#its not a competition
fionaapplerocks · 1 year
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Had to include 'Dull Tool' here even though it's not on any albums.
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doomdoomofdoom · 7 months
There's something so funny to me about posts that are like "Here's my microlabel! :D Anyway, if you use this other microlabel, go fuck yourself, you are a bigot" Like bestie,,, the queerphobes arent going to let you live because you were mean to someone. The microlabel gang isn't your enemy, they're your inherent ally. You're siblings. Go play in the dirt together.
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I think souled spike and vamp spike are the same character because he chose to get his soul back. He's still pretty much an asshole through, like you know how he was apparently being tormented by the people he killed when he was in the basement. Didn't once try to be like how can I make this right? Or how he just kept Robin's dead mother's jacket?
He isn't fighting for redemption. He's only helping out because of Buffy, like how he offered to leave and Buffy was like "Stay, I need you here." He doesn't care about human life it seems.
Compared to Angel
Through the difference with Angel and Angelus is that, his soul was more so forced back into his vamp body because he was a fucking menace to the world.
And Angel was like "I want to redeem myself."
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llannasvsp · 4 months
friendly reminder that anyone can kin any character and that it's not a competition for who is "more like them" because everyone has their own reasons for kinning that character and those reasons can be deeply personal.
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emotionalillusions · 11 months
Ladies we should be working together not against each other. If you talking to or with a guy and find out you're getting played because is talking to hella girls, has a girl, is married, in a relationship, etc. alert the other(s) too, so you can both take out the trash. Whatever he tells you is probably a lie.
Its way past time we join forces.
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ohswampey · 1 month
I'm actually so serious (not really), fuck all the music enthusiasts elitists. let teen girls have suitcase record players and love olivia rodrigo and taylor swift albums. you sound like parents burning ADCD records because they were demonic. let people enjoy stuff even if it isn't the same way you do. let people listen to music without relating or understanding it completely. it doesn't take away from your enjoying it.
I've been playing records since I was able to walk. I've been collecting my whole life and guess what? I have a suitcase record player. and it works well. I can enjoy music in my way.
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n0-al-3n8y · 8 months
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makes a bad meme instead
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i love marla
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rusted-skull · 9 months
A great activity when you don't know how to tell someone how much they help you and how great they are but also that your an immortal and all powerful entity of pure mental energy is scroll through Tumblr looking for posts they would reblog or like or whatever and get to them first so they see it from you. Fuck you /lovingly
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lasokett · 1 year
~Millennials have Hozier and GenZ have Tamino i don’t make the rules~
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im trying to be a better christian, neighbor, coworker, friend, person... one day at a time
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glittering-jellyfish · 2 months
I have girlbossed too close to the sun. I worked for 11 hours for the first time, got home at 12:30 am. Now I can't sleep, I got the shakes, and I feel like I might implode.
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tanksarefluffy · 2 months
It really sucks when no ones there for you during your depressive episode for completely valid reasons, cuz like i’m not allowed to feel mad that everyone was asleep or way too tired or simply didn’t see my message but i still feel so defeated and worthless
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bee-ina-boat · 3 months
Fuckers who draw and write consistently everyday will be like: lol yeah I got infected with the rot the other day and needed like 10 surgeries and also my house burned down lmao anyway heres a lil something i whipped up in my free time *10 page comic/10000 word fic*
Meanwhile one mild inconvenience happens and I can't draw for a week. rip in rest jfjdkdjdjdjdj
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pheasantthebird · 5 months
Can't stand when you tell someone (WHO ASKED YOU HOW YOU WERE!!) that you're tiered. And they hit you with at least you don't have kids to go home to. Okay?, and that has what to do with me being tiered? Also, why did you ask me? Was it so you could one up me? Okay, I guess you won the tiered Olympics! Yay, here's your imaginary pillow shaped trophy.
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justanothergreb · 7 months
So I've seen the trend on TikTok of seemingly very angry goth girls attempting to be pissed that Korn is considered "girly pop" and that people enjoying alternative music are seemingly not worthy of it because they weren't bullied or beat up when they were younger for being "alternative". What a load of shit.
Firstly, why are you being so judgy and gatekeeping of our music, fashion and lifestyle? Metal, rock whatever alternative genre someone likes is FOR EVERYONE. You don't need to have some badge of honour to be legit to be welcomed into this community - just love our music and fashion and don't be a dick.
Secondly, do some of these people realise they are as bad as the bullies they refer to? The videos I've seen have all largely been the type of goth who were the people who made me feel unwelcome in the scene as a teenager. I couldn't afford to go full goth, my parents stopped me at every turn being "different" and the comments from people within the scene were so patronising and horrible that it is one of the things which stopped me dressing properly alternative for years. The mean girl goth energy can be very strong, and not in a dom kinda way. I imagine these are also some of the people who got pissed at last year's girly dancing to Slipknot...
I was very privileged I was never bullied by people at my school when I would turn up in my baggies and tight t-shirts or Converse (bar oddly the teachers who would make comments). The scene kids with parents who could afford the best clothes would be the ones to say I wasn't goth enough or greb enough. I was never beaten up or attacked, I was just accepted. I stopped dressing alternative because my parents just wouldn't allow it. Not just because of cost but because they've never accepted their daughter is a little different. Only now I'm in my 30s have I started embracing the way I like to dress. It's why I still don't have more than my ears pierced and my one (very unexpected) tattoo from my teens (also not helped my dad has my list of tattoos in the diary of mine he took as blackmail as a teenager but that's a trauma dump for another day). The pressure from the adults around me, the horrible experience of my so-called peers telling me I didn't fit in was what stopped me dressing alternative.
The joy I feel at seeing people love alternative music, dressing how they want and being accepted by their parents makes me so overwhelmed. If people don't have to go through our awful experiences, then good for them. Its not some competition and there's not some defined experience that we all must have had to be part of an alternative scene.
Not being bullied or beaten up is the least we should want for those who come into our world. To not experience the crap - in whatever form - we had to experience. We should rejoice people want to be here, that we have easier access to our music, clothes and whatever else we need to just enjoy our lives. We should never forget or diminish what has happened to others but we should want better.
If you are reading this, you are welcome here, whatever your level of alternative (or otherwise). Everyone's experience is different and valid and hopefully now wonderful.
Now, are we really gatekeeping Korn....
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dog-babyy · 7 months
You want more epic strong bad ass competent independent female characters so you can project and imagine yourself as being cool and kicking ass
I want more terrible garbage miserable stupid failgirl female characters so I can project and imagine my awful self as being in a fun plot
We are not the same
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