#its like what the hell do I do bc she ain't getting better
dentist-brainsurgeon · 7 months
The way my aunt jumps through hoops to choose the stupidest options available to her whether it be passively or actively makes me want to bash my head into wall
It used to be an occasional thing that was irritating before but ever since she retired, and she does nothing all day except watch AI generated tik toks, buying drop ship shit off tik Tok, watch novellas that all share the same plot and play mindless phone games is imo actively making her not think. Like at least my grandma reads her Bible and goes through her bills and tends to her garden, my aunt does nothing, besides occasionally driving, and helping clean the kitchen, and mop, but we all do cleaning throughout the day, she doesn't even read the books she buys from Amazon
Like when she clicked on a scam link on her phone and then proceeded to not say anything about it for four weeks, when she got logged out of Pokemon go and somehow managed to just send the verification code to some random persons email and thought that email WAS the verification code itself and honestly so many other things. She really didn't do her hobbies much before retirement but damn at least work made her think and do stuff. I don't even know where I'm going with this post, but it's so frustrating and concerning. I've tried suggesting things she could do or we could do but she doesn't really entertain those ideas outside of just going to the park for Pokemon GO
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msbigredmachine · 1 month
Kitty Kat (Roman Reigns)
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After a lifetime of searching, the Tribal Chief may have finally found the woman of his dreams. Post Summerslam 2024.
Warnings: SMUT (yes i know its excessive im sorry 😭)
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: This got way too long bc I talk too much. I tried to shorten it I promise but I just couldn't. I do hope you like it either way...
Song inspiration: Again - Lenny Kravitz
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs
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He could get used to this.
As he stepped off the plane, Joe discreetly adjusted the bulge in his pants and exhaled deeply, allowing himself a giddy smile in anticipation for what was to come. 
He couldn’t wait to see her again. His Kitty Kat. The interesting part was that this time, she’d flown him out to come spend the week with her, in First Class, no less. “It’s a five-hour flight from Cleveland to L.A., so I want you to be as comfortable as possible, Daddy,” she’d told him. Never in his wildest dreams did he envision being ‘flewed out’. He’d been the one flying her out in his private jet, chartering luxury vehicles to bring her to him. The reverse felt strange and would take some getting used to, but it did feel nice to be pampered and taken care of for once.
Seated comfortably in the back of the Cadillac Escalade driving him through the City of Angels, he reminisced about last night in Cleveland. It was fun to hear the crowd again, the adrenaline rush of his entrance music blaring all around the Browns Stadium. It was a long absence from wrestling for him, darkened by the passing of his father, followed by the whirlwind preparation and execution of his funeral, grand, exhausting and emotional. Kat being by his side for all of it was a precious elixir he could never repay her for, but perhaps he could start tonight.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. It was an unknown number, but against his better judgment, he answered and hoped it wasn’t some weirdo fan. “Hello?”
“You left town without telling me? I saw you all over Summerslam last night!” the shrill, familiar voice responded.
Scratch that. Now he wished it was a fan. “I know I blocked your ass. This is stalking,” was his cold greeting. 
“I just want us to talk, Joe! We can’t just end things the way we did!”
“Ain’t nothin’ to talk about, Ebony. I got the DNA test I wanted. Go find your baby daddy and leave me the fuck alone.”
“Are you ever gonna forgive me? I made a mistake!” Ebony pleaded. “You didn’t even invite me to Sika’s funeral. That hurt my feelings, Joe.”
“Bitch, don’t piss me off!” Joe countered angrily. “Blurting out that I’m not Josiah’s daddy was not a mistake! I also found the messages in your phone, remember? You and your little group chat laughed at me, laughed about me raising a kid that ain't mine!”
“That’s a female ass trait, y’know, lookin’ through my phone and invading my privacy!” Ebony complained.
“You can invade these nuts,” Joe dismissed, “You cheated on me and lied about the paternity of your son! That’s enough for me to wash my hands off of you and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
For a second, Ebony was quiet. Then, “Let me guess. You’re with that uppity rich bitch. She was at your dad’s funeral, both of y'all looked so cozy in the videos. She's the reason you don’t wanna work things out, right? Weren’t you seeing her before we broke up? Who’s the cheater now, huh?”
Joe scoffed in disbelief. After all she’d done to make his life a living hell, she was still gaslighting him. “We were over long before I started seeing her. I only hung around cuz I thought the kid you were carrying was mine. Don’t act like your whorish toxic ways didn’t drive me into her arms in the first place! You broke us up, so I’ve moved on from your evil ass. Simple.”
Ebony kissed her teeth. “You are so disrespectful to me, always have been. You never cared about me. It was all about your fucking wrestling. You were always gone! I was lonely! I needed you and you didn't give a shit!”
“So that’s why you opened your legs for some bum, got knocked up, and lied that I was the father? You disrespected yourself!” He felt himself getting riled up and had to compose himself. He would not let his ex ruin his day. “Imma make this clear so even you can understand. We. Are. Done. Call me again and it’s my attorney you’ll be talking to.” Cutting off the call, he then blocked the number and deleted it for added measure.
Fuck that ho.
Anyway, back to his girl, Kat. It had been an amazing few months so far with her. Of course, he’d googled her in the beginning, asked Heyman to run a background check to make sure she was legit and not a psychopath like his ex. Katrina Sullivan was one of the most famous music producers in the world and the top executive at her renowned publishing label. She was a big time player in her industry just like he was, a star in her own right, and it was a match made in Heaven.
Not only was she incredibly beautiful, but sex with her was a wild ride. She gave him a run for his money whenever they fucked. She was all about new experiences and wasn’t too prissy to fuck inside a car or suck him off outside a dive bar. He blushed every time he remembered the freaky shit they got up to after his loss at Wrestlemania. Long story short, she made him feel much better about dropping the belt. He loved that she loved sex as much as he did, and if he wasn’t hooked on her before, he was completely addicted after that night. 
And it wasn’t all about the physical. There was an emotional bond they shared, a connection that he’d never felt with anyone else before her. Talking with her felt like talking with a friend. He would unload his good days and bad days on her and she would listen to all of it without passing judgment. He did the same for her and was proud to be the one she learned to trust after her own past heartbreaks. Joe wished he’d had the courage to leave Ebony earlier. Perhaps he would have found the woman who had become his peace, his safe haven, and closed the hole in his heart much, much sooner.
A Google Map search helped him find the best florist in town. The ladies in the shop ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the beautiful bouquet of roses he bought and how lucky his lady was. But he thought he was the lucky one. As he took a deep breath and inhaled the flowers, he felt his stomach flutter at the thought of her beautiful face, her smile, her warm embrace. Joe knew he was in love, but he didn’t quite know how to tell her yet. It was weird enough that he lowkey felt like a thot being flown out. He really didn’t mind, though. All he wanted was to be with her and just be in her presence, in her aura. He would tell her when he was ready.
Kat’s mansion was the stuff of dreams. Isolated on the hills of the Pacific Palisades overlooking lush Californian greenery, it was one of her rewards as the most in-demand producer in music today. The living room segued into the kitchen, which welcomed him with the smell of freshly cooked food. Pasted to her stainless steel refrigerator by a small circular ‘Acknowledge Me’ magnet, was a note from her saying that she’d just headed out for a last-minute meeting and directed him to the oven where a warm skillet of sirloin steak and seasoned roasted potatoes waited for him. She had also stocked her fridge with his Megafit meals along with C4 Energy drinks and a few bottles of her own branded tequila. His baby was spoiling him rotten and he was digging it.
He first put the fresh flowers in a vase he filled with water before settling down to eat. He wished she was here with him, but he understood more than anyone how busy things could be when you were at the top of your game. He was proud of her and wanted her to get all the coins she deserved. Halfway through his meal, he pulled out his phone and checked on her.
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After dinner, he embarked on a little tour around her breathtaking abode which ended up taking several minutes to complete. Joe had some nice homes of his own around the globe, but this floored them all. The edifice dripped with luxury and was crafted to perfection, just like his Kitty Kat was. He enjoyed the gorgeous city view from her balcony as he sipped on some tequila. Her bathroom was spacious and had a waterfall shower that he luxuriated in when he stepped inside. One side of her walk-in wardrobe was lined with an assortment of brand new t-shirts, pants and dress shirts all for him. Of course she knew his size; she’d ripped his clothing off of him on many occasions. His stomach was doing flips as the time continued to tick by. It was hilarious that the big bad Tribal Chief was acting all giddy at the mere thought of a woman, but here he was, entangled in her expensive satin sheets, counting down the minutes until she was back in his arms.
The sound of running water jerked him awake. The plane ride must have worn him out more than he thought; he didn’t even realize when he fell asleep. The sky outside was now pitch black but the bathroom lights were switched on. As he sat upright in the bed, something rolled down his bare chest and onto his lap. He looked down and his breath hitched. A sheer, baby pink-colored thong, just removed. Unable to resist, he held it up to his nose and shivered as her sensual aroma filled his nostrils and sent all his blood rushing south. With newfound enthusiasm, he climbed out of the bed and padded over to the bathroom. 
Katrina’s back was turned to him, standing over the tub as she drained the bath. Draped in a fluffy lilac bathrobe that barely covered her backside as she bent over, Joe chose to stand there and admire her, letting his eyes follow the rivulets of water that trickled down her long shapely legs. He trailed his gaze along the backs of her knees and her oh-so-sexy thighs, stopping at her luscious derrière where he found her pussy lips, slick and glistening, winking at him. He groaned out loud at the sight, feeling his bulge stir in his drawstring shorts.
Alerted by the noise he made, Kat spun around and sighed. "Oh, damn," she frowned and bounced her fist against her thigh.
Joe raised an eyebrow at her reaction. “Did I frighten you?”
“Not really. I wanted to wake you up by sucking your dick.” 
Chuckling heartily, he stepped closer. "You still can, baby. Don’t let me stop you,” he said, sealing their lips together in a kiss he’d been thinking about for weeks. He held her tight, molding their bodies together as time seemed to stop all around them. The anticipation had been building all day and just this moment alone was worth the long wait.  
Joe sighed happily against her lips, his fingers massaging the back of her neck. “Mmm, I can tell you missed me. Did you miss me, baby?”
“You know I did, Daddy,” she whispered back. It had been months in the making, but Kat was thrilled that he was finally here in her humble abode. She pulled back to regard him, marveling at the sheer height and width of him, his bare, broad chest showcasing that beautiful tattoo and all those muscles. Fuck, he was so hot. “I saw the roses in the kitchen, they’re beautiful,” she said.
“Not as beautiful as you are, baby,” Joe answered, brushing his thumb along her bottom lip. “How was your meeting?”
Kat huffed and rolled her eyes. “Waste of my time. Don’t really wanna talk about it,” she added, changing the topic to a more exciting one. “You looked so good last night, babe. I could see how happy you were to be back.”
“I was,” he admitted, his light brown eyes lighting up. “Bro, hearing the fans go bananas when my music hit was insane. And all those fingers in the air, too. Four years of bustin' my ass finally paying off.”
“Huh. I had one finger out too, but it wasn’t in the air, and I was layin’ in bed. Naked,” Kat teased, fluttering her long eyelashes at him.
The thought of her writhing around in bed aroused by his show of violence caused another tightening in his shorts. With a growl in his voice, he responded, "Show me." 
“Wait.” She put up one hand before he could grab her. “Before we get started…I never got to ask you because we were so busy with the funeral…But did you take the DNA test?” she asked, watching with dismay as his face fell. He looked away with a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, something she learned he did when he was reeling in his emotions. 
“Yeah. Josiah’s not mine,” he replied sadly.
Two distinct emotions of her own rushed through Kat at this news. Relief, that he was no longer tied to Ebony and he could now, finally, move on with his life. Move on with her. Disappointment, on his behalf, knowing that he had enjoyed getting to know the baby boy he’d thought was his child. “I’m so sorry,” was all she could muster.
“Don’t be. At least I know the truth now. I care about the kid, but he’s not my responsibility any more,” he choked out, the sting of losing that sweet little boy still raw and painful.
“Oh, baby.” Kat rubbed her hands up and down his broad back to soothe him. She regretted downing the mood and sought to fix it. “What can I do?” 
Joe shook his head and sank into her embrace. “Just be with me, like this. I wanna be with you. Thank you for bringing me out here, it’s exactly what I needed.”
“Of course. You know I gotchu,” she assured him, butterflies sprouting inside her belly as he dropped feather-light kisses on her neck, trailing along her shoulder which was soon bare as he slipped off her robe and dropped it to the floor. She tugged down his shorts and her hungry gaze zeroed in on that other part of him that she missed. All those FaceTime calls and selfies did very little justice to the real thing. This was his first time on her turf, and she was determined to use this week wisely, especially as this extended period didn’t quite exist before. 
In the beginning, their meetings were brief and eventful, a couple of hours’ escape from the madness going on in their individual lives. Meet up, scorch the sheets, and wake to the sound of the rustle of clothes pulled from the floor, the sharp zipping of bags, quick kisses goodbye followed by the front door quietly clicking open and shut. At each other’s mercy at sunset then disappearing before dawn to resume reality. It was a thrill at first but as time passed, Kat realized she wanted more with him. She wanted to begin and end her days in his sturdy arms. Wanted them to shower together, to eat together and spend much more time together. Simply put, she wanted to be a real couple, and she was ecstatic when he confessed that he wanted the same. Coming to L.A. was a great start and it excited Kat to no end.
Hand in hand, they walked together, naked, out of the bathroom. She giggled as he followed closely behind her, kissing her neck and touching her body along the way. As they reached the bed, Joe noticed the bottle of champagne sitting in a bucket full of ice on the nightstand. Kat read his mind. “Just a lil’ sumn to celebrate your arrival,” she clarified, as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs. His gaze was soft, yet beautifully intense as he ran his hands up her thighs and her hips, cupping her backside and bringing her even closer to him. He pressed his lips to her stomach, adorning her belly with gentle, open-mouthed kisses that felt so good she moaned pleasurably in approval.
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered against her brown skin, his voice clear yet filled with a vulnerability he’d never felt before.
Kat smiled down at him. “Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“For real?” His heart pounding so hard in his chest he was sure she could hear it.
Her smile widened as she loosened his ponytail, letting the long dark locks fall and frame his breathtaking features like the angel he was. Her angel. “Yeah. I mean…After everything we’ve shared, after getting to know the beautiful person that you are, of course I’m in love with you too.”
They were words he’d been hoping to hear from her for a while now, and now that he had, he was robbed of every sensation other than joy and peace and the burning need to make love to her nonstop for the rest of his stay in the West Coast. “You’re beautiful too, baby girl,” he rasped, drawing her back in, “So fuckin’ beautiful…”
They clung to each other, making out with increasing passion, both of them extremely aroused and more desperate than ever in the wake of this wonderful revelation. As they kissed, he slipped one hand over her breast, kneading gently, eliciting from her those purring sounds that earned her sexy little nickname. He missed his Kitty Kat so much. The last time they were together was at his father’s funeral, and he couldn't be with her the way he wanted to be. Now that they were all alone there was nothing stopping him from having his way with her.
But apparently, she had other plans. 
She pushed him hard in the chest, smirking at his surprised grunt as he hit the mattress rather unceremoniously. “Get in,” she instructed him.
He frowned petulantly at her, but did as he was told, dragging himself backwards up the bed with his eyes on her at all times. He felt his mouth go dry as she crawled towards him on all fours like the sexy ass kitten she was. As she reached the space between his open legs, she surprised him by picking up her thong and winding it around his wrists, securing it tight before pushing his arms over his head. 
“Baby…” he pouted.
“Shhhh,” Kat shushed him quietly, thrilled by the submission in his eyes, the surrender in his soft moan, his dick hard and erect in anticipation. Having control over a man like him felt so empowering. Though sexually submissive to him, Kat always enjoyed it when the roles were switched. It never lasted long though, so she planned to make the most of it.
Climbing back down his body, she rubbed her hands on the expanse of his thighs, his caramel skin warm beneath her fingers. She moved higher, coming dangerously close to the pleasure between his legs but avoiding it, for now. She wanted to touch it but the wait was more exciting. Her hands disappeared to squeeze his ass cheeks, and then reappeared over his hips, traveling along the sharpened ridges of his six-pack abs and up to his broad chest. Her body followed suit, sliding up until her thighs bracketed his sides. The little hiss that escaped him as she sat on his torso thrilled her; she knew right away that he could feel her warm moistness against his skin. Her fingers found his nipples next, toying with them before leaning in to lick them, and giggled with amusement when his dick sprang high enough to smack against her backside.
“Fuck, baby, feel what you do to me?” Joe hissed, his cock jumping again as her mouth warmed his neck, nibbling on the shell of his ear as she whispered to him in the softest, deadliest timbre: 
"I’m just getting started, big guy."
Sitting upright on top of him, she reached for the ice bucket, scooping out an ice cube in the shape of an exquisite diamond. The ravenous look in Joe’s eyes matched hers as she sipped on the cube, letting the cold melt on her tongue and travel down her throat. Then, she bent down and kissed him, her cold tongue quickly warming up from the heat of his mouth. The wet muscles moved together in a sweet dance, delightedly intertwining, obsessed with the taste of each other. Kat pressed the ice cube to his chest, giggling when he jerked from the cold, and drew figure eights with it, watching rivulets of water trickle down the sides of his body. She put the ice cube on his right nipple and watched it harden. Then she replaced the ice with her warm mouth on his cold nipple.
“Shit, baby you killin’ me,” he moaned, looking on with hooded eyelids as she kissed down his body. She stopped between his legs, bowing her body in front of his erection, long and thick and hard, precum glistening on his slit. Her tongue darted out to taste it, licking her lips with pleasure. Giving him a sly wink, she took the tip of his dick in her mouth and sucked, winding her tongue around the head like a hungry snake. The moan that escaped his lips was needy and borderline painful, causing her eyes to light up in triumph. 
“When I get my hands on you…” he growled, his expression almost pissed, but Kat knew better. His frustration mingled with his lack of control, control she’d taken from him all day by calling the shots from his travel to the food he ate. The sensual power play continued as she massaged his dick, the thick velvety flesh twitching in her hands as his hands twitched in his makeshift binds. Using the flat of her tongue, she licked up and down his shaft, making slurping sounds that were drowned out by his groans as she spread her saliva all over his dick. She was addicted. He tasted so good and she craved to have her fill.
Putting a smaller ice cube in her mouth, she chewed it, crushing the ice with her teeth. From there, she hugged his dick with her lips, dousing the heat of his flesh with the coldness of her throat. Tiny bits of ice melted against his shaft as she sucked and tongued every inch of him. She could feel his chest heaving and his abs crunching, could hear his strangled moans as he got warmer and got harder in her mouth. He was right where she wanted him. Resting her weight on his burly thighs, she moaned to him to let go, and smiled when seconds later a shout burst from him, his hips arching off the bed as he unloaded down her throat. She drank her fill of him, glancing up to watch the pleasure ravage his huge body, giving a little smile as he floated down back to earth. 
“Oh my god…” he breathed, his body jerking when she pulled away, letting his dick, slick with her spit and his cum, plop down on his thigh. With one more long, soft kiss to his length, she slithered back up his body, pressing her lips to his for a sweet, delicate kiss which heavily contrasted with the heaviness of his dick brushing along her now-wet opening. Pleasing him turned her on in a way her notoriously composed self could never comprehend.
“You came so hard for me, baby. The look on your face was everything,” Kat gifted him a teasing lash of her tongue against his as she ran her hands up his arms to toy with the sheer material holding him hostage. Lifting her body up, she slowly sank down on his dick, a gasp slipping from her when the smooth tip pierced through her soft, slick folds, enabling her to wind her hips to take him all the way in. They both moaned as the thickness of him nudged her sweet spot, coaxing a whine out of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting him close, making out with him while slowly rocking her body back and forth, grinding her clit on him. It stunned her to this day, how she was able to take him all, his length and girth filling her and hitting her most sensitive spot right away. The power that coursed through her at making him succumb to her will, no different from any pinning combination or submission move, was intoxicating. Her moans and his groans reverberated through the bedroom, the air thick with the scent of sex as she loved on him.
“Untie me. Now,” Joe commanded out of nowhere, the roughness of his tone surprising Kat. One look at the power and pleasure on his beautiful face told her he was not taking no for an answer. Obediently, she  reached up and unraveled the underwear from around his wrists, and she had barely tossed it aside when his hands came around her, finding her backside and thrusting deeper into her. Finally, he could touch her the way he wanted. He loved her ass, enjoyed the feel of it gyrating against his palms. He landed a heavy-handed slap on it, making her burrow her face in his neck with a soft cry, the sound growing more desperate as his fingers caressed the supple flesh of her ass while grinding up into her, making her feel so good.
“Such a badass bitch, yet so weak for me. Weak for this dick,” he purred to her with a kiss to her shoulder. The wicked gleam in his eyes had Kat both frustrated and aroused, but the unmistakable glimpse of lust clouding those eyes showed he was just as weak for her. With every downward motion of her hips, she could see him become more mesmerized, his breaths huskier, his face contorting with unbridled bliss as her pussy squeezed his length in deep, throbbing pulls. Sensing him trying to regain control, she beat him to it, pushing up and steadying herself on top of him. With both hands planted on his strong chest, she adjusted her legs in a squat and began bouncing on his dick, up and down, fucking him, taking from him what she wanted, giving him what he needed. 
“Fuck, that’s it, kitten, ride the shit outta my dick,” Joe groaned, his huge hands now clamped around her waist. “I’m here now, baby. I gotchu. Take it out on me, take all that stress out on me.” It was a wonder to watch her, her knees up and wide apart, treating him to the sight of her moist flesh gliding all the way down his turgid flesh and back up, leaving the base of his dick a wet, slippery mess. It looked incredible and felt even better. “You so wet for me, baby girl,” he rasped, reaching up to massage her bouncing breasts. “I love it when you use me. You love using Daddy’s big dick, huh?”
"Yes, Daddy I love it...Shiiit, oh my goddd!" Kat threw her head back, her moans shaky, her body trembling on top of him as waves of ecstasy washed over her thanks to the orgasm wracking her from head to toe.  
“Unnhh yeah, come for Daddy, come on my dick,” he moaned back to her, his full lips parted and panting, his eyes boring into hers as he watched her come undone. Overcome with passion, he sat upright and tugged her flush against him, his breath hitching as the action sank him even deeper into her. He needed to hold her to him, needed to make her all his. “I ain’t pullin’ out,” he announced, moving her on him again, “I'ma come all up inside you, baby.”
His words sank in, but any coherent answer she had disappeared with another rake of his dick against her g-spot. Wordlessly, Kat snuggled into his warm embrace, locking her arms and legs around him as she continued to grind on him in a deliciously erotic rhythm. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Joe planted a big kiss upon her throat, her jaw, then her lips, enjoying the taste of her moans as his hips rolled along with hers like a choreographed dance. Emotions were high as they joined as one, surrounded by the sounds of the newfound love they were finally expressing to each other. The mattress bounced beneath them, the legless bed rocking in tune with their heated bodies rocking on top of it. Every worry they had was gone and replaced with a hunger and need for the other that they both knew they would never be able to satiate.
"I love you," Joe whispered, pushing her hair out of her eyes to gaze into them.
“I love you too, baby...oh fuck,” Kat panted, burying her face in his shoulder, her hands sliding down to grip his ass as she bucked her hips like a mad woman. Joe moved with her, not missing a single beat. His own release was building fast within him, too fast. The blood was pounding in his head and tightening his balls as her pussy squeezed his cock so tight he was having a hard time catching his breath. They soon realized they were climaxing together, both shaking from the intense, throbbing waves of pleasure. Kat’s toes curled into the sheets as she felt his warm fluid gushing into her pussy just like he wanted, felt his body pulse as hard as his dick pulsing deep inside of her. No piece of music, no music video she created could ever compare to the magic she made with this incredible man, ever be as beautiful as the sight of his face scrunching up helplessly as his orgasm consumed him. So she kept her eyes on him for as long as she could, watching all the emotions sweep his gorgeous visage like an unforgettable movie. 
An eternity later, their movements slowed, their breathing calmed, their hearts racing as one as the world returned to normal. Joe felt light as air as he fell back onto the bed, Kat melting into him with her head on his chest, where his heart beat for her. He was still inside her and she kept him there, wanted to be filled with all his love in the very best way.
“Welcome home, my love,” she giggled, soothed by his own throaty chuckle vibrating against her skin. Her eyes fluttered shut as his lips pressed her forehead. She wished she could bottle the sound of his laugh, the feeling of his soft lips, bottle this very moment forever.
“Glad to be home, my love,” he answered, his fingers caressing her back as he kissed her mouth. “I can tell my time in L.A. is gonna be fun.”
"Mm-hmm. We got all week, Daddy," Kat eyed him with a sly smile, tracing her manicured index finger along his tattooed pectoral, "Like I said, we're just getting started."
A/N: This is the only story I've had the energy to complete. I'd love to know your thoughts!
🏷️: @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @harmshake @tribalhoochie @alyyaanna @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @femdisa @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx @shamaness11 @whatdoeseverybodywant @paigereeder @heauxvibez
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
adding to my last ask, the rest of the album is so similar to the Batfam
Loves like Ghosts - Batcat or BruTalia
Until the Night Turns - Dick (the vibes esp)
Dead Man’s Hand - Jason
-> pretty obvious why 💀. I see it as Jason talking abt his old self with the “tired of a life that never felt like his” line
Hurricane (Johnnie’s theme) - Dick, Jason, and Steph(Cass)
-> I mostly saw it as Stephcass but there were definitely lyrics that applied to Dick (thrill) and Jason (dying lol)
La Bella Fleur Sauvage - DickBabs
The World Ender - Steph (with the romantic lines being shaded between Cass and Gotham) or Jason (with the romantic lines being completely abour Gotham)
-> I feel like it fits Jason better bc it’s literlaky abour being back from the grave but alas
Meet Me in the Woods - Tim(Bern)
The Yawning Grave - ALFRED AND BRUCE ALFRESH AND BRUCE. This is so important to me omg
Cursed - where “she” is Gotham and the speaker is any of the Batfam (sans Cass I think)
Way out There - Damian (“I’m just wearing old bones from those who came first”) (“you” being Dick) or StephCass from Cass’s pov
The Night We Met - the BatSiblings (sans Duke bc he wasn’t adopted yet) during Bruce’s death
There weren’t any I could connect to Duke specifically but yeah 😞
Loves Like Ghost definitely gives of Talia to Bruce vibes. The lyrics of "what ain't living can never really die. You don't want me baby please don't lie. Oh but if you're leaving, I gotta know why." "And if I can't have you then no one ever will." "Baby in my eyes you do no wrong. I don't feel it till it hurts sometimes. So go on baby hurt me tonight."
Until the Night Turns is a cool song. Perhaps you would elaborate more on why you think it fits Dick? The vibes are pretty on, but jot too sure about the lyrics.
Dead Man's Hand does fit Jason. "Sure as hell he was dead as they come and he was already starting to smell. Just a kid with his hair slicked back and a knife tucked into his belt. Was he unforgiven or just tired of living a life that never felt like his?" "I know I'm dead but I don't wanna lie in a grave out here where the coyote's cry. I stared right into the endless void and I ain't going back if I got any choice. I know how to live, I don't know how to die and there ain't no thrills in the afterlife."
Hurricane. I do think that all of the batkids are adrenaline junkies but I do see how the lyrics fit those ones especially.
La Bella Fleur Savage - Google says Fleur means both flower and resilience. I can see how that fits Babs and how the song resembles her love with Dick.
The World Ender - I love this song for Steph. She deserves to get her revenge. She did kind of die with Black Mask, but she didn't really do a revenge thing like Jason. On the other hand she "won't ever feel the embrace of the grave" because she revived before being buried.
Meet Me in the Woods - I see how this is TimBern especially because Bernard isn't in the vigilante business (so he won't really understand what Tim's been through).
The Yawning Grave - Alfred warning Bruce not to become Batman, of its dangers, of the likelihood of him dying, fits so well. He told him when he was a kid, but Bruce still went down with this path
Cursed - I agree that Cass isn't tied to Gotham like the others. If "she" was Gotham, that does fit the others. I raise you, though. What if "she" was their mission or vigilantism? That then fits all of them.
Way out There - Oof. That definitely fits Damian and I love that analysis of him.
The Night We Met - I agree, however, there's a tik tok that has an animation of this song. It absolutely kills my soul every time I see it. It has Bruce singing this about Jason: "I had all," Jason as Robin, "and then most of you," Jason dying, "some and," Jason's grave, "now none of you," Jason as Red Hood. "Take me back to the night we met." The tire jacking night.
We definitely need some Duke songs out there. If anyone has any songs that fit Duke, feel free to comment or reblog with them!!!!
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draconicfool · 1 month
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A Rest without Peace
this is another one you guys are getting a warning and a read more for. bc it is heavy.
"I wanna die..." His voice barely came out above a whimper as he sat in the backyard of the clinic. Alexi wasn't getting better. He hadn't been to visit him in days. Natasha said it was only a matter of time. That she was surprised that he'd lasted as long as he had. She'd urged Amatus to go and see him. Urged him to get some semblance of goodbye before it was too late. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to. Couldn't leave the clinic. His room. Going between there and the backyard.
So many memories were here. What was he going to do when Alexi wasn't here with him anymore? How could he possibly go on by himself? He'd spent his whole life loved in the embrace of the man who raised him. That had been Elation- to be with someone who loved and treasured him.
And now he was losing that.
And for Eros, who wanted to forget what it was like to be anything other than happy and loved- that felt like hell. So he sat there in the backyard. Scalpel in his hands as he took a deep breath. Surely he could go, too, right-? If Alexi was going then he would, too. He didn't want to live in a place that he wasn't.
Even as his hands shook, he'd steal his resolve. Deep breath. Then another. And he'd straighten a bit. His cardigan slipped off and over to the side. Maybe a scalpel wasn't the best option- but it was what he had. It would do the job. Maybe not quickly but it would. He hoped.
Another deep breath. And the plunge of steel into his abdomen. A rigid gasp as he felt the sting. Bringing the scalpel up. Digging it further in. Its a painful process. But he feels that heaviness. Feels everything start to escape him. That flash of something. Of nothing. Of being nowhere and everywhere all at once.
Feels his body hit the cold ground.
But then after a few moments his eyes shot open. The blood on his hands all but gone. The scalpel elsewhere, as if it had been ejected from his body. And he's sitting up, looking around. Touching the spot in his stomach. The wound was there- but he could barely feel it any more. No- no instead he felt the wound closing. And this wasn't his doing.
"No-- no, no, no--! I- I wanna die-. Why- why c'n't I die-?"
He scrambled to stand up, looking around again and then up at the ceiling- the lack of a sky. The false lights. And then again he picked up the scalpel again. Plunging the blade into his neck as if this time it would be different. And there came the same feeling. The sting of pain and then his body hitting the ground. Of nothing. Of emptiness.
And yet again his eyes shot open with that feeling of awakening. The scalpel in front of him and the blood that had covered him now gone. What was this-? What was happening?
Eros sat up once more, holding a hand to his neck as the wound laced itself back together. Staring at the steel tool he'd tried using. Was he really not going to have any release-? Was this the extent of the curse that plagued him? That he couldn't even die now?
"This ain't fair...this ain't fair...how- how am I s'pposed t' live...if he's gonna be gone..? Y'want me t' be happy..? Y'want me t' keep livin'? This- this ain't fair."
He hung his head, tears finally beginning to stream down his cheeks. His fingers balling into fists against the concrete of the backyard. Sobbing as his shoulders trembled. He just wanted to go with Alexi...
Why couldn't he just die?
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fischlslays · 2 years
Update on the Raelya Raasini situation..!
Lmao, as yall know from the last post, she was stalking me and some creepy shit. My friend @hunterxhunterisbest contacted her and guess what? She denied that she talked about me💀 bro its so obvious, and you acting stupid is actually driving me nuts💀
Like bro even took the "I always knew Mona mains can get along with Fischl mains." From my blog and said, "I wasn't talking about her, but the first one."
AND, she stalked my account long enough to know that I put her in my DNI list, here is the conversation between her and my friend. I'm rlly srry for y'all's eyes💀
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And btw, again, calling me a "bish" did nothing at all.
How you felt after calling me a "bish":🥰😍💋💅🔥
Bro pls use something else, you called me a bitch 4 times in row now, be creative. And we both know that you still have access to your goddamn account💀
Esther (my friend) had to go through hell and meet Satan to get this ugly ass mf to text back💀💀
"TELL ME" 💀💀 I don't have to say anything, do I? "I blocked her too! How-" that's even worse bro💀 and yall better be grateful for yalls ass😭 I'm rlly sorry Esther.
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"But she doesn't know one small detail" "I'm still there" bro watched a lil too much of Batman💀 its insulting to compare him to some random ugly ass mf on tumblr💀 even Esther herself said: "why is she acting so cringy? Is she going to tell me a government secret?😭"
Bro stalked for too long to see my DNI list💀💀 and yea, Esther hates you and thinks you the cringiest person to ever step a foot on this Earth. And no she ain't neutral💀
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Yes, you are the creepiest person I've ever talked to💀 and you still deny it. See? That mf admitted that she was stalking me, lmao, tbh, you though you actually changed smth💀 I already knew that you are a creepy stalker, I didn't need you to inform me, but thank anyway.
"She put me in her DNI list."
"And you still interacted?"
"Yes, because I'm not Raeyla"
"Have you lost it?"
Lmao this part got me laughing😭😭
I know you are not Raeyla, but didn't want to expose you to your sweet friends and virtual family, nor your dear followers💀, "Raasini". Tbh, I'm glad that is not your name, because it would be such a waste of a pretty name on a shitty person💀
"I called her friend a loser bc she is"
💀 mf don't get Leisel into this. You actually thought you did smth?💀💀 bro go cry yourself to sleep or smth, it would've been better for all of us💀 and for the third time, Leisel ain't a loser, and again, you clearly didn't see your self💀do us a favour and never show your fac again, and leave your blog, no one is going to miss you anyway💀 if you lied about your name, why would your followers trust you again?💀 Next time Raasini tries to act cool, remember that she likes Hisoka (a pedophile from hunter x hunter), Oliver Tree(search what he did to Melanie), and The Manni Show (master of slurs).💀
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"Idk hes hot" 💀💀 go get your eyes checked. Is this what you call hot?
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Raasini is this your man?💀💀 I don't blame you, you get attracted to shit cuz u are, rlly. U guys deserve eachother.💀
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Again, I'm rlly sorry Esther, and I sorry for everyone who's reading this except that mf, I bet she cringed too💀
"Peace✌" Bitch shut up💀 bro tried so hard to be Drake💀💀 NOT THE "..."💀
hoW dAre yOU! 💀 I swear no one cares, and I feel so bad for Esther. And btw Esther, you ate. And I agree with every single word you said.
And since that mf said that she just said what I did to her, I'm done, that's it, if you are playing that game, I'll do so too💀
Oh, by the way, remember the time you faked living in Ohio? And the time you were hard-core simping over Kaeya and Scaramouche and called them daddies but then you call me and Leisel losers for liking Fischl and Mona?💀 Or the time you acted all cringy by stuttering through text even though you weren't not Role-playing? Or the time you used the "..." so damn much that I gave my phone the nastiest side eye ever? And the time you acted all emo?💀 bro I have too much things, but I too lazy to list them all, and i don't want my followers to cringe💀
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Here is my gift for you <3 tbh, I glad not the only who thinks that💀 and Raasini, your grammar and spelling books are crying in the corner💀 victim rizz fr. and when I saw the screenshots that Esther sent me, you wrote "bulliying"💀 I didn't know ppl could fuck up the word Bullying. Bro, are you even 17?💀💀
And thx @sulli1361 for your advice, I blocked her, let's hope that mf doesn't make another account to stalk me again💀 because I'm so done with her.
Thx @notafan77 for your prayerz
And thx for @urbestgirlever and @hunterxhunterisbest for keeping up with her
And did you actually put an Oliver Tree quote on your post that was supposed to "expose" me?💀 I hope you are truly embarrassed, because if I was you I'd never show my face ever again. Not for the next 15 years at least.
And if yall want me to posy the screenshots, just tell me, I don't mind, that bitch asked for it.
"Peace out✌" this is going to haunt Mr down forever. Thx Raasini, I'm Traumatised, and so are my followers.
Tags (sry for yalls eyes): @foreveryoung @toxiccluvvv @breaking-panic @disa-ster @whatskillingthekids @vernadettachiara @sillyreadergal-blog @bleakqblake @shinobusupremecy @shinobuscanonwife @shinobu @shinobu-blogging-blog @slutsssphobia @sluttsxphobia @ask-the-insect-hashira @anime-fan- @astrox @simpinxdisrespectfully @pr3tty @notafan77 @piercingmylove @honeydazai @hunterxhunterisbest @hopperowo @toastdee66 @ask-chachamaru-kny @sulli1361 @ask-thekny @orangepegacorn-blog @booplsnoot @ilynaru @ilynes @sarahwinchester97 @mistymuichiro @mistymuichirou @reawakened-goddess @seaacutie42 @limeiscool @limebreaker @urbestgirlever @popcorn-and-other-fun-stuff @hottestcelebrities @horrorchicxoxo @delmissesryan @tomioka-pudding
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monstertidbits · 1 year
FINE. what would the dungeon meshi protagonists be like to on a chaste first date with. coward
the one night stand one was funnier but let's do this mf.
laios - i hope you told him that it is, in fact, a date or else he's just happy to hang out not assuming shit okay. he actually takes you into the dungeon because there's a really unique spot on the second floor that was discovered recently and he wanted to show you around. he's really sweet and excited to have you there and explains all sorts of stuff during your little adventure. you eagerly listen wanting to learn more, of course, though you start worrying it's more about indulging himself than actually getting to know you. but then you reach the "spot" he was talking about and you are entranced: it's the hollow of one of the bigger trees, but the space inside of it is unnaturally wide and vast, filled with dryad buds and fruits (if you freak out bc of this you dont deserve him. its beautiful). while you are still too stunned to speak, laios already starts unpacking his bag to reveal a little picnic he organized. he invites you to sit next to him while cutting a loaf of bread for you to eat. it's a comfortable first date, you two filling the hollow with excitable chatter for much longer than you were expecting. he really is easy to talk to, and it's pretty attractive how he seems to be confident and in his element within the dungeon, while others are so tense and out of place. on the way back you find your hand in his, not really thinking about it. laios, on the other hand (hahaha🤪), was cool up to this point but he kinda freaks out internally because he ain't sure if it's a sign things are going well. at least you know this is the beginning of something special.
marcille - she would be sooo funny. like she would be extremely nervous and trying too hard to leave a good impression so she becomes hyperaware of everything she does and says. you try your best to lighten the mood and talk about yourself a little more, so she would feel less tense. you suggest going around the main street because you're new in town, and that makes marcille come back to her senses- she knows all the popular spots and even the more niche and cool places there. just being useful puts her at ease, and it's fun following her around. the converstion greatly improves and she suggests a nice restaurant to eat dinner at. at this point you really don't care- there's something about her being self assured and leading the way that's so captivating. the rest of the night goes on smoothly, besides the fact marcille spilt your drink on you, which she kept profusely apologizing for til you parted ways. next time will surely be better, as you get to know each other more.
senshi - this is the only man you can trust when he invites you to cook dinner at his place on the first date. you arrive, not really knowing what to expect, and you are pleasantly surprised to see ingredients already laid out for you to start working. senshi takes the lead, explaining every step while making conversation. he is soft with his words and very calm, and at some point you find yourself thinking "how the hell did we reach this topic and why does it feel safe to openly talk about it" and you wish it would never stop. by the end of the date, your stomach full, you are pretty damn sure he's the man of your dreams or something. it doesn't get any better than him
chilchuck - he's married bitch.
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cult-of-dollbabies · 2 years
Alright here's some thoughts on s2 ep5, spoiler warning
I had to rewatch/skim through it this morning bc the fight scene gave me such secondhand embarrassment that it literally fucked up my processing and the whole time I was like 😀 is this real.
Watching it again was fine but dear god the puppetry.. Anywho, the moments with Lexi and Nadine were my favorite by far, Nadine drawing a relation to assure Lexi she's safe to come to,, "you know how moms are, they do their best to make you happy, right?" And this is what made Lexi come out, she knows some things about neglectful mothers, and losing a parent, I think that in a way she wanted to be there for Nadine, too. They're there for each other despite hardly knowing one another, and yes Lexi seems to still have bully tendencies but I think Nadine will influence her development in being better, and especially her recovery. Nadine lightening the mood, helping her collect the pills and flush them was so tender and a huge step, if I'm being honest I shed a few tears, I love them sm (also Nadine autism real)
Love how hard it is to tell if Scout (or good chucky.. since thats rlly the name theyre settled on) is faking or not. Hes raised some red flags, he still has impeccable aim w/ blades, saying sum creepy shit in a suspiciously childlike manner, (i know this is the same as the last ep but this time it almost feels emphatic) Chucky is known for his manipulation and hiding in plain sight tactics, if it turns out it was all an act, can't say I'd be too surprised, "like I finally figured out what I'm for" was actually quite eery.
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...that being said I am NOT immune to chucky manipulation this was fucking CUTE
Cant wait for Father Bryce to die, sister Catherine's the only one with sense clearly, that's all I have to say about that
I'm on Devon and lexis side but on the other hand I don't think Chucky could even pretend to be nice, let alone admit to finding god or something behind a closed door ( I fuckin lost it when he held the Bible up, ain't no way, and where'd he pull that from??) and also be willing to get baptized , personally i don't think hes faking but more like the brainwashing is wearing off.. like a ticking time bomb. I thought Jake baptizing him was strange at first but watching again it feels like he was only trying to help Scout feel better, like with a child, and we all know by now Jake is attached and using him to cope with losing his foster brother, (another scout-might-be-faking-and-manipulating-jake bit, the joker line) it's understandable, but dammit Jake please stop disregarding your boyfriends very real concerns! And Nadine definitely doesn't know what Chuckys capable of, yet, but I feel like she'll find out very soon.
the series feels more shocking than scary, and some of the humor between serious parts just feels too silly for me, I want to take it seriously but I can't
...now. About the end, boy oh boy, this is where I'm sour
Seen and had a couple ideas for who the hell Cornell was and its.. bald.. Russian chucky? Tf is that? I think they were trying to do a twist but it's .. so underwhelming. And as if he hasn't been through enough we come to find Andy's been.. getting tortured, for what we can assume to be a year, hes gotta be so broken, he doesn't know Kyle's alive, either. That is.. it's such a letdown, I'm so tired of seeing Andy be tormented, I'm not watching this to get sad, I prefer the theory that he was maiming those chuckys, at least that way he'd have some kind of payback and not another year worth of trauma. Im assuming Kyle, Glenda and Nica will try to find him and it cant happen soon enough. I actually lost sleep over this.. I'm serious, not in a fear or disturbed way either in a for the love of god just let him be happy for more than five seconds please kinda way :(
Hopefully it gets better, now I just want to see Andy be saved, not very ready to see the state he's in though..
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🏖, 🎃, 🎶 and 💌 for scara and/or ei-miko?
ty! mika - i'll do both :3 putting this under a readmore bc it will be a longer post
🏖 - What would a beach date with your f/o look like?
i would be super excited bc snezhnaya does not offer much in the way of beaches and he's agreeing simply because it's making me happy. he'd stay out of the water for the most part, watching me splash around and make a fool of myself (his words not mine). however, he doesn't protest (much) if i pick him up and carry him out into the water and he will start a splash fight once he's there. another thing he enjoys about a beach trip is getting to put sunscreen on me (he insists on doing it himself, claiming i'd do it incorrectly but i know he simply wants the excuse to touch me) sadly, he doesn't have to worry about getting sunburnt (puppet abilities ig) so i don't get to return the favor
🎃 - What Halloween costumes would you and your f/o wear? Do you match?
let it be known that he is not picking the costume. he'd think it's stupid and wouldn't want to (again, he agrees because he wants me happy - though i bet he'd secretly enjoy it with certain outfits) i feel like vampires suit us pretty well! i think he'd enjoy the matching aspect (but not outwardly, you know?)
🎶 - What song/lyrics remind you of your f/o?
I'll pick some softer options for this: Valentine by Laufey & The Only Exception by Paramore
How the hell did I fall in love this time? And honestly, I can't believe I get to call you mine I blinked and suddenly, I had a Valentine
(Also the line about it being weird to experience affection)
And up until now I had sworn to myself That I'm content with loneliness Because none of it was ever worth the risk
But you are the only exception
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
like how he usually talks, very tsundere in nature. he puts a little more effort into being flowery with his language when he learns i like romantic letters like that but it's hard for him. but somehow he accidentally comes up with the sweetest things to say without meaning it. he'd also go all out with a wax seal and stuff, but then claim that it's 'no big deal' if i comment on it.
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🏖 - What would a beach date with your f/o look like?
it would be a pretty standard date for the three of us! given narukami island has its fair share of beaches (plus the other islands of inazuma), we go pretty frequently. ei spends more of her time reading on the sandy part of the beach (likely under the shade of an umbrella) while miko alternates between playing in the water with me and soaking up the sun.
🎃 - What Halloween costumes would you and your f/o wear? Do you match?
ei tries to stay classy with her costume while miko doesn't mind if they're more revealing... whereas I'm not all that picky. so miko usually helps us find costumes and yes! we like matching. so like a trio of angels or witches - that way we all can dress to our comfort but still match~
🎶 - What song/lyrics remind you of your f/o?
for ei - dark horse by katy perry
Make me your Aphrodite Make me your one and only But don't make me your enemy (enemy) Your enemy (your enemy), your enemy
for miko: w.i.t.c.h by devon cole
Rumor on the street is that her apples are delicious The jury said she's charming, but her exes say she's wicked I swear to God, I saw her howling at the sky She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
ei: pretty calligraphy, wax seal, the whole thing. as for the contents, she's very sweet and her letters reflect that. she finds that it's easier to express her feelings through the written word so she'll say a lot of things that she finds it too hard or too flustering to say in person.
miko: just as teasing and flirty as she is in person. it's as if she wants me to be red by the time I'm finished reading it. though, her letters have their softer moments like if I'm away for an extended period of time and she starts to miss me. she also would be the type to sign the letter with a lipstick mark or to mist perfume over it
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h5eavenly · 6 months
okay wow what the hell i have so many thoughts rn and i'll try to keep it simple but the lit major in me completely took over while reading the latest update and i even took notes
first of all hyune.... i tried to make excuses for him bc i honestly find his jealousy hot ngl i have some issues but this ain't it. i understand where he's coming from bc crazy bitch central just beat him up for no reason, fucked up his friendship with yeji and is now targeting his girl so it's reasonable that he doesn't want him around but slut shaming and victim blaming y/n ain't it. talking about having no backbone when she literally told him yeosang was harassing her (like she literally told him "he won't let up until i agreed") i need him to get serious. she's telling him she was forced into it and he's talking about setting boundaries, ik y/n hasn't told him about what exactly is going on but honestly, with how quick hyune is to jump to conclusions and hold the fact that she used to sleep with yeosang (a hundred years ago btw) over her head i understand why she hasn't felt comfortable opening up to him. like yeah y/n is pushing hyune away by not coming clean and telling him all the truth but hyune's not making it easy for her either. again i love a jealous hyune but this is crazy
and yejiiiiii girl.... time and place. it's always time and place with my girl yeji. your best friend is telling you his house got raided, he's getting stalked, an unknown number is sending him shady messages and your take from all of that is that he saw y/n in yeosang's car. but i understand her, i really do bc i once was her. my texts from 2021 look the same as hers rn. i always knew my friends were going through it with my delusional ass back then but witnessing yeji have the same thought process as me a couple years ago really makes me realise how unbearable i was 😭 and it's crazy how even though this isn't the main focus of this smau it's still something that's so accurately and detailedly portrayed, the layers and depth these characters have is something else fr and we need to give you your flowers for it. you're really doing amazing and we're all here for it 🩷🩷
another thing worth mentioning about this chapter is the lactose intolerant girlypop who came to the cafe expecting a nice drink and ended up fighting for her life in the toilet 😭😭 i love how hyune makes his problems everybody's business he's so real but just give my girl the almond milk bc lactaid is kinda expensive nowadays :-( also chan being suspicious about y/n running that drama acc is sooooo 💀 we all saw you thirsting over our girl not even 20 chapters ago don't be like that!!!
OMG im a lit major too we have so much in common we should date or smth🤓 i love the fact that you took notes do not keep it simple tell me everything 😔😔 listen i have issues too and jealous/ Possessive hyune gets meee but i agree my man was a little crazy this part specially the fact that he kept pushing it even when yn was trying to keep calm and find a solution and was like im gonna try to do smt (even tho she kinds cant) its clear he wanted her to cut him off but didnt want to say it till he lost it i think hes feeling insecure bc shes not "his" i feel like he finds comfort when yn reassures him in that sense it just shows that despite them being in a better place they still have a lot to work on🤓👆 bro my girl yeji IS IN NEED OF A REALITY CHECK LIKE PLSS i think the lack of support is really getting to her THANK YOU SO MUCH😿😿 YOU ARE ALWAYS SO KIND YOUT WORDS GIVE ME SO MUCH STRENGTH 🥹💗💗💗 one thing about jinnie is that if hes having a bad day hes gonna make it everyones problem😃
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Okay but what do u mean by broccoli boy would “act mad” to get close to us. I cant really imagine it, but at the same time I do. Like the reader would understand him even if he dose not understand himself and have a full out conversation about god knows what. And maybe the other would be jealous that she is talking to him but at the same time would not try and stop them bc they are confused and amazed at the same time, and this is they first time she is having a conversation with someone like “normal”.
Ngl this kind of sounds fun, with a reader who is “mad”
I mean like Izuku is like a "pick me girl". He doesn't get enough attention so he thinks its nice to copy someone's personality and become the center of their attention because obviously your head is gonna turn around when you look at the greenette being a weirdo as he copies your mannerisms and behaviour. He wants to act like he's so different, so quirky, so weird- normal people dont get him, no one gets him except you. But the only reason reader is giving him any attention is because Aizawa likes to put her in detention a lot so that he can keep an eye on her while he grades papers, so you're like bored as hell. So when you see the boy next to you start acting weird, you're all up for it because ain't no way Aizawa is gonna let you go for the next three hours.
Izuku, nervously sweating as he kills a fly and then laughs obnoxiously: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH wow deATh Is sOO FunNy and I'm so SaDDd HAHAHAHAHAHA *breaks down into tears because his mama raised him better than killing poor flies for fun*
Y/n, pointing her phone at him and recording him: mmhhmm you let it out, Izuku. You just let it all out- actually never mind, bottle some of it in, you're overdoing it now 🙄
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
i don't know if i'm the only one but i've often wondered exactly how hard it was to convince julian mcmahon to stick around for season five. they took his character, a feared powerful half demon and made him into the butt of the joke and the whole joke was basically ha ha look at this lovestruck fool obsessing and suicidal because he's got nothing to live with but can't die. ain't that funny? like how the fuck did the writers sell that to julian is my question
i find the entirety of season five just so goddamn insulting to cole's character. hell the fact that he got possessed by the source and this was treated as him turning evil instead of a shitty situation that got out of hand. like it wasn't bad enough he was villified for something that he wasn't even in control of half the time they couldn't even just vanquish the dude, they dragged it on and ridiculed him. i hate it here
lol. i mean. yeah. i really. like. it's like. like okay we all know cole was a fan favorite right and he & phoebe were really meant to like. be the sex appeal to the show no one else was really filling that role they were charmed's Sexy Couple tm. so like. in a sense i get the notion ab wanting to keep him around. because everyone loves him! he's bad boy! he adds this dangerous edge love balancing on a knife's point stuff like that. so like. that being said. u wanna keep him around. i just like Do Not Get how you opt to keep him around Like That. tbh. as w all things. i am blaming brad kern. i think it all really started to tank s4 (well, with mortal cole, but like) with source cole. that was bad, but i know it was part of the push to have like long form season drama character driven plots conflict between the sisters themselves it just like. sucked ass and balls imo. like i mean the fact they had to do the source as a possession just so they could get demon cole and lover cole,,, i mean it speaks to how stupid it was. the fact that u wanted cole to be a villain So Bad but the only way to do it was like. possession? sign that u should not do that like. like. like. i don't know how we're supposed to feel ab that.
and then. the vanquish. not sticking. i think like. i think they probably had the vague idea that cole having a mortal soul would not be able to be vanquished properly right? like. demons get destroyed into nothingness, but the human part of him lives, so i think they probably knew that was what they were going to do, that's what they sold to jmm and like. we sowed those seeds in the s4 finale w his ghost whispers and materialization. so i think like. they knew they wanted to Not Kill Him because he was such a fan favorite. maybe there was an intention to do a will they won't they variant of phole? and then. of course. there was the whole idea of paige cole, which, as the rumor goes, was meant to kick of in the s5 pilot, but both julian and rose shut it down. but i feel like. assuming that's true (which i 100% do assume that's true absolutely and i'm not endorsing it i don't think it would have been good or well written or whatever but like. 👀. you know?) but yeah. assuming that's true, i feel like that piece really speaks to what their designs for cole were: man meat. he was meant to be their male sex appeal and they weren't going to be picky about the narrative itself as long as he was still kicking.
but like honestly? i mean i shouldn't have to say this it's a given: it's not enough to just put your sexy man in front of a camera and call it a day like imo even a man who is not sexy can be made appealing through the power of the narrative. like, to level with you, i never really ever shipped phole nor found cole attractive at all like ever, but i can see like the fucking support beams you know i can see the infrastructure on which this whole thing can you know take on a life of its own in the earlier seasons because they very consciously put it there!! people shipped it for a reason n not just because they were two people standing next to each other on a tv screen i mean hello almost sinking a dagger in her heart but can't do it sends her away back to her sisters because he can't act out on his evil plan!! that's something!!!! that's so very something and they gave us Nothing they gave us nothing in the later seasons. and still expected it to fly. like. tbh julian was probably just like unwittingly duped like dragged along for the ride s5 which is likely why he was vanquished halfway through because i'd imagine roughly three episode in he went okay! um. what's this? guys? what's this? and then they said cole<3 you know he like knew he had to get the hell outta dodge.
anyways. if i were to resuscitate phole in s5. which like. to level w u. i wouldn’t. because they would need a lot of one-on-one screentime and we already spent so much of s4 splitting up the sisterhood in the name of phole i wouldn’t really want to continue with that per se But. if i were. this ask is getting long it’s under a cut 
something something demon of the week something something realms the point is cole is there when he very much shouldn’t be and like. he and phoebe get knocked into a different plane. so their bodies are fine and at the manor, but their minds are elsewhere and they need to solve whatever it is in order to get back. and we’ll say there’s a fuckin deadline because the girls need the power of three and right now they are sealed off from accessing it. and you know phoebe’s pretty fuckin pissed with cole because you know. he dragged her down to hell and she almost gave birth to the antichrist. actually source’s heir might be fun to keep around in this au idk. the point is phoebe’s pissed at cole and cole’s pissed at phoebe because phoebe’s pissed at him but he literally didn’t have control over himself in that era and he’s not getting the space he needs to justify himself because phoebe keeps stepping over him. but they gotta work together to get out of here. and were kinda doing enemies to lover 2.0 but like now they have History. of course we’ve gotta do a moment where cole has idk done something normal and phoebe’s so riled up that she does something rash and almost dies cole saves her like catches her bridal style or something faces inches apart breathing heavy and there’s a moment. like a we’re back in early s4 moment. which phoebe immediately breaks from and like walls going flying up but just for a moment there we see it it’s obvious: she’s still in love with cole. which then segues into an argument because like. cole wasn’t sure. right? he wasn’t sure if phoebe now just genuinely hated him. but now he knows right he knows better now so why are you acting like this? why are you taking every opportunity to shut me down to shut me out? why are you acting like you hate me when you know that’s not true right that whole thing to phoebe who gets the Classic because i do hate you. i hate you for what you did to me for what you did to my family and i hate you because i loved you so much and you destroyed me and i hate you because no matter how hard i try that love is still there and i know that for a second if i stop hating you i’m going to love you just like before and you can destroy me again and i hate myself because i’d let you because i love you. you know? big speech. big reveal. i have No Idea what piper and paige are up to right now. the point is. after this big confession we get the lull the cards are on the table what the fuck do we do now which is when cole Finally gets to opportunity to say he was actually possessed by the source and manipulated by the seer and the only thing that kept him holding on was his love for her and after she became queen of hell after he saw what the source had done to her he knew it had to end he doesn’t hold it against her for vanquishing him right this is where we exonerate all wrongs we’re just saying anything bad that has happened ever? scrub it. it’s the source’s fault. cole has no resentment against phoebe. he loves her a healthy, normal, non-possessive amount, so much so He Loves Her So Much he let her kill him and like honestly would probably do it again. idk and then they make out or something. and then they’re out of whatever plane they were in by the end of the episode. And Then we get a buddy cop episode with paige and cole where they bond and also sort through everything that happened there. slowly but surely. and then we do a real phole wedding a super small affair in the manor lowkey bc i hated their wedding episode it blowed we give them a good one. wallah <3
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Same story line as always you the Curtis sister... I recommend reading the other ones to have more of a familiar idea what is going on but its fine if you don't... ENJOY! Pls tell me if you like like these BC i continue to write them but Idk if anyone is enjoying them.STAY GOLD
“Wake up greaser!” Two-Bit said as he jumped on your bed “Heya Two-Bit, what’s going on?” you say tiredly 
“Where’s the rest of them ?” 
“Well Pony and Johnny had a field trip today and they had to leave early for school so Steve, Soda, and Darry went to drop them off then go to work after.”
“What about Dal?”
“Lord knows”
“Well looks like it’s just gonna be you and me Y/N”
“Good deal Two-Bit” 
“You get dressed and I will go start breakfast”
“You got it”
As Two-Bit left the room you got out from under the covers and began making your bed and thinking about how much you really appreciated Two-Bit. You heard the eggs frying on the pan and began getting dressed, you didn’t have much so you took an old DX shirt from Soda’s closet that he said you could have and  a pair of black skinny jeans and combat boots Dal got you for Christmas. 
“Hey Y/N what do you wanna do today?” Two-Bit asked as you walked into the kitchen 
“Not sure… wanna watch Mickey?” you said grabbing 2 plates from the cabinet 
“I got it! Were gonna have my famous Two-Bit days where we do what two-bit does.”
“And what does that consist of Two-Bit?” you said with sarcasm in your voice 
“ Well since your a mighty fine drinker, were gonna have a beer-chugging competition” 
“Ok but we can’t drink to many or Darry is gonna scream our heads off even though your the only one who’s gonna get drunk cause I don’t get drunk”
“Yea yea hand me those plates” 
After handing two-bit the plates you went to see if Mickey was on and luckily it was. Two-Bit put your plate on the coffee table and he sat next to you. You sat in silence for a few minutes with Mickey playing in the background. 
“How are you and Dal doing?”
“Huh,” you said with egg in your mouth 
“ you know we all saw yall kiss in the rain at the movies”. You choked on the eggs that you were about to swallow and then you spit it onto your napkin and wiped your face off. “Yall watched us”
“ Two-Bit yall are freaking creepy. Good thing Darry wasnt there” 
“We told him” 
“ What!” you said dropping the plate and began dragging Two-Bit to the ground. “Ima cut your air Two-Bit” 
“Ima cut your air Two-Bit, “ two-bit said in a high pitch voice trying to mock you and rolled out from your grip. You laid on the floor and he was standing above you and said “ we didn’t tell him, just wanted to see you get mad” 
“Damn you Two-Bit,” you said as you sat up and grabbed your plate taking it to the kitchen.
“You are on dish duty,” he said 
“Hand me your plate” 
“Which beer did Darry say your allowed to have” 
“You can pick any, as long as we don’t have more than 6 pack,” you said drying your hands. Two-Bit walked into the living room again and you followed him “ ok on the count of 3 we chug this beer. 1...2...3!” you chugged so fast your were done and you slammed the empty glass on the table and you watched Two-Bit take his last sip “ Beat that Two-Bit!” you said wiping your mouth “ Pretty good Y/N, another round later?”
“You betcha “ 
“Let’s play cards and later we can go find Dal or something” 
“Let’s do it” 
You guys played for what felt like days and decided by lunchtime to go to DX and see what was going on. 
“Hey Two is it cold outside you said walking to your room” 
“Not too bad, but you might want to bring a coat” 
“ Alright thanks,” you said. When you opened your closet barely anything was there. Like you always do you went to Soda’s closet and grabbed a jacket and walked out to the living room where two-bit was putting on his leather jacket. 
“You ready yet?” 
“Yea let’s go… did you bring a car or are we walking?”
“Walking,” he said opening the front door 
As you guys walked you made jokes about people coming by and you guys slashed some Soc’s tires might have been Cherry’s car. You slashed one side and he slashed the other side and then hauled out of there. When you got DX you saw some girl flirting with Soda and he wasn’t having it. He saw you and looked at you with a face saying ’help me’ and you winked at him with one eye and ran up to him and hugged him saying “ hey babe” and he hugged you back and went along with it. The look on that girl’s face “I think that’s enough gas” she said pulling the pump out of her car and driving off. “Thanks, Y/N,” Soda said pulling away from your hug and looing at your outfit up and down “we better buy you some new clothes,” he said putting his arm around your shoulder and walking up to Steve and Two-Bit who were messing around with some broads who probably stopped by to see Soda. “Soda you letting Y/N wear your clothes now,” Steve said 
“Yea what about it?” soda said grabbing a windshield wiper
“Yea what about it?” you said grabbing the windshield wiper out of Soda’s hand and whacking Steve in the head with it. Steve was holding the side of his and then you tackled him to the ground. You were rolling all over the ground tackling him when you put him in a choke hold “ want me to cut your air Steve?” 
“Then say it dont matter” 
“Hell no”
" the im cut your-" 
"Hey there y/n" you heard from behind you. It was Dal. You got really fast and ran to him then jumping up and wrapping your legs around his back. Before you could say anything you guys were kissing infront of all of them. In the middle of you guys kissing your hear all the boys making smooching sounds with their back turned to you guys hugging themselves while moving their hands up and down their back. Dal let go of u quietly and picked the windshield wiper off the floor whacking each one of them in the back of the head with it. You laughed as the all turned around in pain and surprise. " when yall plan on telling Darry" Soda asked snatching back the windshield wiper from Dal. " do we have to?" You wined " unless you want him to find out the hard way" steve interrupted " I will find a right time to do it" you said
" listen me a Soda got to get back to work" Steve said walking towards a car he was working on before you and Two-Bit got there.You gave Soda a hug and waved him good bye. Two-Bit, Dal, and you walked around for a bit before Dal said "the sky's getting dark pretty soon im gonna have to go" 
" where you off to" you asked 
" gonna go see Tim" he said 
" see u tomorrow" You said giving him a hug 
" take care of her Two-Bit and layoff of her otherwise i will have your panties in a twist" Dal warned him 
Two laughed and waved as Dal walked into an alley. On your way home you stopped by the dingo to get some dinner for everyone when they came home. 
When you got home you set everything down and set the table. " when is everybody getting home?" Two-Bit asked " i think around 5:30" you said looking at the clock " about an hour til, we can watch Mickey and have a drink till they get here" you said smiling " good thinking" he said walking to the fridge grabbing 2 beers. You both sat and watched mickey slowing sipping on the beer. You leaned your head on his should with the beer in your hand. " Two-Bit?" 
" yea y/n" 
" have I ever told you I love you like a brother" 
" have i ever told you I love you like a sister" 
A warm feeling rushed over your body as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder 
" if you ever need anything two, im here for you if you need me" 
" same to you y/n" he said as he lightly cheered your beer 
From outside the window your heard sniffles. " the hell was that" you say as you open the blinds to see Soda and Steve hugging and pretending to wipe tears of their eyes. You got up closed the blinds and locked the front door. " yall can come in when Darry gets home in an hour" you say while looking into the window. "Hope it ain't cold out" Two- Bit yelled as you sat back down next to him.
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catboyfeli · 5 years
Please tell me those smiley faces mean you are joking about that. Hard to read tone on the net, but I think, and hope, you are kidding to troll the new troll. If not, my worry meter is a little past 50 already but trying to remain calm in case you are kidding. Plz don't do it if you are not in fact kidding. I won't give you the old song and dance + confidence phrases, but I will say they just ain't worth it. Instead imagine them being flamed in the butt by Spyro or ate by a giant Pacman.
hey. sorry for freaking down
my ex friend of six years decided he hates me now because i have the wrong opinions, like yknow shipping incest and all that, and some other drama happened, but honestly just fuck him, thats not what really set me off, it just made it worse. on top of that, at that very moment i got his message, my account on quotev had been disabled and ip banned for no reason
turns out someone found my private rant account and reported me lmao. i said rping rape in private is ok and everyone was pissed. even tho it Literally Is okay and many csa victims use that to cope
they then proceeded to make fun of my stories on ao3 and just. people really love makin fun of depressed autistics that are actively suicidal just bc they have ~weird~ interests. i tag my incest ships for anyone whos uncomfortable with it so it’s hurting literally Nobody. i grew up in a conservative christian as hell family so god forbid i explore my sexuality via harmless fiction. also couldve been an incest victim as a child for all i know since i remember having a dream abt that when i was a kid lol
anyway! i was suicidal as hell, nearly self harmed, was planning on killing myself tonight, contemplated calling someone, but eventually decided to talk to my mom and she talked to me long enough for the mental breakdown to subside.
today has been hell. my bpd has reached its limits for today. i cannot grow any more numb. i need a nap and someone to cry on. thanks for caring btw.
when i feel better im totally writing something more fucked up out of spite. fiction is fiction and y’all are literal dictators getting people’s innocent accounts DELETED for having opinions u don’t like. antis are literally evil confirmed tho.
no hate comments on ao3 so far though. clearly im just too damn good for them to insult B) maybe i write weird shit but im damn good at it. y’all are just jealous i’m not in your fandoms.
yeah that last part is just an act. im dead inside. but im still writing ~bad~ stuff when i feel better out of pure spite.
also hey. lmk if you have any other social media. we should talk more. i might take a break from tumblr bc its Toxic so yeah
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AIGHT SO I’m like super high on caffeine and chocolate rn so I mighty write a lil Christmas one shot (it’s still December let me be pft)
But first a lil song I found a few days ago and has been stuck in my head ñon stop!
It’s from a musical called 35MM, they make up songs and stories from photos this one guy took, they’re amazing!
The song of called “Leave Luannne”
Warnings! There are mentions of abuse, r*pe, and such! So if you feel uncomfortable by that please don’t read this!
Now on to the song;:
Luanne's fat lip is drying, The bastard's bacon frying, The shiner on her eye's gone bust and bleeding. He shouts, "Girl, set the table!" But he knows she ain't able. Her arm's done broke, Hung limp like yolk,
AHHH we get the picture pretty clear from the beginning. i can always imagine Luanne on the floor, all bruised up and close to tears....
And softly she's repeating...
"Leave, Luanne. Why don't you march out that door? Southern woman, he ain't no good to you. Leave, Luanne. Louisiana wants war, But it's you dying on her ruby plains."
And yet, loyal Luanne remains. Ever since he got him laid off, His sanity's just made off. No, he was never nice, but now he's cruel.
So first, ahhhhfhrjehrn THE VIOLINS ARE AMAZING AND THE VOCALS TOO also we can see why Luanne doesnt leave the dude. I can see her internal debate, telling herself to leave but not being able to.
He rapes her, and he beats her, She don't 'fess how he treats her, 'Cause a Bible verse Says it won't get worse, And she won't be a fool. "You won't never leave, Luanne,
And then theres this part about the bible, i dont exactly know what verse theyre talking about, but we see that Luanne is super religious, which makes her internal debate even harder. Should she leave or stay? She has been taught probably her whole life with that idea, and probably doesnt want to end up in hell due to her beliefs and what she’s been told.
'Cause if you walk out that door His truck will be gunning for you.
No, you won't leave, Luanne, Or he'll give you 'What for?' You got heart where you should have had brains."
This part always makes me sad bc Luanne may still love that asshole, which sucks, but she still does and is pretty loyal to him makes it even harder for her to make a decision too
And so, loyal Luanne remains. Someone's howling, Screams like sighing with battered breath Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. But months of such conditions Turn laymen to logicians And tonight the bastard's sleeping like a log. So she plucks the kitchen cleaver,
Creeps up toward his roped-up lab retriever,
AND THE VIOLINS MAKE THE TENSION AMAZING. It makes you so nervous about whats going to happen. You can imagine Luanne finally making a decision, tired of everything. Its dark at night and she slowly makes her way to the kitchen, trying so quietly to not wake him up.
And she cuts the rope, And hope on hope, She starts to shout, "Your dog's got out!" She's got her chance. With no back glance She runs out to the bog, Screaming, screaming: "Leave, Luanne!" "Leave, Luanne. You've got a life left to live In a house hanging off the Golden Coast! Leave, Luanne. You won't forget nor forgive, " And she don't feel the stings, the rips, and scrapes As finally Luanne escapes.
And the way you can FEEL the tension, the way you can see her running and your heart starts speeding up, wishing she can escape, that she can lead a better and happier life, shes doing her best, not feeling the pain. You can tell how desperate she is. You can see her running through the woods, leaves and branches getting tangled in her hair, sometimes cutting her, but she still keeps going due through sheer determination, ignoring how her feet hurt and how much shes running out of breath. All the way through shes making a promise to herself, that she will NEVER let go what the asshole did to her.
Swim, Luanne! Swim, Luanne! And in the swamp of beeches, Oh, as the preacher preaches, As the light In the night Holds through the marsh and brushes As the blood inside you rushes Left and right, Hold on tight—
And then you can feel the hope, the relief that she has managed to get out, the violins making a sort of country dancey song (?) pft and youre like YAS GIRL RUN AND LIVDE YOUR LIFE its amazing, its so happy from the depressing music we heard before, Luanne gets out of the place, some people help her, she becomes happy again, meeting people and dancing all night at parties, maybe she even finds someone new and starts dating them, having a new life with someone who loves her....but then....
—Until you reach the bank And you crawl onto the bank, 'Til you feel a little yank on your hair And, stricken, stare at the bastard Who beat you there.
the guy just yanks her hair and gives her a horrible smirk, and Luanna can only look in horror, her heart breaking and all her dreams vanishing as she realizes that she...she didnt make it.
The bastard lies in bed now, Half-sad his wife is dead now. She drowned herself in a swamp in wild despair.
I actually want to know wether if he killed her, or if she killed herself. To make it more angsty i like to think she actually drowned herlsef, because its so heartbreaking to see how her hopes die and she just...gives up. Gosh its so friggen, ahhhh. Once Luanne sees the guy she shrieks and tries to pull away, falling backwards. Either the bastard hit her, or something but she ends up  being paralyzed and unable to move. She reacts desperatly but the bastard refuses to help, and then she slowly gives up, letting the water fill her lungs, and slowly closing her eyes and accepting her faith.
He thinks he used to love her, But push it came to shove her, A wife disposed, A wife case closed, And no one seems to care,
And the violins are amazing. He doesnt care. No one knows shes dead. Luanne is left without no one there to remember her, to grieve her. Its just....so heartbreaking.
To grieve Luanne. Now no one's on his shoulder, But his mattress don't feel colder,
And in fact, it's hellish hot, and the air is dank and steaming. Yet his body starts to shiver When the window cracks a sliver And a fiery fog From the miry bog Pours in the room In a sticky gloom And there the man Sees dead Luanne.
Luanne makes her way to the house, fulfilling her promise of getting her revenge, of not forgiving the asshole for everything he did. And then, when she gets there, dripping, the bastard only stares.
He's terrified, But he keeps his pride, 'Cause he knows that he ain't dreaming. And he starts screaming, "Leave, Luanne. Hell sent you back here for more, 'Cause ain't no one ever loved you."
THIS, THISSSSS. ITS BY FAR MY FAVORITE PART. When hes the one telling her to leave, when its HIM. Just- the nerve of this man. And i know i keep saying this byt LISTEN TO THE VIOLINS. They are perfect, the tension, the way they just- the way they make you feel, the way they always give you shivers and make you go oh fuck shits about to go down.
He is just cockily smirking trying to act as if hes not afraid. And then he has the audacity to tell her to LEAVE. The thing shes been trying to do for so long, but now...its too late. Her eyes widen in rage and she stands straight, lifting her chin and glaring at him.
But said Luanne, "I've come to settle a score, " And she shows him her feet are bound in chains.
Shes stuck there. But this time, the roles are reversed. This time Luanne will be the one feared. She will now hold the power.
And loyal Luanne remains And remains And remains And remains!
I like to think that shes also got it stuck in her head that she cant leave, and shes now torturing the bastard by STAYING, the way it just changes fro, what it was at the beginning, HOLY SHIT AHH. And as the remains get louder she gets angrier and the room start getting hotter and hotter, and Luanne just smiles and you see the bastard cowering more and more in fear.
Someone's howling, Screams like sighing With battered breath. Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. Luanne, She cries her miserable wail So the bastards will never sleep again!
And she is CRYING. Tears make their way down her face, crying and asking how dare he, why would he, all she wanted was to be happy.
No, no reprieve, Luanne, She brings their souls down to hell, A caution to the cruelest of men: God loves Luanne! Praised be! Amen!
The ending is so good, she gets her revenge, makes the guy regret what shes done. i always imagine the whole place setting in fire and Luanne getting angrier and angrier, thr bastard finally realizing what the hell hes actually done. This is amazing, i love this song so much. Not only the story but also the way you can imagine and feel everything. this song is so freaking good istg
Theyre in HELL. She used to be so religious, and thats the fate she didnt want. She never wanted to be in hell, yet there she is, getting her revenge. I dont know if God went like aight here ya go gurl, get your revenge, or smth like DAMN, so good.
In conclusion, amazing song, so good, i swearrr. This musical is amazing, they have other amazing songs like Sarah Berry, or Piece of Me.
Some of them range from being depressing, to adorable, to HILAROUS like Caralee lmfao that one is amazing lol
I really hope yall take a listen hehe, im sorry for rambling so much, im just trying to keep myself distracted from everything going on at home and with my dog. Hope yall have a good day and ill write more things, I promise!
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