influence over each other. The connection ties you together, without expectation, without pain, simply content sharing your presence.
His arms begin trembling above you as your legs tighten around his waist, holding him against you. A light appears in your chest, the fire of desire burning larger as each prod of his tip fans the flames. Brighter, and brighter, and brighter, until it consumes you. Your vision goes white, your skin flushing hot. Satoru’s moans are far away as his entire body twitches, taught under the strings of pleasure.
You both come undone together, melding into the universe, two comets in space, two suns circling. The collision of your soul ignites, explosive heat surging through your bodies.
As your senses return, you feel nothing but warmth as he rests above you. Your gaze focuses on his, blown pupils glowing down at you. Cheeks pushing up, you both grin impossibly wide as giggles bubble into the stillness around you. Resting his damp forehead against yours, breathy pants fill the air, desperate to fill your lungs with the cool night air. Placing your lips to his, your thoughts finally quiet, your soul finally at ease. In him, you think you’ve finally discovered the missing shard, uncovering the truest form of yourself, the euphoria you had been searching for: peace.
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tobyislame · 1 year
some ticci toby headcanons
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consider this a headcanon salad cus these were all randomly thrown together as they came to me
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- fragile masculinity up to the NINES with this one
- totally an ice eater what a sicko
- he's double jointed in so many places. also freakishly flexible. likes to freak people out by popping his joints in and out of place lmao
- has the crackiest bones ever. you think you hear sticks breaking in the woods its just toby's crack ass ankles
- weed partaker but stays the freak away from the bottle cus yk he doesn't want to find out if that "like father like son" stuff is true
- plays guitar and makes up shitty 1 minute sad guy with a guitar songs. fingerstyle typa guy
- plays ONLY FOR HIMSELF and gets embarrassed but tries to act like he's not if someone walks in on him. like he'll just hastily stop n scramble to put away his guitar n act all cool like he totally wasn't playing guitar just now and go "whaddyouwant"
- definitely sneaks into concerts and shows. it's easy for him to blend in there. gets suuuper fucking beat up in the pit cus yk he doesn't realize how battered up he's getting in the moment until he gets a glimpse of himself and is like oh hell my lip's busted and my nose is in a different place than it was before
- think he'd have an owen wilson nose on account of how much he's broken it
- also one of his canines is missing
- just a SUUUPER accident prone guy. has no sense of self preservation. like ZERO (cus he was never really taught how to manage his cipa) (well he was yk before The Incident but he doesn't remember much of it)
- has sun spots cus he's outside all day all the time. also tonsss of freckles and moles
- burns his playlists onto cds
- he'd like every music genre but in particular i think he'd listen to late 90s/early 2000s teenage boy music. also 80s music. specifically new wave stuff
- knows a lil bit of asl for his verbal shutdowns
- also i hc him as audhd
- along with his stutter (which i don't consider to be related to his tourettes) he also just has a speech impediment. like sometimes his r's or l's come out as w's and he has trouble pronouncing certain sounds or words and just says them wrong and people correct him consistently he just doesn't really listen or care to correct himself
- not too good at spelling or any of that grammar stuff
- i really want to stress that he's NOT stupid. he hate hate hates how people patronize him and make him out to be some sort of incapable dunce. it makes him feel small and he hates feeling small. he's smart, he's just not good at communicating it. no matter what he tries his words just come out wrong. "i'm lots smarter in my head" is what he'd probably say
- always has a fidget spinner/cube on him
- he kinda just vomits when he gets overwhelmed. like when he has to ride in a car he leans his head out the window like a dog the whole way, partly just cus he likes it and it's fun to play airplane with his hand in the wind but also cus he could spew his guts at any moment
- collects spider-man comics and cool rocks. also unironically looks up to spider-man cus he always gets back up despite all the shit he gets put through. he feels like he could learn from that. he thinks it makes him seem like a kid though which is something he really wants to prove that he's not so he keeps it to himself
- super gross oh my god he's so gross. like doesn't wash his body in the shower cus "the water will get it" picks his nose and eats it kind of gross. will also get all obnoxious and in your face about it if you rightfully tell him he's a sick fuck for that
- honestly that'd be his response every time someone criticizes him
- like you could be like "you fuckin reek" n he'd be like "oh yea?" and grapple you into a headlock with his armpit shoved in your face
- his speech pattern is a little funky. like his sentences just come out like they were sorta haphazardly put together. he doesn't make much sense a lot of the time
- i wanna say he's endearingly dorky but he's just fucking weird. like he probably flirts in a napoleon dynamite-esque fashion. he has a vague idea of what flirting is he just doesn't quite got it but hey he's got the spirit
- he really just has a vague idea of what conversation is in general. he just doesn't have that good of a grasp on how people talk to each other. he feels a major glaring disconnect between himself and every other human in the world and it just makes him feel even smaller
- a lost fucking puppy when it comes to talking to women. just completely and utterly helpless. he stutters a lot more he trips over his words a lot more which just makes him red it's brutal to watch
- my voiceclaim for him is whoever voices bumblebee before he loses his voice box in the michael bay transformers movies (just looked it up it's stiles fucking stilinski)
- his voice cracks all the time ESPECIALLY when he raises his voice. he gets red and embarrassed every time it does and he really badly tries to hide it which just makes it even funnier to everyone else poor guy
- wants so badly to be perceived as a big intimidating muscle man but he just isn't no matter how hard he tries
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cas-skz · 2 years
Stress Relief
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Hongjoong x Fem!reader
| non idol au | friends with benefits to lovers |
He’s been your best friend and fuck buddy for over a year now, but what happens when a box of letters is found.
18+!!! MDNI plz&thnx
Warnings: Alcohol, intoxication, smoking weed bruh, mention of death, petnames (baby girl, sweet boy, good girl, brat, BDSM (dom & little duo, nipple play, spanking, sex toy, pinning), oral (m & f), possessive partners, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation, squirting
Requests are open :]
writers note: sometimes I like to challenge myself and see how many rounds and finishes I can work into one story. Idk what my record is but this might be it. Okok lmao byeeee
cas xx
“Do you only visit me when you’re mad?” Hongjoong asked, leaning on the side of the doorframe. His head tilted as he eyed you, hair thrown in a messy bun and a bottle of tequila in hand.
He motioned for you to come in, closing the door behind you as you kicked off your shoes and plopped yourself on his large sofa.
“You’re good for stress relief,” you mumble, twisting the cap from the tequila before taking a long swing.
Hongjoong plopped down next to you, one arm wrapping around your shoulder as he grabbed the bottle, taking a drink himself. “Talk to me Vegas girl.”
You smacked his chest, a smile creeping onto your lips. It was his nickname for you, after having met at his bar’s Halloween party a year before.
“Just stupid work shit. My boss says all my designs suck and I can’t think of anything new, so she’s basically breathing down my neck all day.”
You grabbed the bottle, taking another drink. “Any my mother. I don’t understand why that woman is so eager for me to settle down and have kids.”
“I can help you have a kid”
You hit his chest again, “shut up” you laughed.
Working in the fashion industry was extremely time consuming, which left no time for real dating. Hongjoong just happened to stick around, growing closer over time. You caught feelings a while ago, but we’re to scared to admit it.
“Why do you think the creative block is happening?”
You sighed heavily, “I have no idea. The last good thing I came up with was after we spent Christmas together.”
A smirk took over Hongjoong’s face, his fingers playing with your hair. “That was a good Christmas.”
One thing you had in common was your hatred for the holiday. So rather than the present giving and fancy food, you two had ordered a bunch of junk, gotten a ton of weed and alcohol. Then spent hours fucking.
The tequila bottle was empty sooner than you wanted it to be, not realizing you had been chatting and venting about life for the past hour.
“Can you walk a straight line?” He teased, heading to his home bar and grabbing a few joints. He motioned for you to follow him to the balcony.
He watched as you tiptoed on a line in the wood, poking your nose with each pointer finger as you did. You were quite tipsy, but always had good balance.
“Yes I can, sir.” You smirk, brushing past him, squealing as he slapped your ass.
Your lungs filled with smoke as your eyes scanned over the city. The lights and sounds echoed, beautiful in its own way.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around you, his head resting on your shoulder as you brought the joint to his lips.
You stayed like that for a while, silently smoking, relaxing into his arms.
His hand eventually started to sneak up the front of your shirt, his fingers sliding along the trim of your lace bralette before dipping inside. A soft moan escaped your lips as he started to twist and flick your nipple gently.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” He asked, his breath hot against your ear.
His free hand slapped down on your ass, stinging the skin under the thing fabric of your leggings. “Cute.”
You rolled your hips into his, feeling his hardening cock through his pants. Giving your was a little wiggle, you hum happily
Hongjoong’s hand left your breast and quickly went to your neck, wrapping easily around it as he pulled your head back to look at him. “Don’t start that.”
“Or what?” You pushed into his crotch again.
You were definitely feeling the effects of the weed and tequila, it brought out your bratty side.
His grip tightened around your throat the smallest bit, “You know the punishment.”
You trailed your finger nails along his arm, watching as goosebumps followed in their path. “Punishment for what? Making your crumble under my touch?”
Hongjoong’s hand slid down your body, resting both his hands on your hips as he pulled your core into his, “Is that what you think?”
You spun in his grasp, placing a hand on his chest, “I don’t think. I know.” You leaned up on your tip toes, placing wet kisses along his jaw line.
Your opposite hand snuck into his pants, grasping his thick cock head, your thumb rubbing gently over the top, using his pre cum as lube.
Hongjoong moaned softly, his body tensed under your touch. You pushed his pants down a bit to expose his firm length, your hand giving him a few pumps before firming your grip a bit. You pulled him along by his cock back into the house.
You freed your grasp and pointed towards the couch, Hongjoong slapped your ass as you walked away and sat himself on the couch. He pulled his pants down a bit more, hand wrapping around his cock as he watched you.
You walked to the stereo system, putting on one of the playlists you made together.
“Oh, my sweet boy.” You smirked, eyeing his hand slowly pumping his length. You slowly took your shirt off, followed by your leggings before crawling onto the coffee table. “Eager aren’t you.”
“Says the one who’s already naked.”
You stopped midway on the table, leaning up and trailing your fingers across the lace strap of the bralette. “I still have this on. Why don’t you get rid of your clothes?”
He quickly stripped off his clothes as you propped yourself on the table, placing both your hands on your thighs as you eyed him.
Hongjoong grabbed you by the back of your head, not hard enough to hurt. He pulled you up to him, a soft whine escaping your lips as he roughly kissed you. “Are you gonna be a good girl now?”
You didn’t answer, instead gave him a little snarky look. He moved you with one hand, bending you over on the couch, your head on the cushion and ass in the air. You looked behind you as Hongjoong stroked his cock a few times before pushing deeply inside you.
He bottomed out and held himself there, his hand slapping down on your ass. You could feel yourself already leaking, walls clenching at the smallest amount of arousal.
You tried to move your hips but his hand slapped down, holding you in place. “You fucking brat.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” You contracted your walls around him, moaning softly. You looked at him with puppy dog eyes, biting your lip, “You can fuck me now or hold your load until my punishment is over.”
Hongjoong’s hips started to move the tiniest bit, his cock poking at your g-spot. His eyes locked with yours, “You want me to fuck your little pussy numb?” He pulled his cock mostly out before slamming it back in, repeating his actions. “Is that what you want baby girl?”
“Please, my sweet boy, please fuck me.”
His hips started to thrust, soft moans joining yours. You watched as his dark expression turned soft, his cock flowing in and out of your entrance. “Hongie…”’ You moaned, your release dripping down your legs.
Hongjoong pulled out quickly, his mouth clapping over your pussy, his tongue lapping and sucking at your clit. He slapped your ass again, making it sting red from the repeated smacks. “Come here.” He pulled you up into a kiss, his hands tangling into your hair.
You moaned into each other as Hongjoong sat on the couch, pulling you into his lap. You quickly lined his cock up with your entrance and slid down, starting to ride him, “You feel so fucking good.” You moaned, hips starting to pick up speed.
His hands reached up to grab your neck again, pulling your head to his as he gave you a sloppy kiss. “You like riding your sweet boys cock, don’t you?” He said against your lips, “That’s your fucking cock isn’t it?”
You smirked, kissing down his chin, up his jawline and sucking gently on his neck. “You’re all mine.” You whispered in his ear, your second climax quickly approaching. His cock firmed, hinting he was close to.
Hongjoong’s arms wrapped around you as your body picked up speed, his hips thrusting with yours. You brought your face back to his, pressing your foreheads together as your body started to shake. “Who’s your favorite little brat?”
Your bodies came to a stop as his cock started to twitch, filling you with his warm cum. “You know you are baby girl.” He kissed your lips softly, sweet tender kisses that made you tingle. “You belong to me.” He said quietly.
His words made you smile. You were both so possessive over each other, yet had no plans or even talked about committing. Things just worked out smoothly without labels. But fuck, you secretly wanted more.
You smiled down at Hongjoong, lifting your self off him, your combined releases dripping under you. “I like the sound of that, but now I have Taylor Swift suck in my head.” You laughed, skipping off to the bathroom.
He followed, using the bathroom after you before you both headed to his bedroom. You climbed onto his large bed, stopping when you spotted a wooden box on the nightstand. “What’s that?” You ask with a tilt of the head.
Hongjoong walked quickly to the other side of the bed and grabbed the box, his face flushing a deep red. “Hongie.” You shot him a ‘seriously’ look, since you two rarely kept secrets from one another.
“Seriously it’s nothing. Just a box.” He was trying to find a place to stash it, you were getting more and more curious.
“You’re being weird. What is it?” You laugh, crawling to the end of the bed where he was, you poked his side. “What are you hiding.”
Hongjoong held it a bit above his head, a small smile pulling at his lips from your tickling. “Stop, it’s stupid. You don’t want to know.” You kept poking and tickling, he backed into the dresser, causing the box to fall to the ground next to him.
You leaned over the bed, starting towards the flipped box.
“No, seriously Y/N, you don’t want to see that.”
When you flipped the box, there was a pile of letters and pictures of the two of you. Hongjoong sighed and sat on the bed, his head hung as you picked up the pile and scooted back.
“What…what is this?” You asked quietly, flipping through the pictures you had taken together over the past year. There were letters, with dates on them.
Hongjoong turned to you, looking shyly through his shaggy hair. “Everything I’ve wanted to say, but couldn’t.”
You flicked through the letters, just reading the dates. There were 12 in total, starting from the Halloween night you met. You swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.
“You can read them if you want.” His voice was shaky with nerves.
You moved to sit next to him, your heart racing as you looked at him. “Do you want me to?” You asked softly
He was quiet for a long moment before answering, “Yeah, I do.”
"Can you read them to me?"
You and Hongjoong went to the top of the bed, resting against the headboard.
He started the first letter.
“I didn’t expect to meet anyone after Haley died, especially someone who could make me smile like an idiot after an hour of knowing them. Dressed like a Vegas show girl, but with eyes that told a million stories. The most captivating smile. It hasn’t been this easy to talk in a long time, but they opened that side up again.”
He handed you the letter, along with a picture the bar photographer had taken of the two of you.
“You have me smiling like a fucking idiot. One night stands aren’t supposed to hang out until the early evening, at least from what I know. Your comfortable, your ora is calming. I feel guilty. Guilty for feeling happy. I don’t want to lose you, so friends will have to do for now.”
He handed you the second letter, you confirmed the date was the end of November, when you first hooked up with him.
Hongjoong spent a few more minutes carefully reading his letters and passing them to you. They all described his feelings towards you, how they grew, how he didn’t want to lose you. It made your heart do flips.
The last letter was from a few weeks ago, New Year’s Eve. He passed it directly to you, since it only had a few words on it.
“Tell her you fucking love her.”
You stared at the paper for a long moment, heart rate starting to increase again. Everything you had been to scared to admit to yourself, he had written on paper. It still scared you, those words. The thought of losing him. But what’s life without taking any risks.
“Look..I get it, if you don’t feel the same way.”
You quickly moved your body to straddle his, pressing your lips deeply into his as tears started to flow down your face. You didn’t want to stop kissing him, the sweet taste of his lips mixing with salty tears.
“Why are you crying?” He asked quietly, barely pulling away from your lips.
You looked into his eyes, “because I love you.” You paused, sniffing as he kissed away your tears. “And it scares the shit out of me.”
Hongjoong wrapped you in a hug, one that you returned happily. You held each other for a while, his hand slowly rubbing your back.
“I love you. I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He said, leaning back against the headboard, brushing some hair behind your ear.
“I’m not going anywhere either.” You smiled, kissing his lips again. “You’re not gonna go all mushy on me now, are you?”
He laughed, holding onto you as he flipped you on your back. “The letters are as mushy as I can get. For now.”
Hongjoong dipped his head down to gently kiss your lips, trailing soft kissed down your body as he pushed your legs apart. His lips kissed your thighs before his tongue started to work at your clit, lapping and sucking at your sensitive bud.
Maybe it was the emotional confession, but you swore everything felt more erotic than any other time.
You ball your hand in his hair, cursing quietly as his tongue worked quickly causing your body to twitch and tremble.
Hongjoong’s arms held your body down as you rode out another high, his eyes meeting with yours as he worked his way back up your body, lips crashing into yours.
His eyes went dark again, a smirk crossing his lips as he unexpected shoved his cock in your swollen entrance. His hand wrapped around your neck again, “You make me so happy baby girl.”
You squirmed a bit under him, his pelvis pushed down to hold your core in place. “My sweet boy, this is torture.” You whimpered, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Exactly.” Hongjoong quickly leaned over to his bedside table, grabbing a small metallic bullet vibrator.
You whined quietly as the small toy started up, his hand slipped from your neck as he used it to lift himself a bit. He moved the toy slowly down your chest to your left nipple, pinching it between a finger and the toy. He repeated his actions with the right nipple.
Hongjoong continued to hold you down as he moved the vibrator down your body, sliding it between your folds and tucking it against your clit.
“Hongie…” you moaned, your breathing becoming more and more erratic as pressure built in your core. Hongjoong moved your arms above your head, hiding his head in your neck as he kept himself still inside you.
He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, nipping at your earlobe. Every little thing was pushing you closer to climax. He brought his lips to yours finally, kissing you sweetly as he laced your fingers together.
“You’re making me cum baby girl.” He moaned against your lips, his cock starting to empty another load inside you.
You could barely contain yourself, body shaking under his as the sound of your own juices mixed with the sound of the vibrator. “Baby….” You squeezed his hands with all your strength, his hips finally letting up a little as yours started to buck.
The vibrator slipped out and you started to grind your hips down quickly, juices leaking as you started to peak again.
“Please fuck me, my sweet boy. I need you to fuck me.”
Hongjoong let go of one of your hands to hold your hip as you arched off the bed, he slammed his cock deep in you as you released, screaming and cursing uncontrollably. His lips found yours again and you started to ride your high.
“Holy shit.” Hongjoong hissed, his own body reacting to your orgasm and joining in. He lifted you, holding you tight against his body as he slowly kissed your lips. You were barely able to hold yourself up, Hongjoong’s arms were the only thing hold you in place.
You weakly wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling dizzy and fulfilled more than ever. “Th-that was so good, my swe-sweet boy.” Your words were stuttered as you rested your head against his chest, trying to bring yourself out of the sex coma he had you in.
“Should I just carry you to the shower like this?
You nod, whining a bit as he climbed off the bed with you still attached. You wrapped your legs around him, moaning quietly at the sensation of his cock inside you, how wet and warm it felt.
“Fuck me again.” You said after finally catching your breath a bit, Hongjoong pulled back a bit, raising an eyebrow at you. “What? 3 loads in you isn’t enough?” He smirked, pecking your lips.
You giggled quietly, a shiver creeping up your spine as you felt his cock grow firm again. He pushed you against the wall, barely thrusting his hips.
“Oh, my sweet boy.” You placed a soft, but deep kiss on his lips. “I’m just starting to feel inspired.”
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not-poignant · 2 months
For t/f: I assume you’re a huge advocate for physical books over ebooks??
Ebooks are hugely accessible, and as someone with massive RSI issues in my wrists (partly from writing), holding heavy books and the repetition of turning pages can be literally agonising, and can even lead to me needing surgery one day for tendon release.
I do love physical books, and I have a large collection that I'm very proud of, and weed on a yearly basis. But I absolutely am not an advocate for them over ebooks, let alone a huge one. Ebooks have been such a game-changer for anyone with accessibility issues.
Readers no longer have to rely on publishers being grudgingly generous enough to offer books in large fonts if they have visual processing issues. They can change the font (most of the time) on an e-reader. Readers no longer have to lug around extremely heavy nonfiction books, and can save their backs and wrists. Readers who live in very small or cramped spaces because of poverty or other reasons no longer have to deal with 'where do I keep all these books' because some of them (or all of them) can be ebooks. Also, almost always - with mostly the exception of some university texts - they're cheaper. What a win!
On an accessibility level, ebooks win every time, especially now that we have so many lighting options so that people don't have to put up with backlight etc. anymore. They highlight just how previously ableist the publishing industry has been around visual accessibility and joint strain accessibility.
So I'm mostly a hardcore advocate of people reading how they want to read. A hybrid mix. Only audio. Only ebook. Only paperbacks. Only hardbacks. Some combination of the four.
I love the smell of books, but I don't love the dust. I love having them organised in my library, but I don't love the eternal problem of never really having enough room. I love my ebook collection, but I sometimes forget to check into it. I love that I can get very large nonfiction tomes in ebook form, but sometimes I find them harder to highlight etc. because there's something visceral to me about dragging a highlighter or pencil across a page. Everything has its pros and cons.
But ebooks beat out literally everything else except audio for accessibility (though I can't do audio ironically because of accessibility, lmao, my auditory processing for language isn't great).
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fineline2005 · 6 months
a/n: Welcome to the addiction series!! this is my first ever serious post lmao, so please take it lightly. give me ur honest opinions tho! i hope you guys like it <3
this story is placed around the time harry got mugged on the street, but im changing some thing! he is also still dating olivia in the begining of this story so if that bother you im sorry. but that will change, just be patient my children....
famous!harry x plus size!normal oc
1.9k words (i promise i will try to make them longer lol)
the one where harry meets meg, but not in a way you would expect....
content warnings: mugging, talks of knives, talks of drugs and alchol, talks of being cross faded. i think thats it but let me know if there is anything else!!! this is an 18+ story!!! i cant stop you from doing it but please, viewer descretion is advised!!!!
part one, megs pov:
"damn, your crossed as fuck." pepper said laughing. i couldn't really feel it but i knew she was right. at this point im so use to the feelig that i cant even tell the difference. aside from the alchol i had taken a couple of things that were past around and somked a bit of weed. i wouldn't say i'm the 'highest iv'e ever been' but im definietly i in no state of mind to be driving. thank fully med had driven me her, as she was D.D tonight.
i was starting to get really hot. i knew that as soon as i felt that fire start to creep up my spine it was time for me to tap out from everything for the night. i passed the joint in my hands to the person on my right with out even remembering who it was. i picked myself off the couch and make a b-line for the front door, but not without pepper noticing me.
i feel someone follow me and i assume that it pepper. i turn around and see my assumtions are correct.
"hey, you ok?" she asks. i nod a brush it off, but at this point in our friendship there is nothing i could hide from her. physical or emotional. "tell me the truth meg." she says giving me her famous stare of truth, as we walk to a place more private.
"yeah, just having that feeling again." i dont need to explain more. she gives me a knowing look understanding what i'm talking about the minute i say it. she had a worried look on her face and sits there thinking about what to say next.
"maybe you should go home. do you need a ride?" i know she hasn't been drinking and it would probably be safer to drive with her, rather than walk the streets alone in LA at 1am, but i saw her talking with cassie (who she's been crushing on for month.) and i dont want her to have to stop something she barly got to start. i shake my head no and tell her that i can walk. she gives me an 'are you sure' look.
"i think it will be good for my head and make the hangover a lot more bearable in the morning. besides, i think tonight will finally be the night you get lucky with cass." i wink at her. she turns red before giving me a nod telling me to text her when i get home. i agree before hugging her and making my way out.
i start my jouney home holding on to the knife in my pocket just to be safe. i don't live in the best part of town, so i have to be ready for anything. i pull out my vape just to calm my nerves. i've always hated walking alone, and being crossed out of my mind wasn't helping.
i walk pretty fast for being in the state im in. as i start getting closer to my nighborhood, i hear some shit going down not far from me. of course its got to be the path i need to go down. i put my head down trying to ignore whatever it is and just get home. i make a lot of rash choices while being this fucked up, and the last thing i need to to go back to jail for the night.
as i get closer, i see a group of short guys surounding a rather tall man. i couldn't tell if this was some kind of drug deal with a skinny king-pin, or if the tall guy was in trouble. i decided to just act like i dont see anthing. the last thing i need tonight was to be dragged into what ever the fuck this was.
as i walk by i see the tall guy pull out a big stack of cash. i don't think i've seen that much moneyin one sitting in my life. i then realize the group of short guys was pointing a knife to him.
they were mugging him.
i may sound like a bad person for saying this, but i think i need that cash more the tall guy and the rest of these idiot. like i said, i make rash and stupid choices when im in this state of mind. so with out think i start to walk faster. i hear the group of me start to ask him for his phone. thats when i decide to take action.
"hey! leave him alone." i shout from about 12 feet away, being way more loud than i intended to. they look at me and start to laugh.
"i suggest you keep walking and turn your pretty head beforw something bad happends to you sweetheart." he says now pointiing his knife at me. the tall guy gives me a look telling me to just run.
i keep walking over there with my slightly bigger knife in my pocket with my hand on it incase i need to pull it out quickly.
"well this 'sweetheart' is perfectly capable of pretecting herself from idiots like you." god i'm so fucking stupid sometimes. i am in not shape to being doing this shit right now.
but the things i do for money are actually ridiculous.
"seriously sweetheart. the last thing i wanna do is use this big scary knife on such a pretty thing like you. so save yourself the trouble and keep walking."
at this point i'm pissed. maybe it was the alchol talking or maybe he was just a sexist pig. but now i had to do something. i chuckle a bit before starting my next sentance.
"you know what's a lot scarier then a 'big scary knife' attached to a 'big scary man'" i ask while stepping closer. he gives me an amussed look before letting me continue.
within 1 second my knife is against his throat and i'm in his face.
"an even bigger knife, with an even scarier girl who really doesn't give a fuck." fear pools into his eyes as he looks down to the knife he is stuck under. i look around the the rest of the guys seeing a look of shock on their faces as well as the tell man in the corner. they all look aroundnot knowing what to do next, conflicted on whether to help their friend, boss, or whhatever he is to them, or to stay where they are not wanting to be the next one under the knife.
"so what's it gonna be? are you going to leave me and this nice gentlemen alone and walk away? or are you going to have a painful reminder of how you got mugged while trying to mug someone. not to metion there is witnesses."
he thinks about it for a bit before he drops his own knife and him and is crew walk away.
good choice.
i look over to the tall, skinny man and see the look on his face of pure disbelief. i could almost laugh if it wasn't for the fact that i'm no better then the men i jusy scared off.
"thank you! thank you so much!" he says with a smile on his face. i grip my knife harder walking up to him slowly.
"don't thank me yet." i mummble before quickly pointing the knife to his stomach. he laughs to himself for a second. before i know it the knife is outo of my hand and on the ground while im being pushed against his chest and restrained.
"you obviously have never done this before, and if you have you are really bad at it" he says luaghing as he picks up and throws me over he shoulder.
thats new...
i laugh finding humor in the situation i put myself in.
"what gave it away." i ask still laughing. he chuckles along before answering. "maybe the fact the you are clearly not sober and aimed the knife at my leg rather then my stomach." if that was his leg then this guy is taller then i thought.
"what's your name?" i ask as we walk aroud with me still on her shoulder, having no idea where we are going. "harry. what's yours?"
"i'll tell you if you put me down." the blood was starting to rush to my head and if were to stay in that position for another 2 minutes i would probably throw up. before i know it i'm on the grown again, losing my balance. i almost fall but he grabs my arms and hold me up until im steady. "meg, my names meg." i say while looking up at him. he has a face i've see before but to be honest, when im thing crossed everyone looks like someone i've seen before.
"do you have a girlfriends harry?" i ask with a suggestive tone in my voice. "yes." he answers immediately, while straightening up his posture.
"good," i drop the tone looking at him seriously. "go home and tell her you love her. you could have died tonight." and with that i start to walk away. after this whole thing my mind is way more clear then when i left the party. now i just want to go to sleep.
"wait!" i hear fast foot steps approaching. i turn around to see him pulling out his wallet and phone. he takes out a couple of $100 bills and unlocks his phone. "i feel like i owe you this for saving me. and i feel like you owe me your number for trying to mug me after." i give him a pointed look feeling like this is some kind of joke and he's trying to mess with me for pulling a fast one on him. "don't you have a girlfriend you are suppose to be telling you love?" he luaghs. "i just want to keep in contact. you seem fun, even if you are a criminal." i smirk and grab his phone entering my number. as i'm doing so i pull out my vape taking a couple of hits before looking up. once i do i see a look on his face telling me he's not super into it. but he's a stranger so i dont really care what he thinks.
"what? you act like half the people in this city dont do this and you've never seen it before." i say before putting it back in my mouth and taking a few more hits. "i mean, i know and i have. its just i know really like it. you know how how bad that stuff is for you, right?"
"its called an addiction for a reason." i say. i had him back his phone. "and on that note, i bid you adieu." i say bowing and copying the accent i picked up on. i walk away and this time he doesnt follow me.
as i walk into my appartment i text pepper to let her know i make it home. i check the clocked to the that its now 3:30am. i didn't realize that much time had gone by. she response asking what took so long and if i was ok. i answer back telling her i'll tell her in the morning when we go on our daily walk-and-talk. something we've been doing since freshman year of highschool.
my head hits my pillow and i knock out almost intantly. deciding that what ever choices i make tonight will be a problem for future meg to deal with.
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tartagliatum · 10 months
Hi! I remember a few months ago you wrote a head canon I enjoyed (sorry if I’m weird for remembering this lmao) about one of the anemo boys smoking cannabis as a treatment for trauma. I saw a head canon on tiktok recently that Wrio takes painkillers for his joints to get through bad days, and the thought of him getting high instead. And getting the munchies ehe, not sure what to do with this but its been sitting in the corner of my mind!
not weird at all omg that’s actually very sweet that u remembered!! and yeah… i think i’ve seen that headcanon, if it’s by the artist who posted it along some very angsty wriollette hcs :’)
i never thought of it in application to him tho!! i think neuvillette wouldn’t approve of it when he does it too casually, because you’re setting a bad example for the melusines again, wriothesley.
but wriothesley never listens - he’s known to be an indulgent man after all, and it’s not his fault that weed is so easily accessible to him… that, and he’s quite fond of just how pretty music sounds, just how amazing food tastes after a smoke; not to mention just how much of it he can pack in. heightened senses are fun, yes, but getting to enjoy even larger amounts of such fun is even better.
neuvillette knows, however, without wrio needing to tell him, when the pain is too overwhelming to bear without it; whether that be physical pain or anxiety flashbacks. when it’s more than just a fun little smoke to make the week a bit more doable - when it’s to hold back any surfacing panic or depressive episodes from long buried memories. when it’s to make the week doable at all, full stop. his shoulders stiff and wrists tight, jaw clenched and elbows and joints cracking and aching from, in neuvillette’s opinion, far too many years of unnecessary violence.
during these times, neuvillette makes sure to show him more affection, as well as have plenty of treats and food for him to snack on; his big appetite is tough enough to satisfy without the munchies as it is. physical touch is just that much better after getting high, and a blissful wriothesley is in heaven as neuvillette cards his fingers through his hair and traces his fingers up and down his arm while he reads his book. even better is when he rubs his tummy for him, gentle circles over the wide arc of his stomach.
when wriothesley goes a little overboard with eating (which is predictable enough on a normal day, let alone a day spent getting high), he denies all of it, refusing to prove neuvillette’s criticisms of cannabis true. his big puppy eyes and quiet grumbling as he holds his stomach gives him away, however. neuvillette puts the book down, turning on a movie instead (always something light hearted or cheerful), and pays special attention to making his tummy, and subsequently his husband, feel better. he gives wriothesley the kind of tummy rubs he adores - deep, soothing circles, kneading any pain away, hands warm and gentle as he settles the meal in wriothesley’s belly. but as soon as he works up a bit of space for him and just a pleasant sensation of fullness is left in wake of aching discomfort, wriothesley is already thinking aloud about what he’ll eat next, knowing sleepy stoned belly rubs will surely accompany it~~
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
hi there, I love your art! if you have time to answer, I was wondering if you have any tips or recommendations for drawing in a more expressive or cartoony style? I've been drawing for years but I always get caught up in the weeds and end up adding way too many details that don't necessarily look bad, but are too stiff and over-detailed. I really admire the way you capture so much in such clean lines, if you have any thoughts or advice I would love to hear them - thanks for sharing your art, have a great day!
ah thanks so much, i really appreciate it!! i totally get where youre coming from tho, i really tend to get caught up in the small things too (the amount of sketch layers i have on finished things is stupid lmao). anyways yes theres a few things i do to help myself out of that pattern!! im not all that great at putting things into words but hopefully the pictures help haha putting it under the cut because it'll probably end up long sorry
i cant speak for everybody but this is what i do! heres how i tend to approach my initial sketches:
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i like to keep it minimal here so i can focus on the pose over everything else, i try to do it in one pass and not worry about the anatomy. usually i do a few of these kind of sketches before i figure out something i like. also something ive found recently is that, for me, zooming in and doing these sketches really tiny helps because i dont have the space to add in detail. i do this a lot when i thumbnail a sequence to storyboard (usually on paper tho) and it helps me focus on the idea over the drawing
after that i like to focus on shapes!
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if theyre a character with loose fitting clothes i usually won't sketch out much anatomy and just get into the shapes of the clothes bc then i dont get too particular with proportions and all. im gonna state here that this is not an excuse to not study anatomy tho and the reason that this works out for me is because i have studied it haha
getting into details of things, i kind of try to walk the line between too little and too much? like with clothes the details i like to get are wrinkles at bent joints and obvious seams. with wrinkles i try to only do one, maybe two, because it can get excessive fast.
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seams are really good for establishing the direction things are facing, like to read volume in 3D space. the ones ill pretty much always include (unless theyre not present in the clothing worn) are shoulder seams and pants seams. in my experience shoulder seams are great at telling the fit of a shirt without a ton of detail!
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lmao heres a collage of expressions for an example. as far as faces go i like to exaggerate mouths and eyebrows a lot lmao its kind of hard for me to put into words my process here. i really like dot eyes bc i feel like i can do a lot with em in combination with lines. tho i dont usually use em on finished artwork. eyebrows and mouth are primarily what i use to establish a facial expression, though sometimes ill throw in a scrunched nose if the expression calls for it.
the whole "clean lines" bit really does help with making sure things dont look too cluttered, and the way to approach that for me is doing your line in just one stroke (maybe two if u want it darker but thats besides the point lmao) but yeah drawing from your shoulder, not having a hairy line, etc really helps not clutter your drawing anyways i think thats about it for expressiveness and clean lines idk if youve got anything more to ask ill answer to the best of my ability
TL;DR i try to focus on shapes and pose, and putting in just enough details to make action/expression read well
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brettesims · 2 years
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I rolled my first joint last night! Lmao! 🧚🏽😗💨 I love connecting with brands who are just automatically in sync with me! Thank you Shine Papers for sending me gold papers and a cone! #AD
🍃 Being from Oakland, smoking (haha) I’ve smoked weed since I was about 17. I never really had to learn to roll. All my friends would do it for me, boyfriends rolled for me. I always just utilized bowls, bongs, and pre- rolls!
So I was excited to try again when my art manager, gifted me home grown flower from her backyard AND simultaneously
Shine Papers sent me some goodies!
This cone made its SUPER easy while giving me the satisfaction of someone who rolled from scratch bc who gon check me boo?! 🤣
Shoutout to Vince at Shine Papers! These are perfect for enduring family Christmas awkward moments people!
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imy2 · 9 months
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2-2 oooo hi hector , didnt realize he'd be so soon •
oh damn goodbye mack. should've expected that was this ep w vasquez comin in... ughh the way murphy looks when addy's staring at him :/// •
2-3 "woahh don't be so negative; worry is poison - that's why you don't crap right." lmao random dude, too real •
"you are not the boss of me -.- she is." one of my fav murphy lines •
ok i regret not taking notes last eps so recap of what i rmbr then onward.. rc2-4 z weed lol • rc2-5 nvr noticed b4 that they call this ep aka lucy zombaby - makes sensee , but s1 zombaby is true zombaby in my heart. lucy's lucy :p ... ugh serena was so pretty this ep.. even looked cool as a zombie • rc2-6 gb4n lucy.. also cassandra :(( </3 • rc2-7 sketchy n skeezy were here again .. • rc2-8 i thiiink it was this ep that this happened but if not close enuff.. warren said to murphy, "the time is coming where you're gonna have to decide what side you're on - and when that time comes, remember which is trying to help u survive n which wants to eat ur brains." ooo i never noticed how good of a line that is bc well warren which side is which! half the zombies dont care abt murphy atp and yall r takin him to be experimented on .. hmmm • rc2-9 this is always a fun ep • rc2-10 idt docs cool aop in this ep... • rc2-11 addys hotelwoman moment :') • rc2-12 oo the zeroes.. warrens sooo pretty •
2-13 murphy savin warren, hell yeah. murphy listening to warren, helll yeahh. again warrens gorg.. hector n doc n murphy all also look cool .. el camino B) 10k w slingshot - also cool •
2-14 lmfao doc pre-z(beginning of z actually) "oh jeez, sorry, didn't mean to intrude! -- what a minute, what did i just see.. larry and his gay lover? it's funny he never mentioned him.. 2 patients wrestling on the couch? .. it's a damn zombie! hang on larry!" lol him pullin a joint from his beard .. • •interlude ... i used to say i wish i had a beard all the time as a kid 9-like12, love that for me..idt id want one now, i do wish i had more body hair tho man my arms n legs look hairless basically -.- my brother used to always comb his hand thru his thick ass leg -.- #jealous .. also hairy stomachs r so hot -.- anyways.. i also need to do smth diff w my headhair like sooo bad. its been like 6yrs since ive had a haircut its badd. i wish i cld do a cool haircut but my hairs thin n straight so.. no cool cuts look how i'd want them to w/o stylin n i cannot put stylin effort into my hair everyday.. i need a genius to tell me wtd w my hair basically! but im scared of goin anywhere..
also on subject of gender(re my feelings abt my hair) i've been kind of (aka when i rmbr to lol n when it dsnt feel awk) tryin to speak in a deeper pitch .. i hate when my voice sounds as high as it does smtimes :/ also.. well nvm 4now •
"why me? i don't want to be shit. this is all some terrible mistake. i just want to crawl off and die like everybody else. why me? what did i do? where is my mercy?" murphy n mercy (n me) i said it! •
omg pre-z murphy looks so different n cool. & postal fraud man.. he shld be pissed •
"if you were really my friend, you'd help me." "but i'm not your friend." ... "they're gonna hurt me. you know that, right?" "i won't let that happen." •
2-15 "i did not spend three years fighting my way across 10,000miles of zombie-crazed america just so i can be a blood bag for a few billionaires." hell yeah •
bye vasquez .. hey hector.. hey(almost) kaya n dr. sun :-) aww lucy.. •
•s2 done.. overall rating.. 3.5/5 .. i didnt rate s1 brb.. 3/5 .. huh kinda surprised s2 came out on top •
3-1 hi red.. hi the man... •
ooo i nvr noticed the red details -right b4 walking up there's red cloth in a basket, then - redofc, 5ks keychains, warrens bandana, 10ks socks n bandana n shirt stripes, docs suspenders n sunglasses, cassandra's jacket, addy's shirt n jacket tassels .. very obvious, cool .. then just blue murphy. interesting. enuff red down the line tho •
"got a name?" "10,000. but everyone calls me 10k." "10,000? that's a number, not a name." ... ''so what's ur name?" "red." "that's not a name, that's a color." - wait lol, "you asked me my name, that's my name" red u did it to him first •
3-2 • intros.. s1 was 3bullets, s2 was 2bullets-chomp, s3 was 3bullets+spin .. fun stuff •
now murphy got red pants this ep.. after they first reinforced blue by only showing shirt/skin/hat.. interesting •
ahh murphy wanted warren to go w him so bad :/ "seriously roberta?" .. "ttfn" •
3-3 got a fun screenshot from this ep .. terrible quality ofc.. •
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3-4 10k off the bridge n merch khs .. fair enuff•
3-5 tbh the way reds been here so far(aka e1 n now) is so weird.. •
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loverboybitch · 3 years
haha weed go brrrrrrrr.//.
#.//.#ok guys i have to tell u this because its so funny to me lol#fully found actual empirical evidence that stopping smoking weed (and also a mental breakdown) is what made me bad at my job#i stopped smoking weed in july of 2020 rite and was having an mental breakdown for the proceeding like month then idk rest of that year#but today! we got new graphs at work that were built out to track out key performance indicators#and literally i would post the graph but it is confidential internal document#but like.. literally july and then more in august my stats just start TANKING lmao#i always thought my stats were just not that good and when they raised the kpis it showed more but nope i just looked back to 2019#and literally that is the same month my stats just DROP#and now that iv been smoking again my stats r trending up again over the last two months#i mean its early to call this month but like of the 1 shift ive had iv caught 100% of the fraud#so#like thats crazy#i deleted the post about how i thought it was funky how my friends remark about me smoking again cause its almost like their relieved#cause i think i was cooler and chiller and funnier and sexier as a stoner#so its funny that that is probably true but also so is that weed made me better at my actual job ha ha#still not going to smoke as much as i used to cause that was out of hand and out of pocket but my littel joints at teh end of my day rules#anyway <3 had a suprise meeting with my managers and it was actually chill cause im feeling good ha also maybe cause weed#im not gonna explain my own headcanon psych behind why i think weed is super good for me actually but trust me its thought out#anyway im on lunch so pretty picture blog time <3 hope u enjoy
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graytalents · 2 years
A little something for my Gojo and Geto lovers out there:
After getting blazingly high, one person's horniness affects the entire vibe.
I miss weed so much lmao.
CW: smut, threesome, oral, fingering, lots of mentions of drugs and alcohol.
“Doll? You want s’more?” Geto nudges the lit joint towards you. You take it, and inhale the smoke towards your lungs.
You, Geto, Gojo, have all been lazing around and smoking joint after joint, with some empty beer cans around you. Gojo, smoking and watching TV, sighs. It’s not often he gets to relax completely like this.
“Hey, you ever dated someone before?” Gojo suddenly asks.
“Hm?” you take one last puff and pass the last of the burning roach to Geto. “Why’re you asking?”
The white haired man lolls his head back lazily and stares at the ceiling. You’re all sitting on the ground in front of the actual couches, backs pressed against the bottom of the furniture. Someone thought to put on a sitcom for background noise, but it had been a while since any of you paid attention.
Quiet laugh tracks and corny jokes were the backdrop to your stoned conversations. Nothing was off the table when you guys got together like this. Not school, not work, and certainly not gossiping.
“I was thinking about it. Me and Geto tell you who we’ve been seeing, who we have a thing for,” he pauses to sip his beer. “Who we’ve been fucking.”
He says the last word with a hint of humor in his voice, though his face is expressionless. Almost.
“Mm, that’s true,” Geto starts. “You don’t really tell us if you have a thing for someone. Do you? I’d feel real hurt if you didn’t tell us.”
He fake pouts at you, but his eyes betray his amusement with the situation. It’s now your turn to sigh.
“Am I interested in someone right now? Not really. At least, not romantically.” In order to avoid revealing more, you quickly grab your beer and begin to take large swigs. You’re almost out, though. Damn.
“Oh? Not romantically? So sexually huh? Who do you want to fuck? To bone? To get it on with?” Gojo perks up at the newfound revelation. “Don’t tell me … Shoko? She’s hot, and I heard she just got back from studying.”
“Mm.” You opt not to answer, instead reaching for another joint that Geto had thankfully made. The lighter chooses not to cooperate with you, sending only shitty little sparks that won’t catch on the thin paper.
Geto sees this, and remedies the situation. Fishing another lighter from his pocket, he motions for you to come closer. Because the windows are open to air out the room, a breeze was making its way through, causing Geto to cup his hands around the stick in order for it to light.
Your faces were impossibly close, and Gojo looked on in interest. He always thought you were attractive, if not sometimes reserved. Questioning you and your private life directly just to see you squirm entertained him. He wanted to push some buttons, just to see what the outcome could be.
“You guys look hot like that,” he stated. “I should take a picture for later, just to see if it’s the weed or if I’m crazy.”
Geto seems to have taken the hint. “If you’re gonna take a picture, might as well make it a nice one.”
He sticks his tongue out and poses, waiting for you. You hesitatingly stick your own tongue out.
“‘Ake ‘ha ‘icthure,” you try to say. Gojo whips out his phone and snaps a few pictures. He then gives you both a half smile.
“Why don’t you guys kiss for one?”
Geto takes a drag on the now-lit joint and motions for you to come closer as he hands it off to Gojo. Gojo watches as Geto blows the smoke into your slightly ajar mouth for you to inhale. As you do, he licks your bottom lip and fully kisses you.
Surprised, you gasp. You weren’t expecting him to do it so quickly. Geto grabs the back of your head with one sure hand to bring you in closer. His tongue makes his way into your mouth, fully giving Gojo a show.
Gojo finishes his drag and puts out the joint on the nearby ashtray. He then picks up his phone and snaps a few more pictures, making sure to center your mouths in the middle of the frame. He can feel himself starting to get hard, watching his two friends make out in front of him. Geto’s long hair falling in pretty strands over his shoulders, all while your high and enthusiasm kissing him back had Gojo wanting to palm himself.
Not yet, though. He couldn’t start pawing at himself before he cemented this situation for what he wanted.
“Okay, okay, I got my pictures. Geto, be a gentleman, would you? You gotta let people breathe, man.”
And it’s true. You pulled away with a soft, wet pop! and you were slightly panting. Lips were cherry red from where Geto had nipped, and your heartbeat could be heard in your ears. Hell, you could feel your heartbeat and blood rushing to your groin.
But that was it, right? It was just a kiss, and it’s not like they wanted more. They were being dumb on purpose, is what you thought.
That’s why, when Geto pulled you in to bite your lip, you were completely surprised. Despite your shock, you took the opportunity to place your hands on his thighs for support, and lean into him. He bit you, and ran his tongue over the indentations to soothe the string. Tiny dribbles of drool coated your mouths as you hungrily made out. Geto’s hands began making their way to the bottom of your shirt, seemingly wanting to remove it.
Gojo has had enough. He wanted in on the action too. He wanted to see that same hunger on your face for him as well. He reached out to your arm, and gently pulled you away from Geto and towards himself. You broke free of Geto’s embrace, and began to kiss Gojo. Kissing him was different. Whereas Geto was sure of his actions, Gojo was more curious. He was dying to know what you tasted like, and if you would make cute noises for him. He slid his hand up the back of your shirt, and his hot fingers made you sigh into his mouth.
You felt like putty in his hands, and he wanted to mold you to his desire.
“Take it off,” Geto murmured into your ear, tugging at your shirt. You quickly tugged it upwards, Gojo helping you discard of it by tossing somewhere behind the couch. Geto took the opportunity to feel your smooth shoulders, back, and snaked his way to your chest. He thumbed over your nipple, causing you to gasp and let out a small whine.
Gojo took your face with his thumb and forefinger to make you face him, and promptly forced your mouth open. He stuck his tongue inside, swallowing your pretty little sounds.
Geto was hard. He was so hard it was almost unbearable, and he was sure that you needed a fucking that only he could provide. He sucked on your neck, and nibbled on the soft skin, taking care to leave marks. He wanted you to think about him long after today.
After being satisfied with his work, he made his way down your chest and flicked his tongue over your sensitive flesh. The cool air had caused your nipple to perk up, so he played with it with the tip of his tongue.
His actions caused you to arch your back, seeking more. You whined into Gojo’s mouth, and he responded by taking your free hand to place on his upper thigh. You moved it towards the bulge in his pants, and lightly traced your fingers over it. He was so undeniably hard as you stroked him slowly and rhythmically.
Meanwhile, Geto had taken to lightly rolling your pretty nipple between his teeth. The sensation was indescribable, as you felt sticky between your legs. The ache you felt was all consuming, clouding over your judgement and causing you to seek pleasure now, consequences be damned.
“Fuck, you look so hot like that,” panted Gojo. A thin string of saliva still hung from your mouths. You looked incredible right now, a needy expression painting your face as Geto continued to give your chest and neck attention.
Gojo slid his fingers into the waistband of your pants, pulling them slightly. You understood his intentions, and grabbed his wrist. After loosening your pants a bit, you stuck his fingers inside, guiding him to your warm wetness.
He practically moaned. “You’re so wet, baby.” He collected your arousal on his fingers, getting to know your folds. The pad of his fingers hovered over your entrance, as if waiting for permission.
You shook your head, and fished his hand out. You gently pushed Geto away, and shimmied your pants off.
“It’s not fair that I’m the only one getting naked,” you pointed out. The two men quickly took off their shirts. Gojo guided you towards the couch and gently pushed you to sit. The two men sat on either side of you.
Geto grabbed your hand and placed it on his crotch. You stroked him over his pants, and motioned for him to take them off. He stood, removed them, and sat back down in his boxers. You hesitatingly pulled his waistband down, and let his cock spring free.
It was fully hard, heavy weight causing the tip to touch his stomach. After giving him a moment, you leaned down and gave it a kiss on his leaking tip.
Geto groaned, and pushed your head further into his lap. You gave it small kitten licks around the shaft, taking special attention to the vein running on the bottom.
“C’mon, stop teasing,” he breathed. You gave it a few broad stripes with a flattened tongue before taking it into your mouth. Your cheeks hollowed, sucking hard on the mushroom tip.
“F-fuck, yes, just like that,” he keens. He bucks his hips upwards, trying to find more pleasure in your hot and wet mouth.
Gojo could not contain himself at this point. He had you on your knees facing Geto’s lap, and pulled your ass up into the air with his big hands. The movement caused you to take more of Geto into your mouth, drawing moans and whines from the two of you.
Gojo inspects your clothed pussy from the other side of the couch. Your underwear is damp with arousal, and Gojo can’t help himself but to press a long finger against your slit. You wiggle your ass slightly, trying to find more needed friction.
Gojo slides the cloth to one side, exposing part of your pretty pussy. He uses two fingers to spread your lips and observes the way your arousal begins to drool down your thigh.
“How are you this wet already?” he murmurs. He gives you a tiny lick with a pointed tongue, and collects your juices in his mouth. As you groan, the sensation has Geto snake his fingers into your hair and gently pulls. Gojo takes your noises as a sign to continue, and he licks a longer stripe from your throbbing clit to your empty hole.
You arch your back and keen, as much as you can with Geto’s thick length in your mouth.
“Relax your throat for me a little, I want to try something,” Geto pants.
You relax as best you can, as Geto cups your throat. He slowly thrusts upwards, and feels you gag and try your hardest to let him in. Feeling the way his dick slides into your throat makes him throw his head back and groan. He keeps up his slow and steady thrusts into your mouth, taking his dick out every so often to let you breathe.
Gojo, at the same time, is fully making out with your messy pussy. His mouth, nose, chin, and cheeks are covered with your juices as he keeps up a steady rhythm of flattening and pointing his tongue on your clit. He increased the speed once he heard you deepthroating Geto and inserted a long finger into your hole. All three of you could hear the squelch as he filled you up to his knuckle. With the pace of his tongue never faltering, he soon adds another finger, slowly working you open on his mouth and hand.
By now, there was just too much. You felt so full, so stuffed from two of your friends. They were working you open so meticulously that you had no choice but to let go.
Geto, feeling you coming close, held your head down on his veiny cock. He came as you gagged uncontrollably, throat squeezing his cock in the most delicious way possible. He bucked his hips a few more times involuntarily, as he released thick and hot ropes of cum down your throat.
All the meanwhile, Gojo heard his friend coming and tried his damnest to get you to come at the same time. As he heard you gagging, he began to suck on your clit hard and kept up the same pattern of sucking and flicking his tongue over your hard little nib. As he did this, he curled his digits into you, reaching for the soft and spongy pad inside of you. Your velvety warm walls sucked his fingers in, and made the wettest squelching noise he’d ever heard. If he weren’t so focused on your perfect, messy little pussy, he would have wondered if you were a squirter.
As Geto came in your throat, Gojo gave a particularly hard suck on your clit, which sent you over the edge. The warm feeling of tension in your lower belly exploded, leaving you shaking and releasing clear liquid into Gojo’s waiting mouth. He slurped loudly on your clit again, and had you release Geto from your mouth to keen loudly.
“Please, a-ah aah, pleasepleaseplease—“ you choked out as Gojo plunged his curled fingers into you again, causing you to gasp.
Just as you thought you finished, Gojo began to plunge his fingers into you again, faster and with more purpose. He stopped eating you out to watch the look of pure ecstasy on your face.
After a few pumps of his fingers, he lowered his pants and boxers and guided his tip to your folds. You wiggled your ass on him again, drawing a chuckle from him.
“God. Holy shit. You’re insatiable. You seeing this, Suguru?”
He rubbed his tip around your soaked pussy, and finally pushed his tip in. He went slowly and watched you grip Geto’s thigh. Geto stroked your hair and whispered filthy profanities to you.
“You like that, sweetheart? You like the way Satoru plays with your slutty pussy? Look at you. If I knew it only took some weed and beers to get you like this, I would have down this a long time ago.”
You whined at his words, but he continued. As he spoke, Gojo pushes all the way in, and thrusts into you lightly.
“Satoru, look at her. You should have felt her throat. The way she was squeezing around me..” he laughs. “Incredible. Don’t wear her out too much, I want to see her bounce on my cock later. Would you like that? Or how about me and Gojo take turns fucking you later, tie you down so we don’t do anything but that? What if you take us both in that pretty little cunt? Hm? We’ll get you nice and wet, like you are now, and just have you take on both of us.”
You nearly scream as Gojo increases his pace, hands gripping your waist with such strength, you knew you were going to bruise later. A thick ring of white formed around the base of Gojo’s cock, and all you could hear were the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin and your labored breathing.
Geto’s words made your walls squeeze around Gojo. Gojo sucked in his breath, trying hard to maintain his composure. He angled your ass more towards him, and began to drill into your hole.
Geto slipped his thumb into your mouth, and you suckled on it. Gojo reached between your thighs, and pinched your sensitive and puffy clit between his fingers. As he rolled your clit in his fingers, you felt that same burning white sensation and came around him, hard. Gojo pulled out and spilled all over the small of your back.
After getting cleaned up and clothed, Geto smiles at you.
“I wasn’t talking out of my ass earlier. I do want to try other things. But maybe you should take it easy today. And tomorrow. Maybe next week?”
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pastel-c4rtmansz · 2 years
requested by: @superyokaigamer
Y/N walked towards the farm house's door at a fast pace looking down at theirs and Shelley's messages. 
Y/N: when r u gonna be back at ur house? im at ur door rn lmao
Shelley: I'm sorry itll probably take about an hour im doing a physical exam you can just sit on the couch. my dad may be annoying tho lmao
Y/N: ugh okay
Y/N stepped in the house, slipping off their black shoes. They sat on the couch mindlessly scrolling through Insta when a blue towel with blood shot eyes came up to them.
"Hey wanna get high?" It asked. 
"Huh? What?" Y/N gave it a confused look.
"I'm Towelie, follow me."
"Uh okay…" Y/N reluctantly followed.
Towelie grabbed their semi sweaty hand and brought them out to the weed testing room. 
Y/N heard a voice they recognized, none other than Randy Marsh, "Did you find a new test subject already, Towelie?" He asked, his back turned to the both of them while he stayed focused on his new weed blend. "Sure did." Towelie piped up. "Perfect, I really need someone to test this new strain for me. We're not letting Stan's friend's family across the street sell more than us." Randy put the finishing touches on the strand and turned around.
Pleasantly surprised at the person Towelie brought over, Randy spoke cheerfully, "Oh! Y/N, nice to see you! I didn't know you liked to smoke. Honestly it's refreshing to see kids like you. Nowadays everyone's been using those pussy vape sticks. I'm honored to show you some true weed, Some Tegridy.." He switched to a southern accent halfway through his mini speech. 
"Hi Mr. Marsh, it's good to see you again… I didn't exactly know I'd be smoking but I'm always 100% down for getting high!" They giggled. "Well that's great! come here, I have 3 joints all rolled up for us already." 
Taking a few steps closer, Y/N slipped their phone in their pocket and took the joint Randy offered them. Of course, Towelie took one as well. 
"Alright, let's light up guys." Towelie announced.
They all took turns lighting their joints. 
Y/N took a slow and long hit. The type that you still feel in your lungs even minutes after you exhale. "Mm that's good" Y/N closed their eyes and sat down on the floor immediately feeling the effects. "You can say that again." Towelie stood next to them now at eye level.
"I don't want you sitting on the floor, you're a guest Y/N. Come on, let's go back inside and sit on the couch." Randy grabbed their limp hands helping them up. 
After being seated for around 40 minutes the three heard the door open. 
"Now Shelley I know you have a weed problem but your dear friend Y/N wanted to try some of the new strain." 
Y/N gave a thumbs up in response. 
"Whatever, c'mon Y/N, we're going to my room." Shelley pulled Y/N off the couch.
A few hours passed and Y/N was about to leave, before they could make it out of the house though Randy and Towelie stopped them. "Come over again sometime?" Towelie asked. Y/N nodded and smiled then left out the door.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Double Life
Pairing: Platonic!Elliot x reader; Platonic!Maddy x reader
Summary: You're typically known as the preppy, popular best friend of Maddy Perez, the queen of high school. In reality, your best friend was Elliot who you smoked with hourly.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs and sex.
A/n: I like to write these things as headcannons cuz it allows me to get all my thoughts out at once and not in a jumbled mess. Plus I'm a human which makes me lazy by nature lmao.
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- Maddy always saw you as this precious little barbie that she could mold into someone like her. Someone beautiful and unstoppable.
- You two were almost more terrifying than her and Cassie were. The two of you just walking down the halls would have people running for the hills.
- You were the true apex predators in the grand scheme of high school. And, even though you weren't the biggest fan of the attention, you loved the power.
- You loved that Maddy could take the things that you hated about yourself and help you love them. Whether it be a small or large insecurity, her opinion changed your own image of yourself.
- If someone like Maddy told you that she loved your insecurities, you'd believe her too.
- But Elliot was a different friend to and for you.
- You didn't feel the need to perform in front of him, just acting normal and calm, two things that you weren't really able to be in front of Maddy.
- You could talk about anything with Elliot, down to the weirdest, most TMI facts or concerns that you had. He took everything you had to give him and he did it with a smile.
- The two of them were polar opposites, both giving you something that you didn't get from the other.
- Maddy gave you status, confidence, and was someone fun and positive to spend your time with.
- Elliot was someone that you could share your whole soul with while smoking a joint.
- Two very different sides of you but equally important that they come out and be shared with the ones that you loved.
- The two of them wouldn't get along if given the chance and you knew this better than anything.
- Elliot didn't like Maddy but he was aware of your friendship with her. Maddy didn't like the fact that Elliot drowned himself in weed but she wasn't aware of your friendship with him.
- It was just better that way.
- If she knew about your friendship with the boy, she'd either try to convince you to stop hanging out with him, or she'd try to convince you to get in his pants.
- You'd already been down that road and you and Elliot would both agree that your friendship was better off without sex.
- You wouldn't survive without both of them in your life, knowing that they were both equally loyal and loving.
- And you wouldn't have it any other way.
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e
Euphoria Taglist: @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx@ssprayberrythings @username-lols @pessimisticbiitch@urmomsangel @rosepetalsparks@bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx
Maddy Taglist: @Ihmerchantfromre4 @maneatercore
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marcos-scorpion · 2 years
Forever Yours - Eddie Munson x Reader
hello my lovelies! this is vaguely self indulgent- aka reader is alternative (no descriptions of body type/skin colour etc just style) because ive read loads of eddie x cheerleader reader stuff and its mega cute, but my little rockstar gf aesthetic heart needed this. i’m saying this now, as a warning. there will be no happy ending here for eddie and our dear reader. this is just sad. more stuff based from my best (and worst) relationship, like my Adrian Chase x reader from a few months ago. i have a few ideas for part two, but as i said, it wont be a happy ending. i’m at a place in my life where fluff is all i read but I cannot write it. lemme know what you think, and send me any requests ! Xoxo, moth
word count- 2880
warnings- angst !!! (!!!!!), smoking (weed and cigarettes), blood (mega brief), very light sexual hints (like one line lmao), reader is sad, eddie is sad, everyone is sad (if you guys spot more warning lemme know)
My boots crunched heavily against the foliage as I walked through the woods towards my favourite smoke spot, partially hoping my boyfriend would already be there. Well, he won’t be my boyfriend for much longer. I stomped harder at the thought, scowl deepening. This was the fourth time this week alone that Eddie fucking Munson had left me waiting for a date or planned meet-up. You’d think after almost three years together, he’d know how angry this would make me. Apparently fucking not, as he once again disappeared before our plans to skip the rest of the day and go smoke by Lover’s lake. Our standard Friday, as always. I waited by his van for twenty goddamn minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore, if he wasn’t gonna show, I was gonna go smoke on my own instead. 
I was almost at the bench when I heard his voice. What the fuck? Oh I was going to kill him. I get a little closer, peering through the trees. 
“…the queen of Hawkins High.” I freeze. He can’t be with her. He is not hanging out with Chrissy fucking Cunningham. I stand, motionless behind a tree, watching him pull out all his cute, flirty theatrics, in the same place he’d used them on me all those years ago. Watched him stumble back from the bench, watched him smile and jump around, pull the collar of his shirt down to show her a tattoo I HAD DESIGNED for him. Oh this man has a deathwish. When he invited her to see his band, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. The anger in my chest dissipated, and my breath caught in my throat as I listened to the rest of their conversation. For so long, I had been the only one going to support his shows, the only one cheering him on, driving him to band practice. I watched her smile and giggle, totally enthralled by my Eddie. He was like that, ever the charmer, always entertaining. I could see that in the way she was looking at him, but what hurt was the way he was looking at her. It had been weeks, months even, since he’d looked at me like that. 
I zoned out for the rest of their conversation, stepping back further into the foliage when I realised she was standing to leave. I watched the blush rise on his cheeks as she walked away. I knew I had been losing the love of my life for a few weeks now, but this cemented it. He wasn’t mine anymore. 
I had always thought that me and Eds were perfect for each other. We had the same taste in music, a similar style, and the same interests, as nerdy as they may be. The rockstar, and the rockstar’s girlfriend, in every way possible. 
I was freezing cold, despite the warm spring air, and my fishnets and little dress were doing nothing to cover the goosebumps rising on my skin. I watch Chrissy scamper down the little path that leads back to the football field, heart hammering in my chest as Eddie groans, standing as well. 
Once I was sure he was gone, I sat at the bench myself, starting to roll a joint before I even realised I was crying. Shit. I was not going to cry over anyone, let alone a man. Running my nails over the chains piled across my neck, I easily found the one with the big letter E. As I tightened my fingers around it, sharp edges drawing little lines of blood, I began to sob. 
I lit my joint with shaking hands, sobbing harder when I realised my nails were painted to match his oh so precious guitar. Letting the weed cloud my brain was easy, but losing the image of Chrissy and Eddie was proving more difficult. 
I’m not sure exactly how long I sat on that bench, long enough for the joint to turn to ash, along with most of my pack of cigarettes. The walk back to my house was long, having chosen to walk to school in the morning presuming I would be crashing at Eddie’s, another of our Friday traditions. No one was home when I got back, but they weren’t expecting me back either. My family had long since stopped trying to control my whereabouts, and they actually quite liked Eddie once they got to know him. 
Quickly changing into my pyjamas, I began taking off my painstakingly applied eyeliner. I’d been trying to look nice for Eddie, maybe catch his attention the way I used to. His eyes would light up from across the room at just a glimpse of me.  Not anymore. 
As I sat moping, Metallica playing softly from the beat up mixtape Eddie made me so long ago, I decided I couldn’t do this any longer. Leaving would hurt, but nothing hurt more than watching the way the love of my life was staring at Chrissy. 
I understood why he would look at her like that. Even if she had (accidentally or not) stolen my boyfriend, I couldn’t bring myself to hate her. I doubt anyone could hate her. Chrissy Cunningham. She was everything I wasn’t. Athletic, friendly, endlessly beautiful. The clean, preppy girl aesthetic was so cute, and she was too kind of a person to genuinely dislike. 
It was final nail in the coffin for me, watching the cutesy interaction in the woods. And, with a few more tears smudging the leftover eyeliner I could never quite fully remove, I began removing all traces of Eddie’s presence in my room. 
Driving to school in my own car felt weird on Monday, but after not speaking to Eddie all weekend, it was something I would have to become accustomed to, despite desperately hoping to open my front door to the site of Eddie’s van waiting for me. The Doc Martens shoe box in my passenger seat was glaringly obvious in the corner of my eye, filled with the memory, and remnants, of my loving relationship. Polaroids and notes were littered across a few neatly folded items of clothing, freshly washed and devoid of any of my perfume, including two Hellfire shirts, and a custom Corroded Coffin crop top I had made to surprise him on our two year anniversary. There was a guitar pick somewhere in the box, carved with my initials, thrown from the dingy stage to me, amongst the crowds of drunks. The worst was my favourite necklace. A gift from so long ago, the E pendant, having been switched from chain to chain as they broke from eager hands pulling me for a kiss, held painfully taut as he replaced it with his hand, deepening the kiss, had been a permanent and prominent part of the stack of jewellery I wore every day. A screaming reminder of love we held, of who I belonged to, whether in a dingy bar or the busy hallways of Hawkins High. 
There were other small, but painfully meaningful, items in the box. A ticket from the first gig we went to as a couple, the pressed corsage from the only dance I had managed to convince Eddie to go to, the beer bottle top from the night of our first kiss, high and hazy under the stars, and a mug that had been a gift from Wayne, the man taking a liking to me almost instantly. 
“You gotta marry this girl Eds, you ain’t gonna get better than this.” Had been his uncle’s words the night I first met him. I had shown up at the Munson trailer, dark painted lips pulled between my teeth as I presented Wayne with a tub of homemade chilli, a smaller tub of cookies balanced on top. I hadn’t wanted to go empty-handed, but I had doubted the older man would’ve been thankful for flowers the way my mother had been when meeting Eddie. I wasn’t a great cook, but as I was to spend the weekend at the trailer, I didn’t want to eat his food and live in Wayne’s space without at least something. I’d left after that weekend with one of the mugs from his prized collection, and a deal I would cook for him again. 
I had held so much anger for my lost love, it almost bubbling over at the sight of Eddie in the woods with another girl. But it faded when he invited her to see his band, and it had been completely replaced with a hollow empty sensation as I began removing any trace of Eddie Munson from my life. 
The likelihood of Eddie actually being at school on a Monday, either on time or at all, wasn’t high, but it honestly would be easier to leave the box in his locker than to actually face him. Luck, however, wasn’t on my side, as I approached where his locker was, if the small crowd of freshmen gathered was anything to go by. 
I knew these kids, had spent hours supervising D&D sessions, driving them home, making sure they were safe in the hellscape of high school. Max stood out in the group of boys, being the only one not in a Hellfire shirt. I had grown close to the girl, starting with just driving her places after the loss of her brother, but developing into teaching her how to do her eyeliner and gifting her old band shirts as she began to develop her own little ‘skater girl’ style. My breakup with Eddie was going to put a rift between me and the kids I’d grown to care about, the boys would inevitably choose their precious dungeon master, but I at least hoped Max would still speak to me. 
“Kiddos,” I began, startling the group with their backs to me, “Where’s your leader?” I was praying they would say he wasn’t here, that he hadn’t shown up but they were waiting for him just in case. I did not expect Dustin to look at me sadly before nodding over his shoulder. None of them spoke, but the way they were all staring at me settled dread deep in my heart. Peering past Mike and Lucas, there he was. 
Stood next to Chrissy at her locker. I was surprised that he hadn’t been jumped by the basketball team yet. 
At this point, I had nothing left in me but a sigh at the sight. I mustered up a sad grin for the kids still staring at me, before holding out the box towards them. 
“Will one of you give him this please, tell him to make sure he reads the letter first, but not till he’s home?” None of them moved, so I pushed the box lightly into Dustin’s chest. They’d been watching Eddie fall out of love with me the same way I was, but they were more prepared for the end than me. 
As Dustin took the box, he spoke. “I’m sorry Y/N, he must’ve lost his mind.” I offered them one more shaky smile before turning on my heel, walking away towards my first class. 
I didn’t see him for the first half of the day, being in the highest set for my classes, but I knew lunch would be difficult. I had too much pride to not sit at the same table I had for all those years, with our friends. 
He cornered me before I even made it into the lunch hall at my usual smoke spot just outside the edge of campus. He had the shoebox tucked under his arm, but I could see the tape holding it shut was still in place. He hadn’t opened it yet. He hadn’t read the letter yet. 
“Wanna explain what this is sweetheart?” The pet name held no love, the kindness from his voice completely missing. There was no anger there, but the lack of emotion burned worse. I shrugged, dropping the last of my cigarette before stomping it out a little too aggressively. 
“Some of your stuff back, thought you might miss it.” I had nothing to say, everything I wanted was written in that letter, the tear smudged ink spilled everything I had felt for these last months. I was taking the cowards way out, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to vocalise everything without breaking down. 
I turned to walk away, but he fell into step beside me as we walked to lunch together for the last time. 
I knew he was heading straight home after school, he always did on Mondays, as he reserved the evening to practising new songs on his guitar. I used to sit with him, gentle encouragement along with small acknowledgment every time there was a wrong chord or missed note. 
And when I returned home that afternoon, and sat on the edge of my bed, I realised how empty my room was without his presence, be it his belongings or his body stretched across my bed. I won’t say how much I cried that day, but my chest burned as I fell asleep, face still wet.
I would never have assumed, across town, Eddie would go to sleep in a similar way. 
He respected my wishes, confused as to why he couldn’t open the box sooner, and as to why I had apparently written him a letter. Somewhere in his brain, he knew something wasn’t right, but he pushed it aside. 
For the first time in memory, Eddie broke his Monday routine. He didn’t even greet his guitar as he walked into his room, the shoebox taking up all of his mind. He lifted the letter out first, not really paying attention to the contents. Unfolding the yellow paper, his hands shook as he began reading. 
Eddie my love, 
I truly never thought it would come to this. I never expected to have to write to you in this way. Oh Eds, I hate to say this, but I know. I know you don’t love me anymore. It’s ok, I understand. I’m not upset. Well, I am, but not because of that. I’m upset because I should have realised sooner, should have said something, fought harder for our love. But if its not me you want, I can’t argue that. I want the best for you, and if that’s not me, I can accept that. It burns, knowing I’m not enough, but I could never be upset at you for that. I don’t think I can ever be upset or angry at you for long, no matter how hard I try. You were, and still are, my everything, my rockstar, but I can’t sit alongside you in silence anymore. I don’t remember the last time you looked at me with any real emotion, the last time we spent time together, just us. I don’t remember the last time you told me you loved me, when you last kissed me. I was your favourite girl, but I know now that I’m not anymore. I’m gonna miss you Eds, but as much as it hurts to let go, I can’t stand by as your girlfriend as you fall in love with someone else. All I ask of you my love, is that you take care of yourself, that you’re happy, but that you take care of her too, don’t let this happen to her, because no one deserves to feel this pain. And please, don’t make this harder than it already is, don’t try and win me back, convince me of what I already know isn’t true. You will always have a piece of my heart Eddie, don’t destroy it by trying to come back. I hope you know you’ll always be my favourite boy. 
Forever yours, 
He could feel the tears at his lash line build as he read, his heart sinking with every syllable. Gently smoothing the paper, he ran his fingers over the black lipstick mark next to my name. He wouldn’t cry, he had caused this, and he had to live with it. 
His attempt not to cry was made more difficult as he removed each item from the box, thumb swiping over my face in every photo. He lifted each piece of clothing to his face, but the tears built more as he realised they smelled too clean. He frowned as he lifted Wayne’s mug. The man was going to be so disappointed, not only at the loss of a girl he genuinely liked, but at how his nephew had caused all of this. 
The dam finally burst as cool metal met his fingers. The last thing in the box. The necklace. His tears dripped onto the pile of papers and fabric on his lap, which he quickly moved, not wanting to risk ruining any of the last pieces of me he could hold on to. Gently wrapping the chain around his fingers, the true meaning of this loss hit him. 
I had let him go, like he was so sure he had wanted. I had given him permission to love Chrissy. But now, with the metal slowly warming in his palm, he realised the only thing he would ever want was me. 
And he realised he was too late. 
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murswrites · 2 years
A Little Sampler ⎯ Eddie Munson One-Shot
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader Fandom: Stranger Things MASTERLIST Word Count: 2.3k Warnings: Drug use (it’s eddie), cursing, pining, a bit of awkwardness, terrible open ass (literally) ending SUMMARY: Eddie’s had a crush on you for years, it takes you going to him for some weed for you to admit you might have a crush on him too.
A/N This was supposed to go in a completely different direction but... I kind of like the sort of... alluding??? There may be a (smutty) part 2 lmao
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Eddie Munson was good at pretty much everything–save for school–and having any kind of dating experience. He’d had crushes and kissed people here and there, but nothing ever stuck. The only thing that did stick was the embarrassingly large crush he had on Y/N. Probably the most popular person to have ever attended Hawkins High.
You graduated the year prior, while he stayed back. It sucked not having the ability to pine after you in person. But Gareth said it was better if Eddie got weaned off of you. Eddie smacked him for talking about you like you were some kinda drug. Eddie Munson wasn’t addicted to you–that’d be crazy.
It was also crazy that you were back at the school. Waiting… beside Eddie’s van. He almost shat himself when he saw you leaning against the beat-up vehicle.
“Hey, Munson, was wondering if you had anything?” It struck him as odd that you came to Eddie for weed, there were plenty of dealers in Hawkins. Part of him hoped you chose him on purpose.
He may have been a nervous wreck beneath his jean vest but you couldn’t see that. You sat across from him on that rickety picnic table, your knees just nearly touched his. Eddie forced himself to make eye contact with you–that was almost as hard as just… being around you.
“So, how much do you usually charge anyway?” You wondered, leaning on your palm toward him.
Eddie gulped discreetly, opening his tin lunchbox, “Depends what you’re looking for–and how much, of course.”
You nodded, “Of course,” He hated that you kept agreeing with him. When he said it’d be better to meet in the woods, you sat a hand on his chest and said (in your stupid sweet voice), “Yea, it’s much more discreet.”
“But, flattery works with me so–”
That’s when a wicked grin grew on your face, “Really? Wish I’d known that last year, Munson. I’d have been all over you.” There was a teasing quality to your voice but Eddie found himself wishing for it to be true. “I want something to make me feel light and airy–most weed just makes me horny.” You said that casually and it made him literally choke.
The sound that left his throat made you glance up with worry, “You okay?”
He raised his eyebrows and nodded frantically, still riffling around that lunch box of his, “Oh, I’m great…” Eddie presented you with a baggie stuffed to the brim with buds. “This should be your kind of good time.”
You took the baggie gently, turning it over in your hands before opening it and taking a smell of its contents. “Oh, my fucking–” You coughed at the strength of it and closed the bag back up. “That is… wow.”
Talking about his product was easy for Eddie, he had a light smile on his face. “Yea, that’s the good stuff. Hence why it’s not even ground up.”
“I don’t know how to grind the–”
Eddie brushed you off with a shrug, “I can do it, how much are you thinking?”
You felt heat rise in your cheeks, “I’ve never actually purchased weed myself, I’ve always had friends do it for me.”
He gave you a peculiar look but nodded, “That’s alright, I can roll a few joints for you and charge based on that?”
“That works! I’m terrible at measuring ounces and whatnot. And this is just for me so I’d greatly appreciate it.” You placed your hand on his forearm gently and Eddie stared at where your skin met his for a moment.
He shook his head and closed the box back up, “If you want… I could give you a sampler later.”
“...Sampler?” You wondered.
“Free try for your first time buying from me–a free joint. The only bad part is that all my shit’s at my house, I only carry stuff I’m selling on me so…”
You shrugged with a nod, “That’s fair, I can do that. Where do you live?”
The surprise on his face made a knowing smile grow on yours, he didn’t expect that to work… like… at all. “Uh, Forest Hills…”
“That’s perfect, right on the way home. What time should I come over?”
“Uh–when can you?” He scratched the back of his neck.
You considered it for a moment, “Right after work’s fine, I get out at seven.” Eddie nodded at you, “It’s a date.” You pretended not to see the blush that covered his cheeks and ears. It was kind of cute.
The whole thing about the trailer park being on your way home had been one fat lie. If anything it was on the complete opposite of town–but hey–free weed is free weed. You saw Eddie’s van outside of a tan trailer and knew instantly that must’ve been it. Your car settled to a slow stop as something flashed within the trailer.
There was a dark spot flying past each window as if someone was running back and forth inside. You watched for a moment with a grin–he was so nervous.
You were well aware that Munson had a crush on you. He made it hard to not notice, the way he’d stare at you dreamily used to creep you out but then he grew into himself and… Eddie Munson turned out to be super pretty. But you graduated a year too early to explore anything with him–plus you were like Hawkins High’s golden child.
If anyone was outwardly Eddie Munson’s complete opposite–it’d be you.
You only knocked twice before the door was yanked open and you were met with the sight of Eddie. He smiled nervously, “Hey, Munson. You okay?”
“Me? Oh, I’m great, how are you…?”
He pulls the door open nice and wide and you take in the peculiar-looking living room. “You have a lot of… mugs…”
“Yea… we really do. Uh, my room’s back here–if that’s okay.” He suddenly blurted and it made you pause.
“That’s fine. I don’t like the idea of stinking your entire house up.” You said with a laugh, turning around to look at all of the decorations. Eddie leads you down the carpeted hallway–apologizing for the mess but all of the art on the walls takes your attention. “Woah.” You don’t recognize half of the references but then you see his guitar. “Holy–”
Eddie had on a genuinely confident smile now, “That’s my baby.” He leaned against the doorframe for a second, “Is it alright if I close the door?”
You nod absentmindedly, looking at his walls with curiosity. “What’s… Iron Maiden? Some kind of Marvel reference?”
“Oh god no–not that there’s anything wrong with Marvel. It’s just–they’re a band.”
“I see… are all of these posters band posters?” Your eyes settled onto a Playboy poster that was half hidden behind the curtain. “Maybe not this one.” You say with a laugh, pushing the curtain to the side to take the woman in. “Good choice.”
Eddie’s face is bright red when you look over your shoulder. That is before he bounces to the closet and begins rifling through it. “I’ve got my shit… somewhere.”
“My room’s a mess too. Since I moved out it’s been hard to make myself clean it.”
“I live here with my uncle, he let me have the room which was really nice of him, to be honest.” Eddie said thoughtfully, holding a tin of Altoids in his hand, “Got the party sticks.” He shook the tin lightly as if to emphasize his point.
You look for somewhere to sit and he pushes his chair toward you, “Thanks.” Eddie busies himself with lighting the joint as you patiently wait. It’s a bit awkward with no talking or anything… “Do you got any music we could listen to?”
“Yea, my tapes are all on the desk there.”
The big speaker system makes a smile grow on your face, “I just know everyone hates it when you listen to music.” Eddie’s laugh makes you glance back at him–he’s licking the paper shut and you can’t help but stare at the simple action. You suddenly turn when he looks up at you (and catches you staring). “Uh… what would you recommend?”
“You ever hear of Ozzy Osbourne?”
“A few times, you got some of his music?” He was right behind you and the sudden closeness had your throat drying up.
Eddie nodded and reached forward, his chest pressing into your arm. You thought he had a crush on you–not the other way around. “Black Sabbath, it’s really good.” He grabbed the tape carefully and handed it to you.
“Okay…” You said with a nod, getting the music started at a lower volume. “Will this stuff make me sleepy or–”
“Shouldn’t make you sleepy. Doesn’t make me sleepy.”
That made you laugh, you raised your eyebrows, “Hm, we’ll see. I tend to get sleepy or like I said earlier…”
Eddie tilted his head, “I hear you, if you don’t like it we can stop.” We. That part stuck out to you, a weed dealer would stop smoking his own product just because you didn’t like it? That’s odd.
The joint was nearing the end of its lifespan and you began feeling the back of your head become light.
It was like marshmallows inflated inside your skull in place of your brain. You knew what would come next–the part where time began to jump and slow down. The same song felt like it had been on forever, “Hey, how’s longs it been since this song came on?”
“It’s only been like a minute.”
You groaned, “Fucking hell. I hate this part.”
“What’s wrong?” You looked up at him, holding your head up carefully with your hands. Not only were you fucking baked–you were lowkey a little paranoid because you did not know this man. “Oh–I get it. Time’s all trippy isn’t it?” You nodded sluggishly. “Want something to drink?”
You could cry, he tried offering you a drink when you coughed so hard it sounded like a smoker’s cough but you declined. Now you were wishing you’d stolen all the drinks in the trailer. “Please,”
Eddie held on to the joint as he left his room, you laid back in the chair–it was so uncomfortable. His floor was a mess, but his bed looked freshly made. You stole a glance at his door before deciding he wouldn’t mind. You needed to be flat on your back. Everything was waving and swaying and you swore you were falling but you just landed on the bed.
The door opened and Eddie’s eyes landed on you–you on his bed. And he choked. “Hey, you okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yea… just need to get everything… to… slow down.” Even your rate of speech was fucked.
He sat on the end of his bed, you bent your knees so he could get more room, “No it’s alright,” You slowly put your feet on his leg. “Here’s that drink you wanted.” A water bottle. You thought about that as you listened to the crack seal. He was obviously trying to make you more comfortable. “This thing is dead.”
“Awe, rest in peace, little guy.” You were so goddamn out of it, “How the hell are you like… okay… right now?”
One of Eddie’s hands settled on your shin, “I am very far from okay right now, dude.” You cringed at his use of dude. “I looked in the mirror and my eyes are so red.”
“Bullshit. Mine are redder.” You argued up toward the ceiling, your eyes drifting close. “Lemme see.” You wiggle your fingers at him, Eddie seems apprehensive in helping you up, “I don’t wanna fall.”
“Shit–sorry,” He’s grabbing your hands and pulling–way too fast. Your head knocks into his shoulder as your body folds due to the sudden change in position. “I am so sorry–” Your laughter is what shuts him up, your face pressed into his arm.
“You sounded so worried. Oh… my god.” You draw back, holding onto his shoulder for support. “Open your eyeballs, Eddie.” You blink at him slowly then widen your eyes.
Eddie is met with a rather unsettling sight–you staring at him with that high look on your face. “Holy shit, you’re like–in another galaxy.” That makes you giggle before you’re glaring at him, demanding he shows his eyes. “Fine,” Eddie leans so your faces are mere inches apart.
You grab his chin to hold his swaying head steady, “Hm… your eyes are pretty… pretty red.” He gulps and your eyes fall to his neck.  He’s wearing a chain and a necklace with a guitar pick on it. “That’s cool.”
“...Thanks.” His adam’s apple bobs again.
“You’re super pretty up close, Eddie. Like–freakishly pretty.”
His ears are dusted with red again and it makes you smirk through the high, “Freakishly, huh?”
“Oh! Not like that!” You groan, pushing the crown of your head against his arm again. Your hands fist in his jacket as you shake your head, “No I mean like–you’re so pretty it’s unnatural. Are you a vampire, Munson?”
Eddie laughs out loud at that, “You’re so different than I expected.”
“You’re lucky I’m high. I’m an asshole when I’m sober.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Oh, believe it. I am like–the biggest, gaping, asshole ever.”
Eddie cringes at your vivid description, “That sounds so gross.” You laugh at his disgusted expression.
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