#its very telling who was in charge of certain animatronics
lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Natalie Holt's timeline was turned upside down last fall when she landed the highly-coveted composer gig for Marvel Studios' Loki series on Disney+.
"My agent got a general call-out looking for a composer on a Marvel project," she tells SYFY WIRE during a conversation over Zoom. "So, I didn’t know what it was. It was [described as] spacey and quite epic ... I sent in my show reel and then got an interview and got sent the script and then I realized what it was for. I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ It was amazing ... Loki was already one of my favorite characters, so I was really stoked to get to give him a theme and flesh him out in this way."
***WARNING! The following contains certain plot spoilers for the first four episodes of Loki!***
Imbued with glorious purpose, Holt knew the score had to match the show's gonzo premise about the Time Variance Authority, an organization that secretly watches over and manages every single timeline across the Marvel multiverse. The proposition of such an out-there sci-fi concept inspired the composer to bring in uniquely strange sounds, courtesy of synthesizers and a theremin.
"I got my friend, Charlie Draper, to play the theremin on my pitch that I had to do," she recalls. "They gave me a scene to score, which I’m sure they gave to loads of other composers. It was the Time Theater sequence in Episode 1. The bit from where he goes up the elevator and then into the Time Theater ... I just went to town on it and I wanted to impress them and win the job and put as many unusual sounds in there and make it as unique as possible."
The end result was a weird, borderline unnatural sound that wouldn't have felt out of place in a 1950s sci-fi B-movie about big-headed alien invaders. Rather than being turned off by Holt's avant garde ideas, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige embraced them, only giving the composer a single piece of feedback: "Push it further."
Holt admits that she was slightly influenced by Thor: Ragnarok ("I loved the score for it and everything"), which wasn't afraid to lean into the wild, Jack Kirby-created ideas floating around Marvel's cosmic locales. Director Taika Waititi's colorful and bombastic set pieces were perfectly complimented by an '80s-inspired score concocted by Devo co-founder, Mark Mothersbaugh.
"To be honest, I tried not to listen to it on its own," Holt says of the Ragnarok soundtrack. "I didn’t want to be too influenced by it. I watched the film a couple of times a few years ago, so yeah, I don’t think I was heavily referencing it. But I definitely had a memory of it in my mind."
After boarding Loki last September, Holt spent the next six months (mostly in lockdown) crafting a soundtrack that would perfectly reflect the titular god of mischief played by Tom Hiddleston. One of the first things she came up with was the project's main theme — a slightly foreboding cue that pays homage to the temporal nature of the TVA, as well as the main character's flair for the dramatic. "He always does things with a lot of panache and flair, and he’s very classical in his delivery."
She describes it as an "over-the-top grand theme with these ornate flourishes" that plays nicely with Loki's Shakespearean aura. "I wanted those ornaments and grand gestures in what I was doing. Then I also wanted to reflect that slightly analog world of the TVA where everything has lots of knobs and buttons ... [I wanted to] give it that slightly grainy, faded [and] vintage-y sci-fi sound as well."
"I just wanted it to feel like it had this might and weight — like there was something almost like a requiem about it," Holt continues. "These chords that are really powerful and strident and then they’ve got this blinking [sound] over the top. I just came up with that when I was walking down the street and I hummed it into my phone. There’s a video where you can just see up my nose and I’m humming [the theme]. I came home and I played it."
As a classically-trained musician, Holt drew on her love of Mahler, Dvořák, Beethoven, Mozart, and most importantly, Wagner. A rather fitting decision, given that an actual Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson) exists within the confines of the MCU.
"I would say those flourishes over the top of the Loki theme are very much Wagner," Holt says. "They’re like 'Ride of the Valkyries.’ I wanted people to kind of recall those big, classical, bombastic pieces and I wanted to give that weight to Loki’s character. That was very much a conscious decision to root it in classical harmony and classical writing ... There’s a touch of the divine to the TVA. It’s in charge of everything, so that’s why those big powerful chords [are there]. I wanted people almost to be knocked off their socks when they heard it."
With the main theme in place, Holt could then play around with it in different styles, depending on the show's different narrative needs. Two prime examples are on display in the very first episode during Miss Minutes' introductory video and the flashback that reveals Loki to be the elusive D.B. Cooper.
"What was really fun was [with] each episode, I got to pull it away and do a samba version of the theme or do a kind of ‘50s sci-fi version of the theme," she explains. "I can’t say other versions of the theme because they’re in Episode 5 and 6…or like when Mobius is pruned, I did this really heartfelt and very emotional [take on the theme] when you see Loki tearing up as he’s going down in slow motion down that corridor. It was cool to have the opportunity to try out so many different styles and genres. And it was big enough to take it all. It was a big enough story."
The other side of the story speaks to the old world grandeur of Loki's royal upbringing on Asgard, a city amongst the stars that eventually found its way into Norse mythology.
"I went to a concert in London three years ago and I heard these Norwegian musicians playing in this group called the Lodestar Trio," Holt recalls. "They do a take on Bach, where they’re kind of giving it a folk-y twist … [They use] a nyckelharpa and a Hardanger fiddle — they’re two historic Norwegian folk instruments. I just remembered that sound and I was like, ‘Oh, I have to use those guys in our score.’ It seemed like the perfect thing. I was like, ‘Yes, the North/Norwegian folk instruments.’ It just felt like it was the perfect thing for his mother and Asgard and his origins."
That folk-inspired sound also helped shape the music for Sylvie (played by Sophia Di Martino), a female variant of Loki with a rather tragic past. "Obviously, we’ve seen in Episode 4 what happened to her as a child," Holt says. "I just feel like she’s so dark. She’s basically grown up living in apocalypses, so she has that Norwegian folk violin sound, but her theme is incredibly dark and menacing and also, you don’t see her. She’s just this dark figure who’s murdering people for a while."
And then there were all the core members of the TVA to contend with. As Holt mentioned above, fans recently lost Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), may he rest in prune. We mean peace. What? Too soon? During a recent interview with SYFY WIRE, Loki head writer Michael Waldron said that he based Mobius off of Tom Hanks's dogged FBI agent Carl Hanratty in 2002's Catch Me If You Can.
"There’s this thing that he loves jet ski magazines," Holt says. "I had this character in my head and then when I saw Owen Wilson’s performance, I was like, ‘Oh, he’s actually a lot lighter and he plays it in a different way from how I’d imagined.’ But I was listening to Bon Jovi and those slightly rock-y anthemic things. ‘90s rock music for some reason was my Mobius sound palette."
Mobius is pruned on the orders of his longtime friend, Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), after learning that everyone who works for the TVA is a variant who was unceremoniously plucked out of their original timelines. A high-ranking member of the quantum-based agency, Renslayer has a theme that "is quite tied in with Mobius and it’s like a high organ," Holt adds. "It doesn’t quite know where it’s going yet. But yeah, we’ll have to see what happens with that one."
Wilson's character isn't the only person fed up with the TVA's lies. Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) also became disillusioned with the place and allowed Sylvie to escape in the most recent episode
"Hunter B-15 has this moment in Episode 4 where Sylvie shows her her past, her memories. I thought that was a really powerful moment for her," Holt says. I feel like she’s such a fighter and when she comes into the Time-Keepers and she makes that decision, like, ‘I’m switching sides,’ so her theme is more like a drum rhythm. I actually kind of sampled my voice and you can hear that with the drums. I did loads of layers of it, just like this horrible sliding sound with this driving rhythm underneath it. So, that was B-15 and then her softer side when she has her memory given back to her."
Speaking of the Time-Keepers, we finally got to meet the creators of the Sacred Timeline...or at least we thought we did. Loki and Sylvie are shocked to learn that the red-eyed guardians of reality are nothing but a trio of high-end animatronics (ones that could probably be taken out by a raging Nicolas Cage). Even before Sylvie manages to behead one of them, something definitely feels off with the Time-Keepers, which meant Holt could underscore the uncanny valley feeling in the score.
"When they walked in for their audience with the Time-Keepers, it was like this huge gravitas," she says. "But you look up and there’s something a bit wrong about them. I don’t know if you felt that or if you just totally believed. You were like, ‘Oh, this is so strange.’ I just felt like there was something a little bit off and musically, it was fun to play around with that."
Holt is only the second solo female composer to work on an MCU project, following in the footsteps of Captain Marvel's Pinar Toprak. Her involvement with Loki represents the studio's growing commitment to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera. This Friday will see the wide release of Black Widow, the first Marvel film to be helmed solely by a woman (Cate Shortland). Four months after that, Chloé Zhao's Eternals will introduce the MCU's first openly gay character into the MCU.
"I just feel like it’s an honor and a privilege to have had that chance to be the second woman to score a thing in the MCU and to be in the same league as those incredible composers like Mothersbaugh and Alan Silvestri. They're just legends," Holt says. "Another distinctive thing about [the show] is that all the heads of department are pretty much women. Marvel are showing themselves to be really progressive and supportive and encouraging. I applaud [them]. Whatever they’re doing seems to be working and people seem to be liking it as well, so that’s awesome."
Holt's score for Vol. 1 of Loki (aka Episodes 1-3) are now streaming on every music-based platform you could think of. Episodes 1-4 are available to watch on Disney+ for subscribers. Episode 5 (the show's penultimate installment) debuts on the platform this coming Wednesday, July 7.
Natalie isn't able to give up any plot spoilers for the next two episodes (no surprise there), but does tease "the use of a big choir" in one of them. "Episode 6, I’m excited for people to hear it," she concludes. "That’s all I can say."
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anxious-ace · 2 years
Some things about the Plex (my AU):
The daycare was built because staff members, who have kids that weren't old enough to go to school and those who couldn't afford a babysitter, kept complaining to Michael about having to take their kids everywhere they went, leaving them home alone or leaving them in the main/entrance area of the Plex
Each main animatronic was built with some of Michael's traits (Freddy- leadership and protective nature, Roxy- narcissism (from his teens), Monty- anger/emotional issues, Chica- bad eating habits, Sun/Moon- mood swings, occasional over-excitement, strict personality (only in certain situations))
Based off of that, they could also be based off of some staff members (Freddy- Henry or Michael, Roxy- Joan or Sarah, Monty- Mike and Chica- Samantha)
(Yeah most of these are insults)
Michael built almost everything in that damn place (the animatronics, the stages, you name it he was involved)
He did go to Henry to get everything approved though
Since Michael does basically any job, the other staff just calls him management instead of a combination of job titles
Since its built on top of the FFPS location, Henry and Michael have gone down and grabbed old, undamaged stuff to use
Michael programmed so many child protective protocols into the animatronics, they could be considered robot CPS
Henry later added Michael and other staff members to them
The plex has restaurants/food from a multitude of cultures (not just Italian and Mexican)
They also have gluten-free, allergen-free, vegan and vegetarian options that are separated (like a salad bar but for specific dietary needs)
These are of course clearly labeled and people still complain that they can't find them
They let lower income guests eat free/with a good discount (about 50-60%)
These food court restaurants have staff that come from that culture cooking the food (minimizes "Americanization" of the food)
They also have reserved tables for staff members (usually away from customers while still being in the restaurant)
The front of the building (right before you go in) has waivers for guests to sign and an ID scan for staff
(The waivers make sure that guests can't sue because of what happens after parents neglect kids, the waivers state that "if you knowingly leave your kids alone to run around and get themselves hurt, it's on you for neglecting them as the animatronics are incapable of harming guests.")
The animatronics themselves know this (Roxy loves reminding neglectful bastards)
The staff members have actual IDs on top of their name tags (the IDs are only to get into the building and staff only areas, the name tags are for guests to properly ask for help)
The managers (Scott, Aj and Michael) are a part of a team of other managers from other Fazbear's locations (they are called the management board and they basically take care of the company/enforce policies at all of the locations)
They have meetings with Henry as this leader type guy (because CEO/founder) to decide what policies to adopt, if more animatronics need to be built, if more programs need to be put into the already existing ones, uniforms, pay etc (you name it, they decide)
After newbies finish the tour (led by Aj) and get a briefing on what their job is, (what to do and how to do it), Michael is the one in charge of them (since Aj is more 'laxed* and Michael accepts very little mistakes, this leads to Michael getting pissed at people who cut corners or just flat out don't do their jobs)
*He has yelled at Aj and requested Scott be the one giving tours and briefings instead
(How some of them got the job in the first place is beyond a miracle)
They are trying to hire a fully fledged maintenance team but as I stated before, Aj would be the one telling them how to do the job, which leads to disaster and an angry Brit dragging Aj down the hall
Henry has let Michael train the maintenance team and has put Aj on "public relations" (they talk to the guests and answer questions)
(They can't answer questions about the animatronics since Michael built and programed them so they have to ask him to answer these questions)
Many people either didn't trust Michael or were lowkey scared of him because of him being an Afton (they have learned that "hey, this guy is nowhere near being his father's son and he actually cares about the kids.")
I have said that Michael doesn't mind kids asking questions about him, it's because they're genuinely curious and they're not even a little condescending (unlike the parents)
Kids have run up to Michael (during his lunch break) and asked about Sunny, Helpy, the animatronics or just anything really
(Some unlucky kids have run up to ask him for help from their shit parents, I mean, he knows a shit parent when he sees one because he has one so he's the guy to go to when dealing with shit parents)
(This is how he meets a kid named Oscar who later gets adopted by Jeremy and Fritz)
(Jeremy and Fritz are dating in The Phantom Files, Jeremy and Michael used to date, but something happened and they ended up just being friends)
(Yes I got that plot point from Blueycapsules)
Helpy and Sunny travel with Michael using his backpack
Helpy is in the bag, one end of Sunny's leash is attached to the bag and the other one to her harness (she's his service dog)
Sun and Moon are programmed to handle any disabilities, allergies and/or dietary restrictions (religious and medical) as well as handling first aid, CPR, bleeding and more
They know some kids have certain textures that they like or can't stand so they have a variety of different textured blankets and pillows for nap time (most parents will bring some from home, they have to have the kid's name on them to make distribution easier)
The daycare has human staff because 1. Sun/Moon may be busy, 2. Kids could be scared of them, 3. Sun/Moon have moments of "imma just prank people" and people need to be available to either fix Sun/Moon, patch injured people up or clean up the mess or 4. Sun/Moon could be getting upgrades or some bunny fuck hacked them
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twh-news · 3 years
Loki' composer on how her MCU score reflects the main character's flair for the dramatic
By Josh Weiss
Natalie Holt's timeline was turned upside down last fall when she landed the highly-coveted composer gig for Marvel Studios' Loki series on Disney+.
"My agent got a general call-out looking for a composer on a Marvel project," she tells SYFY WIRE during a conversation over Zoom. "So, I didn’t know what it was. It was [described as] spacey and quite epic ... I sent in my show reel and then got an interview and got sent the script and then I realized what it was for. I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ It was amazing ... Loki was already one of my favorite characters, so I was really stoked to get to give him a theme and flesh him out in this way."
***WARNING! The following contains certain plot spoilers for the first four episodes of Loki!***
Imbued with glorious purpose, Holt knew the score had to match the show's gonzo premise about the Time Variance Authority, an organization that secretly watches over and manages every single timeline across the Marvel multiverse. The proposition of such an out-there sci-fi concept inspired the composer to bring in uniquely strange sounds, courtesy of synthesizers and a theremin.
"I got my friend, Charlie Draper, to play the theremin on my pitch that I had to do," she recalls. "They gave me a scene to score, which I’m sure they gave to loads of other composers. It was the Time Theater sequence in Episode 1. The bit from where he goes up the elevator and then into the Time Theater ... I just went to town on it and I wanted to impress them and win the job and put as many unusual sounds in there and make it as unique as possible."
The end result was a weird, borderline unnatural sound that wouldn't have felt out of place in a 1950s sci-fi B-movie about big-headed alien invaders. Rather than being turned off by Holt's avant garde ideas, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige embraced them, only giving the composer a single piece of feedback: "Push it further."
Holt admits that she was slightly influenced by Thor: Ragnarok ("I loved the score for it and everything"), which wasn't afraid to lean into the wild, Jack Kirby-created ideas floating around Marvel's cosmic locales. Director Taika Waititi's colorful and bombastic set pieces were perfectly complimented by an '80s-inspired score concocted by Devo co-founder, Mark Mothersbaugh.
"To be honest, I tried not to listen to it on its own," Holt says of the Ragnarok soundtrack. "I didn’t want to be too influenced by it. I watched the film a couple of times a few years ago, so yeah, I don’t think I was heavily referencing it. But I definitely had a memory of it in my mind."
After boarding Loki last September, Holt spent the next six months (mostly in lockdown) crafting a soundtrack that would perfectly reflect the titular god of mischief played by Tom Hiddleston. One of the first things she came up with was the project's main theme — a slightly foreboding cue that pays homage to the temporal nature of the TVA, as well as the main character's flair for the dramatic. "He always does things with a lot of panache and flair, and he’s very classical in his delivery."
She describes it as an "over-the-top grand theme with these ornate flourishes" that plays nicely with Loki's Shakespearean aura. "I wanted those ornaments and grand gestures in what I was doing. Then I also wanted to reflect that slightly analog world of the TVA where everything has lots of knobs and buttons ... [I wanted to] give it that slightly grainy, faded [and] vintage-y sci-fi sound as well."
"I just wanted it to feel like it had this might and weight — like there was something almost like a requiem about it," Holt continues. "These chords that are really powerful and strident and then they’ve got this blinking [sound] over the top. I just came up with that when I was walking down the street and I hummed it into my phone. There’s a video where you can just see up my nose and I’m humming [the theme]. I came home and I played it."
As a classically-trained musician, Holt drew on her love of Mahler, Dvořák, Beethoven, Mozart, and most importantly, Wagner. A rather fitting decision, given that an actual Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson) exists within the confines of the MCU.
"I would say those flourishes over the top of the Loki theme are very much Wagner," Holt says. "They’re like 'Ride of the Valkyries.’ I wanted people to kind of recall those big, classical, bombastic pieces and I wanted to give that weight to Loki’s character. That was very much a conscious decision to root it in classical harmony and classical writing ... There’s a touch of the divine to the TVA. It’s in charge of everything, so that’s why those big powerful chords [are there]. I wanted people almost to be knocked off their socks when they heard it."
With the main theme in place, Holt could then play around with it in different styles, depending on the show's different narrative needs. Two prime examples are on display in the very first episode during Miss Minutes' introductory video and the flashback that reveals Loki to be the elusive D.B. Cooper.
"What was really fun was [with] each episode, I got to pull it away and do a samba version of the theme or do a kind of ‘50s sci-fi version of the theme," she explains. "I can’t say other versions of the theme because they’re in Episode 5 and 6…or like when Mobius is pruned, I did this really heartfelt and very emotional [take on the theme] when you see Loki tearing up as he’s going down in slow motion down that corridor. It was cool to have the opportunity to try out so many different styles and genres. And it was big enough to take it all. It was a big enough story."
The other side of the story speaks to the old world grandeur of Loki's royal upbringing on Asgard, a city amongst the stars that eventually found its way into Norse mythology.
"I went to a concert in London three years ago and I heard these Norwegian musicians playing in this group called the Lodestar Trio," Holt recalls. "They do a take on Bach, where they’re kind of giving it a folk-y twist … [They use] a nyckelharpa and a Hardanger fiddle — they’re two historic Norwegian folk instruments. I just remembered that sound and I was like, ‘Oh, I have to use those guys in our score.’ It seemed like the perfect thing. I was like, ‘Yes, the North/Norwegian folk instruments.’ It just felt like it was the perfect thing for his mother and Asgard and his origins."
That folk-inspired sound also helped shape the music for Sylvie (played by Sophia Di Martino), a female variant of Loki with a rather tragic past. "Obviously, we’ve seen in Episode 4 what happened to her as a child," Holt says. "I just feel like she’s so dark. She’s basically grown up living in apocalypses, so she has that Norwegian folk violin sound, but her theme is incredibly dark and menacing and also, you don’t see her. She’s just this dark figure who’s murdering people for a while."
And then there were all the core members of the TVA to contend with. As Holt mentioned above, fans recently lost Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), may he rest in prune. We mean peace. What? Too soon? During a recent interview with SYFY WIRE, Loki head writer Michael Waldron said that he based Mobius off of Tom Hanks's dogged FBI agent Carl Hanratty in 2002's Catch Me If You Can.
"There’s this thing that he loves jet ski magazines," Holt says. "I had this character in my head and then when I saw Owen Wilson’s performance, I was like, ‘Oh, he’s actually a lot lighter and he plays it in a different way from how I’d imagined.’ But I was listening to Bon Jovi and those slightly rock-y anthemic things. ‘90s rock music for some reason was my Mobius sound palette."
Mobius is pruned on the orders of his longtime friend, Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), after learning that everyone who works for the TVA is a variant who was unceremoniously plucked out of their original timelines. A high-ranking member of the quantum-based agency, Renslayer has a theme that "is quite tied in with Mobius and it’s like a high organ," Holt adds. "It doesn’t quite know where it’s going yet. But yeah, we’ll have to see what happens with that one."
Wilson's character isn't the only person fed up with the TVA's lies. Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) also became disillusioned with the place and allowed Sylvie to escape in the most recent episode
"Hunter B-15 has this moment in Episode 4 where Sylvie shows her her past, her memories. I thought that was a really powerful moment for her," Holt says. I feel like she’s such a fighter and when she comes into the Time-Keepers and she makes that decision, like, ‘I’m switching sides,’ so her theme is more like a drum rhythm. I actually kind of sampled my voice and you can hear that with the drums. I did loads of layers of it, just like this horrible sliding sound with this driving rhythm underneath it. So, that was B-15 and then her softer side when she has her memory given back to her."
Speaking of the Time-Keepers, we finally got to meet the creators of the Sacred Timeline...or at least we thought we did. Loki and Sylvie are shocked to learn that the red-eyed guardians of reality are nothing but a trio of high-end animatronics (ones that could probably be taken out by a raging Nicolas Cage). Even before Sylvie manages to behead one of them, something definitely feels off with the Time-Keepers, which meant Holt could underscore the uncanny valley feeling in the score.
"When they walked in for their audience with the Time-Keepers, it was like this huge gravitas," she says. "But you look up and there’s something a bit wrong about them. I don’t know if you felt that or if you just totally believed. You were like, ‘Oh, this is so strange.’ I just felt like there was something a little bit off and musically, it was fun to play around with that."
Holt is only the second solo female composer to work on an MCU project, following in the footsteps of Captain Marvel's Pinar Toprak. Her involvement with Loki represents the studio's growing commitment to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera. This Friday will see the wide release of Black Widow, the first Marvel film to be helmed solely by a woman (Cate Shortland). Four months after that, Chloé Zhao's Eternals will introduce the MCU's first openly gay character into the MCU.
"I just feel like it’s an honor and a privilege to have had that chance to be the second woman to score a thing in the MCU and to be in the same league as those incredible composers like Mothersbaugh and Alan Silvestri. They're just legends," Holt says. "Another distinctive thing about [the show] is that all the heads of department are pretty much women. Marvel are showing themselves to be really progressive and supportive and encouraging. I applaud [them]. Whatever they’re doing seems to be working and people seem to be liking it as well, so that’s awesome."
Holt's score for Vol. 1 of Loki (aka Episodes 1-3) are now streaming on every music-based platform you could think of. Episodes 1-4 are available to watch on Disney+ for subscribers. Episode 5 (the show's penultimate installment) debuts on the platform this coming Wednesday, July 7.
Natalie isn't able to give up any plot spoilers for the next two episodes (no surprise there), but does tease "the use of a big choir" in one of them. "Episode 6, I’m excited for people to hear it," she concludes. "That’s all I can say."
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Friends in Low Places
Part 2: Tourist Trap
Rating: PG
Count: 2666
Summary: A few days after the events of Tremors, the trio stops for a bite and tour of a roadside attraction. Or: Juliette makes an excellent choice, and Zeke makes a bad one.
“Afraid she’s never gonna be the same after a shock to her suspension like that.” Zeke sighed, patting the side of the truck as he came around. Juliette and Roscoe sat on the tailgate, boxes and bags of their belongings pressed against their backs.
“Is it real bad?” Juliette said through a mouthful of cheese-steak, brows creased.
“Well, it’s not good, but we’ll get by.” He shrugged and leaned past her to grab his own sandwich.
Juliette swung her feet, marveling at the sweeping height of the pines around them. The smell of ceders heavy in the air. They were parked in a gravel lot with nothing but half-rotted blocks of wood to mark the spaces. Back around the bend, toward where they came in, was the little food stand where they had grabbed their lunch; a weather-stained building with just two windows to order from and three friendly, stocky folk tending it. In the other direction was their next destination.
A building made of logs almost black in color, with a steep roof and its name up in gaudy, blood-orange lettering; Twinkle Cove’s House of Terrors. ‘Terrors’ had a dripping effect that had clearly been added later. It might have been a home once, but the windows and doors had since been replaced with dark frosted glass. The inside of the door was plastered with fliers for other local businesses.
Once they were done eating, Zeke led the group to join just one other small party in the lobby, ditching their trash in the can outside. A gust from the AC swept over them at the threshold, making way for the faint smell of dust and taxidermy. Lights over each display cast heavy shadows to hide the seams on the tackier fakes. Floor vents rattled in the corners.
Zeke removed his sunglasses and let them hang from his shirt collar, grinning all the while. Usually he tried not to make comments about Juliette’s stops, not wanting to influence her choices, but he loved this hokey shit and could make no secret of it.
The counter to their left was manned by a spindly fellow who reminded Zeke of a harvestman; those tiny, long-legged spiders. Dressed in a clean black suit and cloak, gloves and bowtie a rich sanguine, topped off with too-big silver cufflinks and a swirl in his hair. He acknowledged them with a nod and a flash of pearly-whites.
The three of them split across the room. Juliette went for the counter, its glass case holding an array of trinkets. Gems inset in gargoyle claws, decently realistic rats, wands and supposedly cursed objects.
Zeke himself made a round of the room, looking over the displays that you got for free. A passable piece of taxidermy claiming to be a were-badger, crafted, as far as he could tell, from a honey badger and a red fox. A tuft of brown hair that almost looked burnt, kept behind glass; the plaque described it as a trophy from an encounter with the local woodland witch. Several unsettling mannequins he couldn’t get a good look at, since they were occupying the small family also in the lobby.
Roscoe went to peep down the hallway to the right, which was cornered off with a single strip of velvet rope. When they went to lay a hand on it, the man at the counter tutted and called out in what was surely his stage voice, “Folks if you would just gather here, I’d be glad to sign you up for our grand tour!”
Juliette side-stepped over in front of the register to be first in line, a cheeky smile on her face. The man returned her a smile that crinkled his eyes. Zeke joined her shortly, and it took no time at all the register both parties.
Thus the lot of them gathered in front of the rope divide, the man in charge standing before them with his shoulders braced and hands twisted together. It was hard to tell if the posture was part of the bit, or genuine nerves.
“Hello, hello, I’m your host and owner of all these terrible delights, Terry!” He stumbled over his script with an appreciative laugh when a couple of them cheered. Moving the rope aside, he gathered himself and continued, “Stay close behind me and don’t touch anything you aren’t willing to… get attached to.”
With that and a menacing laugh the tour began. Through the first narrow hallway, with concerningly real cobwebs in its crooks and crannies, past an alcove leading to a bathroom and an office, they took a left-hand turn into a room even darker than the lobby.
As their host briefly explained; “Certain items can be damaged over time in bright lights. No flash photography, of course.”
There were the staples of places like this; traces of Bigfoot and hair of the moth-man, hooves of unicorns even. More interesting was a purple checked hood, dropped by the flatwoods monster - the holes in front lightly singed from the intense light of the creature’s eyes. Surprisingly life-like stone statues of woodland critters, victims of a basilisk. The basilisk itself, even, or a depiction of it.
“Even the corpse is dangerous!” Terry proclaimed, a finger held sternly in the air, “Not suitable for display.”
To his credit, Terry seemed genuinely enthused about each and every piece. But his clear favorite, in the final room, was most impressive of all.
This room was smaller than the others they had passed through, holding only one display. Hidden behind a heavy satin curtain, deep red and lightly dusty. Terry crossed the room with a twirl of his cape, his hands almost seemed to tremble as he reached for the thick braided cord that would pull back the curtain.
“Parents, please hold on to your children.” The party of strangers obliged for the hell of it. Juliette made a point of scooting away from both Zeke and Roscoe.
Terry yanked the cord and revealed a dark, hairy, humanoid figure. Vaguely canine in the face, with great black horns that scraped the ceiling. Hands that weren’t quite hands, but not quite paws either, with jagged, broken claws. Roscoe leaned closer, mouth open slightly. The thing’s fur was as black and fluid as ink, eyes shimmering unnaturally bright for the dimness of the room. Surely, it had to be a sort of projection, but search as the eye might, they could not find the subtle tells.
“The grand prize that no doubt drew you to this place, the lesser demon slain by our very own local monster hunter, Paul Anderson!” Terry shook like an excitable dog.
The younger of the two children there reached out. When their fingertips brushed its bent knee, a single second shattered into a thousand. The beast’s head snapped down, teeth barred in a growl. It staggered forward, knocking over the rope divide. The children shrieked and all seven of the guests scrambled backwards.
Zeke’s hand snapped to his side automatically, instinctively going for his revolver. Thankfully, it was still in the car, so the situation would escalate no further. Terry was absolutely howling with laughter.
He crowed after the little family, who were already back in the previous room, “All in good fun, all in good fun, that’s the one that keeps them coming back!”
Roscoe clutched their heart, despite being blank-faced as ever, aside the raised eyebrows. Juliette tugged at her braid.
Zeke spat out the scare and laughed. “Aw, okay, you got us. That’s pretty damn good. What’s that, animatronic-?”
Terry didn’t even let him finish, moving out of the room, “I’m afraid that’s all there is to see for now! But we always have more attractions coming, if you’d come see us again in the fall…!” His spiel continuing as they returned to the lobby.
With a little distance, everyone was in good spirits about it, though the younger child was a bit huffy in denying that they’d been scared. The family argued briefly over whether to buy anything before ultimately leaving empty-handed. Juliette gently bullied Roscoe into buying her one of the cursed spoons from the display case. Roscoe cast a meaningful glance back at Zeke before taking her outside.
Business concluded, the register rung - an old fashioned thing - and Terry came around the register again. He cast a wary, sideways look at Zeke as he went to set the rope barrier back in place. “Something I can help you with?”
Zeke sidled up next to him with a few casual, swinging steps, put on a sloppy, side-ways kind of smile and a bit of concern on his brow. He clicked his tongue and looked around the lobby as he spoke, “Awfully bold of you to be flauntin’ it like that these days. Pretty neat setup you got going on, though. How’s the monster-hunter involved?”
When he actually turned to look at him, Terry was frozen stiff, breathing in quick, shallow breaths. Zeke held up his hands, any humor dropping from his expression.
“Whoa, whoa, hey, I’m not-” the rest of his words were forced out in a gasp as Zeke threw himself aside. He turned back to find a comically large axe splitting the floor where he had just been standing. His gaze shot up to Terry’s face, wide-eyed, unreadable.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He held out a hand even as he crawled backwards toward the hall. Terry shook his head rapidly, fists clenched in his cape.
“That’s what they all say!” Shadows shot up to swallow the light from outside, crept up the walls like thousands of spiders to dim the overhead lights. Terry jerked his arm out dramatically, “That’s what all of them said!”
The weight of those words came into focus quickly; the three grotesque mannequins, their horrified faces looking as though they’d been covered in clay, came to flank Terry. Their bases scratched the floorboards, following as he moved into the hall after Zeke.
Zeke did all he could do; scramble to his feet and try to put distance between them. The options for where he could get it were severely limited; continue on down the hall, into the bathroom, or the office. Zeke didn’t fancy being cornered that quickly. He backed away, still holding up a single pacifying hand. The walls cracked and splintered on either side of him, oozing viscous void from their wounds. Lightbulbs screamed, formless things flitted through the edges of his vision.
“Listen, I’m not here to start anything,” Steady words that simply bounced off his pursuer as they made it into the main display room, “It’s not like that, I’m not with those bastards.”
“I won’t be lied to. I won’t be taken that easy.” Terry spat. The jackalope in the case to his left sprung to life, flailing and trying to bite through the glass, dead eyes flashing. Zeke’s eyes flitted around the room for his next move.
The room dimmed further and suddenly silver flashed in Terry’s hand. A simple, smooth blade. Something clicked together in Zeke’s head, but there wasn’t even time for it to form as a whole thought before Terry threw.
Zeke’s arm shot up in defense, but to no avail. A glass display teetered as he staggered back against the wall. Pain coursed through his ribs - far less than it seemed like there should be. Ragged breaths drew through his teeth as he saw but couldn’t feel the blood pooling up under his fingers. Something that sounded like stomping was lost at the edge of his perception, overtaken by static.
Everything in the room distorted and flickered, twisted and turned sickeningly, lights searing bright before settling back into normalcy. And then it was gone; the knife was gone, both flesh and fabric mended. He palpated the spot just to be sure.
His gaze shot back up to where Terry stood shaking, eyes glistening. The mannequins were gone. And over Terry’s shoulder, he could see Roscoe, an indecipherable mess of guilt and pain and concern on their face, their hands laid on his shoulders.
“I’m sorry - I don’t like to do it so quickly.”
“He stabbed me!” Zeke objected to the apology, hand still on the spot where the knife had been.
They couldn’t really disagree, so they just grimaced and tilted their head.
Zeke pushed himself upright. “Can we please just talk now?!”
“Are you going to take me in, then?” Terry’s voice was small. Frightened. He swallowed and said more insistently, “All I can do is scare people, I’m no good to you. Just parlor tricks.”
Zeke did his best to steady his voice, “No, I tried to tell you, it’s not like that.”
But with his only defense disabled, the fear split him anyway. “Then what?! What do you want?!”
Something like guilt made Zeke’s temper flare, “I just - wanted you to know you got fucking caught! That somebody who knows something about conduits is going to see through you if you keep this up!” Zeke turned on his heel, away from the palpable tension in the room.
Terry did nothing to cut it; he stayed stock still, looking at the ground until he finally slipped to his knees. Roscoe backed away a step.
Zeke put a hand over his mouth and sighed through his nose, trying to ignore the tiny adrenaline tremors still coursing through his arms. He turned back with a suspicious squint.
“If it’s all just tricks of light then how did it hurt?”
Terry looked over to the jackalope display, conspicuously fingering the hole where his cuff-link had been, “I mean, objects can be disguised…”
Zeke’s face felt hot. Had he really reacted so dramatically to something so small? Fear had a power all its own.
“The hunter - you asked about the hunter, Anderson,” Terry twisted his hands together, “He- he caught me. And said… said I could use him as part of the story…”
The subtext settled neatly beneath the silence, like dust beneath a sheet.
“You wanted to talk, that’s where I am. He hasn’t imposed much and it’s been good for business. So what do I do?”
Many questions compounded into one. None that Zeke had the answers to.
“What do I do?” He repeated, shoulders drawn in.
Zeke opened his mouth, but all that came out at first was another sigh. “I don’t know. I don’t know. I can’t-” He walked past them into the hall on autopilot. He needed out of this suffocating place.
Roscoe picked up for him, knelt down next to Terry and produced from their vest a light purple business card. “The best we can offer is somewhere to run, if it comes to that.”
Terry took the card like it might come alive and snap at him.
Zeke heard the two continue to talk, softer now, but didn’t tune in to what else was said. Then Roscoe’s hand was on his back, leading him outside.
The light of day was blinding after the all-consuming dark Terry imposed, every bit of metal or particularly bright rock boring into him. Zeke breathed deep the smell of ceder and hot stone as he put his sunglasses back on.
“Coulda gone better.”
Roscoe laughed and put their hands on their knees. “It was not one of your better showings… I’m glad you’re in one piece.”
“Two pieces, but yeah.”
They laughed again as they straightened up, letting their arms hang loose. “But are you okay?”
“Okay as I’m gonna be. Feel kinda stupid.”
“Normal, then.”
Zeke punched their arm, smirking anyway, “Asshole…”
Across the lot, Juliette was hanging out the window, arms crossed on the edge.
Zeke looked to Roscoe, but from the corner of his eye, he could see movement in the lobby. Inside, Terry quickly looked away, the card still in both hands, face drawn. Zeke sighed. “Put it in the Rolodex… I think we’ll be back.”
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herocentral · 5 years
Possible Hero 6
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Written by Alexander Montgomery
Big Hero 6 & Kim Possible (c) Disney,2020
Intro statement:
Since childhood I have been a fan of Kim Possible on Disney but when it came to an end it seemed short lived but after watching Big Hero 6 (the film) I saw something that looked like it deserved its own series and by some miracle it happened. Then to more joy we find out the producers behind Kim Possible are leading the charge.
Later in the year I kept it in my mind that there could be a potential crossover between the two series and now I’ve decided the time to write this story is now thanks to inspiration from the Marvel Rising shorts, Kingdom Hearts 3 and KP 2019. 
And so the story begins. 
Chapter 1:
New Villain in town:
On a dark moonlit night the clouds and mists part and reveal a large bridge structure standing above the cloud bank and the top of said bridge is shaped a lot like a Japanese building roof. The rest of the bridge bore a strong resemblance to the Golden Gate Bridge. In the distance stood a great metropolis with large metal fish shaped blimps hanging in the sky held down by metal cables. The buildings of the city resembled that of modern and old style Japanese architecture modern ways meets the rising sun. This is the city of San Fransokyo a city of technological advances while keeping true to old ways. 
The city was lit up with light shows shining from the sides of buildings and from the animatronic promotional mascots. However unbeknownst to the populace of the city a shadowy figure ran from rooftop to rooftop in the shadows and silhouetted against the lights in the city. 
Soon the figure arrived at a small warehouse with a ‘K” logo on the front of the warehouse building. This belonged to the hi tech corporation Krei tech industries the biggest technological company of the modern age. The strangers hands then light up with green energy as she cuts a hole in the glass then opens the window from the inside. She slides in and enters the warehouse. The light reveals it to be a woman dressed in a green and black leather suit with black hair pale skin and green eyes. 
It takes her no time at all to find what she’s looking for among all the crates and old projects she found what looked to be a circuit board of advanced design. She smirks knowing she’d found what she was looking for. She was about to take her leave until. 
“You know if you came back in the morning, it be easier to  get in.” Called a voice from behind her she turned around expecting to see a certain teen nemesis however what she saw was a young boy fourteen years old wearing a black suit with purple armour, with knee and shoulder pads and grey boots. His helmet was in the same colour scheme with red stripes reaching down to his visor which was orange in colour. Only his face could be seen faintly he had long black hair with brown eyes. 
“Your mother know your out past your bedtime and little late for Halloween isn’t it.” Shego said. “Oh you looked in the mirror lately?” Said Hiro. Shego’s mood started to change. 
“Funny but you must be pretty confident or stupid if your trying to stop me alone.” She said with a raised eyebrow. Hiro then produced a smirk on his face. “Who said I’m alone especially if I’m part of a team!” Suddenly as if on cue from the darkness skated in a woman wearing yellow, red, and black armour and on her legs were large round wheel like disks with red circles in the middle similar disks were on her arms. Her helmet was more streamlined and aerodynamic. Her visor was orange and she had black hair with purple highlights with brown eyes. 
Then jumping into the scene was a lizard like creature that was blue and orange with three large yellow eyes, circular blue mouth with teeth, a long tail with spikes in the end and spikes on his back. 
“Not so fast evil doers!” He announced dramatically. 
Following him is a rather tall woman with long orange hair wearing bright pink armour with orange dots and a dark pink under suit with pink and dark pink heeled boots. Her visor was pink and she has green eyes and bright pink lipstick. She carries an orange purse with different coloured balls handing off it and in the centre of the purse was a heart symbol and different coloured buttons. She pressed several buttons and pulled out a bright blue ball ready to throw. 
Another figure emerged it was a young man rather bulky, dark skinned and wore light green armour on his chest and arms and wore a small green visor on his face and a red bandana. He had a black under suit and wore blue pants with  a red waist robe like a samurai with black boots that ninjas would wear. He has short black dreadlocks in his hair with brown eyes and a goatee. 
Suddenly crashing in from above was a sixth member of this group he was rather bulky with red armour with purple spots and wings on his back he rises to show his helmet has a blue visor with two circular eyes and a line between them. 
Shego found herself surrounded by these six armoured individuals. “Oh great a team of clowns.” Said a deadpan Shego. 
“We prefer to call ourselves Big Hero 6.” Said Fred confidently in his suit. “Seriously?” Shego said with a raised eyebrow. “Well I could use the work out.” Shego said as she ignited her hands with green energy which surprised everyone in the room. 
“Whoa! Ionised Plasma!” Wasabi said in amazement. 
Shego shot a blast towards the group causing them to scatter. Fredzilla was the first to launch an attack. “SUPER JUMP!” He yelled as he leapt into the air using the enhanced jumping ability of his monster suit. 
“FIRE SPIN!” He cries spinning round breathing fire from his mouth as he defends but Shego just fires a blast hitting him in the chest sending him crashing into some crates. Gogo comes racing in using her electro-mag suspension disks to skate across the room avoiding any energy blasts from Shego.  
She moves in for a close in attack and slides under a slice from Shego avoiding it then quickly turns and throws a disc from her arm which hits Shego in the face. Shego recovers and attacks Gogo in close hand to hand combat Gogo avoids her clawing attacks with her energy blasts. Gogo quickly performs an upper cut and then performs a round house kick hitting Shego in the abs. 
“Oh, finally someone who can fight!” Suddenly coming in from the side was Wasabi armed with his plasma blades slicing at her and Shego defends herself with her energy blasts and Wasabi defends himself with his blades eventually holding each other back. 
“So, I gotta ask, ionised plasma right?” He asked out of interest. “You can tell me it’s totally my thing.” “How about you take a look up close and personal!” Shego smirked as she generated more energy.  With one slice she shorts out Wasabi’s gauntlets disabling his plasma blades and is blasted in the chest. 
“Fire can be dangerous, it can lead to third degree burns or even ignite flammable materials.” Said a certain red armoured robot. 
“Uh that’s kinda the idea!” Shego said as she threw several blasts at Baymax who blocked them with his arms crossed which didn’t burn the armour. “That is hot.” Baymax then said as the blasts did slightly singe the armour on his arms.
Before Shego could fire another blast an orange ball flew in and hit her hand encasing it in an orange goop. She turned to see it was Honey Lemon who threw the Chem ball. 
“That was a mistake!” Shego said as she charged her hand and melted the goop off her hand. Honey Lemon quickly typed in several buttons on her Chem purse and threw several blue coloured balls at Shego as she leapt in to attack. “NOW!” Honey Lemon cried and at that moment Fredzilla jumps in breathing fire at the blue chew-balls. 
“SMOKE SCREEN!” Fred cried and as the fire hit them it created a plume of blue smoke blinding Shego. She finds herself in the smoke and can’t see anything. Suddenly from the smoke one of Gogo’s disks comes spinning in and she manages to avoid it however Gogo speeds in and trips her up with a leg swipe. 
Shego quickly recovers but before she can engage Wasabi quickly grabs her and tries to hold her still only for Shego to grab him by his collar and pulls him to the ground. She’s ready to deliver the finishing blow. Suddenly something hits her from behind causing her to stumble to the ground and sees its a rocket fist launched by Baymax who hovers in the air with his wings and jets.
She sees she’s surrounded by Big Hero 6 and is outnumbered. “You ready to give up?” Gogo asked. Shego could only smirk and shot a massive blast towards the ceiling causing it to cave in on them. She slips away before it hits her  and she smirks in triumph. 
However as the smoke clears it reveals Baymax holding up the ceiling support meant to crush them. 
“Hm, very persistent I like that, but as much as I would love to play kids I have to bail.” Shego said as she jumps up to the window she entered in. 
Hiro acting quickly activates the powerful magnet on his glove and it immediately attracts the cyber circuit which was made of metal. 
Shego turns her back and sees that Hiro has the circuit in his hand and is now frustrated, however before she can double back she hears incoming police sirens and decides to take her leave. 
“Quick after her guys!” Hiro exclaims and so the team exit the warehouse from the main door and pursue the target only to see her escape in a helicopter which disappears from view.
“The target has escaped.” Baymax said. “Well that’s just great.” Said a frustrated Gogo. 
“Yeah but at least now we know who’s been behind the string of break ins at Krei facilities in the city.” Hiro said looking on the bright side. 
“Yeah a green villain who uses ionised plasma!” Wasabi said in both fright and amazement. “Hey guys call me crazy but I swear I’ve seen that green chick before.” Fred said removing the top half of his suit revealing his face. 
“Where at one of your geek conventions?” Gogo sarcastically asked. “Well whoever she is she clearly plays for keeps.” Honey Lemon observes. Suddenly an alert sounds off from Baymax. 
“Hiro, movie night with Aunt Cass is in thirty minutes from now.” Baymax said leaving Hiro paniking. “WHOOPS Let’s go!” Hiro quickly climbs aboard Baymax and the two of them fly away in the direction of the city. Whilst the rest of the team left the site on their own. However they still wondered who their new adversary could be.
Across the sea on the other side of the country stood the city of Detroit the automobile capital of the world, still a leading manufacturer in the world today. All was quiet in the night and at a corporate building a special event was taking place. Inside the event-space showroom the CEO of the company is making a statement. 
“As we move forward into the golden age of science and technology things get more advanced, which means the world of the automation must advance too.” The CEO announced, then stood aside to reveal their grand project and the floor rises to reveal a futuristic car with glowing blue lines. It’s overall appearance is a futuristic looking Ferrari white in colour. 
“And so I present to you the Cleo 7000 faster than a corvette but quiet as a panther prowling in the bush.” The CEO announced “utilising the latest prototype engine that cuts down carbon emissions by seventy percent but also super fast and...,” 
Suddenly the announcement was cut off by the sound of engine noises coming from the distance and the crowds looked back in worry and ,all of a sudden, speeding into the scene was a gang of bike riders and behind them a transporter truck. The people quickly scattered to avoid being run over the motorcycle rider leading the bikers rides up onto the stage. 
“AWWWW YEAAAHHH!” He yells. The CEO steps back in fear as the biker removes his helmet. He’s a muscular man wearing a torn up blue shirt, dark blue pants, black boots and gloves and has the word ‘ED’ tattooed on his right arm, he has a long blonde mullet reaching down his back. 
“Oh yeah Motor ED is in the building!” Motor Ed announced “ seriously I am” 
“What is the meaning of this, this is a private event!” The CEO said in anger. 
“Yeah that’s why me and my boys decided to crash it.” Said Motor Ed as the rest of his crew arrived. His attention then turned to the new prototype. 
“We’re here to steal this totally awesome set of wheels, imagine what speeds this could do on the streets, seriously!” Motor Ed said admiring the car. “But you can’t!” The CEO protested. 
“Sure I can I’m Motor Ed most basically car mechanic and villain in the world.” Motor Ed then performs his signature air guitar. “AWWW YEAH!” 
“Really?” Called a voice from above, Motor Ed and his crew looked up and saw someone in the rafters above and he could make out a faint shadow the shadow jumped down to reveal it was none other than Teen hero Kim Possible in her signature green and black mission outfit. 
“Still doing the whole air guitar thing Motor Ed, but then again you’ve always been stuck in the 80’s.” Kim smirked. 
“Red!” Motor Ed exclaimed. Then suddenly dropping from the rafters and falling flat on his face was Kim’s trusted friend/sidekick and his naked mole rat friend. 
“And don’t forget Ron Stoppable and Rufus!” Ron said getting up from the fall and Rufus took up a combat stance. 
“Oh yeah the blonde skinny dude” Ed said just leaving Ron with a frustrated look as not once did any of the villains he or his friend faced remembered his name. 
“Well you ain’t crashing my gig red! Get her!” Ed exclaimed and his biker crew attacked.
Kim flips over the bulked member of the crew then trip him up with a leg swipe and began exchanging blows with another of Motor Ed’s goons with multiple punches and kicks knocking him to the ground but suddenly one of the thugs grabbed her holding her still long enough for one thug to hit her with a crowbar.
Before he could land the blow Kim quickly moved her leg over the thugs foot and grabbed his arm before she flipped him into the incoming thug. As she fought the gang she noticed Motor Ed was about to get into the prototype. 
“Ron the car!” Kim called. “On it KP!” Ron replied and quickly hurried to stop Motor Ed from making off with the car. 
“Not so fast Motor ED!” Ron said trying to look tough. 
“Oh please skinny how you gonna stop me, seriously?” Motor Ed questioned. However he then felt a tap on his shoulder he turned to see Rufus standing on his shoulder. 
“Hello.” Rufus squeaked before he kicked him in the eyes. Ed groaned in pain and frustration as he tried to swat Rufus. 
“Mole rat power that’s how!” Ron answered. 
Kim has just kicked down the last of Motor Ed’s gang however there was one who sped in on his bike swinging a chain in the air. He sped forwards towards Kim and she readied herself for what was coming and as the bike got closer she jumped into the air and it was like the world was now in slow motion as she went into a roll and then quickly twisted in the air and pulled out a red and yellow hair dryer which also doubled as a her signature weapon the grappling hook. Kim fires it and it wraps around the biker and as she lands she gives a great pull yanking the biker off his bike and onto the ground. 
Motor Ed meanwhile is still trying to catch Rufus and he eventually does keeping him in a tight grip. Ron jumps onto Ed’s back and pulls on his hair forcing him to release Rufus. Ed grabs Ron by the arm and flings him to the ground. Ron looks up and sees that Motor Ed is more than angry. 
“No one, messes with, THE MULLET!” He said about to crush Ron when suddenly they heard a motor noise coming towards them. Ed turns around to see an unmanned motor cycle riding towards him. “Aw nuts!” He uttered.
The bike slams right into him and he flies right into a wall and the bike has him pinned down so he can’t move and the shock of the impact didn’t help him either. 
“Ah man wrecked again, seriously.” Motor Ed uttered as he fell unconscious. 
Kim then came up to Ron as Rufus hopped onto his shoulder and saw Motor Ed unconscious. 
“Way to take him for a ride KP.” Ron said. “Well let’s just say he had to pull out.” Kim replied with a smile. 
Soon the local authorities arrived to take Motor Ed and his associates away. Meanwhile Kim and Ron are speaking to the CEO of the company they helped. 
“I don’t know how to thank you miss Possible, if you hadn’t shown up when you did we would have lost a million dollars worth of equipment and research.” The CEO thanked shaking her hand. 
“Oh no big just glad Motor Ed didn’t try to turn it into a hot rod or something.” Kim said humbly. “Yeah but that would look kinda cool but just doing our job.” Ron agreed. 
Suddenly Kim’s kimmunicator sounds off which she pulls out of her pocket to answer. 
“Hey Wa..” “Kimberly Anne Possible” A stern voice interrupted her and Kim recognised that voice all to well, it was her dad Dr. James Possible. 
“Oh hey dad.” She said innocently. “Where have you been I’ve been trying to call you all night.” Her dad said. “Oh sorry Dad this emergency in Detroit came up I couldn’t bail on it.” Kim explained. 
“Well I just called to tell you I have some exciting news for the family and we’re missing a family member.” James explained. “Right well I’m on my way home now dad I’ll see you soon.” Kim said “Okay honey love you.” James said to his daughter as the transmission closed. 
“Wonder what news he’s got?” Ron asked. “I don’t know guess we’ll have to head home and find out.” Kim answered. 
The next day:
It’s now daytime at the Possible household, and in the living room area Kim, her brothers Jim and Tim and her mother, brain surgeon Ann Possible sat down on the couch waiting to hear the news that James had for them. 
“Okay Possibles listen up, I have an announcement to make.” James began and everyone in his family paid attention. “I’ve been asked to give a lecture at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology this weekend.” He said. 
“San Fransokyo?” Jim and Tim said in unison. “I’ve heard of that city it’s one of the most advanced cities combining the best parts of Tokyo and San Francisco hence its name.” Kim explained. 
“Exactly Kimmy cub and seeing as how you and the boys are on summer break I figured it be good for a family trip” Kims father explained. “Thats wonderful sweetie.” Ann said congratulating her husband. “Yeah ROAD TRIP!” Jim said “Yeah and to a sweet city!” Tim said. 
Just then Ron enters the room. “Morning Possibles.” Ron greeted. “Oh hey Ron.” Kim greeted. “whats all the buzz about?” He then asked “Oh my dads been asked to give a lecture at a university in San Fransokyo.” Kim explained. 
“San Fransokyo! Sweet I hear they have robots there.” Ron said in excitement. “Ronald.” Said James as he looked to Ron. “If your interested your welcome to tag along.” He offered. 
“Hmm, let me just check with my summer chilling consultant.” Ron said refereeing to Rufus who just popped out of his pocket. “Hmm, Road trip!” Rufus cheered.  
Meanwhile in San Fransokyo:
Elsewhere in San Fransokyo at an abandoned warehouse, all is quiet and a certain green and black suited woman enters the warehouse. She walks in only to find it empty but she reaches a wall and twists one of the pipes on the wall, suddenly the wall is revealed to be a secret door concealing a lift. 
The lift takes her down to the deeper sub levels below ground and upon exiting she enters a small makeshift lair below the warehouse. In the back a certain mad scientist dressed in a dark blue lab coat was busy hitting the computer monitor. 
“Gah! cursed thing work already, this is what I get for making a makeshift lair in such a rush!” Drakken said in frustration. 
“Wow.” Drakken jumped in fright as he turned to see Shego standing behind him. “I catch you at a bad time Dr. D?” Shego said teasingly. 
“Shego! what have I told you about sneaking up on me like that!” Drakken complained. “And for your information I was just readjusting the settings!” 
Shego just had a raised eyebrow as she knew her ‘partner’ couldn’t get his makeshift lair in shape.  
“Well just be glad we found this place as a lair the previous tenant must’ve used this as a steam works themed lair.” Shego then said. “Never mind that did you retrieve the cyber circuit?” Drakken then asked. “Yeah that would be a no Dr. D.” Shego replied as she sat down in a chair in the lair. 
“WHAT! I gave you one thing to do whilst I was setting up the lair!” Drakken exclaimed. “Yeah well I had a slight hold up.” Shego explained. “Oh no, don’t tell me Kim Possible?” Drakken dreaded. 
“Nope, just some armatures in suits of armour, I think their name was Big Hero something.” Shego then said filing her nails. “Hm, sounds like the local heroes, our benefactor warned us about.” Drakken pondered. 
“So what they’re amateurs, though that one in yellow was more of a challenge than the others.” Shego retorted. 
“Never the less, if we have caught the attention of this Big Hero 6 we’ll need to tread carefully.” Drakken decided, “Still at least Kim Possible isn’t here.” 
However he couldn’t be more wrong (again).
Soon at the San Fransokyo airport the Possibles and Ron had just disembarked from their flight and headed for the cab to take them to their hotel. On their journey they looked at the many skyscrapers and metal blimps hanging in the sky from cables, not to mention some of the animatronic promotional adds on the buildings. Soon the Possibles arrived at the hotel they would be staying in and everyone got settled in Kim had her own room as did her brothers and Ron. After getting settled in the family goes for an explore of the city. 
However the whole time they were walking around there was one thing that didn’t escape Rons notice. 
“I have not seen a single Bueno Nacho for miles in this city!” Ron complained. “Ron it’s so not the drama if this is the only city without one.”  Kim tried to assure him. 
“Uh a city without Bueno Nacho is a crime against HUMANITY!” Ron exclaimed. “Uh huh yeah!” Rufus agreed. 
“Well sometimes it helps to be open minded, I mean look at that.” Kim then pointed out a small burger place with a giant sign that said Noodle Burger with its mascot Noodle Burger boy. 
“Noodle burger?” Tim said. “This place is totally weird?” Jim agreed. “Noodles and Burgers, hm okay a little judgey.” Ron said pondering but Kim just rolled her eyes as she and the rest of the family explored the city. In the early hours of the afternoon as a cable car passed by down the steep roads the group soon arrives at a small Cafe and on top of it was what looked to be a living space. 
“Hm, the Lucky Cat Cafe.” Ann read. “Sounds pleasant.” “Yeah I could do with a coffee.” Her husband agreed. They entered the Cafe and it had a green interior and on some of the walls were pictures of cats, coffee mugs and Japanese illustrations of lucky cat statues hence the name. 
The Possibles and Ron soon took their seats at a table suited for six. After looking at the menu Anne got up from her seat. “Alright I’ll go take our orders.” Anne said as she went over to the counter. She then noticed a small white overweight cat with orange and grey spots on its face and back. It meows as he wakes up revealing cute green eyes. 
“Aw hello there kitty.” Ann cooed stroking its head. “Hold on I’ll be right with you!” Called the barista. Said Barista wearing a black shirt blue jeans, orange pumps and has short brown hair with dark green eyes, she then went around multiple tables carrying a tray of food and drinks to each table shuffling between chairs. She then collected the empty cups at empty tables and heads back to the counter. However she nearly trips up and nearly drops the cups but manages to catch them all. 
“Whew.” Cass said in relief. “Are you alright?” Anne asked as Cass got up. “Oh don’t worry, I’m…” Cass then looked at the customer who was concerned for her she saw a woman with short orange hair, blue eyes and wore a white doctors coat with purple heels. Something then clicked in Cass she looked at the woman and noticed that she looked a little familiar. 
“Ann?” Cass said in surprise. Anne Possible was more than surprised to know someone knew her name but after looking at the Barista she too saw something familiar then it hit her. 
“Cassie?” She said in surprise and Cass responded to a smile and a nod and they both got ecstatic looks in their eyes. “Oh my god!” Ann said as she pulled Cass into a hug who was more than happy to return it. 
“I can’t believe it’s you I haven’t seen you since high school!” Cass said in amazement. “I know it’s been so long.”
“So what are you doing in San Fransokyo?” Cass asked. “Oh I’m here with my family.” Ann said gesturing to her family sitting at the table. 
“Oh I have to meet them let me sort you guys out.” Cass said  as she went to cook up some meals. Soon Cass served them their meals which were her famous Nachos which satisfied Ron and Rufus to say the least. They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting to each other and Anne told them how she knew Cass from her teenage youth. 
“Seriously we were friends ever since freshman year, Cassie was always the best when it came to home mech class.” Ann said 
“Yeah Anne but you were always the brightest in biology class.” Cass admitted. “Sounds like you two were regular peas in a pod.” Kim said. “Yes Kimmy we were.” Anne told her daughter. 
“Kim.” Cass said and then realised Anne’s new last name. “Kim Possible that teen hero on the news?” Cass asked. “Yep that’s me.” Kim said humbly. “Yeah she can do anything!” Ron declared and Rufus chirped in agreement but then noticed Mochi and hid in Rons pocket in fright. 
“I’m a little surprised you two let your daughter do these missions?” Cass whispered to Anne and James. “Well we were a little concerned at first but we realised our Kimmy cub can look after herself.” James said 
“Well I wouldn’t let my nephew anywhere near that sort of thing.” Cass said. “Your Nephew?” James asked. “Yeah my Sister and brother in law’s child they died a few years ago and I’ve been his guardian ever since.” Cass explained in a slightly depressed mood. 
Both James and Ann couldn’t help but look sympathetic towards Cass. Ann could only place a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss.” She said and Cass did crack a small smile. 
Just then Cass saw someone heading for the Cafe and could tell in the window who it was. Entering the Cafe was a young boy about 14 years of age, with black messed up hair, brown eyes, wore a dark purple hoodie with a red shirt underneath with beige pants with grey and white shoes. He carried a grey back pack and was pulling what looked like a large red case. 
“Hey Aunt Cass just got back from my study group.” Hiro said to his aunt and noticed that they had company. 
“Ah Hiro perfect timing.” Cass said as she went over to bring her nephew to meet the Possibles. “This is my Nephew Hiro Hamada, Hiro this is Ann Possible and her family.” Cass introduced. “Uh hi nice to meet you.” Hiro said waving nervously. 
“Well nice to meet you Hiro, this is my daughter Kim, my sons Jim and Tim and my husband James.” Ann introduced. “Oh and I’m Ron Stoppable, friend of the family.” Ron then pointed out. 
Just at that moment the mention of the word ‘Possible’ made Hiro realise who he was taking to. 
“Possible, Dr.James Possible the rocket scientist!” Hiro realised 
“ Yes that’s me.” James said “Wow I, I’ve heard about your work in rocket science development it’s amazing.” Hiro said shaking his hand. “Why thank you.” James said humbly. “So what high school do you attend?” Ann asked. 
“Oh I actually attend at SFIT.” Hiro said much to the surprise of the Possibles and Ron. “Wait you attend university?” Kim said in surprise, “But aren’t you supposed to be in high school at fourteen?” 
“Actually I graduated high school at thirteen.” Hiro explained. “Why you a super genius or something?” Ron asked jokingly. Hiro responded with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face indicating that was a yes. 
“Oh my god he is!” Ron said in complete surprise. “Sweet!” The Tweebs said in unison. “Okay so what’s your specialism?” James then asked. “Robotics” Hiro said 
Suddenly they hear a yelp from Aunt Cass who was back behind the counter cleaning the espresso machine but accidentally set off the steam burning her right hand. 
“Cass are you alright?” Ann said in worry. “Yeah just a small burn ow.” Cass said but before anything else happened a small beep emerged from the small red case and it opened to reveal a white deflated object which then inflated into a large round white robot with black circular eyes and a line between them. The Possibles, Ron and Rufus were all bewildered by this development. 
The robot stepped out of its charging port and began waddling towards Aunt Cass it hit a loose chair in the cafe. The robot turns to see the chair, picks it up and moves it to the left of the room removing the obstacle in its path. The robot then walked up to Aunt Cass and Ann.
“Hello, I am Baymax, your personal health care companion.” He said with a wave. “I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said, ow.” 
“Whoa!” Jim breathed. “On a scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?” Baymax asked Aunt Cass as small emoji icons of different moods from calm to painful appeared on his chest in a scale of one to ten. 
“Uh about a four Baymax.” Cass answered. “Hold still while I scan you.” Baymax said and began scanning Aunt Cass and soon deduced the problem. 
“Scan complete, you have a slight burn on your left hand, icing the area is recommended.” Baymax then placed his hands on Aunt Cass’s left hand cooling it with his built in cooling packs. 
“Amazing, a robotic nurse.” Ann said in surprise. “Yeah this is Baymax one of my robots.” Hiro explained. “Wait wait you built him?” Tim asked. “Well I can’t take all the credit it was all my brothers invention, I just made a few improvements.” Hiro then explained. 
“Your brother?” Kim then asked. “Yeah, Tadashi.” He then said but sounded a little saddened. “Well this is quite impressive I can’t wait to meet him, where is he now.” James then asked. 
However both Hiro and his aunt looked a little saddened when James mentioned that something that Kim noticed. 
“I’m sorry but there was a fire at the SFIT showcase a few months ago and, now he’s gone.” Hiro then said. This shocked everyone in the room even more. 
“Oh, Cass I’m sorry I heard in the news there was a fire but I didn’t think.” Ann then remembered the news cast about the fire even in Middleton. “Yeah but it’s okay he wanted to help people he made Baymax to do that.” Hiro then explained. 
“Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones.” Baymax then explained. “Okay but how did he make this robot?” Tim then asked. “Yeah best guess he’d have to make sure it knew what medical treatments to perform.” Jim agreed. 
“Hm very observant.” Hiro then said pressing on Baymax’s access port located on the left side of his chest to reveal the port for data chips and one was inserted it was green and had a doctors symbol on the side of it along with the name Tadashi Hamada. 
“Tadashi programmed him with over ten thousand different medical methods, creating Baymax’s health care matrix making Baymax, well Baymax.” Hiro explained which astonished the Tweebs even more. 
Kim took a look at Baymax and poked him to feel the material he was made from. 
“So, vinyl?” Kim asked. “Yeah he wanted a more none threatening huggable sort of thing.” Hiro explained. 
“I see to better comfort the patient.” Ann said to which Hiro nodded. 
“Well its kinda cute, for a walking marshmallow, no offence.” Kim then said 
“I am a robot, I cannot be offended.” Baymax then said. Kims father then took a look at Baymax’s face to examine the cameras. “Hm, hyper spectral cameras.” James observed “Perfect for scanning.” 
Jim and Tim then pressed their faces into Baymax to have an ‘inside look’. “Whoa titanium eco-skeleton” Jim observed. “No way it’s carbon fibre.” Tim corrected. “Yep even lighter.” Hiro said. 
“Look at those actuators!” Tim said, “Yeah how’d you get those!” Jim agreed. “Tadashi made them on campus Baymax can lift over a thousand pounds.” Hiro then explained and the tweets jaws dropped. 
“So lifting disabled or injured patients needn’t be an issue.” Kim observed. “Yep.” Hiro answered “Or to carry a large tone of Nacos!” Ron added “Mmm Nacos!” Rufus chirped and then Baymax looked at the hairless rodent. 
“Your pet is hairless.” Baymax observed. “Uh yeah he’s a naked mole-rat.” Ron explained to which Baymax tilted his head and blinked. 
“Say, what kind of batteries does it use?” Tim asked. “Oh it used to use lithium ion, but I upgraded it to super capacitors.” Hiro explained. “Smart, charge faster and hold more energy.” Jim said. “hm fellow younger geniuses.” Hiro soon caught on. 
“You have no idea.” Kim said rolling her eyes. 
Soon it was getting late and the Possibles and Ron took their leave and headed back to the hotel. In her hotel room Kim was reading a magazine having some downtime. Suddenly the Kimmunicator’s ringtone sounded off and Kim answered it and it was her super genius gadget builder Wade on the line. 
“Go Wade.” Kim answered. “Hey Kim how’s San Fransokyo?” Wade asked “Well it’s certainly been interesting.” Kim said. “Well its actually a good thing your there.” Wade began, “Cause I’ve been hearing about a string of break ins at tech facilities in the city.” 
“Any suspects?” Kim asked. “Well nothing conclusive but I’ll look into it and find out more.” Wade decided. “Please and thank you, until then I’ll keep an eye out.” Kim said before closing the line. 
Elsewhere in a darkened room several monitors lit up the room and looking at them was a man who wore a grey turtle neck under a black waist coat with one left pocket light black pants and black shoes, he has pale skin with ice blue eyes, black hair with a red streak in it. 
He looked to a monitor showing footage of Shego breaking into a Keri tech facility and later fighting Big Hero 6 with her powers. Obake watched with interest at this mysterious newcomer.
“Hm, interesting.” Said Obake and the left side of his face began to glow in a neon purple light.
End of Chapter 1
Well that's the first chapter of the story wrapped up and if it wasn't mentioned in the intro the time frame is season 1 of Big Hero 6 the series and Seasons 2-3 of Kim Possible. I do welcome feedback and if you think Obake is helping Drakken in his latest scheme don't be fooled appearances can be deceiving. I’ll have the next chapter up soon where our teen hero meets the rest of the team. 
Until then To the Power of Six!
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slcollective · 7 years
*(audio to text format for back up records.)*
Recording Location: Funtime Auditorium
Date: 03/1/2017
Time: 2:15 am
-Recording Start-
( Charles and the animatronics stand there not moving a muscle. there was a collective tension between the four of them that filled the room.)
(the tension of waiting for someone to make first move)
(Charles Knew that he was in trouble Both Funtime Freddy and Foxy were dangerous, but he knew that they would hesitate. after all he was also very dangerous. he had years of military training and 10 years training the thrid generation Animatronics to be William’s personal army. meaning he knew a thing or two about their weaknesses. nonetheless Charles knew it would be risky taking both of them on, but he had no choice. he had to do something or he would die.)
(Charles had to think.)
Bonnie: Hey Freddy.
Funtime Freddy: Yes Bon Bon?
Bonnie: remember when you told me about the bad man that hurt you?
Funtime Freddy: Yyyes? what about iiit?
Bonnie: that’s him. the bad man he wants to hurt you and your friends again. let's teach him a lesson!
Funtime Freddy: He wants to hhhhurt mmyy friendsss?
( as if a switch goes off Funtime Freddy’s face changes from a cuddly teddy bear to a psychotic monster. he begins to twitch oddly.)
Funtime Freddy: I haTe Yyyyou! You will DIE!
(Funtime Freddy swings at Charles in a fury with his free hand.)
( Charles Dodges and sees this as an opportunity to try and escape to the Maintenance room. if he could get inside he could grab the remotes and use them to give the psychotic bots a shock, which would give him a major advantage. as Charles is thinking of his plan Funtime Freddy readies himself for another swing and Funtime Foxy repositions herself to attack as well. )
Funtime Freddy: I’lll Kill You!
( As freddy swings for a second time Charles recalls something that Sandra told him years ago.)
(Sandy: (as a audio memory) Remember that the animatronics are  sensitive to certain stimulus. if you flash a bright light you could stun them for a time.)
(Charles Dodges the swing and kicks Funtime Foxy who was lunging for him with full force. the force from the kick forcing her back and briefly stunning her.) 
( Charles remembers that he’s in a dark room and that he has a gun)
(Charles points at the two glowing orbs of Funtime Foxy and fires)
( the loud bang echoed through the room as the bright light from the guns muzzle flashes blinding everyone in the room. after a loud yelp echos)
( Charles who is also temporarily blinded makes a run for the maintenance room. Using only his memory of the rooms layout. it had to be only 10 ft away.)
(after only a few feet Charles heard Bonnie's Voice)
Bonnie: Guys! he’s over there!
Funtime Freddy: Oh!? He hhe heeh hhhe Get ready for a surprise!
(Charles hears a pair of footsteps quickly catching up to him he knew it was Funtime Foxy trying to intercept him. he couldn't let her. the door was only five more feet away. he picked up his speed.)
(it was then that something hit him causing him to trip. knowing he was in danger Charles got back on his feet quickly and started running. only to realize that there was something latched onto thigh.)
(Charles hears Funtime Foxy run past him he takes a  sharp right turn to avoid her narrowly avoiding swipe from her claws 
(Charles tries to reach for the unknown thing on his leg to figure out what it is all while running. He grabs it and it feels like plastic. its then that the thing opens its eyes.)
(it was Bonnie. Charles is surprised by this and tugs at him to remove him from his leg. )
Charles: Get Off of ME! 
Bonnie: Hehehe he!
(as Charles attempts to get Bonnie off of him. Bonnie leans back with his arms still latched onto him and lurches forward with his mouth ajar biting Charles deeply.) 
( Charles buckels to the pain causing him to fall to the floor hard. while both are on the ground Bonnie let's go and begins to scurry away. Charles enraged swings using the butt of his gun to hit Bonnie and manages to hit him hard. Bonnie yelps in pain)
Charles: THAT’S WHAT YOU Get You little SO-
(Charles is Cut off by Funtime Foxy lunging at him with a loud scream. Charles blocks the attack using his right arm. Funtime Foxy slams into him causing Charles to slide a few feet and grabs onto Charles’s arm with her foot long metal jaws full razor sharp teeth.
(there is a sound of several things falling and sliding away from both Funtime Foxy and Charles))
Charles: Gahhh! You fucking Bitch!
(Funtime Foxy Bites down Harder )
Charles: GAHHHA!
(a loud crunch can be heard. it was Charles’s arm being broken)
(charles was in trouble he needed to escape from the foxes jaws. as he tried to pry her jaws open he noticed something. with Funtime Foxy’s eyes lit up he could see the gun wound from his shot earlier. he stops prying the jaws and with his free hand jabs his finger into the bullet hole and hitting the Former muscles of the young girl)
Funtime Foxy: ahhh! STOP!
( as Funtime Foxy screams it causes her to loosens her jaws grip on Charles arm allowing him to escape. he starts running again)
( Charles reaches a wall but no door. He panics and runs in a different direction. he knows there are three different rooms in the Auditorium. there's the scooping room, the maintenance room, and a testing area. he just had to find one of them.)
( again Funtime Foxy emerges from the darkness to attack. Charles reaches for his gun but finds nothing. he panics and dodges the fox by jumping out of the way. leading to Foxy to miss him entirely and sliding her sharp nails on the floor.)
(Charles grabs his knife and gets to his feet only to find Funtime Freddy Charging at him!)
Funtime Freddy: You HURT ttthem! I’ll KiLL yoU!
(Charles uses the bears momentum against him by proceeding to flip him over his shoulder. causing the bear to slam head first into the ground hard!)
Funtime Freddy: Oww!
(as Freddy was getting back to his feet Charles notices a door revealed to him by the faint glow of Freddy’s eyes. Charles makes a mad dash to it.)
(He hears the sound of Funtime Foxy’s feet quickly approaching him. he moves with all of his strength to reach the door.)
( he has to make it!)
(he’s so close)
(within seconds Charles reaches the door he quickly opens it enters the room then slams the door closed. catching a glimpse of Foxy only feet away.)
Charles: Ha you stupid Faggets! Hahaha! 
( as Charles laughs at the three animatronics he looks around the room and quickly stops laughing.)
Charles: No!
(Charles comes to realize which room he was in)
Charles:No! no no no!
(it was the scooping room)
(a room designed to scoop out the inner workings of the animatronics.)
(Charles stared at the scooper it shaped like a shovel on attached to construction equipment. he knew it wouldn't work without power. he reaches for his walkie talkie so he can tell Sandra to not turn the power on its his only chance. he finds nothing)
(Charles hears from the other side of the room his Walkie talkie go off.)
( walkie talkie going off)
Michael: Charles? Are you there? what's your status?
(Charles hears footsteps and after a few moments hears the walkie talkie going off)
( walkie talkie going off)
Funtime Foxy:(Mimicking Charles voice flawlessly) Yeah What do you want? 
( walkie talkie going off)
Michael: What's your status?
( walkie talkie going off)
Funtime Foxy: (Mimicking Charles voice flawlessly) I managed to get the remotes but gt busted up pretty bad I need you guys to get the power running so we can use them.
( walkie talkie going off)
Michael: Sandra’s working on it. she should be done soon.
( walkie talkie going off)
Funtime Foxy:  (Mimicking Charles voice flawlessly) Good I don’t think I’m going to last much longer. 
( walkie talkie going off)
Michael: Hang in there! we need those remotes!
( walkie talkie going off)
Funtime Foxy:  (Mimicking Charles voice flawlessly) Will do! Charles out!
(Charles’s heart sinks as he listens to the conversation. he leans his back against the wall and slides to the floor. he hears footsteps again. they stop at the door.)
Funtime Freddy: what do we do now?
( another set of footsteps approach the Door)
Funtime Foxy: we wait!
-Recording Stop-
–End of Transmission–
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