#ive been through 5 streamers in 2 hours
deadduvznap · 2 years
sucking off dream in front of the closet mirror
fucking yes oml okay imagine youre like sideways (?) like ur like this | | to the mirror not like this |-- (you get it??) and OH OH him wearing a sweater and covering his face and looking away but making him look at the mirror and watch you give him head :( him bucking his hips up and slapping his thigh i also want to call him a pretty boy <\\3 and i wanna make him drool too OML USING HIS OWN SPIT TO HELP JERK HIM OFF OR WHEN YOU NEED A BREAK i need to do things to this man
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thefluxqueen · 2 years
HIIII :) here to ask about the abyss tell me about it please please please love this sort of thing :3
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HAIIII welcome :) to preface this im normal i swear. anyway The Abyss is what i like ta call my Horrible Horrible Maze, i made it w/ the goal of making the worst possible experience in minecraft to torment my friends ^_^
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I enjoy putting people in situations and studying them :D 
On that note! everyone who runs the abyss (24 people at current count) I time and write a couple notes on them! the abyss is honestly half maze half personality test LMAO. at current moment the quickest time goes to @ghostpajamas with a baffling 03:24 (wild that he got out so quick, i win tho cause i haunt his dreams), and longest goes to the beloved @rendogdomesticated with 1:35:54 <3 special shout out ta my dearest @theoctagon tho wolff ur insane i love u. guy goes inta the abyss for fun and has like 10 pages and counting of insane person phsyical notes tryna map it out (hes reported that hes gone through the first one 60 times and the 2nd one 5 jesus chriiiistttt). the abyss is fond of Pilot :) also if wolff is the favourite than @potionofinstantdamage is the Least favourite, rude ass set the place on fire when he got stuck in there :( oof ouchie
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Highlights from my notes include @quack-city running backwards and upon me asking Why, simply replied “what if there’s slenderman :(‘ ... cant argue w/ that! he also hadda stop mid run so we decided its funnier if he’s just stuck in there forever. @newtbeetle was in there for like an hour and would NOT shut up about Paul Dano the whole time which was a time (love u beebs. ur isnane). my two test runners are @kishdoodles and @officialgleamstar and they had about the same time but like Opposite reactions it was very funny, kish treated it like they were a streamer n kept a like constant chatter, and travvy was like DEAD silent the whole time n Intensely focused akjewkjr tbh outta all 24 runners trav’s been prob the most like, methotical bout it? LIKE I SAID personality test. i Love studying people. 
In regards to its origins I came up w/ the idea back in like feb/march ish of this year and from start to finish it took me like 2 weeks ish i was on the Grind. u dont understnad how much black concrete this thing took. hell on earth,,, darkwoods has an economy/shopping district and i bought out like All the sand/gravel available akjwekjr the rest i hadda gather myself n God gravel sucks. also ive killed So Many Squids. the 2nd abyss was much easier ta gather supplies for cause i could ask for help w/ supplies n i kept the first one a Complete secret minus my test runners (i hadda bitch at SOMEONE while makin it or i wouldve died i think. speakin of the first abyss has a death count of 13 and the 2nd one has like, 5 or somefin? rlly shouldve writen that down akjwerjk those are Entirely me dying in the process of buildin them btw. its not a true Spain Build unless its mildly dangerous <3) The 2nd one also made me learn redstone, notably i specifically studied Tango’s decked out process vids from s7, tho i really only stole like two aspects of it n i couldnt even get one ta work properly LMAO
The second abyss took me like, wayy longer ta make, bout two months ish (i finished it like mid july). not necessarily in actual like, time spent building but cause in the process of makin it i had Two month long events i was in (Voiceteam in may and Art fight in july) so that distracted me a bit wkwnekeneie Im a bit more secretive bout the second abyss in general since not That many people have actually ran it compared ta the first n theres actually like, Things that can be spoiled in there <3 i like seein peep’s initial reactions its much more satisfying.
This didnt happen w/ everyone but i think a like, Core part of running the abyss is getting emotionally attached ta weird things. i wouldve said just torches until a few days ago when Tac (onea the rat server mods) ran it and claimed the stack of pumpkin pies i gave her as family. But Prior Ta That several people have had very intense emotions bout the redstone torches, whether love or hate or both, key example ft dog: 
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Also not everyone ive mentioned on this post is in darkwoods! ive got a server i world editted the abyss inta so non-server members can run it for fun and profit (more data for me) :) on that note ive been slowly infecting the rat gang server cause my friend’s in there alot n another friend of mine’s a mod so peeps in there’ve been runnin it lately :) shout out ta TalonMC for lettin me subject him ta the Horrors literally our first conversation, onea my more fun first impressions i’d say
In regards to lore the abyss is a parasitic entity that infects anyone who gets stuck in there n slowly compells them ta go build their own lmao. note that ive only called the second abyss the Second one and not Abyss 2, because its technically just The Abyss as well cause theres many of them i just made it second wowjdkenejd (a real example of this is Wolff gettin obsessed w/ the abyss n then goin n buildin his own build called the Tower :) very excited bout that) The Abyss has a weird like fucked up warlock bond w/ my goddess oc The Overseer :D Her design’s vaugely based off my irl friend @hotcollectionoftubs cause her creation The Hole on a creative world her n some other friends of mine are on was onea the main insperations for certain aspects of the abyss’ lore :D mainly the teal in the colour palette and the whole ‘the [hole/abyss] provides’ thing. 
(my reference images for her and 3rd pic's art i commissioned from the Lovely @opuntie):
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my darkwoods chara, Snake, is a whole nother bag entirely (basic gist is they’re a dimension traveler not by choice and darkwoods is the 3rd world theyve been in, their deal’s worth a whole post of its own lmao) i built the first abyss entirely unrelated ta my chara just as like, fun weird build ta torment my friends w/o yaknow? but then as i was buildin the 2nd one i was like hmmmmmm. alotta things could make sense if i made this one built by Snake. so their retirement arc on darkwoods turned inta even MORE trauma! wahoo! poor guy deserves a break,,, (he will not be getting one). 
(pre abyss + post abyss. i gotta properly draw pre-darkwoods Snake at some point but this dudes changed Alot ill say that lmao. both crops from bigger pieces on my art blog @fluxydrawings)
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Anyway thats basically it! ive got more details and things locked in my brain ill probably remember in like 2 days after postin this so theres a chance ill reblog this w/ extra shit later lmao, sides that tho the abyss is my babygirl n thank yall for showin interest ^_^
Memes n shit to end us off:
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whitemaegee · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @chiaku <3 tagging everyone that wants to do either of these (tag me to let me know if you do!! especially the kpop one)
1. Who was your first bias and who is your current one? honestly, its so long ago that i don’t remember my first bias exactly. i think it was yunho but it could have been changmin?? the only member of dbsk i remember it not being is yoochun :’) now, it’s very definitely onew ♥
2. Why did you get into kpop? god this is so cringe but i was in a final fantasy/kingdom hearts youtube community (back in the days of amvs) and a friend was like ‘you have to watch this!! look how hot they all are!!!!!’ and linked me dbsk’s rising sun mv :’)
3. If you could join any kpop group, who would you choose? none thanks, i don’t want that life :’) i feel like i would enjoy being in a group with personality types like vixx or cnblue the most, but im lowkey picking aoa so i can just chill with youkyung in whatever void she fell in to
4. If all your biases proposed to you, who would you pick? ahh i dont have that many biases any more bc i haven’t followed kpop very closely for a while but even if i did i’d still say onew :’) he’s pretty much the perfect guy, lbr 
5. If you could be in a fanfic, what genre would it be? slow burn friends to lovers (in a nice au setting pls)
6. What mythological creature would you be if you had the chance? a dryad, or maybe a nature faerie/nymph type thing?
7. Supernatural!au or Mafia!au im watching peaky blinders atm and honestly i would just love to be part of a criminal family empire so mafia :’) i prefer supernatural themes but that’s a pretty broad description...
8. Which kpop idol would you switch bodies with? if body includes face then irene (red velvet) bc shes so pretty
9. If you could have any idol as a pocket sized companion, who would you pick? luna or chen, theyre both actual sunshine istg
10. What idol would you want as a sibling? maybe jungkook (bts) because ive always wanted a younger sibling or hakyeon (vixx) because honestly hes perf
11. If you were able to say five words to your bias, what would you say? god knowing me i’d waste my five words on something dumb like ‘oh wow, your face heLP’ :’) and also~~~
Get to Know Me Tag Part 2
Countries I’ve lived in: england Favorite fandom: despite its kind of shady reputation, im going to say the soulsborne fandom. the community is helpful, the streamers, video makers, translators, artists etc put in so much time and effort to wring the very most out of the games for everyone and even then you can just strike up a conversation with a total stranger about some obscure lore theory and still be chatting about it 6 hours later. 10/10 would recommend these people (if you can avoid the git-gud-gatekeepers ofc) Languages I speak: just english :( i learnt a fair bit of korean like, i can manage reading simple things and fumble through listening but i couldnt speak it to save my life Favorite film of 2016: kubo (also low key magnificent seven) ((ive not seen any of the disney movies yet oops)) Last article I read: an obituary for peter sarsdtedt :c Last thing I bought online: child of light and transistor Last person I dreamt of: my brother A recurring dream: i don’t really have recurring dreams Phobias / Fears: vomiting, blood, heights How would my friends describe me: probably ‘the nice one’ (but theyre lowkey thinking the flakey one) If I had $$$ to spend what would I buy first: new underwear, i lost a load of weight so my bras fit weird but i just cant excuse that kind of money :’))
Shuffle your song library and list the first 3 songs that play:
reuben hollebon - faces luke sital singh - pure flora cash - down on your knees
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