#its really just because i know this wip is a oneshot that im like
mangoisms · 1 year
using calmly writer again. i used it way back when it was just a chrome extension and now they do have the online version available but they've also moved to a downloadable software. decided to try it out for this one oneshot i am working on bc i wanted more font options (only three on the online version but Much More in the download which is nice, especially since i can use lucida grande, ao3's font, that was a very nice find)
it also has different background presets and there's this one...
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sort of. curious. i mean. old school. from where. i was so surprised when i clicked it and then everything changed this... very bright bright LOL. or not bright. but. idk. it Stands Out
ETA: it also has this awesome typewriter sound for when you type! do really like that too
otherwise. pretty solid program. you do need a license to keep using the program and its... $12 USD i think? but you can also download it without putting in payment info and it'll give you an unknown amount of time for the trial, which is what i am on. $12 is pretty good, i think, but i like formatting my writing in..... classic book format? (no idea what it should be called but like. no spaces between paragraphs and indents/tabs at the start of each one, you know) and when pasting over from docs, it does get rid of that/other formatting like italics.
you can indent in the software (but not online, also another reason i decided to give the download a try) but it's kind of. well. gestures to the picture. it doesn't do it automatically, either, you have to do it each time. also don't even know if those indents will hold when i export it which might Stink but i'm saving that problem for my future self (so, like, later tonight). also for a proper em dash, you have to hit '-' three times; two makes it Very Small and again. don't know how it holds when its being exported so i just want to be safe/stay consistent with how long the em dashes were originally when typed in docs
that's really the main thing with it. i like my indents. and i also always copy and paste stuff back into google docs when i'm done working on my laptop (where i might ordinarily use scrivener to write, which doesn't give me any problems with any of these things and with copying back to docs), that way i can keep writing on my phone if i'm going to bed or something. of course now i'm using calmly as like... new program. new inspo. i love environmental changes As We All Know. so i'm overlooking it for the grind (the writing)
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your hcs have intrigued me immensely and i would also like to know about funkobra if its not too much trouble :]
'if it's not too much trouble' babygirl i am literally in love with you shut up
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ghoul is Never Ever Ever Ever Allowed to drive Python [kobra's bike]. well, he's not allowed to drive the Am either, but kobra enforces the rule so much harder than party. its fine though, ghoul likes riding with his arms around kobra's waist anyway :) [< oneshot idea hello.]
kobra's such a simp, like when ghoul puts even the teeniest tiniest effort into how he looks [even just like. cleaning the grease and sand and blood off his face] kobra's like. oh. hi. hello. who is this beautiful person i see. and incredibly embarrasses himself blushing. god forbid ghoul puts on eyeshadow, kobra'd DIE
one time they tried to bake together. the oven blew up.
they like watching the stars on the roof above the diner
ghoul has nightmares a lot, and kobra often wakes up in the middle of the night to find him crying, so kobra has to comfort him. usually the best way to fix it is to just hug him really really bone crushingly tight until he falls back asleep.
that's also why they never sleep in the dark, there's always a few candles on, or the blinds open so the stars light up the room
ghoul's really religious, but kobra and the witch are tight, which makes for some... interesting dynamics. ghoul's all 'kobra you have to respect her!!!' "if you're praying tell that bitch to stop resurrecting party on witchfucker wednesday"
kobra has a tattoo gun, and he's always adding ones for ghoul. the most recent ones, he got all their joy symbols done down his collarbone. kobra kisses those.
they make dumb bets all the time, like 'if this coin flip lands heads then i get all your rations for a week' "if you dont clear this jump you have to sleep outside tonight" and then jet has to come in and be like. no no. you don't get to starve eachother just because you lost a bet. you dont have to commit to the bit that hard.
kobra teaches ghoul to read, but he still likes kobra reading to him best
ghoul will only ever use petnames in spanish [i read in a fic somewhere that he was half spanish and i love that so much and now its canon to me] like, he'll never say babe or sweetheart or anything, only hermoso and los querido and mi corazon
ghoul loves bright colours and stuff, so he has a bunch of necklaces and beaded bracelets and stuff that kobra made him which he wears everywhere, even if they're under his shirt or whatever and you can't seen them. his favourite one's red and yellow.
kobra def gets really avoidant when he's anxious, and he just closes himself off from everyone, getting into a 'what if they all secretly hate me' mindset. ghoul always has to remind him no :( i dont hate you :(
they find an abandonded tin of nitrous and try to make ice cream one time, it actually works out better than they expected. buuuut then the girl gets sad because IT'S SO GOOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO MORE
one time ghoul //accidentally// left his bomb wip in their room. he slept in the diner booths for a week after that.
when ghoul started dressing more fem, kobra was GONE. like party has had to leave the room several times because the staring was getting embarrassing. kobra kid simp agenda!!!! im so serious!!!
:D it is literally. eleven thirty so i need to Stop but !!!! the sillies ! !!!
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heat--end · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
i saw this from @tearsoftime0086 and figured why not
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14, though i think one MIGHT be privated?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
basically just pokemon, lol. one day i wanna branch out, but i really like writing for pokemon, so i don't mind that all too much
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Iridescent Bonds - my first ever fic, a dawn/irida story that involves them falling in love over the course of PLA's storyline and some other events. dawn is transgender! it's good! i hold this story very close to my heart, and i'm actually rewriting it right now, which is fun!
Bloom - trans girl lillie during the sun/moon story. its basically just a deeper dive into lillie as a character, while also making her trans, because Me Like Trans Characters. im very proud of this!
God Cannot Give You Relationship Advice - a very short, very silly one-shot that i threw together on a whim and is my 3rd most kudos'd work lmao. still, it's fun and cute, i can see why people like it so much
Shining Beyond Space Itself - my current project other than BFS! a rewrite of iridescent bonds, really fleshing out the idea and doing it proper. currently on 17 chapters out of 20, so its wrapping up soon
Jewel Box - my dawn/irida oneshot collection, based entirely on the universe established in iridescent bonds/shining beyond space. it's just a big fluff collection, but damn if i dont love it LOL. plus it really helped me develop the framework for SBS
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
LOVE responding to comments, only time i dont is if i feel i cant really add much or the like. but i really enjoy adding on to people's questions, or further explaining stuff, or even just thanking them for nice comments because i love comments!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, i don't really write angsty endings - i do enjoy writing angst, but not in my endings. i guess maybe Stardust Memories, but even that ends on a nice note???
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably Iridescent Bonds, since that just ends on dawn and irida getting married lmao. it's mushy and sappy but damn it i am a mushy and sappy gal!!!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no. i got one comment on iridescent bonds though that was like "this was great until the trans shit" which like. that's in the 2nd line, bro lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nah, probably wont ever
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
MY PRIDE AND FUCKING JOY, BUILD FIGHTERS SHINING. a crossover fic between pokemon and gundam build fighters, but to be more specific, it's a crossover between iridescent bonds/SBS and gundam build fighters. i love love LOVE writing this story, it's my other project next to SBS (it's taken a small hiatus because of SBS wrapping up - all my focus is going into that). LOVE build fighters shining. my pride and joy. my brainchild. i pour my heart and SOUL into this story
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of, but i wouldn't mind someone doing so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i haven't no. might be fun, though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
incredibly easy answer lmfao. akari/irida, 100%. dawn/irida as well, but that's just a variant of akari/irida really. i love love LOVE this ship, i think the game really lets these two build a strong relationship over the course of the game and they grow so incredibly close that i think its so cute, i love irida as a character so i think shes gay, and i love dawn/irida cause thats MY variation of it. girls gay. gay women. go check out @iridawn for all my autism about this ship
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the akari/irida WIP i had where akari gets burned bad from the fight with lord arcanine, and irida has to help her while the others get materials to help. i cant really find the angle i'd want on it, and i'm a little worried about inaccurately writing a burn injury lmfao
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i'm good at writing emotional stuff when i really need to, especially when it's just sappy and good. i also think i can write action scenes pretty well. not FLAWLESSLY, but im proud of it
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely how i describe certain things and my habit to repeat words, lmao. i fall into writing ticks a lot, stuff like "a bit" or just sticking to certain words, and i dont give AS much detail as i should sometimes when decorating a scene. its something im slowly working on, but def my weakness
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
not a bad idea at all, yeah. i say its good
19. First fandom you wrote for?
published was pokemon, but first i WROTE for was DBZ. i wrote a very small piece a long, LONG time ago, and i never published it or anything, it was just a small little idea i had. i think its lost to time now though lol maybe ill go look for it one day
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
GOD, this is hard. i love everything ive written, but i really have to give it to build fighters shining. despite not being done yet, BFS is my brainchild, its my self indulgent baby, i have poured my heart into that fic and i love developing the world in it and the custom gunpla and everything. i fucking LOVE build fighters shining, it is so fun to write for lmao
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
My brain has started associating daily brainrot with getting ready to do homework, so now you're officially a part of my getting ready to do homework routine.
Going to try out color-coding the different topics, because I have a lot of ideas and my ADHD is acting up. (I promise I took my meds, it's just One of Those Days.)
I started working on a oneshot that's basically "what if I dumped a bunch of magical, spooky cryptid stuff in here" in response to a prompt from a writing group meeting. I don't really have any plot for it, but I do have a bit of worldbuilding stuff and a very long description of a house.
So it's another Hyrule-centric story featuring fae!Hyrule, except they're all kind of fae/cryptids. Supernatural, I suppose, is a more accurate description. I don't really have a good idea of what everyone will be, but there's going to be shape-shifters and ghosts and lots of creepy vibes because I'm shooting for the unsettling feeling that you get when you're afraid that the red eyes you see in the cornfield belong to something much more horrifying than a barn cat.
I think the term I'm looking for is gothic Midwest horror. Here's a link to the aesthetics wiki's entry on the topic in case you're curious.
Changing topics, I have what is probably too many ideas in my "LU Fanfiction Ideas" file in my notes app, so I'm thinking that maybe, once I've gotten some of my WIPs cleaned up and posted I could try doing some kind of ask game or tag game with them sort of like the WIP ask game that's still sort of circulating. I'd just make a list of the ideas and either write onshots/minifics for asks or have one of the tagged people pick what I work on. I'm not sure yet, mostly because I don't know if people would be interested and which one they'd prefer because I'm a bit too shy to just... toss it out into the fandom tag like that.
Time is still fighting me. It's taking longer than expected because every time I feel like I'm making progress something gets in the way. I really want to get his piece done because it establishes his plotline in the Emotional Support Loftwing series, and is supposed to be the accompaniment to a second piece that's probably from Warriors' point of view.
As a side note to that, I'm very excited to actually get around to that accompaniment because I get to write a whole bit about Sky's house on the Surface. (The town is called New Town and I love it.)
COLOR CODING. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. It makes it so easy to read oh my god (I keep forgetting to take my ADHD meds… it’s been weeks- whoops-)
THAT SOUNDS AWESOME, and don’t worry I’m very familiar with midwest horror shit. I come from the cornfields I’m one of the beasts that roam them at 4 am /hj
ooooooh that’d be cool!! I’m super interested, i can’t wait to see whichever one you decide on :)
I totally feel the ‘every time i feel like im making progress something gets in the way’ thing, I’m going through that rn with a fic. ALSO I LOVE THE TOWN.
(losing my mind over the color coding shit its so good for my little brain)
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lohstandfound · 8 months
7 12 21 :)
7. Post a snippet from a wip
poets garden au my beloved:
Jake looked up as the bell rang, seeing a shorter man waltz into his store. He had a mischievous glint in his eye. Jake smiled and leaned on the counter.
“Morning! What can I help you with toda-”
He was cut off when a hand slammed down on the counter, he looked down to see a twenty dollar note sticking out from underneath the man’s hand.
“How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” Rich grinned.
Jake looked at him for a moment before he laughed. “Fuck you in flower?”
“It’s a very valid request, thank you. And don’t people, like, you know. Say things in flower language?” Rich defended.
Jake shrugged. “Used to,” he said, ducking down behind the counter as he looked through the shelves underneath. Rich leaned to peer down over the bench.
“Some people still do,” Jake continued. “It’s just not very common. But-” Jake grinned when he found what he was looking for. He stood up again, placing a notebook on the counter. He began to look through it. “B has a collection of flower talk she made up. Let’s see…”
12. Do you outline your fics? If yes, how detailed are your outlines? How far do you stray from them?
Absolutely not. Not really. I have a vague idea sometimes and just write it. There's a reason attwt, poets fic, and the fae au have not been updated in ages other than the fact i hate attwt now and that's because i never properly planned any of it out.
to be fair, poets fic is a rewrite of an older fic so in theory the plan was already there i just had to make it smoother but i deviated so far from the original plot i dont know where im going with it. and it requires me to write more poems
the bapo au is easy since its following the timeline of an existing musical. and i think im definitely going to need to plan out regicide au in detail if i want it to turn out how i can envision it
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
one shots. i usually just write oneshots and leave it at that. sometimes thay're one shot series, like the colour pallet series which are mostly one shots about different ships and colours. or all my ramblings about deities au (which are more like drabbles)
that is mostly because I dont plan out multi chapter fics.
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possumteeths · 2 years
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Tagged by: @screwyouflightlieutenant (thanks for thinking of me! 💖)
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Total words published: 308,920 (christ???)
Additional words written:
Im gonna ballpark and say maybe 150 k other words with additional projects that arent fanfic lol (as well as fanfic wip)
Grand Total of Words: 458k ish?
Various horror movies, Dragon age, Fallout, Mass effect, RDR, the boys
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
Unsurprisingly, its my the Boy chaptered fic Love Me Cancerously, This blew tf up and I really didn't expect it to. It is SO cool that other people like this not great movie and are so down for this rollercoaster i've been writing.
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
It's still my Brahms fic, and the runner up is ANOTHER Brahms fic but that one's a oneshot.
New Things I Tried:
x readers! I never really liked reading or writing x readers ever until recently. I really like second person as a device and I just refuse to acknowledge things that use like blanks or the Y/N device lol. Realizing this totally changed the way I like to write. I think second person is excellent for storytelling. Leaving the reader insert extremely vague and writing from the perspective of the character is SO fun.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On:
Love Me Cancerously AGAIN lol. Usually I just kinda write things in one go, but for this fic I put it through multiple stages of editing.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
This completely nonsensical fallout raider gangbang. I rarely enjoy reading or writing OC x OC works, but I really unlocked something in my brain with this fic. I am so in love with the characters, they still live in my head. I wanted it to be SILLY DUMB and it was just so much fun to write. This is the most "me" I think of anything I've ever written, and I fully just went balls to the wall ridiculously porny and it was so much fun.
Favorite Thing I Read:
dude ANYTHING by my buddy @ventiswampwater (here's her ao3) every single one of her fics make me INSANE. We have such similar ideas of characterization for this DUMB movie that for some reason we're obsessed with. I love cerebral poetic weirdo porn I just consume everything she's done over and over again. Seriously some of the best x readers i've ever come across.
@some27-url 's Deacon X SS series, I cant get ENOUGH of this fucked up dynamic. I gush on and on about this and I dont want to be annoying but I cannot shut up about how much I love this series
OH! This Yautja harem x OC work I found, literally I've never had the patience for LONG LONG fics before but I honestly wish there was MORE of this. I loved!! the characters and everyone involved, the story was so smutty and good. You dont need to know shit about predator lore this fic may as well be its own story. This fanfic is better than any smutty xenophilia/monsterfuckery romance book that i've ever read.
@brimbrimbrimbrim 's Vigilante x reader fic was so much fun, characterized SO well. It was silly fun and I loved it hahaha like I love this author but this fic really stuck out to me hahaha.
Writing goals for 2023:
I'd like to just bite the bullet and submit to publications as well as random magazine challenges or whatever else. I often debate whether I should or shouldnt for so long that I then miss the deadline for the actual challenge lmao! I submitted to a few horror magazines as well as some poems to indie publications asking for submissions this year but I'd like to just submit as much as I possibly can because fuck it y'know. This year, I got ONE poem selected to be in a book and then it was actually removed from the eventual publication coming out in 2023 so like... lmao?
New Works:
I've actually been editing my short story horror anthology off and on, cleaning it up and formatting it and all the boring shit. I'm looking to trad pub or at least submit certain stories to challenges. I'm also hoping to saddle up and adapt my raider gangbang fanfic into a more developed story that I'll eventually KDP publish. As for fanfics, I've got SO many fkn horror baddies x readers in the works rn, and like 21u314398240 90% done fanfics that I just need to edit and publish to ao3 lol.
tagging: @some27-url @gaeadene (girl I gotta know how many words u uploaded this year LOL) @ventiswampwater @korblez @wolfbirbisme @flaggermuser @butterbabyflapjack
Happy new year yall! Lets go full nuts and write WHATEVER ur silly lil heart desires. I declare this year the year of balls to the wall FUCK IT on ao3 lmfao
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leslie057 · 9 months
re: the writing ask, 7 and 14!
hi! thank you for the ask ❤️
7 - what character do you enjoy writing most and why?
already answered
14 - what is your favorite relationship featured in your fic aside from the main couple?
cant figure out how i should interpret this question lol. like my favorite couple or just any pair of characters?
if nonromantic st pair, i’ve enjoyed playing with nancy and mike a lot lately. though outside of my wips, i havent yet gone into depth with them the way that i want (its mostly just been like; little brother disgust; eldest daughter rage; lets mix these two ingredients; we get fun sibling rivalry) but yeah i think deep down there is this flicker of softness between the two of them, a weird sense of understanding. i dunno.
if romantic st pair…honestly joyce and lonnie? but again im not sure how to interpret the question, maybe im mistaken on what its asking. because yes i think they are my second favorite relationship to write but its certainly not my (or anyone’s) ship to ship. obviously. you know? i like to try and get into the joyce and lonnie stuff because i enjoy parsing out Past Joyce. not to say that that girl is gone completely but i dont know, i find it easy to write about her victimhood and the way she would have naturally been more susceptible when younger. more surprised. and powerless. she definitely fell on denial to cope with the abuse and thats sad but i guess i like writing about it anyways. however i can only think of a couple things i’ve published that really center on this (this flashback chapter of a fic i kinda quit and this oneshot with her feelings abt the pregnancy).
but yeah i might have not answered that quite right? to clarify my second favorite ship in the show in general is lucas and max but i’ve always ran into trouble trying to write about the kids or show their point of view. so when i say joyce and lonnie is my favorite, i mean out of what i have written, and i only mean that its interesting to explore joyce in that way. like to reiterate, i dont find their relationship’s toxicity “exciting” or anything. i will shut up now i think you know what i mean!
thanks so much again! so good to see you in my inbox :)
send me a fic ask
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transboysokka · 1 year
20 Questions for fic writers!
this is from @ozais-lobotomist and i tag any writer who sees this post lolol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
ive deleted a fuckton and pretty much started my account over in july lol but right now there are 20 things on there
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
101,151. Since mid-July. omg wtf.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
SO MANY in the past, but my ao3 right now just has for atla and theres one les mis oneshot thats YEARS old that i cant bring myself to delete lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
wow ive never checked let me see 1. Zuko Amongst the Dragons 2. Zuko and Sokka Get Engaged in the Most Zukka Way Possible 3. Hidden Pain, Shared Love 4. Scratchy 5. Mother whoa tbh im v surprised by this list
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES i try to say thank u to everyone!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
omg i cant CHOOSE uhhh its gonna have to be One Last Time
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i dont have a lot of those? lol but its probs gotta be the sequel to One Last Time, The End of All Things
8. Do you get hate on fics?
omg no i could not imagine
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hehehehe nah not really, im not the best at it. i write other fucked up shit instead. we love us some torture porn
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nah, not really my style tbh
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no that would be wild (bad)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be wild (good) ive thought about translating some of my own fics but i just dont know if the demand would be very high to be worth it???
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not in a long long long time but i'm interested! other zukka writers hmu (though I'm pretty picky about who I write with. It's not personal, just a style thing)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
My all-time favorite ship to WRITE is probably Zukka. It's really fun and comes real naturally to me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably my Divorced Zukka The Last Five Years AU. I couldn't get it off to that strong of a start, the reception wasn't great, and there's a lot of boring stuff I'd have to get through before I got to the Good Stuff, so that motivation is just dead.
16. What are your writing strengths?
tbh just Being In Character. That's what I get the most compliments on. also grammar and spelling, that kind of thing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I skip over description and setting scenes as much as I possibly can, and it's not necessarily that I Can't as much as I Don't Care To... I get away with it because it's fanfiction but I'd like to... start trying a bit harder at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I guess if I had reason to? If it fit with the flow/plot of the fic, there was good reason to do it, and it was in one of the only two other languages I speak... I don't see there being a reason for that in this fandom though lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, about 15 years ago lol
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
all of my children have a special place in my heart. I love Zuko Amongst the Dragons and One Last Time. Also bad idea right? was just super fun and is a bit underrated if u ask me lol
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cheating bc you sent me 3 eyeballs so im gonna give u 3 different answers 😌 :::
the DSMP Lost Boys AU. GOD i was on some shit when i was thinking abt that. it was literally so perfect. i still have the other half of the references buried somewhere deep in my wip folder but i just. never finished it. i was probably never gonna write an actual fic for it but god did i want to do more screenshot redraws . it was so perfect. i still think abt it sometimes when i watch lost boys like. damn .... sam is so tommy coded . i love you annoying little brothers
ANOTHER dsmp one: vengeful spirit. god. fuck . where do i even start. vengeful spirit was my baby i cared about it so much. it was my ghostbur-centric character study fic series where after cwilbur was revived, ghostbur fought his way out of limbo kicking and screaming and then they had to deal with the consequences of both existing in the living world at the same time. very heart player core. something something you hate yourself so much but now there are two of you and youre different people but also youre the same guy and you hate that your brother trusts the dead fish eyes version of you more than the living breathing one. aka ghostbur gets to be angry because i really just wanted to see him snap and punch something. unfortunately the first fic totally flopped and i had nobody to bounce ideas off of so i was the only person in the world to care about vengeful spirit. i had like 12 oneshots planned out and they were each titled with song lyrics from a song in the playlist (which still exists btw) and i made a layout and everything. A LAYOUT. i never outline things dude thats how u KNOW i went hard for this one. another factor in its death tho is i started writing it like.. right after the cwilbur revival when there was a huge lull in lore streams and i was trying to fill in the blanks. but because i am a slow writer eventually canon surpassed me and i was like "hm this is too divergent now and since i am the only one who is going to read this it will simply live in my brain forever" . also i think my time for writing dsmp is way past me now. sad! oh well theres other fandoms.
third one is NOT dsmp related but it IS general minecraft related. fuck dude i have so many ideas about minecraft worldbuilding. its such a perfect game to write about. i have so many minecraft ocs that have super complex lore that will probably never see the light of day bc im like. how the hell do i convey this information without actually showing people my minecraft world. the intricacies. there are so many. i cannot play this game normally i have to make a story every single time. EVEN WHEN im not actually setting out to make a story. even when im just like "hm yeah this is gonna be a casual world im not gonna take it too seriously" and then suddenly ive rebuilt an entire village to protect it from raids and all the villagers have names and im attached. sigh. i think about minecraft religion and also the magic system and how the world works and how mobs interact with each other and . man . theres so much. does anyone want to play miencraft with me i prommy i wont go insane on you
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Fic Writers Round-Up: 2022! 🖊️
Oooohohohoho let’s do some number crunching, shall we?? I was tagged by @pikapeppa and @noire-pandora (who are both incredible and you should read all of their works this is a threat I am threatening you :))) ) and I’m going to go ahead and tag my lovelies @because-im-hap-hap @rosella-writes @dreadfutures @bogunicorn @melisusthewee @jellydishes @effelants @emerald-amidst-gold​ & @bluedwarfed​! 
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Might want to click the image to be able to see it better; I did realize how compressed it would get... oops! ^_^”
🖊️ New Things I Tried 🖊️
Started off the year strong with posting alien smut for the first time in Haunted by One Another! Inquisitor/Nizana have been an OTP of mine within different Star Wars RP groups for a hot minute (like, literal years a hot minute) so it was about time I actually got to writing about them and their dynamic.
And of course I started with smut because I’m a simple being at the end of the day, but also because they have a very base relationship that starts out as just Enemies With ‘Bennies. They’re kinda sorta real toxic, but I like to think even their smut speaks a lot for their dynamic and I had a lot of fun writing it. 💖 
🖊️ Fic I Spent the Most Time On 🖊️
Its Dueteragony.
You know its Dueteragony, I know its Dueteragony, we can all go home now.
But, seriously, everyone here knows Dueteragony is my baby, and even though I didn’t get to work on it this year as much as I did last year, I think the overall quality of the writing was significantly higher. I may not have put out as much but I really think I’ve grown as a writer and I’m really happy about that. I’m still learning a lot and that’s really exciting!
🖊️ Favorite Thing I Wrote 🖊️
Its a pretty short piece, but Within you lies the Best of Us is definitely up there. There were moments in basically everything I wrote that made me super happy this year, but being able to gleefully wait for your friend to realize that your friend has received a gift fic HITS DIFFERENT.
Nothing feels better than the unadulterated rat screaming, I swear on me mum. 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
🖊️ Writing Goals for Next Year 🖊️
• Get Dueteragony mostly finished (I really want a good chunk of that bad boy done prior to Dreadwolf, if all of it. Though, I do accept that parts of the last fifth of the story may have to be tweaked depending on the events of Dreadwolf. I HAVE PLANS, I HAVE CHARTS, I HAVE SO MANY SPREADSHEETS.)
• Write a sequel to Haunted by One Another. I really want to post more of the Inquisitor and Nizana’s relationship, how they went from Enemies to Lovers, and also just... write more fun smut between those two losers. I’m currently working on a direct sequel, but I also want to do a prequel, and maybe some oneshots. I’ll most likely end up making a little series grouping for them and shove them all in there for ease of organization rigiuerbgierb
• Actually start that ding dang What If fic I was going to do of Felassan and Mellan that I promised @because-im-hap-hap​ and @rosella-writes​ I was going to do.
• Actually finish the draft and post the WandaVision AU fic of Solas and Mellan that I promised basically everyone I know that I would do--
• Finish the Solas in heat smut that I also promised I’d finish I’m so sorry everyone my goals should just be “finish your pile of WIPs you savage...”
This was a ton of fun and a really interesting way to look at all the things I’ve done this year. ^_^ It’ll really be fun to see what next year brings as well!! :D
Lots of love! 💖
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skippyisabramble · 1 year
hi blimps im still here. dead or not ill keep posting
silly little wip i’ve been working on. too lazy to make a fancy info thingy before it. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it because even though Khadija is a character I use regularly, this is not for a roleplay and more of a uhhh oneshot, I guess you could say.
I also must add a disclaimer that theres some pretty offensive language here but none of these are my genuine opinions. I write in the perspectives of my characters and Khadija is not the nicest by a long shot.
Oh and these guys are dogs djrnkfmymy anyway its below the keep reading :)
Ofelia was amongst the worst of all Khadija’s stepmothers. Her mother always muttered to her about how insufferable she was. Well, she had a lot to say about all the other consorts. 
Lavinia was more of a sharmouta than a woman of royalty. Snakelike Marica’s only redeeming quality were the three bastards she bore, and yet those three bastards brought nothing to the table. (A son who wanted to be more of a peasant than a prince, a daughter who’d only exceed in mopping floors, and another son who believed he was worth the title of King.) The palace would’ve been much more comfortable had Leona’s tongue been cut out long ago, and the same goes for Marica. Estella was only memorable for dying during childbirth, and that *golden girl* should have died with her. It’s a wonder how Cyriacus could love someone like her, even when shes dead and gone.
And Ofelia was just dreadful. The only thing she does is cry. Just speaking the name of another consort could bring her to tears. Hell, even a drop of a pin. With such thin skin, it was no one's fault but hers that she was so miserable in the castle. She was probably doing it for attention, and that made it even more sickeningly childish. And speaking of which, Aloisia thought of her stepchildren just as highly as she does their mothers. Even if they weren’t the princes she prayed for, Khadija and Djamila were worth more than all of them combined. Cyriacus should be thankful for such perfect girls; they were the best things to come to Shorus after Adelia being sent off. Nearly all of Khadija’s siblings were older than her, adults by the time she and her twin sister were born. But she knew one of them was her age. It was another sister, albeit half, and her name was Aletta. Her mother was none other than the palaces whiner, Ofelia. Khadija, Djamila, and Aletta were born within the same month. Khadija was unsure of who was older, but she did know they were days apart. 
But Khadija wasn’t keen on finding out. She didn’t care about Aletta. She didn’t like her. Why? Because Aletta was no good, nor worth her time, so her mother said. She and Djamila should best focus on their studies, not get involved with the likes of her, nor any of the consorts spawn. And Aloisia couldn’t be wrong, as if she were, she wouldn't be so certain whenever she said so. She always knew best, and her advice always made sense to Khadija. She never really spoke to Aletta, not really. The same goes for the rest of her half siblings. She met them, but never really spent time with them like she does Djamila. Especially since Khadija was newly weaned, now at the age of 2 months. She did meet them when she was a young baby, however. Viewing the newest born princess or prince was customary in Shorus, after all. Khadija remembers seeing one of her brothers, Ahsan, quite often. He was the first to introduce art, specifically paint, to her before she’d have to sit through dozens of paintings Aloisia commissioned of her. He once let her place a clumsy paw print on one of his newest paintings, but Aloisia wasn’t too happy he’d bring ‘chemicals’ so close to her daughter. From what she could remember, pale Runal was always kind, though he didn’t come around often. But his two pale siblings, Hassan and Fatima, seemed more curt than anything, especially Hassan. Aloisia doesn’t like Hassan too much. Shahnaz and Malik were nice, but she didn’t see them often.
While Khadija didn’t talk to Aletta, it didn't mean they hadn’t at all. Being the same age, it would be more likely that Khadija, Djamila, and Aletta would’ve met. Ofelia was hopeful that Aletta could have been friends with the twin sisters, and pushed the possibility. Khadija recalls brief glimpses of sharing toys with the other girl, who arguably looked quite similar to her and Djamila herself. She could recall giggling with the other girl as they played, but she was unsure at what. Aloisia wasn’t too fond of Aletta being daughters playmate, though. With how sensitive and emotional Ofelia was, it probably ended up in Aletta having some sort of compromised immune system, or worse; an ill-mind. Something like that being so close to her daughters would be disastrous. The older Khadija became, the larger the wedge between her and Aletta grew. She’d see her in the halls and say nothing. 
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demon-that-slayed · 2 years
alright hello I'm already gonna warn you, this'll be long. btw, thank you sm for doing it, I'm really hyped! you're gonna do amazing, I know that, so do ti as you wish, full creative freedom. (btw, I'm gonna copypaste this because I've already written it once, hopefully that's alright with you)
okay! so. starting with me ig. i dont even know how to begin.
im listening to music atm. i always do - people that dont always listen to some music are kinda psychopaths if you ask me. like, if im not listening to music, i'll be listening to an audiobook or a podcast or be watching some video or netflix. i cant not do anything. i say i love reading, but the last time i read a book has been weeks ago. i just have reading slumps sometimes. not saying that i dont read regularly - god, no. i'll find enough fanfics and oneshots and shit to count for a book. but most of the time i can spare, i try to write. and at the moment, im really doing good! i write drabbles almost daily, and i try to finish a chapter for my actual wip bi-weekly. which... i gotta admit doesnt work all the time but im trying! im just a shit ton of a procrastinator. like, sometimes it physically hurts telling myself i need to do something but not being able to get up and actually do it. i kinda zone out a lot too when im forced to sit through something boring or just when i cant listen to music/watch something at the same time. i fidget a lot, too. so basically as you can see im always doing something, always have something going on inside my head, am quite loud. like, literally, im the loudest person i know, except for maybe my dad, and im really expressive. could be italian with how much i gesture.
for my hobbies, well, ive told you about some of them so far. im not really... sporty. in the slightest. and i dont like sports either. but the one thing i do indeed like is badminton, which i do somewhat regularly. i think i'd suck at quidditch, but, unlike football, i do believe i'd be interested in watching. also i just really want to fly a broom - like, if i could pick any animal to be, i'd be a bird. always would have said so in the past too. maybe a cat, just because i really love them, and am planning to get one as soon as i get my own apartment. i'll take one from the shelter, i think, and if i could pick it'd be a black one so i can call it toothless. i do have a dog right now tho, or rather my family does. i love her, but she's not as cuddly as i'd like her to be, which, i mean, is fine im trying my best not to step over her boundaries, but then again my love language most certainly is physical touch, so my favourite moments with her are when she just allows me to cuddle her in front of the fireplace. its kind of a tradition at this point when theres fire in there. what else is there to say?
ive said quite much already but i feel like im still missing some.
i guess im really insecure of some things. dont get me wrong, i know my strengths, and i fucking love correcting people, my ego is over the moon sometimes. im stubborn and i hate being wrong and i know that im obnoxious when i discuss, just because i cannot stop discussing if theres still something to discuss. but im trying to better, really. some of it at least. still, i am in fact really insecure it seems. i worry so much what people might think of me - i cant present anything to anyone other than my closest family or friends because my voice will start to shake and i will start to sound like im gonna cry. on the topic of that, i cry so so easily. its horrible, really. plus, i have huge anxiety and i get panic attacks regularly, which kinda fucks with my sleeping schedule because they always happen when i go to bed.
okay, but enough with the depressive shit, im not done talking about myself yet. if you let me talk about myself i can and i will write paragraphs. really, dont worry putting all of this into your response. just think of it as me being super happy youre doing this because, honestly, genuinely, i am.
but getting on with it. when im excited, im kinda... like a child, in a way. like i let out unnecessarily high pitched screams and i cant stop laughing when ive started, and i clap my hand in front of my mouth or shake my arms out. im just really, really emotional tbh.
my favourite feeling is melancholy though. its... beautiful, in a very terrifying way. its the kind of feeling you get when you think about your childhood, or old friends, or family members you dont see anymore. its a feeling but its so much more and - i dont know. i dont know how it couldnt be my favourite.
i love sunrises and sunsets and i love the sun in general. im a summer person, partly because im always really cold (my circulation in my hands and my feet is fucked lmao, plus my blood ran low on iron for a while) but like, its summer, i dont get how it cant be people's favourite. plus, my birthday is in june, and my birthday is my favourite holiday. with christmas following.
okay i match you with…
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okay so be warned this is a very bad description but i think you guys would be great with eachother like these are very random things sos I’ll make a list :
(these are like headcanons if that’s fine)
okay so at night when you can’t sleep, he’ll just like cuddle you and make sure you’re fine, and you would make him happy just being there I guess, yk
anyways you two would like bond on liking music and what books you like and you always would have like mini arguments which end in him sarcastically admitting youre right which makes you feel good even if it’s not bc atleast you are right about this song being better or this character being more beil. than the other.
in summer and winter you always dragged him out for the sunrise/sunset and like he would jokingly complain sometimes because he would melt in the heat because it was always cold in the dorms and he had his sweater on
in the winter though you would steal lots of his sweaters and wear them piled on top of eachother because you froze in the cold
also when the full moon was near you’d always like be there and make sure he’s okay and you’d be like there for eachother all the time and like
he would sarcastically/jokingly be annoyed at you but actually really enjoy being around you, especially before you guys date.
oh yeah and you have picture albums filled with pictures that you, remus, or someone else takes that fill the albums
anyways, i hope this was good, ive never done this before lmao
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kikithefox231 · 1 month
writing asks: 4, 5, 8, 12, 17 :D
SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER MY BAD LOL :') 4. Q: a story idea you haven’t written yet A: BESTIE. YOU KNOW I HAVE A MILLION WIPS. (mild Book of Bill spoilers) Okay BUT one I've been jingling in my head recently is a oneshot about Pacifica dealing with the trauma of her horrible Bill nightmare because it made me insane forever. It is so!!! horrifying!!! and intriguing!!!! I love this idea of her avoiding wearing red gloves and red outfits because it keeps reminding her of the blood staining her hands, thick and warm and raw. And the note about her feeling comforted by the fact that she has Mabel and Dipper's contacts!!! SOBBING!!!! Imagine a scene where she has another nightmare and the only thing that can calm her down is hearing Mabel and Dipper's voice on the other line WAAAAAAAAAAAGH IM INSANE!!!! AND the fact that the twins Understand all of this. They Know how horrible it all is. They're all just kids trying to navigate their way through this trauma. And realizing that it's so much easier to deal with them together. I'm going to combust. Another wip for funsies (and that u don't know abt ;3 ) is one I'll be doing for Honkai Star Rail! I fell in love with the main trio (Stelle, March 7th, and Dan Heng) since the game came out and I've been itching to write a oneshot of them being silly! Mayhaps a bit of hurt/comfort as wellllll???? Anyways I love gay people <3 5. Q: first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP A: OHOHOHOHOHO time to pull out the archives!!!! "As they opened the front doors, Miko was suddenly struck by how tired she felt. She didn’t get tired often, especially when her job was fueled by adrenaline every day and every hour. But right now she’d love a nap. Or a coma. Maybe even a nap and then a coma. Sounds festive." This is from the 4th paragraph BUT ITS FINE BC ITS FUNNY From my Miko Forget-Me-Not au which is IN THE WORKS!!! WILL BE PUBLISHED!!!! EVENTUALLY!!!! ONE DAY!!!!! Also LOVE writing Miko so much,,,, she's JUST like me fr
8. Q: if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for… A: OOOOOOOOO great question! I've had a lot of ideas for sequels over the years and some that are wips but I think the one I'm most dead set on is doing a threequel to my Coming Home. series! I've been meaning to do it for ages and I just haven't had the motivation to but one day!! I really want to complete it with a short chapter from Domino 2 and 3's unique povs about Anne near the end of the show I just,,,, need,,,,, to drag myself to start the fic,,,,,,,,,
12. Q: a trope you’re really into right now A: Oh man SO MANY but I think right now,,,,, big emotional outbursts? I'm always a big fan of characters who just stuff so much of their emotions into a jar and eventually letting it all out in a huge impactful moment (NOT PROJECTING AT ALL HAHAHA) and changes their relationship with the people around them forever because of that. MWAH!!! CHEF'S KISS!!! I just adore big emotional moments in general (its literally 90% of what I write lmao) and maybe a big part of that is bc I have ADHD and feel many things in very extreme ways and seeing characters feel the same way I do is comforting haha
17. Q: talk about your writing and editing process A: Oh boy it sure is a Process Okay so generally I get the idea kicked into my face after listening to a certain song, watching a certain scene, or looking at fanart. It's rare that I don't have ideas for fanfics bc I just have them jumbling around in my head all the time. I usually record down any major ideas I have in my google docs or notes app, (sometimes write down a specific line or scene that is super vivid in my mind) and then when I'm hyperfixating on a certain show/character/idea I can always go back to it and add to it! I also browse through my ideas and wips whenever I feel like making something creative but don't know what project specifically. I also listen to lots of music when developing an idea since it helps for inspiration!!! When the stars align and I have the right motivation and energy for a project I usually will latch onto it until it's finished or until I get a considerate amount of it done. I'm usually Crazy Glued to the project for HOURS and it's almost impossible for me to stop lol After that, I usually take a break from the project (sometimes a few hours, sometimes a whole day) and come back to it later to reread it and see what I want to change or add. My editing process is not usually very intensive or long since I get tired of it quickly but sometimes what I'll do is revise it once then come back to it a few weeks or months later with a clear mind and see what I want to change. And the good thing is that by then my writing skills will have improved so the later passes look much better. Also I usually send them to you so that I can tell they're coherent and I'm not going crazy LOL My editing process can also be much shorter and sometimes if I'm really happy with what I wrote or want to post it immediately, I'll just revise it once or twice right after I finish the fic. That's how it turned out with And I try my best, to prove that nothing's out to get you. which was nice!!! Especially since it was more of a quick writing practice. I also find that sometimes I just need to let the text be and not overedit it where it looses the original impact and tone I was going for.
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 5 months
was gonna make a poll but then i was like "goddamn i make too many fucking polls" so i said nevermind to that idea
instead i am going to detail to you the situation:
i want to write oneshots. kind of. the Intricate Rules dictate that i must write at least 3 more oneshots before updating any of my multichapter wips other than Closed Doors (it gets special privileges because of its particular situation known as "it's really quick and easy to pump out 3k-long chapters in like a day or so for this one because of my crossover brainrot that never goes away")
so. the Intricate Rules are not to be questioned, obviously. i will inform any curious souls who wish to know my Intricate Rules but i will not break them.
however there is sort of a priority order thing happening with regards to my schedule of oneshots? and it's not a rule necessarily but it is something ive been obeying. theres flexibility in the Rules and this is not as flexible
priority is finish febuwhump (in order) -> finish whumptober (any order) -> oneshots needed to update other series-es + general misc ongoing things -> ?? profit (there are roughly 30 oneshots before this step i am sure i will figure it out)
but like. next in line febuwhump-wise is a Long Boi (it will be so fun for me and not for you) that i love! i do! but the thing is it's a Chonker of a fic and i got shit to do and shit thats overdue
which brings me to my dilemma, several paragraphs of deranged 3am rambling later:
i could release things on schedule and in order, as ordained by the priority thing. however that means the next fic from me wont come out for at least another 2 weeks, most likely more. but it will be so fun (for me) (and sad for you)
i could get out of order and drop some quick stuff. bear in mind that the quick stuff is also enrichment in my enclosure it will bring joy dont worry its just not gonna be In Order and its not gonna be Long As Fuck
im gonna be pondering this pressing issue in the coming days. peanut gallery you are welcome to chime in with your thoughts
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1tsjusty0u · 1 year
an au I hear????? an au????
i may have a few..!! (<- 157ish wips and scattered aus. i . hm i would say ive got 10 aus but some are less of aus and more like scenarios that can happen in game really). the one that haunts my brain as of right now is actually a pre-calamity au of sorts! just me taking creative liberties and trying to think of how links relationships with the champions and zelda would develop over time, plus how He would develop as a person. thiugh. honestly that seems more of a serious description, its mosrly just me playing around. because its mostly me playing around it actually branches out a bit, like theres a separate but connected? au where link gets ‘corrupted’ or infected by malice! its less of an “evil” corruption or mind control type beat and more like “augh hell this thing is annoying to deal with. and the horrors”. honestly i dunno if the malice one is pre or post cal yet (most. haha mmosr of my aus are actually pre calamity! i dont know why but i just find it Neat). other ones i have are a timeloop au, a kikis delivery service au i never finished, four swords au but instead of being allied with four versions of himself he has to fight them, the obligatory isekai au (coming in different flavors meaning this one Also branches out into other aus. wwwhhoops!!), sequence breaking (they ((the champions?)) find a secret stone Way earlier than they should and now ganon is Really trying to kill them (though i really dont know how that would effect The Events as well. its a very cool discovery but i feel it would be useless in gettinf to ganon), link except one day he just . resigns being a knight, age of calamity link in lu except i never played age of calamity, and more secret deranged works i have in my catalogue! id love to make fics/even long form comic at least for the main au but i uh. its just taking a bit..! (my hubris has come knocking at my door i am in hell i have to Plan thigns. i Will make it even if it kills me but i think i have to pace myself by working on smaller projects…. so uh! probably snippets or oneshot stories In the main au but not. The Main Story if you will!!). also the list under aus wont be N/A whwn i. make things for them. probably. maybe
though there is an au thats really just more for funsies rather than occupying my brain, which is an undertale au of sorts where all the monsters r loz monsters and frisk/chara are a link of sorts (chara has the master sword/four sword but i dunno if frisk gets that, maybe a replacement for the real knife) and the souls are sages! i'd like to experiment with the story a little bit (maybe adding more loz game logic like dungeons/collectibles) so its not the same but i still want the basic elements/themes to be there (treat others with kindness + you are not above consequence + friendship babey! + treat Yourself with kindness! + depression/determination) but yeah! part of the reason i made this also is because of the lack of friendly monsters in recent loz games as far as i can tell. and well. gestures. the only roadblock stopping me is that i dunno enough loz monsters and i have to keep on playing the games i get totally absolutely through legal means :)
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so yeah :D!! these may be cringe but by god im going to get free
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cloudstrifing · 1 year
11, 12, 47 for askmeme?
hewwo anon thank u for asking! :3
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
i like gritty fucked up aus so both the ones that came to mind are that, tread carefully and mind any warnings!
At Sea by story_strudel (rudereno): extremely cool ff7 au, wonderful world building and vibes, amazing characterization, the emotional slow burn has me eating my hands I am just sitting here so patiently waiting for updates and even if it is never completed im still grateful for what this author gave me. their fic enchantment night is a banger too
f*ck yourself: self-improvement with convicted felon millions knives by elthedane (kniveswood): WEE WOO STRONG CONTENT WARNING FOR THIS ONE, contains heavy themes, dubious consent, and prominent side kv--this knives is a convicted murderer who is fully freaking out bc he might be falling for someone who is NOT vash, give it a hard pass if that's not for you. the characterization and writing and au setting are so top notch though that I personally (as a guy who doesn't seek out kv ever) decided to stick it out and trust the author. its marked complete but does update occasionally, the story is far from done. tho this one is absolutely not for everyone so I repeat CURATE YOUR EXPERIENCE DOT JPG!!!!
i dont have a third one that is a particular favorite Right Now but ive read a handful of very good vashwood oneshots recently, interested parties can check out my bookmarks bc i save the ones i enjoy!! _(:3
12. How does receiving or not receiving support/feedback impact you?
immensely....... it's been said before but it really makes all the difference, especially for writers. we can’t monetize in the same way as artists so letting us know u enjoyed our work is The reward. I write original stuff as well which is more of a toiling in darkness type endeavor anyway, but im absolutely in fandom to connect and vibe with y'all and any and all feedback makes me more motivated to create new stuff. i do try to reply to every comment too to show my appreciation!! other interactions like replies/dms/qrts are equally treasured! 🫶
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
so many. soooooo many. it depends a little bit on the length of the fic and how long ive been working on it but like uh, at least ten? i dont necessarily recommend this because im sure its possible to be more efficient and intentional but i reread my wips at every stage on different devices to fix rhythm issues and "he would not say that" incidents so yea.
questions r here if anyone else wants to chat !!
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