#its not the best tag as this is about esme but uno we make moves
carllisle · 4 years
Would you tell us vampire!Esme's backstory please??
i don’t deserve you!! thank you so much for asking!
right now I haven’t thought much about Esme’s backstory so it’s very fluid. I have more ideas about the others in the family as their stories stay pretty unchanged. For the sake of timeline, and to fit in with Edward’s story, I want Esme to be born some time in the early-mid 1800s. 
battle excess is said, by SMeyer, to be one of the most common ways for accidental transformation. Perhaps Esme came over as a coloniser with her family and during the American War for Independence she was caught up in a skirmish in her settlement and was the victim of excess of a vampire. Given her canonical backstory, I think it would only be suitable to have her as a married woman who lost a child recently. Maybe her husband fought for one side of the other on the war, and he died. Yes, I like that, give Esme a husband who went off to war and did not come home, it’s what she deserves! Sadly she lost her baby and shortly after, war came to town and she was half drained by a vampire 
That would put her turning in the 1770s. That would give her plenty of time to settle in her new life. She could have her wild years where she lived nomadically and met all sorts of people. She could have met many American nomads and attached herself to groups now and again but she never found what she was looking for. After fifty or sixty years, she couldn’t take it anymore and she tried to starve herself. She tried to kill herself because she couldn’t take the pain of taking human lives anymore and she spent months in isolation. Hidden deep in the wilderness, it was a passing bear that gave her relief. She drank and drank and felt stronger. It tasted foul compared to the bliss of human blood but she felt better than she ever had as a vampire. The souls she took always haunted her but there was a brighter future in front of her now 
She was smart and found her way into employment as a teacher after ten years of testing her self control. Sometimes she posed as a widow, sometimes as an unmarried woman. In 1916 she found herself at a boys’ school as a teacher in Chicago - unusual, but not unheard of - and she was well-liked by students and teachers. There were some parents who liked her more than others, and a certain Mrs Masen took a shine to her. She felt sorry for the young woman alone in the city and the two formed a friendship. There seemed to be something about Esme that drew Mrs Masen to her and Esme never quite knew how much Elizabeth guessed about her. She figured out something. When the influenza came, Esme visited Elizabeth and Edward whenever she could. It was difficult because of the quarantine but they were dying and Esme had no symptoms. Eventually, the staff let her in and didn’t pay her any mind. Elizabeth was in a terrible way and wouldn’t last the night. She begged Esme to save her son. Esme could have wept, and she promised she would. Elizabeth died painfully and agonizingly but there was a small morsel of peace in it, at least. 
Esme nearly killed Edward because her control was barely enough. She hadn’t tasted human blood since her last kill decades ago and he tasted heavenly after so long. Still, she managed it. It was selfish, she later thought, to bite him on the bicep where there was no vein because it made the transformation so much longer - but it also helped stop the blood flow that could have so easily overwhelmed her
Edward was confused after the change but they already had some kind of relationship as she had taught him and was friends with his mother. He quickly loved her as his creator and mother and although there was a lot of strain between them as he adjusted, they were quickly devoted to each other. She was kind and understanding - sometimes to a fault - and he had never felt so loved 
Rosalie came in the 1930s, after Edward had rebelled and returned. Esme knew her face from the high life of Rochester - the Platts lived outside of fine society but Esme taught at the prestigious school Rosalie had attended. She saw Rosalie and smelled her bleeding out on the street and it reminded her of her own death, her own wasted life. Surely immortality was better than a life cut short? Surely this was better than nothing? Rosalie felt much the same about it as she did in canon. Esme did not turn her with the hope of her being a mate for Edward, though, but Rosalie was still offended that he didn’t want her so that tension was still there. Rosalie didn’t want to be a vampire and she didn’t want to miss out on her old life of excess and wealth. Esme worked harder than ever and got into property and over the next few years their wealth exploded. It helped Rosalie feel better and that made Esme happy 
When she found Emmett she begged Esme to change her. Esme was frightened because he was in such a bad way. She asked for Edward’s help and she needed it - Emmett smelled better than anyone she had smelled in a hundred years. He came from the wilderness and was free from the stench of the city - he smelled like humans used to. Edward was stronger than her physically but he didn’t have the strength to turn Emmett, so they agreed that she would bite him and if she lost control, Edward was to drag her off him. Rosalie couldn’t bear to witness it. It was a good job they made the arrangement because Esme lost control, Emmett’s blood tasted amazing. Edward had to drag her off him and she turned on him momentarily. They fought but he subdued her and the transformation went ahead smoothly
Alice and J*sper joined the family as per canon 
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