#its embarrising
jovine · 1 year
when the flashbacks happen lol
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a-very-tired-raven · 11 months
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beardedhandstoadshark · 5 months
Random question.. Opinion on video game and Vtuber streamers eating on mic? 🤔
unless the mic picks up the eating sounds too much I don‘t mind! Food is important! …but the sound of chewing sounds a bit cringe-inducing if it‘s too loud ._.
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leviackermanswife-2 · 2 months
Levi late at night and you cant sleep
tw-mentions smoking
not proofread
it was almost 4am, i was lingering around my door wondering wether or not it would be worth it to go for a smoke.
i couldnt help myself and i headed outside to see a familiar figure in the distance “levi” i called out just as he turned around. “cant sleep?” he askes as i slowly walk over to him, but i just shrug it of and pull out my ciggarete for a smoke, levi watches me out the corner of his eye as we enjoyed the mutual silence.
but just as i was getting ready to leave levi snatches the smoke out of my mouth and uses it himself. my jaw hit the ground.
“levi what the fuck” i hissed shoving him away from me causeing him to grab my hand a pull me in closer. i looked up at him, locking eyecontact and he grabes the cig out of his mouth and places it in mine giving me a puff, then stompes it out on the ground beside us.
“captain” i wispered
“where have you been y/n” he replied
i looked at the ground, digging my heel into the dirt “im sorry i havnt talked to u much things have just been tough” “is this why your smoking in the middle on the night?” he questioned. i felt a warm glow spread across my cheeks,he had caught me. just as i was starting to get embarrised he grabed my arm and started draging me away.
“where are you taking me” i asked quietly
“back to mine” he replied
as we walked hand in hand i felt so glad i was finally with him again, on the most recent expadition we had barley talked appart from the quick glances we caught of eachother, it made me feel lonley not having him with me. but now he was back by my side and draging me of to his room.
he oppened the door and we steped inside, soon as we got in he turned around trapping me by the door and giving pulling me in for a kiss. “i missed you” he said and i hugged him around the waist in return, he wraped his musculer arms around my neck and held me tight. i took a deep breath and allowed myself to be engolfed by his embrace. he smelt so good you couldve stayed like this forever but he let go and brought you over to his bed and hopped in, you got in after him.
soon as u layed down he started undressing me “whens the last time youve slept y/n” he sighed, i didnt look up at him “i know youve its been a hard few weeks but your safe now so try to sleep” i cuddled in closer to him and allowed him to take of my uniform, after he placed it down he layed next to me, strokeing my hair to help me fall asleep. i places my head into his chest and listened to his heartbeat while i fell asleep, once levi relised i had fallen asleep he smiled while holding me close and he drifted of to sleep soon after me.
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autumnvine · 13 days
Friday 13th
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Summary: Friday 13th kept true to it's bad luck. At least you had your husband to help you though it.
A.N.// I had to post this today, noway was I tempting fate on the 13th, I'm a big believer in fate and superstition. Basically wrote this as a comfort to myself. Enjoy....
Friday 13th was one of the calendar days you feared most, the unknowing of the unknown as you called it, a dangerous, evil day where nothing seemed to go right or even felt right for that matter. You were paraniod since the moment you woke up to the sun not peeping through the curtains like it usually did, instead a grey thick fog covered the morning sky. "Perfect" you sarcastically thought to yourself, trying not to panic and just ground yourself, shuffling up towards your husband's side of the bed, you kept shuffling until there was no space left, there was no Tom in your bed. Shooting yourself upright calling his name over and over in worry, it truly was a horrible day. Tom came around the side of the bedroom door, his blue tshirt and grey tartain pyjamma bottoms on, toothbrush stuffed in his mouth with toothpaste slightly filling the crease of his lip, seeing him immediately calmed you, "I'm okay I'm sorry I just woke up and you weren't there, I got a fright is all." Trying to explain your illogical thought process of shouting your husband like there was an introuder in your home.
The morning continued to be nothing short of a disaster, you were all out of butter and flour unable to make pancakes, no bread for toast, and no cereal left for breakfast. Making a coffee and coughing at the same time accidentally spilling the beans eveywhere on the floor and worktop, your cough turning into more of a bark, Tom came up behind you gently rubbing your back "That sounds sore my darling" Sympathetically trying to comfort you, nodding in responce as you were holding onto the side of the kitchen worktop and Tom's arm for support. He gently patted your back trying to break up your bark and handing you a cold glass of water. Thanking him you made some coffee for Tom as well as some boiled eggs for his and your breakfast. He was in the other room pottering around mostly reading his new book you got for him "Crafted from the ashes of roses" by Juliet Bellerose. Tom loved reading as did you, it was one the main passions you had in common, once each month on date night you would buy eachother a surprise novel, this had been a new release in the local bookshop.
Hearing a clatter and a rather loud yelp Tom set the book down, running to the kitchen to find you holding your arm rather close to your chest with a pot tipped on its side, his eyes darted over to you, hands taking yours "Let me see darling, what happened?" Tom asked worriedly guiding your bright red arm to the sink, turning on the cold water. You were always clumsy, getting cut or burns, scratches and scrapes, you had more bruises on your legs then a toddler learning to walk, always bashing into almost everything that was in your path. "I'm okay I promise" replying sheepishly drenched in embarrisment from your clumsiness yet again.
After twenty minuites of cooling your arm Tom wrapped it in cling film making sure to propperly take care of it for you, offering you a smile each time he wrapped the roll around your arm, shaking his head slightly side to side. "Perhaps I'll make breakfast" Tom laughed as he dried the now slightly cooled boiling water from the worktop, given that there was no more eggs, he chopped an apple, banana, as well as some berries, a bag of frozen mango and some honey flavoured greek yoghurt pouring in all into the blender. Passing you a glass with a very nutritional fruit smoothie you sat together by the breakfast bar explaining how somehow you managed to topple the entire pot on it's side splashing onto you and creating a clatter as it fell. Tom worried about you and how clumsy you really were. "I really need to go out to food shopping today" Tom said while using the tip of his middle finger to wipe the excess smoothie from the bottom left corner of his perfectly pink lips. You giggled at how perfect your husband truly was, always taking care of you, doting on your every move, thinking of you every second. 'Wait did he say go out?' thinking to yourself 'no no not out, not today' The more you though about Tom's plans for the day the more your smile dropped from your face. "Please don't go out today, it's bad luck"
"Darling we have no food" explaining to Tom that it would be okay you could make it work what you had in the freezer just for one day.
"You can't its Friday 13th" Tom smiled to your responce, "You're a sweetheart, you know that?" 
"Please don't go today, I really don't want you to leave the house, or drive, I know I sound silly but you know what you signed up when you first met me." Practically begging your husand to trust your superstition especially on Friday 13th where bad things tended to happen, and bad omens lured around their relm just searching to cause trouble.
"You have the day off today anyway we don't need to go out please" you added to the list of many reasons why your beloved should stay nice and safe inside with you. "Look at history Tom it repeates it'sself please, you know of the Norse Gods who had the dinnerparty for twelve, the trikster God Loki wasn't invited but arrived as the thirteenth guest and arrainged one of the twelve men to be shot with a tipped arrow, one died and the earth got dark, it mourned. It was a very bad, unlucky day, causing the number 13 to be unlucky. There have been multiple cases of unnatural disasters and murders happening on Friday 13th. "
Your husband, seeing the panic rise from within you, fulling your fear, he hated to see you like this, wishing he could help your mind calm it's racing thoughts but also very impressed with your knowledge. You sighed admiting defeat "I'm sorry I can't make you stay inside it's not fair, it's wrong of me I'm sorry" shutting yourself off trying to rationalise your thoughts, of course Tom didn't believe in superstition or the supernatural for that matter. Tom was smart, knowing that for every unnatural phenomenon there was logical reasoning behind it. Still you believed in it, all of it, ghosts, gremlins, shapeshifters for all Tom never believed it himself he never mocked you for it.
"It's alright my darling we don't have to go anywhere, we can stay here today and I shall go food shopping tommorow, alright?" you nodded "How's about we stay at home, watch some movies, and read our novels together, would you prefer that?" he asked you, again nodding in responce
"Thank you I know I sound silly, but I just have his feeling, look at how our morning started, and that's just the beginning."
"Darling it's not silly if you believe it, it frightens you and that's alright, I'll keep you safe, I'll get the food tomorrow, but for now I'd much rather spend a well needed day at home with my wife. I love you my darling"
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
You dont have to answer this question if it bothers you
But what is the normal amount of chest hair for cis women (and trans men/masc/nonbinary etc. pre t) Its embarrising to ask ppl irl and searching the internet yielded no answers...
Oh boy...
We like to pretend that AFABs naturally have very little hair, but it just isn't true.
Do the dudes in your family have a little patch of chest hair, or are they the all-over pelt type? The "normal" amount is going to depend on your genes.
Certain Western European populations with a horror of unibrows and suchlike have bred out some of the hairier genes, but even so, you just never know how much socially objectionable hair someone naturally grows. It's easy to remove it, so they do.
But, okay, if you want a rule of thumb...
If you look like Burt Reynolds on that bearskin rug and you're AFAB, it's time for a chat with the endocrinologist to rule out PCOS.
OTOH, I did know a woman they tested up, down, and sideways, convinced that there must be a hormone imbalance somewhere. Nope, turns out she's just really hairy. I never saw her in a low-cut shirt, so IDK how much was on her chest though.
I do know someone who described her chest hair to me as a small patch between the boobs with a few stray hairs coming down from it—basically the AMAB pattern, but a much lesser version of it. I imagine this is not uncommon on the sort of AFABs who have coarse, dark hair and visible mustaches.
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bathroomgirl0024 · 6 months
Hey cuties!
It your favorite internet angel, again. Back with another stream for you all!!!
I've head that it's April fools day today. So I was wondering...
My calender says its March 31st, Its not actually April fools yet...
Well...This is embarrising...
But then again you can just take this as an early april fools joke, too so...
Aha! I fooled you guys into thinking its April 1st when its not! You've been tricked, You've been backstabbed, and you've quite possibly been bamboozeled!!!
Ehehe, Happy April Fools day everyone!!!
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
🟨 Dirty A-Z Headcanon List 🔞
▶ RULES: Pick a few (or all!) letters from this list and fill it for your favorite OTP/blorbos 💛 and tag your chooms!
I was tagged by @pinkyjulien [thank you for the tag my friend!!] Filling this prompt / tag game out for Viridian (and by proxy I guess Jackie too ~) BUT I will be bending the rules and making another post for Rasmus very soon ~ (≧ヮ≦) 💕
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(hey look its a screenshot from a mod i made)
B - Bondage- (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?) 
Viridian is a total rope bunny. She will give up all control and put all her trust in Jackie- he'll tie her into these beautifully intricate harnesses or rigs.  He'll take his time- pressing these soft kisses to her body or her face as he works.  The couple have it down to a fine art or routine. Viridian knows exactly what will happen- Jackie will never throw anything new into the mix without asking her before they start.  He will also always carry a pair of safety scissors to his side . ((This for if Viridian safe words and they need to cut her out of a rig as quickly as possible... it's never happened- but Jackie always thinks it's better to have them and not need them- than need them and not have them!! )) Sometimes nudity will be a part of this practice- other times not. The two go at a pace they're both comfortable with . Even though Viridian is giving up control in the moment- she still knows she's in control of her own pleasure- she can back out and safe word at any time- Jackie can too- I do headcanon that Jackie has tied other people in the past- this isn't his first rodeo- the man definitely knows what he's doing~ 👀👀👀 soft breaths and gentle touches are felt between the two during these moments - lots of checking in with eachother "That's not too tight?" "How dose this feel? And how are you feeling?"  - an equal amount of praise from the larger man - "You're so beautiful " "like a piece of artwork" - leaving the ex corpo all flustered but in a good way!!
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?) 
Viridian has cried during intimate moments between her and Jackie. But- the tears have not been sad tears!! The first time Jackie went down on her (which was also... the first time ANYONE had gone down on her- all her first times have been with Jackie!! ) - she was left crying these tears of joy in the aftermath- flustered and overwhelmed (in a good way!!) and a blushy mess - but ok- she's ok!! She's a little embarrised that the emotion mainifested with tears- Just laying on the bed as she trys to regain composure- she hides her face in her hands and refuses to take her hands away - well this is until Jackie coaxes her to look at him- She sits up next to him - he wipes her tears and reassures her it's ok for her to cry!! It's always ok to let out these emotions!! all is well - all is good <3
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
It's no secret that Viridian has a thing for Jackie in his Valentinos biker chaps- It's absolutely obvious!! She's just there looking oh so respectfully at him (and she looks respectfully at his his butt- the chaps frame his butt SO WELL-!!!) - She just... has a thing for Jackie as a whole gosh darn human! She loves how big and strong he is - the obvious size diffrence between the pair (Jackie will sometimes tease her about it to hell and back~) anD HIS HANDS- oh my god she has such a thing for his Hands. Just like- how he uses them on her- how he knows how to make her feel oh so good ~
Tagging: @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @roarmoreau @chessalein @shimmer-like-agirl @vox-monstera @genocidalfetus @heywoodvirgin @medtech-mara @another-corpo-rat @halsin @kittenchrissy @timaeusterrored and anyone else who'd want to join in !! always 100% no pressure (extra no pressure in this case as i know spicy stuff isn't to everyone's taste!!)
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Awhhh Yeaaa TerryTetsu!! I Knew i knew your Name-
*All 3 of them say 'ITS TERUTERU!!'*
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You Just said His name Teruteru Hanamura thats his name..
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Not my fault...I just Had a hard time Remembering...I did just do a Big Speech.
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You Lady...Are fucking Strange, One Minute your Cocky, The next your serious, Next your Crying, Now your just Lazy...
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Teruteru, Monaca back away...Far away...Let this be your First Lesson...
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Nekomaru:Your Stance is a Mere 7.8/10...And your Fighting skills are as Embarrising as Your Posture...
Nekomaru:Fine..If thats how you wanna Play it.
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Nekomaru:FULL BLAST 100% POWER!!!!
*Akane Flew Across the room, And Landed At the Exit Door of the Gym.*
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Heh...My hands are still Numb from Fighting her...Shes definitly powerful...Oh right Lets Go help her Up...Heh My bad..
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How fast do you estimate she'll get back up?
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I'd say the moment dinner rolls around. She never misses a meal.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
Stupid idiots!!!! Embarrising!! This Valentino show is from April 30th!! Hahahahaha Kaia is blonde! #AustinButler #KaiaGerber
but you know they are going to ignore the hair discourse and say that austin is not there to support her when they were literally together 10 hours ago
and i have made the executive decision that outside of answering you bc we’re #cool i will simply not engage in that discourse, god bless. the show was an hour outside of paris, maybe he had his own business to attend too in paris maybe he went and we just didn’t see him maybe he didn’t go! but they were together last night so it doesn’t bother me either way LOL. they’re fine and i would like to enjoy this kaia moment for what it is on its own. she’s backkk!!!
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its-my-whump · 1 year
I kind of screwed up, using my other blog for the last posts, sorry. 🤦‍♀️
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Whumpmas in July Day 30: Antidote
A warm stupor of blackness, Sam felt like being wrapped in a blanket and at the same time, like he was floating on an ocean of cotton. Nothing concerned him, darkness and a comforting silence all around.
A voice from far away. First he couldn't understand. Then it seemed to be calling his name, while it approached.
The soft substance, he thought he was floating on turned into something hard in the same speed the voice was getting louder and more paniced. His blessing numbness retreated and he suddenly felt more like a castaway lost in endless blackness, than floating in an soothing ocean of warmth. But water or what ever it was, shouldn't hurt so much, should it? It was still dark but the nice reassurance, that nothing concerned him, was gone. It's space was occupied by pain all of a sudden. An iron hot throbbing, that was coming from... everywhere.
Sam tried to open his much too heavy eyelids, but they refused. The voice was now definitely calling his name. It sounded like it was screaming it right into his ears. Something big and warm touched his cheek. That did the trick for his eyes and they snapped open.
A hand in his face, it grounded him, reconnected him to reality, though his reality was blurry and much too bright. His eyes refused to stay open by this unpleasend welcome.
A low moan escaped from somewhere. He tried to roll away from the light, his body wouldn't really cooperate. It refused and his attempt was rewarded with a stabbing pain in his left arm and an all consuming wave of heaviness, that was going deep down into his bones. It felt like a giant was squeezing him like a stressball. Another moan, louder. This time, Sam was sure, he made that sound.
The hand still on his cheek brought him back. He made another attempt to see what was going on. His eyes cracked open a bit and he tried to blink the pain away. After a few attempts, the bright blue sky came into focus. So, he was laying on his back, somewhere... outside. His brain slowly trying to put the pieces together. But what was he doing here?
The foreign hand lifted from his face and its owner came into view. Sam blinked a few times more until the face, connected to that hand, stopped moving in and out of focus. He lifted his head a bit to get a better view.
"Pete?" It was only a pathatic whisper, his mouth was dry like sandpaper all of a sudden. He swallowed against the lump in his throat.
"Pete!" His second attempt sounded a bit more alive and his question had turned into a statement.
Pete's hand had gone to his shoulder and was squeezing it reassurringly. Sam's heavy head sunk back to the ground. He felt dizzy and disoriented.
"Yeah man." The big guy released a breath, clearly audible. "Gave me quiet the scare... you stupid idiot!"
Sam's head went up again just slightly, a questioning look on his pale face. "You remember?" The brief smirk on Pete's face had vanished.
"N..no..? wait..." Sam's eyes fixated on the frame behind Peter. 'Oh, now he remembered.'
He not only remembered, but it seemed his mind wanted to jumpstart his thought-process and replayed every detail: Like, how he thought it was a great idea to use the childrens swing. Like, how Peter had told him, that he was an idiot right then. Like, how he had to overdo it. Like, how he himself thought, that it was a bad idea. Like, how he heard the string bursting right before he felt it. Like, how the brief moment of weightlessness reminded him, that this actually was a bad idea and that he definitely was an idiot. Like, how his left arm couldn't break his fall. Like, how he flipped a few times and like, how it all went black.
Peter looked at him, expectation and concern were fighting in his facial expressions of who get's the upper hand.
The short trip down memory lane had not only brought embarrisment, but did a good job of reminding Sam of the pain and dizziness. Hesitantly he answered. "Ye-ah." A painful grimace and the words pressed out through clenched teeth. "I remember." His right hand pressed his left arm to his chest and his eyes closed in an attrmpt to deal with the agonising pain.
The hand on his shoulder shock him slightly. "Ey no sleeping, ambulance is on it's way." Sam's eyes were still closed, he needed to force his teeth to seperate. "M not sleeping, just suffering here."
"You made quiet a cool stunt, you know that?! Except stuntmen get paid and they actually know, what they are doing." A smirk in Petes voice and a low chuckle from Sam eased the situation. Sam had opened his eyes again, looking up to his friend. "Like always, just here to entertain you, y'know." Another stiffled chuckle. "What hurts besides your arm?" Pete was serious again.
"M a bit shaken, but it's mostly the arm, I think. Rest is sour as hell, but not too bad, I guess."
"Head?" Pete's tensed shoulders relaxed visibly. "Didn't really looked like you hit it. And, I mean despite, that there is hardly anything to be damaged at all."
"A..a bit dizzy." Sam's facial expression changed suddenly, his eyes went wide. "Wh..who are you?"
A visible shock went through the big guy, but the brief flicker in his counterparts eyes did reach his attention, nevertheless. "Oh, fuck you, Sammy!" Pete's concern turned into a grim face, when he rolled his eyes annoyed and sunk back into a sitting position beside his friend.
"If I could be sure, that you didn't hurt your head, I would most definitly punch you in your face right now, idiot." A moment later a genguine smile on the big guys face mimiked Sam's expression.
Sirens approached and an ambulace came to a stop a few yards away at the side of the road. Peter had looked up and waved his arm to show the wanted distination.
"Need to asked them, if they got some antidote." He said more to himself, than to Sam, when he looked back at Sam, who looked a bit startled suddenly. "Wai.. Why? What? Did I land on a snake or something?" His hands still pressed to his chest, Sam tried to take a look left and right from his position.
"No, dumbass, for your damn stupidity, you idiot." Sam's head fell back, he wanted to react, but his head was spinning and the agonising pain in his arm, enflamed from the tiny motions his change in position had brought, just took his breath away. He tried to take strained breaths through his nose, to fight it.
"But I guess your stupidity is just incurable, mhm?" Pete commented dryly.
Sam swallowed, his eyes pressed close again. "Guess, you are right there, Pete."
Peter shot him a surprised look. "You're actually agreeing with me? Damn! Now, I AM actually worried."
wij masterlist
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crying and shitting forcing myself to use pose references even though it makes everything look a little off bcs its embarrising how badly i draw poses otherwise
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foxcoin · 3 years
SOMEONE WE KNEW IN THE RP COMMUNITY THAT WAS OUR FRIEND WHEN WE WERE A MIDTEEN WAS LIKE I talk to my muses in my head and feel their emotions bc they are real in my head ^__^ and we were all like OMG???? THATS NORMAL???? ME TOO!!!!!!! :DDDD *relief and joy* *doesnt know it’s a symptom of mental illness to talk to your fictional characters in your head and hear a response back and feel their emotions in your body and* *talks about talking to ocs all the time on social media*
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sneeg-snag · 2 years
i have a love hate relationship with long slowburns.... on one hand the gradual buildup is so satisfying and seeing every witch way the characters fall in love.... on the other hand all the good shit happens in the later chapters and i have to READ up to that point >:|
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alexyeehaw · 4 years
frfr can yall stop whitewashing skeppy so intensivley?? there is litterally no effort needed to just color match his skin or use the eyedropper. and just even by looking at him you can tell hes definetly not pale
and on that note can yall also stop lightening skeppy and then turning around and draw sapnap super dark. like i get it, he can have a tan but hed be like ✋🏼 that color not ✋🏽this or ✋🏾 this.
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pokemoncoloursplash · 4 years
I was so scared when I saw that warning for the the s/n/k and h*talia tags, but then I saw the actual post and felt relieved.
That was meant for my main and not for here, I'm so sorry you had to glimpse into my very embarrassing past...
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