#its pure dad wukong
ritz-writes · 1 year
so i made a small change to good things come to those who wait, for those who haven't noticed 👀
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see anything different?
like a... chapter count perhaps? 🤭
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digitaldoeslmk · 11 months
I find it interesting that MK basically has to learn the opposite lesson his mentor did when it comes to violence. from what I understand swk slowly learned that not all conflicts had to be solved with bloodshed. and MK has to find peace with the fact that not all conflicts can be solved peacefully. People minds can't always be changed, not every villain is broken/misunderstood/misguided, and sometimes people are just pure evil. its no wonder his mental health is unstable, and i'm sure swk isn't thrilled seeing this sweet kid have to struggle so much with it.
yes!!!! yes you got it!!!!! :D
on a deep level too, JTTW has a running theme that the more violent one's response to a crime, the more violent is the reprisal for that response if it fails. the whole arc of the Havoc in Heaven is about a monkey and yaoguai warlord being thrown into an environment he wasn't equipped or prepared to handle the expectations of, and that punishing him instead of properly preparing him for his role has consequences. also you can interpret it in a symbolic way: as Wukong is the Mind Monkey, the restless and unrestrained human mind, you can't punish yourself into becoming better, you must stop, learn, and understand your situation before moving forward. otherwise what you get is just, a mess spiritually and mentally.
meanwhile, MK was brought up in a very loving and understanding environment. yes, the show portrays his friends and family (Pigsy and Tang are his dads, you cannot change my mind) as far from perfect, but they are altogether a circle that loves and supports each other even through their mistakes, and it's their flaws that makes them stronger. however, in esoteric Buddhism there's the concept of a ruthless compassion, in that sometimes you need a heavy hand to stir people towards the right path; in this article my friend JTTWR shares how even Wukong's golden fillet is a display of that concept.
and yes, an understanding and kind approach can take you very far; in my au, MK manages to befriend and help turn around most of the enemies he encounters, not unlike the show! but sometimes, that's not enough, and sometimes, it only makes things worse and drags you down with them. sometimes, violence is a valid and even necessary answer for the good of the majority.
as for Wukong... as a bodhisattva, he knows that suffering is necessary for learning and that he can't shield MK from everything. one must face adversity to learn to overcome it. but as a grandpa himself, he's not keen on the suffering of beings, much less those close to him. he can offer an ear to MK's vents, a shoulder to cry on, a hug, a joke, a few matches of games to take his mind off things. MK needs to learn these harsh lessons, but Wukong's not letting him do it by himself.
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tiredconfusednovice · 3 years
A Monkie Kid AU where Sanzang is immortal like Wukong, they’re married. And nothing hurts.
Resisting the urge to scream into the couch cushions, Wukong instead choose the higher road, and muttered loudly into them, “after I’m done with my panic attack, I’m divorcing you.”
Sanzang hummed and Wukong heard him walk over. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he peeked up from the couch to see Sanzang offering him a cup of tea.
The sweet aroma of peaches filled the air, and Wukong was falling in love all over again.
“Okay, maybe I won’t divorce you.” Wukong admitted, sitting up to hold the cup by its sides with both hands. He sighed, closing his eyes, inhaling the fragrance, grounding himself. “Thank you, love of my life.”
“You’re welcome my dear.” Wukong felt lips press against his forehead. Opening his eyes he saw Sanzang smiling down at him, lips quirked in a way that Wukong knew he was suppressing laughter.
“How do you think the kid’s doing?” Wukong asked, instead of issuing another empty threat of divorce.
“If I were to guess, about as well as you.”
Wukong grimaced and sipped at his tea, perfect as always. “So not great?”
“Probably not. I’m not sure why you’re both being so silly about this; I think it was very sweet.” Wukong almost glared at him again, before realizing that the man was being genuine. He really did think this situation was cute. He groaned, letting his head drop.
“Why would MK even call me that?”
Wukong winced. “Yes, that.”
“It’s rather obvious I’d say.”
Wukong lifted his head to raise a brow at his husband, trying to convey just how insane he thought he was. It must’ve worked, because Sanzang rolled his eyes with a sigh, before sitting down next to him, facing him.
Wukong turned in his seat to face him full on, taking another sip. Sanzang, still smiling, still turning his insides into mush after all these years.
“You’re there for him, you listen to him. You do your best for him.”
“All of his friends do that, hey, even Red Son has started—“
Sanzang interrupted smoothly, “You played catch with him yesterday, my dear.”
“That was for training.” It was a weak protest even to his own ears. MK had asked so awkwardly, holding a ball up like it was an apology. Like he should feel guilty just for asking. Wukong couldn’t even imagine saying no. Couldn’t imagine letting the kid think that he didn’t want to spend time with him.
His husband sighed, somehow even more heavily, before reaching forward to cup his face in his hands.
Wukong, helplessly smitten, shamelessly nuzzled into it.
“I’m getting you a card tomorrow.” Sanzang told him solemnly.
“Please have mercy.” Wukong could feel the corners of his lips rising against his will.
Sanzang’s eyes danced with mischief and pure adoration.
“It’s going to say, “congratulations, it’s a boy!” on it.”
“I thought you loved me.” Wukong protested, unable to keep the laughter out of his voice.
“I do, that’s why I’m not divorcing you for hiding this secret child of yours.” Wukong wanted to object to that, how could he have told Sanzang, if he himself had been unaware? But, the clever man pressed his forehead against his own, turning his brain off. “and after I get you that card, I’m going to force you and MK to talk tomorrow.”
Insides overwhelmed with butterflies, all the Monkey King could say was: “Okay.” Turning his head, he pressed a kiss into Sanzang’s palm. “Love you.”
“I Love you too.”
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