#its fun af though won't lie
princekirijo · 1 year
Oh I definitely know the feeling of OC blorbos plaguing my every waking thought. Katsuro isn't at that point (YET. I want put a lot of emphasis on that.) However there's a group of persona OCs I have that have that have been occupying my brain since I was like 16 (they're the ones from that library idea I had a while back)
You 🤝 Me -> suffering from OC blorbo thoughts
I am very curious about your other persona OCs 👀 I vaguely remember the library idea and it was super cool!!!
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amnestria-the-elf · 2 months
If you're not one of the estimated 30 million people worldwide to experience PMDD, let me try to describe it to you.
The world loses its color, completely without warning. You realize something is off, but you're tired AF and your brain barely works so you pour yourself your morning hot beverage of choice to try to shake it off. Your usual breakfast tastes like sawdust and you attempt to choke it down while you scroll on your phone looking hopelessly for something that might fill the empty void that has settled in your chest while your morning beverage grows cold and untouched next to you.
You sit on the edge of your bed and stare blankly at the wall for an undetermined amount of time. Maybe you drum up the energy to take a shower, but if you're like me and work from home you just think "fuck it" and change out of your PJs and into your daytime sweats, because nothing matters anyway.
Your family/roommates/coworkers/every goddamn living creature on Earth annoy the hell out of you. "Irritable" hardly begins to describe your behavior. Think "Embrace Durge" levels of murderous rage, combined with enormous amounts of sensory overload. You want nothing more than to lie in bed in a dark, quiet room, for exactly forever, because nothing matters anyway.
That's when the intrusive thoughts come in. You're The Worst Human Alive. Everything you've ever created is garbage. You should delete your fics, burn your art, throw away your laptop/tablet/colored pencils and never, ever, ever create anything ever again because the world deserves better than to be subjected to the flaming pile of shit that you put out into it. Such thoughts might make you weep uncontrollably, they might make you scream in rage, or they might make you feel completely dead inside. Maybe you cycle through all three, and end up completely wrung out, laying in a heap on your bed, because again, nothing matters anyway.
Basic functioning becomes difficult. Simple things like brushing your teeth sap your energy; forget answering emails or Slack messages, or god forbid getting on a Zoom call. Things that would have once felt like fun challenges now feel like impossible obstacles that you will never surmount. You won't even bother trying, because- and I can't stress this enough- nothing matters anyway.
Maybe you're lucky enough to have had enough therapy to recognize the warning signs and are able to see that you are In A Dark Place. The thing about Being In a Dark Place, though, is that knowing you're in it in no way helps you get out of it. Imagine that you walked into a giant, brightly lit warehouse, and then someone spun you around a bunch of times and then suddenly cut the lights. You might say, "Wow, this is A Dark Place." You might remember vaguely where the door was and try to head in that direction. You might even make some progress, but it won't be because you know that you're in A Dark Place. The knowing doesn't change it. At best, the knowing is a reminder that perhaps you should use the many tools at your disposal, or Accept Help.
Accepting Help is one of the hardest things you can do when you are In A Dark Place because- let's not forget- nothing matters anyway. Help does not always come from a licensed therapist, though if you're fortunate enough to avail yourself of such Help, I highly recommend you do so. Help might come from a partner who sees that you're In A Dark Place and sits with you until you're ready to move out of The Dark Place. Help might come from your group chat. Help might even come from this random stranger in this little corner of the internet who is here to tell you that Things Do Matter, and that the world is better because you are in it, and that I know what Being In A Dark Place feels like, too.
Now imagine that you go through this Dark Place once a month. When your menstrual cycle begins, it's as if a veil is lifted off of your brain and the Dark Place goes away, and you see it for what it is: your hormones once again waking up and choosing violence. 75% of the time, you're totally fine. No intrusive thoughts, the things you create are beautiful and lovely and you want the world to see them, and if you're not a delight to be around you're at least not A Horrible Person. The other 25% of the time, you become someone else. Your life comes screeching to a halt while you're flailing about in A Dark Place, not to mention that you gained what feels like 45 pounds, your face is covered in acne despite the fact that you're a grown-ass adult, you have a perpetual headache, and your boobs hurt. Like, a lot.
I wish I knew a way to help those who might read this and find their experience mirrors mine. (Yes, I have tried meditation. Please suggest literally anything else.) I think the best I can do is reiterate what I said before: Things Do Matter, and the world is a better place because you're in it. Do not let the Dark Place lie to you about that.
Also, I hear that certain vitamins are supposed to help. I will report back if I have any positive movement on that front.
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desperate-whre · 8 months
its all good! its more important for you to rest up. and stay hydrated! i understand the late response especially on nsft tumblr, cause sometimes you're just not in the mood for that kind of talk, you know? i still think it's fun to chat about this stuff, no matter if there are gaps in between responses 💕
so we're in the same boat with flirting 😆 i hope you find a lovely milf to flirt with hehe. that's what i want too. but maybe not over text hahaha. and thanks for clearing up the off limits topics. i didn't want to hit a nerve by mistake!
some new questions 😁 my answers included
i was gonna ask if you prefer tits or ass, but i think i can guess 😉 same here! im not even sure i can tell if someone has a nice ass or not tbh 😆 my actual question is: how do you feel about nipple play? mine are so sensitive, i once made myself c*m just by playing with them. sadly it was mediocre af and i probably won't try it again without a little pressure down below. 😅 still, rubbing mine is a surefire way to get me dripping.
how vocal are you? i learned to be very quiet so no one would hear and now it doesn't feel natural to make noise. i think moaning and dirty talk is insanely hot though! ive tried to be noisy when im alone, and it does make me c*m faster but it also makes me feel silly and self conscious 😅
Thank you, you're so sweet ^^
Oh definitely tits, yes XDD I love butts too!! But yeah, boobs... 🥰😏 Glad we're in agreement! XDD Oh you've cum from that?! Lucky!! I can't 😅😅 I have good boobs (if I say so myself 🙄😅), c cups, and they're fun to hold and squish not gonna lie, but I'm not all that into nipple play ): Maybe if someone else did it to me 🤔 I do like s h o w i n g my breasts, though. I've done that a couple times on here 😅 Thats pretty hot.
I'm silent XD Like you, I've learned to be quiet cuz there are other people around 🤫 And now, yeah, I feel silly if I make noise. I've been thinking about trying though!! Maybe I'll cum like you <3 💕💕 I like the idea of sounding like a dirty slut, that turns me on XD 👅💋💋
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Imma just become Kid Anon instead of Depresso Anon at this point but can I have Razor, Gorou, Thoma, and maybe Arataki with a kid mc who is a magnet for all animals? Like, a fcking lion just slept beside them once. Butterflies are attracted to her and cats, dogs, and hummingbirds go to them for food - Depresso Anon
Disney princess- got it-
And this is gender neutral
Genshin Child y/n attracts animals (Platonic)
Razor is used to animals. He usually attracts wolves.
I mean... he eats some of your animal friends’ species too.... BUT NO ONE WILL KNOW *play trumpets*
When Razor meets your little self surrounded by birds, rabbits and many other animals just swirling around you he just blinks.
"Your.. friends?"
Even if he's more comfortable with animals, he's still quite insecure if the animals want to even be close to him. Being friends with you helps him overcome that, and understands more and more about the environment he lives in.
Sure, he may know about the forests and its knicks and knacks, but the animals have their ways of living too that might be better than wolves.
Razor holds a little bird that perched itself on his fingers and his eyes just sparkles like a kid just got an ice cream.
Razor would do everything to protect you and the animal friends, since you all are his friends.
He sits right next to you in the middle of the plains.
"Razor thinks we bring Bennett along, too." <3
Well this is perfect! And super cute!
With your natural and enigmatic abilities to attract animals, you can help strays to trust in both of you!
He really wants to stretch out a hand to those stray who need a home, shelter, food and all the other basic necessities to give them all the love they need!
Some animals may be skeptical towards him, but he knows they'll very much trust you!
Thoma's not gonna lie, however, when some slimes approached you, he was really worried and was ready to attack them, but turns out they were just having fun with you.
Your befriending of animals also reduces the number of all those creatures attacking civilians. Like those slimes.
Resolved peacefully! Truly a blessing!
Thoma likes being surrounded by animals, too! So thanks to you, he's able to understand more about their body language, behaviors, and much more.
You may be a child, but Thoma sees you as an animal teacher, as well as a great friend!
"You're a really cool kid, y/n!" <3
Worried af-
The moment he saw slime coming up to you, a little child, he drew his bow so fast.
He was just ready to attack them and protect you.
But after seeing you enjoying and jumping around along with them he was confused.
Wait- you like them? They like you???
He's intrigued.
Look at all these animals that surround you everyday!
Well, at least he's reassured that you won't get hurt. But he still keeps his guard up for you.
You're still a child after all! You may have a special ability to attract animals, but even then some animals are really big and might hurt you child self.
He's not willing to let that happen.
But Gorou will admit that he also likes your animal friends.
And yes, even the slime.
Watch Gorou apologizing to two small slime friends for almost accidentally attacking them by instinct.
Your friends like the slime and some hilichurls help with his own clan too against the Shogun's.
He has to admit, your friends are really strong.
"You've made loyal friends of all shapes, species and sizes... you truly are a prodigy, y/n." <3
All the animals by your side like a clan of your own!
That's awesome!
Itto's usually really, well, rough and not gentle at all even when he shake hands with others, having a pretty tight grip and vigorous shake.
But when you give him a tiny bird to hold he all of a sudden realize his incredible strength and is really, REALLY gentle and cautious in handling your tiny, feathered friend.
Of course, he's careful when being with you too!
He's good with kids, not sure about animals, but he can try!
Though, he almost beat the heck out of those slimes and hilichurls who approached you, and they were shook and confused-
Apparently, they're your friends too.
Can you... ask them to NOT steal food all the time?
Itto managed to get along with them and he's actually nice to them. The ones who sees you as their friend, of course.
If not they'll get WHACKED-
Itto carries you on his shoulders as a big group of animals, along with a few slimes and hilichurls trail behind the two of you as Itto stopped at Sara, who looked at him and your innocent and clearly naive expression with a sigh.
"Listen Sara! I bet you can't beat the almighty y/n and their whole clan of animals!" <3
please have mercy on my tengu wife-
Reblogs help! ^^
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reidsahacker · 3 years
Pillow ;)
vinnie hacker x female reader
warnings: sir kink, breeding kink, slight cum play, lil bit of degrading, and some praise.
words: 1.8k
im so sorry this took so long to get out and its not even that good lmao
my personal life has been shitty and ive had writers block, its just been ass all around lol. i love yall though and thank you for sticking with me and being cool af. my requests are open so please send them in! im trying to get back in the swing of things and writing.
you and vinnie are at the hype house's warehouse working on his rx7. he has been trying to get his car up and running again for months. most of the time you are helping him, handing him tools he needs, looking things up for him, or pressing the gas when he needs you to. today though, it's all stuff that you can't really help with, so you are sitting next to him in a chair watching tiktok while he works.
it's slightly boring but he does look incredibly sexy working on the car and he doesn't have a shirt on. everyone now and then you glance up at him and can't help but feel feel a dull throbbing in your core. sometimes he catches you looking and winks, even though you two have been together for over a year he still makes you nervous.
as you scroll through tiktok you come across a video that peaks your interest. it's about putting a pillow under the girl during sex. the comments are all about how the sex was even better than before. you and vinnies sex life is amazing and very healthy, but it would be fun to try something new though.
"hey baby?" you ask as vinnie slides out from underneath the car.
"what is it sweet girl?" he asks as he stands up from where he was sitting.
"come watch this video." you motion for him to come over to you.
vinnie walks over while wiping his hands on a towel, still very much shirtless and slightly sweaty. he grabs the phone from your hand and presses play. as he watches the video you can't help but stare at him from this angle. the way sweat drips down the side of his face, just like it does when he fucks you good.
"you wanna try this baby?" he questions with a smirk on his face as he crouches down in front of you.
you nod your head, hoping that he won't make you speak up because you don't know if you can. your mind in a completely other world right now.
"let me clean this all up and then we will head home pretty girl, why don't you go start the car." he says while handing you the keys to the car, giving you a quick kiss and sending you off with head nod.
as you walk to the car you can't help but think about what he wants to do or has planned. as soon as you get to the car you start it and move to the passenger seat. vinnie comes to the car a few minutes later, he gets and starts to drive to the house. his hand goes to your thigh, he feels you clench your legs together and chuckles.
"whats got you so worked up, bunny?" he questions and glances over at you.
"nothing, i'm not worked up." you lie right through your teeth, for some reason you don't want him to know how easily he gets to you.
"yeah? so if i put my hand up your pretty little skirt your won't be soaked? you've been clenching your thighs together since we got to the warehouse. so i will ask you again, what's got you so worked up, bunny?" he says while his hand slowly moves up your thigh, you can't help but watch his hand.
you close your eyes and whisper out a small "you, sir."
"good girl, now spread your legs. gotta make sure you are ready for when we get home." he says as he teases your folds through your panties. he teases you the whole way home. by the time you pull up to the house you are a whimpering mess, who wants nothing more than to cum.
before you can get out of the car he turns you to him with a finger on your chin "go upstairs to our room, take your panties off and wait. i will be up in a minute." he gives you a kiss and sends you on your way.
as soon as you reach you and vinnie's room, you take your panties off and sit on the bed. all you can think about is what he might possibly have planned. in less than five minutes hes in the room locking the door.
"grab 2 pillows baby" he says as he approaches you.
you grab a couple of his pillows and don't think anything about it until he says something.
"of course you grab mine, you insatiable bunny." he chuckles out while grabbing your chin and crouching down. he runs a hand up your skirt, feeling that you don't have any panties on. he looks up at you with a smirk, standing up as he grabs your hand bringing you with him. vinnie lays the pillows on the bed and turns you around, so your back is to his chest.
"get on your knees on the bed, bend over the pillows." he whispers in your ear.
as you get on the bed he helps guide you to lay comfortably on the pillow. your hips are rested on the bottom edge of the pillow and its putting a delicious pressure on your tummy. you feel vinnie lift up the skirt you are still wearing, the cold air hits your core making you hiss and clench on nothing.
he runs his fingers through your slit, stopping at your clit slowly rubbing it in circles. you try and hold your moans back but fail when you feel him slip his cock in. you both let out groans of pleasure, nothing will match the feeling and burn when his cock slides in. no matter how many times you two have sex, you still have to adjust to his size.
"feel good baby?" he asks while waiting for you to tell him he can move.
"mhmm, feel you in my tummy vin. i'm ready, move please." you whimper out.
the pressure coming from his cock being bottomed out in you and the pressure from the pillow has you ready to cum now. you can't help but bite your lip to suppress your moans when vinnie pulls almost all the way out and slams back in.
"god you are so tight baby." he moans while thrusting into you at a slow pace. his thrusts are slow and he keeps hitting the spot inside of you that drives you crazy. both of his hands are on your hips gripping for life. he is trying not to lose it at the feeling of your walls wrapped around his cock.
“mm not gonna last long sir, feels too good.” you moan out while arching your back to feel him even deeper. he picks up the pace and starts to slam into you harder. vinnie reaches his hand around and presses on your tummy.
"you feel that baby?" he whispers in your ear, causing you to let out the most pathetic whimper. "want me to put a baby in you?" he groans out.
“yes sir p-please, breed me like the whore i am.” you whimper out as you clench around his cock. “vin- im gonna c-cum, can i cum? please sir?” you beg.
“you know i love it when you beg bunny, do it some more.” he groans out, taking his hand off your tummy and moving it to your clit.
“please sir, rub my clit. i’ve been good.” you cry out while clenching around him again, causing him to groan and lose his rhythm for a moment. “wanna make a- a mess on your co-cock sir please, let me cum vinnie!” you beg out, as your eyes start to sting.
“good ahead bunny, cum all over my cock make a mess. you earned it baby.” vinnie says as he starts rubbing your clit in tight fast circles. he knows you aren’t going to last long and neither is he.
“fuck thank you sir, thank you.” you scream out as you feel your high getting closer and closer. tears start to stream out of your eyes as your high hits. it’s euphoric, you’ve never came this hard.
vinnie works you through your high while still chasing his own, he could have came when you did but he wanted you to feel him cum. he wants you to feel what you do to him. he wants you to know that only you can make him cum like this.
“fuck bunny look at you, so pretty when you make a mess on my cock.” he groans out, he’s not going to last much longer. “you ready for my cum bunny.” his thrusts are getting sloppy and you know he’s close.
“fuck give it to me vin, cum in me sir.” you moan out. even though you are overstimulated you want him to finish in you. you want to feel him fill you up. “cum in me baby, do it sir.” you clench around him in a state of overstimulation but it’s what sends him over the edge, shooting his warm seed in you.
“fuck y/n, you are going to be the death of me.” he says after he pulls out of you, watching his cum spill out of your swollen core.
he scoops some of the cum up on his fingers and pushes it back in you. you hiss out due to how sensitive you are. you can’t help but look back to him and moan at the filthy sound his fingers make while shoving his cum make in you.
he pulls his fingers out and brings them up to your lips, tapping them. you open your mouth and suck his fingers moaning at the taste of the two of you together.
“god i love you” he says while pulling his fingers out of your mouth. vinnie grabs the pillows out from under you and throws them at the head of the bed. you roll over onto your back as he does and grabs a warm towel.
vinnie gets you and himself all cleaned up and grabs one of his shirts for you to wear. he has you sit up on the bed and lift your arms up so he can slid the shirt on over your head. once you are dressed he throws on a pair of sweats.
you two climb under the covers and lay down. vin pulls you into him so your head is resting on his chest. your hand instantly goes to tracing the spider tattoo on his sternum.
“i love you too by the way.” you say smiling up at him.
“i know you do baby and i love you.” he says while running his fingers through your hair.
you feel your eyes start to get heavy and before you know it you’re drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
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bowl-of-shortness · 4 years
*Sending this anonymously since I'm not out* (please don't try to out me, I will cry. If you think you might know who I am, pls don't ask if you're right. I have anxiety and I'm scared to share this as is)
So what you said about being asexual and demiromantic and not feeling like you can contribute to conversations, I FELT that.
I feel like the only way to join conversations about attractive people is by lying. I feel so guilty because I have never figured out what else to do. They all just look like people?
I've literally created a checklist in my head of society's standards because I have no idea what else to judge on. Calling everyone beautiful feels so fake but to me they just... are. People are only "ugly" to me when they're mean. Like to me, beauty is based on personality and I dont understand how other people do it. How can you rate a face without a story? (Like I can only do that when I assume things about people's lives based on their looks??? And it's normally wrong assumptions because "don't judge people based off looks alone" is correct??? Yet people just... do this? Like "they're hot" but isn't that what you're not supposed to do, like???)
I recently came out to my best friends as ace, and even then, they still bring it up every time they're rating people or talking attractive characters, as in the "we know you have no opinion or whatever" and I hate it. Like now that they know I'm ace, it feels like they're actively pushing me out of conversations or want to see what an ace rates them as. (They wouldn't if I asked, but it's kinda fun to participate, I feel more normal. Even if I am just lying) I feel a bit uncomfortable rating people because they think it's based of asthetics but to me I'm just making up numbers. (Its less lying now that they know I'm not sexually attracted to people, but it still hurts. It's nice that they recognize I don't relate and I'm not banning a conversation topic, it just hurts and I'll just take it silently instead of making a fuss. I guess this is just what I was just born to endure, huh.)
Literally, people used to ask me if my ex (SO at the time) was cute or whatever and I always said yes. I was making it up because ya know, I didn't feel that way. I had NO sexual attraction to them but I sold that lie to be normal. I finally came to terms with the fact that I am asexual recently, almost a year to the date I broke up with the only SO I ever forced myself to have. (That tale is a tragedy and I have massive amounts of guilt for the lies I told them to sell that I was a normal hetero cis person. I did so much wrong by them and I hope someday I can forgive myself for it.)
I thought I was bi when I first let myself belive I'm not a normal straight because I felt the same level of attraction across the gender spectrum. (I accepted how I felt about the person of the opposite gender was a crush and then realized I felt the same way about someone of the same gender. That was a crisis) Zero equals zero, wasn't really lying.
Anyway, all that to say that:
You are valid and realateable AF. Conversations about attraction is so uncomfortable and isolating and I'm so thankful you're brave enough to bring it up
I'm also really trying to figure out if I'm panromantic, or demiromantic, or whatever and I'm unsure what to do. Why can't there just be an accurate uquiz.... :(
Like, I think I may be demi something because I have literally only ever had "crushes" on my best friends. I'm not 100% sure what a crush is, but I'm assuming that when I tell myself "don't think of your friends like that, that's wierd" that I'm just mad at myself for acquiring a crush on my bestie.
I have no one to talk to about this because they are firm believers in not dating friends (both have been burned) and I am terrified they'll find out that I can't imagine a relationship with anyone other than a best friend. Like what do I do? I'm so tired fam. I don't think they will be mad if I tell them I'm demi romantic (I'm currently going with panromantic since that just seems easier) and I'm scared they'll find out I realized my sexuality through crushed I had on them, since they're opposite genders and I've had the same "crush" on both of them.
Only wanting romance with friends is so hard because to most people, friends aren't for dating but for talking about potential dates and I hate it.
It's nice to know that I'm following a fellow ace person who gets the romantic struggle. I think you're an icon, and I'm glad that you're in a place where you can be out.
I know we're not close or anything, but I'm really happy to know that there's someone else out there who I can relate to when I can't say a word anywhere else. I hate keeping up the charade, but I'm not in the kind of place where I can drop it. If you're interested in my situation and why I'm forever closeted, I've got quite the tale. but I've ranted enough here. (I won't force my life story on you, I know you want a positive blog and this ramble isn't very positive. I can shut up and vanish if you never want to hear from me again)
Thanks for having your anons on <3
I wish I could dm you and just chat (if you were even interested) but I can't (IRL people know my Tumblr and I dont want to make a new one unless it's necessary.) If there's anything you wanna chat about, I hope I stumble across it on my dash. I hope its okay if I hide behind anon asks.
Thanks for representing people like me. Sorry for the ramble, I guess I needed to get more off my mind than I realized. Thanks for being a safe space to vibe for a while. It's nice to be around other, perfectly valid people like me. I look up to you in a sense ♡
(But seriously, if this is too much drama and you don't want me to do this again, you don't even need to post this I won't bother you again without your consent)
I- wow.
That’s really all I can say.
I’m very glad that you feel just as recognized here as an asexual as you should be. And I know what every single one of these struggles is like. Personally, I never Liked to force things onto myself which has been Both a blessing and a curse.
It’s great because I don’t have to deal with a relationship but over time people stop wanting to be around you for it. But eventually, I found a friend group who respected what I did and didn’t want to talk about. And unfortunately even though some people may be nice and friendly to you, that doesn’t mean that you and that person are going to click.
I think you might want to start being more open about not wanting to talk about these things when you’re around them, and if that’s scary and difficult, start small. I get it. But the more you stay quiet and the more morning is going to change.
So yea, I don’t mind the ask! I guess I didn’t even realize that me just openly existing as Aspec was a huge thing to a lot of people, so I’m glad I could help, I hope everything gets better for you anon. Have a lovely day/afternoon/evening 💖💖💖
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Ro & Ali
Just a nice lil’ chit-chat about what a great boyfriend Drew is...ha ha ha
Ro joined the chat 3 hours ago Ro: I'm hoping (selfishly perhaps) to prolong this good mood by sharing it so I've bought you something. The Little ones as well 💕 Ali: Oooh! I'd throw out the obligatory 'you didn't have to!' but I love gifts almost as much as Rio does so 🙊 Ali: Just seen the Instas, I am so jelly, its been ages since I've been into any of those shops/bought a book that wasn't printed on colourful carboard/plastic Ali: I need a book haul/to know what you ordered so I can live vicariously kthnx 😘 Ro: Hence I couldn't resist and the closeness of her birthday assuaged any tiny doubts that might have briefly appeared Ro: I'd say there's no need to be but in this instance that'd be a very big untruth. I'm having such a perfect day! Ro: Only made moreso by the fact Drew was the first to state your lack of suitable stimulation Ro: he's such a sweetheart Ro: He says you can thank him via me when I deliver each lovingly wrapped parcel later if you can't wait until the bonfire Ali: Exactly, we can seamlessly eek yours out into her celebrations beginning only ever-so-slightly early 😉 Ali: As you should be, following the plan set out above, tis your Birthday month and only perfect days are allowed 👌💕 Ali: Bless him Ali: Sure he wasn't just tweaking off all the book shop coffees? 😜 Ali: Well, as we all know it was you that chose the books out, I'll thank you Ali: Caleb made his last batch of pumpkin spice cookies for the season (all cinnamon from here on out, will that and a gossip over a cuppa suffice? 😊🍪☕ Ro: I prefer to think of him being high on love 💘 but he has admittedly spent a lot of time deciding between cold brew or americano Ro: He did honestly help, at least with your selection anyway Ro: How could I possibly refuse such an offer, hmm? Ali: You're so cute it makes me wanna throw up 💋 Ali: A cold brew tho...In this weather?! He is such a white girl. Ali: Well, he is full of surprises then Ali: Maybe you can use your boy taming skillz to calm Junie down, he's having a right day of it Ro: I all but forced him (in his words only I assure you) into a coat and the heat is apparently too much Ro: I do feel cute though, which is almost as bizarre a thought Ro: must be the power of 18 Ro: Poor boy! Is Caleb working? Ali: I get that, tbf, tis how I feel about shoes. But frostbite is a very real thing, he could use a lil nagging, you should get ma on the case 🤣 Ali: Yes! So here for that 👐 Ali: You been cute, its about time you recognised honey Ali: Yeah, but he did the potwashing/brunch/lunch shift so he can be about later for a family dinner so that's nice, you know how he feels about getting up early when he could at least try to lie in 'til lunch like Ali: Can't blame him Ro: Heavens! Terrible as this will sound I'm still keeping my distance as far as Tess is concerned. I can't help but feel she can read me like a book Ro: I'm not sure about that at all but thank you 💗 Ro: Oh that's so nice! Somehow we've both whipped these boys into a shape we like it's no wonder we're smiling Ro: would you like me to head over early so I can help out? I don't mind and Drew insists he has errands to run before he shows his face Ali: Yeah, she can. Ali: Again, can't blame you but distance or not, she'll find a way to be knowing Ali: Well I am so you're more than welcome Ali: I always liked his shape 💦 Ali: heheheheheh Ali: feel free! it'll be fun, we can get in Caleb's way with all our helpful help 😂 Ro: Oh Ali! You're making me blush in public I hope you're pleased with yourself Ro: Drew has his suspicious face on as if I'm bored of him already. Imagine! Ro: Boys and their egos Ro: Okay great I'll come straight there as long as you're willing to sort out the mess I'll be before anyone sees me Ali: I am Ali: I'd be even more pleased if you'd change my name in your phone to something suspect af like... the eggplant emoji! Ali: Really keep him guessing Ali: Oh, please, your look today is fire! But I am always down for a makeover and dress-up sesh, you'll have to share the spotlight with Rio but, don't we all? 😻 Ro: Oh my god don't! I'd die Ro: If only. I think the love has somehow swelled my heart and waist Ro: small price to pay for having him back though Ali: Nah you're perfect Ali: Well, tell him good job on today 👍 Perfect Ro day out Ro: I will he's earned that praise and more Ro: He says to tell Caleb it's his turn Ro: I'm playing messenger and delivery girl today it appears Ali: Poor you, don't let him run you ragged! But, if you're up for one more job you can tell him Caleb's never been afraid of a little healthy competition 😉 Ro: Well now he's excited. Typical not a single paperback has piqued his attention that much Ali: There's only so much whipping (into shape) you can do in a day, eh? Ali: Start in the kid's section mayhaps? 😜 Ro: Excellent idea! I do need to find Rio some actual birthday gifts Ali: Two birds one stone, love that efficiency Ro: If I can be honest Ali I really would like to look as close to perfect as I can tonight Ro: you will help me won't you? It's just....I did think it was over for us Ro: I want to make his wishes come true too, not simply my own Ali: Understood Ali: Of course I will, I'll fish out my best sex goddess duds for you Ali: We'll have you both saying yes to the dress sista Ro: I appreciate the enthusiasm but let's start with him telling me he loves me again first Ro: I know it, obviously, but hearing it is another thing, right? Ro: It'd be a truly perfect day then Ali: Yeah, at least he's showing it Ali: Love languages and all that Ali: but mission accepted Ro: Thanks Ali you're the best! Ro: Well, I better get a move on if I'm ever going to leave here. See you soon xx Ali: I'm sure the amount you've put into those places, you're basically part-owner, and thus entitled to be there forever but yes, we have plans so we both need to get a wriggle on! TTFN 💕
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