#its true i was there i was the skittle
starcrossedbrothers · 3 months
pandora and sybil trelawney having a rivalry over divination. sybil truly believes she’s the greatest seer in their generation, possibly since her great-aunt cassandra, and constantly makes prophecies that never come true, mostly foretelling the death of assorted classmates. meanwhile pandora is not a seer but has a general air of mystery and aces divination so people think she is. and sybil absolutely hates her for it, while pandora refuses to confirm or deny it and mostly just plays it up for laughs
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ripjulie-gone · 1 year
[ THEY’RE A 10 BUT … ] they'd probably stab you for a cornchip.
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a  grin  spread  wildly  across  her  features  before  she  chuckled  and  her  head  fell  to  tilt. ❝  i    mean,  make  it  skittles  and  yeah  probably.  but  lovingly,  of  course.  i  stab  out  of  love. ❞  julie  liked  gen  and  it  would  actually  take  a  lot  for  her  to  stab  them... unless  asked,  of  course. then  all  bets  were  off. ( + @ohlazrus )
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kylestfs · 5 months
I will take the Ford F-150. I figured I could use a lot of power in my life even though I might look small driving it due to my size and nerdy build.
What do you mean you might look small driving it? That’s not true, you look like a fine strong manly redneck/country boy to me. One thing that’s true though, is the rumor…saying that when driving such a vehicle, you’re trying to compensate for something…but that’s fine! At least you own a truck, right bro?
Statistics :
Identity :
Age : 20
Name : Cody
IQ : 69
Personality : Excessively dumb, very stupid and full of himself, focusing on being a real man and doing « real man » stuff.
Sexuality : 100% straight, and you certainly don’t appreciate those « fairies » or « skittles » as you call them.
Body :
Body type : Toned, lean country boy. Strong.
Overall attractiveness : 8/10.
Private’s size : 3.5 inches hard. (You certainly needed a pickup truck to conpensate for that, good choice! 🔑)
Rear end size : It’s very big and large, shame it will never get used, because although it’s very firm…its a top’s ideal butt.
Overall B.O : 7.5/10 : Strong, smelling of farm, rotten hay, horse farts…like a real man, as you’d say.
Armpit scent : Smells like rotten hay, mixed with sweat and overall dirtiness. You’ve never used deodorant and never will, that’s for prissy people!
Gassiness : 10/10, as bad as the horses in your farm’s stable! Loud, obnoxious, smelly, and way too frequent ! At least one every 10 minutes, and you certainly let it rip, you’d never hold one in.
Foot smell : Smells horrible! Those cowboy boots of yours just stink of everything you’d think of…not in a good way. But obviously, you only shower once you get mud on you or anything, otherwise you just don’t care or even think about it.
Muscles : Lean, strong and toned. Shows what a real man is supposed to be!
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justcallmesakira · 8 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o pt. 3!
Sypnosis: How the people who are somewhat sane deal with you and your goofy goobers
Warnings: eyebrow less, wereballs, mentions of gaslight ING, mentions of turning into a gacha life demon form 2019,stealing glittery not pads, omori building reference, etc.
Genre: lowkey fluff, crack
A/N: bro this series is blowing up for real- Anyways heres part 2 andddd part 1!
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No guys hes not like you-😭
Sometimes he wonders if you were better suited with dazai then him (it's giving a certain emo Victorian kid kinnie)
But hey hey! Don't worry he will try to calm you down because he DOES NOT WANT YOU to follow dazai's steps! 😋😋
Dw atsushi! Reader is perfectly sane!!
He once came back to the agency from a mission only to see you see you eyebrow less
"Y/N! I am ba-AAAAAAAAAH-" "What, jinko, finally grew some wereballs"
Turns out you were cosplaying akutagawa and the eyebrowless thing was just a prank <3
Jizz man, give my pookie tiger
He's more scared of you then akutagawa 😨😨😨
You sometimes feel silly so you gave him cat food for lunch beacuse dazai convinced you with some skittles (he probably stole them from ranpo)
"umm, y/N.. WHY are you giving me cat food?" "because I felt silly lol"
Kyouka had to stop him-
I am pretty sure you two speak in kaomojis like--
But he enjoys your presence, it's nice to know that at least your happy,Perhaps he can protect you and your happiness if he tries....
Sometimes he wonders how you have so much energy to break into his home with hello kitty pins just to wake him up
And go to an amusement park..
There goes atsuhis wallet! 😄💸
I think atsushi genuinely likes your antics.. Sometimes
But he would definitely keeps you away from dazai so you two don't pour Elmer's glue into kunikidas hair :3
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Uh oh... Gin can you really handle reader-
OF COURSE YOU Can!! You can do anything hahaha... (please help I am being hold at gunshot by rea-)
Since she's really shy and all you speak for her though you jumble the words sometimes
"she asked for no pickles ya dumb yard😡🤬😈👿" *turns into a gacha life 2019 demon*
Although she can't keep up with your energy you always understand what she says in a notepad
You even stole bought her a glittered kuromi notepad for you twos personal talking!
Sometimes she sees silly doodles on the corners of the pages
Gin thinks its honestly cute
However if akutagawa founds out about your silly antics around his sister he's gonna give you a death stare
Gin haded to reasure him countless times that you won't eat her whole
I would😋😋😋
After she calmed her brother you always greeted him with "yo bro wassup >:3"
Bad idea😨
It's true your the person talking for her and all but she's gonna go full assassin mode if someone even tries to hurt you
THAT'S MY Girl!!!!! 😍🤩🥰😝 *verlaine bcs he canonically trained gin I think
Anyways you and her share a cute Lil dynamic
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T-that gif if him before finding out you were trying to eat the casino coins
"Y/N YOU CAN NOT EAT CASINO COINS" "why :(" "It's NOT FOR EATING" "why :(" "Well you ca-" ":c" "Why the sad face...wait did I shout too loud oh my god y/N I am so sorry.. You know what fine I will take you to the casinos play ground today" ":3"
Sigma.. That face is the face of someone who always gets what they want-😦
Also he sometimes questions how and why you speak in emojis like ":3" or ":("
Teach me your ways bestay😏
But please he's so insecure don't do that to my pookie😭🙏
He sometimes question if he has met your type before.. *flashbacks of Nikolai and dazai*
He's gonna go OUT of his way to keep you away from Nikolai bro
Sigma does not want to have a Nikolai dupe as his s/o
But still he might get a bit protective like "y/N be safe" "y/N don't go there" "y/N make sure to wear kneecaps before skating in the hallways of the casi- WAIT"
"don't worry I will be fine!" famous last words
*inserts omori reference here*
He's so tired bro but anything to keep you happy...
You somehow sometimes save him from Nikolai prank
But even so he tries protecting you...afterall no one wants to lose their only home.......
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A/N: hope you enjoyed it! Sigmas one was my favorite :33 anyways I think I will do hunting dogs ver. If you guys want!
Divider creds: @junkyukim on pinterest
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tparker48 · 4 months
Request for anonymous
Fog scoured over the cul-de-sac as the sun rose from its curtain of mist. In a house at the ed of the street, a tall man named Guro Awakened from his slumber lumbering himself out of bed as he stared groggily at the clock.
“6AM..” he rubbed his chin, “Fuck we overslept, we need to get to airport..” he stuck his toothbrush in his mouth before heading to the bedroom, two lumps bunched beneath a sheet on the windowsill. He prodded at their curvatures with a finger. "Brock, Jerry, up and adam! We're gonna be late for the flight if we’re not gone in a few minutes."
The lumps shift beneath the sheets, growing in size as the cotton balls surrounding them dispersed to the floor. Scrawny arms poked from one side of the cover, a pair of feet extending from the other.
"Oh..shit.." one of the tinies stretched, their curly hair spiraling spreading from the cover like wires. “You just had to pick the morning flight..” Jerry rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked to the lump next to him, nasally rumbles lingering beneath them as he nudged a foot into its side. “Brock, stop acting like a brick and get up already.”
The exposed toes curled, cowering beneath the sheets as the tiny groaned groggily. "Why’d you have to go and kick me?” he wiped the slobber from the corner of his mouth, “ I was just having the best dream of my life."
"You say that every night, dear."
"Well it's true."
Guro rolled his eyes, taking to the window as he plucked the two from the platform. He lumbard toward a table, placing them on top as he made his way for his luggage in the chair. Today was the day the three of them went on their trip to Vegas. Since he was a kid he always dreamed of visiting there, his fantasy running wild of the possibilities he’d find. Fame, fortune, hell even the chance to see good actors. His mind thrived on the potential for him to explore, but nothing spiked his interest more, than to find someone who could take on his size.
He dabbled in a few hook ups during his time in the city, managing to fish a few guys here and there looking for a good time. But his tall physique was like kryptonite to potential seekers, each cowering before the colossal ass that spreads before him. He had no luck here, but that didn’t mean he won’t find one out there.
Finishing the rest of his packing, he placed the two love birds into his pocket before heading out of the door and to his car. And with that they were off to the airport, Guro taking the south highway that shortened the 40 minute drive through traffic. By the time they reached the main entrance, the sun rose over the hills, its crimson glow shining over the land.
Guro parked the car as he fetched the two from his pocket. "Alright we got about an hour before the flight boards.”
“Perfect, then that leaves us plenty of time to prepare.” Jerry hopped onto the glove compartment and kicked the loose panel, a bottle of anti-digest jostling to the edge. “I knew these would come in handy someday, it’s the perfect heist for the stomach.”
“About that, why again are you guys going in my stomach?”
“You’re the one that said the cost was too expensive for the three of us, so I thought of an alternative.” Jerry plucked one of the pills. “You get to sit all cozy in your chair, while me and hubby travel in your stomach.”
“It still doesn’t sound appealing when I hear it a second time around.” Guro said. “Having you two inside me sounds way too weird.”
“Relax, it’ll be fine.” Brock chimed in, “Just think of me and Jerry like skittles.”
He shuddered at the thought of swallowing his two friends, looking to his watch as time edged toward seven o’ clock. With a sigh, he grabbed a water bottle from the cup holder, untwisting the cap of the pills as he two. He washed it down his throat, before picking up Jerry and Brock, hovering them in front of his mouth.
“Here goes nothing..” He parted his lips, sprawling his tongue like a carpet as he tilted his head.
His tongue squished as the two tinies hopped into his gaping maw, sliding down the muscular appendage like penguins as they darted into his awaiting gullet. His lips scrunched as his throat worked at their complex forms, working them past the back of his tongue that rose to the ceiling. He squeezed his tongue against their feet, and his throat gave way, the muscular tube expanding as Jerry and Brock were accepted inside. The descent was like a slugs pace as peristalsis took over, guiding them to the entrance of his stomach.
Getting out of the car, he raised his shirt as his belly distended, a softened handprint poking from his torso. "It's darker in here than I expected,” Jerry said. “did you bring the flashlights with you, Brock?"
"Flashlights? I thought you grabbed them from the nightstand?"
"Why would you think I grabbed them? I was literally right next to you."
"Keep it down you two," Guro pounded at his chest. "we're almost inside."
He entered the sliding doors to the main lobby, other travelers swarming through the corridors like a sea of fish. Guro followed the narrow path to the terminals further in the distances,, ushering the shoulder of others to clear a way for his hefty luggage that nipped at his heels. He visited the check in machine, grabbing a ticket for his things as he dropped them with the attendees.
Dropping his luggage off, he spread his arms like wings, popping the cramps on his shoulder for hauling the heavy thing. He approached the line of the terminal, and his sense of his relief dispersed. Security would be up ahead, scanning baggage along with the passengers clothes for any signs of breach in policy. It wasn’t long before one of the officers approached, scanners in hand as they ushered him forward.
He sucked in his gut, and the scanning commenced as the coned device raised up and down his body. "Scanner's seem all clear, proceed." one of the officers said.
Guro nodded, moving through the terminals to the connecting hallway. He looked out of the translucent window to metal fins gliding over parts of the platform, the head of the plane turning the corner like a shark as it docked near the loading bay.
Movement stirred inside of him, his abdomen bucking as limbs twisted over the other. "Ugh, I knew I should’ve woke up earlier.” Jerry muffled, “ my cock’s leaking like a faucet for release.”
"Fear not my dear hubby, for your noble night shall ease your stress." Brock said.
Guro cheeks flushed, pounding a fist at his chest. " You two are not fucking in my stomach, it’s hard enough trying to keep you down already."
"Fine fine, party pooper.” Jerry said, “Then let’s at least get some grub, I’m starving in here!"
"Yeah!" Brock chimed.
“What? I just told-”
"Food! Food! Food!" the couple chanted, bouncing wall to wall as if they were seeds in a popcorn kettle.
"Alright, Alright already. just stop with the bouncing."
It was a good walk as Guro traversed deeper into the airport. Searching for the docking terminal, he followed the bolded signs that hung from the ceiling as they pointed further down the hall, leading him to the corner of the building where travelers waited for the aircraft.
Good, he still had some time to get those two some food. He followed a vertical path to a few shops stationed along the walls, passing by refreshment and accessories before he got to the food court section of the building. Snackbars stationed between the narrow pathways, packets of Doritos stacking their shelves as some spilled from their platform to the Gatorade bottles below.
"Perfect, chips should ease you two until we land." he said.
"Chips? No way! they'd be waterlogged by the time it enters in here." Brock said.
"It'll be soggy regardless once it gets there," he replied. "If that won't work then what do you want?"
"What? no that's too-"
"Ooo burgers, great Idea!" Jerry chimed. "What better way to kick things off than to have a burger!"
"A burger is way too greasy right now lets-"
"burgers! Burgers!" the couple chanted, bulges dancing beneath his tank top.
For fuck sake. He held his stomach extending a sheepish way to passerbys before speed walking around a corner. A burger parlor rested ahead, guarded by a crossroad as passengers passed to and from the bridges connecting it. He ordered his food and made his way to a booth facing the stream of other flight goers, fiddling the ticket number of his order between his fingers.
"Be sure to add extra cheese!"
"Oh! and ketchup, don't forget the ketchup!
Guro pounded his stomach. "Will you two pipe down, if you keep it up someone will-"
"Man all this traffic today," a smooth yet gruff voice said from behind, passengers splitting apart as a short lean man stepped through them. "Who’s bright idea was it to put this place in such a piss poor spot? I’m getting a wedgie down here."
The small man wrestled with his pants as he traversed to the booths. As he looked to the other tables occupied by guests, his gaze met Guro’s who peeked over his arm.
“Hey you, that seat next to yours taken?” the man pointed at the booth.
"Oh, uh no. It's all yours." Guro replied, gesturing a hand to the seat next to him.
The short man let out a sigh, the gears of the seat creaking as he crashed down upon it. “Ah, thank god, I can finally sit and eat.” He sat his tray upon the table.
Guro held a hand to his face as he focused on the passing passengers, the sound of paper unraveling as the lean man unwrapped his burger. Not a moment later, a waiter arrived with his food as they placed it on the tray. He picked up a stray fry, dipping it into ketchup as he nibbled over his shoulder.
The lean man tore into his burger as ketchup splattered the wrapper. "Say, I haven't seen you around these parts.” He garbled over his food, “You knew to this airport?"
Guro froze. "You could say that, I..don't really travel a lot."
I see," the lean man swallowed his chewed food, pounding at his chest. He extended a hand to Guro. "Well let me be the first to welcome you. Name’s Gary, it’s good to see new faces around here."
“Guro," He replied, shaking his hand. “I’m sure you meet a lot of folks out there.”
“Oh sure, I've seen so many passenger’s I’ve lost count. Met a few good ones over the years..” He stirred a fry into his ketchup. “And busted a few too.”
His heart skipped a beat. “Oh..you have? It must be..pretty rough.”
“Ugh tell me about it, they come out of the woodwork and think they run the entire place. Man, they give me gray hairs.” Gary said, “But nothing grinds my gears more than those with tinies.”
Guro’s eyes widened at the statement, fiddling with his straw. “Yeah?..”
“Totally. Smuggling them on board in my presence, it just makes me so..so..” He pounded his fist against his palm. “gah, they're lucky I’m at work. But you know what I mean, right?”
“Yeah yeah, I do, totally.” Guro fanned the air, sipping at his straw. “Those..rotten smugglers, why if they were I would-”
"cold! cold!" a faint mutter escaped his stomach..
His body locked, punching into his own stomach. Gary was caught aback, the lid of his drink popping undone.
"Woah there, drink went down the wrong pipe huh?"
"Y..yeah, guess I must've drank too long." He replied, holding at his stomach.
"Give me the fry!"
"get your own, I saw it first"
Guro froze again, looking to Gary who stood there attentively.
The side of his cheek twitched. "Ahe, you know I think my ears are whack from working on flights, but I could’ve sworn I heard some little voices just now."
"No! No! Not at all, I’m sure it was just uh..the conditioning."
“Nah, it sounded like voices alright. Just like it sounds like smuggling.” Gary leaned closer. “And when there’s smuggling in my presence, I-”
He jumped out of his seat. "Would you look at the time, I really must be getting to my flight.”
Guro scampered into the sea of passengers, rushing back to the narrow hallway he came from. He caught a glimpse of Gary’s stern stare, before it disappeared around the corner. —---------------------------
that was close, he didn't know how long he'd be able to hold that conversation. He lifted his shirt and gazed at his round belly, the lumps of his abs rising and falling as the two tinies danced beneath its layer.
"Can you guys at least try to keep things low? that guy was onto us." he said.
His stomach grumbled, Jerry’s voice resonating. “Wal..we…”
“Hun, don’t try to speak with your mouthful” Brock replied. “It's just a minor hiccup, Guro. it slipped out.”
“Well don’t do it again or we’ll be caught.”
He returned to the main path of the hallway, joining the crowd that lined the entrance to the air bridge. He showed his ticket to the tenders and made his way down the hollow straight way, the hums of the plane's turbines vibrations through the metal floor. A wave of cool conditioning washed over him as he entered the opening of the plane, stray legs in the lane brushing against his own as passengers sat their luggage into the compartments above.
He found a seat in the middle of the plane, taking a seat as he glanced into the Isle. He managed to get on board, thank goodness, that hurtle of their journey was complete. He eyed the other passengers that traveled passed, looking at the metal wig blocking the window frame as its lights blinked. Movement stirred inside his stomach prodding at the muscular wall. He pulled the collar of his shirt over his face, staring at the wobbling lumps i his abdomen.
“Get the energy out while you can you two, it’s gonna be a long trip before we reach vegas.” he said in a lone tone, keeping an eye towards the lane.
“Easier said than done when your cock’s craving release. ” Jerry replied. “Blasted thing’s still leaking.”
“For the last time, you’re not fucking in my stomach.”
Jerry slouched against a fold in the fleshy chamber. “Ah come on, how else are we gonna get through this trip.”
“Because we almost got caught with you two’s bickering.” Guro replied.
“You’re still o about that guy back there, there’s no way he’d follow you in here.” Brock chimed, “Poor bastard’s probably helping the janitor’s than thinking about us.”
"Attention passengers, please listen up for the time being.” a voice called from the cockpit, the heads of passengers splitting as they turned to the front of the plane. Holding a microphone in hand, hidden away by the shoulders of the would be the short man from the burger parlor. "We've got a long flight ahead of us, so if you’d be so kind to keep in your seats we’ll be cruising through to vegas in no time.."
Guro peeked through the curl of the woman in front of him to the front aisle. “Shit..”
“What is it?” Brock asked.
“It’s that Gary guy again, of all the planes to be on it had to be this one.”
The fuzz of Gary’s hair traversed further down the aisle, a pamphlet in hand as he wagged it through the air. "As you all know it's important to ensure your mask is working to full condition," he said, "If you are having issues please let me or our staff.."
He trailed as he came to the middle of the aisle, the corner of Guro’s gaze meeting his own. His eyes were like daggers as they seething their judgments into Guro’s brain, eyebrows furrowing as if to harness their fiery sight.
"…Our staff know at a moment's notice." Gary continued, his steps drawing closer. His curly hair peered from the top of the pamphlet, his eyes locking onto him. "If there aren't any further questions..may you enjoy your flight."
His steps trailed behind, but he could still feel his sharp gaze as he moved to the back of the plane. The tension eased as the aircraft jerked, the docking platform fading from the small window as it faced the runway. The white stripes of the runway zipped through the window frame as the aircraft made its way to its lane. He hoped it would distract him from the sudden predicament, but he couldn’t help but look back to flight attendants buckling their belts, Gary side-eying him from a seat along the wall.
He leaned his head against the chair, and let out a heavy sigh. "This is going to be a long flight.”
Some time passed as the plane left the airport, soaring over the mountains decorating the plains below. Guro’s attention aimed at his body as the wall brushed his shoulder, hugging him into the cool interior as the plane tilted to the west. He looked down to his still stomach, prodding at the faint dimple protruding beneath his pecs.
Those two have been quiet since they took off, he’d best check on them.
He scoped the aisle for a second glance, eyeing the slouched necks of fellow passengers who tilted to the ceiling. He lifted his shirt, tapped at his distended gut. "Hey,you two good?.." he asked, his tone overwhelmed by the turbine outside. "Is everything okay in there?"
"Is what okay in there?" A voice startled him, Gary standing in the aisle with a tray.
"Geez you really need a bell, you can't just sneak up on people like that."
"What did I startle you fraidy cat? Its merely time for the passengers to have their snacks for the evening.” He plucked one of the bags from his tray. “I wanted to give you yours personally."
Guro eyed him cautiously. “Why?”
“Think of it as an apology, I’ve been watching you all this time to see if you’d croak. And yet, you sit there without a trouble in hand. So..” he set a couple of bags upon his tray, “I wanted to ensure you get the best nuts I could offer, as tribute.”
"Ah..how kind of you."
"Yes," Gary said. “I hope they're..to your liking."
He cycled to the next passenger, sharing a glance as he handed them peanuts from the trays below. That guy on his ass for so long, he forgot what it felt like to finally breathe in piece.
his stomach rippled as it sung its gurgly song, taps resonating from his abdomen. "What’s this I hear about snacks?" Jerry asked.
"About time you started to speak," he replied, "I thought I digested you too."
"You thought being in here would get the better of us?” Brock said. “It’ll take a lot more than a few burgers and fries for us to kick the bucket."
“Huh, I suppose you have a point.”
“Yeah.” Jerry chimed in, “on a related note, how about those snacks!”
Quick and to the point, that’s the Jerry experience for ya. But his request did linger in his mind, he thought the food from the restaurant would satisfy him for a little longer, but he can already feel his belly yearn for more to fill in its chamber. He looked to the plastic packets on his tray, fondling at their sealed ends.
"Why not," he picked one of them up, "a few peanuts couldn't hurt."
He tore the flimsy corner of the bag, dumping the miniature contents into his awaiting mouth as he chewed on their salty texture. Their solid form were soon reduced to mush beneath his molars, escorted by his tongue as it slithered down his throat with a simple gulp. Arriving in his stomach, Jerry and Brock became active, swirling inside his belly like pet fish.
"Huh, a little salty but these things actually aren't that bad." Guro opened another packet, tilting the torn opening to feast on the nuts.
He chewed at their crunchy forms once more, lapping at the slaty flakes in torn opening to savor their taste. But his stomach twisted as a bulge pushed in his stomach, Jerry and Brock moving around.
"What are you doing down there?" He said in a low tone, tapping at his stomach.
" These nuts are making me.. feel tingly." Brock muttered, kicking into the side of the stomach. “Hehe..my legs feel like jello
"you feel it too, I thought I was the only one." Jerry added, the bulge in his stomach expanding. "You know.. Did I ever tell you? you're.. kinda hot. Like really..really hot."
"Really? I was gonna say the same to you."
Guro shuddered as he felt his stomach swirl, the two tinies swirling around the wall like propellers as their moans reverberated the surrounding flesh. flustered, Guro leaned into his legs, tapping into his gut.
"Hey I told you not..to fuck in-” His stomach bucked as the two drove into stomach wall, footprints marking his abs before sinking back in. “Guys..stop..fucking.”
His words fell on deaf ears, the tinies pressing horizontally into the side of his belly. It was as if he swallowed a dinner plate, his stomach manipulating its curvatures as it squashed against his folds. He gripped at the armrest of his seat, over biting his lower hip.
steps echoed from the lane, Gary returning with a glass beverage. "Oh man, you look like you’re getting put through the ringer there?"
"What did you put in those nuts?" Guro groaned, holding his stomach.
"Nothing, just regular peanuts compared to us." Gary said, "though for small folk, you could say they become more..energetic. good thing it was just you who only drank it, right?" He shared a glance at Guro.
"r..right, no..tinies here."
"Mhm.” Gary plucked the drink from his tray, setting it up on Guro's. “ If there were tinies who ate them, this stuff does the trick for calming them down. Who knows,maybe it'll work on that stomach ache of yours too."
Guro opened his mouth to speak, but shuddered as legs swiped against his belly like brushes. Gary trailed from his gaze, walking down the path as he gazed upon the sloshing liquid in the plastic cup. Not good, if this keeps up he’ll jizz in his pants before they land.
His stomach turned again, his head brushing against the seat as sweat dripped on his brow. Looking to his pants ran through his body, his shaft pulsating as it bulge climbed to the surface. When the tip of his shaft outline the pouch, a wet spot darkening into the fabric, he caved.
He raised the plastic cup against his lips. swallowing ice and all as its cubes raced down his pipe. It sizzled along his tongue like sprite, its suds raced down his throat as it collected into his stomach. He shook the cup until the last drop met his tongue, slamming it upon his tray. His stomach expanded, the cool liquid spinning inside the chamber as the two couples calmed themselves.
He took a breath, basking in the hums of the plane. But he froze as the lingering figure returned, a golden name tag appearing in his peripheral.
"So it seems your stomach ache has calmed down, and not a single ice cube in the cup." Gary eyed the empty plastic, his arms crossing across his chest. "I'm sure it doesn’t take an Einstein to know what comes next?"
Guro's face grew dull, rolling his eyes to the window. "Fuck.."
Tires squeaked as the plane arrived at the vegas airport, cruising its way to the corner of the building where an empty air bridge awaited it. Guro stared at the front door, hands gripping his shoulders as Gary held him close.
"We have an hour before our next flight," Gary told another flight attendant. "I'm taking this one personally to security."
The flight attendant nodded, informing the captains of the situation. The door's hissed open, and a knee nudged into his legs.
"Is that really necessary-"
a knee struck him again. "Silence troublemaker, you'll be given what you deserve soon enough."
They moved through the long narrow hallway to the entrance, one of the employees opening the door as he stepped outside. Eyes glued onto the display as they moved through passengers, snickers fluttering the crowd as Guro sulked beneath the collar of his shirt. His sense of security was quickly diminished as a nudge yanked the slim fabric from his chin, Gary shoving him into the next corridor. After countless steps, they turned into an empty path, Gary opening a solid door to darkness on the other side.
"After you." Gary escorted him in, tossing him to the middle of the room.
"Look, I get that this wasn't the best idea, but do you know how expensive tickets are nowadays?"
"Oh I know how much they are, but don’t think you’ll get any mercy from it." Gary slammed the door, locking it behind him.
He approached in a slow stride, his form widening in width as he reached Guro’s chest. Even half his size, his demeanor drove his heart to a fast race, his legs backpedaling as the flight attendant gained ground.
Cold steel soon kissed at his back, Gary breath flowing over his chest. "Remember what I said about those with tinies?"
"I..I don't recall."
"I said when I find in my mist, that there will be dire punishment. And when I get my hands on them I-"
Guro shielded his face. "Jail them!"
"Fuck them!"
Guro's shuddering ceased, blinking in confusion. "W..what?"
"You heard me."
"So you did all of this, just to fuck me."
Gary scoffed softly. "Well I gotta get my buzz one way or another. I could’ve called you out at the restaurant, but why spoil it there?"
a foot lunged toward him, stomping the wall above Guro’s shoulder. "Ain't no buts about it, You're still a troublemaker for making me have to stretch to get the answer out of you.” Gary caressed his chin. “But since you’re kinda cute, I’ll cut ya deal."
He unbuckled his belt before taking to his fly, ringing his finger into the pouch of his boxer. With a flick of his finger, drawed the beast sleeping in his pants. Its slender length swelled against his thigh, its veins pulsing as it pointed its fleshy tip like a spear.
"You can accept your punishment and show me a good time, or I can let security deal with you and far worse."
Guro's cheeks flushed at Gary's options, its energy driving its way through his body as it was fed to his own cock. This predicament was peculiar to what he expected, and yet, it seemed to exhilarate him the more he ran it though his mind. The cock wagged closer, drawing at the air like a magic pencil as its baked musk whipped beneath his nose. His own shaft throbbed in his pants, punching into his pouch as if it were begging to be let out.
He watered his lips. “Just show you a good time?”
“Mhm,” Gary replied, bucking his shaft closer, “show me just enough, and I might let you off the hook.”
He reflected on his words, before looking to his waist. The lengthy appendage flicked as it brushed the tip of his nose, a drop of pre soaking his skin as salt whiffed through his nostrils. He clasped both hands along the leaking head, nodding softly as he felt its strength pulse between his palms..
"Splendid," Gary said, a hint of excitement decorating his tone. "Unbuckle those pants of yours."
Guro adjusted himself from the wall before taking to his belt buckle, unfastening its hold on his waist as the fabric slithered to reveal his toned glutes beneath. Their warm sheets were relieved, a pinch resonating on both cheeks as fingers spreading them apart.
"Well, well, Quite the star you have back here." Gary said.
"T..thanks, I try to keep it cared for in my spare time."
"I can tell, let's see just how taken care of it truly is for my monster."
his hole rippled as fingers prodded its center, flattening the folds between the rings before the phallus made contact. He strained as his anus widened, sliding Gary's girth inside him as it climbed the curvature of his anal walls. The flight attendant thrusted his hips, and their waist's clapped together as if there were a puzzle.
the attendant started to rock, sawing through Guro's ass like a saw as the shaft drove in and out of him. Pump after pump, his toes curled as Gary filled more of him inside, its bulge intermittently appearing beneath his lower abdomen. From mere moments he found himself bending towards the toilet, his own body taking to his shaft to channel the energy to his leaking tip.
As time passes, the two grinded in sync, their symphony of grunts and moans reverberating through the walls of the bathroom.
"Not bad, you're holding punishment well."
"That's nothing..I can take more."
"Oh?” Gary mused, clasping the tender mounds between his palms. “Then I hope you can keep your socks on for the finale."
He thrusted his shaft deeper into Guro, his waist clapping with his as a lump appeared intermittently in his torso. Push after push, a dimple began to form as the phallus imprinted along his abdomen. With a firm ease into Guro, the softened features of the tip appeared, two human shaped silhouettes decorating next to it as they grumbled beneath the tender muscle
"Hmph, so these are the tinies giving you trouble." Gary said.
"they're.. friends of mine." Guro replied.
"I see,” Gary chuckled, stirring Guro's inside like a batter barrel as Jerry and Brock wobbled around. “Seems they're having fun of their own. no wonder you were so skittish on the plane."
His skin bulged like a vacuumed compartment, wincing as the two silhouettes bobbed along his belly like mardi gra shadow puppets. The two of them basked in the silence between them, feeling the attendant's shaft thrust his torso from side to side. but soon a chime rang through the air, the flight attendant checking his phone.
"Looks like it's boarding time, I better get back to the plane" he said, grabbing one of Guro's cheeks as he unplugged his shaft from the depth of his hole, folding a bundle of tissue paper over the tip that leaked the floor. "I assume you can stand on your own?"
Guro rose from the toilet seat, his legs floundering as if they were made of jelly. "Well..more or less."
"Good, I wouldn't want there to be another mess than there already is." Gary said with a pat.
The two of them walked out from the bathroom, Guro waddling toward the door as Gary held it open. Getting into the main hall, security turned from the far corner, their walkie talkies going off as they approached the two.
"There you are, we had a report of some misconduct from the place." One of them said, "Is this who we were sent to retrieve?"
Guro opened his mouth to speak, but Gary's palm raised in front of him. "No, it was a false alarm. I thought we had a troublesome situation, but it's been resolved."
the guards grumbled at the flight attendant's response, nodding softly before they returned to the hallway. disappearing, Guro took a breath.
"I'm..not in trouble."
Gary patted at the cylinder like bulge in his pants. "Consider it a courtesy for a good time."
"you're welcome." Gary interrupted, handing him a piece of paper from his pocket. "Take this, a voucher next time you fly with us. and be sure to follow the rules next time, can’t guarantee you’ll be let off easy if it's not me."
Guro blinked at the slim piece of paper, taking it from Gary as he slid it into his pocket. With that, he nodded in understanding, Gary acknowledging as he traversed into the hallway. Soon the sound of passing passengers filled the space, leaving Guro with his own thoughts.
fancy that, he thought, to think a simple fuck with a flight attendant would get him off the hook. Whether it was luck or just pure satisfaction, he was glad that hurdle was over and done with. But something else lingered in his mind, a piece he was forgetting, but what?
"Fuck, my baggage!"
Navigating through the halls to the baggage claim downstairs, he had some time to kill as he waited for his transportation to arrive. Sitting along a bench near the entrance, he reflected on the encounter in the bathroom stall, reminiscing over the long slender shaft that once dwelled inside. He fondled the contents of his bloated belly, his fingers squishing upon his abdomen as if it were a water bed. it was..refreshing in a way, at least now he was able to walk straight.
His taxi arrived as he moved to a hotel further up the road, booking a room as he made his way up the flights of stairs to the second floor. He kicked open the door and dropped his bag, heading over to the bathroom as he ventured to the tub. He turned on the shower faucet, warm water washed over him as he squatted over the drain as seed drooled from his hole like an uncapped bottle. Clench after clench its flow moved like a stream melting into a watery substance before it disappeared into the drain.
But the stream began to spurt as solid objects pushed at his hole, forcing him to heave as his ring flexed and contracted. He adjusted his stance and squeezed at his stomach, a wave of seed spewing from his hole and between his legs as it rinsed beneath the water.
A tangle of arms and legs seeped from a wad,its gunk melting away as the two tinies laid along the drain.
“That's what I call a trip.." Jerry mumbled.
"You can say that again." Brock said, looking to Guro who stood over them. “You certainly made a mess. What were you doing out here?”
He shook his head softly. “Just having some fun.”
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novelcain · 2 years
Dude!! Skittle!! Skittle!! I can't rn- I just found out that Sun Wukong Great Sage Equal To Fucking Heaven, The Monkey King from Journey To The West, stated by Budha Himself is capable of moving Planets and Stars. And I was there's "there's no fucking way!!". So I went and searched it up-
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LiKe OH MY GOSH!! if the reader and wukong's child somehow has this capabilities its going to be chaos utter CHAOS!!
And I also need confirmation if this is really true since I haven't read the books yet!
*slowly slides this post across the table* for whenever you have time to read jttw ofc~ •‵⩊′•
And yes, this is 100% true!🤩 Sun Wukong has a lot more power than what a lot of people realize. His physical strength alone is nigh impossible to measure.
In fact! One of Sun Wukong's greatest feat (imo) was when he held up the Buddhist physical embodiment of the universe, Mount Sumeru (aka Meru, Sineru, or Mahameru). And not only did he hold up the the mountain of the cosmos (containing the whole universe, infinity itself) he did so on one shoulder because the other shoulder was holding up another mfin mountain.
In other words, Sun Wukong got that dawg in him.
And any children he has, he will happily pass that trait down to as well. 😌
omg this has been in my drafts for days now im so sorry😅
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florsial · 1 year
Slytherin Skittles (aka Hogwarts' Pantheon) Incorrect quotes!
. . . . .
Evan: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Barty will and will not eat. Pandora: Grass? Yes! Evan: Moss? Yes!! Pandora: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Evan: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Pandora: Worms? Sometimes! Evan: Rocks? Usually nah. Pandora: Twigs? Usually! Evan: Dorcas's cooking? Inconclusive! Regulus: How did you… test this? Evan: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. Regulus: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Dorcas: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
. . . .
Regulus: Where's Evan, Dorcas, and Pandora?
Barty: They're playing hide and seek. Regulus: Where? Barty: I don't think you get how this game works.
. . . .
Pandora: Regulus's first detention, I'm so proud. Evan: Whoa, back up. Why did they get detention? Dorcas: Because they're an idiot. Barty, terrified: They can do that??
. . . .
Regulus: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell. Evan and Barty: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
. . . .
Regulus: What did you guys get in your yearbook? Dorcas: 'Prettiest Smile' Pandora: 'Nicest Personality' Barty: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Evan: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
. . . .
Regulus: You're a lying piece of shit! Barty: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Evan: I'm leaving and I'm taking Pandora with me! Dorcas, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
. . . .
Pandora: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? Dorcas: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it. Barty: Three of us saw it, Dorcas. How do you explain that? Dorcas: *points at Evan* Sleep deprivation. *points at Regulus* Paranoia. *points at Barty* Delusional personality disorder.
. . . .
Pandora: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Dorcas: Several traffic violations. Evan: Three counts of resisting arrest. Barty: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Regulus: Also, that’s not our car.
. . . .
Barty: How do you connect with a fictional character? Evan: What? Dorcas: What? Pandora: What? Regulus: *pulls up a 500 slide presentation* I'm glad you asked.
. . . .
Regulus: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple... Pandora: I really care about your feelings! Lily: I really care about YOUR feelings! Regulus, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple... Barty: YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD OF BEING AT THE HOSPITAL! Evan: I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME AT THE HOSPITAL IF YOU STOPPED INSISTING ON FIGHTING EVERYONE WHO COMES WITHIN A FIVE FOOT RADIUS OF YOU!
. . . .
James: What did you get Regulus for their birthday? Pandora: I got them a kitten. Barty: Really? Me too! Dorcas: I also got them a cat. Evan: Looks like we had the same idea. Pandora: James, please tell me you didn't get Regulus a cat as well! James: ...I got them a kitten. *later* Regulus, in their apartment surrounded by cats and kittens: This is the best birthday ever!
. . . .
Pandora: What do rainbows mean to you? Barty: Gay rights. Dorcas: There's money. Evan: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood. Regulus: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
. . . .
Regulus: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. Barty: This knife is actually a magic wand. Evan: Meet me in the Denny's parking lot for a wizard duel. Pandora: * cocks gun* Magic missile. Dorcas: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
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florrysgf · 1 year
Hi! So I was rewatching Scream and it totally made me rerealize how much I love Stu. Those headphones on his neck right before the party scene are also cute... can I request a Stu x reader where they just chill and listen to music?? Doesn't matter what music but if possible can you write with rock music like Journey, Motley Crue, etc etc. Tysm and I love ur writing so much its so cute!! <333
SHARING SONGS! stu macher x gn!reader
A/N: tysm!! i too am obsessed with his headphones. the things i would do to listen to music with him…
Your music taste really evolved after you and Stu got together. The two of you were very different in that sense, but that was just one of the things you adored about him. Not too long ago, the dainty, pale blue record player in the corner of your bedroom consisted of less than ten albums. Stu was appalled when he first saw it, and he decided he had to change that.
It was clear that the two of you had completely different taste in music, and that made him curious. He wanted to know more about what you liked and he wanted to let you know what he liked. So, every time Stu came round your house he would bring a record with him. Be it Motley Crue, Nirvana, Journey, or The Cure, he would bring it with him and insist the two of you listen to it together.
And then, of course, you would slip him a couple of your Fleetwood Mac albums in return. He claimed he didn’t like it but you heard him humming the sweet tune to Little Lies when he was walking you home. 
Now the shelf underneath your record player was a beautiful array packed full of both yours and Stu’s favourite albums.
“Nevermind or In Utero?” He asked, scanning his eyes across your shared music collection. He turned to face you whilst you sat cross legged on top of your bed.
You raised your eyebrows at him. As if he could ask such a question, you thought it was a no brainer. “Nevermind.” You told him, watching intently as he took the vinyl out of the sleeve, placing it down and lifting up the needle. Polly began to play throughout your room at medium volume.
He moseyed over to join you on top of your bed, lying on his side and propping his head up with his hand, facing you. He reached out with his free hand, swiping a handful of skittles from the bowl in your lap and popping them his mouth. Your mouth formed an ‘o’ at the boys boldness, and you soon scrunched your face up as he mocked your expression, showing off the mashed up contents inside his mouth.
“You know, Nirvana are criminally underrated. They do not get the recognition they deserve.” Stu nodded, once he’d finished chewing.
“Oh, please,” You playfully rolled your eyes at him, tossing a skittle in his direction and laughing as it bounced off his forehead. “You’re only saying that ‘cause you have a crush on Kurt Cobain!”
“Hey, easy.” Your boyfriend whined, bringing his hand up to his brow. “That’s not true. I just like his hair!”
Sure. You couldn’t help but smile at him. There were countless times Stu came to you with pictures, asking you if you thought he should grow his hair out the same way. You gave him the exact same answer every time. You loved Stu, you did, but you knew if he grew out his hair he’d become the spitting image of Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
The boy gasped as he heard the opening to Smells Like Teen Spirit. Almost immediately, he leaped up off the bed and ran towards the corner of the room, turning the little knob up the full blast. If he had to pick his favourite song off that album, it would have to be this one. Come as You Are would be a close second. Stu loved music. Although they can make a song better, he didn’t really care about lyrics so much. If he likes the instruments then he’ll buy the album.
He stood in the middle of your room, swaying his hips from side to side. He inched closer to you with a playful smirk on his face, holding his hands out for you to join him. You grinned from ear to ear, shaking your head at the boy. But he wouldn’t take no for answer, so instead, he bent down, hooking his arms around your waist and throwing you over his shoulder.
An gasp escaped your lips as he took hold of you, carrying you into the middle of the room and gently plopping you down in front of him. His hand grabbed yours, lifting it up and gracefully spinning your body around. The two of you danced about like utter idiots, singing along to every word.
Once it got to the instrumental part of the song, the tall, blonde boy began to jump around your room, doing his best air guitar. You watched as he played the hell out of the invisible strings in time to the music. The look of pure concentration on his face caused you to burst out laughing. “You’re such a dork.” You beamed at him between breathless giggles. It was true, but he was your dork.
Exhausted, the two of you collapse onto your bed as Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac began to play. You couldn’t help but smile as Christine McVie’s heavenly voice filled your room. You watched as the rising and falling of Stu’s chest slowed down. Once he got his breath back, he snaked his arm around you, pulling you closer towards him. You were probably biased, but in your opinion, Stu was the best at giving cuddles. ‘There’s nothing a good cuddle can’t fix’ he’d always tell you. You snuggled up to him, burying your head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet scent. Your chests meet, and your hearts begin to pace together simultaneously. It was a strange feeling, but one you would never get tired of.
You felt a content sigh emerge from Stu’s lips as your hands found themselves by his head, carefully playing with his hair. You cherished moments like this. When it was just you and him together, it felt like the rest of the world just melted away.
Stu looked down at you, the two of you locking eyes. You looked so beautiful and relaxed in his arms.
The two of you lay together in silence for the rest of the night. Just you, Stu, and your favourite song.
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starrylayle · 8 months
marauders v.s. slytherin skittles (ft. the valkyries + snape)
With the rise of the 'slytherin skittles' in the fandom (even tho half of them are in ravenclaw but whatevs) -- I've been trying to figure out why I don't like it, despite enjoying the dynamics presented. And I think I've finally figured out why.
It all goes back to the Sirius / Regulus dynamic. I feel like their relationship is depicted as angsty and such but I love it when they are estranged. Yes, they're brothers and they go to the same school, but they are worlds apart. And i like when their friend groups and dynamics reflect that. Regulus, who's stayed with his family and supports their causes (yes I know he gets redeemed eventually but boy used to worship voldy) -- has access to the high pure-blood society and its perks. But one thing he does not have, is the friendship his brother shares with his mates. Reg tells himself that he doesn't care, that he doesn't envy his brother and his friends, but it is one of the things being in this pureblood fascism cult can't offer -- true friendship. That's why, despite my issues with 'choices' by messermoon, I really like how they depicted the dynamic between Regulus and his friends -- like yes Reg had friends but not in the same way Sirius had. And it adds a layer to the loneliness Reg feels, which i feel is a core part of his character. He's surrounded by people that on the outside my appear as friends, but really he's just very lonely.
On another note, i hc both brothers as gay, and love the differences in how they would be presented. Sirius, after finally getting over his internalised homophobia, is free to love and make out with whomever he wants. While Reg, aware of this part of himself hates it, and denies himself this luxury, only getting off (with barty, mayhaps, who is in a similar position) every now and then. Maybe he also has a burning desire for James (if ur into jegulus) but he doesn't ever do anything abt it, coz he feels like he can't.
As for Dorcas Meadows, I picture her in the year above the marauders (so two years above Reg) and not really having any friends at all. Not because she can't make any, but because she simply doesn't want to (my characterisation of her is heavily inspired by rollercoasterwords' version of her in 'the hand that feeds'. She ofc grows close to marlene when they start dating but never really gets close to marlene's other friends. She may or may not have a begrudging relationship with Pandora tho (but only because she provides her weed ofc!!) .
In a way, I kind of like when the houses represent certain themes, like gryffindor v.s. slytherin, freedom v.s tradition, friends v.s. 'co-workers'. Yes i know the fandom likes to depict the houses as more of a personality based system -- which i'm sure that's why jkr intended -- but really i think the houses represent more of values and beliefs. (Which is also why i think the houses should have been destroyed, united or changed at the end of HP DH coz the status quo as it is, is not healthy, but i digress).
Oh and as for the valkyries -- have nothing against their friendship. Lily deserves to have her own set of friends besides James and snape. just think they wouldn't give themselves a name like the marauders did coz they think its cringe, but I can see it coming up and them immediately shutting it down out of embarrassment.
i think this an analysis of snape and his relationship with lily compared to the other slytherins would be interesting as well, and how the interactions and dynamics differ. And canonically, snape and regulus would make more sense than reg and dorcas so if anything snape should be a part of these 'slytherin skittles' lmaoo.
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sterlingarcher23 · 7 months
Max's memories are forshadowing: ElMax & Lumax
Inventive foreshadowing creates a sense of unity in a story even when the audience may not be consciously aware of the foreshadowing and payoff., David Trottier
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Sort of. The happy memories actually give us the basic structure of Max's character arc in regards to relationships in Season 5. (As far as there is scene material because I think there's something else.)
Now the first thing is Lucas & Max from S4, but then they start to show us several scenes but completely out of order.
Lucas "I'm right here" (at her bedside - S4 or 5?), Swallowing the red Skittle/the ghost like Pac-Man mid flight ("You were wearing that yellow benny's burgers t-shirt and it was so big it almost swallowed you whole")=consumption of a ghost, followed by the linking sequence, going back to S2 apso out of order, the boys meeting the killer & Lucas and Dustin teaming with Max, the ghost trap, photos of ElMax, like frozen in time (Doctor Who=single moment in time). Lucas and Max when he calls her Madmax (like Mad Max Rockatansky), again ElMax together ....
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...even Mike appears (a talk between him & Max like Kota and Lucy having a conversation?), foreshadowing the movie date, ElMax hugging, Lumax not unhappy and, Highfive! Winners.
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Lover in the mind - lover in the physical world.
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Lucas speaks to the dying (physical), El speaks to the going (mind).
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Both have patterns that need another verse in order to rhyme bc of a tiny change midway through (similar to a certain D&D bridge puzzle😉)
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Elumax Endgame.
Byler on the left, ElMax on the right, both when Will or Max respectively, have their possession phase.
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Oh, and the movie date scene is a basic story writing technique: a promise. And this needs a payoff. The question isn't IF but HOW. (And how you get abilities is been established in Season 4.)
It's you and me won't be unhappy.... Promise, progress, payoff.
So, they made a promise, are now (with the revival) in the process of a progress which will be added through the way how Max will wake up....
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...and this will get a payoff. Simple. Right now, most can't imagine how, given the circumstances even though the writers gave us the rules for doing it and every foreshadowing possible that will lead to a payoff. Max can't feel nor see - both! So, either both will be mended or none. Excluding one is bad writing. - So, its both. We learned how, therefore it's not a Deus ex machina, and we will learn why. Max only needs to take his, I mean her medicine. Darn pronouns.
That payoff is only possible through ElMax and note how they use sequences with them in which they are physically close to one another after the mall scene in which they link, like they are...inseparable.
Here separated...
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...after this they are combined. Linked. "Love goes through the stomach"
It's all One and One for all = 11
A bit dated (admittedly)
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okay, so, we're trying out a new format with this one. instead of screenshots, i'm going to copy paste the messages, for ease of reading.
this one is pretty important to the ongoing plots of @msc137, @presidentpawn, and @primessrick, so i really would recommend reading it! i'm sure a fair amount of this is going to show up later, here on tumblr.
Skittle: said this in #group-chat-2, but i dont think ryan saw it,
there are some people that really muddle the clarity of the whole "anti primess" movement
Primess: Yes thank you for your input Not-Grandson. Don't you have a bar to drink through?
Skittle: yeah im really slacking off on my duties.
Primess: As long as you are aware.
Whatever Effie sees in your pathetic presence we shall never know.
Skittle: i dont know either tbh
Primess: And you still always seek new ways to disappoint her?
Skittle: seems like it. its just a matter of time at this point really
Pawn (in response to Primess): Do you ever shut up? Do you truly lack the capability to acknowledge when nobody wants to hear from you? Are you so desperate for attention that you bring back everything you've already done in order to live out your former "glory" ?
Pawn: You're disgusting. If the only low hanging fruit you can find is scraps from past encounters, you have long since deserved to starve.
Skittle: oh. woah.
Primess: Careful, little Pawn. Your amusement will run its course, and unlike little 'Skittle', who we still find entertaining and will continue surviving our tender mercies. You will find out how unfortunate our games can be to those toys we wish to throw away.
Pawn: I don't play for your amusement. I don't fear you, nor have I been given a true reason to. You are nothing but a parasite, you leech off whatever you can get your hands on and pretend you're the monster. You may be powerful, but that doesn't make up for your weakness in every other place.
Pawn: What you do is none of my business, but it's becoming sad to watch. You're desperate for pieces of past experiments, and they are long past finished. Pretend to be important as long as it makes you feel better, but know your act is transparent.
Skittle: im. i. i think i need a minute. ill be right back.
Primess: ... It is truly quite an accomplishment to render us speechless... But how else are we meant to react when we see a fool attempt to fistfight the Sun. Your pathetic attempts to psychoanalyse us fail as you try to attribute what we do to human natures, little mortal you can not even begin to understand our mind; thinking so otherwise makes you even more adorably naive than every other Morty we see.
Primess: But please. If it makes your pathetic life have some meaning, leap into the maw, try and flail. It only serves to remind us how weak and lowly you truly are.
Pawn: You'll have that connection to humanity forever, whether you like it or not. You may be inhuman, but you started as a Rick, and that will forever your baseline. When stripped of what makes you 'special', you go back to being somebody who can only thrive off of seeing somebody do worse than you. I would say it's sad to watch if anybody cared enough to do so.
Pawn: You're not above as much as you think you are, and the day it happens, I hope to watch you fall much like Icarus. You are beyond your depth, in every way.
Primess: For a moment she watches Pawn in silence. Until a cruel laugh erupts from her throat.
How utterly adorable you are—adorable and insignificant. Be grateful for it. It is the only thing keeping that loveless little fluttery thing in your chest, actually in your chest. For now atleast.
As for your hopes, by all means, pray to non-existent gods and hope to the universe that abandoned you long ago for all you wish. But the way we see it, your dreams are as pointless as you are.
Pawn: My heart keeps beating because I make it so. If you had any say over that, I would bother to watch my tongue around you. I don't respect you, nor do I fear you. Your opinion of me matters less than it does any man I'd see on the side of the road, you're no more than a vulture to me.
Pawn: You aren't to be feared, and you do nothing but act as a fool when you pretend to be as much. You are vermin, the dirt on the cosmic heel.
Skittle: um, hey. pawn, uh. thanks.
Pawn: Don't thank me.
Pawn: It's not necessary.
Skittle: ...
Skittle: i think it is
Pawn: It's really not.
Pawn: If it... helps, you're welcome.
Skittle: :)
Skittle: i mean. it is necessary. im sure you know how shitty ive been feeling lately. it was, well, it felt really nice for someone to say something to her when she started to dig into me.
Pawn: It's not just you. She needs to be taught what her place is.
Skittle: i know
Pawn: What she pretends to be is far from where she actually stands, and she looks foolish picking on an already ill teenager.
Skittle: still
Pawn: I don't need to be thanked. Others should be standing up when you can't more often.
Primess: Her eyes blaze Oh, poor little toy. Perhaps we were too lenient. Your heart did beat because we allowed you to have it so... Such a pity it won't do so again. At her final word Pawn's heart stops, the agony in his chest is instant.
By our count, you have 20 seconds to beg for your life.
Skittle: shitshitshit pawn it isnt worth it please apologize to her
Primess: By all means little fool die upon the floor then. Perhaps others will learn to hold their tongue
Primess (in reply to Skittle): Once again you get other people hurt Not-Grandson
Skittle: please please dont kill him
Skittle: please
Primess: Tsk tsk. We thought you said so long ago you wouldn't do any deals with us again
Primess: Either we get a deal, an apology or a corpse
Skittle: im fucking weak, okay? im not gonna let you kill him. what do you want from me?
Primess: Another favour, another game when we choose. Don't worry it won't be the same as last time.
Pawn: The pain that flooded his system instantly made Pawn clutch his chest, eye squeezing shut. He tried to wave off Morty, biting down on his lip to prevent crying out in pain, near keeling over. 20 seconds was up too quickly, the boy collapsing on the ground.
Skittle: and no one gets physically hurt?
Skittle: fuck
Skittle: deal
Skittle: i cant make demands right now just please dont kill him
Primess: Do you really think you deserve that kindness this time?
Skittle: fine whatever just please
Primess: Good choice. At the snap of her fingers Pawn's heart starts beating again... not a moment too soon
Pawn: When brought back, Pawn's body twitched, heavy gasping and coughing bringing him back to awareness. For a moment, he sat still on the floor, eye widened as he stared down at himself on the floor. Without speaking, he stood and used his gun to send himself somewhere else. Anywhere but there.
Primess: ... Skittle
Skittle: ...hi.
Primess: He does that ever again, we will rip his heart out of his chest and feed the bloodied mess to him. Make sure he knows it.
Skittle: okay
Skittle: god fucking damn it
Skittle: no one ever give a shit about me again. please
Skittle (linking to #group-chat-1): this is what happens when you do
Skittle: fuck
Skittle: fuck
False Morty: im pretty sure that happened because it was a long time coming
False Morty: shouldve let him die
Skittle: he went out of his way to defend me to her and she almost fucking killed him.
Skittle: fuck you
False Morty: im just saying! this is not the first fight hes caused
Skittle: but its the first fight hes caused on my behalf
False Morty: the guy practically looks for a fight whenever he can get it
Skittle: and this is the fight that almost killed him
Skittle: the one where he was defending me
Adult!Showrunner Morty: * walks in holding a smoke wearing a cover all, looks at this shit * ...oh * leaves *
what an eventful morning! let me know what you think of the format!
kisses, @thoughts-and-gayers!
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kendyb21 · 1 year
Leon Headcanons Part 2:
Hello back again with some more. 😁❤️
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TW: Guns
- Besides his mother, Leon loved and got along with his maternal grandfather growing up.
- He got his Dad jokes from his grandfather.
- His grandfather was also a history buff and will give documentary tapes to Leon to take home.
- His grandfather was a veteran
- He was also a gelato guy and would always take Leon to get some in the summer
- Sadly he passed away when Leon was 11.
- Instead of cake for his birthday, they will have pie and ice cream when he was a kid. (He would cry if you gave him pie and ice cream for his birthday now.)
- Leon failed his driving test 5 times but finally passed when he was 20.
- He’s not a bad driver but I feel like when he got older he just became more reckless. (He was a nervous driver when he was younger.)
- His uncle gave him the Jeep when he got his driver's license.
- Leon did go to college but dropped out during his junior year to become a cop.
- I feel like he was studying history or science. (I can kinda see him as a history teacher or a chemistry teacher.)
- The gun he has at the beginning of RE2R is his grandfather’s.
- Leon would like to have a dog or a cat but only if he has a spouse since he feels guilty for leaving them all alone.
- He does feed strays or makes sure they are taken care of at an adoption center when he comes back from work.
- Leon can only sleep when there are soft noises in the background. (rain, wind, tv, music, etc.)
- Leon’s apartment is bare. But if you go into his bedroom in his closet or drawers, you will see a little bit of the items he kept throughout his life.
- Ada’s teddy bear keychain, MP3 player, his old flip phone decorated with stickers by Ashley, a blue leather jacket that Claire gave him, a letter from Sherry, and Chris’ note reminding him to take care when he sees him again 🥺
- Leon has different flavors of gum since he has a sweet tooth.
- He hates the mint ones though.
- He dyes his hair every couple of months.
- Also learned to cut and style his hair ever since he was in the military. (This was the only sense of freedom and control he had during that time in his life.)
- He HATES when people touch his hair unless your his spouse. (He'll kick like a horse if you do. 😭)
- Was never a morning person but was forced to be one when he was in military training.
- However, he loves sunsets.
- He is a homebody but if he had a spouse he would love to go out on car dates with them. (Leon the foodie.)
- He HATES bugs. Specifically spiders and grasshoppers.
- The man has an iron stomach but hates anything too spicy.
- Leon loves the summer but hates the winter. (Especially with the holidays.🥺)
- He hates Meatloaf because of its texture.
- Claire gave him recommendations on what type of motorcycle to get.
- Not really into candy but the man loves Skittles.
- He loves hugs but is always so awkward with them and hesitant.
- The reason why he asks people to dinner is not that he wants to date someone but because he generally wants to have human interaction. (He's so lonely.)
- If he ever could retire, he would live by the beach in another country. (PLEASE GIVE THIS MAN A TRUE VACATION)
- PlayStation kid.
Thank you for the support from the last one. I'm thinking about doing Claire or Chris soon.
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prongsiess · 2 years
Once again, things my friends have said as incorrect marauders quotes:
James: we should get a hermit crab and call it Henry
Regulus, to Barty and Evan while doing his morning stretches: did you know that you live longer if you’re as flexible as a cat *winks*
Dorcas, looking at Reg zoning out looking at the gryffindor table: apparently cats think about marauders, not goldfish
Remus drunk off his rocker at a quidditch party, slurring his words: marauders for life man!
Peter, having a discussion with Marlene and Mary: I have the world’s most lesbian nails ever
James to Sirius in the Potters’ kitchen: of course not silly, Aslan (my hc name for the Potter’s gold retriever) can’t make dips!
James, showing off his shaved armpits to Marlene: it’s my little feminine trait, I don’t have armpits
Barty in care of magical creatures: hippogriffs are like speedbumps, the faster you run them over the less you feel them
Pandora, dead serious: I would kill Evan before I kill Reginald (my hc for the skittles’ pet snake)
Mary, to Sirius: just remember that I have a kitchen knife in my bag, I’m not kidding
Marlene: hey Minnie! You need to buy teenagers!
Sirius, discouraged that Remus doesn’t seem interested: NOOO I can’t have him but of course I can pick up old hags at madam pudifoots!
Peter: I am 99% banana and 1% wizard
Pandora, arguing with barty about Reginald: he doesn’t get constipated when I FEED HIM, I have magic fingers
Remus: Pompfrey’s my mum
Lily, standing behind Minnie with her arms crossed after Sirius just got detention: you’ve been Minnied
Mary consoling a first year after their first marauders prank: it’s okay the trauma will pass
Evan: my religion is pumpkin juice
Dorcas: me in the Great Hall on the morning that Reginald dies… “DEAR STUDENTS”-
Barty, literally unprompted: that child is postpartum
Marlene: Sirius, be honest, have you ever shoved a tampon up your ass?
Peter: it’s the peterphilia, the cult of my lawless village
Lily, dodging Marls, James, and Sirius trying to hug her after the won a match: do not fucking crust near me
Evan in herbology: if I put too many seeds will my plant overdose???
Remus close to a full moon: when I walk behind you I can smell your trail
Sirius: oh my god PENIS i’m freezing
Dorcas: not as if Barty can find the clit anyways
Regulus crying after he got less than an O: i’m not used to being stupid
Remus, talking about padfoot: I once saw him eat a squirrel and spit out its head
Sirius after any minor inconvenience: fuck school, fuck life, fuck this and someone please fuck me
James, sliding around the commonroom in his socks after accidentally having normal coffee instead of decaf: Lily move over I wanna drift the corner
Pandora: sorry i’m blonde, it’s not my fault!
James, after coming back from the slytherin common room: I’ve decided, slytherins are bipolar!
Sirius, scrutinizing themselves in the mirror: the more I think about it, the more I look like a rhinoceros
(These were all slightly changed to fit the context and some are translated from french as well, but the meanings stay true to the original)
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literally-12-people · 7 months
sadly, i think life sucks. Today is shit, last week is shit, next year looks shit, and nothing seems to go in my favor. I experience so much body detriment, and I hate the way the people I love eat, and everyone's lives seems so in my way. I never get to relax, and my hands are dirty, and there's sense of dread that fills my head about the people I've lost because of who i am. I will never kiss him properly, i will never be able show their body the love it deserves. And i will never again wake up in her bed, and never again gaze into her soft brown eyes and tangled hair, and never again regret the late night she and i had before this morning and laugh about it, and never again think about what things i want to buy her as her sleepy body is tangled in the mess we made of the bedsheets.
Tomorrow the sun will rise. And the wind will blow. And the people will work. And the cars will drive. And the sandwiches will taste good. And the trees will shake, the animals will eat, and skittles will be made in their factory. And the life we live will keep living.
Things will change, and maybe for the worse. We can not let yesterday or tomorrow or even today affect right now. And maybe right now is this moment, this minute, this day, weekend, week, month, season, year. But whatever it is, for you, do not let your view on right now fade away.
Because someone still loves you. And even if you're 1000% sure that isn't the case, its true. And that someone, wants to see you keep going, so that they can see you.
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polyverse-fo-au · 4 months
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The details of each character are a work in progress, also this list will likely be added to in the future.
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Romantic Relationships
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🪳👻 • Beetlejuice
Source: Beetlejuice (composite of Series and Film versions)
Status: Married
Morality: Chaotic.
Blood Family: Lucy (Daughter) Jesse (Son)
Interactions With Others: a protective self proclaimed "Alpha Husband", this wild poltergeist tends to try to keep the other love interests in line, and while mostly anything goes with him, he will act clingy at times and often tries to be first priority, going out of his way for attention sometimes. He's also one of the most uninhibited of the group, sometimes to the annoyance of the others.
Blog: @trashygeistinlove
Tag: BJ🪲
🌱🩸 • Audrey Two
Source: Little Shop of Horrors 1989 Movie
Status: Married
Morality: Amoral, True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral
Blood Family: None
Personality: Musically expressive, wise cracking, upbeat, amorous.
Style of Relationship: Feral Mates, Monster x Damsel.
Interactions With Others: Easy going as long as they don't get on his bad side. Sometimes manipulative.
Blog: @mean-n-green
Tag: AudreyTwo🌿
🃏🎭 • Joker
Source: The Batman 2004 Series
Status: Engaged
Morality: Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral
Blood Family: None
Style of Relationship:
Interactions With Others:
Blog: @the-jokester
Tag: Joker2004🃏
⚙🎸 • The Spine
Source: Steam Powered Giraffe
Status: Married
Morality: Optimist, Pacifist
Blood Family: Rabbit, Hatchworth, Zero and The Jon (siblings), Tesla and Edison (Twin sons)
Interactions With Others: Neutral, easily annoyed by the more villainous ones, but generally friendly and makes an effort to get along.
Blog: @starlightsoliton
Tag: Spine⚙
🕸💗 • Angel Dust
Source: Hazbin Hotel (Pilot)
Status: Devoted Long-Term Relationship
Morality: ?
Blood Family: Giovanni (Son)
Interactions With Others: Wisecracking, Often teasing and making fun of others. Otherwise neutral.
Blog: @glamspiderfluff
Tag: Angel💖
🤡🍭 • Patches the Clown
Source: OC
Status: Boyfriend
Morality: Chaotic Neutral
Blog: @patches-the-clown
Tag: Patches🤡
🍂🎃 • Enoch
Source: Over The Garden Wall (miniseries)
Status: Married
Blog: @autumn-belle
Tag: Enoch🍂
🌈🎩 • The Warden
Source: Superjail!
Status: Married
Morality: Unknown
Interactions With Others: Prefers to keep to himself, and can easily become jealous of other love interests, and God have mercy on anyone who wrongs his wife.
Blog: @splenderific-skittles
Tag: Warden🌈
🎃🧨 • Jack O'Lantern
Source: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy episode "Jacked up Halloween"
Status: Engaged
Blood Family: Penelope (Daughter)
Blog: @its-the-great-pun-kin
Tag: Jack🎃
✈🛸 • Capt. Michael Quinn
Source: Project Blue Book (Series)
Status: Engaged
Morality: Chaotic Good
Blog: @lets-touch-the-stars
🦂🎩 • Marcus Cochran/Mr. Tophat
Source: Are You Afraid of The Dark: Carnival of Doom
Status: Married
Morality: Chaotic Good/Chaotic Evil (Duo personality)
Blog: @circus-scorpion
Tag: TopHat🦂
☣🖤 • Hexxus
Source: Ferngully: The Last Rainforest
Status: Married
Morality: Chaotic Evil
Blood Family: Morana (Daughter)
Style of Relationship: Passionate Royal
Blog: @toxic-mud
Tag: Hexxus☣
👽🔫 • Invader Zim
Source: Invader Zim (Series)
Status: Unspoken Relationship
Morality: ?
Style of Relationship: Comfort x Comfort
Blog: @i-am-zim-2001
Tag: Zim👽
♦️🐾 • Yeshua
Source: Satellite City (Shorts by Fennah)
Status: Boyfriend
Morality: ?
Style of Relationship: Feral Mates
Blog: @eldritch-casino-cat
Tag: Yeshua♦️
🎲🐛 • Oogie Boogie
Source: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
Status: Married
Morality: Chaotic Evil
Blood Family: Minnie (daughter)
Blog: @nightmaregamblinman
Tag: Oogie🎲
🍭🐝 • "Queen Bee" Beelzebub
Source: Helluva Boss
Status: Girlfriend
Morality: ?
Tag: Bee🍭
👾🎩 • Lord Black Hat
Source: Villainous
Status: Unspoken
Morality: True Evil
Style of Relationship: Concubine x Master
Blog: @oh-dark-lord
Tag: BH🎩
💰😈 • Mammon
Source: Helluva Boss
Status: Married
Morality: Neutral Evil
Blog: @greedy-evergreen
Tag: Mammon😈
🎻🐾 • Roark "Rocky" Rickaby
Source: Lackadaisy
Status: Obsessive Boyfriend
Morality: Chaotic Good
Tag: RockyCat🎻
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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anzuhan · 5 months
Different anon, hello. For me it's not character development but simple airtime. I'm rewatching 00 right now and it's strange to realize just how little time all the innovades get, because I remember my burning love for Revive developing over weeks and weeks, but he barely shows up, I don't think he's had a dozen lines that aren't generic combat reactions and I'm halfway down S2. My beloved murder daughter Hiling has had like 4 lines total. Of course the people just here binging this show for the first time barely remember or just don't care about them, particularly compared to Tieria, probably THE character with the most lines in the entire show. I don't blame them. I think us, the unwell about minor characters gang, are the outliers.
That said, I relate to being angwy about it. I too would love for the entire skittle brigade to get more attention, I feel you 100%
THATS ALSO TRUE!! i said it before as well i wish we had more scenes w them, them just interacting with each other in the oneshots (keep bringing up these because. its all i have) is so charming and silly, i cant stop looking back on them and going i love them so much 😭 its also why i draw them so much; again they mean so so much to me. as much as i tend to love plots with action and whatnot, for these guys i wish they could just live happily around, do absolutely nothing much & its why almost all my art is the way it is :)
appreciate the love for revive as well, i feel like even among them he doesnt really have that many diehard fans, but local short king deserves them 🧎‍♀️& the hiling love too, of course 🙏
ps the skittle brigade comment absolutely obliterated me, they should change their group name to that
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