#its ya gay boi luigi
How are we feeling about the Staff Only page???
a long time ago, i came up with a theory about how welcome home the show never actually existed. the gist of it is that there was a playfellow workshop once, and there was Extensive production work done for welcome home, but for whatever reason - interpersonal conflict, trouble with the studio or executives, both, etc. - it never made it to the air. think "paranoia agent episode 10." BUT its will to exist (or at the very least, wally's will to exist) was so strong that it manifested itself into reality anyway, even if in an incomplete form. at the time, i passed it off as a crack theory, something i came up with in the throes of hiatus brain. but when i was looking through the site again today, it was all i could think about.
in this context, welcome home is an aberration, yeah? it is specifically an Unwelcome change, and i think it's safe to say that the WHRP team knows this - at least, the ones we've seen breaking character. they can barely hold back their disgust at having to handle these materials, because they know on some base instinctual level that These Should Not Be Here, that they should not exist, despite everything else telling them that welcome home was a perfectly normal, universally beloved children's program.
is this a justified reaction on the part of the WHRP team? technically, they aren't wrong, but it doesn't seem that the neighbors are taking advantage or even aware of the fact that they're a collective anomaly. even wally seems more plainly desperate for connection rather than trying to hide an ulterior motive (although it remains to be seen if he's aware of how the WHRP team and their collaborators are being affected, or exactly How unwilling he is to accept that he's dealing with a very different audience than he was 50-ish years ago. he seems very insistent than we've seen him before.) many questions!
of course, it could also be that welcome home did air and was just subjected to some kind of antimemetic fuckery when/after it was cancelled, but that's not what the crack theory is about now is it.
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writebackatya · 1 year
Ive been rewatching Ducktales '17 again and omg the 1st season finale is the best one and I'm conflicted about Magica's character moving forward from there (most of the Lena episoides)...
Yeah that was a great finale
I don’t know I always thought it was great how Magica was the big bad of the first season and when we see her in person again, she’s a desperate pathetic duck with no magic working birthday parties
Hilarious stuff
After the abuse she put Lena through it was so damn satisfying to see she’s nothing without Lena or her magic because she spent a portion of her life relying on all that
And it’s so funny to see this one duck who was this big egotistical showboating villain
Because at the end of the day, DuckTales is a comedy. A story driven one with lots of action and heavy stuff, but still a comedy
And heck she was still seen as a threat after all that. Even more than Glomgold. Which will always be funny to me
Also my personal favorite finale is Season 3’s
Don’t @ me haters
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candyheartedchy · 9 months
Decided to join in the new years joy a lil laye but God thank you guys for making selfshipper art like it fills my heart with joy and warmth. It makes me feel safer as a disabled selfshipper somehow.
Hoping this year is a good one for you.
I’m happy you feel that way! Us self shippers are just creating and sharing what we love, so it’s great that what we do fills you will joy!
I hope this year is a good one for you too!
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h-worksrambles · 1 year
Hey hi! I wanted to ask something since I read ur Echo meta analysis about choice and desperately need ur thoughts about the friend group dynamic and how genuinely fucked up everyone is....
Thank you, I’m glad you liked that post. And YES! I will happily talk about the group dynamic. These characters are some of my favourites in gaming and their extremely screwed up dynamics are a huge part of that. I already have a post breaking down some of Leo’s most interesting relationships which I did for an ask game. But to give an overview on my general thoughts on the main group’s relationship:
I’ve often said that the Echo crew remind me of more of a family than a friend group, and I mean that both in a good way, yet also in the absolute worst ways which that implies. A lot of their bond is built on their shared history, and that they had no one else for so many years. The loss of Sydney both fractures the group but also provides a warped solidarity. It’s an experience no one else can understand but it also makes being around each other bring back painful memories. In short, it’s born out of necessity or more cynically, obligation.
The pro of that is that they were there for each other when no one else was, and that means a great deal to all of them. And between how the group made Leo feel like he had a new home after moving to an entirely different country, or how they supported Jenna through her horrible treatment by her parents, they did do a lot of good for each other.
The con is that there’s a friction born from being around people who you HAD to be around, rather than choosing to do so. And now that they’re all full formed people with their own lives, they don’t really have incentive to be around each other, and when they are, it exposes the ugliest parts of their existing dynamic. Even when they were a relatively happy friend group as kids there were a lot of warning signs. Flynn growing more and more distant because he feels no one else cared that Sydney died (a thought he must have struggled with his entire adolescence). Chase and Leo being both deeply in love, yet also with a wildly unhealthy power dynamic, while also neglecting their friends in the process. Leo, Jenna and Flynn ALL having romantic feelings for Chase in a way that complicated this further. And that’s to say nothing of TJ who saw Chase murder Sydney and yet still seeks out his company, either because he repressed the memory, or perhaps because he feels indebted to Chase in a twisted way for seemingly ‘saving his life.’
In fact a lot of their external relationships serve to contrast this by being much healthier bonds that they choose for themselves. Leo and Kudzu’s relationship as friends and neighbours, which gets sabotaged by Leo’s inability to move past his old bond with Chase and descent into jealousy (with Chase likewise choosing Kudzu as a healthier romantic partner than Leo). TJ being happier and more comfortable with Julian than any of his old friend group. Carl being slowly able to come out of his shell thanks to Daxton (contrasted by Flynn never managing to make that connection with Daxton despite living with him for so long). These are friendships that they actively choose for themselves, not out of the obligation of growing up together and they’re better for it.
They do care about each other and in a lot of the routes they come through for each other when the chips are down, but they’re not a group like they used to be. And even when they were a group, they weren’t a particularly good or healthy one. Echo takes a very mature acknowledgement that loving relationships can still be toxic. Just because you love someone enough doesn’t make all the factors that make you incompatible magically disappear. And it extends that maturity to the platonic relationships as well as the romantic ones.
That’s not to say there are no positive dynamics between them. Chase manages to become a better friend to Carl and Jenna in their respective routes, even if their romantic relationships don’t work out. Carl and Flynn show the potential to be a good match for each other. If they split off into smaller groups and weren’t all actively forcing themselves to be around each other all the time, they could actually make something at least a little less caustic.
The most hopeful outcome for them is probably Jenna’s route. Where all the group are chucked into hell together and forced to put aside their differences to survive (this also somewhat happens in Flynn’s route where they all choose to protect Chase from the townspeople despite knowing what he did). It reminds them all that despite everything, the years they spent together were important to them and that counts for something. But it’s also reminded them of all the things that made all them a poor fit (Jenna and Leo have one of the longest standing friendships in the entire game and we spend a large chunk of her route watching that come crashing down). And even there, there’s this quiet acknowledgment that, while they still matter to each other, they’ll never be a group again like they used to be. It’s this quiet, mixed admittance that “despite everything we’re still family if nothing else…”
They love each other, but they don’t like each other. And that tension haunts their relationships through the entire game. I always think of that line in the last episode of Bojack Horseman.
“There are people that help you become the person you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever’.
That’s the lens I view the Echo crew through. They are some of the most fascinating characters I’ve seen in any game. Incredibly screwed up, yet also deeply sympathetic. You root for them to become better people, breathe a sigh of relief at every positive step they make, while watching them giving into the worst of themselves in the various bad endings is agonising.
This game is so good that it makes me angry. 😅
Anyway. Thank you very much for your ask. I’m always happy to talk about Echo Project’s work.
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nitw · 10 months
Why is old Scott hot?
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HI HI!!! 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
AND YEAH, I did ever since I saw that one pic of them sleeping together, and the one of Wally holding one of his paws with both hands while painting it I love them sm- 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💗💗💗💓💓💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕💕
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luzity · 2 years
GURL GIF Belos!Hunter or [REDACTED] death scene P L E A S E
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trishabeakens · 2 years
I'm just itching to see the day we get kimbra stan accounts, like it's only a matter of time.
How are you btw?
I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet with how large her fanbase is/has been rapidly growing, so probably soon haha. And I'm doing okay! Going on a road trip this weekend. :>
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black--blizzard · 7 months
Heyyyyy dk if u remember me but I'm Bob from that big server bxnnie-bowl made! How are you? ALSO YOOOO LATIN SOLIDARITY 🇨🇴 🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴
I'm doing good, what about you?
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Sorry for mentally ill thoughts this evening but I've always wondered how this is going to end. To me, welcome home has been a story about changing. And because of a certain music artist's album and WHs popularity being around the same time, I can't let go of my interpretation of what change will look like at the end of this project. (1/?)
(2/?) I've always found what characters a fandom gets attached to QUICKLY to be a marker of what a story is going to do with these characters and what metatexually that is gonna mean for the story...
Let's start with the big one: Wally himself. THIS GUY HAS SO many interpretations! He is simultaneously the most dangerous and fascinating character out of all of them. To analyze him (and some of the neighbors I'll talk about) I used tarot cards, btw I'm @pretty-in-possible but this is my reblog alt
Wally was Judgement which is intresting because its definition includes
When The judgement is in the upright position, it represents the realization of one's calling, realistic thinking and gaining a deep understanding of life through self-examination.
(3/?) When reversed, it can represent refusal of self-examination and growth, self-doubt, regret, and blame. In my eyes, change and (what I think will happen to the puppets) transformation is only possible with that kind of thought. Which, coupled with your own analysis of wally and home spells as disaster. Whats particularly affecting MY brainworms is Barnaby. His card is the Magician: The Magician is an artisan and the ideas person.  It is a very action oriented card. It represents learning and using knowledge in creative and unorthodox ways, and seizing the day by displaying resourcefulness. Barnaby is definitely an open-minded person just with his behavior shown through just visuals.
(4/?) I am also invested in his pipe which I know just has bubbles in it, but it adds to this stoner read to his character that *I* see??? There is just something about him that tells me he will have the easiest time with this Existential crisis as to him (based of the tarot reading) this knowledge is incredibly freeing, cuz it would just mean there is More in the World to Discover. In my experience reading past life regression therapy testimonies, I've heard of how some people encounter this place in the afterlife people under hypnosis describe as a soul cleansing, a place where gem-colored rays of light shine through every inch of your soul, cleansing your spirit of the trauma it had experienced during your last lifetime. And I feel like Barnaby will experience those same feelings (NOT THE SAME PROCESS). (I might ramble more about this later, in ask box or in dms if thats okkkk)
my sincerest apologies for sitting so long on this one, i wanted to make sure i had time to really, like. sit down and Process it. and then shortly after i started writing this response i got food poisoning so. lol.
because of of how in-depth this ask gets, i wouldn't feel right neglecting any part of it, so i'm just gonna write down my thoughts bullet by bullet as i go through this. under the cut for convenience:
how welcome home is going to end .... obviously, i cannot offer anything conclusive right now (if i can offer anything at all) given how early we are, but i have always had the vague impression that whatever the ending of this story is, we as the audience may never be able to see all of it. it feels like so much has been given to us already. i assume we will be given much more, regardless of how willing to give or receive anyone involved is. we owe it to our neighbors to let them decide which parts to give and which to keep, at the end of the day. i think that's the best way i can phrase it. but as always, only time will tell.
agree about Change likely being a big part of welcome home, whichever form it takes.
I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO KNOW THE NAME OF THIS ARTIST. i am Dreadfully unfamiliar with a lot of 70s musicians outside of the biggest names - my first thought was either connie converse or daniel johnston, but iirc most of converse's music was recorded in the 50s-60s and johnston only started recording music in the late 70s. i don't know if bruce haack was ever super popular back when he was actually making music.
the idea of which characters fandom gets attached to being indicative of what canon does with them...? i'm not so sure about this one, honestly. fandom can get attached to a stale piece of toast that shows up for a single scene if so desired (which, for the record, isn't a bad thing.) of course, i say that based off of my own experiences, but fan reception has never really been a Factor in speculation for me either way.
calling wally dangerous doesn't feel inaccurate, but i think it's more like. i do not think he is inherently dangerous but he absolutely has the Capacity to do dangerous things. i think it is interesting that despite this (or perhaps because of it?) he appears to be more vulnerable with us than he Ever was with the other neighbors? but a.) that may not be saying much and b.) it is Also largely rooted in speculation + the fact that home and the audience are currently the Only two entities wally has been seen interacting with directly, as opposed to his interactions/relationships with other neighbors that have so far only been briefly described by the WHRP or showcased in brief snippets of concept art.
grinning so so so wide at the judgement/inverted judgement descriptions. i wish i had more to say but i'm having a hard time coming up with something that isn't just pointing to the inverted judgement description and going "yeah that's almost Exactly what i'm getting from wally so far."
again, agree about the possibility of Change playing some kind of role here, eventually - more specifically the fear of change even when it may prove to be beneficial, whether that be on wally's part or the neighbors' or the WHRP's or the staff's or the audience's or even the very setting of home itself. i imagine some grotesque hodgepodge of all of the above. something something points to that post i reblogged about sitcoms as horror.
context for the aforementioned wally and home analysis for anyone reading: 1, 2, 3
BARNABY, HUH... for the record my personal hc regarding his pipe is that whatever's in it changes depending on what would be the funniest answer at any given moment. if tobacco is funnier, then it's tobacco. if bubbles are funnier, then it's bubbles. looney tunes logic.
on a more serious note: i'm a little worried i won't have much to say about barnaby that i haven't said already! i think it may be too early to discern the Specifics of his personality from website art/descriptions alone but i do get the distinct impression that he's meant to be a lot more down to earth than wally, which of course is an interesting contrast to the nature of wally's whole [gestures vaguely] Everything. from this, i think it is Reasonable to assume that he's also a lot better at rolling with the punches as well, although i never did consider the possibility that learning about The Bullshit would be liberating for him, in a sense - i don't know about it being a cleansing experience, unless you count the recontextualization of things that didn't previously make sense as a sort of cleansing in itself, in which case it could absolutely be that. something about the parallels to cosmic horror... the relationship between the Fear of change and the Catharsis of change...
oh, but wouldn't this also put him at odds with wally, who seems to be on the Exact Opposite End Of The Spectrum, even when they understand each other like no other? Much To Think About... very exciting potential for Conflict there.
i'm cool with whichever method works best for you if you wanna talk more in the future! my dms are open too lol.
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writebackatya · 1 year
Raspberry and russet for the ask game
Arrrghh! I’m sorry! I forgot all about this!
Now let’s see here:
Raspberry: I need your help to kill God.
{grabs a sock full of pennies} Sure, why not?
Russet: I need to borrow some money
{hands you the sock full of pennies} Sure, why not?
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Tumblr media
"Did Effie give you the speech too?" Peeta asks as he enters the back of the train, his presence tugging an eyeroll from me and I mentally hit myself for not hiding in the bathroom instead- somewhere where he can't he can't be obnoxiously nice to me.
"About behaving?" I ask him, scooting over so he can sit next to me on the couch, folding my legs up into my chest as I hug them. "Yes."
"She told me I'm supposed to try to convince you to like me." Peeta says with a small smile and blushed cheeks and it almost makes me smile but I remember that I promised myself to choose to be annoyed by him so I would not inevitably fall in love with him.
But it's so damn hard.
"That's easier said than done." I scoff, looking out the window at all of the colored trees, trying to not make eye contact with him, knowing better than that and knowing that a blush would immediately rise up my neck and my cheeks would heat up.
"C'mon." He nudges me, electricity sparking under his touch and it sends goosebumps up my arm and down my spine. "I bet, deep down, you tolerate me more than you think." I give him a deadpanned look and a scoff, lying through my teeth with a shake of my head.
"I really don't like you." I mutter, glaring at him through my lashes as he laughs, shaking his head at my blatant lie.
"And I really don't believe you." He sighs, stretching his arm out on the couch behind me, leaning towards me a bit with a simple pat on my shoulder. "This whole tour will go ten times smoother if you just let go a bit."
"I just really don't want to be here." I breathe sincerely, finally meeting my gaze and I allow myself to slip into him for a moment, leaning into the way that his hand rests on my shoulder, soothingly rubbing circles into my skin.
"And it's not my fault that you are." His voice is stern and an example of his frustration towards my faux dislike towards him and I give him a soft smile, nodding my head in acknowledgment. Maybe I'll go easy on him this time. "I don't want to be here either."
"I know." I reach up to pat his hand that's sitting on my shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry, I get it." He shrugs and I laugh, feeling frustrated but also comforted tears rise to my eyes but I'm quick to blink them away.
"You're too nice." I scoff, watching him make his way to his feet, prepared to walk out of the room but he turns to me at the last second and he sends me a wink.
"Eh, it balances out your attitude."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres
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soildweller · 1 year
Thank you for drawing cute furry men. I genuinely started crying when I saw the art of u and ur bfs fursona kissing because it was that wonderful.
Sending love and prosperity to you and decay and betrayal to all who oppose you!! 💗💗
Thanks its-ya-gay-boi-luigi :^ )
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heart-aflame · 6 months
Last Line Game
Rules: share the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words. Tagged by @kitweewoos
Emma didn’t have a clue, and that was the scariest part. 
tagging: @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog @wizisbored @tameila @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @bothersomedirtchild @jabletown @lordy-lou @maxbegone @mastersprogram
No pressure to do anything, just figured id participate in this one.
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Love how you've been stuck in CTW hyperfixation mode for like 3 years while I've gone through 273 different eras in the same amount of time/gen
It’s probably maybe because my stupid joke of a crackship managed to take over my life, and now all I can think of is the stupid killer bear animatronic x soft old man ship
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valleyfthdolls · 2 years
For the ask game: I KNOW for a fact u are a crying child expert
GOOD >:]
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