#its from this man that the name baptista comes from
momo-de-avis · 1 year
I am determined to find what happened to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother because these are the two people nobody knows shit about and who I am a direct descendent of, and from the stories, my great-grandmother was shunned and mistreated because they just didn't like her or something and I am determined to find these people
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munstysmind · 2 years
Please send and rant to everyone!!! People, please stop! Can you stop bashing Chris Evans for dating someone young! alba is 25 years old woman, who is able to do what adults do! He ain't no pedo, that's for sure!
Firstly, A theory! have ever you stopped and thought that it may be a look-alike prank stunt done by youtube prankers. Yes, YouTubers! For example: Yes theory posted on youtube about "Justin Bieber" eating the taco the wrong way. another YouTuber name ChristianAdamG posted "Travis Scott" and the fake cheating allegation! if ANYONE FORGOT, that was years ago remember that!
Secondly, people around the world with age gaps may be considered a norm from the past and future generations in the celeb world and normal society! I mean people with age 21 plus are together with older men. Ex: Florence pugh used to date Zach Braff(21 years age gap) George Clooney and his wife (17 years), and other actors/actress who is still alive with age gaps.
Thirdly, for our Chris evans fans, I know half of you are having mixed feelings. I understand he lied to you for about a year! or you feel disappointed/disgusted at him because he is dating someone young. But do you not stop and think that he needs some privacy in his life? Does Chris need to tell honestly to you about his private life.
Sure Chris Evans posted some stuff on Twitter and Instagram random things, like his dog, cute dodger (we love ya dodger). His family, Starting point, other movie projects, or something he likes on other people's tweets. like how we tweeted or posted that we thought he was "secretly dating" Salena Gomez. We thought they were like a cute couple but they haven't met!
Anyway back to the point, Does he need to FULLY tell or show you all ever since his debut as an actor! NO! So let's stop this none sense and Let's not bash Alba baptista as well! So it's a let's stop this none sense.
if we think pr stunt let it be! it's Hollywood, It happens! if its real love and they hide their relationship for a year. So be it.
Randomrantofablogger out!!!
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Anon, it comes down to two things…
1. The complete lack of respect they have for Chris outside of being their source of entertainment and sexual desires.
2. That Alba isn’t them. How dare he date someone that’s not them. Many of these haters, not fans, are younger than Alba and would jump at the chance to touch the man, let alone date him. They’re hypocrites.
Would I let him do whatever he wanted to me if he crawled into my bed tonight, fuck yes I would, but I’m mentally stable enough to see him as what he is, a human being entitled to the exact same things in life as everyone else.
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portersofhellsgate · 5 years
Meet the Cast of Shrew: Lauren Zbylski as Tranio
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photo by Collete Presley
Please introduce yourself! Where do you hail from? Who are you playing in Shrew?
Hi, my name is Lauren Zbylski. I’m originally from Monument, Colorado, and I play Tranio in this production of ‘The Taming of the Shrew.’
Give us a quick summary of the play from your character's point of view!
My master and friend, Lucentio, and I arrive in Padua to have some fun and maybe fit in a little bit of studying in our spare time... Yet, Lucentio quickly falls head-over-heels for Baptista’s younger daughter, Bianca, and wants nothing more than to woo and marry her. Baptista has said, however, that no one can marry Bianca until her elder sister, Kate, is married first. So Lucentio and I switch places so that he can pose as a tutor and spend more time getting to know and woo Bianca, while I pretend to be my master, Lucentio. I really enjoy my time pretending to be Lucentio (and posing as a suitor to Bianca), and eventually I outbid and outwit the other suitors for Bianca’s hand. Yet this poses a few...challenges of its own, and eventually I must find someone to pose as my father, Vincentio of Pisa, in order to officially seal-the-deal on behalf of my master.
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photo by Peter Konerko
Tell us a bit about your history with Shakespeare.
Shakespeare is my absolute favorite thing to work on as an actor! I first developed a love for his stories when I was in college and had the opportunity to study abroad in England - I saw a production of ‘Hamlet’ in the West End that changed everything for me, and ever since I’ve been hungry for more.
This production of Shrew is gender-reversed. How do you feel about it?
I LOVE it! From an actor’s perspective, it provides the opportunity to work on and play with a character who is quite different from  anyone else I’ve had the opportunity to play. (Though I’m consistently surprised and excited to find parallels to other Shakespearean characters.) And from a woman’s perspective, it is an opportunity to examine the narrative under a different construct; what does this language sound like when it comes from a woman instead of a man, and especially when that woman is now in a position of gender-dominance? Also, I find that so much of this play involves characters who are trying to fit into the world into which they’ve been thrust even when they don’t naturally fit their ‘roles’ - Kate, Petruchio, Lucentio, Tranio, Hortensio, the list goes on. There are few themes that feel more universal to me than that, which has been a very valuable take-away from this experience.
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photo by Jason No
What's your favorite quote (or two) from the play?
Near the end of the play, Petruchio says: 
Better once than never, for never too late.
It’s a beautiful line, and really demonstrates the evolution of his relationship with Kate. I also love Tranio’s:
No profit grows where is no pleasure ta’en. 
And Kate’s:
Come, come, you froward and unable worms!
It just cracks me up every time.
Finally, where can people find out more about you and what you're up to?
Please feel free to check out my website: www.laurenzbylski.com, or my Instagram at lauren_zbylski.
Taming of the Shrew opens April 20 in NoHo. Tickets can be purchased HERE.
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valentina-rising · 8 years
“You forfeit all rights to my heart.”
date: September 23rd, 1997 time: 1:45 p.m location: Baptista e la banca azienda, Verona. ( Baptista&Co Bank )
                               ❝ And all I remember is your back                                    leaving us all in your past.
                          But piece by piece, I collected me up                     off the ground, where you ABANDONED things and                  piece by piece we filled the holes that you burned in us                                           at seven years old. ❞
The bank was relatively calm, serene for a Thursday afternoon, and did nothing to calm the bundle of emotions churning in the stomach of the young girl passing through its doors. A boy followed behind, pleading too softly for anyone else to overhear. But she was a hurricane, tearing down anyone in her path and quieting his words with a pained, pleading look of her own. She needed to know, they both deserved to know. After everything of the past two weeks it felt only right. The only thing left for the Gallo twins to call their own would be the answers that only one of them truly desired with every fiber of her being. Acceptance was a fickle, damaging road. Valentina had not yet crossed its paths. Oh, she was ever consumed in anger, denial, bargaining for something she couldn’t put a name to. Santino was ushered back out by his sister, with the promise she would only be a few minutes at most.
It had only been two days before this that they were delivered to the steps of the orphanage, a bag each to their name and a pitying look from the woman who led them inside. In truth, their new residence wasn't terrible but it wasn't a home. It wasn't a FAMILY, something that even if she did not feel a deep seeded need for, meant nothing of how deserving her brother was of one. Santino was hope, her happy in days of nothing but realizations of hurt and a nagging sensation that maybe this had been their plan all along. She wouldn't fault him for his desires of hope, longing for the explanation that their parents had simply held their best interests at heart. But she often felt like as his other half, her role was the darkened, dingy and dented  side of the silver and solid coin of his composition. It stung with a swiftness easily soothed, for she would do anything for him, and knew he felt the same.
Valentina made her way to one of the teller windows, tapping  on the glass impatiently. -Tap tap tap TAP, the staccato rhythm abruptly halted by a sharp sound. A voice of the woman behind the glass inquired if she was lost, the saccharine layer to her words setting the Gallo girl on edge within moments.
" -’m  not lost Signora. I was hoping someone could give me some answers I was looking for? My parents--"
"Tesoro, I cannot reveal anything without a parent or guardian here. Unless you are of age.  Are you?" The light sneer sent her way was painted a glossed rosy pink and she swore she'd never hated a color so viscerally.
"You're not able to tell me of anything? Please, they're gone Signora. They left us. I need to know if they took it all with them! This was their plan, I think. I feel it in my heart and all I need is a yes or a no. It's your job, banks handle money right?! I said please,  just..just  DO it.!"
The end of her speech had her voice rising steadily, turning the heads of a few nearby patrons who looked on with distaste. Valentina loathed these towering men and women, the strings of gold around their necks dripping with privilege and egos almost palpably. To a child who was kept clothed and fed by necessity rather than desire, it felt cuttingly cruel in its elegance.  
“Si terribile donna malvagia! chi devo parlare per le risposte? Tu e il tuo brutta faccia siedi lì e non fare nulla! ”
"--Little girl if you cannot lower your tone this very minute.."
"---It is alright Fiora, I will take it from here. I'm sure the little one would prefer to talk about this privately, no?"
Spinning in place brought her to look up into the face of an aging man, with heavy lines across his face and a contrived smile she hated upon sight.
"Signore! I---I just wanted answers. For my brother."
"Of course you do. Come over here with me and we can talk. " and with a final glare towards the teller, so they did.
Sat in an overstuffed chair so tall her legs didn't touch the ground, Valentina blurted it all out. Coming home to an empty and silent home, she and her brother managing a week on their own inside the house before a neighbor took notice and called the people who brought them to the orphanage. And most importantly, the knowledge her father kept his money here, that the records of their account were somewhere behind those stone archways. Did he know where they went to? If they planned on returning?
She was studied for a moment, watching him in return as he took in the state of her hands, how she clenched them instinctively to fight the shake to them and only exacerbated the scrapes across her knuckles. Her pale green eyes made impossibly large with the shadows underneath them. ( a recent development. Valentina slept nowhere she felt unsafe or vulnerable, and the orphanage often felt like one huge, exposed wound on her psyche)
"--Miss Gallo, if you will give me a moment. I will be back."
It was more than a moment. It was ten excruciating minutes spent avoiding eyes of others, and then staring openly in defiance when they found her gaze anyway. But then he had returned to her, the look of pity and resigned annoyance lingering in his form.
"Miss Gallo... Signorina I am very sorry for what has happened to you and your brother. But there is nothing I nor the bank can do for you further than telling you this. The accounts in that name were swept clean, debts paid, a near fortnight ago. There is nothing. "
"...Nothing." It hollowed out in her chest, the knowledge of being right. Oh how she'd wished to be wrong for the sake of the boy waiting outside.
"You had to have known. You just let them take it all and go?! How could you do that? How do you sleep--"
She watched as he seemed to grow before her, cold and steeled against the tirade of a child. "Signorina I assure you it is not the job of Baptista&Co to account for people who do not seemingly love nor care for their children. No one can force that I'm afraid. I am very sorry, but you should go."
The words felt like a blow, and it was one too many for her own battered pride as she launched herself from the chair back to the tiled floors.
"Vaffanculo! Tu non sai niente della mia famiglia. Nessuno dei miei genitori! Ti siedi lì, tutti voi e agire come se hai guadagnato questo in qualche modo, quando è stato consegnato alla bocca in attesa di voi con un cucchiaio d'argento. Che tipo di mostri dice ad un bambino? si sono fottutamente terribile e può andare all'inferno!”
She was cut off with a yelp, a strong grip to her upper arm sure to bruise the pallid skin with its ferocity. The security guard didn't hesitate to pull her away towards the entrance, the brunette spitting words of venom and shouts of curses no child should know with all her might.The bright sun of Verona’s afternoon greeted her, as did the hesitant and harrowed face of her brother. Chest heaving, it was nearing three minutes before she could bring herself to utter words beyond the trembling of her body, leaning against him for strength.
"I’m sorry, Tino. They---they left us. Well and truly. The money is gone. Credit paid and accounts drained. They planned it. They didn't want us. I'm so sorry.” Her throat cracked, the emotions building in it and making her words little more than a choked gasp as it all sunk in. “I thought...I don't know what to do anymore. How COULD they?" 
Sinking to the corner of the street, she felt an arm around her and leaned into the comfort of it, familiar and still so very much hers. They would always have one another, that much she knew. Nothing in this world would tear her brother from her, she would burn this city and its people to the ground for anyone who dared threaten that.
Silence flitted between them, until she could swallow past the lump in her throat and the unwanted wetness in her eyes had receded. A hand held out in question, no hesitation as she took it and stood and began to make their way back to the orphanage. “I-I’m okay. You and me. Always. We’re all we need and i’ll make this okay, kay? I promised you that, remember?” Whether she was saying for his benefit or her own was left to be said.
That year was a year of lessons, that very day full of one she wouldn’t forget.
 The world was cruel, so you must be crueler. Harden your heart little girl, only you can save yourself.
No one would ever see her cry. No one would enter her heart and shatter it the way her parents had. To love freely is to bleed freely, and was a fate she wouldn’t allow. The love she held for Santino was all she would ever allow. With so much to live for, and so very much to die for it was them against the world, and the world wouldn’t know what hit them. 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Nun Ending Explained
The following contains spoilers for Warrior Nun.
The conclusion of Netflix’s Warrior Nun launches its viewers directly off a cliff, and we’re left hanging until (an as of yet unannounced) season 2. The explosive finale leaves things off with more questions than answers. But here are some attempts at answers anyway.
In the beginning of the season, Ava (Alba Baptista) is resurrected by a halo that heals her paraplegia and gives her superpowers. But with great power comes great responsibility, as she’s expected to take on the mantle of Warrior Nun —and fight demons— for the Order of the Cruciform Sword (OCS). After spending the majority of the season running away from the duties that were thrust upon her, she ultimately decides to use her power to stop the cycle of “girls being used, abused, and tossed away by powerful men.” In the penultimate episode, Ava and her allies, Sister Beatrice (Kristina Tonteri-Young), Sister Camile (Olivia Declán), Shotgun Mary (Toya Turner), Father Vincent (Tristán Ulloa), and Lilith (Lorena Andrea), infiltrate the catacombs underneath the Vatican to find the tomb of the angel Adriel (William Miller) —original owner of the halo— to destroy his bones and stop demons from coming to this world.
When Ava enters the supposed tomb, she finds Adriel alive. He immediately spins a tale of being tricked and stolen from, which almost convinces Ava to return the halo to him. But when he touches her, she experiences an Avatar-state like reliving of Areala’s past, likely fueled by the halo, which shows Adriel appearing out of nowhere, with halo in tow, and a Tarask demon hot on his tail.
Adriel pretends to be an angel, and uses the halo to revive Areala (Guiomar Alonso), and convince the Knights Templar to fight for him against “the devils.” He forges his armor, shield, and the Cruciform sword from the melted-down remains of a Tarask —the source of Divinium. Areala knows he’s neither man nor angel, but doesn’t immediately expose him for fear of having the halo, and her life, taken away. Ava, like Areala, sees through Adriel’s bullshit, so he drops the pretense and tries to rip the halo out of Ava’s body.
Previously, scientist Jillian Salvius (Thekla Reuten) saved her son, Michael (Lope Haydn Evans), by infusing his blood with Divinium she harvested from Adriel’s armor. Unbeknownst to her, this created a connection between Michael and the armor’s original owner, which allowed Adriel to manipulate her by way of her son. She builds a portal to take Michael to a world where “death doesn’t exist,” or so she believes. When Adriel tries to yank the halo from Ava’s body, the portal opens, and Michael travels through it alone. The portal closes when Ava manages to push Adriel away, suggesting the halo is a key.
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Warrior Nuns Through TV History
By Louisa Mellor
Warrior Nun Review (Spoiler-Free): Sisters Doing it for Themselves
By Nicole Hill
Throughout the season, Mary investigates the death of the previous Warrior Nun, Sister Shannon, and when it becomes clear Shannon was targeted, the evidence points to Cardinal Duretti (Joaquim de Almeda). Duretti’s guilt seems apparent, as he attempts to seize control over the halo, and undermine Father Vincent, including bringing his own coven into the OCS to replace Mary, Beatrice, Camila, and Lilith. When Ava and the team are infiltrating the Vatican, Mother Superion (Sylvia De Fanti) confronts now-Pope Duretti about the bones, and Shannon’s murder. But he has no idea what she’s talking about. Turns out, Father Vincent pulled the long con. He convinced everyone that Duretti killed Shannon to gain power, which Duretti played into by reigning in the OCS and ascending to the papacy, all the while he was responsible. He manipulated the OCS to free Adriel and return the halo to him.
The sisters have to quickly get over the fact that they’ve been played and go fisticuffs with Adriel. Lilith —who came back from… somewhere, with powers of her own— briefly overpowers him, but he survives a point-blank arrow to the head. When Ava shows up with the halo recharged, ready to fight with the Cruciform sword, Adriel summons non-corporeal Wraith demons to possess nearby civilians. The women all prepare to fight. Mary, true to her name, goes in guns blazing. And in the most disrespectful cliffhanger I’ve seen in a long time, the screen fades to black as Mary is overrun by the possessed. We don’t see what happens to her, or the others.
What we know is this. Adriel is not an angel. He stole the halo and escaped to this world, and the Tarask want it back. He lied to the Knights Templar about being an angel, so they would fight the Tarask for him, and the Order of the Cruciform Sword was built around that lie. Adriel has kept up with the outside world through his connection to his Divinium artifacts, and used his connection to Michael Salvius to influence Jillian to build him an interdimensional portal, for which the halo is likely a key. What we don’t know is what the portal is for and who the halo belongs to.
Mayhaps the halo belongs to the OG fallen angel, Lucifer, himself. The Tarask could be demons, sent from hell to retrieve the halo for the dark lord. Or, maybe the halo belongs to another entity, an angelic one, which might mean the Tarask are not categorically evil. Lilith’s conversation with Adriel before fists start flying suggests her newfound powers come from the Tarask, or from their world, which makes the question of whether they are good or evil difficult to answer. Lilith’s comic book counterpart is half-angel, half-demon, so it is equally plausible that her powers — and the Tarasks— are angelic in nature.
We’ll have to wait for a second season to learn more about Adriel, Lilith, and the Tarask. And to discover what Lilith has become, and where Michael has gone, and what the portal is for. We’re left with the knowledge that Adriel and Father Vincent are The Bad Guys. The OCS is founded on lies, but their mission —ridding the world of demons— remains the same. The real fight has just begun, and we hope Warrior Nun gets the chance to show us in a second season.
The post Warrior Nun Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/38CEc6l
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gyanpoint · 5 years
Decoding history: Of Old Goa and viceroys
Under the Old Goa  Revelation Project,  Portuguese-based  professor and historian, Fernando Antonio Baptista
Pereira and conservator and restorer, Teresa Teves Reis, and team have unravelled new information  about the viceroys’ portrait  collection at Old Goa.  They share their findings  with NT BUZZ
With its majestic edifices dating back to centuries, Old Goa is a haven for history lovers. And the Archaeological Museum of India, located in the Convent of St Francis of Assisi further narrates the rich history of this tiny state. Among its many displays is the Viceroy’s Portrait Gallery, documenting the lineage of Portuguese viceroys and governors from the 15th century to the 20th century.
“This is a very important collection because there is no other gallery in the world which covers five centuries ie from the 16th century right up to 1961,” says professor and historian, Fernando Antonio Baptista Pereira from Portugal. “Also, most of these are oil paintings on wood which is absolutely unique. While you do find Christian art in Goa, Daman and Diu in this style, this is a unique set of oil paintings on wood with portraits,” he says. This, he continues, is important because in Europe, after the 16th century, all the paintings were done on canvas rather than wood. But because of the humid condition in Goa, wood was preferred.
A historian (PhD) in art sciences and techniques specialised in museology and an associate professor in the Faculdade de Belas-Artes (Universidade de Lisboa) where he teaches art history, museology and museography and research methodologies, Pereira has coordinated several national and international museological and museographic projects, art catalogues and curated several exhibitions.
Since 2017, Pereira and conservator and restorer Teresa Teves Reis, (currently a PhD student in Fine-Arts, in the Faculdade de Belas-Artes, from Universidade de Lisboa, supported by the doctoral scholarship HERITAS- Heritage Studies), have been working closely on examining this art collection and the secrets that lie therein.
“It all began with a good friend of ours, historian Miguel Mira Mateus, who earlier worked on restoring the Chapel of Our Lady of Mount in Old Goa and another chapel in Kochi, both of which were sponsored by Fundacao Oriente. He was also the first person to try and develop a project for the conservation of this collection. After he passed away we kept at his mission since 2002,” says Reis.
In 2017, they officially developed this into the Old Goa Revelations Project and received approval from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to be able to come and study it.
“We won a grant from the Portuguese foundation, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon. The foundation considered this project to be innovative, especially as it was a collaborative project between Portugal and India, including not only the material examination of the paintings but also the training of Indian officials from ASI to perform the same kind of examinations,” says Pereira.
In January, a team of eight people including those associated with the Laboratório HERCULES and Laboratório José de Figueiredo brought in instruments weighing from Portugal for a period of three weeks. And a team of 10 Indian officials, all chemistry graduates, were trained to understand how to deal with these instruments and how to get information from the paintings using these instruments.
“The aim was to understand what these instruments can inform us about the paintings because you cannot preserve anything without studying it,” says Pereira. And while viewers can see only one layer of the paintings, there are several others beneath it, he says. Thus, the idea was to understand which layers were lying there, which could then inform future actions towards preservation and conservation of the collection.
While they focused on 15 paintings, they minutely examined around eight of these. “It was a very important project because it showed that this is a shared history between Portugal and India. It was thus important to join together the knowledge in order to get more information,” says Pereira.
And what they discovered was that each layer showed a different restoration, while also revealing interesting information about the change in costume, court of arms, poses, etc, over the years. They were also able to get a better idea into the authorship of these paintings.
And different periods have different artists. The first set of 13 portraits for instance was commissioned by Viceroy Joao de Castro. They were sketched by Gaspar Correia, the Portuguese chronicler who had arrived in Goa with Afonso de Albuquerque. These were then handed over to a local artist to paint. “Unfortunately the name of the local artist is not mentioned. But later sources speak about an Indian painter of miniature art tradition that later converted to Christianity on the eve of his death. He was said to have been baptised as Constantine because the viceroy of that time was Dom Constantino de Bragança who wanted to be his godfather,” says Pereira.
Many other artists and their works followed over the years. Chief among these were the ones done in the 17th century by Manuel Godinho de Eredia, who was an important cartographer of Portuguese-Malay descent. In 1825, 47 paintings were said to have been restored by a Margao-based painter called Camilo. The restoration of the remaining paintings was then ordered by Jose Vieira da Fonseca in 1838.
Also noteworthy was the restoration work done by a Portuguese military man Manuel Gomes da Costa (who later went on to become the 15th president of the Portugal Republic) who had a way with water colours. “He decided to harmonise all the paintings to give them a brand new look, and to suit the aesthetics of that time ie during the Romantic Period, he darkened all the backgrounds,” says Pereira.
The later paintings were done on canvas, as there were then conditions available to preserve them accordingly. “All these were on display at the Viceroy’s Palace in Old Goa which no longer exists today,” says Pereira.
In fact, the team has also looked into learning more about the palace, how long it lasted, and the journey of the paintings since then. “The palace began to fall into ruins in 1812 and was then totally demolished in 1830. The paintings then came to the Adil Shah Palace in Panaji which became the new governor’s palace, and stayed there till the end of the 19th century,” says Pereira. These were then moved to Old Goa in a new building close to St Cajetan Church which was being planned as a museum.
However, they then moved back to the Adil Shah Palace later. It was only after Liberation that the paintings then shifted to the Convent of St Francis of Assisi where they are today.
It is also important to note that some of the portraits were taken in the 1950’s to Lisbon, to be restored. After Goa’s Liberation though, they did not return. And it was these paintings that were first studied deeply, layer by layer. This same methodology has now been replicated with the paintings studied here in Goa by Pereira, Reis, and the team.
“We are also working with the ASI museum in order to get a new display with all the information using new technologies so that people can learn more about these with their smartphones by scanning the QR codes. You can always keep updating the information, add animation, etc. We are also looking at making platforms with written printed matter so that people who do not have smart phones can also read and learn,” says Pereira.
And the team is looking at doing a follow up project soon. “The ASI has shown great interest in the conservation part. And as they are now used to working with these types of art, we hope to follow up with them with regards to the methodology of the conservation, and how this could be adapted to this type of climate and also train some officials to perform these kinds of treatments,” says Pereira.
from The Navhind Times https://ift.tt/2P8G2pv from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Zs2lXr
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Best International Fashion News from the Week | 29. eleven. 20
New Post has been published on https://fashiondesigne.com/2020/12/25/best-international-fashion-news-from-the-week-29-eleven-20/
Best International Fashion News from the Week | 29. eleven. 20
  Kenzo is liberating a collection to honor Kansai Yamamoto, and Balenciaga will be launching a video game using its new collection. Stay updated with the hottest international style news stories of the 7 days.
Balenciaga to produce New Collection Via a Video gaming
Balenciaga can be debuting its latest selection via a video game. Afterworld: Age Tomorrow, is a game emerge the year 2031, where a leading man avatar advances throughout distinctive zones, motivated by jobs and interactions. While presently there isn’t much description for your game itself, the selection will show the sluggish return to a healthier stability of nature and sector.
“A style of Balenciaga Fall 2021 is human destiny, because seen by an online, gamified journey, ” stated the brand. The game is going to be playable via web browsers but it will surely launch on December six.
Chiara Ferragni Partners along with Pomellato to Prevent Domestic Assault
Italian changer and fashion designer, Chiara Ferragni, is partnering with Pomalleto, to help stop domestic assault. For International Day for that Elimination of Violence Towards Women, the jewelry corporation is launching a social networking campaign with Ferragni. The particular brand will also donate one hundred, 000 euros to the M. i. Re network associated with anti-violence shelters and facilities across Italy.
Kenzo Produces Collection with Kansai Yamamoto
Kenzo can be releasing a capsule selection in collaboration with Kansai Yamamoto. Yamamoto and Kenzo’s founder both passed away within 2020, and this collection aspires to pay tribute to their masterpieces. “I met Kenzo the first time in Paris in Come july 1st 2019 and Kansai within August 2019, ” stated Felipe Oliveira Baptista, Innovative Director at Kenzo. “Tragically they both passed away lately, which gives this collaboration an extremely special meaning to me, plus ultimately a tribute for them and their incredible skill. ”
The particular collection features bomber spencer with tiger print plus patterns, pieces from Yamamoto’s art archives, Japanese dressmaker, and artwork. “We wished to keep things very true, raw and spontaneous, ” said Baptista. “A accurate celebration of life. ” The capsule debuts upon November 30.
Karl Lagerfeld Launches Eco-Collab with Silpada Valletta
Ruby Valletta is debuting the girl first accessories collection using the Karl Lagerfeld brand. The product range will include eco-friendly materials, like cactus leather, organic colors, and recycled cotton. “Karl and I had so much background together, and I’m capable to be partnering with his namesake brand for a project that is so meaningful to all of us both, ” Valletta described.
All revenue from the sale of this selection will be donated to a charitable organization that supports the Fashion Pact, launched by Kering within 2019. The Karl Lagerfeld x Amber Valletta selection will launch in Mar 2021.
Victoria’s Secret Brands New CEO
Victoria’s Secret has called Martin Waters as the brand new CEO, succeeding John Mehas, who began the function in early 2019. Waters is called ‘an exceptional leader’ who might be ‘widely respected both inside and outside of the business’. They have previously worked with Boots Worldwide, with experience with planning plus allocation, brand management, tactical planning, and merchandising.
L Brands, the particular parent company for the nighties brand, is mixing upward its overall executive collection. The company named Laura Burns as its Chief Human Resources Official, Becky Behringer as Professional VP of North America Shop Sales and Operations, plus Janie Schaffer as Key Design Officer. &
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