#its her or wanda childa.
autismvampyre · 5 months
if fig leaves after junior year to travel with ayda i think emily axfords new character should be kristen 2
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tomurakii · 7 months
Fav part about Wanda Childa is that they keep making jokes about her being "so small" but she's presumably still tiefling-adjacent, meanwhile Ruben is literally a 3ft tall Gnome.
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It is good to see someone else love the nuances and tragedy of Kipperlilly as much as I do. Keep up to good work, you have more vote. 🫡
I am glad to see so many fellow soldiers 🫡 I think the nuances are what make me like her so much because I am, I suppose, a bit of an eternal contrarian.
And so seeing people bend over backwards to forgive and justify every single thing the Bad Kids ever do, while then subsequently wanting to crucify KLCK for even the slightest of things... it's just so frustrating. Let women have rights and wrongs
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heytherecentaurs · 7 months
Emily and her Wanda Childa subplot is its own story. Like it’s connected to the plot but it is just completely its own thing. I love it.
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ratgrinders · 5 months
Every Rat Grinders/Bad Kids Interaction
Alright, here’s a compilation of every single Rat Grinder/Bad Kid interaction so far this season, mostly made for my own reference. This only includes meetings the characters have directly, either via magical/technological means, talking, or seeing the character face-to-face. This doesn’t include times information about the Rat Grinders was revealed without the Rat Grinders themselves being present, such as times the Bad Kids only mentioned the Rat Grinders in passing. Under the cut, because its LONG.
Episode 3: Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
The Bad Kids meet Kipperlilly in the morning, signing up for class president, where she reveals she had passed rogue classes for the year and that her platform is based on fairness.
She points out Ruben across the courtyard where he is getting swarmed for autographs.
Fig goes to bard class disguised as her new emo girl persona “Wanda Childa”, pretending to have a crush on him. After she gets kicked out of class she comes back in later through the window, this time not disguised. Ruben sneers at her, then when Fig sees he has a call from Lola Embers he says “I have to answer that later.”
Episode 4: Under Pressure
Fabian gets a Nat 20 to search for Kipperlilly in the cafeteria and while he doesn’t see her, gets a “twinge of some kind of sense”.
Mary Ann tries out for the Owlbears, seeming nonplussed. She absolutely demolishes Gorgug with a tackle, made possible through some sort of enchantment magic. She makes the team and leaves unceremoniously, uninterested in hanging out with them further.
Episode 6: Party Politics
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are all seen at the party at Seacaster Manor (Kipperlilly is not seen, but the Bad Kids discuss the possibility that she was there, just invisible).
Buddy is off to the side of the party with a cup full of water, “positive but deeply judgmental”. The Bad Kids approach and talk about how Fabian’s father is in hell now, how Kristin was the chosen of Helio and defected, and how Buddy feels about the rest of his adventuring party.
Oisin and Ivy are playing beer pong at a table when Adaine walks up and talks to him, with Ivy occasionally interjecting. They discuss how they shared a glyphs class in Freshman year, how he got buff over the summer and that’s why no one recognizes him, how his family is rich and he could provide her with money if she needed it, and how his tattoos function as a conjuration aid. After Adaine leaves, Oisin misses every single shot, which Ivy makes fun of him for (later revealed to be a calculated ploy, as seen in episode 17).
Ivy calls out to Fabian razzing him about his ping-pong table, and when he says “fuck you” and she responds “is that a threat?”, he runs away.
Fig disguises herself as Lucy Frostblade and hides a distance away, catching the attention of Ivy (but not Oisin). Ivy seems surprised and makes a hand motion asking if they should meet, but when Ivy excuses herself and starts to come over Fig runs off and skateboards away.
Ivy comes up to Fabian’s room where the Bad Kids are investigating, and when Fabian lies about doing snuff asks if there’s any for her. She also asks about Fig’s fishnets and if she skateboards. When Mazey comes up and asks if they should play Twister, Ivy insults her and Mazey looks crestfallen. Fig offers to play Twister with Mazey which intimidates Ivy into silence, while Fabian stays with Ivy and blows off Mazey. While everyone else is downstairs playing Twister Kristin stays in the room with Fabian and Ivy third-wheeling, until Oisin comes up to the room and says that he and Ivy have to go.
Episode 7: Stress Tested
Kipperlilly has hired a bunch of food trucks for her campaign and is giving out food at lunch in the courtyard. She’s standing on a platform with Mary Ann next to her handing out flyers. The Bad Kids walk up and talk to her, with Kristin wearing a salsa hat that Kipperlilly is unimpressed by. Kipperlilly says that she wasn’t at the Bad Kids’ party because she was studying, and when Kristin asks why she was studying since the rogue teacher found her and she passed all her classes, Kipperlilly just stares at her in silence. When Kristin mentions her goddess died, Kipperlilly responds really loudly “how can you cast spells?” in an attempt to discredit her, and the other Bad Kids jump in to cast a bunch of spells on Kristin and counteract this.
Fabian clumsily reaches out to Ivy at school and Ivy is snarky and cold to him, saying “You missed your shot, Playboy” since she knew Fabian has been recently hanging out with Mazey. 
Episode 8: Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival
Ruben is performing at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent.
Ruben disguises himself as an old man in an attempt to get the Bad Kids to do drugs, but is caught. He then leaves to go do his set with his band, “My Clerical Gnomance”. As he is playing however, he is interrupted by Principal Grix showing up and casting disintegrate on him. Ruben continues to play while the Bad Kids fight Principal Grix, giving out bardic inspirations to the Bad Kids, and especially to Wanda Childa who he sees in the crowd. He’s written a song just for Wanda and dedicates it to her in the crowd.
Episode 9: Vulture Clash 
When the Bad Kids come out of the Vulture Dimension Ruben is being kept in a hold person spell by Principal Grix, poised to strum down on his guitar for an incredible piece of bard magic. When the Bad Kids break hold person Ruben strums and gives everyone a bardic inspiration. Fabian jumps up on stage and says “I’m actually a huge fan” before leaping off and destroying Grix.
Fig as Wanda Childa begins to leave in a minor illusion bus, and Ruben frantically runs after her. After this, he is nowhere to be seen at the festival.
The Bad Kids discover the body of Lucy Frostblade near Lake Shimmerstone, with a rune in her chest preventing her from being resurrected. Kristin uses her clerical magic to free her from being trapped in the cursed domain of this deity, and Lucy and Yolanda hold hands as they move on to the domain of Cassandra.
Episode 10: Cursed Out
All of the Rat Grinders are seen at the school assembly talking about the death of Yolanda and how all clerics will be moved to pass/fail. Most are unconcerned and/or bored.
Fig disguised as Wanda Childa catches Ruben on a bus, where she talks to him about a true crime podcast that’s discussing the death of Lucy Frostblade. Ruben really wants to see this podcast and Fig asks for Ruben’s email address so she can email him the podcast using a burner email. Ruben says he has to leave because he’s getting mobbed for autographs even though he and Wanda are the only people on the bus, and Fig dimension doors away. 
Kristin talks to Buddy in the hall about the recent pass/fail news for cleric class and about how chill Buddy is, that he leaves the wrath to Sol. Buddy is concerned about Kristin’s brother Bucky being led away from Helio like she was. He says his grandfather Bobby can come and teach the cleric class so they don’t move to pass/fail. Kristin leaves to go check on her brother and gets protective when Buddy says he can do that if she can’t. Buddy needles her about her dead god, and Kristin responds that she’s coming back for the second time, and Helio only came back once.
Episode 11: A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear
Fig enters Ruben’s dream disguised as Kipperlilly, shaping the environment to look like the crime scene of Lucy Frostblade, and says to him “you need to take the fall for this”. Adaine appears ethereally next to her as the Elven Oracle. After Fig says this, Ruben puts a hand to his mouth and from between his fingers what’s described as blood is squeezing out.
Episode 14: Dawn of Justice
In the cafeteria while Kipperlilly is doing a campaign presentation chants in support of Kristin break out. Kipperlilly walks by the Bad Kids’ table to confront them, and when Kristin needles her about devil’s honey Kipperlilly breaks composure and insults her, “It's really nice how charmed everyone is, by how little you fucking care.” A fight almost breaks out with Fig, Fabian, and Gorgug squaring up while Ivy and Oisin try to calm them down. Riz hisses and Mary Ann comments on it, Fig messages her that she could do better and Mary Ann doesn’t know what she means. She asks Gorgug if he has mango soda and Gorgug gets mad. Buddy tries to calm them down and that they should walk in the light of Helio and Kristin says “he’s almost right”. Kristin tries to give Mary Ann a stuffed squishmallow, but Mary Ann already has that one and that she’ll donate it. Adaine says she thought the wizard was cool, and gets a Message from Oisin just saying “sorry”, and the Rat Grinders leave.
Buddy is the student volunteer proctor for the Bad Kids’ Last Standard Exam, set to revive them if any of them die. The Rat Grinders protest saying he’s biased, but the proctor doesn’t budge saying that Buddy has sworn an oath that will strip him of his connection to Helio should he refuse to revive them.
Episode 15: The Last Stand
Kristin is teleported up on the ledge next to Buddy thanks to Adaine’s Scatter spell. Buddy turns to her and says “This is remarkable”. When Kristin eats the Eye of the Vulture King and is granted True Sight, Buddy asks “Everything all right?”, and behind him, aiming a crossbow at the proctor, is Kipperlilly. Kipperlilly sees that she’s been caught, smiles, and slits Buddy’s throat before being teleported away by Oisin. 
Episode 16: Untapped Rage
10 minutes after the Bad Kids leave the Last Stand, Buddy is approached by a 15 foot tall figure who violently revives Buddy back to life with a red gem in his chest, with Buddy saying he worships a nameless god of rage now. Then both Buddy and the figure vanish.
Episode 17: The Name 
Fig tries to enter Ruben’s dream but cannot interact with him directly, though she does see his house and feels that his dream is violent and enraged, but also scared. She also sees a version of Ruben, before his shift to an emo aesthetic, walking scared into the Far Haven Woods.
Fig, disguised as Wanda, goes to Ruben’s house and knocks on the door. She doesn’t get a response but a window opens, though it is unclear who is in the window. Fig as Wanda gets shot with a crossbow by Fabian and Kristin Two in the bushes and pretends to be dead, and after some time passes Gorgug with Enlarge cast on him retrieves her body.
Fig goes to Porter’s office and attempts to give him a fake version of the dead god’s name, with Riz, Adaine, and Gorgug hiding nearby. Through a combination of Riz’s blindsense and Adaine’s detect thoughts, it is revealed an invisible Kipperlilly had been hiding invisible on the lockers the whole time, the same way Riz was hiding.
At Fabian’s birthday/election party, just as his home and everyone in it are lifted into the sky thanks to a cloud rider engine, Oisin telepathically messages Adaine to say “You didn’t see the storm coming? Must not be a very good oracle”.
Episode 18: Rock the Boat
Oisin is heard in the distance chanting in another language, and soon after multiple dragons begin encircling Seacaster Manor, currently aloft in the clouds.
Oisin's dragon ancestor shows up, with Kipperlilly, Oisin, and Jace Stardiamond on her back. All are invisible, but are seen by Adaine and Gorgug thanks to their See Invisibility and True Seeing respectively. Both Oisin and Jace cast a spell, Gorgug makes two wisdom saving throws, and then Kipperlilly breaks a Rune of Recall teleporting all three of them away.
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rush-valley · 4 months
okay so although im sad that emilys most likely retiring fig i think it makes the most sense for her character. She has been focusing on everyone but herself (ex. giving credit for her feats to her friends and thinking of multiclassing to a paladin of cassandra not for her own benefit or want but to help kristen) heck she even pretends to be wanda childa for about half the season. I know she says its because she wanted to try to turn ruben against the other rat grinders, but i think its also because fig has such an easier time pretending to be anyone else.
Her entire reflection monologue is about how lonely she is despite being surrounded by friends, she loves her friends and family but she doesnt know how to ask for help. She doesnt think she, the archdevil of rebellion and a rockstar who has saved the world multiple times, is good enough or deserving of help.
so she puts on a front, she does what she always has done. she pretends. she pretends shes okay, she goes out of her way to help others even at the expense of her own interests. She pretends that shes not hurting because her friends are already going through their own bullshit, why add to it? On top of all of this, ayda is gone. The one person she could most likely open up to about all of this is unavailable for the entire year and her absence hurts.
all of this is to say that fig needs time to focus on herself and not worry about her friends needs because they will always come first in her mind. she will always put her needs and wants to the side for her friends. fig needs a new beginning and hopefully the bottomless pit can help her to prioritize herself
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honortheaarakock · 4 months
Greetings. I have been made aware that one elusive “Wanda Childa” is on this “Tumblr” website. I will stop at nothing until she is found and caught. Also, adults are apparently on here.
Always honor the C.O.C.
Hey! I started a third rp blog because I have no self control, I also own @quokkipetenjoyer and @its-always-british-hour, likes and follows from @justaninternetgal . Author uses she/her.
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supermarket-goblin · 4 months
British Kristen in a Bad Kids pokemon AU would absolutely have a team. I have thought about this. I think her team would be...
Sinestea - As soon as K2 drank tea for the first time, it awakened in the mug she was drinking from. Its body is one of Jawbones mugs.
Woobat - Found K2 in the forest after the Wanda Childa assassination, also seems obsessed with Fabian.
Vanillish - Decended from the sky with her as she cast Ice Feast.
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number1rizgukgakstan · 5 months
It's that time again! Spoilers below the cut!
The only CW being underage drinking + drug use is fascinating- I assume that means no one dies? At least, not like Buddy did.
I'm SO excited looking at that set it's so fucking cool. The crackling in the fake clouds? HOLY SHIT the modeling team went OFF I love their work.
I FORGOT JAWBONE'S THERE. AND SO IS EUGENIA. This is so insane I'm so excited.
"Airitime law" God I love you so much Zach you are SO FUNNY
The WHOLE school is here that's so funny. Does this mean the clubs Riz joined are going to come into play?? GERTIE??? GERTIE???? HEY GERTIE???
The divine domain idea is so fascinating but I would like to say- imagine worshiping a god named Porter. I'm crying laughing.
Okay we're getting the NPCS set up? Fuck yeah
FIG NO WHY ARE YOU WANDA CHILDA???? THATS SO FUNNY. Gerard Neigh I'm CRYING. I love Armor of Ayda and the Spirit Guardians.
"You're wearing an Orangutang mask and the skull of the Vulture King?"
"And I'm speaking Vulture.
"And you're speaking Vulture."
Adaine is so brilliant I love her.
K2 giving Kristen basically a whole extra turn is so funny. We love K2.
They have so many spells prepared I love it. Fabian's party sounds sick as hell. Even the Bad Baby milk sounds fun. Disgusting but fun.
I feel like using the NMK against Kristen is a bad idea but will have terrible consequences for Kristen, who's silly goofyness has been coming back to bite them. IDK we'll see
Fabian faking it till he makes it is SO FUNNY.
Baby and Baby Baby being here's so fucking funny. Let's go Baby and Baby Baby!
Fabian's HOUSE burning down would be devastating but maybe it'd make his mother come home
Kristen and K2 helping Riz load the canon is so wholesome. They're such a great team
1/4th of the party voting in one turn is absurd. Fabian's charisma is INSANE i love this man and his conga line
Jawbone once again completely out of the loop and just going with it is great.
I now see why Sprak has his own art.
The music video idea was genuis. Emily Axford is such a quick thinker and her performance as Fig is top-knotch.
Oisin summoning dragons breaks my heart. NOOO you were so cool :( now Adaine has to Furious Fist Mega Punch you to death
This fight is honestly so fucking metal. The music video, Fabian killing a dragon singlehandidly, Riz murdering two with the canons, all the Dex saves, Gorgug's excellent driving, JAWBONE, the voting drive... honestly I'm so proud of the Bad Kids and how far they've come.
ANOTHER GORGUG NAT 20 HOLY SHIT! Zac's really fucking it up right now. 7d12 is absurd
Wanda Childa running the party is so insane and I love it. It's Emily Axford's world and we're just living in it.
Eugenia Shadow is amazing. Best NPC by far.
"Can I bring a vulture to give me the help action?" absurd request. brennan's face was brilliant. Again: ITS EMILY AXFORD'S WORLD AND WE'RE JUST LIVING IN IT.
The fight. Every moment was incredible. They really did slay those god damn dragons. No one had to make a single death save. The party was popping. Fig was constantly being the fucking COOLEST. Fabian telling Gorgug not to crash his parent's boat. Eugenia Shadow telling Riz he's the best student she's ever had. It was brilliant. Excellent.
"Sorry Oisin, shouldn't have been such a douchebag, we're gonna kill your grandma now" BRILLIANT. 10/10. I love it.
Zac doing the dm bit is so funny.
K2 not knowing shit and pulling off a miracle is such pure Kristen its so fucking brilliant. THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAYBE BEING PREGNANT IS INSANE. I love Ally Beardsley.
Brennan's reaction to the pregnancy bit is so fucking funny. They broke this man's spirit in the funniest way possible.
"Haunted Wizard Clone Mini Golf Lightning Extravaganza" is the single funniest string of words imaginable. Brennan Lee Mulligan you are my favorite comedian ever.
"How much of this can we cut out, do you think?" Ally this is your bed, you have to lie in it, I'm so sorry. Funniest roll of all time.
Circling back, the flavor of Armor of Ayda is so cute. Ayda's protection is always over Fig no matter where she is.
THEY FUCKING DID IT GANG! Now for the penultimate battle! :]
"I think I have to try" is making me so fucking excited. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING FIG????
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twindenial · 5 months
i dont know if i can really articulate this but i saw someone else say that wanda childa is a masterclass of deconstructing misogyny through comedy and I SOOOO AGREE. its the fact that her entire "existence" is based on being the object of rubens desire. its the "nothing i could rocks off to" comment about the Complicated Women podcast which is really just a exploitative true crime podcast. its the emphasis of her tinyness. its the manic pixie dream girl of it all.
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