#its the general shape of Nine's metal tails
merigreenleaf · 3 years
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It’s been forever since I was on tumblr, but I’d like to get back into it again. I’ve been mostly avoiding social media for a few months and doing a lot of personal art things, one of which is learning how to paint. At the moment I’ve been working on watercolors. I was super excited when I saw that one of the lessons had us painting a sky with constellations! Concordia, the main country in the Unexpected Inspiration series, has a ton of history and mythology about their constellations, which they call the Muses. It’s said that these were beings who came down from the sky to teach the original Concordians art and magic. This is partly true. There were beings who granted this magic and knowledge, but they came from other worlds via a portal, not the sky. The humans simply assumed the sky when the beings seemingly popped out of nowhere when they heard the call for help. Each of these constellations became the Muse of a specific branch of art/magic because they granted that particular flavor of arcane creativity. Most of the Muses are no longer remembered as their original appearance; over the centuries stories have made them larger and stronger (or at least stranger) than they were. They're not in quite the right locations, but artistic interpretation, right? I included all nine Muses that make up my world's sky. From sort of left to right: Piquant, Pritchel, Chiaroscuro, Stele, Andante, Mortise, Tessera, Twisen (which is Whorl and Weft in one spiral constellation), and Scriven. Here's a bit about them:
Piquant: Muse of the culinary arts. I introduced him ages ago as a human-shaped imp who had a few small mushrooms "growing" on his body. He is now remembered because of the mushrooms; his constellation is a mushroom turned on its side. His name comes from a flavor. He helped grant food magic to the early Concordians because he saw they were hungry and wanted to help. Pritchel: Muse of metalwork. Pritchel (along with Scriven and Stele) were Creators, who were beings from another world who moved into what became Concordia and joined together with the humans there to create one culture. At some point, these three Creators lost their human forms, however briefly, because they’re remembered for what they actually looked like. (They’re also remembered for their human forms, too; somehow the humans never made the connection that these three beings were the same as the “human” newcomers who helped unite the two groups of people into one. This means Pritchel, Scriven, and Stele are remembered separately as the founders Petra, Dee, and Elda.) The Creators’ original forms, before they crossed through the portal that shifted them to human, were all of one species, but took on the appearance of the material they worked most. This means Pritchel was golden with flecks of silver to represent iron. Her constellation is based on her namesake: “a pritchel is a type of punch used in forging, particularly in making nail holes in horseshoes.” In this case, the constellations is the punch and the horseshoe. Concordians have never kept horses, but back before the Concordian humans were sent to Concordia, they did. Pritchel had lightning and metal magic, so she granted the ability to work metal, as well as use lightning to power magical inventions. Chiaroscuro: Muse of illustration. He’s a celestial being of both light and shadow, who had come to Concordia's world centuries before events of the Muses. This makes him very, very old, even at the time these Muses visited Concordia. He had no physical form except as an amorphous dark spot with glowing golden eyes. Mostly it's his eyes that are remembered and the constellation is simply these. “Chiaroscuro” means “the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.” I know Chiaroscuro best of all because he’s important to both Concordia and Montglace and he comes into play in the current books. He granted illustration and illusion magic. Stele: Muse of sculpture and another Creator. In her case, her appearance took on the look of either marble or clay. A “stele” is a variation on “stela,” which is “an upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a gravestone.” The constellation was supposed to be an upside-down gravestone. It became a clay teacup pretty quickly because this was too morbid for a Muse remembered as fondly as Stele. The reason Stele is associated with memorials was because when she was alive, she helped create the walls that contain the names of everyone in Concordia who has passed since the founding; these update automatically because of the magic tied into them. Andante: Muse of music. He was originally some sort of bird person and is somehow still remembered as a bird person. The fact that this constellation looks like a bird person with wings and a tail is probably the reason. I’m still amazed that the program I used to generate stars threw some together in a way that made this shape form so well! His name is a musical term involving tempo. The magic he granted involves sound, both in terms of music but also in recording and amplifying. Mortise: Muse of woodwork. They were a being of the same species as Chiaroscuro, but even older than Chiaro. While Chiaro stayed a celestial, Mortise bonded with the land and became one with the planet. They're remembered as a tree because their voice came from the grotto at the center of the early Concordians' homes. It's not barbaric to have a tree be the Muse of woodwork because Concordians use fallen wood whenever possible and always replant. The earth magic granted by Mortise makes the land flourish; they've grown weaker over the centuries so now their magic can only stretch as far as Concordia. A “mortise” is a woodworking joint and Mortise granted magic over wood. Tessera: Muse of glasswork. She was originally a Salamander, a human-sized lizard person, but over time she was remembered as a dragon. Possibly this is because large, scary dragons are more exciting than lizards, but more likely because the constellation’s arms got mistaken for wings. The tail probably didn’t help since the constellation is all tail. Tessera did have a tail, though, so that part’s okay. “Tessera” means an “individual tile, usually formed in the shape of a cube, used in creating a mosaic.” She granted light and heat magic, which generally manifests in control over glass. Twisen (Whorl and Weft): Muses of textiles. They were sisters or at least appeared to be sisters. They're from the same world as the Concordians, but their kind was there long before the humans arrived and long long before Concordian's founding. Their species lives deep underwater and most of the world doesn't realize that they share their planet with other people, even now. These two are remembered as a pair of waterspouts and they’re closely tied into wind and water, such as the wind in the sails of boats. Their names are spinning and weaving terms because they granted textile magic. Scriven: Muse of words. This also includes poetry, stories, and words both spoken and written. Scriven was the third of the Creator-Muses and was the Creator who called on the other beings and their worlds for help. This constellation looks weird, but I see it as the side view of a person holding a book or a piece of paper. It could also be an old-fashioned desk where the chair is connected. Either would work for Scriven. While Pritchel looked almost like metal in her true form and Stele looked like stone, Scriven's skin had the appearance of parchment and whenever he used magic, his words would show on his body. He granted power over words, such as an ability to bring emotion from the audience/reader. Concordia's culture revolves around art, hence the art-themed names, so painting this felt wonderfully appropriate. Chiaroscuro, the Muse of illustration, would approve. Years ago I introduced three of the Muses and I’d like to get back into that soon. 
I know I had a tag list going, but at this point I’m not really sure who’s still around, so if you’d like to be added, let me know! 
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starkeristheendgame · 5 years
Dedicated to @starkerintheparker for when she gets back from all that super hard studying ❤ Based on some insomnia musings. Vampire AU.
The man steals Peter's breath away without even a touch when he walks through the filligreed double doors, and Peter immediately thinks Vampire.
It's undeniable. Encompassing.
His movements are nothing short of precise, perfect. Measured and nothing except predatory in their elegance. Peter can't be sure, but he doesn't think the man's polished Louboutin's make a single sound on the marble.
He's pale, not in a dead body kind of way, but in a creamy whiteness that makes him practically glow under the lights. His sharp jaw is sculpted by dark stubble, shaped by perfect lines and with not a patch in sight. It's matched by a full head of thick, fluffy hair, shining like gloss.
But it's the eyes that give him away. His eyes that grip Peter's breath tight and hold it ransom. Peter can't think of a precious stone to compare them to because there is none like this; glowing and blue-white. Electric. Ice fire that burns Peter up inside.
If he wasn't looking at them in person, he'd think they were animated. He grips his champagne flute so hard his nails scrape against it, drawing a slightly mollified look from the woman to his left. Peter, a generally polite person, can't even bring himself to apologise. Can't tear his gaze away from the man in the doorway.
His suit is somewhere between royalty and ringmaster; a velvet-black with gold networking along the sleeves, the collar, a tail-coat instead of the hip-cut suit every other rich man wears. Somehow, the man pulls it off.
His heart is hammering. He can feel it. Every Vampire in the room can hear it. It claws at his throat, desperate to shatter the confines of its cage and run to the man. The man, who is quite suddenly and quite surely, staring straight back at him.
Peter is so startled he almost drops his glass, saved only by the fact that his entire body locks up, fingers gripping the fragile object so hard he's sure it would shatter. Thoseeyesthoseeyesthoseeyes.
And then, of course, the second most beautiful man Peter has ever seen comes gliding past him, and perhaps the Vampire hadn't been looking at him at all. Nobody else is; their gazes are flicking between the two men like they're eating them alive, waiting to pounce. The perfect juxtaposition.
The second man is tall, impossibly broad. Shoulders Peter could lay across blend into a trim waist, into long, long legs and thick thighs and when he turns enough to talk to the man in the doorway, his jawline is sharp enough that Peter could cut his fingertips touching it. His hair is polished gold, soft and pushed back.
Peter's throat dries up.
Vaguely, he knows he's staring. Knows he's being obvious about staring, in comparison to the way everyone else hides their gazes with drinks glasses and careful body placement. The vague notion of merely looking around the room, instead of oggling the world's hottest couple.
Because they can't be anything else. Not with the intimate way the tall blonde touches him at the temple, not with the way the shorter Vampire grasps at his hip as he laughs quietly. They're both living, pale, deadly Michaelangelo works and at some point, Peter must breathe again because the fire in his chest abates to an ember.
"Interesting, aren't they?" A deep voice drawls from his side. Obidiah Stane is a mountain of a man, a towering six-six to Peter's five-nine. His shoulders are broad, but brutish compared to the sculpted strength of the blonde Vampire. And Obidiah is no Vampire, no matter what he would do to obtain such power.
"They're beautiful" is all Peter can breathe back. He hadn't meant to say it out loud. At his side the man coos, like Peter is some dumb little parrot that finally said 'hello'. At the doorway, two sets of blue fire eyes fix on him in fast predation.
"I'm - I'm getting a drink" Peter choked, turning on his heel. Obidiah's chuckle is condescending, the smirk on his mouth vicious as he tips his own glass to Peter, watching him leave. The man reminds him somewhat of a shark, if sharks were as cruel as Obidiah could be.
"A double sweet liqueur, please. With coke" Peter mutters at the bar. The man behind it, blessedly human, eyes him carefully before going for a glass. "Hell, could you make it a triple? In a pint glass or something?" He considered, gaze pleading. He could pretend it was just coke, as long as he didn't let Ms. Potts close enough to sniff. The bartender looks at him again, a flat look like he's caught Peter in a lie. His gaze shifts a literal half-second before the silkiest voice Peter has ever heard comes from behind.
"He'll have a single. With extra soda".
Peter turns to ask just who the Hell Mr. Audio Porn thinks he is, when a bucket of metaphorical ice water is dumped over him, and he drowns once more in twin pools of blue moonlight. They blaze up close, strong enough Peter imagines their glow bathes his cheeks.
"It's rude to stare" the man purrs, eyes twinkling and lips curving into enough of a smirk that the very tip of one sharp, sharp canine peeks out. That does nothing to make him stop, gaze fixed on the glittering point and heart beating at his teeth.
Peter is vaguely aware of the bartender placing a drink at his elbow, the glass too short to be anything but a single, but he can't even bring himself to care. What would he do, anyway? Argue with a man who could break his neck with his index finger alone?
"We wouldn't want Ms. Potts putting you to bed early for misbehaving now, would we?" The man continues, his velvet drawl sinking into Peter's body. His lashes are long enough that it almost looks like he's wearing eyeliner.
"Especially," the man breaths, moving closer, too close, not close enough. "When most grown up fun happens after dark". The man brings Peter's glass to his lips, dark and full, and looks amused when the sweet scent hits him, taking a slow and luxurious sip.
"Flavourful" he murmurs, turning the glass and extending his arm, until the exact piece of glass he'd just curled his tongue around rests on Peter's bottom lip. Peter can't bring himself to do anything except tip his head, obligingly sipping the sweet, fizzy combination.
"Tony. Haven't we talked about playing with things that aren't yours?" Comes another soft, deep voice, and Peter's knees almost buckle. The idea of being reduced to a thing shouldn't do anything but offend him, and yet he can feel his cheeks darken and his cock fill against his thigh.
Tony. He wants to taste it. Play with the shape of it on his tongue. Can only watch as the blonde approaches, pulls Tony back a step so that Peter can finally breathe. The man seems equal parts stern and amused, eyeing Peter both like he was a meal and a trash wrapper.
"He's not anyone else's, though. He's too fresh and prey to be anything but desk candy for Pepper" Tony pouts, but it's mean and sweet both. Peter suspects he's being mocked, but he can't bring himself to react other than to blush harder, gaze averting.
"Besides, Stevie. I'm doing a good deed. This sweet little kitten was trying to play grown up with his drinks" Tony grins, teeth bared. The look that 'Stevie' turns on Peter makes him feel about two inches tall, like the kid caught stealing cookies late at night.
"Stop biting at things too sweet for your teeth, Tony. Let the skittish colt go" Steve (because Peter would guess a man this regal wasn't born Stevie) warns. The docile, minimising insults finally prompt Peter to open his mouth, frowning.
"I'm not a kitten. Or a colt. Or a lamb, before you go making any big-bad-wolf references" he seeths, but it only serves for Steve to arch one golden brow and for Tony to laugh, delighted.
"The little baby bites" Tony play-growls at him, leering closer. His fight back only seems to have melted Steve's protection of him, because the man glances at his partner with what can only mean I take it back, he's fair game. Chew away.
"Sweet alcohol. Sweet face. Sour little temper. I wonder what the rest of you tastes like" Tony whispered, lewd and shameless. Peter is vaguely aware that there are two other Vampires in this room that can undoubtedly hear every word of this, but the warm ache in his gut persuades him to ignore it.
"Bite me and find out" Peter snapped scathingly, and this time it was Steve that moved closer, towering over him like a fierce, proud lion. That's fitting, Peter thinks. A lion. A King. Would Tony be the Panther, then? The beast in the shadows?
"You wouldn't want us to do that, little kitten. You shouldn't try to fight things with teeth sharper than yours" Steve purrs, tongue curling over pointed canines as he grins in a move made only to flash fang. At his flank Tony does the same, predatory, eyes blazing.
"He started it" Peter responded, but his words were nothing but a beaten down mumble, gaze averting. Submitting. It was a fight he wouldn't win even if they were human. You live as you die when you're a Vampire - And the bite doesn't inherently change your personality. These men are royalty and teeth and sex by blood.
"Let him bite, darling. A little thing like him won't leave marks" Tony hummed lowly, taking Peter's drink again, watching him as he sips like daring Peter to rise to the bait. He doesn't. Can't. Can barely feel the blur of his heart and the heavy hotness between his legs.
Steve's hand lifts, moves syrup-slow towards his jaw. His touch, when it finally comes, isn't the ice cold that Peter imagined. Steve's touch is...Lukewarm. Warm enough to give the illusion his blood flows beneath the marble skin. The pad of his thumb his heavy, soft when it pulls down Peter's lip, his gaze electric and dark at once.
"Blunt little baby teeth" he agrees, like mocking, but his voice is soft and Peter's lip tastes like skin and metal when Steve lets go of his mouth. "Wouldn't hurt at all. Not like we could" he adds, husky and like it's a promise.
Peter shivers.
"And you told me I was playing with my food" Tony drawls, lazy and entertained, almost jealous as he licks at the place Peter drank from. Tastes him.
"I'm not your food" Peter huffed, scowling. He was more than a walking snack, thanks. Vampires or not, he wasn't a Capri-Sun to be poked full of holes and drained. The smile Tony throws him is sticky sweet, leering. The truth is; they could walk out of here with him and nobody would stop them. There'd be questions later, but the world has always been rules by power, and what are Vampires if not powerful?
"Mm. But I'll bet you'd let us taste, wouldn't you?" Tony rasps back, sexuality velvet-smooth. "You'd let us lick and suck. Let us bite".
He would.
"Behave" Steve warns again, but there's less sincerity behind it now. Less authority and more habit. He's close enough that to look at him, Peter has to look up, head tipping back. Tony is flanking him enough that Peter can see the flecks of white in his eyes. The blue so crisp it's almost clear.
"What do you think, Stevie? Think if we take off the halter the little colt will bolt away?" Tony purrs, eyes and fangs clinging in the golden overheads. "Because I think he'll be a good little baby and trot straight into Room 313" he added, tongue dipping onto the razor edge of his canine. A tiny bead of red wells there.
Steve looks at him for a long, long time, and then they're gone with nothing but a lingering, predatory glance. Peter really does collapse again the bar then, gasping and ignoring even Obidiah's hungry gaze. Something nudges his elbow and when he turns, it's another drink. The tumbler taller, the customer scale for a double. The bartender won't look at him, but Peter isn't exactly running for eye contact, either.
The drink is strong on his tongue, sweet to the point of almost being bitter. Liquid courage, they call it. The tonic of the nerves. On his way out, he can't bring himself to look at anything except the polished floor each step ahead. No doubt everyone knows, regardless. Or will, if his body is found by the cleaners in the morning.
The door swings open even as his hand lifts to knock, and Tony leans against the door frame, ice fire eyes and licking at his mouth. "It looks like I found a stray kitten" he purred, fang-tips glittering as he reaches for Peter's collar.
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kazeofthemagun · 4 years
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Were she but human, the witch would have no hope of ever noticing Black Wind slipping out of the cabin in the middle of the night, his imposing frame somehow lithe like a cat's as he moved silently in the dark. He threw on his cape, holstered his shotgun, and as quickly as he had come, he was gone.
Perhaps this whole occurence really was merely a dream to her - until somewhere in the woods, earth itself shook under the force of a bestial roar.
It was as if heavens were parting with the bellow of thunder - yet there was no light, and the skies were clear. It was not something that should go uninvestigated, now, was it?
A tree fell. Then, another. A warped visage of a reddish-colored, serpentine demon slammed into the dirt, skull held, creaking audibly, against the ground by a claw of something yet greater - much like a mouse in a feline grasp.
Except, the towering abomination above was no feline, nor was it any other animal.
It was hard to tell if the frame even belonged to something living - where there would be breath, there was the hum of engines; Where there would be flesh and bone - there was circuit and wire. Yet, a powerful heart of blackness beat at the center, fuelling the vast creature as a dark wind picked up around it, maintained by the slow rotation of a pair of gigantic propellers carved into the wrists of its feathered wings.
 Entire logs could be shredded beneath those whirring blades.
The smooth plating covering the majority of its slender body was crimson in color, a row of black, claymore-shaped spines clicking leisurely in tandem with the similarily obsidian mandibles framing its massive head. Behind the creature, a pair of cable-like, prehensile tails lashed at the ground. 
The golden plating at its belly and chest parted, revealing four glaring orbs of amber, gaze luminous like a lighthouse in a storm. Another two pairs shot afire at its muzzle, one elongated and unblinking like a neon sign, the other decidedly more organic in its rageful contortion.
Now revealed in the eerie glow of its nine blazing eyes, was the shape of the monster's snout. Above rows of jutting, sharp teeth, rested what could only be described as the muzzle of a triple-barreled gun. One, upon which, familiar runes flared up with each rumble from the depths of the beast's bottomless throat.
There was a low shriek when the lesser demon's bones finally gave way, further distorting its already brutalized shape. The predator growled and finished its prey with a powerful snap of the jaws, severing the malformed head from its neck and sending the creature's carcass scattering into the air in a cloud of crystalline dust. It shook off its massive wings with a rattling groan of metal.
A gaze of many eyes searched for a brief moment before coming to rest on the tiny silhouette of the woman watching, a certain indifferent coldness to its stare and general stance that sent a shiver of recognition down the spine. It rose to its full height, skeletal, bladed fingers scraping at the ground as it did.
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Whether the monster was of the kingdom of the living or a sophisticated machine - it mattered little. The only words that came to rest on any mortal's lips were -
It was a dragon. A Gun Dragon.
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Kitsune is the Japanese word for 'fox'. Specifically the red fox of East Asia. Kitsune is part of the Japanese folklore. Therefore, a mythical creature.
Stories depict legendary foxes as intelligent beings and as possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. According to Yōkai folklore, all foxes have the ability to shapeshift into human form.
While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others – as foxes in folklore often do – other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.
Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as its messengers. This role has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance.
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The more tails a kitsune has – they may have as many as nine – the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Because of their potential power and influence, some people make sacrifices to them as to a Deity.
These 9 tailed foxes gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. Other tales credit them with infinite wisdom. After reaching 1,000 years of age and gaining its ninth tail, a kitsune turns a white or golden colour, becoming a tenko (heavenly/celestial fox), the most powerful form of the kitsune, and then ascends to the heavens.
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Magical Capabilities
Conversely foxes were often seen as "witch animals", especially during the superstitious Edo period (1603–1867), and were thought of as goblins who could not be trusted (similar to some badgers and cats).
Kitsune are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life, and magical powers. They are a type of yōkai. The word kitsune is sometimes translated as 'fox spirit', which is actually a broader folkloric category.
This does not mean that kitsune are ghosts, nor that they are fundamentally different from regular foxes. Because the word spirit is used to reflect a state of knowledge or enlightenment, all long-lived foxes were believed to gain supernatural abilities.
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A kitsune may take on human form, an ability learned when it reaches a certain age – usually 100 years, although some tales say 50. As a common prerequisite for the transformation, the fox must place reeds, a leaf, or a skull over its head. Common forms assumed by kitsune include beautiful women, young girls, elderly men, and less often young boys.
These shapes are not limited by the fox's own age or gender, and a kitsune can duplicate the appearance of a specific person. Kitsune are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a kitsune.
Kitsune-gao ('fox-faced') refers to human females who have a narrow face with close-set eyes, thin eyebrows, and high cheekbones. Traditionally, this facial structure is considered attractive, and some tales ascribe it to foxes in human form. Variants on the theme have the kitsune retain other foxlike traits, such as a coating of fine hair, a fox-shaped shadow, or a reflection that shows its true form.
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In some stories, kitsune retain – and have difficulty hiding – their tails when they take human form; looking for the tail, perhaps when the fox gets drunk or careless, is a common method of discerning the creature's true nature.
A particularly devout individual may even be able to see through a fox's disguise merely by perceiving them. Kitsune can also be exposed while in human form by their fear and hatred of dogs, and some become so rattled by their presence that they revert to the form of a fox and flee.
One folktale illustrating these imperfections in the kitsune's human shape concerns Koan, a historical person later credited with legendary wisdom and magical powers of divination.
According to the story, he was staying at the home of one of his devotees when he scalded his foot entering a bath because the water had been drawn too hot. Then, in his pain, he ran out of the bathroom naked. When the people of the household saw him, they were astonished to see that Koan had fur covering much of his body, along with a fox's tail. Then Koan transformed in front of them, becoming an elderly fox and running away.
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Paranormal Elements
Other supernatural abilities commonly attributed to kitsune include possession, generating fire or lightning, willful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility, and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality.
Some tales speak of kitsune with even greater powers, able to bend time and space, drive people mad, or take fantastic shapes such as an incredibly tall tree or a second moon in the sky. Other kitsune have characteristics reminiscent of vampires or succubi, and feed on the life or spirit of human beings, generally through sexual contact.
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Kitsunetsuki is 'the state of being possessed by a fox'. The victim is usually said to be a young woman, whom the fox enters beneath her fingernails or through her breasts. In some cases, the victims' facial expressions are said to change in such a way that they resemble those of a fox.
Japanese tradition holds that fox possession can cause illiterate victims to temporarily gain the ability to read. Though foxes in folklore can possess a person of their own will, kitsunetsuki is often attributed to the malign intents of hereditary fox employers.
Attempting to rid someone of a fox spirt was done via an exorcism, often at an Inari shrine. If a priest was not available or if the exorcism failed, alleged victims of kitsunetsuki might be badly burned or beaten in hopes of driving out the fox spirts. The whole family of someone thought to be possessed might be ostracized by their community.
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Involved Arts
Embedded in Japanese folklore as they are, kitsune appear in numerous Japanese works. Noh, kyogen, bunraku, and kabuki plays derived from folk tales feature them, as do contemporary works such as anime, manga and video games.
Japanese metal idol band Babymetal refer to the kitsune myth in their lyrics and include the use of fox masks, hand signs, and animation interludes during live shows. Western authors of fiction have also made use of the kitsune legends.
Kitsune are associated with Inari, the Shinto deity of rice. This association has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. Originally, kitsune were Inari's messengers, but the line between the two is now blurred so that Inari Ōkami may be depicted as a fox. Likewise, entire shrines are dedicated to kitsune, where devotees can leave offerings.
Fox spirits are said to be particularly fond of a fried sliced tofu called aburage, which is accordingly found in the noodle-based dishes kitsune udon and kitsune soba. There is speculation among folklorists as to whether another Shinto fox deity existed in the past. Foxes have long been worshipped as kami.
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Sources :
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Meltan and Melmetal
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808: Meltan
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God, can you believe I was this close, THIIIIIS close to saying Gen 7 as a whole just HAD to end on a note as sour as Zeraora. Well, in the middle of just last year, this surprise just fell on our heads in the form of a Pokemon Go datamine of all things! Not only that, but then showed up in the aftermath of that weekend's Community Day where a ton of Ditto disguised as this weird little slimy metal thing appeared for a while afterward. And then a few days where they acted like nothing strange happened. This had to be the WEIRDEST and most fun way to introduce a new Pokemon to date.
Of course, eventually, we got formally introduced to this Pokemon that was the real Mystery-Pokemon teased at the end of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee's first trailer. The mono-Steel type Meltan!
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AND LOOK. AT HOW. ADORABLE THIS LITTLE THING IS. These little Mythic critters are yet another concept I had wanted a while, that being of a molten metal creature as a pitch for the Steel type. While it's more of a liquid metal than a molten metal, it's easily the same thing in my book. And I am not at all disappointed with this little fella. I love love LOVE the visual of the eyeball it forms out of an oversized nut-head with a big black ball of liquid metal making a “pupil”. Even complete with a tiny wire for a tail. Just precious!
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And the amount of charm and expressiveness they managed to ooze out of such a simplified design is absolutely commendable. With the pupil cartoonishly changing shape to formulate expressions.
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Their little eyes even pop out of their socket when they're surprised! THATS'S SO CUTE I CAN'T. JUST. HHHHRGH.
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They're even rather simple in their story. All they want to do is eat metal, loving the taste as it consumes said metal to become larger. Though supposedly its body is primarily made of mercury. Which would make sense, given that's a metal that is in liquid form even at room temperature. But it's also a good electrical conductor, giving Meltan some of its electric-based abilities as well!
Wait, is it EATING a Magnemite!?! Nooo!!!!!
I also think it’s super neat how, as stated in an interview with Junichi Masuda and Kensaku Nabana that Meltan was deliberately designed to look like a Gen 1 Pokemon since its first appearance was to be in a remake of Yellow version. And I think they totally nailed it, especially with how it STILL manages to look like its own thing that isn’t ripping off any Gen 1 line in particular. You could fully expect this thing to be running around the abandoned Power Plant back in the day!
I do understand the complaints saying it doesn't really fit in with the status of “Mythical Pokemon.” And I'd agree, it looks just a bit more like a Generation's obligatory industrial object-mon more than it does a status you'd expect to be reserved for Pokemon's equivalent of cryptids. But whatever man. I'll take Gen 7 ending on such an adorable note as this and not with a design as unimpressive as Zeraora. It's hilarious how quickly this thing has ascended to become one of my favorite Steel types, and one of my favorite Mythic Pokemon.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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809: Melmetal
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And here it is. Number Eight Hundred and Nine. The actual, for really real as real can be realsies this time, at the time of writing this, final Pokemon, at least until Gen 8 comes out later this year.
In yet another surprise, Meltan is our first-ever Mythical Pokemon to evolve! Though, the impact of that can't help but be lessened a bit after remembering Mythicals like Shaymin or Hoopa have “alternate forms” that would basically work as evolutions all the same. But it's the thought that counts, I suppose.
While I do like Meltan just a little bit better than Melmetal here, Melmetal is no disappointment either. The only thing that's really missed is the adorable charm and how less expressive it is. Though maybe that can be chalked up with it trying to present itself as cool. At least it keeps the nut-head with little-ball eyeball look going. If it kept any one thing it should've been that.
Portrayed as many Meltan merged together into one huge, hulking body, this is a good way to pull off the bulky but elastic fighter type with the molten metal look. It also apparently can make iron out of nothing, providing an ancient civilization with metal for years before somehow falling asleep.
It's also said to have pretty nasty punches. Understandable, given the huge nuts on the ends of its arms like brass knuckles. Even when it's pulling off its signature move, Double Iron Bash, its arms spin around on the nut it uses as a torso to deliver repeated metal punches.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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Still a very good friend!!
And with that we're actually done without being ironic this time. It's finally time to have our, for now, final Generation recap.
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fusioncomics · 5 years
Blaze the Cat #01
By Charty/Fuse/Eggy(Different names for one person)
Important notes: NB means 'Narration Box', and TB means 'Thought Bubble'
PAGE ONE AND TWO - TWO PAGE SPREAD A two page spread shot of a very large city, looking similar to Pre-SGW's New Mobotropolis, only, slightly more advanced looking, with a slight bit of spanish architecture style.
NB Note: Solus, Capital City
1. Blaze(NB): I have to admit, its been a while since I've been back here.
2. Blaze(NB): Between the various searches for the Sol Emeralds, and having to deal with the doctors, just haven't really had the time.
3. Blaze(NB): Though, after the battle with Cap'n Metal, I seem to have more than enough time to come back recently.
4. Blaze(NB): Something that hasn't really been lost on the seer...
PANEL ONE A head and bust shot of a somewhat tired looking Blaze, walking along the sidewalk, with a few background characters around her.
1. Blaze(NB): Lahlee...
2. Blaze(NB): Never really talked to her much. Didn't really used to be all that social, to be honest.
PANEL TWO A zoom in on Blaze's face, which starts taking on a concerned expression
1. Blaze(NB): But, then again, I'd like to think I'm better than that now.
2. Blaze(NB): And, from what it sounds, she might have had it a bit hard herself...
PANEL THREE A side shot of Blaze walking along the sidewalk, with multiple background characters around her.
1. Blaze(NB): After all, the life of seer has never sounded all that pleasant to me.
2. Blaze(NB): All the legends and stories make it sound like a grueling task overall.
PANEL ONE A shot of Blaze standing infront of a rather nice, pleasant looking, cottage like small house, with her back turned toward us.
1. Blaze(NB): Then again...
PANEL TWO A close up of Blaze's face, eyelids slightly lowered, with an expression that suggests she regrets her concern.
1. Blaze(NB): I suppose with me as her princess, she's had it a bit easier than others.
PANEL ONE A shot of Blaze knocking on the door 1. Blaze: Lahlee, are you in there? I hope I've come at a good time.
PANEL TWO Same shot, but, now Blaze is waiting infront of the door looking slightly impatient. 1. Lahlee(From inside): Come in! Tea's almost done!
PANEL THREE Same shot, now with Blaze opening the door and heading in, looking less than thrilled. 1. Blaze: Oh, joy. Tea...
PAGE SIX - ONE PANEL SPREAD PANEL ONE A page spread shot of the inside of the house, with a tarot reader's table in the middle, a small reading room to be a left, and, a partial shot of a kitchen to the right, only showing the back of an egyptian blue(The color) cloak from behind in terms of what we can see of Lahlee.  Both Blaze's expression and body language convey surprise as she looks around.
1. Blaze: Woah! This- This is your new home...? 2. Lahlee: Well, its not as new as you'd think! 3. Lahlee: I actually moved in here about a couple of months ago. 4. Lahlee: I'm still having to get used to it a bit, but, its honestly pretty nice so far!
PANEL ONE Blaze is looking to her left, body turned slightly, with an expression of curiosity, and slight wonder on her face.
1. Blaze: It is very nice. I think I would hope to have a place just as nice in the near future. 2. Lahlee: Ha! Well, I do wish I could see as you do-
PANEL TWO Same shot, but, now Lahlee's in it, still obscured, and, we can only see her blue cloak, and, her holding a simple white tea kettle. Blaze looks at her with a slight bit of curiosity, but, mostly confusion. 1. Lahlee: But, enough about me! Why don't we go ahead and sit down, and have some tea?
PANEL THREE Lahlee sits down in a plain wooden chair at the far end of the table, and, her head isn't visible, but, now we can see her arms, and, an echidna dread/quill, and, she seems to have a pink lavender coat, with somewhat darker flame-shaped markings on her dreads/quills.
PANEL FOUR Blaze sits down at the chair at the end closer to the door, her head also not really visible, or, at the very least, only slightly visible from the bottom.
PANEL FIVE A wide shot of the table, with Blaze closer to the viewer, but, we can now see that Lahlee seems to be an echidna girl, about a couple of years older than Blaze, with a white face wrap covering her eyes, and, she seems to be wearing a plain egyptian blue robe from inside of the cloak. She has a smile on her face, and is pouring some tea into a cup, while Blaze has a somewhat unenthused look on her face. 1. Lahlee: Now, tell me, how is this 'Marine' I've heard about doing? 2. Blaze: Eh, she's fine. She's a bit trying at times, but, I know she means well. She's still learning.
PAGE EIGHT - Four Panels(All wide shots)
PANEL ONE Lahlee's pouring a second cup of tea, looking a bit amused. Although, you can kind of tell, its the kind of expression that might look slightly smug for someone we could actually see the eyes of. Blaze looks a bit embarrassed, though. 1. Lahlee: I see! Well, if we're being honest, I think we both know what that's like~ 2. Blaze: H-heh, I'm not quite sure what you mean...
PANEL TWO You can't see her eyes, but, you can tell Lahlee's giving Blaze a bit of a knowing smile. Blaze is drinking her tea, mouth obscured by the cup, and, she's clearly trying to avoid looking in Lahlee's direction. 1. Lahlee: Well, I don't know about you, but, I remember a bit of a princess who was constantly asocial, and, didn't think she needed to get close to anyone. 2. Blaze: I-I'm not sure I follow.
PANEL THREE Blaze makes a disgusted face, looking at her tea cup, and, Lahlee just sort of has a neutral expression. 1. Blaze: Ugh! Is your tea always this bitter? 2. Lahlee: Funny, I knew you would say that...
PANEL FOUR Lahlee has a *very* knowing smirk on her face, and, Blaze is sweating a bit, making the kind of embarrassed grin face someone like Tracy Yardley might draw. 1. Lahlee: Which is why I specifically used a blueberry blend from Plant Kingdom, instead of my usual one. 2. Lahlee: You've just had it ingrained as a habit by now to consider my tea bitter, haven't you? 3. Blaze: I, uh- Well, uh-
PANEL ONE Lahlee covers her mouth, while Blaze is just sort of watching, looking slightly bemused. 1. Lahlee: Heh! Oh, don't mind me, I'm sorry, I'm just having a little bit of a giggle at your expense! 2. Lahlee: I really shouldn't be. Its just a part of you I haven't really gotten to see much of in the past...
PANEL TWO Lahlee's expression isn't visible, we're once again just seeing her from behind. Blaze's expression is a bit bemused.
1. Lahlee: Now, before we get started, why don't you tell me some of whats happened to you? 2. Lahlee: We've barely talked before now, and, I really would like to know about what's been going on with you in recent times. 3. Lahlee: That is, if you wouldn't mind?
PANEL THREE Blaze sighs, looking down, eyelids half shut in contemplation.
1. Blaze: Well...I guess a lot has changed, honestly. I used to be a lot more energetic when I was younger, but, I think I was also a bit spoiled too, since that was before I knew what I would have to do. 2. Blaze: When my parents disappeared, and, your father started training me to become guardian, I know I started shutting myself off from others. I knew the kind of responsibilities that ultimately fell on me. I thought I could handle them all alone... 3. Blaze: Even when Dr. Eggman came, and took all of the Sol Emeralds, I didn't think I needed anyone. 4. Blaze: ...But, then, after going to Mobius-Sonic's World-I started to meet all sorts of new people. I- I began to open up a bit more, ask others for help. Cream, Sonic and the others really started to open my eyes. 5. Blaze: Even when I invited Sonic here, I still had a lot more to learn. Not just from Sonic and Tails, but, even Marine too. She has her flaws, but, so do I. 6. Blaze: And...During the Wisp incident, I met another new person. I didn't think I had ever met him before, but, he still seemed familiar somehow. And...He was nice. Naive, but, nice. 7. Blaze: I don't think I'll ever stop learning how to be a better person and friend, but, I don't think anyone ever does.
PANEL ONE We can see Lahlee from behind, sipping tea, and, Blaze on the other side, just watching curiously.
1. Lahlee: Well, I'm not really surprised. I knew you'd find people who could find your softer spots inside one of these days. 2. Lahlee: It was always going to be a matter of when.
PANEL TWO A shot, now its Blaze we're right behind, and, we can see Lahlee facing in her general direction, with a wry smile on her face, while Blaze is blushing slightly, and looking down at the table to avoid looking in Lahlee's direction again.
1. Lahlee: Honestly, I'm mostly curious about this hedgehog girl with a hammer. 2. Lahlee: I understand you two work pretty well together? 3. Blaze: W-well, Amy is...Very motivated when it comes to helping her friends. 4. Blaze: I should honestly consider myself glad that I number among them.
PANEL THREE Lahlee has an expression of genuine curiosity on her face, while Blaze is looking upwards in contemplation.
1. Lahlee: Is there anyone from Sonic's World you'd like to get to know more? 2. Blaze: Hmmmmm...Well, I've only seen the princess of Acorn in passing, and, I've heard about a few of his other Freedom Fighter friends. Honestly, I think I'd like to meet all of them eventually, if possible.
PANEL ONE Lahlee looks both impressed, and pleased as punch, as she starts pulling out a Solian style tarot deck, with the top of all the cards having ornate purple patterns, with flame markings in the certain, and around the decorated parts of the cards.
1. Lahlee: Well, that is definitely an admirable and respectable goal! I'm glad you're wanting to make more friends these days! Now, I guess we should go ahead and start this, considering its supposed to be the main reason you're here.
PANEL TWO An overhead view, Lahlee goes ahead and places a card down ontop of the table.
1. Lahlee: Now, I don't know what everyone's told you, but, this is a perfectly valid of making a prediction. My father, and all his ancestors before him had various different ways of doing this, and, I have my own way. 2. Blaze: Well...I don't think I would judge, really. Amy has a bit of an interest in tarot cards herself. 3. Lahlee: Oh? Well, it sounds like she's very openminded to things that can't always be explained.
PANEL THREE Lahlee places her gloved hand ontop of the card.
1. Lahlee: Now, let us see what the first one is.
PANEL FOUR Both of them are *looking* at the card, making it debateable of whether Lahlee 100% blind or not.
1. Lahlee: Is that- I-is that what I think it is? 2. Blaze: Yep...
PANEL ONE A close up shot of what seems to be a massive bunch of vines, covering a tower shaped structure, with the words 'The Tower' on the bottom.
1. Blaze: I've been around Amy enough to know a tower card when I see it.
PANEL TWO Lahlee looks to her right, which is on Blaze's and our left, with a look that indicates that she is trying to wrap her head around this.
1. Lahlee: I- I don't know how this could have happened
PANEL THREE Lahlee grabs two more cards, placing them both to one side of the Tower card. Her hand is obscuring them though.
1. Lahlee: But, I know two more drawings should clear this up.
PANEL ONE Lahlee's standing to the left wondering what could have happened, while Blaze is looking on with suspicion, seeming to already have an idea as to what this could mean. To the right of the Tower Card, the Emperor, represented by a tall feline mobian in Golden Armor, with a giant ornate golden gear right behind him, and, the Sun, with all seven Sol Emeralds around it in the picture.
1. Lahlee: I- I'm the one who drew this, but, I don't even know what it means? How could a Tower, Emperor and Sun be in the same drawing...? 2. Blaze: Well...I think I might have a bit of an idea
PANEL ONE Lahlee looks at Blaze in confusion, who seems to be pondering on something.
1. Lahlee: I- Wait, what...? 2. Blaze: I- My mother used to tell me about legends of the past. Fables and stories about those who supposedly used to live in our universe...
PANEL TWO Blaze looks at the viewer, while in the background, we can see a shining sun, and three obscured shadowy feline figures standing infront of it. The tallest one looking forward, and, the two others facing toward the sides.
1. Blaze: Once upon a time, there lived a Great King, blessed with great knowledge and strength, and power over the sun itself. 2. Blaze: And, as the young king's reign continued, and he grew older and married, he had two children
PANEL THREE A bust shot of a male jaguar, facing directly to the left, wearing a small golden crown, and aztec/mayan style jewelry over his chest, grinning arrogantly.
1. Blaze: The first was his older son. 2. Blaze: He was blessed with the vibrant passion and fire of the sun, and, was considered both handsome and beautiful by many of his subjects and lovers.
PANEL FOUR A bust shot of a female caracal, looking directly to the right, with a red forehead jewel looking similar to Blaze's, and a fancy aztec/mayan style outfit, with her eyes partially closed, and a subdued yet warm smile on her face.
1. Blaze: The second was his younger daughter. 2. Blaze: She was blessed with the majestic, life giving sol energies of the sun, that were reflected in the gems of that era. She was considered not only very beautiful, but, very kind and wise as well. 3. Blaze: Both of them had the same powers from the sun of their father, just used in different ways.
PANEL ONE A shot of the two together, but, younger, playing with each other in the throne room(With a bit of a technologically advanced clockpunk Aztec/Mayan asthetic), looking rather happy and excited, with a taller, more well muscled jaguar watching from the throne with a warm smile.
1. Blaze: When the two were younger, they were just about inseperable! There was only about a year and a half's age difference between them, and, no matter what anyone did, they couldn't be separated for long.
PANEL TWO A shot of the two as teenagers, the male jaguar being surrounded by both attracted male and female feline mobians, laughing a bit, clearly enthused from all the attention, while his sister seems to be reading from some sort of holographic scroll nearby, rolling her eyes a bit.
1. Blaze: Even as the two grew older, and their interests clearly differed as time went on-He enjoyed basking in the attention of others', and, she had an interest in both lore and history-They still remained close.
PANEL THREE A shot of some sort of ceremony, both standing at center of a crowd, with the two sticking their hands into some sort, and not being harmed.
1. Blaze: And, of course, both were blessed by the sun, and, possessed great power over fire and other magics!
PANEL FOUR The male Jaguar shows off, creating rings and cubes, and different shapes out of fire, to an awed crowd.
1. Blaze: Some would say the brother preferred the destructive side of fire, but, he was very creative, and, could bend the shape of fire more easily than his sister and most others.
PANEL FIVE The female caracal creates flames of different colors close to the crowd, who don't seem to be as fearful as they are curious.
1. Blaze: The sister, though, was more entuned with the life nature of fire, and, recognize that fire and heat were a part of life, and, so, could create flames with many beneficial effects, including healing.
PANEL ONE As the crowd cheers for the both of them, they face toward each other, and just sort of smile knowingly at each other.
1. Blaze: They were beloved by both their parents, and their people. As long as they remained together, the two siblings were practically unstoppable.
PANEL TWO The brother watches from the back, as a male cat in ornate robes, similar looking in appearance to Blaze, kisses the hand of his sister, who seems to be smiling.
1. Blaze: But, as they grew older, and became adults, one of the king's mages took an interest in, and began courting the princess, who quickly started to reciprocate his feelings.
PANEL THREE A close up shot, the brother's face is a mixture between anger and concern, with his teeth bared to a degree.
1. Blaze: The prince did not like this, and, was furious that someone would try to court his only sibling, but, at the same time, he loved his sister, and wanted her to be happy.
PANEL ONE The brother points accusingly at the male cat mage infront of his father, sister, and the father's staff and advisors.
1. Blaze: Soon enough, though, it became more than he could bear. One day, he outright challenged the mage to a magic duel, that all the people would see. He would not let this one take his sister.
PANEL TWO The Sister grabs her brother's arm, with tears streaming/flooding out of her face, and a horrified look on her face.
1. Blaze: The sister begged him, pleaded with him to stop! She did not want either her brother or her beloved to be hurt. But, he would not listen. He was filled with jealously, and a fury that not even she could quell.
PANEL THREE The brother and mage face other at opposite sides of a small-medium sized arena.
1. Blaze: And, so it was that the prince and the mage would fight each other the next day.
PANEL FOUR A fiery, yet shadowy aura surrounds the mage, who has both of his eyes closed, and his hands together as he's obviously preparing some sort of offensive spell.
1. Blaze: But, as much as the mage did not want to fight the beloved prince, he could not let himself die either. And, to lose would be to die for him. So, he decided that he would use a lesser known spell, of a type of magic that was consider taboo by many a magic user-
PANEL FIVE The mage sends a blazing, shadowy torrent of fire, right at the prince from his hands, knocking the prince down, with the prince facing away from the audience.
1. Blaze: And, so, he cast a curse on him, one that would force the prince into an eternal slumber.
PANEL ONE The king(Tall, muscular male jaguar) is shouting at the mage in rage, with tears streaming down his eyes. The princess is trying to calm her father down.
1. Blaze: The king was outraged. He demanded the mage cure his son, but, since the type of magic wasn't well studied, no one really knew how to cure it.
PANEL TWO The king, face obscured, but still streaming with tears, simply points away, basically telling him to go.
1. Blaze: So, since he had taken his beloved son from him, the king ordered the mage banished. He was exiled, ordered to leave through the gates to wander the worlds, with pain of slow death awaiting him should he ever return.
PANEL THREE The princess watches her father the other side of the room sometime after the mage has left, with an expression of clear concern.
1. Blaze: The princess was worried. Knowing her father, he might try just about anything, including using the power of their great sun gems to seize other worlds, so that he might find a way to cure her brother. And, there would be no telling how many he would hurt or kill to that end, in this state of mind.
PANEL FOUR The princess, followed by a number of other members of her feline people, sneaks through the night.
1. Blaze: And, so, one night, while her father was asleep, and the gems were unguarded, she took all seven, and, then, she and a number of her loyal followers snuck through the night, leaving their world behind through the gate, to the first planet her lover had taken. Then, she broke the gate on their side, preventing her father from following. She would make sure the rest of the gates on their new planet were smashed as well.
PANEL FIVE The king sits on his throne, most of the top half of him obscured in shadow, though, he's obviously wearing some sort of golden armor.
1. Blaze: Her father, stuck on his own world, simply bided his time, his rage slowly turning into cold calucation.
PANEL ONE A mosaic of Blaze's world, with the picture of the princess, now a queen, on top of the world, with symbolism of not only grandeur, but, peace and benevolence as well.
1. Blaze: And, so, the princess, who became known as the queen of her new world, ruled in benevolence for two centuries, tethering the sun gems to their new world. She brought a golden age of peace, which remained until she died.
PANEL ONE Blaze is standing, contemplating on her story, and what she's been told when she was young, and, what she's read since.
1. Blaze: Although...According to legend, after Queen Arteia's death, a cult rose up, and, reassembled the gate leading back to the original Solian homeworld. There's been enough evidence to suggest that the cult is indeed real, and, that we've had to war with the old Solians multiple times over the millenia.
PANEL TWO Lahlee seems to realize something important, which Blaze nods to.
1. Lahlee: Hold on. Queen Lahlee? But- She was the original queen of the Sol dynasty! That means that- 2. Blaze: Yes, it means that we've been fighting those we share ancient ancestors with, for longer than any of us care to remember.
PANEL THREE Blaze has a serious look on her face, which seems to indicate she knows what this means.
1. Blaze: And, if some of these legends are true...
PANEL FOUR A bobcat woman, in technologically advanced, golden colored aztec/mayan style armor, kneels before the throne.
1. Blaze(NB): We might still be facing the old king himself. 2. Bobcat: Sir, our mystics have been contacted by the cult. We should be able to go through the gate in two days time. 3. King: Well, then-
PANEL ONE We can see the king from the story, and, he's wearing some sort of ancient looking, but, still pretty advanced, golden-colored armor. In the bottom right corner, there's a 'TO BE CONTINUED' comic box.
1. King: I suppose its finally time I get to see the measure of my newest descendant...
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The Cherubim
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
“Master Berith?” A low voice called out across the large cavern. The walls were lined with rocks, and within the centre of the cavern was a large steaming spring. Resting at the edge of the spring was a man and from his back sprouted four wings. The wings were golden-brown in colour and from where they connected at his shoulder blades, feathers filtered down his back and lightly speckled his upper chest. The man had his arms folded upon the edge of the spring, his face resting upon them. “Master Berith?” The voice called forth again. The man opened one golden eye, annoyed that his bath was being interrupted. Golden brown locks framed his face, with feathers coming down his cheeks like a pair of sideburn. He pursed his lips in annoyance.  
“Eligos.” Berith snarled, “This better be important.” He looked up at the armoured Knight standing at the doorway. Eligos bowed, quickly delivering his report.
“Master, I have received a report that Master Leviathan was able to restore the town that you destroyed-”
“Yes, Master. Saved. However, despite that there are still Summon Circles and Demons appearing on Earth. What would you like me to do? I have 60 Legions at my disposal, I could bring them to the surface and eradicate-”
“Eligos.” Berith sat up, a frown on his face as he glared at the Knight before him, “Do I look like I need to rely on the powers of the Legions?”
Eligos opened his mouth to reply, but stopped, watching as Berith’s face twisted, the feathers disappeared and golden fur emerged in its place. His face had changed from the sharp look of an Eagle, and took on the features of a Lion. Eligos immediately dropped to his hands and knees, “No, Master! Please forgive me!” Berith only ever wore his Lion Form when he was either angry or in battle.
Berith stood up from the spring, and water dripped down his body, his hands and feet had transformed into lion paws and a lions tail swished behind him in annoyance, “Did our Lord Satan, Lucifer, ask me to use the powers of the Legions to ‘tidy up this mess’?”
“No, Master! It was arrogant of me to suggest so!”
“Then,” Berith took a step forward, staring down at Eligos on the ground, “why did you suggest it?”
“It was only a suggestion, Master! Please! I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Berith looked down at his paw, opening and closing it slightly as the claws appeared and retracted in response. “Our Lord Satan, Lucifer tasked me with destroying each of those Summon Circles. His instructions were clear - if the demon came from a Legion, punish it and it’s master. If it didn’t come from a Legion, then destroy it and send it back to Hell.”
“Yes, Master. I’m very sorry.” The Knight pressed his helmeted head against the ground.
“Do not offend me again.” Berith snarled, snapping his fingers, a red and purple robe appeared on his body. He then stormed out of the room, slamming the stone door behind him with enough force that the door cracked.
Eligos held his breath until he was certain that Berith had left and breathed a sigh of relief.
Pathetic. Berith thought to himself, his golden eyes were narrowed in anger and he stormed into the man throne room. “Asmodeus! Are you here?” He bellowed.
“Brother, dear. You don’t have to yell.” A beautiful man with long golden hair appeared behind him, six wings were upon his back. Asmodeus tilted his head, looking at Berith with his green coloured, almond shaped eyes noting that Berith was in his lion form. “You seem agitated.” He mused as he straightened the white robe he wore, adjusting the golden sash tied around his waist.
“Are Lucifer and Leviathan back yet?” Beirth sat on one of eight stone chairs that lined the throne room, there were four on either side.
“No,” Asmodeus took a seat beside Beirth, watching him in interest.
“Your Essence is drained.” Asmodeus tilted his head, tapping on Berith’s forehead. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Beirth simply snorted in reply, the Lion features melted away and he sat there as a normal man, albeit for the four wings that came from his back. “You must have invoked a rather large Cataclysm for that to happen.” Cataclysms were the events that the Fallen Angels, the Generals of Hell, were capable of performing, the polar opposite of an Angel’s Miracle.
Berith waved him off, “I just rained brimstone upon the Earth.”
Asmodeus eyes widened momentarily before returning to normal, “Earth is Father’s Dominion. You know that the Principalities and Rulers guard over Earth. It’s a wonder that you are even still standing.”
Beirth growled, “I know that now.” He hissed in reply, “It was simply more efficient.”
Asmodeus raised his eyebrow in question, his younger brother was definitely the more battle-hungry out of Lucifer’s Generals, but to traverse to the Earthen plane just to rain brimstone? Berith wasn’t an idiot. Battle-hungry and violent, yes, but not an idiot. He wouldn’t do something like that without reason.
“I can hear your thoughts, prettyboy.” Berith hissed, Asmodeus simply smiled in reply.
“WIll you give me an answer or should I ponder louder?” He tapped on his chin with his finger and looked at the ceiling.
“If Lucifer didn’t tell you, then you don’t need to know.” With that Berith stood up and walked out of the throne room
Asmodeus frowned as the door slammed shut. Just what was going on? First, Lucifer keeps disappearing and now Leviathan was missing. Then, today Berith had come back, barely standing and completely drained of Essence. When he attempted to assist his younger brother, Berith simply shooed him away and locked himself up in one of the Essence Caverns to recover his power. Asmodeus smiled to himself as his eyes glittered in delight, his brothers were certainly up to something, and he was going to find out what it was.
Berith had retreated back to his Kingdom on the Seventh Circle of Hell, closing his eyes he sighed in content, relishing the sounds of screams that surrounded him. Home.
Being on Earth was exhausting, and unlike Lucifer and Leviathan who were Seraphim and had larger pools of Essence, Berith, despite having fallen from the First Sphere of Heaven was still a Cherub and thus didn’t carry as much power as his two older brothers. He walked through the main gates and towards his Castle. The gates were abandoned with no guards in sight - this was something that Berith insisted on compared to the other Generals. He didn’t want guards stopping people from entering his Realm, no - quite the opposite in fact - he wanted people to trespass; just so that he could deliver punishment. Sadly though, no one ever did. There was that man one time… Dante? He decided to explore all Nine Circles of Hell, but apart from that, they had no visitors.
Stepping forward, Berith placed both hands on the heavy stone doors and pushed forward, opening them. “Sabnock!” Berith called out, Sabnock was a demon and one of the Great Marquis of Hell, who has 50 legions of demons under his command. He was an inventor of weapons and enjoyed warfare as much as Berith did. There was a swirl of black mist and a being appeared in front of Berith, bowing deeply. He had the body of a man, but a head of a horse. His chest was mostly bare except for a leather plate across his upper chest. On his back was a quiver of arrows, and from his waist hung a sword and metal, layered in a skirt.
“Welcome back, Master Berith.”
“Come, join me in the War Room. I need you to design me a weapon.”
“Yes, Sir.” Sabnock stood, following Berith down the hall. Faces leered out from the walls as cries and screams echoed around them. These walls were constructed from human souls that had committed acts of violence upon Earth and were sent to Hell as punishment.
Berith turned down the hallway before entering a large room. In the centre of the room hung a globe of the Earth. Above it was Nine golden Spheres, floating from above the globe towards the ceiling, and below the globe was a dark chasm, laid out with Nine layers. Berith sat in front of the globe at the table and stared at Sabnock. “I need a weapon capable of destroying large amounts of Summon Circles without using any Essence.”
Sabnock’s ear twitched, his brown horse eyes looked at Berith in question, but he did not ask. “It’ll be difficult to create, but it can be done. It will use mortal magic from the Imitators.”
Berith pondered for a moment, the Imitators were evil Witches and Warlocks that had been cast into Hell by Angels and while the Imitators couldn’t create Cataclysms, they were capable of performing false Miracles. It was definitely an option. “Research it for me. I want a prototype within a week. You are dismissed.”
Sabnock bowed, then vanished into black mist before floating out the door.
Berith leaned forward, crossing his fingers together and resting them under his chin. He stared at the Earth globe, watching as little flecks of blue lights pulsed on the globe. They were scattered across the entire surface of the Earth, but the area that Lucifer had tasked Berith with keeping an eye on seemed to have a higher concentration than the rest. Berith frowned, remembering when Lucifer had approached him about it.
“It’s so fucking BORING here!” Berith punched one of the screaming faces in the wall, smirking as he heard their screams get louder.
“Your decor was always interesting, little Ber.”
Berith froze at the sound of the smooth voice behind him, he turned and there, perched upon his Throne sat Lucifer, swinging his cloven hooves back and forth. Lucifer had a smirk on his face and he was tossing a black box up and down, catching it each time.
“Lucifer.” Berith immediately dropped to one knee, lowering his head and placing a fist upon the ground, “Welcome to my Realm.” It had been over 700 years since Lucifer had last stepped forth in the Seventh Circle of Hell.
“Catch.” Lucifer threw the black box at Berith and he caught it in surprise. Turning it over, he saw the carvings of screaming humans upon it.
“Is this a Pandora’s box?” Berith stood up, examining it in interest. He had heard of them before, Lucifer kept the original sealed within the Judecca Lake, but imitations and recreations had popped up from time to time. They were quite rare.
“It is.” Lucifer tapped his cheek, watching Berith with golden eyes.
“Where did you get it?”
“You know my little trip up to Earth on Christmas Day?” Berith nodded, Hell had been in an uproar when Lucifer had vanished for the most part of the day without warning. Lucifer would sometimes make trips up to Earth only for a few hours at a time, but this time he had disappeared for a day and this time, he had taken his weapon, his pitchfork Lightbringer with him. The Generals were concerned that he had attempted to enter the Heaven’s Spheres again, but thankfully he hadn’t. “I found it under a Human Christmas Tree.”
Berith frowned, and held the box up to his ear. It was empty and absent of demons. Lucifer must have cleansed it. “But how? These are valuable. You don’t just chuck them in a mortal house. Even the Rulers would keep these for times of war.”
Lucifer swung his feet around and leapt to his feet, brushing off some dust from the fur on his backside. “I want you to find out who made it, and where it came from.”
“Certainly.” Berith turned the box over in his hands, fascinated that something so small could be capable of such destruction. “Is that all, Lucifer?”
Lucifer smirked, “One other thing, Ber.”
“Yes?” Berith looked up, and saw a twinkle in Lucifer’s golden eyes. Berith smiled back in anticipation. That was the same look he had in his eyes when he first defied Father. “You did say you were bored, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” Berith breathed, his eyes widening in anticipation.
“Someone is summoning demons freely and distributing Summon Circles in the human realm. I give you full permission to use your powers of Cataclysm on Earth to tidy up that mess. Locate each of the Circles and destroy them.” Lucifer raised his hand and summoned a globe before them, pointing to a section where it glowed blue, “I want you to focus on this area here. Forget about the other areas. This is where they are mostly appearing, and if we destroy enough of the Circles, we may be able to find out who is behind this. Don’t draw too much attention, I don’t want any Angels of the Sphere interfering.”
“Of course.”
“If any demons escape, find out if they came from one of the Legions of Hell, then punish it and it’s Master. If it didn’t come from a Legion, then destroy it and send it back to Hell. You are welcome to keep their Essence and Souls for yourself.”
A wicked grin spread across Berith’s face as it morphed into that of a lion. He dropped to one knee and placed his fist upon the ground, “As you Command, Lord Satan.”
“Perfect.” Lucifer smiled then turned and walked out of the room, the globe of Earth disappeared, “Oh, and Berith?”
“Avoid telling our brothers about this little expedition. And don’t go too overboard. I’ve asked Leviathan to keep an eye on you.”
Berith grumbled, Leviathan was such a stuck up who had no concept of fun. He bowed his head nonetheless, “As you wish, Lord Satan.”
Lucifer nodded then stamped his cloven hoof twice and disappeared.
Berith could feel his body vibrate in excitement, his fur bristling. His times of boredom were now over.
Continue to Chapter 7
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mustangdrivernews · 2 years
The 2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse Unveiled with V8 Power
Ford created quite a stir on Wednesday night in Detroit, taking over the majority of the downtown area for a celebration of everything Mustang and the fans who love it. The Dark Horse, which has been in development for more than three years behind closed doors, takes the essential components of the Mustang—a rear-wheel-drive coupe with a V8 engine and a manual transmission—and fine-tunes them for both street and track performance.
Initially, it was anticipated that the launch would include a coupe, convertible, and GT variant. However, Ford surprised everyone by launching the Mustang Dark Horse, the first completely new Mustang performance series since the Mustang Bullitt made its debut in 2001. The Mustang's base engine is a revised 2.3-liter turbocharged four-cylinder, and the updated 5.0-liter Coyote V8 continues to power the GT. The most recent model of the legendary pony car is the new, seventh-generation 2024 Mustang.
The 2024 Ford Mustang: First Look
Despite the fact that a lot of Baby Boomers are still passionate about Mustangs, their numbers are constantly declining. Ford has already used some of the brand's magic with the Mustang Mach-E electric crossover, but the company still needs to attract new customers with its newest products. 
Every sheet of metal on the 2024 Mustang is brand-new, despite maintaining the same basic dimensions and shape. In the new design, the undercuts are gone, at least on the sides, giving it a more chiseled appearance. The Mustang was intended to have a distinctively American muscle car look, and this goal was largely accomplished.
Continuing the evolution from the 2015 model through 2019, the front fascia is more assertive and makes use of a grille that has a blunter appearance. With the exception of the Fox-body Mustangs from the 1980s and 1990s, it still has the traditional shark nose that has been a feature of the majority of Mustangs. Although triple LED projector headlights are standard, the tri-bar signature lights have been repositioned horizontally, one above each main projector.
The previous generation's three-dimensional lamps have been replaced with a more aggressive version of the flush lamps used on the Mach-E. A significant horizontal valley extends the width of the tail across the back face.
The 2024 Mustang's design is largely unchanged from its 1960s-era inspiration. The convertible top of the Mustang continues to fold almost flush with the bodywork for a neat appearance when it is down.
V8 Powered 2024 Ford Mustang: 
Upgraded versions of the powertrains currently available in non-Shelby Mustangs will be a choice when the 2024 Mustang goes on sale. That is the fourth-generation 5.0-liter Coyote V8 and the 2.3-liter EcoBoost four-cylinder engine will be there. Ford is delaying the release of specifications so that they can release a steady stream of information leading up to the car's launch in about nine months. A Shelby GT500 replacement has not yet been announced.
Both engines are anticipated to be more efficient and to produce more power and torque than they did previously. Right now, the four-cylinder engine has 350 pound-feet of torque and 310 horsepower. (An additional 20 horsepower is provided by the high-performance package.) The engine will be updated next year with a combined dual port and direct injection system strategy. The majority of other EcoBoost engines already employ this, which helps to reduce cold emissions and increase drivability. The new 2.3 will likely have a power range of 330 to 350 hp, similar to the now-discontinued Focus RS.
The V8 has undergone more significant changes. It uses a completely new intake system in 2024 that has two throttle bodies. Each throttle body has a separate intake snorkel that receives air from an air-filter box that is located directly behind the grille. Ford won't disclose the amount of power it will generate, other than to emphasize that it will be the most potent Mustang GT to date. The Mach-1 has 470 horsepower, while the 2022 GT produces 450 horsepower. The GT is probably going to match, if not outperform, Mach 1 with the new intake system.
An upgraded version of the existing 10-speed automatic transmission is paired with both engines. The V8 still has a six-speed manual transmission option in addition to the automatic and three-pedal setup.
2024 Ford Mustang Chassis Improvements:
There have been very few changes, other than the fundamental front strut and integral link independent rear suspension design. The steering system underwent some of the most significant changes, receiving a new rack with a faster ratio, a stiffer shaft, and less compliance all around for a better feel.
You will see some changes to some of the attachment points and chassis setups, but the overall architecture hasn't changed. V8 Mustangs will get new knuckles, an aluminum control arm inside the car, and a new lower control arm. Although Ford hasn't yet disclosed the final horsepower figures for either engine, we anticipate the GT to generate close to 470 horsepower. 
An electronic drift brake will also be available on V8 Mustangs in 2024. Like the majority of contemporary automobiles, the Mustang is replacing its cable-operated parking brake with an electronic system that applies the rear brakes using the hydraulic actuator of the stability control.
If you choose the drift brake, you will receive a handle that resembles a conventional parking brake but is actually an electronic switch. The parking brake programming is changed to drift mode by the track mode app, which causes the brakes to engage much more quickly when the lever is pulled. When compared to using the traditional mechanical hand brake, it will apply four to five times as much pressure. 
Digital Beats for Kids in the Ford 2024 Mustang:
The new pony's cockpit undergoes even more substantial changes in favor of a much more contemporary aesthetic. Ford is obviously focusing on the interior experience in an effort to appeal to a younger demographic of sports car buyers. In its place, a massive digital environment replaces the conventional dual cowl dashboard. Base models feature a separated dual panel setup with a landscape 10-inch touchscreen in the middle and a digital instrument cluster display in front of the driver.
A continuous arrangement with a panel extending from the driver's side pillar across the center of the dashboard is available on Ecoboost Premium and GT models. Like many other recent models, it appears to have a single panel when turned off, but there are actually two displays—one for the instruments and a 13.2-inch touchscreen for entertainment—hidden beneath the glass.
Ford's interface designers used the Unreal 5 gaming engine software to create the graphics and animations within the system, just like other automakers like Rivian and General Motors. Any time you switch between drive modes, cluster graphic themes, or anything else, there are plenty of moving pixels.
Inside a 2024 Ford Mustang:
The Mustang's interior has been significantly improved for 2024, and it now features a twin-tablet array of screens that, in some ways, resembles more recent BMW models. The Mustang and the two-door BMW 4 Series models are comparable in size and function, but they are significantly more expensive. 
The new Mustang will continue to use the current Sync 4 infotainment system rather than switching to the new Android Automotive-based system, even though it won't be available until mid-2023. For the Mustang, Sync 4 has been given a new skin to match the rest of the visual design. Track apps and line-lock, which make on-demand burnouts simple, are also retained.
2024 Ford Mustang Interior Design:
Designers have also made a variety of improvements to materials and finishes for the physical rather than digital components of the Mustang. Interior surfaces that previously had smoother grains rather than the simulated animal grains are now being laser etched on some surfaces, while others are being covered in patterns like white noise. The speaker bezels are seamlessly incorporated into the panels around them; occasionally, the colors of the interior ambient lighting can be seen through the grilles.
Ford kept the convertible's power top system from the previous generation because the basic structure hasn't changed. Like the outgoing model, the retractable hood creates a clean profile for the convertible by sitting flush with the surrounding bodywork.
A hybrid powertrain won't be available for the new Mustang. However, the updated interior's tech-forward design and enhanced performance have what it takes to draw a new generation of owners to the family business that was founded almost 60 years ago. When the brand-new 2024 Mustang starts showing up in dealerships in one year, we'll have a clearer picture. 
The Cost of a 2024 Ford Mustang:
The price of the seventh-generation Mustang has not yet been announced. The current model's entry-level EcoBoost with a six-speed manual transmission costs $28,865. The V8-powered GT, which also comes with a six-speed stick, has a starting price of $39,440. The 2024 Mustang will undoubtedly cost more, but given the steadily declining Mustang sales in recent years, we'd be shocked if Ford introduced the new model with a significantly higher MSRP.
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mariahsweirdfunhaus · 3 years
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Ok, Here goes nothin...
This is the forst of many stages that I made in tribute to guilty gear and digimon, Guilty gear being my all time favorite franchise and digimon being one of my favorite franchises. To celebrate the up and coming release for guilty gear strive, Im gonna post these photos every tuesday until the release of guilty gear strive and to celebrate the release of the digital monster vital bracelets!!!
This is area 42, Dizzy's stage in guilty gear xrd. I believe digimon that appear in this stage are from the nature spirits and jungle trooper fields. And knowing that this is a city of water, Digimon from the deep savers field also appear as well!!!
Level Child Type Insect Attribute Vaccine/Virus/Data Field Jungle Troopers Metal Empire Nature Spirits
Info: The original type of Insect Digimon who, although it has a hard shell, still has low aggression. It has one hard claw on each of its fore-legs, and four on each of its middle- and hind-legs, and in particular, the middle-legs are able to skillfully grasp objects just like a human hand. Although the other Insects at its evolution level only possess fighting spirit, it still retains its naturally friendly sentiments, and displays its carefree way of life by doing things like sniffing the scent of flowers and napping in the shade of a tree. Its Special Move, which it possesses just in case, is hurling static electricity that it amplified with its wings (Petit Thunder).
Level Child
Type Larva Attribute Virus Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Larva Digimon which has lightning-patterns all over its body. As young insectoid Digimon are very unique beings among other Digimon, its evolved form is still unclear, but it seems to be obvious from Kunemon's discovery that there exist Insect Digimon other than Kabuterimon. Although it is uncertain whether the lightning-patterns on the portion considered its face can are organs equivalent to eyes, because they change shape in accordance with its emotions, it is said that they probably are eyes. Its personality is fairly malicious. Its Special Move is an electrically-charged thread of silk spewed from its hard beak (Electric Thread). If you get entangled in this thread you can get knocked out by the intense electric shock.
Level Adult Type Dinosaur Attribute Data Field Metal Empire Nature Spirits Nightmare Soldiers Unknown
Info: A Digimon that resembles an ancient dinosaur that existed in the prehistoric world. It sweeps everything away with its two well-developed arms and its gigantic tail. It is extremely easy to tame due to its intelligence and docile personality. For that reason, it is highly valued by beginner Tamers, and is often raised with care. You could probably say that it is a representative figure of the most basic Digimon. Its Special Move is spewing out deep crimson flames the same color as its body (Fire Breath).
Level Child
Type Mammal Attribute Data Field Deep Savers Nature Spirits Metal Empire
Info: A Mammal Digimon that retained Tunomon's mammal-like elements and evolved. It's very curious and lively, and inherited its prank-loving personality from Tunomon. Also, Elecmon possesses nine tails, and during battle, it fans out its tail like the plumage of a peacock to intimidate its opponent. Its Special Move is "Sparkling Thunder".
Level Child
Type Larva Attribute Free/Virus/Vaccine/None Field Jungle Troopers Nature Spirits Unknown Nightmare Soldiers
Info: A Larva Digimon with a timid, cowardly personality. Just like V-mon and the others, it's a descendant of an ancient species, so it is able to perform special Armor evolutions, but since Wormmon is powerless when by itself, it can't possibly match up to larger Digimon. However, by Armor evolving with the power of the Digimentals, it is able to manifest unbelievable power. Also, it is said that in order for the fragile larva to grow into a powerful imago, Wormmon will one day evolve into an Adult overflowing with power. It can definitely be said that it is a Digimon who has hidden potential for the future. Its Special Moves are spitting out the threads of a tough, adhesive net, completely restricting the opponent's movements (Nebaneba Net), and spitting out stiff threads that are as thin as a silk thread but as pointed and sharp as a needle (Silk Thread).
Level Adult Type Insect Attribute Free/Virus/Data None Field Jungle Troopers Nature Spirits Nightmare Soldiers Wind Guardians
Info: An extremely unusual Insect Digimon with a humanoid form. It possesses nimble movements and a tough exoskeleton, defining traits of Insect Digimon. It excels in its abilities as an assassin, aiming for the opponent's vitals with its nimble movements and keen judgment, and specializes in attacks that silence the opponent with a single blow. It is highly intelligent and has great composure, along with a cool disposition. Its Special Move is a terrifying technique in which it skewers the opponent with the Spikes on both of its arms (Spiking Finish).
Level Child
Type Insect Attribute Vaccine Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Digimon with butterfly wings as its ears and hands. It has feelings of enjoyment for nature and a carefree personality. It touches those who have seen it for the first time to determine whether or not they pose a threat, and will follow them once it is satisfied with them not being a threat. It appears to be in a very good mood whenever its ear-wings move a lot. Its "Rinrin Therapy", fluttering scales shaken off of its wings, has the effect of healing the mind and body, or conversely, paralyzing the body, and is used for different purposes depending on the opponent.
Level Child Type Plant Attribute Data Vaccine Field Jungle Troopers Nature Spirits Wind Guardians
Info: A Plant Digimon with a tropical flower blooming on its head. Although it evolved like a reptile from Tanemon, it is an unusual Type which is classified as a Plant based on its outward appearances and special qualities. During the day it opens up the flower and spreads its leaf-like arms to perform photosynthesis. It usually buries its root-like feet under the ground, and although it is absorbing nutrients, it is also able to walk. As for the flower on its head, when it is joyful or happy it will waft about a sweet fragrance, but when it is angered or senses danger, it releases a foul stench that will drive off even large Digimon. Its Special Move is entangling the opponent in ivy laced with a powerful toxin (Poison Ivy). If you suffer this attack, your body will be completely paralyzed.
Level Child Type Holy Beast Attribute Vaccine Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Holy Beast Digimon which has a golden coat. There seems to be very few surviving individuals, so its existence was not confirmed until recently. It is a Digimon with very intense territoriality, so it doesn't show mercy to those who enter its territory, even if they are the same species of Digimon. When it is on alert, the hair on its head becomes tinged with static electricity, and it is said that it produces a sound when threatened. Its Special Moves are cutting the opponent to pieces with its sharp claws (Lio Claw), and aiming at the opponent's vitals with its fangs (Critical Bite). Although "Critical Bite" has the power to take down an Adult Digimon with a single blow, its success rate is low.
Level Adult Type Holy Beast Attribute Vaccine Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Holy Beast Digimon that exudes the style of a "King", even though it is only an Adult. It is said to be a Digimon that evolved from Liollmon, but there are even fewer surviving individuals than those of Liollmon, so its existence is becoming an "illusion". It tends to prefer capturing prey that is stronger than itself, and it has often been observed commencing an attack against an Ultimate Digimon without even flinching. Its Special Moves are charging and then releasing electricity generated in its mane (Thunder of King), and reliably aiming at the opponent's vitals with its fangs (Critical Strike).
Level Child
Type Beast Attribute Data Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Beast Digimon that is thought to be a subspecies of the Gazimon-species that grew pointed claws. With its keen movements, it specializes in "Hit and Away" attacks. The gloves on its hands appear to protect its claws until they are fully grown. Its Special Moves are exploiting its tenacious leg strength and rolling into the opponent's chest (Rolling Upper), and its "Double Backhand" that it unleashes while spinning. Also, it can move nimbly to unleash a high-speed barrage of punches (Gao Rush).
Level Child
Type Plant Attribute Data Field Jungle Troopers Wind Guardians
Info: Although it evolved like a reptile, just like Palmon, it is categorized as an unusual Digimon of the Plant type. Its whole face has the appearance of a flower, and the petal-styled shell usually protects its head like a helmet. When intruders are not around or when it's in a good mood, the petals on its head and both of its arms open up wide. It sees Palmon as its rival, and has a very prideful personality. Its Special Move is generating allergy-inducing pollen from the flowers on both of its arms (Allergy Shower). If they suffer this technique, even larger Digimon are unable to keep hold of their presence of mind, and completely lose their fighting spirit.
Level Adult
Type Ancient Bird Attribute Data Field Jungle Troopers Wind Guardians
Info: A mythical, ancient Digimon that was said to have been overhunted to extinction due to the spread of the Internet. Although it is a Bird Digimon, its wings have completely degenerated so it is unable to fly in the air. Furthermore, it possesses the makeup of a Plant-type and is able to perform photosynthesis with the leaf-like things growing on its head, providing itself with nourishment. It has no other ways of defending itself aside from the hard shell that covers its head, and it is easily attacked by intruders due to its docile personality. Its Special Move is attacking the enemy using the Chibi Kiwimon it conceals within its body (Little Pecker). Since the Chibi Kiwimon's beaks are extremely hard just like Kiwimon, it is a terrifying technique in which they explode when hit. Despite being completely charred after exploding, the Chibi Kiwimon return safely.
Level Adult
Type Rare Animal Attribute Data/Vaccine Field Nature Spirits
Info: A Digimon that inhabits the depths of the jungle. It views its territory as a sacred land, and will not forgive anyone who intrudes upon its territory. Its Special Move is utilising the power of the wilderness to dish out a punch with all its might (Jungle Punch).
Level Perfect
Type Fairy Attribute Data/Vaccine Field Jungle Troopers Nature Spirits Wind Guardians
Info: A Fairy Digimon that is fluent in magic. It can recite the advanced programming language of another dimension, allowing it to generate miracles with the appearance of magic. This miraculous Digimon is able to pop up in every place, time, and space, and although its body is small, it can seal away the enemy's abilities with its own special ability, and then pulverize the opponent with a mighty blow. With its mischief-loving personality, it enjoys making computers run wild with its cherished spear, "Fairy Tale", that it always holds in its hands (although it has no ill intent). Its Special Move is a super-powerful bomb packed with computer viruses (Bit Bomb). Despite its appearance, it uses terrifying attacks.
Level Adult
Type Insect Attribute Virus Field Unknown Wind Guardians Jungle troopers
Info: An Insect Digimon that possesses gigantic, baleful wings. With its gigantic wings it is able to fly about at extremely high speed, and it generates a great Howling Noise called buzzing while in flight, completely numbing the sense of hearing of those who hear it. Its body is protected by a hard shell, and it pinches the opponent between its large talons and brings death with the super-powerful stinger on its tail. Although the evolutionary processes of Insect Digimon are still unclear, it is thought that it evolved from a Kunemon-species, guessing by the appearance of its face. Its Special Move is firing the stinger on its tail (Deadly Stinger), and it is said that Digimon who are stung with this stinger have their whole body paralyzed, then their body turns violet and they die. Incidentally, this isn't a problem for it because it is said the stinger grows back indefinitely.
Level Child Type Beast Attribute Data/Vaccine
Field Metal Empire Nature Spirits Virus Busters Wind Guardians
Info: With one horn growing from its head, it is a Digimon shrouded in mystery. It can be classified as a Beast Digimon from its body structure, but it's still not understood what kind of evolved form it will take on. Also, it is rumored that it is sometimes born with a twin. It's a very cute type of Digimon, and from its calm behavior it doesn't seem like a "Combat Species" Digimon, but in the case of battle, it shows that it is more powerful than it appears. Its Signature Move is generating a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller (Petit Twister). Its Special Move is spewing out a shot of superheated air (Blazing Fire). Also, it possesses a powerful might in the Unison Technique Double Typhoon that it performs with Lopmon, its twin.
Level Child Type Beast Attribute Data Field Nature Spirits
Info: An extremely precious twin Digimon Child. Terriermon is the one with one horn growing from its head, while Lopmon is the one with three horns growing from its head. The way it grows is shrouded in mystery, and though it can be classified as a Beast-species Digimon from its body structure, aside from that it is still not understood. Terriermon has a calm personality, but is very robust. In contrast, Lopmon has the personality of a lonely crybaby. Neither of them seem like "Combat Species" Digimon, but when battling, they show that they are more powerful than they appear. Its Signature Moves are generating a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller (Petit Twister), and its Unison Technique "Double Typhoon". Its Special Move is spitting out shots of supercooled air (Blazing Ice).
Criticisms are much appreciated!
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Perhaps the one story I’m most proud of...
It was a dark and stormy night, at the imperial spaceport however this did not deter the many men who stood at attention as their prize was being unloaded. The lights on board the heavy transport vessel illuminating the area in a dim orange glow, while lights on the sides of the landing pad flashed brightly in the darkness, while on board the ship two heavy sentinel power loaders were carrying a large metal container off with extreme caution. The prize in question was a rare species of alien, one not native to the star system or even the galaxy; the cost to claim this prize was great: a hundred of the imperium’s finest soldiers, veterans of countless wars against the many species of alien that had come to call the imperium their enemy.
This one was special however, the only one of its kind. The first and the last to ever come into existence, a being of extreme intelligence and horrifying potential, with claws hard enough to rip through the densest metals, and the mental capacity to crush a man’s skull from a hundred yards with the merest glance. During the capture, it displayed the ability of mild genetic alteration; granting it the ability to alter the density of its skin and chitin plating at will, granting it nigh immunity towards almost all small arms fire.
As the power loaders stepped out from the vessel, they began the arduous process of walking it towards the forty guardsmen standing ready should the beast attempt an escape, the high lord inquisitor followed behind the power loaders barking orders to any man or woman who wasn’t busy manning a heavy weapon or tending to the chimera armoured transport-which would serve as the beasts primary transport to the research facility from then on- “YOU THERE!” he leveled the tip of his ancient blade at one of the guardsmen “GO FETCH THE ARTIFACT WE FOUND WITH THE BEAST!” he shouted as a bolt of lightning struck one of the high spires of the communications tower.
The guardsman nodded and ran back into the transport vessel, making haste while trying not to slip on one of the many puddles that had begun forming on the landing pad. The artifact was an unusual find, it was a dual-headed scythe, approximately four feet long, and weighing roughly fifteen pounds, particularly unusual in that each blade was honed and sharpened to a monomolecular edge and bore the sign of chaos, to touch the weapon in any way would mean certain death, not by the weapon, but by the hand of the inquisition, but there was something far more unusual about the weapon, it exuded a stench of the foulest sort.
The stench was a blend of decaying flesh, the kind of decay you would smell from a corpse choked battlefield in the middle of a wet, humid summer, but yet it also held the smell of plasma; a heavily ionized metallic smell, which in its own right has a certain appeal to it, but is very overpowering when not expecting it. The guardsman returned from the vessel carrying the scythe in a cloth- a feeble attempt at preserving his own life, but a valiant try- “here lord inquisitor”
Taking the weapon in his hand the lord inquisitor turns and, in one swift motion cleaves the man in two, his ancient relic blade crackling with powerful energies “many thanks guardsman, may you serve the emperor well in death as you have in life…” he turns on his heel and approaches the metal container “BE CAREFUL WITH THIS I DON’T WANT IT RUNNING RAMPANT THROUGH THE STREETS!” another bolt of lightning strikes the communications tower as the sentinels finish placing the container in the chimera, the armoured transport rocking violently as the container is placed within its armoured chassis.
Within the confines of the container, the mighty beast stirs, awakened from its chemical induced slumber by the violent rocking. It looks around the confines of its metal prison with large golden eyes; it stretches as best it can in the confined space, its thick chitinous plates scraping against the metal. It looks with no small amount of dissatisfaction, through the small air slits into the new environment, looking about as best it can it counts up the guardsmen, their heavy weapons teams, and the sentinels. A total of fifty-nine men, four three man heavy weapon teams, the lord inquisitor, one combat worthy sentinel, two unmanned loader sentinels and their pilots, and one deceased guardsman, a total of seventy-five men and women, and one combat sentinel. The sight of the deceased guardsman causes a wave of hunger and thirst to course through its body, it moved forward and pressed its armoured head against the door and pushed, the door gave way within minutes and it took several steps out of its confines, walking past the guardsmen, the lord inquisitor, the heavy weapons squads and the combat sentinel.
There was a long silence, broken only by the sounds of rain and thunder, most of the guardsmen there had never seen this beast before, and looked on in a confused horror as this creature walked over and began to consume there fallen comrade. The beast itself eight feet long, five feet tall, and three feet wide at the shoulder, the front legs were six feet long when fully outstretched, and tipped with razor-sharp diamond hard segmented chitin which functioned much like hands and were well adapted for climbing as well as slashing, the back legs were five feet long fully outstretched and were powerfully muscled, the feet were hoof-like in shape -though they had two long curved talons along the sides of them- much like the species it had descended from, it had a long tail covered in wide segmented armor plating that had naturally grown to possess razor sharp edges, the tip of which had a long curved scythe-like appendage. The beast finished its meal then turned its attention skyward, opening its jaws wide and letting rain water fall into its gullet.
The guardsmen continued to look on as they tried to make sense of its face, it had the general head structure of its ancestors, thick armour plating covering the brain, with two large horns that curved inward, although its mouth was a different story: the jaws were opened to twice the size of its head, large enough to swallow an average guardsman whole, the teeth were like something you would see from an organism from the deepest abyss, many of which were so long they had to slide through special holes in its jaws for the mouth to close all the way. Then they began to notice several small things about the eyes and carapace, the eyes themselves had a hypnotic appeal to them, as, if one looked long enough, they appeared to reveal the deepest -and sometimes- the darkest memories one’s mind could hold. The carapace was different though, deep gouges and rends in various places throughout, and several large ridges running the length of its body, the ones that were in light appeared to be sharpened for some unknown purpose, and finally visible under what little light there was, there were large dark streaks running the length of its flanks, which the guardsmen had been told were highly adapted pressure sensory nodes far more biologically advanced then even the biologists who sent for the beasts capture had no clue of their capabilities.
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carry-the-sky · 7 years
with the ocean in our arms
Rebelcaptain May the Fourth exchange gift for @ladytharen, who requested: “they all live au - jyn and cassian on the run from the empire on their own (space road trip fic anyone?)” I adored this prompt and I really hope I was able to do it justice. HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! :)
(Part 1 of 2 because I’m slowwwww. Posted to ao3!)
When Jyn is nine years old, barely six months spent under Saw’s tutelage, she beats one of the young recruits within an inch of his life. He mutters something under his breath as she’s walking past him one morning, something about her father and letting the Empire get the better of him, what a coward -
She tackles him to the ground before she can blink, fire roaring in her veins and fists as she hits him again and again and she doesn’t stop, not even when his nose cracks and warmth spatters from the place his face used to be.
(It takes two of Saw’s partisans to pull her off him.)
They put her in solitary for a few days after this. “For your own protection,” Saw tells her, the look in his eyes something between awe and fear.
She decides right then and there that she loathes the phrase.
After Scarif - (Jyn laughs at that word, after, because she’d knelt on that burning beach fully prepared to die, to let all afters die with her-)
After Scarif, things get messy.
“You six,” Mon Mothma tells them on Echo Base, commanding and ethereal as ever, “are being hunted. The Empire will stop at nothing until they find you. The likelihood of that happening increases exponentially if you leave this base.”
“She’s right,” K-2 says, earning a sharp glance from Jyn.
Bodhi looks uneasy. “All due respect, ma’am, but the fight’s not on this base, it’s out there-”
“This is for your own protection,” the senator cuts in politely, all politician, and Jyn bristles. Where were you, she thinks, remembering a council all-too willing to run and hide, turn tail in the face of the Empire’s most devastating threat to the galaxy, where was your protection when we made the decision to risk our lives for your cause?
Baze seems to share the sentiment. “We are not cowards,” he growls. “We did not come this far so you could ask us to bury our heads in the kriffing ice.”
“Baze,” Chirrut warns low in his throat, fingers curling firmly over his companion’s shoulder, and Jyn’s heart clenches at the sight. Nothing has changed since Scarif, nothing, nothing, and if this - hunkering down on this icy rock, hiding and withering into oblivion - is the cost of her father’s sacrifice, of everything the six of them have endured and survived together, if this is the cost of victory -
“What, then?” she asks. “What would you see us do?”
Mon Mothma smiles, soft and sad. “I would see you endure.”
No one speaks for several moments. Jyn feels the weight of someone’s gaze on her face, knows whose it is even before she turns her head.
Cassian’s eyes are fire and starlight, the curve of his mouth not quite a smile but Jyn recognizes trouble when she sees it. This is a rebellion, isn’t it? she’d asked the first time she met him, and she sees it reflected in his eyes now, a silent promise scorching the distance between them.
I rebel.
The council doesn’t expressly forbid them to leave the base in the weeks following Scarif, having firsthand experience with Rogue One’s it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission style of operation. Instead, the six of them are scattered across various divisions and departments, each kept busy with a steady stream of menial short-term assignments. Jyn exists in a near-constant state of restlessness, but she tries, she really does, because she’s a part of something now and she didn’t embark on a death-defying mission, survive against all odds, to abandon the cause because she dislikes following orders.
She tries, but old habits apparently die hard.
The first time she tries to leave the base without permission, she doesn’t even make it to the hangar. “You couldn’t have gone very far, anyways,” says the entirely too cheerful sergeant escorting her back to the barracks. “The hyperdrive motivators on the BTL-S3s tend to be a bit shoddy.”
Jyn scowls, hands curling reflexively into fists at her sides - three weeks with the Rebel Alliance has done little to curb her tendency to hit first and ask questions never - but then her father’s face is swimming behind her eyes, Jyn, my stardust, and for awhile after that she keeps her head down and attends to her orders.
“You, Jyn Erso,” Draven tells her in the briefing room the next time she attempts to leave, “you are going to be the death of me.”
Jyn tries a new strategy this time - saying absolutely nothing at all - and it seems to work because the general heaves a massive sigh and informs her she is to report to hangar bay seven in the morning for a patrolling mission off-base. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep a smile from splitting her face, she’s so ecstatic. Never mind that it’s Hoth and that the landscape is about as thrilling to look at as a tauntaun’s backside, it’s a mission out in the world and Jyn will take it, run, sprint, leap with it.
It’s typical for her to go a few days without seeing any of the Rogue One crew, so she’s surprised to find Cassian suiting up outside her designated Y-wing. He’s reaching for his flight helmet as she approaches, turned away from her slightly, and she pauses, uncertainty coiling tightly in her gut as she remembers the last time they were in each other’s presence for more than a few minutes, bruised and battered and kneeling in the sand, fire and light on the horizon and his arms cinching around her, welcome home -
“What are you doing here?” she manages to sputter.
He whips around to face her and holy hell, the mischievous glint in his eye sets something sparking low and warm in her gut. “I called in a favor,” he says with a smirk. “Besides, you need a pilot.”
“Was Bodhi busy?” she deadpans and he laughs, sharp and clear. Danger danger danger her heart thuds against her ribcage, but she hauls herself up the ladder and into the gunner’s seat all the same.
They’ve barely gone two leagues off-base when the explosions start.
(Later, they’ll learn that the base’s location was compromised by a new form of Imperial technology, a probe droid that can track energy signatures. They’ll learn that after Scarif, the impounded shuttle Rogue One had used to bypass the shield gate had been seized to test prototypes of these droids, and that several thousand were subsequently deployed across the galaxy, searching, hunting for six very unique energy wave signatures-)
Now, all they know is Mon Mothma’s voice over the comm, a thin shimmer of static as she orders them to evacuate the planet.
“What about the others-” Jyn chokes out at the same time Cassian asks, “status of Rogue One?”
They’re together and they’re alive, the senator replies, and all Jyn can think of is what she had said to all of them during that first briefing after Scarif -
(I would see you endure.)
Jyn watches Echo Base fall away, a starburst of flame and ash, and thinks not like this, not like this.
They limp along for a few days before the hyperdrive finally conks out, spitting them out into the velvet darkness of Outer Rim Space near Tatooine.
“Looks like this is home for awhile,” Cassian says from the pilot’s seat, sounding as bone-weary as Jyn feels. The planet looms just outside the viewport, an orb of dust and sand, and she thinks of another desert world, one with a crater where its capital city once stood -
Her fingers clench around the crystal that hangs in the hollow of her throat. Chirrut’s voice is in her head, the strongest stars have hearts of kyber, and judging by the Death Star-sized lump in her throat, she figures hers must be made of something else entirely.
(I miss them, she thinks, stars, I miss them.)
The threat analysis grid equipped in this particular BTL-S3 is unreliable at best and completely non-functional at worst, and as such does not detect the approaching class-three sandstorm that forces them to make planetfall several leagues from their intended destination of Mos Eisley. It’s a rough landing and Cassian’s breath is ragged by the time they’re on the ground.
“This ship,” he rasps, “is a piece of mierda.”
“Oh, switch off,” Jyn fires back, struggling to breathe evenly against the adrenaline pounding in her chest. “It’s gotten us this far, hasn’t it?”
He glances up sharply at the word us, looks like he wants to say something in response but he doesn’t. Ice-cold guilt floods through her - he regrets coming with me, leaving the others behind - and she feels herself shut down, burying the rest of the thought before it can take shape.
They hunker down for the night in uneasy silence. The interior of the ship is little more than a pilot and gunner’s seat, less than ideal conditions for sleeping, but Jyn’s unconscious almost as soon as she closes her eyes.  
A dream. A memory -
She’s nine years old again, curled against the far wall of the cave and waiting. The air is strange down here, almost stale, and she suddenly aches to be above ground, breathe the lush-sweet petrichor of the surrounding hills and fields -
(be strong, my heart, my stardust, be strong and remember those who love you-)
There is a loud groan of metal as the hatch above her head yawns open. She tilts her head up, squinting against the sudden brightness, and she’s -
- kneeling in the sand under a canvas of endless blue. Cassian, is her first thought, and she twists, cranes her neck wildly to find him standing a short distance away along the shoreline, the lean length of his body bisected by a curve of horizon in the distance.
“Where are we?” she shouts, even though she already knows.
His eyes are tired, tired as he turns towards her. “Home,” he says.
Behind him, the sky explodes.
As always when torn from sleep by a dream of Scarif, she jerks awake in a cold sweat, feeling like she’s shed a second skin, like maybe it wasn’t a dream at all.
“Cassian?” she gasps into the hazy half-darkness, and her nerves sing with something like relief as she hears him shift in his seat.
“I’m here,” he says, and even husky with sleep his voice is steady like an anchor, like a promise. She feels small, suddenly, caged beneath the weight of what that promise might entail and she ducks her head, bites her lip hard to choke down the sob building at the base of her throat. Maybe, she thinks, maybe I’m not meant to endure, maybe I was never meant to survive that beach -
There’s a rustling from behind her and she flinches as warm fingers skim the surface of her knuckles, thread through her own. Jyn doesn’t turn her head but she can feel his eyes on her, and that’s when she starts sobbing, real, true cries that rack her entire frame and leave her shuddering against her seat. All she knows is the ache in her chest and Cassian’s hand intertwined with hers, and she clutches it tightly like he’s the thing that’s tethering her to solid ground.
“I’m here, Jyn,” he whispers over and over as his thumb movies in circles against her own, “I’m here, you’re not alone.”
Welcome home.
She’s not sure when she stops crying, only that her eyes sting and her lungs burn and she’s utterly exhausted. As her eyes flutter open-closed-open, she realizes she’s never thought of home as a someone instead of a someplace, but here in the shadow-soft interior of their Y-wing, on the run from the Empire along the edge of the galaxy and holding Cassian Andor’s hand like she holds her heart, she thinks that maybe she should start.
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kalon12 · 7 years
Message of Change
Raising my muzzle to the air I catch the strong scent of grease, metal, humans, and huisdiers. My hackles rising as I crouch next to a sabre-toothed cat, a pack mate, waiting for the signal. Unable to resist my mouth pulls back in what humans call a ‘sneer’, really humans are conceited and hateful, the quietest of growls mixing with the panting and breathing of the others. My ears turn as I hear the roar of the Velus, a Barbary lion and alpha of the pack, in the wild language, unmixed with human taint that invaded when they forced these vertaler collars around our necks.
Shuddering briefly with the pleasure of that wild sound I leap up and race down the ridge we had been waiting upon, a howl leaving my muzzle, filled with the joy of the hunt and a call for my group. A giant Teratorn glides down to my shoulder, his wings ruffling my grey and brown fur as he speaks a message from Velus, a slight croak in his voice, “Botolf, my lieutenant, you are to take the northern quarter for your mates are the fastest and can reach there before any human dares to leave.” A nod of understanding and the Teratorn leaves to inform Velus of my acceptance. A wild glee and hunting rage again enters me as I howl, sadly with the human taint, “We go north!”
The sabre from earlier falls at my right shoulder and a fellow dire wolf, though smaller than I, at my left, the rest my quarter falling behind in a typical vanguard style. Mammoths, aurochs, sabre-toothed, barbourofelis, cave hyenas, homotherium, and others, pound the short, cropped grass that’s tipped with frost. Cries of the hunt, of anger, and of rage, fill the air from all corners.
We race around the city towards the farthest edge, steadily pulling away from the crowd of the pack. The sabre-tooth next to me cries out, his fangs glistening in the late afternoon sunlight, his collar creaking in the cooling air against his hot body. Soon the cries of human terror fill the air around us and a red glaze falls over my amber eyes, my thick, grey, winter fur streaming behind me as we cut off the final route of the humans escape.
A twitch of my ear, a flick of my tail, and my hackles rising spreads my quarter out around me. I race forward with a silent command for my fellow dire and for the sabre to stay behind and guard the exit in the shadows as I go forth, hungry for the blood of humans upon my fangs.
I hear the low growl of a huisdier to my left, a zanzibar leopard with a clean vertaler collar wrapped around its spotted fur. My ears whip about as another sound follows underneath that low growl. Pinpointing it I stare into the shadows behind the zanzibar to see a rich mistress pressed against the wall in fear.
My eyes return to meet with the deep brown eyes of her obvious huisdier. That despicable domestication of that which once was, and still should be, purely wild. In those eyes I can find emotions swirling in their depths. Obviously there’s anger, because hey!, I invaded her, yes her, territory, I find fear, well why shouldn’t she fear? I’m far more powerful than her, and then I find some unnameable emotion. Is it that thing called ‘protective’? Towards whom? That cowering human dressed in frills and a sickly sweet scent?
Unable to hold the question back I speak, my words coming through my vertaler collar, a simple black strip of leather and steel that quivers as my vocal chords shape ideas into being, “What is a proud zanzibar leopard such as you feeling so protective of? This territory? There’s so much better than here.” My deep bass is calming from the earlier blood lust and rage and falling into simple query.
  Her response is a rumbling alto, obviously forced through that continuous growl, “I would never expect you to understand. You, who does not understand the gift that the Dutch have given us you Woesteling! You may call us huisdiers, but you have not learned, you have not seen, you have not understood those gifts that the humans gave us!.”
Snarling my vision is again tinged with red, my hackles rising at the insult that a meager human could possibly give us anything, “What ‘gifts’? All they have done that I could consider a gift at all is returning us to life! For giving us enough intelligence to overthrow their overbearing fist. That is all! Even those are flawed though. Our lives are, at most, ten years even for the hardiest of us. Most only live until they are, maybe, six years. I’m a pup of one year and considered to be in my prime! The intelligence they gave us is eroding our own knowledge of our inherent instincts, our very lives!”
As I spoke I noticed her lips pulling back into a vicious snarl. Slowly her brown eyes narrowed at me and when I stopped she could barely speak, “You ignorant little pup. That ‘flawed’ knowledge that is ‘eroding’ our instincts is merely because you yourself are choosing to ignore them, not because of the added knowledge. Our thousands of years of existence cannot be erased in a mere 200. That shortened life span is simply because the older generations had yet to adapt to this new world. Now that they have begun adapting you, who are but a pup, and others likely you will soon begin to far outlive even our ancestors!”
Growling I give my name, as is proper for a fight that was to begin, “I am Botolf. You have angered me and in the name of pack and freedom I shall fight you and then kill your mistress!” Charging forward I swung out a great, grey speckled paw, catching the zanzibar off guard and leaving great, bloody gashes in her left shoulder.
Her recovery is swift. Even as she limps off of her left front leg she charges at me, her claws unsheathed, her fangs bared. It becomes a blur. Charge, swipe, leap, snap, grapple, fall, wrestle, scratch, nick, and bite. Minutes later, though it feels like so much longer, I rise, blood coating my grey and black coat. Mine and hers. She was little of a match, barely able to scrape through my winter pelt, but she left an impression, and, now that I can take stock, some scratches that drip steadily, slowly, on the fresh snow. When had the snow started to fall? I don’t know anymore. Shaking my head I turn to pounce on the little human, only to find her running towards the zanzibar and I. Shocked I can only stay still as she falls to her knees and hugs the great, once proud, head. The iron scent cooling on its fur, on her hands, and on her clothes, fills my nose. The little human female’s tears fill my nose with the added scent of salt while her sobs manage to block out the crazed sounds of the battle that had always been a constant background. My mind, locking onto the scene of a human truly mourning for a huisdier. A lowly pet.
Backing away I turn back to the north. Through my quarter pack even as howls, growls, and cries follow my race. All I can really hear is the pounding of my heart, the pounding of my paws, my heavy breathing, and my own overwhelming thoughts that are all jumbled and nonsensical. The cracking as my world slowly tries to shatter. Suddenly I hear a howl. It sounds like mourning. Mourning for what? Why is it following me? Then I realize, even as I collapse in a hollow tree, the snow falling heavily outside, my breath pluming in the air, that it was my howl. A howl of mourning for those that I never thought I would kill. A mourning for my own comfortable world dying.
As night falls I try to run from my own thoughts even as they pursue me. But some never leave. Memories of my old bezitters. Memories of screaming humans as I ripped their throats. The fresh, blood stained, the memory of that little human mistress, crying over a cooling, bleeding, huisdier body. None of them leave me alone. Yet somehow I sleep. A deep sleep, pitted with memories revisiting me even in my sleep. A small redhead young woman running with me as a pup, her hair pulled back in a ponytail even as it tries to escape. Her laughter, pulling my face into the closest I could come to a smile. Tumbling through the grass and water with her small hands always close to my fur. A young man, black haired and serious, but with a boisterous laugh and a small smile, never far behind. Days spent napping in the sun. The young woman curled tight against me, the young man just to the side, a tail sweep away.
Waking I blink my eyes and shake my head of the fuzzy memories that fade as I stand and walk out into the fresh layer of sparkling snow. The occasional track of a deer or some other creature running through it. I shake my body, ridding myself of the last vestiges of sleep and put my nose to the snow, hoping to find a scent for some food. Nine months of no hunting is making the search for the food a little difficult, but not horrible. Soon enough the chase is done and I have breakfast steaming in my mouth. The blood, a sharp, metallic tang in my mouth, the blood ringing my muzzle and my paws.
After I eat I find a river and wash off the blood. Once all of that’s done I race through the forest towards what I roughly recall as being northern Maine. My mind fuzzy and ignoring my thoughts until I hear a scream and I register the normal scents and sounds that are accompanied by a human residence.
Curiously I move cautiously towards the scream, my ears pricked forward, the sound of paws crunching the snow, and the sound of cloth scraping against uneven snow. I come upon the scene undetected, but still myself behind a thick, evergreen, bush, my eyes peering through a small break. What meets my eyes is an obviously mated pair of normal wolves, collared, pushing a small human female against the trunk of a tree. The human female is what, somehow, manages to catch my attention.
Even after the changes that time and change has wrought, I still recognize her. The red hair messily pulled back in that ponytail. I can’t help it, I growl. At that growl the male of the pair twists towards me, his eyes narrowing. Seeing no way out I stand, my size augmented through genetic engineering making my species closer to the old human ideas of a dire wolf.
Stepping around the bush I face the mated pair and growl, no thoughts of using the human language in my mind. All I can remember are sunlight afternoon naps and laughter. My mind focused on the protection of this human I ran away from so many moons ago. The smaller female circles behind me, her breathing harsh, her paws breaking the snow. Her mate stays in front of me, crouched, ready to leap at my throat.
A howl claws up my throat. An intense call for blood bursts from my lips and the fight begins.
It’s a blur. Grey blobs of fur fly at me as I rip, tear, claw, bite, and shake. Blood flies from wounds ripped open. The heat of the fresh steaming in the cold winter air. A sting on my side alerts me to an annoyance. I reach around and rip out the throat of it and hear a call of rage from my other side and I feel a sharp dig into my gut, a fall of blood from the wound. I bark at the nuisance and a spray of blood flies from my mouth, onto the matted fur of the male wolf.
The wolf comes to face me, its eyes livid with anger. Blood bubbles up my throat and I swallow the heat back down. Time slows and I see the bunching leg muscles, the leap, and my paw reaching out to send him flying into a far tree, breaking his neck and spine. Stepping over the female I reach a paw down and rip out his throat, at least giving him a quick death.
Then I collapse and the world turns to black as blood joins foam and turns it pink. The last memory before sound leaves and and I fall into exhaustion is broken snow and a soft voice yelling out, “Botolf! Henrick! Come quickly!”
When I wake the first thing I notice is the scents and sounds that are invading my ears and nose. I hear laughter, playful growls, calm snoring, gentle breathing, pawing hooves, shifting snow, and voices. I smell sweat, fur, meat, grazing land, straw, and other unnameable scents that I can’t recognize.
Slowly I manage to blink my eyes open to be greeted with a dimly lit stable like area. Light wood planks make up the walls and an open door leads to what I can hear. Below me I can see that I was laying upon clean straw and near to the door is a pile of fresh meat. I slowly stand and notice a tugging around my ribs. My eyes slide over the the sensation to find white linen wrappings, slightly stained with blood. I huff and ignore it, moving towards the food and clear water sitting next to it.
Once done I slowly, for while I might ignore the injuries I’m not stupid enough to aggravate them, I move out of the stable area and down a dirt packed hall to the light at the end that makes my eyes squint as they adjust. As I enter the area I am greeted by the happy cries of a human somewhere to my left. Turning my head I notice the wild red hair and snort, she certainly hadn’t changed. I walk slowly towards her, my disdain and hatred of humans not diminished. But it was likely that she was the one to have wrapped my wounds, therefore she deserved some sort of respect.
Surrounding her was a herd of aurochs, their horns wickedly sharp and gleaming in the winter sunlight as they grazed. A little farther off the the black haired man, Henrick as I recall, is surrounded by various dozing big and small cats, a book in his hand as he glances up, nods, and returns to his reading. As I reach the herd the girl moves through them so that I need not try odd contortions to get through. Once she reaches me I speak, “I thank you for caring for my injuries, however once they are healed I must return to my duties outside of this place.” Her bright smile dims just a little bit her voice a gentle soprano, “I suppose I can’t argue against that.” Suddenly her smile brightens once more, “You do remember me, right Botolf?”
I huff out a breath, slightly painful in my current state, but no problem. “How could I not remember you, Angelien? After all your Father was my bezitter for some time.”
Her already bright smile somehow manages to brighten even more. “I’m so glad! I was worried that you would have forgotten me what with how you seem to have changed.” I shake my head and walk off towards some other dire wolves, Angelien skipping next to me, humming quietly.
Weeks then months pass. I’ve grown used to the atmosphere of this place called Het Heiligdom. Sometimes I lay next to Henrick as he reads, I’ve even been learning how to read the human language of ‘English’. Sometimes I run, wrestle, and hunt with some of the others. It means I’ve kept in shape even as my wounds were healing. Most of the time though I’m helping Angelien. The child of my old bezitter. I should be bitter, but I no longer seem to hate humans. On the day I turned two I met many more of the humans that help run Het Heiligdom. That was when I realized that I couldn’t truly hate them any more. I was learning what that zanzibar leopard was trying to say.
Other things have changed as well. Before, in the pack, I was apparently kept undernourished, so since I now have steady and healthy food stream I have grown much larger than most of the dire wolves I have seen in the pack and even some here. At my shoulder I now stand at the height of a bull auroch with full grown horns. Apparently the dires I was bred from had stronger ties to the original genetic mutation that allowed us to be larger than our ancestors.
So I’m laying in the sun, Spring air ruffling my fur, surrounded by others that I once would have called huisdiers, calmer than I have been in months. When my ears swivel to a crash in the direction of the entrance. Near where I woke up months ago. I’m on my feet in moments as my paws pound towards the sound. I recall hearing Angelien and Henrick telling us that they would be coming back today with some new trustworthy people and their revived ones. From the shouts I can now hear I’m pretty sure that we’ve been betrayed. On my next step I can feel myself stretch my legs to their full limit, pulling me far ahead of the rest of the residents of Het Heiligdom.
As I see Angelien’s red hair flying as she runs towards the center, towards safety, I can feel a new desire rise in my barrel chest. My hackles rising and a protective howl of my heart’s home bursts forth. Bursting into the fray my paw sweeps one of the attacking humans away from a stable with a young oribi and its mother. Once more my mind reaches inside and easily rediscovers that bloodlust that’s never too far from the surface as I charge the attackers.
I stand still, my lungs pulling in great heaving breaths as the last of the attackers leaves Het Heiligdom. As the door shuts behind them I turn to face Angelien and Hendrick and all of the others that had joined the fight. Pulling in a great breath I speak, “As soon as Het Heiligdom is repaired I must leave. My duty is calling to me.”
Angelien’s bright eyes close and then open as she looks into my eyes, “I can’t stop you can I?”
I nod my head in a gentle acquiescence as Hendrick looks at me more determined than I have ever seen him. His voice rings out, a pleasing stream that can calm anybody down, “I am going with you, Botolf.”
I can’t help but smile at that, “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Hendrick.” With Hendrick’s statement many others of Heiligdom state their claim to come with me, as if they somehow know my purpose without speaking. Perhaps they do. 
  After the week of chaos and laughter that was repairing Het Heiligdom I and my fellows stand at the gate that leads into the bright sunshine. Hendrick is sitting on my back, a réunion kestrel, a friend he raised from its birth, sits on his shoulder. More birds circle the sky above us and a wilder variety of revived and common ones file around us. Facing Angelien I bow and utter a simple sentence, “The world shall change.” She smiles and shooes me away with a laugh. With a smile I comply and turn around. With a howl I race, my pack behind me.
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ladlewritings · 4 years
I mentioned this story some while ago, it was unfinished at the time. Since then I completed the first draft, rewrote it, had a couple of other people read it, left it in a virtual draw somewhere at the back of my computer for about two years, then did a final copy edit and decided that now was as good a time as any to put it up for your reading gratification/disappointment.
Let me know what you think?
It had been three long years since the first astrophysicist’s alarm had sounded. In that time every resource available had been drawn upon to build mighty ships capable of carrying sufficient technical and scientific citizens, animals, plants and knowledge away from the Earth to seek somewhere to settle and terraform as a replacement home. Perhaps one which would be far enough from any asteroid belts to minimise the risk of a similarly catastrophic meteor strike to the one which currently threatened the end of existence on this planet.
Hank still wasn’t entirely sure why he’d been selected as a “Chosen One”. A geologist by profession, his main interest was in palaeontology – Precambrian for preference. It was a bit of a niche field of study, and for some reason it had removed him from his comfortable laboratory and his sedimentary rocks and placed him here amongst the intelligentsia and those with recognised special technical abilities.
There were some up-sides, of course. For one thing when the town-sized meteorite Delendis actually struck destroying an estimated 95% of life on Earth, he would no longer be there to suffer the resulting climate swings, which were estimated to last 30,000 years, and the accompanying environmental upheaval. There was also the fact that he would be heading off into the infinite blackness of Space – it was what every child dreamed of and many adults aspired to, but he wasn’t so sure it was as exciting in actuality, when the crew was 2,000 strong and he personally wouldn’t have anything to do with pressing the buttons that changed course, accelerated or slowed down “Pathfinder”, as the craft had been unimaginatively designated following a six month long world-wide brainstorm.
Another advantage that he hadn’t originally foreseen was that the average age of people picked for the mission was 23. Hank was slap bang in the middle of this demographic and couldn’t help but notice that a good percentage of the other passengers were quite attractive. He wasn’t sure that anyone in the planning consortium had thought about this, the sexual tension that these circumstances were creating would be created under these circumstances; a couple of thousand frustrated scientists, engineers and, for the most part, geeks, who weren’t generally used to hanging out with the opposite gender, let alone being stuffed into a flying box with them – even if the box itself was about the size of a large tower block, albeit one designed by someone who had spent too much alone time in a darkened room without air conditioning.
Still, Hank had always been more comfortable around the fairer sex than a lot of his contemporaries and optimistically hoped this might give him a bit of an advantage when it came to finding something to do on those long, or in fact constant nights!
The overcrowded living conditions were also leading to tensions of other sorts. On more than one occasion Hank had entered a room to be greeted with angry silences from the engineers and aerospace technicians who were attempting to get the machine ship-shape, before the planned take off in less than six days’ time.
Just now though, this was none of his concern. Hunger had visited early tonight, so he headed to the eating quarters at around seven o’clock, instead of his habitual nine. He’d always tended towards a nocturnal lifestyle and the habit had persisted, even after leaving university.
What a difference a couple of hours made! There were people from wall to wall and conversations bounced off the ceiling, almost deafening in their intensity. Hank squeezed in at the food bar and grabbed some salad and something vaguely resembling meat, then looked around for a seat, which seemed to be in short supply. He had to jostle through the crowds of bespectacled people to wedge himself unceremoniously between a thin, drawn looking guy and a woman with a long scar across her cheek, both of whom appeared uncomfortable at his incursion.
He started eating, slowly becoming aware of the conversation taking place next to him. The scar-faced woman was trying to speak quietly to a muscular man across the table, but the volume of people and conversation made this difficult. What they were talking about sounded like it should have been more confidential. Apparently, ‘One of the rocketists,’ this being slang for the actual rocket scientists, ‘was telling the flight planner that he didn’t think the materials they were using were man enough to take the strain. He said that they were better before we went all biodegradable! Apparently a thousand years ago we’d have been using carbon fibre and metal, instead of all this Plastech and Polymet garbage. It wouldn’t be so bad if we hadn’t returned all the non-recyclables into the earth, let alone the fact that it seems to have upset the tectonic stability of the planet.’ cleverly managing to argue for and against environmental sustainability at the same time.
The talker’s confidante leaned back in his chair and placed his long, sturdy hands behind his shiny head. ‘Last I heard they were worried about the lateral stabilisers. My guess would be that we’ll get into space and start spinning like a Ferris wheel. On the bright side, at least we might improve the Grav-Lock mechanisms in the process and be able to stand up without floating away.’
Hank had heard many such conversations in the two weeks since his relocation to Pathfinder, most of them were one sided put-downs of another worker’s or divisions’ attempts to fix things and keep to schedule. But the volume of complaints had been steadily increasing over the last week and everyone was getting close to breaking point.
He finished his meal and left the table, shoving his tray through the hole beside the doorway which took the dirty dishes to who knew where, to be cleaned and redeployed. As he walked out of the room he almost bumped into Maggie. ‘Hi Hank.’ She had a way of talking which twanged at his baser instincts, but he didn’t know if it was the tone of voice or the fact she managed to make a flight-suit look like a fashionable ensemble for a night on the town. It certainly didn’t help him think.
‘Hey, Maggie. How’s it going? Have they fixed that air conditioner in your room yet?’ His eyes attempted to find somewhere innocent to rest his gaze but had to give up and settled on her face.
‘No luck! On the bright side, it makes bedtime interesting when you don’t know if you’ll need to wear a fur coat or a negligée until you step into your bedroom.’ She accompanied Hank as he walked down the corridor, ‘what’s happening in the world of prehistoric beasties?’
Hank vaguely studied the back of his hand as he thought about an answer, ‘To be honest, I think the only reason I’m on this trip is to pad the numbers and give the botanists someone to ridicule.’
Maggie put her hand on Hank’s shoulder, sending a shiver down his spine, ‘I can’t imagine anyone laughing at you. I tell you what, do you want to come back to my room for a drink?’
Hank was momentarily taken aback but managed to gather his senses and form a reasoned response, rather than blurting out “really?” Which was the first thing that came to mind. ‘Yeah, I don’t seem to have a lot on until we make planetfall, which should be in about fifteen thousand years’ time.’
Maggie led the way as Hank tailed her, wondering which of the 439 decks her quarters would be on and whether she would have time to realise her offer had been a mistake before they got there. But it was only a couple of levels up and, before he knew it, he was standing in a strangely perfumed room, while Maggie went to find “something more comfortable” to wear – which in Hank’s estimation was always a bit of a misnomer.
He visually investigated the room, although there was no reason for this as pretty much every berth on the ship was identical. His eyes soon alighted on the display stretched across part of the wall opposite the bed. The screens had their own power supply and turned on as soon as you entered the room, or at least they were meant to… more often than not though you came in to find it merrily announcing current mission stats and a likely launch date to no one at all, or it’d turn itself on at three o’clock in the morning just after you’d got to sleep because of some badly timed ventilation testing in the laboratory down the corridor.
There was currently a news story playing which showed the projected date – roughly three weeks away – for the impact of Delendis into Earth. Hank stalked over to the monitor and popped out the fuse holder at the bottom left corner, the screen showed an agonised pattern of random noise before it lost its picture and became just another section of the plain matt white wall.
The sound of the door to the bathroom sliding open reminded him where he was. ‘Sorry, I might have disabled your monitor.’ Hank turned around to see what Maggie’s idea of “something more comfortable” was. She appeared to have gone for the less is more approach, the diaphanous material hung in just the right way to make Hank’s major intellectual functions temporarily abandon him for a better viewpoint, he realised his mouth was hanging open and snapped it shut, nearly severing his tongue in the process.
Maggie stood by the bed, ‘Are you planning on using that for something?’ She pointed towards his hand. Hank looked down, as if seeing the fuse and his hand for the first time. He reached back and placed it gently on the desk without removing his eyes from the sinuously seductive prospect in front of him.
Hank massaged his forehead to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating then walked towards Maggie while loosening his flight-suit. Probably not the attire he would have chosen for such circumstances, but with a choice limited to that or nothing, it was probably preferable.
The two stood in front of each other, Maggie patiently waiting, Hank struggling with the unforgiving fastenings that held the suit in place. When he had finally removed the top, he looked into her piercing and intelligent green eyes, which looked back at him with dividends. He glanced down, then up again and started to think of a polite way to suggest they might be more comfortable on the bed, ‘Well I don’t know about you but…’
Suddenly the lights went off, Maggie gasped, ‘Hey, how did you do that?’
‘I didn’t do anything,’ Hank replied, ‘probably just another power cut.’ As he finished saying this a red light started flashing in the corner of the room. It was the sort of light that suggests to the observer that its presence is not a sign of forthcoming gaiety. ‘What on Earth is that for?’
Maggie motioned towards the small piece of electronics laying on the desk, ‘It might be a good idea to plug that back in.’ Hank almost managed to pull off a casual walk over to the screen, trying not to look as worried as he felt.
After a couple of abortive attempts, the fuse slid back into its housing and the screen crackled back into life, a calm voice droned out of it “… please prepare yourself. An error has occurred. Await further instructions.” The screen showed a live shot of the Pathfinder in its entirety, lit up from below, with the night sky framing the uneven crenelated upper surface of the ship.
Her smooth face creased, ‘How can we prepare ourselves if we don’t know what’s going on?’
Hank shrugged, then moved his head closer to the screen and squinted at the ultra-high definition picture, ‘Hey, come take a look,’ he continued to inspect the night sky as he felt Maggie’s body press into his back, this close contact should have set his teeth on edge, but his mind was too busy trying to make sense of what he was looking at, ‘Is that what I think it is?’
Maggie’s eyes flashed back and forth with the small moving objects on the screen, ‘Comets? Lots of comets! You don’t think that’s why the alarm’s going off, do you?’
Hank thoughtfully scratched his chin, ‘I’m not sure but I think it might be a good idea if we go to bed,’ Maggie gave him a look which suggested that wasn’t the suggestion she was expecting, ‘for our safety,’ he added, completely failing to sound as authoritative as he was aiming for.
Maggie’s frown turned into a grin, ‘I was at those safety briefings too. They mould to your body contours when the ship’s taking off.’ Her eyes widened when she realised what Hank was suggesting.
The screen blustered back into life, flashing red and white out of time with the light in the corner of the room. “Attention. The estimated time for the impact of Delendis has been adjusted. Impact will take place at twenty-one hundred hours tonight.”
Hank and Maggie both glanced at the clock next to the screen. It read 20:23. Hank looked at Maggie with his lip curling in consternation, he was about to tell her he would go back to his room and leave her to prepare when the voice inexorably continued. “Please find your nearest launch berth and assume positions for take-off immediately. This is not a drill. Launch sequence will commence in T-minus two minutes.”
Maggie launched herself towards the bed and flicked the launch mode switch, Hank looked uncertain as to what he should do until she said, ‘What are you waiting for, get on.’ He assumed the correct position, on his side as the plaque above the bed instructed, trying to lay facing her, in as professional a manner as he could while she was wearing something which left so little to the imagination. Why he thought this necessary, when five minutes before he had been assuredly stripping off in front of her, was not something he cared to think about as he settled back feeling the odd clamminess of the biomech mattress subside wherever his skin pressed into it.
Maggie moved her head into a more comfortable position, which meant they couldn’t help but stare into each other’s eyes, ‘I didn’t even think the ship was ready yet.’
Hank reached out for her hand and squeezed it in as reassuring a manner as he could muster, in lieu of actually finding something to say which might make her feel better. The screen on the wall showed decreasing numbers, while the computer-generated voice droned through a 120 second countdown, which seemed to take forever. Eventually the last five digits elapsed then, nothing happened. Hank glanced awkwardly towards the screen, which showed 00:00. ‘Looks like you could be right…’
An ear-splitting creak thundered through the ship, followed by the sound a planet sized central heating system would make getting ready for winter. Finally, a noise like a concert hall full of radios picking up the static from the start of the Universe signalled the first Grav-Lock Impulsion engine firing, it was shortly followed by many more. The initial feeling of heaviness passed through Hank’s body and he wondered if it would get worse, just as the ship juddered off the ground with a crunch and pushed him against the padded mattress so hard that he couldn’t even turn to look towards the window.
Maggie’s hand pressed down on his, but he didn’t know if this was voluntary or because of the acceleration, he hoped it was the former. The speed of the ship seemed to constrict Hank’s lungs, it was almost unbearable and lasted, as close as he could estimate, for at least as long as the countdown to take-off had. Although there was no reduction in the ongoing acceleration of the ship there was suddenly a lurch which left Hank and Maggie floating five centimetres above the bed. Maggie huskily reminded him, ‘Don’t move yet,’ as another static crackle and an almost gentle descent back to the welcoming surface indicated that the internal Grav-Lock systems were now on-line.
‘Come on, I have to see’ she said, as she sprung off the bed towards the small semi-spherical window. She looked out, her jaw dropping at the sight of the Earth dropping vertiginously away behind them.
Hank squeezed his way in next to her and saw the inspiring sight of the planet – on which every single thing in recorded history had ever happened – drifting serenely into the starry night sky. Not far away from the big blue/green ball of everything they had ever known, a city sized rock outlined by red fire was drawing towards the planet, leaving a stream of particulate residue in its wake and preceded by many smaller meteors and meteoroids which were clustering round the larger carbonaceous motherlode.
‘Well, that’s it then. We’re off.’ The situation was affecting Hank in psychological crevices he didn’t even know he possessed, ‘No more sunny days and walks in the park, no more birds singing in the trees, no more waterfalls, no more lazy days hammering at rocks in the middle of nowhere. I’ll miss it.’
Maggie looked askance at him, ‘Don’t be so melodramatic. Get a grip on yourself, this is exciting!’
Hank shook his head and dragged himself out of the introspection. ‘The worst thing is that it’s the big ones that go first,’ Maggie gave him a quizzical glance, ‘in mass extinctions, which is what this is likely to be. It’s the megafauna and flora that go first. The Permian-Triassic extinction took out 90% of all life on Earth. Funnily enough we’re probably about the biggest thing that might survive through the radiation, re-entry firestorms, dust and debris fallout, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rains… You get the idea!’
‘So, wouldn’t be much fun then. Makes you glad to be the most intelligent creature on the planet, or off it, in fact.’ She turned and kissed him. ‘Well, we seem to have a little free time, shall we find something useful to do with ourselves while everyone else is still panicking?’ She moved back to the bed and slid on seductively, patting the empty spot next to her, ‘Come on, before it gets cold.’
Hank stared at the retreating planet for a while longer, before turning and taking in the full glory of Maggie’s curvaceous body. ‘Ah, why not?’ He pounced across the space and landed next to her, ‘I guess we have a duty to propagate the species. After all, apart from the livestock and specimens down on the zoological decks, we Troodons are going to be the only dinosaurs that live on after Delendis wipes out all life as we know it.’
__ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-26942-5f3670248d063', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy settings', } } }); }); from WordPress https://ladlewritings.wordpress.com/2020/08/14/pathfinder/
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itstiffanymiller · 5 years
Abandoned Destinations Close to the entire world which can be Frightening and delightful
There's something both equally eerie and putting about deserted sites. No matter if it is really a educate cemetery in Bolivia, an Artwork Deco subway station beneath Big apple Metropolis, or village lined in sand dunes within the coastline of Namibia, each site is usually a snapshot of historical past frozen in time. Have a tour of such mesmerizing internet sites all-around the world-stark reminders of what used to be, with splendor seeping through the broken glass and dirt.
This gallery was originally revealed in 2015. It has been up to date with new data.
Check out us to learn more: Cidade de Kolmanskop
Gereja Ayam ("Chicken Church"), Magelang, Indonesia
Should you at any time find yourself inside the jungles of central Java, you would possibly bump into a dilapidated church that is equal pieces great and baffling: Gereja Ayam, also called the "Chicken Church." The church (which the architect meant to be from the shape of the dove-nice attempt!) opened its doors inside the nineteen nineties, serving as each a rehab and worship middle for all religions; unfortunately, construction costs soon turned far too large as well as project-and building-were deserted in 2000. The foul fowl is now something of a tourist destination in recent times, with murals adorning the interior, remarkable sights from the encompassing forests via the beak, as well as a small cafe offering treats near the tail feathers.
See far more information and facts in the online video below
Tianducheng, Hangzhou, China
No, this isn't an image of post-apocalyptic Paris. It really is China’s Tianducheng district, a miniature replica of France's funds, found about 40 minutes away from Hangzhou. The formidable (however unsuccessful) real estate progress was crafted in 2007, comprehensive with its very own Champs-Elysées and 300-foot Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, China's try and recreate town of sunshine ended up remaining much more creepy than romantic, just as if the real Paris abruptly entered the The other way up. Only a few thousand people continue to be (town was crafted to deal with ten,000), plus the streets are generally empty-save to the occasional bridal celebration posing for faux Parisian wedding pictures.
Rummu Prison, Estonia
Of every one of the underwater web sites across the planet, Estonia's semi-emerged Rummu Prison may possibly just be the creepiest. The jail was built from the Soviet Union and stuffed with inmates in the forties, exactly where the prisoners were pressured to work in the nearby limestone quarry. The jail was deserted when Estonia obtained its independence in 1991, plus the deficiency of supervision prompted the quarry to speedily replenish with h2o. Rummu Prison is currently a favorite seaside, in particular among the scuba divers who would like to check out the submerged structures and mining machines beneath the area.
Houtouwan, Shengshan Island, China
Houtouwan-a previous fishing village found about 87 miles southeast of Shanghai-has been uninhabited for several decades, but this is simply not your average ghost city. In place of included in dust and rubble, these buildings are practically entirely protected with creeping ivy and luxurious vegetation, making a green landscape that's far more magnificent than devastating. Even though many of the village's original citizens moved inland in the early 1990s, a number of individuals do even now continue to exist the island, advertising water to curious visitors and photographers.
Metropolis Methodist Church, Gary, Indiana
Popular for becoming the birthplace of Michael Jackson (and setting with the Audio Man, obviously), Gary, Indiana also happens to generally be the site of one of your prettiest, eeriest, most abandoned churches from the place. At first built in 1926 with cash donated by U.S. Metal, the town Methodist Church is really a nine-story marvel complete with Gothic architecture, stone pillars, and stained glass windows. About the next several many years, the steel sector ongoing to falter and Gary's populace dwindled, along with the church was wholly shut down in 1975. The construction is crumbling but still lovely now, and it is a well-liked location for movie directors-you may understand it from motion pictures just like a Nightmare on Elm Road, or, less likely, Transformers: Dark with the Moon (which is the 3rd a person).
Go to us to learn more: Metrô abandonado de Nova York
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cykragnostic · 5 years
A shiny gold coin shall be yours IF you can identify the disturbing artist whose works I based these descriptions on! Seriously, I can't remember his name. It was years ago and a bad late night on the web. Freaky stuff appropriate for your Mythos-triumphant futures. I shall try to find the artist, but really, looking at this, there are any number of options for statting them out for an RPG: horror, weird-side dungeon fantasy, some mythogical game with symbolic and moral attributes, virtues and curses...
CRANIAL COMMANDO A large, broad, headless engine body, rather in the shape of a fat crab shell, sits atop a pair of fat machined legs, each foot with three broad toes. Four long arms extend from the rounded corners of the fuselage, each like a human arm, ending in a delicate three-fingered hand protected by a massive gauntlet. Harnesses across the top and back hold a variety of range and close weapons; two or three of its hands hold one at any time.
The body remaining to the originally human pilot is centered roughly in the abdomen; a thin skull surrounds a swollen brain, other organs mixed promiscuously with machine-organs. It is cradled in a thick, crystal-clear sphere etched with fine letters and symbols. No visible sense organs.
PELAGISTRIER A modified whale. Its skull has been greatly elongated and fused with silvery crystalline material into a hard hull. The back of the skull-cab swings up, hinged with muscle and metal; the lower edge of the hatch is ragged like teeth in a jaw. A comfortable, white, leathern couch is visible in the coach of the skull; slowly writhing black stumps are at hand for a head, hands, and lower orifices. The whale's eye-sockets are likewise enlarged and bristle with sensory spines and lenses; coils reach into the mouth from asymmetrical pods alongside the beast's underbelly, where two cybernetic paws are currently at rest, streamlined against the body. The massive fins and flukes are ridged with the same crystalline-metallic substance as the cockpit.
HEREROGENOUS FIEND A roughly human form, flesh not so much stitched together as exuded from a pump and cleverly spun together. A massive left arm, leathery flesh spread across a leaden armature and now clutching a vast spiked club; two smaller limbs on the left are balanced by five on the right, the largest of which is outlined in a blur as tendrils move back and forth. The smaller arm-limbs mostly do not end in hands but in spines or cudgels to be swung on fine but sturdy cable. The thing's torso has parts of at least nine jawbones, human and animal, visible, and eyes of all sizes here and there across its surface. On the right shoulder is a child-sized form with three stubby, independent arms weakly struggling; one limb reaches up to scratch at it now and then, and it may pop off.
PRECIOUS CONTRIVANCE FOR GUESTS' DIVERTMENT A porcelain construction in the shape of an elegant, slim woman, hands, body, and head in pleasing proportion, joints clever articulations of the ceramic exterior over dully shining bronze ball joints. It plays twelve games of skill and chance, sings with a piping sound, can accompany itself on stringed and percussive instruments, and serves tea. It is dressed in courtly silk garments that intermingle with the six tubes coiling like thick braids of hair from the head, wrapped in a large and intricate knot, then under the back of the frock and out into a trunk kept hidden from view. The trunk put-puts steadily as fluids are pumped in and out of the automaton. The head, from nose up, is concealed in folds of an intricate bejeweled turban which, should it somehow come undone, reveals a pair of lidless, mad, staring human eyes set in the ceramic skull. Mistress Hortense Bejezebaelia Montessori, Margravine of Auckland and Para-duchess of the 18th Precinct. Mistress Hortense is a tall and stately creature garbed in a vast and heavy frock, much frilled and laced and beaded. Her hands always move over the stove-belly-like contraption in her midriff, which her frock parts around. Many small dials, switches and knobs fill two arcs like commas on her sides, and from time to time she adjusts these without looking at them. There is a port on the swelling large enough to admit perhaps a cat.
THE PALANQUIN OF OBLOQUY Four bearers garbed in vast, flowing, layered robes grasp the highly wrought support bars at the base of an irregular dodecahedral object, each panel shimmering with images of the mighty victories and conquests of the kings of the land. The Palanquins are the honored conveyances of high level traitors and elaborate suicides from among the pathocracy; an annual lottery allows one lucky commoner to be sealed in the Palanquin and be borne about the streets for ages to come. The bearers are masked in gleaming black and grey globular helmets attached by hoses and cables to the underside of the Palanquin. They never rest, nor sit, nor cease their stately procession, but will slow upon request, the better to observe the decorative sides of the Palanquin.
HONORED SCRIBES The Scribe sits lotus style on a small platform, a lap-desk anchored to its atrophied toes and pens, ink and styluses rakishly set out to the sides. When not writing, the scribes' arms rest on contraptions jutting wide out from the walking-platform, its hands held in cunning mudras. The head has wide and staring eyes, all black, no nose or mouth. Its pearly skin smells of sweet oil and lilac, and it wears finely woven black and red mesh. The walking-platform is draped in a kilt-like garment patterned after an insect's carapace. A pair of strong, hairless red legs shoed in elaborate sandals jut out from the kilt and trace mincing steps over the floor of the palaces and salons home to the Scribes.
SPRIGHTLY SOLDAT Four long, thin, deer-like legs are the base of this entity, whose torso can seat a human-shaped figure; a fine uniform in bright parade-ground colors largely conceals the tumorous bulges where two bodies were molded together to form this steed; four clutching hands reach out from the front and back to hold travel-goods, and the heads have also been fused and relocated into a torpedo-like arrangement on the undercarriage; the lipless mouth has large, square teeth.
NIGHTWIGHT A whippy, ectoplasmic creature with a variable number of limbs and extrusions, more human shaped than not, with a headish protuberance whose color moves from the indifferent whitish-grey of the main body mass into inky blackness arranged around a radial, irising mouth, chisel-edged, before fading into invisibility. At a distance of half a meter or so away from the head and torso, orange electrical bolts sluggishly trace the surfaces of invisible nested spheres, and figures reminiscent of a star chart, or perhaps musical notation, appear momentarily along these ghostly orbits. The night-wight can move independently but prefers to spend most of its time waving circularly over the suited remains of a ship's crew or other places where humans and machines have catastrophically breached the mind-sea.
AERONAUTIC SENTRY CUR A dog it once was, for the doggy scent hangs closely about it, and beneath the steel and ceramic of the strangely articulated helmet, a predatory canine head is still to be perceived. The jaw has been altered to swing open in two fanged limbs. The head is on a thick but sinewy neck, the chest teardrop-shaped. Four large doggy paws are symmetrically aligned like the tail fins of a rocket, legs spread so it can stand on all four or on any adjacent pair. The paws have a fat but serviceable thumb. The tail is not cropped but elongated and prehensile. Where the sternum was, at birth or in the bodies of its ancestors, there is a ceramic circular lid, hinged on the bottom edge. It opens to extend a fuel intake proboscis that can expel corrosives, terror-drugs, and other liquids. The Sentry Cur is at home in gravity and free-fall both.
FUNEREAL JUGGERNAUT A giant creature, fifteen or so meters tall, neither like a tortoise nor pachyderm but partaking of the brutish qualities of both, with six thick, apelike legs ending in massive horny paws. A harness round the torso and waist support an intricately decorated cylinder, like a section of tower, that remains level as the beast moves forward. Rubbish birds flock to whatever is on the top. It plods along, jingling with bells, chimes, gongs, wind-whistles and other noisemakers. Its head is more maw than else, with eight long tusks scrimshawed and bound with gold, and a humming machine set in the center of the maw. No eyes are to be seen, but four independently moving tubular ears may overlap in general function. Heavy, putrid incense fumes from portals around the tower, and a pair of tiny human figures, hardly bigger than children, sit attentively in harnesses at its sides. Their head and arms are unseen and beneath elaborate ceremonial robes, a range weapon pivots atop each head, tracking any movement nearby.
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All-New 2017 Volkswagen Polo Details, Features, Tech Specs And Mega Image Gallery
It is finally introduced, the Sixth generation Volkswagen Polo (Polo Mk. 6). The hatchback gets an entirely new exterior layout, more spacious interior, new cockpit layout ordered for your electronic world, TSI (petrol), TGI (natural gas) and TDI (diesel) engines as well as an array of assistance systems that previously were only familiar in bigger Volkswagen automobiles. The newest 2017 Volkswagen Polo is going to be accessible in Five equipment versions and three bundles : Trendline, Comfortline, Highline, Beats and GTI. The new Polo will arrive around the economies of countries in 2017. Even the India launch details are unknown.
Constructed on Volkswagen’s Modular Transverse Matrix for compact versions (MQB A0) system, the sixth generation Polo has grown, which makes it bigger than its predecessor in all of its dimensions. It has resulted in a lot more interior space and an boot volume from 280 to 351 litres. The new Polo, with its span of 4,053 mm, will be slightly shorter than the fourth generation Golf, however, it exceeds that Golf as it regards its wheelbase (53 mm longer) and distance for the driver, passengers and bags (21 litres more).
Visually, the first step creation Polo understands. A nice line on the negative body runs parallel. Key detailing of the Polo comprises its line of side windows. The C-pillar is now designed to achieve. The lineup, which will be referred to as the tornado lineup, is a new design characteristic defining the Polo. Upfront, along with the new radiator grille, the headlights form the new ‘face’ of the Polo that goes across the whole automobile width. The bonnet now extends far downward into the ‘face’. The bumper is also redesigned.
At the back, the newest tail lights have been worked into the shoulder section and, now, inwards. As LED tail lights, they’ll also be accessible around the Polo for the very first time. A horizontal line beneath the tail lights on the back hatch, which now transitions into the bumper and underscores the Polo’s width. The diffuser is incorporated into the bumper.
Even the Polo will arrive at three familiar trimming lines — Trendline, Comfortline and Highline, and at the ‘Beats’ special variant with a sound system configured for contemporary audio. Another version that appears from the beginning about the new car’s life: the Polo GTI. Packages are being available in the shape of Black R-Line and Style. The R-Line gets features such as 16-inch metal wheels (‘Sebring’), a big, sporty front and in the back a diffuser with chrome trim and a roof spoiler. The Polo having an bundle includes canning sill strips that are black. The R-Line bundle updates including dynamism in a low cost that is additional.
Take a Look at the car in the video
New Polo Trendline is well equipped with:
LED daytime running lights with coming-home along with leaving-home performance
A rate limiter
Front Assist area monitoring system with City Emergency Braking and Pedestrian Tracking
14-inch brakes
At the Comfortline trimming level, additional details are added for example:
Composition Colour infotainment system
Air conditioning (Climatic)
Driver Alert system
Centre armrest
Seat covers in knitted velvet
Front and rear electric windows with lockable control
Multi-function steering wheel
15-inch brakes
Clients who choose the Highline also receive:
Park Distance Control (PDC)
White LED background light (front doors and instrument panel)
Multifunction steering wheel in combination with leather-trimmed gear change lever and brake lever (‘small leather bundle’)
15-inch metal wheels (‘Salou’)
The Polo Beats, that targets younger customer groups, has a 300-watt audio system by US headset manufacturer Beats (Dr. Dre) as well as a host of other capabilities. Exterior features include:
16-inch metal wheels
Black painted outside mirror housings
decorative decals on the bonnet and roof
‘Beats’ badging on the B-pillars
Inside, the ‘Beats’ version features a dashpad painted with covers in ‘Velvet Red’ , sport seats and ‘Beats’ logo, the ‘leather bundle’ and distinctive panel stinks. The system can be ordered as an option in several versions.
Rounding out the version range in the top is your new Polo GTI. The sporty top model will then be powered with a 2.0-litre TSI having a result of 200 PS (previous version: 1.8 TSI with 192 PS). Assessing the performance would be the standard sport chassis along with the Sport Select chassis. At the front, this Polo features a bumper with fog lights and integrated spoiler lip as usual. The red stripe is included by normal GTI insignia in the front on honeycomb air vent screens, the back grille and the GTI badge. An exclusive feature is that the LED headlights having a winglet. They’re the extensions of the red stripe of the radiator grille. At the back, the Polo GTI sports a huge roof spoiler in black, a diffuser in the GTI badge double tailpipes, LED tail lights along with the bumper.
On the sides, GTI features consist of standard 17-inch metal wheels (18-inch optional), side sill extensions and brake calipers which are painted red. The 200-PS Polo offers sport seats with the ‘Clark’ tartan layout in black plus a GTI gear change grip. Also included as standard is that the ambient light.
New Polo is going to be accessible in 14 exterior colours, twelve wheels (14- to 18-inch, some painted in crimson colour), dashpads in 13 different decors, two interior trim models and eleven different seat cover choices. The Polo updated and can be personalised with the newest alternatives. New in the choices programme are :
Light-intense full-LED headlights
LED daytime running lights
LED tail lights
‘Air Care Climatronic’ system with air quality sensor and allergen filter
Wireless charging for smartphones (optional inductive aerial connection)
One of the Biggest scenic roofs in its course (launching will be 10 mm wider and 20 mm longer than previously)
Sport Select working gear with lively dampers
In the European economy, the new Polo will launch with nine Euro-6 engines. The power range at market start: 65 PS to 150 PS. Moreover, for the very first time, the Polo is going to be accessible with the recently developed 1.0 TGI natural gas engine with an output of 90 PS.
Gas engines and four gasoline are also offered. The gasoline engines range from the 1.0 MPI using 65 PS to the brand new 1.5 TSI EVO with cylinder deactivation (ACT) along with 150 PS. The Polo is starting with diesel variations (TDI) with sparks of 80 PS along with 95 PS. Every one of these versions are equipped with a regenerative manner along with a stop-start machine. Starting with an outcome of 95 PS, all engines might used in conjunction with a dual clutch gearbox (DSG). As above, the TSI in the Polo GTI develops a result of 200 PS.
Engine options in a glance:
Natural gas
1.0 TGI with 90 PS, 5-speed gearbox
1.0 MPI with 65 PS, 5-speed gearbox
1.0 MPI using 75 PS, 5-speed gearbox
1.0 TSI using 95 PS, 5-speed gearbox / 7-speed DSG
1.0 TSI with 115 PS, 6-speed gearbox / 7-speed DSG
1.5 TSI using 1150 PS, 6-speed gearbox / 7-speed DSG
2.0 TSI with 200 PS, 6-speed gearbox / 7-speed DSG
1.6 TDI with 80 PS, 5-speed gearbox
1.6 TDI using 95 PS, 5-speed gearbox / 7-speed DSG
The new Polo will also benefit from assistance systems. Even the edition of this Polo will arrive together with the Front Help area monitoring system such as Pedestrian Tracking and City Emergency Braking as standard. One alternative that’s being offered again at the Polo is Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC; can now be activated up to a rate of 210 km/h). The ACC also offers a Stop & Go purpose (for first time with a guide parking brake). Other choices in the Polo comprise:
Blind Spot Detection lane change system with Rear Traffic Alert
Semi-automated Park Help system for exiting parking spaces
‘Manoeuvring work’ which automatically protects against small but frequently expensive parking scratches
Optional Keyless Access bending and engine starting system
Since the initial Volkswagen and the very first Volkswagen Group version, the Polo will launch on the inside ever to provide new creation of the Active Info Display. For the very first time, only one button in the multifunction steering wheel can be used to switch between the Views menus. Polo will also get the most recent creation of infotainment systems with display diagonals ranging from 6.5 to 8.0 inches. The tidy, high-tech picture of the interior is augmented by background light —standard equipment in Polo Highline and GTI— and by dashpads and decorative trim strips at a vast array of colours.
The new Polo will also receive the ‘App Connect’ Car-Net applications (with MirrorLinkÒ, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay) and ‘Guide & Inform’. Then there is the new ‘We by Volkswagen’, that will open up another degree of freedom. One example is that the app-based ‘WePark’, a cashless payment support for parking. This feature will be a reality at the right time of the Polo world premiere. It is going to be offered in select cities.
New generation of support systems around the Polo comprise the Front Help area monitoring system together with Pedestrian Tracking and City Emergency Braking. In the new Polo, it comes as standard in the version that is base that is Trendline. Another system that’s already contained at the Polo Trendline is that the rate limiter. The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System is always on board a new Polo.
As above, the new Polo will arrive around the economies of countries in 2017. Even the India launch details are unknown. We’d keep you posted about further upgrades as and when they arrive.
from stlconsignmentgallery http://stlconsignmentgallery.com/all-new-2017-volkswagen-polo-details-features-tech-specs-and-mega-image-gallery/
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