#its very prevalent in the fandom but im not sure if its always like... the best space for me to be in
tangledinink · 1 year
do you have any kraang invasion timeline ideas for tmwn or gemini? i know you mentioned some for the latter, but they were in a timeline where they didn't reunite before the invasion. no angst, just wondering about general resistance roles and duties and maybe stuff about casey jr? maybe whether any of them end up adopting kids of their own
MMMMM, kinda sorta. I do but I haven't thought too deeply on it because I think that maybe I... don't like apocalypse timeline stuff, actually? I like Casey Jr., but I'm not sure if I like him more than I dislike some of the other aspects of the Apocalypse Timeline, so.
We'll see.
Anyway. For TMWN, I intend the main fic to take us to the defeat of Shredder, but I have kind of tossed around the thought of someday having a sequel fic that follows the events of the movie, because I'm a deranged person who hasn't finished the first story but is already thinking about a sequel... But tbh, the main thought I had was simply "ooh I could make timeskip designs for them..." and thats abt it ^^;
For Gemini, again, thoughts are limited, but I do think the whole Hamato Fam would end up together trying to lead the resistance and all that. I think Leo the Leader would be a lot less clear-cut in the Gemini-verse, I think it would be less Leo leading and more the Hamatos leading. As I've mentioned in the past, right now Mikey is really the one who views himself as a leader, and I don't really intend to rip that away from him. I also really love Raph as a leader, I think he's a good one, and I don't think Leo will ever stop relying on his partnership with his twin. They've just been a team for way too long, and so the idea of Leo being a 'leader' over Donnie would be weird for them, I think.
I also think Raph would adore Casey Jr. so fucking hard, but that's not really a Gemini thing ^^;
Re: having their own kids, the only one I've really thought about is Donnie. Dad!Donnie and also in particular Teen Dad!Donnie is just such a common theme in the fanbase, and I think it's very fun, so I think it's kind of fucking hilarious and funky if Donnie ends up having Oopsie Baby(s?) with his partner like,,, early on. Anywhere between like 19 and 25, idk yet. It's especially funny and interesting to me if it's in the fucking apocalypse. I just think Donnie would be a really good Dad and I also can't help but snicker at the idea of Donnie, out of all his siblings, ending up having children first-- especially if it's by accident.
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FINALLY, ive finished 25% of exile, the second book in the kotlc series. here are some thoughts i had :)
tags: @aylin-hijabi, @that-multi-fandom-hijabi, @tastetherainbow290, @nerdy-girl3791 (im tagging everyone who asked to be tagged in my notes for book one, but lmk if you wanna be tagged too / dont wanna be tagged anymore)
first off, why are second books in a series always the ones that take the most time / are harder to start? ig it could be that we've already established the worldbuilding n main characters, but its still that dragging stage between *where you already know mostly everything in the universe* and *where the climax builds up in anticipation of the "final battle" or the beginning of the third act, usually*. nothing to do w the book itself, just an observation
second off, alicorns are so much more important than being just "another species to save", im sure of it. theres wayyy too much of the council getting involved n talk abt how alicorns are sooo important. to anyone whos read percy jackson it kinda reminds me of the ophiortaurus (bessie) from sea of monsters, who seemed to be a recurring animal side character who turned out to have a lot of significance to the very universe they were in. im expecting smth similar, why else would everyone go to such lengths to ensure alicorns dont go extinct? or maybe im overthinking it lmao but what gives it away is the heckses literally tryna kidnap silveny-
speaking of the heckses, who the fuck tries to steal an alicorn. stinas parents are the whiniest bitches ive ever seen, and im a fifteen year old girl. like cmon ive seen some drama queens over the years, but those two- also, fucking stina. i mentioned before that i hope to see some character development w her, so shes not just the boring one-dimensional mean girl thats prevalent in literally every piece of media thats come out since mean girls w regina george. clearly not yet, tho, but im waiting on it (if it does not happen i will be majorly disappointed)
also, delving into theories now. its kinda far-fetched, but, was brant w the black swan ? i mean, it would add up pretty decently. it would explain why his guilt for jolies death runs so deeply (since grady rlly rlly seems to believe that the black swan killed her) because he would be with the literal organization that killed her. it would also explain reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy well why he recognized sophie. the fact that he knew her was wayy too emphasized to mean nothing. idk JUST A THEORY, its not based off of anything other than it would fit nicely w everything else.
but also if grady is so adamant that it was the black swan, and (hypothetically) brant is w the black swan, then would it be improbable to assume that he killed her? which would explain the guilt even MORE. but then again, he does seem to love her, so that last part is added very tentatively. (maybe he killed her by accident... but then would the note to grady three days before her death just be a coincidence? im sure that has some deeper meaning.)
maybe it wasnt the black swan who sent those notes to grady...
to end on a funnier note: alicorn poop. sophie faceplanted into alicorn poop. it happens to all main characters, it always has to be someone walking in at the worst moment. i thought id be the vackers w keefe who show up n embarass her, but who better than the council to get humiliated in front of ? i dont hate sophie i just laugh at her pain
i think thats all for the 25% mark, im gonna keep reading today. im gonna go to my grandmas house so maybe i can get a couple hundred pages in !!!
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sm0kebreaks · 2 years
So like. As amazing at the tma has been about fat acceptance and love and has been absolutely vital to a lot of my self acceptance as a fat trans man, because this fandom actually talks about fat people (as opposed to other fandoms where fat characters and hcs are nonexistent), it means it’s also exposed me to the most and worst fatphobia of any fandom. I genuinely don’t even gaf about the actual discourse discussed in this fandom, it’s generally the people who negatively react to discourse of ppl complaining about fatphobia. The initial problems are usually ignorable to me, but it ends up bringing up peoples voices that make it incredibly clear what their true thoughts about fat ppl are. Idrk why I thought I should share this with you, ig just seeing if you have similar experiences.
I struggle here because i don't like to feel like i am attacking other artists. i'm a hater and i love to complain but i know i have my own short comings. but when it comes to the fatphobia in this fandom im always left not knowing how to talk about things because people will come to me and tell me why my complaint about someone thinning out a fat character is wrong or bad.
do keep in mind i dont really engage with the tma fandom as much i feel very much on the outskirts so this is jsut what i feel like i see on my end and i'm sure theres way more going on i simply dont know
in recent months we have had a newer influx of artists in the fandom who have come in with their own interpretations of the characters which is all fine and good. its jarring sometimes when we become so used to these formless characters looking a certain way that when new people enter the fandom with different ideas it feels wrong and like an attack.
the biggest issue has been people drawing a thinner martin. and while of course everyones welcome to their own interpretation and martin expressing that he's not exactly the smallest guy has multiple ways to be interpreted it is extremely frustrating to see people take that as giving him the most bare minimum extra weight. especially when having a fat character as desirable and as a love interest and such a Fun character is so far and few between
i could go on and on about how each time a popular artist posts a thin martin it gives everyone who looks up to them the excuse to do the same and it's why it's become such a prevalent thing lately. i don't think popular artists should have to worry about being good role models or anything in a fandom i think if youre making art you should do it for fun but it sucks to see when someone becomes so influential and are creating a problem. i deleted like three paragraphs on this alone so i'm going to move on.
i think what i see in the fandom most in regards to fatphobia is a skill issue. people don't know how to draw fat characters. but it also feels like people are barely trying. the artist i have in mind who i would consider to draw skinny martins DOES add a bit of roundness to him. i can aknowledge theyre doing SOMETHING. but you can't come to me and tell me that i can't criticize their art because culturally that's fat to them... like sure it could be. but it's also definitely a limitation of their art style and ability and instead of defending them and patting them on the back for doing good enough shouldnt we encourage people to grow and improve? what an amazing asset to be able to draw people of all size and variety. thats an AMAZING abillity to have in youre tool belt. i wish i had more resources for drawing bodyfat but unfortunately i do not. i have learned from looking at people and luckily having a lot of large loved ones in my life i've learned from as well as you know.. my own body to learn from. and learning to draw bodyfat and drawing characters i love with it has done wonders for my body dysmorphia.
i went on a rambling tangent and idk how coherent all of that is but the end point is that fatphobia sucks it has no place in this or any fandom and we need to practice our skills instead of erasing something that has made this fandom so wonderful to me.
here's some resources
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
Oh it's Dew for sure to me.
He's always characterized as either a) a complete asshole with no regard for others or b) the whiniest, most pathetic little thing that cries at the drop of a hat. To me it seems like most people characterize him as younger than the other ghouls. Maybe not consciously, but it sure reads that way a lot of the time. Like he's completely emotionally immature and only capable of having a single personality trait (see above).
Like. Has no one seen how soft he can be on stage? I get that he had his little tiffs with Aether and sometimes chokes Rain, but for the most part he's such a softie. He plays with Swiss and dances when Nihil's casket gets brought out. He teases the crowd and clearly has fun with it. He has a whole personality!!
It's unfair to pigeonhole him as "the aggressive one", and I honestly don't know where the idea of him being a pathetic little crybaby came from, but it bothers me to no end every time I see him cry the second someone so much as kisses his neck or something.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
ohhh mr dewdrop, its time for curtain callll
@rrriver yours im gonna touch on at the end here bc its so interesting!!
but yes. reigning opinion seems to be that the babyfied version of dew is overwritten and very 2D. as well as the 'will burn your eyebrows at the drop of a pin' dew. ive touched on these things a little already.
but. dew is the fandom favorite, id say. the one everyone loooves to throw trauma onto. he is the very definition of 'put that guy in a situation'. he is very commonly written as the focus of many fics, whatever the genre. and to me, its so interesting that so many of us dont like these common headcanons, and do go out of our way to write our own versions, yet these things still stay the overarching theme. why is that? rhetorical question, really, but i do think the 'over emotional' idea of dew is very prevalent.
and, like ive said previously, i think he's much more stoic than that. he def shows some emotion. like cirrus, hes not a robot or anything. we see that on stage, of course, with the bits and what not. i think he knows when to joke, when to offer a hug, or when to get fired up about something (excuse the pun)
but i dont think hes going around lighting shit on fire cause something minor happened. do i think hed do that in certain circumstances? yeah absolutely. especially if youre of the belief that this ghoul has gone through some shit. has seen death and treason and went through an entire shift of all the atoms in his fucking body.
but hes strong, resilient. as well as soft and caring. to me, this is a ghoul that listens, that cares so fucking deeply. but he's calm about most things. observant. and a little frisky when he feels up for it.
and river, yes, he's so protective. like i said, most of us think hes seen some shit. so why wouldnt he be more level headed, stronger mentally, because hes seen what being reactive can do to a ghoul
and i really like your take on the different elements hes had and how that transfers to his personality. because there are so many nuances in elements in general! and i even have different ideas to how he acted as a newly summoned water ghoul verses a more 'seasoned' one. and some dont even believe he changed elements at all! but i agree, i dont think hes some shy little pretty water ghoul and nothing more. that boy had sass even back then, maybe even more so. but to me, he's always been that stoic and thoughtful ghoul that i do my best to write him as haha. there are far better writers of dew than i, but i for sure agree with y'all that there's things he isnt.
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i hope it isn't offending, but it makes me laugh and cringe a bit whenever the sons of feanor and feanor himself are written as this righteous, i-am-better-than-you and i-have-the-right-to-be-a-dipshit-to-you kind of dudes while other characters such as fingon, finrod, fingolfin and glorfindel are written as assholes or are villainize. Like, to me it seems out of character? Maybe its because im new and has just finished reading silmaril. The amount of fics I've stumbled, they are so good and beautifully written, but the way they portray the sons of feanor as suddenly the good guys just because they apologize and took care of elros and elrond?
First of all, welcome to the fandom, anon. I hope you'll like it here. Sorry for answering late. I've been away from the fandom lately and have only now seen this ask.
To be honest, I’m not sure if this ask concerns my writing or the fandom in general. I am not a Feanorian apologist, though I am a Feanorian fan, and I like to think that I don't write the Feanorians that way. But I don't know how my fics look from the outside.
I do agree that there is a trend to whitewash the Feanorians sometimes at the expense of other characters, but I understand where that's coming from.
A substantial part of the fandom, myself included, loves conflicted, morally grey characters. Personally, I am always drawn to characters who do terrible things but have the potential to do better. I love the themes of guilt, redemption, wasted potential, what could have been and fall of the hero.
When you love a character and write about them a lot, you tend to sympathize with them and look for motivations for their actions. A lot of people are fans of redemption arcs, so they give them to their favorite characters. Now as I've said, sometimes it's at the expense of other characters, but I don't think that's prevalent in the fandom. Writing fics sympathetic to Feanorians doesn't always mean that the other characters were in the wrong.
We have to also differentiate between the types of fics that cast canonically 'good' characters in a bad light. Is it because
The author really doesn't like the character and villainizes them to make their fave look better. This is often the case with Elwing, sometimes with Fingolfin.
The author wants to write a dark fic and has a 'good' character do a terrible thing. This doesn't mean though that the author hates the character or believes they are canonically evil. I have seen a few dark fics with Glorfindel. I'm assuming that's what you're referring to when you say that he's written as an asshole because from what I've seen he's usually written as a great person. Though I have to admit that I'm not very interested in Glorfindel and might have missed something.
The author wants to write a believable character and gives them flaws to make the fic more interesting. This often happens to Finrod, who on the surface level reading is a perfect angel who never did anything wrong. (Arguable, of course, but that's how he seems at first glance.) Tolkien was writing a mythology and could get away with it, but fics are almost always on a smaller scale and more personal, and authors love to write flawed characters.
Now, I will read the second fic if I'm in that kind of mood and I will most likely read the third fic. I might not read the first fic, but even then it all comes to personal preference. For example, I don't believe Feanor was a terrible father, at least in the beginning, but I absolutely don't mind that others do and will read fics where he's written that way. But if Elwing is written as a bad mother or if she or Dior are blamed for what the Feanorians did, I will press the back button.
(As a side note, I'm very curious about the fics where Fingon is villiainized. I've seen it only in a few explicitly dark fics, which I can count on the fingers of one hand. In my experience, he's often written as almost flawless, even more perfect than Finrod. I'm in the process of writing a Russingon fic where Fingon is... less than perfect (though so is Maedhros) and I wonder if that would also count as villainizing him.)
My advice to you, anon, is to curate your fandom experience. I understand where you're coming from. There are many perfectly well-written, amazing fics from talented writers that make me unreasonably mad or upset. But, ultimately, everyone is allowed to write whatever they like and it's up to us to find out when to stop reading. The Silm doesn’t give us much in terms of characterization, so authors have a lot of leeway there and ‘out-of-characterness’ is very subjective.
Find like-minded people here or on Ao3, find authors that you like, subscribe to them, follow their tumblrs. Get Ao3 Savior or Greasemonkey extensions to block works you don't like. You can also create a custom skin to block works or users you don't want to see. Follow the instructions in this post. It will take at most ten minutes. It's especially useful for multi-chaptered fics you never want to see again. I use it and it's a huge relief.
Sorry the reply to this ask got so long. Sometimes I do tend to go off on a tangent. Hopefully, this was somewhat helpful. Good luck to you.
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necronatural · 3 years
any theories on why madatobi is so popular? to me it makes no sense. very little canon interaction (I mean not that this matters) and also like (and this goes to show how little Im aware of the fandom lmao) I always thought izuna & tobirama / madara & hashirama relationships would be more popular bc of the in text structure theyre given… so the prevalance of madatobi absolutely came out of left field for me. have to say I wish I was still ignorant
enemies to lovers babyyyyy
they're very, very, VERY good character types for the juiciest enemies to lovers tropes; tobirama is a mean little cunt and a realist while madara is a boisterous bastard and emotionally driven. fundamentally they go great together. for people who love E2L hashirama doesn't really 'click' because he doesn't believe they are enemies until madara starts attacking the village which isn't really a great jumping-off point. as for fandom archetypes people prefer balls of sunshine with loudmouths when they're not enemies or the loudmouth is a lone agent :( rip king you could have friendzoned him so good
the problem for me is that the text does not support it to the point it's comedic its like
1. madara already has a senju he has a fraught frenemy relationship with that canon made really really gay at least on his end even though i dont think hashirama will ever love him sorry king. sorry. hes gonna friendzone you man.
2. while their personalities go well together socially madara and tobirama are both the types of dudes to talk past people; they don't have any chemistry they would obviously just not pay attention to what the other is saying... its like...boring enemies
3. the battle is one of obligation the stakes aren't personal they don't even fight each other ever. imagine like idk enough iconic enemies with weirdly detailed pasts together... uh... ok forget that hashimada are homoerotic for a sec but imagine cloud and sephiroth battling to the death and sephiroth decides to hook up with tifa or barrett. like man. are you sure?
ok pre-game events sephiroth/barrett would be like crazy... um... i guess tifa in this case since she's younger and not a structural element
4. just give izuna madara's fanon personality are you crazy. he doesnt have a personality you can do this. this is why izuna is treated like a spare tire you took away his purpose (to stand next to tobirama)
5. in order to escape the antichemistry of the context they exist in people defang their dynamic and make tobirama the victim, make the uchiha the heroes, or both in order to get the awkward non-enemy thing out of the way so it's a more digestible "tobirama doesn't trust uchiha and the uchiha don't trust tobirama but they're willing to work together" kind of setup. which is good but it demands a softness that undermines the power of their cunty archetypes a little. i can't fuck with it but that's my preference i've said before i only read character stuff so "softening archetypes" sounds evil to me
every time people ask me about fic stuff i sort of cringe at how picky i am LOL...its fic...and i act this way. read more books maybe. anyway
6. people wont let them be toxic unless it's for sexual sadism reasons. i follow madatobi artists and fic writers all the time and they're all people who get that if you crash against someone you have no chemistry with specifically because you have no chemistry with them and you need that. and you discover you are capable of developing chemistry as you throw shit at each other. the magic fucking happens.
also full madatobi aus like modern aus or whatever tend to be waaay better but i love how fucked up founders era is so i won't read modern stuff for a ship i dont like LOL. and youkai aus are better but like...the prose in these trying to make tobirama seem ethereal always inventing a new kind of racism for albino people. buddy you wouldn't do this to jiraiya. stop
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cutemeat · 2 years
no you’re so right for that, op was honestly being rude and probably didn’t expect you to see it (altho i see that they did tag it as sunny so maybe they just don’t care). when i started out, the ppl of this fandom have always been so unapologetically vocal abt their theories and interpretations, and it was so welcoming to me to see that everyone was having fun rambling into the void, knowing that we care enough abt each others’ ideas that even if we don’t always agree, we Get it. like that’s what sunnblr is for, pardon the brainrot but it comes with the territory. you were one of my first (and also only lol) sunny mutuals and i know for a fact i didn’t used to share my thoughts the way i do now before following ppl like you. PLEASE keep rambling, it is good for the soul
thank u Danny!! 🐀💘
it means a lot more to me that I have had that kind of impact where anyone feels more unapologetic n enthusiastic abt talking abt their interests n interpretations n theories! cuz I care so deeply abt that n think (esp cuz this is a space all about enthusiasm n hobbies) it is so fun to hav a place where ppl can do that!! (obv we should be mindful depending on subject matter, but just general rambling abt shit is, as u said, good for the soul 😌😌) U are also just such a creative person n i rlly admire yr style n yr skill u are just so thoughtful and intelligent so u Should be so loud n proud abt those things!! u are such a treasure n ily!!
I hold no grudge against op, cuz i do recognize this kind of thing is just apart of a larger pattern I’ve seen forever since using the internet where a lot of the internet likes to preach abt de-stigmatization n mental health awareness… but unfortunately the internet doesn’t rlly create platforms that are conducive to actually keeping that kind of thing in mind and practicing it effectively. ik that most times (since this is a problem that started in the real world n sure as hell hasnt been solved any better lmao), that unless you are just experiencing palatable symptoms like depression or anxiety… u are opening yrself up to that kind of thing, n i know that just comes with the territory of being mentally ill and havin any public account. im sure its even somewhere in the fine print of the terms n conditions that no one ever reads LOL. i try to brush it off, but it is still hurtful sometimes and so that’s why I left that reply to just explain where i’m coming from and why i left those tags in the first place. cuz again they dont know me and idk them so its not anything personal! but again ik thats sorta the game u play when u post anything yknow? like for all anonymity’s benefits, there are cons like ppl don’t Know i experience manic type symptoms or fixate excessively if they dont know me or follow me, esp when i don’t leave that stuff in my bio anymore or always post abt it so they Don’t Know. and it’s just generally very prevalent to see someone saying Wild Shit n immediately be like ‘wtf?’ n post it without rlly giving it much thought. I mean, I’ve probably done that before myself w/o rlly giving a second thought to what I was doing 😭. so I try not to take it too personally n hope ppl will be sympathetic if they do see the other person’s side of things, at least!
But again I do rlly appreciate u sending this cuz it was still very reassuring and again im rlly happy u feel more inclined to share ur thoughts after following me cuz again u are so thoughtful n passionate n i still love reading ur posts n seeing ur art abt anything u are interested in even when its not Sunny stuff, theres always so much detail in everything u do its incredible! 💖 and dont worry abt me cuz i def dont plan on stopping the rambling myself anytime soon BSJDBDJ
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jestbee · 2 years
hey! hope its okay to ask you a couple of questions about your fic writing, Im just very curious!
Do you find yourself drawn to similar tropes when writing mcyt fic that you did with dnp, or are the relationship dynamics very different?
Also, is it fun to be writing in a fandom with more than two "main characters"? How does that affect the kind of stories you end up writing?
This was a fantastic ask to get, thank you!
1) I mean, tropes are tropes for a reason. And I think with some exceptions you can make most work for a pairing. It just depends what you like. I always want to be doing new stuff because I will get into something and be like oo I wanna do that so whatever pairing I'm into at the moment gets thag treatment. That being said, some tropes are forever tropes with me, like fwb or d/s (not yet posted in mcyt fic but watch this space). Those are gunna crop up in all of my writing. There is also some crossover with regards to online friendships turned irl and the youtube aspects, but the dynamic is different I think. I won't get in to all the ways they are similar or different as I would be going on for a while but I do have Thoughts.
That being said, I've been writing for so long that I know what I like to write. And I think ppl who have read stuff from me for a while know the vibe of a Jane fic so that carries over for sure!
I also wrote a lot of dnp fic (132 I think? Not counting deleted or unposted ones) so I did a variety of stuff to find what I liked. And I'll continue to try new things. Doesn't always work, and maybe my style won't appeal in this new fandom, but I'm writing for my own enjoyment always.
2) having an entire cast of people is SO much nicer. I was so sick of having to make Louise or PJ way more prevalent in dnp's lives than they are because they were just very insular and sometimes the fic didn't have space for an OC. But with the mcyt guys, there is a huge friend group to pull from with lots of different personalities and I love that.
You should also never misunderestimate my ability to get severely attached to a side ship (hello kickthestickz and karlnap) and go off and write some fic for them too.
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sea-bea · 6 years
I said I was gonna probably talk abt Deltarune, I’m talking abt Deltarune
theres a whole lot to unpack from the ending, and I have a few headcannons in mind. I’m also going to focus on Kris, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Ralsei and the connections between them. It’s a lot of word barf too, so be warned.
(also I haven’t seen any theories from the deltarune fandom, this is all what I got from deltarune. I’ve kept it blacklisted bc I’m not going to have it tainted like undertale was.)
as we know, this universe is one where monsters never went underground. and as we know, everyone (keep this in mind) from the previous game is alive but living very similar, but different lives. And then there’s us. Kris. A new character presumably not from the last game Here’s what I think so far:
Chara was most definitely the voice talking to us in the beginning. They have the same kind of speech patterns and the same kind of thinking. “Its kill or be killed” “You can’t choose who you are in this world.” Both Chara and the voice have a very pessimistic view of the world, mostly about how people are naturally very cruel and will hurt you any chance they get. (and honestly, considering Kris’ life in the upper world, it would make sense that they too would have the same thought process).
As for the end, what happened in the end scene has happened before, multiple times before. It wasn’t because Kris went to the dark world. The birdcage they (or Chara) throws their soul in the cage is significantly damaged and the cage shakes with the force of it. It would explain why Kris always wakes up late for school, because they go out and do, whatever it is they do at night, and their body gets very tired. The ending scene also suggests that Kris isn’t pulling their soul out willingly, or even getting out of bed willingly. And since that’s supposed to be Kris’ soul, that means their soul isn’t in their body anymore, which suggests something else. 
also, I think the “incident”, whatever it was, that tore the family apart and outcasted Asgore has something do with Kris’ specifically. The first time there was an incident in the family it was when the Chara and Asriel fusion died, and the second time Asgore killed a bunch of kids. It doesn’t seem like Asgore killed some kids because he’s not in jail or anything, but it was definitely something that upset both Tori and Asgore significantly, so it might have had to do with the kids. That was also the turning point for both Asriel and Chara to become flowey and murder child so this universe’s kids must have changed significantly too.
Remember how I said everyone is living similar yet very different lives? In the last game, we played two characters: Frisk in pacifist and Chara in fight, but Kris is new, presumably one of them. Initially it seems like Kris is in Frisk’s place If Asriel is cannonly around the same age as Chara and is in college, I’d pit him around his early 20’s, maybe still 18. Considering the school looks like it was made for younger students and there are already stereotypes in the school (Susie, obviously) I’d pit Kris somewhere in middleschool, in sixth grade at the very least and eighth or ninth grade at the very most. Probably 12, or 13? 15 at most (which was around the age Frisk probably was when they fell). So they’d be more than four years apart, and that's a conservative estimate.
At the same time though, both Chara and Kris (other than share the same sweater) also share a personality as the weird kid that doesn’t talk that much. They naturally do very weird things that frighten other people, but they seem like pranks at worst. And they’re also naturally very aloof and don’t talk a lot and likes to keep to themselves (but will make an exception for Asriel). What Kris does with Asriel is also similar to what Chara did with him (Asriel’s final form was referenced by one of the characters, where they say that Chara and Asriel were too busy focusing on the wings). Then again, Frisk doesn't talk a lot either.
But then it came down to the name. I was originally confused why Kris had such a normal name, but if Ralsei is just a rewording of the name “Asriel” and is supposed to represent a version of Asriel, then “Kris” may be “Frisk” without the “F” (it also may be a stretch but I think there is no F because you probably shouldn't fight. Either that, or putting an F in that name is kinda hard to do). Thats what I initially thought that was. But If you pronounce Chara the same way you pronounce the first part of the word “Character”, then the name sounds like “Kara.” Add the K of Kara and the ris from “Frisk” and you get “Kris”. Not only that, but the regular spelling of Kris is Chris, “Ch” from Chara, “ris" from Frisk, and the “Ch” is disguised as a K from Frisk (also to make it more gender neutral, I think)
So maybe Kris isn’t just Chara or isn’t just Frisk, they’re both, a mixture of the two angels that fell down to free the monsters from the underground. But then why is the Chara part of them so prevalent here? 
I think that’s because Chara’s possessing Kris. Since characters like Chara can break the fourth wall and don’t follow the laws of reality, as well as know of alternate universes and endings, Chara could have crossed from the Undertale Universe into the Deltarune Universe, and then influenced their “Chara” side more.
Here’s what I think happened: An incident occurred where Kris and Asriel were put in danger that almost killed them. They lived, obviously, but Kris became very vulnerable. Because Kris was very vulnerable at the time and is also the version of Chara here, it was easy for Chara to possess them.
It may be very easy for Kris to be possessed frequently. When we first meet sans and he greets you, you have the opportunity to say “good to see you again” or something like that, to which sans replies that he’s never met you before. Either Kris was joking around or that was actually Chara saying hi to him. Plus the phase “It’s only you.” when you look in the mirror is a bit....ominous, and can imply there can be another person there sometimes.
Kris isn’t possessed all the time though, they still wake up late, and it’s implied they still have control of themselves sometimes —when you visit Rudy, there’s a card on the table that “you” have never seen before, even though you wrote it.  And Chara has to store the soul in the birdcage frequently, implying that Kris can fight them, to some degree.
So if Chara has been here the whole time, and has been possessing Kris frequently, what exactly are they doing? Honestly, I really don’t know. As Undyne says, the town is really boring. Of course, considering the shit that went down at the end of the game, that's probably going to change. Still though, I have no idea what they were doing before the whole “dark world” business.
I’m not going to go into much detail into Ralsei but I do want to point out one thing that stood out to me. He seems like a pretty cut n dry character, and his purpose as Asriel’s reverse is pretty obvious. He is the dark opposite of Asriel, he’s the dark prince living in the castle, while everyone in his universe is alive except for him, all of his subjects are gone and he’s the only one left. His name is literally a respelling of the world Asriel, plus he’s a goat. A goat. 
But if there’s one thing that concerned me the most was how insistent he was on making sure you “acted” instead of “fought”. what stood out to me the most was when he was talking about the consequences of fighting, he said something alone the lines of “You may not like the outcome/ending you get.” Which makes me wonder what exactly happened to him and his entire kingdom. And since he’s technically a version of Asriel (who is still Flowey in the undertale universe), maybe he knows about the old resets from the Undertale universe. 
The other theory is he went through his own fight route which honestly sounds pretty intense. Really intense. Considering that flowey too did many routes, especially fight routes, the idea that Ralsei here could have done a kill route too can be very possible. also, the way Ralsei tells Kris to act sounds less like “dont do this because I saw someone else do it”, and more like “don’t do this because I did it and now I live with the consequences”. 
finally, to tobias fox
im not forgiving you for what you’ve done to mettaton
that is all
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I totally get you about the shipping oc thing. Default Hawke being used in the majority of works was a huge factor as to why I became so invested in fenhawke. it's easier to share fanworks like this. For DAO and DAI a lot of times you can't connect to the original characters, because it feels like you don't know them, but Hawke feels familiar. Default Garrett made such an impression in my mind, that I can't see Hawke as anyone else, actually LOL
yeah i feel you there. if it wasnt for the prevalence of default hawke, im not sure how deep in this fandom i would be. custom hawkes are lovely, as all are the OCs people have for Origins and Inquistion! but i cant deny the fact that default hawke’s popularity in his fandom, especially with fenris, is what drew me in and kept me here. its the reason i pretty much only read fanfics of 2.
everyones version of garrett hawke is different, over time ive developed some very specific hcs for him that diverge from the standard, but i still dont feel alienated. as much as i love OCs, it can be really hard to connect with them unless you take the time to learn about them and the author doesnt always provide that content (understandably, its hard to garner attention with OCs and it can be off-putting). garrett hawke is home for me, i can connect with my own playthrough and everyone has a good idea of what he roughly looks like when writing fanfics.
i want to stress again that there is nothing wrong with custom hawkes, you do you, i have a few of them of my own too, but default hawke is what let me feel connected to this fandom.
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channieskzlove94 · 4 years
at the top of my recipes list is japchae because i had a mildly scarring experience with a local restaurant and i still dont know what vegetable(?) i found in it but it very uncomfortable to not know what i was going to be consuming and the next one is mango sticky rice which is actually really simple but everyone in my house loved it when i ordered some from a thai food truck (it was so good, wed had it before? but this was from an authentic thai owned food truck and it showed)
block b is so good! honestly some of my favorite songs come from groups that are disbanded or pretty much there topp dogg? theyre everything imo, 4minute? everything and more, and i wish i had gotten into kpop earlier but i live in a terrible area to be encouraged to view outside cultures
i think my favorite historical drama is the untamed (its chinese) because music is so prevalent also its very fantasy and despite the forced censorship regarding the main relationship (theres a whole uncensored novel) its still very apparent to me that theyre in love and stuff which i deeply appreciate but its incredibly long so it really brought out the worst in my attention span issues, ive also started watching rookie historian and i really like it so far but im not that far into it :/ i really relate to being totally absorbed in a drama and stuff though, if something really spectacularly catches my attention (without being 50 episodes all being 45 minutes long) i really get sucked in and its like all over for anything else
only one of my geckos ever tries to bite? and its only very occasionally- we try to leave him alone for the most part because its after a lot of handling. one of our geckos is albino! shes super super pretty but were really super careful about lights and stuff because of her eyes- i obviously cant make your decision for you but if you decide to get something other than a rodent maybe check give/donate the items to your friend and the shelter? because there are things your friend probably wouldnt need like another cage (obviously assuming you dont think youll get another rodent in the future)
mugs are super fun! i have a couple of fun mugs i was given as gifts and my favorite one is a black one that turns into the skyrim opening scene as it gets hot! also i looked at the mugs you mentioned and theyre super cute! i like rocks and shells and stuff as souvenirs (legally obtained, i bought a gypsum rose once and my life will never be the same)
tbh i cant pick between coffee or tea. im a bit of a snob when it comes to individual roasts and sources or types of tea (especially when it comes to earl grey) i also cant pick between iced or hot for either- its all go its place :)
im excited for you to see my blog too! ive not had my kpop sideblog for the entire time ive been into kpop? but its packed full of so much stuff! i actually didnt have all that many friends on tumblr? im 19 though so it kinda died down quite a bit among people my age, like obviously people are still joining the site but i feel as though its not As Big if that makes sense? also smth smth conservative hicksville, ohio population: many
it sucks that you couldnt attend that particular lecture but you might be able to find other events similar to it hosted on youtube or other various sites
whats one place in the world you want to visit assuming unlimited funds, n health n stuff? it can be a monument or a museum or a country or a city and it doesnt have to be some place youve never been before either. i think id like to see the ocean i dont even care where i am as long as i can actually see the sea or maybe go back to marble head lighthouse (its on lake erie) even though im terrified of heights- i went for what i think was my eighth birthday and it was pretty great all things considered
the melatonin i took is starting to kick in extra hard right about now so im sorry if something is confusing but i really do gotta go-🌻
oooh japchae!!! yes i love japchae. i think if you find a good recipe and make sure you aren’t unfamiliar with any of the ingredients it should probably be delicious when you make it! i’ll definitely check out the untamed! that sounds super interesting. and since there’s a novel i might see if i could read it! i hope they have a translated version or i’m doomed haha.  i’m not sure the shelter would take my cage but i’ll definitely donate the other stuff if i decided to get anything other than another rodent! hamsters require a lot of room to run around and dig so i made a big cage for her. it’s a little janky since it’s homemade so i think they shelter would probably say thanks but no thanks haha.  i have a terrible fear of being bit after a traumatic childhood experience with a hamster that would let go of my hand. i’ve gotten better at it but anytime i meet new animal species it’s always the first thing on my mind.  the gypsum rose sounds and looks super cool! i did a quick google search. do you have a shelf where you keep them and display them? do you label them?  I feel you on the tumblr thing. i’m 26 and most of my friends are completely out of the tumblr space. i came from a really small town in pennsylvania so i completely understand the conservative hicksville struggle. i went to japan one summer between 9th and 10th grade and when i got back everyone that it was weird that i had even wanted to go there.  when i was like 10 my parents and I went to the Crayola museum and it was so much fun. i have such fond memories of walking around and learning about the crayons and i just thought it was all so fascinating. i’d love to go back there. i’ve never been to a lighthouse before so that would be a lot of fun! i’m not suuuuper terrified of heights unless it’s like really really high! 
your fear of heights reminds me of minho in the fandom tour episode where they go to nami island. it’s so cute how he makes IN help him over to get on the zipline.  melatonin always hits me so hard. when i wake up in the morning i feel like i got hit by a truck and i usually end up sleeping through my alarm.  if you could meet any person in the world who would it be? i mean obviously i want to meet kpop stars but i’d love to meet the film director wes anderson. I love the way he frames and designs his films and i love to learn more about his inspirations.
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sassygaykuja · 7 years
Can I ask what the thing is with hang the fool?
ohhhkay so for anyone who doesnt know, hang the fools was one of the first big mchanzo fics and i honest to god dont know if its finished or not and i dont really feel like looking
i cant really criticize the writing because it was written for fun in the authors free time but personally i dont really like it very much (lots of long, unbroken paragraphs, mediocre characterization at best, pretty stereotypical at worst,, etc)
anyway, the thing is this fic was HUGE in like, pre-junkenstein’s revenge overwatch fandom. half the mchanzo tag was htf specific fanart and im not exhaggerating. which was kind of understandable considering at the time they had no interactions to go off or or anything but the thing was it really spread this whole idea of just a bad, bad dynamic for the two
in hang the fool hanzos portrayed as the cold asshole who hates and mocks mccree for literally no given reason other than ‘hanzo thinks hes dumb’ and mccree is idiotic and lovestruck and continues to pester him, again, for really no reason and the dynamic continues even after they get together like
i honest to god dont see the romanticism in calling someone an idiot in a non joking way to like, someone you know really well (like, i call my gf dumb as a joke but i also make sure she knows im not serious)
like it all comes down to preference or whatever but the thing to me is that fic was the mother of half the damn mchanzo fandom thinking that dynamic was cute or something and always seeing it portrayed that way (which died down a lot when junkenstein came out and all their interactions were like, chill banter between friends) (which would have made more sense in canon previously since hanzo pretty much just bants with anyone who isnt genji)
and the prevalence of having hanzo call mccree a fool in every other fuckin fic to a point where i grew an intense hatred of that word
but anyway thats more or less the gist of that whole thing and i cant really fault anyone for liking that fic because at the end of the day its just fanfiction buuut that doesnt stop it from annoying me from whenever i see it because blacklist didnt pick up on it
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heather-holloway · 5 years
hold on im rambling with no one to vent it to im literally about to explode if i dont write this out cuz ive been thinking about it a lot recently
ive been thinking a lot lately about early internet shit. like the other night, maybe a month ago i remember posting about feeling kinda nostalgic for the early 2000s, even though i was a toddler throughout that decade. and i still feel that way, but that night it was kinda at its peak. idk why i feel nostalgia for it? maybe its because i have very few (but good) memories of that time. the most that i remember from the late 2000s is being on yt and listening to chipmunk covers of popular songs at the time. and though it wasnt big memories with any sort of weight or whatever, theyre still kinda nice? idk. 
but anyways i was just browsing through an old live journal fic site and was just... enamored with it all. all the shit on there was posted at least 12+ years ago, and i felt connected with some of it and some of the slang (seeing as all that fandom stuff has evolved over the years to what it is now).
but it was new. different. a time capsule into another time thats about to become what the 70s were to the 90s.
though the wordings and the slang still is the same, making it feel like i was reading something posted yesterday, there were bits and dents in the facade that gave it all away. someone described opening a phone with a flip and some button pressing. its little things like that that make me feel strange. not in a bad way, but strange in an.. idk what to feel way. i dont know how to describe it.
we’re always kinda programmed to think of the new millennium, the 2000s, as “new” even though... it really isnt. its been 20 years ago now.
before the internet and internet culture, it was all kinda just. simple. when thinking about past decades. you could even distinguish each decade with something that trended then--i think of the 70s/80s/90s with their own aesthetics. maybe it was because i wasn’t alive then, but thats what i think of when i think abck to those time periods?
anyways-- now that im thinking about it, maybe it is because i think of the 70s/80s/90s being so far away since i wasnt alive then, when in reality, maybe it truly isnt? maybe people that have lived through those decades feel differently about them than i do, and dont really categorize it as i do...............
but anyways anyways... i really cant distinguish the early 2000s from now? sure, phone technology has certainly upgraded since flipphones, and social media and technology is more prevalent than ever, but... idk it just feels weird to know that people, people with their own lives, with kids, spouses and shit, were doing the same shit I’M doing now, in 2020..... back in like. 2003 or something. not a lot has changed. and im probably gonna go thru the cycle of this next.
its weird that im feeling nostalgia for this time that i barely knew of that exists now in 2020. there’s still fan forums and fanfic sites and shit. but yet theres something kinda thrilling about hands on exploring the sites that haven’t been viewed in over a decade. it seemed simple then, having your own private corner of the internet. and i know thats exactly what this tumblr is but like????? idk. its different. people talking about the same things u talk about, but like. 10 years ago. 
i guess this feeling is sorta like the same feeling that those “cringy” teenagers have when theyre like “i was born in the wrong generation =(”. just longing for a (seemingly) simpler time. 
and now that im thinking about it that way, im suddenly wondering what its gonna be like in 20 years? is some teen from 2040 gonna be longing for the 2010s and be jealous that i got to experience it all first hand? are they gonna feel mad that i took it for granted and instead longed for the farther past? will some teen from 2040 find my old internet footprint, see what i did during this time and stalk me, wondering where i am now (as i am now, on these lj accounts)?
i dont know what the point of this post is, or the point im trying to make--it was more clearer in my head--but like. yeah. thats what ive been thinking about.
i have no idea why im nostalgic for flipphones and 2000s styles nd culture when like.. we arguably have better versions of all that 😭
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