#its my fic but in reverse
effervescentdragon · 2 years
this may be the first time that this
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didnt give me ptsd <3
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 10 months
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katsuki bakugou hates a lot of things
he hates people who walk slow, he hates people who chew loudly or people who talk loud in places they know damn well they shouldn’t.
he hates when people walk on the back of his shoe and he hates idiots like kaminari who talk during movies.
but most of all, katsuki bakugou hates seeing you cry.
it sparks something in him, something red, hot and so angry when he finds you in your dorm. tears running down your cheeks that show no sign of stopping. he hates it even more when you make eye contact and you curl into yourself even more from where you’re sitting on the floor.
katsuki immediately decides this is the thing he hates the most.
he’s on you in seconds, kneeling in front of you, searching around to get a peek of your face hidden in your knees. he places his hands on top of yours where they’re wrapped around your legs and his chest tightens when you flinch a little.
“ who was it ? who did this to you ?” he can’t recognize his own voice, his words come out so fast he barely registers what he’s saying.
you try to speak but nothing but more broken sobs and shaky breaths come out as you desperately try to catch your breath and katsuki realizes that you talking isn’t a priority right now.
his eyebrows are furrowed and he almost looks angry but he’s so, so worried. if anything, he’s angry at himself for being so helpless, for not being able to help you in a time where you clearly need it.
he grabs your shoulder softly and the weight his chest lightens slightly when you lean a little closer to him, before letting him pull you tightly into his arms
“breathe for me.” he utters softly, voice gruff and gravelly. he never actually talks this softly unless he’s around you, the difference is so stark it surprises him a little bit but he’s got more important things to think about. praise spills from him occasionally, muttering a “you got it. i got you” into your ear before pressing a kiss to your temple.
katsuki’s never really had to comfort anyone, he’s never felt the need to, but you’re not just anyone. your different, you’re his. his love his everything and he’ll be damned if he didn’t try his hardest for you.
you’ve calmed down a little bit, he noticed. you’re breathings calmed down a little and your sobs have been reduced to snivels. the tightness in his lungs is still there, but it’s less now.
“what’s goin’ on with you, hm ?” you’re grip tightens on his arm and you shove your head deeper into his chest. he moves his head away from your shoulder so he can place two small kisses on the top of your head
“talk to me, baby. needa know what’s up with you.” he pleads into the crown of your head. you sigh before speaking up.
“ i don’t know what’s up with me i just- it’s nothing bad i’m—” you’re desperately searching for the right words to use so what you’re about to say makes sense. “i just don’t—feel like myself today. i don’t know why, i just feel really bad today.” you let out a humorless chuckle and your voice dies out when you finish “m’sorry if i worried you” you sniffle.
he shushes you, his grip on you tightens when he hears you whimper “don’t..don’t fuckin’ apologize to me, got no reason to.” he spits. he sounds angry, and he is, why should you ever feel the need to apologize for feeling some type of way around him ?
“s’okay for you to feel that way..i do too, sometimes, you know ?” he knows you do. he knows you do because there are times where he comes to your room in tears, shaking and panicked. completely and utterly lost from the nightmares that had plagued him minutes before but knowing he had to come see you. you were there for him every time, gently soothing him and assuring him that he’d be okay. he owed it to you to do the same for you.
“s’okay to feel like shit sometimes, happens to the best of us.” he whispers “ but you can always come to me when you do, can deal with it together. an’ don’t go thinkin’ yer ‘bothering’ me either.” he says, parroting what you had just told him. “we’re together for a reason, dummy.” he’s soft spoken and his voice is so mellow despite his harsh little nickname for you, you could’ve missed it if he wasn’t sitting so close to you, it makes you a little dizzy and a little weaker in you��re already mushy knees.
he grabs your shoulders gently to get your eyes on him. they’re still a little glossy but they’re a little less dull when he looks at you “ we’re in this together, always have been, always will be, got it ? “ he asserts, waiting for your response. and then you smile at him, it’s faint but it’s there and katsuki feels like he can breathe again. he smiles back softly at you when you respond with a soft “okay.”
you suddenly grab onto him and pull him into you tightly, locking him in a tight embrace and squeezing like you’re pressing a lemon. it throws him off for a second before he’s squeezing you just as hard, pressing your body against his.
“thank you, katsuki. you’re the best” you hum. he presses a long lingering kiss to your temple as response, before squeezing around your waist “ course i am.” he gloats. the smirk on his lips grows when you snort in response “what’re you laughing about, hah? don’t think so? don’t think i’m the best ?” he jests, using this as an opportunity to tickle you mercilessly. you kick and squirm but it’s no use, katsuki doesn’t stop until you’re a heaving , giggling mess. tears in your eyes as you plead and beg for him to stop but he doesn’t let up even when you’re laying on the ground with him on top of you.
“ i ain’t hearing what i wanna hear, you know what i want from you, baby.” he chuckles at the way you desperately gasp for breath, choking on your own spit in the process.
“y-you’re the ! the best, ‘suki ! the b-bestest of the best !” you gasp out, pushing blindly at his face to get him away from you and he finally let’s you go. “felt nice enough to let you off with a warning, won’t end well for ya if you try me again.” is what he says, playfully warning you and waving his finger around in your face. you’re completely out of breath, there are tears in your eyes again but they’re happy tears this time and you still can’t stop smiling and giggling as you try to bite at his finger and katsuki is more than happy with this.
because katsuki’s favorite thing is your smile.
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ even the gods bleed
{☆} characters furina, neuvillette {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, multi-chapter, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings blood, injury, light angst {☆} word count 2.3k
What was justice?
Focalors had asked herself that question many times during the long nights she spends awake pouring over the prophecy of a dead God, words replaying in her mind like a broken record until the sun rose like a blooming flower.
She was the God of Justice, an Archon, yet she herself lacked the answer to such a simple and yet so very complex question.
How does one define what is just and what is not? How does she know that what she believes to be just is right? Is it justice if one being alone may sway the scales of justice on a whim? What justice is there to be found in the cold, watery grave that awaits her nation?
She does not know.
Perhaps she may never know.
What she does know, at least, is that this is not justice.
It is a mockery of it.
She stands before the bloodied, broken body like the judge, her sword held so tightly in her hand her fingers feel stiff, a dull ache adding to the weight of what she's seen. For a long, horrible moment she almost thinks they are dead – something she would have reveled in, only a day prior – before she sees the subtle rise and fall of their chest. Breathing, but barely.
The rain felt heavier upon her shoulders at the realization – she was not sure if it was in relief or horror.
Her nails dig into her palm, mind stuck somewhere between that abject horror and confusion so palpable she swore she could hear the gears in her head turning.
For a long, silent moment as she stares upon the body beneath the heavy rain..she wonders if this is how it all ends instead. If the world itself will simply crumple in on itself and cease – without its heart, it will wither, after all – long before the waters ever swallow her nation whole.
Because, try as she might to rationalize it, for every drop of rain that hits her like pins and needles, soaking her down to the bone..the body of the imposter is completely dry. Even the water pooling along the stones dares not to leave so much as a splotch against their ragged, torn clothes.
She remembers the meeting so very clearly, and she thinks she is a fool to not have noticed sooner – the Creator upon their gilded throne, finger pointed in accusation at the visage far too similar to their own. The imposter. She remembers the lilt of their voice as they called for their death as easily as one would speak of the weather – and to no one other then herself would she admit the spark of fear it had ignited within her. Because beneath the divine charade there was a sick enjoyment in the way they looked upon the imposter – like a bug beneath their shoe.
She understands, now.
She had thought that perhaps finally – finally – she could do right by her people, by her Creator, if she rid Teyvat of this..intrusion.
Now she sees herself as what it all really is – blind lambs following the herder.
Perhaps she would be considered a heretic under the eyes of the law – beneath the weight of justice, heavy as the heart that bears its sins. Perhaps this is a mistake, one she would come to regret.
But for now, she sheathes her blade with unsteady hands, the sound making her ears ring – for what she had almost done, what she had already done – as she stumbles like a newborn lamb towards the broken body of..
..What, exactly? Human? Divine? She is not so sure what to call them. Creator? No. The name is bitter upon her tongue, now, burning like liquid flame down her throat.
Where once she had spoken it in reverence and admiration, it felt hollow and empty, now.
Her vision wavers as she kneels down against the rain soaked stones, the rain upon her back growing heavier as she reaches a shaky hand forth – and for a moment, however brief, she feels the weight of expectation, of a title she fears she may never live up to, wash away with the waters that fall from the heavens.
The bruises and blood smeared across their skin are like strokes of a paintbrush, their body the canvas from which such horrid art is created. It makes her ill.
Doubt wavers her composure briefly – her position is already unsteady. She has never been seen as an equal to many of the other Archons. Her own people do not see her as their Archon, but an actor in a grand play that they shall simply toss aside and replace like a broken doll the moment she bores them.
What does she have left to lose?
She reaches out again, her hand settling onto their shoulder and turning them onto their back. She..isn't sure what to do, actually. She's never been particularly physically capable – she tended to avoid fights, even if she oft provoked them – and she was certainly no healer.
Yet what choice does she have but to march on anyway? She is in the heart of the city, it is far more dangerous here then anywhere else..she had little time to make her move.
Fontaine was, after all, a nation founded on the principle of justice. To know an injustice has been made against the most Divine..the entire nation was in a frenzy.
Her eyes dart around nervously, hands clasped tight on their shoulders and her lips drawn into a taut line – someone would notice her absence. One of the Archons would point out her absence in the coordination of the search.
Her options were just as limited as her time – she couldn't just take them out of the city. Security was tight, and as much as she fancied herself an escape artist – Neuvillette could hardly keep her in one place for too long – she doubted she could do the same with the limp body of the imposter in tow.
..The Palais Mermonia it was, then.
Her room had a secret entrance that few knew about, and even fewer would dare to traverse. She just..had to hide them there for a bit and hope Neuvillette wouldn't notice anything different.
Still, there was the problem of actually..transporting the body. As grim as it sounded. Her only solace was the fact she didn't have to worry about them catching a cold, at least, and their breaths were still audible, if only barely. So she had to resort to some..unexpected methods.
Seeing the limp form of, well, the imposter – she'd really have to ask for something else to call them when they woke up – stuck in a bubble of hydro wasn't exactly on her bucket list.
Then again, neither was treason.
Well, first time for everything, right?
It wasn't breaking the law if no one else knew about it.
..Neuvillette didn't have to know about it, really. It was fine.
She could, of course, technically try to talk some sense into Neuvillette – he'd listen to her, right? She thought she was pretty close with him..but he was also the one person more obsessed with justice then she was. Such a stickler for the law..so maybe she's breaking a few, it's fine.
But he was also pretty devout, as much as he tried to keep his worship private – with Focalors around, nothing was really secret. Maybe she could get him to settle down long enough to prove it.
..How was she going to prove it?
An exaggerated groan escaped her lips as she led the bubbled imposter – she really wished she didn't have to resort to that, it would be a lot a more awkward to explain then dragging the body around – through the winding streets of Fontaine. She's just glad she's already memorized the entire city like the back of her hand..and a little dramatics went a long way. People listened when the Hydro Archon spoke, and she was suddenly very, very glad for that fact, even if they treated her more like a mascot then a God.
And partially because she, maybe, just a little..stole a few documents detailing the layout and a little personal exploration of her own – but what Neuvillette didn't know couldn't hurt him!
After what felt like hours, though was really no more then half an hour at best, she'd managed to drag herself – soaked to the bone with rain – and the conveniently bubbled imposter up through the secret entrance and into her room.
The perceived safety, as flimsy as it was, was..comforting. Until she heard the rustle of fabric, the clearing of a throat and the pop of a bubble as she, in her surprise, popped it – and then the thud of the imposter hitting the floor.
She felt a bit of regret about that part, at least, wincing.
"Lady Furina." His voice was as sharp and cool as she remembered it always being – like fresh spring water, she'd heard it described. Soothing. It did not feeling very soothing right about now.
She turned sharply on her heel, a forced smile tugging at her lips on reflex, every muscle in her body tensed – she probably looked like a wet cat right about now, soaked with rain, but that was the last thing on her mind.
"Do you mind explaining what, exactly, you did?" Not what you're doing, she notes – what she did. He was mad. Oh, she was really in for a scolding now. She twiddled her thumbs, laughing weakly, though it quickly dies out at the awkward, tense silence.
"Well, you see – it's rather complicated! I can– I can explain." Her attempts to diffuse are met with a raised brow and the sharp tap of his cane. Every single thought is plagued with the urge to run, but the unsteady breathes of the 'imposter' keep her rooted in place. "Well?"
She was sweating bullets, her nails digging into her palm as she scrambled for any excuse that could warrant her not getting hauled off and scolded thoroughly at best – she was coming up empty. How was she supposed to prove that the 'imposter' was very much not what the 'Creator' said they were? Their unconscious body was doing no one any favors, certainly.
"The Creator is lying," She blurts out, immediately regretting her impulsiveness when she feels the sudden weight of his stare – the piercing hues of his eyes that remind her just who is the strongest between them. It is not her, she knows. It never has been. "You can see for yourself! Don't you trust me, Neuvillette–?"
Her voice is cut off by the sharp click of his cane as he strides across the room in only a few steps, his height making her feel like a child about to scolded. She hated it, but she grit her teeth through the exchange. She reminded herself that this was for the sake of the 'imposter' and any affront to her ego was..tolerable.
To her credit, too, she didn't immediately lash out when she saw him poke at their body with his cane, turning them onto their back – she wanted too, though. She considered it, but the thought was quickly shot down when his stare turned back upon her, and she felt frozen in place again, her tongue a heavy weight in her mouth.
Yet she couldn't shake the sudden tenseness to his shoulders, his brows furrowed and a distant look to his eyes. It was..haunting, in a way.
She knows it well, she realizes. The realization and acceptance, the crumbling of every solid foundation you've ever known – leaving you to flounder in the waves, alone and afraid.
The gentleness in which he picks up the limp body surprises her though, his cane set aside. The rain howls like a horrid storm outside, but she cannot focus on anything but the furrow of their brows, the soft noise that escapes their lips.
"I trust that you know that this must stay between us," His voice is soft, like the gentle lap of waves against the shore, as he sets their body down against the bed, his hand lingering against their cheek with something almost like reverence – and if her eyes do not deceive her, affection. "Lady Furina."
She does not hesitate to agree.
"Well– well of course!" She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning at the feeling of her wet clothes clinging to her skin, a heavy weight that feels like it's dragging her down. "Just what do you take me for?"
He doesn't deign to respond.
It only makes her fume more.
Not that he seems to notice, unbuttoning his heavy outerwear and tossing it on the bed, rolling up his sleeves and focusing on the injured– er..yeah, she really needed a new name for them. Calling them imposter felt wrong.
"So long as you understand, then we will have no problems." She huffs again, pouting and puffing up her cheeks, sitting down on the other end of the bed with only an occasional glance towards him as he worked at peeling away the ragged clothes and examining the injuries marring their skin.
She suddenly felt out of place.
..What was she supposed to be doing?
As if noticing her sudden quietness, Neuvillette sighed, his back turned to her though his attention very much falling upon her. She really hated the feeling like she was being dissected whenever he looked at her. It was unnerving. She doesn't know how anyone else handles it..
"If you are so eager to do something, Lady Furina, then please have something brought up for when our..guest awakens. They will need to recover their strength."
Finally! Something she can do. She perks up, her heels clicking on the floorboards as she darts out like a bullet, unable to stay still for so much as a moment.
Neuvillette, for his part..
Feels an odd sense of serenity as he stares upon the troubled features of the..guest. A peace that lessens the burdens upon his shoulders, the weight of a nation upon his back.
He cannot hear the rain, anymore.
..It must have stopped.
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s0fter-sin · 4 months
the 141 recovering brainwashed!soap but he’s just a shell of his former self; never speaking, never moving without orders. he never even blinks; just stares straight ahead with his unnatural green eyes.
but ghost can't accept that.
price and gaz can't stand watching ghost torture himself day after day; visiting soap in his cell for hours at a time, trying anything he can think of to bring back his sergeant.
he shows him pictures of the 141 but soap thinks he's being given targets and moves to eliminate them before ghost stops him. he brings him his journal, tries to trigger his innermost thoughts and feelings he never shared with any of them, but after he reads it, soap summarises it like he's giving a mission briefing. impersonal.
it's late when ghost finally calls it; low and defeated after another long day of being stared at with eyes that don't see him. he isn't thinking when he pulls his mask off and harshly scrubs over his face, grinding his palm into his eye.
"don't worry, johnny; we're still fixin' each other's problems," he promises, little more than a whisper as he tries to summon the energy to leave johnny behind. again.
he pushes himself to his feet, his hand on the door handle when-
"what's my problem?"
ghost freezes, something like grief - something achingly closer to hope - chilling him. he slowly turns and though soap is still starring ahead, there's a faint light in his altered green eyes.
"the mask," he forces out. "take it off."
he knows there's no way to remove the mask - the muzzle - from his sergeant's face. it's too high-tech, even for them; the biometric scanner too advanced for any bypass they know of.
it's just another way he's failed him; bringing him home still bound in their enemy's chains.
soap- jolts; a sharp, almost painful looking flinch jerking his body.
"show my face?" and his voice has changed; no longer the monotone delivery that's haunted ghost's every waking moment.
it's smaller. uncertain. recollection of a memory half-destroyed.
"yes, johnny," he breathes.
soap moves unprompted for the first time since they found him; running his finger along the edge of the muzzle where his skin bulges from the pressure, half-visible scars hidden beneath the harsh metal.
"ugly," he murmurs.
ghost immediately shakes his head, almost stumbling back to the table; haphazardly throwing his mask on it. "quite the opposite," he insists.
it doesn't matter if he has no lower jaw left at all; johnny could never be ugly in his eyes.
agonisingly slowly, soap's eyes shift to the mask. he takes in the balaclava and hard shell skull like for all the times he's looked at it since his rescue, he never truly saw it. his lids fall in less of a blink and more stage curtains closing; slow, heavy, requiring effort and no small amount of strength to open once more
"good... to see you again..." he trails off, his hand shifting up to the top of his shaved head; nails digging unforgivingly into his scalp
"simon," ghost finishes for him; that horrid grieving hope tearing at his heart
soap's fingers flex and a drop of blood trails down his forehead, over the ridge of his nose to catch on the muzzle. "s-simon..."
his nails dig deeper, the drop falling to the table just to be followed by more and ghost aches to stop him but he's terrified to interrupt him. terrified to lose him now when he's so close to something.
soap's bloodied nails scratch down the crown of his head, following the line of his stolen mohawk until they come to rest on the back of the muzzle and ghost's heart drops.
they can’t get it off.
they can't get it off and he doesn't know how to explain that to soap; doesn't know if he can stomach watching soap pull at the monstrosity holding him captive, the inevitable bloodbath as the edges cut into his skin.
"show my face," soap repeats.
"johnny..." ghost begins weakly, reaching out to him but he doesn't know how, doesn't know if he even should-
the muzzle clatters onto the table.
the biometrics they couldn't bypass, the fingerprint they needed that they were so sure belonged to makarov.
it belonged to soap.
how cruel to torture him with freedom he didn't understand he could take; didn't even understand he could want.
just the kind of sick game makarov loves.
ghost doesn't know what's louder; his heart pounding in his ears or the long, uninhibited breath soap takes.
his eyes fall shut as he leans his head back with it, the blood still dripping down his face as he straightens through his exhale. his lower jaw is a mess of scars where he fought against the previous iterations of the muzzle, the corners of his lips cut through and cracked.
but the green in his eyes is duller; that light sparking brighter as blue struggles to break through the glow.
ghost's never seen anything so beautiful.
"good to see you again, johnny."
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Opposites - @femslashfortnight
woagh,,, its like this opposite personality lautski fic I wrote except if what if instead,,, they,,,, were dykes,,,
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luxaofhesperides · 11 months
You know how Spiderman has 'canon events'? And how Gwen would always die? How about in every universe Duke exists in, there would always be Danny. And every time they fall in love! But whenever Duke tells/hints at him being The Signal, Danny suffers an accident or dies.
Like let's say in the DC vs Vampires universe, Duke tells Danny he's Signal and then a few days later he gets turned into a vampire and Duke has no choice but to kill him.
Or something like that yknow?
Earth 26.
The undercity is full of life. People from above refuse to understand it, staunch in their beliefs that the undercity is full of crime and sickness, drugs and filth. But the people down there are more human than any of the ones Duke has met up top.
Though Bruce Wayne can try to bring Duke in all he likes, there’s no denying that Duke doesn’t belong. His heart will always be in the undercity, where he was born and grew up and lived and lost so much. 
The undercity is where Danny is.
Away from the blue skies filled with blimps, tucked beneath the towering buildings and clocktowers and elevated rails for trains leaving trails of smoke through the city, there in the cramped spaces and dark alleys, is Danny. 
He ducks through familiar alleys, cutting across perilously stacked homes and hopping over railings to get to the Fenton Lab faster. 
He’s been excited all day, heart thrumming with anticipation, as he returns to his roots and seeks out Danny. Today is the day he’s going to come clean, tell Danny everything: his feelings, his powers, his identity as The Signal, fighting crime in all parts of the city to keep Gotham safe. He’s sure Danny suspects something is going on with him, likely has already guessed at everything he wants to talk about, but Danny deserves the truth.
It is his inventions that help Duke save people, after all. 
Finding the front door of the Fenton lab is always a challenge. Metal scraps and materials stripped from vehicles litter the front of the building from people leaving all their unwanted things with the Fentons. Miscellaneous inventions and tools are left scattered around as well, creating a labyrinth that Duke has to traverse every time he wants to see Danny while he’s working with his parents.
It takes a few minutes, but Duke manages it, pushing open the door after a quick knock.
“Danny? Are you there?”
He can hear something from the lower floor, a strange, high pitched whirring noise. His powers kick in and suddenly he can see people rushing around the room, shouting in voices that he won’t be able to hear until the time comes. He can see himself, crying.
Duke’s heart drops.
“Danny? Danny!”
He runs down the stairs, suddenly terrified that he’s too late. Something is going to happen to Danny. It has to be Danny, because no one else is home with him; that’s why Duke asked to meet in the Lab, to have some privacy while the other Fentons were out.
The noise is louder, too loud to hear over, and Duke rushes into the Lab just in time to see some strange circle of metal spark with electricity. Danny stands right before, staring up at it.
“Danny!” Duke shouts as loud as he can, and Danny startles, then turns around.
Their eyes meet just as the machine finishes turning on, the metal circle ripping open with a thunderous noise, and Duke can do nothing but watch as it sends electricity and some other energy racing through Danny’s body.
It lasts just a brief moment, and then Danny is crumpling to the ground, eyes closed as the machine settles. The swirling pit of white and green stares out at him and Duke knows without a doubt that Danny is dead. . . .
Earth 41.
Duke’s been acting strange. Well, stranger than usual.
Danny’s not one to go around poking at people’s secrets, especially not his boyfriend’s, but he knows something big is going on. He’s not worried that Duke is cheating on him, but he can see the injuries he comes back with some days, citing all the unrest and the resurgence in crimes following Batman’s death.
He wonders if Duke is going out each night for street fighting, forcing all his emotions into his fists until they’re beaten bloody. Batman’s death hit him hard, and Danny has no idea what to do to help him.
They’re both stressed, on edge and scared, but they don’t fight as much as he expected. Admittedly, it’s hard to fight where they’re always spending time apart. 
No longer. Tonight, Danny is determined to get to the bottom of things so he can help Duke with whatever he’s going through. He even texted Jazz to get some tips about communication and helping someone through grief. He’s as ready as he’ll ever be. 
Right at 3AM, the window slides open. 
“Welcome back, Duke,” Danny says, watching as Duke flinches, then sighs as he closes the window. 
“What are you doing here, Danny?”
“Well, it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, I decided to hang out here and wait for you. But you’ve been gone for a long time.”
“Sorry, Danny, but I’m really tired. Can this wait?”
Anger bubbles in his gut and Danny takes a deep breath to force it down. “I’ve been waiting. If you keep pushing this conversation off, we’re never going to get anywhere.”
Duke slumps against the window, rubbing a hand against his face, looking exhausted. “Look, Danny, things have been getting real bad, and I don’t want you to get hurt because of it.”
“What’s going on, Duke? What are you so worried about?”
“It’s… The guy who killed Batman. His name is Karma, and I’ve been going after him.”
“You’ve been what?!” Danny shouts, shooting to his feet. “Duke, are you insane? Anyone who can kill Batman is bad news, there’s no way anyone short of like, Superman, can stop him! You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“Someone has to stop him! And I can do something to help, okay? I’ve been helping the other bats fight him. I can do this.”
Danny clenches his fists, feeling frost crack against his skin. “You could have told me,” he says. “You know I can help, too. You’re not the only one with powers.”
“I can’t endanger you like that, Danny.”
“So you leave me in the dark instead? You would have rather I wait for you forever while you never come back because you got yourself killed running into a situation you can’t get out of? You think I would have been any safer not knowing? Then clearly you haven’t been paying attention!” He’s shouting by the end of it, shaking with fear and rage and so many things it all becomes a tangled mess in his head. 
“I really think we should have this conversation in the morning,” Duke says, eyeing Danny warily. It’s probably just because he’s been out all night hunting Karma, so used to being attacked while he goes out to try to save a city that even Batman couldn’t lift from the darkness, but that doesn’t stop the stab of hurt from going through his heart. Danny has done his best to be safe for Duke, to be human and comforting and strong enough to protect him. 
And Duke is looking at him like he could be at threat.
“Whatever,” Danny mutters, shaking his head. “You’ll talk to me in the morning by saying nothing but how you need to do whatever this is and then you’ll leave and we’ll both be unhappy. Great. Can’t wait.”
“Bye, Duke.”
Danny’s up and out of the apartment before Duke can take more than a few steps towards him. He zips up his jacket and pulls the hood over his head, taking the steps two at a time to get to street level. It’s dark and quiet outside, save for the distant police sirens, and Danny barely spares a glance around him before he’s making his own way home, sure that no one would still be out at that time.
He should have been more careful. More vigilant. Not so lost in his hurt feelings.
But there’s no time for that when he’s pulled into an alleyway, knife at his throat.
A man in a black helmet, face fully covered, stares down at him. “Well, well, well,” he purrs, digging the knife in a little deeper, “What’s the Signal’s little lover doing out so late at night?”
…Duke. His boyfriend who always disappears in late hours, blows off dates when something big is going down in Gotham, who is trying to pick up the pieces following Batman’s death. 
And here is Karma, the very man Duke is searching for, pulling Danny away into the dark.
He only has a brief moment to regret storming off, for not being more patient with Duke, for not paying attention and avoiding Karma, before the knife is pulled away, tossed into the air, and the hilt comes down hard on his temple, and it is a long, long time before he is seen again.
The Signal does not find him alive. . . .
Earth 53.
The apocalypse isn’t kind even on the best of days. But today it might be coming close to something resembling kindness as Duke approaches the skeletal remains of Gotham. It’s been years since he’s been back here, moving with the Robins across the United States just trying to survive. They’d constantly been moving, searching for other survivors and food and shelter and any sign of hope they could get. 
There hadn’t been much anywhere, too much devastation across the country for anyone to even think of rebuilding. Even now, nature is just starting to recover, little green shoots pushing up through concrete rubble. 
This world isn’t one for superheroes anymore. Supervillains aren’t around either. Everyone is either dead or barely getting themselves through each day; but humanity is still around and wildlife is beginning to recover. 
Duke doesn’t know who’s left in Gotham these days. He suspects Oracle is still there, somewhere, helping reconnect telephone wires and setting up internet and electricity. Lights have been flickering on steadily as the Robins made their way into New Jersey and the sight lifted their spirits so much they decided to keep traveling through the night. 
No one in his group has a working phone any more, but the possibility of getting that piece of the old world back excites them all. 
By the time they reach the outskirts of the ruined city, the entire group is nearly buzzing with energy, speaking in hushes whispers that do nothing to hide the elation in their voices. Gotham was everyone’s home, once. They’re all happy to be back, regardless of what they’re walking into.
Duke volunteers to go scouting with a few others to find a good place to settle in for a bit as they reacquaint themselves with the city. Even before the end of the world, it was never a good idea to go blind into Gotham. 
Much of the city is still abandoned, and concrete rubble carry faded graffiti that show the remains of a gang long gone. The few people he see in the distance are quick to hide and disappear and Duke himself is too wary to approach them. But as he gets closer to the heart of Gotham, picking his way through destroyed streets, he sees more and more signs of life, people who don’t hide, weak lights in hastily constructed shelters.
No one attacks him as he wanders closer. In fact, a few exchange nervous glances then approach him, quietly asking if he’s coming from outside Gotham and what news he brings of the outside world.
Duke tells them about how Chicago is gone completely, unable to be saved at all, but there are settlements all along the shores of the Great Lakes. He tells them of the traveling groups he’s met who rotate through a few chosen states and are willing to take in new members. He tells them of someone who has an entire farm up and running again, full of chickens and cows and sheep and goat and horses, on top of all the crop they can grow. The location of the farm is kept secret and carefully protected, but they give away seeds and young animals for anyone wanting to raise their own.
The news gathers more and more people around Duke, eager to listen, and they’re more than happy to update Duke on what’s happened in Gotham. 
The Bats aren’t around as much anymore, but at least two of them are still in Gotham, helping people from the shadows. They’re fixing everything up as best they can, and most people live in or around Robinson Park where Ivy, who survived, grows food and shelter for everyone in exchange for protection and companionship. The Riddler turned from making death traps and taking hostages to creating new technology and inventions to make life a little easier, taking in a crew of assistants to learn from him.
That is to say nothing of the ghosts.
Gotham is full of them now, walking among the living as if they never died. They help people and stick with loved ones who lost them and fly through the air to deliver things with ease. It’s nothing that Duke has ever seen before, and he wonders how many people who died in the apocalypse chose to stay in such a ruined world. 
He begins to head back to the Robins, mind racing with everything he’s learned, when he sees Danny.
Danny, his friend once, who he loved dearly and didn’t quite realize it was deeper than friendship until after the world ended. Danny, who was always sleepy and soft and smiling, cracking bad jokes and lifting Duke’s spirits whenever he felt down. Danny, who was lively and dreamed of going to space to sit among the stars.
Danny, who is dead.
He never got the chance to tell Danny he was the Signal, but he thinks Danny knew anyways. He could ask now, put that lingering thought to rest, but it was one of the few things left unsaid between them, the only thing he had of Danny for all these years, and he doesn’t want to let go of it yet.
Danny hasn’t seen him yet. Duke could go to him, speak to his ghost, have some part of him back in his life.
But it wouldn’t be the same. It certainly wouldn’t be fair to tie Danny, who is free from the pain and misery of the living, to Duke, who is never going to stay in Gotham permanently. 
He misses Danny so much he feels hollowed out and empty, but he knows this is for the best.
Duke turns, pretending not to see him, and walks away. . . .
Earth 78.
Duke was…
Duke was important to him, Danny thinks. He can’t remember much, not after everything (electricity, screaming, pain pain pain, heavy darkness, a spark, hist chest cut open, where is ___? Why won’t he save—) but without any memory of what his life was like back then, his feelings are without context and easily ignored.
Wraith follows Shrike from a distance, watching as he drops into an alley to kill a rapist. Wraith feels nothing about this, for caring is not in his duties. He is instructed to simply keep Shrike alive and assist in his plans, whatever they may be. Wraith does not care about killing.
Danny, tucked away deep inside the mask, shivers and cries, wishing to hide away and say enough, please, that’s enough, just stop please stop stop stop stop—
Batman crosses the rooftops, a figure of darkness across the city’s skies. The Signal, his second oldest companion, travels through the shadows by his side until they land on the building Wraith stands on. 
The yellow of Signal’s armor is familiar and it feels safe but Wraith knows better. Talia and Ra’s have taught him to see past his emotions, to force away any sentiment and grapple with the cold hard truth. This is the truth: they are here to hurt him and Shrike, because they are dangerous killers and dangerous killers are dealt with swiftly and painfully in Gotham. 
They can do as they please to him. They will not take Shrike.
He engages Batman in battle first, easily slipping past his defense by going intangible, freezing his boots to the ground and icing his fists together. The Signal slips away at first, leaving Batman behind to try to get around Wraith, sending shadows towards Shrike who leaps away deftly, dodging them with ease as he leaves the beheaded body behind. 
Wraith grabs Signal before he can fully sink into a shadow and tosses him back, then flies to Shrike, picking him up and getting them away as quickly as possible.
“They found us faster than I thought,” Shrike says. His voice carries something in it that Wraith doesn’t recognize, but it makes his heart feel heavy. 
“We’re done for the night,” Wraith returns, voice low and hoarse. He died screaming and even the Lazarus Pits weren’t able to fix the damage done to his vocal chords. 
He lets his invisibility wash over them both, and they disappear into the night. The safehouse they set up, far away from the one Talia prepared for them, is small but comfortable. It’s secure, everything created and coded by Tim, which means Danny can relax inside the walls of the small apartment. 
Shrike helps him shed his gear, putting it away carefully. Wraith becomes Danny and he watches as Shrike becomes Tim. 
Gone is the ruthless efficiency, the quickness to cut down the scum of Gotham without remorse. Instead, he’s pale and tired, eyes still a faint green from the linger remains of the Lazarus Pit that brought him back from the dead, but there is no madness in him. Only a coldness that came long before his death, unwanted by Damian, the first of Batman’s vigilante partners, who refused to see him as part of the family or even as a hero at all. Duke had already gone to work with other teams since then and never met Tim properly for more than a few minutes.
But he knew Danny. They must have been close. If seeing The Signal sends such a sharp stab of pain in his heart, it must be for a reason. But the memories are long gone, and with them, any desire to be close to him again. 
They never do well after a run in with the Bats. Though they have won every fight they’ve had, Tim often retreats to bed in order to hide his tears and Danny is left alone, lost, and wishing he had stayed dead. 
Tonight is no different. Tim is making a difference as Shrike, striking fear in the hearts of Gotham’s criminals. Crime has gone down in Crime Alley, his chosen territory of the city, killing as many people as needed before they finally get the message to be better people. Tim is also still only eighteen and had spent three years with the League of Assassins before returning to Gotham and seeing that his place in the Bats is erased and forgotten and replaced by the well-loved Jason.
He only stays in Gotham to kill the people who sold him off to the Joker and laughed as he died slowly and painfully. Once the Joker is dead, he’ll leave Gotham and disappear for good. 
Danny will follow him. He has no life now and no other direction. And with Tim hiding under the covers, Danny can do nothing but feel his own skin crawl at the need to get away from everything that connects him to his life Before.
It’s a terrible idea, but he goes out again, heading into Otisberg, where he once lived. Only a raised hood conceals his face; the expressionless mask he usually wears is gone, and Wraith feels far away from him.
He hears the Signal land behind him some time later. It could be minutes or hours; time slips by Danny easily these days no matter how hard he tries to hold onto the minutes passing by. 
“Wraith,” Signal says, and his voice is hard. “Where’s Shrike? Out terrorizing the rest of Gotham?”
Danny doesn’t reply. He stares out into the city lights, a cold emptiness growing inside his chest. 
“Well, if you’re going to just sit there, then I suppose you don’t mind if I take you in to let Batman interrogate you. You’ve been causing a lot of trouble around here, and we don’t take kindly to murderous masks in Gotham.”
He doesn't resist as Signal grabs his wrists, hauling him up from where he was sitting on the ledge. Danny allows Signal to turn him around, shadows binding his wrists together and pulling down his hood.
The Signal sucks in a sharp breath, hands falling limp to his side. “Danny?”
Danny doesn’t respond.
“This better not be a joke, I swear to God. If you’re just wearing his face to fuck with me, I’m going to kill you, Batman’s rules be damned. Say something already!”
Danny looks up into the visor of Signal’s helmet. He opens his mouth and a hoarse whine slips out. “I knew you,” he manages to whispers. “I knew you. And then I died.”
The Signal flinches, then reaches up and pulls his helmet off. “Tell me something only we would know. Anything.”
“I don’t… remember. I wanted you to save me. I don’t think you did.”
“If this isn’t really you, Danny,” Duke says, voice thick with tears, “Then it’s a really fucked up joke.”
Danny looks at Duke, helpless. He doesn’t know what to do. What to say. Wraith only knows how to follow and protect and take orders. Danny doesn’t know how to live anymore. There is nothing he can do.
And then, as he stares as Duke, a memory slides into place, fuzzy but there.
“Arcade on eighth street,” he whispers, and Duke’s eyes go wide. “That was going to be our first date.”
“It was,” Duke says. There’s a light in his eyes now, something that looks like hope and the sight of it makes Danny sick to his stomach.
“I’m dead, Duke. Danny is dead. There is only Wraith now. Let the dead go, and stay away so we don’t have to kill you. I… want you to live.”
The shadows have loosened, still wrapped around his wrists but as a caress instead of a restraint. It doesn’t take any strength to pull out of them and drop off the roof, falling towards the ground. Danny lets gravity take hold of him for a few moments, then goes invisible and flies away just as Duke grapples down and searches for him desperately. 
He can hear Duke calling his name, then calling in Batman and Nightwing, but his voice fades away before Danny can make out what they’re saying.
Not that it matters. Whether tomorrow or further down the line, he and Tim will leave Gotham and disappear for good.
The dead cannot stay with the living, and so they will go.
There’s nothing left for them here, anyways. . . .
Earth 0.
Duke has had his fair share of strange dreams. It comes with the trauma and the powers, a terrible mix that leave him shaken and rattled when he wakes up, gasping for breath.
But instead of fear, his latest series of dreams leave him with a deep-seated feeling of grief. The details fade away quickly once he’s awake, but he can remember bits and pieces of worlds that looks so different from the one he lives in, and all of them have a single constant: Danny.
Danny, whose face he never remembers when he wakes. Danny, whose name is permanently etched into his mind. Danny, who he loves and loses every single night.
Danny, someone he’s never met.
Dick asks him if he’s alright the next time he’s in Gotham, eating breakfast in the manor with him and Tim. He considers lying, then tells him about the dreams and how frequent they are, snapshots of other lives where there is someone important to him that he can never save. Tim, who he thought was sleeping with his eyes half open, looks up and mumbles that it might be another universe.
After a few cups of coffee, Tim is awake enough to ramble on about the multiverse, pulling up reports from the Batcomputer on his phone to show Duke how many of them have had run ins with alternate universes. 
“So you’re saying that Danny might be here? In this world?”
Tim shrugs. “Well, maybe. If he’s the only constant, then I wouldn’t be surprised. If you’re here, so is he.”
“But he always dies!”
“Don’t worry, Duke,” Dick says, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, “If you do find him, then you’ve got all of his to help keep him safe.”
“Do you want me to find him? If you give me a description, I can probably narrow it down to a few people in the United States. One of them might be him.”
Duke considers it for a moment, then shakes his head. “Nah, thanks though. If we’re supposed to meet, then we will. No point in rushing it.”
“Alright. Let me know if you change your mind.”
And that had been that. Nothing to really worry about, but the dreams continue and Duke keeps waking up grieving and so love with Danny, carrying the feelings of his alternates over to his own reality. At some point, he wishes that he and Danny would never cross paths in this world, if only so he doesn’t have to lose him.
But he wants to meet him. The universe says Danny is important to him; why else would he be part of his life in every world?
The thought never leaves him. It’s always in the back of his mind as he goes about his life, going to school and fighting crime. He finds himself lingering in the streets, trying to see everyone’s faces, listening for that familiar voice.
It takes over a year before he hears someone say, “Danny!” as he’s patrolling as Signal. 
He bends the light around him, going invisible, and searches for the people shouting the name of the person he hadn’t been able to get out of his mind. It takes some time, but his eyes land on a tall, red haired woman fussing over a boy with black hair and blue eyes, leaning down some so she could reach his face.
He can’t hear what they say with the distance between them, but he knows with absolute clarity that he’s looking at Danny.
His Danny.
Duke takes a step forward, ready to drop his invisibility, letting the light escape his grasp, the pauses when he sees the bright smile on his face. 
This Danny is safe. He is alive and laughing and is with someone he cares about. 
This Danny has a life and a future and as much as Duke wants to know why his alternate selves love Danny so much, it isn’t worth Danny’s life.
Heart breaking, Duke steps back and watches as they walk away, disappearing into the crowded streets. 
He stares after them long after they’ve disappeared from sight, then grapples to a rooftop and releases his hold on the light. He sinks to his knees, trying to breathe through the grief that runs through him, and taps a pattern into his comms to signal that he’s ending his patrol early. 
It’s fine, he tells himself. This is for the best. This will keep Danny alive.
Danny always dies because of Duke. Someway, somehow, whenever they meet, the bell tolls and Danny’s death quickly approaches. It happens in every world, in the many, many dreams he’s had looking into a moment of their lives. 
But not this one.
In this one, Duke will save Danny by doing the only thing he can: making sure they never meet. 
It’s for the best. It has to be. . . .
[send me ghostlights prompts!]
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
Literally no one asked for the nursing home reverse trope and because I am upset I'm taking it upon myself to make y'all suffer
(I've decided to make it a senior community rather than a nursing home)
Obi-Wan is 55. An official senior. He hates it. It's awful. Quinlan won't stop making fun of him despite being older than him.
Despite his initial hesitation, the community is regretfully nice. Mace and Yoda and Qui-Gon are all welcoming. He never thought he would be reduced to this but when the divorce hit he'd lost the house. He'd been living with Quinlan for over a year and felt bad for taking advantage. Given his money situation, his options were reduced to a housing community for seniors. He'd heard about it through Qui-Gon who was on his pickleball team.
There's a young man (34) working there. A maintenance man named Anakin Skywalker. Anakin is quite handsome and very charismatic. The ladies will often flirt with him and giggle over his arms. It's all harmless fun. Normally Obi-Wan isn't one to leer, but goodness he was certainly striking.
Obi-Wan near has a heart attack one day when he witnesses Anakin in swim trunks attending the pool. Lord, he's never felt like such a lecher. He's not used to this. To looking. He's a monogamous sort of a man. Never cheated. Even when he and Satine started growing apart years ago he never wavered.
Obi-Wan starts working out more for no particular reason. He was always fit for his age but feels more self conscious than ever. He tries to tell himself he was just trying to stay healthy, but he knew he was lying to himself. He feels ridiculous. The hell was he doing? Anakin was just a nice man jokingly flirting with the elderly. It wasn't serious.
The center puts together an annual event for the residents. This year they decide the theme is “senior prom”. It's stupid. Quinlan talks him into RSVPing.
Anakin is invited by Maria, one of the ladies who is particularly forward in her intentions. Obi-Wan tells himself not to be jealous and fails spectacularly.
Throughout the evening Anakin dances with several ladies. Obi-Wan yearns from the sidelines. He tries to work up the courage to ask. He's not afraid of being rejected, he's just afraid Anakin will see he's being earnest. Did he even want to be taken seriously? Did he want to pursue something real?
Maria makes her way to Anakin again as I've Had The Time of My Life plays. She has no shame as she feels up Anakin's arms and strokes his chest. He takes it in stride and winks down at her. She laughs as they spin around the room.
Three songs later Obi-Wan contemplates slinking back to his room.
“Would you like to dance?”
Obi-Wan startles. He hadn't heard him approach.
“I…uh, y-yes…” he stammers.
He takes Anakin's hand feeling like a school boy. His heart flutters in his chest. He knows Anakin is just being nice, he's already danced with everyone else after all, but he can't help the blush on his cheeks.
Obi-Wan let's Anakin take the lead as he's unsure if he'll be able to keep his head on straight.
“Did you go to your school prom?” Anakin asks.
“Yes. With my ex-wife actually. You?”
Anakin smiles. “Coincidentally I went with my ex too.”
“I didn't know you were divorced.”
Obi-Wan winces. “I'm sorry.”
“It's fine. You didn't know. It was years ago anyway.”
They move slowly across the floor. Obi-Wan consciously keeps his hands where they are appropriate.
“So, any kids?”
“Twins. They're 13.”
Obi-Wan chuckles. “I don't envy you. I remember when my son was that age. He went through a whole goth phase.”
Anakin laughs. It's beautiful. “Aw man, you would have hated me then. I was really into the goth scene as a teen.”
They keep talking and dancing. At some point Maria kindly asks for her date back and they reluctantly part.
They come across each other while Obi-Wan is visiting the local park. He sees Anakin walking a dog as his kids eat ice cream. He doesn't want to intrude on what is clearly a family outing. But then Anakin spots him and waves him over.
Anakin introduces his children.
“You're that old guy dad talks about,” Leia says.
Anakin flushes.
“Did you fight in a war?” Luke asks. “Do you have any battle scars?”
After the initial awkwardness and round of interrogation, Anakin asks Obi-Wan if he wanted to join them for dinner. Unable to find a reason to say no he accepts.
For the record, Obi-Wan isn't an idiot. Normally when a young person sought out the company of a significantly older person, it was because they were a gold digger. But Obi-Wan hasn't much money to offer. He doesn't have much of anything really. He recalls Anakin mentioning that he never knew his father. With a heavy heart he realizes perhaps that was why Anakin wanted to be around him. He was an older father figure to him. Of course that must be it.
After dinner Anakin tucks his kids into bed (or rather just Luke as Leia has outgrown that). Obi-Wan helps clean up. Anakin says he should stay. It was late and he didn't want to send him home like this. Besides he had work in the morning so they could go in together.
Anakin lets him have the bed and sleeps on the couch despite his protests. The next morning Anakin sees the kids off to school. Obi-Wan makes everyone breakfast as a thank you. Anakin then drives them to the senior community. Obi-Wan gets out and goes to his apartment.
He is unfortunately seen getting out of Anakin's car. Rumors fly. His friends crowd him for details. Obi-Wan tries to tell them nothing happened but nobody believes him.
On his 56th birthday his pickleball team takes him out to celebrate. Little does he know that Qui-Gon has invited Anakin. He shows up with a present. Its pink shorts with the word pickleball on the booty. Obi-Wan's face feels warm.
Soon Anakin has to leave to go pick up his kids from school. Now gone, Quinlan takes Obi-Wan aside to ask him when he's gonna make a move on Anakin. Obi-Wan thinks he's being insane. Never? Anakin wasn't interested? Now Quinlan looks at him like he's the insane one.
“He literally gave you booty shorts! He wants to see your thighs!”
“That was a joke!”
Quinlan sighs. He asks the table if they thought Anakin was into Obi-Wan. They all say yes immediately.
“I thought you were already dating?” Bant asks.
The next day Obi-Wan sees Anakin doing maintenance in the lobby. He starts up a conversation. It was so easy to talk to him. Far too easy.
“By the way, thank you for your gift yesterday. Though I'm not sure they'll fit me, they may be a little small.” He jokes.
“I dunno, I think they'll fit just fine.” Anakin deliberately looks him up and down, lingering on his ass.
Obi-Wan gulps.
Later Obi-Wan is doing some swim aerobics in the pool with Yoda and Qui-Gon. Yoda mentions having had a heart attack two years ago.
“Seize the moment, one must. Lest life passes you by.” he looks straight at Obi-Wan as he says it.
Obi-Wan blinks. He frowns. He really didn't appreciate his friends barging into his love life. He tells them so.
“What love life? You're single.”
Obi-Wan has no retort.
Is it so wrong to not want to burden a strapping young man with someone like him? Someone who is wrinkled and old and has nothing to offer?
After swimming Obi-Wan grabs a towel and heads off back to his apartment. It's just a short walk over to the building. On the way he spots Anakin between the hedges fixing a sprinkler. He pauses. He looks down at his protruding belly. The worst he could do is utterly humiliate himself and be forced to avoid Anakin the rest of his life. Or until he moves.
Anakin looks up. He smiles.
His eyes linger on Obi-Wan’s chest. He swallows. It gives him the boost of confidence he needs.
“I was just, um, wondering if perhaps you wanted to…have dinner again? I can cook.”
Anakin hums, “I can't this week.”
Obi-Wan nearly deflates. He tells himself it's not the end of the world. It's fine. He starts to retreat, backing up the way he came.
“Sorry, of course. I didn't mean to impose. Anyway, I have to head back but it was nice to see you.”
Anakin catches his arm. “Woah, I didn't say I didn't want to, just that this week is no good.”
Obi-Wan blinks.
“But next week I'm open? I can pop by after work. That is if you're up for it still?”
Obi-Wan smiles. “Yes I'd like that.”
Anakin's hand lingers on his arm. Neither wanting to pull away just yet. Obi-Wan clears his throat.
“What would you like? F-for dinner I mean.”
“I'm not picky. Surprise me.”
“Alright then.”
From the sidelines, Qui-Gon, Mace, Yoda, Maria, and several others are watching from inside the pool center. Maria sighs forlornly. “Should have known he would steal him right out from under my nose.”
“I think it's sweet,” her friend Amanda says.
“Very sweet.” Yoda nods sagely.
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
The Timekeeper looks through the newsletter Mane's Bulletin for recent bizarre events to investigate for extra cash.
The fact that it's a newsletter could mean Vertin is either a subscriber or has access to the newsletter through the Foundation. We've seen from Green Lake that she's drawn to oddities and mysteries. Horrorpedia figured Vertin would also be interested in Green Lake, so perhaps Vertin has a reputation as someone who deals with the extraordinary situations outside of The Storm. Her curiosity gets the best of her even now. She literally crossed the desert to see the Uluru stadium despite having no interest in sports (and because she's a softie).
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Newsletter definition:
a written report, issued periodically, typically by a business, institution, or other organization, that presents information and news to people with a specific interest in the organization or subject
Bulletin definition:
1. a brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for the information of the public. 2. a brief, prominently featured newspaper account, based upon information received just before the edition went to press.
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salsae · 1 year
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robin (2021) made ra's SUCH a gilf. this is a crack outtake from my wip fic where tim shows up on ra's lil secluded island to stop him from dying.
ofc, where tim goes core 4 shows up so, ra's can kiss his nice silent R&R retreat goodbye.
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delimeful · 2 years
to know that song (and all its words) (7)
warnings: injury, misunderstandings/assumptions, threat of murder, implied violence, cliffhanger
By the time trouble caught up to them, things had settled into a strange equilibrium on Virgil’s ship.
The sense of something close to casual co-existence with three Deathworlders was about the last thing he would have ever expected, but it was undeniably present.
He knew they were dangerous, knew that he was a danger to their secrecy and thus his life had an expiration date, knew that even the friendlier members of the trio were capable of surviving things Virgil could hardly imagine.
Even so, it was hard to keep that knowledge pulled around him like a shield when the three of them treated him more like a crewmate than a hostage.
Having access to food and hygiene facilities had done wonders for the Humans, the tension knotted up in every line of their bodies fading more and more until they hardly resembled the (weary-harsh-terrified) fugitives that had originally stolen onto his ship.
Virgil had thought he’d resent the very idea of invaders being on his ship long enough to grow comfortable, but the reality was that some strange tightness in his lungs eased when he saw the Humans indulging in things other than that single-minded focus on surviving future threats.
Noisy would chatter to himself while messing with the material printer’s settings until he got exactly what he was looking for, and while he mostly printed items for utility, like specific styles of dishware and what Virgil suspected were the Human version of first-aid materials, he would also occasionally spend ages fiddling with the tiniest details until he had created a design for a small, intricate sculpture. They didn’t have any practical use, but going by the (fond-happy-treasured) reactions when he presented them to the others, they were a form of expression.
He would put hours of work into each carefully crafted art piece, his face scrunched up with the force of his (concentration-effort-patience) focus.
Heartfelt could occasionally be found sprawled out on the floor of the bio room, face turned upwards to face the light as though they were just as sustained by it as the rest of the plant life. They often dragged Noisy or Square in to lay down with them, but the first time Virgil had witnessed it, they’d been on their own and he’d assumed the worst: that they’d fallen and hurt themself, or fallen victim to one of the many toxic specimens in the room. He had worked himself into a panic that took them an embarrassingly long time to soothe, and immediately set about labeling the plants by level of danger.
Now, passing the bio room, it had become a habit to glance over and check for a Deathworlder stretched out amidst the leaves and UV lights, acting more plant than person.
Even Square had been coaxed from their standard position hunched over a display or graph in the nav room, their attention tangibly catching the moment Noisy and Heartfelt showed them the lab. They curiously inspected every inch of the space, poking through the instruments with varying levels of recognition and surveying the chemical and organic compounds in the storage cabinets with a bright glint in their eyes.
Virgil offered explanations the best he could, but the language barrier didn’t discourage them; if anything, they seemed almost delighted about the prospect of puzzling out the purpose or composition of each individual component.
Somehow, it was… nice.
The company was far different from what he was used to, and his instincts were still constantly set off by Deathworlder body language, but the trio was such a departure from what he’d initially expected from their infamous species that he’d found himself drawn into their orbit.
It didn’t help that the more Common they picked up, the more they spoke to him just for the sake of conversation, friendly and curious about nearly everything they saw.
It didn’t help that he’d taken to sleeping in their makeshift den room most shifts, far away enough that he felt the illusion of security, but more than close enough to see the way they spoke softly to each other and curled up together in sleep like fledglings.
It didn’t help that while Square was still stringent about guarding the nav room, Noisy and Heartfelt had, by all appearances, outright forgotten that Virgil was a hostage who needed to be closely supervised at all times.
He’d returned to his usual habit of wandering the ship’s halls when he couldn’t sleep, and even though it was technically a violation of one of their rules, Square had let the unsupervised pacing go uncommented on, apparently seeing the wisdom in Virgil’s decision to leave the other two’s rest undisturbed.
It was during one of these insomniac sessions that the ship was boarded.
The pirate vessel must have been cloaked, because its approach went entirely unnoticed by the autopilot sensors. If it weren’t for the very subtle vibrations it sent through the walls of his ship as it locked on to the side of it, Virgil may not have noticed the intrusion at all.
As it was, it took him far too long to understand exactly what kind of trouble he had waded into this time.
Raiders didn’t typically risk direct boarding other vessels in open space unless they were hugely profitable, often preferring to prey on those who stopped at fueling bays or cargo loading areas. Less risk of a hull breach or other catastrophic failure taking out their victims and them, that way. Virgil’s undersized little repurposed research vessel was hardly an ideal target, much less worth that much risk.
Half-convinced he’d imagined the tremors, he’d headed down the main hall to run a security check, and reached the loading bay just in time for his gaze to catch on the handle of one of the emergency jettison exit hatches, and watch it twist and yank open.
The moment he realized what was happening, he’d tried to bolt.
Unfortunately, these raiders seemed to be well-practiced in their profession, because the first thing to pass the mouth of the hatch was the muzzle of a paralyzer, and Virgil’s sprint towards the door turned into a painful collision with the ground, every muscle locked up in pain.
He lost a bit of time– Ampen were well known as one of the smallest spacefaring species, and paralyzers weren’t anything close to gentle even on the largest– and by the time he’d blinked his way back into the realm of mostly-conscious, the raid on his ship was already underway.
There were a few aliens still in the loading bay, mostly prying open cargo boxes and guarding their entrance, but most of them had delved further into the ship to search with the methodical viciousness raiders were known for. Even from here, Virgil could hear the distant crashing of things being destroyed as his home was upturned and sifted through for valuables.
It was hard to care about that, though, when he could feel the aethers of the closest raiders, and knew exactly how much (glee-want-satisfaction) greed they were saturated with.
The feelings were far too strong to be about the simple rewards pillaging a small cargo vessel would offer.
Someway, somehow, they had learned about the Humans onboard. That was their true target.
Virgil’s limbs were still mostly-numb, entirely useless to him. Panic hovered over him like a wave about to crash, only held at bay by his impotent fury at both the raiders and himself.
He couldn’t believe he’d darted for an exit so mindlessly, so predictably. He should have tried for the control panel instead, should have locked the loading bay doors and cut off the intrusion at its source, should have sought out Square the moment he had felt that first mild tremor.
Stars, Square was the only one even awake when he’d started his pacing. Virgil imagined Noisy and Heartfelt waking up at weaponpoint and was filled with hollow misery.
Deathworlders were powerful, sure, but unexpected ambushes could take down even the most dangerous opponents.
And his Humans had lost their hunted look. They’d found security in Virgil’s ship, and he dreaded watching them get caught because of it, that sense of safety stripped away.
When the raiders began trickling back in through the doorway, however, it was with empty hands and mutinous expressions. The room began to fill with (frustration-apprehension-irritation) tension thick enough that it almost overshadowed Virgil’s own stunned disbelief.
His ship was not large by any stretch of the word. All the escape pods were present and only accessible through the loading bay. Most importantly, three entire Humans were hard to miss, how had they simply… vanished?
The leader of the raiders seemed to be thinking along the same lines. He turned to Virgil with a displeased air about him, a twitch of his head directing one of his nearby underlings to hoist Virgil into the air by the scruff so that they were at eye level.
His body barely spasmed at his mental command to struggle, but his feathers fluffed out without conscious control, an automatic defense that was entirely useless at the moment. “Let… go, you… shithead,” he managed to wheeze out, his Common saturated with the whistling pitch of his home tongue.
The leader made a derisive-sounding chk-chk-chk in the back of his throat, stepping closer. “With an attitude like that, I’m even more surprised they kept you alive this long.”
“My ship,” Virgil said, straining to get his limbs to respond.
“Only as long as you’re the strongest one on it,” the leader replied, like classic raider scum. “You know what we want to know. I can’t imagine you’ve had a very pleasant stay here with those creatures.”
The only reason Virgil didn’t bristle more visibly was because his body wouldn’t let him. “Don’t know. What you’re talking about.”
“Come on, even a scrapped-together pile of junk like this has heat sensors, doesn’t it? Just give me admin access to the system, and we’ll be on our way.” The leader paused, and then leaned in a little closer, his voice coaxing but a silent threat in every motion. “This is an excellent opportunity for you, you know. We’ll leave you unharmed, with your ship securely back into your possession, free of any and all bloodthirsty intruders! All we need is a short moment of your cooperation.”
This close, all Virgil could sense was his aether. There wasn’t a single trace of trickery in it; his promise was genuine.
The offer was generous, considering who it was coming from. It was the smart choice to make, considering that Virgil had anticipated from the start that he would be a loose end to tie up the moment the Humans decided to leave his ship.
If he agreed, he could be saving his own life.
In exchange, he’d be sentencing his captors to be forced into working for– killing for raiders, locked into service against their will. And that was at best. At worst… they’d be subjected to the kind of black market horrors he’d only heard stories about.
Virgil tucked his chin down, a habit borrowed from Crav’n body language and a fairly common indicator of stubbornness in this quadrant. He made direct eye contact, intentional rudeness to compliment his next words. “I don’t… give starscourge pirates shit. Nobody on this ship… ‘cept me, anyhow.”
A ripple of mocking jeers spread through the gang surrounding him, and the leader shook his head with faux-pity. “Looks like we’ve got a liar on our hands. You think we just picked your ship randomly out of the ink, little guy? We’ve been tracking you for weeks. Ever since we checked the sec-cam footage from a conveniently-located fueling station and saw some very interesting stowaways slipping aboard this very vessel.”
Virgil’s antennae flattened back against his head, panic seeping in.
The leader whistled in a pathetic mockery of a soothing Ampen call. “Now, don’t get upset. You had to know someone would figure it out eventually, I mean, look at all this cargo. A bit strange that you abandoned all your latest deliveries with no warning, isn’t it? Unless you had something more valuable on board.”
He hadn’t been thinking about it. First, he’d been too grimly certain of his own death to worry about things like failed delivery fees, and then he’d assumed that wherever Square was headed, he was competent enough to keep suspicion off them.
“No more stalling.” A prompting shake jarred him from his growing desperation. “Admin access, birdy. Now.”
Virgil hissed lowly, jerking his head in the closest gesture he could get to a negative, and the leader’s impatience twisted abruptly into fury.
“Useless.” The hand holding Virgil up vanished without warning, the metal floor rising up to meet him. He reflexively tried to catch himself, but his arm barely jerked in response to his brain’s screaming signal, and when he landed, something gave way with a sickening snap.
He couldn’t have helped the high-pitched shriek of pain if he’d tried, and though the leader kept talking, he hardly caught any of the words.
He did catch the sound of the loading bay doors sliding open once more.
Surprise-excitement-fear jolted through the raiders, so overpowering Virgil was startled he hadn’t blacked out already.
“Well, if it isn’t exactly the beasts we’ve been looking for,” the leader said, and a frisson of worry-fear-desperation slid through Virgil before being overwhelmed by the pain and the aether once more. He tried to say something, a warning for– for someone important, but the words wouldn’t come, only a high, thin whistle to accompany each painful exhale.
“You hurt him,” someone said. The voice sounded like Heartfelt, but it couldn’t be them. They’d never spoken with such a flat numbness to their words.
“My crew is one of the most feared in the entire quadrant,” the leader replied, his pride blooming like one of Janus’s deadlier flowers. “Those who defy us don’t live long to tell the tale.”
“Similar things have been said about us,” a cool voice responded. That was Square, wasn’t it? “And yet, you still boarded our vessel.”
“This can hardly be called a proper ship for creatures as powerful as you,” the leader said, radiating enough amusement to soothe his crew’s unease. “Bigger and better accommodations is the least I’ll be able to offer you as your new employer.”
There were large steps, slow and unobtrusive, making their way towards where he lay.
That seemed important, but his attention slipped away anyhow. His mind felt thick and cloudy with aether overexposure, each thought made distant and disconnected by the pain.
“Employer,” Square echoed. “This is your idea of a job offer.”
Their voice was different, too. Icy and carefully-controlled, the way it had been back when they’d first boarded his ship. Virgil felt his feathers– why were they so extended– ruffle in quiet apprehension.
Why were they mad? Had he broken a rule?
“You’re lucky,” the leader was saying, “most crews would see you as mindless beasts, and try to put you down for parts or sell you as entertainment. I’m on the sharper side of the blade: if you’re clever enough to speak, you have enough of a mind to take orders.”
They were being hired? Oh. That was why Square sounded like that.
They were leaving, so they had to get rid of Virgil.
Those steps, again, accompanied by a shadow falling over him. The crowd around him shrank away, taking their amalgamation of rough-edged (fear-anticipation-eagerness) aether with them.
In comparison, Heartfelt’s (desolate-tender-resolved) familiar presence felt like a down-fluff blanket against his mind, and he relaxed slightly despite himself. He tried to greeting-chirp at them, and the noise came out strangely.
“We’ll have to get rid of that one,” the leader said. “He’s a stubborn thing, and not the sort of witness that’ll play witless when questioned about raiders. We wouldn’t want the authorities to come sniffing around and find someone like him, would we?”
There was the barest tremor in Heartfelt’s hands as they delicately wrapped around his sides, lifting him slowly into a hold that could almost be called a cradle. They were careful to avoid jostling his arm, their eyes growing alarmingly wet at the sight of the snapped bone.
No matter how hard he tried, Virgil couldn’t hold onto his fear. He was too relieved, the specifics of why he’d been worried in the first place escaping him. The Humans weren’t in danger, after all. They needed Virgil gone, but Heartfelt was gentle, and they would be quick about it.
He could see Square, now, as Heartfelt returned to their side. Their body was rigid with tension, but they weren’t looking at him. Virgil’s antennae flattened back in consternation. There was something strange about seeing the both of them side by side.
“Thank you for your time,” Square said. “Unfortunately, we will not be accepting the offered position at this time.”
Their voice was low and measured. Next to them, Heartfelt was entirely silent, their eyes scrunched firmly shut. Something about the quiet…
“What–,” the leader spluttered, only to be cut off by Square whistling, three short but piercing bursts of sound.
Where was Noisy?
In the next heartsbeat, everyone was plunged into an all-encompassing darkness, as though someone had flipped every light breaker switch on the mainframe all at once. The hum of the ship’s electrical grid cut off, leaving a short stretch of dead silence.
Humans could still move fairly well in the dark, Virgil remembered idly. Even better with a warning.
His consciousness finally dropped away as the first screams started.
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hidey-writes · 4 months
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Day After Day | 日复一日
25k | T | Weilan | Case Fic, Undercover Married, Grief
Shen Wei swallows. “And this is why you asked me to—” he makes a vague gesture that means go undercover as your husband “—pretend with you.” Zhao Yunlan comes to a stop, eyes on Shen Wei. “That’s why the cover is a married couple. The reason I’m asking you is because there are no other options for people to go undercover with.” Shen Wei scoffs to give himself an excuse to look away. “You certainly know how to flatter someone, Zhao Yunlan.” Or: Four Haixingren disappear for two months after a stay at a romantic mountain retreat. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan book a weekend there to find out what happened.
it's finally here!!! my beloved fic for the 520 day guardian reverse exchange! this was written for trobadora, who gave me the most delicious set of ideas to fit into a story. it was so fun.
i have no idea how to describe this fic, frankly - this is, hands down, the most complex and most heartwrenching and most incredible thing i've ever written in my entire life.
here is a list of some things in it: a kiss, a mystery, a change of heart. old chinese people, dark energy world-building, lesbians, big-time character parallels, forgery of documents, rainstorms, rowboats, lollipop symbolism, [redacted], bedsharing, grading, the stupidest undercover name ever. zhao yunlan described with so many light metaphors. shen wei being the most shen wei i could make him.
read Day After Day | 日复一日 on ao3 here!
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felicitywilds · 4 months
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you know the moves (and so do i)
Aziraphale/Crowley | Teen | 3k
Tags: Reverse!Wives | Historical | Mutual Pining
The palace of Versailles has just acquired a wonderfully rare and delicate new plant, and Crowley simply must add it to her collection. Except, well... stealing's not exactly a very angelic deed, is it? Thankfully, her good friend the demon Azira comes to her rescue just when she needs it most. (Just like she always does.) ~~~ A little mish-mash of the Globe Theater and Bastille scenes featuring the Reverse Wives. Based on some lovely art by a friend. <3
“You mean– well that’s–” she blinked herself back into focus and lowered her voice to a whisper– or rather, tried to, but it still came out rather harsh and quite loud– “Azira, I can’t lie.” Azira smiled, but she could feel that wasn’t one of her usual, practiced smirks. It was one of the rarer ones that only showed itself in the presence of a particular angel after she said something unintentionally funny. Azira did so love this dance of theirs. “Oh, yes you can. You’re perfectly good at it.” It was a genuine compliment– Crowley was the best liar she knew (including herself!). Crowley flushed. “Yes, but– I shouldn’t.”
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xxcringeizdead666xx · 28 days
If I have to bear witness to ANOTHER suitless Vader fic I WILL start bitting!
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manofthepipis · 1 year
One thing that I’ve been thinking about is a possible route(?) this story could go, and that is Spamton’s trip to the Ambyu-Lances’s office. And boy do I feel bad for the Addisons because it’s gonna be hell on earth for all of em. Spamton has the mentality of a feral cat and this feral cat is going to the vet in the first time in forever. I don’t think Spamton is a big fan of large syringes, and when you have one of those chasing you down because well, look at him. He’s a walking talking corrupted program. If masters his glitches like Survey says, I can totally see him glitching through the doctors to make his grand escape™️. I feel like all the Addisons are gonna have to be here for both moral support, as well as making sure that he doesn’t attack his doctor. (Maybe they’ll sedate him a little? I know that’s what some hospitals do with rowdy-er patients LMAO, but then the Addisons have a whole new problem on their hands because now Spamton is high as a mf kite or something 😭) the last time I was under anesthesia my doctor said I wouldn’t stop laughing until I burst out into uncontrollable sobs and then I immediately blacked out💀
god a trip to the doctors office would be hell in a handbasket for this guy ;v; because he 100% has the energy of a feral cat finally being checked out
though i think once he gets closer to the addisons he'd agree to go, just to see if he can be set back to normal (spoiler alert: he can't cuz fate has handed his ass the bad luck card from square one) but he immediately regrets it and the addisons have to calm him down
them sedating him would probably be the best course of action as to actually get ANY results (because he will bite and attack on instinct hfjkkdjfkks)
though i feel if i were to write an ambyu-lance scene in the future this is how id imagine it would go:
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manitapaleta · 2 years
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nark hanahaki fanart i made before the fic was released bc the nark server does not let me rest!!!/pos
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marinsawakening · 6 months
The problem with BOTW is that it's obnoxiously popular in the LOZ fandom to the detriment of other games but also unfortunately it's genuinely really really fun to write fanfic for.
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