#its like the feeling of seeing the challenges in life and deciding to climb that hill anyway
endcant · 1 year
anyway the tophouse show was really good and we told the violinist (william) that we expected more gay people to be there since we know so many gay people in tennessee and he was like thats awesome i hope to see more of yall in the future. i hope these guys take off. their music is jubilation.
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guardianofnightmares · 3 months
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Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Alright, fellas, next entry to the @blitzbee-week event is finally here)). The prompt of the second day was "Sunrise" and I decided to go more figuratively with it rather then depicting a literal "appearance of the sky" at a particular part of a day. As you can guess by a provided description, Bee basically becomes a "leading star" for a brooding Blitzwing, who, as it seems, is not that thrilled by discovery of his partner.
Just as a previous entry to a mentioned event, this picture is dedicated to my fanfic called "TFA: Icarus". Here's a [link] for the series "folder" which also includes an existing teaser (future prologue) for a story if anyone wants to give it a try. Again, can not thank you enough for all the support you've shown for it so far, I will try my best to come up with updates soon enough.
As it usually goes with such works of mine, I will provide the full snippet of one of chapters, which a depicted scene is taken from, under a cut line for anyone wishing to read more about the scene. Hope you'll enjoy it)
To the surprise of many comrades he’d worked with, the Triplechanger proved to be the most patient mech on a team when it came to long lasting missions. Usually he didn’t find it difficult to lay low and wait for orders to come, even if it meant to stay idle for several solar cycles. It was a useful trait of character which Decepticon rightfully prided himself of. 
Yet, even a seemingly boundless patience had its limits. 
“Can you see anything of use out there?” Blitzwing finally asked his unfortunate “partner in crime”.
A brightly colored mech slipped on the spot upon hearing Con’s voice but managed to regain his balance. 
“Not yet, Blitzwing, give me a klik!” A minibot shouted over his shoulder, holding on the steel bar for dear life. “Climbing is not as easy as I’m surely making it look in your optics.”
If Bumblebee planed to cheer up a Warframe with such a comment, he failed miserably, for it only seemed to sour up an already bad mood of a tall mech. 
To a Decepticon, it felt like forever since the minibot began his ascend up a steep scarp of a crumbled wall. One would think that, thanks to his light frame, he’d manage to reach the top level in no time. But even this uneven terrain, made of torn sheets of metal and broken cables, proved to be a challenge to an agile Autobot. 
The damned energy chain, which linked limbs of both mechs to each other, clearly was the greatest obstacle for Bumblebee, barely giving him a chance to move as far away from a somber mech as possible. Not to mention that a Decepticon was forced to stand on one pede in order to accommodate his companion’s slow conquest of new heights. 
Admittedly, a Triplechanger considered an option of tearing the bug’s pede he’s bound to off. But that type of cuffs always latched onto anything in their vicinity (while being activated). Meaning, the chances of getting tied to a nearby wall, as a result of said actions, reached more than 90%. 
Tearing his own pede off was not part of a Warframe’s plans. 
“If you haven’t noticed it yet, Bumblebee Prime, we don’t have plenty of time left to hide in these tunnels,” A “former” convict grumbled in response while surveying his surroundings for an up-tenth time. He didn’t notice how a Bot winced at the mention of his new title.
Minibot knew he deserved that snide remark. But it did not make him feel better about his recent promotion to an Elite Guard. Or about a decision to become one for that matter. The decision which led to a situation where an Autobot and a Decepticon got lost under an Iacon city. 
They had to hide in maintenance tunnels from the times prior to a Great War. Tunnels built by Decepticons for Autobots’ use, and left by them to slowly rot in an utter disrepair after the said War was officially ended. Sealed off since the banishment of Warframes from Cybertron, eventually the structure turned into an urban myth not many of currently living mechs remember or even know about.
An old complex Blitzwing and Bumblbee were currently navigating in was once part of the major supportive structure. Meant to protect veins and tubes once full of energon, that section was made of sturdy materials which stoically passed the test of time. 
The Decepticon would’ve lied if he’d said he’s not pleasantly surprised by that discovery. 
But it did not bright up his mood by much - they still needed to find a way to the surface level of a planet. 
“Foolish of me to expect a scout with no field experience to do a Warframe’s job,” the mech muttered under his breath, words bitter on his glossa. “Perhaps I should have been the one to search for an exit after all”.
Blitzwing had no intent for the last sentence to be heard by his peer, but an aforementioned scout, apparently, had nicely tuned audials. 
“And to risk exposing your Decepticon signature to raging authorities? No, thanks!” Bumblebee chirped after successfully reaching for a rod sticking out of a long abandoned structure. “It was already enough of me putting everything at risk by making stupid decisions - I don’t want to see you following my lead.”
Somehow the fact that a minibot admitted his mistakes helped to somewhat cool Blitzwing down. He said nothing in return but did glance at him once prior returning to surveying desolated surroundings. 
Bumbler’s changed since the promotion to the ranks of an Elite Guard. He seemed to act more mature, even if he’s still naive about most things happening around him. For strangers it’d be an unexpected change of character for such an optimistic and energetic Bot as Bumblebee. But Blitzwing was no random outsider, whether he liked to be on closer terms with a current companion of his or not. 
Death of a teammate has effected the minibot on a much deeper level then he’d ever admit to anybody, even to himself. Yet, despite how horrible it might’ve sounded, the Decepticon thought that that was an important lesson every soldier had to live through. And as a mech, who’s witnessed deaths of many of his comrades throughout the Great War, he had to agree that Bumbler was holding up pretty well for someone so inexperienced in mentioned matters. 
Even Blitzwing, who did not know Prowl as well as a yellow Bot did, felt the loss of a mech effecting him as well to a certain degree. No matter how secluded and cold the cyber-ninja seemed to be, he always had a special aura around him, the one that made people feel at ease in his presence. Though how he could so freely speak to a Con about importance of life and probability of peace among Cybertronians remained a mystery to him to that solar cycle.  
What was that thing black and golden Autobot’s talking about during the last conversation of theirs? 
“To have Faith not in Primus, not in The Allspark, but in each other”?
What exactly made him see it being possible back then and, especially, at a current stage of the reignited conflict between factions? Triplechanger had no answer to that question either. He didn’t view how the world should work the same way Prowl did. Could not fully comprehend the intricacies of a philosophy of an Autobot, but, at least, did not lack the courage to make it very clear during a mentioned discussion of theirs.
Blitzwing didn’t have Faith in anyone anymore, and he surely wouldn't in a foreseen future. 
For who could remain being supportive of their unhelpful, unwanted partn-… Autobot, while being lost in Allspark forsaken place with no means of escape?
“… -es! I see the gap in a wall!.. Blitzwing, I actually see it!”
The joyful voice tore Triplechanger from a deep melancholy state he slipped into while looking down a dark tunnel to his left. He raised his ruby optics, their faint glow barely lighting sharp features of his blue faceplates.
“Right where you’ve predicted it to be,” The Autobot added after turning around in order to face his unfortunate companion, unintentionally giving him quite a peculiar view of his small form.
Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Blitzwing huffed in mild annoyance at himself and his artistic side of a processor - it was not the right moment for poetic comparisons. Hope and Faith had no place in a situation he was stuck in, only cold calculations. He and Bumbler had to get out of that place, no matter the cost. And the sooner they’d get rid of an energy chain, the better.
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
Astrology Observations Pt. 10 Losing Control
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Mars in scorpios intensity is unmatched. There sex appeal comes through when they are their most boastful and confident. There power is in their rage, their silence and their need to express there selves through physical activity. These angels must allow for all of their darkness to come through in order to receive full control over it. When they force themselves to not look into their darkness, they are blocking change from coming in. The ugly truths of their power comes in and they must reckon with that 'devil' at all times. At some point, they will know that the devil that they see is the power, change, and evolution they need to move forward.
All in all, mars in scorpio is in its second rightful home. Mars is the original ruler of scorpio so it works out for these martian babes. They must go through different stages of life learning how to harness this power. Because everyone sees it in them, however it moves so quietly others will begin to test you to see where is it.
Uranus Conjunct Mars individuals have a certain power in their consciousness that puts them up on game faster than others. Its literally levels to this sh*t, and they've got it down packed. In order to move into their highest potential they must be quick on their feet when going into new domains. Their curiosity will be the birth of a new horizon if they live a little. They challenge the status quo by being and doing what they want when they want it. And allowing others to mimic this motion with the help of grasping for air. Their intensity comes from the mind and everything they do has been tested in the dreams & ideas they had before they go for the big one.
However, another thing I've noticed is that sometimes you just have to jump. Just go for it, no thought in it what so ever and thats the BIG one for em. Sometimes you just gotta make that move even if you dont got all the answers. Cause usually uranus/mars doesn't care about the answers, it just cares for the result. Losing control of the mental will allow evolution to change course, and hopefully a new reality will take shape. Because now they have the abilities to do whatever it is they choose, and the brain power to make things happen.
Venus in Aries mission is to be the most confident, the greatest, and the most liveliest in what they do. Their is a need to be more than what they are at the time, and normally lose control of this feeling and go in for the big one. They never approve of being at the lowest or even third place. They gotta show it off and know that they are the truth. When the world is doubting them they will eat that energy up and transform it into higher power. Their truth is getting used to the world not understanding them, but they make peace with it. This is what makes them so attractive over all, because the world changes in their favor with time. When they decide to let go of control on how the world views them and ultimately how they view themelves, they will grow into their personalities and become a self-master in what they wish to have for themselves... And then the world will have to eat in the palm of their hands soon come. ;)
Sun Conjunct Mars... Whew boy. Yall are different. Yall have an incredible force hiding within you but the world doesn't see it yet. You have problems with dealing with this entity that is a fire haven of destruction. The world will call it 'demon', but you will call it 'life'. This world doesn't see the realm of fire in the way that you feel it. In a cage locked away so that the world can feel safer. You remind others of what its like to climb the top of the mountain and reach it with not an inch of sweat down your back. Your caged senses are abilities that can grow and help you navigate earth in multiple ways then one. You're like a creature that's naturally untamed, but the world has to have a mission in feeling in control.. so they try to take you down with them. Its like bigfoot finally getting control of itself, not playing pretend and being more open to jump the boat. Getting out their and showing your strength even if it hurts others to look. You don't care what the world sees in you but you know the way to the heart. Your mind is capable of bringing its true raw power to the light. This warms up the hearts of many, but intimidates others too. When you lose yourself, you bring back control because theirs so much rare power in you that NEEDS to be in the spotlight. You NEED the world to see your body, to see your mind, your heart, your soul. The world needs inspiration to move better, do more, to be motivated. Thats your spark. Thats your truth.
Taurus Mars - Energy healers. Your gift is through bodily movements. Every touch, every feeling creates a surge of raw energy forming through your body. Your pain can be transmuted into more if you allow your feelings to get the best of you. Don't let go, just allow it to flow within and find power in embracing it. Thats the message.
Sun/Mars Trine & Sextile peeps.. Use that force to drive away any leeches trying to gain power over your life. Your brilliance is jaw dropping, and the waves you create by just being yourself is more than anyone could describe. Be confident in whatever you choose to embark in. Rage is a perfect tool to heal any wounds from the past, and that rage is protection for you in future endeavors and/or people who don't know you enough to try and stop+control you from your calling. Your gift is in getting to the bottom of that massive power and using that energy in an outlet that matches your frequency. Your energy can come by tiny blurts of emotions pushing through to contain more outside force, after-all is done it'll before larger than life. You just have to work with it.
If you want me to explain in more detail, drop a comment below! i'll work with you on getting more insight on these placements. thanks for reading <3
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ashisgreedy · 10 months
Theo Nott x F!Reader "Revved"
Modern AU Biker!Theo
Tags: SMUT 18+ MDNI | Established Relationship | Forced Orgasm/Made to Cum | Multi O’s | Overstimulation | F!Penetration | Motorcycle Stimulation/Sex | Outdoor Sex | Oneshot | Chars over 21+ |
A|N: At the end
WC: 3272
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Sum: Her Biker boyfriend, Theodore, takes her on a ride on his motorcycle. However, the bike feels a bit too good… making her feel all kinds of pleasure as they race down the winding roads.
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She rapidly swipes an extra coat of mascara on her lashes upon hearing a knock on the door. She tosses the tube back in her makeup bag and gives herself a final once-over in the mirror.
A more insistent knock echoes just as she approaches the door.
“I’m coming!” She shouts, checking out the peephole to make sure it’s who she thinks it is.
She recognizes his messy brown waves and his signature sunglasses. Throwing open the door, she pulls him in for a hug. “Hey!”
Theo smiles as he hugs her tight. “Hey, bella.” He holds his motorcycle helmet in one hand and wraps his free arm tight around her waist. “Are you ready to go?” He looks down at her as he rubs her lower back
“Yeah, let me just grab my helmet and we can be off.”
The two share a quick kiss before she reaches for the helmet on the coffee table in her living room. His smile lingers a touch longer than usual, prompting her to narrow her eyes in suspicion.
“You’re earlier than you said you’d be.” Her gaze slides to him after glancing at the clock on the wall.
“No traffic.” Theo returns the look.
Holding her helmet, an exact match to the one Theo is clutching—a gift from him on their last anniversary—she leads him out the door.
“What’s that look on your face?” She tries to see his blue eyes beyond the dark sunglasses. His smirk grew the closer they got to his bike.
“What look? I always look like this.” He chews the gum in his mouth to one side.
She knew him well enough to know something was up. “What’s going on, Theo? What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” He puts on his helmet, hiding the grin he’s sporting. “I can’t be happy to see my girl?”
She narrows her eyes again before putting on her own helmet. Theo climbs onto his bike and waits for her to do the same.
“I suppose…” She's only halfway convinced. Despite that, she decides to let it go for the moment, fully aware that she'll revisit the topic later, perhaps after their first pit stop.
Silently, he waits for her to mount his bike. It's a routine they've repeated a dozen times, exploring the city and venturing into the mountains together. The scenery never fails to amaze her, and the sheer excitement of speeding down the road with the wind in her hair never loses its thrill.
Theo glances back, keeping a watchful eye to ensure she doesn't struggle while swinging her leg over the bike. Earlier, he had suggested she wear a flowy skirt for their evening ride. It was normal for him to request certain clothing items from her. However, as she attempts to arrange the ends of the fabric under her legs on the seat, she's already regretting the choice. The skirt proved to be a bit of a challenge for a motorcycle ride. Mindful of avoiding any unintentional flashing to passers-by, she took her time ensuring every part was neatly tucked in.
Theo was patient and waited for her to tap his shoulder to indicate she was ready since the helmet muffled her voice.
Tonight's plan was to take a ride along the meandering roads leading toward the mountains just as the sun began to set. It had been some time since they last took this route, and she was excited to see the breathtaking views again.
Once satisfied with her modesty, she tapped his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Theo braced the bike and the engine roared to life. Nestling her face into his black leather jacket, she inhaled the familiar oaky fragrance that mingled with the metallic scent of the open air, creating a comforting warmth in her chest. With her knees snug against the back of his jean-clad thighs, she readied herself for acceleration.
A thunderous rev echoed as he zoomed down the street, sending her heart racing with adrenaline. She smiled wide from ear to ear as he picked up speed.
In the blink of an eye, her neighborhood vanished, and they found themselves on the expansive open road. The sky painted in hues of blues, oranges, and pinks washed over the landscape. He took a right turn and then they were off on the long stretch toward the mountains where he picked up speed.
She held on to him tight, keeping her weight on the bike's center. Her hands idly rubbed his chest while she enjoyed the surrounding scenery—countless trees and valleys on one side and massive mountains on the other.
At a red light, Theo reached up to his chest, gently intertwining his fingers with hers. Hugging him from behind, she showed her affection through 'I love you' squeezes. He reciprocated, squeezing her hand in return.
They entered the mountain roads, speeding past forests and lesser-known hiking trails, with no car in sight for miles. It was nice getting away from it all, leaving behind the stresses of the week as they sped past streetlights gradually illuminating their path.
Beneath her, the bike hummed pleasantly, the absence of her usual thick denim pants allowing her to feel the vibrations more intimately. Then Theo revved the engine, and the sensation escalated to something pleasurable. The vibrations surged through her like an electric current, causing a blush to creep across her cheeks.
The only thing between her clit and the seat was her cotton panties. She breathed through it and tried to relax against his back.
The engine revved higher and her fingers dug into his chest. She held him in a vice grip and shifted in her seat. The bike wavered and Theo turned his head for a moment to look back at her. He quickly moved his gaze to the road and continued the ride.
The bike seat’s vibration felt even more incredible. She shifted minutely, trying not to make the bike come unbalanced but the assault on her clit was becoming too much.
He sped off down the mountain road, but she wasn’t paying attention to the beautiful scenery anymore.
Her legs were shaking and her stomach muscles clenched as shockwaves rippled through her core. The orgasm hit her like a bus. She gasped and clung to Theo, fighting the urge not to rock her hips for some delicious added friction.
The pleasant release was quickly thwarted when the bike's unrelenting vibrations assaulted her now oversensitive clit.
She couldn’t stop the moans that escaped her as another orgasm was pulled from her. Her thighs clamped down on the bike as her body pulsed. Her cries of pleasure were audible in the wind as one orgasm melted into another and another.
The seat and her panties were soaked from the wetness making it harder to stay on. She felt herself sliding, but the death grip she had on Theodore kept her centered.
She must have been knocking the air out of his lungs with the strength of her grip but there had been no reaction from him at all, even when she screamed in pleasure.
The vibrations changed slightly giving her a break from the strong ones she’d been accosted with, and the orgasms finally stopped. She was sweating and gasping for breath.
She smacked his chest and could feel his body rumble with laughter. She smacked him again and he revved the engine higher and, oh, fuck… he was doing this on purpose.
Her clit throbbed to the point of pain as her body responded to the higher vibrations. She was on the brink of madness as more orgasms piled on top of one another.
She started paying attention to her surroundings again when the bike began to slow, striking gravel. Her panting was more audible without the motorcycle engine and wind whipping past to drown her out. Rapid breaths fogged the visor of her helmet.
The bike came to a stop on the side of the road next to an impressive view of the mountains and forested valley below.
She was limp against his back as the bike came to a halt. Small tremors ran through her body with every breath she took. He cut off the bike but her body hummed with the ghost of the intense vibrations.
Theo waited a moment before carefully peeling her hand off his chest. The kickstand came down and he slid off the bike. Removing his helmet revealed his messy brown waves. He spit out his gum onto the gravel and set the helmet down carefully.
As he walked around to her, he wore a shit-eating grin.
She glared at him, but it wasn’t effective with the helmet on her head. She yanked it off and Theo carefully took it from her, setting it on the ground next to his.
Her hair was a mess sticking to her sweaty forehead, her cheeks sporting a deep red blush, and her lips plump and swollen from biting them.
“You did that on purpose!” She spat, placing her hands in front of her on the seat to hold herself up.
He lifted his brows with a smirk.
“How many times?” Theo asked in a cool tone.
“What!?” She huffed, still glaring at her boyfriend.
"How many times did you cum on my bike? How many?" He took off his sunglasses and hooked them in his back pocket. He wouldn’t need them again tonight as the sun was setting. She could see the spark of excitement in his eyes.
"I…. I don't know.." she adjusted in the seat and felt how slick it was.
She was in a state and wanted him to be just as much of a frazzled mess as she was.
Her legs were like jelly as she tried to stand. She would not be embarrassed by the wetness she left on the seat, she refused.
Before she could get off the bike, Theo crouched down and looked at her at eye level.
His eyes looked almost predatory as his finger slid over her bare thigh. Her skin ignited with his touch as he moved up and up, pushing her skirt the farther he went.
She could feel the slickness all over her thighs and knew her panties were absolutely done for.
“How many?” His tone was serious, sending shivers down her spine.
She held her breath as his fingers reached the soaked fabric. He pushed where her clit was and her body jerked.
“I-I don’t know! …I lost count.” She trembled under his touch and gaze.
He hummed and a small smile tugged at his lips.
“Get off the bike, amore mio.” He raked his hand through his messy hair as he stood and waited for her.
She tried again but her legs were trembling so much it took her a moment. Her skirt was sticking to her thighs and she looked a mess.
Theo helped her, placing his hand on her waist and guiding her off the bike. Her feet slid on the gravel as he pulled her against his body.
“You made a mess of my seat.” His lips twitched in a smirk.
It was very obvious just how much of a mess she’d made thanks to the state of the dehydrated leather.
The world tilted and her chest was pressed down to the wet seat, ass in the air. She braced her hands on the bike to hold herself up.
Theo flipped up her skirt and tugged her panties down to her ankles. Then his mouth was on her and she gasped. He licked her wet slit eagerly, pushing her thighs apart to go deeper, to lick more of her. He latched his lips on her clit and he sucked hard.
She fell apart, legs trembling as she gasped his name. She ached, but the release by his toungue was well worth it.
He lapped at her until she was soaked anew, making her aching cunt quiver. She was a blubbering mess, writhing in the firm grip he had on her thighs. She hissed as he dug his fingers into her leg, pressing harder, keeping her in place. He held her apart and ate her out more lively than she’d ever seen.
Theo moaned against her pussy and she arched her back. His tongue felt like sin and she couldn’t form words.
"The way you taste…" Theo didn't comment further. He just hummed a satisfied sound.
A cool burst of air struck her dripping heat and she groaned at the loss of his mouth.
She faintly heard the sound of a zipper over her own hysterics. Then the thick head of his cock pressed against her wet aching hole and her whimpering became begging.
“Oh! Yes, please!”
“Gods,” He murmured
Theo pressed in and the blunt head of his cock popped inside her tight entry.
He took far too long to press his cock into her. She wanted to be filled, she was begging for it, dammit!
He sucked in a breath and grabbed her hips firmly. He pulled her body, forcing her to take him to the hilt as he stood completely still.
It was a snug fit and he waited a moment, lightly rocking his hips while her body accommodated him. Her feet slid on the gravel trying to find purchase.
Theo angled himself and then struck that one spot that counted. He wasn’t gentle with her, his thrusts were hard and fast as his fingers dug into her hips.
“I have every intention of fucking you until you scream.” His voice was gruff as he slammed home over and over.
She knew what he was capable of. He would absolutely fuck her until nothing else existed but his hand digging into her hips, his cock filling her pussy, and her voice horse from screaming in pleasure.
Thank fuck they were in the middle of nowhere on a lesser-known road. She wasn’t capable of caring a single bit if a van full of camera-caring tourists drove by at this moment and watched. She wasn’t herself and neither was Theo. He fucked her primally, rough and hard.
She had no idea how the strength of his thrusts hadn’t tipped over the bike, she certainly wasn't helping matters. Her walls fluttered with the relentless pleasure and Theo hissed. She could feel it… she was right there yet again.
“Cum,” He growled. He panted as he yanked her hips back in tune with his thrusts.
It was like a switch was flipped and she was flying, screaming, cuming so fucking hard around his cock. Her whole body shook from the force of the orgasm, the bike and Theo’s vice grip being the only things to keep her upright as he continued to fuck her.
His strokes were long and gentle as she rode out the last of her climax. She was almost sobbing, moaning in pleasure, and feeling the pain of just how overworked her poor pelvic muscles were. She was going to be sore for days.
She whimpered, catching her breath, and finally looked up to see the gorgeous view before them. Gods, she wished she cared, she really did, but he was picking up speed again. The wet sounds of skin on skin and her cries echoing were the only noises around.
She pressed her forehead to the seat and hung on for dear life. He pulled her hips to meet his thrusts and she was grateful. Her legs were so weak, there was no possible way she could do it on her own. She lived for the soft grunts that escaped him, his small moans and heavy breaths as he used her body to seek his own pleasure.
He squeezed her hips again, digging his fingers in hard. She couldn’t possibly cum again, but he reached around and started teasing her clit, and… fine! She guessed she could cum again, and, gods, it hurt so fucking good.
Her vision went blurry and her eyes filled with actual tears.
Theo's grasp tightened one final time, his hips meeting hers with a resounding slap. A moan escaped him, and he pressed his chest against her back, his heart racing as he gently rocked his hips.
Tears fell from her eyes and she tried wiping them off on her sleeve. It was too much from the start. All that was left of her mind was a ball of mush.
He panted into her hair as he caught his breath. Her heart pounded against the seat, blood rushing and throbbing behind her eardrums.
Finally, Theo released his bruising grip from her hips and rested his forearms on the seat, caging her in with his arms.
A quiet moment passed over them as they caught their breath. Theo began leaving soft kisses all over the back of her neck. He nipped behind her ear, making her tremble once again.
Wetness started cooling on her thighs as they settled there. She wanted nothing more than to be back at home in her bed with him, curled up and falling asleep in his arms.
Theo exhaled and stood up, pulling out of her more carefully than usual. She nearly fell to her knees but he caught her. He chuckled, pulling her close, his arm wrapping around her waist as he glanced down at her. His chest rose and fell rapidly, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
She adored the way his brown waves clung to his forehead, and his cheeks displayed a delightful rosy hue. While he wasn't as disheveled as she was, it was still satisfying to see.
“Think you can survive the ride back?” He gently kissed her forehead.
“Do NOT do that thing again!”
He laughed and picked up her helmet off the gravel. “Fine, fine.” He smirked.
“How did you even figure something like that out!?” She took her helmet from him.
“One of the guys mentioned that a bike could rev at just the right frequency for-”
“Okay, okay,” She cut him off. Of course it was his friends. They were always giving him the most insane advice. She glared at him for good measure before putting her helmet back on, making sure it was the last thing he saw.
He threw her a rag from his back pocket for her to clean herself, then picked up her panties from the ground, swiftly tucking them into his jacket pocket.
Theo smiled wider and kissed the forehead portion of her helmet before placing his back on.
“…So romantic,” She said in a monotone voice, taking the rag to her thighs then to the seat.
He observed as she cleaned up, resting his arms on the bike handles before pointing to her inner thigh. “Missed a spot.”
She smacked his arm away. “Start the bike, Asshole!”
His laugh rumbled from under the helmet, then the bike roared to life.
A|N: I like how the first words she says are the entire theme of the fic. That was a total accident.
Thank you for reading!
If you recognize the story, I wrote this for Seb a while back as well. It’s also inspired by a fic I read 5 years ago.
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reiderwriter · 10 months
May I please request a fic where Spencer finds out about the new female team member’s love for gaming by seeing her play her Nintendo Switch on the jet? Bonus if he sees her struggling to beat something like Five Nights At Freddy’s or Catherine Full Body and he helps her out much to her shock
A/N: Thanks for requesting! I'm not much of a gamer myself, so it took a while to figure out what I should write. I went with FNAF because I’ve literally been held hostage by that Josh Hutcherson Whistle tiktok for the last seven days, so I hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: mild spoilers for FNAF 4 Night 8, fluff.
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“What is that?” Spencer asked casually, glancing over at the screen from his seat on the jet.
For some reason, despite facing monsters in real life, you'd been addicted to horror games in your downtime. Apparently, it was better for you if the crazy murderers were actually sentient animatronics possessed by the ghost of murdered children.
“It's a Nintendo Switch. It's a video game.” You replied without looking at him, heart racing from the pressure of the level.
“Like pacman?”
“Yes, Spencer, like pacman.” You sighed in frustration, trying to avoid running into the animatronics running around the building your character was supposed to be guarding.
“Then why is the screen black,” he said, just as Mad Freddy snuck up on you in the game and you lost the level. You sighed, head falling back in defeat.
You'd been stuck on night 8 of FNAF 4 for at least a week now, but who could blame you? You had to play completely in the dark, and you were dealing with some of the worst animatronics, too.
You'd been so happy to discover 20202020 mode, and you'd passed night 7 easy enough and they were honestly pretty similar, but one week into consistently playing it in all of your downtime, and you were seconds away from sacrificing your switch to the animatronic gods.
“It's supposed to make it more challenging. I think it's just impossible.” You threw the switch down, making sure all your progress (or lack of it) was saved.
“Can I try?” Spencer curiously asked from beside you, smiling at the soft pout on your face.
“Are you sure? It's not exactly your style…?”
“Humor me.”
You passed him the switch, showed him the controls, and snuggled back against your seat, eager to catch some sleep now suddenly. You had just closed a long case, and you may as well try to sleep now before the pile of paperwork made that impossible.
If it was easy to fall asleep, it was impossible to drag yourself from sleep.
You'd felt the familiar movements of the jet jostle you side to side, but you also felt a warmth next to your body that was too comfortable to convince you to even crack an eye open.
After a week on the case, plus a week trying to solve the game level, you really hadn't slept soundly in some time.
So when someone shook your shoulders, you simply ignored the motion again and cuddled closer to the arm and chest you'd wrapped yourself around.
Until you realised that the arm and chest had to belong to a person. And the only person that could be was Spencer Reid.
“It's okay, I'll wake her up, you guys go ahead.” You heard him say, with a few muffled voices agreeing.
You decided to just play dead as you heard the shuffling sounds of the rest of the team climbing off the jet. At which point you just happened to stretch yourself naturally out of your peaceful sleep.
“Spencer?” You yawned, trying to sound confused. “Did we arrive?”
You disentangled yourself from his body, realising that in facing him, your faces had hovered centimetres apart from one another. His breathing was calm, but you could feel his heart beating hard as you pulled away from him, mind racing at the not so innocent touches he traced down your skin as he let you go.
“Yeah, the team got off already. We should probably head out, too, before the cabin crew comes through to reset.”
You stood yourself up and grabbed your things, including your switch, now packed carefully into its carry case.
“So, you gave up as well, huh?” You laughed at the obvious sign of Spencer's white flag.
“What do you mean?” He said, grabbing his own bags now he was free from your grasp.
“The game? It was hard, right?” You smiled at him as he collected himself and turned back to you, pausing slightly.
“I finished the game.”
“What?” You whirled around on him, voice breaking through your lips before you could control it.
“I finished the game. I was just watching the credits when you… made yourself comfortable.”
You felt embarrassment spread through your body but pushed it down to make space for the sheer disbelief that known technophobe Spencer Reid had completed the video game you'd been struggling with for the past week.
“How?” was the only word that would leave your mouth as you froze in the aisle.
“There was a pattern to it. I realised if I went between the left door, the bed, and the right door, the fox thing-”
“Nightmare Foxy.”
“Right, Nightmare Foxy wouldn't come out of the closet. And then the others wouldn't pop up until 4am, and after that, it was pretty easy to get through.”
“Oh my god.” You stood in awe, blocking the aisle and forcing Spencer to stop next to you as well.
“You have to show me how. Please, Spencer, I need to see it.”
You hadn't realised your hand had crept up to grab his sleeve, pushing closer to him slightly.
“Are you free this weekend?” He whispered back at you as you realised that the space between you was miniscule. You could only nod your confirmation enthusiastically.
“Then it's a date.” He whispered again, pushing past you and letting himself off the jet.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
A Ride for a Ride // slimeball taxi driver!Zoro x f!reader // NSFW [minors DNI] Written for @bastardblvd's Slimeball Collab
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Summary: It's 3am and walking home from your shitty job at the diner seems like a drag, so you call a cab, hoping for a quick trip back to your apartment so you can finally catch some sleep. Your moss-haired, muscle-bound, directionally-challenged cabbie definitely gives you a ride you didn't expect. CW: scumbag!zoro; afab!reader [no gendered pronouns used]; references to sexual harrassment from a certain curly-browed co-worker; dubcon elements [reader under duress]; degradation [ex. use of slut, whore, etc]; oral sex [m receiving]; vaginal sex; creampie WC: 3.3k
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It’s 3:00 a.m, and your shift is blessedly over. The crisp air outside Franky’s Flapjack Shack is nipping at your skin; your head aches and your feet are throbbing, your unsupportive sneakers that are close to falling apart barely able to keep up with the demands of the late-night post-bar crowd combined with avoiding the gropes and glances of that damn curly-browed line cook who can’t seem to keep his hands to himself.
The walk home feels untenable, your ankles ready to give out and a chill quickly making its way under your sweater. You sigh and pull your phone from your pocket, dialing the number of the local cab company. It would be a luxury, and one you’d probably regret indulging in since it was still a few days from payday, but anything would be better right now than trying to propel your worn-down body through the dark city streets all the way to your apartment.
And so you wait. And wait. And wait. You glance at your phone—the cab company said the closest operator was only a few blocks away, what the hell was taking them so long? You glance back down at your phone, absentmindedly watching a video of a McDonald’s manager getting decked over a wrong nugget order, when you hear—and smell—something coming your way.
An absolute whale of an old sedan shudders its way down the block, the yellow headlights dim, the tires looking like they’re just one hard turn from falling off completely. It comes to a whining halt in front of you, as the window rolls down and smoke billows out. The stub of a cigar lands on the ground in front of you, embers scattering at your feet.
You cough and sputter, waving away the smoke to get a glimpse of the person you’re already regretting entrusting with your life tonight. Through the haze, a muscled arm hangs out the open window, the sleeve of a white t-shirt straining against a bulging bicep. The smoke finally clears, and you see man with green hair and a tanned complexion turn towards you, three gold earrings swaying as he does, and your eyes flit over his face. Even considering the awful, lingering cigar stench and the ramshackle car, he could easily still be a contender for one of the city’s most eligible bachelors.
“Lemme guess, you’re worried about this?” he says, pointing towards his closed left eye, a long scar running over it.
“No, I was more worried about that.” You point towards the front of his car, as streams of smoke escape from underneath the hood.
“Ah, it’s fine. Does that all the time.” He slaps the car door. “Come on, you gonna get in or did I come all the way here for nothin’?”
“It does that all the time…?” you trail off under your breath as you place your fingers on the door handle, wavering between getting on the back of this trash heap and praying to whatever gods might listen, or running back inside the restaurant and calling another cab. You glance back at the Flapjack Shack and see that idiot line cook standing at the window watching you, practically salivating, and decide to take your chances with the moss-haired cabbie rather than risk getting your ass pinched one more time tonight.
You climb in the backseat behind him and pull the door shut, giving it a few vigorous tugs before the rusty hinges will allow it to fully close. Your hands instinctively fumble for a seatbelt only to realize…there aren’t any. “Hey, so, um, how do I strap in?”
“Strap in?” He glances at you in the rearview mirror with his good eye. “What for?”
“You know what? Never mind.” You take a deep breath and press your lips together. You glance up as he fiddles with the radio, and you notice three large katanas sitting in the passenger seat, carefully secured with a pillow behind them and some sort of cushion attached to the seatbelt that holds them in place, their hilts glimmering in the neon lights from the restaurant. “Hey cabbie, uh—what are those for?”
“Call me Zoro, none of that ‘cabbie’ shit,” he grouses, loosely gesturing to the card taped to the back of the passenger seat with his name and photo. “And what are what for? My swords?”
“They’re for protection.”
“Protection from what?” you squint.
“So where am I taking you?” he asks, almost cutting off the end of your sentence as the engine revs and the car slowly comes to life again.
That’s how it’s gonna be, got it. You quickly rattle off your address as your eyes remain fixed on the swords.
“Alright, gotcha.” He chuckles, and the car stutters off into the night “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. You’ll be home in no time. They don’t call me the world’s greatest cabbie for nothin’.”
You quickly fish your phone out of your bag, distracting yourself from the low hum of some weird sea shanty playing on the radio and the fact that Zoro’s gaze seems to be focused more on observing you in the rearview mirror than it does the road, as you careen around corners and run at least three red lights (that you counted). The battery ticks down and down as you scroll away, the grip on your phone growing ever more desperate as you brace yourself on the back of his seat at yet another stop sign that “came out of nowhere.” It isn’t until you start a new game of solitaire that you realize—it’s been an awfully long ride. Your apartment wasn’t that far away—the pervert line cook gave you a ride home one time and it only had to have taken about twenty minutes before you reached your apartment and your limit for terrible pickup lines.
“Hey cab—I mean Zoro,” you ask tentatively. “Are we almost there? Feels like we’ve been driving a while.”
He glares at you from the front seat as he accelerates through a yellow light. “Oh, what, are you saying I don’t know where I’m going?”
“No, of course not!” An anxious laugh exits your lungs. “I guess we’re just taking the scenic route, huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is the most direct route. I drive it all the time. They don’t call me the—”
“The world’s greatest cabbie,” you echoed. “Right, right. Sorry.”
You lean your head against the window and sigh, resigning yourself to watching silently as you pass the same streetlights, the same run-down convenience store, and the same skateboarders that Zoro almost mows down again and again. The battery on your phone finally heaves its last breath, and you toss it back in your bag, wondering if it would be bad form to open the car door and simply launch yourself onto the pavement at this point—surely you’d end up with less scrapes and bruises than you’d already accumulated from his sloppy cornering and his affinity for hitting the brakes with all his might.
“See? I told you I knew where I was going,” Zoro says as he finally—mercifully, blessedly—pulls up in front of your apartment building, the car practically convulsing as it slows to a halt, a loud knocking sound coming from the engine. He taps the meter and your eyes widen—your little detour around the city was going to cost you a pretty penny, but it was better than walking alone at night…wasn’t it?
You dig through your bag, scrounging around through wadded up receipts and half-full packs of gum, and your heart starts to race as you move items around more frantically, a sense of dread settling in your bones as you come to a realization.
“Oh god I—I don’t have my wallet.”
He turns fully around in his seat, his hot, acrid breath blowing directly on you. “What the hell do you mean you don’t have your wallet? Why’d you call for a ride if you didn’t have your damn wallet?”
“Well I thought I had it! I must have left it at work.” You chew your lip as your heart pounds away under your stained corporate-issue polo shirt. “Do you take app payments?”
“Do I look like I take apps, sweetheart?”
“Just let me run upstairs, I’m sure I have cash stashed somewhere. I-I promise, I’ll come right back.”
“Oh no, honey.” Zoro shakes his head. “I’ve heard that one too many times. Some sweet little thing says they’ll pay and then I never see ‘em again. I’m not falling for that. You are gonna pay me for this ride”—he leans closer, your noses almost touching—“one way or another.”
Your trembling hands ball into fists, pressing firmly into the ripped seat cushions as your mind raced, trying to think of a solution. Running wasn’t an option—you didn’t expect that a man who carried three katanas did it just for show, and even if he did, someone with his kind of powerful build could easily bring you down like a prey animal in a heartbeat. Your gaze flits over his face, noticing a certain predatory glint in his eye, a hunger lingering on the upturned corner of his lips. A man like him, you reason, can be persuaded with the right type of offer.
“Alright fine,” you finally blurt, steadying yourself, “I can think of a way to pay you.”
He cocks his head to the side, his earrings swaying with his movement. “And that is…?”
You bite your lip shyly, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes in your best approximation of a seductive glare. “Well…do you wanna move those swords or do you wanna come back here with me?”
He laughs, and gives you a condescending cluck of his tongue. “So you really think that’s gonna work, huh?”
Fuck. A shuddering breath leaves your lips as you start to realize there was no escape. “It was worth a try.”
“Hey, hey, I didn’t say no, sweetheart,” Zoro says softly as his hand drifts back and paws at your knee. “Scoot over.”
You pulse starts to shake your entire body as he exits the car; he slowly creaks the passenger door open, and you catch a glance of him from the waist down, all powerful thighs and a very clear bulge in the front of his pants. The car rocks as he slides in beside you and, he pulls the door shut with little effort, the rusted hinges screaming as it slams behind him. He turns to you, a lascivious smile stretched across his lips, and wordlessly slides his trousers down to his ankles. A gasp leaves your mouth before you can stop it as you see his cock for the first time, thick and pulsing, backlit by the dim yellow streetlight. He lets out a soft groan as he strokes himself lazily with one hand, his muscled thighs tensing with every movement.
“Well?” he rasps as you watch him slowly run his palm up his length. “You just gonna stare at it, or you wanna do something with it, hm?”
“Right,” you murmur as you blink and try to focus on the task at hand—this was your idea after all, sort of. As you looked him over, his forearm tensing as he fucked his fist for you, his bicep twitching in the low light, the smooth ripple of his abs visible as he held his shirt up, you felt a spark ignite at the base of your spine
You squeeze down onto the floorboards, and maneuver yourself next to him, your chest resting against his steely thigh, one arm hooked around his leg for support. He moves his hand aside and you grasp him firmly at the base as he swells in your palm. You crane your neck to lick a thick stripe up the underside of his shaft, flicking your tongue against the underside of the head; he hisses in response, leaning his head back, his hips lifting a bit off the seat. You swirl your eager tongue around the tip, lavishing it with gentle licks and kisses, finding yourself enjoying your perverted tryst a little too much, as a heat begins to build between your legs.
You press your thighs together as you wind your tongue up and down his shaft, before finally taking him in your lips. Zoro groans as your warm mouth envelops him, and his hand grasps your shoulder to anchor himself. He swells and pulses as you slowly draw him in and out of your warm, wet mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you reach the tip; with every pull, his breaths grow quicker and more ragged, his groans deeper and longer. He slides his hand to the back of your head and holds you in place as he pushes himself down your throat, forcing rivulets of spit to dribble out of your mouth and onto his thigh, puddling on the worn upholstery under him. As breathing becomes more difficult and you begin to squirm against him, he removes his hand and you quickly pull back and gasp for air, strings of saliva still connecting you to his glistening, spit-coated cock.
His chest rises and falls with harsh and uneven breaths as he stares down at you. “Don’t think you get to stop yet, sweetheart. You still owe me, and I’m starting to think your mouth isn’t gonna cut it.”
“What do you want then?” you pant as you wipe drool from your chin, knowing full well what he expected next, but still wanting to hear it from his perverted mouth.
A debauched grin spreads across his face as he says slowly, “A ride…for a ride.”
“A ride for a ride,” you mutter back after a moment, as you start to pull your shoes off. You yank your polyester work pants down your sticky, sweat-laden legs, tossing them on the grimy floor, and steady yourself on his broad shoulders as you straddle his lap. A shaky sigh leaves your lungs as he reaches down and runs the head of his cock through your folds, collecting the slick that coats your sensitive slit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Zoro grunts as he positions himself against your pulsing entrance. “I’d almost say you’re enjoying this more than I am—aren’t you, you little whore?”
“Shut up,” you spit as you grimace, starting to feel him push into you, the head teasing your wet, needy hole. “Don’t call me that.”
“Aw, why not?” His voice was dripping with a condescension that made you quiver. “Do you prefer ‘slut’ instead?”
A sharp gasp claws its way up your throat in response as you ease your way down onto him, feeling how he stretches you as he grasps your waist and slides you down his thick shaft until you envelop him completely. You lean against the back of the driver’s seat as you start to roll your hips, feeling the car begin to rock along with your movements, gentle waves that match your rhythm against him.
“Fuck, that’s good,” you whimper as you fuck yourself on him, feeling a coiling tension building inside you as his veiny cock fills you completely with every movement, pulsing and throbbing with every flutter of your walls. There is something deliciously intoxicating about how wrong everything feels—fucking this muscled pervert in exchange for a ride in his rusted-out car, just yards away from the safety of your apartment, in the dim light of the streetlamps where anyone could wander by and see the steam coating the windows and the slow rocking of the vehicle. It all feels disgusting, and revolting, and the indignity only makes you want it even more.
You’re so lost in a haze of your own pleasure you don’t even feel his hand drifting down from your waist, his fingertips brushing against your mound, and only take notice once the rough pad of his thumb begins to make circles over your aching clit. You moan wantonly and shudder as bolts of pleasure shoot through you, quickly bringing you closer and closer to the edge of your release.
“You like that, don’t you?” he rasps as he flicks his thumb over your swollen bundle of nerves. He slides his free hand up your waist and under your shirt, roughly pulling down your bra, rolling your pebbled nipple between his fingers. “Like that big cock filling you up while I play with you like this, hm? Greedy little whore.”
“Oh Zoro,” you whine as your hips move faster, grinding against him with what little muscle strength you have left as your whole body begins to feel heated and you’re ready to snap like a wire wound too tightly.
“That’s it,” he whispers as you start to shake and your needy cunt contracts around him. “Cum on this cock you fuckin’ slut.”
You cry out shamelessly as you dig your fingers into his shoulders, gripping him tightly as you quake around his cock, your body wracked by a blood-rushing climax. Zoro moans quietly as your pulsating spasms of pleasure grip him and pull him in deeper, and his large hands sink into the plushness of your hips, holding you steady as he starts to fuck up into you. He wraps his powerful arms around your back and pulls you against him, holding you tightly against his chest; he pistons into you with sloppy, erratic thrusts, hitting you so deep it send little sparks of pain through your core, the kind that start to feel like pleasure once you get used to it. His breaths suddenly become quick and shallow, and you feel his thighs tensing under you as he buries himself inside you over and over.  
“Fuck baby—so fuckin’ good, gonna cum in this fuckin’ tight little pussy.” A long, low groan echoes in the small space as he bucks his shuddering hips, and he spills himself into you with pulse after pulse of his aching cock. He rocks up into you slowly, almost gently, as he rides out the last waves of his orgasm, and short, heated breaths ghost the sensitive skin of your neck.
As you cling to him, burying your face in his sinewy shoulder while you both work to fill your lungs fully again, the car starts to move under you, and it suddenly tilts to one side with a loud metallic groan. Zoro grunts and flings the car door open, with you still on top of him, his cum leaking out of you and into his lap, and cranes his head around the side of the car.
“Shit,” he says as he slams the door shut again. “Damn tire fell off.”
“Something else that happens all the time?” you mutter, your eyebrow raised as you take the opportunity to carefully lift yourself off him, warm rivulets of his spend and your arousal making their way down your thighs.
He snorts a laugh. “I like you. You’re funny.”
“Gee, you’re too kind, Zoro.” You sit next to him, soaking the already-filthy upholstery as you lean down to gather your pants and your bag from the floorboards, when his large hand grips your wrist.
“Where you think you’re going?” he growls.
You turn towards him, your arm frozen in his steely grip. “Uh…home?”
“Oh, I don’t think so.” He runs his tongue over his lower lip as he reaches down and unhurriedly palms his softening cock, still lubricated with a mix of your fluids.
“And why not?” you murmur as you suck your lower lip between your teeth and bite down so hard you almost draw blood, your chest heaving as you watch his movements.
“Because,” he rumbles as he smacks your thigh and watches your plush flesh jiggle under his wide palm, “you owe me for a tire now, too.”
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florydaax · 2 years
The Sims 3 - Store World Legacy
Hey everyone! I’m here to bring you all a new Sims 3 legacy challenge: the Store World Legacy. Each generation will live in a different store world. There are 11 different worlds, so this legacy will have 11 generations.
Barnacle Bay
Hidden Springs
Lunar Lakes
Lucky Palms
Sunlit Tides
Monte Vista
Aurora Skies
Dragon Valley
Midnight Hollow
Roaring Heights
This is the release order, but you can always do a different order! The main goal of this challenge is to play in each store world! I also made some rules for each generation. You don’t have to follow them if you don’t want to, it’s completely up to you! This challenge is inspired by the Lepacy challenge, where each generation is a different expansion pack. With this challenge each generation is a different store world! I made this challenge because I realized I’ve actually barely or never played in some of the store worlds. So in this challenge we explore all the store worlds and see what they have to offer! (I've completed the challenge! Check out the playlist here) Generation One: Riverview All you want is peace and quiet. You’ve finally escaped city life and moved to the sleepy town of Riverview. Here you can finally live the life you’ve always dreamed of. You really want to become a farmer. Fruits, vegetables, chickens, cows! You want it all. Will you be able to find peace in Riverview? Traits: Green thumb, Loves the outdoors, Hopeless romantic, Technophobe, Eco-friendly Lifetime wish: The perfect garden (or one of the Back to Nature lifetime wishes) Career: Gardener
Master the gardening skill
Reach level 10 of the gardener career
Complete the aspiration
Complete the Master Farmer skill challenge
Have one best friend
Have at least three kids
(Let Don Lothario ruin your life)
Generation Two: Barnacle Bay Arrr! Do you want to become a farmer just like your parents? No, you want adventure! You love camping, fishing and going to the beach. Barnacle Bay is perfect for you, with its beautiful beaches and relaxing campgrounds. You don’t want to settle down. You just want to have fun with the other Sims in Barnacle Bay and climb the social ladder.
Traits: Angler, Slob, Commitment issues, Good sense of humor, Sailor  Lifetime wish: Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium or Seaside Savior Career: Angler or Lifeguard
Master the fishing skill
Reach level 10 of the angler or lifeguard career
Complete the aspiration
Eat at the Pirate Ship at least once a week
Travel abroad at least once
Buy a boat
Reach at least celebrity level 3
Be romantically involved with 3 Sims at the same time
Generation Three: Hidden Springs You’re sick of everyone talking like pirates. You’re also sick of the media spreading rumors about you. Growing up, you never really had a good relationship with your parent, because they were always away from home. You also had a hard time making friends, which I why you completely focused on your studies. Once you’ve graduated high school, you realize you’re burnt out. You move to Hidden Springs in search for some relaxation and to escape the paparazzi. It’s time to take things slow and focus on yourself. Once you feel like yourself again, you decide you want to become a doctor and help other Sims. Traits: Genius, Loner, Good, Neat, Ambitious Lifetime wish: Living in the Lap of Luxury Career: Spa Specialist and Medical career
Have an A in school and get on the honor roll
Don’t have any friends as a child and teen
Master the logic skill
Reach the top of the Spa Specialist career
Quit your job as a Spa Specialist and join the medical career
Complete the aspiration
Marry an athletic Sim
Become a partner of the Hidden Springs Day Spa
Drink from the Fountain of Youth and wish for youth
Generation Four: Lunar Lakes You love everything about space and science! So it’s not a surprise that you immediately joined the science career after high school. A couple of scientists get the chance to do research on Lunar Lakes and you’re one of the lucky ones! You say goodbye to your friends and family. Once you arrive there, you realize this all you ever wanted in life. You decide to never return to SimEarth. Traits: Genius, Excitable, Natural cook, Unstable, Unflirty Lifetime wish: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder or Scientific Specialist Career: Science
Master the science skill
Reach level 10 of the science career
Complete the aspiration
Get married as a young adult
Get divorced as an adult, you’re too busy with your career
After the divorce, you both still live in the same house
Use the clone voucher lifetime reward
Engineer a baby
Generation Five: Lucky Palms You’re bored of Lunar Lakes and decide to go to SimEarth. You end up in Lucky Palms and spend a lot of time at the casino. Money, money, money. You throw lots of luxury parties for your friends and you get a lot of attention from the Sims in town. You’re bored very quickly, so your relationships don’t last that long. Traits: Lucky, Schmoozer, Flirty, Party animal, Commitment issues Lifetime wish: Swimming in Cash Career: Business
Reach level 10 of the business career
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the gambling skill
Have at least 5 friends
Go to the casino at least four times a week, you’re addicted to gambling
Have at least 3 kids
Make all 5 wishes at the wishing well
Generation Six: Sunlit Tides You never had to worry about money. You quickly get married to your partner and spend your honeymoon in the beautiful Sunlit Tides. You decide to never leave. Lucky Palms was nice, but it was very dry. You spend your days painting, writing and relaxing at the beautiful beaches while your partner works a shady job. You never planned to have kids, but one day you get bored and have an affair, and woops, there’s a baby! Will you keep this a secret? Or will your partner find out? Traits: Loves the heat, Loves to swim, Hates children, Snob, Artistic Lifetime wish: Illustrious Author Career: A job? What is that?
Marry the first sim week of being a young adult
Have your partner join the criminal career
Master the painting and writing skills
Complete the aspiration
Have an affair and have a baby with this Sim
Generation Seven: Monte Vista You love cooking and you’re always making the best quality meals for your family. Monte Vista is the perfect place to learn the culinary arts! It’s your dream to become a famous chef. Traits: Natural cook, Perfectionist, Great kisser, Charismatic, Dramatic Lifetime wish: Celebrated Five-Star Chef Career: Culinary
Reach level 10 of the culinary career
Complete the aspiration
Master the cooking skill
Complete all cooking skill challenges
Learn all recipes
Your house is not a house if it doesn’t have a wood fire oven
Never eat a quick meal
Have at least 3 kids
Generation Eight: Aurora Skies You go to Aurora Skies in search of love and happiness. You want to get married and have a bunch of kids. Your dream: a big happy family. You also care for the environment. The eco-friendly community welcomes you with open arms.  Traits: Eco-friendly, Family-oriented, Loves the cold, Nurturing, No sense of humor Lifetime wish: Surrounded by Family Career: Daycare
Reach the top of the Daycare career (or not because this career can be a pain)
Complete the aspiration
Throw a bachelor(ette) party
Get married
Have at least 5 kids (I dare you to have quads)
Teach all your kids to walk and talk and potty train them
Generation Nine: Dragon Valley Time to become the new Mother of Dragons. You love mythology and fantasy. As a child, you were always reading books. You move to Dragon Valley because you’ve heared there are dragons. DRAGONS! There’s also a conflict between brewing between two families in the town for control of town. So, why not add more conflict by trying to become the leader of the town yourself? Traits: Bookworm, Virtuoso, Good, Brave, Irresistible Lifetime wish: Leader of the Free World Career: Political Rules:
Reach the top of the political career
Complete the aspiration
Have a red, green and purple dragon
Master the violin skill
Practice archery
Generation Ten: Midnight Hollow You never felt like you fit in. Sims think you are kind of strange. That’s why you move to Midnight Hollow. Here you can finally be yourself. You also hate the sun and going outside. Perfect! The sun never shines in Midnight Hollow. Traits: Night owl, Evil, Inappropriate, Hates the outdoors, Over-emotional Lifetime wish: Turn the Town Career: Run your own business or Toy Maker
Run a business or reach the top of the toy maker career
Master the inventing skill
Complete the aspiration
Become a vampire
Invent a time machine
You get married, but your partner dies a tragic death
Bring your partner back as a ghost
Generation Eleven: Roaring Heights One day, you find the time machine your parent invented. You’re very curious and step inside. The time machine breaks and you’re stuck in the past! You have no idea how to go back, so you just try to make the best out of your life in Roaring Heights. You never see your family again. Traits: Party-animal, Workaholic, Handy, Vehicle Enthusiast, Star quality Lifetime wish: Superstar Actor Career: Film
Reach the top of the film career
Complete the aspiration
Become a five-star celebrity
Fix the Fixer-upper Car
Congratulations!! You’ve completed the challenge! 
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narrans · 6 months
My Borrowed Son | 15 | To My Friends...
Chapter Fifteen | To My Friends…
It was a bit of a restless night for Amanda. She knew it would be a challenge but that it was good for both of them at the same time. Not having Parker sleeping within arm’s length was strange. The maternal part of her wanted to make sure he was okay.
What if he needed something?
What if he had a nightmare?
What if he went to get off of the table and slipped on the ladder or rope? Parker was prone to climbing things after all.
Fretting and worrying took its toll on Amanda and, by morning, she found herself blankly staring at her reflection for several unblinking minutes as the water washed away her toothpaste. There were faint dak rings under her eyes, but perhaps that had to do with the other matter of Parker getting older.
He was growing into a fine young man. He was gaining interests and wanting to explore more things. Just the other day, her son asked her about sports as he practiced his swimming in the bathtub and possibly joining this thing called a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that one of his friends, Billie, was hosting.
Amanda remembered D&D when she was growing up, and it didn’t seem all that interesting if she was being honest.
But Parker was his own person. He needed to be able to express himself and be free to explore the things he wanted to but within reason.
The fear in the back of her mind crept up once again. The omnipresent force that constantly loomed over the disguise that was Parker’s “condition” lurked in the shadows and threatened to rear its ugly head every time Amanda wanted to give Parker the freedom he earned.
There was a portion of Amanda that scolded herself for not telling Parker sooner about his so-called “condition” and how he actually came into her life. The other part, the dominant one, hoped she would never have to tell him. To her, it didn’t matter where he came from. He was her son, and she reasoned that not having answers to his existence was worse than providing one lie.
Regardless of her feelings, Amanda knew that she needed to start letting Parker make some of his own decisions when it came to his interests. If it was dangerous, she would intervein. Otherwise, she needed to trust in Parker and reinforce their lessons when needed.
“Hey mom! Good morning!” Amanda turned and glanced down by her feet to see Parker by the bathroom door that she had left open. “Are you finished?”
“Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry. Good morning Parker,” greeted Amanda as she quickly rinsed out her toothbrush and stepped past Parker into the hall. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, I did. You?” grinned Parker.
“I slept well enough,” his mom replied. “It’s Saturday. Do you want cinnamon rolls or eggs?” The look in his eyes said it all – cinnamon rolls. With a quick nod, Amanda headed off toward the kitchen was Parker started his morning routine.
Parker heaved his way up the line he fixed on the side of the sink, despite his mom insisting he use the ladders for everything, and washed his face and brushed his teeth. The newly minted teen stared at his reflection in the mirror and, for the first time in a while, felt like he was a little different.
He knew his hair probably needed a trim, but there was something about his physical body that felt different. There was something about his features that felt like they were changing. His mom had explained that his body would be going through changes as he got older, but today was the first day he actually felt a little different.
Parker decided to table that for another time as he began working on a mental spiel for his mom instead about why he should be able to get a Tumblr account. He went over the talking points in his head.
Selina has an account for her art to better her portfolio and gain a following.
I want to publish some of my writing because I like it and I’m good at it.
I’ll be responsible.
It’ll be another way to make friends.
I know we’ve talked about safety on the internet before, and I promise I’ll be safe.
The more Parker thought, the more he didn’t feel confident in his argument. The teen still wanted to try though. The worst thing that his mom could say was “no,” right?
He shimmied down the line and hurried to the kitchen before he could lose his nerve.
Parker crossed the wooden floor, taking in the heigh of the hallway and the vastness of the living room before walking into the kitchen. After spending the evening in a place designed specifically for someone of his size, looking up toward the ceiling was vertigo inducing. That weird part of him felt, for whatever reason, apprehensive as he approached his mom.
It happened from time to time, but that sensation was something he couldn’t identify.
The sweet smell of baking cinnamon bread wafted through the air and dismissed his concerns as his mom knelt instinctually and helped him up onto the counter.
“So, I was thinking that we should start working on the hot water in your space first so if there are any leaks and spills we can clean it up, dry it off, and not get any decorations and electricity wet. I know we set up the basics yesterday, but I just want to make sure it’s all good before getting everything else in place. What do you think?” asked his mom. A healthy portion of iced cinnamon roll was dished out onto his plate and handed to him.
“Sounds good to me,” replied Parker. “And thanks for making breakfast.” He inhaled the sweet scent and dared to lick a large portion directly off of the top when his mom wasn’t looking.
“You’re welcome sweetie,” Amanda said in response. “Then, if you’re feeling up to it, we hook up the chords and lights so you can be ready to show your friends your new room on your webcam by Monday for class.”
“That… sounds great,” said Parker, his mind thrumming with a slight, growing anxiety as his question continued to prickle the tip of his tongue. Parker winced as he saw his mom looking at him. He didn’t know how she did it, but anytime he had something on his mind, she knew.
“Or… we can do something different,” suggested Amanda. Parker looked up and saw his mom’s intuitive eyes looking at him quizzically.
“No! No, I want to do all of that. It’s going to be a great project,” said Parker hurriedly, his heartrate spiking momentarily. “It’s just… I wanted to ask you for something. Like… a delayed birthday gift?”
The concern in his mom’s brow dissipated into curiosity. She nodded and laid her hand down onto the counter, a signal to Parker that they were going to go sit at the table instead of eating on the kitchen counter. He stepped onto her hand, noting the small blister on her thumb from where she probably accidentally burned it while making breakfast, and let her get settled down at the table before continuing.
“Um… okay… hear me out,” said Parker as the argument he had been practicing in the bathroom and all this morning vaporized immediately.
“Okay,” said his mom with a cautiously amused smile on her face. Parker cleared his throat a few times before it clicked again in his head.
“Um… right. So, I was wondering if I could start my own Tumblr page,” said Parker. His mom’s brow furrowed in confusion, so the teen decided to elaborate. “I was talking with Selina and the others during the party yesterday and Selina said that she had one and was using it to post her art and stuff like that. She said I should put my writing up on there and… I… kind of want to.”
Parker knew this was a big ask. Generally speaking, his mom tried to emphasize that time should be spend off of the computer and not on it. His access to the internet was usually kept under mild monitorization simply because the internet had a lot of things that he wasn’t ready for.
As his mom would say, “The internet is a powerful tool that can be used for good and bad. There are some… different… people on the internet and sometimes the things they put out there are cruel or not for young eyes.”
Parker had always adhered to that and only used his internet searches for academic purposes.
This, he felt, was a good resource for him to utilize.
Amanda, on the other hand, felt herself squirm and pale, and she prayed Parker hadn’t noticed. That website was the same one way back when that she had found a lot of writing about “little people.” A lot of it seemed like fiction and fantasy if not for the fact that her son fit in with the exact categorization of these small beings who lived in walls.
Amanda thought about the conversation she had with herself just this morning about letting Parker have a little more freedom and taking his feelings into consideration. He was expressing interest in publishing and writing. Parker wanted to make more virtual friends because, for better or worse, she had restricted his contact with the outside world.
She had to ask herself the ultimate question.
Was this something that was too dangerous?
Was this something that would harm her son?
Would this thing provide too much information for his mind to handle?
Or, on the other hand, would this prompt the conversation they might need to have about how he came into her life?
Amanda didn’t trust the world with her son, but she trusted him. If he was ready to ask those questions and seek out those answers, she needed to let him to that.
Who knew? Maybe he wouldn’t encounter anything or ask those questions. Maybe this was a change for Amanda to start formulating how to best talk to Parker about why he was the way he was.
Amanda swallowed dryly and looked into Parker’s thoughtful, light brown eyes. He was obviously eagerly awaiting her reply.
“Well, Parker, I think… that you’ve shown a lot of responsibility when using the internet. Obviously, I would like to be able to see the website and look into all of the options, but… I think we could come to some kind of compromise,” decided Amanda.
Parker, absolutely filled with elation, leapt up and cheered.
“Yes! Thank you momma!” he said jubilantly. He threw himself onto her hand and hugged her with all of his might. It reminded Amanda of the little boy he still was.
Once again, she sent a silent prayer that she was doing the right thing.
She suspected she would need to have a conversation with Parker, but not now. Not right after his birthday.
“We’ll get everything set up after we set up your space, deal?”
The next eight hours were a test of sheer willpower.
The hot water was a trick and a half to get set up and that went double for the electricity, specifically the switches that turned the lights on and off.
The easiest part was, in all reality, decorating. Parker chose easily cleanable floor panels and mostly space themed wallpapers. He did choose to have his bedroom in a Hobbit style theme with greens, browns, and little grass patches which Amanda dug up for him. He also picked out a few gardening beds for him to grow stuff off of his balcony and plenty of wires and charging places for his devices.
His area right off of his bedroom on the second floor was his classroom and study area, hooking up the camera and tablet for class. The first floor was the gaming and hangout area. Finally, the attic was Parker’s not-so-secret tinkering area when he wanted to create and design stuff.
All in all, things were coming together very well and, by the end of the night, Parker was exhausted; but not exhausted enough to deter him from creating his account.
With his mom’s blessing, he quickly filled in his email, birthday, and even uploaded a quick picture he took of himself.
The final thing to determine was the name of his blog, which Parker didn’t realize he needed to do.
What did he want to call his blog? His name was already taken, and he wanted to make sure it sounded genuine and professional if other people were going to see it. He didn’t want to make it something naughty and have his mom find out and revoke this privilege.
He stared at the blinking vertical line on the screen as his hands hovered over the virtual keypads.
Then, it hit him.
The name was already on the place his mom gifted to him added with a little touch into his mind.
Parker’s Place: Welcome to My Little Life
It was suiting, and Parker felt like it represented him in a way that didn’t talk too much about his condition. He was more than some fancy Latin name after all.
The screen popped up and, for a moment, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to say. Should he make an introductory post? One of his dreams? Did he even have to use that button at the bottom called “tags?”
He decided his first course of action was to send the Tumblr link to Selina, which he did, before electing to make a little introductory post. It was polite after all.
Nerves and excitement starting to make him feel jittery, Parker began typing.
“To my friends... Hey there! My name is Parker and I'm a little new here. I like writing, poetry, tinkering, and I stream games and stuff from time to time. I'm also a bit of a space nerd and I usually have a favorite book every month, but my all time favorite is probably The Hobbit.
“I hope you all like my stuff. I'm just putting it out there to get over my stage fright (fingers crossed).
“Anyway, nice to meet you through the screen. If you have any story suggestions I should read here or cool art I should check out, just let me know!
“Look forward to hearing from all of you out there and, hey, welcome to my little life!
So long!
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After staring at the post for nearly twenty minutes, Parker decided to pull the trigger. Taking a breath, he pressed the “Post Now” button and hoped for the best.
He didn’t have time to watch and see if anyone noticed or cared about his post. Dinner was ready and it was his turn to pick the movie.
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effie-bracken · 9 days
Childhood Challenge
- a challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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One of the first lessons a child learns in the Riverlands is how dangerous the waters of the Red Fork are. It is a wide, lazy water that drifts through the middle of the land. The red banks look like a gash in the landscape from the clay that covers the area. This makes the water impossible to see after a rain storm clouds the water. All manner of dangers can befall a child who goes too near the edge. Poisonous snakes frequent the murky waters and will cause anyone to be lost beneath the currents.
Septa Maege had traveled from the Neck with their mother and brought the stories she told when Annora was a child. The nights were always filled with the Crannogmen and the many beasts that dwelt in the bogs around Moat Cailin. Effie would have dreams of the towers that scattered the land, its oily black stone reflecting like the wings of the dragonflies that filled the air around it. The ruins existed before the swamps surrounding it. The children of the forest called down the hammer of the waters to stop the first men from moving any further to the North, creating the flooding that created the Neck. The wooden causeway weaves past the towers who are slowly being reclaimed by the land, some barely showing from the brush that grew around them to take their place. Children are cautioned against playing on the causeway lest the spirit lights lure them into the entrapment of mud just a small step from the path. Floating logs would quickly turn into a lizard-lion that would immediately drag whoever trusted its presence into the murky water.
Stories such as these will raise cautious children, but it also makes a child confident they know what signs to look for, making the shield of caution fail.
When playing by the river Effie always made sure to keep away from the edge. The dried clay dirt would crumble underfoot, launching whoever into the water and swept down the river. Around the time of her eighth nameday, Emphyria had started her day at the river. Carrying her pole, she intended to catch some small fish to give to the baby turtle she had been keeping in a bucket at the stable. It was intended to be dinner for her father but she felt it had more life to live.
Coming to a dip in the river bank, she settled down and cast her line into the calm pool that formed away from the current. After an hour or so of not catching anything she decided she needed to change her spot and saw another calm spot further up. As she climbed up the bank, the dirt gave way beneath her feet. Losing her footing sent the pole from her hand and into the water. Emphyria panicked, she wasn’t supposed to take the pole from the stable in the first place. Without thinking about how it had rained the day before, she jumped in the brown water expecting to catch the pole before it was carried away. To her horror, the water was deeper from the rain and moving faster. The weight of the dress dragged her under the current and all thoughts of the pole vanished. Struggling to get to the surface, she spat and thrashed trying to scream but the water quickly took the place of her breath as she was carried further and further. Her arms could not fight against the water and she caught flashes of the watery world underneath, too cloudy to see anything that would be with her. She tried to see where she was being taken and saw the form of a man running towards her, filled with relief as she felt his arms pull her from the grips of the current.
Despite the stern talk from her Lord father about how careless and unseemly she was acting for a lady of her standing, Emphyria would remember the lesson the river taught her that day. It was more effective than if her father had scolded her for a fortnight and she always had more caution around the river and remembered the feeling of the water whenever she went near the edge.
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stitching-in-time · 25 days
Voyager rewatch s4 ep25: One
A psychological thriller for Seven of Nine. She starts off having a lesson in social interaction with the Doctor (the blind leading the blind tbh) which she thinks is unnecessary and pointless, and she'd rather be doing anything but interacting with the crew. (Random trivia alert- we learn Harry was born in South Carolina! His favorite sport is volleyball!) Voyager then encounters a nebula that has such strong radiation that the crew get burns and collapse from it. Seven and the Doctor are the only ones who aren't affected, so the Captain decides to put the crew in stasis for a month while they cross the nebula, leaving Seven and the Doctor to run the ship by themselves.
Chakotay questions whether Seven is up to the challenge, considering her usual insubordinate ways, but Janeway tells him she has a gut feeling that Seven is up to the task, which Chakotay accepts, because apparently he and Janeway are back on their flirty bullshit in this ep- there's definitely a lot of touching and standing very close to each other going on. Seven seems blase about the situation at first, and seems confident she can handle it like it's no big deal. But it soon becomes clear that being alone is just as bad, and possibly worse, for a former borg drone as for anyone else. Seven and the Doctor bicker (although why he thinks that's a sign of her being agitated, idk, because they do that normally anyway) and Seven begins to hear voices of the crew, even though they're all in their stasis chambers in one of the cargo bays. (Tom apparently has a bit of claustrophobia and manages to climb out of his pod a few times, and Seven and the Doctor have to put him back in. While it's pretty understandable that the stasis pods would make someone feel claustrophobic, I feel like a pilot of all people would be used to enclosed spaces, considering how much of Starfleet flight training is little tiny shuttlecrafts with room for only one. Idk how anyone with claustrophobia could handle Starfleet- the turbolifts, the Jeffries tubes, the shuttles, its a nightmare of confined spaces.)
As the month wears on, more of the ship's systems are affected by the radiation, and Seven becomes more unsettled. When she encounters an alien passing by in a small ship, who asks to come aboard and trade some supplies, he behaves very menacingly, as though he knows her, and then he disappears somewhere on the ship. Seven arms herself with a phaser rifle and tries to track him down, but the Doctor can't see who Seven is talking to when she supposedly has the alien cornered, and the Doctor realizes that Seven is succumbing to the effects of the radiation on her brain after so much time in the nebula. Seven confesses being separated from the collective and left on her own for two hours was one of the few times she experienced fear as a Borg, and the Doctor reassures her. But eventually, the Doctor's program fritzes out too, and Seven loses her one anchor to reality as she's faced with holding the ship together and protecting the crew single handedly.
She has hallucinations of the crew dying, of the alien taunting her, of borg drones coming after her- all the while trying to hold on and keep the ship running for the last few hours until they pass through the nebula. She's eventually faced with the ship losing power just minutes from reaching the end of the nebula, and she's forced to reroute power from some of the stasis pods. As the crew members in the pods begin to die, Seven, perhaps feeling the weight of the faith the Captain and crew placed in her to keep them safe, reroutes power from life support back to the pods, and she collapses just as Voyager clears the nebula.
She wakes up in sickbay, the crew having come out of stasis just fine when they cleared the nebula, none the worse for wear, and having no idea what happened to her. With the crew back, Seven makes her way to the mess hall, where she asks to sit with Tom and B'Elanna and Harry just for company, having learned the value in having other people around.
Tl;dr: An interesting episode that explores how much Seven actually needs other people more than she wants to admit. Being borg actually made her more vulnerable to the effects of isolation, and ultimately, her commitment to doing her duty by her shipmates, and the promise of getting them back, was what kept her going through the stress of her mission. A real character growth moment for her that poked a hole in her Borg superiority and gave her a chance to reevaluate her estimation of Voyager's crew for the better.
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republicsecurity · 10 months
My Way
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I met P3RDC during a rather mundane visit to the Republic, with its well-structured, authoritarian society. His civilian name was Max.
P3RDC was a reservist now, having completed their mandatory service years ago. But my interest in their life journey led me to a cafe one evening, where I finally got them to open up.
"Tell me about your path," I urged,
His journey into the life of a paramedic began with youthful adventures in the Paramedic Corps' youth group. These were carefree days filled with climbing mountains, exploring caves, and learning valuable life skills like first aid and teamwork.
Max was always up for a challenge, and he loved the feeling of the wind in his hair as he scaled cliffs and conquered obstacles.
P3RDC hesitated, the memories flooding back. "I started in the Paramedic Youth Group, you know. It was a way to learn discipline and service from a young age. Like pre-conditioning conditioning."
The Group fostered a sense of belonging, but it came with the weight of expectations. He spoke of early friendships forged there.
"Then came the Cadet Group," P3RDC continued, "and that's where things got serious. We started to learned about the paramedic profession, down from basic medical training."
After that his parents sent him to a full time Academy. It was his wish to to leave the normal high-school and his Cadet Group for a more comprehensive environment.
P3RDC described the transition from civilian life to full-time cadet. The loss of individuality as they adopted the red uniform, the relentless drilling and exercises, and the constant surveillance. "We were conditioned to be paramedics, but we were also conditioned to be obedient."
Here, the training became more intense, and the adventures took on a different flavor. He learned the art of tactical medicine, how to save lives in high-pressure situations, and the importance of discipline. The camaraderie among his fellow cadets was like nothing he had experienced before. They were a tight-knit group, bound by a shared sense of purpose.
Conscription was the next stage, one he entered with mixed emotions, as he knew what would come. He served in urban and rural settings, seeing humanity at its most vulnerable. P3RDC shared stories of long shifts, intense workload, and the constant connection to the AI that dictated their every move.
"I wore the red Armour Suit with pride," they said, "but also with a sense of confinement. My life was a checklist of procedures and protocols."
The conditioning had changed him, reshaped his desires, but Max found a sense of fulfillment in his duty.
After his Conscript Service, Max was granted a year of Pause, a brief respite from the demanding life of a paramedic. During this time, he reconnected with his family, rediscovered hobbies he had put aside, and even ventured into the world of civilian dating. It was a year of rediscovery, a glimpse into a life he had once known.
"Pause, they call it. It is mandatory." A short respite from the paramedic life, a time to recover, and reflect. "I relearned my birth name during that year," they admitted. "It was a step toward regaining my identity."
"But something was missing. The structure, the camaraderie, the purpose. So, I made a choice. I enlisted for another five years as an Intendurd Servant. It meant more training, more conditioning, and a deeper commitment to the paramedic corps."
But that came to an end as well and he decided that he wanted to do something more with his life and start a civilian family.
"Now, as a reservist, I serve one weekend a month and one month per year. The rest of the time, I have a civilian life. I'm still toned and fit, always ready to respond if needed. The conditioning never truly leaves you, but it's a part of who I am."
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aorticsims · 4 months
AORTiCSims Numbers CAS & Shell Challenge (for TS2 and TS4)
I'm going to kill two birds with one stone and create a CAS challenge and a shell challenge. There's no deadline to this, I'm just doing this for fun.
CAS Rules
Below are the descriptions of ten different subjects and their respective colours. You must create one or more of the subjects and can interpret the descriptions of each subject in any way you see fit.
You can use CC and defaults.
Feel free to rename the subjects and give them a family/pets.
Build Rules
In the downloads folder I have provided two things: a TS4 tray of the number shells, and an empty TS2 world with the same shells recreated (all of them are on a 3x2 lot and on a foundation).
Typical shell challenge rules. Add interior walls, platforms, fences, foundations, change wall height etc., just don't touch the original walls.
You can add a second floor if you want, but its shape cannot overshadow the original shape of the shell e.g. a la the museum from Get Famous
If you decide to create a family for one or more of the subjects, their house must cater to each member accordingly.
Other Rules
You don't have to upload it to the gallery. You can just tag me on here. or use #aorticnumbers
Meet The Subjects:
Subject One (Colour: Brown)
"The oldest of the bunch, Subject One was born with a singular neat point. Though they can appear dim-witted and lackadaisical, they often hold high spirits and are mostly down-to-earth, save for the odd incoherent conspiracy theory here and there."
Subject Two (Colour: Hot Pink)
"Subject Two may seem as your typical ditzy shopaholic blonde, but what they lack in spatial awareness they make up for in their expansive knowledge of written media, especially historical fiction. They are also best friends with Subject Five, and has been giving glances at Subjects Four, Seven, and Nine."
Subject Three (Colour: Yellow)
"Generous as can be, Subject Three is quite literally the golden child of a long line of deeply religious culinary prodigies. They believe that everyone can make a positive impact on the world regardless of how terrible some people are, which ironically puts them at odds with Subject Six."
Subject Four (Colour: Turquoise)
"To say that Subject Four is the adventurous type would be a pretty big understatement. They want to experience the world and all it has to offer, even the potentially lethal things."
Subject Five (Colour: Periwinkle)
"It's a known fact that Subject Five suffers from an inferiority complex. Some say it's due to them being the youngest of the subjects and lacking worldly experience, others say it's some of the other subjects *cough* subject six and seven *cough* giving them a hard time. When they're alone or with Subject Two, they indulge themselves in arts and music."
Subject Six (Colour: Maroon)
"As a child, Subject Six had faced several different foster families, which mellowed their violent childhood outbursts into a nihilistic outlook on life. Their apathetic and often hedonistic nature are enough to sour even the most sweetest of faces. But interestingly, not Subject Nine."
Subject Seven (Colour: Orange)
"Subject Seven believes they were built for the spotlight. They also believe they were built like a heavy duty brick (they're moreso built like a calcite crystal, but that's neither here nor there). Along the years, they've gathered a rather impressive though quite superfluous itinerary of skills, ranging from DJing at an up-and-coming nightclub to free climbing a mountain."
Subject Eight (Colour: Lime)
"Subject Eight was a young valedictorian who had their fame and prestige forcefully stripped away due to a bitterly distasteful rumour that made its rounds in their hometown. Deep down, they desperately want retribution from the people that first spread it, but for now, they'll just keep working diligently and one day they might receive some well-needed justice."
Subject Nine (Colour: Black)
"Meticulous and mysterious, Subject Nine is an enigma. Nothing is really known about their life, and they seem fairly indifferent to it. It's almost as if all their memories had been wiped."
Subject Zero (Colour: Light Grey)
"Subject Zero lovingly enjoys the afterlife. They enjoy walking through walls and not having to dress up for Halloween parties. The thing is though, they're not actually dead, they only believe they're dead."
Link to the World (TS2) and Rooms (TS4) on SimFileShare
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myeonendlessblue · 5 months
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
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"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life"
Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) is just your average daydreamer, feeling like his life is mundane until a crucial photo negative is mysteriously not included in the mail. So, like, turns out the negative film captures the essence of Life magazine, and they're all like, "This is it, the heart and soul of our mag!" They decide it's gotta be on the cover of the last-ever print issue before they go all digital. That's when he decides to track it down by retracing the steps of the photographer (Sean Penn), setting off on a globetrotting adventure that's not just about the places he visits but also about discovering himself along the way.
Ben Stiller's portrayal of Walter Mitty is a delightful blend of awkward charm and endearing quirkiness, making him a protagonist you can't help but root for. It's almost as if you can feel his clumsiness and insecurities.
The movie starts off slow, grey and monotonous, depicting Walter's state of mind. His daydreams are frequent, but as he embarks on an adventure that puts him in a situation where he is out of his comfort zone, they frequent lesser and lesser.
The gradual shift from a grey beginnings to a vibrant journey symbolizes his evolution from a passive dreamer to an active participant of his own life. imo this signifies his growth and willingness to confront challenges firsthand, discovering the thrill of living in the moment which he has been missing out on for so many years.
"I pictured you as this little gray piece of paper, but now I see you and it's like Indiana Jones decided to become the lead singer of The Strokes or something."
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One of my favourite daydream sequences has to be the bit where he imagined his love interest, Cheryl Melhoff (Kristen Wiig) singing Space Oddity. This song choice adds layers of symbolism to the scene. The timing of the sequence, from Walter's initial hesitation to his spontaneous leap into the helicopter as it takes off (a moment he had previously refused to board), chefs kiss (do they though?). I like to interpret the lyrics of "Space Oddity," with its themes of isolation, exploration, and the unknown, mirroring Walter's feelings of disconnection from the world and his longing to escape his mundane existence. Despite his lingering caution and fear, evident in his discomfort when the pilot checks on him, Cheryl's rendition of the song in Walter's daydream captures his yearning for a deeper connection and a sense of wonder that transcends the ordinary. Furthermore, Cheryl's portrayal as a singer in Walter's daydream highlights her role as a source of inspiration and motivation for him. Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing things because I always have a soft spot for Bowie lol.
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On the topic of film tracks, I absolutely adore the song tracks in this movie. They even threw in "Far Away" from Red Dead Redemption for that epic longboard scene, lol. And can we talk about Junip? They're seriously underrated. Their sound is like mixing Simon and Garfunkel vibes with a sprinkle of Fleet Foxes and Nick Drake.
Imho, some parts are kinda predictable. Boo, a pessimistic snob, I know. Like, how Walter couldn't find Sean in Greenland, but magically locates him when he visits his mom and Sean conveniently stopped by (Bro, what's that about? Nature photographer meeting a magazine guy's mom?). Then, Walter gets the boot from his job and finally gets to expose the jerk asset manager. Next thing you know, he's off on another wild adventure, this time in Afghanistan, risking his life climbing the Himalayas, only to reunite with Sean at the most dramatic moment. And, even though I usually can't stand feel-good movies, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" had me totally hooked. And the ending is all worth it <3
Walter was able to submit the missing negative without ever looking at what it was. It was only then revealed in the ending of the movie, where the "quintessence" of Life magazine is just a picture of Walter sitting outside of the Life building, examining a contact sheet. It's like the whole journey was about finding himself, and in the end, he's the heart and soul of it all.
Overall rating : ♡♡♡♡♡
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rrain-writes · 8 months
Oh Raven (Sing Me a Happy Song)
< Chapter 7 | Chapter 9 >
Chapter 8:
Voices overlapped and got louder as they all tried to be heard over one mother.
“Where did he go!”
“The portal just closed?”
“He was right here!”
“What happened?”
A sharp whistle pierced the air, and everyone fell silent, turning to Sky as the first hero shrugged apologetically. “We aren’t going to get anywhere by arguing.” He spoke.
“Sky’s right.” Time replied. “We need to work out where we are and what’s going on first.”
“This forest looks the same.” Wind noted. “Maybe Twilight’s theory was right, and we were sent back in time.”
“Well then,” Hyrule said. “The castle is that way.”
There was a pause, before Time took the lead, heading towards the turret visible above the trees.
So, they walked. But even before they reached the great walls that surrounded what Raven called his Hyrule, the chain could tell something was… different.
“Something’s not right here.” Four said, voicing their shared thoughts out loud. “There were people all through the forest, but we haven’t come across anyone.”
“He’s right.” Warriors replied. “It’s dead silent. Even if we were sent back in time, the city was pretty loud during the day.”
The forest thinned out, then ended as they walked on. What they found was one of the towering walls that bordered Raven’s Hyrule, wide open. But it wasn’t because of the gate that the citizens had run through, just an hour ago. It was like something hugehad blown a hole in the concrete barrier, and rubble lay discarded in chunks in the surrounding area.
They picked their way through the mess, giving their more vertically challenged brothers a hand up. When the 8 of them all stood at the top, they could finally see the destruction that stretched from Hyrule castle all the way to where they stood.
“Why would Hylia send us to after Ganon’s attack?” Legend asked. “What was the point in meeting Raven before?”
“We haven’t seen anyone. I think…” Sky didn’t want to say it out loud. He didn’t need to, as Twilight finished his thought for him.
“This was a massacre.”
They all fell silent.
“We should get down there.” Warriors said, falling into the role of the captain. “See if there’s any survivors or any explanation of what happened.”
The chain climbed down into Raven’s Hyrule. The Links with any sense of direction took the lead, guiding the way to the Roost. The building was still standing, even though some of the ones surrounding it weren’t. Time, as the oldest, went first, pushing the door that half hand off its hinges and walking inside.
His voice echoed in the desolate space, looking long since abandoned. “I think it’s been quite a while since Ganon appeared. We’ll split up and look around.”
They each took a partner and began to search. There were no signs of life, just dust covered surfaces, beds that hadn’t been slept in for years and a generally feeling of wrongness, like the malice that made up Ganon had slipped through the cracks, covering every surface and infecting the home of the community that had once thrived here.
When they joined back up again with nothing to show, the group decided to head for the castle.
A beeping sound cut through the emptiness, rapidly growing faster as they looked around, trying to spot the source. A lone guardian sat atop a pile of rubble, laser eye focused on Sky. The group switched into battle mode, running to the sides of the machine, shouting and calling for its attention. This guardian seemed to be by itself, so with four of them including Sky distracting and confusing it, Legend, Warriors, Four and Twilight ran in a swiftly decommissioned it like it was any other monster.
“Hope we don’t come across any more of those bilge rat’s on the way.” Wind commented.
As they approached the palace gates, Time warned them not to let their guard down. “Same pairs, and meet back up in 20 minutes. Shout if you find anything.”
Hylia’s chosen ones entered in pairs, each taking a different route as they wandered through the halls, avoiding the paths that had been partially or completely destroyed. The scene was the same as the Roost. 
Empty. Abandoned. Ruined. 
With each passing minute they felt their hopes deflate.
When the chain circled back to meet up, no one knew what steps to take next.
Raven held his breath as he stepped through the portal, following the people who claimed to be the incarnations of the heroes spirit. When he opened his eyes on the other side, he realised they were in the same forest, but different. Instead of night, it was day. And instead of panicked Hyrulians, running from a beast made of shadow, there were 8 others. People like him.
The first hero smiled at him, and offered a hand. Raven went to fully step through the portal, telling himself they’d be back, when something grabbed him from behind.
Slender fingers, cold as ice. It grabbed his leg, pulling him back. Back through the portal. Back to the monster that had encompassed the once bustling castle.
It pulled him back and he landed in the dark forest, tumbling away from the other Links as the swirling mass of purple and black closed, vanishing like it was never there in the first place.
When Raven rolled over, to confront whatever had grabbed him, he came face to face with-
Somewhere, deep in the forests, Link woke. Hello, a song deep in his bones called out. It’s been a long time since you were last here.
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valdestrate · 2 years
I've started working at a certain thrift store known for its values. I was texting my mother about how I might not be cut off out for people pleasing retail and people yes people, not just therapists, have been telling me to write/ keep my writing more. So I decided to save this text and I'm not sure what to do with it so I'm saving it here. If by some reason another person ever reads this I would appreciate any character building you can give me!
The main example of why I'm not cut out for this. The Tardilious! This lady that came to donate today who passed right by the line up, stopped in the middle of the enter/exit lane and got out of her car. I told her she couldn't stop in the road but I'd pause traffic in our unloading lane and she could cut in quick. She gave me this smarmy "the guy ahead of me did '' and I said I told him it wasn't allowed either. He had one item in his hands already so he threw it to me over his truck and immediately left. So she gets back in her car And pulls into the area that I asked her to. Well then she just stays there in her vehicle and I kinda like walk over to the window to look at her. She's on her phone tap tap tapping life away and I'm busy. If she's not ready, I keep moving, to the vehicle behind her, see if any of them need a hand with anything. I recognize they are more easy going people as soon as they comment how busy I look and they're fine unloading into the bin themselves. 90% of the time most people do. Either it's a two person job, they're in a hurry/trying to hurry for my sake, or it's an old person dealing with a awkward, heavy, or a large load, but people like showing they're doing something. Maybe they feel their good dead or "charity" doesn't mean as much if they pull up with a bunch of garbage AND sit on their assess while a minimum wage employee frantically unloads their vehicle. I dunno but long story longer while they unloaded into the bin I turn my attention to the lady ahead of them that was on her phone but now was out of her car walking towards her trunk. I have a bullshit meter that's fairly low. My fuse has always been short but I make Buddha lament in sackcloth and ashes his inadequacy of patience compared to mine so it usually stays pretty balanced between the two and she had not blown my bullshit fuse. Yet. So I start with my apolowing (apologize explaining, not to be confused with Apolloing, which is blowing up. Usually in space on live TV) and she cuts me off "do you guys not go in order?".
Bullshit meter climbing.
"Pardon me" I am genuinely confused at what she possibly could mean
"The sign in front of me says to wait on your vehicle and an attendant will come do it"
Right! I forgot about that sign. But it doesn't say anywhere that we will just start unloading your vehicle, just that we will come AND ask if you we can help
"Yes of course Miss! I tried but your window was up and you were busy on your phone" I happily and confidently respond
She throws back like verbal pancake covered in syrup
"Well is there anything I can do for you now? Can I help you unload?"
Pancake --dodged
"No, I can do it myself"
She throws out to the crowd of Facebook followers in her mind like Rocky might throw out to the crowd in response to his challenger telling him he can't. That is if Rocky was about a beauty pagant instead of boxing and played by Honey booboos mom instead Sylvester Stallone.
She immediately whispers useless under her breath. I cheerily say
"Well in that case how about a coupon?"
Pancake? Eaten
Coals of fire? Smells like burning hair
She snaps around with her hands outstretched, sees my big grin hiding my sweaty flushed face and the line of traffic, half a dozen people unloading their own stuff looking at this failed suburban mom in the very unflatteringly horizontal bright striped shirt berating a thrift store grunt working for a charity after she just cut in front of everyone. She pauses, stammers a "no thank you" and takes off.
I'm immediately back to work. Tell the whole thing to my supervisor later and he doesn't seem bothered. I feel like I need write a book about the different types of people I meet dropping off stuff. Need to create classes to assign them to, highlight the general different types and differences/nuances, and combine that with individual stories and "highlights"
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self-improvementnow · 1 month
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