#its pride month where I live ok
pierog · 2 years
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been listening to loads of carly rae jepsen lately.. happy pride
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bigcowboydyke · 1 year
about your disability pride month post: is there anything important/significant you think people should take notes on when writing a character with an upper arm prosthetic? (like starting from the elbow if i phrased correctly)?
Yeah! I think the biggest is that you ought to consider first, esp if its an OC, your reasoning for making the character disabled- you wanna make sure you're not fetishizing or exploiting their disability to prop up abled characters. I've got a list of questions for authors to ask themselves along those lines that I can post or dm
Secondly, you have to consider what level of realism you wanna go with. If you have a character where, in universe, the prosthesis functions in exactly the way an arm does, you could just go with that if you want - it's the path of least resistance, right? BUT you ought to consider that most prostheses in media exist in that way AT THE EXPENSE of good representation of disability. Erasing disability or "curing" it with magical prostheses IS a form of ableism that is so pervasive it just goes unnoticed by most. I believe personally that disabled bodies are worth portraying well even when the creators of the source material did not do that. SO if you want to go with real well thought our representation, here are some common things I think authors and artists often miss (specifically as it pertains to upper limb prostheses):
1) I already said this, but seriously, I cannot emphasize enough that upper limb prosthetics ain't cheap and are usually uncomfortable. Your character, if they are poor, or even like middle class, won't have access to multiple high tech popular mechanics cover story type robo arms. Even if they did ...
2) Not all limb different folks use prosthetics! I personally have used multiple and I disliked them. I tried very hard to learn, but there are multiple requirements to be able to use each model and sometimes, a lot of times actually, limb different people - especially people without a hand or an arm function Better without prosthetics. Be aware in your art that limb different people are Whole. How you ask can somebody without an arm, say, do all that stuff?
3) Consider the idea of adaptation in your writing and art instead of relying only on magicking disability away with prosthetics. Disabled People live in a world full of barriers and tend to be Very creative about navigating it, adapting to our environment through just being a little clever about how we do things is the biggest way i see other people with upper limb differences interact with the world. There are three main ways that we go about this without prosthetics: Using adaptive equipment, Finding an alternate method, or as a last resort, asking for help.
Example 1: I have like 1.5 arms ok so obviously only 1 hand, and I need to clip my fingernails every once in a while. The obvious solution to me, while it may seem gross, is just to bite them off. Bad habit, but efficient. I could use those horrible little nail clippers, with my remaining stump and a little finagling but it takes forever. I could also get some adaptive nail clippers - they make great big handled ones for ppl that can't grab the little ones. Or, I could ask my partner to trim them, but I'm usually too proud to do that. Let disabled people have their flaws too lol!
Example 2: I love to rock climb. This is where adaptive equipment comes in. I could slip off a rock climbing wall pretty easily right? So bouldering (rock climbing without harnesses) is totally inaccessible to me. But if I go to a gym that has harnesses, then that's fine - they catch me if I fall and that's adaptive for me.
Adaptive equipment comes in many shapes and sizes and can be regular items repurposed.
3. If after all that you Must create art or write about an OC or preexisting character that uses upper limb prosthetics, consider that in general, limb different people's prosthetics are not equivalent to having two arms. Prosthetics are only practical for limb different people if they enhance your life or are useful in some way, however, getting one high tech enough to do that is unlikely because they are expensive. There are different groups, clinics, and charities that make lower cost options but they tend to be much lower tech than is depicted (and often are clunky). My first prosthetic was a long flat piece of metal, similar to a doctors tongue depressor, attached to a plaster cuff velcroed around my stump. The idea was that since I had a little bit of stump poking out, I could pin objects against the metal and it would work like a crab's pincers. It was okay, but I did accidentally smack many. Many. Things with it, including my own face and since it was metal, that was unpleasant. Obviously hindered more than helped. Also it did not look even remotely like a hand.
4. Which prosthetics you can get generally depend on what you got on you. Literally. Bodily. With upper limb prostheses, If you don't have an elbow or wrist, your options are almost exclusively limited to the pricier electric options that are both super futuristic, unavailable to many, and also like new car priced. Many of the manual, non-electric models depend on the ability to flex a wrist or elbow, so if you have those things are a little more accessible overall. It also matters whether you are born limb different like me, or if you are an amputee. Amputees are more likely to be candidates for prostheses than people like me because they have all those preexisting muscles and nerves for prosthetics that are higher tech and require surgical attachment Also prosthetics might be an easier learning curve, and more useful for somebody who has been abled bodied than it would be for somebody who never had that limb in the first place.
5. This is a little thing and ... Not to get too medical with it ( and neither should yall) but limb different people often have physical changes associated with lack of or loss of limb. If you do not have a limb, you are not going to be developing the muscles that are surrounding it in the way an a nondisabled person would. Again for example I have 1.5ish arms which means I've got plenty of stump on my "affected" limb. Even when I did Varsity sports and everything, I was never able to get beefy on that side. It is a pet peeve of mine that many people do not seem to get this - Most art I see of vash the stampede has him with two super beefy shoulders and like yeah i get it that's hot, but if hes got roughly the same amount of stump as me, he probably shouldn'tlook like that. Another thing in this vein is chronic pain is associated with limb loss and limb difference- I have it and its reasonable that any prosthetic user or nonprosthetic using limb different person is more likely to have it. Again these are little things but if you're looking to do good representation you need to consider that limb difference is not just a cool little stylistic choice to make a character look tough or what have you - limb loss and limb difference mean that that character will not only think differently than abled bodied people, but move differently, pose differently, have different routines and preferences than are ever represented in most media. Disability is not a style, and it's not a diagnosis, it's an identity. It's important above all to be respectful of that by letting go of centering able-bodied expectations and aesthetic in your art and writing. Hard to do but i believe in y'all!
Hope that helps! I've also got a bunch of links to go along with these points, if you want them lmk! I'm always happy to take asks about this stuff!
Tl;dr please consider making characters that don't use prosthetics, or don't use them excessively because it's more realistic, better representation, and makes me, a disabled dyke on the internet, really happy.
Lastly if y'all liked my advice and appreciate my time you are always welcome to tip me for it - my c*sh*pp is $neptunedrive
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fridgrave2-0 · 19 days
(something for partners in crime au where felix and turbo both go gamejumping)
once felix overheard a conversation ralph had with gene. ralph was (once again) trying to get positive attention from nicelanders and said that him breaking the building means nothing bc felix has a magic hammer and puts zero effort into the house, for him fixing it is super easy. and this thought stayed in his head. felix started thinking a lot about what he's doing in his life and that without his hammer he is a nobody. on his own he can't fix shit, and when he tried to build something it was worse than what ralph made in the movie for q*bert. it got to the point when felix went to tapper's and got drunk for the first time, and turbo had to get him out of this. turbo was genuinely worried for felix because they knew each other for several years at this point and never it was so bad. mostly it was turbo who had some bad times and felix was comforting him, but now they switched roles in this situation, and turbo tried his best to help. he reassured felix that he'll help him learn at least the basics of building stuff on their own without the hammer, and this was able to cheer felix up. they were taking bricks and other junk to try and make something new out of it - and some time after they actually were able to make some progress, and turbo decided to live in one of the houses (they were experimenting in turbotime most of the time) and while they were working on it, turbo was slowly helping felix accept the fact what his worth doesn't start or ends on having this hammer, and tho it definitely does its job it's not disregarding felix's personality or skills. like yeah, he's the greatest racer in the arcade, but he still continues training and working on his skills, and it's totally ok what felix needed time to get there as well
in the end it helped felix a lot, and after weeks and months of practice he was ready to try something new. building things on his own actually made felix realize that he loves working on design and styles. every building he was making was unique and special because he was putting his soul into it, and this creative process made felix feel something he only knew when he was with turbo. like he actually was alive and not just a piece of code made by someone. the things he was making were his, they were reflecting his personality, his feelings. and they were making him happy when he was ready to try and change niceland, it was the project he put the most of him into. with turbo's (unexpected) drawing skills they designed a completely new building, detailed and magnificent. felix was remaking the niceland for the whole night going beyond the limits of his coding, the hammer was used only to solidify the changes. the house turned out to be just what he wanted, and it was beautiful. for a brief moment even turbo was out of words, he couldn't turn away from the piece of art felix created. there was nothing like it in the arcade, and perhaps even in the whole world. for some unknown reason turbo felt inspired that day, doing his best to break his own limits on the track later that day. he wished he could just return to fix-it felix jr and see the happiness and pride flourish in his boyfriend's eyes. felix did deserve it like no one else
but when turbo came back this evening, niceland looked like it always did. a dull brick penthouse. he found felix at the dump, he looking at pieces of broken marble and colored stone with an empty face. "the game is programmed so that when the building is repaired, it returns to its original appearance. when the day just started, there were untouched bits, something what ralph didn't break. but in the end, everything was wrecked." felix hugged his knees and sobbed when turbo sat down next to him. "it all was for nothing. i can't exceed the code. no matter what i do, it will be destroyed! all i can is to fix this stupid house over and over and over again until they decide to unplug my game. we don't have any control over our lives. this is what's left for us." felix grabbed a piece of marble and threw it far into the pile of red bricks, his hands were shaking when turbo caught them in his. felix couldn't see the anger in his eyes growing. when turbo pulled felix closer, he glanced over the glass of the cabinet and looked at the arcade. "don't worry, love..." he gently stroked felix's hair, "i will figure it out. i promise." it was january of 1987
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
Good Sleep - LaMelo Ball
Summary: hate writing these, so just read and find out.
A/N: This man is the love of my life (and his brothers).
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It was hard, dating an NBA player. Not that it was Melo's fault. He tried to make things as easy as possible. He called whenever he could, making sure to at least check in on me once a day.
It wasn't like I made things any easier. I took a lot of pride in my job and it felt like a lot of the time when he was home, I was busy working.
Which is what I am currently doing. Its around midnight, when I hear the garage open, I know it's Melo. His team was supposed to get back earlier tonight, but their flight got delayed due to weather.
After a few minutes he enters our room. I moved in with him a 6 months ago, since I practically lived there full time anyways. We both also thought it would be a good way to spend more time together.
"Hey, babe." He says walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He heads into our bathroom, getting ready to shower. He hates how he feels after plane rides, always complaining about being dirty. "What are you working on?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Just work stuff." I respond, not having the time to explain. I have to have these reports ready by Monday. I'm a CFO for a major clothing company in the US. We are currently working on expanding to European countries.
Melo showers while I work and before I know it he's climbing into bed. "Babe," He whines, "when are you going to bed?"
"I don't know, soon." I answer, dismissively. He frowns, looking up at me from where he's laying.
"You work to hard. Your not even 22 and your the CFO for a major company. I worry you're gonna work yourself to death." Melo's always hated how hard I work. We've been dating since we were both 19.
I was getting ready to graduate college, when he was getting drafted into the NBA. Being born a genius helped me fast track my schooling and career.
I started interning with the company I currently work at when I was 17, the summer after my junior year. I started working with them when they were just a start up, but in the past four years they have rapidly grown and I've been a part of the process the whole way.
This company is like my baby and I'm the one that has to track everything to make sure we are achieving our goals. I never intended on working here this long, but I love the people I work with (the pay isn't bad either).
They promoted me to CFO when their old one left to work for a bigger company. What an idiot, they didn't have believe in the company and soon ours will be bigger than the one they are working for.
Three hours later and I'm still working, Melo's passed out. After he fell asleep I headed to the office he set up for me, not wanting to wake him.
I have a blanket wrapped around me, with my headphones in and a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the desk. Once I get this done, I'll be on Monday and present to our investors I will be on vacation for the next 9 days.
I haven't told Melo yet, wanting to surprise him since our schedules rarely line up.
I look up from my computer, when I see the hallway light turn on. I take my headphones out, knowing it's Melo. He walks into my office, frowning. "Babe, go to bed." He groans.
"Ok, just give me a few minutes."
"Nope, you always say that and then a few minutes turn into another hour or two and then you're only getting like 2 hours of sleep before you head into the office." He walks over and shuts my laptop, before pulling me out of the chair.
I whine and protest the whole way back to our bed, but he doesn't seem to care. He makes me lay down and tucks me in like I'm a little kid, before climbing in bed next to me.
Once he's in bed his, arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach. "Finally, I can sleep now."
"You've been asleep this whole time." I argue.
"Yea, but now I'll get good sleep. I only get good sleep when you're with me." I smile, even though he can't see me. I continue playing with his hair, before we both drift of to sleep in each other's arms.
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
I dunno if you’re taking requests, so sorry if this kinda just shows up and you’re not taking requests 💀
But I was wondering you could do the moon boys with like bassist reader. Cause as a bassist I sometimes just like get into the groove too much and I’m just playing like mindlessly playing Pyretta Blaze or like Bombtrack. Or like reader is playing like Tommy The Cat and the moon boys are in like awe.
Sorry if this was too vague!
At the moment I am always taking requests but it may just take a while until I can get one done 😅 So no worries, anon!
I have no background in or talent regarding music so bare with me here 😅
tags: fluff | established relationship | can be read as platonic relationship too | gender-neutral reader (they/them pronouns are used for reader)
relationships: Moon Knight System/Reader
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Bleary-eyed and with sleep still clinging to every muscle Marc wakes up to music filtering through the bedroom door. He lays there for a bit, brows furrowed in concentration, just listening to the low notes. He could swear he recognizes the song from somewhere. 
Oh, that sounds lovely! 
Steven's voice pulls Marc out of his musings. "Mhmm…," he mumbles wordlessly. Slowly, he stretches his heavy limbs before climbing out of bed. 
I don't think it's the radio. I wonder where it's coming from. 
Marc combs his fingers through his hair and sighs. Steven's wanna-be-detective tendencies are not something he appreciates right after waking up. 
It sounds good, hermano. Doesn't matter where it's coming from. 
Great, now Jake is awake too. Rolling his eyes, Marc refrains from commenting and shuffles over to the door, opening it carefully as to not make too much noise. 
As the door opens the music becomes clearer, a deep, rich sound that Marc can't quite place. His body moves on its own accord, or maybe it's Steven or Jake moving it, following the music like a siren's song. 
In the living room, between mountains of books, he finds you. Your fingers move expertly over the strings of the guitar you're holding. Despite his foggy mind Marc remembers you owning a bass guitar though neither he nor his alters had ever seen or heard you play it. Until now. 
He can feel the sound inside his chest, the deep bass vibrating through his ribcage. It's energetic in the way coffee keeps you up and awake. 
You're so focused, so pulled into your own music that you don't notice him. Marc, and with him Steven and Jake, have turned into your captive audience, silently listening to you play. 
He stands there wearing only his boxers and a t-shirt, staring at you with an awestruck expression like you'd hung the moon. The way your fingers move over the strings of the bass, your brows furrowed in concentration and your head bobbing to the rhythm - you're a vision. He could stay like this for hours, days, months and never tire. 
They're so talented. 
Steven sighs dreamily while Marc and Jake hum in agreement. There is no need for discussion while they simply listen to you play. 
On the last few notes you look up and are startled by his presence. 
"How long have you been standing there?" 
Marc shrugs and takes the last few steps towards you. "A while. You didn't tell me you were a musical genius," he says, pointing at the instrument on your lap with a grin. You look at him, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, heat rising to your cheeks. There is pride swelling in your chest at his praise, even if he is exaggerating. 
"Not a genius. Just a lot of practice."
And talent. They're being too humble.
"You're talented," Marc repeats what Jake and Steven had said before, as he kneels down in front of you, "I'd love to listen to you play more often, if that's ok? The others too."
You shake your head in disbelief. "Oh, so Steven and Jake were listening in too? Didn't think I'd have such a big audience or any for that matter," you respond with a laugh. Marc's grin spreads even wider, your laugh always making him feel lighter. 
"Seriously though. You're an amazing bassist. Could you play a little more? Only if you feel like it of course."
His eyes are full of adoration, his smile dazzling as he gazes up at you, still kneeling. How could you refuse? 
"Maybe a little. Don't let it be said that flattery gets you nowhere," you answer cheekily before playing another song. 
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seeminglydark · 3 months
good news! i finally got a job after being unemployed for a few years. it’ll be at least a year or two before i’m able to move out due to trying to pay off my credit card debt but i’m excited that i’ll be able to leave town and get away from unsupportive family. i’m trying to spend as little money as possible on entertainment stuff and i have a massive book collection that i’m excited to read and sell some of it i don’t feel like i need them anymore. you’re comics have been very helpful for me to be able to understand and express myself. it has given me a lot of joy since finding it especially after the loss of my cat a month ago.
any tips for a queer punk trying to escape and start over with no support system?
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
ANON! I'm so proud of you, thats incredible! i am wishing you all the best on your journey forward and out. it sounds to me like you already have a good handle on things, paying down your debt is a great place to start. depending on how much debt you have, (most of my advice is US based I'm afraid, since thats where i grew up as a poor lonely punk so hopefully it can help you, or someone else) you may be able to find a financial counselor or coach, (not adviser!) to help you get rid of some of it immediately. there are ways to 'challenge' things on your credit that have been there for a while, and many times the creditors will either drop it cuz they dont want to deal with paperwork, or reduce it to a much smaller payable sum because to them something is better than nothing. a lot of cities has free nonprofit programs to help with this, and other non profit organizations offer them as well depending on your community. This will also help improve and build your credit score cuz even a punk might need to buy a home or rent an apartment one day.
i know there is an allure to big name cities when you move, i lived in one myself while poor as dirt and it kinda sucked (Austin tx specifically) because it was so expensive. look into where you want to go before moving there, look at cost of living, and public transit, things like that. it looks like youre waiting a while before going, look into job transfers so you might not have to start completely fresh from the bottom.
thrift stores are great but they are getting more expensive by the year, but when youre a poor guy in a new place, dumpster diving might be an option. please dont ever get a mattress from a dumpster ok? bedbugs are a thing and often why those are thrown out, but other things like tables, chairs, shelves etc. check your local papers and neighborhood boards, sometimes hotels and such renovate and when they do they auction furniture off dirt cheap. Thanks Mr Marriott for furnishing my house for like 40 bucks in 2005!
When you move out, if you are still struggling financially, you can look into fixed rent apartments, you usually have to get on a list, but there are places out there to help you get on your feet. a REALLY good resource for many things if going to be your local library. librarians are like gods and they know SO MUCH that can help you.
speaking of libraries. you do deserve a little joy, i would think about perhaps getting a electronic reader, did you know that you can rent books and audio books from libraries with one? plus it reduces the bulk of books you may have to move later. i know the vibe is different from getting to touch the pages, but the pleasure of reading is still there. The library is also going to be a great place to meet people and find a circle of support and new friends. many of them have clubs and community activities ranging from book clubs to everything in between, you can even suggest a club yourself that they might consider hosting. don't deprive yourself of happiness, itll be helpful on the days when it gets hard to move forward.
its been a hot minute since i was alone and starting over, and things have changed a lot so im not completely sure all of this is still relevant, library is ALWAYS a good place to start. if my followers have any advice, please feel free to chime in the comments as well! im so proud of you anon, and keep us updated as life goes on. <3
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One of my first Steddie fics was Steve going punk. I have a lot of feelings about Punk!Steve, so I am really pleased to see the fandom getting excited about it.
I was thinking about an Au in which Max discovers The Runaways & has a sweeping personal epiphany, gets into punk & starts playing the drums. She loves how cathartic it is, also that it's to loud for anyone to talk to her.
She starts teaching Eleven too as she learns. It turns out that once she's been exposed to the idea of making music, El has a gift. She picks it up with with an almost supernatural ease. Eventually they want to start a band, its the summer after 8th grade. Eleven switches to bass, bc she can, they recruit Erica who was absolutely scandalized to hear that no one knew she played piano & guitar. But they had a small problem when they wanted to do gigs. There was only one place, the hide out & they were extremely minors. In order to play, they had to have "a responsible adult".
There was no way any of their parents were gonna work for that duty.
Steve was the obvious answer to their problems. When he said he wasn't gonna spend every weekend sitting in a run down little bar, they offered him a spot in the band... which was a little unconventional but it was punk so whatever and actually Steve was perfect for a front man. He could talk to the crowd right? (Steve does not love the idea but sure fine he could do that maybe)
The thing is, these kids have worked so hard to make this happen, Steve can't actually say no... & If he was being totally honest with himself, he kinda loved being included. So he says yes to being a vocalist, co-vocalist.
He encourage them to also yell if they wanted... Erica has immediate ideas. The band progresses surprisingly well. When they decide they're ready Steve easily books a gig. Max & Erica are both massively annoyed it was so easy for him when it was their band and idea. But whatever they have their first gig planned
They argue about the name of the band for so long they have to emergency name it the weekend before the show so they can put up flyers. Max & El wanted to call it Mommy Issues, Erica had gotten really into X-Ray Spex & wanted to call them The Wrex. It got a little intense.
Steve in desperation suggested Cherry Rex... because it referenced The Runaways song Chery Bomb, and had the aesthetic energy of The Wrex & X-Ray Spex
To his shock they actually agreed on that.
Their first gig was on a Monday, to nobody but one very belligerently drunk guy who might have passed out in his booth. Of course they expected that more or less. It was more ok then they thought though, the girls had a blast... and actually so did Steve.
A month or three later and they'd slowly worked up the live band tenure and were getting their first Friday night slot. There would be four bands, two punk, two metal; Boondock Boyfriend, Death Vision, & Corroded Coffin. Cherry Rex were playing the opening spot being the newbies. Steve thought Corroded Coffin sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't figure out where from. He wasn't to worried about it though, he was here for Cherry Rex.
Getting the parents permission to take the whole party to a borderline dive bar (he left that part out) had been one of the most trying experiences of Steve's young life, but in the end he got it done, and everyone was super excited.
Eddie always came early on the nights Corroded Coffin played, he liked supporting his fellow musicians, many of whom had only played parties and basements before they could get in here. It was a point of pride for him to not be a snob about it. He supported anyone and everyone who wasn't a bully or a bigot.
This weekend they had a whole new band, playing. He'd heard that it was a group of preteen punk rock girls, so of course the rock bros were grousing. He would have none of that though. He remembered when he first got into music as a preteen, the way it let him process feelings he was to scared to otherwise. He would definitely be there for their first weekend gig
So imagine his surprise when he finds Steve Harrington on stage. He introduced everyone Max on drums whom Eddie recognized from around, as well as her maybe? girlfriend?, who's name was apparently the number Eleven, on Bass. And Erica, who actually exhuded rock and roll energy, on guitar. Steve called himself their token adult. He spent half the time singing, but also dancing, sometimes being hype man for whomever was singing that particular song.
He was wearing a Hawkins High Tshirt that he'd scrawled The King is Dead across in Sharpie. Also light wash jeans, which Eddie had laughed about at first, but when he cut them off at the knee while they were still on his body, during Erica's song about self reliance, identity, and D&d... and he had fishnets on under them? He was completely won over. They were pretty good...and Steve Harrington, a punk? He was genuinely so fucked. So so fucked
(does Vecna & the upside down exist here? I don't know)
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halloweengirl1031 · 9 months
It is pride month, Mike. (i know its not pride month just wanted to post my ocs haha)
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why i think mike is the main guy (like king and queen) below
OK so, following a pattern.
Queen was a laptop, and king was the king of spades. why would the tv be an area, when the dark world was opened, in the LIVING ROOM.
if the tv WAS an area, it would be a sub area, NOT where the whole thing takes place. like the chess board in the unused classrooms, and the closet is often the main area.
so WHY would an AREA have a FACE if it wasnt a PERSON.
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borathae · 3 months
Chapter 32
you know, i almost always feel shocked after seeing the warnings like SEX?? THIS FAST? we just had an "insert how the previous chapter ended" moment and we are going to fuck? lets go??? lets fucking goooo and then the smut comes and nothing is out of place. it fits like a glove, like my glasses on my nose. how do u do that? hell, only a few paragraphs in and the mood is set better than dinner table on a holiday
where is yoongi? oh he is in sitting room. WE ARE DRINKING TOGETHER YAY. i can feel the atmosphere, vibe and the rooms so well. felt like i was visiting my house these days and now im back to live in this universe again
“You actually came” you called
…I was too scared of it, so I didn’t ask.” yeah the emotions were something else
“Huh, well what a pleasant surprise, I was sure that this conversation would be fruitless.” *turns into mom I TOLD YOU SO oh my god im never saying this again cringe
“your deed was noble, but didn’t help him shit. SIR WHY ARE U LIKE THIS, WHY DO U KEEP RUBBING WOUNDS ON MY SALT
“so tell me honestly. Why did you join me for a drink? Why are you so nice to me? Is it so I would release Taehyung earlier than planned?” you write him sooo well fuck *nervous sweating WAIT ITS PRIDE MONTH * nervous gay sweating, gay blushing, gay panicking, gay looking away, gay scoffing (june is almost over and i had to use it)
“I meant with your words” he spits, “not your body” omg im soo nervous to straight up ask me?” YOU JUST ASKED TO SPEAK 😭 idk what to do you can see how honest surprise washes over Yoongi’s face. oh ho 👀👀
Have you ever asked yourself why Jimin died? Why was he so far away from Taehyung when they clearly wanted to run away together? It would have been logical for him to stay by Taehyung’s side and not die so far away from him.” YES BABY UR SO SMART CONNECTING THE DOTS, YOONGI SEE THIS??
OMG SHE KISSED HIS CHEEK (i did this to my friend cuz they made a front page for my project, which i forgot, we pretended it never happened, to make this worse we dont even hug that much😭😭)
the paragraph is so romantic my heart oh fuck me i can feel my heart
Oh what a weak woman you are, you think, as you feel your own body draw closer to him. Your fingers entangle in his hair, your lips part. He tastes like whiskey. Oh what a contrast to his tender lips. THIS IS POETRY AND I WANT IT IN MY VEIN
You must be in the wrong movie. actually you are in a fanf- OW
This view is fascinating. Min Yoongi on his knees, looking up at you after he kissed your foot. the only way to get this view, is to buy such a carpet 😔✊🏻
ANOTHER PANTY LOST 💀 f in the chat for respect 😔✊🏻 irrelevant but i remember a wattpad ff where people kept saying #stopdoorabuse201_ , #savethedoor201_
“Jesus, what are you doing?” judging cuz yall didnt leave space for him(im sorry)
FUCK PUSSY SO GOOD MANS WARM DAMN call that magic pussy
He could ruin you, break you with just a flick of his tongue, corrupt you. But he doesn’t. He treats you with utter care tonight and it is driving you up the wall.  writing is too good, loving too good
This feels so good. Fuck, he’s on his knees. This is crazy. Why is he on his knees? He kissed my foot. Yoongi. Fuck I literally can’t. He’s on his knees.  mood AND HE READ IT DAMN
PRINCESS HITS DIFFERENT RIGHT NOW hold on did she do something to his emotions??
He never told you, but you have the softest skin. His fingers haven’t touched such softness in centuries. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
The world carved him just so one day he could be on his knees in front of the only woman who manages to make him want to be gentle. stop cutting onions😭
HAIR GRIPPING DYING SWIMMING LIVING IN PUSSY ON KNEES SQUIRTED HOLY FUCK ok maybe this is the hottest 2 people sex (watch me change it to the next one in the future)
fuck this is a whiplash from the eating out cuz that was desperate and messy, this feels too intimate im wrapping myself in my blankie
“Don’t let go of me, hold onto me. I promise, I’ll hold you”, DID WE JUST DO SOMEHTING TO HIM??? DIDNT TAE SAY THIS TOO???
His dark brown eyes greet you, sparkling in the moonlight and reflecting the snowfall outside. His cheeks have gained colour, his lips are parted. i would like a mind printer thank you
This is the first time you see him actually enjoy his orgasm. In the past it was as if his climax didn’t even affect him, maybe even as if it bored him. So seeing him so totally out of breath and with his face scrunched up and heated in bliss, it hits places on your heart you really didn’t want to be hit at tonight. definitely hit my heart entirely
“We’ll talk to Taehyung tomorrow. Alright? YESSSS ok i hope this is for real now, cuz heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰
they are talking THEY ARE TLKING omg jimin my baby i love you
“I happened.” fuck this is the hardest stuff to say
HOLY SHIT THATS WHY JOON SAID THIS IS TRUE THIS IS IMPORTANT ON THE BACK OF THE NOTES FUCK no wonder tae was panicking more and more during that pillowtalk
shit who is she? is she dead like he thinks orrr 👀👀 OR IS IT THE OLD GRANNY
I chained myself up in a casket and forced myself to dry out. That was supposed to be my fate.” FUCK, YOONGI 😭😭😭not the thoughts haunting no wonder he turns off his emotions and has such control over himself
“That is why the sorcerer cursed you and your lineage to insatiable hunger. Innocent people get hurt and killed. And the killer is left with painful guilt. This is the true curse of your lineage.” FUCK
wait so they were just normal vampires in the beginning? until the sorcerer cursed them? and made rippers and gluttons?
you know, i almost always feel shocked after seeing the warnings like SEX?? THIS FAST? we just had an "insert how the previous chapter ended" moment and we are going to fuck? lets go??? lets fucking goooo and then the smut comes and nothing is out of place. it fits like a glove, like my glasses on my nose. how do u do that? hell, only a few paragraphs in and the mood is set better than dinner table on a holiday
aww thank youu gosh I'm happy that you feel it doesn't feel out of place hehehe 🥺💜💜
where is yoongi? oh he is in sitting room. WE ARE DRINKING TOGETHER YAY. i can feel the atmosphere, vibe and the rooms so well. felt like i was visiting my house these days and now im back to live in this universe again
gaah I love this!! I'm happy that you do heheheh <3
“your deed was noble, but didn’t help him shit. SIR WHY ARE U LIKE THIS, WHY DO U KEEP RUBBING WOUNDS ON MY SALT
JFADJSFJ rubbing wounds on my salt jfadsjf
“so tell me honestly. Why did you join me for a drink? Why are you so nice to me? Is it so I would release Taehyung earlier than planned?” you write him sooo well fuck *nervous sweating WAIT ITS PRIDE MONTH * nervous gay sweating, gay blushing, gay panicking, gay looking away, gay scoffing (june is almost over and i had to use it)
GAAH THANK YOU!! omgmg I honestly love him in Sanguis Alpha he is so nfngnf dark and moody *loves him eternally*
I MEAN HELLOO???????????
Oh what a weak woman you are, you think, as you feel your own body draw closer to him. Your fingers entangle in his hair, your lips part. He tastes like whiskey. Oh what a contrast to his tender lips. THIS IS POETRY AND I WANT IT IN MY VEIN
ehheheh thank youuu <333
This view is fascinating. Min Yoongi on his knees, looking up at you after he kissed your foot. the only way to get this view, is to buy such a carpet 😔✊🏻
no but I actually need this view to survive fr
ANOTHER PANTY LOST 💀 f in the chat for respect 😔✊🏻 irrelevant but i remember a wattpad ff where people kept saying #stopdoorabuse201_ , #savethedoor201_
jsjsj I was never on wattpad so I don't know this trend jsdfjsj 😶
FUCK PUSSY SO GOOD MANS WARM DAMN call that magic pussy
He could ruin you, break you with just a flick of his tongue, corrupt you. But he doesn’t. He treats you with utter care tonight and it is driving you up the wall.  writing is too good, loving too good
thank you!!! hihihihiih
PRINCESS HITS DIFFERENT RIGHT NOW hold on did she do something to his emotions??
mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm 👀
He never told you, but you have the softest skin. His fingers haven’t touched such softness in centuries. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I forgot how romantic this scene is 😭😭
The world carved him just so one day he could be on his knees in front of the only woman who manages to make him want to be gentle. stop cutting onions😭
HAIR GRIPPING DYING SWIMMING LIVING IN PUSSY ON KNEES SQUIRTED HOLY FUCK ok maybe this is the hottest 2 people sex (watch me change it to the next one in the future)
jsdfj I love this energy 🤪
fuck this is a whiplash from the eating out cuz that was desperate and messy, this feels too intimate im wrapping myself in my blankie
right??? it doess omgmg it feels so intimate 😭😭
“Don’t let go of me, hold onto me. I promise, I’ll hold you”, DID WE JUST DO SOMEHTING TO HIM??? DIDNT TAE SAY THIS TOO???
His dark brown eyes greet you, sparkling in the moonlight and reflecting the snowfall outside. His cheeks have gained colour, his lips are parted. i would like a mind printer thank you
no joke?? ME FUCKING TOO or something that can turn imagination and dreams into movies so you can actually watch and hear what you are thinking about ufckkck that would be so hot omgmgm 🥵
This is the first time you see him actually enjoy his orgasm. In the past it was as if his climax didn’t even affect him, maybe even as if it bored him. So seeing him so totally out of breath and with his face scrunched up and heated in bliss, it hits places on your heart you really didn’t want to be hit at tonight. definitely hit my heart entirely
no but. me too.
“I happened.” fuck this is the hardest stuff to say
i just want him to be happy :(
HOLY SHIT THATS WHY JOON SAID THIS IS TRUE THIS IS IMPORTANT ON THE BACK OF THE NOTES FUCK no wonder tae was panicking more and more during that pillowtalk
shit who is she? is she dead like he thinks orrr 👀👀 OR IS IT THE OLD GRANNY
oh damnnn imagine it's actually her 👀
I chained myself up in a casket and forced myself to dry out. That was supposed to be my fate.” FUCK, YOONGI 😭😭😭not the thoughts haunting no wonder he turns off his emotions and has such control over himself
wait so they were just normal vampires in the beginning? until the sorcerer cursed them? and made rippers and gluttons?
No they were only humans, then did something to anger the socerer who as a punishment turned them into vampires. I can't say more without spoiling the plot
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chaotic-super · 2 years
For Her Sake - Chapter 3
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Read For Her Sake on Ao3 here!
Kara is so out of sorts from the events that have transpired that she’s barely even paying attention to where she’s going, tripping up the stairs twice on her way to the apartment.
She’s never felt more like a failure and she’s not sure whether it’s because the plan didn’t work, or because she was just exposed as a mother who can barely provide for her child to one of the richest people on the planet, someone so successful that she could just sit at home in her mansion doing nothing for the next thousand years without getting through even half of the money she has.
Either way, she should be grateful that her pride is the only thing to take a major hit tonight. Lena Luthor was right in regard to how stupid she’s been, how idiotic her plan was and how she could have very easily just deprived her own daughter, her pride and joy, of her presence in her life, of her mother.
That’s the one thing Kara can never let happen. They can lose everything but as long as they have each other, they will always be ok. Kara used to dream of her own parents after they passed and she always thought of that, of what she would be willing to trade to have them back and how she could be stripped of everything and she would be happy as long as she had them.
She didn’t get to make that deal before, after all, the dead are gone, but she can make that choice now. The choice to live with what they have and to be grateful to have each other.
She fidgets, reaching into her pocket for her keys and goes to grab them. In order to do so she passes the note from her right hand to her left and she actually looks at what had been pressed into her hand.
Kara almost drops it in fright, her heart suddenly pounding almost as hard as it did when she had a gun trained on her not long ago.
After she just tried to kidnap Lena and hold her for ransom, the woman just gave her four one hundred dollar bills, two fifties and two twenties. Lena Luthor just gave her everything out of her wallet, she just gave her enough money to pay for groceries and to get Lori a proper present for her birthday next month. Her little chipmunk will be five and she deserves to get something special.
She stuffs all but the twenties into her pocket and slides her key into the lock, tiptoeing inside so she doesn’t wake Alex and Lori.
The door gets deadbolted, this is a rough area and it’s their only real form of protection from anyone with any kind of malicious intent.
“Kara?” Alex’s hushed voice calls out, sleep still present in the way her words croak in her throat.
Through the darkness of the apartment, Kara can just about make out Alex’s form on the couch, lying across it lengthways and spread out as much as she can on the cushions.
“Yeah, it’s me. Go back to sleep, Alex.” Kara whispers, kicking off her shoes and pushing them aside with her ankle.
“Any issues helping out with the move?” Alex pushes herself up into more of a seated position, making a little bit of space for Kara to perch by her feet.
Kara takes the space, grateful to be sitting down, her knees feel weak with the adrenaline of everything happening finally starting to ease its way out of her body. “Nope, everything went ok. I’m just tired now. I got forty bucks for helping out.”
“I’m sorry, Kara.” By the tone of Alex’s voice, Kara already knows the look that must be written across her face, the one she does when she’s feeling guilty and beating herself up for something that isn’t her fault in the slightest.
Kara reaches over Alex’s legs, searching for her hand. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“You’ve been working overtime every day and picking up these weird jobs and being exhausted all the time. I can barely stay on my feet for more than ten or fifteen minutes and I feel so useless, I just want to help and be able to get a job again, to be able to get our lives back on track again.”
“I know. I wish we could be back where we were before too. Did you call up about the hospital bill? About seeing if you can get your insurance to cover some more of it?”
Alex’s hand holds Kara’s tight. “I tried, they said there’s nothing they can do.”
Rubbing a hand over her brow, Kara tries to think of something else to help them out, something legal this time. “Ok. I’m going to go call again tomorrow and try and put some pressure on them to see if they crack then. Let’s exhaust all of our options twice and see if we can find some wiggle room somewhere, something to work with.”
“Ok, but first, go and eat something and get some rest.”
Kara clicks her phone on, taking a look at the time and cringing, she isn’t going to get much sleep now, only a few hours until she’ll have to get up to get Lori ready for school. “Ew, tomorrow is going to suck.”
“Change your alarm, I’ll get Lori ready and take her to school tomorrow, then you can get some extra sleep.”
“Alex, it’s a twenty-minute walk both ways.”
Alex is quiet for a beat. “I’ll make it work. I’ll take my crutches just in case but I will make it work. Please, I have to do something other than watch my baby sister work herself to the bone just to come home and sleep for a couple of hours and then get right back to it.”
“You’ll call and wake me up if you’re struggling so I can come and help you?”
“I will, I promise.” Alex smiles to herself in relief, so glad that Kara is too tired to put up much of a fight so she can finally get out of this place and not feel so useless. She has a couple of resumes printed out too so if she’s feeling up to it, she can drop them in at a few of the businesses on the way back from the school, something Kara hasn’t been letting her do because she’s worried she’ll overexert herself and make her injuries worse. “Now, go and eat and get cleaned up so you can go to bed, there’s a little girl waiting to be snuggled by her mom.”
Kara snorts out a little laugh. “I don’t have to look to know that that little girl is starfishing across that bed and that I’m going to have to shove her back over onto her side to get in.”
“That little angel wouldn’t do that.” Alex smiles, looking through the dark over to the bed where a little lump is sleeping soundly beneath the duvet.
Kara snickers. “Then why didn’t you get in with her? I told you that I’d take the couch tonight.”
“She looked too peaceful to move, I’d rather you be the bad cop in that scenario,” Alex admits, fully aware of the soft spot in her heart for her niece.
“I knew it.” Kara stands, heading for the kitchen and turning on the tiny lap they have in there, the one that is the dimmest so they don’t accidentally wake Lori up with it when they are up late.
She opens up the cupboard, picks up a pack of ramen and makes a mental note to use some of the cash Lena gave her on groceries tomorrow on the way home.
Looking over at her sister, she can see that she’s falling asleep again so she gets her food ready as quietly as she can and shovels it into her face as soon as it’s done, searing off some of her taste buds in the process from how hot it is.
After a quick pitstop to the bathroom, Kara finds herself nudging Lori across the bed and wrapping her arms around the little one, eyes falling closed as soon as her head hits the pillow.
The buzzing of Kara’s phone wakes her up, a sound she absolutely despises.
Forcing herself to roll over and get it is only the first difficult task of the day but is definitely the hardest one she’s facing.
With her alarm off, she looks around the apartment and sighs into the quiet. With Alex and Lori gone it feels empty and wrong.
It does help her get ready quickly though, especially since she doesn’t have a child to appease or to try and follow her into the bathroom while she’s trying to do her morning business or shower.
She’s out of the door in no time, the cash she got from Lena sitting safely in her wallet ready for her trip to the store later and set for making her way to work, luckily it’s just a quick bus ride away.
Kara gets off the bus one stop early to drop into Noonan’s and get herself and her boss, Cat Grant, coffee, something she’s been in desperate need of since she woke up but to save on money, she waits for the one she can get on the company’s dime, rather than having one at home first.
She beats her boss into work with plenty of time to spare and uses the few extra minutes to get her desk looking presentable and to get Ms Grant’s schedule straightened out and ready for her arrival, masking everything that’s going on at home. If she lets on to her struggles then Ms Grant might not think she’ll be capable of taking on the increased workload that comes with being a reporter, her dream job, and it might just cost her the promotion she’s been working towards for years.
The best part about her job is that she has gaps in her work where she can fill the time sorting out her own affairs between sorting out Cat’s and so when her boss is off to attend a board meeting and requests that she stay back and to not interrupt her unless her business is crumbling, she uses the time to find an empty corner in the building and call up the hospital billing desk to try for the thousandth time to get them to agree to a lower upfront payment and to spread out the payment plan more so she can pay less each month, giving them more space to breathe.
“Hi, this is Kara Danvers calling in regard to the bill for Alexandra Danvers’ treatment, I would like to see if I can change the monthly rate.”
“Hello, Ms Danvers.” A surprisingly friendly voice greets her. She’s not spoken to anyone with such a friendly attitude in the billing department before. “I’m afraid I can’t lower the monthly rate because it looks like the debt has been paid in full, there are no monthly payments to be made.”
Kara’s jaw drops. What in the world is going on? “I’m sorry, I think I misheard, for a second there I thought you said that the bill has been paid.”
“It has, Ms Danvers. There are no bills due on your account. All debt has been paid off in full and the next six months’ physical therapy sessions have been prepaid.”
There’s a lump in Kara’s throat and “What? Can I ask who paid it?”
“I’m sorry, Ms Danvers, that’s confidential, all I can tell you is that it was confirmed as of eight AM today.”
A smile of pure relief and months’ worth of agony being released makes its way onto Kara’s face, tears welling up in her eyes. “Thank you, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, Ms Danvers, have a lovely day.”
“You too,” Kara replies, hanging up the phone and holding it to her chest, trying to collect herself. Alex is going to be ecstatic about this, it means that without that bill hanging over them, they will be able to catch up on bills, pay off their debts and save up for a deposit to move somewhere better. They could be out of the shitty apartment within a few months.”
There isn’t much of a mystery about who paid off the bill. There is only one person with that much money that she’s interacted with in the past twenty-four hours that knows what’s going on and that woman is Lena Luthor. She owes that woman her life at this point.
This isn’t news she can share with Alex over the phone, she needs to speak to her in person to tell her the good news and figure out how to explain why her bill has been paid without telling her why it has been paid, without telling her what she tried to do, she could never look Alex in the eye again if she knew what she tried to pull.
“Hey, Kara, you alright?”
Kara jumps and turns around quickly only to see her best friend, Winn Schott, standing behind her, a dorky smile on his face. “Never better, Alex’s hospital debt has been cleared.”
“What? Kara, that’s great news!” Winn scoops her up into a hug. “I knew you could talk those insurance people around into covering it, this means you’ll be able to move back to the good side of town, right?”
Kara grins. “Hopefully soon, I have a few other debts to pay off first but once that’s covered and I have enough money for a security deposit, we’ll be able to move somewhere better, probably not as nice as we were living before but nicer than this. Things are looking up.”
“I’m so happy for you guys, I have hated not being able to help.”
Kara smacks his arm lightly. “Winn, you changed your entire schedule to start your day early and leave early so you can go and get Lori from school and drop her off at home. You’ve done more for us than I can thank you for.”
“It’s nothing, I like spending time with my niece anyway and I like being the favourite over Alex because I get her ice cream sometimes.”
“You do what? I never knew that!” Kara exclaims.
Winn just laughs at her. “Well yeah, because you’d tell me not to.”
Kara isn’t mad at all, in fact, she’s immensely grateful that Lori is still being able to experience at least a few of the things they can’t afford to do anymore and the time she spends with Winn is one of the things that has been constant throughout everything and from what Winn has told her before, Lori really opens up to him and tells him a lot about how much she misses her dad, something she doesn’t like to speak about to anyone else.
“I don’t mind. I’m glad she has you.”
“And I’m glad to have all of you Danvers women in my life. Lori is my favourite by a mile though.”
Kara rolls her eyes at him. “I’m under no illusions that she is, she’s my favourite too.”
Winn smiles at her and starts walking back across the bullpen to his desk. “She’s a good kid, now you better get back to work before Ms Grant comes back and murders you for leaving your desk.”
“Good idea.” Kara agrees, taking a seat at her own desk and filtering through emails, getting back to work so to try and make time go quicker so she can get home and share the good news. Winn has given her the perfect excuse for why the debt is paid. She can just say that she got the insurance to cover it, tonight is going to be the best night they’ve had in weeks.
In the meantime though, between actual work and clock-watching, she does one more thing. Kara orders a bunch of flowers to be delivered to the L-Corp building, specifically to the office of the one and only, Lena Luthor. She adds a note to the order too, it’s the absolute minimum she can do but it’s better than nothing.
She wants to make it a super fancy bouquet but she’s still got to be sensible, times are still tight and she still has to pay not only this month’s rent but also that of last month that she didn’t manage to pay. She gets a simple bouquet instead and hopes it will do the trick.
There’s one main message she needs to get to Lena and the note is going to say it for her.
Ms Luthor,
I owe you and I can’t thank you enough. If there’s anything I can do to repay you, name it.
Kindest of regards,
Kara Danvers.
She wants to write more, to write a whole essay detailing how much this means to her and profusely apologise for what she tried to take part in but there doesn’t seem to be enough words to truly encapsulate the magnitude of the emotions coursing through her.
With the order submitted and the confirmation email in her inbox, she knows she can sleep happy tonight with a big portion of her stress taken off of her shoulders and a little thank you gift to Lena planned for tomorrow, she focuses on her work, being more focused and presenting the best work she’s done in a long time to the point where even Cat comments on it when she gets back from her meeting.
Kara gets into her work so deeply that Winn makes her jump for the second time in one day when he comes up to tell her that he’s leaving for the day. “I’m going to go and get the munchkin, Kara. I’ll see you tomorrow.
“Thanks, Winn. Can you actually do me an extra favour?”
 Winn is accepting before she can even say what it is, sliding his arms into the sleeves of his coat as he does so. “Yeah, of course, I can.”
“Can you check on Alex? She took Lori to school this morning and I haven’t heard from her to see how it went.”
“Good for her, getting back out there. I’ll let you know how she is when I get home.”
Kara is so very grateful for her friend. Not as grateful as she is for the woman who just paid off their mountain of medical debt but still grateful nonetheless. “You’re the best.”
“I know.”
Read more chapters early on Patreon here!
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xichengyi · 2 years
The Bet Gone Wrong
JC and LH lost on their own bet on who's Jingyi's favorite family member. Jiang Cheng betted on Jin Ling because the two understood each other and Lan Xichen betted on Sizhui because the two are close but it turns out jy favorite family member is
Madam Yu! Which made the furen blush and cocky with pride because she is Jingyi's favorite!
JC: Huan ge what's my punishment?
XC: Wear the bunny suit that I bought you last week.🥰😳
What about my punishment ACheng? 🥺
JC: You'll sleep on the couch, no kisses, hugs, or cuddles outside or inside the house for a month.🤗😄
XC: dafuq?!😨 That's cruel A Cheng! You know I can't live without those(kisses,hugs,and cuddles and sleeping beside JC) this is torture and abuse!😭😭🥹
JC: You'll live Huan ge its just a month 😌
Lan Xichen was able to made love with Jiang Cheng in a bunny suit and he was the happiest and horniest person alive, but it didn't last long when Jiang Cheng later on gave his own pillow and comforter and Jingyi saw him sleeping at the couch.
Jingyi: Yey! Sleep over with Baba! But Where's A Die?
XC: A Die's on our room Baba is just taking is consequence. A Yi sleep with your ol good baba from now on ok? So that baba won't get lonely
Jingyi: ok baba! 😄
After that night Jingyi didn't sleep with him again.
Xichen was tortured and is in hell for a month.
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morgenlich · 1 year
ig i should write out a more complete feliks timeline from the partitions until the 1990s lol, um. spoilers for last light and its planned sequel tho, also i'm writing this off the top of my head and not looking up specific dates so [gestures]
so, while in my hcs tolys got stuck w ivan full time (though he ran off more than a few times lol he was never successful in escape endeavors for very long), feliks was after the partitions initially shunted between gil and rod (ivan imo just. absolutely hates his guts and wanted nothing to do with him lmao and besides he had new full time prizes like tolys he didn't need to split custody of another one); he managed to run off for good shortly before the napoleonic wars started and met up with francis (this is also when i have him changing his name from mieczyslaw to feliks), fought alongside him for a bit, established the republic of warsaw, then basically sent himself into exile after its collapse because he felt that staying in his own land would be too risky; he didn't want to go back to being a hostage after all
(he does return for some later rebellions of course)
he's not really in the mood to deal with francis for a bit after that, he just strikes out on his own, not really paying much attention to where he goes. he ends up all over because of this, like he'll literally stow away on a ship he has no idea of the destination of so he sees not only a good bit of europe but also ends up in asia and i think also probably in the us, somewhat briefly, and he wants to avoid the attention of other nation reps so he doesn't actually meet up with any of them intentionally. he works a bunch of odd jobs during this time because he basically only owns the clothes on his back (and his wedding ring. he manages to keep hanging onto that), inlcuding some sw which he hates (i hc him as very firmly demisexual)
eventually in the 1870s-ish, he winds up in france again. he's living on the street and ends up with tuberculosis, which gets bad enough it actually kills him. when he revives from this, he realizes he's still ill and is going to need to like. properly recover, so he swallows his pride and goes to look for francis, who takes him in for a while; they end up staying in the south for a bit, i wrote a little fic about this a couple years ago lol. eventually though they get fed up with each other and feliks dips again, resumes wandering around but now he has fucked up lungs :) also it's around this time that he discovers opium which also becomes a lasting problem for him. but it helps his lungs not feel like they're constantly being stabbed so wcyd
he ends up in france again around the start of w/w1 and initially fights w the french but eventually makes his way east, finally back on his own land. the war ends, he's independent again, etc etc. 1918 is also the first time since the partitions that he's able to meet up with tolys again, imo--even in shared rebellions the two just never quite managed to be in the same place at the same time--though ofc this just ends up with tolys wanting nothing to do with him for a couple decades (i go. back and forth on what feliks himself actually thought about the war between them tbh)
ok here's where we get into last light + sequel spoilers
w/w2 starts, feliks initially fights in warsaw and is captured in late september. spends like a week or two in prison before gil arrives in warsaw and is put in charge of him, at which point he's put under house arrest. manages to keep his Connections to the resistance (how? idk it's not important and no it will not be explained in LL lmao), stays there until the spring of 1944 when [massive spoilers that otherwise don't involve feliks] and he's forced to go into hiding for a few months (along with my human oc irena kowalczykowa), until the AK fighting starts and then ofc he (and irena) is involved in that until he's captured again; the ak is able to get him back for a few minutes before some russian spies attack them and feliks and irena end up with them
at this point feliks is too exhausted and weak to really put up any resistance to this fact, and he just stays in russian custody, hiding in the mountains with some partisans until the spring of 45 when they make their way to krakow where ivan has temporarily set up camp; feliks continues to stay in russian custody from this point though like he's not officially a prisoner and they make him agree to cooperate so he does end up with like his own apartment and stuff. but he doesn't stay there very long because in 1948 ivan finally is allowed to return home and he's been told to bring all the other ussr and satellite reps with him so feliks gets dragged to moscow to live in an extremely overcrowded house until 1952.
after stalin dies policy toward the reps changes and the satellites are going to be allowed to return to their own land; feliks is the first to do so because as mentioned all the way at the beginning ivan just hates him and doesn't want to live with him at all lol so he ends up back in warsaw where he stays, remaining more or less cooperative (by his standards at least) until the ussr collapses.
he spent some time in the 90s trying to participate somewhat actively in his new government but realized that 1. he'd kind of gotten used to just doing his own thing 2. he's too vocally queer, etc, to get along with them, so nowadays he does the absolute bare minimum in this regard (mostly interacting w other reps for them) and spends his free time doing whatever he wants instead. also he lives in krakow, not warsaw, bc he likes krakow more (aside from like. in my heart feeling like he's a krakowiak, i think he just associates warsaw with war and the comm. regime and really wants very little to do with it) and hey he's not got v many gov't responsibilities so it doesn't matter lol
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Can't Think Straight ~Pt. 1~
I always thought of myself as a normal person. Just a regular 17-year-old girl going to school and trying not to fuck up her life. A girl with a few-but good friends, good grades, excellent parents, and an awesome boyfriend. Like I said, I always thought I was normal, just like anyone else. But…There’s this thing, this…feeling, like there’s something wrong. Most of the time I choose to ignore it, as long as I can move on with my day as usual.
Everything was going according to my schedule: Wake up. Take a shower. Have breakfast with my family. Go to school. Do homework with my friends and finally, hang out with my boyfriend. Until the point where I saw a moving truck parked in the garage of the house next to mine, which normally isn’t something weird but…
“Oh, new neighbors!” said  my boyfriend, Matt. “We should go say hi, Annie.” The thing about this town is that it’s so small, every time someone new moves in everyone finds out and tries to investigate every little detail about them, which leads to gossip around the town. Only a few families that have lived here for generations are the ones that still stay in Murkwell Valley for the rest of their life. That was the case of my family. The Watsons have lived in this town for 10 generations and the current Watsons have no intentions of leaving. My parents: Robert and Galena Watson, had dated since high school and, according to them, always thought of getting married once Dad finished college. By the time they were my age, they had already planned their whole future together; and they always make it a point to remind me that I should do the same.
Me? I don’t even know what to study in college, how the heck am I supposed to think about getting married right now? I don’t know if Matt is planning for us to have a future together either. Dad always talks about the way Mom looked the first time he saw her: long dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile. He says he just knew he had to marry her. Mom remembers Dad as a tall, black haired bad-boy with gray eyes and that it was love at first sight. Dad says I look just like Mom, but with some of his facial features. My sister, on the other hand, looks exactly like Dad, and my brother looks like Mom. I’m more like a combination of the two of them. That being said, Matt and I have only dated for like 3 months and my parents act like he is the one who will carry me to the altar.
“Ok, let’s go just to say hi, then we can go home.” I said, a little tired. I just wanted to go to sleep after the hard day I had at school with all the preparations for the school’s Pride Dance for the anniversary of its founder, and college counseling to help with choosing the right major; but Matt was too nice to just ignore the new people next door. We started walking towards the truck, when we saw a fluffy dog running in our direction trying to get away from its owner. 
I kneeled and grabbed the runaway dog. As I was trying to look for its tag among all the fur, a girl’s voice caught my attention.
“Hey! That’s my dog!” When I turned to look at her, I went into shock. The girl looked my age but had bobbed, curly, colorful hair, with the right side shaved off. She also had a little piercing on her nose, sky-blue eyes and pale skin. The word that came to my mind was “beautiful”. I had never seen a person that looked like that in this town, since everyone is VERY catholic, we're usually not allowed to dye our hair or pierce our skin. She looked so cool. “Sorry, I was returning from a walk to calm his energy, but it seems he needed a longer walk”
“Oh, don’t worry, I was just catching him for you” I said as I laughed awkwardly and scratched my head. “That’s a beautiful dog,” I added. For someone who is leader of the welcome committee at school, I suck at social interactions with new people, but since I pretty much already know everyone here, I don’t have the necessity of introducing myself that often.
She smiled at me and then looked at the dog. “Yeah, he is pretty cute. It’s a Finnish Spitz, aka a domestic fox,” She laughed “The downside to the breed is its energy.” Once the dog was secured with its leash, she got up and waved at us. “Hi! You must be our neighbors” The girl extended her hand at me. “I’m Minerva, but my friends call me Mina!” She smiled as I grabbed her hand. “And you are…?” She’s so formal.
“Oh! My name is Annabelle, but I go by Annie” Her eyes looked so deep, yet so soft as they gazed back at me. A strange thought came to my mind, but quickly disappeared when Matt shook her hand.
“I’m Matt, Annie’s boyfriend.” Her smile dropped for a second, but came back again as she looked at me. What was that about? “Welcome to Murkwell Valley, Mina.” 
“Thanks for the welcome. It’s nice to know the neighbors are friendly” She kept her eyes on me with a big smile. “And thank you, for catching my dog, I owe you one.”
“Oh, I was just worried that it would run onto the street and get hit or something, you don’t owe me anything” I said, while playing nervously with the edge of my sweater sleeves. She then continued to insist, saying her conscience wouldn’t allow the savior of her ‘precious baby’ go unrewarded. “Ok then, you can pay me back by coming for dinner at my house.” I suggested, but quickly added “-you can bring your family, of course. That way our parents can meet and talk before the other neighbors organize a welcome party and make things awkward by asking a bunch of questions” Her face lit up and nodded. “Great! Dinner at eight, hope you can make it.”
“I’ll tell my parents right away. See you later, Annie.” For some reason, the way she said my name left me feeling weird, as I saw her jump back to her house being followed by her dog. Well, that interaction didn’t go as badly as I imagined. Maybe there’s hope for my awkwardness after all. I’m actually glad we ran into each other, and I hope to get to know more about her…
“What a sweet girl, I hope you can make friends with her!” Matt brought me back from whatever I was thinking, into reality. I shook my head to clear my mind and looked at him. “What happened? You spaced out for a second there.”
“Sorry, I must be mentally beat after today. Volunteering to help Ms. Matisse grade papers was seriously a terrible idea” Matt giggled as he took my hand and walked me back to my house. “You can come to dinner too if you want, babe.” I said hopefully.
“Ehm… I think I’ll pass. The boys invited me to a pre-game party to prepare for this year’s Battle of Murkwell Valley High. Lots of schools from different towns are coming to challenge the current winning team. Us. I even heard a school from the big city is coming.” The big city was actually the state’s capital, Kingsham, but we in the town call it that because there’s only small towns around it and no other city. Matt left a kiss on my forehead and smiled, “Besides, you can start getting to know your new neighbor. You have been a little sad since Holly went to see her mom for the holidays.” I appreciated Matt’s attempt of making me feel better, but I had forgotten Holly left since I had too many things to do, and meeting Mina just now had also cleared my mind of any thoughts. Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. As our lips touched, all the weird thoughts in my mind cleared out, except for one, preventing me from totally enjoying my boyfriend’s embrace.
“Ok, I’ll try to be her friend.” I said with a big sigh because I knew he wouldn’t let the situation go until I caved in. “I love you, babe.” He let out a nervous laugh, probably because he still wasn’t ready to say it back, even when he said it was fine that I said it first.
“I… should go. Gotta help mom with some things before I go to the meeting” I thought it was a party? Whatever, I’m not gonna say anything. He let go of his embrace and quickly grabbed his thing and left. I stood outside the door until I saw Matt leave the street of my house, then I went back in, just to find my parents in the living room watching a movie. I went past them, leaving a kiss on their cheeks and walking towards the kitchen, where my food was in the fridge, waiting for me to reheat it since I got out of school late.
Once I was done washing my plate, I stayed in the living room, chatting with my parents about school and other stuff for a few hours. They asked if Matt had already invited me to the dance, to which I said yes, knowing full well that he didn’t want to come in the first place because he thought it was boring and a waste of time, even though he was aware I was one of the people organizing the damn thing. Nevertheless, I felt that if I said anything he wouldn’t pay attention, like he does when I try to tell him how I feel. 
Later in the day I went upstairs to get ready for dinner. I told my mom as I was going up that I invited the new neighbors over to get to know them, she didn’t seem to mind and started to cook dinner for more people. Gotta love her ability to adapt to a change of plans. On my way to my room, I said ‘Hi’ to my brother, who had his door open and just waved at me; and to my sister, who only responded by closing her door. 
When I was in my room, I quickly took a shower and started to look in my closet for possible options to wear tonight. I narrowed it down to two dresses. One was pink with white flowers on it, the other one was red with black details at the bottom. I decided the pink one was too girly, so I grabbed the red dress and got changed.
As I was putting on a red bra, I noticed the window in the house next to mine had the lights turned on. When I took a closer look, I realized it was Minerva’s room, since I could see the jacket she was wearing today hanging by the door. My face suddenly turned red at the thought of that girl watching me change. I dressed as fast as I could, then I went to see if she was in her room, but Mina wasn’t there.
Since I was already dressed for dinner, I just sat down next to the window while I analyzed the things I saw in her room. There was a shelf with a lot of books, some boxes with the labels “make up” and “winter clothes”, her bed with blue sheets and her laptop on top of it. Multiple band posters were already up on the walls and some weird plushies adorned her desk. She clearly had a busy morning setting up her room. I also saw her dog’s bed in the corner with the word “Zero” stitched to the front, but as I was looking at it, the door opened. Her dog walked in like it owned the place, then Mina walked in wearing just a towel around her body and another on her hair. My face lit up red again, making me throw myself to the ground so she couldn’t see me. 
Once the awkwardness went away, I decided to take a quick look, just to see if she’d noticed me on the window. I slowly raised my head, hoping she didn’t notice how creepy I was being, just to find her looking at dresses like I was doing moments ago. That’s when I realized she was just as nervous as me to have dinner tonight, even if it was with our whole family. I figured making friends was probably difficult for her. Mina looked just as nice as she was this afternoon, the only thing different was the fact that she was still wearing only a towel. Just as that thought crossed my mind, she turned her head around towards the window, forcing me to close the drapes in panic. I don’t know if she saw me or not, but I wouldn’t blame her if she changed her mind about coming to dinner…
This is gonna be a long story that I hope I can continue to update and not leave unfinished like all of my other works lmao With the help of a dear friend serving as my editor, I'll make sure to write a few chapters in advance to keep posting regularly <3
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
So the other night a NHL player declined to participate in warmups because of pride gear, but he wasn’t be derogatory about it. He said he respects everyone’s choice, just that his chose to stay true to him and his religion (Russian orthodox). Despite that, he earned the ire of a gay NHL agent who said that it’s clear NHL isn’t safe for gays and that he was completely being selfish by choosing not to participate in that and more conversations will be needed with this player. Thoughts?
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I bet those Christian Post and LGBTQ Nation articles have interesting takes on this, likely distasteful at places too.
Had this article sitting waiting for a few min where I could read it, think you just gave me the excuse to do that here, we'll see if I guess correctly.
Amiddle school in New Jersey has removed rainbow-themed “safe zone” signs from its campus. Superintendent Peter Turnamian announced the change at a January 3 board of education meeting.
The LGBTQ+-affirming signage at Long Valley Middle School, in place since 2019, was the result of a student-led effort at inclusiveness. Recent complaints by parents led Turnamian, superintendent for the Washington Township School District, to consult with district lawyers.
“Ultimately, the advice of legal counsel was to have them come down,” Turnamian said of the signs. Lawyers characterized parents’ concern over favoritism as “appropriate criticism.”
The superintendent unveiled plans for a “Profile of a Panther” initiative to replace the safe zone signs, using the school’s mascot to “encourage kindness” among the school’s sixth- to eighth-grade students. Plans for the initiative would be developed with feedback from the community, said Turnamian.
The change marks a victory for parents who lobbied for the signs’ removal. A months-long campaign at school board meetings in the rural township in southern New Jersey brought out residents on both sides of the issue.
“School should be a safe space for all kids, not just some kids,” newly elected school board member John Holly said at the meeting in early January. “Is this just a convenient way to push ideology on kids?” he asked, speaking of the rainbow-themed signage. ______________________
Cutting a lot off of the end there, doesn't feel entirely relevant not that I'm opposed in any way to creating a welcoming and safe envrionment.
“Ultimately, the advice of legal counsel was to have them come down,” Turnamian said of the signs. Lawyers characterized parents’ concern over favoritism as “appropriate criticism.”
That had to hurt to write, situation there and with the NHL dude I think can be summed up in a short little ditty about faith and religion.
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I run into a bit of issue with this since proselytizing is part of most faiths, but there's a massive difference between asking a friend if they'd like to join you for church or whatever and the westboro baptist church, as two very extreme ends of spectrum.
Be all end all of these things is that you have every right to live your life the way you want to live your life, within reason obviously, what you do not have is the right to force anyone else to participate.
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Got these dudes taking a knee, NFL I think it is that says go ahead and stay in the locker room till it's over. You're ok with that I can't see a issue with the gentleman not wanting to participate. Especially considering the guy isn't protesting just sitting it out quietly.
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First amendment says these kids could refuse to say the pledge if they wanted to so so as is their right.
In the end it would come down to a situation where the response is something along the lines of
I respect you and and respect your rights to live your authentic life the way you want to live, I will take no part in anything that hinders your ability to live the authentic life you want to live and will actively fight for that to continue.
All I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me.
Activism done with a gun pointed at your head isn't activism, you don't bully people into being an ally
Nothing indicates the guy has any personal issues with LGBT people, his actions are because of his faith.
Guy crying about it is being a bully, because he knows that will work to get people on his side.
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Things my friend said during our House of Ashes playthrough part 2
Babe stop coughing we were about to kiss (about Clarice and Rachel)
Did I just abandon Clarice oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry oh no no no no! Go back go back can we please replay that?!?! I can't leave my vampire girlfriend! (We did replay the blood pit chapter lol)
What you doing offering him a bottle when his hands are tied what the fuck he gonna do?!? (Eric offering Salim a drink)
(I knew you were trouble softly playing in the next room as Nick follows Jason) ah shit they about to fuck right?
(Chooses the 'they attacked our country option by accident') wait no! No! I became racist!? Wait no! First I lost my girlfriend (Clarice) and then I lost my boyfriend (Joey) and now I'm racist? Please please can we replay this again (we replayed the Blood pit chapter 3 times lol)
(About Eric dissecting the vampire) ur a nuclear engineer what the fuck do u know about biology?
(Playing as Jason again) ok let's try to not be racist this time
(Nick says "this is the closest I've been to hell") That's OK baby I'll take you to heaven right here
I want Rachel to live so she can be with Clarice
(After being told Clarice dies no matter what but that they could both become vampires) oooo then that's the ending I'm going for
(When we finally get back to the blood pit) God I hate this part I just want to get back to my girlfriend. Also ma'am ur hoo-ha is gonna be infected after this
I don't care what u say those vampires are sneaking out of that fucking cave. They are coming out. It's pride month and the demons are coming out
(Proceeds to replace every unintelligible part for randolphs journal with the word masturbating and cries laughing)
(Having completely forgotten what the vampire looks like) Oh God it's like the xenomorph but uglier!
(Sees Joey as a vampire) Damn he kind of Sexier like this
(About to go over the chasm with Clarice) I swing that way do you swing that way?
(Manages to replay the Blood pit only to choose the options where Clarice ends up deciding to stay behind) I did all that and my girlfriend left me? Fuck it I'm not playing that again let's finally continue (we did finally continue lol)
Men be talking about fighting demons when really it's just bisexual thoughts
Are we ever gonna talk about Nick killing Merwin or are we gonna gloss over that like it was just a war thing?
I'm getting to Eric levels of hatred with Dar
Dar is a burden on humanity but Eric is a cum stain on life (what did Eric do to my friend lol she hated him so much hahaha)
(Jason says "this is our house our rules!") It really isn't though?
(Reading the relationship updates) what do u mean Rachel broke the news of her relationship with Nick harshly? How else do u break that to someone? Oh I'm sorry. I accidently penetrated another man?
I don't care about turning Rachel into a vampire anymore. My vampire girlfriend left me so I'm leaving her like I left my husband-wait is this karma?
(Me surviving as Eric even though my friend abandoned me as Rachel) I'm comin for ya treacherous wife
(Eric to Nick "you stay out of my way") ill just stay in your wife then
Jason just looking for excuses to touch Salim huh?
So this is hr Geiger's wet dream
Can we have a part 2 where the US government tries to use it as a weapon and fucks up?
Please blink (immediately screams when the fluid covered surviving prologue character blinks)
(When the crucifix didn't help as Nick) God said this was not one of mine abort
(When Salim crawled into the star chamber first) bye yall I got a son
Who am I talking to? Salim? (Tells her its Eric) God damn it
(When Rachel and Eric talk in the star chamber) I'm just gonna leave now cause we can't both be on our period
(When the cocoons is blowing up) its 5 o clock in the morning? I'd crawl into a cocoon and have a catnap
(About Jason and Salim) I want to see them on 90 day fiance
Maybe the solution to racism is aliens
(When vampire Clarice popped out in the waterfall) my girlfriend!
(When the eclipse happens) ah hell no
(When poppin flares) Marvel has 24hrs to respond avengers endgame who?
(When the Curator started talking at the end after we saved everyone) mother fucker just congratulate me
(During the interviews specifically with Rachel) can I take a shower? Please??? I was a blonde before this I am now a red head
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furys-burn · 2 years
undercut is some Thalia +Her Dad thoughts since a podcast I listened to raised a good point we never get a super clear view of how she sees her dad since its always from Percy (Jealousy and some idol worship) Luke (Super biased and their younger selves) and a touch of Annabeth (Super young and idol worship) 
So Thalia vaguely knew that her dad was some big shot but fell back on him being a CEO, director, etc type and that any mention of Zeus was her mother’s own zeal. Her mother enough of a personality that being told “You father is a god” can be chalked up to her own editing of her life. What Thalia did know (And continues to be a theme of her character) is what she can physically point at and prove like he was out of their lives, he never met her, and he only showed up to give her a younger brother. That is Zeus. 
It is only when her powers start manifesting that she gets the demigod talk (Personally hc it as when Jason goes missing she starts an entire lighting storm in her anger and grief that flattens the forest) 
She is out of Beryl’s soon after Jason’s disappearance and it is on her own where she starts to form her own mythos around Zeus. She trusts him enough to follow the goat and I think her mother’s own fanatical worship makes her think that he may not be all that bad. That maybe he’ll help her and she’ll be a hero and anything sounds better than what she is leaving behind. A small part of her believes that Zeus may even welcome her to Olympus, a remnant of her mother’s wishes through the eyes of a child. Maybe a mistress can’t stay...but his own daughter? 
Months of travel go by and the odd aid from her father keeps her going with enough belief that he starts to become  Along the way she meets Amaltheia who leads her to Luke in a dragon cave. This is where her image of the gods starts to change as his already less than gleeful view offers another perspective from her mother’s and her own barely there experience with her dad. This feeling is strengthened as things just keep getting worse for them and it turns into less “survive for Olympus” into plain survive. Especially once she realizes there is no way he will let her live out a life happy in the clouds; she continues on until the house and Annabeth and she switches her focus onto them. 
Thalia at that point in the story sees her dad as a neutral figure. Not as awful as Luke but will not sing his praises. She would also try to keep things on the DL around Annabeth wanting to let her keep any feelings for her mother especially after her dad+stepmom situation. 
But then the hill happens and this is where everything changes for Thalia. 
In those last moments she did not want to die. Thalia was never a martyr, she tried too hard to survive and when it all broke she had to make a choice of herself or them and she will always choose them. Maybe she prayed to her father, maybe she heard him for the first time but not when they were already cornered or when Jason was gone to only he knew where. 
But being brought back and realizing you lost five years of your life and that your once best friend is trying to destroy the world REALLY FUCKING SUCKS (And he tried to kill you? ok. Oh and you’re now the prophecy? Double ok.) 
After an alarming number of Ls this makes her view her dad less than favorable. He does not reach out to her and besides the odd help of the gods, she has the feeling that she is not where she is meant to be. Even when she joins the Hunters, to me it feels like Thalia just giving up and exiting the game altogether. She meets Zeus and it confirms that she does not see him as a dad and while she has that need for pride she also finds it in other places like the Hunters, her found family, and later Jason. Zeus is just an afterthought in her life and this maybe the best it can get as a demigod. 
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