#its why i really really want to keep sydney and jet as just friends
highfivecalum · 5 years
Currents {Surfer!CH}
a/n: ok so this was supposed to be like surfer!calum but uhhh i kind of forgot that whole plot as i was writing it lmao? there’s some, like beachy themes and mentions of surfing, and i didn’t want to change the moodboard because it’s kind of relevant, but it’s not like, all about surfing. but i still hope y’all enjoy this 17k random cute calum content hehehe happy reading :)!!! (also if this flops let’s pretend it didn’t happen because i haven’ written in like months) ~~~
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Currents: A body of water or air moving in a definite direction. 
Summary: Needing a change and needing to get away from her over-controlling mother, Joey moves across the world to live with her cousin in Australia, where she meets mysterious surfer boy, Calum.
“Joey!” Her head snapped up from her phone, a smile making its way onto her tired face at the sight of her cousin that she hadn’t seen in way too many years. Elise, Joey’s cousin who was only four years older than her, was nice enough to let her escape her life in Seattle, and stay with her in Australia for however long she pleased. “You look exhausted.”
“Yeah.” Joey laughed, pulling away from their hug, smiling down at her shorter, but older and gorgeous, cousin. She missed having her cousin around. Elise having left the city to move to Australia after meeting and falling in love with a man who was from there, Joey rarely got to see her her favorite, and only cousin on her mother’s side. “Fifteen hour flight will do that to you.”
“Right, right.” Elise hummed, picking up the three bags that Joey brought, and nodded her head in the direction of where her car was parked, still on with her hazard lights flashing. She knew they couldn’t stand there any longer and chat due to the crazy traffic that the busy airport brought. “Let’s getcha home!”
The drive from the airport to Elise’s house in the small city just outside of Sydney was only twenty minutes away, and for that Joey was thankful. All she wanted to do was take a shower to wash off the airplane smell and grime, put on her favorite t-shirt, and crawl into bed. She knew that getting used to the time difference, and sleeping off the jet lag, would take more time than she wanted it to, but, she had all the time in the world to sleep and adapt to her new, temporary home.
“So,” Elise tapped on the steering wheel and glanced at her cousin, smiling at the way she was looking at her surroundings in awe. She had never been to Australia before, and Elise remembered her reaction was the exact same the first time she visited. “How long are you planning on staying?”
Joey puffed out a breath of air and readjusted herself, turning to lean against the window of the bright yellow Jeep that Elise was driving, and pulled her legs to her chest. She twisted her lips from side to side, not knowing the answer to give Elise, since she didn’t even know herself. “No clue. Not forever, obviously, but just long enough for my mom to realize that what she’s pushing me to do is what she wants, not me.”
“Still pushing the whole lawyer thing, huh?”
“She won’t give it up.” Joey rolled her eyes. Even the mere thought of her mother pissed her the hell off. She loved her mother dearly, she really did, but she couldn’t stand the pressure and all the pushing her mother was doing. “I mean, I’m twenty-two years old, for God’s sake. I think it’s a little too late to go to law school.”
Elise giggled, nodding her head in agreement. “How is your mom? I haven’t talked to her in months.”
“Fine, I guess. Just the same neurotic, control freak, mother Jill.”
“Well, now you got me; fun, laid back, favorite cousin, Elise.”
Joey laughed, shaking her head in amusement, but still smiling at the thought of being in a new city, with her favorite cousin who lived two minutes away from the beach, thousands and thousands away from her mother.
The Australian sun shining through Joey’s curtain-less windows was a pleasant change from the gloomy and rainy Seattle sky that she was used to. Letting out a high pitched squeal as she stretched her tired and sore body, Joey stared up at her ceiling in complete happiness. She had been sleeping on and off for nearly a week, trying to get used to the time change and rid herself of jet lag. It seemed to be working, considering Joey felt much better that morning than all of the others.
“She’s alive!” Elise clapped her hands at the sight of a tired looking, bed-headed Joey in nothing but her oversized t-shirt that stopped mid thigh. “I was just about to go upstairs and make sure you were still breathing.”
“Not to worry. I’m all rested up now.” Joey assured her, sliding into one of the wooden chairs at the dining table, crossing her arms on the table and resting her head on them. She hummed happily, contently, at the feeling of the sun beaming down on her and the smell of bacon cooking and coffee brewing. “So,” Joey got up to pour herself a cup of coffee. “What are we doing today?”
Elise laughed, flipping the bacon over and spun around, resting her back against the counter to look at Joey. “Whatever you wanna do,” Elise winked. “We could grab some lunch and go to the beach?” Joey nodded her head in agreement, wanting nothing more than to explore her new town. “But, do you mind if my boyfriend comes with? He’s been out of town teaching surfing lessons and I told him we could hang out.”
Joey’s ears perked up at the sound of meeting Elise’s boyfriend she had heard so much about. “That’s fine.” Joey finished her coffee and put the cup in the sink. “I’ll go get ready then!” 
Joey skipped up the stairs and happily pranced to her bedroom that she loved so much. Seafoam green walls with yellow, pink, and blue objects and accent pieces to match it, a huge window taking up a whole wall, and her own small, but personal, bathroom. 
After her much needed shower, Joey let her dirty blonde hair air dry, keeping it natural in loose waves, applied her daily light amount of makeup, and dressed herself in a yellow bikini with a white, flowing cover up on top. 
She felt a bit exposed, with her bikini showing through her coverup, but Elise assured her that nobody would be staring, it was normal for people to walk around in just swimwear. That was one thing, out of many, that Joey would have to get used to. 
“Are we day drinking?” Joey asked as her eyes looked through the menu that Elise had already memorized, having been there a million times. The menu was endless and Joey really wasn’t sure what she was in the mood to eat. 
Elise scoffed out a laugh, Ashton’s high pitched giggle following after hers. On both of their days off they enjoyed drinking and spending time at the beach. “Is that even a question? Of course we are.” 
They ordered their respective drinks and food and made small talk while they waited for their food to be served. Clearing his throat, Ashton leaned forward and laced his fingers together. “So, Joey, tell me about yourself.” 
“Erm, what do you want to know?” Joey laughed nervously. She wasn’t sure why she was nervous, really, it was just her cousin’s boyfriend, after all. But that question always put her on edge.
“The basics.” Ashton shrugged. Joey went on to tell Ashton about herself; why she moved away, how long she was planning on staying, and so forth. 
“I’m currently job hunting,” Joey puffed out her cheeks. Job hunting was one of her least favorite things, ever. It took way too long and was way too stressful and was never promising. “El said she isn’t charging me rent, but I feel bad, so I want to pitch in and help out.”
“Oh, really? Well, I own the surf shop down the street and I’m looking for some new people to work. I have a few guys workin’ for me, but they’re more focused on the surf instructor side of the shop, so I’m in need of a cashier.” Ashton told her and Joey quirked an eyebrow. “If you’re interested, you have the job.”
“Seriously? You’ll give me a job? Just like that?”
“Why not?” Ashton shrugged. “You’re Elise’s cousin, I trust my judgement, and you.”
Joey grinned happily, clinking her glass against Ashton’s, her new boss, and felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders. She finally had a job, after a week of living there, and all she could think about was how things were finally starting to look up. 
Joey was nervous, to say the least, as she walked into Ashton’s shop, Surf and Co. A basic name, she thought, but that’s exactly what it was - surfing equipment, swimwear, towels, and everything else that is a beach essential. 
“Joey, hey!” Ashton waved her over to the counter where the cash register and another guy were standing. Another very attractive guy. “This is Luke,” Joey looked at him, taking in his bright blue eyes, blonde curly hair, and tanned skin. “He’ll be training you. He’s a great friend and a good teacher.”
Oh, God. Joey thought. She was already nervous for her first day and now this ridiculously attractive surfer was training her? Her body felt like it was on fire and it wasn’t just from the sun that was shining through the large window to her left. 
“Nice to meet ya, Joey,” Luke extended his hand for her to shake and she did so politely, and nervously. His smile was bright and pretty and it had Joey smiling back easily.
“Yeah, you too, Luke.”
Ashton excused himself, going to his office in the back of the store to finish some paperwork and payroll, leaving Luke to show Joey the ropes of the store. 
Joey had worked in retail before in Seattle, so she learned quite quickly how to work the register which Luke was thankful for, since it gave them time to chill out and get to know each other better, since it was a slow Monday afternoon. The store didn’t usually pick up until after three when people were starting to get off work.
“Have you made any friends yet?” Luke asked, spinning around in the wooden stool that was behind the counter. 
“Erm, not really.” Joey laughed sadly, with a small shrug. “I mean I haven’t really had time, you know? With trying to get adjusted to everything, unpacking, and trying to find a job, I’ve been a bit busy.”
Luke modded his head in understanding. “Well, at least you have Elise, right?” Joey hummed in agreement, a small smile pulling at her lips at the thought of her cousin. “She has a lot of friends, including me and the rest of the guys, so I’m sure you’ll be meeting new people soon. But, in the meantime, you can hang out with me.” Luke flashed her a beautifully blinding smile, showing off his pearly whites. 
Joey smiled at how nice and thoughtful Luke was being, even though she didn’t know who the hell the ‘rest of the guys’ were, but she was sure she would find out soon enough. 
The party that Elise had talked Joey into going to was in full swing. Ashton’s house was packed full of people, only three of them that Joey knew, but the alcohol was helping her let loose and her anxiety dissipated with each sip she took, even though the liquor burned her throat. 
A sudden elbow to her back had Joey spinning around to see who was behind her, though she was sure it wasn’t anybody she knew, but was surprised to see Luke. “Oh, hey.” Joey laughed. 
“Joey, hi!” Luke pulled her into a side hug, slinging his arm over her shoulder, Joey happily reciprocating the hug. He smelled like booze, which was to be expected, and she sure she did, too. “Havin’ fun?”
“I guess so,” Joey shrugged. “Don’t really know anybody here, though. And I’m not sure where Elise ran off to.”
“Well,” Luke dropped his arm, taking Joey’s hand in his, pulling her along with him. “Let’s go change that!” Joey really appreciated how friendly and welcoming Luke was being, considering she was the new girl in a town where everybody knew everybody, and he could be spending his time doing anything else. “Guys, this is Joey!”
Two guys, sitting around the fire, looked up at the sound of Luke’s voice, one of them smiling up at the girl that Luke was introducing, the other’s face stoic, never changing. 
“Nice t’meet you, Joey! I’m Michael.” He stood up, shaking her hand happily, Michael grinned at her. He, too, like every other male in Australia, it seemed, was also quite cute with a contagious smile. “You’re Elise’s cousin, right?”
“That’s right.” Joey smiled at him. “Nice to meet you, too.”
“This is Calum,” Luke pointed in the other guys' direction, Joey’s eyes following his long finger, gaze landing on the most gorgeous looking man she had ever seen, even in the darkness, she could see his face just fine from the flames from the bonfire. “You’ll be seein’ a lot of them.”
“Nice to meet you,” Joey extended her hand out to Calum as he approached her and Luke, but much to her surprise, and disappointment, all he offered her was a purse of his lips and a head nod, walking directly past her and inside the sliding doors. 
“Um,” Joey frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Nah,” Luke sighed sadly. “That’s just Calum, distant and non-approachable. He’s a bit closed off around new people, but you’ll get used to him in due time, no worries.”
Luke was reassuring, kind of, but Joey still didn’t like the feeling of being brushed off by a guy who she didn’t know, and who didn’t know her. 
Calum couldn’t stop staring at her from across the kitchen. And he hated himself for it. “I thought you said that Joey is Elise’s cousin?” Calum asked Luke as the two of them leaned against Ashton’s kitchen counter. 
“She is.” Luke confirmed with the nod of his head. 
“So, Joey is a she?” Calum frowned, his eyes never leaving Joey, who was standing in the living room laughing at something Ashton and Michael were saying. 
“You sound disappointed.” Luke said, his voice full of amusement. 
“I just thought we would be gettin’ another dude around here to hang out with. Not-“
“A pretty girl?” Luke smirked, bumping Calum’s shoulder with his own, receiving an elbow to the ribs. Pretty was an understatement, Calum thought.
But, Calum knew that Luke was right. Joey was attractive, gorgeous even, with already slightly tanned skin, light colored, but not blonde hair, and a few tattoos scattered on her body. Even in the dim lighting, Calum could so clearly see how bright and pretty her green eyes were. 
“What’s your deal with her? You didn’t even say hi to her, you totally stiffed her, dude.” Luke frowned down at his barely shorter friend. Luke liked Joey so far, only knowing her for a few days, but he liked her vibe and her personality. He didn’t understand why, without Calum even knowing her, didn’t. 
Calum simply shrugged, pushing himself off the counter to walk away from Luke and busy himself with the other people he knew in the house, those people not being his friends, who were surrounding Joey and listening to her animatedly tell a story, with Elise joining in every so often. 
Calum was going to stay far away from her. Or at least try to. 
“That’s so amazing,” Joey sighed in amazement as she watched the dozens of people effortlessly surfing the waves, Elise and her friends included. She never thought she would be living on a beach, but she loved every second of it, even if it was only the second and a half week of her being there. “I wish I could be that good at something.”
“Why can’t you be?” Michael asked, looking at her behind his shaded eyes. The two of them, the only two in the group of friends that didn’t know how to surf, were sitting on the huge beach towel laid out on the sand, listening to music, and sipping Corona. 
“I have no skills,” Joey admitted with a laugh. “I especially have no skills when it comes to being in the water, you know, like, water sports.”
“You and me both.” Michael snorted. “I’ve lived here my whole life and all my friends can surf or wakeboard, and here I am, talentless and jealous.” Michael didn’t really mind, he would rather sit and do nothing and watch his talented friends, than put the time and energy into learning something new. Laziness was something he and Joey had in common.
“We should take lessons,” Joey suggested with a cheeky smile. She bumped his shoulder with his, prompting him to look at her and crack a smile. “I’ll do it if you do it.”
“Seriously?” Michael laughed, not even being able to picture himself sitting, let alone standing and riding, on a surfboard. And, really, Michael was just too lazy. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it. “I would probably break my neck, so I’m gonna have to pass on that, Joey.”
“Pass on what?” Elise panted as she jogged up to the pair, shoving her board into the sand and collapsing down on the towel with Ashton, Luke, and Calum following her shortly after. 
“Surfing lessons,” Joey hummed happily, her head thrown back, her hair brushing the towel below her, letting the sun bake her skin. 
“You totally should!” Luke exclaimed excitedly. He would have offered to teach her, but he didn’t have enough time on his hands. “I’d give you lessons, but I’m booked for a few months, so is Ash.”
“It’s oka-“
“Calum’s not,” Ashton interrupted her quickly, kicking Calum’s foot with his own, a smirk on his face. 
“I’m not what?” Calum looked up from his phone, with furrowed eyebrows, clearly confused and clearly paying no attention to the conversation at hand. Joey wasn’t surprised, really, the two times she had been around him he had totally ignored her.  
“Booked for surfing lessons.”
“Oh,” Calum nodded. “Yeah, ‘m always open to taking new clients. Who are we talkin’ about?” 
“Joey,” Luke smiled knowingly. He wanted the two of them to get to know each other better, wanted Calum to befriend her like he and the rest of the guys did so easily, and he knew that Calum was trying to keep his distance. But why? Luke didn’t know. And he was determined to change that.
Calum let out a heavy sigh, locking eyes with Joey who was directly across from him, biting his lower lip at the nervous expression on her face. “Fine.” Calum knew he couldn’t get out of it, and neither could Joey. 
“Hey,” Joey stood up, wiping the sand off of her bikini bottom clad butt, smiling nervously at Calum. He didn’t look too pleased to be there and Joey knew that he was doing this against his will. “Thanks for doing this.”
“Whatever.” Calum rolled his eyes, dropping his board to the sand and pulling the wax out of the pocket of his swim trunks to wax his board. “Let’s just get this over with, yeah?”
Joey frowned, but mumbled a quiet okay and followed Calum’s lead and started waxing the board that Elise had lent to her for the day. She knew that once she got the hang of it, if she ever did, she would go out and buy her own board, but the spare one that Elise had would do for now. 
After learning the basics of how to stand, where to stand, and how to work the board, Calum stretched his gorgeous body, that Joey couldn’t keep her eyes off of, and looked at her expectantly. He looked bored.
“You wanna get in the water today or wait until next time?”
“Um,” Joey bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if she was ready, but she was going to pull the trigger, and she was burning hot under the blazing sun.  “Today?”
“You’re going to surf in that?” Calum nodded to her body and the black string bikini she had on. He had his wetsuit in the trunk of his car, always being prepared, but he figured that Joey, who had never surfed before, didn’t own one yet. But she could easily go to the store and pick one up for herself.
Joey looked down at herself, frowned, and looked back up at Calum. Tilting her head in confusion, Joey asked him, “What’s wrong with this?”
Calum laughed, though there wasn’t a hint of humor in it, and shook his head. Jesus, Ashton, Calum thought. “Leave it to Ashton to hire a clueless girl, who knows absolutely nothing about surfing, to work at a surf shop.” 
Narrowing her eyes at him, Joey crossed her arms across her chest and tilted her head to the side, glaring at him, though he was paying no attention to her. “Why don’t you like me?”
“I don’t know you, Joey.” 
“Yeah and you won’t ever get to know me if you avoid me every time we hang out.”
“Alright, let’s get one thing straight,” Calum stood up straight, eyeing her down. “We don’t hang out,” he motioned between the two of them. “You hang out with your cousin, who is dating my best friend, who I hang out with all the time. If it were up to me, we wouldn’t ever be hanging out and I would not be giving you lessons today. For free.”
“Then why are you?”
“Because Ashton and Elise would be pissed at me if I didn’t. Understand?”
“Yeah, I understand,” Joey shook her head angrily. Picking up her purse, she fished a few twenties out of her wallet and threw them in Calum’s direction, paying him for the lessons and the time wasted, even though she didn’t have to. “I understand that you’re a dick. Thanks for the lesson.”
“I don’t need your money! It’s free!” Calum yelled after her, cupping his hands around his face, as she stormed away as best as she could in her flip flops in the sand, forgetting about and leaving Elise’s spare board behind. Calum could handle getting that home to her. 
Turning around, Joey continued to walk, backwards this time, and yelled back at him, with her middle fingers up in the air. “I don’t want to owe you any favors, asshole!”
The Australian heat is something that Joey will never get used to. After living in Seattle for over ten years, and rarely ever going on vacations, sun was a rare thing in her life. And she loved it. 
The loud splashing into the pool had her peeling her eyes open to see Michael on Luke’s shoulders and Elise on Ashton’s, playing a game of chicken in the in ground pool in the backyard of Elise and Joey’s house. 
The lazy, but content smile on Joey’s diminished when she saw Calum walk out of the sliding doors that led out to the backyard and pool. He was invited, of course he was, but Elise was unsure if he was actually going to come, and Joey really hoped he wouldn’t. But, of course, he showed up. Two hours late. 
“Cal! You’re finally here!” Michael shouted, paying more attention to Calum than to the game, and Elise took it as her chance to push his shoulders as hard as she could and knock him into the pool. “Fuck!” Michael’s cursing was the last thing to be heard before he fell backwards into the pool. 
Ashton and Elise cheered in victory about their win as Calum made himself comfortable on one of the vacant pool chairs. Joey got up to throw away her empty beer bottle, opening her mouth to offer to get anyone a drink, when Luke came barreling toward her, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Luke!” Joey squealed. “Put me down!”
She pounded her small fists against his butt, making him giggle, and he returned the favor, smacking his very large hand, against her scantily bikini bottom clad butt. Not too hard, but enough to make it jiggle slightly and enough for Calum not to be able to tear his eyes off of them.
Calum watched as Luke spun Joey around, playfully smacking her butt every few seconds, causing a feeling that Calum didn’t like in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t anger, it wasn’t annoyance, he knew that, and he really hoped it wasn’t unwarranted jealousy. 
“You ready, Joey?” Joey could almost hear the mischief in Luke’s voice.
“Ready for what?” She exclaimed, not getting an answer from Luke, as he was already running and jumping into the water, submerging them both. “Luke!” Her voice rang throughout the backyard as she wiped her face clean of pool water. “You’re such a dick!”
Splashing her in the face, Luke smirked deviously, mumbling a quiet, “not as dick of a dick as Calum,” into Joey’s ear before swimming away from her. 
She almost regretted running her mouth about Calum to Luke, Ashton, and Elise while they were all at the shop, but she needed to get it off her chest before she exploded. She just didn’t understand why he hated her so much without even knowing her. 
Joey rolled her eyes but silently agreed before pushing herself out of the water. Calum’s eyes were on Joey as she wrung her hair out, her half naked body due to her very small bikini, glistening with a combination of water, sweat, and tanning oil. He had to force himself to look away from her once their eyes met. He didn’t want to stop looking at her. 
He may not have liked her, but he had to admit that she was surely a sight to be seen. Even a blind person could see that.
It pissed Joey off to no end how attractive she thought Calum was. His looks mixed with his accent and his tough, don’t give a shit, demeanor, was something that she found way too attractive. But his attitude towards her? A complete turn off. 
“You’re staring,” Luke leaned over to whisper into Joey’s ear. Although it wasn’t quite whispering considering they were in a loud, crowded bar with music thumping. “Again.”
“Shut up,” Joey grumbled and sipped her Jack and Coke, practically having to tear her eyes away from Calum. “It’s just not fair,” she sighed dramatically. Luke raised his eyebrows, prompting Joey to continue. “He’s so attractive but he’s such a dickhead to me for no Goddamn reason!”
Luke snorted, finishing his drink that he had been nursing, since he was voted to be the designated driver of the night. “He’ll get past it, trust me.” Luke stood up, leaving a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “How could he not like you? You’re great, Joe.”
The corners of her lips turned up and she nodded as a thank you as she now finished her drink. She, too, got up to get another drink, but Luke stopped her since he was on his way to the bathroom, he offered to get her her next drink, which she appreciated. She wasn’t in the mood to stand and wait for ten minutes to get a drink. 
Looking away from Luke, Joey and Calum’s eyes met, and she pursed her lips, and unsurprisingly, his face held no reaction. What else could she have expected? She didn’t think he would ever warm up to her. And she hated that feeling. 
“Why is that your name?” Calum asked, finally breaking the silence between them for the first time since they got on their boards and paddled into the water, which had been almost over an hour.
“I’m sorry?” Joey furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Your name - it’s a dude’s name.”
Joey scoffed out a laugh and shook her head, running her fingers through the still water. There hadn’t been many good waves that day, so Calum and Joey floated on their boards in silence while they waited. “It’s actually Josephine. I’ve hated it since I could say it, so I’ve always gone by Joey.”
“Why did you move here?” She looked over at Calum again, looking so perfect and natural on his surfboard, and sighed. Was he really trying to make small talk? 
“Are you asking because you’re genuinely curious or you’re just bored of the silence?”
Calum shrugged. “Little bit of both, I guess.”
That surprised Joey. Calum had never taken an interest in her life and she really didn’t think he ever would, but she didn’t mind. She appreciated it, really. And she was deathly bored of sitting in the water without speaking. 
“My mother is an overbearing control freak who tries to plan my every move,” Joey spit out without hesitation, shaking her head distastefully at the thought of her mother. “She’s been pushing me to go to law school since I was thirteen and never gave up. Finally, a few months ago, I told her I didn’t want to and I told her I needed to get away from her and from the city. A twenty minute phone call with Elise later and now I’m here.”
Calum opted to stay quiet and simply nod his head. He couldn’t imagine how stressful it was for Joey to grow up with so much pressure on her. His upbringing was much different with his parents letting him choose his own career path, letting him choose to do whatever it was he wanted to do, with their support. 
“Sounds like shit.” Was all Calum had to say. Joey couldn’t help but laugh and nod her head in agreement. Calum watched her look out at the water, the sun glistening down on her and the ocean. As his eyes trailed down her body, they caught sight of a tattoo he hadn’t noticed before. It was a date of some sort in Roman numerals. “What’s that tattoo mean?”
Joey looked down at her ribs, tracing the date lightly, a sad smile on her face that Calum could clearly see. “The date my father died.”
Calum’s lips made an O shape and he suddenly felt bad for asking and prying into her personal life. He hadn’t ever asked her personal questions before, so he really didn’t know anything about her. It was weird, for Calum, to hear Joey open up to him. 
“Hey,” Joey looked up at the sound of his voice and followed the nod of his head, looking in front of them to finally see a wave forming. “That’s all you.”
Joey swallowed the nervous lump in her throat, but pushed her anxiety to the side and paddled forward. She did everything Calum had taught her in the three lessons they’ve had, not many, but enough for her to grasp the concept of how to catch and ride a wave. Maybe not well, but she could get the job done.
The lessons paid off as Joey successfully caught and rode the wave, her excited squeals of excitement and clapping had Calum smiling at her smile and happiness against his will. He watched as she dropped into the water, popping back up just seconds later, and swam over to where Calum was sitting on his own board. Their smiles mirrored each other’s. 
“Hell yeah!” Calum held his hand up for a high-five which Joey happily gave him and she tried to paddle away, but couldn’t get any further as Calum wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her closer to him. “That was amazing, really. For your first time catching a wave - I’m impressed.”
“Thanks, Calum.” Joey blushed, but couldn’t help but smile widely, showing off her pretty and perfect teeth. “All thanks to you.”
“Please,” Calum scoffed. “You’ve got natural talent.”
Joey rolled her eyes but smiled at the man in front of her, who, for once, was being nice to her. It was a weird, one-eighty, change for the two of them to be talking and laughing together, but they both welcomed it.
The moment was perfect, really. With Joey and Calum’s faces only inches away, the sound of waves crashing, and the sight of the sun setting behind Joey and in front of Calum, it was the perfect moment, Calum thought. And he didn’t want it to slip away. 
Before he could process it, Calum’s lips were on Joey’s and before Joey could think about what she was doing, she was kissing him back. Calum couldn’t find it in himself to stop kissing her, not until he felt her hands in his hair, prompting him to pull away. 
Their breaths were heavy and their chests panting. “We, uh,” Calum’s breath fanned over Joey’s lips and her eyes fluttered shut, hoping he would press his against hers one more time. “We should get going before it gets dark out.”
With that, Calum pulled away, paddling towards the shore, leaving Joey more confused than ever. 
“Dude,” Elise snapped in Joey’s face, knocking her out of her daydream. Joey looked up from her nails and the chipped polish she had absentmindedly been picking at and raised her eyebrows at her cousin in question. “What is with you? You’ve been acting weird lately.”
“Ugh,” Joey threw her head back in exasperation. She had debated telling Elise about her and Calum’s weird kiss in the ocean, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to spill the beans when it really wasn’t that big of a deal. “Calum, um,” Joey cleared her throat anxiously. “I- Calum kissed me.”
“What?” Elise nearly spit her coffee out on the concrete below them. The two of them were sitting outside at the small table in the corner of their backyard, in the shade but could still feel like the sun on them, and it was nice, but the conversation about to take place was not nice. “I’m sorry - he what?”
“After I caught a wave, he seemed so happy and proud of me and I guess we got caught up in the moment and he kissed me.” Joey explained more in depth. “And then he swam away and acted like nothing happened!”
“Well, have you talked to him about it?”
Joey made a bored face. As if she had talked to him. Even if she did try to speak to him about it, she was sure he wouldn’t give her the time of day. “Yeah, right. I haven’t seen him since and I don’t have his phone number, so,” Joey trailed off in annoyance. 
“Want me to talk to him?”
“God no,” Joey shook her head quickly. She didn’t want anybody else to get involved. It was her and Calum’s mess, so they had to sort it out themselves, as civil adults. “I’ll deal with it. Eventually.”
Which was going to be hard, because Joey really didn’t think Calum could act like an adult, let alone a civil one. 
After the bar, Calum walked back to Elise’s with her and Ashton, and stayed for another drink, chatting and laughing with them in the kitchen. They all had a good buzz from being out, and Calum was in an even better mood since Joey was too tired to go out, so she was glued to Elise’s side like she always was. He hadn’t seen or spoken to her since their weird kiss, that he, regretfully, initiated, and he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her. 
“Alright,” Calum chugged down the rest of his beer and stood up from the stool that was at the marble island, and shrugged his jacket back on. It was getting late and he didn’t want to be walking home too late, even though his house was only a ten minute walk away. “I’m outta here. See you guys later.”
“Get home safe! Love you!” Elise and Ashton yelled as he let himself out through the sliding doors that led to the backyard and a walkway directly to his own house.
He stopped in his tracks, unlit cigarette between his lips and lighter in hand, when he saw Joey, curled up under a blanket, a hoodie that he was pretty sure was his that Elise stole from him, with the hood up and weed leaf socks on her feet. Why she was outside? He had no clue. It was nice out, sure, but she had a perfectly fine bed inside just a few feet away. 
He saw the empty glass of wine on the ground next to her, as he slowly and quietly approached her sleeping body. She looked peaceful, and adorable, as she slept, which Calum hated to admit, and he didn’t want to wake her up, but it was half past one in the morning, and he didn’t want to leave her out there in the dark and with the mosquitos. 
“Hey,” Calum, crouched down to lightly shake Joey’s body, watching her stir and open her eyes, looking around in confusion. She clearly wasn’t planning on sleeping outside for the night. “Why’re you asleep out here?”
“Hmm,” Joey hummed tiredly and closed her eyes again, cuddling into herself more with her knees pulled up to her chest. Even though she was outside on a lawn chair, she was too comfy to get up. “Spider in my room. Couldn’t find it to kill it.”
Calum snorted. Typical, he thought. “C’mon, let‘s get you inside, yeah?” 
“Can’t get up.” 
“Jesus,” Calum huffed and pocketed his long forgotten, and much needed, cigarette, and stood up to his full height, taking the blanket off of her and draping it over his shoulder, effortlessly picking her up bridal style, and made his way inside. Joey was quite small, barely over one hundred and ten pounds and shorter than Calum, most people were, so carrying her was easy and effortless for him. 
Toeing her bedroom door open, Calum flicked the light switch on causing Joey to groan and hide her face in his chest. He fucking hated now nice and natural it felt. 
He had never been in her room before, didn’t have a reason to, so he looked around as he settled Joey in her bed. He had been in the room before, of course, but not since Joey made it her own. Fairy lights were hung above her bed and candles were scattered everywhere, and her bed sheets were bright white with flowers on them, unlike the boring gray ones Elise used to have on the bed. 
It seemed to fit her, Calum thought, and he caught himself smiling at the picture on her nightstand, of her and Elise when they were younger. “Wait,” Calum was stopped from walking any further, his plans on leaving Joey to sleep long forgotten as the grip she had on his wrist loosened. “Stay. Please.”
Calum was hesitant, one because Joey was nearly in a full slumber, and two because he was a little bit more than tipsy and the offer sounded way too appealing. Going against his better judgment, Calum sighed heavily and took a seat on the other side of her bed, his shoes on the floor next to him, and his body above the blankets, not under like Joey was. 
He couldn’t fall asleep, with her right next to him and her perfume in his nose, that was for damn sure. So he sat there, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. And before Joey could wake up, Calum was gone. He wasn’t sure what he regretted more; staying the night or leaving before she woke up.
The little bell above the door rang throughout the shop, and Joey locked and put her phone in the drawer to her left, wanting to look professional while she greeted the new customer. “Welcome to Surf and C-“ Joey’s words died on her tongue as she made eye contact with her mother, who she hadn’t seen in over a month. “Mom?”
“Josephine.” Jill smiled, though it was clearly fake, and looked around the shop. Her nose scrunched up at the sight of her daughter behind the counter, wearing a bathing suit with a see thru shirt and jean shorts on, her flip flops on the floor below her as she sat criss cross applesauce on the stool. 
“Wh-what are you doing here?” Joey was shocked, to say the least. The last time she saw or spoke to her mother, they were screaming at each other and saying things neither of them meant, and would soon regret. 
“I came to see how you were doing, sweetie.” Jill rested her arms on the counter across from Joey. Joey swallowed nervously, knowing full well that her mother would have nothing good to say. “Seems like you’re doing worse than you were in Seattle.”
“You could have had it all, Josephine! A good, stable, job in a law firm, not a beach shop, and a nice man in your life. What do you have here?” Jill held her arms up, motioning to the empty store she was working in. “You have nothing going for you here. Have you even met anyone you can foresee a future with?”
“Did you really travel eight thousand miles to come lecture me?” Joey asked, completely ignoring the questions her mother was asking her and the disapproval in her voice. Joey wasn’t having it. 
“I came to bring you home.”
“I’m not coming home, mom.”
“No! I’m not leaving here. Not yet.” Joey stood her ground, standing up to her mother for only the second, or third, time in her life. “You want me to leave, you want me to go to law school, you want me to find a husband. You. It has always been about you! I’m a grown woman, I’m done listening to you and your bullshit.”
Joey’s voice cracked and her eyes and nose stung and she knew she was about to start crying. Not tears of sadness, but of anger and frustration. She couldn’t stand her mother and the need for her to be perfect. Joey would never be perfect. 
“You want me to be this perfect daughter and guess what? I’m not! I’m not the daughter you want me to be and I never will be. Not as long as I’m around you.”
“Fine,” Jill rubbed her gloss covered lips together and picked up her purse from the chair next to her. Joey’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. “I just want you to know that if you do change your mind and come back to Seattle, you don’t have a place in my home anymore.”
The tears finally fell. “I don’t want one.” With that, Jill turned on her heel and stormed out of the shop, no goodbyes, no I love you’s, nothing, and Joey couldn’t find it in her to care, really. 
Once the door was shut, Joey hid her face in her hands and let the tears fall. She wasn’t sobbing, her shoulders weren’t shaking and there weren’t any loud sobs leaving her mouth, just a few tears that she shouldn’t have even been shedding over her mother. 
“Uh, hey.” At the sound of Calum’s voice, Joey’s head snapped up. Of course he was there - the last person she wanted to see. She hastily wiped at her cheeks and avoided all eye contact with him. “You okay?”
“How long have you been here?”
“Long enough.” Calum smiled innocently. “That sounded rough.”
Joey scoffed. “No shit.”
Joey wasn’t sure what she was expecting. Maybe a half ass “I’m sorry” from Calum that he didn’t entirely mean, or total silence, but sure as hell not a hug from him. It was foreign, hugging him. They had never been so close together, despite their kiss and him laying in her bed with her - both of which they acted like didn’t happen. 
“I know I don’t know the situation, but you shouldn’t let her get to you like that, yeah?” Calum mumbled, his cheek pressed against the top of Joey’s head. This is the closest, and longest, they had ever been touching each other. “I know I obviously didn’t know you in Seattle, but you seem happy here, from what I can tell. You shouldn’t let her show up here out of nowhere and fuck up your mood.”
Joey sniffled and nodded her head, her hair rubbing against Calum’s bare chest due to his wetsuit being unzipped and only hanging around his hips. “You’re right,” Joey’s voice was quiet and she figured that the goosebumps that rose on Calum’s skin were from the cold air, not her breath. “Thanks, Calum.”
“Am I interrupting something?” Luke appeared out of nowhere with a smirk on his face, and Calum, quickly and sadly, pulled away from their hug. It was too short for Calum’s liking and he found himself wanting to hold her for longer, to make her feel better after getting berated from her mother. He had no clue where these unexpected feelings came from and he didn’t want anyone to know about them. Not Luke, not Michael, not Ashton, and especially not Joey or Elise.
“Just tryin’ to cheer your friend up so she stops complaining.” Calum brushed him off, trying to act like he didn’t actually care about Joey or her feelings, which wasn’t true. Clapping him on the shoulder, Calum grabbed his surfboard and exited the shop, leaving Luke confused and Joey with an even bigger frown on her face. 
Why the fuck was he so confusing?
“Oh, fuck.” Calum cursed under his breath as he watched another, cocky and selfish, surfer swim up on Joey and take her wave right out from under her. There were some competitive surfers in their town, it wasn’t a secret, but Calum was hoping to avoid them while he and Joey were in the water. Calum knew that Joey wasn’t really ready to go up against any other surfers, wasn’t as strong, and he was worried about what would happen. 
It was unexpected and Joey hadn’t even seen the much bigger and better surfer swimming up next to her, too focused on trying to surf the wave she knew she could catch. Caught off guard, a guttural scream left her lips, catching the attention of Calum and the rest of the few surfers scattered around the beach. Calum was instantly alert, ignoring everything else around him as he watched Joey’s body fly through the air.
Her body hit the water, hard, her head smacking against her board and the impact from the huge wave and the pressure of the water splitting her board in half. “Fuck,” Calum cursed again as he paddled towards her, trying to see if he could spot her, but could only see one half of her board, the waves too hard and too big to be able to see her just yet. “C’mon, Joey.” Calum nervously cracked his knuckles.
The waves kept coming at her, the cord of her board still attached to her ankle and stuck in the coral that cut her leg up, and as the seconds passed, Calum grew more and more anxious. She had been under water far too long for his liking, so, ripping off his own cord, Calum dove into the water to find her. 
The salt water stung his eyes, but that was the least of his worries, all he could think about was Joey and making sure she was okay, and it wasn’t too late. He found her seconds later, eyes closed and her body floating in her own blood, and he was beyond thankful that sharks in the water they were in were rare. 
The next few seconds were a blur to Calum. He didn’t even remember pulling her out of the water and putting her on his board, quickly but safely paddling them out of the water and to the sand and screaming at the lifeguard to call an ambulance. He checked her pulse on her wrist and neck and panicked. He thanked God that Ashton made him take a CPR class in order for him to be a surf instructor, and went to work on Joey right away, trying to get her back to consciousness. 
“Come on, Joe. Don’t fuckin’ die on me.” Calum grunted, pressing his lips to hers and pushing on her chest. His panic and anxiety and worry dissipated, just the smallest amount, as Joey’s eyes fluttered open and she was sputtering water out of her mouth as she slowly sat up, coughing up all the salt water that invaded her lungs. “Oh, thank God.” Calum wrapped his arms around her, holding her head in his hands as it rested against his chest to steady her weak body. 
She was panting, tears in her burning eyes, her mouth dry, and her throat raw. She couldn’t speak, it seemed she didn’t know how. All she could focus on was Calum’s warm, bare chest against her cheek, his hands running up and down her back, and the sounds of sirens getting closer and closer. 
“Come on,” Calum helped her weak body to her feet and wrapped his arm around her waist. Her legs were wobbly and her left ankle had a deep, bleeding cut, so Calum tried to be as gentle as possible, “Let’s get you checked out, yeah?”
She sat on the edge of the ambulance, shivering, teeth chattering, and her usually pretty pink lips turning blue. The medic asked a series of questions and Joey simply shook her head yes or no, not being able to find her voice just yet, too in shock from everything that had just happened. 
“We’re going to take you to the hospital to get you checked out for a concussion and to stitch up your leg, miss. Is that okay?”
“Um, y-yeah.” Joey nodded her head, finally opening her mouth to talk, taking a deep breath from the oxygen mask that was covering her mouth and nose before removing it from her face. “That’s fine.”
“Do you have an emergency contact?” Joey shook her head no. “Is there anyone you want me to call?”
Ashton and Elise were out of town for the week for their anniversary and really, Joey couldn’t think of anyone else to call. Her mind was completely blank. It felt like it was full of sand and saltwater. “I’ll follow you there, yeah?”
Her gaze snapped up from her shaky hands to Calum, who was draping a light flannel over her half naked body, subsiding her shaking just a tiny bit. Joey almost forgot that Calum was even there, but how could she? He had just saved her life. 
“O-okay.” Joey rasped and Calum left a quick kiss on her forehead before the medics shut the doors behind them and took off to the hospital. 
Calum looked over his shoulder, seeing Colton, the guy who so carelessly knocked over and nearly killed Joey, laughing with his friends in the water, acting as if he didn’t almost just take a girl's life. Calum debated on paddling back out in the water to confront him about it, which would no doubt lead to a fight of some sort, but he figured that Joey and her wellbeing was more important, and he would leave talking to Colton for a different day. 
Joey hated hospitals. The last time she was in one she lost her father and she hadn’t been back to one since - a whole four years. She avoided them at all costs, but with a huge gash on her leg and a possible concussion, she knew she had to go with the medics. She would have rather driven there with Calum, but the medics told her that going with them was the best and most safe option, so she didn’t argue. She didn’t have the energy to argue.
“Hey,” Calum’a voice was quiet, knowing that Joey’s head was in pain and she still hadn’t fully recovered from the scary accident. Calum rubbed her bare thigh comfortingly, although he wasn’t sure how comforting it was, and lightly squeezed it. “You okay?”
“I think so,” Joey smiled tiredly. She was exhausted and her whole entire body felt heavy and weak, apparently almost dying takes a lot out of you. She played with the much longer sleeves of Calum’s flannel she still had on, opting to not wear the ugly hospital gown and sighed tiredly. “Thanks for saving my life.”
Calum couldn’t help but laugh as he scuffed his shoes against the linoleum floor. A small, careless shrug pulled at his shoulders. “Course.”
“Ma’am?” Joey and Calum both looked to their to see the doctor approaching them with a clipboard consisting of medical instructions to follow and her discharge papers. “You’re good to go now, but I recommend having someone stay with you for the first night just to make sure you’re okay and monitored. Is there anyone you can call to stay with you? Do you live alone?”
“I, uh, I-I live with my cousin but she’s out of town until Monday night.” Joey cleared her scratchy throat. “And I-I don’t know who else-“ 
“I can,” Calum interrupted. He figured he was going to have to drive her home anyway, and he definitely didn’t want her to be alone after what happened, and he had no other plans for his day, so he wanted to help as much as he could. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to inconvenience you, Calum.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Calum chuckled incredulously. If this had happened a month ago, Calum wouldn’t hesitate to just drop her off and leave her to fend for herself, but Calum, even though he didn’t want to admit it, cared about Joey. “You almost just died, Joe, I want to help you. It’s the least I can do.”
“You just saved my life, Calum. You’ve helped enough.”
“You’re not gonna win this argument, love.” Calum smiled sweetly at her. “Sign the papers so we can get you home, yeah?” The unexpected pet name had Joey’s very pale cheeks heating up and Calum mentally shaking his head at himself. Love? Where the hell did that come from? 
Joey nodded her head and scribbled her signature on the papers before handing them back to the doctor and hopped down from the hospital bed. They offered her a wheelchair to take out to the car, but Calum waved them off and patted his back for Joey to jump onto, which she did so easily. 
The drive was silent, until Joey nervously spoke up as she applied chapstick to her now pink, no longer blue, but chapped lips. “Can we, uh, can we not tell Elise about this yet?”
“What? You don’t want to tell her?”
“Just - just not today, okay? It’s her and Ashton’s anniversary and I don’t wanna ruin it, you know? I’ll call her and tell her tomorrow.”
“Alright, yeah.” Calum nodded in agreement. “We’ll wait.”
Joey sighed in relief and smiled in Calum’s direction, the car falling silent one more until they arrived at Joey’s house. She walked in easily, not needing Calum’s help any longer, but he kept his hand on her lower back just in case. 
“I’m gonna go shower and wash the salt water, near death, and hospital off of me.” Joey said, making her way to her room to shower. She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was lay down, but Joey knew that taking a shower would make her feel somewhat better. “Make yourself at home.”
“Can I tell you something?” Calum spoke, interrupting the content silence that lingered between them. They had been sitting on the couch in Joey’s living room after she had taken her much needed shower, binge watching Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. Joey and Calum were on either side of the couch, Joey with her back against the arm and her feet resting on Calum’s lap across the couch. 
“Mhmm.” Joey mumbled tiredly. The medicine she had taken and all the events of the day had taken a major toll on her and her eyelids were feeling way too heavy. 
“I was so scared I was gonna lose you today.” Joey’s eyes slowly went from the TV to Calum, who avoided eye contact with her, only looking at his hands that were resting on her ankles, his fingers lightly tapping them. “I-I really thought you were gonna die on me.” Calum chuckled sadly. 
“Well, I’m glad you don’t hate me enough to let me die.” Joey grinned at him lazily and he finally met her eyes. They both had small blushes on their cheeks, admitting it was hard for Calum, and it was even weirder for Joey to hear. 
“I don’t hate you.” Calum furrowed his eyebrows. 
Joey scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. “Right. I’m sure.”
“I don’t!” Calum exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. He hated that Joey thought he hated her. “I’m serious, I don’t hate you. I’m warming up to you more and more everyday.”
“You really have an ass backwards way of showing it, Calum.” Joey joked, but there was a sad smile on her face that Calum didn’t miss. 
He knew he was a dick to her when they first met, and for a while after that, and he knew that she didn’t deserve it. Hell, she had done nothing wrong, he had no reason to treat her like such shit. It was hard for him to admit it to himself, but he found himself liking her the more he was around her. 
“C’mere,” Calum patted the cushion next to him and Joey slowly crawled over to him, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her chin atop them. The longer he looked at her the bigger his smile was. Before he could stop himself, he found himself, after thinking it for so long, blurting out and telling her, “You’re gorgeous.”
Licking her lips, Joey pulled them between her teeth to hide her smile. “So are you.” Joey wasn’t embarrassed to admit it. 
“Oh, yeah?” Calum’s eyes lit up.
Joey rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder lightly, her body leaning into his closer than she intended to, but neither of them minded. “Don’t act like you don’t know you’re attractive, Calum.”
Their lips were close, so fucking close, and Calum couldn’t take it any longer. He was consumed by her. “‘M gonna kiss you now.”
Joey couldn’t help but smile. “Okay.” 
And that’s all it took for Calum to smash his lips against hers, gripping her hips and pulling her onto his lap. Without warning, Calum stood up, making an unexpected squeal leave Joey’s lips and he blindly walked them to her bedroom. His lips found her jaw and neck and Joey moaned quietly and Calum swore it was his new favorite sound, but he wanted to hear them louder. 
Their clothes were off in a split second, leaving Joey laying on her bed in just her cheeky panties and Calum in his tight boxers. He leaned up from her lips, biting down on his lower one hard at the sight of her almost completely bare for him. 
“So fuckin’ pretty.” Calum’s fingers ghosted over Joey’s skin, goosebumps covering her skin and he smirked, he already loved the way she reacted to his touch. His hands found the band of her panties, tugging them down without a second thought and threw them behind him carelessly. “Fuck,” Calum ran his fingers up and down her heat. “So wet for me.”
“Calum,” Joey whined, bucking her hips into his touch. “Do something.”
She was breathless, chest heaving and sweat already coating her skin, and Calum knew he couldn’t tease her, couldn’t deny her, so he dove right in, connecting his lips to her clit, sucking and licking, moaning against her. 
Joey’s fingers tangled in his curly hair, pulling and tugging, moaning loudly as she threw her head back into her pillows. It had been long, way too long, since she had been sexually intimate with anyone, so she was embarrassed when she was coming undone against Calum’s mouth so quickly as his fingers worked inside of her.
“Need t’feel you.” Calum mumbled against her lips as he worked on taking his boxers off. He hadn’t thought about a condom, that was honestly the last thing on his mind, and he prayed that Joey, or Elise, had them somewhere in their house. “Condom.”
Joey shook her head, their lips parting for just a second as she panted. “Birth control.”
Calum swore she was going to be the death of him.
“I can’t believe you didn’t call me!” Elise said, frustratingly running her hands down her face. She and Joey were in the kitchen, sitting at the island, discussing Joey’s accident and Joey felt like a child getting reprimanded by her mother. 
“I’m sorry, El! I just didn’t want you to- wait,” Joey narrowed her eyes at Elise, noticing the new, huge, diamond ring that adorned her ring finger. “What,” Joey took Elise’s hand in hers. “The hell is that?”
“Oh, uh,” Elise laughed nervously and took her hand back, twisting the ring around her finger, smiling at the memory of Ashton getting down on one knee just three nights prior and asking her to marry him. It didn’t feel real. “Ash - he proposed.”
“What?” Joey exclaimed happily, the smile taking over her face, completing forgetting about their small argument about Joey not telling Elise about her near death experience. Joey jumped on her cousin, giving her a bone crushing hug filled with happiness. “How could you not tell me this?!”
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” Elise shrugged, acting nonchalant, but inside she felt like her body was going to erupt from butterflies and happiness. It had been five years since they met and she knew they would end up getting married, but she didn’t expect it so soon. “We’re having dinner tomorrow night here and we’re inviting everyone, we wanted to tell everyone at the same time.”
“Ah! This is so exciting!” Joey was unbelievably happy for Elise and Ashton, she knew how in love they were, and she couldn’t wait for them to make their love official. 
“Thank you,” Elise giggled, squeezing Joey’s body lightly before releasing her from their long hug. “But we’re still not done talking about your accident. And about you and Calum.” Joey sighed, but knew she was not getting out of either conversation. 
“What’s this dinner all about?” Michael asked as everyone sat around the long outdoor table on their porch. It was the perfect night out, with it being around eighty degrees with a light breeze, it was the perfect night for a nice, friendly dinner. 
“Maybe they just wanted to do something nice,” Luke shrugged as he sipped his beer. They all were instructed to bring their bathing suits, too, if they wanted to swim after dinner, and almost everyone did, minus Michael’s girlfriend who could only stay for dinner. “We haven’t gotten together in a while. I think it’s nice.”
“Okay, guys!” Elise clapped her hands together, gaining everybody’s attention, with Ashton by her side with his arm draped around her shoulders. She had her hand hidden behind her so nobody would notice the sparkling diamond on her finger. “I know you guys are wondering why we invited you over, and we want to-”
“We’re getting married!” Ashton interrupted her, not wanting to wait any longer. He held up Elise’s hand to show off the impressive ring he had saved up for for so long purchased, and nearly everybody shot up from their seats to gush about it and admire the ring. 
“You don’t seem all that surprised,” Calum mumbled into her ear, causing involuntary goosebumps to rise on her skin. Calum wanted to give the couple their space as everybody else crowded them to give them hugs and congratulations. 
“I already knew,” Joey shrugged innocently with a small smirk on her face. She wanted to tell Calum, or anybody, she really did, since she was awful at keeping big surprises and news like that a secret, but she knew she couldn’t. Neither Elise or Ashton wanted anybody else to know. “I saw the ring when she got home.” 
“Hm,” Calum hummed, pressing his lips to her exposed shoulder, due to her spaghetti strapped dress she had on. Calum couldn’t keep his eyes off of her since he walked inside of her and Elise’s house. The white, silk dress she wore that exposed all of her legs, back, and arms, made her look incredibly sexy. “Love is just in the air tonight, huh?”
“I suppose it is.” 
Nobody really knew what was going on with Calum and Joey, they didn’t even really know what was going on with them, all they knew was that they were immensely attracted to each other, and they knew there were some feelings there, but they didn’t know the extent of it, and everybody knew better than to ask. 
Their lips met and the kiss was light and quick, but everybody saw it, and the smirk that took over Luke’s face was hard to miss. He knew that something would eventually happen between them, he could just feel it in his bones, but he didn’t want to push anything between them. Luke knew, in due time, that they would realize the attraction and the feelings they had for one another was undeniable. 
“So,” Luke nudged Joey’s shoulder with his own as they sat next to each other by the side of the pool. Joey didn’t want to get into the pool, so she opted for sitting with her legs dangling in them with Luke next to her, his jeans pushed up to his knees since he didn’t bring anything to swim in. “You and Cal, huh?” Joey just simply shrugged, a smile taking over his face as she sipped her Sangria that she and Elise made through her straw. Luke rolled his eyes, not happy with the lack of words from Joey. “What’s going on with you two?”
“Honestly?” Joey looked at Luke. “I’ve got no clue, Luke.” 
“He likes you,” Luke stated simply. “I can tell by the way he looks at you. He hasn’t looked at anyone like that since his first girlfriend broke his heart.”
Joey furrowed her eyebrows, not having a clue about Calum’s past relationships, or past anything, really. She was interested, of course she was, but she wasn’t going to pry and she wasn’t going to force Luke to tell her. If Calum wanted her to know, he would tell her, simple as that.
Calum swam up to them, shaking his wet hair in their direction, splashing little bits of water over Joey and Luke. His hands found her calves under the water and gave them a light squeeze. “Watcha two talkin’ about?”
“Just how sexy you look swimming,” Luke winked at him, causing Joey to giggle into her drink and shake her head at the two best friends. Calum rolled his eyes, but ignored Luke, turning his attention to Joey. 
“You gettin’ in?” Joey shook her head no, not quite in the mood to get her freshly washed hair and perfectly done makeup messed up. And she didn’t feel like walking all the way up to her bedroom to change into a bathing suit. “Hm,” Calum hummed, pressing his lips to her thigh. “Think I’m gonna change that.”
“What do you-”
Joey squealed as Calum gripped her hips and pulled her from the side of the pool, fully into the pool with him. Her dress rode up above her hips, exposing the fact that she was wearing no underwear, thankful that it was dark and the water was covering them. “Calum, what the hell!” Joey wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You’re not wearin’ any underwear, are you?” He could feel the skin on skin and felt himself hardening at the thought of Joey being completely bare under her dress. She never failed to surprise him.
“Why don’t you find out?” Joey tilted her head challengingly and Calum bit his lip, sexually and in frustration at how easily Joey turned him on. It was driving him insane. Ever since the night they had mind-blowing sex, all Calum could think about was Joey.
“Hm, I think I just might.” In a matter of seconds, Calum had them out of the pool, he still holding Joey and her legs still wrapped around Calum’s waist, thankful that her ass wasn’t exposed to all of her friends that were in her backyard. “See you guys later!” Calum shouted to his friends, ignoring the hoops and hollers they received. 
Neither Joey nor Calum cared that their friends knew exactly what they were going upstairs to do.
“Why couldn’t you have asked Elise to come with you?” Calum complained to Joey as the two of them looked through dresses in a higher end boutique shop in the middle of town.
They were, or Joey was, shopping for a dress for Elise and Ashton’s engagement party that was coming up in just a little over a week. It had been a month since Ashton and Elise announced their engagement and it’s been crazy ever since. 
“She’s too busy planning the party.” Joey hummed as she sifted through the dresses, not finding any she liked, and if she did like them, they didn’t have her size or were way overpriced. She was almost close to giving up. 
“How ‘bout this one?” Calum picked a random one off the rack, holding it up by the hanger to show Joey. 
It was a pink, mid thigh, flowing, backless dress with a halter top that tied behind the neck. Joey’s eyes lit up at the dress that she had failed to see and took it from Calum’s hand. It was her size, surprisingly, and it wasn’t too costly. 
“I love it.” Joey grinned at him. 
“Well, go try it on!” Calum turned her around by her shoulders and ushered her to the fitting rooms where she happily stripped down and tried to the dress on. 
She came out shortly after, holding the top to her chest, spinning around, asking Calum, “Tie me up?”
“Gladly,” Calum smirked, thinking of all the other ways he could tie her up, as he moved her hair to one side of her neck and carefully and securely tied it. Spinning around, Joey looked at Calum expectantly, who was looking at her with wide eyes and a goofy smile on his face. “Gorgeous.”
“Yeah?” Joey blushed. 
“Always,” Calum held his hand out for her to take and raised it above both of their heads. “Spin for me.” Joey did so happily, a quiet giggle leaving her lips as Calum twirled her around a few times before pulling her into his chest. “It’s a winner.” He mumbled against their connected lips. 
“You sure? Because I can always try-“
Their cute moment was interrupted by a familiar voice that Calum hoped he wouldn’t ever have to hear again. “Calum?” They pulled apart just a tiny bit, with Joey’s hands still around his neck and Calum’s around her waist. 
Stood before them was the devil herself, also known as Calum’s first and only, ex-girlfriend. His grip tightened on Joey’s hips, only slightly, but she felt it. “Ava, hey.” He was unhappy and uncomfortable, Joey could tell instantly. 
“Uh, how are you?”
Calum had to repress his scoff. “Fine. You?”
“Good, good.” She nodded her head and looked between the couple in front of her. Calum’s arm was now slung over Joey’s shoulders and her arms were awkwardly crossed against her chest. She could feel the girl judging her. “Who’s this?”
“My girlfriend - Joey.” 
Joey’s head snapped up to look at Calum in surprise. It was the first time he had ever called her his girlfriend before, so she was extremely caught off guard, but not disappointed. She had been waiting to hear those words leave his lips for weeks now. She couldn’t hide the smile on her face. “Hi,” she waved awkwardly. 
“Joe, this is Ava, my ex.”
Joey had heard only one thing about Calum’s ex-girlfriend, and that was from Luke, and she didn’t push Calum to tell her, and she didn’t mind the thought of him having an ex-girlfriend, she had ex-boyfriend’s herself. But standing in front of her, a gorgeous model looking girl, Joey was feeling just a little bit insecure. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Joey said sweetly, even though it wasn’t nice, not in the slightest. 
“Likewise,” Ava’s smile was fake and Calum could tell, but he wasn’t going to start something pointless by mentioning it. “So, what are you two out shopping for?”
Seriously? Calum wanted to scream. She really couldn’t have just left it at that? She had to try and spark up a pointless and meaningless conversation? Calum wanted to run away the moment he saw her.
“Ash and Elise are getting married. Shopping for engagement party dresses for Joey.”
“Oh?” Ava’s eyes widened in surprise at the news of her old friends getting engaged, and soon married. “You know Elise and Ashton?” She turned her attention to Joey. 
“Elise is my cousin,” Joey nodded her head, and told her condescendingly, “So, yeah, I know them.” 
Calum bit back his laugh and smiled at Joey’s attitude, but silently applauded her for it. He knew she didn’t want to be standing there talking to his ex-girlfriend just as much as he didn’t. “Well,” Joey cleared her throat. “I’m gonna go change back into my clothes and then we can go, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Calum smiled, pressing a quick kiss to her lips as she retreated into the fitting room, leaving Calum and Ava to catch up, or whatever it was that Ava wanted from Calum. 
“She’s pretty.” Ava nodded her head in Joey’s direction. 
“She is, innit she?” Calum smiled. “And nice. And honest. A lot of things you weren’t.”
“Calum,” Ava shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry. For everything.”
He pursed his lips, clearly not believing any of the words that came out of her mouth. Ever since she broke his heart, he hadn’t believed anything. “Sure you are.”
The curtain swung open and Joey stepped out, dressed in her normal street wear, her purse hanging on her shoulder, and the hanger dangling on her finger. “Ready to go?” Joey smiled up at Calum. 
“Here,” Calum fished his credit card out of his wallet and handed it to Joey. “You go pay. I’ll catch up.”
“What? Cal, no.” Joey shook her head, not accepting the card that Calum was holding out for her. The dress wasn’t too expensive, really, just a little over fifty dollars and she could afford it. She appreciated Calum’s offer, but didn’t want to take it. “You’re not paying for this.”
Rolling his eyes, Calum easily shoved his card into the front pocket of Joey’s jean shorts, looped his fingers through her belt loops, and pecked her lips. “Don’t argue, baby. I’m payin’.” Joey rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless and made her way to the counter. Calum’s eyes followed his non-official-official girlfriend as she made her way to the cash register and smiled, but it turned into a scowl when he remembered Ava was standing in front of him, watching him watch Joey. “You have anything else to say before I walk away from you? For the last time?”
Ava shook her head sadly. “You look really happy, Calum.”
“I am.” Calum didn’t hesitate to confirm. 
“Well, I’m glad.” Ava rested a hand on his shoulder, making Calum almost flinch. Joey saw out of the corner of her eye and even though she could tell that Calum was uncomfortable, she felt uneasy, jealous. She hated it. “Give Elise and Ashton my love.”
“Yeah,” Calum exhaled a humorless laugh. As if. “I won’t be doing that.”
With that, Calum walked away from his ex-girlfriend who broke his heart, and over to his new girlfriend, who mended it back together. 
“So, ex-girlfriend, eh?” Joey finally brought up the dreaded conversation. She spun around in the small stool behind the front desk at Surf and Co., working the slow night shift that Ashton scheduled her with Calum keeping her company. 
“Canada, eh?” Calum smiled innocently, receiving an unamused look from Joey, who had finally stopped spinning. It had been five hours since they ran into Ava at the store and Joey was itching to say something and Calum knew it. “Right, sorry.” Calum knew they had to discuss it. “Yeah, Ava, ex-girlfriend.”
“What, uh, what happened?” Calum sighed heavily, twisting the rings on his fingers nervously, trying to figure out a way to start the story he was dreading on telling. “Luke mentioned something about her-”
“Luke told you?” Calum’s head snapped up.
“N-no! He just mentioned an ex-girlfriend that hurt you, but that’s all.” Joey assured him. She didn’t want Calum to be mad at Luke for mentioning anything to her about it, she just thought it might make things easier. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Cal.”
“No, no. I should. You deserve to know.” Calum rounded the register, leaning against the counter next to Joey, spinning her around so she was facing him now. He smiled down at her, just the sight of her pretty face making his light up. “She was new in town a few years ago and I kind of, like took her in, much like you and Luke. But, instead of becoming just friends like the two of you, we-”
“Fell in love?” Joey mumbled.
“Yeah.” Calum scoffed. “I introduced her to everyone; all my friends, Elise, everyone. And she and one of my friends, Peter, hit it off well. A little too well. But I was happy about it, you know? Thought they were just friends. Until I found them in bed together. My bed.”
“Instead of growing a pair of balls and breaking up with me, she took the cowards way out and cheated on me, so I broke up with her.” Calum frowned at the memory, but it didn’t make him as sad as it once did. He was completely over it, but the memory still stung. “She broke my heart.” He laughed sadly. 
“I’m sorry, Cal.” Taking his hands in hers, Joey gave them a reassuring squeeze, and bent down to kiss them. “Is that why you didn’t like me at first?” Joey hesitantly asked. “Because I was another new girl in town?”
Calum hadn’t ever even thought that could be a reason he disliked her so much, but thinking about it now, it all made sense. He didn’t want another new girl to come into his town and his life and turn it upside again just like Ava did. But he knew, with everything in his heart, that Joey would never do anything like that to him.
The annoying, incessant, vibrating of Calum’s phone had Joey putting her curling iron down and crossing his room to silence it. “Cal,” Joey shouted his hearing, receiving a mumbled ‘yeah’, from his bedroom. “Your phone is blowing up.”
“Who is it?”
“Uh,” Joey furrowed her eyebrows. “Number Isn't saved, but it says, ‘it was so nice to see you last night, Calum. I’m sorry about the kiss.’” Joey’s confusion could be heard through her tone of voice as she continued to read the text. “Kiss? What the hell, Calum?”
“Shit,” Calum cursed, hopping on one foot as he tried to put his dress shoe on the other. They were getting ready for the engagement party and Calum couldn’t have picked a worse time for Joey to find out what happened the night before. “I was going to-”
“Who the fuck is this?”
“Uh,” Calum nervously scratched his growing stubble. “It’s- it’s Ava.”
Spinning around, Joey held Calum’s phone in her hands with raised eyebrows and wide eyes. She could not believe what she was hearing. And she couldn’t believe how fucking casual Calum was acting about it. “I’m sorry, what? When were you with Ava? I thought you were with the guys last night.”
“I-I was, I swear I was!” Calum approached her, resting his hands on her shoulders to give them a reassuring squeeze, but Joey wasn’t reassured, not at all. “I bumped into her at the bar and she wanted to buy me a drink as an I’m sorry sort of thing, I guess? So then I bought her one to make it even and we talked for a few minutes and-and then she kissed me.”
Inhaling a deep breath, Joey took a step back from Calum, watching as his arms fell to his sides, and licked her teeth angrily. She was going to try to keep her cool and not explode, since it was Ava who kissed Calum, and not the other way around, but still, seriously? This couldn’t have happened on a worse day.
“Were you planning on telling me this?”
“Yes! Course I was, Joey.” Calum ran a hand through his perfectly done hair that Joey worked so hard on, fucking it up in the process, and nervously licked his lips. He didn’t want her to think he was a liar. “I just wanted to wait until after the party. I didn’t want to ruin tonight for you. For us.”
“Well, you should have thought that plan through,” Joey laughed sadly, shoving Calum’s phone in his hands as she picked her small clutch up from his bedside table. “I’m gonna go. I’ll see you at the party.”
Calum let her leave without another word, knowing that fighting her or trying to make her stay would just make matters worse, and although this wasn’t how the night was supposed to start, although they were supposed to arrive to the party together, Calum knew that wasn’t going to happen. 
“Now, a speech from the maid of honor!” Elise spoke happily into the mic, prompting Joey to stand up on wobbly legs and smile as she took the microphone from her cousin. She looked beautiful, but she always did, Joey thought. 
Calum watched his girlfriend with a small smile on his face as Joey nervously licked her lips and cleared her throat before giving her speech that she had barely prepared beforehand. “Elise,” Joey smiled down at her cousin. “Ashton,” Joey smiled at her soon to be cousin-in-law. “I’m so happy for the two of you. I never thought that I would be here, living in the prettiest town I could ever dream of living in, with the two of you and the new friends you’ve introduced me to, but I’m so happy to be celebrating this with you guys. I’m gonna keep this short, because if I keep talking I know I’ll start crying,” Joey laughed awkwardly. “But I just want to say I’m so, incredibly, happy for you two and I hope to, one day, find love like yours.” Joey sniffled quietly. “I love you, both.”
Joey finished her speech with a cheers and everyone held their glasses up, cheering along, and gulped down their drinks. Joey sat back down in her seat that was next to Calum, and felt his hand on her thigh, and as much as she wanted to shake it off, she couldn’t find it in herself to. She was still mad at him, but he looked so handsome, she couldn’t stand it.
“Can we dance, please?” Calum’s voice was full of desperation and when Joey finally looked at him, his beautiful brown, puppy dog eyes and pouty lips, her resolve crumbled. “Please, baby?” Calum whispered.
Joey stood up abruptly, looking down at Calum expectantly. “Well? Are you coming?” 
Calum wasted no time standing up and following Joey to the makeshift dance floor that wasn’t there when they first arrived, but Michael and Crystal transformed it into one. A slow song started playing and they swayed back and forth silently, but Calum’s hands on her waist were practically burning her skin. 
“I’m sorry, Joey.” Calum mumbled. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he wasn’t sure if he would get her one on one the rest of the night. He needed to explain how sorry he was. He knew what it felt like to be lied to and he never wanted Joey to feel that way. “I-I didn’t wanna lie to you, but I didn’t know how to tell you what happened.”
“Up front would have been nice.” 
“I know, Joey. But I just didn’t know how to-”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Joey interrupted Calum, scoffing out a humorless laugh at the person who just walked into the venue where the party was being held. There stood Ava, in all her pretty glory, looking way better than Joey did. “Your girlfriend is here.”
With that, Joey spun on her heeled shoes and stormed through the crowd to where the private bathrooms were. She gripped the sides of the sink until her knuckles turned white. The tears that pricked Joey’s eyes were unwarranted and she wanted to kick herself for letting this bother her so much.
The soft knock at the door a few minutes later had no effect on Joey. She kept her stance, kept her hands on the sink, and kept the tears falling out of her stinging eyes. “Joey?” Calum’s voice was heard through the door. “I know you’re in there.”
Joey failed to lock the door behind her, so Calum let himself in, hoping that it actually was Joey in the bathroom and not somebody else. He was relieved when he saw that it indeed was her, but his worry came back tenfold when he saw her glossy and red eyes through the bathroom mirror.
“How’s your girlfriend?” Joey stood straight and spun around to lean against the sink, crossing her arms across her chest, tilting her head to the side. She was trying to use her sarcasm and sass to cover the fact that she was upset, even though she knew she was being immature. It was her defense mechanism. 
“She’s right in front of me,” Calum took cautious steps towards her and rested his hands on her hips. He frowned down at her sad face and wanted to put a smile on it. She was too pretty to frown, Calum thought. “And she’s obviously upset with me.”
“You’re right,” Joey nodded her head in confirmation. “She is.”
“I told her to fuck off.” 
“Why the hell was she here in the first place, Calum?”
“It doesn’t matter why, Joe. She’s gone. She’s out of the picture, for good, I promise.” Calum’s hands ran up her hips to her sides, cupping her face to tilt it up so he could meet her eyes. They were less red and less glossy now, which he was thankful for. “And even if she keeps comin’ around,” Joey raised her eyebrows, unimpressed. “Which she won’t. I’ve only got eyes for you. Only want you.”
“I just-” Joey shook her head sadly. “I hate feeling like I have to compete with her, Calum. She’s-she’s so pretty and you loved her and-”
“Alright, no.” Calum shut her up before she could finish. “I’m gonna stop you right there. She doesn’t even compare to you, Joe. You’re gorgeous and beautiful and she doesn’t even compare to you, okay?”
“Okay,” Joey mumbled, but Calum could hear the underlying uncertainty and the insecurity laced in her voice. 
“I’ll show you just how much.” 
A squeal left Joey’s mouth as Calum hoisted her up onto the sink, parting her legs so he could stand between them and attached his lips to hers in a heated kiss. Their hands blindly worked on each other - Joey undoing Calum’s pants and shoving them down his legs and Calum’s pushing Joey’s thin and lace panties to the side. She was already wet, which wasn’t unexpected, and Calum was already semi-hard, so there wasn’t much more to take care of before Calum was slipping his length inside of Joey. 
“Oh, fuck.” Joey moaned against Calum’s lips as he rocked in and out of her. They tried to be as quiet as they could, considering there were people not even twenty feet away from them, but it was nearly impossible with how good they were making each other feel. 
They swallowed each others moans, panting and groaning into each other’s mouths and skin and Calum worked relentlessly until he felt Joey clench around him, prompting both his and her orgasm. Their moans and breaths were in sync as they came down from their highs and caught their breaths.
“That prove to you just how much I want you?” Calum mumbled against Joey’s bare shoulder due to the halter top of her dress and she laughed, with only little humor in it. 
Pushing Calum away from her, Joey adjusted her thong and jumped down from the sink. “You’re gonna have to work a lot harder than that, Hood.” With one pat to the chest, Joey rounded him and left him lonely in the bathroom with his pants around his ankles.
Calum stood there stunned with an unbelieving chuckle leaving his mouth. Joey left him speechless, more than once, but he was going to do whatever he could, work as hard as he could to prove to her that she was the only one for him.
“I can’t believe you’re moving out,” Joey pouted as she helped Elise pack the last of her stuff. She knew that with Elise and Ashton being engaged now that she would be moving out, but Joey wasn’t ready to live by herself, she never had before. “I’m gonna be so lonely.”
“Please,” Elise scoffed at her cousin’s dramatics. “I’ll be less than fifteen minutes away,” Elise reminded her, but it didn’t ease her sadness. Joey had never lived alone before. She always lived with her mother or a friend or boyfriend, never by herself. “And you can always call Calum and he’ll come over in a second.”
“Yeah.” Joey mumbled, unsurely as she taped the last box shut and rested her arms on it. The thought of Calum made her feel uneasy, considering they hadn’t really seen much of each other since the engagement party. They would hang out with friends as a group, but hadn’t one on one. “I think he’s mad at me.” Joey furrowed her eyebrows.
“Why would he be mad at you? He’s the one who kissed his ex-girlfriend.”
“She kissed him,” Joey reminded Elise. “But he’s just been avoiding me I think,” Joey frowned. “Like, he hasn’t wanted to hang out just us two, you know? And he’s barely been responding to my texts. I know he’s busy with surf lessons and has been with the guys, I just-” she shook her head, confusion written all over her face. “I think ever since seeing Ava, he’s changed his mind and he doesn’t actually want to be with me.”
“You’re being paranoid. Calum is crazy about you,” Elise assured her with a light squeeze to her hand. Elise knew Calum and she knew that he felt more for Joey than he ever did for Ava. It was obvious. “Just talk to him, yeah?”
The emptiness and the quiet of the house made Joey a bit uneasy. Sure, she had spent the night multiple times in her house by herself, but knowing that Elise was gone and not living with her anymore made it feel different and she didn’t enjoy it. 
Joey: Can you come over?
Joey sent the text to Calum after much debate, almost asking Luke to come over and keep her company over her own boyfriend. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous to ask Calum to come over.
Calum: Course, love. Everything okay?
Joey: Just lonely
Calum read the text and didn’t bother changing out of his sweatpants and sweatshirt, just slipping a pair of shoes on and grabbing his car keys. He could have easily walked the ten minutes, but he was feeling lazy and wanted to get to Joey as quickly as he could. He didn’t want her to feel lonely, especially since she had him.
Joey had told Calum that the front door was unlocked, so he let himself in without bothering to knock or ring the doorbell, and his heart swelled at the sight of Joey curled up on the couch, tucked under a blanket in his hoodie, looking as cute as cozy as ever. 
“Hey, Joe.” Calum’s voice was quiet, not wanting to disturb her little bubble of peace, but when she heard his voice, her tired looking face lit up and she was holding her arms out to him, making grabby hands as she continued to lay down. He laughed at how childish, but cute, she looked and collapsed on top of her lightly. 
Joey’s arms wrapped around his neck and his slid under her back to squeeze her close to him. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, why she seemed upset and off, and he wasn’t going to push her to tell him, but he was still going to ask.
“What’s wrong, baby?” 
Sighing heavily, Joey ran her fingers through Calum’s messy curls and debated on telling him. It was stupid, childish, she thought. “It’s stupid.”
“Doesn’t sound stupid,” Calum lifted his head up from where it was hiding in the crook of Joey’s neck and placed a light kiss on her lips. “If something is upsetting you, no matter how small, ‘s not stupid.”
“I just,” Joey pushed herself up on her elbows so she was leaning against the arm of her couch and Calum rested himself above her on his elbows, his chin just barely resting on her stomach as he looked up at her. “I feel like ever since you saw Ava, and since she kissed you, you-you haven’t wanted to be with me as much.”
Joey avoided all eye contact with Calum as she picked her nail polish nervously. She didn’t want to see Calum’s reaction to her embarrassing confession and really didn’t want him to see the insecurity on her face, so she missed the deep frown that was on his. He hated that she felt that way.
“Baby,” Calum mumbled sadly and took her hands in his so she would stop picking at her nails, knowing it was her nervous habit, and kissed the tops of her hands lightly. “I don’t want you thinkin’ that.” 
Sitting up completely, Calum pulled Joey onto his lap and grunted as he adjusted the two of them more comfortably. Her head was held in Calum’s hands, with him tucking her hair behind her ears and watching her watch him.
“Seeing Ava just brought back bad memories, you know? And I just - the feeling of her hurting me so badly came back full force and I didn’t - I don’t ever want to feel that way again,” Calum shook his head. “I don’t want to get my heartbroken by somebody I love again.”
“Calum, I-” Joey spoke up before she processed all of his words, stopping short, and leaning back just slightly with wide eyes. “Wait,” Joey reached up to grip Calum’s wrist. “Somebody you love?” 
“Shit, I-” Calum ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I-I didn’t mean,” Calum stumbled over his words and Joey patiently waited for him to finish. She wanted to hear what he was trying to say. “I didn’t want to tell you like that.”
Joey’s voice was barely over a whisper, but she couldn’t help the smile that covered her face. “You love me?”
Calum loved that she was smiling. He was a nervous fucking wreck, honestly. He wasn’t sure if he loved her loved her, but he knew he liked her a whole fucking lot, and he could definitely see himself loving her. “I think so, yeah.” Calum finally smiled. “How’s that make you feel?”
“Makes me feel pretty damn special.”
“You comin’?” Calum asked Joey as he finished waxing his board, preparing it for the water. Elise, Ashton, and Luke were all already in the water waiting for Calum and Joey to join them. 
“Um,” Joey looked out at the big waves that were forming and felt nerves prick her. She hadn’t been on a surfboard since the day she nearly died. She had been in the ocean and the pool, but was too afraid to get on a board. “I’m gonna sit this one out. I’m tired.”
Calum could sense her nervousness and frowned as he bent down again to be face to face and level with her. Everyone else was already in the water, meaning if he was to join them, Joey would be let on the sand by herself, since Michael told Ashton he would pick up a shift at Surf and Co, and Calum didn’t want to leave his girlfriend on the beach by herself.
“You sure, Joe?” Calum moved her baby hairs that didn’t fit in her bun out of her face and smiled at how pretty her eyes looked with the sun shining down. “You just tired or are you scared to get in again?”
“Calum, I-” Joey licked her lips and shook her head in embarrassment. She didn’t want to admit that she was, indeed, terrified to get back on a board after what happened. It had been nearly a month since it happened, but she could still feel an anxious pit in the bottom of her stomach at the thought of standing on a board again. “It’s kind of embarrassing, but yeah,” Joey nodded her head in confirmation. “I’m terrified.”
“Baby, no,” Calum rested himself on his knees in between her legs and ducked his head down to make eyes with her. “It’s not embarrassing. You almost died, Joe, that’s some scary shit. I would be scared if I were you, too.” Calum placed a reassuring kiss to her lips and felt her smile against his. “I’ll sit here with you so you’re not alone, yeah?”
“No, no. Go out with them.” Joey shooed him away and he grinned, kissing her one last time, before standing up and picking up his board to race into the water with the rest of the group.
Honestly, Joey didn’t mind sitting on the sand by herself. She enjoyed watching her cousin and their friends surf and do their thing, she almost preferred to sit and watch over actually surfing, since she wasn’t the best at it, and she was convinced she would be scarred for life ever since she almost died. But she was content. 
She was knocked out of her daydream when a volleyball rolled onto her towel and hit her foot lightly. She looked around, seeing a volleyball net nearly twenty feet away from her, and a guy jogging over to her. She picked it up and held it out for the guy to take, not bothering to stand up.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he panted and crouched down, bending his knees to retrieve the ball from Joey’s hands. She just smiled and simply shook her head, not bothering with a conversation with the guy. “You new around here? I don’t recognize you.”
“Uh, yeah, kind of.” Joey furrowed her eyebrows. “I’ve lived here for a few months.” 
“I’m surprised I haven’t noticed you before,” he looked her up and down, even though she was sitting down and leaning against a cooler, and shamelessly checked her out, not even trying to be discrete. “A gorgeous girl like you shouldn’t go unnoticed by anyone.”
Joey rolled her lips into her mouth, trying to suppress her laugh at the shitty attempt as a pick-up line. “Well, thank you.”
“Anytime,” he winked at her and she nearly groaned out loud. She saw the guys and Elise approaching them from the water and hoped that Calum, or any of them, would nicely tell him to get lost. “I never got your name.”
“That’s because she didn’t give it to you, Colton.” Calum grunted as he shoved his board into the sand next to the guy, Colton, that was shamelessly hitting on Joey. He stood up to his full height, still a few inches shorter than Calum, and dropped the volleyball on the sand next to his feet. “What are you doing bothering her?”
“I’m just having a conversation with her, Hood.” Colton shrugged and smirked at him cockily. Colton looked down at Joey, who was only paying attention to Calum and how angry, but sexy, he looked. “Seemed like she was enjoying it.”
“Seems like she wasn’t,” Calum took another step closer. “So, leave my girlfriend alone and fuck off.” Another step. Joey could tell that the guys behind him would pounce and back him up if a fight ensued. “And while you’re at it, apologize to her for almost killing her.��
Colton scoffed. “Fuck are you talking about?”
“The girl you knocked off her board last month when you were being a cocky asshole and surfed up on her wave?” Calum tilted his head to the side, watching it click in Colton’s brain that Joey was the girl he nearly killed. “Yeah, that girl? My girlfriend. So I suggest you apologize or walk the fuck away, Colton.”
Colton bent down and picked the volleyball up, not bothering to look at Joey or apologize to her before he stalked away, leaving Calum staring at him with his hands clenched into fists. Joey knew the only way he would calm down is if she told him to. 
Standing up, Joey pulled her bikini bottom out of her butt to rid herself of her wedgie from sitting down for so long, and stood in front of Calum, running her hands up his stomach to rest on his shoulders, and his eyes instantly went from Colton down to Joey.
“You good, Cal?” Calum looked back up to see Colton standing there staring at the couple, and Calum smirked, gripping the back of her thighs to lift her up and wrap her legs around his waist. “Cal!” Joey squealed at the sudden movement and laughed against his mouth as he pressed their lips together.
“I’m fuckin’ great, sugar.” Calum grinned against her lips and spun her around, the loud giggle leaving her lips made his grin widen. 
How Joey could turn Calum’s mood from complete and absolute shit and anger from seeming like the happiest person in the world was beyond him. It was crazy, really, but he welcomed it with open arms, and with her in his.
“What’s got you so happy?” Luke nudged Calum’s shoulder with his own, holding his near empty beer by the neck as they sat in the semi-crowded bar. The group hadn’t been out to a bar in a while, since before Ashton and Elise announced their engagement, so they were enjoying their night out. “You’re grinnin’ like a damn fool.”
“How could I not be happy when I have a girlfriend that looks like her?” Calum pointed his beer bottle in the direction where Joey and Elise were playing a game of pool, not taking it seriously at all, and laughing and messing around with each other. “Don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”
“I can tell,” Luke nodded his head with a smile. He was extremely happy for his best friend and as he watched Calum watch Joey lose against Elise in pool, he couldn’t help but shake his head in disbelief, never having seen Calum so happy around somebody before. “You got lucky.”
“Luckiest guy in here,” Calum clinked his bottle against Luke’s and made eyes with Joey, who grinned widely and waved him over across the bar. Forgetting all about his half empty beer and Luke, Calum got up and crossed the bar, wrapping his arms around Joey’s waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “You wanna get outta here?”
“I thought you would never ask,” Joey sighed dramatically, hanging her pool stick up, and the two of them left without bothering saying goodbye to their friends. They walked hand in hand down the street, Calum twirling his tipsy girlfriend as they walked and grinning at her infectious smile. “Let’s go swimming!” Joey skipped backwards down the sand with her heels in her hand and her arms out as she spun around and ran towards the water.
“It’s dark out, baby.” Calum laughed, but toed his shoes off and shed his shirt and pants, watching as Joey did the same thing. “Gonna be weird creatures in there.”
“You scared, Hood?” Joey challenged, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra, leaving her completely naked in front of Calum underneath the moonlight. Calum’s mouth watered at the sight of her and watched her teeth clamp down on her lower lip as he, too, was now naked in front of her. 
They swam around, splashing each other and giggling against each others lips, and Calum finally pulled her body into his, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and her arms around his neck. “I think I just realized something,” Joey hummed against his shoulder.
“What’s that?” Calum squeezed her hips.
There was no nervousness or hesitance in her voice while she spoke, her words were confident and full of sureness when she told Calum, “I love you.” She spoke as if it was the most casual thing, but instead her heart was pounding and she was scared, only for a minute, that Calum wasn’t going to say it back.
“I love you a whole fuckin’ lot, Joey.”
Their smiles were so big, so genuine, that their faces hurt and they knew, right there in that moment, that they couldn’t be any happier even if they tried. 
Just as they looked up at the night sky, a shooting star flew by and they didn’t have to wish for anything because they both had what they wanted - each other.
Taglist: @singt0mecalum @lockthisheartinchains @babyurart @cheyenne-in-wonderland @youmaycallmemrshemmings @cantbehandled-ever​ @gosh-im-short​ @cakesunflower​ @novacanecalum​ @cosmocalum​ @emma070900​ @asht0ns-world​ @blahehblah​ @inlovehoodx​ @softboycal​ @ashtoniwir​
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astonishinglegends · 4 years
Ep 201: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 3
“I am prepared to swear on oath or submit myself to any lie detector test to substantiate this, my statement.”
– Don Cox, who observed a triangle-shaped UFO for 45 minutes from his yard in Adelaide, 385 miles northwest of Valentich’s last known location, just 28 minutes after his radio fell silent.
As we wrap up our coverage of the Frederick Valentich story in Part 3 of our series, we'll continue our conversation with Melbourne resident Chris Tyler about his research into the case and other possibly related UFO incidents around the same time and area. We'll also examine the Australian Department of Transport accident report's remaining findings and discuss its conclusions. As you begin to reach your own conclusions, it's essential to keep several factors in mind which make the usual mundane explanations seem inadequate. The high number of independent sightings of aerial phenomena occurring in proximity to the disappearance suggests Valentich wasn't alone in witnessing it. The distance a Cessna cowling was found from a potential crash site and the lack of definitive markings makes its discovery inconclusive. Even if the cowling did come from Valentich's plane, it still doesn't account for what caused him to ditch, let alone other missing debris and Valentich himself. Perhaps the most surprising revelation comes from the summary of the report itself. Rather than dismissing the possibility of a UFO entanglement, an official government statement lists it as one of four likeliest scenarios. Remember that Valentich himself never suggested he interacted with a UFO in his last transmission, despite being painted as obsessed with them by his skeptics. When these factors and more are taken together, it's no wonder this incident is one of the most baffling and tragic in the phenomenon's history and leaves us all to wonder, what happened to Frederick Valentich and where did he go?
Moorabbin Airport, where Frederick Valentich took off from on October 21, 1978, headed for King Island across Bass Strait.
Reference Links:
“UFO suspicions still cloud disappearance of Frederick Valentich” from Melbourne’s Herald Sun
The strange noises heard on Valentich’s last transmission, posted on Facebook by A.U.F.O.A. – Australian UFO Action
“How the 40-year-old mystery of a UFO in New Zealand lives on” from news.com.au, about Quentin Fogarty’s UFO experience
The UFO Documents Index on NSA.gov
Cape Otway Lightstation
“What is the Aurora Australis?” on Universe Today
The Green Flash
“The Disappearance of Flight N3808H, Puerto Rico, 1980” blog post by “karl 12” on AboveTopSecret.com
“Disappearance of flight N3808H 28th of June, 1980” with pilot’s radio transmission on YouTube
“UFOs, USOs and the Island of Puerto Rico.” by “karl 12” on AboveTopSecret.com
“Jet Fighters disappear as they approach UFO in Puerto Rico” section of a documentary on YouTube
“Two F-14s kidnapped by UFO near Puerto Rico” forum thread on unexplained-mysteries.com
“The Valentich Disappearance: Another UFO Cold Case Solved” by James McGaha and Joe Nickell on Skeptical Inquirer
“Spooky Space ‘Sounds’” from nasa.gov
“What Is This Flying Object??? Occurred at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse - 1/7/2021” on YouTube by Wes Snyder Photography
The “PPRuNe” forum or “Professional Pilots Rumour Network” discussing Valentich's radio transmission
The Melbourne Marvels podcast and their episode on “The Unresolved Disappearance of Frederick Valentich”
“10 Truly Bizarre Incidents From The Bass Strait Triangle” from Listverse
The Unsolved Mysteries Wiki on Fandom.com for the Frederick Valentich episode
“Lost yacht mystery continues 30 years on” from abc.net.au
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race on Wikipedia
“Race Tragedy Tale / Oracle CEO tells all to St. Francis Yacht Club” from SFGate.com
“'Holy grail' or epic hoax? Australian Kelly Cahill's UFO abduction story still stirs passions” from ABC South West Victoria news
“Capturing the Light” – The true story of Dorothy Izatt on Amazon Prime
Close Encounters of the Third Kind feature release date information on IMDb
The Frederick Valentich case on the original Unsolved Mysteries, Season 5, Episode 2 on Amazon Prime
“Last Light: the Valentich Mystery” from The History Listen with Kirsti Melville on ABC.net.au
“Disappearance of Frederick Valentich” on Wikipedia
“What Happened to Frederick Valentich? Possibly the scariest UFO case ever” by OzWeatherman on AboveTopSecret.com
“Valentich Case Files Finally Released” by Kandinsky on AboveTopSecret.com
“The Valentich Abduction/Disappearance: 40th Anniversary” by MirageMan on AboveTopSecret.com
“The Abduction of Fred Valentich” from The Unexplained Files on Discovery UK – YouTube clip of Melbourne Flight Advisor Officer Steve Robey describing his radio communication with Valentich
Complete episode on the Valentich disappearance from The Unexplained Files on the Discovery Channel
Cessna 182 “Skylane”
Valentich’s missing aircraft report online, from the National Archives of Australia
Download of Valentich’s missing aircraft report as a PDF
Bass Strait
Moorabbin Airport
“'Truth' was out there after all –An accidental discovery sheds new light on the mysterious disappearance of a pilot in 1978, writes Miles Kemp” from The Advertiser
Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield
Melbourne, Australia
King Island, Tasmania
Visit King Island at kingisland.org.au
“Biography of Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper” on ThoughtCo.com
Bette Nesmith Graham on Wikipedia
Australian crayfish
The TCAS or Traffic collision avoidance system
“What C.S. Lewis and Martin Luther Would Say About Our Coronavirus Panic”
Black Death
Second plague pandemic
“Plague was one of history’s deadliest diseases—then we found a cure” on NationalGeographic.com
Suggested Listening:
Melbourne Marvels podcast – “a podcast about true stories from Melbourne” CLICK HERE to listen to their episode on “The Unresolved Disappearance of Frederick Valentich”
Check out our good friend Gledders’ paranormal podcast, ANOMALY, where he, his co-host Steve Freestone, and Forrest discuss some of the more weird and wild events of 2020 and more in his latest 2-part series. Click here to subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the website at anomaly.co.uk, or anywhere excellent podcasts are found.
And then after that, check out Gledders’ “80’s Mix Tape” for the best in 1980s music, Saturdays, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the UK, or stream anytime at Huntingdon Community Radio HCR 104 FM!
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Episode 201: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 3. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Fast Lane - Bang Chan Street Racer AU
Warnings: fluffy, suggestive themes, some angst (duh), Bang Chan (y’all know what I mean)
Word count: 6.8K+
If you guys don’t know what ‘F/N’ means, it means ‘friends name’
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Your eyes focused on the girl walking in the middle, her shorts too short, high knee checkered socks on with a pair of checkered vans. She held two flags in her hands, as she was the keeper of their time. The engines revved, and people cheered.
You watched another car pull up, a jet black Bugatti Chiron. You knew who the owner was, everyone knew. He always had the newest, fastest cars, and because of that, he usually always won. Cheers got even louder a he began to pull up to the starting line, as it was going to start soon. He stepped out of the car and people greeted him, all with fake friendly smiles.
There was something about him you had always liked, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe it was the way he never rejected anyone, always being super friendly towards anyone who came his way. It could be because the last person who crash and their car caught in fire, he was the one to pull them out, completely unafraid of the raging flames and the ungodly smell of the oil and gas leaking. Or it could be the way he made eye contact with you every time. When his eyes met yours, they held a type of want in them, the type that made your heart flutter.
It wasn’t the type of want that shone in the other guys eyes when they looked at women, no, not that. His eyes weren’t hungry, but curious. Curious like he wanted to know you, who you truly are, and not just the woman you’d be in bed. Your friend bumped you and giggled and you looked up, seeing his eyes on you.
He gave you one of his devilish side smiles, his dimple poking through his cheek. You blushed and smiled back, a little too shyly for your friends liking.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re beautiful! You need to be more confident!” She said.
She stopped and looked up and shook your shoulder excitedly as he looked at you again, before slipping into his car. The other racers entered their cars, all revving their engines. All bets were on Chan, people were throwing money towards his name like their lives depended on it. His car revved, a loud roar like a lions before the girl threw the flags down, and everyone flew past her. Chan’s car was so fast you couldn’t even see it take off in the dark night.
People cheered and cheered, you could hear everyone from the opposite side of the high way. Their loud cheers let you know that Chan was winning, and you could imagine his shiny black car flying down the highway with ease. The cheers began to pick up through the crowd, slowly making its way to where you were, like a domino effect. You watched Chan’s car gracefully glide through the finish line, which was messily spray painted on the road. Loud cheers and screams of his name echoed around you as he stepped out of his car, his light brown hair fell messily over a bandanna, his leather jacket hugging his broad shoulders in the most attractive way possible. (SEE GIF)
He smiled as everyone crowded around and and praised him, a bunch of girls in the tiniest clothing rubbing up his chest and shoulders. You turned back around, your attention on your friend as she talked to another racer, Minho. You felt dumb thinking he looked at you in interest, why would he? He has all those girls in those skimpy outfits all over him, so why would he waste a second glance on you? Minho seemed very interested in your friend, his dark eyes completely concentrated on her when she talked.
You went to turn towards the other racers, when your face almost met someone’s broad chest. You looked up and saw Chan standing there, a smile on his face.
“Hey.” He greeted you with his charming side smile.
“H-Hey.” You greeted back, feeling flustered at how close he suddenly was.
His cologne hit your sense and made your stomach flutter with butterflies. It was a nice scent, not too strong, the perfect amount to have your heart hammering in your chest and your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
“What’s your name?” He asked, his dark eyes trained on yours.
He was so close to you, his plump lips soft and looked wet, smelling of honey. He was wearing chapstick, and you were almost positive your heart was going to explode.
“Y/N.” You answered, your eyes finding his.
“I’m Chan.” He introduced himself.
“I know.” You said with a small giggle.
“Oh? Well I’ll tell you something you don’t know.” He said, leaning forward to say it lowly. “My birth name is Chris, Chan is just my Korean name. You can call me Chris if you want.”
Your face began to heat up and he smiled at you, his own heart fluttering. He thought it was cute how flustered you got, how shy you were.
“Wanna go for a spin?” He asked, pointing towards his car.
“I would love too, but I’m not at all into the um... Extremely fast stuff.” You said awkwardly.
He let out a small laugh, running his fingers through his hair.
“I wouldn’t go fast like that with precious cargo in my car.” He said.
Your face turned bright red at his words, and you felt your friend nudge you forward. Her eyes were encouraging you, and you saw encouragement towards Chan in Minho’s eyes.
“I’ll meet you back at your place later.” She said, motioning her eyes towards Minho, indicating she was going somewhere with him.
You nodded as Chan led you to his car, unlocking the doors and opening the passenger door for you. The car doors open upwards, and he smiled at you as he closed it for you.
Such a gentleman.
He got in on the drivers side, and you felt him reach across you. Your heart hammered into your chest as he pulled on the seat belt and buckled you in. He paused as his face was directly in front of you, a small smile on his face.
“It gets caught a lot. Gotta keep you safe though.” He said with a sweet smile.
He sat back in his seat and slipped his own seat belt on, and you felt some sort of relief knowing he did so. He pulled away from the races, people still cheering when they watched his car glide down the highway. You were relieved as he kept his promise, not going too fast. Yeah he was decently above the speed limit, but it was the normal “there’s no traffic so I can do what I want” speed.
“So, where are you from?” He asked.
“(Hometown/Country).” You answered.
“Wow, really? I’m from Sydney Australia.” He said.
“That explains the accent.” You giggled.
“Hm? Do you like accents?” He asked.
“I like yours.” You said.
You realized a little too late what you said, but the smile that stretched across his face made your heart flutter. His eyes remained on the road, but you noticed he kept slide glancing at you.
He pulled up to a calm lake and opened your door. You stepped out and he smiled at you as he lead you along the lake, the cool breeze becoming bitter against your skin, as you were wearing a light sweater. He seemed to notice you shiver and took off his leather jacket, putting it over your shoulders. You noticed he was wearing a short sleeved white shirt that hugged his chest and shoulders, and blushed.
“It’s cold and you’re wearing a T-shirt-“ you started, attempting to take off his jacket.
“I’ll be fine, I like cooler weather.” He said, his hands over yours to stop you from taking his jacket off.
You smiled at him and slipped your arms through the sleeves, loving how big it was on you. His eyes sparkled as he watched you walk around with his jacket in, admiring how the bottom brushed your thighs. He walked closely to you, his cologne hitting you from where he was, and from his jacket. The moon reflected on the calm water, casting an ethereal glow. Not only was the reflection ethereal, but so was Chris. The way the moonlight hit the side of his face and lit up his handsome features made your heart throb.
He took you to an opened spot over looking the lake, sitting on the grass. You sat beside him and looked around, admiring all the of the flowers and willow trees beautifully decorating the scene. He looked at you, his eyes taking in all of your features. Your cute nose, your beautiful eyes, your kissable lips, all of it. You turned your head and looked at him, giving him a sweet smile that made his heart pound a mile a minute.
“I always come here to ease my mind when I’m stressed or over thinking. I figured I’d share it with you.” He said with a soft smile.
“You’re so generous.” You giggled, looking at the water that was gently moving along. 
You both remained silent for bit, enjoying each other’s company as you admired how beautiful the spot was. He slowly stood up, flashing you that handsome side grin. (YA’LL KNOW WHICH ONE.)
‘It’s getting late princess, I should bring you back.” He said.
Your heart fluttered at the nickname as you stood up, following him to his car. He opened the door and lifted it for you again, his eyes on you as you sat down in the passenger seat. He made his way to the drivers side, sitting down and looking at you with a sweet smile. 
You told him your address and he drove to your house, his eyes glancing over at you as he played low music. You heard him sing and you smiled, your eyes landing on his plump lips.
“You have a beautiful voice,” You said.
“No voice is more beautiful than yours.” He said with a small smile, grabbing your hand and kissing it as his eyes stayed on the road.
When you got out front of your apartment, you turned towards him and gave him a sweet smile. 
“Thank you for tonight, here, you should take your jacket back.” You said, going to take your jacket off.
“Don’t take it off, hold onto it. Now you have to come see me at the races in a few days to give it back.” He said with a sweet smile.
“I’d be there even without it.” You said with a smile.
He kissed your hand again and waited until you were inside to drive off, making sure you were safe.  “Y/N!” 
You jumped and turned around, your eyes wide as you stared at F/N. She had a big smile on her face as she looked at you, grabbing your hands excitedly.
“What happened? Did he go fast the whole time? Did he kiss you? Is that his jacket? OOOO, DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM?” She bombarded you with questions and you laughed, shaking your head.
“No I didn’t sleep with him dummy, and yes this is his jacket. He kissed my hand and told me to hang on to it and that now I have to be at the races in a few days to give it back.” You said with a big grin. “What about you and Minho?”
“He took me to get food then we walked around for a bit, he’s so sweet! EEK! We have to go to the races!” She said excitedly, jumping up and down.
“Trust me, we’re definitely going.”
You stood with F/N as you both had gone to the races again a few days later. Minho was getting ready as he stood and talked to you both, and you couldn’t help but smile at him and F/N. Minho had a cold demeanor, but he was so sweet when it came down to your friend. He looked at you for a moment and smiled, pointing with his face. You looked over and saw Chan approaching you, his soft eyes trained on you.
“Still wearing my jacket I see.” He said with a sweet smile, another leather jacket on his body.
You nodded and took it off, handing it to him. He took it back, making you feel rather sad, but he slid the one he had on from around his shoulders and put it on you, a small smile on his face.
“What are you doing?” You asked in a giggle,
“That one is warm and smells more like me, and this one? It smells like you, now it’s my lucky charm, and so are you.” He said, kissing your hand and giving you a charming smile.
Hoots and hollers came from the men around you, all cheering Chan on as he was talking to you. You noticed a couple jealous glances from some of the girls around you, but you pushed it away as your eyes met Chan’s.
“Cheer me on, yeah?” He asked, turning away.
“Always.” You said.
He looked back at you and smiled as he hopped back into his car, revving the engine and lining up at the starting line. The girl who always started them walked in the middle, her eyes finding yours as she gave you a smile. She threw the flags down and the cars took off, flying down the highway. She walked over to you and you felt F/N tense, wondering if she was going to give you trouble.
“You’re the girl Chan has been raving about?” She asked. “Y/N?”
“U-Uh yeah.” You responded, feeling a little intimidated by her beauty.
“Ah, good! I’m Yenna, Hyunjin’s girlfriend. Chan will treat you great! He’s a sweetheart, and really picky with his women.” She said with a big smile.
You felt F/N relax and you did too, giving her a big smile.
“It’s nice to meet you Yenna, I’m Y/N and this is F/N.” You said, introducing you and your friend.
“F/N? Like the girl Minho fawns over?” She asked.
“Yup! That’s me!” F/N said proudly.
You and Yenna giggled at her response, before you both turned to loud cheers. Chan was in first place, his car flying towards the finish line.
“GO CHAN!’ You yelled happily, the other two cheering with you.
Chan’s car flew through the finish line and pulled over to the side. He stepped out and people swarmed him. But he didn’t seem to notice, his eyes wandered until they landed on you, a smile stretching across his face as he walked through the crowd and approached you. You walked over to him and met him half way, his arm wrapping around your waist as he gave you his charming half smile.
“I told you that you’re my good luck charm.” He purred.
“You would’ve won anyways.” You giggled.
“Not without you.” He whispered.
He looked at F/N and smiled as she giggled as she pushed at Minho’s chest, and you could tell he was taking her home tonight.
“I’ll bring Y/N home.” Chan said.
Her eyes brightened as she nodded and gave you a thumbs up as she hopped in her car, following Minho out to his house. You had your own car, but you often left it at home, as F/N liked to drive. 
He once again opened your door for you, then hopping into the drivers seat. His eyes were on yours as he reached over and fastened your seat belt, your eyes on his plump lips as he did so. He smiled down at you and then put his own seat belt on before taking off, his eyes fixed on the road. You admired his face as it focused, his eyes completely scanning the road as drove. He gave you a quick glance and smiled as he drove towards your place, surprisingly remembering where it was. He pulled up and smiled at you, and you nodded your head towards your apartment.
“Wanna come in? We can hangout for a bit if you want.” You said with a smile.
He quickly nodded and parked his car, following you into your apartment. Chan looked around as you led him inside, a smile on his face.
“You and F/N are like sisters, huh?” He asked, noticing all of the pictures the two of you had up on your walls.
“Yeah, she practically lives here too, she took over the guest room.” You laughed.
“Sound’s like a best friend, actually, it sounds like my friend Felix. You’ve seen him, right? He’s usually with me, but he’s away right now. He’ll be back for the next race.” He said.
“I’ve seen him a few times. He’s the skinny one with the pudgy cheeks, right?” You asked.
Chan laughed and nodded.
“He’s pretty muscular for being skinny.” He laughed.
“Oh? You stare at your friends body?” You asked.
“Not like that! We just workout together. Him, Changbin, Jisung, and I.” He laughed.
“You workout?” You asked, giggling.
“Yeah, wanna see?” He asked, raising his shirt a bit, some of his muscle showing.
“Chan!” You yelped, turning around and covering your blushing face.
He laughed and shook his head, amusement in his eyes.
“I’m only teasing you.” He giggled, ruffling your hair. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered.
‘Yeah yeah yeah.” You muttered, pouting as your cheeks remained red.
“What? I’m serious. You really are cute Y/N.” He said with a smile.
“Yah! Stop!” You yelled, your cheeks turning redder.
He pinched your cheeks and you yelped, making him chuckle.
“Such a cutie!” He laughed.
You pushed his hands off and ran away from him, making him giggle as he grabbed you by your waist. You yelped as you lost your footing from him grabbing you, causing you to fall. He quickly caught you and went down instead, landing sitting up. You straddled his waist, your cheeks bright red as he looked at you, an innocent smile on his face. He giggled as you struggled to find your words, his hand gently cupping your chin and pulling it foreword, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
Chan’s kissed were better than you imagined (Yes, you had imagined his plump lips on your own) and tasted of milk and honey. You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss as both of your lips molded together. He deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping your bottom lip. His hands were around your waist as you gave him entry to your mouth, his tongue quickly finding yours and dancing with your own. You lied about his kisses being good, because they were the best you’ve ever fucking had, they were perfect. His tongue quickly won the dominance fight, but it never stopped it elegant, yet sloppy waltz with your own. You let out a tiny moan as your hips rolled against his own, making him let out a low grunt, his finger digging into your hips. Your fingers clutched his shirt tightly, making it wrinkled. His collar bones were exposed as you bunched his shirt in your fists, tiny whimpers leaving your mouth as your tongue’s continued to press into each other.
He pulled away and panted, trying to catch his breath. His dark eyes were full of desire, but they held so much adoration in them that your heart fluttered.
“As much as I’d love to see every bit of you and make you mine, I think I should take you on a date first.” He rasped, a sweet smile playing on his lips.
“I’d love that.” You giggled, letting go of his shirt and rubbing along his chest to get the wrinkles out.
He had a built chest, and you blushed as your hands ran along it to help him get it to look normal again. He grabbed your hands and pressed kisses to both of them, his eyes full of affection.
“How about in two days? I’ll take you on a date.” He asked, hope in his eyes.
“Perfect” You giggled.
You looked down at your outfit, smiling as you admired how the tight, ripped jeans hugged your ass and hips, looking elegant on your legs. You wore a black shirt with a logo beneath (Use your imagination) with Chan’s leather jacket as a top. Your cute black boots looked good with the outfit, making you smile. You heard F/N come in and squealed as she looked you up and down.
“You look great Y/N!” She squealed.
“Thank you!” You giggled, admiring your dark make up, your (Straightened/curled) hair, and your outfit. You heard the door bell rang and hopped down the stairs, opening the door and seeing Chan. His eyes met yours and he gave you a big smile, walking into your apartment.
“You look ethereal.” He breathed, his eyes bright.
“So do you.” You giggled.
His brown hair was parted, his plump lips moistened with chapstick. He wore another leather jacket, a black under shirt, and tight, ripped jeans that had a chain hanging from them, and black combat boots. You admired him as he smiled at you, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek.
He drove to a park along the river, a bunch of vendors with food trucks and a park area with lights and hammocks along it.
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(This is Penn’s landing, it’s close to where I live and I love going there) (For more visual representation, look up ‘Penn’s landing harbor park’)
Chan walked along with you, the night sky lit up by all the lights. Chan led you to a truck, a smile on his lips.
“This is the best one.” He said.
You both ordered and he paid, insisting he was the one taking you on a date. You both sat down and ate, your eyes admiring all of the lights and the hammocks, seeing all of the couples laying inside of them. Chan noticed and chuckled, leading you towards one when the two of you finished eating. He laid in it first, pulling you in with him. Your body was on top of his, his arms around you. You blushed and laid your head on his chest, listening to his heart hammering against his chest and giggling. He blushed a little bit, letting out a small laugh through his nose.
“Don’t make fun of me, I get nervous too.” He said with a soft chuckle.
“Awe, you’re nervous Channie? You’re so cute.” You giggled.
He groaned and pulled you closer, burying his face into your hair. You giggled and closed your eyes, his warmth making you feel at home as your pounding heart began to relax. His fingers began to thread through your hair, his other hand running up and down your back as you melted into him, his touch leaving sparks wherever they were. He pressed soft kisses to your hair, making you smile.
“Thank you for tonight, Chan. I loved every minute of it.” You whispered.
“It’s not the end.” He said softly, looking up at the sky.
You looked up, admiring the thousands of stars over head as a loud boom filled your ears, and bright colors lit up the sky. You watched in awe, your head rested on his chest as the fireworks boomed over head in different colors. His fingers traced circles on your hips as he admired your face, half illuminated by the fireworks. He smiled at you, his eyes full of affection. You looked back at him and smiled, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
After the fireworks he led you to his car, as always, opening your door as you got in. He hopped into the drivers seat and fixed your seat belt for you, this time stealing a quick kiss before he pulled away. You blushed and giggled as he fastened his own seat belt, a sweet smile on his face. He pulled away from the park, heading back to your apartment, his hand resting lightly on your thigh as he did so.
He took the highway back, as it was quicker and he didn’t want to keep you out too late, as you had work the next day. He got off at an exit, hitting a light before heading to another part of the highway. You heard revving and looked over, seeing two guys on motorcycles looking at you. A few more pulled up behind you and on Chan’s side. You saw his jaw tighten and his eyes narrowed. His eyes watched the light before he quickly turned his head and looked at you, his eyes dark.
“Do you trust me?” He asked.
“Chan what-”
“Do you trust me?” He repeated.
You slowly nodded and he tightened your seat belt. When the light turned green, his foot slammed down on the pedal, literally putting the pedal to the metal. His car flew and you closed your eyes, covering your face with your hands. You heard the motorcycles in the distance, seemingly following you for awhile.
“Hang on Y/N.” Chan said as he took a sudden turn, the motorcycles passing the turn due to going too fast. 
Chan kept up with his quick speed until he knew they were gone and he slowed down. He sighed in relief as he looked over at you. Your feet were on the seat, your hands pressed to your knees as your eyes were covered by them. He slowly reached his hand out and rubbed your thigh, a soft exhale coming from him.
“It’s over babygirl, I promise. I’m so sorry.” He said gently.
You slowly uncovered your eyes, fear making them wide. His gentle hand rubbed up and down your thigh, his gentle voice relaxing you as he reassured you it was over and done with.
“It’s okay babygirl, it’s okay.”
When you pulled up to your house Chan got out, opening your door. He followed you up your stairs to your apartment, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“I’m so sorry about that babygirl, I really am. I didn’t know that would happen - fuck - I’m so sorry.” He said softly, kissing the back of your shoulder.
“Chan, what was that?” You asked.
“I raced their friend two years ago and he crashed and died, and they haven’t left me alone ever since.” He said softly.
You turned and looked at him, a lost look on his face as he looked down at you. You cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips, then his forehead.
“It’s not your fault Chan. Not what happened to their friend or what happened tonight.” You said softly.
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead, a hopeful look in his eye.
“So, you’ll stick around with me? You’ll still go on dates with me?” He asked.
“I trust you Chan, more than you’d ever realize.” You said with a smile.
“I’m glad. You should get some sleep, I’ll see you for the races?” He suggested, his eyes bright.
“Of course you will silly, and you should sleep too. Your eye bags are bag.” You said, running your fingers along his left eye.
He kissed your hand and gave you a sweet smile. “Anything for you, my dear.”
A lot of people showed up for this specific race, and you realized why. The guys that had followed you were in the races, this time in cars. The one that had pulled up directly next to your side looked at you, his eyes narrowed on you. You tried to ignore him, to keep your back to him, but your worry for Chan grew strong, making you feel sick to your stomach. Chan walked up with someone else, and you recognized Felix immediately.
“Great, they’re here. I thought they would’ve given up by now.” He grumbled, irritation in his eyes.
Chan walked over to you and pulled you in by your waist, your head against his shoulder.
“Don’t pay attention to them love, and stay with all of your friends.” He said softly.
“Please don’t race tonight Chan. They’re after you.” You begged, burying your face into his shoulder.
“I’ll be find, I promise.” He said softly.
You closed your eyes and held him tightly, anxiety pricking at you. He cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes, a reassuring smile on his face.
“I’ll be careful babygirl.” He said, kissing your forehead.
“I’ll protect him, no worried.” Felix said with a big smile.
You smiled back at him and nodded, giving Felix a hug too.
“Be safe Felix.” You said.
Chan smiled at you as he and Felix walked to their cars, hopping in and putting their seat belts on. You turned when you heard F/N calling for Minho to come back, fear on her face. Minho passed you and you looked at him, worry matching F/N’s. 
“Be safe out there Minho.” You said.
“I will be, I have to do this. I can’t let them all go in like that without me.” He said.
He opened his door and slid into his seat, pulling his seat belt across his body. He revved his engine as Yenna stepped between the cars, anxiety on her face as she did so. You saw Hyunjin looking at her, anger in his eyes at the fact she was still doing it, despite the other guys being obviously dangerous. She mustered up her courage and put a smile on, dropping the flags as everyone shot passed her. She sighed in relief as they all passed, but turned around and watched them, worry across her face. 
“Yenna!” F/N called.
Yenna went to the both of you, worrying plastered on her pretty face.
“I’m so scared.” She whispered, tears brimming her eyes.
“We are too, but I know they’ll protect each other.” F/N said confidently.
“You were really brave for still holding those flags Yenna.” You said, rubbing her shoulder.
She gave you both a thankful smile and pulled you both into a hug, comforting the three of you. The continues cheers going on from the opposite side had you biting your nails in anticipation, anxious for Chan’s car to appear. Your heart leaped through your chest when you saw it, but noticed something wrong. His back bumper looked like it had been hit, and he sped through the finish line quickly, followed by another car and Felix’s car. You recognized the car as the man’s from earlier and the other night, and also noticed his front bumper had some damage. You gasped when you realized he must’ve hit Chan, and was now after him. Felix kept pushing his car closer the other, trying to get him off of Chan.
“Felix!” You gasped as the opposites car hit the side of his own, sending him straight into a pole. 
His car flipped into a ditch and you took off, your feet pounding against the ground.
“Y/N!” F/N and Yenna both called for you.
You saw Chan's car skid next to the spot where the ditch was. He hopped out of the car, his divers side door wide open and his car siting in the middle of the road as he went straight down into the ditch. You ran to the top of the ditch and saw Chan ripping the door open, his eyes on Felix, whose eyes were closed as he was dangling from the seat belt.
“Felix!” Chan called for his friend, jumping into the car on it’s side and unbuckling him.
Chan started to lift him out as Minho and Hyunjin ran past you, quickly grabbing Felix as Chan had to haul himself out. They quickly moved him away from the car, as it was smoking. Chan dropped down beside him and cradled his head, his breathing heavy as he held Felix’s face. You noticed Felix’s eyes opened and he gave Chan a pained smiled.
“You idiot! Why would you do that?” Chan asked, his voice shaking.
“I finally know what’s it’s like to have a brother, and we brother’s protect each other.” Felix rasped out.
Chan held him tightly, soaking his hoodie in blood as he cradled Felix.
“All of you go.” Chan said lowly.
“Hyung-” Hyunjin started.
“Go! An ambulance is on the way, I don’t want any of you getting in trouble.” Chris yelled.
Hyunjin was about to protest when Yenna put her hands on his chest, meaning for him to listen to Chan. Hyunjin let out a small sob as he looked at Felix one more time and allowed Yenna to lead him away. F/N gently rubbed Minho’s shoulder as he let a few tears slip down his face before gently pulling him away.
“You should go too.” He said to you.
You knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you nodded. You bent down and kissed his cheek, your hand holding Felix’s gently. Felix gave you a pained smile before he let out a small whimper, blood trickling from his mouth. You slipped your hand onto Chan’s cheek as you looked at him.
“I’ll be waiting for you.” You whispered, before allowing Minho and F/N to bring you to the car.
It’s been two days since Felix’s accident, and you haven’t heard from Chan. You had tried texting and calling him, but he never picked up, and the others were having the same luck. You wracked your brain, trying to find out a way to see him, as you never been to his place. A thought popped into your head and you grabbed your car keys, heading out the door.
You parked your car across from the lake, quickly getting out and walking to the spot that Chan had showed you. You sighed in relief when you saw him sitting there. His knees were up and his arms were resting on them, his face buried into his arms. You slowly walked over and bent down in front of him, rubbing his arms. He quickly lifted his head, his eyes meeting yours. Your heart dropped when you saw the dark circles around his eyes, the whites of his eyes bloodshot.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“I’m here.” You whispered, getting on your knees between his legs and wrapping your arms around his neck.
You felt his arms around your waist as he buried his face into your chest. You stroked his hair and kissed his head, holding him tightly.
“Everyone’s been so worried Chan, I’ve been worried.” You whispered.
“I’m sorry I just... Couldn’t face anyone.” He whispered into your chest.
“Chan, this isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault.” You said.
You felt him flinch at your words, then his arms tightened around you as you felt something wet on your neck. Your heart broke when you realized he was crying, crying because he had been blaming himself. You cradled him in your arms tightly, tears filling your own eyes.
“Chan it isn’t your fault, I promise.” You said softly.
“I’m sorry.” He cried.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I promise, it’s okay. He’s still alive, and he’s going to fully recover.” You whispered.
It was true, after surgery, Felix was said to make a full recovery. He had been awake after his surgery, and you, F/N, Yenna, Minho, and Hyunjin had been there to see him, along with Changbin, Jisung, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jeongin.
“I know it’s just... He got hurt because of me.” He whispered.
“It wasn’t because of you, Chan. It was because of that man. And I know you would’ve done the same for him, so please stop blaming yourself. You pulled him out of a smoking car, and not many people would do that. And in fact, no one else rushed to help him. You saved him, Chan.” You pointed out, cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears.
It was the first time you’ve seen him look so defeated, deep bags, messy hair, and a sad face. He closed his eyes and laid his head back on your chest, soft sobs leaving his lips. You held him and whispered comforting words into his ear as he clutched you tightly, before pulling away and wiping his eyes.
“They’re participating in another race tomorrow, and said if I win they’ll leave everyone alone.” He said.
He watched your face drop, your eyes scanning his. How could he risk himself again?
You felt him pull you into his lap, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“I’ll be careful babe, please, just have faith in me. That’s all I need.” He said softly.
You closed your eyes and nodded, hugging him tightly. He held you to him before pulling away and cupping your cheeks, kissing your lips softly. You leaned into his kiss, the kiss sending tingles down to your toes.
“As long as I have you, my sweet luck charm, I can do anything”
You, Yenna, and F/N once again found yourselves biting your fingers, anxiety eating the three of you as the boys lined their cars up. Chan got out and walked over to you as you took off his leather jacket and swapped it with the other. He had a soft smile on his face as he pulled you into a hug, his face burying into your hair.
“Be safe.” You whispered.
“I will, I promise.” He said softly, pecking your lips.
His warm eyes held your gaze as he stroked your cheek before walking towards his car. You watched Minho kiss F/N’s forehead and Hyunjin placed a loving kiss to Yenna’s lips before they walked away to enter their cars. Yenna looked scared to hold the flags, so you grabbed them, looking Yenna in her eyes.
I have to give Chan confidence and courage.
You stepped between the front of the cars, your eyes on Chan’s. He stared at you, undeniably mad, but also understanding. The others looked at you with admiration as you raised the flags, then dropped them.
You closed your eyes as the cars flew by you, making your hair whip in the breeze. Please be safe, all of you.
You opened your eyes and walked back towards Yenna and F/N, and they both praised you on your bravery. But you had to be brave for Chan, you just had too. The three of you waited anxiously, pressed close to each other as you heard screams and cheers from the other side. You bounced your leg fluidly as you bit your finger, just wanting to see Chan’s car. Just wanting to see ANY of their cars. Your heart leaped into your throat when you saw Chan’s car in the front, the opposites right behind, but surrounded by Hyunjin’s car and Minho’s car. They had locked him in.
Chan’s car flew through the finish line first, loud screams filling the area. Chan pulled over and got out, followed by Minho and Hyunjin. You ran to Chan, your heart beating through your chest as you leaped into his strong arms. He caught you and held you tightly, smiling up at you. You grabbed his face and kissed his lips, relief filling you as you felt his touch. You leaned your forehead on his, your noses touching.
“I told you, all I needed was you to have faith in me.” He whispered.
You smiled and kissed his lips again, warmth spreading through you to your toes, a feeling you were growing used too. The other man’s car pulled close to the crowd and he got out, face pissed.
“You all cheated! You can’t trap me in!” He yelled.
“It’s also cheating to play bumper cars while racing. Now get out.” Minho said sharply, stepping in front of Chan, Hyunjin stepping in on the other side.
All of Chan’s fans agreed, making the mans face turn red.
“Fine. A deals a deal.” He growled before taking off.
You heard your phone go off and saw a facetime from Jisung, as you had exchanged numbers. You answered and saw Jisung’s face, Changbin behind him, and a clear shot Felix sitting in his hospital bed.
“How did it go?” Jisung asked, worry in his voice.
“We won.” Chan said with a smile.
You saw Felix smile as Jisung moved the camera to him, his eyes sparkling.
“I knew you’d win hyung.” He said.
“When I have you guys to protect, of course I will.” He said softly, his eyes landing on you. “I’m glad you’re getting better little brother. You can rest easy now.” He said.
“I can rest easy knowing I can always find you.” Felix said warmly before hanging up.
Chan smiled, tears in his eyes as he lifted you back up, kissing your lips.
“Thank You, Y/N, for giving me strength and courage.” He said softly.
“I’ll do it anytime, any day, in a heartbeat.” You said softly.
He smiled at you and held you close, his heart beating against your ear.
“You’ll always be my lucky charm, my love.”
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mregalaphotos-blog · 5 years
Assignment 2: Journal
I have decided to just keep a continuous log with thoughts and ideas and if I explore an artist or concept deeper, I will mention it and make a write up separately. I will post them all at the end. I have had issues with Tumblr deleting posts while I type that out or submit this so keeping them in a document makes sense to me. Apologies for what I assume will be an incredibly long post.
DART 1130 Journal
Monday, March 18:  After presentation of our works, we got into discussion of Assignment 2, Make What Will Happen. We discussed multiple different aspects of making the photos unique. I was especially interested in double exposures as an approach. It would be a very difficult thing to do but could lead to interesting juxtapositions of images and ideas. I may explore that further in a deeper dive of the concept. An example of this using an outline to mix concepts is seen below in Andreas Lie’s work.
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Friday, March 22: For me, I think nature photography is once of the more interesting and beautiful parts of photography. When you get out into nature, you are no longer shaping the world but experiencing it. The only purely human element in the image and the experience is yourself and the camera you are taking the picture with. The only things you control are how you frame the picture and what parts you choose to capture. I will do a few deep dives into nature photographers and what they draw inspiration from and see if any of what they mention resonates with me and my past and present experiences.
Saturday, March 23: The first nature photographer I will explore is Ansel Adams. A deeper dive will be posted when I post this all, but Ansel Adams is a photographer well known for his images of National Parks in the United States that led to a greater conservation movement because of their profoundness. As someone who has spent much of their lives traveling and hiking the parks, I owe a lot to him.
Monday, March 25: This week is study week for the Paddington campus. I need to expose some images for next week’s class to get a start for the project and be better prepared to develop film. I am going on surf camp this weekend, which I think would be a great time to get some cool and unique pictures. I can capture the human elements with one of my favorite places in the world, the beach. As someone who has grown up on the Gulf Coast of Florida, it has played a major role life and why I decided to study abroad in Sydney. Another interesting thing that I am exciting to take pictures of is sunrise. For most of my life, I have been getting sunsets on beaches as I have lived on the west coast of Florida. On my first morning in Sydney I woke up early (mainly due to jetlag) and figured out the bus system in order to go to the beach and catch sunrise. In many ways it was symbolic of a dawn of a new experience that would be very different yet share some similarities with my past. This could be an interesting thing to explore as it explores my new environment and how it relates to me.
Wednesday, March 27: Discussion of sunrise and sunset made me think I should look at some photographers who take pictures of sunrise and sunset themselves. I will do a deep dive into a photographer and his work and post more on him. Tacita Dean, whose video on chasing the green flash was an interesting introduction to the topic but I want to look into another photographer… After looking around on the internet I have settled on award winning photographer Paul Reiffer. He tells of a similar story to me where he was up early due to jet lag and so took an amazing picture of the Sydney Harbor, as seen below.
Additionally, I went into the campus gallery and checked out what they had. There was an interesting exhibit that played with various shapes and was supposed to tell a story. I had difficulty following along but it seemed like a very interesting storytelling feature in a 3D environment. Another collection showed these black and white pictures that would be most similar to what we are working on class. However, it appears that the artist also used/recreated images from video games or other similar works to make their pictures. In the end they looked pretty demented, but their ability to invoke that kind of response in me was an interesting feature of the art.
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Friday, March 29: A short update but I checked out a camera for the weekend. They gave me the Nikon rather than the Pentax K1000. I will see how it goes because it is different from the short introduction we had to the camera. I will take 36 pictures and see how they turn out on Monday. While at Paddington I did a little research for the library activity and looked at Zoe Leonard.    
Monday, April 1 (pre-class): A little update on how the weekend went. I got a few candid photographs of some friends I made during surf camp. There are a bunch of good day time images of things like people, signs, birds, and the scenery. I was too exhausted from surfing to be up early enough for sunrise during camp. So, this morning I woke up early and bused down to Coogee and took some sunrise pictures at the beach and finish off the roll. I ran into some issues where it was very difficult to get the camera to wind a little over 20 images in. I rewound the roll a little and it seemed to fix whatever jam there was. Here is a picture from my digital camera from the morning.
There was a beautiful mixture of colors/lighting levels that I am interested to see how it turns out. I think I got some more of the sun in those photos compared to this one.
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Monday, April 1 (post-class): In class we developed our pictures, and were supposed to create our proof sheet before the next week. I figured out why the camera lever was not working right when I was working on developing the pictures. I foolishly assumed that the roll of film was 36 frames, but it was actually 24. Therefore, the second half of the roll was double exposed at full exposure and was completely unusable. The reason I was not able to create the proof sheet was that I ran out of time. It took Maria and I a very long time with a lot of struggles to load our film in the complete darkness. By the time we were done we were quite behind the class. After all was said and done, I only had a few workable frames, all from surf camp. I think some got fogged while developing as well or there was some error or another.
Wednesday, April 3: I do not have much time to work on photography this week because I have major projects/presentation and an essay all due on Friday. However, I came into the photography lab to print the proof sheet so I was not completely behind for the coming week. A picture of it can be seen below. There are not many frames to work with and I am not sure I want to incorporate it into the final project but I will at least be able to use the pictures to learn the techniques involved in printing from negatives. 
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Saturday, April 6: With a little respite from projects I continued to think about interesting ideas and concepts to explore for the final project. While browsing on the internet I came across this photo of a long exposure of a departing train.
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It was a very cool picture to me because it expressed this movement of light with a dark background. You can see each point of lights distinct path as it travels. This made me further interested in long exposures and how it can allow you to see interesting things. In having a think about that it led me to think about the many images of the night sky I have seen where the Milky Ways and other stars are incredibly visible and beautiful. These are captured with long exposures and so I thought it would be an interesting concept to explore. Because of that, I looked into Milky Way and long exposure photographers such as Dave Morrow. These kinds of pictures could be a potential thing to explore as I am currently planning a road trip in New Zealand where at night I would be camping in places with very little light pollution. The addition of a thinner ozone layer means I would get pictures I would be unable to get back home in the US.
Monday, April 8: In class I was able to print two negatives from the roll. These were both done using a filter of 2, the largest aperture, and an exposure time of 4 seconds.
Image 1: My thoughts on this are that it turned out much better than I imagined. The lettering on the sign is backwards which I think was interesting and added a little flair to it. The contrast and coloration of it turned out pretty well in my opinion. I really like how the border looks. It gives it an almost 3-dimensional look as if the picture is solid and its own thing.
Image 2: This image was a little bit rushed. It is not as in focus as it should be. The actual image itself was of a bird, which at the time I was exploring using different shutter speeds similar to what we had seen in the first lesson on using the cameras. In the end I don’t think this is really what I wanted to explore in the project.
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In class Izabela talked about the piece of paper you use to determine the lighting conditions and camera setup for night time photography with me and Nicole. It is good to know that there is a tool like that to use.
Tuesday, April 9: I needed to go pick up more film so that I could get a better roll of negatives to work with and develop next week. I made sure to verify that this roll had 36 frames to work with. It was the same Ilford brand and ISO 400 that we had used previously so things should be relatively similar.
Friday, April 12: I had some spare time so I thought I would check out a camera and explore Paddington and take some pictures. Unlike the previous roll I had no issues with the camera, both with cocking the lever or rewinding the film. I took pictures of various subjects, ranging from trees and shrubbery to cool things I saw along wall surfaces especially related to lighting. I also got some pictures of streets and street signs similar to the sign I had printed earlier. There was a cute cat that walked up to me so I got some frames of her as well. I will hold on to the frames and see how they turn out on Monday.
Monday, April 15: We discussed an interesting concept in class, the dodging and burning. Using those to block out subjects or only focus on one is really interesting. It explains how some images I have seen such as the bear one from a few weeks back get their distinct outline. This technique could be a very useful tool when it comes to double exposures, where you could use something like the outline of a building and capture nature in the second exposure.
We also took a trip the Art Gallery of New South Wales to see Izabela’s works. I really loved the prints she had on the metal surface. It added an extra element to the work where each leaf in the work had this little shine on it like it was capturing the sunlight and reflecting it even though it was just a picture. Another very interesting takeaway from the work that I enjoyed was being able to see the grains in the picture. It was blown up to an incredible size and so the details didn’t come incredibly sharp but instead you can see the texture to which the medium applied to the work. I also really enjoyed the way the images were presented in a 3D space, with the folds distorting our view as I imagine the view was distorted due to diving and having limited light. A lot of thought was put into the presentation of the work and added to it greatly.
On a separate note I did not know that we would have class off next week and class the following weeks when I was planning on traveling. Due to this I will not be able to attend class in week 11 so all future interaction with this course will be outside the classroom.
Thursday, April 18: I am leaving for Cairns until Sunday. Due to the lending policy I cannot check out a camera for this trip as I would have to return it on Friday. So, instead I will take what photos I can with my digital camera and just reflect on them. I will be seeing some wildlife there and then scuba diving. Another limitation of the camera is I cannot take it underwater so there is really no reason to bring it.
I believe I know what I want to photograph for the final project. Izabela and I had discussed on Monday more about the self-reflection and relating the pictures to myself. I had previously talked about the sunrise and sunset and how they played a major role in my life and my trip to Sydney. So, I will try to capture sunrise in various places on various days with different subjects to illustrate my journeys and experiences with the first light of the day. I will get a long-term rental of a camera for New Zealand and try to photograph sunrises next week. I will bring two rolls of film and hopefully some of those 72 images will turn out well and I can help build a cohesive story around them.
Sunday, April 21: Just a few photos from the Cairns trip.
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Monday, April 22: On Tuesday I will be leaving for New Zealand so I have just been preparing. I got an extended loan form singed from Izabela so I can check out a K1000 for a week. I went to Ted’s Photography and picked up two rolls of film to use, same brand.
Before I leave, I wanted to focus on a specific topic for once, which is how to take photos in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and have good compositions. A couple of rules, suggestions, and ideas will be shared in an accompanying post.
Hopefully I can use those rules to make more aesthetically pleasing photos.
Monday, April 29: Disaster has struck… For the past week I have been off the grid due to not having a phone plan while traveling and only being in a camper van during it so no Wifi. I ended up only taking one roll of photos while there due to a combination of sleeping in after exhausting days of travel as well as very poor weather preventing any picturesque sunrises. That would have been all good and fine and possible to work with but there was an issue unloading the film where it got fogged. I had pressed the release button and wound the film back up until it was loose like I had before. However, when I opened it up the film had not rolled up at all and the whole roll was a waste. There go all of those pictures from Wellington to Napier to Taupo to Waitomo to Tongariro to Wairarapa. I will attach some photos from my digital camera from the trip but obviously I cannot use those in the project. I had a lot riding on those so I am going to have to improvise and work fast to make up for the loss. I checked out a camera again to take more pictures. Here are some pictures from the trip that I took on my digital camera.
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Tuesday, April 30: I woke up early to take the bus to Coogee beach to get some photos of sunrise. It was a beautiful morning to take pictures, with the lighting elements working out great and providing great layering and levels. I was really excited to use these photos. Sunrise had been a great decision to use for the project and I was excited to develop the photos and begin printing…
The same thing happened as before. I rolled it up, it got completely loose and so I was sure the film was ready to be taken out and of course no, it did not wind up and another roll was fogged. This was very frustrating.
So, I had to go to Ted’s again to buy more film. At this point I am running low on money and film is not cheap. I am also starting to run low on time as I was hoping to have had much more time for prints by then. I checked out a camera again because I am anything if not determined to get quality pictures of sunrise.
Wednesday, May 1: Taking pictures this morning was no issue at all. I had great pictures of sunrise, the cliffs and the waves and once again I was excited to develop pictures. Sunrise and its colors were even more beautiful than the day before and these pictures would turn out really well…
Everything changed when the light nation attacked. I had gotten back to the Paddington campus and everything was going well. Like always I was having difficulties loading the film into the reels. But I got it done and began the rest f the developing process. After the long time of doing so, the moment of truth came and I finally pulled them out of the container. They were all black. I don’t know when or how it happened but some light must have gotten on the film and ruined it. This was another day lost, but at least I had become even more cautious and I knew the routine. I could reasonably give myself Thursday to develop and get the first round of prints done and then Friday to reprint any with flaws.
As I was out of film, I was saved by Melvin who gave me a roll of his Kodak ISO 400. Tomorrow’s roll is realistically my last good chance.
Below is a picture of today’s sunrise.
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Thursday, May 2: Things finally turned out much more positive. The bus I took ran late so I missed the best parts of sunrise but I still got some quality pictures. When I got to Paddington there were no issues developing the film. It was the best feeling I had in a while. So, I became very efficient in the dark room for the next couple of hours. I selected promising pictures from the proof sheet I made and started making prints. For the early sunrise photos I used a 2 filter for most of them as I already had some great contrast. When I got to later photos I found that that was not enough. I bumped it up to 3 and got much better variation in the blacks and whites. I was efficient and got many prints in.
At the end I checked the photos again and found little imperfections on the paper. They were minor marks that I wanted to rerun. It seemed like the paper was scratched at some point or perhaps the negatives had specks of dust on the. Either way I am going to rerun the prints tomorrow.
Another note and a point of concern was that as I ran my prints it was towards the end of the day. Those who had been printing earlier started saying that they noticed that the fixer was not quite working right and perhaps it had been used up or contaminated. It was changed by the resource center but not after I had run my prints. I will have to look at them tomorrow and see what I can do. Although not the greatest thing to happen, I am not extremely concerned as the slight pinkness may actually add to the images as they are of sunrise and those are the colors you typically see at the beginning of sunrise.
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Friday, May 3: This is the last day I could print. I isolated 10 of the most promising photos from the day before and set out on reprinting those with the flaws I had noticed yesterday. I did see some slight pinkening from poor fixer so I will look at them later. Due to missing filters and interest in bumping up contrast even slightly more I went up by half for this days prints. Overall I was happy with they turned out. For those with better lighting there is great gradation and others with capture the essence of the first light show less of that and show more of the gray’s representative of their nature at that time.
Stylistically I like the slight pinks in the colors. They fit the theme well. Embracing the flaws is a good thing and letting them say something of the work helps add to it. Overall, I am happy with the reprints. I got a good effect of the sunlight on the water for parts of them
Now, with all of the prints done I need to focus on the presentation and putting them in a way where they relate great. I have quality images of sunrise and I have quality images of its effect on cliffs but the lighting looks very different because half is of the source and half is of the subject. Perhaps I will present them so as they are facing each other as they do in real life. The observers of the mare much like what I was in photographing them, as something in between them to see and interpret their interactions.
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didiletyouknooow · 7 years
59. Around The World
I hope you had a great week! My week was a bit busy because I have so much stuff to do for university. But I tried to finish the new chapter. And since the last week was my birthday week I wrote a VERY LONG new chapter! 
It took me some time to find the right spots for Eileen’s journey and the pictures. I really hope you like it because I do. And I wish I could do such a journey as well some day.
Now I hope you like the new chapter! 
April 15th
Hello readers! I finally arrived in Bangkok! It was a hell of a flight and after landing I was so done with everything here. I didn’t even visit the city and was done – at least for day 1. After leaving the airport I took a cab to my hotel and fell into my bed. For my stay here in Bangkok I booked a hotel room but during my roadtrip I will sleep in hostels I guess.
On day 2 I did a typical sightseeing tour through Bangkok. What a big city! And I’m already done with the smog although I know smog from LA. So after asking the people in the hotel I decided to visit the Grand Palace in Bangkok, The Wat Phra Kaeo, the house of Buddha. Afterwards I went to the temple of the Reclining Buddha. I’m still totally overwhelmed by it. Something I’ve never seen before. The culture here in Thailand is so different to our American culture. Btw, surely I also visited the Temple of the Golden Buddha. I took two days to visit all of the great Buddha temple. Then I decided to visit the National Museum and the Wang Na Palace. Can you believe that until the 1970s this was Thailand’s only museum? I was so surprised to hear that! I did a guided tour in English and learned a lot about the history of the country.
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What else to tell you about Bangkok? It’s a big city….okay I already mentioned it before. It’s so crowded. I definitely DON’T want to drive a car here. I think I wouldn’t survive. There are definitely places you shouldn’t go alone. I didn’t try any food on the street markets because I was afraid that my stomach wouldn’t like it. But Miranda, whom I met at the guided tour at the National Museum, did and she told me it was very tasty. Miranda is from Chicago and since she’s travelling also on her own, we decided to do some sightseeing activities in Bangkok together. We both liked the Lumpini Park with all its green oasis. When I was sitting there reading a book I didn’t think that I was in Bangkok. All the traffic, all the busy people were far away from me. I definitely want to go back to the Lumpini Park but since I only have three days left in Bangkok I have to make a logistic time schedule, haha.
So, this was my first blog post about my journey! I decided to start this blog so that my friends and family will always know where I am and can read what I experienced, saw and whom I met. Some family members may feel reassured when they can read what I’m doing here (hello mom!).
Thanks for reading!
I think I will do the next blog post when I have Wifi in a hostel somewhere in Thailand….well I hope there will be Wifi on an island.
ByeBye Eileen
 April 28th
I just wanted to let you know: I’m still alive! In the last two weeks I traveled through Thailand together with Miranda. We make a great travel duo since we both have the same destinations. I don’t know where to start but Thailand is such a wonderful country. I like the nature. We flew to Ko Phi Phi, did a canoe trip, went to the beach, did a snorkeling trip. Afterwards we traveled to Phang Nga Bay and of course Phuket. Later on we wanted to visit the Smilian Islands but didn’t have time. 
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So we only did two more beach days and on our last day we visited a rescue center for elephants. Here are people who take care of elephants who had to work at a circus or in shows only to entertain people (mostly tourists). The animal tamer took their honor. It was really heartbreaking to visit this center because many of the elephants are very sick and weak.  Anyway….I have some news for you: I changed my plans!
Miranda and I will fly to Tokyo in two days! After five weeks in Thailand I have to leave this wonderful country but I’m so looking forward to my next destinations!
I will keep you updated!
ByeBye Eileen
 May 6th
Puuuuuhhhhhhh……Tokyo is confusing but the people here are so nice! Every time you are checking out where to go someone asks if you need help. Okay maybe we both looked totally confused by all these skyscrapers and crowded places and streets. I mean, I’m from LA and I know crowded places, crowded high ways and smog but Tokyo is a huuuuuuge difference. If you want to pass a crossroads you are doing it together with 200 other people. Honestly! But I really like the city. I love the food! I mean, for the first time in my life I had real sushi from Japan!
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Miranda and I did all our trips together – just to avoid to get lost haha. She already visited Tokyo a few years ago so she knew some places but it was still very confusing. I mean, everything is so big!
Whatever….we went to the Roppongi Hills Tower and had a great view at the skyline of Tokyo. Although I’m totally afraid of heights I tried to enjoy it because it was really a beautiful view.
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So after one week in Tokyo I’m finally on my way to Australia! I’m sooooo excited! I’m flying to Sydney and three days later my lovely brother Marc will join me!
But at the same time this is also a goodbye. Miranda and I have to part our ways. She has to fly back to Chicago because her journey is ending here in Tokyo. She already traveled through Canada, South America, Hawaii, Europe and Thailand. In nine months. That’s a long journey, isn’t it? I take my hat off to her because she did the whole journey on her own! I was the first person she met on her way and wanted to travel with. Honestly, I’m feeling a bit honored. Thank you for showing me around in Thailand and Tokyo, Miranda! I will miss you! Have a safe flight back home. We will definitely meet when I’m back in the States!
But now I have to leave to get to the airport. Little Eileen completely alone in the whole wide world!
ByeBye Eileen
After landing in Sydney I needed a break. I was so sick and tired after arriving in Sydney. The flight did its best. I hated it. Did I ever mention that I’m afraid to fly? Why the hell did I even decide to travel the world?
I took a cab to the airbnb that I booked here. I was so happy that I didn’t book any hostel because I needed time for myself. I needed time to take care of myself. I needed time to rest. So after arriving at this beautiful airnbnb near the Bondi Beach I bought a pizza at the pizzeria near my apartment and went back to the apartment. After eating it I fell into an eleven hour lasting sleep. I needed it. The next day was very relaxing. I breakfasted at the balcony and read a whole book in the following five hours. Afterwards I needed a nap. I was so tired and jet lagged. But I was looking forward to tomorrow when my brother would arrive. Originally it was planned that I would stay on my own for ten days here in Sydney and maybe travel through the country for a few days but I changed my plans when Miranda asked me to come to Tokyo with her. I mean, what a crazy conversation it was:
Miranda: “I think it won’t be easy travelling solo after these two weeks with you here in Thailand” Me: “You’re going to Tokyo, right?” Miranda: “Yes”
She looked at me and suddenly said these words I was already expecting.
Miranda: “Um, what about joining me?” Me: “Well, I’ve already booked my  flights for Sydney” Miranda: “Yeah but you can change them. I know some tricks” Me: “Really? And it isn’t too expensive?” Miranda: “No….”
So two hours later it was safe.
Me: “Wow, now I’m going to Tokyo with you” Miranda: “Life can be so easy when you’re spontaneous”
And she was right. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Going to Japan was great! What an experience. I was totally culture shocked but I love this city! I definitely want to go back some day.
It was a bit sad leaving Miranda behind. But Tokyo was her last destination. I mean, she already traveled the whole world I guess. It wasn’t her first world trip. She already traveled the world after leaving school. But this was fifteen years ago. For her nine months lasting trip she started last year she saved some money but she also makes money while being on the road. She’s a blogger and an IT expert and is working as a free lancer. I still don’t how the hell she is working as an IT free lancer but she had so many interesting stories to tell! I think it’s obvious that she was the one who created my blog. I mean, I don’t have any knowledge in IT.
In the evening I went to the beach and watched some surfers. I felt so old because these people here looked all so very young! But maybe it was only because of the fresh air and the sun? I had the feeling the people here didn’t have to go to work because they were surfing during the day and partying at night. I think my flat was in a typical party street because I saw a lot of party people on my way back home that night.
The next day was THE day. Marc’s flight finally landed. I counted the hours until I could hug my brother. I squeezed him so much that he almost couldn’t breathe. Sorry, brother! But I was so happy to see someone familiar. Although travelling with Miranda was a great experience and I also liked being on my own for a few days, I have to admit that I missed my family. And I missed my friends. I missed LA so much.
So when I put my arms around Marc it was like coming home for a few seconds. I closed my eyes and imagined to be at LAX. I always hugged my brother this way when either he or I arrived at LAX. “How was your flight?” I asked him. “The worst” he said and took his backpack. Marc was the perfect Australian backpack tourist. He just looked like a real surfer boy with his blonde hair. Okay, he even lived here for a few years and everything started as a backpacking trip so maybe it wasn’t that surprising that he looked like a real Aussie.  
Back in our apartment we relaxed for a while and went to a restaurant afterwards. Marc looked tired but he kept me entertained. He always had a good story to tell. Surely he told me everything about his kids who grew up so fast during the last three years that I was living in Berlin. Oh my gosh, it was such a long time! “I can’t believe that Noel is already going to school!” “He is! And his favorite subject is Math!” “Whaaat? Are you really his dad?” I laughed out loud. “No one in the Puritz family likes Math. Never!” Marc and I shared a laugh and enjoyed our beer on our first night together in Sydney.
Our real journey started the next day with a trip through the city. We visited the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour and Royal Botanic Gardens. Since Marc was some kind of native here he showed me around and little Eileen was totally impressed by everything she saw this day.
Since it wasn’t that hot yet we went to the beach in the following days. While I was sunbathing Marc was reading or buying ice cream. He was such a good travel buddy! We both took a bath in the ocean and I even got a surf lesson. Sometimes it can be good to have a brother who was working here as a surf teacher for a few years. Marc was a real drill instructor! And I felt like the worst student ever. I just couldn’t do it. I was afraid to surf. But Marc did his best to teach me the basics during this week.
While we were on our way to the Great Barrier Reef I was typing my next blog post.
 May 20th
Greetings from Down Under! Marc and I are having the time of our lives here – okay maybe only I’m having the time of my life since I’ve never been here before and Marc even lived here for two years. He’s not that impressed by Sydney anymore, like I am. But he’s happy to be back. Back where everything started. If he wouldn’t have traveled to Australia a few years ago, he wouldn’t have met his wife. Oh my, I’m getting emotional….I have to stop it!
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So what did we do here? Of course Marc showed me around in Sydney. I love this city! It kind of reminds me of LA sometimes but then I’m hearing this British-Australian accent and I know I’m not in LA haha. We spent a lot of time at the Bondi Beach and I didn’t get any sunburn! See mom, I’m definitely an adult now.
Now we’re on our way to the Great Bareer Cliff. We’re doing a boat trip and we will stay in the area for a few days until our way leads us to the Uluru. I’m so excited to be in the outback already!
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We’re already here for two weeks and we will stay another four weeks! Then we’ll travel to Hawaii. Marc wanted to go there. I wasn’t really planning to visit Hawaii but now I’m excited too (after googling the top spots haha). Then our journey will lead us to Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico. Marc will travel with me to Argentina and Brazil but then I’m solo again. But who cares. It’s an exciting journey no matter if you’re with someone or totally on your own!
I will write again when we’re back in Sydney in one week!
ByeBye Eileen
 “Wow what a long car trip” I said exhausted and fell to the bed. We were finally back in Sydney after a trip through the outback for eight days. Marc rent a jeep and so we started our way through the “pampa” as Lara would call it. The great Australian outback. I really liked the outback. The nature was so impressive. We even visited a national park and yes, I saw some kangaroos. Such cute animals.
But I was happy to be back in the city again. It was very hot here in Sydney so I didn’t want to go outside the next day. More than 40 degrees. Urgh.
I stayed at home while Marc got up very early to go surfing early in the morning when it wasn’t that hot yet. I preferred staying in bed the whole day. Okay not the whole day. Maybe it was the first day during my whole journey that I didn’t want to do anything. Just relaxing. I noticed while travelling that I’m not a typical chilling-traveller. Just lying in bed all day, reading, relaxing or maybe some Netflix was fine but I could do that at home as well, right? So I got up every day to get out of the house, to do something. I wanted to see something, watch people, eat delicious food, talk to people, take a walk, enjoy the culture and explore new places. I think I was a very annoying travel buddy because I needed action all the time.
But today I didn’t want to. I just laid here in my bed and got up at 11am to take a shower. Suddenly I heard the door knocking. Okay, um, who did want to visit us? I didn’t know anyone here except of Marc and he definitely took his keys with him this morning because they weren’t on the key board. But what if he lost it?
I left the shower and went to the door half naked – just a towel covered the most important parts of my body – because I thought that it was Marc who knocked. But I was wrong. There was a guy standing in front of me. Um, well….fuck. “Hey Eileen” he said. Okay, the guy knew my name. That was creepy! He looked at me and I searched in my brain for any information about this guy. Maybe I knew him as well but didn’t remember him?
Suddenly I realized who he was. “Ben!” I said surprised. “You needed some time to remember my name, right?” he laughed. “Um, yes, sorry” “Not about that” I grinned. “Um, is Marc here?” he asked. Okay, Ben knew that Marc was here. But he obviously didn’t know that Marc was out for surfing – or Marc forgot that he invited Ben? Why was Ben even here? He was from Germany! “Marc is surfing at the beach” I told Ben. “Oh okay” Ben said. “I thought he’s here. He told me the address where you two would stay so I thought I’m coming over” “But I bet he’s back in two hours.” I told him. Ben didn’t really answer me so I asked him why he was here in Down Under. “I’m travelling. I needed a break” “Oh just like me” I laughed. “Well, do you want to come in?” “Sure” he said and followed me insides. I felt so stupid in my towel that was so short he could almost see my butt... “Um, take a seat, I’m just….I’m looking for some clothes” I told him. “Do it” he grinned and went into the kitchen.
I ran into the bathroom and almost fell down while taking on my jeans. It was too tight. I hated it. I hated my thighs and these skinny jeans. Who created this trend? And why did I even like these pants????
Back in the kitchen I saw that Ben was looking at my computer. My blogdomain was opened because I was writing a little bit before showering. “Sorry, I didn’t do anything here. I just read a bit” he said. “It’s okay” I said. Okay, it was a bit weird that I caught him reading at my computer. But I think he felt more embarrassed and caught that I felt when I opened the door half naked.  “So, how are you?” I wondered. “We haven’t seen each other in years” The last time I saw him was seven years ago.
“Great” he grinned and started telling me about his past years when he was still working on music. He recorded a few records and released them and even toured through Germany but that’s it “And I heard you dated Sebastian” he suddenly said. “Um, yes I did. We were dating for three years” “Such a long time. And you survived it that the band became famous in such a short time” “Well, I get used to it” I joked. “I already knew the feeling of being the girlfriend of a guitar player” “Oh right, Marc told me….this Red Hot Chili Peppers guy, right?” “Yep” “How did that end?” “Well, first he broke up, we got back together and then I broke up. That’s it” “Doesn’t sound that romantic” “It was….but…..he was so busy, I didn’t want to live this lifestyle anymore. A lot happened during that time” “Hm….” ”What about you? Your girlfriend?” “She cheated on me” “What?” “Yes…” ”I’m sorry about that….” I said. “It’s okay” “So that’s the reason why you needed a break?” Ben nodded.
We sat down at the balcony and proceeded chatting. Ben was such a cool and funny guy. But he was also very emotional and thoughtful. Although I didn’t really like the music he did I like talking to him. I could understand that Marc like him so much. They even shared an apartment when Marc was living in Berlin for a while almost ten years ago. “So Marc is a father of two now….wow” Ben said when I was showing him photos of my niece and my nephew” “He is” I smiled happy. “And he met the girl here in Australia?” “Yes….she’s American but she visited his surf curs and well….they met afterwards” I laughed. “Funny story” Ben agreed.
Speaking of Marc. He just came home. I heard the door opening.
“What the fuck maaaaan” was the first thing he said when he saw Ben. The two shared a typical buddy hug – and it lasted very long! While Marc and Ben couldn’t stop talking I decided to write a little bit more for my next blog post but couldn’t find a mood to write. “Hey sis, do you want to eat something? We want to go to the best burger restaurant at Bondi Beach?” Marc asked me. “Sure, why not”
After having the best burger in Sydney we enjoyed our beer at the beach. Sometimes my brother had the best ideas ever. “Life can be so easy” I said. “Just go to the beach with a bottle of beer and watch the sunset” I said. “It is” Ben smiled at me. Suddenly a group of guys approached us. It turned out that Marc knew these guys from the surfing club. He started talking to them and later they asked him if he wants to join them to go partying. He didn’t know if he should agree but I could see in his eyes that he wanted to go partying so bad. “Go!” I told him and laughed. “Sure? Can I let you two alone here?” “We’re old enough” I rolled my eyes. Marc looked at Ben. “I take care of her” he assured him.
So Marc left together with the surfing guys and let me alone with Ben at the beach. The sun was already going down. Honestly, it was a really beautiful moment but it felt a bit weird to share it with someone I barely knew. “Doesn’t it look beautiful?” Ben asked into the silence and pointed at the sky. “It does!” “Hey, what about a walk at the beach?” “Sure!” So we walked at the beach. It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. Ben wasn’t flirty or weird at all. Maybe I was the one who questioned the whole situation because I found myself looking at Ben wondering how cute he was. Wtf? Did I just say that I thought my brother’s mate was cute? Oh well….
Ben brought me back home safety. “Hey um, what are you doing tomorrow?” “Probably packing my backs because we have to catch the flight to Hawaii in two days” “Wow….what a great explanation” Ben laughed. “I never asked a woman what she’s going to do the next day and she answers ‘I’m packing my bags for Hawaii’” “See, now it happened” I grinned. “But what about visiting a theme park tomorrow?” “Um” I was a bit overwhelmed by his question. “A theme park?” “Yes….unless you’re not really into roller coasters” “Depends” I laughed. “So…do you want to go?” “Sure….when?” “I will pick you up at 9am” “Okay, cool” I smiled. “Cool” Ben smiled, hugged me goodbye and turned around. Okay, why was I grinning after closing the door?
The next day started very early because I really had to pack my bag before heading to the theme park with Ben. I was afraid that I couldn’t have time for it tonight because Marc and I wanted to go out for dinner one last time here in Australia. Ben took me to a vintage theme park where many of the roller coasters were from the 60s. I liked the atmosphere here. We could even walk to the ocean because the theme park was directly placed at the ocean. I liked this place so much. I liked Australia so much. And I liked this day. Ben and I laughed a lot and we never went out of topics to talk about. He was very talkactive lately and so was I.
He didn’t force me to drive a roller coaster I didn’t want to. When he wanted to drive one I didn’t want to I just waited for him outside. Afterwards he bought us ice cream. Oh well, I felt like a teenager. I was grinning and laughing and totally forgot about the time. Suddenly Ben took my hand while we were walking through the park. Okay, what happened here? But although I was questioning it I didn’t stop it. I let him hold my hand because I….liked it? Did I really like it? When we were doing a short break on a bench from where you we had a great view at the ocean he looked at me. He was so close. I felt very nervous because I didn’t know what was happening here. I didn’t want to date any guy – this was my mantra for my journey! “No guys!” – Not for a date, not for a kiss, not for holding hands and not for anything more.
But now that I was sitting here with Ben I totally forgot about my philosophy.
When I was looking into these blue eyes I forgot everything. I looked at his tattooed arms and suddenly he turned my head so I looked back into his eyes and then he kissed me.
“What are we doing here?” I asked after many kisses we shared. “Um, kissing?” “Yes but why?” “Because I wanted to….I hope you wanted it too?” “I did!” I smiled and kissed him again. “But” I kept talking. “Why the hell did I have to kiss a friend of my brother in Down Under?” “That’s just life” Ben grinned. “Well….” My phone was ringing. I didn’t want to take it but Ben told me to take it because it could be Marc. And he was right. “Eileen, where are you? I’m waiting at the restaurant outside”
“I really have to go now” I told Ben in a hurry. “I totally forgot that Marc and I wanted to have dinner tonight” “Should I drive you?” Ben asked. “I don’t know….I don’t want him to know that….” ”We spent the day together?” Ben laughed. I nodded. “Don’t worry about that” he told me and we got into the car.
When Ben and I arrived at the restaurant Marc was looking at us with a weird and questioning face. “Where were you?” “Um, we were just in this theme park and Ben drove me here….sorry I forgot that…” ”Whatever, let’s get in. And please mate, join us” Marc told us and clapped his buddy on the shoulder.
I noticed that Marc was watching Ben and me and I guess it was obvious that we both behaved a bit weird. One hour ago we were still sitting at this bench kissing and now we pretended that nothing happened. “How’s your steak?” Marc asked me. “Excellent!” I answered him. He didn’t look convinced. “So tomorrow we have to leave the airbnb at 10am to get to the airport. We’ll arrive in Hawaii at night.” “Oh okay….and you booked another airbnb right?” I asked Marc. He was looking at Ben who seemed very nervous in front of Marc. It was quite funny to watch – if I wouldn’t feel the same because it was so obvious that something happened between Ben and me. But Marc didn’t say anything. “Yes” he answered to my question. “We have an airbnb in Honolulu” he said without stopping to look at Ben. “Does anyone want to have a desert?” my brother asked. Ben and I shook our heads. “Good, I’m going home now because I’m very tired. Eileen, do you want to come with me or do you stay here with Ben?” Wow, why did my brother always ask the most embarrassing and difficult questions? I didn’t know how to answer because I didn’t know if it was a rhetorical question or not. Maybe he already realized what happened between Ben and me and he wanted to see my reaction to his question? But Marc’s phone rang and he left. “Whatever, I’m leaving, Ben you take her home safety, okay?” my brother told his mate.
“Wow, that was super weird” I said to Ben when Marc has left. “It was” he agreed with me.  We paid the bill and went to the beach. I wanted to spent my last night here in Australia at the beach. Ben and I were very chill about the whole situation now. We both agreed that it was just a nice day and a few kisses that happened – nothing more. “Wow, I can’t believe that I will sit at another beach in 24 hours but then in Hawaii” “I can’t believe it either” Ben said. We were sitting in the sand that got colder in the evening. “Why do you have to leave?” He asked me. “Because that’s my trip. I planned it” “Why don’t you stay for a little while? We can do a trip in the outback” he suggested. “Well, I already did it with my brother last week” “I know” he seemed a bit sad. But suddenly he started tickling me. “Oh no Ben, please stop” I laughed. “No” he grinned. He kept doing it until I laid down in the sand. When Ben was laying on top of me we looked into each others eyes. It felt like an eternity for while. Like no one else was here. Maybe there weren’t any people here at the beach at night but….
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We kissed again but this time it was more passionate and even a bit wild. When I rolled on top I realized how annoying the sand was. “Can we please go to a place without sand?” I asked laughing and knocked off the sand from my clothes. “We can” Ben grinned and we went to his car.
Back in his car we kept kissing before he started driving it to his apartment. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other. I didn’t know why but I wanted this. I wanted it so badly. When we were finally in his apartment everything happened very fast. We kept kissing and took off our clothes on our way to his bedroom.
I felt his kisses everywhere and I just wanted to move on. I always kept in my mind that I had to get up early to catch the flight. Seemed like Ben noticed my worries. “Stop thinking, okay?” he told me and then kissed me very emotional. Wow, I never experienced such an emotional kiss. And I wasn’t even in love! It didn’t feel like making love but it definitely felt good. Ben wasn’t a stranger I just met. He was a friend from Marc and I already knew him before. I think I still didn’t want to hook up with strangers again after this night in New Orleans a few years ago. “I can’t believe I slept with my friend’s sister” Ben started to laugh when we were lying in his bed. “Don’t say it out loud” I warned him. “Sorry….but it’s just a weird story. I mean, I came here to forget my ex. And now I ended up in bed with you….crazy story” “That’s right….” I said. “But I really liked it….I hope you did enjoy it too!” “Oh I did” “I heard it” he grinned. “Sorry” “It’s okay….I’m a stranger here. My neighbors don’t know me” “Good” “But….you don’t tell Marc, do you?” “I wont” I promised. “It would be very weird” “Oh yes it would” “I don’t want to sleep now” I told him. “Why?” “Because then I can’t look into these perfect blue eyes” “Oh stop being so flattering” he grinned. “Sorry, just the truth!” I let him know. “I can be very flattering and cheesy too” “Really?” “Yes!” “Tell me!” “I once wrote a song that started with ‘They’re making babies, we’re making love’. What do you say now?” “Okay….that sounds VERY cheesy” I laughed. “Did you write it for your ex?” “Yes…when we were still dating” “Hm….” I didn’t know what to say. “Are you over it?” “Not yet….please don’t think I just used you to forget her. I didn’t. I really like you and thought you’re cute….I liked this night we have but…” ”Everything stays in Down Under, I understand” I responded. “I think the same. It was a great night but I have to sleep now because I have to catch a flight to Hawaii tomorrow” “Please don’t mention Hawaii that often” Ben rolled his eyes. I boxed him into his stomach and laughed. “I have to sleep now so goodnight German dude” “Nightynight” he grinned and kissed me one last time.
I woke up at 7am. Ben drove me back to my apartment. We shared one last kiss until I wanted to left his car. But he pulled me back. “Just one selfie okay?” he asked me. “Um, okay why not” “I want to collect my memories from….” ”….from all the one night stands you have here” I joked. “No” he looked at me with a serious face. “I just want to collect memories from my holiday here and you’re one of them” “Oh…..don’t be cheesy” “sorry” So he took the picture and then we shared the very last kiss until I left his car. I waved back at him until I opened the door and disappaeard in the house.
When I opened the door of the apartment – I really tried to be carefully and quiet – Marc was standing in the kitchen looking at me as if I would be an alien. “Don’t tell me you hook up with Ben” were the first words he asked me. Wow. He was super mad at me I guess. “Um, why?” “Because I know you did….you didn’t come home last night. You spent your whole day with him yesterday….Eileen, why?” “Why not? I’m 34 years old. He’s 35 years old. I guess we’re old enough, don’t you think?” “Yes but….he’s my friend!” “Well, you two didn’t see each other in years!” “Yes but…he’s still a friend of mine and I find it weird to know that one of my friends fucked my little sister the whole night” “MARC!” I stopped him. I didn’t want to hear his words. “It’s just the truth. I don’t want to imagine what you two did last night!” “Then just stop caring about it. We just had fun, that’s it” “He’s a hooker” “Marc, honestly stop talking like that about a friend of yours. Ben is a nice guy and he actually traveled to Australia to forget about his ex with whom he even was engaged but who cheated on him. So who’s the hooker, hm?” “Eileen, I just want to take care of you. I don’t want you to get hurt” “Marc, honestly, I’m old enough to know what’s good for me and when I want to have fun with a friend of yours, I’m going to do it, okay? Stop acting like I’m still 18!” I told him in an angry voice. “Then stop messing around with guys like him” “He’s a cool and nice guy okay?” “Whatever” Marc shook his head and went back to his room to pack his bag. I did the same. We didn’t talk with each other until landing in Hawaii.
 June 4th  
Hello from HAWAII! What a great greeting haha. I always wanted to do it. I never thought I would visit this beautiful US State. I LOVE the landscape, the nature, the beaches, the ocean….I just love Hawaii. I think I never want to leave it. But I have to.
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We’re here for one week now and we only have three days left. Since it was a very spontaneous decision to travel to Hawaii and we got very cheap flight tickets we decided to do it. Marc always wanted to go to Hawaii some day. When he was a little kid he always asked our parents when we will go to Hawaii for the holidays. But my parents always had to disappoint him because our family never traveled to Hawaii.
But 38 years later he finally arrived here. Marc surfed and just enjoyed the ocean and the beach while I was sunbathing and eating as many coco nuts as I could. Oh I love it! Hey mom, we’re having the best time of our lives! Hope you’re all fine!
After a being in a bad mood during our flight to Hawaii where Marc and I didn’t talk with each other – I won’t mention the reason, I just tell you that Marc is a little diva sometimes – we finally get along very well again. We visited some vulcanos, many beaches, looked at palm trees, did a boat trip and I watched Marc surfing. We’re still looking for the best burger restaurant in Honolulu – we’re having three days left to find it!
So, stay safe. I will write again when we’re landed in Brazil!
ByeBye Eileen
 June 10th
Wow, I’m so tired. I think I’ve never been so tired in my life. After 21 hours of flying we finally landed in Lima, Peru. Originally we wanted to fly to Argentina but the tickets were too expensive. So we decided to fly to Peru. We were staying here for two days until we went to a journey to Machu Picchu. IT WAS THE BEST IDEA I EVER HAD ON THIS JOURNEY! Okay, I think I already mentioned it. But it was definitely the best idea I ever had on this journey. How could I travel to South America but don’t think about visiting Machu Picchu? It was such a great experience. You feel like in a total parallel universe when you arrive there. The nature is just wonderful. I can’t find words to describe it!
It was pure nature and I never felt so free in my life.
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 We’re about to catch a flight to Rio in a few hours. I don’t want to. I’m still jet lagged from the flight to Peru but well…that’s the negative side of the journey, right?
So I’m writing you again when we’re landed safety in Brazil.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!! Best wishes from Marc and Me!
ByeBye Eileen
 June 25th
Today I’m writing directly from the beach. But not any beach, no, I’m actually sitting under a sunshade at the COPACABANA! Yes, you read it right. I’m at the Copacabana right now. Marc and I arrived here a few days ago. We already visited the statue of Christ, the Copacabana and Ipanema, the Nationalpark Tijuca in the rain forest. We also went to Santa Teresa, the sugar leaf (yes I overcame my fear of heights!) and we watched boys playing football in the streets. We even went to the Carragas Islands and I think I never saw such a wonderful ocean.
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I had a lot of cocktails – of course Caipirihna! -  and ate so much tasty food! I love Brazil! I went to a lot of museums and even drove into places and districts that aren’t that touristic. But Mom, don’t be afraid. I met so many nice people. If you would leave LA then you would notice that the world isn’t a scary and unsafe place. Actually, it is a wonderful place. I think I never felt so good and relaxed than here in Brazil.
We’re already staying here for ten days and we have two days ahead. But then Marc and I have to say goodbye to each other because my brother has to go back to LA. After six weeks of travelling with him I will definitely miss it to see his snoring face every morning and watch him surfing. I will miss his strong will to find the best burger restaurant in every city we’re staying (we already found it here haha). Marc, thank you for joining me and sorry that I can be such a spoiled brat sometimes.
I will miss you!
Sorry readers for getting a little bit emotional here….but I had to.
My next destination will be Venezuela. I will leave Rio in three days and will stay there for ten days. Afterwards I will travel to Mexico and then back to California.
I’m excited and looking forward to another six weeks of travelling. This time I’m totally on my own and it will be the longest time ever that I will be travelling alone. I’m excited!
If you’re in Venezuela or Mexico or so….don’t be afraid to join me haha.
I will update again after arriving in Caracas, Venezuela!
ByeBye Eileen
  July 14th
Sorry that I haven’t updated yet but I needed some time offline. I explored so many great places during the past two weeks. I decided to travel through Venezuela for a little bit longer because it’s such a beautiful country!
I visited the National Park Canaima and watched the tallest waterfall in the world! Can you believe it? Wow, I was so impressed by it! I can’t find words to describe it. I hope my pictures can show you how impressing this waterfall is! You should definitely visit it one day. And did you know that it was the inspiration for “Avatar”? I still never watched this movie but I was told that it was the inspiration for it. So obviously even James Cameron visited this beautiful piece of earth.
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 Do you remember I mentioned that I loved the Copacabana? Well, sorry Brazil….but I think you lost your pole position to Los Roques! It’s an archipelagic Island 170 kilometers away from Caracas. It’s in the middle of the Caribbean sea and I just fell in love with it! Wow….I didn’t know that such beauty exists in the world. I stayed there for a while and just enjoyed it.
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 Being on my own wasn’t very lame or boring. It was quite the contrary! I was always busy because I noticed that I’m a traveler who needs action. I always want to see something, go to a special place….I think I already mentioned it before. So I was very busy in Venezuela but I also enjoyed the silence here.
 After enjoying the silence I needed some action again….so I went to Mérida to drive with the highest and second longest cable car in the world!
Did I ever mention that I’m afraid of heights? Well, I did. But I wanted to visit it so badly. So I just forgot about my fear and just did it. You know, sometimes you should just do it!
So I did and although I was a bit shaking when arriving on top of it, I could enjoy the view. Wow. Thank you for this beauty, mother nature.
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 My last destination in Venezuela was Caracas. I heard a lot about this city and I really did take care. I went to the Galería de Arte Nacional and found the best burger restaurant again. Marc, honestly, this was the second best burger on my journey!
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I’m now in my hotel room packing my bag. I will leave Caracas tomorrow morning. I’m excited and happy. Venezuela was the first country I totally visited on my own. I don’t want to say that travelling on my own was better but I experienced so much and I appreciated everything a little bit more. I’m just happy that I’m able to do this journey.
So, goodbye for now. I will update again when I’m in Mexico.
ByeBye Eileen
 It was 8am in the morning and it was my third day in Mexico. Yesterday I visited the Teotihuacán Pyramid. It was impressing! I made a lot of pictures but it also was the first day on my journey that I didn’t feel like doing anything. I only went to the pyramid because I didn’t want to spent the whole day in my hotel room. I guess for the first time on my journey I felt totally alone and lonely.
After going back to my hotel I went to have dinner in the evening. I didn’t really enjoy it. I didn’t really enjoy anything here.
July 20th
I just want to give you a short update. I’m still alive and I’m in Mexico right now. I didn’t have a good start here. Mexico City isn’t my thing so I decided to check out of my hotel room and took a prior flight to Tulum as planned. I visited the Maya ruins and just enjoyed my day there. The weather was better, the fresh air was way better than in Mexico City and I just felt better here. Of course I went to the beach as well. 
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But although I did have a good time here I didn’t feel well.
Maybe that’s something everyone is experiencing on a longer joroueny. I don’t know. I just wanted to let you know, that I’m fine. I will do a longer update when I’m in a better mood. 
ByeBye Eileen
After dinner I went back to the beach and just sat down in the sand. I watched the ocean and thought about my whole journey and about my whole life.
Now I was almost 35 and I quit my job. I probably have a doctor’s degree but what does it mean? I have to find a job when I’m back home. Again. My whole life was made of job hunting. For almost ten years now. I was so sick of it. I finally wanted to find a job I could stay in. But maybe that was the problem of my generation. I knew that I wouldn’t stay in my first job my whole life just like my parents did – if they wouldn’t have moved to the States. But even then they found a job and never changed it. Now my both parents were pensioners and they loved it. But what about me? Only three weeks to go and then I would be back home in LA. Of course, I missed my home. I lived in Berlin for three years and only visited LA a couple of times during that time. I missed my parents, my friends, everyone who lived there whom I loved.
And suddenly I thought of Josh. It was the first time during my journey that I was thinking of him. Mostly I was thinking of Sebastian but right now there was Josh on my mind. I wondered what he was doing now. If he was still with Helen and if he was happy with her? I didn’t hear from him in a while. We didn’t really stay in contact. Especially after this confusing situation in New York in February it would feel weird to text or even to call him. I don’t know if I really broke up with Sebastian because I thought about Josh too much. Maybe. I think only my heart knows the answer but it didn’t tell me yet. I had to figure it out. Fact was that I was wondering what he was doing now. Maybe they were on tour again, I didn’t know. Maybe he was on vacation with Helen and her daughter. I still couldn’t believe that he really moved in with them. It was so not Josh. It wasn’t him. He must really love Helen if he moved in with her so early in the relationship. Maybe he found his love? But what about me….did I lost my love? But which of my two big loves? Both?
Suddenly there was a thought in my mind I couldn’t stop thinking about. What if….what if he and Helen were having a baby soon? I mean, she already had a daughter. I bet she was ready to start a family with him. And he was 40 years old….he should be ready. Right? I noticed a weird feeling down in my stomach. It felt totally unreal to think about Josh being a father. A real father. Not just a step father. I imagined how he would hold the newborn baby in his hands and….I had to puke.
I felt a bit embarrassed and checked if someone saw it. I wasn’t alone at the beach. Here were many tourists and especially couples in love who were watching the sunrise. But I guess no one noticed it.’ But why did I react like that while thinking about Josh becoming a father? I didn’t know.
What I knew was that I felt so sad suddenly. I felt like someone pulled out my heart and smashed it into pieces. But why did I felt like this? Why did I feel so alone and lonely? And then I knew.
I missed my baby.
I missed this unborn child who would have turn four in November. The tears were streaming down my face. I cried and cried and even screamed. It was the first time ever that I really realized that I lost my baby. Since the accident happened and the doctors told me, I never really thought about it. I just accepted it. While Josh was suffering so much I was just done with it and moved on. I was totally unemotional about it. But now that I was sitting at a Mexican beach totally on my own I realized what I really lost. I lost my baby. And I had to travel around the world to realize it. I only spent eleven weeks with it. And it wasn’t even born. What a tragedy. Mother nature, why are you so cruel? You can make such beautiful landscapes and wonders but….why are you so cruel to some people in the world? What did we do to you?
I wondered if Josh was over it. It was four years ago….he should be over it. If he ever wondered what our child would have been like? If it would have been a boy or a girl? It would attend the school in two years….I could be a mother of an almost four year old child now. And Josh would be the father. Even if we would have broken up in the meantime we would still be connected through our child. Forever. But now I was sitting here alone in Mexico, wondering about my life while Josh was probably happy with another woman.
The question was….did I even want to share my life again with Josh? Or maybe with Sebastian? I thought about him as well. I loved him. And I missed him throughout my whole journey. I didn’t want to tell myself that I was missing Sebastian so badly but the truth was – I did. I thought about him more than about Josh.
And now there was this question on my mind: Can you really have two loves of your life? And can you really lose both of them?
I had the feeling that I had to do something. I had to change my situation right now. I thought about calling Josh. But I was afraid. What if he was still with Helen? There was no sign that they broke up. Molly didn’t tell me anything because I told her before my journey that she shouldn’t tell me about Josh. I wanted to forget him. Maybe there were news, who knew. But I felt bad for asking her because her mother was sick again and I didn’t want to annoy my friend with such a stupid question. So I thought about calling Josh. I mean, why not? I shouldn’t care, right? I just wanted to know how he was doing. Maybe we would have a nice talk and then I would hang up and go back to my hotel room. And that’s it. I was nervous when I called his number and the seconds until he picked up the phone felt like an eternity. But it wasn’t him that picked up the phone. There was a girl speaking. “Hello?” she was asking. I was shocked. First I thought that it could have been a new girl he hooked up with but it wasn’t. “Hello, here’s Emma. Josh is showering. Should I tell him something? Who is there?” she said.
And I hung up.
Emma was picking up his phone. Emma, the daughter of his girlfriend Helen. So I assumed that he was still living with Helen and Emma. I mean, why should Emma pick up the phone if Josh and Helen would have broken up? It didn’t make sense.
So I called Sebastian.
August 12th 
I can’t believe I did it! I’m back home now! We just arrived in LA! On my last weeks Sebastian joined me and we had the craziest road trip I ever did! We drove from Mexico to California. 
First we stopped in San Diego to do a short stop at the Comic Con - you know, Sebastian is a huuuuuge comic fan. While I’m only knowing about this Comic Con because I adored Seth Cohen from The O.C. so much. I’ve never seen so many crazy covered people on the streets. No matter where you go, there is always a Spiderman or Joker. Whatever. 
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After spending a few days in San Diego we drove Newport Beach! The home of The O.C. The TV show obviously chased us. I love the beaches in Newport Beach! We spent most of the time at the beach, had cocktails and even found another great burger restaurant. 
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I definitely have to go back to Newport Beach some day! It’s not that far away from LA, right? So after spending a few chilling days at the beach we drove to San Bernardino to drive back home and make a short trip on the Route 66! 
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Freedom. I just felt free. 
So after three weeks of road tripping we finally saw a sign. The LA sign at the streets. 
Welcome back home.
I even cried a bit after seeing it. 
I’m finally back home. After living in Berlin for three years and travelling the world for four more months. 
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Hello back California, my old friend <3
Hello again, LA, City of Angels.
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“I can’t believe we’re finally in LA!” Sebastian said after pointing at the big sign in front of us that said “Welcome to the City of Los Angeles”. I felt home. I couldn’t believe it. After almost four years of living abroad and four months of travelling the world afterwards I came finally home. I started to cry. “Such an emotional moment, hm?” Sebastian asked me. I was so glad that he was driving because I wouldn’t be in the mood for it. “Yes” I sobbed.
After I called Sebastian three weeks ago we talked for hours and hours on the phone. We both realized that we missed each other so much. He decided to come to Mexico. I was totally overwhelmed by his decision but I also felt happy to know that I would see him again very soon. Two days later he landed and after one day in Mexico City we rent a car and did a road trip through Mexico and California.
We traveled as friends. Nothing happened. We had many long talks at night, watched the sunrise and the sunset and had breakfast at the beach. We stopped at very lonely places and realized the beauty of these places. 
I didn’t know if I was still loving Sebastian. But right now I was happy that he was here with me.
We knocked at my parents house and of course my mom started to cry when she saw me. They didn’t expect me to come because I didn’t tell them. I wanted it to be a surprise. We hugged for such a long time and afterwards my mom cooked her perfect Bolognese and I told them everything about my journey. Of course they were both surprised that I wasn’t alone and that Sebastian was with me because they thought it was over. But I guess they noticed that we were only here as friends.
Later that night – Sebastian already fell asleep in the guest room – my mother and I shared a bottle of wine. “Eileen, I’m so happy that you’re back in LA. I hope that this time you stay.” She said. “I hope so too. I mean, I want to. I figured out on my journey that I don’t want to live that far away anymore. At least not abroad” “Didn’t you say your former boss has a job for you?” “Hm….yes, but I don’t know this is what I want to do.” “Teaching? At university? I thought you love it? You did your PhD!” “I know….I did. But you know, this life as a teacher at university isn’t easy. You have to publish every once in a while because otherwise you lost your job. I don’t know if I can stand the pressure. I don’t want to….to be honest. I’m 34, I just want to have a job and enjoy my life. Without pressure. Maybe I try to find a job as a writer and journalist. I mean, I already worked for newspapers before moving to Berlin a few years ago. I love writing. When I was writing for my blogpost I realized how much I love writing” “Hm….but isn’t this business a shark tank?” “Mom” I rolled my eyes. “It’s a normal business” “But it isn’t easy” “It isn’t easy to be a teacher as well. At least not at a university” “Hm….sweetheart, why do you always choose the difficult way?” “I don’t know….I think I like it” I laughed. “Speaking of life decisions….what about Sebastian? Did you get back together?” “No” I answered directly. “We didn’t. He just accompanied me. He flew to Mexico and we talked for a long time. I told him that I have to figure it out where I want to live but it won’t be Berlin. He won’t move to LA. So it’s a difficult situation” “Hm…but do you still love him?” “I don’t know” I sighed. “Maybe…..” then I said a few words my mom didn’t want to hear. “In the last weeks I even started thinking of Josh” “Oh no honey” my mom responded. “I thought the Josh chapter is closed?” “Yes it is….I just started thinking of him. I mean, he has a girlfriend….” ”Oh no he hasn’t” my mom suddenly said. Wait. What? How did my mother know?
“He hasn’t?” I checked to see that she definitely told me these information and she didn’t make a joke. “Yes, he’s single. Marc told me. He met him last week in Malibu where Marc went surfing.” “What did Josh do in Malibu? He hates surfing” “I think he visited a friend” “Hm….and he told Marc that he’s single? Why do guys talk about it?” “I don’t know….I think Marc just asked if he’s in Malibu with his girlfriend….whats her name? Helena?” “Helen” “Yes, and Josh replied that they broke up and he’s just visiting a friend” “Wow….okay” “You didn’t know it?” my mother was surprised. “You’re the queen of gossip and social media stalking!” “Yes but….I traveled the world during the last months and didn’t have much Wifi. And to be honest, I didn’t want to waste my time with stalking my ex on Facebook” “That’s my girl” my mom laughed. “Oh but I just read an interview with him where he is speaking very openly about the new Dot Hacker record. It was very interesting” “Who is now the stalker?” I laughed. “You know I like his music but I didn’t get along with Josh very well” “Whatever….if he’s single or not. I don’t care anymore….I don’t want to” “He’s a musician. Why not choosing someone you can trust?” “Sebastian is also a musician. And I trusted both of them” “Yes but Sebastian isn’t playing in such a huge band….maybe there aren’t opportunities” “Mom” I laughed. “Do you know how many teenage fans Sebastian’s band has in Germany?” “Okay, okay…..” she sighed. “Why do you always have to fall for musicians?” “Maybe it’s in my genes” I looked at her. I knew that before meeting my father my mom dated a semi famous rockstar from Germany. I don’t know his name but he’s originally from Bulgaria but became very famous with singing romantic songs in German in the 1970s. “Whatever, you’ll find your way” my mother was sure. “And I’m sure that some day I’m going to be a grandma again” “Who knows….” I said.
Later that night when I was lying in my bed I wanted to resist but couldn’t. I opened my notebook and searched for the interview my mom was stalking about. It was from August. So very recent. Just two weeks ago.
Josh is talking to LA radio reporter about the past Chili Peppers tour and his new record he did with Dot Hacker. I wondered when he had time for doing that. But he obviously had. The reporter asked him very detailed about some of the songs and Josh is giving an answer that shocked me in a way.
 LA RADIO: So let’s talk about the new Dot Hacker record. There are a few songs on it that are very heavy. Not very typical for Dot Hacker. How did these songs come together? Josh: “Well, I had these riffs in my mind and I played them every time I was jamming on my own in my music room. I wanted to bring them on a record. When I played them for the first time in our rehearsal room the fellows reacted very positive and they really liked the song. So we recorded the first one and the other two followed. I like the idea that we changed our sound a little bit”
LA RADIO: You’re almost screaming a whole song long Josh (laughs): “I know. I hope no one hates me for doing it. But I just had the feeling I had to. There were a couple of things happening in my life and I just wanted to scream it out”
LA RADIO: What happened? Josh: “Let’s say,  I did a couple of bad decisions in life. I messed around for a while and I’m not proud of it. But I guess that’s something that comes over you if you’re in the business for too long. I needed a break and I’m honestly very happy that the Chilis are on a break now. I know the fans are a bit mad about it but we all need a break after this tour. We’re not the youngest anymore. Even I’m not. So I’m happy that I can play music with the Dots now….it gives me a fresh mind”
LA RADIO: Is it a very personal album? Josh: “Hm….maybe. I don’t know. I think I often write very cryptic lyrics so no one really knows what I want to say with it but I do. And maybe the other people that I’m singing about”
LA RADIO: So you’re singing about a woman? If I take a deeper look into the lyrics it seems like that…. Josh: “Maybe. I don’t want to talk about every story behind the lyrics but….maybe. I thought about life very often during the making of the record. I thought about my life, about the lives of other people, people I love. I thought about our current situation in the world. Maybe we changed our lyrics because we’re all having family now….at least almost every one in the band. You start to see the world and your life from a different perspective if you have to take care of a child”
LA RADIO: I heard your drummer Eric Gardner wrote a song about his daughter? Josh: “Yes and it’s the cutest thing in the world! I love his lyrics. I want to feel them some day….actually, when we were recording the song Eric showed us a noise his daughter made he had recorded on his phone and we thought that it fitted perfectly into the ending of the song. So we included it. So she’s named in the credits on a record at the age of two (laughs)”
LA RADIO: But there is one song that isn’t that happy at all. You sing about losing a love. Josh: “Not I’m singing….the lyrical Me is singing (laughs)”
LA RADIO: Whatever….this song let me start thinking about love in general. In the song you sing that “All hope is over”. Are you really that negative? Josh: “No….at least I don’t want to. But at a certain age you experienced a lot in life. You learned a lot about love, feelings and all this shit. I don’t want to say that I lost my hope in it. I was just thinking about it. Sometimes you sit in your room and just question your life and yourself and you wonder where you’ve been when you lost the love of your life and why you didn’t fight for it. I think this is what the song is about”
After our interview was done, Josh’s phone was ringing. It was the third time that it was ringing during our interview. But he always rejected the call. Now he picked up. It was his daughter Emma. She asked him if she can go to a Taylor Swift concert. Josh laughed after hanging up the phone. “Girls” he commented smiling. But I’m sure he already bought a ticket for his daughter and him. That’s what fathers do. 
 Wow. So this was very emotional and disturbing to read. I had so many questions on my mind when I read this. I definitely had to listen to the new Dot Hacker record. But at the same time I was totally afraid of doing it. It would be released in a week so I was definitely looking forward to it. Now I was curious what Josh was talking about.
The next question was: why the hell did the reporter write that Emma is Josh’s daughter? It’s totally wrong and…..ugh. Why is he even referring to her as his daughter? Whatever. Why did I even care?
I shouldn’t have read this interview. It just confused me. Sebastian was sleeping next to my room. He would probably wake up tomorrow morning, looking forward to a new day in LA with me while I was lying here thinking about my ex. Oh well, being a thirty something was even more complicated than being a twenty something….
BTW I wrote something about Josh on my blog....if you want to read it click here: https://order-disorder-blog.tumblr.com/post/165523840686/lets-talk-about-josh-klinghoffer
 “We live on a blue planet That circles around a ball of fire Next to a moon that moves the sea And you don’t believe in miracles?”
(Translation of the chorus of Marteria - Welt der Wunder) 
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lynccycling · 5 years
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Humpday got you feeling down? In an uninspired funk and can’t get out? Not feeling motivated to chase your goals? We feel you, it happens. Which is why each LYNC instructor has tools to stay focused & on their game. Take a scroll down motivation lane and maybe pick up a tip or two to get you back on track.
I loooovvvvveeee taking Teddy on a walk or run (whatever Ted is feeling that day) and leaving my phone at home to be in my own headspace and one with nature if we go through Arbor Hills! I also love to listen to one of my new fav podcast “The Last Podcast on the Left” which is about anything from conspiracy theories to true crime or historical facts (history has ALWAYS been my fav subject) while cooking or cleaning around the house! Maybe its the Mexi in me but cleaning is a huge reliever for me! Clean house = happy lil becky!
Our favorite cleaning products? Mrs. Meyers infused with essential oils.
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I LOVE getting in my kitchen and cooking a yummy meal. I always start with a trip to the grocery store (probs Trader Joes) to pick up the ingredients.. I'm one of those weird humans that find grocery shopping SO therapeutic. I am currently OBSESSED with Alex from the Defined Dish, who just so happens to be a Dallas gal!  One of my favorites right now is her Shrimp Remoulade Lettuce Cups recipe! Of course, finishing it off with some healthy sweet treats, like this Banana Bread! 
This all happens while I'm listening to one of my favorite light hearted podcasts,  The Lady Gang.  When things get off track, a good belly laugh and a great healthy meal is always a great reset!
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I start my day with quiet time every morning accompanied by my devotional (@jesuscalling) and podcasts The Porch.
After quiet time, I take about 5-10 minutes every hour at work to listen to a few songs that make me happy (no shocker that Jess Glynne and Betty Who are at the top for me rn)
After work, I love walks on the Katy Trail or White Rock Lake, wine bars (leelas always) and cooking meals with my friends (favorite food blogger is definitely skinny taste). At night I try my hardest to unplug and focus on friends/family as much as possible.
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This music definitely isn’t everyone’s thing, but the band August Burns Red has picked me up when I’m down, pushed my butt through tough workouts, gotten me focused at work, you name it, more times than I can count. Their lyrics are really powerful, and they wrote one of my all time favorites:
“Don’t excuse yourself from life today on the pretense of your past.” Let that sink in.
Alt response: I pet my dog or take him for a walk if he’s nearby, or just look at pictures of him on my phone because he’s stinking cute and it’s a good reminder that I need to keep it together for the people who love me and doggos that depend on me.
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One of my favorite things to do (other than a good sweat sesh on the bike) is surfing. I used to go out to California and surf at San Clemente beach all the time when I was younger. It was a great way to slow down my mind and be focused on the present moment. HOWEVER there aren’t many beaches in d-town so I usually hop into a pool and swim it out or roll out my yoga mat at Hot Body Yoga. It’s a great way to control my breathing and something about being under water is relaxing to me.
When I need to get sh!t done, one of My favorite coffee shops is Global Peace. You can usually find me there writing or emailing with a cappuccino in hand. Also I LOVE coffee. Oh did I say love, I meant I’m addicted. Same thing right?
I’m also a BIG fan of live music and on the weekend if anyone is in town playing I try to make an effort to go out and support. It helps me get out of my head and is a good excuse to just sit back and enjoy some of my favorite tunes. My must see bands are: night riots, jet black alley cat, band Camino, State champs, Greta Van Fleet and Marianas Trench.
Look up concerts near you. One of our favorite venues? Granada theater!
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I love, and wish I did it more, putting my phone away when I’m home and being in the moment with my family (but of course grabbing it to document Noah dance parties and special memories). Five minutes with my son (if he is napped and fed 🙈) can cure five bad days. 
Between teaching/training clients/and all the hustle I also really enjoy silence. I rarely listen to music while driving nowadays because I’ve found that my mind tries to start programming and/or choreographing whenever a song is playing- so having quiet time to disconnect is important. I also love to jump in a class and go into student mode.
Check out 10 apps to help you put down your phone and get back to the moment.
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When the weather is nice, I love doing outdoor activities and being near water! Paddle boarding, swimming, and BBQing are my go-to day-off favs. I also enjoy a homemade coffee in the morning to kick start my day and going out back to wake up and check on my pepper plants and succulents. Planting is very peaceful to me. I love watching things grow.
Check out this 101 on starting your own herb garden.
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Outside of teaching, I love group fitness and enjoy taking classes at LYNC and around Dallas to let out nervous energy. I like to decompress by reading, listening to podcasts, and listening to LANY and John Mayer.
I listen to The Morning Toast and The Lady Gang - totally light hearted, but makes me bust out laughing in the car and puts me in a good mood before teaching.
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To stay motivated, I read... a lot. I read everything from nonfiction true crime stories and self development books to fiction novels to self-published articles on Medium. You can catch me searching my inbox at the Barnes & Noble check-out line for a coupon for a new book or sitting at Mudleaf Coffee shop (a super cool space in Plano) with headphones in listening to Audible.
My go-to read is anything by Brené Brown (Daring Greatly is my fave). She is a vulnerability researcher, specializing in shame. (wow, couldn’t we all dive a little deeper into that?) 
I also love to listen to Gary Vee’s Podcast to keep me focused in the business world. He touches on marketing tactics, struggles in business and life, leadership development and more–and TBH he’s just brutally honest and sometimes I just need a good kick in the ass and for someone to tell it to me straight.
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I like to take 10-15 minutes out of my morning to meditate to help level set me at the beginning of my day. My favorite app is “10% Happier” because it has courses, guided and unguided meditations and you can customize the time to whatever fits your schedule!
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I love a good story. I’m old school and really enjoy going to the bookstore and getting a physical copy. Lately my favorites have been ‘This Is How It Always Is’ and ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’. Put it with quiet time outside in the sun or snuggled with coffee and my puppy in the morning - foolproof feel good.
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I love going to Title Boxing to punch out all of my feelings. Whether I need a release or am excited and want to celebrate an hour of hard work–gallons of sweat at Title is always the move for me. 
I also love to take long walks on the weekends with my fave gal pals, Allison, Leina, Izzy, and Madeline to La La Land Kind Cafe or Bird Bakery. We almost always indulge in a sweet treat which for me is the perfect way to celebrate a week well done.
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The main thing I do at the moment to recharge is get a good nights sleep. Being in bed by 9pm really excites me, haha!
Also, getting some vitamin D and tanning by the pool on the weekends always puts me in a good mood. I usually end up falling asleep there too lol.
Catch this guided sleep meditation for a little shut eye to keep your mind right and our favorite SPF to lay out in the sun.
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I’d say personal time is the best way to recharge for me! I love walking the Katy Trail while getting out for some sunshine or hot yoga. Hot yoga is such a release for me because It not only calms the mind but gives me a good stretch! My favorite hot Yoga is at Core Power.
I’ve recently been loving EVERY recipe from The Defined Dish who makes clean/easy/whole30 approved meals. Her meals are so tasty and simple to make! Feel good guilty treat that is guaranteed to make any day better is ice cream!
Calling my family always lifts me up and keeps me rooted!  I also really try to put my phone down while at home for 30 minutes at the end of the day and engage in something other than scrolling mindlessly on social media which helps me reconnect with myself and surroundings.\
0 notes
megamanxfanfics · 7 years
S.IV - Ep.7: Lost at Sea
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Mature Content Warning.  Some material in this chapter may not be suitable for minors.  For most of us, however, this is the moment that we've all been waiting for.  No Spoilers here.  Read on, friends. =)  - Metal Man X --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. BIO LABORATORY – Broken Computer Room - NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
X hops back inside the room from the damaged rooftop and quickly dashes over to the Lab's computer in a panic.
He activates the screen, which pulls up the inner schematics of the Lab.
X: Hmph… This is where Mushroom was observing me.  Lets zoom out.  There’s got to be something…
He pulls back from the Satellite feed to get an overhead view of his location.
He pulls back and finds that he is in a small island surrounded by long stretches of sea in every direction.
X: Am I on… Fiji???
[Insert Title Card: Lost at Sea]
   -        Cut to – ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT. UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISOC: This is no good, Sigma!  Split Mushroom is down and X has access to his computer now.  Anything that we've been planning is now exposed!!!
SIGMA: (filtered) Hahaha. Hardly!
ISOC: Hmm!?
Cyber Peacock appears on his monitor in a small window, uninvited into his network.
CYBER PEACOCK: (filtered) You can relax, Isoc.  I've locked him out of our files.  He can’t see anything I don’t want him to.
ISOC: (relieved, then worried again) Oh good.  Why don’t you lock him out of the computer completely!?
CYBER PEACOCK: He's gotta get home at some point…  I wanna face this guy.
SIGMA: Heeheeheehee…
   -        Cut to – ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT. BIO LABORATORY – Broken Computer Room - NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
X: This is no good..  He has no network connections to other labs.  Which means I can’t translocate out of here to enemy territory…  The mystery continues, I suppose…
He lets out a sigh as he looks back at the map.  He takes note that New Zealand and Australia are closest to him, but still a long distance away.  Abel City, California is far East of him.
X: (v.o thinking) Damn it…  I need to get out of here and HQ is unreachable!  If I take a swim out to civilization, I can commute home the old fashioned way, but Geez…!  (aloud) Aggh. Either way I slice it that is a Long Swim!  I have to do some conversion and crunch some numbers…
He looks at the map.
X: (v.o, thinking) So which way do I go…? New Zealand or Australia… (aloud)  Its either South or West…
He looks at the map again and grows anxious as he tries to make a decision.  He looks up the distance between the two areas.
X: South or West…?
-cut to-
At around 2 hours past midnight, Iris walks into the Shinobi wing of the Maverick Hunter Dormitory hallways with a cautious look on her face.  There is too much on her mind that cannot wait until the morning.  She needs to find Zero at his quarters.
She finds his room at the end of the hall and timidly knocks.
IRIS: (low, soft) Zero...?
After a moment the door opens.  A groggy Zero looks down at her with his eyes half open.
ZERO: ...I-Iris?  Hey.. what’s up?
She looks away, almost embarrassed or ashamed.
IRIS: I couldn't sleep...  I've been thinking about you all day...  C-can we talk...?
His eyes widen as he wakes up a little more now.
ZERO: Of course.  Come in.
He lets her in and closes the door.
-cut to-
INT. BIO LABORATORY – Broken Computer Room – NIGHT
X studies the computer as he continues to convert his data from distance to time.
X: Looks like I’m heading South.  (v.o, thinking) New Zealand is 2595 kilometers away…  Let’s convert that to miles.
He types into the search engine and looks at his new numbers.
X: (v.o, thinking) Okay..  So 1 mile is 1.609 kilometers.  Man!  I can’t believe I’m doing Math right now.  So… then that’s… /1,612.46 miles!!  What does that mean??
At the dash, the information is /pulled up.  He begins to panic, as he starts to feel the weight of the distance in his chest.  Then he takes a deep breath.
X: Okay.  Let’s get real.  Marty was able to swim a mile in 10 minutes!  She was comparable to an amazing World Class Swimmer.  I remember how she used to make fun of me for taking 3 times as long as her…  I tried to keep up, but I’m average at best..  which means that it’ll take me about half an hour, each mile.  …27 minutes, to be nice..
He slightly smiles through his plight as he crunches more data.  This time he wants to see how many minutes it will take to reach New Zealand in 1,612 miles.
X: (wide eyes, stumped) …43,536.42 minutes.  Good, God…
-cut to- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Zero’s Dorm - NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris sits next to Zero on his bed as they both look at the floor.  He looks at her out of his periphery as he listens to her.
IRIS: I'm worried about you...
ZERO: Huh? …Why?
He turns his head to look at her solemn face, still staring at the floor.
IRIS: This War...  I think.. it's changing you.
ZERO: (neutral) ...I'm still me...
He looks directly ahead at the wall.
She makes a short laugh and continues, turning to him with a slight smile now.
IRIS: Ah.. I know...  But...  I don't know...  Its just been really scary to watch you lately... That's all.
ZERO: (defensive) So don't watch me.
IRIS: I can't...  I have to!
Out of confusion, Zero cringes his brow and starts to become annoyed.
ZERO: I don't understand y-
IRIS: (interjecting) I care about you too much...  I need to make sure that you're okay.
His heart lightens up inside. He finally feels that it’s time to open up to her too.
ZERO: I care about you too. So much!  And that's what makes this So hard for me..
Iris puts her hand on Zero’s knee.
IRIS: ..but you can't stop...  I know.
Zero closes his eyes. Almost ashamed.  He takes her hand and squeezes it.
ZERO: (whispering) ..no...
He closes his eyes and looks away, fearing the worst.
-cut to- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT. BIO LABORATORY – Broken Computer Room – NIGHT
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- X stands upright with huge eyes as he’s finished converting his data.
X: One month!  That is how long it would take if I swam from here to New Zealand.. with NO BREAKS!  And only THEN could I try to fly home..  This isn’t going to work.  I’ve got to call someone…  
Despite his com-link not working, he holds out his arm, opens up his gauntlet with the push of a button and thumbs through his contacts.
X: The coms are down, so I can’t talk to most of my contacts…  But maybe, I can reach out to some Ex-Hunters that I’m still on good terms with.  Let’s see… Who could I call from the web?
He looks at the names on his list of Ex-Hunters: Carapace Turtle, Charlie, Gear-rig, Grizzly Slash, Kenny, Plated Platypus, Poison Toad, Skid, Squid Adler, Steve, Tom, Venom Varanus, Zarrick.
X gasps.
X: Zarrick!  He’s the only one I could call.  Duh!  He inherited Cain Manor!!  I should’ve thought about that before.  I’ve got that number memorized!
X happily pulls up a phone app from Split Mushroom’s computer and dials Doctor Cain’s old number.
-cut to-
After a short moment of silence, Iris pats Zero on his hand.
IRIS: ...well, I guess... I’m gonna have to live with it.
ZERO: (surprised) Hm?
She lightly smiles with a tired face and curls up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
IRIS: (peaceful) I know how you feel about my Team...  I understand why you're fighting your fight.
ZERO: (astounded, relieved) You do!?  Thank you!  That's all I wanted..
IRIS: But I also know how I feel about you... And I don't want to lose that.
Zero's eyes widen as he feels his heart fill up with an unknown joy.
IRIS: (continuing) Which means that... for now... I'm just gonna have to live with it, until it gets better.
Zero blinks his eyes and looks at her, not quite sure what he is hearing.  Is she actually accepting Zero’s stance in this War?  More importantly… does she see a future with them together?
ZERO: (bowled over) Huh??
IRIS: (clear, engaged) I have a plan that'll help you attack Jet Stingray tomorrow...
ZERO: (shocked) What!? Are you serious??  You’re actually helping me???
IRIS: Yes.  ...Stingray is a jerk and he has it coming…  He never should have attacked Sydney like that.  That’s what escalated the War…
ZERO: It did!  If he didn’t do that, I still would’ve been pissed at your brother, but like.. that’s it!  I just would’ve been waiting for him to cool down and talk to me!
IRIS: Exactly!  And I’m still hoping that will happen.  But in the meantime…  Jet Stingray deserves to be punished.  And I want to help you do that.
Zero can’t believe his eyes.  This beautiful, unsuspecting girl has come into his life and now they’re working together as a team.
ZERO: (elated) Thank you.
-cut to-
INT. BIO LABORATORY – Broken Computer Room - NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
X is on the phone with Zarrick through the use of Split Mushroom’s Computer App.
X: (gasping, responding) You can!?  Thank you!!!
ZARRICK: (tired, filtered) Y-yeah.  Sure man!  I’ve got a jet and everything.  Me and the crew can pick you up in the morning.
X: Oh my God, Zarrick!  You’re a LIFE SAVER!!
Zarrick laughs over the video call.
ZARRICK: (filtered) Heheh…  I’m so glad I can still be of help.  It’s late.  Get some sleep, man.  I’ve got your coordinates marked down.  We’ll come and get you in the morning.
X: (relieved) Ohh.  Thank, God man.  Okay…  I’ll see you tomorrow.
ZARRICK: (filtered) Goodnight.
X: (smiling) Goodnight.
-cut to- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Zero’s Dorm – NIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zero and Iris are locked into each other’s eyes.  They passionately stare at each other, affixed and exhilarated by their new plan.
IRIS: I can get you inside the Marine Base Terminal.  From there you and your Unit can destroy the base from the inside.
Zero gasps and is overflowed with such emotion.
ZERO: Iris!  You’re so amazing.  And incredible!!
IRIS: (giggling, playful) Hehe.  I know..
She smiles, as Zero inches closer to her face.  He lightly puts his forehead against hers and touches her shoulders.  Their smiles continue.
ZERO: I'm so happy that we’re working together.
IRIS: (soft, whispering) Me too…
Their faces are so close that they can practically feel their lips touch when they talk.  In the next second, their lips meet as Zero hugs her.  In a passionate embrace, they proceed to kiss and pronounce their feelings for each other physically.  Their lips and tongues entwine with closed eyes as they both blush and fully accept each other’s kisses.
When they finally stop, she looks at him with amazed, slightly glazed eyes.
IRIS: Oh, Zero... I Love you.
ZERO: (gasping) I Love you too...!
They feel dizzy as they embrace into their second passionate kiss as a couple.
When they pull away, they look at each other, fondly.
ZERO: (smiling) Why?
IRIS: (smiling) Why what?
ZERO: (smiling) Why all this?  Why now?  Why help me??  
IRIS: (giggling) Were you even listening, silly? Or just staring into my eyes again.
ZERO: I do love those eyes..haha.  
He gives her a quick kiss.
IRIS: Hehehehe.  I already told you.  I just wanted to help you…  I wasn’t expecting any of this…
Zero gives her an impish grin.
ZERO: Whoops.
She smiles.
IRIS: Hehe..  oops…
ZERO: So… I think I get it.  You see my side now, but.. how? Why so sudden?
IRIS: It’s not sudden...  I’ve been very disappointed in Repliforce’s behavior, but… that’s my Brother…  And those are really great people that he works with.  For the most part!  But Stingray is a loose cannon.  I don’t like him.  Slash Beast was another one, but you did away with him too.
ZERO: Hmph.  What about Web Spider?
IRIS: Ugh!  Sooo creepy!
ZERO: Hahahaha!!!
They both lay down and get comfortable.  He puts his arm around her and pulls her to his side.  With her head on his chest, she puts an arm around him and runs a finger up and down his torso.  She hesitates and looks up at him sheepishly.  Then out of nowhere, she slaps him on the chest, lightly.
ZERO: Ah!  Hey..!!  What was that for??
IRIS: (smiling, flirting) Hm?  Oh, nothing…
He smiles at her curiously, then looks up at the ceiling as they snuggle.
ZERO: …We clearly have a thing going on.  Probably have for a while..
IRIS: Well, if this War had to be the catalyst to act on those feelings, then so be it, I guess..
She slightly frowns and looks away at that thought.  But then she looks at her beautiful, blonde warrior and decides to kiss him again.
ZERO: Mmh..  aah.
He accepts her short kiss as they disembark.
IRIS: Jet Stingray is a jerk...  He has this coming to him.
ZERO: Ohh Iris.  You have made my night.
He embraces her and pulls her on top of him with a tight loving squeeze.  She looks at him mischievously and puts her hands on his chest.
IRIS: I haven’t made anything yet!
Zero looks at her with wide eyes as she sits on top of his pelvis.  With a glittering twinkle in her eyes, she gently pulls his arms towards her chest with a smile.
Zero’s eyes widen and dilate as he gasps.  She has just placed his hands on her chest.  He always wondered how they felt.  Never in a million years did he think this would happen.
He massages her breasts as she blushes and makes a light moan.
IRIS: (passionate) Oh!  Zero…
She girates on his pelvis and leans in to kiss him again, as his hands makes his way down her back and firmly cup her bottom.
ZERO: (kissing, loving, consulting) Mmf. Yeah?
IRIS: (passionate, sighing, consenting) Yeahhhh…
-We zoom out as they continue to make love-
-fade to white-
EXT. FIJI – Bio Laboratory Estate - DAY
Caption: November 17th, 9:00 AM - The next morning.
X waits outside of the weathered Laboratory amidst a short field of grass as he stares at the sea off the nearby shore.  He lightly gasps when he spots a shiny white jet heading toward him from the distance.
The jet pulls in, turns to his left and touches down nearby with it’s landing gears.  X smirks when he sees a big, flashy logo advertising the word “Legion”.
When the cockpit opens, Zarrick, Skid and Gear-Rig peer their heads out.  Zarrick hops out of the jet completely and smiles as he walks over to X.  
X: (thankful) Wow!  This is amazing. Thank you!!
He greets him with a firm handshake.
ZARRICK: (smiling) Ya see that X?  Sometimes it pays to have friends outside of the establishment.
X: Heheh.  I guess you’re right.
Zarrick leads X on-board, who takes a seat in the back next to GEAR-RIG, his short-term Navigator.
X: (surprised, warm) Oh.. Hello.
GEAR-RIG: Salutations, old friend.
He greets him with a warm, friendly handshake.
SKID: Yo..
A seat ahead of X, SKID passively waves her hand without even turning around as she gazes out the window.
Zarrick locks the cockpit and switches the knobs back on.
ZARRICK: Alright guys. All buckled in?  
SKID: (reluctant) Yeeeah…
GEAR-RIG: (excited) Yep.
X simply smiles and nods.
ZARRICK: Alright!  Next stop…  Good old Hunter HQ…!
X feels a wave of relief pass through him as the turbines from beneath his feet activate and rumble throughout the entire cockpit.  Soon the aircraft hovers over the sea and lifts off.
X: (v.o, thinking) Finally!  Thank Goodness for Zarrick.  I've got to get home and figure out what’s going on with our coms.
   -        Cut To –
An annoyed Captain stares at his Halogen screen, which continuously loads and gives him no indication of updated information.
He smashes his fist against the central console and gets up from his station.
A nervous navigator turns around from his chair.
NAVIGATOR: Errm…  I think it’s that.. Bug we caught snooping around in our system sir.
NAVIGATOR: Y-yeah.  You know.. The bird-like one.
CAPTAIN: Ghaaah.. Of course!  Its that Cyber Peacock, or whoever. It must be!!  Can we get a hold of X?
DISPATCHER: Um..  I'm not sure if it’s the system or what, but he hasn’t reported back since last night.
He walks over to his console and attempts a com-link only to hear static interference emitting from the network.
CAPTAIN: SHIT!! Coms are down!!!  Someone find X for me.
DISPATCHER: Ah-h.  I'll go, sir.
CAPTAIN: Good.  Lets get our best techs over to R & D.  With any luck, X is in the building and we can get him into Cyber Space.
DISPATCHER: Right away, sir!
NAVIGATOR: Can’t someone else go in, sir?  ..er.. In the meantime…?
CAPTAIN: No…  Thanks to the work of a world-class technician named Middy… X's Host Pod is able to interface with Cyber Space. He is the Only one who can physically enter the Data Network, since it’s his personal pod.  …if this is going to become a persistent problem we're going to have to remedy that.
NAVIGATOR: Zero's pod is down there. …Maybe we can rewire his!
CAPTAIN: Hmph.  Not in enough time..  Speaking of, where is he? And where the Hell is Iris??  I need her in here.
-cut to-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. REPLIFORCE MARINE BASE – Back Room – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris teleports into a back room hand in hand with Zero and Takuma. They are surrounded by a line of supplies and Ride Chasers.
IRIS: (whispering) It’s a good thing I have direct access to all Repliforce Stations. Otherwise I don’t think this mission would even get off the ground.  The Main Terminal is just through that door.  Are you two sure about this?
ZERO: (firm, quiet) Absolutely sure.
TAKUMA: (worried, hushed) But what about Tau and Venzo?
ZERO: (low) The teleporters aren’t working for some reason…  They’ll just have to catch up with us the old fashioned way.
TAKUMA: (light) Hmm!  But that could take-
ZERO: -Hours, I know, depending on how they travel…  We have no other choice. We have to move.  Thanks for everything Iris.  We'll take it from here.
Zero looks around and chooses his Ride Chaser.
IRIS: (soft) Remember, I'm only agreeing to this because Stingray's a jerk...  If it weren't for him this War wouldn't escalate to such a degree...
ZERO: I know.
He hops on and slowly backs out of the track with his feet.
IRIS: I'd better get out of here. If I'm seen with you, technically that's treason.
Zero closes his eyes as Takuma gasps.
TAKUMA: (gasping) Are you gonna be okay?
IRIS: (smiling) I'm Repliforce silly.  I'll be fine…
She smiles at Takuma warmly and gives Zero a fond wave before she teleports out of there.
He makes a relieved smile as she disappears.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) She'll be okay.
With her gone, Zero invites Takuma to hop on another Ride Chaser in the room.
ZERO: Well… It’s now or never, bud.  You ready for this?
Takuma takes a deep breath as he walks over to a Ride Chaser.
TAKUMA: I guess so..!
-cut to-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Control Room – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Dispatcher returns, panting and winded.
DISPATCHER: I'm sorry sir..  Hheh. Hheh.  X isn’t in his room and no one has seen him at all today.
Captain looks at his frozen Halogen screen with a scowl.
CAPTAIN: (v.o, thinking) Well, are you happy now, X?  You made it Priority None, and now we’re all sitting ducks until you get back!  
-cut to-
CAPTAIN: (o.s, v.o) …from wherever you are…
X looks out of the window as he gazes at the swiftly passing sea with concern.
ZARRICK: So, X…  I have to ask.  What were you doing on Fiji???
X: Heh…  I was investigating a lead that only lead to more questions.
ZARRICK: Isn’t that always the way…?  What was the lead?
X: Well, this lab created a bunch of new Mechaniloids!  The same ones that attacked the Sky Lagoon!!  So I figured it was this guy.
ALL: Oooooh.
SKID: So you got 'im?
X: (smiling) I got him.
X: Yeah.  But… I can’t prove anything because he stranded me there, and now he's kinda dead…
GEAR-RIG: Oh my.
SKID: Heheh, that’s what happens when you mess with Big Boss X.
ZARRICK: So wait…  What did you want to prove?
X: That there’s something more to this War…  That it’s all happening for a reason.  I think Repliforce has been set up!  And now with our coms down and no way to get home, they’re going after us too!!
They all gasp in their own way.
ZARRICK: Hmmm.  Well now that we're on the subject, what happened with Repliforce anyway…??  Why did the 'Great War' start?
X: (surprised) Oh man…  That’s a tough one.
-cut to-
Zero smiles as he weaves back and forth in the corridor with Takuma on their Ride Chasers.
Ahead of them, a soldier drives after them on his Hornet Ride Chaser.
Takuma gasps while Zero grits his teeth and fires his Ride Chaser's blasters.  He destroys the soldier and his Ride Armor to bits within seconds.
ZERO: Hahahaa! Isn’t this great?
Takuma looks at his leader in awe.
ZARRICK: (o.s, v.o) There’s a lot of buzz on the news right now.  It doesn’t look good, man…
X: (o.s, v.o, regretful, disappointed) I know…  I dunno.
They pass by 3 hover gunners as they catch up to three more unsuspecting Hornet riders.
HORNET 1: Huh!?
He is struck down by the blasters and destroyed.
HORNET 2: What the-!?
Takuma shoots him down.
HORNET 3: (reporting) It’s the Hunters, sir. Its an Invasiaaahh!!!
His report is cut off short as Zero blasts through him and revs up his bike's engine.
They continue on the sloping ramps of the Terminal as they pass through a wave of hover gunners easily with their blasters.
ZARRICK: (o.s, v.o) What do you mean 'you don’t know'??
Zero hops off a ramp and destroys a fleeing soldier in mid-air.
X: (o.s, v.o, perturbed) I mean - I don’t. Know…  One minute everything’s fine.  The next second, The Sky Lagoon falls…  
Zero spots two soldiers riding in different directions. He shoots one in the back, while the other dodges his attack and jumps over his head.
ZERO: Whoa!
TAKUMA: (reacting) Whoa!!
Takuma quickly fires at the rider before they collide.  He destroys him in the knick of time.
X: (o.s, v.o) There was so much confusion. A lot of fingers were pointed that day. …I think we all got caught up in our emotions and said things we didn’t mean.
Zero weaves in and out of the line of fire from floats through the corridor when he spots a heart piece lying on the floor.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) What the-??
He lowers himself to grab it while moving and then hurdles over a short pit trap while Takuma takes the safer route above him.
ZARRICK: (o.s, v.o) Oh yeah?  Well, those 'caught up emotions' are gonna have a lot of consequences on this World until you figure it out…
A vertical line of hover gunners attempt to form a blockade as Zero bashes through them with the bottom of his Ride Chaser.
Takuma joins him in the narrow corridor as they take a ramp down, which is walled up with barricades.
TAKUMA: (gasping, worried) Master, look out!!
ZERO: Hha!!
Zero fearlessly pops a wheelie and bashes through not one, but two barricades as they progress through the sloping corridor.
They continue in this fashion through more barricades until they arrive upon a series of dangerous tiles.
As they pass by, two tiles explode which affect them as they move on.
ZERO & TAKUMA: (hurt) Ohhh!
ZERO: Tile mines!!  Be careful!!!
TAKUMA: (worried) Ah-h..
ZERO: Jump over them!
They both carefully hop with their Ride Chasers as they evade the mines, but also head closer to dangerous pitfall traps.
TAKUMA: Good, God.  This place is falling apart!!
ZERO: (grinning, determined) Aaagh, yep!!  Keep jumping and firing your blasters. We're doin' it man!!!
Zero fires at the ceiling as he bashes through more barricades.  The place begins to explode.
TAKUMA: Whoa Man!! This is Crazy!!!
ZERO: (exhilerated, manic) Hahahahaha. Ahhahaha. HAHAHAAAH!!!!!
He continues to lay waste to the base's infrastructure as the whole place explodes around them.
TAKUMA: (scared) Ohhhh!!!
-pan to-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.  Marine Base Ruins – Ocean Ports – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
In a zoomed out, overhead view, we see a huge explosion occur at the Repliforce Marine Base.  The only thing that remains is the iron rigging of it’s surrounding ocean ports.
-zoom in-
Zero and Takuma zip out of the explosion with their Ride Chaser’s mostly unfazed.
ZERO: Woooooh, baby!
TAKUMA: (Shocked) Whuhahoa!!!! Man!!!
ZERO: What a rush, eh?
TAKUMA: (nodding, excited) Hm!!
The two dash on into the waters of the Pacific as they ride around the damaged base’s Ocean Ports.
-cut to-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. LEGION JET – Cockpit - DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
They all fly in silence until Gear-Rig speaks up.
GEAR-RIG: To be fair...  In X’s defense, there are possibly many more variables to this equation that have not presented themselves yet.
X: Yeah…  There’s something else going on here. I just know there is! It doesn’t all add up.
SKID: No… It really doesn’t.
X: I think they were set up!  And it’s my goal to prove it!
ZARRICK: How!?  And what if they weren’t??
X: (determined) I’ll figure out a way…  I just have to!
ZARRICK: Well, if anyone can figure it out, it’s you X.  In the meantime, let’s just focus on getting you home.
X: (nodding, relieved) Yeah…  Thanks again, man.
ZARRICK: Of course…  It’s the least I can do.  Rest up, X.  It’ll be an hour and a half before we get home.
X: Okay.
X sits back and rests his eyes as he takes a deep breath.
-cut to-
INT. REPLIFORCE HQ – Command Center - DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
General and Colonel look at their monitors, surprised and annoyed.
GENERAL: Colonel!  What is the meaning of this?
COLONEL: I…  I have no idea!!
COLONEL: Right away, sir.
He zooms in on his computer’s screen to find Zero and a Shinobi Hunter killing off the last of Jet Stingray’s recon scouts.  He narrows his eyes.
COLONEL: (muttering) Zero…  He must’ve snuck in somehow and-
GENERAL: …How did he get in?  The Maritime Unit didn’t even come close to breaching our defenses.
Colonel’s eyes widen.
COLONEL: (v.o, thinking) Was it all a distraction…?  No, it couldn’t be…  For an attack like this to go unnoticed it must’ve come from… (gasping, outloud)  …From inside…
GENERAL: What’s that?
COLONEL: I think I know what happened, sir.  But before I go further, I need to confirm something with my Sister.
COLONEL: Please, excuse me.
He runs out of the room in a panic.
-cut to-
On an upward ramp from a port rigging, Zero bashes through two more Hornet Riders as Takuma follows him.  Then, Zero spots his target at last.
ZERO: Stingray!!  I’m coming for you.
Jet Stingray, flies steadily beyond Zero’s range, but he turns around shocked and annoyed.
JET STINGRAY: What the Hell have you done!?
Zero fires his blasters at him and they just narrowly miss him.
ZERO: (impish) What’s it look like?  I destroyed your Home Base!!
JET STINGRAY: You crazy, foolish bastard.  You’ll pay for that.
ZERO: Hahaha, nope!
He manages to catch a ramp that gives him enough momentum to reach Jet Stingray with a mid-air dash from his Ride Chaser.
JET STINGRAY: Gaaah, noo!!
He flies away at mach speed as light explosions peer out from his back.
ZERO: Hah!  That’s what you get for destroying Sydney..  Coward…
Zero chases after him with a fervor as more Hornet Riders get in his way.
Takuma aids him with cover fire from behind as the two traverse through the surrounding ports.
-cut to-
INT. REPLIFORCE AIRCRAFT – Common Area – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris walks and talks with Spiral Pegasus, who is surprised and happy to see her.
IRIS: (continuing) …so then I said, “You know what?  If you’re gonna continue to act like a child, maybe you should be treated like one and get a time out.  I’m leaving.”
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Whooa!  You really said that??  I can’t believe it.   What did he say?
IRIS: (firm, stern) I don’t know.  I just up and left.  I didn’t even look behind me.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Damn, girl.  You tell ‘em.  I never understood why you bothered hanging around him in the first place.  Good for you.
IRIS: (blushing) Hmm.. Shya..  Right??
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (smiling) I’m glad you came to your senses, kid.  Welcome back.
IRIS: (warm, smiling) Thanks, Skiver.
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) Sister??
IRIS: (gasping, loud) Oh!
The sound of a com-link from her brother surprises her so much, she actually jumps.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Whoa!  Haha.  You okay?
IRIS: (aside) Haha!  Yeah..  Just wasn’t expecting that.  (attentive) Hey, bro.  What’s up??
She attempts to sound as casual as possible and starts to sweat.
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) We need to talk…  Where are you…?
IRIS: (worried, calm) Uhh, where would you want me to be??
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) Hmph…  My office.  5 minutes ago.
IRIS: (nervous) I see…
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) Get here, as soon as possible.  Understood?
IRIS: Yep.
COLONEL: (o.s, filtered) Good.  Over and out.
Iris’ sweaty, flushed face becomes misty eyed as well, to the point where Spiral Pegasus can’t ignore it.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Uhh, you sure you’re alright?
IRIS: (apprehensive, anxious) Oh-o yeah..  He gets like this all the time, heheh…  You know me.  Busy, working girl.  Can never get a break!
She closes her eyes tightly as she fakes a smile.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (annoyed, bothered) Why do you let him talk to you like that??  I know he’s your brother and all, but… he’s so damn… controlling.  I’d hate that if I were you!
IRIS: Ah no…  He’s just… protective of me.  That’s all.  He probably wants to lecture me about my own safety again.  ‘Don’t fraternize with the enemy Iris.  Anything could happen to you at any time…’
She mocks her brother’s serious voice, which makes Spiral Pegasus laugh for a moment.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Heh..  Well, he won’t have to worry about that anymore, once you tell him the good news.
IRIS: Heh…  Right.
Spiral Pegasus smiles at her and gives her a soft pat on the shoulder.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Glad to have you back on the set, hun.  Call me anytime.
He runs off with a confident smile.
She watches him walk away with a stunned, confused look.
IRIS: (v.o, thinking) Did he just..?  Oh, God… WHAT AM I DOING!!!????
She clenches her fist as she turns around and walks the other way.
-cut to- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Ocean Ports – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jet Stingray sneaks up from behind Zero and Takuma and he fires ground hunters at their Ride Chasers.
TAKUMA: Auughh!!
His Ride Chaser blows up, as he falls into the water, damaged.
Zero turns around, shocked.
JET STINGRAY: Hahahaha!  That’s what you get, you pest!!
Zero swiftly dodges his ground hunters and slows down, allowing Jet Stingray to catch up with him.
Zero grimaces as he stares at Jet Stingray, focused.
ZERO: That’s it!
He hops off of the Ride Chaser and latches onto him in tight bear hug.
BOTH: GHaaa.
Jet Stingray collides into his Ride Chaser, destroying it entirely.  
JET STINGRAY: You crazy, stupid bastard…
ZERO: You ugly, God damn Maverick!
The two of them repeatedly punch each other in the kidneys hard in mid-air as Jet Stingray flies them directly into an Ocean Port with a short purple gate
He smashes him against the wall, descends to the gate and enters it.
ZERO: Aughhh…
A bruised and bloody, Zero picks himself up, only to find another annoying Maverick waiting for him.
KING POSEIDON: HAhahahaha!!!  It is I, King Poseidon, come to finish the job.
KING POSEIDON(S): And I… and I… and I… and I…
More and more appear from out of the water in a swarm as they hop onto the port’s landing.  They begin to surround him as Zero looks up at them, more annoyed than worried.
He wipes some blood off of his lip and pulls out his glowing, green saber.
ZERO: Yeah!?  …That’s how we’re doin’ this?
KING POSEIDON(S): Muahahahah.  Get ‘im.
??????: NOOOOO!!!!
ZERO: Huh???
A huge hammer bashes through a wave of King Poseidons, from beyond Zero’s line of sight.  Then he smiles, when he catches a glimpse of his weapon.
??????: Huuaaaaahhhhh!!!!!
The hammer bashes the King Poseidon that was talking to Zero from behind.  Takuma is revealed to be alive and well, with a life bottle in his hand.
ZERO: Takuuumaa!!!  Impressive entrance!!!
He slashes away two Poseidons that attempt revenge.
He swings his heavy hammer at a few King Poseidons to his left.
TAKUMA: Take this!  It’ll give you your strength back.  …I found a sub-tank too, but I’m gonna hold onto it for now, just in case.
He tosses the life bottle to Zero, who quickly catches it and drinks the liquefied energen right away.
ZERO: Whoa, Takuma!  You’re the man!!
TAKUMA: I’ll handle these idiots out here.  Get in there and finish the job.
ZERO: I will!
Without hesitation he turns around and dashes into the gate.
-pan to- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
When the gate opens up, Zero drops into the water and falls on the shallow sandy surface.
Jet Stingray’s body slowly rises from the sand, and he turns around to see Zero in pristine condition.
JET STINGRAY: Argh!  He’s still after me!  Enough already.  We settle this now!
Jet Stingray gets ready in a battle stance as Zero pulls out his Z-Saber with a smile.
-Freeze frame. Grainy effect.-
ZERO: (v.o, narrating) Yes… we… do…
-Fade to Black-
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sunshinekarliekloss · 8 years
Why Karlie Kloss is proud to be a computer geek
CONSIDER the supermodel; long limbs, sharp cheekbones, killer smile. American clotheshorse Karlie Kloss ticks all of these boxes, but beyond the photogenic attributes, she possesses traits less indicative of someone who has spent almost a decade in front of the camera.
The one-time Victoria’s Secret model and member of Taylor Swift’s inner circle — aka “squad” — Kloss is carving out a name for herself in realms far from fashion. She’s appeared in Zoolander 2, but has also worked on philanthropic projects and is studying at university. The 24-year-old will also work on an upcoming TV science series for Netflix, Bill Nye Saves The World. She announced her role as correspondent with the words: “We’ll be talking about every nerdy thing you can dream of.”
Her interest in science technology has led to Kloss being lauded by former US President Barack Obama as a “supermodel and super-coder” when she visited the White House during its Science Fair last year.
That’s not her only connection to the highest office in the US. Her boyfriend, entrepreneur Joshua Kushner, is the brother of Jared Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump and now holds the title of senior adviser to President Donald Trump — although Joshua and Kloss publicly supported Hillary Clinton’s run for office. Although such matters are often deemed “no-go” zones for interviews, her minders needn’t worry, because this is one whip-smart model who can definitely handle herself.
When Stellar meets with Kloss, she’s halfway through a whirlwind trip to Australia — her first — to work with David Jones as the face of its autumn/winter collection, for which she recently headlined their new-season launch. On set at The University of Sydney for our photo shoot, the model’s time is limited by a frenetic schedule, but her experience shows. While she admits to suffering jet lag, there’s no visible trace as she works her angles; she remains focused when workmen make a racket moving steel poles behind her, and when tourists stop and stare at her 1.9m-frame posing for the camera.
Kloss puts everyone at ease, nails her shots in minutes and improvises when minor issues, such as the shoes proving several sizes too small, crop up. When she spies one of the shots on the photographer’s monitor, Kloss is quick to proclaim herself happy with the results, and it’s clear the praise is meant as a compliment to the stylists and crew.
The academic setting of the university for the shoot was chosen specifically for Kloss, given education bookends her life in fashion thus far. “The hyphenate I’m most proud of is ‘student’,” she says of her many job titles. Apart from her day job, Kloss is working towards a degree at New York University, where she enrolled in 2015.
“It’s been a good challenge. I like having something to focus on outside of fashion; the structure and discipline of school and having deadlines.”
Taking on multiple roles has been part of Kloss’s life for as long as she’s been a model. Discovered at auditions for a charity fashion show in her small town just outside of St Louis, Missouri, her career took off when she was just 15.
“I had no idea what was ahead, it’s all been at hyper-speed,” she says of her start in the fashion world. “High school started and [New York] Fashion Week was two days afterwards. I went to New York for the weekend, walked for Calvin Klein and I didn’t come back to school for the rest of that week. So then I had to figure out how to juggle the two — but I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Kloss worked hard to maintain her high-school workload and friendships with peers, and while it required dedication to complete her studies, she clearly enjoyed the opportunities that came with her modelling career, even at such an early age.
“That was a surreal four years,” she says of her time in high school. “I lived this double life of being a normal teenager with my best friends and my sisters, and going to prom and being very, very normal. And then [it was] this Cinderella life, where I would go to Paris, walk in the Chanel couture show, work with Karl Lagerfeld, work with all of these incredible designers and, you know, meet brilliant people in this world that I never knew existed. That was a huge learning curve and it hasn’t slowed down since. [It] was almost like a movie.”
Kloss says her parents encouraged her entry into the modelling industry, and viewed it as a means to a less conventional education alongside her high-school studies. “My parents have been very supportive, more so than I would be as a parent,” she says. “They had the confidence in me, in knowing that travelling and having exposure to different cultures is one of the best educations you could have. It wasn’t like they shipped me off — they were with me every step of the way.”
Nevertheless, Kloss, who says she would have become a teacher or doctor had the fashion world not beckoned, is proud of the fact she maintained her “normal” life, too. “I went to prom with my friends, I graduated at the same time as everyone; I just did a lot of my classes as independent study,” she says. “I was on track with all my peers, and was in class for a portion of the week, but had to be self-disciplined to do the work and learning outside.”
Kloss lights up when talking about her high-school results (“I was very proud of my grades”), which were good enough to grant her entry into the prestigious New York University. But it was before she enrolled in tertiary studies that she happened upon another interest: coding. Kloss took a short course to satisfy her curiosity about technology.
“It came out of wanting to understand what code is; to understand the fundamentals of what powers technology, how it’s built, both the hardware and the software,” she says.
While she felt empowered by what she learnt — she’s also created a few apps as a hobby — Kloss realised that women were under-represented professionally in the field. So in 2015 she started Kode with Klossy, which offers scholarships for girls and women who want to expand their coding skills or career. “The more people you can empower with that knowledge or those skills, the more incredible things that are going to be built in our future as we become more reliant on that technology,” she says.
She’s also led the way for others in the fashion industry to become supporters of women acquiring tech skills. Vogue Australia editor-in-chief Edwina McCann says Kloss’s work sparked the launch of Vogue Codes, a weekend seminar that started last year as part of a campaign to draw women into technology-based careers. “We realised our audience in Australia was really responding to what Karlie was doing. She was a catalyst for driving us to become involved with this very quickly,” McCann says.
McCann adds that Kloss is the only model she knows of who has made the connection between science and fashion, and that in doing so she has the potential to influence many young women and their vocational choices.
“Having role models like Karlie saying computer engineering is cool is changing the whole language around, not just coding itself, but being involved with technology,” she tells Stellar.
Coding is not the only interest that Kloss has managed to turn into a charitable enterprise. She has also developed a line of biscuits sold in North America, the proceeds of which funds school lunches for children in need.
Kloss says both projects came about organically, but that she’s always had a desire to provide for others. “I would always bring cookies to shoots. I have a sweet tooth, but I also try to be a more healthy baker, and I started this thing called Karlie’s Kookies. It’s still ongoing, and we’ve donated over a million school lunches. So that was just on a whim.
“I didn’t set out to be a philanthropist, but any opportunity I can [take] to help others while doing what I enjoy doing is kind of the way I live my life.”
While her career frequently takes her across the globe (“I look back at 2016 and I was bouncing between countries as though taking the subway”), Kloss credits her family, and growing up in a close-knit community, with cultivating her instinct for goodwill. “It’s the kind of place where there’s one main grocery store, and you walk the aisles and it’s like social hour — you see everyone.
“I like helping people, it’s like something that drives me and makes me happy. I grew up in a small town where everybody just helps everybody. Nobody was particularly well off, but you figure out how to get everybody what they need,” she says.
Kloss also knows that her celebrity status — she has more than six million followers on Instagram — has given her a unique opportunity to take on philanthropic causes.
“[Modelling’s] a foot in the door, and it’s what you do with it. I’ve been really lucky to stay doing it, because it’s such a fast-moving industry. I’ve seen so many people come and go, but I think what keeps the industry interested in me is that I want to do so much more with it.
“I don’t just want to show up and be in a photo, I see it as an opportunity to have a platform and a voice to help do great things and make an impact on the world in a positive way.”
Despite all that Kloss has achieved, she does have detractors. One celebrity gossip website questioned her ability to dedicate herself to her studies after she started university, and another news outlet made light of her admission, via social media, that she was nervous about going back to school, implying that she should be more concerned about her modelling duties than study.
Kloss is aware of the criticism, but is quick to deconstruct the notion that models can’t be beautiful and smart.
“There are definitely misconceptions,” she says. “Modelling is incredibly hard work, not necessarily in the same way as other professions, but you have to be very focused. Generally you start at a young age, so you have to be smart. If it’s not in a ‘book smarts’ way, it’s certainly in a ‘street smarts’ way.
“So many models I’m good friends with are studying. Modelling is a career that usually is not anticipated, it kind of happens to you. A lot of us have other life plans and career paths and passions that don’t stop when you become a model; it’s a misconception, I think, on many levels.” She pauses for a moment, then grins, “But it makes me happy to prove everyone wrong.” (x)
42 notes · View notes
topfygad · 5 years
Plan Your Next Getaway with Wild Kiwi’s Australia Road Trip Tours! – I am Aileen
Australia is the kind of ‘wild’ destination that has it all: from vast desert spaces in ‘the Outback’, to rich marine life in the Great Barrier Reef. Let’s not also forget its unique wildlife, colorful urban cities, exciting outdoor activities, and stunning rainforests — seriously, I could go on and on about Australia’s beauty! (Australia road trip tours).
So if you’re like me who is looking for an unforgettable adventure this year, you should seriously consider putting Australia high up on your list.
…But if I may suggest, why not explore the East Coast first and join a road trip tour with Wild Kiwi to make the most of this getaway? After all, I had an amazing time with them when I was in New Zealand; so when I heard that they have established tours to Australia, I was so stoked!
RELATED READ: Ultimate New Zealand Road Trip Itinerary for 1st-Time Visitors (North & South Island)
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Wild Kiwi is under ‘Navigate Travel‘ — a reputable tour company that is committed to offering high-quality holidays in places all over the world. This kind of strong dedication has led them to being market leaders in their field for over 10 years now, and this is further evidenced by the number of successful brands that they have.
Wild Kiwi is actually the newest in their portfolio but it has already become a HUGE hit in New Zealand (and more recently, in Australia) through its curated road trip circuits that are packed with memorable and unique travel experiences! .
» Why I love Wild Kiwi? «
The fact that I had a swell time with them when I was traveling in New Zealand is the top most reason why, but if I had to break it down into a list, here’s why…
I was traveling in style: If there is a business class on airplanes, Wild Kiwi has a road trip version for that. Besides, all of their vehicles are luxury tour types that are of the highest quality! For starters, it features reclining leather seats for full comfort, enough leg room for stretching out, USB ports to keep my electronics charged, sweet stereos for incredible music, and wide panoramic windows to admire the epic Australia views. Not to mention… .
There’s always unlimited WiFi: Which totally kept me on top of my social media game. Sure enough, you won’t just be riding in a “bus” with Wild Kiwi, but rather in a premium cruiser that’s perfect for a road trip adventure in the 21st century! .
They have an amazing range of accommodation: When it’s finally time to bunk down for the night, I stayed in the best accommodation places possible in New Zealand — so for sure, you’ll get the whole package in Australia as well. Plus, even if some places will be hostels, you’ll be ensured that the number of guests per room will be low in order to keep it more personal. (But from my experience, not a lot of us spent so much time in the rooms since most of us were busy enjoying the stunning night sky or checking out the local nightlife!). .
We always had LOCAL expert guides: After all, what better way to explore a destination than to be with expert “local” guides, right? What I mean is that with Wild Kiwi, they really make it a point to not just hire drivers because they rather get people who are passionate and fun in what they do so that every guest on board will have the experience of a lifetime! .
Tours are done in small groups of 18 to 35 year olds: All of the road trip circuits available are limited to small sizes of up to 16 people only in order to make the whole adventure compact and manageable. Besides, we all know how chaotic and horrible it could be to be with such a big bustling group — hence, with Wild Kiwi, you will surely have none of that and you’ll even likely have a new ‘squad’ made up of like-minded people in no time. (FYI: These trips are great for solo travelers too! It’s a great way to meet new buddies!) .
They have different circuits to choose from: Wild Kiwi only brings the best of the best, that’s why they have hunted out all the epic spots and experiences both in New Zealand and in Australia. Read here to see New Zealand’s different routes, but for Australia, continue reading on below…
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Australia Road Trip Tours
Wild Kiwi offers the following the following two (2) ultimate road trip tours in Australia!
What are the basic inclusions in ALL of these Australia tours? An expert local guide + driver, transportation, accommodation, all breakfasts (sometimes some of the other meals), visits to Australia’s best spots, select activities, and a surf camp experience.
DISCLAIMER: All prices stated below may change. To be sure, always check Wild Kiwi’s website. .
» 14-Day Absolute Aussie «
This is the ULTIMATE East Coast Adventure that you will ever have! With more days set for exploring this area, you can get to enjoy more of these road trip highlights:
Taste delicious Hunter Valley wines.
Make footprints in the almost untouched beaches of Fraser Island.
Set foot in the tropical Northern rainforests surrounding Cairns.
Snorkel or dive into the natural wonder of the Great Barrier Reef.
(Already included in the 6-day road trip route above…)
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $2,299 AUD per person for this 14-day road trip that starts in Sydney and ends in Cairns. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 13 nights
Including 2 nights of Whitsundays sailing
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Guided train journey between Noosa and Cairns
1-day guided Fraser island adventure
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from jet boating to sky diving or hot air balloon rides. These can cost between $10 to $300 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! .
» 6-Day East Coast Voyager «
Starting in either Brisbane or Sydney, this is the perfect week-long road trip tour of Australia’s East Coast. There will certainly be a lot of unforgettable things that you will be doing and below are just some of the itinerary highlights:
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $1,199 AUD per person for this 6-day road trip that starts from either Brisbane or Sydney. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 6 nights
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from kayaking to sky diving. These can cost between $10 to $260 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! . .
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IMPORTANT: Much like New Zealand, Australia has VERY strict quarantine laws for animal and vegetable derived products (any food, wooden products, seeds, etc) due to the relatively unspoiled Australian biosphere that they want to maintain. To ensure this is followed, they scan your baggage and even have dogs examine them. If you’re ever in doubt, ask for clarification — otherwise, you will be charged with a hefty fine of around $220 or more.
When is the best time to visit Australia? Technically, there is NEVER a bad time to go to Australia; yet of course, weather can vary a lot in some places since this destination is undeniably huge and it will depend on your preference and budget. But as an overview, below are Australia’s seasons:
Summer: December to February
Autumn: March to May
Winter: June to August
Spring: September to November
High season usually happens in the winter given that April to September typically have a more pleasant weather — this is also the best time to visit the Grand Barrier Reef and the Red Centre. On the other hand, October to March is the low season since it’s just too hot or too wet. Yet again, costs are lower so some people brave the heat. The way I see it, if you want the middle ground without too much of a crowd and without shelling out too much money, it will be around September and/or October.
If I may add a tip, avoid Australia on Boxing Day (December 26 until the end of January) because this is when the Aussies take their summer vacations.
What should I pack for this Wild Kiwi holiday? Of course this will depend on what month and what locations you will be visiting as per the road trip circuit you choose with Wild Kiwi, but for a start, take note of the following: – Bring walking shoes (for those walking + hiking sprees) and a rain jacket (just in case). – For the surf activities, bring a towel, swimming gear, light summer clothes, flip-flops and a light jacket. – In winter, make sure to pack a warm jacket and lots of layers since it can get really chilly. – Don’t worry about bringing fancy dresses because Australia has a very casual dress code. – It’s best to bring a day bag that can hold some of your essentials during the road trip stops you’ll be making. – Get a refillable bottle too. After all, Australian tap water tastes better than the bottled stuff. – Remember to pack sunscreen or a hat because the sun can be quite strong in some places. – Feel free to bring your own snacks or alcoholic beverages during the road trip. – Bringing insect repellant is a good idea as well. – Lastly, you must buy travel insurance especially with how you’ll be doing a lot of adrenaline-pumping activities. For this I highly recommend buying from World Nomads. I’ve been buying my travel insurance with them for years and they’re amazing. They have a wide coverage, they service worldwide and they have a fast and easy purchase process online.
Where to get the best flight promos to Australia? My go-to platform for grabbing the best flight deals is Skyscanner since it scans all the possible airlines that fly to and from your destination. I can even set up alerts so that it notifies me when the prices suddenly drop or rise.
Most travelers arrive in Sydney, the largest city, at Sydney Airport (SYD) which is located 8km south of the city center. Airport Link offers a fast and convenient way to reach the city and suburbs, with trains running approximately every 10 minutes and at a cost of around $14 AUD. Other options are taxi (about $50AUD), shuttle and bus.
How to change your money into Australian currency? Australia’s currency is called Australian Dollar (AUD). I highly advise that you do NOT exchange your money at the airport since the rates there are totally not competitive. What should you rather do? Either exchange your money or US dollars at a bank or at a money exchanger in your home country or in any of Australia’s major cities; or better yet, just withdraw from an ATM with your debit/credit card. Rate exchange: USD $1 = AUD $1.40~ = Php 50~ (As of January 2019)
Should I get a visa to visit Australia? As of 2015, Australia has no intention to provide visa-free access for any country, except for some who are given visitor visa exemptions to. You can check this list of countries to see if you need tourist visas to enter Australia or not. For more information, you can visit the Australia embassy that’s near you.
What is the language spoken in Australia? Australia actually has no official languages but English has been the de facto national language with ‘Australian English’ as a major variety. That being said, it would not be a struggle for you to travel throughout the country as long as you can speak English. (The next most common spoken languages are Mandarin, Arabic, cantonese, Vietnamese and Italian.
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For an amazing destination like Australia, a road trip with Wild Kiwi will be a decision that you will never regret!
What do you think of Wild Kiwi?
Would you like to try out their road trip tours to Australia? Why or why not?
Or have you traveled with them before? How was it?
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/plan-your-next-getaway-with-wild-kiwis-australia-road-trip-tours-i-am-aileen/
0 notes
Day 29: June 24, 2017
Today is our last day in Sydney and most of all, Australia. My, oh, my has time flown by! It seems like yesterday we all met each other at LAX to fly to Melbourne to begin our journey and now, this journey is slowly coming to a close.
Since today is a free day and our last free day of the entire trip, we honored it by, you know it: sleeping in and going to brunch. We ended up finding a little nook not too far from Liverpool where there was two breakfast places situated. Kayla and Morgan ended up going to one place, and Ash and I to another. The server was kind enough to let us all sit together. For breakfast I had mini pancakes, bacon, and hash browns. I have really indulged on this trip which is always occupying the back of my mind. But my friends and my dear mother have been able to help me with that lol. After brunch and stopping to the hotel to get nose spray (Ash) and my windbreaker we headed for CQ for our boat tour. Thankfully the day prior we stopped by the booth to ensure our ticket confirmation and the location for pick up because the location was in a whole other wharf. Though Ash was worried that we wouldn't find it, I eased her worries and found the boat safely. We were even the first ones there.
My first impression was why was the boat so small and was so all docks rock and sway with the water?? Lol, after getting over the dock and the boat, I had another worry: how was I going to get in the boat?? The boat was about 18 inches from the dock and all I could imagine was me falling in the harbor (while Ashley was talking to some locals about the government lol). As you can tell, I made it onto the boat and did not fall in. The human mind is a powerful thing lol. To our surprise the boat tour was full to capacity but luckily since we were the first ones in, we got front row seats side by side.
Now when I say that boat was going fast! Omg! At times we were 100% airborne and would drop back into the ocean. Thankfully I love going fast and roller coasters so the ride was very pleasurable. Once we got a good ways out we began to spot whale pods. Honestly this was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life because it's like finding a needle in a haystack. The developmental evolution to environmental camouflage is astounding! It was so rewarding when we finally spotted them, it was like a miracle. It was crazy at first because your almost right at the wave level and moving with the waves, but once you saw them your eyes locked in from pure fascination. This year they estimate about 23,000 whales will migrate this winter. We were a very lucky group for many reasons: - we saw dolphins - Whales came in arms reach to us - A whale performed a very rare behavior of only sticking his eye out of the water - And we saw (the left side of the boat besides me and Ashley) a whale breech Even though I didn't see all of it, I only saw the splash that it left. It was like the whale was waiting for us to move so it could make its mark. It is just amazing how a 40 ton whale can throw itself in the air! And need I remind you, this is now routine behavior and can't be timed like when they come up for breath. Scientists still to this day don't know completely why they go airborne. Magnificent, right? After the breech a whale came so close to the boat to breathe that it nearly scared us to death. Luckily the lady behind me caught it on video and she was willing to airdrop it to me once we got back to the wharf. We were late on the way back so the Captain Blake put on the jets! We were going about 60 mph and were practically flying! He even took us super close to the rocks to get a better look at the sandstone landscape! Surprisingly my phone or GoPro didn't go off into the wind! My mom will be so proud how much my phone has held up & which still is completely undamaged.  
At the dock the nice woman airdropped me the video clip and asked me how it worked because she had never used it before. Before I knew it I was telling her about the trip and she was so intrigued. She asked what was I learning here, about our school, the climate, and if we all studied the same thing. I told her how I am premed and want to become a doctor & she gave me the most heartwarming confirmation: "You'll make a great doctor. I can tell. You have a great energy about you."  I honestly felt so good about the plans I have set for myself. Soon after we had to part ways, her words will never be forgotten.
After the tour, I headed to a souvenir shop one last time and then we made it back to APX. Tonight was our group dinner, so we made it right on time to prop our feet up for 45 minutes before we were up roaming the city again. We all, well majority of us, met up in the lobby about 5:45  to head over the Blackbird Cafe for our last hoorah. What would be a group dinner without going the long way to places super close lol? It was enjoyable though, being able to take in Darling Harbor's night life one last time.
The dinner was really nice like surprisingly nice. The venue has a great vibe too with music in the background and everything. I even ended up trying kangaroo! It wasn't bad, but I probably wouldn't order it by itself. If steak could be any steakier, it would be considered kangaroo lol. I'm glad that I tried it because most people can't say that. Plus I'm glad that Jess let me try a more cooked part of her's because it's usually served rare to medium rare & I'm not bout that lol.
After dinner, Delilah and Jessica Fong, the producers of our talent show decided to do superlatives during dinner. With Cody as our host, it was a lovely experience. All the superlatives fit everyone to a "t" and even Saorise got one lol. Mine didn't really fit me that well, but it was funny. As y'all can see from reading my blog, I am a very chill person, but if someone is out of line I will politely inform them of so. I've been through lands of milk and honey to places unknown, and best believe I have become a stronger woman because of it. My superlative was the "Callout Award" lol.  Though I don't force my opinion on anyone or am I the first one to state what's on their mind or always have to be heard, when something is completely out of line, I will stand up for what is right regardless of the time or hour. There's no need for obscenities but only the reality of truth that will set people free (don't get me to start preachin in here! Lol).
After dinner we all dispersed. The bar at the venue was very nice and the girls wanted to try the Fairy Floss Cosmo. Since Morgan had paid for several Uber's during our stay, I treated her to her drink because I literally ran out of cash lol. After drinks we headed for gelato one last time at Gelatisimmo and ya girl sealed the deal (and this month of indulgence) with a cup of plain ole vanilla.
As we ate out gelato on the way back to APX, I couldn't help but think of all the memories that have been created with people who were once strangers. I have literally spent a third of a semester with all these people I know call my friends, and now sadly our adventure is coming to a close. It's remarkable how time gives us room for the best memories but yet escapes us so quickly. I seems like yesterday I was dropped off and heading LAX on my own. Now, I am trying to mentally make sure that I won't forget anything lol.
Once we got to the room I decided to take a nap (until 11:30 ) and then start packing while Ashley got her stuff together. I set my alarm for 5 so I can take a shower.
Keynote: Ashley also set her alarm (keep this in mind)
All in all, tonight was definitely one for the books. I can definitely say that we truly are a huge family & that we genuinely care about one another. Usually study abroad groups aren't like that. I am so blessed to have these individuals in my life.
Things I've learned - I am literally having the time of life - Whales are amazing - I don't want to go home but I miss my family - I don't miss the AZ heat - I've made some wonderful friends - I've also met some great people - I WILL be back to visit Australia
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Plan Your Next Getaway with Wild Kiwi’s Australia Road Trip Tours! – I am Aileen
Australia is the kind of ‘wild’ destination that has it all: from vast desert spaces in ‘the Outback’, to rich marine life in the Great Barrier Reef. Let’s not also forget its unique wildlife, colorful urban cities, exciting outdoor activities, and stunning rainforests — seriously, I could go on and on about Australia’s beauty! (Australia road trip tours).
So if you’re like me who is looking for an unforgettable adventure this year, you should seriously consider putting Australia high up on your list.
…But if I may suggest, why not explore the East Coast first and join a road trip tour with Wild Kiwi to make the most of this getaway? After all, I had an amazing time with them when I was in New Zealand; so when I heard that they have established tours to Australia, I was so stoked!
RELATED READ: Ultimate New Zealand Road Trip Itinerary for 1st-Time Visitors (North & South Island)
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Wild Kiwi is under ‘Navigate Travel‘ — a reputable tour company that is committed to offering high-quality holidays in places all over the world. This kind of strong dedication has led them to being market leaders in their field for over 10 years now, and this is further evidenced by the number of successful brands that they have.
Wild Kiwi is actually the newest in their portfolio but it has already become a HUGE hit in New Zealand (and more recently, in Australia) through its curated road trip circuits that are packed with memorable and unique travel experiences! .
» Why I love Wild Kiwi? «
The fact that I had a swell time with them when I was traveling in New Zealand is the top most reason why, but if I had to break it down into a list, here’s why…
I was traveling in style: If there is a business class on airplanes, Wild Kiwi has a road trip version for that. Besides, all of their vehicles are luxury tour types that are of the highest quality! For starters, it features reclining leather seats for full comfort, enough leg room for stretching out, USB ports to keep my electronics charged, sweet stereos for incredible music, and wide panoramic windows to admire the epic Australia views. Not to mention… .
There’s always unlimited WiFi: Which totally kept me on top of my social media game. Sure enough, you won’t just be riding in a “bus” with Wild Kiwi, but rather in a premium cruiser that’s perfect for a road trip adventure in the 21st century! .
They have an amazing range of accommodation: When it’s finally time to bunk down for the night, I stayed in the best accommodation places possible in New Zealand — so for sure, you’ll get the whole package in Australia as well. Plus, even if some places will be hostels, you’ll be ensured that the number of guests per room will be low in order to keep it more personal. (But from my experience, not a lot of us spent so much time in the rooms since most of us were busy enjoying the stunning night sky or checking out the local nightlife!). .
We always had LOCAL expert guides: After all, what better way to explore a destination than to be with expert “local” guides, right? What I mean is that with Wild Kiwi, they really make it a point to not just hire drivers because they rather get people who are passionate and fun in what they do so that every guest on board will have the experience of a lifetime! .
Tours are done in small groups of 18 to 35 year olds: All of the road trip circuits available are limited to small sizes of up to 16 people only in order to make the whole adventure compact and manageable. Besides, we all know how chaotic and horrible it could be to be with such a big bustling group — hence, with Wild Kiwi, you will surely have none of that and you’ll even likely have a new ‘squad’ made up of like-minded people in no time. (FYI: These trips are great for solo travelers too! It’s a great way to meet new buddies!) .
They have different circuits to choose from: Wild Kiwi only brings the best of the best, that’s why they have hunted out all the epic spots and experiences both in New Zealand and in Australia. Read here to see New Zealand’s different routes, but for Australia, continue reading on below…
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Australia Road Trip Tours
Wild Kiwi offers the following the following two (2) ultimate road trip tours in Australia!
What are the basic inclusions in ALL of these Australia tours? An expert local guide + driver, transportation, accommodation, all breakfasts (sometimes some of the other meals), visits to Australia’s best spots, select activities, and a surf camp experience.
DISCLAIMER: All prices stated below may change. To be sure, always check Wild Kiwi’s website. .
» 14-Day Absolute Aussie «
This is the ULTIMATE East Coast Adventure that you will ever have! With more days set for exploring this area, you can get to enjoy more of these road trip highlights:
Taste delicious Hunter Valley wines.
Make footprints in the almost untouched beaches of Fraser Island.
Set foot in the tropical Northern rainforests surrounding Cairns.
Snorkel or dive into the natural wonder of the Great Barrier Reef.
(Already included in the 6-day road trip route above…)
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $2,299 AUD per person for this 14-day road trip that starts in Sydney and ends in Cairns. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 13 nights
Including 2 nights of Whitsundays sailing
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Guided train journey between Noosa and Cairns
1-day guided Fraser island adventure
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from jet boating to sky diving or hot air balloon rides. These can cost between $10 to $300 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! .
» 6-Day East Coast Voyager «
Starting in either Brisbane or Sydney, this is the perfect week-long road trip tour of Australia’s East Coast. There will certainly be a lot of unforgettable things that you will be doing and below are just some of the itinerary highlights:
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $1,199 AUD per person for this 6-day road trip that starts from either Brisbane or Sydney. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 6 nights
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from kayaking to sky diving. These can cost between $10 to $260 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! . .
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IMPORTANT: Much like New Zealand, Australia has VERY strict quarantine laws for animal and vegetable derived products (any food, wooden products, seeds, etc) due to the relatively unspoiled Australian biosphere that they want to maintain. To ensure this is followed, they scan your baggage and even have dogs examine them. If you’re ever in doubt, ask for clarification — otherwise, you will be charged with a hefty fine of around $220 or more.
When is the best time to visit Australia? Technically, there is NEVER a bad time to go to Australia; yet of course, weather can vary a lot in some places since this destination is undeniably huge and it will depend on your preference and budget. But as an overview, below are Australia’s seasons:
Summer: December to February
Autumn: March to May
Winter: June to August
Spring: September to November
High season usually happens in the winter given that April to September typically have a more pleasant weather — this is also the best time to visit the Grand Barrier Reef and the Red Centre. On the other hand, October to March is the low season since it’s just too hot or too wet. Yet again, costs are lower so some people brave the heat. The way I see it, if you want the middle ground without too much of a crowd and without shelling out too much money, it will be around September and/or October.
If I may add a tip, avoid Australia on Boxing Day (December 26 until the end of January) because this is when the Aussies take their summer vacations.
What should I pack for this Wild Kiwi holiday? Of course this will depend on what month and what locations you will be visiting as per the road trip circuit you choose with Wild Kiwi, but for a start, take note of the following: – Bring walking shoes (for those walking + hiking sprees) and a rain jacket (just in case). – For the surf activities, bring a towel, swimming gear, light summer clothes, flip-flops and a light jacket. – In winter, make sure to pack a warm jacket and lots of layers since it can get really chilly. – Don’t worry about bringing fancy dresses because Australia has a very casual dress code. – It’s best to bring a day bag that can hold some of your essentials during the road trip stops you’ll be making. – Get a refillable bottle too. After all, Australian tap water tastes better than the bottled stuff. – Remember to pack sunscreen or a hat because the sun can be quite strong in some places. – Feel free to bring your own snacks or alcoholic beverages during the road trip. – Bringing insect repellant is a good idea as well. – Lastly, you must buy travel insurance especially with how you’ll be doing a lot of adrenaline-pumping activities. For this I highly recommend buying from World Nomads. I’ve been buying my travel insurance with them for years and they’re amazing. They have a wide coverage, they service worldwide and they have a fast and easy purchase process online.
Where to get the best flight promos to Australia? My go-to platform for grabbing the best flight deals is Skyscanner since it scans all the possible airlines that fly to and from your destination. I can even set up alerts so that it notifies me when the prices suddenly drop or rise.
Most travelers arrive in Sydney, the largest city, at Sydney Airport (SYD) which is located 8km south of the city center. Airport Link offers a fast and convenient way to reach the city and suburbs, with trains running approximately every 10 minutes and at a cost of around $14 AUD. Other options are taxi (about $50AUD), shuttle and bus.
How to change your money into Australian currency? Australia’s currency is called Australian Dollar (AUD). I highly advise that you do NOT exchange your money at the airport since the rates there are totally not competitive. What should you rather do? Either exchange your money or US dollars at a bank or at a money exchanger in your home country or in any of Australia’s major cities; or better yet, just withdraw from an ATM with your debit/credit card. Rate exchange: USD $1 = AUD $1.40~ = Php 50~ (As of January 2019)
Should I get a visa to visit Australia? As of 2015, Australia has no intention to provide visa-free access for any country, except for some who are given visitor visa exemptions to. You can check this list of countries to see if you need tourist visas to enter Australia or not. For more information, you can visit the Australia embassy that’s near you.
What is the language spoken in Australia? Australia actually has no official languages but English has been the de facto national language with ‘Australian English’ as a major variety. That being said, it would not be a struggle for you to travel throughout the country as long as you can speak English. (The next most common spoken languages are Mandarin, Arabic, cantonese, Vietnamese and Italian.
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For an amazing destination like Australia, a road trip with Wild Kiwi will be a decision that you will never regret!
What do you think of Wild Kiwi?
Would you like to try out their road trip tours to Australia? Why or why not?
Or have you traveled with them before? How was it?
Did you like this article? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and be notified about my newest posts and updates!
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2HewgMu via IFTTT
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Plan Your Next Getaway with Wild Kiwi’s Australia Road Trip Tours! – I am Aileen
Australia is the kind of ‘wild’ destination that has it all: from vast desert spaces in ‘the Outback’, to rich marine life in the Great Barrier Reef. Let’s not also forget its unique wildlife, colorful urban cities, exciting outdoor activities, and stunning rainforests — seriously, I could go on and on about Australia’s beauty! (Australia road trip tours).
So if you’re like me who is looking for an unforgettable adventure this year, you should seriously consider putting Australia high up on your list.
…But if I may suggest, why not explore the East Coast first and join a road trip tour with Wild Kiwi to make the most of this getaway? After all, I had an amazing time with them when I was in New Zealand; so when I heard that they have established tours to Australia, I was so stoked!
RELATED READ: Ultimate New Zealand Road Trip Itinerary for 1st-Time Visitors (North & South Island)
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Wild Kiwi is under ‘Navigate Travel‘ — a reputable tour company that is committed to offering high-quality holidays in places all over the world. This kind of strong dedication has led them to being market leaders in their field for over 10 years now, and this is further evidenced by the number of successful brands that they have.
Wild Kiwi is actually the newest in their portfolio but it has already become a HUGE hit in New Zealand (and more recently, in Australia) through its curated road trip circuits that are packed with memorable and unique travel experiences! .
» Why I love Wild Kiwi? «
The fact that I had a swell time with them when I was traveling in New Zealand is the top most reason why, but if I had to break it down into a list, here’s why…
I was traveling in style: If there is a business class on airplanes, Wild Kiwi has a road trip version for that. Besides, all of their vehicles are luxury tour types that are of the highest quality! For starters, it features reclining leather seats for full comfort, enough leg room for stretching out, USB ports to keep my electronics charged, sweet stereos for incredible music, and wide panoramic windows to admire the epic Australia views. Not to mention… .
There’s always unlimited WiFi: Which totally kept me on top of my social media game. Sure enough, you won’t just be riding in a “bus” with Wild Kiwi, but rather in a premium cruiser that’s perfect for a road trip adventure in the 21st century! .
They have an amazing range of accommodation: When it’s finally time to bunk down for the night, I stayed in the best accommodation places possible in New Zealand — so for sure, you’ll get the whole package in Australia as well. Plus, even if some places will be hostels, you’ll be ensured that the number of guests per room will be low in order to keep it more personal. (But from my experience, not a lot of us spent so much time in the rooms since most of us were busy enjoying the stunning night sky or checking out the local nightlife!). .
We always had LOCAL expert guides: After all, what better way to explore a destination than to be with expert “local” guides, right? What I mean is that with Wild Kiwi, they really make it a point to not just hire drivers because they rather get people who are passionate and fun in what they do so that every guest on board will have the experience of a lifetime! .
Tours are done in small groups of 18 to 35 year olds: All of the road trip circuits available are limited to small sizes of up to 16 people only in order to make the whole adventure compact and manageable. Besides, we all know how chaotic and horrible it could be to be with such a big bustling group — hence, with Wild Kiwi, you will surely have none of that and you’ll even likely have a new ‘squad’ made up of like-minded people in no time. (FYI: These trips are great for solo travelers too! It’s a great way to meet new buddies!) .
They have different circuits to choose from: Wild Kiwi only brings the best of the best, that’s why they have hunted out all the epic spots and experiences both in New Zealand and in Australia. Read here to see New Zealand’s different routes, but for Australia, continue reading on below…
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Australia Road Trip Tours
Wild Kiwi offers the following the following two (2) ultimate road trip tours in Australia!
What are the basic inclusions in ALL of these Australia tours? An expert local guide + driver, transportation, accommodation, all breakfasts (sometimes some of the other meals), visits to Australia’s best spots, select activities, and a surf camp experience.
DISCLAIMER: All prices stated below may change. To be sure, always check Wild Kiwi’s website. .
» 14-Day Absolute Aussie «
This is the ULTIMATE East Coast Adventure that you will ever have! With more days set for exploring this area, you can get to enjoy more of these road trip highlights:
Taste delicious Hunter Valley wines.
Make footprints in the almost untouched beaches of Fraser Island.
Set foot in the tropical Northern rainforests surrounding Cairns.
Snorkel or dive into the natural wonder of the Great Barrier Reef.
(Already included in the 6-day road trip route above…)
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $2,299 AUD per person for this 14-day road trip that starts in Sydney and ends in Cairns. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 13 nights
Including 2 nights of Whitsundays sailing
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Guided train journey between Noosa and Cairns
1-day guided Fraser island adventure
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from jet boating to sky diving or hot air balloon rides. These can cost between $10 to $300 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! .
» 6-Day East Coast Voyager «
Starting in either Brisbane or Sydney, this is the perfect week-long road trip tour of Australia’s East Coast. There will certainly be a lot of unforgettable things that you will be doing and below are just some of the itinerary highlights:
Discover the World Heritage-listed National Park, The Blue Mountains.
Tour Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital to meet Australia’s native furry friends.
Roam the chilled town and surfer hotspot, Byron Bay.
Stay at an Australian-owned surf camp at Spot X.
Detailed itinerary: See details here.
Cost: Starts from $1,199 AUD per person for this 6-day road trip that starts from either Brisbane or Sydney. This cost already includes the following…
Expert local guide/driver
Road transportation
Unlimited WiFi
Accommodations for 6 nights
Surf camp stay, lessons and meals
Daily continental breakfast
Some other meals
Guided tour at Koala Hospital
Exploration of the hit spots in the East Coast
Extras: There is a list of optional/additional activities that you can choose from all throughout the itinerary — from kayaking to sky diving. These can cost between $10 to $260 AUD and I recommend setting a budget for these extra activities as they will be your biggest expense while travelling in Australia. Anyhow, regardless of what you’ll do, you’ll have the best time of your life! . .
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IMPORTANT: Much like New Zealand, Australia has VERY strict quarantine laws for animal and vegetable derived products (any food, wooden products, seeds, etc) due to the relatively unspoiled Australian biosphere that they want to maintain. To ensure this is followed, they scan your baggage and even have dogs examine them. If you’re ever in doubt, ask for clarification — otherwise, you will be charged with a hefty fine of around $220 or more.
When is the best time to visit Australia? Technically, there is NEVER a bad time to go to Australia; yet of course, weather can vary a lot in some places since this destination is undeniably huge and it will depend on your preference and budget. But as an overview, below are Australia’s seasons:
Summer: December to February
Autumn: March to May
Winter: June to August
Spring: September to November
High season usually happens in the winter given that April to September typically have a more pleasant weather — this is also the best time to visit the Grand Barrier Reef and the Red Centre. On the other hand, October to March is the low season since it’s just too hot or too wet. Yet again, costs are lower so some people brave the heat. The way I see it, if you want the middle ground without too much of a crowd and without shelling out too much money, it will be around September and/or October.
If I may add a tip, avoid Australia on Boxing Day (December 26 until the end of January) because this is when the Aussies take their summer vacations.
What should I pack for this Wild Kiwi holiday? Of course this will depend on what month and what locations you will be visiting as per the road trip circuit you choose with Wild Kiwi, but for a start, take note of the following: – Bring walking shoes (for those walking + hiking sprees) and a rain jacket (just in case). – For the surf activities, bring a towel, swimming gear, light summer clothes, flip-flops and a light jacket. – In winter, make sure to pack a warm jacket and lots of layers since it can get really chilly. – Don’t worry about bringing fancy dresses because Australia has a very casual dress code. – It’s best to bring a day bag that can hold some of your essentials during the road trip stops you’ll be making. – Get a refillable bottle too. After all, Australian tap water tastes better than the bottled stuff. – Remember to pack sunscreen or a hat because the sun can be quite strong in some places. – Feel free to bring your own snacks or alcoholic beverages during the road trip. – Bringing insect repellant is a good idea as well. – Lastly, you must buy travel insurance especially with how you’ll be doing a lot of adrenaline-pumping activities. For this I highly recommend buying from World Nomads. I’ve been buying my travel insurance with them for years and they’re amazing. They have a wide coverage, they service worldwide and they have a fast and easy purchase process online.
Where to get the best flight promos to Australia? My go-to platform for grabbing the best flight deals is Skyscanner since it scans all the possible airlines that fly to and from your destination. I can even set up alerts so that it notifies me when the prices suddenly drop or rise.
Most travelers arrive in Sydney, the largest city, at Sydney Airport (SYD) which is located 8km south of the city center. Airport Link offers a fast and convenient way to reach the city and suburbs, with trains running approximately every 10 minutes and at a cost of around $14 AUD. Other options are taxi (about $50AUD), shuttle and bus.
How to change your money into Australian currency? Australia’s currency is called Australian Dollar (AUD). I highly advise that you do NOT exchange your money at the airport since the rates there are totally not competitive. What should you rather do? Either exchange your money or US dollars at a bank or at a money exchanger in your home country or in any of Australia’s major cities; or better yet, just withdraw from an ATM with your debit/credit card. Rate exchange: USD $1 = AUD $1.40~ = Php 50~ (As of January 2019)
Should I get a visa to visit Australia? As of 2015, Australia has no intention to provide visa-free access for any country, except for some who are given visitor visa exemptions to. You can check this list of countries to see if you need tourist visas to enter Australia or not. For more information, you can visit the Australia embassy that’s near you.
What is the language spoken in Australia? Australia actually has no official languages but English has been the de facto national language with ‘Australian English’ as a major variety. That being said, it would not be a struggle for you to travel throughout the country as long as you can speak English. (The next most common spoken languages are Mandarin, Arabic, cantonese, Vietnamese and Italian.
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For an amazing destination like Australia, a road trip with Wild Kiwi will be a decision that you will never regret!
What do you think of Wild Kiwi?
Would you like to try out their road trip tours to Australia? Why or why not?
Or have you traveled with them before? How was it?
Did you like this article? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and be notified about my newest posts and updates!
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2HewgMu via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
megamanxfanfics · 7 years
S.IV - Ep. 8: Let Sleeping Dogs Die
Written by Metal Man X
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Common Room - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: November 17th, 9:30 AM -  NOW
The Repliforce Marine Base explodes on screen as we zoom out into the room.
REPORTER: (o.s, filtered) …and here we are, witnessing this horrific scene from just moments ago…
The report turns to background noise as we pan out to see teams of Maverick Hunters buzzing about in the Common Room.
RHO: I can’t believe it.
JENNA: (smirking) I can…
The Common Area is a lot more crowded than usual with all of the computer networks down.  It practically seems as if nearly every Maverick Hunter is on break.
The Shinobi Hunters attentively watch the footage as everyone mills around them.
BAHENA: Wow, he really did it…
TAU: Damn right, he did.   And we'd have been there too, if our damn teleporters were working!
VENZO: We gotta get over there!!
DAISKE: (nervous) You guys really wanna go there??  I m-mean..  Zero must've finished the job.  …right?
Tau gives him a stern look.
TAU: And now he's stuck there…
VENZO: There could be others on the way. We have to go grab him.
BAHENA: Hah!  Good luck with that one.  He made his bed..  As far as I'm concerned, he can go sleep in it.
Tau, Venzo and even Daiske give her a surprised look.
[Insert Title Card – Let Sleeping Dogs Die]
   -        Cut To –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zero eagerly grins as he raises his saber and dashes over to Jet Stingray.
ZERO: Lets GO!!
JET STINGRAY: Chyeeeah!!!
Jet Stingray turbine dashes right into a tackle underwater, causing Zero to sink within the ground sand.
ZERO: Agh!
He swings in protest, catching Jet Stingray at his ankle.  
He flies up immediately and hovers above the surface as Zero rises from the sand.
   -        Cut to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Common Room - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAU: What the F-
BAHENA: Excuse me?
TAU: That’s our Leader out there, and-
BAHENA: (interjecting, overlapping) -and what he's doing is wrong!!
TAU: Blowing up Sydney was wrong!! What he's doing is correcting a mistake!
BAHENA: Well two Wrongs don’t make a Right!!
REN: Heyy!
TAU: -We have to support him!!
TAU: No matter what!!!
BAHENA: NO!!!  I won’t.
   -        Cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Gateway – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAKUMA: Gaaaaar/agh! /Hagh!! /Yagh!!! /Auff.
Takuma swings his hammer ///three times at a seemingly endless wave of Poseidon clones that continuously attack him from all sides.  After knocking some down from /ahead, /left and /right a  swarm /knocks him down from the back.
TAKUMA: Oh man…  This is getting tough!
   -        Pan to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jet Stingray shoots ground hunters at Zero from above the water.  He slices them all apart easily and waves him over with a taunt.
ZERO: Come on, Stingray.  Is that the best you can do?
   -        Cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Common Room – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bahena and Tau look at Ren, belligerently.
REN: …I have a plane!  Whoever wants to go, I can just.. Take you there.
VENZO: Thank God.
BAHENA: Nope, not going.
DAISKE: Me neither.
REN: I don’t care.  One of your own is out there and you’re not even willing to help him.  
TAU: (correcting) Two, in fact.
REN: That, to me is just really sad…
BAHENA: Ya know what happened the last time Hunters blindly followed their Leader into a War? They became known as full-on Mavericks. You want to know that Leader's name??  It was Sigma!
They all look stunned at the idea.
BAHENA: So no, I won’t be going…  And you should all consider the bigger picture too…
TAU: Well here’s the current picture.  Zero and Takuma are out there with no coms and presumably no way home.  So yeah… You'd better believe that I'm going out to pick them up.
STONE ROOK: Then what're we waiting for? Lets go get 'em!
   -        Cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
JET STINGRAY: (muttering) Heheheh..  Is that the best I can do…?
Jet Stingray lowers himself to the water and sets a buster into his hand.
Suddenly, a whirlwind pulls him into Jet Stingray, like a vacuum.
ZERO: Who-oa.
JET STINGRAY: Hahahahha.  /AH!
He /punches Zero hard in the chest.
ZERO: Awgh.. /Hughh. /Nyaah…
He /fires two ground hunters at close range and /kicks Zero across the wounded chest.
JET STINGRAY: Hahahaha! I dunno. You tell me..
   -        Cut to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. REPLIFORCE HQ - Colonel's Office - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris walks into Colonel's office and closes the door.
IRIS: You wanted to see me?
COLONEL: Yes. Please, have a seat.
She sits in the chair in front of his desk with a bit of a mug on her face.
COLONEL: So how long has this been going on?
IRIS: …What?
COLONEL: Don’t play DUMB with me, Sister.  YOU AND ZERO!!  How long has it been going on!??
IRIS: ..Nothing's going on.
COLONEL: DON'T LIE TO ME!!  I know how you feel about him!!
She frowns and looks away.
IRIS: N-not.. Long…
COLONEL: Hmph…   …Long enough I think.  Enough for you to Help the Enemy get into our Marine Base and take us from the inside!!!  What the Hell is wrong with you? Did you think I wouldn’t notice!!!?
IRIS: What Stingray did was wrong…
COLONEL: THAT’S not your call to make.  It was bad enough that you were fraternizing with the Enemy. Now you’re helping them!!
IRIS: They’re not the Enemy. They’re our Friends!  You used to know that…
COLONEL: Not any more they’re not! Especially now!  …What am I supposed to tell General, huh??  …I could lose you over this.
They both share a look of fear.
   -        Cut To –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zero sets his broken buster and unleashes Raijengeki on him.
ZERO: (groaning) Hhagh!
Jet Stingray stands defiantly with his hands at his hips as the attack has no effect on him.  The attack is simply deflected off of his armor with a pathetic series of *pings*.
Zero grimaces and narrows his eyes as he pulls his saber back.  His eyes glow light pink for a second as he tries something different.  He dashes over to Jet Stingray and his saber glows pink, in a move reminiscent to that of Slash Beast.  He instinctively slashes Jet Stingray in the gut mid-dash.
JET STINGRAY: Guuuaaaaaahhhhh.
Highly, effected Jet Stingray spurts out blood from the wounded gash in his stomach.
Zero stands right before him with a dark grin and cuts him with a 3-hit combo that he has become more skilled at.  Down, across and then a much stronger slash down.
JET STINGRAY: (hurt) Aughh..ught.
Zero grins.
ZERO: Finally…
   -        Cut to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. REPLIFORCE HQ - Colonel's Office – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Iris looks around the room as she mulls over some ideas.
IRIS: Tell him…  Tell him.. He made me.  That I had no other choice…!
Colonel's eyes become wide.
COLONEL: Now you’re lying?  You are Astounding, Sister!  You’re in so deep that you have no idea what to do.
IRIS: No, I don’t…  I just want this all to end…  Please help, brother.
COLONEL: I won’t.
IRIS: Please!  I Love him.
COLONEL: Don’t say that!!
I do! I do!! Please don’t let this go on any more.  Don’t let any one else get hurt because he's Not going to stop and you know that.
She starts to become misty eyed.
COLONEL: Well neither will I…
IRIS: Pleeeease…
She sniffles and lets out some pure tears as she mopes with a pitiable frown.
Colonel's heart melts at the sight of her.
COLONEL: (Softer) Do you know why we're not giving up, Sister?  …Its because in our hearts, we know this is the right thing to do.
IRIS: (annoyed) What is!?
COLONEL: Gaining our own Independence.  To disassociate ourselves with those Murderous Maverick Hunters, and the word 'Maverick' altogether.  For we are the Repliforce.  We have to prove that we're better!
Iris' eyes widen, astonished as she comes to a light epiphany
IRIS: Then lets be, better…!
COLONEL: I want to help build us a Utopia.  Where only Reploids can exist in peace and harmony.
IRIS: We can all work towards this together.  Just meet with him, pleeease.  Just talk…  And then we can figure all this out.
COLONEL: Hmph…  There’s nothing I can do to stop you, is there..? You’re still going to hang around Zero.
IRIS: (stubborn, laughing) Ah-ha.. Yep.
She wipes away a tear as she lightly smiles.
COLONEL: You’re my sister. I won’t condemn you…  But the Repliforce won’t stand for treason either…  So here’s what we're going to do.
Her face brightens.
COLONEL: Get him on your com-link and we can have a conference call with him right now.
IRIS: Well that’s the thing. I kinda can't...
He cricks his neck, annoyed.
COLONEL: I know you feel strongly about this mission, but now is Not The Time to PROTECT H-
IRIS: Damn it, Cal! That isn’t it.
He widens his eyes, stunned by her anger.
   -        Cut To –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Gateway - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Takuma deals with the swarm of Poseidons outside, but they keep coming.  Panting and sweating, he continues to swing his hammer.
TAKUMA: AAAAAAGH! Haaaah!!  Come Onnn.
He bashes another wave of Poseidon Clones as he looks out at the clearing of the sea at the end of the rigging.
A group of Hornet Riders have just arrived.
HORNET 1: Heheheh..  Well, well boys.  Looks like it's pay back time.
HORNET(S): Yeah, yeah!
TAKUMA: Ohh nno…
He grips his T-Breaker tightly and holds the long handle of his hammer up to his face.
IRIS: (o.s, v.o) Their teleporters aren't working right now...  They can't even com-link to each other!  
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beyond the gate, Zero and Jet Stingray remain engaged in their struggle.
COLONEL: (o.s, v.o) Hmph!  So that’s why you’re here…  You really did bring them in…
Jet Stingray grows irate as he launches himself out of the water again in a fury.
JET STINGRAY: Chyeeeaah!!!
Zero dashes back and carefully watches his opponent's movements.
Jet Stingray dives after Zero, who narrowly dodges with a dash and cuts him at the left leg.
He rises above the water from the other side, favoring his bloody leg.
IRIS: (o.s, v.o) I'm sorry brother…  I just want to end this. And Stingray needs to pay for his crimes.
Jet Stingray shoots out more blue and red ground hunters from his buster.  The blue ones crawl down to the surface and travel to his feet, while the red ones attack from directly above his head.
COLONEL: (o.s, v.o) AGAIN!  That was NOT the way to do it, and it was NOT your call!!!
Zero slices all of them and protects himself.
While he is distracted, Jet Stingray dives right into him and bashes him against the wall.
ZERO: Kaaugh.  AAAAAGH!!!!
He tilts his saber upside down, and stabs him in the back from both hands.
   -        Cut to –
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. REPLIFORCE HQ - Colonel's Office - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COLONEL: Aaaargh! I am so Aggravated by you, right now.
IRIS: (cowering, scared) I'm sorry, Brother!!
He takes a moment to collect himself as he continues to look at her with a gruff face.
COLONEL: …You are going to head back to Maverick Hunter Headquarters and deliver a message for me when he arrives.  Is that clear?
IRIS: …If he arrives you mean…
She frowns.
He smiles.
COLONEL: You put yourself in this position, Sister. Not me.
IRIS: I wouldn’t have to, if you would just cooperate!
COLONEL: I AM Cooperating.  But I can’t call off Stingray or tell any of his troops to cease their defense.  YOU initiated this Attack, Sister.  The Hunters will simply have to retreat and regroup.  Then we can attempt a proper negotiation later.
IRIS: (annoyed) Mhm…  And how am I supposed to get back to their Headquarters?
COLONEL: Well...  If their communication satellites are indeed down until further notice, like you said they were… I suppose you are just going to have to wait until they’re back up.
He falsely smiles at her.
IRIS: …You won’t have the Air Force escort me?
COLONEL: (Bellowing) HAAHAHAHAHAH!  Get out of my Office, Sis.  I'll send you Zero’s message later.
IRIS: Hmph!!
She angrily looks at her brother, disappointed as she abruptly gets up.  She walks out of the room and slams the door behind her.
   -        Cut to -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Hiding Place - DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hunched over in pain, Jet Stingray glares at Zero, dead in the face as he turns around and faces his enemy.
ZERO: That's it. You're finished, dude...
They narrow their eyes.
He punches Zero right in the /gut, winding him.
ZERO: /Poouuugh. /Yaaaaagh!!!
He cups his hands around the back of his neck and /knees him in the head.
Jet Stingray punches Zero, but he catches it.  Zero retaliates with a /slash to the gut and /another to the arm.
JET STINGRAY: /Eeyagh!  /Ooohh..
Jet Stingray turns around and swiftly walks away, bleeding out underneath the water, making small crimson clouds from his open wounds.
Zero runs after him and capitalizes, while Stingray is turned around.  He slashes him across the back twice in an X formation.
Then he dashes and performs his new move, as his Saber glows into a powerfully vibrant pink slash that cuts into Jet Stingray’s back.
JET STINGRAY: Grrraaaawwwwwuuughghhhh…
Jet Stingray's circuits overload as his armor cracks.  Finally, his core combusts underwater into a fantastic, contained explosion.
The fire from within the water, immediately cools and turns to bubbles.
When the fried, shattered pieces of Jet Stingray float before Zero, he spots a weapon chip labeled, ‘Ground Hunter’ and grabs it.  Then he hears his partner screaming from outside.
Instinctively, Zero's eyes flash light blue as he remembers how to perform an Air-dash.  This was a skill formerly acquired by an Erasure, but now Zero feels confident that his own body has actually learned how to properly execute this skill.
Zero lets out a light laugh, as he air-dashes over to the gate.
ZERO: Hh-yeeeeah!!  
He kick- jumps up the rigging toward the gate.
ZERO: Now I see why Stingray said that so much.  Flying this fast is fun!!!
He jumps back through the gate.
-pan to-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORTS – Gang Fight – DAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Takuma has fallen to the ground as a gang of Poseidon Clones and Hornet Riders continue to pummel him.
ZERO: Nnnoooo!
He air-dashes over to his jonin and carves his way into the swarm.
He names his new move, learned from Slash Beast as his pink wave of the saber disintegrates six of the enemies.  He stands by Takuma, fearlessly ready to protect his fellow Warrior.
ZERO: /C'mon, /c,mon!
He slashes and slices away at the oncoming reploids.
TAKUMA: (pained) ggh..  Sensei…  You’re here!
Zero kicks a Posiedon away and slashes a Hornet Rider across the face. Then he puts out a hand.
ZERO: Get up Takuma.  We're not done yet.
   -        Cut to –
Caption: 10:00 AM
Ren's jet flies across the Ocean at mach speeds, carrying Tau and Venzo.  Stone Rook, Rayven and Burn Bishop are not far behind them, nor are they as fast.
REN: (filtered) Just about there guys.  We're due in about a half hour, now.
TAU: (filtered) Alriight.
VENZO: (filtered) Oh man! Talk about cutting it close.
   -        Cut to –
EXT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Heliport Rooftop Landing – DAY
Caption: 23 minutes later
The Legion Jet gently lands on the rooftop Helipad.  The cockpit opens up as a ladder, rail juts out from the side, by the wing.
ZARRICK: We made great time.  Lets go, gang!
He hops out of the cockpit, ignoring the ladder completely.  Skid and Gear-Rig take the ladder down carefully, while X takes it down swiftly with urgency on his mind.
He sets up his X-Buster, just in case with concern on his face.
X: Be careful guys..  I don’t know what’s waiting for us in there.
ZARRICK: Lets find out. I've got your back.
They carefully walk into Central Command from the Rooftop entrance with their guard up.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Central Command Hallways – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dispatchers and Office workers are running around working twice as hard it seems.  One of them stops and nearly trips upon the sight of X.
OFFICE WORKER 1: (gasping) Ohh thank Goodness you’re here!!! Captain's been looking everywhere for you.
X: What’s going on??
They continue to stroll through the halls.
OFFICE WORKER 1: Nothing is working!
OFFICE WORKER 2: We've been hacked!!
He drops his guard and retracts his Buster into his hand.
X: Damn it! I was afraid something like this would happen while I was out.  Has anybody been monitoring the Mother Computer??
OFFICE WORKER 1: All of our techs have been looking at it non-stop.  They can’t figure it out!
X: Damn…  There’s no time. I have to get in there.
WORKER 2: Hm??
X: Don’t worry about it. Just tell Captain that I'm back, and I'm on it!!
WORKER 2: Right!
X runs out of the corridor towards an elevator.  Zarrick, Skid and Gear-Rig follow him.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Corridors - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The elevator doors open on the main floor as the whole group run over to Dr. Cain's old lab.
ZARRICK: Man..  Never thought I'd roam these halls with you again.
X: (focused) Yeah.  Its good to see you again.
ZARRICK: Sorry we weren’t around for Doppler's Attack after all…
X: Its okay.  You went through a lot.  We all did…
They reach the lab as X forgives him.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – R & D Lab - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The moment X enters the room with Team Legion, Lucas and David stir at the sight of him.
DAVID: Hey! It's X!!
The Hunter Techs all stop working and take a breath of relief.  
The Elite Hunters turn around, surprised and excited to see their Leader.
XANTHE: Finally!
CASTOR: I knew he’d make it!!!
Double and the rest of the Elite Hunters run over to him.  
DOUBLE: My Liege! My liege!! You’re back.
AESON: What happened, sir??
X slightly laughs.
X: I… Heheh.. Got stuck in traffic.. Zarrick had to give me a lift home.
Zarrick nods silently with a slight smirk on his face.
POLLUX: Where were you?
X: On Fiji taking care of a pesky Maverick, and now it looks like I have to take care of another one.
Double runs over to him and grovels on his knees.
DOUBLE: I'm so sorry, sir.  One minute you and I were joking and laughing on the coms and the next- I don't know what happened!!
X: (annoyed, ready) Cyber Peacock happened. That's what.  And now I've gotta go get him.
Double gasps.
From further towards the Mother Computer, Lucas /claps his hands once.
LUCAS: /Okay!  That, I know how to do.  David, help me set up X's Pod.
DAVID: Oh wow.  This is just like Anomaly Day.
LUCAS: Exactly like Anomaly Day.
The two prepare X's Host Pod with the appropriate wires and connectors.
LUCAS: Or as X would call it… his Cyber Mission.
DAVID: Aw man..  Now I miss Middy…
They continue to set up his Host Pod in an attempt to connect it to Cyber Space.
LUCAS: Geez.  That guy was a Super Genius.  We could've used someone like that to monitor X, so we don’t lose him in Cyber Space.
From the back of the room Gear-Rig clears his throat.  He slowly walks towards them.
GEAR-RIG: Ahem..  Uh, Hi Gentlemen.  I know it’s been a while..  But if you need an advanced processing Navigator for this mission, I think I'm your guy.
David and Lucas instantly recognize Gear-Rig.
LUCAS: Whooa, Heeey. I remember you.  You were that guy who helped is reroute Doppler's Satellite laser.
DAVID: Yeah!!! Genius move, man!  That was brilliant.
X: Guys.
X begins to look impatient as he waits for the Hunter Techs to finish setting up his pod.
LUCAS: Oh. Sorry, X.  We're all done.
X: Jeeeez.
He runs over to the pod with wide eyes and sort of an annoyed smile.
Lucas smiles sheepishly as David mans the Mother Computer.  David hacks inside the screen's programming as everyone witnesses the data constantly changing.
Gear-Rig watches wide-eyed and astounded.
GEAR-RIG: My word!
X and the rest watch the Computer Data as they learn about the situation.
DAVID: We were able to get this far, before our window closes us out.  But with X here, now we can zap him in there and it won’t matter how many times this Peacock closes the window.
GEAR-RIG: I see.  How fortuitous!!  So with a Genius-Level programmer like me, you'll be able to continuously hack into the Server, thus keeping the window open and X, safe from getting.. Lost in Cyber Space as it were.
Lucas makes wide eyes.
LUCAS: …Yes…
DAVID: ..I'm sorry, did you just say Server?
GEAR-RIG: Oh yeah! I can tell just by looking at that code that he's already eaten up your entire Mainframe and turned it into his own Server!!
X: WHAT!!?
GEAR-RIG: Its not as bad as it sounds. We just have to-
X: I've gotta get in there guys. Now!!  This is the one who's been interrupting our coms and teleporters, right?
LUCAS: At the very least…
DAVID: He's also probably stolen a lot of data at this point…
X: Damn him!
X gets into his Host Pod without a further moment's hesitation.  Lucas quickly closes the pod and sets up the final connection.
LUCAS: Don’t worry… We'll get this.  Just like last time…  Just close your eyes, and keep them shut.  When we tell you to open them, you'll be in the Data World again.
GEAR-RIG: His new Server..  As it were…
X: Hmph.  Alright…  Here goes nothing.
X closes his eyes.
   -        Cut To –
EXT.  OCEAN PORT – Gang Fight – DAY
Caption:  10:37 AM
A wounded Zero and Takuma stand back to back with their weapons out.
Bleeding across his forehead, down both sides of the nose, while his sweat stings his eyes, Zero attempts to shake it off as he watches a few more Hornet Riders dock at the port.
ZERO: Screw this man.  We've gotta get out of here…
TAKUMA: I know! /Hey!! Wait!!
Suddenly a Maverick Hunter Jet flies overhead and fires at the soldiers around them before landing.
ZERO: (smiling, relieved) Hahah!  There we go!!
The cockpit opens. Tau and Venzo  jump out.
TAU: Sensei, are you okay!?
ZERO: (smiling) Heh.  I will be…
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.  REPLIFORCE AIR SHIPS – Air Space – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Storm Owl's Air Ship, the Commander of the Air Force is alerted to an attack from his home screen.  He widens his eyes, lets out a hoot and com-links over to his second in command.
STORM OWL: Skiver!  The Maverick Hunters have initiated an Air Strike on the remnants of our Navy! Get down there with a few Raidens and make them regret it.  
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s, filtered) Yes sir!
   -        Cut to -
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. OCEAN PORT – Gang Fight – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAU: Come on, Sir.  Lets get out of here.
ZERO: (smiling) Don’t have to tell me twice.
Suddenly the Maverick Hunter Jet bends and twists under heavy winds until it suddenly explodes.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: (o.s) I think not.
Zero looks up at the shiny Repliforce Pegasus in anger.
ZERO: Wh-aaat!??
Venzo turns around with a shock.
VENZO: Reeeeeen!
When the smoke fades, we find a burnt and bleeding Ren, floating in mid-air by his back thrusters while an arm favors his right shoulder.
REN: Gaaaaahd Damn it…
STONE ROOK: Noooooo!
Stone Rook, Burn Bishop and Rayven catch up just in time to bear witness to their Leader's injury.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: You pesky Hunters have made an unsanctioned attack on our Forces for the last time.
BURN BISHOP: Oh Great! Now we're all stuck here!!!
TAKUMA: (hurt, sad) At least… We have company…
Spiral Pegasus, a group of four Raiden Armor Soldiers, a small group of Hornet Riders and one King Poseidon all look on at the stranded Maverick Hunters.
ZERO: Fuck that.  We have to go.. NOW!  Come HELL OR HIGH WATER!!!
Without thinking, Zero rushes over to the Raidens with his Saber out. Tau and Venzo quickly follow him with their blade and boomerangs ready.  Takuma carefully remains behind.  
ZERO: (shouting, resilient) NEW PLAN!!!  Cut them down and Bail!!!!
The Shinobi Hunters collectively run after the Air Force and Naval Forces.
A few feet higher in the air, Burn Bishop sets an aura of flame around his body, Rayven puts her hands together in a triangular fashion to form a charging beam, while Stone Rook creates an exterior of Solid Rock around his body.  They all join the fray and follow Zero’s lead.
ZERO: Just.. gotta.. Make it to their Ride Chasers!  And pray that somehow our teleporters get fixed in the meantime.
Both armies run and fly after each other as they inch closer.
ALL: (battle cry) HAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
   -        Fade to White –
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. CYBER SPACE – Peacock's Server – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fade in -
Amidst a white screen, X's consciousness forms a Data Body, which teleports into Cyberspace.  Quickly, the white space loads into a mechanized room.
DAVID: (o.s, far, hollow) Okay, X.  Open them!
X barely makes out the words, knowing that they came from the real world.  Despite doing this before, it is hard for him to imagine that he is truly resting in his Host Pod, while his mind is connected to Cyber Space.  He lets out a quick breath and opens his eyes.
X: (gasping) I'm in!
-Freeze Frame. Grainy Effect.-
NARRATOR: (o.s, v.o) After being stuck in a strange Laboratory over night, X has finally come home to face a new challenge.  While Zero is now the one, stuck in 'Enemy Territory'.  But are the Repliforce really enemies??  Or will this Feud with between the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce blow over after a discussion?  Iris seems to think so.  In the meantime, I can only hope that X will be able to solve his Network problems soon.  His best friend's life may depend on it…
-Fade to Black-
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