#its not my one shot if angst isnt present 🤷🏽‍♀️
atinybitofau · 4 years
[ateez] W O O Y O U N G âžł aesthetic love
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“starry night and a midnight drive”
• it’s not everyday a woman runs from her fiancé.
• it’s definitely not everyday you want to run from the man you love.
• yet here you are.
• running on bare feet, white pearl heels hanging loose from your fingertips through a house he promised was gonna be yours.
• you knew it well enough for someone who hated it.
• hated the smell.
• hated the look.
• hated what was in it.
• the man who owned it by far the only good thing about it.
• you sprint like that was the only thing you knew how to do,
• until you’re stopped in the middle of a poorly lit garage, two cars and a dark suited man waiting for you at its passenger doors.
• “Hey gorgeous, I think you took a wrong turn on your way to the venue.”
• you feel your heart strings being pulled tens of different directions,
• biting down at your trembling lip, veil sardonically dangling over your stained leaking eyes.
• “Wooyoung, I—“
• “Let’s take a drive shall we?”
• he gets in first, engine roaring when the key kisses the ignition,
• being the second thing he loved after you.
• and you’re not supposed share him.
• you sure as hell don’t want to and that’s the reason you were going to leave in the first place.
• but the thought of spending time with the man you love was the only thing keeping you from leaving.
• and it seems that no matter what you do, you’ll always be right there in his passenger seat.
• counting the stars in the sky and having him drive you to a place where no one but you two can go.
• “I love you.”
• he says the words for you like it hurts.
• “And if you want to leave me, I’ll let you.” his voice breaks and you can feel the curdling pressure of his hands on the steering wheel as if it were you. “Sweetheart, I never intended for you to feel obliged to love me, yeah? And I know sometimes you don’t but—“
• you turn your face underneath the white veil over your head and place a hand over his,
• the rumble of the stick that controlled the car and controlled him relaxed underneath your touch.
• his fingers grips get lost between fighting to hold yours and keeping the stick in it’s right place.
• you don’t flinch even when he moves it back to first gear, eyes stuck on him.
• “Let’s just drive okay?”
• the car gets quiet while you hold him steady.
• and when you reach the destination, he seems afraid to let the car go.
• “Come with me.” you move yourself out of his vehicle and out into what feels like freedom,
• looking down at the city you found him in, wondering how you could’ve been so lucky.
• yet why you can’t decide over where you want to be and who you want to love.
• “Maybe I’m selfish.” you whisper, white lace touching the swollen parts of your moving lips. “Maybe I don’t want to spend my entire life in the confinement of your damned car and your damned house.”
• Wooyoung stands behind you, hands buried in his pockets wondering,
• — seeing the gorgeous night beyond your beautiful figure,
• why his eyes solely bound to you.
• “Maybe I can’t stand who you are and what you do.” you fight back the remaining tears you had to appreciate the view right in front of you. “I don’t know how you do it, Woo. How you could love two things at once.”
• he wants to say it’s not his choice.
• that it’s not in his control when actually that was exactly what was happening.
• he could make sacrifices for you but their too little for comfort.
• to put it frankly, it’s not enough.
• “I fell in love with the city before you.” your eyes close softly when the autumn night breeze hits your bare skin. “I fell in love with the stars. And then god forbid I ever choose a man in place of those— no, I fell in love with you.”
• Wooyoung’s tongue runs across the surface of his teeth wondering when he should stop leaning against his car and start leaning over you.
• “The moment I got in your car that day, I was thinking how ugly of a thing it was. The sound it made and how it ruined my night.” your lips curl in devious remark. “I can’t stand your car, babe. It’s just not for me.”
• he feels the heat of the hood start to burn his fingertips,
• suddenly realizing that sometimes he’s got to sacrifice the other things he loved in order to have you.
• “I love the stars. I love the sky, the sound of the city, the freedom I get.” your own fingertips feel cold, bare in the the evening breeze, looking for some kind of warmth out of nothing at all. “If I had to choose.. between loving you and getting the rest, baby, I don’t what to do.”
• Wooyoung finally lets go.
• rushing to hold you when you look like you’re about to fall.
• never trusted the rusted rails you leant on as much as he did himself.
• but he reached for you and whips you around to look at him the way you look up at the night sky.
• the only way he’d be able to appreciate the beauty of the stars is if it was right there—
• reflecting off the eyes of the woman he loves.
• “I know– Fuck.” Wooyoung’s rasp gets thicker when he speaks. “I know this isn’t easy. I know loving me is hard for you, sweetheart. Driving my car means more to me than anything. You know that.”
• your breath hitches at the back of your throat wanting to say, choose me or you’ll never get to have me.
• an ultimatum based solely on retaliation.
• pain.
• but you’re lost in his eyes the way the stars lose you.
• the moon the only thing ironically keeping you sane right now.
• “I’m gonna fucking break that thing apart one day, Woo.” your voice cracks in place of comforting words. “I don’t trust myself to be living with that stupid thing for my entire life and having to share it with you. Believe me, I’m gonna smash that thing to bits.”
• Wooyoung’s lips curl, hands crawling over your cold skin. “Then break it. How many times you want, I’ll give that to you.”
• “Why?” a silent sob escapes your lips while he fights to keep your eyes. “Why would you let me do that? Why would you let me hurt something you love so much?”
• you want him to tell you he’s gonna choose that thing—
• his cars.
• his life.
• but Wooyoung never makes it easy for you.
• being able to drive his car x mph.
• driving your heart ten times faster than horsepower at this point.
• “That thing I love, my cars. Y/n, I can fix those things. I can pick up the pieces if not buy a new one.”
• he brings the veil from over your eyes, over so he get a good look at you.
• and it may not be at the alter where he wanted you but if it has to be here,
• if he has to promise to have and hold you till death do you both part right here then so be it.
• “I can’t fix you.” the black haired vixen leans his forehead against yours as you finally warm under the cold breeze of the night. “I can’t buy a new you— something my power, my money can never buy. If I had to choose right now what I love more, y/n, believe me you’re first in line.”
• you cry when his lips brush against yours.
• feeling your heart suddenly tugged in a single direction.
• that direction being towards his.
• “I love you so much.” Wooyoung’s about to break right in front of you afraid to lose you to the night. “My car gets me to point a and point b.”
• “Then why do you need me?”
• “You take me beyond my dreams, sweetheart. And you still want to ask me why I need you?”
• he kisses you and maybe you were wrong.
• maybe you shouldn’t hate his car that much.
• in fact, that stupid retched thing was the reason you managed to find him in the first place,
• without it, never being able to meet the man you love.
• and maybe you did love the city and the freedom you get in it.
• but maybe you’re okay with settling in his arms instead.
• “I want to kiss you until my lips bleed.” you pout bending into his height like that’s where you were meant to be. “I want you to hold me until you don’t want to do anything but hold me forever.”
• Wooyoung chuckles over your breath before spinning you around in his arms, chin laying against the crook of your neck.
• “We were supposed to get married tonight.” he mumbles against your skin. “I don’t know about you but I’m suddenly not in the mood to go back just yet.”
• you lean your head back against the rising and falling chest of your fiancé,
• his heart feeling like a steady metronome.
• “I kind of want get out of this dress for a little bit.” your chin tilts up to look at him. “I don’t know about you but I was thinking your car serves more purpose than just driving it.”
• Wooyoung’s eyes darken but his lips move a different way.
• “The moon takes a toll on you, sweetheart.”
• “Take me while you sit in the drivers seat.” your fingers slowly move to pull the suit jacket right off his shoulder blades. “Show me those hands can do more than just shift gears, baby.”
• “As long as I get to marry you tomorrow, by all means, I’ll show you what these hands can do.”
• not like he’s never shown you before but hey,
• nothing’s ever wrong with a free ride.
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