#its. complicated. i feel like whining. sorry
the-kipsabian · 1 year
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Hmm ya i don't think i want sastiel endgame for soullessnatural, one Cas is quite rough in s6, and being with Soulless would make him softer yes but its still soulless, he would have some sort of relationship and feel love and comfort but that is based on having someone he can talk to who he can relate to but he knows does not love him back and ofcourse it wouldn't be sweet and caring, he's even aware of the power he holds over Soulless and that Soulless is trying to be on his good side, its fake but its still something, anyways ya he's too big a Dean simp and that's not Sam hmm.
See it also depends if i make Dean bi, which will make things more fun, but then Sastiel endgame feels less likely atleast without having somthing happen with Dean and Cas. I mean he can be jealous and hurt and dramatic without that too. Hmm. I just hate D/sticule too much its clounding my feelings.
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dansformations · 2 months
"Man of the future"
Alan was 20 years old gay guy that turned his passion for video games into a career as a streamer. Every night, he sat in front of his computer, illuminated by the lights of his setup, and connected to play with his thousands of followers enchanted by the fact of having a popular gay and handsome streamer. That night, however, something different happened.
While chatting with his audience and viewing the comments in the chat, he noticed a message that stood out among the others.
@ yourbroski: "Try this game, 'Man of the Future'," said a donation message with a link.
@ yourbroski: "Its my game, i create It"
- You Did!? No way - Alan replied
He clicked the link, opening the Game just for being nice, the title didnt sounded like something that the girly Alan would enjoy.
Within seconds after the click, Alan found himself downloading a game he had never heard of. The title, "Man of the Future," glowed on the screen.
The game was a complicated obstacle course and shooter that quickly engrossed Alan into the digital word.
- Hey, this is indeed fun
But the fun ended quickly. When he died in the game for the first time - Which was pretty fast -, a screen appeared with the saying, "C'mon Bro, you can do better" along with an strange music, almost hipnotazing music.
- Whoa, did you guys see that? - Alan said, leaning back in his chair. - This game is savage! 'C'mon Bro, you can do better'? Challenge accepted! - he answered.
However, the second attempt didn’t go any better. When Alan died again, the message changed to, "Don’t be a noob, Bro."
Alan face reddened with frustration. "Okay, Bro," he muttered under his breath.
- No way am I letting this game call me a noob. Let's do this! - He turned to the chat, determination blazing in his eyes. -You guys with me? This game’s going down, Bros!
Took a sip of His... beer? He didnt remenber being drinking beer, he didnt even remenber enjoying beer but he was so centred on beating that game that kinda ignored It.
- OOOOOUUURRRP - he belched - dang, sorry bros - he said a bit ashamed... Just a bit. He was too centred to being ashamed.
Meanwhile the coments were going crazy.
"Whats happening With all those 'Bro'? Thats off character"
"@ yourbroski: Nothing to be ashamed! Better out than inside my Bro!"
"Are we sure this Is Alan? Lol"
He keep playing moving his fingers as fast as he could, he was doing Better and when he almost reached the wining flag - a flag decorated only With White and black lines - he got killed by another player.
- Son of a bitch! - he yelled - that motherfucker killed me at the very last BRARRRRP - belched - moment!
"Dont be a pussy" The screen said this time, as knowing he was whining.
- No way this game just called me a "pussy"! - he said ofended - Im not, and in gonna show them all - he said while opening his legs in the chair in a more relaxed position, tooking a moment to scracht his balls in front everybody before starting the new round.
In that position everybody could apreciate some strong arms and legs that people didnt knew Alan had abd Alan didnt remenber to have worked on.
"Sexy" a guy comented.
He was gay, but for some reason reading that from a guy, maked him feel angry.
- Dont be a weirdo, dude - he said
He was gay, right..?
Then started playing again, not releasing every time his character died, a part of His persona did too.
Yelling, coursing, chugging beer and burping, acting with a cocky attitude more and more, every round, less nice, less gay, less him, until...
- BROS, I-OARRRRRP -He couldnt contain a burp - I DID IT!
His character was holding that black and White flag.
"Now youre a real alpha" the tv screen said With that strange music still.
"Now youre the Man of the future"
And with that, the remains of Alan were erased, he didnt remenber being a girly gay guy anymore, he always had been an alpha, a straight, gassy, jock that loved playing videogames and humillating the noobs and "queerdos" on the games.
Alan started doing a "celebration dance" that basically was doing hip moviments to show his bulge. Like he were fucking someone.
- This Is for you, @broski - Alan put His microphone close to his ass and ripped a big, loud, smelly fart on It - i beated you - he said proud. Between laughs he added - Nah, GG bro, youre talented, definetly gonna share It with the bros.
"Whats happening with Him?!' someone comented
"@ yourbroski: That flag send the fag away"
Alan didnt even read those coments, he was busy trying to fan away the fart with his hands.
That Night the strange transformartion of the gay gamer Alan was trending everywhere, but before His friend Group had read something, they receive link to a Game from Alan.
"Alan: Best game of the month broskis"
The group of friends made up of gay guys and nice straight guys thought Alan's writing was odd, but without knowing the situation they gave more atention to the link, opening it, ready to play a life-changing game, "The man of the future."
(This is just fetish writing)
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anticomedygarden · 10 months
Annabeth had a complicated relationship with her hair.
also on ao3
"Ow!" Annabeth whined when Thalia pulled on another messy blonde tangle.
"Sorry," Thalia said, probably for the millionth time. The older girl was kneeling behind Annabeth on the floor of their current hideout and attempting to get the knots out of Annabeth's hair. None of them really knew the last time it had been brushed - probably not since she ran away. "I don't really know what I'm doing here."
"You just gotta unknot it!" Annabeth said. She didn't see why it was so hard; Thalia was 14 and should know how to untangle hair by now. Annabeth did.
Thalia laughed at her, but it sounded strained. "I don't even have a brush, Squirt. Plus, I've never had long hair."
Annabeth's mouth dropped open. "Really?" She thought all girls had long hair at some point.
"I don't really like it. I like yours, though." Annabeth beamed, at least until Thalia tugged again, and she whined.
Suddenly, there was another set of hands in her hair. "Let me help," Luke said.
Thalia put a hand against Annabeth's back, and the younger girl tried not to buck it off. She was independent! "You can try, but I don't know how much better it can get without a wash and a brush."
Luke sighed. "I can at least try."
(Annabeth had never particularly cared about her hair. It wasn't that she didn't like it or anything, she just really didn't have any strong feelings toward it. She liked that it's there, liked the comforting weight and extra warmth in winter, but she'd figured out at a young age that the yellow color did nothing but hinder her in her pursuits, so she didn't bother with it. She could deal with it, but she wouldn't put any extra effort into it.)
When Annabeth left the showers, Percy was waiting on the steps of her cabin, lurking awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" she asked. It was a surprise, to say the least. She would've expected him to be hanging out with Grover or training in the arena. Besides, she had just gotten out of the shower. A blush worked its way into her cheeks.
"I don't know, I thought we could hang out," he said. Then, he caught sight of her fingers tangled in her knotted hair. "What happened?"
Her blush deepened. "It hasn't recovered from the quest yet." And she hadn't had the patience to brush it out in the few days since they'd been back, compounding and compounding the knot until she couldn't get it out if she tried. "I might have to cut it."
"Oh." Percy looked at her funny and stood, then made a move like he was gonna touch her hair. She stepped back on instinct, and he raised his hands. "I can try and get it out."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"
"I can work a brush." He almost sounded offended.
Normally, she would refuse, balking at the prospect of someone touching her hair, but after the quest, she found she didn't mind the thought as much as she thought she would. Plus, the knot was really bad, so he couldn't make it much worse, and it'd save her a lecture from Silena. She shrugged. "Fine."
Then, she went and got her hair brush from her bunk and went back out the door and sat on the step in front of him.
"Holy crap, what did you do to it?" he exclaimed.
She turned to give him a disbelieving look. "I went on a quest! When do you think I had time to untangle it?"
He didn't really look like he believed her, but he didn't say anything else.
"All right," he muttered. The first pull through had her jerking her head back and grabbing his hand behind her.
"Don't try and do it all at once, you'll just make it worse," she scolded. "Start from the bottom."
She felt him gently pull the lower half of her hair and start brushing it. "Sorry."
"It's fine."
After a minute, she relaxed, actually kind of enjoying the feeling. It was nice.
Finally, he finished and handed her back the brush. "I'm done."
"Wait, really?" She reached back to feel her hair and sure enough, it was back to its usual wavy strands, unknotted and flowing. "How'd you do that so fast?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It probably helped that it's wet. Do you wanna spar?"
Mouth still open, she nodded. She'd have to keep that little affinity of his in mind.
(As she got older, she couldn't help but think that indifference was an asset. Quests certainly didn't provide any time or supplies for hair care. Plus, having Percy around made sure it was wet with dirty water half the time, so why try.)
"Remind me why we're out here, again?" Percy asked as they picked their way through the forest.
"Because Tyson said he smelled something funny," Annabeth answered. "And be quiet, you're gonna scare whatever it is away."
Percy stuck his tongue out at her but stopped talking, and they continued walking through the forest until they heard a sound from a ways away.
They froze. One look and they were heading off toward the noise.
It soon became apparent they were heading for nothing as the ground beneath their feet became squishier and squishier.
Then, there was another noise, and she stopped abruptly.
Too abruptly, apparently, because the next thing she knew, she was face down in muddy swamp water.
Groaning, she didn't stay down long and jumped up, knocking Percy over into the water. (He'd be fine.)
"What the Hades, Seaweed Brain?" she said.
He stood slowly. "Why'd you stop?"
"I heard something," she said, reaching up to get some of the gunk off her face. When she touched her hair, though, she paused. It was soaked through with the brackish water. The only thing that could clean it now was a good shower.
Well. It's not like she really cared all that much.
That was her only consolation as they trudged back to camp.
(She didn't think she'd ever want to chop it off; no, it was a part of her, a part she did kinda love on good days, even if it was a nuisance. And she loved having that connection to Percy, and Silena, in a way.)
"Damn, girl, what did I tell you?" Silena said from her spot behind Annabeth's chair. The older girl was attempting to rescue the blonde mass from its latest adventure, and Annabeth was afraid it wasn't looking too good.
"I was kidnapped by a titan, I couldn't exactly take care of it," Annabeth grumbled, wincing when Silena gave a particularly rough pull. She'd been sitting in this chair for years for the daughter of Aphrodite to cut her hair and just generally take care of it, and she still couldn't stand watching herself in the vanity mirror. She looked away.
"Well, I'm afraid I may have to cut it."
"That's fine," she said. It wouldn't be the first time. She looked at herself one final time to mourn the current length and caught sight of the grey streak. "Wait!"
"What?" Silena said, sounding surprised. "What's wrong?"
"Are you sure you can't untangle it?" she asked.
Silena sighed and picked up the knot of hair again. "I can try, but it'll take a while."
"That's fine," Annabeth said definitively. Hair grew at approximately half an inch per month, but Annabeth wasn't sure how the stress from holding the sky would affect the growth rate or the return to its normal color. However, she wasn't going to hurry the process along, at least, not as long as Percy still had his.
Not that she would ever tell anyone that.
So she sat as patiently as she ever had while Silena untangled her hair.
(Probably the longest Annabeth ever went without brushing her hair was when Percy was missing. Without his fingers to run through it or Silena to pester her about it, she just didn't think of it. Or want to think of it.)
"Okay, no. Come here."
Annabeth looked up from the map she was staring at on a table in Bunker 9 to see Piper walking towards her. "What?"
Leo glanced over from whatever project he was working on with a similar expression of bewilderment on his face. Clearly, he didn't know what Piper was talking about, either.
"Annabeth, your hair. When was the last time you brushed your hair?" Piper asked exasperatedly, steering Annabeth to sit down in a chair.
"I was in the middle of something," Annabeth protested.
"You can go back to staring at that map after I fix this rat's nest," said Piper. "Seriously, I know you have a brush. When was the last time you used it?"
Accepting her fate, Annabeth just shrugged. Her hair was rarely, if ever, on the front of her mind.
When Piper attempted to drag a brush through it, they both winced. "Oh my gods, there's a ponytail in here? How long has that been there? And how long has it been since you washed it?"
Once again, Annabeth shrugged. She honestly had no idea, though, come to think of it, it had been pretty itchy lately.
"Okay, well, that ends now." With that, Piper went to work on the knot, attacking it with the brush. "I'm gonna have to cut the ponytail out."
Annabeth startled. "Wait - the hair or the rubber band?"
"The rubber band," Piper said, causing Annabeth to breathe a sigh of relief. She knew it was stupid, but she didn't want there to be any risk of Percy not recognizing her when they found Camp Jupiter. "Your hair is completely wrapped around it."
Without waiting for a response, she whipped out Katoptris and sliced the rubber band out. Annabeth's hair didn't move much.
"Good lord," Piper muttered. "Here we go." The daughter of Aphrodite then went at the knot with the same vigor as Annabeth going at a training dummy. It did not feel good.
Piper was far less gentle than her sister. Piper was far less gentle than Percy.
Annabeth didn't like that thought, didn't like thinking of the dead, and she really didn't like thinking of Percy as missing.
But when she squirmed to try and get away, Piper gripped her shoulder, keeping her from standing. "Piper, I-"
"Hold still."
"I can do it-"
"But you won't, will you?" Piper said, raising an eyebrow.
Even Annabeth had to admit that she was right, but that didn't make it any easier. "I promise I'll-"
"No," Piper said with finality. However, it was what she said next that rooted Annabeth in place. "Let me do this for you, please."
She paused. It had never occurred to her that Piper might be trying to help in whatever way she could, that she didn't have the mechanical skills to help build the ship or the memories to help try and pinpoint where exactly Camp Jupiter was. "Fine."
"Thank you."
So, she sat there while Piper untangled her hair and only winced every so often.
Finally, probably an hour later, she was done, and they both stood. "Now, you're going to go eat dinner, then you're gonna shower, and then you're gonna go to bed."
Annabeth blanched. "I still have so much work to do."
Piper put her hands on her hips. "And it will still be there in the morning."
They stared at each other, neither one willing to relent, until Leo giggled from across the bunker. "Someone's in trouble."
Piper snorted. "I don't know why you're laughing, Repair Boy, you're going, too."
Annabeth didn't have to see his face to know his mouth had hit the floor. "I never agreed to that!"
Piper's eyes narrowed, and she went to grab Leo from his work bench. "I don't care." She pointed at the door. "Now, both of you, dinner, shower, bed."
There was no way Annabeth would agree to that, not when there was still so much work to do on the ship, maps to study, star charts to examine - really, she didn't have time. "How about dinner and bed, then shower in the morning?"
Piper's eyes hardened from where she was dragging Leo by the collar over to the door, then she pushed Annabeth's back until the blonde was also standing outside the door. "Dinner, shower, bed." She turned around to lock Bunker 9 behind them. "And for the love of the gods, wash your hair. Yes, Leo, both of you."
(Annabeth needn't have worried about Percy recognizing her. She probably could have shaved her head and painted her face to look like Iron Man, and he would recognize her, even in the depths of Tartarus.)
"What do you think of me cutting my hair?" Annabeth asked.
Her and Percy were limping along the Phlegethon at the approximate rate of a Zamboni in a swamp. Pain and soreness had settled into every corner of her body, but Annabeth was somehow thinking of her hair tangled at the back of her neck and stuck to her face with sweat, and how the hell she would fix it if they made it back to the mortal world. (When. When they made it back to the mortal world.)
She barely felt Percy turn to look at her. "I think you should do whatever you want with it."
Aw. She probably should have predicted that. "Come on, tell me the truth."
He paused. "You know I love your hair."
When he didn't say anything else, she pressed her fingers against his waist. "But?"
"But," he started. "But it's your hair."
"I know that," she said with more force than she meant to.
If she could see anything in the dark, she would've seen his brows furrow. "Do you really wanna get rid of it?"
She bit her lip. "No." She couldn't bear to let go of everything it meant to her now, the memories it carried beyond just the grey streak: Thalia, Luke, Silena, Piper, Percy. It was hers to care for, hers to maintain, and she hated that it took Tartarus for her to realize that. "I just don't know how it's going to recover from this."
"Hey," he said, stopping them. "It's gonna be fine. It'll get through it." She gave him a disbelieving look, though she wasn't sure he could see it. "Do you know how I know?"
Her hands fiddled with the back of his shirt where they were wrapped around his waist. "How?"
"Because it's so bright that it's one of the only things I can see right now."
She pressed her face into his chest. "All right. If you say so."
He rested a cheek on her head. "I do."
(Then, of course, there were the practical purposes.)
"Okay, I think I'm finally getting this," Percy said above her.
"Thank the gods."
He had been messing with her hair for about two hours now trying to figure out how to do a French braid. Without technology, his only resource was a book he found at the library, and it wasn't like Annabeth knew how to do it.
Though she may want to learn soon for the same reason Percy was. He was gonna have a little sister, one that, for all intents and purposes, would probably grow up with Annabeth as an older sister figure which was absolutely insane for her to think about. She technically had plenty of experience as a counselor and an actual older sister (though that qualification was debatable), but it was a whole other thing when it was Percy's baby sister.
It was very hard not to think of Silena, and even harder not to think of Thalia. If she was half the older sister to the new little girl that Silena and Thalia were to her, she would have succeeded.
But for now, she could help Percy learn to be a big brother.
(So maybe she did love her hair. Just a little bit.)
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dreaming-of-lu · 2 months
Dizzy With Love
Hihi!! Some of you may be familiar with my writing already over on the other blog, but if you're not, hello! I am The Wizard and I am finally writing stuff for here too :3 Expect a lot of whump and hurt/comfort, as that’s what I like to write the most (who doesn't love tenderly caring for each other?), and perhaps some stuff going into disability and gender if I feel like it/others are interested. This one was mostly just a little warmup, some Twilight fretting over an injured reader. Hope you enjoy!
- Wizard anon
Content: Twilight focus, concussed reader (gn), committed relationship. Wordcount: 565
“Hey there, darlin’,” you hear from above you.
Your head pounds something awful; everything spinning without you even opening your eyes. The light is too bright against your closed eyelids, and you can feel each individual item of clothing on your skin. There’s something else, too, that you can’t quite grab on to yet in the daze of semi-consciousness – are you even conscious? Everything feels fuzzy, faraway, like your head is filled with cloth. But you must've made some sort of noise, because whoever’s voice that is expects you to reply.
You try. All you manage is a groan.
“Shh, shhh, I got you. Up you come, now.”
The entire world lurches, head crashing into pain as you're propped up against something soft. You reach out towards it blindly, gripping tightly the soft fur you find. Fur?
“Hyrule’s just headin’ over here now, it’ll be all better soon,” Twilight murmurs, pulling you closer. You now recognise the pelt underneath your hand, and the warmth and softness of the body you are leant against. You let yourself slump, riding out the dizziness in the safety of Twilight’s embrace, face tucked into his chest. When there’s sounds of movement closing in you press your cheek further against him defiantly.
“He needs to take a look at you, darlin’.” Twilight rubs his hand up your arm soothingly. A whine exits your throat.
“Just a head injury?” Hyrule’s voice now, trying to keep soft but still too loud and too grating and too much.
Twilight keeps rubbing your arm as he replies, “And some stubbornness,” with a chuckle, and despite its similar grate, the rumble of it against you settles something deep inside. A soothing that spreads to your head when the familiar feeling of Hyrule’s magic washes over you.
Finally opening your eyes, you look up at Twilight and Hyrule blearily.
“...Thank you.”
Hyrule just smiles back, before he’s being called over to elsewhere, and leaves you and Twilight to your embrace.
“You’re okay now…?” Twilight’s grip tightens, and his gaze down at you is a complicated mix of anger and fondness and worry. Brows knitted, frown tugging at his lips, relief clear in his eyes.
It is in this moment, that you remember the hit you took was meant for him.
He presses your face back into his chest, arms squeezing around your back like he’s terrified to let go.
“Do not do that again. You scared me.” He almost whispers that second part, afraid to admit it, and you snake your arms up until one hand is rubbing his back while the other is tangled in his hair.
“I’m sorry.” You say it mostly as a formality, a soothing of his nerves. You’d do it again in a heartbeat. And you know if the roles were reversed, he’d do and say the same. You’re both silly like that.
“I don't need you to put yourself in danger because of me,” he stresses.
“I know.” You do, you know he’s strong, and capable, and good at what he does, but—
“Then why on earth did you do that?”
“Because I love you, Link.” Why wouldn't you want to protect him anyway?
Twilight looks down at you, frown still pulling at his lips, searching your face for something you cannot decipher. Then, he’s sighing and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you too.”
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🧙anon, respectively, as always, i am eating your writing up. I am so soft, you don't understand.
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
im not sure if this is an ask but ive been thinking about skz with a younger sister reader who debuts as an idol !! imagine her being in newjeans since skz already enjoy their songs (looking at changbin and lee know 👀) I think it would be so cute !! them cheering her on and singing her songs at award shows !! or even them mcing together or meeting at isac 💗💕💖
its just something I wanted to share and I enjoy your posts so much I thought I would drop it here to see what you think 😭😭💗 feel free to write about it tho if you would like !!! 🫶🫶
so say it ditto
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stray kids x sister!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 0.7k
summary: the boys support their sister's venture in joining newjeans
I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's a little bit crappy haha, but if you did enjoy or wanna be added to my taglist then let me know! :)
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Being the youngest of your siblings, and all of your older brothers having debuted in a Kpop group together, called Stray Kids, you had definitely felt the pressure to debut. Your family was complicated, yes, with your mum having multiple different partners in the past, the reason why most of your siblings had different surnames, sans a few of you.
Meaning Lee Know's dad had been out of the picture until your mother rekindled her relationship with him and that's how Felix came about. But she had been staying with your dad, the one you shared with Jeongin, and you think she was settled now.
With this stability it felt like the pressure lessened yet you wanted to show your brothers too that you could do what they do. You could copy them. You could imitate them. Like ditto.
They were so proud when you debuted in NewJeans, alongside your fellow members, Hanni, Haerin, Minji, Danielle and Hyein. They'd be constantly sending messages to their fans over bubble and texting you directly as well about how excited they were for you.
Some fans thought that it had been done on purpose. You were already known in the public eye as Stray Kid's younger sister, but now you had created an image for yourself. And quite frankly, with how viral your songs had gone, you didn't need that label attached to you to be successful.
And your brothers never failed in reminding you just how viral your songs were. Whether it was through tiktoks they uploaded or if it was clips you had seen of them singing karaoke. Not to mention the videos they'd send into the groupchat.
"Cuz I-I-I-I! Know what you like boy!!!" Changbin yelled into his phone, before Lee Know and Han came up behind him in the video and screamed the second line.
"Thank you, brothers, I can no longer hear," you deadpanned into your own phone camera as you sent back a video of your own, which was meant with either laughing messages or mocking ones.
But those are brothers for you.
You couldn't even avoid their teasing when you were working too. You were MCing for Music Bank, where they had just performed their new song 'S-CLASS'. And now it was time for you to interview them.
"Welcome back to Music Bank! We're joined with Stray Kids who just performed their new song, 'S-CLASS', here they are, jaaa," you introduced them and made a cute little awkward sound, one that resembled Seungmin's 'Staaa'.
Chan and Felix, who were stood right next to you, did their best to muffle their laughs as the camera panned to them. You were thankful for that because it meant you could fan your flustered face.
"Jaaa, 1, 2, 3. Step out! We are Stray Kids!" Chan led your brothers into their introduction, making fun of the little sound you made.
"Hyunjin ssi," you began professionally, making the others gasp.
"Ssi? I'm your brother!" Hyunjin gasped, and you looked panicked at the camera before seeing the crew laughing as well.
"Yahhhhh! They pranked me saying I needed to be formal!" you whined as you crouched down with your cue cards.
"Ok, let's try this again, welcome Stray Kids oppas!!" you smile this time and the interview went much more smoothly, yet you still sighed with relief once it was over. It had been even more difficult this time as you were handling it on your own without your usual co-host.
"Wow that was the hardest interview I've ever done! And we've had all of Seventeen sunbaenim here," you rested your hands on your hips as you looked up sternly at your brothers from backstage.
"Just because our little Y/Nnie was nervous," Seungmin ruffled your hair, making you groan as you pushed him away.
"Hey, hey, she's still new to all this," Felix helped you flatten out your hair.
"I'm doing good though, right?" you looked up hopefully, not joking around this time and wanting their approval.
"Are you kidding me? Of course you are!" Han burst out.
"Your songs are so addictive as well, you're really going on a good path here," Changbin nodded as well.
"We're all proud of you," Jeongin nodded patting you on the shoulders.
"You're doing so great," Lee Know nodded too.
And that was exactly what you needed. Even though it was an awkward funny interview, having their reassurance meant the world to you.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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medusavsviperz · 6 months
warnings: smut, cussing
relationships: dogday x fem! reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
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"angel wait!" dogday called out to you. you slowly stopped walking and turned around. "hiya puppers" you smiled at him. he wrapped his hands around your waist,
"im eh.. having some complications.. i need your help" he muttered, looking quite embarrassed. his very prominent hard on alerting you. you look at it then look back up. "im sure i can help you. follow me puppy." he grunts with surprise. clearly not expecting you to say yes. its not like yall were dating. you smiled, walking past him. he turned to follow you. eyes wandering.
once you make it to the bedroom, you put on a little show. sliding down your pants, but before you could take your top off, dogday bends you over the bed. "sorry angel. i don't have time to waste." he slides your undies to the side, and slowly inserts a finger in your dripping folds. you moan softly and whimper at how big his fingers are. thats nothing compared to whats gonna happen next.
his pace is ruthless. he now has two fingers scissoring their way through your aching cunt, causing your orgasm to come faster than ever. you scream his name, causing him to grunt with excitement. you cum all over his fingers, which he shoves in your mouth. while sucking on his fingers, you feel his massive tip poke your entrance. you needed him so bad. "p-please go hard" you cry out. "with pleasure angel.." he suddenly shoves his dick inside. you scream out while he starts pounding you.
his pace is never ending. god you love it. part of you hoped he would use you like a sex doll, but then again thats what he was doing wasnt it? his groin touching your ass, sweat mixing, skin slapping. best day ever as far as you're concerned.
you never would have thought your sweet dogday was like this. you had been friends for so long, you would have thought he was a submissive. guess not.
the pleasure was unbearable. he kept hitting that one spot that would make your legs shake like never before. sure you've fingered yourself. but his dick reached all the places you didn't know existed.
you came twice already, approaching a third. he was about to cum. "where do you want it angel.?" you didnt know. could they reproduce? i mean they had all the parts. fuck it. "inside." he seemed surprised. "uh, you sure?" he sounded nervous. "fuck please dogday." and with that, he whined out your name as hot ropes of cum filled your cunt.
it felt amazing
he slowly tried to pull out. though he ultimately failed. "everything okay?" you asked with a concerned voice. "knot" he said sternly. "w-whats that?".. he didnt answer. "dogday?".. "give me a few minutes." he slowly leaned over you, chest moving up and down on your back, he softly licked at your neck, grunting, and slowly pushing his dick in and out.
he was going slow this time on purpose. it seemed he wasnt looking to cum. it didnt matter to you, it felt amazing either way. one of his paws started slowly kneeding your chest. his other one rubbing your clit. you feel a knot forming in your stomach. "please." you whisper. he rubs faster, riding you through your orgasm.
finally he could pull out. he looked down and saw cum literally pouring out of you. he used a finger to slide it back in. he walks to the bathroom and grabs a wet rag, wiping your cunt in effort to clean you. you turn around and kiss him, leaning back on the bed.
"dogday." …"hmm?"
"you're hard again."
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unreliablesnake · 11 months
Note: I know, I know, I shouldn't publish unfinished stories, but I lost my inspiration halfway through. Sorry.
Warnings: smut, minors dni! oral (f receiving), afab!reader
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It had been a long time coming. The two of you had been flirting back and forth for a long time, dancing around each other with playful smiles on your lips. Even Ghost noticed and noted it, the man who usually kept himself out of the personal issues of others.
So now that Johnny was watching you, you suddenly felt the heat pool in your core, a desperate need to have him all over you taking over your brain. You slid off the table you were sitting on, and walked out of the room, carefully brushing your fingers along his broad back on the way.
You could feel his piercing blue eyes burning a hole into your back, and you knew he would be following you soon enough. So you waited outside, the excitement you felt from this game you two had been playing making you experience new kinds of highs. It was like a drug slowly taking over your brain, a drug that would probably turn you into a whimpering mess eventually.
About five minutes later the door opened and closed after Johnny, and you watched as he looked around to see if you were nearby. When his eyes landed on you, a wolfish smile crept on his lips as he headed over to where you were.
“C’mere, bonnie,” he said before pulling you into a messy, passionate kiss, his hands already roaming your body as he pressed you against the wall. “Fuck, I've been waiting for this for so long.” He dived in again, kissing you like that was the last time you were seeing each other.
You sneaked your hand under his shirt, your fingertips tracing his warm body before dipping them under the waistband of his jeans. He pressed his pelvis against your body, letting you know how hard he was, and you had to give yourself a mental warning not to sink on your knees for him right away out in the open.
Anyone could have left that room, you couldn't risk being caught with him. Not because you would be ashamed of being with him, you just didn't want any unnecessary complications in your life. Johnny apparently felt the same way, because he reached down to guide your hand away from his jeans and took a small step back to build some distance.
“Not here,” he told you seriously, his hand already wrapping yours as he took the lead.
When he began to pull you with him towards his room, you didn't resist, just followed him without a word and with your brain switched off. There was no need to think, he was there to do that for you. So you let him do whatever he wanted, and by the time he kicked the door of his room closed, you were already just am empty-headed shell that was at his mercy.
Johnny kissed you again, and even when he pulled away for a moment to breathe, a string of saliva kept you connected. His hands grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, only to throw it on the floor a moment later. While he unbuttoned your jeans and began to pull it down along with your panties, you could hear him let out an almost animalistic growl.
“So fucking beautiful,” he mumbled against your skin as his lips traveled down your chest, passing through your stomach before reaching your mound. “Spread your legs for me, will ya?”
You did as he asked, spreading your legs to give him better access to your sex. Johnny's lips instantly latched onto your clit, one hand slowly finding its way to your cunt, his thick fingers teasing your entrance. The back of your head hit the door as you bit back a moan, but you didn't have much chance to stay quiet because he pushed two fingers in, immediately curling them to hit that perfect spot.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whined weakly.
You could hear him chuckle before he glanced up at you. The amusement in his blue eyes mixed with the pumping of his fingers was enough to make you go even dumber than you thought was possible.
“You like that?” he asked before pulling out his fingers to lick them clean real quick. When you nodded, Johnny flashed a wicked smile at you. “Say it. I want to hear words, sweetheart,” came his order.
“Yes, I love it, please,” you begged him to go on, knowing perfectly well how pathetic you sounded.
But at the moment you couldn't give a shit about things like that, all you wanted was feeling his fingers thrusting again, hitting that sweet spot between your velvety walls until you finally reached your climax. You knew he was probably skilled enough to take you there, that he would do his best to please you, but something told you he would be messing with you just to see you fall apart between his hands.
His tongue pushed between your folds, and the sensation was enough to bring you back to reality. You began to rock your hips to meet his moves, and he was quick to grab them to keep you still. He was lapping up every drop of your juices, murmuring something against your cunt that you couldn't understand.
“Johnny,” you whined, out of breath from the building heat in your core. “Fuck, Johnny, don't stop, I’m so close,” you begged him.
One of his hands let you go and he pushed his fingers inside you again while his mouth returned to your swollen clit. You were seeing stars by now and your fingers were buried in his mohawk in a desperate attempt to keep him close. But there was no need to do that, he was apparently feeling alive between your legs, his chuckles resonating with your private parts every so often.
And when you finally came, Johnny didn't want to stop, he kept going and seemingly enjoyed the way you were begging him to stop, to give you a break before rushing you into another orgasm.
“Just one more for me,” he told you, his gaze falling on you when he looked up.
How could you say no to him when he was so alive, so excited to make you feel good? So you nodded and leaned your back against the door, mentally bracing yourself for what was about to come again soon. Because you could feel it creeping up on you, and you were sure your body gave that away to him too.
“That's it, bonnie, that's all I’m asking for.”
You didn't know how, but you managed to stay upright despite feeling like your legs were made of jelly. But then you felt Johnny's hands dig into the skin on your waist and you realized he had been the one to keep you standing. He was still busy between your legs, but he managed to drink up every last drop of your release.
He suddenly stood up and licked his glistening lips as he watched you. “I’m not done with you yet, I hope you know that,” he said, and despite his voice sounding threatening, his smile gave away that he was in his element. He leaned so close to your ear that his lips brushed your earlobe. “I want to fill you up. I want to watch my cum drip out of your abused hole, sweetheart.”
It wasn't a threat. It was a promise he was hell-bent on keeping.
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estellan0vella · 4 months
Attention ❀ Ino (Requested) Masterlist
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The late afternoon sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. You sit cross-legged on the plush carpet, flipping through the pages of a magazine, occasionally glancing up at Ino.
He's seated at the desk by the window, immersed in what looks like a complicated blueprint, his brow furrowed in concentration. The sight makes you smile; he's always so focused when it comes to his work.
After a while, though, you start to feel a little neglected. It’s been hours since you two have had a proper conversation, and you miss his voice, his touch, his attention. You try to distract yourself with your magazine, but it’s no use. You want him to pay attention to you.
An idea pops into your head, and you decide to put it into action. Quietly, you get up and tiptoe towards him, grabbing a few sheets of paper from the printer on the way. You crumple one into a ball and toss it gently at him. It bounces off his shoulder and lands on the desk, but he doesn’t look up.
“Inooo,” you sing softly, dragging out his name in a playful whine. “Pay attention to me.”
The crumpled paper ball hits Ino's shoulder, but he remains fixed on his work, his concentration unbroken. You try again, this time with a slightly larger ball of paper, aiming for the back of his head. It hits its target with a soft thud, but still, he doesn't react. Determined to capture his attention, you gather up a handful of paper balls and start pelting them at him one by one, each one landing with a soft rustle on his desk or chair.
“Inoooo,” you sing again, your voice taking on a playful tone as you continue your assault. “Pay attention to meeee.”
Finally, your persistence pays off. Ino lets out a laugh, his shoulders shaking with amusement as he turns around to face you, a grin spreading across his face.
“What on earth are you doing?” he asks, amusement evident in his voice as he leans back in his chair.
You flash him a mischievous grin, holding up another paper ball. “Trying to get your attention, obviously.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Well, you definitely succeeded. What do you want?”
You pause, momentarily caught off guard by his question. You hadn’t really thought that far ahead; you just wanted him to stop working for a moment and pay attention to you. But now that you have his attention, you realize there’s nothing specific you need from him. You simply want to spend time with him, to bask in his presence and enjoy each other’s company.
“Nothing, really,” you admit with a shrug, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “I just missed you.”
Ino’s expression softens, and he pushes his chair back from the desk, gesturing for you to come closer. “Come here, you goofball,” he says, patting his lap.
You obey without hesitation, crossing the room in a few quick strides and settling yourself onto his lap, your arms winding around his neck as you nuzzle into the crook of his shoulder. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close, and you let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension melt away from your body.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in work.”
You shake your head, reaching up to cup his cheek and guide his gaze to meet yours. “Don’t apologize,” you say softly. “I know how important your work is to you, and I’m proud of you for all that you do. But sometimes, I just need a little attention too.”
Ino smiles, his eyes warm and affectionate as he gazes at you. “I know, and I promise to make it up to you. How about we take a break and do something fun together?”
You nod eagerly, a spark of excitement igniting within you at the prospect of spending quality time with him. “That sounds perfect.”
Ino’s grin widens, and he hops up from his chair, taking your hand in his and leading you towards the living room. “Great. Let’s see what mischief we can get up to.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon indulging in simple pleasures and enjoying each other’s company. You play silly games, share laughter and secrets, and just revel in the joy of being together. Ino’s attention is solely focused on you now, his work temporarily forgotten as he devotes himself to making you happy.
As the sun begins to dip below the horizon and the sky turns a fiery orange, you find yourselves curled up together on the couch, Ino’s arms wrapped around you as you watch the colors dance across the sky. It’s moments like these that make you feel grateful for the love and warmth that fills your life, and you know that as long as you have each other, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
And as the last rays of sunlight fade away, you lean into Ino’s embrace, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath your fingertips and knowing that there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than right here, in his arms.
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 2 !!HERE!! is Part 1
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
“Do me a favor and say nothing” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya rugged voice told you “Let me do the work” fuck, he desired your body so much right now, the situation he engaged in with you was evident enough.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya pressed his lower body against you, using the strong grip on you, to guide your body the way he thirsted. With his cock rubbing evidently on your folds, dry humping, and grinding. Soon, this would also not be enough anymore, but for now it was and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya smiled in bliss while you gave him one moan after the other. Completely forgotten was the part where he treated you like a sexdoll for him to use.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya manhandled you the way he needed, and you let him, even welcomed it, trading your independence for pleasure.
“How dare she!” your mothers voice screamed upset, but you didn’t care, your hands reached for the tables end, gripping it in a fruitless attempt to ground yourself, while whining deliciously.
“Shit” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya mumbles breathing heavily “Sorry but I need more” his grip on you loosened, hands leaving to untie the cords of his cotton pants with fast movements, pulling the clothing down enough to free his pulsing cock.
“You don’t mind, do you?” asked MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya laughing dryly. Of course, you didn’t. So he doesn’t even wait for an answer. His erection, slapped against his flat abdomen the moment he pulled himself out and your panties down. Only his balls kept the fabric of his pants from snaping back in place, ruining the moment.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya took his flash into his own hand, stroking himself distributing the pre-cum his angry red tip was leaking like crazy. He leaned forward. Pelvis nudging tenderly against your ass, his dick gliding in between your thighs along your folds, using its dripping juice to coat his length and that was the first time you realized, quite shocked, just how big he was.
The feeling of MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya sex against yours indicated his girth but damn, that was only half the truth. That fucking man was awe strikingly big. Both in size and largeness “W-Wait a second” you begged him strongly intimidated “I think…Its not gonna fit.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya scoffs condescending “Relax. I will make it. Besides, wasn’t it you who presented yourself so indecent to me?” another nudge, this time it was undeniably MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas erection “So shut up and take it like the bitch you are” he pushed himself agonizingly slowly, stretching you from the inside and all you could think about at this very moment was that, perhaps, princess wasn’t that bad of a tag.
You bit furiously into your thumb, doing your best not to scream, while your body tried helplessly to back away from the pain provoking figure behind you, but to no avail. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya kept you in place, easing himself deeper into that tight hole of yours, until his balls faintly made contact with your pussy for the first time, bottoming delightfully out, holding this position to enjoy your tenses walls hugging his best part, unwilling to let go. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya sighed, petting your cheek uplifting “See?” he asked, voice strained “You are doing fine.”
You whimpered towards him, sending mental daggers to let him know how wrong he was, but he only chuckled as a response “Your pussy is taking me like a champ, so don’t act all highly. This is what you wanted” he pulled out, almost completely “Be my princess and let me take you” trusting all back in until your cunt has swallowed him whole “You will love it.”
You shake your head, sobbing. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya had by far the biggest equipment you ever had to deal with, and you weren’t as sure as him, that you could actually life it thru, if you let him proceed.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya sensed your hesitation. He leaned forward, making you whine as his tip pressed uncomfortably against your cervix “It’s okay” he cooed right next to your ear, puffing hot air onto your skin “Its gonna feel really good, real fast” one hand reached along your body with his fingers wrapping around your throat. Just not his thumb. He used that digit to turn your face towards him, after he lifted your stiff body flush against his covered chest. His lips take the distance and capture yours, lingering on them for a blissful moment, before turning the oh so chest kiss into a sloppy make out.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya waits for you to open your lips and you did, completely taken aback by his actions, so he used that vulnerable moment to intrude your mouth and fight with your tongue for dominance, which he wins almost immediately. You moan into his mouth, gasping for air when his hips start to move, using your distracted self to circle against your body. And all naturally, you relax, molding under his hands “I was right, hm?” he asks between kisses. Tongues lying flat against eachother, further feeding the carnal animal in MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas chest “You are doing so good” he gave you a few harder trusts to gain your attention before speaking on “I know what that pussy can take and what not and my cock surely is on the list of the beneficial ones, don’t you think?”
You nod absentmindedly, not sure what you even agreed on, but your body feels so good and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya is the cause of all that, so you give into his words and let him have you at his mercy, even breaking you, if he decides its necessary “Just try to keep your voice down, okay princess. Can you do this for me? We don’t want things to end before they get even real nice.”
That made you remember something. A thought pushed so far to the back of your head it was starving for attention. Now MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya fed it “My mom” you stammer slight panic arising in your chest “It’s wrong. Chishiya, this is so wrong, what am I doing?”
The blond man shushes you, silencing your fuss with another one of MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas open mouthed kisses that sucked all air out of your lungs “It’s okay. Its fine. How can something that feels so good, be wrong hm? Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya does know what he is doing. He is seducing you into his own little circle of hell. Dante has nothing on him. He never experienced that throbbing cunt of yours, pulling so relentlessly at his cock’s veins, not wanting to let go of the pleasure he was giving you “Let me have you, okay?” he whispers on your quivering lips, wiping away the tears on your eyelids “I will give you such a good time, you will come back for more. How does this sound?”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya licks along your jaw, to your ear, kissing that sensitive place behind. His other hand grip at your chest fumbling over one of the covered tits, squeezing the plum flesh and flicking that little bud in the middle, making you whine. He swallows that sound. It’s too loud and would attract that one person he wants to last at the moment “More?” you ask stupidly and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya chuckles at your sexbrain being barely useful for anything else then gushing over his dick “Yeah more. As much as you want.”
A few harshly aimed smacks of his balls against your cunt later, demanding your full attention, while scrupulously corrupting your morals and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya can hear your mother slowly ending the call. Soon she will be finished and the picture of the two of you fucking in front of the couch would be a hard to explain scenario.
“Listen princess…mhmm…shit…you feel so good” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas scrupulously moans into your ear. Your slick is running down his guts slapping to the rhythm of your fascinating body “I need you to cum okay?” he needs to bring you to your peak before his girlfriend hangs up, otherwise the frustration of a missing orgasm could make you turn against him.
“Shiya“ you whine and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya smiles into your nape because of how adoring you sound “I know princess I know. I will give you the first round, but you got to do your best and keep as quiet as you can, hm? Can you do this for me?” you want to shake your head. Want to tell him no. There is no way you can stay silent while his cock keeps penetrating you with such force, you would topple over if he wasn’t the one keeping your helpless body up “Be my good girl, will you?” but how can you say no, when he asks you so tempting?
You nod, resistance subsiding and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya laughs into your hairline. It’s a genuine laugh. A good one. Honest. If you keep squeezing him like a fucking toothpaste, he might lose his terrible attitude towards humanity just for you. His new favorite pussy.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya picks up the pace, ramming into you at a maddening speed, only the vocal A stumbles from your mouth, again and again, raising in volume, while he abuses your g-spot with force.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya shuts you up with yet another breathtaking long kiss, keeping you on his mouth, while he feels your walls tightening around him, squeezing him so good, he almost comes with you. You try to push him away. Try to get some air and give his brutal ministrations a voice, but he doesn’t let you. Your mother would definitely hear you. There was no way the Televisions volume could cover your high.
It doesn’t take much longer for you to cum, tho MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya is surprised when he feels how much of your arousal leaks on him, until he realizes you just squirted on him. Him! He just made you squirt with the smallest effort he ever put onto that task. Your body truly is the most sensitive one he ever fucked.
He lets you ride out your orgasm, trusting into your fucked out hole until your body grew limb on him and your high-pitched A’s turn into panting’s “You did so good, princess. So fucking amazing. You came all over my pants. Shit, you might have stained them forever.”
Your mind is processing MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas words slowly, but at least it happens and when they finally sink ink, your already flushed face, turns even redder, if possible.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas hands let you sink back forward on the coffee table, making sure you don’t pain yourself, before he slips his still rock-hard cock out of your stimulated hole, watching your cum, mixed with his pre-cum, leak out. He picks up your lace to hide that fucked out cunt, covers your ass with the way too short skirt he soiled and helps you to sit down on your legs, taking up the small space between the couch and the glass table like you did in the beginning.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya than packs away his erection, thanking himself for his choice of wide legwear this day and sits down on said couch, placing one of the smaller pillows right onto his lap to hide the evident tent every kind of eyes would catch on, even the ones of your dumb mother.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya hears said woman sigh overdramatic, then walk over to him, telling him that one of her friends is having a serious crisis than only she, she, can help with. The crisis contains the hideous dilemma of having to choose between Manolo balance pumps and Dior ones.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya feigns interest in what she has to say, letting her speak that small speech, before her eyes land on your form, trailing off her uninteresting topic “What’s wrong with her?” she asks gesturing towards you and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya turns towards you with as little interest as he can put on his face “Ah. She played some videogames, lost and is now sulking like a baby.”
Your mother scoffs mockingly, disregarding whatever teen problems you are now facing in your life “Let her be” she says and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya nods “Little brat.”
She then tells MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya not to wait for her as she has to leave immediately and doesn’t know when she will be coming home. Your mother leans down to MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya, catching his lips in a peck-like-kiss and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya almost chuckles.
Those lips. His lips had just devoured her daughter with so much passion and want. The excitement he felt right now was directed at you and not his own girlfriend and it pleased him. The thought of this self-centered woman not knowing he just fucked you in her presence without her even realizing it. You, who felt so much better, your pussy way tighter and so fucking good, he almost lost himself in the act, because of the way you sounded and felt. Almost. Just almost.
But, MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya told himself, as he watched the woman double your age leave the house that was legally in your possession, that now that the only intruder for the good time was away, he could let himself go fully and entirely loose on you.
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas waited some minutes. You were still coming down from your toe-curling orgasm that shook your body so deliciously, your ex could in no way compare to MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya.
“You okay?” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya asks casually. The long upset moan you send him, makes him smirk, smugly raising his own foot and tap your ass a few times, earning himself more of those spoilt sounds “I’m not done yet.”
You turn your head slowly to glance behind you and with that at him. Eyes glazed with the still lingering lust of previous events and salt covered cheeks, stained with pleasured tears looked at him confused. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya made a show to take the pillow away from him lap, presenting you the unmistakable tent he was still burdened with.
Your pupils widen at the sight and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya raises a hand, arms stretching towards you, gesturing for you to come over to his sitting figure and join him for some more time. You did. You don’t know what rode you to do it tho. Yes, MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya fucked you good but not stupid enough for you to forget that what the two of you just did and what he asks you to go on with, was forbidden. Wrong. You just backstabbed your own mother, and he invites you for another slice.
You should walk away. Should part immediately, looking for space, no, an ocean between you and this man that screwed you so obvious, only a dumb person like your mother could miss it.
But you didn’t, instead you got up on your wobbly feet and walked as good as you could the few steps towards him, standing in front of the couch as he scans your body until whatever he was looking for had pleased him enough to smile, gaze raising for your eyes “Undress” he said “But take your time. We are alone now, so no need to rush things” and soon you found your nude self bouncing on MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya cock, sitting on his lap with your tits pressed against his chest and your face buried in the crook of his neck, panting, while his long, outstretched fingers raised and lowered your hips with the brute strength he had on your ass.
“That’s right” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya grunts while you milk his balls with all you got “Give me another one, princess. I know you have it in you.” And you did.
Hours later, you don’t know how long, because your activities have made you loos all sense of time, together with every braincell your head contained. You laid over the couch’s back, knees pressing into one of the thankfully good cushioned seats that was now getting all the dripping cum of MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya release on it, due to your clenching cunt.
“Mhmmm” you hummed with half lidded eyes, watching MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya walking on bare feet to the open kitchen your mother has painted her nails hours ago and filling a glass with some tap water. He wore his black boxers that deliciously hugged his form perfect and if you didn’t already knew how he looked under it, your sinful gaze would have him stripping, drooling with anticipation.
But you did. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya has made sure of it. Many times, today. He turned his body towards you, gazing in your direction and smiling when his eyes meet your spend state on the furniture.
“If I knew sooner how good you would feel, how…” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya licks his lips, titling his head while his orbs travel over your features “…perfect you can handle that pussy of yours, I definitely wouldn’t have taken my time withstanding your affections.”
You didn’t knew what to answer him. His accusations, that this is what you wanted to happen. What you planned all along. For him to fuck you. Him. Your Mothers young adult boyfriend. Chishiya Shuntaro.
Instead, you pressed your eyes shut, trying to drown the picture of MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya in front of you. Under you. Over you. Fucking you. Your mind was hitting you with remorse towards your actions.
“My mom…” you started and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya sighs, filling his glass again, walking towards you.
“Your mother is an old nasty hag, with sagging tits no matter how much silicon she pumps in and a cunt so loose you could throw a whole salami in there and still can fit a cock inside, even mine.”
You open your eyes to look into MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas smirking face with a facial expression that pretty much said ‘Bitch please, really? Now its not the time to brag’ but MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya did it anyway by drawing his thumb over the outline of his cock, giving you another view of just how big he really is.
“The last thing you should be worrying about is that dinosaur.”
“But” you begin again, interrupting yourself and starting anew “What we did…it was wrong…we can’t…” you said pleading, however you didn’t knew what you were pleading for. For him to stop his behavior or to make you stop overthinking.
“Stop fucking worrying. Seriously” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya said annoyed and unnecessary loud, tho he calmed himself down fast after noticing your slight wince at both his tone and choice of words, choosing a softer one while proceeding to seduce you into his deceitful web of thinking “You think I enjoyed fucking that relict of a woman your selfish mother is? I used her just as she uses me. There are no feelings that could get hurt. No love breaking apart in the process or something like that. She knows it just as much as I do, so…all in all, there is no need for a guilty conscience when we have done nothing wrong.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya gave you his glass of water and you took it, tho you look at it with lingering thoughts, still not convinced by his words and reflecting on everything that happened. Everything he has done. Everything you have done. Cconsidering the good feeling you had while he pounded you like a mad man and how every word he said, had made sense to you, like science. Everything he gave you. Even something as simple, as insignificant as a glass of water.
“But the two of you are dating” you brought up the most obvious truth and it was true, the two of them were in a committed relationship, no matter the age gap or how MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya viewed the situation personally “You are girlfriend and boyfriend.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya sighs again, taking the last step that parted him from you and raising the glass to your lips, gesturing for you to less talk and drink more “Those are just tags” he says softly “If your mother wasn’t so fixed on showing me off like a price she won on some stupid contest, this whole thing wouldn’t even exist. But it does and yeah, I fuck her occasionally” his hand reaches for your cheek, thumb caressing the salty plum fat “But I can stop if you want me to screw you daily instead.”
You gasped, the water almost slipping out of your hand, but MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya catched the glass before it hit the floor, bringing it back to your lips with a small warning in his eyes to first, not let go of it again and second finally drink, which you did, gulping on the fresh liquid and it was good. Your throat was dry and your voice rough after moaning and whining for so long. Surprise washed over your face for a second, realizing how much you had needed, emptying the containing liquid and then flashing MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya a shy thankful smile, as he reached for the glass.
“Another one?” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya asked and you nodded “Coming.”
You looked at MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya. Really looked at him and you think you have never before seen him so clearly. So openly like at this exact moment. Until now you only viewed him as your mothers annoying boyfriend, that took all the attentions that was meant for you and therefor as an intruder and a bug to get rid of, but now you saw him. Him.
The man behind. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya had a personality. He was a human being. Something you had renounced him off. He had his reasons to be with the kind of person your mother was and tho you didn’t agree with them, they were his. How much did you really know about him. How good could you say did you know him, to judge his cause of actions?
“Will you break up with her?” you asked when MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya returned the filled-up glass again, flashing him another thankful smile, taking it from him and gulping it down. You use this chance to study his facial expressions, hoping to see his process of thoughts and hopefully be able to read his intentions, however you were only met by his brown expressionless eyes and that stupid smug grin of his.
“Quit her?” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya retoured, studying you instead “To get with you I suppose?” you didn’t answer “To fuck you instead of her? Is that what you want? To make it official?”
Again, you said nothing. You don’t know if that’s what you want. Don’t know if you wish for MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya to date you instead, because he said it after all, he isn’t romantically interested in your mother and there is, emotionally, nothing stopping him from ending things at this exact moment with something as asshole-ish as a break-up-call or even less, a message. Instead, you lowered your gaze, taking another sip “Would you?”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya raised his chin, humming a long “Hmm” giving the impression that he was thinking hard about that question, when in reality, he had thought about it, from the moment he decided to rub his knee on your soaking folds and nudge his dick against your bum, wasn’t enough for him.
“I don’t think so” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya shrugged his shoulders “At least not right now.”
You were baffled. The glass stopped midair millimeters from your lips, his answer freezing you in time, while you looked at him, trying to find out if what you just heard was really what he said. The sinking feeling that you did hope for a different outcome smacked you, making you gulp as MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya hand reached for you, this time combing thru your hair as he went on “You are young. Maybe when you are 21 and old enough to leave this behind” he gestures towards your home “Leave her behind” you didn’t need to ask to know who he meant “Until then, you have nothing of your own and burning all bridges when you have no where to turn to and no place to stay as well as no money to support yourself, would be foolish. Downright stupid.”
This answer somehow pleased you more. It indicated that there was some kind of hope for the two of you ending up together, but did you even want this? Did you want him? Your mother’s boyfriend?
And did he want you?
“I guess I could take you in if you decide to leave right now, cutting off all ties with your family and stay with me. You would however have to contribute to the rent, and you have no money after all, nonetheless, I am sure we could come to some way of agreement, where you offer yourself and your body for sex, letting me use you however I please and damn I could please you in so many ways. I am sure that retarded quite literally motherfucking boyfriend, did and never could even get you off like me and that, until you wouldn’t be able to walk without dripping my cum around the whole apartment. Or rather the whole world, because I wouldn’t keep our activities to the bedroom, or like in this case…” he again gestures around “To the Livingroom. I would fuck you wherever I please and as long as I want” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya took the empty glass out of your tight grip and put it on the kitchens counter, adding “With your consent, of course.”
Your mouth felt dry, tho you just drunk enough water for it to feel as wet as your thighs “But?” you ask MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya, knowing, no feeling there was one. There had to be one. A big fat but. Life isn’t that easy. You have learned this fact with the kind of parents you grew up with. It wouldn’t suddenly be, just because the thought of not just dating but also the topic of moving in with your mother’s boyfriend came up.
“But” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya repeated you and it sounded so finally, you had to gulp hard and force yourself to look at him, somehow afraid of his next words “Things would get incredibly complicated. Your life. The choice to throw everything away and all that to be with someone who is knowingly in a relationship with a relative of yours. It would cast you out of your social circle. People would stop talking, even looking your way. Tho truth wouldn’t matter. Whatever circumstances led to it, people would only few you as the bratty spoiled daughter that seduced her poor mother’s boyfriend.”
“But that’s not how it was” you almost yelled, getting up on your elbows “I didn’t mean to…I wasn’t…I swear, that’s not what I intended.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya smiled honestly amused at your openly offended impression “I know that” he said “And you know that. We both know how things are and breaking things off with your mother wouldn’t hurt anyone, as this is all just fake anyway. But people would still react that way. The truth doesn’t matter. Society would still frame you as a thirsty Lolita and me as the poor fool that fell for that slutty bitch, picturing me as an idiot who only thinks with his cock and not his brain and while I would also get some blame, the effect would sieve after some time and guys would only applaud me for fucking both you and your mom, while females would understandably agree with my choice to date someone rather my age for future populating reasons. All in all, no matter who indicated what, you would still be the one carrying all the accusations, while I come out with clean hands. Is this what you want? Being reduced as nothing else then a homewrecker?”
“I am not!” you said appalled. Somehow tears ended up in your eyes, while MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya held his little truthful speech and they were ready to spill with how frustrated but also hurt you felt “I…I am…I don’t know” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya crouched down to get on your eyelevel, raising your chin with his thumb and starring into your eyes so heavily it shut you up immediately.
“Again. I know you are not. You did nothing wrong. If, at all, I am the one to blame, because I am older than you. You could say I took advantage of your youth and used you, if you like.”
You sniff. Eyes turning soft, moving your head from left to right so carefully as to not rip MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas touch from your face “No, you didn’t” you sobbed, whispering so quiet, he almost didn’t hear you “You didn’t force…” another sob escaped your pressed lips “You didn’t.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya leans forward and pressed his mouth against yours in a chaste kiss, so delicate it made you mewl “I know princess, I know.”
The oh so modest kiss, turned into a steamy make out session, with your tongue nudging his as he enters your mouth, not fighting but dancing along.
“Fuck” MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya grunts “Mhmm. You make me hard again” his choice of words were accusing, but his voice was rather needing exactly what he blamed you with “Shit, my balls should be all empty, but you still get me all excited. God, what should I do with you?”
This question, while coming off as sultry and sinful somehow felt more important to you. You had the creeping feeling, MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya wasn’t asking what he should do with you right now, tho the preceding words seemed to tell you exactly that, instead you had the approaching feeling that his words were rather laced with the heavy question of how to move on with all of this. After all that happened. The situation so unknown, so difficult and complicated.
You knew what MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya was true. All the things he said, could very much happen. Would very likely happen, if you chose him and he chooses you, no matter how things would go in the future. Your good reputation would be soiled forever and thanks to the world wide web, be open to witness for everyone. Your life would take a significantly different route from what it was running right now, and you didn’t knew if that was what you wanted. What you were ready to take and endure, sealing your fate with a man that could very much leave you dry and high just days later. With a broken life and no funds to support yourself. So how exactly should you, a 19-year-old, who’s hardest decision was, what University to attend, make such a difficult one.
“Say princess, you think that wet pussy of yours can take me for another round? I may have no filling to give but I am sure I can somehow still cum” you shook your head knowing damn well, while you would gladly take him in another time, no matter how weak your body was from all the previous orgasms, tomorrow you would very much regret this decision.
“Sore” you whine and MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya nods slightly, understanding your reason “I see. Well it can’t be helped then.”
MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya stood up, a visible bulge growing in his underwear “Maybe…you could help me out in another way” he said, smiling knowingly down at you “Those pretty lips of yours” his thumb pressed down on the small part of your bottom lip, opening your mouth and you let him, realizing what his intentions were “You think they can take me for a ride?” his head titled “Do you believe your throat can handle me?” you didn’t know the answer for that “My size?” instead you gulped down hard, wetting your lips with your muscle and whispering with a husky voice “We will only find it out if I try, am I right?”
With those words, you opened your mouth as far as you could, tongue rolling out, flattening itself at the thought of what awaited you, much to MothersBoyfriend!Chishiyas satisfaction. His thumbs hooked on the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down enough for the rest to slide down his legs thanks to gravity. He then stepped out of the pooling fabric around his ankles, grabbing the hardening meat with his hand and wrapping his pleasing fingers around, giving himself a few breathtaking strokes before tapping the leaking red mushroom head against your tongue “What honest words, I hope they turn out as right” you closed your lips around him with a smile, hoping the same.
Hours later, your phone rang, but you couldn’t care less for it. Your body was laying next to a man that didn’t belong to you, in a bed that did belong to you and in a locked room, hiding away from possible sudden intruders that could witness you in a very precarious situation if the door would open, revealing you and your mothers boyfriend naked self’s, only covered by one blanket, with his arm wrapped around your sideways lying figure.
You didn’t want to pick it up. It was so annoying tho. Never have you ever hated your choice of a ringtone so much, like at this moment. MothersBoyfriend!Chishiya stirred in his sleep, slowly moving by burring his head deeper into your hair mumbling “Make it stop, will you?”
You did. Your hand reached out for the electronic device, swiping the green button to the side but then loosing the grip on the phones case that fell out of your hand and onto the white blanket of yours, activating the loudspeaker. A mans voice sounded thru the room, apologizing for the intrusion and before you were even able to pick the phone up and tell him to call later again, he gives you his message, making you wild awake from one moment to the other.
»I am so sorry to inform you, that your mother passed away in a car accident«
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feminist-furby-freak · 8 months
about this post of yours:
why are TIMs not advocating for "people w prostates" and "ppl w testicles" language too? cuz isn't that also "misgendering"? (maybe im misunderstanding the point of ur post though. like I get that they call "ppl w cervixes" inclusivity, and by them not doing it w men too, it's a double standard. is it abt controlling women, and how we identify ourselves as a group? I don't fully understand what their goal is for this "inclusivity" to be one way?
again, maybe im j misunderstanding the point of your post but I don't get -- if its abt being inclusive of misgendering -- it doesn't apply to both?
or is it not directly TIMs and instead like cis-identified males only caring abt using "inclusive" language when it doesn't interfere w what they want to do (call themselves men too and not "ppl w prostates")?
it j feels weird being yelled at all day (I'm exaggerating ofc) abt girldick, so why would TIM be okay w other stuff being j called men? (I'm assuming they are not okay w it, but I see it doesn't matter practically as people are still saying men and then "ppl w cervixes")
sorry for the long ask!! thanks for your help!
Ding ding ding. Yes this is a lesser discussed point. The double standard is proof that it is not about being invalidated or inclusivity. TIMs know that they are men and know that “men should be screened for prostrate cancer” applies to them. They whine about everything from not being included in period campaigns to individual lesbians not letting them rape her. They don’t complain about being included in men’s health because they don’t actually care abt inclusivity they just want to insert themelsves into women’s spaces. Not to mention, they have never had barriers to healthcare because of their sex so they don’t care. Removing the word women from medical language is about further breaking down the category and meaning of “women” and making it harder for us to organize and talk about our issues. That’s it.
TIMs hate the idea that there are some (now, very few) spaces and resources that are not and will never be accessible to them. The last remaining one is gynecology and obstetrics. That is why they have this campaign against “Women’s Health” as a field. As someone pursuing graduate education in the field yeah my degree is still called Women’s Health and Midwifery but in most academic spaces we do this stupid dance around language. My undergraduate women’s health journal changed to “gender minority to health” and said I couldn’t use a picture of a uterus with my article about childbirth because it’s exclusive. This is actually why I left. In a country where more women die every year from complications of birth, “activists” are campaigning to make it harder to discuss and research women’s healthcare. Soon it will be practically impossible to talk about women’s health at all. A few years ago when the gender movement had a shred of common sense the rhetoric was include trans women in everything except for women’s health because obviously that doesn’t apply to them. Unless people start speaking up in a few years they will probably rename the discipline entirely. TIMs are now showing up to OBGYN offices/clinics expecting to have their “neos” treated because “it’s practically the same.” I can assure you they are not and regular women’s health providers do not have training to provide care for those surgical creations. Anyway that’s my rant.
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Happy Birthday Yume Ume: Personal Story (Part 3/3)
Part: 1 / 2 / 3
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Leona: Finally, the last question is “If you were to join any dorm other than the Ramshackle or Ignihyde, which dorm would you choose?”
Yume: *quickly, and matter of factly* Scarabia.
Leona: *smirk* Oh? Two in a row? Don’t let Radish sprout hear that.
Yume: *pouting* Shut up, it's not like that! It’s just…ALL THE OTHER CHOICES ARE SO MUCH WORSE!
Leona: *eyes widen at sudden outburst, before lowering again*
Yume: *ranting* You think I wanna deal with the Queen of Hearts dumb rules, or wake up at 6AM for spell drive drills?! 
Leona: It’s 6:30.
Yume: *ignoring his interruption* Honestly I don’t mind the Octavinelle dorm vibes itself; but I would rather DIE than live with Azul as a dorm leader; or have Vil breathing down my back 24/7 about my diet and health, uh- yeah-no thanks-!
Yume: *sighs, mumbling* And no offense to Diasomnia but their weird vibes make me feel like an outsider…
Leona: *Makes a vague noise of approval* 
Yume: Ignihyde would definitely be ideal, but since I can’t pick them Scarabia seems like the best choice. *shrug* I get along well with almost everyone and the dorm's mindset is something I agree with.
Leona: Mindfulness, careful deliberation, planning, considering all your options.*hums* Yeah that’s you to a fault. *crosses his arms, smugly* Maybe you should be there instead of Ignihyde?
Yume: *Immediately shutting it down.* No thanks, I can only take so many banquets and parties before I become exhausted.
Bonus question!
Yume: C’mon that last one was too easy, give me another one!
Leona: I’m only contractually obligated to ask two questions.
Yume: Boo~! *whining* C’monnnnn~!
Leona: Augh! Fine, *muttering* snot nosed brat…
Leona: If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose? Other than your own siblings.
Yume: *surprised at the question* Huh…oh! Well that’s easy there's already a couple people here besides my brothers, that I consider siblings. *smiles* Like Ortho of course and- *they stop suddenly, seeming to have realized something.*
Yume: A-ah, nevermind, just Ortho. *they seem slightly embarrassed suddenly*
Leona: *raises eyebrow* You're the one who wanted to be asked this question and now you're being secretive?
Yume: Oh well… *they purse their lips and cross their arms in though* *They laugh.* To be honest I’m not sure how this person would react to the idea and…it’s something I never really thought of until now. So, for now, I think I better just keep it to myself.
Leona: *slowly* How they would react…?
Yume: …
Leona: **realizes, his ears stick up** 
Leona: Hmph… *his tail flicks behind him. He looks away.* Well I’m sure they probably would care…but whatever let's move on. *He seems slightly stunned, but not unhappy.*
Yume: Oh man, wait I forgot. This part’s gonna suck isn’t it? *sigh.* Is it at least gonna be tasty?
Leona: *smirk* Guess you’ll find out. *winding up his arm* Are you gonna take your glasses off?
Yume: *dramatically, with grin* No, I’ll take it like a man.
Leona: Heh, suit yourself. *grins back. Leona pulls back his arm and throws. A breaking noise follows.*
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The end! It was fun to write this but it took me a while! I find it hard to write dialogue without much description because I feel like so many things get said through actions and body language! Yume and Leona's relationship is fun and complex to write. In my mind, they both feel a sibling bond, but neither of them are really willing to admit it out loud. So it becomes this unspoken understanding over time. I think its a complicated feeling for both of them in different ways. In particular for Leona because in his life he hasn't had a good relationship with his actual sibling.
I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm working creatively on a couple different things but I also have a lot of big complicated events going on in my life right now. So sorry for the slow posts. I appreciate everyone who comments or leaves tags <333!
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the-mandawhor1an · 12 days
The present
Chapter 7 – Guided by the stars, connected by the force
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Pairing: Din Djarin x original female character
Chapter summary: Having to deal with a Dragon is hard as is. Dealing with feelings at the same time makes things more complicated for Maia and Din. Who is the real monster? 
Warnings: 18+ content, MDNI! Steamy thoughts; a little awkward talk about relationships; touch-starved Din; violence (more graphic than canon, sowwy); new character introduction; A little heartbreak;  
Words: 7k 
A/N: Switching the Mando'a translations to be in text rather than by the end of the whole chapter.
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Due to last night’s occurrences, their night had been cut short, especially so as they were to get up at sunrise. Luckily, Maia fell asleep fairly fast after she had listened to her companion’s even breathing and Grogu’s sleep-babbles for a while. It was peaceful despite the situation they had found themselves in, out in the open and dangerously close to a giant creature. Mando must have groaned or made some kind of noise while sleeping, possibly due to having to sleep in his full set of armor. It couldn't be comfortable to sleep while having metal poke you constantly.
How she came to the conclusion that he made some kind of noise? Well, her brain, fueled by all kinds of chemicals after that kiss, registered his whines and blessed her with some very pleasant dreams, perhaps even visions, about them taking things further. 
She felt his rough hands discover every part of her body, gently caressing her skin. His lips would ghost over her neck, her shoulders, her chest, to land on her lips. They’d kiss greedily, his groans guttural and primal. She couldn’t see him, but stars, it felt so real, especially when he’d whisper sweet nothings into her ear, that she felt so soft and warm underneath him, caged by his body – submissive but safe, protected. His fingers were buried in her hips, hard enough to probably leave bruises, holding onto her while taking her like it was the last thing he’d ever do. When she woke up she swore she could feel him everywhere. 
Maia’s head slowly rose from the tented blanket, blushing and hoping she didn’t make any noise in her sleep that would tell Mando what they had done in her dreams. She glanced over to find both him and Grogu still soundly asleep, gently snoring in unison. Part of her wished she could just cuddle up against that wide frame of his and pretend she was cold, but she needed some fresh air and distance. The memories of him clouded her mind and the last thing she now needed was him asking questions. She stood up, making as little noise as possible, and left the tent some time before sunrise. She felt surprisingly fine for getting so little sleep, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep much longer anyway. They had to leave soon and all of her thoughts raced around him. 
Some of the camp was also awake already. As Maia didn’t have any means of communication, she opted to spend some time with the children. Just outside of the camp, they waited with her. Waited for? While the shadows of the tents were still over the red sand, small creatures scooted around on the lookout for water or small insects. The Tusken children showed Maia how to hunt womp rats. While the first attempt to catch one was futile and caused a fit of laughter with the young ones, the second rat met its unfortunate fate when Maia subtly waved her hand at it, causing some confusion so she could grab the rodent. Now with the small creature on her arm, calm and allowing the kids to pet it, one of the kids tried to tell her something. »I’m sorry I don’t understand,« she said. They kept making one sign over and over, growing more frustrated with every time. Finally, one grabbed her free hand and led her back inside the camp. To Mando. 
When faced with the Beskar clad bounty hunter again, it felt a little awkward at first. »I guess we have a pet now,« she said with a smile and pet the womp rat on her arm. Grogu, who had seemed a little sleepdrunk upon her arrival, locked eyes with the animal and was suddenly very wide awake. Insatiable little booger. »Be careful,« Mando said. His voice was a little deeper and raspier than usual, surely from just waking up. A pain surged through her body as she was reminded of her dream, where his voice sounded just like that. »They have sharp teeth and claws.« The animal was calm, almost asleep on her arm. It wouldn’t hurt her. »The children taught me some hunting. I can take on the dragon now,« she joked a little awkwardly, hoping he didn’t register her change in behavior, or the fact that she shifted her weight from one leg to the other nervously. 
Maia, why do you have to make things so awkward? she asked herself. But he didn’t pick up on the awkwardness, it seemed. »In that case I’ll kick my feet up, relax and watch you.« His helmet dipped just a tiny bit. That familiar sting appeared in her neck and she cleared her throat. »The children kept making this sign,« and as best as she could, she imitated the movements with one hand, all while the rat rested on her other arm. 
»Yeah, well, um,« he stammered and shifted his weight to one foot, bending one knee slightly. »They think I’m your husband because they saw us sleep in the same tent.« Maia instantly regretted asking him, as she was certain she started blushing again. 
One of the children approached them again and signed something to him. All he signed back was his index, pointed upwards as he moved it in front of his visor. It looked to her like it could mean ‘that’s my secret’ or something in that sense. She wondered what the kid asked, as it chuckled and left them to join the other children. She let her eyes follow the child in hopes this distraction would make her blush disappear. »That explains their laughter, at least.« It was awkward, more so because he was clearly embarrassed as well. It sounded like a perfect opportunity for a corny joke. 
»I must’ve missed something yesterday,« she said with a smirk. »I don’t remember being proposed to.« And as much as she wanted the joke to land, his response choked her for just a second. »Mandalorian proposals aren’t super romantic,« he stated with a shrug. Wait. That just came out wrong, right? They didn’t… what? 
»How did you sleep?« he asked her when he picked up on the return of the awkwardness. Needing a second to take a breather, Maia sat down the small rat and bit her lips when her face was out of sight. »It was okay,« she replied while she slowly rose to her feet, watching the little rat regain its senses and running to hide behind the next small dune. »I’m just … plan M anyway. You won’t want me to interfere and in the end I will do it anyway.« She turned back to face him. 
»I don’t like the sound of that,« he said and leaned his helmet to the side, as she would sometimes do. He wanted to protect her, of course he didn’t like the thought of her stepping in and possibly getting hurt. She felt the dragon after all, it was massive. »I can take care of myself. I’ll be careful, don’t worry,« she reassured him. Slowly, she bent over to stretch out her back, her spine cracking in the process. »And how did you sleep?« 
»Fine. But I’m not the one with the cracking bones,« Mando’s gaze practically burned into her skin as she bent down. When she straightened out her back again, Vanth stood beside them. »I never thought I’d sleep in a Tusken camp, to be honest. Wasn’t as bad as I thought.« A sudden bout of nausea rolled over her when she thought about what Vanth could see when he approached them: Her bent over. 
She exhaled and closed her eyes for a second. This was not the right time to freak out. »We should get moving,« Mando insisted after Vanth shot him a grin. Men… 
»I’m curious what you’ve planned,« Maia explained while they were walking towards the speeders. »The Tusken children are quite the hunters… when it comes to womp rats.« The same, broken down, rusty speeder greeted them and she was hit with the realization, that she’d have to cuddle up to Din again. 
She sat behind him and exchanged a look with Grogu back in his carrier bag. The little one was excited for the new day ahead. With a soft smile on her lips she turned around and held on to her companion. 
»They are great hunters, but the dragon is a different story. It’s big and hard to hunt due to it being under the sand,« Mando explained when they dashed across the dunes. While one hand held onto him by his waist, Maia’s other hand snaked up to the shoulder that was hidden from Vanth’s view. With every time Vanth would shoot her looks, she’d squeeze Din’s shoulder softly. Deep down she wondered, and she was a bit embarrassed by her own thoughts, what it would feel like to touch him without all the fabric separating them. If his skin felt as warm and soft as she imagined. 
Maia was unsure of how she would call whatever she shared with Din. She obviously liked him, but his point of view was completely unclear. He kissed her, but did that mean something to him? Seeing the two like this made it easy for the Tuskens to mistake them for husband and wife. They shared a tent, she was practically glued to his back, and the Mandalorian seemed extremely comfortable with the closeness. And at least from what they could tell by the little sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him, there must’ve been something. 
She wasn’t opposed to the thought of being with him. As a partner, not necessarily as his wife. 
They reached the den after a short trip. A large tunnel led deep into a mountain, pitch black on the inside. Din, Vanth, a few Tuskens and Maia sat behind a rock, watching the tunnel entrance with binoculars. Vanth scanned the tunnel and scoffed. »This is where it’s supposed to be?« and without thinking, Maia practically blurted out, »It’s sleeping.« A low rumble echoed from the tunnel if one paid attention to it. The dragon’s breath. 
»The Tusken said it lives in an abandoned sarlacc pit,« Mando explained. Vanth lowered the binoculars and handed them over to him. »Ridiculous, there are no abandoned sarlacc pits on Tatooine.« Mando shrugged. »They’re empty when you eat the sarlacc.«
A Tusken approached the cave with a bantha in tow. They shouted into the cave, the scream echoed for quite a while until the low hum of the dragon’s breath stopped and a low growl emerged. The beast made its way forward and instead of eating the bantha as intended, it went for the Tusken and ate them in one bite. »They usually sacrifice banthas to make the dragon sleep for longer. They’ve studied it for generations,« Mando explained after the failed attempt. Vanth scoffed »Well, that worked just as planned, huh?« He crossed his arms in front of his chest. 
Mando straightened his back and sighed. »Maybe they’re open to new ideas.«
They assembled around a replica of the scene before them, bones representing the dragon and pebbles to symbolize the men that they had to work this out. Maia watched from a distance, Grogu on her arm. She didn’t want to interfere with the actual plotting, so she stepped back. 
Vanth tilted his head and seemed to calculate something in his mind. »The scaling is off,« he commented. Maia wasn’t sure she agreed, the dragon was gigantic. Din exchanged a few signs and grunts with a Tusken before speaking to the marshal. »The scaling is right. What we’ve seen is just the head.« While they debated whether or not the dragon was in fact this big, Grogu extended one of his hands, maybe to force-pull one of the bones towards him. Maia shielded the small green hand with hers and softly whispered to the child »not now.« He sighed and turned to look her into the eyes, pleading with her to allow him to nibble on the sun-bleached bones. 
»Maybe we should retreat, then,« Vanth proposed. Maia looked down at the hand full of pebbles and commented »Maybe we should, we’re not enough, especially if bantha is off the dragon’s menu.« After a short exchange between Mando and the Tusken, more pebbles fell from the hunter’s hand and plop into the sand. Vanth appeared delighted. »That looks a lot better. What did you say?« »I told them your people will help us.« Maia looked over to Vanth, then back to Mando. She was certain the marshal would not agree with that plan at all. And as expected, he was far from delighted. 
»They attacked us less than a year ago. Killed half a dozen of us by the mining camp. I'd say I took down about twice as many Tuskens,« Vanth spoke with a clear irritation in his voice. As expected, kind of. But Mando wouldn’t give up so fast. »All of you want the dragon gone. You killed some of their people, they killed some of your people. This can put an end to the fighting, once and for all. Talk to the settlers. They listen to you.« 
Vanth wrinkled his forehead, but ultimately saw that was the only way. If he could actually convince his people, that is. »Guess that means: back to Mos Pelgo.«
The next few hours were a blur to Maia. The men handled the convincing, the plotting, and ultimately managed the travel back to the cave. The young brunette could not put her finger on it, but something felt uneasy to her. Maybe she was just anxious because of the sheer size of the beast. Maybe she held onto Din a little tighter when they returned to the cave. 
Maybe she was overthinking the feelings that emerged when she felt Din’s lips on hers. Maybe she warmed up to the realization that Raymond might have been right about ‘the stranger’ after all. This connection she felt meant something. She couldn’t quite put a name to it yet, but the suspicion she had made her heart jump whenever she thought about it. 
Din overlooked the Tuskens and Settlers as they dug out trenches in the sand to hide the explosives they had collected in Mos Pelgo. The plan sounded easy enough, although not foolproof. Lure the dragon out and then blow it up. 
Maia busied herself with Grogu, hiding from the glaring suns beside the speeder bike. Every now and then, though, she caught herself staring at the Mandalorian, thinking back to what she had said about plan M. There was some mutual sympathy no one could deny, but with that the fear grew. The fear he'd do something stupid to save her. 
Grogu could sense her inner turmoil and made a questioning noise. That snapped Maia back into reality and she gently pat his head. »Let's hope their plan is good enough for a 200 ton dragon.« Grogu agreed with a coo. She smiled at the child. The little troublemaker had really grown on her, she liked spending time with the child. From her peripheral, Maia could see Din approach them and her eyes rested on the black visor. 
»Maia. If anything happens to me,« he sighed and extended his hand to rest it on her shoulder, thumb caressing over the fabric of her cloak. Din was worried about this dragon and while he hoped to come out of this unscathed, he had to make sure some matters were taken care of. »Will you take care of Grogu for me and help him find a Jedi? I trust you.« Maia turned her head to watch his hand, until she gently laid a hand of hers on his glove, turned back to face him and nodded.
»I promise to look after Grogu until he’s in safe hands.« A smile formed on her lips as she felt his fingers squeeze her shoulder gently. »Please don’t risk your life to kill the dragon, though. No one wants you to play hero just because you know that someone can take care of Grogu. I know I don’t.« 
»I won’t play hero if you don’t implement plan M,« Din retorted, a smile audible in his voice. »It’s – just in case. Ret’lini.« »Ret’lini,« she repeated, the word rolling off of her tongue surprisingly easy. She glanced over to both of their hands, her thumb smoothing over the worn leather of his glove. Despite being out in the open, this little gesture felt so intimate – so significant. Touching him felt good. It felt natural, despite this being the first time they touched like that. 
The urgency he suggested with his approach just now made her worry. Was is in the realm of possibility that he would meet his fate today? There was a chance, and if he wanted to make sure his matters were addressed, maybe she had to talk about something as well. Ret’lini. 
»Let’s hope it all turns out alright. It’s obvious that I don’t want you to die and I doubt you want to die, either. But there is a slim chance it happens and I …« I won’t let you die. »Something has changed. I’m not sure what it is yet, but what I do know is that I like you, Din. I like you and I would like to repeat what happened yesterday. and maybe more. Some day.« 
It was like he was frozen. His hand twitched ever so slightly under her fingers, but it took a moment for him to gather his thoughts. »That… would be nice,« was all he could muster up at first. She felt his eyes burn on her skin as he found the right words. »You’re right. Something has changed. I like you too, mesh’la.« 
Mesh’la? What did it mean? She knew it was something in Mando’a and not a name-slip, and she felt heat rush to her cheeks. He liked her. Din’s hand slowly let go off her, something both seemed to dread. »We’re almost ready,« he announced. 
Positioned behind the speeders, Vanth, Mando and the two non-jedi watched as the dragon did not run into the trap they had set up. While the head came out of the cave and the detonations hit something, presumably its throat, it was not enough to fatally wound the beast. Instead, they angered it. It didn’t hesitate to let its anger known, spitting acid over the settlers and Tuskens that were unfortunate enough to stand too close. They screamed as their bodies dissolved into the sand, all while the dragon retreated back into the cave and vanished. While the first attack had been short, the casualties were high and they knew: it wasn’t over. 
Maia felt the giant creature burrow underneath the sand and working its way through the mountain before them. If it managed to break out somewhere at the top and spit acid again, they would lose more people, too many to make it worth all of this. One thing was certain: she was only person that could save them right then and there. If she didn’t interfere, they would die. Despite her agreement with Din to not make haste decisions, she had to act: That calls for plan M. She jumped over the speeder and sprinted forward, faster than Din could even register what was going on. Fast enough so he couldn’t stop her. 
She felt his gaze burn into her as she stumbled across the sand, more jumping than actually running. Surely enough, the dragon emerged from the rock and rained more acid over the people in the valley, without any chance of evading their certain end. Maia raised her hands to shield the others from the acid with a force barrier, which Vanth and Mando took as an opportunity to attack the creature from the air. It got annoyed enough by the shots that it burrowed in the mountain once more, allowing her to catch her breath. Using the force was exhausting, causing her to sink into the sand beneath her. 
Child of the force, I can feel you
a voice echoed in her mind. She looked around, no one was around that this voice could have belonged to. What was going on? Both Vanth and Din landed back in the sand a little away from her, but the dragon was still under them, still alive, still very angry. She couldn’t make out what the men said, but suddenly Vanth flew a few meters away from Din, plopped down into the sand. All the marshal and Maia could do was watch the Mandalorian grab the Bantha with the remaining explosives and get swallowed whole by the dragon. 
She stared into the pit in the sand with utter disbelief. That was it? »Din, please don’t do this to me,« she whispered as tears formed in her eyes. She felt a pain form in her heart, when suddenly the dragon re-emerged from the sand, blue flickers of light shining through its skin. A scream disrupted the grieving silence as Din flew out the opened mouth of the beast. The remote for the explosives still in his hand, he activated them and the dragon blew up into pieces. the shockwave knocked all over who were too close, including Maia and Vanth. A cloud of sand got kicked up and obstructed their view for a moment. Mando landed a few seconds after the detonation, covered in saliva and other gunk from the creature’s mouth. 
He landed close to Vanth and helped him back to his feet. They exchanged a few words, Vanth nodding her way, until the helmet turned to her and the sting returned. »Maia…« his voice was soft when he saw the dark trails the tears had left on her sand-stained face. His right arm flexed and she saw his fingers bend. He wanted to touch her, she could tell. »It’s okay. The dragon is dead, we can leave.« The green goop on his armor could have been more of the acid, but the urge to embrace her was palpable. He was so tense, frozen in place unsure what to do. She felt the same way, and when she stood up onto unstable legs, before he could approach her to steady her, sand got thrown his way. A lot of sand, hitting him with enough of an impact to almost push him over. The sand stuck to every last bit of moisture on his suit, practically drying him in an instant and rendering any bit of acid not dangerous to the fabric on his or her frame. 
As mad as she was about his actions, the relief she felt when she saw he was unscathed made her forget that she almost lost him so fast after finding him. With wobbly steps, she ran towards him and crashed into his chest and hugged him tight enough that it hurt her. For a moment she feared he’d push her away, until one of his arms carefully wrapped around her. A display of mutual feelings, of what they had talked about before this went down. Maia felt conflicted: She liked him, it was obvious. And he liked her. But as quickly as they found each other, they could lose another just as fast. 
The voice still lingered in the back of her mind. 
I can feel the dichotomy in your heart. Let me help you. 
She lifted her face to look into that visor. A small glare lingered in her eyes when she warned him »don’t you ever do that again.« She wiped her face with her sleeve, not cleaning it but drying the tears. He just stared at her. At least that what it felt like when the helmet didn’t move, he just breathed, his chest armor pushing into her. Maybe she crossed a line when she hugged him. Maybe he didn’t want her to display her feelings so publicly. 
Reluctantly, she let go off him, sighed and walked over to the speeder to check on Grogu. The child looked at her with confusion. He felt her conflicted emotions, and also the feelings that plagued his bodyguard. As a child not much made sense to him yet, the adults behaved weird in his opinion. 
It didn’t take long for Din to follow and Vanth also approached the speeder to hand over the armor. Din had taken a part of the dragon’s flesh as payment. »Thank you for your help, Mando,« the marshal addressed him first, before turning his head to the brunette. »Thank you for protecting my people. I’m sure they’re glad you risked your life for them.« Not one word fell about her powers. Perhaps he knew it was better not to mention it. 
»Let’s go back to Mos Eisley,« Mando said to his companion with a nod. He and Vanth shook hands, as men did. The silver-haired only winked at the young woman, earning a warm smile in return. This time Maia sat down in front of the speeder. She didn’t want to be close to the other armor nor to the chunk of still warm meat. 
Din sat behind her, holding onto her waist with one arm when she revved the engine. As soon as they were out of sight, she felt his arm tighten around her body. It’s as if he wanted to hug her, again, for longer this time, now that no one could see them. She relaxed and practically melted against his chest. His thumb stroked along the curve of her waist. Part of her wished he could take that helmet off to kiss her neck. She couldn’t see him, neither could Grogu. 
She lowered the speed of their vehicle to release one of her hands from the handlebar. Her fingers grazed over his biceps, feeling the muscles flex under her touch. »You really scared me,« she complained, but softly. She squeezed him gently, earning a grunt from underneath the helmet. »I’m sorry,« he replied. »I had no time to explain.« 
The speeder was now slow enough that no one had to fear falling off, gliding over the sand like it was an undisturbed water surface. Soft, almost like a caress. She leaned the side of her head against his helmet and closed her eyes just for a moment. »I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t utilize plan M either. I know, you rescued a lot of people but now they know.« She opened her eyes but looked straight ahead. Her hand wandered upwards into the back of his neck. Her fingers dipped underneath his helmet to run through his hair. »Can’t say I’m not impressed but both of us risked a lot today,« he whispered. The sudden sensation of her finger in his hair made him whimper softly. He scooted closer to her, his body molding to hers to be as close as possible. 
»I couldn’t let them die. There was only one person that was capable to save them: Me. They won’t tell anyone.« His second arm moved so he could place a hand on her thigh. He squeezed her gently and rested his helmet against her head and shoulder. »Where are we going next?« she asked. »I don’t know yet. We have to find another clue.« Din most definitely was distracted by her touch, so she pulled back. They needed to be back in Mos Eisley by dawn.  
Maia accelerated, the dunes flying past them and a cloud of sand following them. Slowly, the terrain changed, more and more rocks surfaced through the sand like islands in an endless ocean of red sand. The suns were slowly setting, their shadows turned longer and longer. As much as she would’ve enjoyed watching another sunset with Din, they needed to be in Mos Eisley by night. 
While they looked similar, the canyons they transversed were not the same ones when they encountered the Tuskens first. Smaller lizards hid in the crevices as they zoomed past, disturbed in their basking ritual. 
But lizards were far from the only living beings they would encounter on their way back. In a particular rock formation, bandits had set up a trap and Maia was running right into it. When the speeder was close, they lifted a steel wire to trip the bike, sending all passengers and the cargo flying through the air. 
While Din could catch his fall with the jetpack, Grogu and Maia were less fortunate. The child landed somewhere off to the side and the brunette hit the sand and tumbled, at least one of her bones making a cracking noise in the process. There was no time to be in pain, they were under attack and Maia’s first instinct said that these were bounty hunters. Either tasked to grab Grogu – or her. Whatever the case, the child couldn’t protect himself, as opposed to the two adults. She unhooked one of her lightsabers from her belt and activated the lavender-colored blade. 
Her eyes scanned the area to look for the foundling and when she saw one of the bandits draw close, she pushed forward. All regards for Din were forgotten in this moment, as he was capable to fight alone.  
You’re treading on a fine line. A dance on a tightrope above an endless abyss.
With one effortless swipe of her blade she felled the first bandit while sprinting over to Grogu, a second bandit approaching. With a force-push, she threw the attacker against a rock, not caring if she had knocked him unconscious or killed him in an instant. There must’ve been at least 4, maybe 5 of them, as Din was fighting with one as well. When Maia had almost reached Grogu, a shock went through her body. »Jedi!« one of them barked. She had been tased once again, the shock making her muscles spasm and forcing her to the ground. Her saber deactivated as she let go, but the hilt now laid in the sand next to her, up to grab by anyone. 
She curled up into a ball, crying out in pain as the memories of her capture resurfaced. It drove her mad.
Don’t let the darkness enter your heart.
The bandit that had shot her with the taser picked up Grogu and retreated, allowing the one she had previously thrown to get up and approach her. His eyes darted to the metal hilt in the sand right next to her. It would be easy to kill her with that, one swipe and her pretty head would lay in the sand.
As right as the unfamiliar voice in her head was, she saw no other way in this moment but to let go. Even if it was just for a moment, she needed to keep them safe. For that she had to be alive.
So she let go.
If you lose yourself, you’ll lose him too.
She flexed the muscles in her lower arm as best she could, curling her fingers in an attempt to form a fist. Neither her ears nor her brain registered she was screaming in agony, as was the bandit, as his ribs gave in to the pressure, one after another. Maias eyes were closed, welling up with tears as she gave into the pull. 
You have to learn to control yourself.
The bandit collapsed next to her and in his fall hit the cables of the taser, pulling the electrodes from her shoulder. Disoriented and on the verge of throwing up, Maia toppled over on all fours and took a few breaths, heaving once, but nothing came out. Everything around her was like a blur, but the noises of fighting had stopped. In fact, it was dead silent. 
I will help you. Wait for me. 
Maia sat back onto her knees and grabbed her saber, taking in a few deeper breaths as her vision cleared up. She was now so aware of the voice and she should have been concerned, but all that she felt was an undeniable aura of good. It radiated empathy, for her situation, for her inner conflict. The brunette looked up to see Grogu back on Din’s arm, safe and visibly unharmed. Still, her heart felt heavy as Din didn’t dare to take a step closer to her. 
You will hurt them sooner or later. 
»Are you alright?« she asked Din as she carefully got back to her feet. She knew she messed up, showing Din a glimpse of what she would’ve preferred to keep from him forever. For a second time today, she felt the urge to run over to him and hug him, but the stiffness in his body suggested he would not accept it this time. Running wasn’t possible anyway, as the leg that had been affected more by the shocks felt numb, similar to the numbness she felt on Nevarro. The dull thumping in her chest didn’t mean anything good, either. »We’re fine,« Din replied. Finally he came closer, but he approached her carefully. 
Maia gathered the last bit of strength she had to not start crying. His trust was gone, it was clear with the way he approached her like she was a wild animal. »You’re hurt,« he continued. »Can you walk? We have to walk the rest, the speeder is broken and come nightfall things will get ugly out here.« As if things weren’t ugly already. 
»It’s not as bad as it looks,« she lied, unconvincingly as she let out a whine when hooking her saber back onto her belt sent a sharp pain through her ribcage. One of her ribs must have broken when she landed in the sand earlier. But she was very much alive and not on the brink of death like last time. Who knows what consequences her outburst would lead up to. 
Taking as much of the cargo as possible, they made their way back to Mos Eisley on foot. Din carried most of the heavy stuff, the armor, the meat, the second jet pack; while Maia carried Grogu and some of the smaller items. It wasn’t much and she felt bad for having him carry so much, but she didn’t dare to say anything. Neither said anything. The emotion that radiated off of the Mandalorian was hard to decipher for the young woman. She knew a bit of disappointment was in there, but the exhaustion after the fight and her injuries made reading him all the more difficult. It hurt her deeply, knowing she had let him down after he had lowered his guard around her. It hurt worse than her physical wounds. Grogu was mostly asleep while they walked, lulled to slumber from the exhaustion and the rhythmic, gentle sway of his carrier bag around Maia’s body. 
I’m so sorry for disappointing you, Din. I hope you can forgive me until we meet again. 
Back in the city, it didn’t take long to find Peli. Basically, all they had to do was follow the noise. The mechanic ushered them back to the hangar, where she could prepare the dragon meat and maybe help Mando with some intel. Grogu watched as the meat was slowly roasted by the droids, the two self-declared bodyguards stood close to each other, but not as close as Maia had wished. »Don’t get too close,« Mando warned Grogu as the small green paws dared to reach out to the flames. The helmet turned towards his brunette companion, and suddenly the air got heavy. 
»Maia, we have to talk,« he announced and they both retreated further away from the droids, Grogu and Peli. His tone was firm and pained, like he forced himself to do this now despite feeling resentful that it had to be done. Peli complained about her speeder bike in the background, but the noise was easy to blur out when one’s heart was racing. 
»You lost control,« he stated. Instantly, Maia wanted to say something, defend her actions, but he lifted his glove. Din wasn’t done and sighed heavily. The tears that welled in the beautiful green eyes opposite of him didn’t make this any easier. »Don’t think that I’m scared of you. Because I’m not. It’s … I …« he stammered and sighed again, rested his hands against his hips in frustration. »I’ve considered taking the helmet off. The kiss occupies my mind ever since it happened and I want to kiss you again.« 
It was hard. Hard not to show much his words hurt. Yes, she was on the verge of crying, but hearing that made it so much realer. This was a farewell, she knew it. »You make me consider bending rules I never thought about breaking before. Maybe we should go our separate ways.«
There it was, the truth. His codex was important to him, she understood; more important than some feelings he had for a woman he’d known for barely three days. But the words he spoke sounded familiar. She had heard these before, but where? 
»I understand,« she replied and bit her lower lip. Her voice was quivering and she felt pathetic for being so weak in this moment, but maybe he had to witness what he did to her, what pain he caused. Crying only made it worse for the both of them. »I don’t want to hurt you or Grogu just because I can’t control myself. We’re … not good for each other. As much as I want to promise you that I can better myself, this is nothing I can do while being with you. It’s for the better if our journey ends here.« She blinked a few times, hoping it would make the tears disappear without pushing them down her face. 
»Someone or something calls for me. I’m not sure it’s not a trap, but it feels like it’s someone that genuinely wants to help me. I will answer that call and see where it leads. Whatever happens to me, I don’t want to be responsible for you losing your ways.«
As soon as these words left her lips, she remembered why his sounded so familiar. The vision they had shared when she healed her wound, in the cargo hold of his ship. Did that also mean, the last vision she had seen, that couple embraced in a kiss, was also them? Some time in the future? 
Din nodded. Again she wished she could see his face, only to see if this affected him as much as it did her. But that was the main issue. She made him want to take the helmet off. She wanted him to take it off. »I’m forever grateful for your help,« he said, his voice slowly warming up again, getting softer. »Our paths might separate here, but maybe we’ll meet again.« 
Part of her wanted to tell him. Maybe he knew, deep down, even if he couldn’t remember the visions. She smiled softly, as best as she could with still fairly tear-filled eyes. »I hope our paths lead us to a better place. I hope there are some valuable lessons waiting for me, to make me a better person. Perhaps there will be revelations in your future as well. If you realize that you need me, I won’t be far away, I promise. As long as my heart beats,« she laid her hand on her chest, right on top of her heart. »You and Grogu won’t be alone in this galaxy. It’s your choice if you want to call me or not.« 
It was hard to beat the Jedi allegations when she spoke like that. But maybe she was sick of trying so vehemently to not be something that was… her. 
»Be careful, mesh’la,« he spoke with a heavy heart. Again, he called her mesh’la. She could’ve asked him what it meant. She should have asked him what it meant, but maybe she liked to be in emotional limbo, not sure if she should feel flustered or insulted. Her instinct told her it was positive, in fact, it made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. »Try not to ‘Plan M’ your way around the galaxy.« 
»I’ll try. I’ll tell you about it when our paths cross again. I’m sure they will, when we’re ready.« She was certain they would meet again, but when and under which circumstances hadn’t yet revealed itself to her. »Take good care of Grogu and yourself, Din.« This might have been the last time that she spoke his name for a while. She looked into that visor, resisting the urge to touch the helmet, to pull him into a hug, to get any kind of last contact, because she knew, it would hurt more to let go. She turned on her heel, and every fiber of her being screamed at her to not do it. Please don’t let me leave like that, she begged him in her mind. 
As if he had heard her silent plea, he grabbed her hand. »Wait.« He pulled her back, turned her in the same movement and gently leaned his helmet forward. She knew the gesture and inched closer, until her forehead felt the cold metal of his helmet. It wasn’t the kiss she had wished for, but it was a display of affection nonetheless. »Ret’urcye mhi,« Din mumbled. There was no need for a translation. The way he said it told her enough. A single sob escaped her as she closed her eyes. »May the force be with you.«
They could have hugged, let the touch linger for longer than necessary, but Maia pulled back fairly quickly. It was inevitable and waiting it out helped no one. She left the hangar, telling Peli goodbye in passing. 
The last she heard from the hangar was the mechanic’s shrill voice, asking Mando what he had done to chase the girl off.
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nescaveckwriter · 8 months
Hurting Angel - Chapter Two 🐞🥹
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Crowley x Reader
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A/N: Hey my bugsies, for some kind of reason I just love writing about Crowley, I hope you all enjoy it just as much 🐞🥰
Side Note: Thanks for all the love and support 🐞🥰🩷🧡❤️
Warnings: Violence, mentions of blood and medical equipment, some light swearing, punching, mentions of weapons if anything else let me know.🥰🐞
''What was that noise?'' he demanded
As the man walks closer towards his bodyguards, he sees the car, with the woman inside, her face on the steering wheel, blood streaming down her side, lifting a brow ''well are you two just going to stand there, or remove the woman from the car?''
''Sorry boss!'' he mumbled, the two remove the woman gently from the vehicle, thinking the injuries she sustained, is from the car crash, they drag her onto the grass. 
Glancing at the woman's body, kneeling down to check for a pulse, she's breathing, but barely, scanning over her body, her skin color is pale, some open gashes on her face, her body covered in what looks like a comforter, the left side is drenched in blood, his fingers slowly unravels the comforter from her, exposing the sowed up gash, blood coming from the wound, let's him know its, not older than a few hours maybe.
Removing his black tailored suit jacket, applying pressure, his voice bitter, ''You minion'' showing towards the shorter bodyguard ''get Doctor Pierce, on the phone, tell him its urgent'' cocking his head towards the taller guy, ''You clear the dining room table''
''But Sir, shouldn't we call 911'' he stutters
''I said now, fool!'' he sneered
He cradle's the woman in his arms gently, carrying her towards the dining room table, placing her down softly, still applying pressure, he feels her body moving underneath his hands, he's voice low ''lay still love'' hearing her whine and whimper, ''I know your in pain, help is coming soon'' observing her face, the color around her plum lips, turning slight bluish, her eyes, half way open, but tired, trying to soothe the pain she must be in, he thumbs away the stray tear running down her cheek. 
The rising and falling off her chest is getting slower and slower, till there's no movement in sight anymore. ''Where the hell is the doctor'' he shouts, ordering one of the men to hold pressure on the wound as he starts chest compressions, he does not stop despite the sound off her ribs cracking underneath his hands.
Not taking sight of the older man entering his house, finding his way towards the dining room table, the things that man has seen, the wounds he healed, the bullets he removed, the men he couldn't save, always on stand by for the devil, of course he'll complain about it, but in all honesty this man, everyone believes to be so evil, gave him purpose again. Walking towards in he surely didn't expect a woman laying on the table and Crowley administering CPR. Jumping right into action, ordering the men to unpack everything, all while scolding them, for not explaining the whole situation on the phone.
What seems like hours, he finally stabilized the woman, after doing a life blood transfusion from Crowley to the woman, luckily he's blood group is 'O' which makes him a universal blood donor. Removing the gloves from his hands, shaking his head, ''The fact that there's people in this world that will purposely butcher people to make money, sickens me'' his voice revealing the frustration. 
''Hey Doc, how is she,?'' his voice tight
''Truly only time will tell, I can't simply give you a straight answer, there's a chance that the wound might get infected and she'll need to take immunosuppressant's for quite a while, hoping it works well, she'll live a normal life with just one kidney, but there can be complications.'' he sighs
Mumbling underneath his breath ''when I get ahold off these animals I will unleash all hell on them'' his eyes darker than normal.
A half-smile on the doctors face ''I will get the required medication she needs tomorrow''
''Thanks Doc, you will will be well reimbursed for everything'' he confirmed
''The only payment I need is for her to get well again,'' he announced
The two men sat at her bedside, not really saying anything, just keeping an eye on the fragile human being, hoping she pulls through. Every now and then the Crime Boss gets up and walks around making calls arranging that the car she came with, will be destroyed, as well as phoning all his contacts, so that he can figure out what organization or syndicate is into organ trafficking, its his streets and there are damn rules the people around him needs to stick too. No human or organ trafficking is allowed.     
Opening her eyes, turning her head to the sunrays, pushing threw the opening in the thick dark blue curtains, the windows is gigantic, her head is spinning, not fully comprehending where she's at, glancing down, her body is tugged underneath a thick blanket, removing her arms slowly, something pulls at her skin, focusing on her hand now, inspecting the needle that's inserted into a vein, that's attached to a tube-like cable, going up the way to a drip, with her free hand she removes the blanket exposing her body in an oversized buttoned up shirt, there's cables that's sticking to her chest, glaring over to the side off the bed, there's monitors, with readings of heart beats per minute, what looks like blood pressure and something else. 
Still a little hazy, she tries to remember what happened, and like waves it come crashing to her, the bar, the bathtub with ice, the open gash on her side, the car she stole, the crash, and then the men with guns, by now, the alarms on the monitors are alerting everyone that her blood pressure is skyrocketing, her stomach is turning, her breathing rapid, she pulls at the chords, removing it, from her chest,  then tugs at the needle in her hand, quickly sliding out of the queen size bed, the oversized shirt, hanging loosely over her thighs, tiptoeing through the room, until she comes in front of the wooden door, she hears fast paced footsteps coming closer, searching in the room for something, to her left she sees a vase, grabbing ahold of it, she stands against the wall, as soon as the door opens, she hits the back of a grey man's head.
Not wasting anymore time, she starts running, the adrenaline too much, to think about the pain, she needs to get away, not a single clue of where to go, she runs down the stairs, hoping to find the way out, to find safety. Her feet brushes the last step, tilting her head to the right , there's what seems like to be a dining room and then towards her left, there it is, the big entry way, double wooden doors, she takes off towards the door, but all of the sudden she feels strong arms grabbing ahold off her from the back, a British accent that leaves her cold.
''Where do you think your going?'' he questioned
Her voice throaty ''Let me go you freak''
''Calm the hell down, and I just might'' he expressed
A muscle in her jaw tightened as she gritted her teeth. ''Fine''
He let her down easy, afraid to hurt her. She turns around taking in the man, his hair dark, his eyes even darker, and without any warning she balls a fist, punching him in the jaw. He doesn't even stumble backwards, instead he smiles, as he licks off the drop off blood that formed on his lips, shocked she balls her fists again, before she could punch him again, he grabs ahold off her wrists, his voice, husky, ''Is this the thanks I get for saving your life love''
Her eyes wide, her breath shaky. ''For all I know you have some hero complex, first you butcher me, then save me, and then you keep me alive as part of a sick game.''
A giggle escapes his lips, ''Aren't you a clever one'' 
''Let me go, and I won't call the cops, I have people looking for me, so it'd be better for you if you let me go'' she demanded
''Oh love, lets face it, no-one is looking for you, you've been here for four days, and there's no missing person reports, of anyone matching your description.'' he hissed
Her eyes wells up with tears, ''W...what do you mean four days?''
''The doctor can explain why, but yes four days'' his voice low
Tears running down her face, ''You need to let me go, my daughter s...she's probably thinks I abandoned her, please just let me go, I won't report it.''
The sadness and fear in her eyes, gives him a sharp pain in his chest, his voice, soft and low ''Let the doctor check you out first please, then we can go get your daughter'' he lets go of her wrists.
''No, I'm not coming back here, and I'm definitely not bringing my daughter here.'' she exclaimed
''Listen I understand why you might feel I'm the bad guy, but I'm not, not entirely anyway'' he smirked
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Before she could say anything else, she feels a pinch of a needle in her neck, making her limbs go numb. Before she crashes to the ground, the British man with his dark eyes catches her. The last thing she heard was the man letting out laugher as he said, ''she's got you good Doc'' before everything went dark.
Chapter One Here 🐞
Chapter Two Here 🐞
Chapter Three Here 🐞
Chapter Four Here
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sublieu · 2 years
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𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮
✖ -Hi its me! I'm here to both Send all my love To you (Hope my gf doesn't see this-) and ask for an Redson smut, it can be what ever you like bc youre good as hell at this shit! And sorry if i did some miss spelling- my first language isn't english - @zmzsnakes
wc - 900 words
cw - dubcon/noncon, hypnotism, interspecies [bull+snake], Fellatio [aka blowjob], little asphyxiation.
ref - ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
music - so high/Doja cat
copyright - "All quotes, wording and editing belong to ©sublieu 2022; do not attempt to claim, steal or copy this post as your own"
Redson was good with his hands; He created most if not every single tech that his parents owned. And he made good profit doing so by using his work to fix complicated machinery.
And today he would be visiting a new client of his, fixing the generator used to create items that he himself buys; Cogs, nails and the occasional helper bot or two, he's seen the work you've made and he couldn't be all the more impressed.
As he slows into your garage, he notices that you weren't there to greet him. A bit odd for sure but he ignores this as he wanted to hurry to his next appointment. Entering your living room through the door and going to the attic, where you worked.
Redson looks around in awe as he walks into the room, the room didn't smell of metal and rust. It smelt sweet, like baked cookies and toasted bread. Another red flag, he thought and hurries to look for your generator.
He struggles to find your generator through the dimly lit attic, unaware that you were right behind him, your tail making a slow rattling noise to mess with him whilst he peers around the room before flicking his finger to make a small light; Bouncing into your frame and falling on his back before sitting up.
"Mind telling me why the place is so dark?" He gruffs and stands up to brush off his clothes, staring right into your eyes as you hummed a rhythmic tune; Lulling him into a trance as you wrapped your tail around his waist, cooing him like a siren and leading him into your nest.
His mind was nowhere in sight, giggling like a child from a recent sugar rush as he rests on your chest. Making motions to kiss you by kissy face motions, which you eagerly obliged to. Gifting him sloppy kisses all the way to his collarbone and chest, most of them shaped into hearts by your [f/c] lipstick. Redson already getting a hard on from the constricted feeling of your tail wrapping around him.
He was so desperate for another taste, whining like a lonely pup as you coo and lie him down on your nest of pillows. Laying beside him and pulling down his pants and touching his boner as you litter his face with more kisses, your tail loosening to make him more comfortable.
His sweet whimpers rung as you stroke his cock, the slick sound of pre the only sound in the room alongside his moans. His shakey fingers clinging to your t-shirt to hide away from his pleasure, which you were not having; Slithering down to his pants and kissing the tip and wrapping your tongue around the base of his cock, causing his toes clenching in on themselves from the sensitivity.
Your mouth was so warm, drool seeping at the corners of your mouth as you sucked him down, squeezing and slightly biting to tease him even further as his hands tangled in your hair and tears running down his face the more he tries to resist and wake up.
But he didn't want to, if anything he wanted more. He wanted to be suffocated in pleasure but he had a job to do, but he just couldn't say no. Only broken moans and heavy gasps escaped his lips.
Your claws groped and handled his balls whilst your tongue worked in motion to give off the feeling he's thrusting and giggling when he starts begging for you to stop, only to run behind closed ears as your moans vibrated against his dick.
And he tries so hard not to cum, to not give you the pleasure and ego boost you wanted. But how can he not when your tongue worked magic on him. His hands having a mind of their own and holding down your head to limit your movements. Only slowing down just to ease his tension before overworking himself again.
Poor Redson, his cock throbbing and sore from denying his orgasm. His face red with blush and his eyelids heavy as he finally relaxed, letting his body ease up so he can cum; His hands still entangled in your hair however as he needs something to hold onto for balance.
Until he snaps, forcing his cock down your throat and almost choking you on his cum as his legs bucked and fidgeted. His whole body curling up around your face as you swallowed down *most* of his cum, some seeping through your mouth and onto his stomach before letting go with a pleasurable pop. Kissing the tip of his cock and slithering off for a washcloth and some water, giving him just enough time to run away and jump through your attic window; Checking his phone to see nearly 28 missed calls and 300 texts, most of them from Mk and Mei.
"They're not gonna believe me after this" He groans and starts his car before driving off. He may have to come over sometime.... Probably every other day.
©sublieu 2022; All rights Reserved
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*part 2?*
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ficbrish · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
This is from a one shot that's part of my Kinktober collection
"The Black Masquerade"
Durge Vistri, 3 years post-canon, Baldur's Gate
“Back in Baldur’s Gate,” Astarion sighed, “I thought we were rid of this place for good.”
They’d finally settled into their room at the Helm and Cloak, specifically the Cloak, because as Astarion put it, “The Helm? Are we peasants, dear?” He pouted on the bed as Vistri fussed with the hideous art on the walls.
“Do you think someone actually chose to make it this way, or was this a mistake?”
“You’re not paying attention to me.”
Vistri couldn’t help but laugh affectionately at the way he frowned. That expression of his was so dear to her heart. It told her she belonged somewhere, that he needed her, in a way lust in his eyes could never manage.
She rung her hands, admitting, “I’m just so nervous!” and jumped on the bed, landing on him awkwardly.
“Ooof!” Astarion winced.
“Sorry,” she chuckled.
He rolled over, tossing Vistri under him. Gazing from above, he stroked her forehead gently with a clumsy palm, and smirked, “You’re not sorry.”
“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” she giggled, “I wanted to comfort you.”
“No need to fret, love,” his pretty words and expressions were as playful as they were genuine, “I quite like the way you leave me breathless.”
She nuzzled his nose, beckoning for a kiss, “Only fair for you to return the favor.”
It was like a spell transporting them through time. Their lips locked and they were back in Baldur’s Gate, just three years ago. Encircled by cults and tadpoles, their futures so uncertain... Now, here they were again, fighting to secure a new future. Honestly, they weren’t sure which task would prove harder: Defeating a Netherbrain and its cult or securing political alliances for their city. More than a city, it was practically its own nation. A growing, everlasting one at that. They had to prove to all the others that they fit in and made useful allies.
“Shit—Can we do it again?” Vistri asked as his lips left hers, “I wasn’t here.”
Astarion lifted a brow, “What’s on your mind, petal?”
“Here we are, preparing to be first-class whores again. It’s all rather round-about, isn’t it?”
He sighed and crashed backwards onto the pillows, “Is that really anything different from what we do in the ci—?”
“Yes, because it is not our city out there. It’s theirs.”
He pulled her back to settle into his chest, “But it is for our city.”
“I feel cursed,” she whined.
Astarion laughed heartily, “My love, we volunteered!”
“I know.”
“We don’t trust anyone else to do it right. It had to be us.”
“I know.”
“And besides, you practically begged—”
“Blasphemy! I did not beg!”
“You threatened to cast Daylight on poor, bumbling Petras. Poor dear nearly shat himself. It was an abuse of power!”
“What do you know about abuse of power?” she sneered.
“Remember, dear. Yours truly used to be a magistrate.”
“Mmmm… Now I think of it, vampire spawn was an improvement.”
“Only slightly less predatory than the government.”
“I think you forget, we’re the government now too, darling.”
“Gods! But you’re right. How did we ever manage such a thing?”
Vistri made a show of thinking deeply, “Hmmm, I think it was… Oh, yes! Somewhere along the lines of founding our own city. It’s all very boring and complicated. Don’t worry your pretty head.”
Astarion buttoned her words with a thumb to her lip. The playful glint in her eye suddenly became saturated with a raw look of pleading. A slow stroke across her mouth to open it for his, and out came a moan that shifted the moment into something serious.
They needed to get dressed for the evening, so their clothes were already coming off anyway. What difference did it make if he was the one to peel her shoulders out of her sleeves, slip those tired stockings off her thighs? Would it really make them late if his trembling lips followed his shivering fingers, stripping her layer by layer?
Their first stop on the torture circuit, excuse me, charm circuit, was nothing less than a private masked ball—Some patriar family in the Upper City, the first on their long list of private patriar functions. Gods, it was going to be dull!
“Eomane,” Vistri practiced saying in the ride over, “Eomane. Do you know them?”
The carriage shifted over a lump and bounced, tousling them.
She sighed, “Now you’re the one not paying attention.”
“Sorry, it’s just these streets…” Each tavern they passed was an old haunt. All those alleys, graveyards.
Vistri squeezed his hand, “We can leave anytime you want. And I don’t just mean tonight’s affair. We can leave this whole blasted city behind us, and we don’t even have to return to ours. I know! Why don’t we run away together?”
Astarion smiled, “Sure. I mean, we’ve done the whole responsible part for—What? Three years now? Which is more than anyone expected out of either of us.”
“Way more!”
“Let’s do it then. Let’s run away.”
They smiled at each other and punctuated their little fantasy with a peck. An exchange like this was routine, a game they played whenever one of them wanted to quit.
Vistri made a show of slapping her head, “But wait!”
“What is it?”
“Our things!”
“Oh, right! All our stuff is back home!”
“My cloaks!”
“My boots!”
They shook their heads together theatrically.
“Well, now we have to go back home.”
“And in order to do that,” Astarion sighed, “We’ve got to bring back the kind of news that will allow us to show our faces.”
“Guess we don’t really have a choice then, if we want all our stuff.”
“You know. This might be why they say consumerism is sin.”
They broke into a type of laughter that would be sickening for any outsiders to behold. It was beneficial their carriage had a roof and curtains. Only the driver had to suffer.
Astarion groaned as it tapered off, “Gods, I hate this fucking city.”
“I know, my dear. So do I.”
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