#its just ohhhh its a lot to think about and understand about myself and gosh its insane its insane theres so many things that make sense and
frogathy · 2 years
just talked to my counselor about being on the spectrum and my mom understands now and i am just so relieved its insane like everything makes sense it is so insane and like i dont have to feel like theres anything wrong with me anymore its just hoohkhjgghdhj
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saintobio · 3 years
I'm eating sandwich on our dining table while reading chp 5... My heart went-💔 when I know that Sera will be there and-(gosh I can't type his name now IT HURTS) he's looking for her this whole time and then when he's trying to put those shoes on her-😭💔 I run to my room just as mc running away from them not to witness how sweet they are (also to hide my sobbing face from my family here😐) (╥﹏╥) and thank goodness there's Toji my ghhaad-😭 I was screaming internally that he should take y/n far away from that man, take this pain away, forget that husband lmao... But then surprisingly, this husband does care for y/n because he didn't leave y/n side til morning and that's... Unexpected or just to show his goody sides😐 then Sera showed up and I-😐 can't wait for the husband's pov and some hidden explanations🙂 this chap is mixed of emotions... But I'm ok2 here🥺 truly what a wonderful writing and chap again ai-san~💛 thank you sooo much bby now take a rest and stay safe there~💛
Anonymous said
omg, reading the sn update was such a rollercoaster !! sobs
it would be so cute if toji & y/n got close and she becomes the cool, fun aunt or friend (?) for megumi—is it okay to ask how old he is in this series?
++ with their friendship, i’d imagine that y/n would always be like, “wow, it’s really not that obvious.”
then toji would fall for it every time and snort, saying, “what, that i’m almost forty?”
then y/n would reply, “no. that you’re just thirty-five.” LMAOOO
pls i just wish she gets a confidant along the way 🥺 she deserves the world honestly pls she’s so precious!!! hrhfhrhf. thank you for the update, btw! this silent reader right here enjoyed it a lot. 🤗.
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Anonymous said
you probably wont understand this but caralho sincerely not ta fazendo eu ficar biruta de vdd
your writing is sooooo good fr i just woke up at 3 in the morning and rn its 5 in the morning and im so auhahahwuuwuqhshsihsjsbbsjshdiwheh because of sincerely not
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Anonymous said
I was holding up fine with the shoes fuckery he pulled but omg him calling us "attention seeker" REALLY fucking hurt me so much lmao. Imagine the next time we actually have much sharper, stabbing chest pains which are more frequent and also last a bit longer and WHEN satoru starts actually caring a little and asks if we're okay, we just go, "oh this?? The doctor said it's a severe case of me attention seeking ^-^ Don't mind me baby, you go chase your happiness! :)))" (THAT TOO WHILE IN PAIN) - ⛈
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Anonymous said
i hateeee ongoing fics i swore id never read them because the waiting makes me go insane or i forget to read updates but since i discovered u, i literally just cant stop myself from tuning in every single fic—even if its a character i don't usually simp for 😭 i love ur work sm omg
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@chaveisa said
i just binged what you have of sincerely not so far and all i can say is i’m in so much pain. you are quite literally one of my favorite writers on this platform and you wreck me so bad with the angst but it’s all angst i love. truly love how you’ve written gojo in this one and can’t wait to see what you have in store!
ps— i found you through wastelands and when i tell you i was wrecked for a solid week >~< truly keep up the good work bb🖤
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Anonymous said
ohhhh the asks are open 😳 i just wanted to say that sn is a fuckin masterpiece. reading the latest chapter (about that the shoes that princess diana wore) i really think that y/n-gojo- sera situation is similar to diana-charles-camilla's story. oof i really hope that isn't some sort of foreshadowing cuz EYE-🚶‍♀️💨
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Anonymous said
hmmmm i love me some good heavy angst gojo fics.... BUT WTF WAS SINCERELY YOURS HOLY SHIT I'VE JUST READ IT IN ONE SITTING AND NOW MY NOSE IS CLOGGED 👁️👄👁️
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@juniorhooter said
FR im scared to start Sincerely Not,, i still have wounds from Wastelands and idk if my heart is ready. Like im seeing all these ppl mad at gojo. I haven't even read it yet, and im mad at gojo. I dont fully know whats happening yet but get with #WeHateHoejoSlutoru and #WeLoveTojiFushiguro. I'll read it eventually... soon... maybe, if im feeling self-destructive. But in the meanwhile, good luck to everyone else going through the turmoil :))
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@blossomingwaifu16 said
OMG THE ASKS ARE OPEN AGAIN!! My friend sent me Sincerely not (beacuse she knows I'm a masochist and love hurting myself- 💀) and damn! it did not disappoint- also reading it made me realise how petty I can be 😭 like everytime Gojo was being mean to the mc I'd be like "fuck you gojo your girlfriend is way nicer then you I'd rather fuck her bitchboy" and that's coming from someone straight 💀 but in chapter 5 I was like "fuck ya'll I wanna be single again-" IT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER of emotions and I'm here for it! And oh boy the scenarios I have in my head to make gojo suffer 😈. Anyways I love the writing and could I please be added to the taglist!? I've been meaning to ask but your asks were closed 😊
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3rd anon what does that mean jssndj but omg thank u guysss aaaaa i’m sorry i’m unable to respond individually as i also have lots of asks to answer still but i appreciate ur messages <33 i enjoyed reading all ur reactions so far!! :’)
also, all taglists are full! i’m sorry.
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asterinjapan · 5 years
Where the sky meets the sea
And so my final day on Okinawa comes to an end... "But wait," I can hear you think, "didn't you boast about Okinawa being a subtropical island before? We've only seen a beach on day one, and a small one at that." Well, hypothetical critical reader of this blog, let me rectify that. You want white beaches? Clear blue skies? Even clearer and bluer seas? Coral reefs? Today's the day!
So I ventured outside of the main island Okinawa to nearby Tokashiki island. I had actually already reserved a ticket the day I arrived, since today was the only possible day left, but ferries can be cancelled on the day itself due to high waves. My luck hadn't run out yet: the weather was great and the ferries were on. 
They recommend for you to be at the ticket office an hour in advance, so naturally I woke up way too early and ended up at the office about an hour and a half in advance, oops. I got a return ticket from Tomari port in Naha to Tokashiki in return for my reservation, and waited patiently for the ferry. 
I had booked the marine liner ferry, as it's a high speed ferry twice as fast as the car ferry, and boy, are they serious when they say high speed! I thought a seat on the deck would be nice, but almost no one else sat there, so in the end I followed the rest indoors. Just as well, because wow, it felt like a plane taking off! I had to keep looking outside to remind myself that it wasn't plane turbulence and that we were on the water, whoa. 
35 minutes later, the ferry arrived at Tokashiki. Now, for the prettiest beaches, you need to go to the other side of the island. Luckily, there are buses that are timed with the ferry times, so there were already 2 buses waiting to shuttle us to Aharen beach. 
 The bus ride crosses a mountain area and goes past a smaller beach, Tokashiku (not a typo). And that view alone was just - breathtakingly gorgeous. The skies were blue and stretched out over amazingly green and blue seas, so pretty it was hard to believe this was real and not brushed up. 
And that wasn't even my destination, because soon enough, the bigger but no less beautiful Aharen beach came into view.  The bus parked right next to the beach entrance, so it was only a couple of steps to be treated to a view of utter beauty. Wow. 
 Realizing I had a whole day to enjoy this, I took my time leisurely strolling across the beach, which was relatively quiet due to the high season being over. I took off my shoes and walked though the water, which was a sweet relief, aside from the reason these beaches are so white. You see, the Kerama islands that Tokashiki is the biggest of are famous for their coral reefs. And since coral is alive, it also dies. The beach was covered in small bits of white dead coral. I can only hope they died naturally. If anything, the kerama islands have been declared a national park and as such, preservation efforts to save the coral and sea life are in place.
 Following the line of the sea, I ended up on an uphill trail, which I followed through the palm trees to find the Kubandaki lookout tower. Ohhhh my gosh. Let's just say I took a ton of pictures, panorama shots, and stayed up here for a good while, just taking in the amazing scenery and relaxing in the shade and breeze. 
 After that, it was nearing midday, so I walked back down all the way to the bus park, which is also the host of plenty of drink and food stands and marine rental services. I sat down with a delicious smoothie as I waited for one very nice service: the yellow submarine. I'd inquired upon arrival, and now again, and was asked to return at 12:30, because the submarine won't leave with just one passenger. 
 I was in luck once again however, since a German speaking family of four had gathered here too and together, we met the minimum of five. Thank you family!
 The service included a shuttle bus to the port where the ship was waiting for us. True to its name, the yellow submarine is yellow. And though I thought it'd be a glass bottom boat, it was something else - like a true submarine, the bottom part of the boat was below sea level and had windows on all sides. I think you can predict what that means - the submarine would tour the bay and bring us past the coral reefs, so that we can observe them without needing to dive. 
 At first, only a single curious fish checked us out through the windows and the ship sailed too quickly to make out more than bubbles. But then it slowed down, and the real beauty came into clear view. 
Gorgeous coral reef upon coral reef, all hosting fish of all shapes and sizes, some in schools so massive they seemed never ending. They seemed pretty okay with the boat floating past, so we could see them clearly and I made sure to take plenty of photos, although honestly... this was such a wonder of nature, you just can't capture that in a photograph. I bet half of them are blurry too, since I wasn't really looking at the screen. I just wanted to take in this gorgeous view right in front of me. 
 As icing on the cake, a sea turtle came swimming past, taking his time and not at all bothered by the ship. We also spotted a sea snake, which our guide assured us was very dangerous. I'm glad the boat was watertight, haha. 
 The trip was generously long, I think about 40 minutes? It wasn't cheap, but oh boy, this was just - almost otherworldly. I have seen similar views at the zoo not even too long ago, but to be a visitor in the natural habitat of these creatures was something else entirely. And all this just minutes away from the pretty beaches. So much marvel right at our feet.
 Well, colour me impressed for sure, haha. We were shuttled back to the beach, where I got a shaved ice and pondered my options with over 2 hours left. At this, my feet spoke up, saying "listen, we carried you to nakagusuku castle on top of a hill, which is fine, that was lovely, but we're at a SUBTROPICAL BEACH now and we're going to RELAX". 
 So I went and rented a parasol and beach chair, with apparently the additional service of a staff member walking with me bringing said items, ask where I wanted to sit, and dug in the parasol for me. That's so much more service than I'd expected! I could just leave them there when I left too. Niiice. 
 And so, I spent my last hour and a half chilling on the beach, near the sea, shielded from direct sunlight by my fancy parasol, occasionally taking a selfie just to annoy everyone back home. Ahh, that's the life. (And I'm not even one to sit back and do nothing, but time really flew like this. ) 
 Eventually, the time approached when the bus back to the port would arrive, so i made my way to the stop in advance. The way back was peaceful, although I did get pills to help against motion sickness as I was already feeling a bit queasy after that first ferry ride. I'm not sure how they even work, but they did their job as I wasn't nauseated at all on the return. That or it was the fact I kept dozing off, haha. It's been a long and exciting day after all. 
 I found my way back to the main shopping street without trouble and even without Google maps, though I must say the big landmarks are very well marked here. In fact, I haven't gotten lost even once! Credit where credit is due, Google maps definitely helped out a lot finding the right bus stops, but still. I must also note that the bus system is considerably less confusing if you can read Japanese, or at the very least the stops you need to pass. In the end, I used a combination of 3 websites and Google maps, but I did find everything I wanted to do, minus that weird mishap with sefa utaki. 
 I had dinner with Okinawan taco rice and then made my way back to the hotel to repack my luggage for tomorrow's flight, something I'm still in the middle of as I'm waiting for my laptop to finally finish updating (it's been at it for over an hour and it's still at 27%, so I just ended up typing the whole report on my phone, yikes). 
 I can't believe I've been lucky enough to see almost everything I'd planned this week, and with such amazing weather too, if a little hot. And the buses are all but empty, I'll have to get used to being crammed into trains again after tomorrow, haha. I really ended up loving Okinawa. To be fair, I have loved it for a while now, but that was on paper, in theory after seeing the pictures. Getting to experience this unique place myself has been amazing, and I'll be treasuring this week for years to come, I already know. Today really was the amazing cherry on top. 
  I still have 3 weeks left, but there's a strong typhoon on its way right now and seems to head right into Kyushu and/or Shikoku. Since I'll be going to Kyushu tomorrow and Shikoku next, I think you'll understand I'm less than stoked. At least the typhoon won't get here until the weekend, so my first couple of days in Fukuoka should be alright. I'll cram in the day trips I most definitely wanted to do and then... the waiting game, I suppose. I'll be checking into my hotel on Okayama near Shikoku on the 14th, so we'll have to wait and see what the typhoon is to by then. As the Japanese say, 'shikata ga nai', it can't be helped even you want to. I can't go out and stop a typhoon, so I can just prepare and hope for the best. I'll keep an eye on the news and if there are signs of it being too dangerous to go out, I most definitely won't. 
 I'm just telling you ahead of time, because this looks like a typhoon that might show up in the news abroad too. Let's just hope for the best case scenario. For me, it's just a pity that a couple of days are going down the drain, but people's livelihoods are also at stake here, which is so much worse than a couple of days in a 4 week holiday spoiled. 
 So on that slightly blue note, I'm signing off on Okinawa for tonight. Wish me luck with my suitcase and my laptop updates, haha. 
 See you tomorrow from Fukuoka!
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 158: Deku VS Overhaul ~Conclusion~
Previously on BNHA: Eri escaped Overhaul and leaped into Deku’s waiting arms. Before Overhaul could grab them, Deku instinctively activated 100% OFA in his legs and leaped to safety on the surface. Back in the Pit of Despair, Nighteye told the others he’d seen Deku’s death in a vision, and he believes they can’t do anything to stop it. Up on the street level, Deku marveled at how all of his wounds were suddenly healed up. But then he collapsed in pain feeling like his body was being “pulled apart from the inside.” Overhaul reappeared, having merged himself with a new minion, and explained that Eri’s quirk gives her the power to “rewind” humans, reverting them back to a previous state. Depending on how she uses it, she can even rewind them back to nothingness. He made it out to be some cursed thing, but Deku was all “8D” and realized he was carrying a full-HP-restored-and-all-status-ailments-cured healer who was currently using her quirk uncontrollably, unable to turn it off. So he literally fucking strapped her to his back with Mirio’s cape, and activated 100% One for All Full Cowl.
Today on BnHA: We say goodbye to volume 17 and usher in the new era of volume 18. Overhaul monologues a bunch about quirks and mutations and disease and blah blah blah. He says brats like Deku can’t appreciate Eri’s value and the power of her quirk. Meanwhile Togawice watch from a safe distance, and Ochako floats Nighteye up to get him some medical help. Overhaul has more flashbacks about how the Comatose Boss (back before he was comatose) told him to stop selling quirk drugs and not to stray from the right path. Of course, as we all know, he didn’t listen, wanting to restore the yakuza to their former glory by starting a drug war and supplying both sides. It’s arguably implied here that Overhaul may be the one who put the Comatose Boss in his coma, but Horikoshi is very vague about it. At any rate, back in the present day Overhaul continues to rant at Deku, but Deku has fucking All Might power now, and he just. Beats the everloving shit out of him. Like, it takes about four pages. Holy shit. And just like that, this battle is finally over.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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(ETA: I recall reading in an interview somewhere that Horikoshi usually colors the volume covers in Photoshop, but for this one he felt like doing something different and so he colored it by hand and very much enjoyed it. it looks good!)
somehow I wasn’t picturing this weird mutant Overhaul creature to be red. somehow it makes him look even more like a Zelda boss
100% OFA Deku looks so cool! and his OFA lightning has turned yellow just like All Might’s oh gosh
“a bright future” OH GOD YES PLEASE
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(ETA: I HATE IT EVEN MORE NOW!! looking back on it now is giving me the headcanon that Mirio is actually sitting on the bench alone, sometime after this arc, and that’s actually Nighteye’s spirit sitting there, watching over him. I have no idea why my subconscious would choose to come up with a background story for this page that makes me want to cry even more.)
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(ETA: I love this volume)
(ETA: Seiji sure has a lot of spare time on his hands huh)
wow this opening panel is talking about the possible origin of quirks as a fucking virus spread by rats. like if the fucking bubonic plague gave you superpowers
oh no
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I did not ask for an Overhaul flashback and I don’t care about him. go ahead and flesh him out if you must, but no amount of backstory can satisfactorily explain why he’s such a fucking creep
Tongue!Overhaul says that neither Deku nor Eri understand the value of Eri’s power
idk man, Deku’s already making some damn good use of it barely two seconds after discovering that it exists
so he’s explaining that her quirk can be used to rewind the mutation that brought quirks about
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how come the version Tamaki got shot with only did this temporarily, though? does this mean the effect is eventually going to wear off on Deku and he’ll collapse with every last one of his bones shattered and probably die immediately omg
also would it then be possible to undo what happened to Mirio? or does the quirk not work on itself? goddammit
and in theory this could potentially even be used for creepy necromancy purposes. ohhhh man
(ETA: and also I’m telling you, the more I think about it, the more I’m becoming convinced that this is the quirk which will eventually bring All for One back to power. eventually someone is going to make the mistake of letting AFO come into contact with Overhaul over in Tartarus, and once that happens, things are going to go downhill fast.)
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ironically, this actually seems like the most narrow-minded view of Eri’s quirk possible. most people would look at Eri’s quirk and immediately identify it as a healing quirk. the fact that he turned it into a destructive quirk tells you all you need to know about the kind of person he is right there
also, those buildings he’s casually smashing just so happen to have people in them omg
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why would they not have evacuated by this point. there was a fight going on between a dragon and a giant villain for a full 20 minutes. for that matter, you’d think that local heroes would have eventually stepped in at some point. that’s plenty of time for backup to have arrived, and it should have been abundantly clear by that point that they needed it. so much about this doesn’t make any damn sense smh
(ETA: I think later on they confirm that there were only a handful of civilian injuries, though, and they were only light scratches and stuff. but all that means is that they got lucky goddammit.)
wowwwww Overhaul. wow
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I’ll take “most ironic things villains have ever said” for $500, Alex
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Deku’s thinking to himself that Eri’s power is getting stronger and that she doesn’t know how to stop it. “just like the first time I used One for All”
he’s thinking that she basically has her foot stuck on the gas pedal
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is he “Deku” now? no more Izuku-kun or -chan or whatever?
as for Mr. Compress, he got squished by Ryuukyuu and melted
Ochako’s floating up to the surface with Nighteye in tow. and they were smart enough to avoid removing the spike in his stomach so he doesn’t instantly bleed out
does Nighteye even still have his left arm omg
now we’re flashing back again to the old boss chewing out Overhaul for getting into a fight with some dude and laying him out in critical condition
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the boss thinks Overhaul is going behind his back and undertaking some secret venture in the drug business
he says he told Overhaul not to get involved with those drugs. I think that was the flashback we saw some chapters earlier
and he’s again telling him “you must not stray from my path”
why am I starting to get the feeling that the boss never actually got “sick” and that was Overhaul’s doing as well...?
oh my god is he talking to Kurono here
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I feel like this is the only person who could plausibly be shipped with him. it doesn’t hurt that at this point he’s literally the last Precept standing
Overhaul’s determined to restore the family back to its former glory
oh here we go. finally the complete master plan
so first they flood the streets with some of the “incomplete products” they have on hand that can temporarily erase quirks
and once people have gotten a taste of that they’ll all be clamoring to purchase the completed product from them at sky-high prices
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did they actually start to work on that particular serum yet?
anyways, because the boss isn’t A COMPLETE MONSTER, he’s immediately telling him no
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you know, this is one of those instances where the time-honored mob tradition of doing away with a troublesome family member before they get even more troublesome would not have gone amiss. just sayin’. in hindsight he probably wishes he had
instead he just told him “if you’re going to disobey our way of thinking then you should just leave”
Overhaul says all he wants to do is repay the boss for taking him in
then why don’t you start by, I don’t know, FUCKING LISTENING TO HIM oh my god
but instead he went behind his back, continued torturing the innocent little girl, and proceeded with his plan
(ETA: okay, so! after much discussion, I have come to agree with the people saying that this scene...
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...which I initially took to be Overhaul relenting, followed by the transition from the flashback back to the present, is in fact actually Overhaul making the decision to take his boss out of commission. the fade to black and the startled look on the boss’s face are intended to show that Something Bad is about to happen. and the next panel after that is just Overhaul thinking about how he owes a great debt to the boss, and that if they proceed with his plan, they can restore the family. “look forward to it, Pop.” so yeah, that does make sense.
what still annoys me though is that they don’t explicitly confirm it, even though it’s arguably the key moment in terms of Overhaul’s development into a villain. the series has no problem showing Eri’s torture in way more detail than anyone ever needed or asked for, and yet this key scene merely gets hinted at. it’s basically the thing all of these flashbacks are leading up to, and then they just... don’t show it.
there is one possible reason I can think of for this, which is that this scene is from Overhaul’s perspective, and because he wants to continue thinking of himself as the loyal son who’s doing this all for the sake of his father figure, it makes sense that he would censor his own recollection of the incident in order to further convince himself that it was all for the best. but while that explains the vagueness, there are still tons of other ways Horikoshi as the author could have confirmed it for us. for instance he could have showed it from Kurono’s perspective instead. or hell, just confirm it with a simple line of dialogue if you have to. but narratively, I think the decision to leave it inconclusive hurts the story by robbing us of the coolest, most dramatic and defining moment of Overhaul’s past.
so idk, I’m still not the biggest fan of this scene. for me, it comes tantalizingly close to being the kind of super dark twist I was hoping for, but then fails to stick the landing. so I’m hoping the anime can improve on this a little bit.)
so now we’re back in the present, and there are a few panels of Overhaul screaming that everyone else is missing the bigger picture, and he’s trying to destroy this world (the word “world” being in quotation marks, so I assume he means society, not the actual world), and that the “fake heroes” who are fixated on their tiny notions of justice need to stay out of his way
boy this is getting tiresome. it’s like someone combined Stain and Overhaul and created... Worse Overhaul
but he really doesn’t stand a chance against a 100% Deku, I think
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well, we just had three huge pages of Deku beating the shit out of Overhaul. what do you guys think. climax? are we done at last?
oh my god you guys
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;________; WE DID IT
(ETA: this is the quickest Final Battle a 40+ chapter arc has ever had. I’m not complaining, mind. good god am I not complaining)
so Deku punched Nighteye’s vision in the face?? apparently?
I mean, there didn’t even seem to be any point where he was even remotely in danger of dying. so either there’s something coming up, or Nighteye really screwed up on that one
either way it’s not like I mind? holy shit. we’re done? we’re really done?? ARE WE MOVING ON FROM THIS ARC
oh my god you guys. hey google play “We Are the Champions”
hang in there Kacchan and Shouto. we’re coming, lads
no bonus, this volume is pretty skimpy on the omake content honestly. but hey guys, tomorrow our favorite villain with too many hands makes his own long-awaited reappearance! google, when you’re done with this song, get ready to play some AC/DC next. we’re about to embark on the Highway to Hell, baby.
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thiirdboy · 7 years
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     Geez, that time of the year again, isn’t it? I can’t believe how quickly 2017 has gone by. So, let me just say a few things in the spirit of the season!
     Man, this year, I’ve felt the most welcome on an RP blog that I’ve ever felt ever, and that...that’s crazy. I’ve been RPing on tumblr since eighth grade, and I’m in my first year of college now. There have been people that have been with me since the beginning, and there are people that I’ve only just met in the almost two years now that I’ve been on Shinji. And, let me just say: no matter how long you’ve stuck with me on this ride, I love and appreciate you so much.
     I’ve gotten lots of comments and high praise on my portrayal of Shinji this year, which I don’t say to brag; I say it to highlight just how loving and encouraging this community has been and continues to be! It makes me so happy to see even just small spontaneous questions in my inbox or to be tagged in things randomly, because it means you guys notice and love the work I put into Shinji. Evangelion has become very near and dear to my heart, partly because, as you may know, I do relate pretty heavily to Shinji, but also largely because of the amazing people I’ve met by RPing in its community. And so, I can’t repeat this enough: thank you for making what I do worth it.
     Here are some shoutouts to people that have been especially instrumental ( pun perhaps intended ) in making my experience here a positive one:
Magi ( @psychic-sun ) - Ohhhh boy HERE WE GO. Magi. You are the light of my life. We are the two balls of anxiety. The sunrise duo. The beeb and the boob. The flesh sack cleaning Ikari Lucas Goodwill Smiths. And also, how were you ever intimidated by me? BUT in all seriousness, thank you for pulling me out of some really bad places this year. Thank you for being patient with me and waiting until I was ready to take a step forward, thank you for being the kindest, most understanding, most encouraging person I’ve ever dated ever ( and not to mention cutest! ). Thank you for putting up with my stupid shenanigans, like the twitter layouts and fucking memorizing the entire Kaworu Hits on Shinji video. Just, thank you for everything. I’m never afraid when I talk to you, and if the anxiety does kick in you’re always there to kick its ass. I really hope I’ve been able to do the same for you. You are amazing, way more than you realize, you are going to kick senior year’s ass, and then whatever college you go to, you’re going to kick its ass. I absolutely believe you’re capable of getting into super selective schools and pushing through difficulties that you set your mind to. I love you sosososo much ♥ ♥ ♥
Emmi and Niko ( @derverlust and @ayanxmi ) - MY CANON GIRLS!! MY SQUAD!! My gosh, I just...you guys already know how much I adore your writing and characterization, but I just can’t state it enough. The work and thought you guys put into your muses is incredible, and I’m so honored to not only be able to write with people that are so talented and understand their muses so well, but to be mains with them?? Like??? What did I do to deserve you guys??? I never thought I’d end up as close with you guys as I have!! And not only that, but you both are absolutely a joy to talk to OOC, and have helped me through some really bad shit in my life. I know I can always count on you two for advice, or at the very least a pick me up when I’m down. Here’s to another year of wild EVA shenanigans! I hope I continue to live up to my role as you guys’ Shinji. ♥
Simon ( @rakuene ) - Holy fuck Simon. Holy fuck. You already know how wild our RP shenanigans have gotten in the four mcfucking years that we’ve known each other. I need not say more than SUMOverse or Ore no Muse for you to know. But, jeez...I can’t imagine what my experience both IC and OOC would have been like without you? I love that our characters have such great dynamics no matter who they are, and that I can also talk to you about anything OOC. You know about pretty much all of the shit I’ve gone through and have been there through a lot of it to help me, and I hope I’ve done and continue to do the same for you. I’m so blessed to have gotten to meet someone amazing and loyal like you.
Bell, Red, and Jae ( @retalupine, @invictrix, @velvequeen ) - SQUADRILATERAL ROLL UP. Okay no but seriously, Bell and Red, you guys have been with me practically since Kei’s birth, and Jae, even if we’ve only really started talking this year, you can’t have a squadrilateral without four sides, and you’re super sweet and cute and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you too! You guys are my tea-spilling, salty-sweet squad, and I can always count on you guys to keep things real. Plus, all our muses’ interactions are fun to watch, and it’s been great to watch them develop over the years into what they are now! And I super appreciate you guys sticking with me no matter which community I hop to next, and I will absolutely, 100% always do the same for you.
Chib ( @of-magic-and-fun ) - SYYYYYYYD YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU. No but seriously, can you believe we used to just write RPs on paper in middle / high school and come up with shenanigans and now we’re still here doing the same shit, except with formatting and all that jazz? You are literally a sweet cinnamon roll with tons of extra frosting that this world does not deserve, too good, too pure. I know things are tough right now, but I’m here for you! And I will stick with you through any community you write in or anywhere you end up living IRL ( even if that means mainly discord communication ). We’re ride or die at this point.
Zach ( @insectoide ) - You know what the fuck is up Zach. From the time before I knew you up until now, I never would have imagined myself friends with someone as cool and talented as you ( and yes, I do, after a year, still think you’re super cool like I did before we talked ). I know you go through a lot of shit that you don’t deserve whatsoever, and I’m here for you for all of it. Though despite all of it, you’ve stayed strong and true to your beliefs, no bullshit, and I’m SO glad and so happy for you for that. And not to mention your bomb ass writing?? Your contributions to fandom have made it such a great place, and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to be part of it in some way!
Diego ( @hogarsis ) - Diegoooooooo!! My fellow magical girl enthusiast! My gosh, I was so excited when you very first followed me back on Kyubey, and then on Nagisa and just across all your muses. No matter who they are, they always seem to have a great dynamic right from the beginning, and a super unique one at that! There are tons of places we can take their interactions and they’re always super multi-layered, and I’m all about that good multi-layered shit. You’re a super flexible and talented writer and RPer, and I will continue to follow you and write with you wherever you decide to go!
     Wow that was really long. I have a lot of love to give. And I have more! Here are tons of other people that I have written with / talked to OOC, or would like to, that I absolutely adore.
@aoba-shigeru | @beastbrave | @falsiti | @hakureimaiden | @halfofxerxes | @herstrengths | @inviai | @inlightsimage | @notstpd | @persistingcourage | @revengefulhcart
     Of course, I probably missed a ton, as there are tons of you, and quite a few that have only just followed me recently that I would love to interact with more and just haven’t quite seen a lot of yet! But if you’re following me right now, you are part of the reason I’m still here! It takes two to tango, after all!
     Anyway, come March, aside from turning into Jared who never fucking learned how to read, I will have been on Shinji and in the EVA community for two years. And I plan on continuing to be here! This is just such a fun place to be, and I hope that that continues for a long time. If you celebrate Christmas, I want to wish you a merry Christmas, and if not, then I hope whatever holiday you celebrate is a good one. And for everyone, I wish you well in 2018! May it be a great year!
     — Negau
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yoonminist · 7 years
💕 crush stories p4 💕
My relationship with my crush is a little complicated lol she's the softes bean ever and has a lot of problems she doesn't wants to talk about and I'm the only one who's there for her but last year everything just went down because i needed a friend to be there for me but she treated me like shit so i turned to another friend and we started dating. While i was in this relationship my crush got a boyfriend (who treats her like shit) After 6 month of dating my gf me and my crush became best friends again and i spent a lot of time with her. I broke up with my gf last week because i had to realise we only dated because we were both lonely. Now I'm back at pining over the smallest cutest girl in the whole world while i have to take care of her or she would probably die dnkdks i actually got her to watch httyd with me as her bf was being an ass and she loved it even tho she usuall hates animation movies lol 
you’re right this is complicated lmao so she’s still with her bf ??? even though she’s cute and has her own problems you don’t deserve to be treated like shit so i hope you cleared up whatever that was,,, i suggest you take a little time to enjoy being single before you start thinking about dating this crush now because i’ve seen people date for the sake of not being lonely and it usually isn’t good in the long term but good luck!! and i don’t know how bad her bf is but she should dump him
He's not texting since 3 days ago (our first date)... I think i don't like him any more 💔😭 we've been friends for 5 years...
:’( either he treats you better or you drop him bc you deserve better than that ♡
I think im a little strange, there's a guy that i like(a lot) he is really cool, funny and smart, but i think he is gay. Rather than i'm being sad or something alike, i ship him with his friend, but i still liking him. I'm getting crazy :')
ohhhh does he actually like his friend though or do you just ship them because you think he’s gay ?
aaa, so i've liked this guy for almost 3 months and i did the Thing where i told him (which never happens, because i'm usually way too shy and i tend to want to tamp my feelings back to nothing). that night, we spent hrs walking blocks and blocks and he told me he doesn't like anyone atm, which i understood 100%. after that, it really wasn't bad and we actually hung out at a lookout point for a few more hrs into the morning before he took me home. he's the first person in a while that made me feel so nervous, excited, fluttery, good about myself in a long time. i think (i hope) that i'll be over him soon - at the end of it all, he's still a good friend. the butterflies haven't left yet though - my lil heart won't stop hoping and he's not gonna stop being cute and gosh darn attractive and lovely anytime soon 😫 (ty for letting me rant through this! you're one of my favorite blogs 💝) 
THIS IS SO CUTE ahh im glad you went for it!! even though he told you he didn’t like anybody it’s better that you know and don’t spend all this time being hung up on him and wondering about What Ifs so i’m happy for you ♡ he sounds like such a nice friend though so i’m glad you have a person like him in your life and hope that you get over him asap (and thank you !! you’re so sweet 💖)
My crush is an asshole who played push and pull with me for 3 years and recently decided to declare that he likes me, but he's still not sure about us. He said, i quote: 'what if i ask you out and then change my mind' . So we're at square one again😂 he is such an attractive guy, i can't give up on him😭
NO no matter how cute he is you should get rid of him omg what an asshole-ish thing to say,,, trust me even if it’s hard at first you’ll be way happier when you’re over him !! he doesn’t deserve you!!!! ♡
My crush is actually in Korea for the summer (no lie, he's an exchange student at my school). He's so adorable and sweet, but we almost never talk or hang out, and whenever we do I'm always the one to initiate :c Just trying to be optimistic and open about everything rn :s
optimism is good!! hopefully it isn’t because he isn’t interested or already has someone but i guess the best way to find out is always to hint at it or outright ask about his love life ??
Does it count if my crush and I recently married? lol because even though he is my husband not a day goes by that my heart does not flutter with something he does. Wether it be hugging, hand holding or even a smile directed my way, I still get butterflies like crazy. He is the most kind caring and thoughtful person I have had the pleasure of meeting. He is silly and loves laughing. He has the most beautiful eyes and smile I have ever seen. But maybe I'm just being biased lol I love my crush 💜
AWWW CONGRATS ON YOUR MARRIAGE this is so nice ✨✨✨ i love this n hope you’re happy together for As Long As You Both Shall Live
The last time I had an actual full blown crush on someone it was in seventh grade and Jesus Christ let me tell you I was so dramatic over it?? The dude's initials are M.J and I once burst into tears cause I saw the letters on my tv once and we had these letter stickers back then so I put M and J together next to the Pc and whenever someone asked about it I was like it's Michael scofield bc that was back when prison break was ongoing. God I cringe so much now when I look back at it lmaoooo
you burst into tears when you saw his initials fjngjnfjgfn   
Okay so my crush is a girl and omfg, she's so pretty?? Her hair falls just above her shoulders and she has brown hair & brown eyes and I take most of my classes with her, but we have the most fun in German, Economics & Managment and Organisation. So she has a lot of... character (idk lol). She is hella stubborn and takes shit from no one but so do I so we banter and insult each other A LOT, but it's always playful so we never feel insulted. But the thing is that i'm a girl too And I didn't even know I liked girls too until I met her lol (so now i'm a closet bi girl). But the thing that gives me hope is that we low key flirt? We send each other snaps stating how much we love each other and always call each other bae/babe etc. I know girl friends do this but it's different I don't even act that way with my best friend and neither is she? And she once confessed to me that she kissed a girl when she was really drunk, but didn't feel anything with it And once we were hanging out with friends, she was drunk and this guy was lying on top of her (a friend who gets real touchy when drunk, but it was all good no harassment of some sorts) she like kept calling me to help, nothing real big. But she also got jealous once when I send a snapchat to her best friend (she was with her @ the time) & she was like why didn't you snap me? So i'm really confused and idk if she likes me too? Sorry for the ramble :(
i relate to this so much lmao i found out i was bi through my first gf too so this all sounds AWFULLY familiar,, i’ll just say if you joke about being in a r/s all the time it’s a sign that you should level it up to a real one but from what you’re telling me i have a good feeling about this!! i hope she really is into you and that you end up dating ❤ (and that you keep me updated whoops)
so im in marching band and there's this one guy in color guard who's really good and the way he can move his body is just like impossible to look away from? and he's really attractive like the other day he was wearing a shirt that had kind of a low neckline and his collarbone was really prominent and i just ahhh??? im not sure if he knows i exist but he's just really attractive help
im crushing on this guy for over 3 years. he is a meanie but i like him a lot :') this past week he confessed and said he liked me. but he is not sure if he wants a relationship. we even went out on something like a date :D im very confused rn ahahaha
you need to be clear with this kind of stuff in a r/s so just ask him!! trust your gut though, no matter how much you like him i think that if you don’t think you’ll be happy dating him then just don’t do it :’( ♡
Hey it's the anon that may or may not be gay who has a crush on the girl named Ramona. So.... I think I fucked up. A few friends of mine threw this huge party this weekend and I made sure to tell Ramona so she'd go (I mean goody2shoes at a party come on how cute is that?) So about an hour or 2 into the party she shows up with some friends and I hang around her most of the night, and when I'm not WITH her I made sure I knew where she was. See the part where I messed up is that Im not the best with alcohol... And I drank a bit much. Now I remember kissing Ramona. And that's it. However according to some friends I kissed her she slapped me I pushed her... into the pool and she left crying. Now its Monday and she wont look me in the eye (it's lunch rn and English is next) what do I do?!? I'm an obvious drunk asshole, BUT THATS THE THING! I was DRUNK! I mean I wanna apologize but I can't even get close to her with her friends there
NOOOOO oh my god you really did fuck up ;; can’t you text her asking if you guys can talk ?? tell a friend what happened and hope she’ll understand and let you explain?? honestly i have no idea but i hope you sort it out and let her know how sorry you are but also don’t beat yourself up too much!! accidents happen even if they are bad, it’s ok in the end as long as you apologise,,,,, good luck ♡ and don’t drink around her again ;;
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