#its my birthday so i decided to make this for myself yayy :]
wish-grantzed · 5 months
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✉ || Victor Grantz | Stimboard | Self Indulgent
✉ || ᥊ ᥊ ᥊ - ᥊ ᥊ ᥊ - ᥊ ᥊ ᥊
✉ || psd: Candycane psd coloring
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hermionemonica · 5 years
I ended up watching Ladybug. Zero self control. And I need to rant. This is probably going to be a scene to scene analysis, which is why I need to mark it for spoilers. Although, from what I gathered, there didn’t seem to be any spoilers for the other episodes. If anything, this seems to be much earlier in chronological order (not production order). Whatever, I leave it up to you.
So, spoiler alert!
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This is the opening scene. Adrien making Marinette’s birthday gift. (This scene at least comes before Befana. But given the back and forth shifting of narration in the first part of this episode, the rest of it might as well be much afterwards. Although I don’t think it’ll be almost a season and a half later.)
Look at my baby boy, making a gift for his girlfriend! He could have bought her anything else, he is the son of a fashion tycoon after all! But he chose to make a gift for her by his own hands. Something meaningful and special. This just goes on to show how much Marinette’s lucky charm means to him, and how much he cares about her. Isn’t this so sweet?
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“She’s a really awesome girl, she loves helping others...”
Aww, sweet child, gushing on about his girlfriend! 
Take a look at this face and tell me he isn’t totally in love with Marinette!
Look how he begged for permission to go to Marinette’s birthday party! And how happy he was on being allowed! 
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“I thought you were supposed to be protecting Adrien from Marinette, the one you said was a bad influence.”
Oh Gabriel, you don’t really think you can keep those two away from each other? Also, I hate Lila even more, if that’s possible.
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Okay, so I know Caline Bustier is supposed to be the best teacher and all. But I really believe that a good teacher would never humiliate her best student in front of the entire class, judging solely by an anonymous note. Why, just because unlike in Zombizou, no other student was directly involved here? Miss Bustier should really have had a talk with Marinette in private before bringing this up in class.
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“Miss Bustier, Marinette always scores high in your tests.”
“Excuse me Miss Bustier, but everyone here knows it isn’t like Marinette to cheat.”
Bestie and boyfriend to the rescue! I love how they both stood up for her, and had her back till the end. (We’re getting to that.)
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My poor baby! 
Also, the music in this scene was spot on. 
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“You know Lila’s lying, don’t you Adrien?”
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Look how his expression changes, when his girlfriend appeals to him for help.
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I’ll say this once. I don’t like Mr Damocles as a Principal. He is naive and easily misled. And this isn’t even the first time something like this has happened.
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Catalyst and Scarlet Moth in action once more. Also Gabriel, I cannot believe you would target a 14-year-old’s social life just to make her and her loved ones a prey to your akuma! None but you would stoop to such levels, you evil man!
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Ah, my baby girl looks so sad! Someone hug her!
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The heroes standing strong in the face of akumas, just like before. (Where’s Nino?)
Also Chloe protecting Sabrina is a beautiful sight.
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Marinette’s purse got infected by the akuma. Does that mean Tikki was affected by it somehow?
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Princess Justice and Verity Queen. (I’d have loved to see their akumatised forms.)
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“...disappointed by she who you once admired so much...”
Rose, Juleka, you didn’t believe in Marinette too? That makes me think, there were others like Mylene, Alix, Kim and Max in the locker room too, but they weren’t akumatised apparently. So does that mean they trust Marinette more than Rose and Juleka do?
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What? Was she about to hand over her Miraculous right there?
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Perfect timing Nathalie! Phew! That was a close call!
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“If you had been akumatised, nothing could have stopped you from handing your Miraculous over to Hawkmoth!” “And there would have been no more Ladybug, end of story.” “We can’t let that happen!”
The well-being of all of Paris rests on her shoulders. Someone help my child!
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“I’m so glad I called you. Thanks for your support.” 
Was it just me who thought Marinette was being sarcastic, that she was fed up of Alya thinking all Marinette had against Lila was her jealousy?
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“You’re my best friend, Marinette. I totally believe you.” 
Please stay with her till the end Alya. She needs you.
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“Until we found a new school for you, we’ve decided that you should help us with the bakery.” 
A roundabout way of saying “You’re grounded”?
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“I warned you, using a broken Miraculous ends up breaking its wearer. The wounds of the Miraculous are becoming your wounds.” “I don’t care Gabriel. I want to help you.” “Not at that cost. Never at that cost again.” 
Further confirmation of Emilie’s condition? (And also some good GabeNath.)
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Ah, Nathalie, you sneaky lady! She just shushed Nooroo, and he let her go with the Miraculous? Despite knowing her condition? Also, what is the significance of the Eiffel Tower key ring? The way she looks at it, is there something special about it?
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“Woo yayy, you’re doing better already–oh no, spook too soon.” “No, don’t do that, you should be resting!” “Boo-hoo-hoo, it’s so romantic!” 
Wacky or not, Duusu sure is a sweetheart! I’m glad we’re getting to see more of her.
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“Gabriel so desperately wants the Miraculous, and I want to be the one to give it to him.” 
Nathalie, you love Gabriel too much for your own good.
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Woah, I love this twist. So a Sentimonster doesn’t always have to be born out of sentiments? Mayura is even powerful than Hawkmoth, it seems. New information.
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She looks flawless!
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“Chat Noir, I don’t feel so good.” “There’s something wrong, you’re supposed to be nearly invulnerable.” “Chat Noir, don’t leave me.” “What, what’s going on?” “I’ve always gone out of my way to hide my true feelings for you, but I just can’t do it anymore.” “But I thought you said you loved somebody else?” “It’s-it’s over. After all this time, I’ve realised, you’re always here for me. Even when I keep rejecting you.Your feelings for me haven’t changed, and mine are growing stronger, every day. I can’t keep pretending anymore.”
Also, is this supposed to a catharsis of what Nathalie desires to hear from Gabriel?
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“Watch it Chat Noir, you’re confusing fantasy with reality.”
“Oh, listen to your brain!”
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“Sorry kitty, but you should’ve known. I’m nowhere near as perfect as her.” “I love you just the way you are, M’Lady.” 
Ah, my heart!
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“Okay, you’re definitely the real one.” 
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“Nooroo, why didn’t you wake me up?” “I couldn’t bring myself to, Master. You were sleeping so peacefully.” 
Aw, Nooroo is such a precious bean!
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And this is why Ladybug is a Queen.
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“We can call ourselves Chat Noir and his Ladybugs.” “I prefer the Bugettes and Kitty-Cat. What do you think?” “You’re in charge, Ladybug.” These three would have made such an awesome team!
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“Release him!”
“Release her!”
“Don’t mind me.”
“Don’t listen to him.”
Something about this part felt so... good.
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“You had Mayura right where you wanted her. I could’ve managed by myself. Why’d you do that?” “Because we are Ladybug and Chat Noir, Ladybug by itself doesn’t sound half as cool.” “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.” 
This is so sweet!
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“I guess even your Miraculous Ladybug can’t bring our Bugette back.” 
Aww, they were looking for the Ladybug Sentimonster! They were really counting on another teammate-cum-friend, huh?
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“I warned you once already Lila, but you didn’t listen. You hurt my friend Marinette, and that’s not okay.” “Me, hurting Marinette? But she’s the one who-” “I don’t know how to prove you lied Lila, because you’re good at it. So you have to come up with another lie, just as convincing, only this time it’s gonna prove Marinette’s innocent.” “Why would I do that, Adrien?” “Because we’re friends, aren’t we?” 
Ah, my boy protecting his girlfriend! Look at his angry face! Look how he is lowkey threatening her! He is not going to stand and watch, not when someone he cares about has been threatened. Watch and learn, salty-fic writers! 
Also, he is defending and protecting Marinette, without letting her know. Just how a caring boyfriend should.
P.S.: I love the Adrienette + Ladynoir content in this episode! 
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