#ive been told i am so hard to talk to and its agony
agdab · 6 months
god dude i wish my autism didnt make socialising so difficult. like yea man we're in the middle of a conversation but ive run out of scripted things to say so i just stop talking. you see me try though. and its hard to watch. the subject changes. same thing happens. on fucking god
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razette-moved · 3 months
We finished season 3 of Bungo Stray Dogs. We are basking in the Wan! episodes before the agony of the next seasons. Cant even find relief in the manga; the manga readers are coping hard in the tags! youre all so brave!
Thoughts so far;
Dazai is a mood. Theres so much wrong with that man. hes suffering. his smile is a knife. All ive seen is the anime and Im kinda desperate for more, so Im gonna have to invest in all the light novels immediately.
Atsushi being told to run away from Akutagawa immediately on sight, and then meeting him 20 minutes later is hilarious imo. he did not run on sight. do you think they tell all newbies that? If it were me I wouldnt have even recognized him. Id forget his name and his face immediately. Dazai wouldve stepped in and Idve been, oh i thought hed be taller.
Atsushi and Akutagawa passing therapy tips and tricks back and forth is great. Theyve been fighting the whole time nonstop. theyve only fought like 3 ish times total so far. theyre already so over each other. theyre fed up. get this guy outta here!
Why do they ask for kunikidas advice and then not take it? its not really a critique, i actually find it funny. its a coin flip. he's right or hes a stick in the mud. Man is coping hard. he cares so much. he cares too much.
I like to pretend the tanizaki siblings arent blood related. not real sure that fixes anything but im coping.
i dont really think i should go read the classics just because im watching an anime, right. Theyre worth reading on their own; im just lazy. but i kiiiinda feel like doing so would give me better understanding of this story? I can tell im missing a whole dimension by not doing so. is that wrong?
I think im gonna have to cave and call Chuuya my favourite character. Every scene hes in is great. there should be way more of them.
Im the kind of person who loves like 95% of all ships. youd be a little hard pressed to find a ship i dont care for. Im usually only neutral at worst. unfortunately skk is has consumed my soul.
calico cat man is trans. or intersexed. cant change my mind.
The americans are hilarious. southern belle. evil preacher. money man. work a holic ability. but theyre not treated as just a joke. theyre all great characters.
when life gives you lemons use them to make bombs.
lemon balm pun?
there are not enough kajji gifs.
I wonder what Jun'ichiros training looks like. He is way too good as a potential assassin to not be receiving any. I wish we could see more of him and kenji
I told my partner about kouyou x yosano. they said theyd sell their soul for it. then they squinted at me and asked if it was a crackship that never meets in canon. I said I have no idea.
Actually the ranpoe ship is SO CUTE. What do you MEAN he keeps trying to write better and better mysteries to impress beat Ranpo? And Ranpo is delighted every time. Ranpo defeats each one and then slips a complement between singing his own praises. do you think Poe lives for it? i do.
tbf Edgar Allen Poe the irl author is actually one of my favourite authors. someday when I have money im gonna start collecting.
Fyodor creeps me out. I know he is supposed to because he is a villain, but i always feel bad about it. I want to like him as a villain more than I do. i think villains should me more appreciated. a well written villain is like nice butter to steak.
I think those are my loudest thoughts so far. Im waiting to hear good or bad news from the manga readers before I start reading the manga. I am much weaker and cant handle the pressure.
anyone want to talk about their favourite parts?
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
@ your tags on my post, i am shaking you like a maraca and yelling "YESSSSS"
i wanna see how kh3 tackles that whole thing because it's so eerily similar to what happens in the manga. and in the manga, he is in so much pain and agony, AND HE'S STILL FIGHTING. ROXAS IS THERE WITH HIM, HIS ONLY COMPANION, and then kh3 just tripped and fell on the glass table.
also, i think about this constantly, i want them to do something with it so bad.
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YEA i cant wait to see the rest of kh3 manga chapters and how they handle everything, i especially loved the manga versions for days and kh2 and the way their stories were told - even tho kh3 has a Lot going on that might be hard to show well.. amano's been good at it so far tho so i have faith :]
but yeah that whole thing with Roxas is just . oughh. im not gonna lie even i forgot that Roxas was like. still there with Sora when he perishes until i thought abt it writing those tags but now that ive realized that. why the hell did they not take advantage of that!!!! like ok i get that it was more focused on the destiny trio in the ways i talked abt in the tags but yknow. what happened to "he makes up the difference"?? that wouldve been a great moment for it to shine!! ik they already make an example of it during the Xemnas n Saïx fight but still!!
part of me wishes Roxas couldve have more outward influence on Sora the way Ven did. granted, he arguably had an affect on Sora back in kh2, and while i dont remember if it was canon or even intended, that could be applied to both his appearance (his lighter hair, mostly) and his behavior (his hostility towards the organization members; ive seen this argued both as smth Roxas had influence over and purely based on Soras experiences thus far, and i believe in both personally) but Ven in kh3 was literally able to speak and somewhat act through him. im pretty sure this was meant to show that Ven was fully ready to awaken or smth like that, and that wasnt sonething that was needed for Roxas; hes alright, just needed a body/vessel for himself. but i still think itd be a cool way to express the earlier sentiment. and it wouldnt necessarily have to be Roxas "taking over" either, the manga shows very well how Roxas gives Sora strength from within and that he definitely does make a difference
to be fair tho...... whether that wouldve helped Sora in the moment that he gives in to his despair, im not sure. in kh2, both manga and game, hes in a very different mindset than kh3. in that part of the manga especially, despite thinking everyone (except Roxas) is gone for good, he still has the belief that they can live on within him. and that, plus the literal strength hes getting from Roxas, is keeping him going despite it all. in kh3 his self confidence is beyond fucked, and he truly believes in that moment that hes lost Everything, not just his friends. thats hard to come back from
i wonder if he were to remember that Roxas were still there, if that wouldve helped. whether for comfort in the way that hes not really alone then, or for motive to keep living bc if he dies then Roxas is gone too, or whatever reason, i think it couldve changed something, even if its just a little bit. hell, itd have been great if something like that happened afterwards in the final world. id like to think Roxas had a hand in Sora surviving ..... not sure how but its a nice thought. either way i do wish Sora n Roxas' connection and that moment they have in san fransokyo had more....... More. in kh3. it was a great opportunity that they didnt use/forgot about n im now sad abt it forever
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badwolf-winchester · 3 years
Ancient Bloodlines
Pairing: Loki x Emy Nightstar (OC)
OC Summary: Emy is the newest Avenger. She specializes in Magic and close range attacks/ weapons. Her heritage is unknown to her as she was left at an orphanage door step when she was a young girl with only the memory of her name. She goes by her nickname Emy but has never told anyone her full name as its a reminder of her being abandoned. Emy can see through any illusion and Magic no matter how powerful they are or how strong the magic is and is unaware of this. Her powers include Telekinesis, Elemental Control, True Sight (as stated above) Enhanced healing and Shifting (she wont discover this till much later in the story). She loves to read, listen to music, play violin, sing, and draw.
Story Info: Takes place after infinity wars. Tony and Natasha are alive Steven comes back from the future after giving back the infinity stones. Vision is alive and living with Wanda in the tower. Thor and Loki live in the tower with the rest of the Avengers and for the sake of the story Himedall is alive and living with the rest of the Asgardians on earth in New Asgard (you will find out why later)
One last thing: Please do not repost my work on any other site or social media, however reblogging on here is fine. I work hard on all of my fanfics and it’s disappointing when people take my work as their own. I am the creater of all my OCs such as Sora Nightstar, Emy Nightstar, and Lithium Nightstar. My inbox is open for any and all requests as i am a multi fandom writer. Let me know how you like the story and i will do my best to answer any and all questions. As always i encourage any and all feedback as it helps with my writing. I hope you all like it!
The Beginning
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They say that your parents are there to teach you the rules of the world, but what happens when you have no parents? Who will teach you then? The world is cruel but people are crueler. Ive learned this first hand when the person i trusted most in this world left me on the door step of the St. Trinity’s Orphanage. I was 9 when my mother told me she didn’t want me anymore and i guess I couldn’t really blame her. I mean who could love someone who couldn’t control the powers that grew with each passing year. Someone who started fires out of thin air when they had nightmares, conjured whirlwinds when startled, unfurled earthquakes when angered, spring forth rain showers when sad, and levitate objects when riddled with anxiety. I will never forget that day for its seared into my mind like its own person brand echoing with every beat of my heart. A monster thats what she called me, her own flesh and blood was a monster in her eyes, and i could see the relief when she ran from the solid oak door finally rid of the burden she had to put up with throughout the years. An abomination she cried as she reached the cobblestone sidewalk eager to be rid of me and by the pace she was going at i could tell she had more spring in her step than on the walk over from the bus we exited from. Unnatural she bellowed as she disappeared around the corner a ghost of a smile springing from her lips as she disappeared. These where the last words i would ever hear from my mother, if thats what you would call her.
Emy’s POV
Tonight was just like any other. Crisp cold air submerged the city in a blanket of dark and silence while it settled into your bones. I never minded the cold in fact I welcomed it, it reminded me of the cabin i found one year after running away from one of the many abusive foster homes i was forced to stay with. I’ll admit it was one of the times I was able to avoid the social workers for longer than a week and the happiest I had ever been in my life up until i was captured by Hydra. When I had a flair up with my powers, which usually ended up being fire, i would immediately get sent back to St. Trinity’s but this time i ran before they had the chance to toss me aside. The staff there used to place bets on how long i would stay with a family, they would joke saying i was cursed or jinxed but i knew the truth, no one wanted me. Once the parents found out about my abilities I was sent packing. I was labeled as a flight risk and a danger to others which only deepened my anti socialism.
Walking through the streets of New York i pull my dark purple jacket on and my dark brown hair in a pony tail as I get closer to my destination. Because i don’t feel the effects of the cold weather Tony, being such the dad figure he is, has made it his priority to make sure i still wear one just incase so here i was walking home in black ripped up jeans, a black v neck T-shirt, black and purple checkered vans and a light weight dark purple jacket. With my headphones in my ears and “I like it heavy” by Halestorm blasting I make my way to the place i call home, Stark Tower. Walking through the front doors i make my way past the receptionist who always greets me with a bright smile. As I walk towards the elevator I give her a small smile back and a head nod. After entering the elevator and pressing the button for the penthouse I start to reflect on how i got here.
By the time i was 15 Hydra found me in that cabin and took me away. I went from hopping from family to family to being used as a science experiment, constantly being poked and prodded just so they could get a reaction out of me. As a child my powers where very unstable mostly flaring up with my emotions, its no wonder that Hydra caught wind of me its not like i was hiding it very well or more so that i couldn’t hide it. They tried to wipe my memory to gain control of me “a blank slate” is what they wanted, but for some reason, they failed as I wasn’t susceptible to their conditioning methods no matter how much time i spent in the chair. However, I could tell they were scared of me I could see it in their eyes. This didn’t last long though as they used what they called their perfect weapon code name Winter Soldier to beat me into submission. After that first meeting that left me with a broken arm and a fractured ankle i started to obey, since then Ive met the Soldier a couple of times but if he remembers me he dosent let on and I dont blame him, he has been in that chair so many times Im genuinely surprised he can even remember how to walk. He is stronger than the others as most of the other test subjects had turned to vegetables after the 4th mind wipe, he was on his 10th the last time i saw him with Hydra.
Another test was done on me and this one was different. They used a teseract? If thats what they called it I can’t be sure nor did I care all I could feel was pain like as if someone injected lava in my veins. After they injected me I started screaming after a while I couldn’t even hear myself anymore, my throat was so sore and horse from the constant roar of my agony I just wanted it to end. How long was I out for? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Years? They didn’t keep clocks there or at least not in the dungeon like cell they had me in. When the fire faded i was left with this numbness and after further tests I realized that I was immune to fire. I can literally stick my hand in fire and i will be left untouched and unscorched. They did the same test with freezing temperatures to see if they could subdue me at least in some way. I must have been out longer than just a couple of days as during the tests i didn’t recognize any of the Doctors. In that moment I realized something, if they were trying to contain me then something must have happened to the soldier. It was time to plan my escape.
Back in my cell i could hear footsteps approaching me and then stop short. One of the scientists frantically trying to talk some sense into someone just out of my line of sight. “She is immune to anything we throw at her sir. We have done every test we could there is nothing left for us to do.” One of the goons in a lab coat stated to what i assumed is a higher up. “Bolden If her powers keep growing at the rate they are it could be days in which she will be unstoppable and with the soldier gone we dont have anything that can keep her in line. She broke Mandy and Rays arms the last time we tested her. She is getting too strong.” Brining a hand up to his chin the higher up Bolden stepped out of the shadows and looked at me with deep interest before he turned to looked at the man and scoffed. As he walked away i felt a cold chill ran down my back as I anticipated what was to become of me; I knew it was nothing good i had already broken their rules. His next words only confirmed what I feared. “ Its simple. Break her spirit or kill her Doctor. And when i say break her i mean in anyway means necessary.” His sadistic laugh is the last thing i remember before everything went black.
Its been 2 years since i have escaped and now I’m living in the avengers tower. I don’t remember what happened after that night in my cell its all a blur of red, screams, and gunshots. When i woke up next i was in a 6ft crater where I was being held captive without a scratch on me. Trees were uprooted and fallen over as if a bomb went off. Luckily the Avengers showed up not long after me waking up and took me to their base where i met Directer Fury. With his permission and 24/7 surveillance provided by Tony Stark via FRIDAY and training sessions to get my powers under control i was allowed to join the Avengers and fight for good. Little did i know that by agreeing to this I would end up in the path of a certain God or Gods who were also taking residence at the tower.
With the sound of a *ding* the elevator shook me out of my mind and back to the present. As i exited the elevator I pulled my head phones out of my ears and was instantly met with the sound of Tony losing his mind. “Where did she go? She knows she can’t be out this late. She could be taken again! Its 5 minutes past her curfew!” Rolling my eyes I roll my headphones up and shove them in my pocket and round the corner. “Tony it takes 5 minutes to get from the lobby to the penthouse calm down. I bet she will walk through that door anytime now.” Came the sweet voice of reason of none other than Pepper Potts. “I’m Home.” I said in a deadpan voice as i walked by the couple only for Tony to stand up and intercept me by placing a hand on my upper arm. “Where did you go and why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” I looked at him and raised an eyebrow pushing his hand off me. “Tony its Wednesday. I have training with Strange on Wednesdays and I had Friday alert you as I was leaving but you were in the lab with Bruce.” Not sure what to say next Tony mumbled a small apology. “Sorry I was just worried about you. I know you are grown enough to make your own choices as you are 25 but I just want to make sure you are safe. How was the training with The Wizard?” Sighing and shaking my head just wanting to go the library and read I decided to just let it go. “Strange is a hard ass that much you already know. It wasnt bad actually I think I’m warming up to him. I didn’t spontaneously throw him to the wall when he snuck up behind me as i was going over the ancient texts so i call that improvement.” I said sheepishly while side stepping around him. “I’m gonna go to the library now and grab some light reading before bed you guys have a good night.” With out waiting for a response I quickly made my way towards my new destination only to have Tony saying something about guests in the house but I ignored him.
Pushing open the library door I make my way to the poetry section to grab my usual copy of Edgar Allen Poe that I read before bed. As my had reached for the spot i knew i put the book in i find that its not there. “Wait what? Where is my book? I know I put it back here before I left for training so where did it go?” Frustrated I stomp back over to the entrance and rip open the door ready to go on a murder spree while shouting down the hallway. “CLINT! You better give me back my night time book or I’m breaking all your arrows again! No one reads in this tower but me! How stupid do you think I am!?” Straining my ears I listen for any type of movement but was met with dead silence. After a minute I finally hear movement through the vents coming from the west part of the tower and I take off sprinting. Sliding around a corner I barely miss colliding with Steve and Bucky who look like they were on their way back from a mission. Offering a quick apology before I continue my pursuit I hear Steve yell “Hey! No running in the tower!” Not faltering in my hot pursuit of the Hawk thief I continue to zip through the tower ignoring the Captains words until i was almost to the vent that lead to the 2 level family room. Using the railing for the steps leading down to the family area to give me more height i jumped as close to the vent as possible and conjured my signature Scythe to slice through it while twisting in the air kicking the vent free and off its track. A shocked and terrified scream resonates from the vent as the culprit falls to the ground with a thud and a grunt. I landed in a crouched position and slowly straightened to my full hight. “What the hell Emy?! When did you learn to do that?!” Clint yells as he sits up rubbing his left shoulder that he landed on. I started stalking towards him with the blade of my scythe scrapping across the ground as i went while giving him a death glare. “Give me back my book Barton.” At the mention of his last name his head snapped up to me fear replacing the pain from his fall. “Oh shit last name not good.” Scrambling up on his feet he turns and runs towards the common room that connects to the elevator with me hot on his tail and my scythe trailing behind me in my right hand.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!!” He yells as he makes it fully to the room only to fling forward as i jump and kick his back tired of all the running. Twirling my weapon around I place it at his neck sneering at him. “I will not ask you again.” I said placing pressure on his neck with my blade. Sensing a fast moving object coming from my left from the kitchen I move my head back 3 inches as what looked like a hammer flew by me embedding itself in the wall. Turning my head slowly in the direction of the flying object, I confirmed it was indeed a hammer that was thrown at me. Irritation flared through me as i released Clint from the end of my scythe and turned fully to the kitchen to face my attacker. There stood 2 men that i did not recognize, one tall oak of a man with blond short hair, blue eyes and tan skin in blue jeans, a red T-shirt ,and grey jacket. the other shorter man made me stare at him and faultier for a second as he was so different from anyone i have ever seen, dark blue skin covered his entire body with darker almost black symbols and piercing red eyes, long black hair with black jeans, a green dress shirt and black jacket. Tearing my gaze away from his own curious one i looked between both men before i clenched my jaw letting my irritation settle back in. “Which one of you threw that hammer.” I said venom dripping with every word. “Whoa its ok Emy thats just Thor and Loki they are the asgardian Gods that live here in the tower part time when they are not in Norway.” Clint said standing up quickly. Not moving from my position i narrowed my eyes and flicked them over in Clint’s direction. The ground started to shake as my irritation and annoyance grew to anger remembering what i was doing before being interrupted by the Gods. Throwing his hands up in surrender he then quickly reached into his back pocket and retrieved my book. “Ok ok dont blow a fuse Em.” He said while tossing me my possession stopping me from causing an earthquake. Catching it in the air with my left had I inspected the book to make sure it wasn’t damaged before I let go of my scythe, with a wave of my hand it disappeared back to the pocket dimension I keep it in then looked back at Clint as the tremors stopped. “Touch my things again and i will be wearing your guts like my mom’s pashmina.” I said to the thief before walking out of the room and disappeared down the hallway not giving the Gods a second glance. As I entered my room i could hear a silky voice ring out from the kitchen. “Well isnt she interesting.”
Part 2 coming soon
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An Ephemeral Eternity in Seven Parts - Steve Rogers x Reader.
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MASTERLIST Warnings: My English, Gifs aren’t mine. Word Count~3.4k Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
A soft red color was painting the deep blue sky as the sun run its course and went back to sleep, an omen for the upcoming day. The air was chilly and clouds were gathering, threatening the very delicate, almost feeble peace that had been bestowed upon them. Being constantly on the move was not easy, especially since they were always followed. Not a single moment was private, yet somehow they managed to escape, not for long but those stolen minutes or hours were exactly what kept them sane. Well, sane enough.  "Did you manage to get any sleep?" Natasha asked her, not looking better herself as she walked into her room. She rolled her eyes to the now blond woman and simply raised an eyebrow. "Did you?" she asked back, receiving the exact same reaction. Natasha sat down, next to her, handing her a cup of coffee, which was very much appreciated. Her life had change; she would try to sleep at some point during the day and she would run and hide all night long or better yet trying to stay away from the people looking for her. Well, all of them, since they were criminals as people have told them, but she had an extra target on her back - and maybe even more dangerous than all the government's satellites. Not only Tony wanted her alive and found but she felt the threat vibrating through her veins. She knew that Tony didn't want his name ruined and/or associated with a criminal and that was why she would never let him find her - it wasn't just so they could talk, no, his reasons were always a bit egocentric. At least, so she thought. "Once Sam and Steve are back, we have to be on our way" Natasha told her, snapping her out of her mind.  "If we find Wanda and Vision, that is" she commented as she downed her coffee in hopes of some kind of an energy kick. The blond woman raised an eyebrow, disapproving the recklessness in that relationship. Vision had to report their situation but instead he went incognito for the last couple of days.  "Speaking of... you and Steve seem distant lately. What happened?" she wanted to know. That was the issue though. Nobody knew... at some point, their talks stopped happening so often, their time together became shorter, their kisses almost disappeared, leaving her to question what had happened. She shrugged as if it didn't bother her. Natasha knew better but didn't push it. "Alright, I'm just saying. Don't give up just yet" Nat advised her, while she packed the few things left out. She got up to help but not a moment later, a furious Sam and a slightly aggravated Steve walking in on them. "They are in trouble" Steve announced, already getting ready to fight. "Because they didn't do as told" Sam sassed but no one could blame them. They all prepared for the worst. And everyone already knew their places. She had chose not to be active because she had made a realization that wasn't so pleasing. Her powers drew from her - so every time she used her powers, came with a cost. She was the stand-by pilot of the Quinjet, observing and if needed intervening while the other three were handling the fists. She was mostly using her powers to hide them from the radars and it took a toll on her. Not long after that, they were all in the Jet, heading to Wanda and Vision. No one talked, no one looked each other. She felt estranged. "We're here" she informed shortly after. Steve simply nodded and she grew even more angry and worried. "We'll be right up" Natasha soothed, as she opened the doors of the Jet. Once she was alone again, she let the anger go but her mind was travelling to dark places. It wasn't anger, it was desperation and agony. A painful scream was about to escape her lips when they came back with the two lovers.  "I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances" Natasha reprimanded Wanda, while Steve glanced over to her, leaving her with all the more questions.  "I am sorry. We just wanted time" Wanda said with tears in her eyes.  "Sam, you're on. I am going to try to help Vis, but I can't promise you anything" she finally came to her senses, leaving Sam to pilot them away, as she sat next to Wanda. "Be careful" Steve told her, almost too airy. She didn't turn when she replied that she wasn't gonna hurt Vision. He stopped in front of her, and before answering to Sam, he answered to her. "I was talking about you". That made her head swing. He tore his eyes from hers to give directions to Sam. Natasha gave a small smile, a sad one, because she knew how hard it was to love in the midst of a war.  "Where to, Cap?" he asked again. He took a deep breath. "Home". What was that? She couldn't remember. Focusing on Vision, her eyes turned lilac again - soon after her lessons from Strange, she was able to channel her power through every single cell of her body, thus affecting them, both in a good and in a bad way. She had never exactly understood what was triggering her powers to resurface whenever she needed them. But in that moment she knew exactly how to help him and so she did. She didn't notice anything other than the ordinary but everyone else did. The lights went off inside the Jet, a small purple lightning appeared in the sky and her powers were suddenly all over Vision like a cocoon. Moments later, everything was back to normal and Vision had regained his form but he wasn't in his original shape, which made her furrow her eyebrows, puzzled at her capabilities.  "Don't wear yourself out; I am better and we are arriving. Thank you" Vision reasoned with her thoughts. She raised an eyebrow - she didn't like it when he did that, but she knew he was right. Steve hadn't taken his eyes off of her the whole time. He was concerned about her. He was terrified when she went full on purple but not for his sake. He was worried about the side-effects. He was also a tad proud about her; and just a bit guilty about his behavior towards her. He had asked her to run with them, asked to be a fugitive, to stand against Tony again and she had devoted herself and her powers towards that mission - and he was being a jerk. And she hadn't given up on him still. He owed her more than an apology. "Maybe stand behind us, so no matter what Tony won't find out that you're here" Natasha offered her and she was thankful for her quick thinking. Her veins were purple, Steve noticed. They locked eyes. Trouble was on its way. 
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"So... So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Natasha stated the obvious. Everyone was nervous, some of them terrified even.
"And they can clearly find us" Wanda added as her sole focus was on Vision. "We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce added, being the first to know the enemy. "After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest" Natasha explained to him while they were examining each other. Steve was looking at her, worried. "Okay, look… Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. And he is not gonna stop until he... he gets... Vision's Stone". For a scientist, he wasn't exactly helpful at that moment. She wasn't talking, not sure if she had to say something. But sure enough that if Thanos could get ahold of all the infinity stones, no one could stop him - if she was powerful without all of their powers, he would be death itself. She turned her back on them, thinking about every possibility. "Well then, we have to protect it" Nat had to be optimistic, while in fact knowing extremely well that wasn't the case. "No, we have to destroy it. I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps… its molecular integrity could fail" Vision addressed Wanda as he neared her. She was clearly not having it. "And you, with it. We're not having this conversation". Her head was spinning, thoughts overflowing with images of catastrophe. "Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it". She wasn't sure about that and it scared her more than anything. "That's too high a price". And she agreed with Wanda. If that was Steve, she would likely be a bit too fierce. "Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him". It wasn't the time for heroism, she thought. It was already overwhelming her. "But it should, we don't trade lives, Vision" Steve boldly said, making her turn and finally looked at him with all the desperation of the world. "Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?". It felt too much for her. The last hour it has been about the end of the world and honestly, she felt angry and trapped. Without even realizing it, a jolt of purple energy was sent directly to Vision. She gasped and before she could actually harm somebody, she whispered an apology and run out of the room. If Thanos was coming, she was as good as dead.
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The night unfolding in front of her was gloomy, dark and ominous with storm clouds. A starless night, without a single ray of hope to shine through and ease her mind. She had yet to come to terms with her very essence. She had been confident about her powers, herself and so, naturally, the more it hurt once she was proven wrong. Which was slowly making her reluctant to trust anything- even her own gut feelings. Because when she had been so sure of something and it didn't happen the way she thought it would, it felt like she was betrayed by herself. These expectations and the hope that she had given herself- she did that, she gave herself all this hope when she shouldn’t have, and then she got hurt. So subconsciously she won’t let herself have that much hope the next time. That was how getting hurt was slowly destroying her. She got less and less optimistic and hopeful. She felt that deep inside her bones; she would never come completely back.  She was so deep in her head, she didn't even hear him opening and closing the door. She was a skeleton made out of flowers, seeds lodged themselves in her bones, tangled roots spread across her frame, a delicate network of nerves and veins; she was a garden on a cemetery floor, beauty born of compost and worms, watered by rain and shallow tears, sinking into rich earth...hoping to rise again. He softly touched her shoulder making her slightly jump. It was strange for him to watch her so lost in her mind.  "Is Vision okay?" she asked him, seemingly worried but he knew her better than that. She knew he was fine, she just needed one more reason to hate herself. He stood near her, not quite sure what to do. "Of course he is. Are you?" he found the courage to ask her. It was difficult looking at her and knowing she was not alright but not being able to help her. Maybe he was the positive fucking little unicorn and even though the past months had been cruel to all of them and he had grown different, he still wanted to help - mostly her.  "Nope, definitely no" she truthfully told him, as she turned to look at his blue ocean eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. He was about to tell her something about positivity but she didn't want to hear any of it and cut him off. "No, Steve, don't tell me that things will be better, that I will be able to control those freacking powers- the same ones that Thanos wants to obtain. Don't tell me that there is hope, cause I have none. I can't look you directly in the eye and tell that I'll be able to help. I guessing that I will be able to destroy. Don't ask me what. And no, I don't want to hear to whatever advice you have. I am sorry but it's all happening so fast, so many things are going on and I can't even breathe. And you what? On top of everything, I still think about you. Are we just friends if it’s your breath on my neck late at night or if it’s our laced fingers beneath your covers? How tightly do we need to be pressed against each other before you admit that you aren’t doing this for warmth? How many times does your thumb need to brush my lips before we realize that we’ve gone too far?" she let on, giving him absolutely no warnings that she would burst like that. She caught him by surprise and she saw that, so she chuckled sadly and waved her hands to dismiss every words she said. She always did that - demining her own thoughts and problems when she was overwhelming towards another. But he wasn't going to let her. For a reason he did not know, he was growing angry. That was a lie, he knew exactly why. He cared about her way too much to let her ruin herself. "Hey - no, hey, I'm talking to you. Don't you DARE walk away now. You don't get to tell me this just to erase it after a moment" he almost yelled at her the minute she tried to leave. She was taken aback. This was new. She had never seen him mad at her. Not that it scared her but it was different and gained her attention.  "Fuck this! No, it's not gonna be okay. There is a war upon us and it's scary as fuck because we have to go against someone so deprived of any common sense who craves your fucking powers. And your powers scare the hell out of us but you didn't want them- he does. I don't believe you for a second. I know you can master them, so stop being a fucking coward and learn how to, work on that. Control what has been given to you - it doesn't matter if you suffered or not. You have those god-damn powers. And you're stronger than anyone I know. Not because you have them. Because it's who you are. And no. We are not friends. We never were" and with that he grabbed her by her waist and slammed her against his body, lips desperately craving hers. 
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"Eyes up. Stay sharp". By the time he informed as such, she was already making her way towards him, only to witness the Mad Titan sent him flying with the same purple jolt of power she possessed without having struck a single punch. T'Challa was grabbed by his throat and punched to the ground while Sam's wings became rubbery and unable to sustain flight. She kneeled down next to Steve to make sure he was still alive - she would probably loose it if he wasn't. When he opened his eyes, she finally breathed again, leaving him with a silent promise. All bloody and bruised, they needed to survive this. She heard Vision and Wanda and her heart broke. The least she could was give them time. "It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me. I just... feel you" Vision tried to soothe her pain as she extended a trembling hand, beaming her energy at the Mind Stone. She glanced at them, trying to focus all her power into stopping Thanos. She was running towards him when Steve slid under one blow and came up swinging his deployed arm-shields, punching Thanos in the gut and chin. He grabbed the gauntlet, keeping Thanos' fingers un-clenched. Thanos looked very briefly impressed at Steve’s efforts as he screamed before slamming a fist into his head and rendering him insensible. She let out a scream when Wanda looked over her shoulders. Purple jolts and beams of power hit the Mad Titan as she was determent to keep him away from the couple. If that was their goodbye, she was going to give them as much time as she could. Impressed by her ability to make him step back couple of meters, he tried to use his powers but Wanda joined her in a last effort. The two women looked at each other, understanding the pain Wanda felt as she nodded. "It's alright... It's alright. I love you". She struck again and again but her worst fear was coming true; her powers weren't enough. Taking a deep breath, she made a run for it, grabbed him by his massive hand and pushed his other out of her way with her powers, while she tried to get off of him the gauntlet. It took a great amount of power for him to knock her down and almost dead, something he informed her of. "You did better than most". She barely saw what happened, almost too weak to breathe. But when Wanda screamed in pain, she found the strength to pull it together, no matter how she felt and stood up, just when Thor arrived in the scene and the Stormbreaker slammed right into Thanos chest. She looked with eyes wide open when he didn't slow down. Steve was up again, and Bucky came rushing through. Both of them were looking tired, beaten and lost. One last effort before everything went to hell. Thor took hold of the back of Thanos' head, forcing the Stormbreaker deeper into his chest and she blasted that spot with all of her power, making him cry in pain. He looked at her slightly aggravated. "You should have gone for the head!" he yelled as he raised his gauntlet and snapped his fingers. 
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"What'd you do? WHAT'D YOU DO?!" Thor was asking angrily. But he used the space stone and left.   "Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?" Steve stumbled into the clearing, holding his left side. She was almost too overwhelmed, she couldn't feel. "Steve?" Bucky suddenly stumbled over, and looked at her before he collapsed into ashes, much to Steve's shock; he walked over and touched the ground where Bucky's ashes evaporated disbelievingly. Shock washed over her, her entire body was trembling. "What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodes asked mere moments later, as Natasha appeared too, but to her … it felt like an eternity. She was literally vibrating with purple jolts of energy forming in her fingers. "Oh, God". Her body was going into shock; or maybe survival mode; or it was just too much. With a scream that echoed in the entire country, she fell down on her knees and as her hands touched the earth every single drop of power was released along with her previously so well hidden tears. It wasn't only purple. It was blue and red and yellow. She was in pain and never even noticed. She was suffocating. She wanted to smash his head open, make him pay for everything he had done, make him suffer before she finally killed him. Once her rage subsided, she opened up her eyes, facing the pain stained faces of the people that remained. He saw him, devastated, tragically alone again, looking at her with nothing but pain and questions. It wasn't him who helped her up and supported her weight. And it would never be Bucky again. Right before she passed out, she saw Thor's distressed face. He too had lost everything. "I got you".
Taglist: @coffee-with-orion @accio-rogers @stydia-4-ever @smilexcaptainx @elliee1497
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Grow, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 2
Suddenly human and abandoned in the Keyblade Graveyard, Demyx struggles to survive and come to terms with what his life is. Only by chance is he saved from exposure, and brought to Radiant Garden to recover. Unsure of who he is and where to even begin, Demyx finds a kindred spirit in Ienzo, and before long finds perhaps he isn't the only one lost in this new life. But how can they move forward with so much holding them back?
Roughly canonverse, Zemyx, hurt/comfort. Started for Zemyx day (9/6). Updates Wednesdays until it's done.
Chapter summary:  Demyx begins to recover from his ordeal, and plan for whatever comes next.
Read it in FF.net/on AO3
Dark, for a long time, actually.
What he was aware of first was the pain. His muscles and back were screaming, forcing his eyes open. There was so much to take in he actively had trouble sorting all the stimuli.
Pain, a bed, cool air, a window with white curtains. Something pinching his hand, a plastic lead. A tube?
Demyx thought he saw a person. His eyesight was weak, and he squinted. White coat, slate-gray hair. Was this all another hallucination? He tried to sit up, but it was so painful he just flopped back down weakly.
The person turned. “Oh, you’re awake,” he heard. They crossed over to him, and Demyx could see the vague outlines of Zexion’s face.
“Zex?” He cleared his throat. “Zexion? No…” He coughed a little. “Ienzo… I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“Are you real?”
“Yes, I’m very real. Much to my chagrin.”
“Am I dead?”
“No. Not quite.”
Demyx thought. His mind seemed slow to process information. But if he were dead, why would he be in so much pain? “H-hurts…”
“I’m sure it must. Do you want me to get you something for the pain?”
He looked at the ceiling, trying to decide. Did he want to try and clear his head? Or did he want the agony to stop? “Okay.”
Hazily, Demyx watched him get up, cross over to a cabinet, pull out a blob (a vial?) and what had to be a syringe. Demyx felt something stinging injected into his hand, and a few moments later the pain began to subside to a throb. His vision was still not quite clear. “Is that better?”
“T-thanks…” It was difficult to speak. “W-where--?”
“Radiant Garden. Isa and Lea brought you in here in a panic. They were looking for clues to help Sora in the Keyblade Graveyard. You were horrifically dehydrated. Your kidneys failed, and Even suspects you may have had a seizure at some point--”
Ienzo chuckled a little. ““Yikes” is right. You’ve been unconscious a few days--we were worried at first you might not wake at all. But then you started to rebound.”
“I’m… a-alive?”
For a moment, Demyx just looked up at the ceiling. “Now what,” he murmured.
He thought he saw Ienzo smile. “Recovery,” he said. “It’ll probably be a while before you feel fully back to yourself.” A sigh. “And there may yet be lingering effects.”
“Like… what?”
He shook his head. “Even would have to examine you to be sure.”
“Am I human?”
Ienzo knotted his hands together. “Yes. Perhaps not yet technically fully--the data is still inconclusive. It is only you and Even who are going through this. Right now, it is imperative you rest, receive enough fluids, and try not to get too anxious.”
“Even.” Demyx tasted the name. “You mean Vexen?”
“His Somebody, yes. Which reminds me. What is your name?”
He hesitated, and strained to think. But it was like hitting a mental brick wall. Demyx couldn’t remember; he suspected he hadn’t been able to for a long time. “I… I don’t know.”
He thought he saw surprise on Ienzo’s face. Then, “perhaps… you’re simply disoriented, with all that your being has experienced. It may come back to you.”
He was feeling tired again, now that the pain was subsiding.
"...Why don't you get some rest," Ienzo suggested.
Ienzo got up and headed towards the door.
A sigh. Demyx could not read his expression. "Sure, Demyx."
Demyx dipped in and out of sleep for a long time. When he woke up for real, he was less sore, but he was shaky and somewhat nauseous. His vision was still weird--did his Somebody just need glasses?-- and he squinted hard. He felt sticky and gross. Maybe they'd let him take a shower. How much time had he lost? He got up slowly. With the IV, it was hard to maneuver, but he was able to peek out the window, to the town of Radiant Garden below. He'd been changed into loose linen pajamas. His body felt odd; he flexed his hands. He had to have lost some weight.
"...Oh, good, you're able to get up."
Even's voice startled him; he gasped aloud and his heart gave a weird, quivery beat. "Frightened you, did I? My apologies. Here, sit." He gently eased Demyx back onto the bed and took his pulse with two cold fingers. "...That was all quite hard on you, wasn't it?"
"I don't feel well."
"Of course you don't. I'd be shocked if you did," Even said. He felt at the glands on Demyx's throat. "It's a miracle you were found. A few hours later and you would've been no more." He took a pen light out of his jacket and tracked Demyx's eyes for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired. Sore. My eyesight's kinda funky."
"The soreness is part of the dehydration. It should pass in a few days. I'm more concerned about your kidney functioning. It's improving, but it's not where it should be. Eyesight… well, that could possibly be again due to the kidneys, but you might've naturally needed glasses anyway. Strange problems the Nobody status hides. We'll keep an eye on it, pardon the pun. There's some medication I want you to take daily and you must rest . I'm sure you need no excuse to be lazy." He scoffed a little.
"Why did you save me?"
Even seemed genuinely confused by the question. "Was I to let you die, then?"
"I just…"
"You helped me," Even said. "But regardless I think that you being another living thing is reason enough."
Demyx felt his eyes watering.
Even sighed. "At some point we must let past conflicts lie."
"You became human like me."
"Ah… yes."
"Did you forget things?"
Even cocked his head. "No," he said slowly. "What can't you remember?"
"A lot of things. ...My name."
Even stared deeply into his eyes, as though looking for something. "Of course brain damage is possible with dehydration but--"
" Whoa, wait, what--"
"--but I don't think you've experienced anything that extensive. Perhaps… it could be…" He put a hand to his chin. "...I so wish I had access to a working MRI…"
Demyx swallowed.
"You're stable enough to be talking to me, at least," Even said quickly. "We will look into what we have." A pause. "Do you know how long you were there alone? What happened?"
Demyx explained about Xigbar. "He broke the phone so I couldn't call you guys. And then he knocked me out so I couldn't escape in time. I had no power-- I couldn't…" His eyes were watering again, and he felt it break free.
"It is traumatizing," Even said, almost gently. The gentleness was so jarring Demyx started crying in earnest, pressing a hand to his mouth. "Surviving such a thing and dealing with this new humanity on your own."
"I'm pathetic."
A sigh. "No, you're not. How long were you there alone, Demyx?"
He tried to remember. "At least three days… after that it's hard to remember. I… I knew I was going to die…" the tears were hot on his face. "He left me there to die."
Even sighed. "Leaving it to the fates," he muttered. "Alas, you seem to be lucky."
"Ha. Hardly. It's total coincidence they found me."
Even hummed. "You're alive now, whatever that means to you."
"What do I do ?"
"I'm afraid you must answer that question for yourself." He stood. "Do you feel up to trying to eat?"
"...I guess."
"I'll get you something light." He left.
Demyx considered the interaction, hiccuping. Even had never been so kind to him before. Was this because of the vessels? Or did humanity just make him different ?
He looked at his hands blurrily. "Am I different?" He asked out loud. He had a new lease on life, free of Xemnas and Xehanort and he was dubiously human. Everything he'd ever wanted. But it was a hollow victory.
He lay back down. Even brought him rice, and he was able to keep it down. The man didn't want to remove the IV line just yet, and Demyx was feeling vaguely tethered. He said he could shower, though, so gladly Demyx did, shedding days of desert. He almost started to panic when he saw clumps of hair gathered in the drain, but Even reassured him through the door it was a stress reaction and the hair would likely come back.
He'd never been so painfully aware of his body, its aches and pains. Shouldn't have been proud of himself for being able to go to the bathroom, or found so much pleasure in brushing his teeth. Once he was clean and dressed (in clothes other than a cloak?) he returned to his bed, exhausted already.
"Lea wants to see you," Even told him. Demyx thought he saw his jaw tense, a glint of fear in his eye--but why? "Would you even want that?"
He shrugged. "I owe the guy a thanks, at least."
Even sighed and put a hand to his brow. "Alright."
A few minutes later Lea bounded in, followed by Isa. They weren't wearing black cloaks after all, just black clothes. "Good to see you're okay," Lea said, grasping his hand. He almost looked like he would move in for a hug. "That was scary. "
"Sorry for going all zombie on you," Demyx said. He found it hard to meet his eyes. "And… thanks for saving me." He bit his lip. "You didn't have to."
"As though we would leave you to die?" Isa said levelly. It was odd to see his teal eyes. "I think I owed you ."
Demyx scoffed. "For carrying two empty dolls?"
"For taking the initiative. As it were."
Lea slung an arm around Isa. "It's because of you that Roxas is up and about. We gotta thank you for that."
Demyx shook his head. The praise didn't feel good. He just felt weepy again.
Lea sat next to him on the bed. "You alright?" He asked a bit more softly. "The eggheads treating you okay?"
"Everyone's been… really nice," he said. "I don't get it."
"Humanity has afforded clarity," Isa said in a low voice. "None of us treated you very well."
"Because I was a bastard."
Lea snorted. "I think we all were. 'Sides, you were only a pest at the absolute worst."
His lips twitched in a hesitant smile.
"It seems you have quite a story to tell," Isa said.
The smile faltered.
"Only if you wish. I imagine it was very difficult."
Demyx took a deep breath. "I felt pulled there," he admitted. "The… graveyard? Then Xigbar showed up--"
Lea put up a hand. "Wait, wait, wait, he's alive? "
Demyx frowned. "Yeah."
He groaned. "He must've faked us out."
Demyx touched his chest. "When Xehanort died both Even and me lost his heart. The same must've happened to him."
"It's still worth bringing up to Riku and the others," Isa said to Lea.
"I don't know where he went," Demyx said honestly. "He knocked me out, broke my phone. So when I woke up I was human."
"And trapped." Isa shook his head. "A sadist way to go out."
"Yeah. I sort of… wandered, just trying to find water, and then you guys found me. But not before I got all sorts of fucked up."
"We weren't sure you would make it," Lea said. "You stopped breathing a couple times on the trip over."
"I did?"
Isa nodded. "Never have I missed the corridors more. But we're… human."
"I really owe you one," Demyx admitted to his lap.
"Think nothing of it."
"What will you do now?" Isa asked.
"I have no idea," Demyx admitted. "I… never thought I'd get this far."
Lea chuckled. "Well, it's nice here, and it's nice in Twilight Town.  Feel it out. I think our landlord had an empty apartment in the building."
"You guys have an apartment? In a building? In a town?" He sighed. "Why does that feel weird?"
Isa smiled. "It does, doesn't it?"
"Am I going to have to get a job?" He asked, and groaned.
Lea laughed. "At least you can pick it this time."
"And not until you're well," Isa added. "Take your time recovering."
"...I'll try."
Lea patted his shoulder. "We gotta go. Just wanted to check in on you, is all."
"Ienzo has our numbers. Give me a call."
Demyx watched them leave. Their faces seemed pleasant until they were in the hallway, and he heard-- “... Xigbar. I knew it couldn’t be that easy.”
Demyx decided not to worry about it, because he was feeling tired again. He lay back down and went to sleep.
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Dragon Dancer IV: Who are you?
Chu Zihang held the molten skull of the massive immortal he’d just killed and turned to look at the clawed beast that had been attacking me. Now it was that creature’s turn to shudder. 
During the whole process of burning it, Chu Zihang looked at this now skeletonized immortal with a quiet face and steely eyes, as if burning a dragon servitor was something he had done many times before.
He looked at the clawed beast with the same calm and still demeanor, waiting for the beast to understand that it was no match for him.
It opened its mouth wide, showing its alien long fangs and roared at Chu Zihang, but, at the same time, it stepped back until it got to the door. Then it turned and fled. It didn’t want to fight with him after watching him so thoroughly immolate another creature nearly three times its size!
Chu Zihang dropped the gradually cooling skull and it shattered on the floor.
I ran to him, sobs forcing themselves out of me and hugged him as tight as I could.  His arms wrapped around me and squeezed tighter. I felt the weight as his head rested on mine. “Meixiu... I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay! It’s okay! You’re here now, so it’s okay!” I whimpered and pressed him to me as hard as I could, feeling his bones, the muscles in his back. He was no longer a dream but solid now, back into my reality.
He pulled away from me, looking down at me. His brow knitted in confusion and he frowned. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. 
“We’re going to have to talk later.” I said in a low whisper.
Zihang cautiously walked around my back and looked at the baby he finally understood to be his daughter for the first time. The baby looked up at him and mewled, squirming in her swaddle. “Oh.” He said.
I sighed. “She’s probably wet. Poor thing.”
“Can you dry her off?” He looked at me.
I squinted. “No, I mean she peed-”
“Ah.” He looked around. The engine room was silent save the hiss of steam. “There’s something wrong. They’re not coming.”
“We probably scared them off?”
“There’s about twenty of them on this ship. How could we scare all of them? They would have just heard the noise. They should be coming to us.”
Chu Zihang’s eyes unfocused and I held my breath. He was listening and honing all four senses, just as he taught me to do. 
We both saw it at the same time. The flash of an electric spark in the white steam. This ionization phenomenon we’d seen once before, flashing in a white skirt.
“Susie.” He whispered.
A low voice chanted and the temperature in the room started to rise. A wind kicked up, swirling the steam.
“It’s said that no one has been able to master the Soul Skill ‘Royal Fire’ for many years.” The girl’s cold voice came from out of nowhere. “You are really a mysterious person. Who are you?”
Her signature black blades rose out of the fog, arranging themselves into a ring around us.
Chu Zihang was stunned. His eyes narrowed. He shook his head. “No.” He looked around for her, but didn’t see her.
She had to be close. Without serious exertion, she could not extend her Soul Skill far and it sounded like she was calm. Her influence was magnetizing every surface around us and arcs of electromagnetic energy were leaping and snaking through every corner of the room.
I glanced at Chu Zihang. He wasn’t frightened or angry. Instead, he seemed sad and confused. He met my eyes. “This isn’t like her.”  He whispered.
“She doesn’t remember you.” I whispered back.
“No...” He shook his head. “It shouldn’t matter. She wouldn’t do this.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing once again. I held my breath as well, trying to stay as silent as possible. I didn’t know Susie as well as he did and his upset was upsetting to me. We stood back to back, Ru’Yi between us.
He suddenly opened his eyes and then raised his face to the ceiling. I followed his gaze to a speaker. She wasn’t in the room with us but speaking to us through an address system.
Last time, she had poisoned me and made it impossible for me to use my Release skill. Now she was not even in the room. She was really good and making sure she had an advantage before going in.
Susie had suddenly gone silent. Johann didn’t move but I saw the slight tension in his knees and hips. He was coiled tight like a spring and could go in any direction in an instant. My heart was pumping faster and faster. The longer we waited, the sooner someone would have to make a move.
The electricity in the atmosphere suddenly burst in activity and the black blades spun so quickly the the metal began to scream. The floor and the walls cracked and the small bits of shrapnel filled the air. 
Zihang’s eyes narrowed and he closed his eyes lowering his head. A frown pulled at the corner of his mouth.
“Zihang?” I called to him softly. I’d never seen him like this.
The hundreds of metal bits flew at us, each one with the same lethality as a bullet, leaving no way to escape.
Chu Zihang let out a low animal snarl and his release of Royal Fire shifted. I was suddenly ringed by a black and red circle and the temperature in the steam room was raised to thousands of degrees in an instant. The expanding air burst through the ventilation and plumbing systems.
But surrounding Ru’Yi and I there was no flame and no heat at all! Chu Zihang had exploded the entire steam room but had set up an exclusion zone where no flames or heat were permitted.
The metal objects in contact with Royal fire were immediately out of Susie’s control. The smaller metal fragments even began to melt. Only the original black blades remained unaffected. They still shot straight at us.
Zihang yanked Tongzi from its sheath at my side and I drew Spider Fang. He shattered the blades coming at me, and I knocked away the blades coming at him.
The blades I struck whirled in midair and recovered, coming at us again! Zihang and I stayed back to back. The blades were dancing around us. Trying to get at Zihang who had the black capable of killing them.
Zihang suddenly took a powerful leap, straight up from a standing start and aimed Royal Fire again, this time directly at the ceiling, destroying it. I heard Susie’s scream as she fell down from the floor above us. The black blades were lost in the debris.
Royal Fire burst again, sending the debris scattering away from where Ru’Yi and I stood. Ru’Yi had had enough of this and cried, gasping in distress, but I couldn’t comfort her. Not yet.
Susie didn’t bother landing before she launched an attack on Zihang, calling her blades to him. But he was no longer the inexperienced novice from before. He shifted slightly to the left and drove his knee into her abdomen with all his strength, going down the rest of the way to ground.
Susie lay gasping on the floor, looking up at him in disbelief as he stood over her. “How did you know where I was?” She asked in a harsh rasp, coughing and gagging from the force of the hit.
“Susie! How could you do this?” Johann’s voice was no longer the soft, child-like appeal of a teenager but that of the commander of Lionheart. “How could you? You know the rule! Deadly force should only be used against dragons, death servitors, and hybrids who have lost control. We are none of those things! This isn’t you! This is wrong. You should know this!”
Susie was silent, stunned. “You’re from Cassell?”
“Answer me! Who told you to attack us?!”
I pulled Ru’Yi from her wrap and walked away to try to nurse her. She was unhurt but her face was blackened from the metal soot in the air.
“My orders come from the highest authority. Don’t act like you’re innocent!” She grunted, trying to get up and failing. “Royal Fire is uncontrollable! It’s like creating a bomb in thin air! But when you use it, you have complete control! No one knows where you come from. Just like no one knows where Lu Mingfei comes from! Yet, Lu Mingfei... he knows you and took you in. If Lu Mingfei is a Dragon King, then shouldn’t you be too?”
Chu Zihang’s voice softened. “You’ve been deceived. Mingfei is no Dragon King. And neither am I.”
“Dragon Kings often don’t know they’re Dragon Kings until they’ve awakened! Until then, they believe they’re ordinary humans!” She shot back. “I can’t take your word for it. I have to make conclusions based on what I know!”
Chu Zihang reached toward the ground, grabbed one of the black knives and stabbed her straight through her arm, nailing her to the ground.
Susie wailed in agony and I grabbed Ru’Yi’s head and pressed her to my chest so she wouldn’t see it. Like an experienced surgeon, he pinned all her limbs, both arms and both legs, with her own blades.
He wasn’t finished. Ignoring her screaming, he picked up the iron pipes scattered nearby, one by one, and, expertly using his soul skill, welded them into a cage around her body.
“Susie... you’re my friend, too. Does that make you a dragon king?” He looked down her while she sobbed on the floor. “Thanks to your use of the Blood Rage technique, these injuries won’t be permanent. I have to go help my other friends but when I’m done, I’ll come back and break you free of this brainwashing.”
He removed the dark trenchcoat from his back and tenderly covered her. “I don’t want to do this. But you’re just too strong.” He smiled at her. 
“Who are you?” She asked again.
He didn’t answer, he returned to me, placing one arm behind my back, escorting me out.
Susie wailed one more time as we left the room. “Who are you?!”
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yastaghr · 4 years
Carried Skeleton 11 - Death
Chapter Summary: Flowey plays torture with Sans to Papyrus' dismay and Chara and Azriel reach their destiny.
Warnings: Major Character Death, Torture
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17443730/chapters/58940371
Flowey grinned his most twisted grin, the tiny spark of a soul in his stem throbbing with excitement. He was absolutely thrilled. This was dangerous. This was daring. This was fun.
He stared at his canvas and licked his lips. There was Sans, bound to a chair, gagged, and showing real fear. His small, upside-down soul was summoned and hovering in front of him. Connected to it by a long line was an IV of healing magic that Flowey was especially proud of. It would replenish Sans’ health as he lost it, which meant that Flowey could hurt him for as long as he wanted to. He giggled. Yes, this was definitely going to be fun.
As he considered what he wanted to do to Sans first, Flowey let his anger wash over him. Papyrus hadn’t been paying attention to him. He was his brother, Papyrus was supposed to play with him! Not with some fish bitch, and not with the baby. He’d killed the fish and scattered her dust in the river so she would never have a proper funeral, and also so Papyrus wouldn’t suspect that she was dead. Then he captured Sans and got him set up properly for a long, long play time. If he couldn’t get Papyrus to play with him, then maybe he should try playing with the baby himself.
When the idea occurred to him, Flowey’s grin spread impossibly wider. He reached behind him and grabbed the sharpest knife on his table of torture. Seeing Sans’ face when he brought it out…
He was surprised to experience a moment of hesitation. Sans looked so scared. His baby brother looked so scared. Did he really want to… no, he couldn’t think like that. A soulless being wouldn’t worry about hurting someone. He had to do it. He brought the knife forward and prepared to cut.
Not far away, Papyrus was searching. Flowey had said that there was a suspicious monster hanging around their basement door before it blew up. Papyrus might not like the memory of the monster who owned their basement before them, but he knew that machine meant a lot to Sans. If he could find the monster who had blown up their basement then he could figure out why, and if he could figure out why then he could stop them from doing it in the next timeline, and if he could stop it then Sans would be happy. He wanted Sans to be happy.
When he found the abandoned shed in the outskirts of Waterfall, of course he decided to check it out. An abandoned looking shed would be the perfect place to hide after committing a crime! That’s what all his favorite TV shows said, anyway. So obviously he went in!
He wished he hadn’t. Seeing the state that Sans was in, the blood dripping off of Flowey’s knife, the expressions on their faces… it was heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. They were brothers! Granted, Sans didn’t know that, but Flowey did! Why was he doing this? Sans was bleeding from every bone in his body. Flowey had filetted and carved into his bones to create an almost random design; almost because Papyrus recognized it as Asriel’s signature attack pattern, the one with stars raining down out of the sky.
“FLOWEY,” Papyrus said deeply. Flowey jerked and spun around, a weird expression on his face. It was like worry, confusion, slyness, and fear were all thrown into a blender, frozen with liquid nitrogen, and scattered on a plate of anger and pain. “WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY BROTHER?”
Flowey’s face contorted as he tried to come up with an explanation that would get Papyrus off his back, but Papyrus wasn’t having it and let it show. He wanted the truth and he wanted it now.
“Um… shit. I-” Papyrus glared at him, “You haven’t been paying attention to me! I’m your big brother! I’m the one you’re supposed to be playing with, not the baby! So, since you’re so obsessed with the smiley trashbag, I had to do something to him to get you to pay attention to me! So I did!”
Papyrus could see it in Sans’ eyes. He hadn’t known that it was Asriel doing this to him. Papyrus tried to mirror that expression, and it must have worked, because Flowey bought it. “YOU- YOU- AZZY?”
Flowey looked shocked for a moment, like he hadn’t meant to say that. Then he jumped on it and owned it. “Yes, it’s me! I’m stuck with my memories in a stupid, soulless flower and I can’t even play with my own brother, so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under. I want your attention and I want all of it! I don’t want to share you with some stupid fish! I don’t want to share you with Sans, either! I don’t want to share you with anyone!”
Papyrus gulped. Oh. So Flowey was jealous. That… sort of made sense. Azzy could get really moody if he wasn’t getting the attention he thought he deserved. This was just kind of that taken to an extreme. A really, really scary extreme. But if Flowey really was soulless like he said, that made sense.
Flowey eyed him in a way that Papyrus couldn’t quite place. It lasted uncomfortably long. Then Flowey shrugged, dropped that wicked knife onto the cold, hard ground, and backed up. “Be my guest. I’m not going to let you out of my sight, though, and you’d better not tell anyone that this was me.”
“OF COURSE NOT, FLOWEY!” Papyrus said as he stepped forward, ready to start untying Sans from the chair he was bound to. “IF I DID YOU WOULDN’T GET TO PLAY WITH ME! NOW, PLEASE STAY BACK. I DON’T WANT YOU TO-”
That was when it happened. Papyrus had been trying to be careful. He’d untied the arm restraints with the utmost care and was moving to the left leg when he bumped it. It was such a little bump! It shouldn’t have done that much damage! But nobody bothered to tell that to Sans’ soul. The little bump jostled the needle connecting that weird IV thing to Sans’ soul. It lost its stability and fell out. Papyrus only had time to look up and see the panicked expression on Sans’ face before his whole body turned to dust.
Papyrus froze. He- no. That can’t have just happened. It was a joke, right? It had to be. He turned to Flowey, and his expression broke that little fantasy. Flowey looked like he was lost and in agony. This… this was real. He really had killed his little brother.
Flowey slowly nodded through the shock. It was clear that he didn’t know that Papyrus remembered. Papyrus just hoped that, if he could keep Flowey entertained long enough, Sans would be safe.
“I can do that, cheery doormat. I promise.”
Staring at your own dead body was definitely surreal. So was hearing your brother’s thoughts, especially when they were so steeped in grief. Chara focused on them, trying to pick out the thread that would let them help him.
<... It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault->
Chara interrupted that thought right there. <Azzy, stop that. It’s no more your fault than it is mine. I told you that I was dying anyway. It was going to be old age before long. We just hurried it along a bit.> Azriel sniffed. Chara felt that, felt the tears in his fur (and wasn’t that a weird feeling), and sighed. <You’re such a needy crybaby! Come on, we have to get out of the Barrier before Mom and Dad come back. Don’t make me move these limbs myself!>
Azriel sniffed again, but Chara could tell that this one was different. This one was just Azzy trying to clean up his face. Chara smiled and felt that smile translate onto Azriel’s face. <Okay, Chara. You wanted to see the flowers in your village one last time, right?>
Chara nodded and picked up their own body. Azriel recoiled, but Chara explained, <I don’t want Mom and Dad to have to figure out what to do with it. We can put it in the flowers on the Surface, okay? I know you’ll like them. They’re golden, even more so than the buttercups. I don’t know what they’re called, though.>
Azriel headed out of their bedroom and towards the Barrier as they talked. <I know. You drew a picture with Sans, oh, twenty some years ago? He still keeps it safe from juice stains.>
Chara nodded, noting absently that walking through the Barrier felt like static and cotton balls. <Yeah, I know. I never thought he would take it so seriously. I figured he would forget about it in a few years, maybe.>
<Monsters live for a long time, Chara, so we have to remember stuff for a long time, too.> Azriel admonished, <It’s still so weird to me that humans can only live a bit over a hundred years. No wonder you changed so much physically! I just thought you were like the Whimsums. They go through so many life stages, and they look so hugely different in all of them. I never thought that you were actually aging that fast. Wowie!>
Chara shivered as they stepped out into the sun for the first time in decades. It felt so weird against Azriel’s fur. He was standing in shock, taking everything in for the first time. Chara was too busy reliving their mad escape to feel that awe, however. The only thing they could do was shield Azriel as best they could from the horrors in their mind. They didn’t want to worry or upset him. If they’d known that this whole soul absorbing thing would involve sharing thoughts, well… they might have reconsidered who they asked to absorb them. Maybe Gaster would have been a better idea after all.
<Is that your village, Chara?> Azriel’s voice interrupted their thoughts.
Chara blinked, trying to focus on what Azriel could currently see. He had to have been walking for a while, because he was approaching the clearing that their village used to be in. It looked bigger now. There were a lot more houses and buildings. It could hardly be called a village anymore. It was now a small town.
<Yes, this is it. The clearing with the flowers is over by that big tree there. At least, it used to be…> Chara said. There was now a fence and a gate around the flowers. That hadn’t been there before.
Azriel walked over and carefully opened the gate, setting Chara’s body down on the flowers and sitting next to it. Chara ran their hand through the flowers, getting Azriel’s fur covered in seeds and pollen. Maybe when they got back home Dad could have some fun trying to grow them. Of course, he wouldn’t need to if they did what they had planned to do. Chara forced his body to stand up and look around. There were some humans not too far away.
<Chara… what are you doing?> Azriel asked uneasily.
<I’m doing what Dad always said to do and being the Saviour of Monsterkind.> Chara said stubbornly. Then they stepped forward and brought Azriel and themselves into their destiny.
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entuzijazam · 5 years
A heartfelt letter to myself; to @entuzijazam
This year was so bad for me because a lot of small things happened that I let grow into something bigger. First, I got my heart broken by the person I was in love with. Now I don’t have any normal connection with that person, despite still appreciating the person he is, despite what happened between us that was so hard and heart-breaking at the end (maybe it’s better for, both, me and him this way). Then my dear grandma passed away…after 3 years of agony watching her shut away.
I became so filled with anger and bitterness…I let my pain and sadness swallow me whole, bite by bite, because I preferred the familiarity of pain rather than pain of fighting against those feelings. Somehow, I couldn’t find the energy.
I hurt my friends because I was hurt (bc I am hurting). I almost lost my best friend because of my reckless behavior. Fortunately, I got her back after sincere talk. I don’t want to be a burden, I cannot be a burden, but lately I’m a burden on myself.
Yeah, I do have those moment of fleeting, extraordinary joy, of pure Enthusiasm. Those can last for days, too. But somehow these feelings wash over me again.
My self-esteem has never been lower. I indulged in fleeting connections because I thought I’ll get temporary feelings out of it. It only made it worse. I’ve been writing this for the second time (bc the first time Tumblr was so rude and went back amidst writing this) and i dont want to make this perfect, cause its not poetry i am not trying to romanticise anything. This is just my state at the end of this year (2019). No reverse, no hiding, no romanticising, no exaggerating. I’ve been, also, polluted by this one particular toxic mindset for over 3 years now, and I know i’m gonna break out of it really soon…but I am afraid that the sudden change and freedom will be overwhelming for me. However, I cannot wait. I already have plans, and i know that my mental state will be 50 %, if not more, better solely because of it. I cannot explain the bitterness as a consequence of all of this. I have always been this strong child that could endure anything. Literally anything..that life throw at me. And being told that i dont have any life experience has been hurtful for me, too. Now i feel like i am constantly searching for someone to protect me from this world, cause ive been strong for a very long time as a kid, and in early adolescence. I am truly lost. Not lost in the way that I don’t see future for me. I do see it. I know I’ll make it after all, despite anything. But i am lost in the way of what i feel, if i will be okay, and how long it would take me to achieve this state of being okay…..let alone, being happy.
I know this sounds like a random rant shit post, but I promise that it isn’t. I wouldn’t be thinking these thoughts every single night for like 8 months so far. I wouldn’t be hurting for so long. I didn’t let myself heal. I don’t know how I let myself believe to be so incapable to start the healing process. Always in my mind hoping that the person who loved (air quotes loved) me will come back, that something unexpected would happen and a superhero in shiny armor will come to rescue. :) Well, life doesn’t work like that. And it’s difficult for me to explain to anyone what happened to me…It especially breaks my heart to hear my mother over the phone sick worried because she knows (hears) that I’ve been crying again..and that this got out of hand again. I promise myself to love myself in the new year…to at least try so. To let myself let go, to let myself fall a hundred times and learn from it. To laugh at a silly dish that turned out wrong, bc “for fuck’s sake, I cannot cook anything!” instead of bursting into crying ‘cause I made yet another mistake. I’ll teach myself, I’ll love myself. I love to imagine that our love depends only on love of another. But I know this isn’t so. I crave constant attention, and this also knows to be a problem. I’ll try  to humble myself down, treat myself. Ask for help. I know I need to do this.
This Tumblr helped me so so soo much over the years. And I couldn’t be more grateful to be part of a community like this. Maybe someone would call this “my feelings being all over the place again, me not being able to control my feelings bc i’m such a fragile person” but I can’t anymore let this touch me. I know I am like that. And maybe it makes me more of a quality person. I have compassion, I am not ever boring, I can love fiercely, I can grieve fiercely. How can softness and vulnerability exist in the same place as fierceness? Well i cannot be tamed down. And i need to learn to lick my wounds. I have been doing so for the past months…but it’s time to take the things really into my hands…even though they are shaky, even though I am afraid of dropping on the floor and breaking like glass again. But fear shouldn’t stop me after all.
I am hopeful.
Lots of kisses from this wounded strong fighter, Imma go to sleep or eat my doughnut now. Probably eat it in the morning. Good night.
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im supposed to be working on uh literally anything else but instead i gotta get this outta my brain
tl;dr: slag is causing the Psychos to spread across the galaxy bc the Calypsos are using it to both brainwash their cultists and give them ‘special powers’. i mean, its not just slag, it’s eridian ruins/tech, too, but the Twins are utilizing slag the most. which explains the slagfalls and also the processed eridium everywhere still. im hoping sirens will help us cure this- starting with Krieg because slag/Psychos have some sort of connection to the other dimension, just like Sirens, but more messy. also this insanity from the slag/Psycho-ness is literally Mayhem and us fans are taking part in it- we’re the cult irl. plus, this game is gonna be about love and the relationships we have with the people we care about and that’s all the roses mean because i’m feeling s o f t tonight. tomorning. whatever maaaaan
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“… among their fractured ramblings, it is tempting to try and find a deeper meaning…”
“[their madness] defies attempts at explanation or containment. from an isolated region of a single planet, to a nearby moon, to systems throughout every human colony, madness is catching…”
you can’t tell me this isn’t just BEGGING for us to figure it out
so, for my own sake:
i have a theory.
i kinda sorta hinted at this with my destroyer theory but i REALLY wanna go all out in this because i think this is actually something to think about… mostly because ive seen A Scene… and i wants to talk about it, vh. i wants it
now im gonna `lol` ignore everything about my lost legion eternal theory and start entirely from scratch. it’s also 1am here for my apologies if this comes across as incoherent because wow i should be asleep but fuck it i got research to do
so it all starts with psychos. i mean i guess it does. it’s gotta right? i brought in pictures it must
the guide admits that the first psychos came from Dahl’s prison colonies
the ones abandoned on pandora, now ive kinda talked about this b4 but imma talk about it again bc uhhh fuck it? why not.
so we know a lot of the bandits left on Pandora mutated because of the eridian ruins/the key. this is referenced mostly in sledge’s mine
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its like world-wise called headstone mine but i never remember that. SLEDGE’S MINE
notice that line “most went crazy and many were physically mutated as well”
so i think it’s safe to say whatever they found in there started causing psychos to appear on pandora
im saying that i think eridians are the cause of Psychos across the galaxy
i have a lot more proof for this so please sit back and enjoy the ride because i think its really really cool
so lets look at hector’s logs from the newest dlc
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“one of my boys found a shiny alien trinket”
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“a few boys went rabid already, had to put them down”
now idk if there’s a connection here, but it’s interesting that both times, people who found these eridian artifacts started going crazy soon after
shit i mean even tannis begins to go off the wall after her and her dig team start investigating the eridian sites. although if that is because of the horrific incidents that befell her and her team or the ruins idk for certain. i’d bet its the shitty incidents tho
there’s more to this, hang on…
alright, so, lab rats? they’re pretty cool right?
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we all like lab rats! personally, chase is my favorite, but adam is hilarious. that final season, huh? pretty wicked… wasn’t really a fan of the island setting but you know what, to each their own. it’s cool they actually progressed the show instead of staying stagnant. that got my respect even if it moved in a direction that wasn’t my cup of tea.
anyway Q U O T E S:
“Hyperion opened my eyes. i didn’t want it!��
“needles in my eyes!”
“don’t you look at me!”
“i can see! i don’t want to see!”
so there’s obviously something ~fucky~ going on with the lab rats and whatever it is they can see from the hyperion experimentation. we know hyperion had a hard-on for slag experimentation and you know i wouldn’t even be shocked if they were injecting these rats’ eyes with slag.
the best part is their reactions when they’re phaselocked. Unlike most enemies, the lab rats will only react to maya’s action skill, and none of the other VHs.
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vs something like a marauder:
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who has all these voice lines for Zer0, Axton, Sal (merc), AND Maya
the lab rats will only ever respond to being phaselocked.
and what do they say?
“i see the universe!”
“i see infinity!”
“it’s beautiful!”
 (now weirdly enough i was told on the tv tropes for bl2 that the lab rats will say “I see it more!” when phaselocked by maya, but i couldn’t find a source for that. couldn’t even find it in the files i extracted from the game. i checked an online video just to double check because you know, my extraction could’ve been off, but it wasn’t there, either. even phaselocked one a bunch as maya and i couldn’t get it to proc. so, idk where that info came from, if someone could give a source/proof that would be awesomesauce.)
sooo what do other enemies say when phaselocked? usually… they just see blue. so nothing quite as interesting as infinity.
so wtf is up here? 
im thinking the experiments hyperion performed on the lab rats are letting them see the dimension maya locks them in. i mean, tbh, i think they can see into that dimension whenever they open their eyes, but maybe maya’s phaselock makes sense of it for them. because they seem to be in indescribable agony outside of it
but the lab rats aren’t the only enemies that only react to being phaselocked
turns out the psychos only react to phaselocking, too
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they also have some fun lines:
“I can see forever!”
“I’m home!”
“I’m inside… I’M INSIDE ME!”
with some other nonsense thrown in for fun
so idk, just taking a look at this, it’s clear the psychos and lab rats are seeing something that the other bandits just aren’t seeing. most reactions are demands to be released or that they’re flying, or just straight up confusion as to what’s happening.
is that the side effect of their exposure to slag/eridian tech? yeah, imma bet on it. their mind machines probably broke because they saw something they weren’t supposed to (possibly into the other dimension. the one maya phaselocks them in) without proper ‘protection’ and thus went batshit. like maybe sirens are protected from the craziness of the other dimension because they’re ‘chosen’ or whatever. iunno.
i do think it’s most interesting that the psychos seem familiar with whatever they’re seeing, calling it ‘home’ and well… themselves. 
so why in the fuck am i talking about all this? because i think it ties straight into bl3.
let’s bring back lab rats and their experiments
you know how hyperion was supposedly injecting their eyes with slag? and it caused them to shoot those weird blue lasers out?
what happens to the destroyer’s eye in tps?
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yeah we inject this bad boy with slag
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“i only juice the eye with a little bit of slag at a time”
which ends up causing a singularity around the eye the second time you do it
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“if this slag stuff is powering the laser, we need to force as much of it as we can back into the eye. the increased power will trip a failsafe and let us shut everything down”
oh, increased power? you mean like how Sirens get increased power from absorbing eridium? that kind of increased power?
we know in bl1 the Destroyer seemed to have something like slag in it- those glowing pockets on the tentacles that explode into purple goo
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even its attacks are like purple liquid. which, you know… would be quite similar to slag (tho tbf, these attacks actually hurt instead of applying the debuff)
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and boy does the destroyer not like it
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“warning. space-time instability detected.” after injecting the eye with too much slag. but… why? it got too powerful? are its powers directly connected to the other dimension and by increasing it’s strength a bunch we created some sorta link between our dimension and the other one? 
i mean given the other dimension allows for teleportation and shit, im not surprised there’s a space-time instability!
i mean we’ve all seen it do the eye laser thing, and the tentacles, and the purple goop. but causing space-time instabilities… that’s new isn’t it? kinda like how Sirens get new powers after they absorb a bunch of eridium???
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so i wanna take a guess as to what the destroyer is
we know its ‘immortal in its own realm’ but when it’s taken an actual body that we can kill it, so odds are, it never actually died in bl1 OR tps. i imagine the Destroyer we see in bl1 is just a small fragment of it, and that it’s consciousness can be spread out across hosts. *EDIT: actually the lovely @automata-systemata-hydromata reminded me that you can find the destroyers brain in Helios. The other stuff I left in should be fine tho I thiiiink (thank you!).
and that, y’know, is cool and all, but what IS it??
Jack uses slag to give it a power boost, but it doesn’t seem to be happy about it when it happens. in fact, it even seems scared.
to be honest, all we know is that the eridians locked it away for some reason
idk im just spitballing here, but what if the Eridians were the creators of the destroyer? not intentionally, or maybe it was the result of one hell of a slag experiment/exposure to the other dimension/eridian tech, but we’ve seen what slag/exposure to eridian stuff does to humans… makes them go crazy, makes them start mutating. i mean, look at badass psychos. look at goliaths.
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i mean shit even think about bloodwing. she goes wild, attacking the VHs and not listening to mordecai’s instructions despite their bond
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she grows to a huge size and gains a whole shitload of new powers she didn’t have before. including fucking fire breath (which we’ve seen in burning psychos)
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you know these dudes
i go into all this eridium/slag mutation stuff in SO much more detail in this post here, so if you’re interested in mutations, read this!
so what if the destroyer is just one HELL of a mutated eridian/alien and it plus all the eridium was locked away forever in the other dimension to keep this from ever happening again? because god, i wouldn’t want that to ever happen again, either, and i guess locking away the eridium (you know the stuff used in all these hyperion experiments) would be their best bet at ensuring it. also maybe just… locking away anything with eridium for that long probably isn’t the best idea… maybe that’s why it’s all tentacles and death. maybe they just locked someone away in a Vault as a prison and then leaving them with all that eridium caused them to mutate wildly out of control. kinda like the FEV. 
i mean we know ‘slagged psychos’ look like this 
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i wouldn’t be surprised if we gave them enough slag/time they’d end up mutating even worse. and the destroyer was left in the vault for hundreds of years.
so wtf is the connection here with Sirens? there’s gotta be one, right??? is slag experimentation the first rung on the ladder of volatile science to achieving siren-hood? like you’d have slag/eridium experiments/mutations -> the lost legion eternal -> actual Sirens. maybe if sirens take in too much eridium they become something like the destroyer. now that’s fucked up to think about.
maybe it’s better the twins took lilith’s powers away from her…
oh, speaking of mutations and burning psychos and hyperion experiments, you know what we haven’t talked about yet?
let’s talk a whole lot about Krieg, because he is super important
krieg is important for a lot of reasons.
u know what his teaser trailer was named?
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yeah i don’t think that’s coincidence one bit
ahhh Mayhem.
“deep beneath pandora, an experiment has escaped”
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we know krieg is a hyperion test subject, dr samuels confirms this (and apparently contracts insanity as well at the end of the Crawmerax DLC)
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also we know some other tests going on at the WEP from the quest Doctor’s Orders:
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“this vault key didn’t make eridium come outta the ground for nothing, right?”
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and there’s this one very very very interesting line by Tannis at the end of the quest:
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“the spread of slag poisoning” yeah call it that DUMB name tannis, im gonna call it what all the kool kids are calling it: ~Mayhem~
so… Krieg.
what’s so special about him?
well… he gives us insight into what the hell is actually going on inside the heads of some psychos.
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so idk about you guys but i always took this as a poke at Maya and Krieg, but i realize now that this is talking literally just about Krieg. it’s about his body holding both sides of himself.
krieg does appear to be like lucid behind the psycho controlling his body, which, idk about you guys, but for me that plants some pretty horrible mental images of all the psychos in-game who probably have similarly exasperated people behind them who are getting murdered because they can’t control themselves anymore.
and idk i wrote this whole post about how maybe the slag experimentation is turning people into hosts for the destroyer’s consciousness and that could explain all the wacked up psychos and shit. but tbh im not gonna talk about that today
just about slag experimentation/eridium exposure. we know what it ACTUALLY does and that’s mutate the hell out of things and cause insanity.
Krieg is like… the poster child for slag experimentation/eridium exposure
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soooo why does slag experimentation make people go insane? could be any number of reasons, but tbh i would bet it has to do with that other dimension somehow. because eridium isn’t a normal ‘our dimension’ element. it came out of a vault. from a different dimension. and who knows the long-term effects of that shit.
i personally had a theory that the 4th dimension had something to do with time and that only Sirens are able to harness this power, but then i have no idea how to explain angel and amara’s powers through that lense, so eh. fuck it. just seeing an upper dimension would make you go crazy anyway, so let’s not bring any time shit into this because that’s just asking for trouble. 
either way
i think that sirens are able to make sense of that other dimension. they have some sort of command of it/some sort of tie to it that allows them to not go crazy the instant they interact with it, unlike psychos. unlike lab rats. unlike Krieg. it’s like… eridium is our window into this other dimension or some shit and Sirens are (literally) able to process it, while it just fucks over anyone else who tries to interact. ~kachow i just introduced parallels~
and tbh i think we’re going to use Sirens to help cure this plague of insanity going around the universe. probably starting with Krieg. i mean, the only time he’s able to get even an iota of control is when he sees Maya. “Turn around pretty lady!!” like… that’s HUGE for him. and Maya’s a Siren. im not saying the power of love isn’t strong… but maybe the power of Sirens is stronger. i’d love if tannis helped us out with that. maya, too, if she really did learn more about sirens on athenas. 
this all ties into borderlands 3 for 2 reasons:
1. Mayhem being both the tagline for this game and Krieg the Psycho’s DLC pack is not a coincidence
2. The calypso twins are going to be using slag to both brainwash people into becoming cultists and give them special powers
`breaks fingers` this is the real meat of this theory, all that other stuff was just getting you READY for this
let’s put the Mayhem stuff off to the side for a second and just focus on the Calypso twins.
We know they’re promising their cultists special powers and free brainwashes (lol)
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we’ve seen that one concept art from the museum of mayhem with the giant slag pool
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we know enemies are STILL dropping refined Eridium even though it seems like all manufacturers have stopped creating slag weaponry
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and we’ve seen the slag falls in a bl3 promo material already
oh yes
okay so i said right at the very beginning of this document that i’ve seen A Scene that i wanna talk about and oh baby this is it
This Scene right here
look in the very back there
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look familiar???
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~it shooouuuuullld~
yeah this is it!!!
so what i think is going down: anyone who’s not already insane is sorta ‘baptized’ as their entrance into this cult in the big ol slagfall. maybe the twins have a way to induce slagged cultists so they can have elemental affinities. not sure about that.
the twins are using slag to drive people insane (turning them into psychos) as a form of brainwashing to force people to join their cult.
so that’s the special powers and the free brainwashing and the slagfalls down.
let’s talk about why exactly we’re seeing enemies drop bars of refined eridium even though hyperion stopped making them. because the twins are making it!! it makes sense why there’s no slag guns still, even if it still exists in-universe: of course no manufacturer is going to contact an insane bandit cult just to get their hands on slag for their guns. 
there was a 7 year dry spell of eridium production so there was no slag to go around, so companies started phasing it out of their guns and replacing it with nuclear. 
but the twins have recently started production again. they’re obviously not using it in their guns, or selling it to other manufacturers. so wtf are they using it for? it’s gotta be important, it’s holy holy holy.
special powers and brainwashing!
and the refined eridium is back in circulation, so enemies are still dropping it. see? solution acquired.
as for psycho-ness spreading across the universe? it makes sense. not only are the twins using their slag to brainwash people and turn them into psycho cultists, but people are also being mutated by the eridian ruins/vault keys/vaults on the other planets and being driven insane. This craziness is quite literally Mayhem.
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Mayhem is coming, indeed! 
now let us talk about what the fucccck gearbox is doing with all that Mayhem stuff in the trailers and shit.
sooo WE are the cult surrounding this game. as the fan base. 
do u think it was coincidence that they made ‘ECHOnet’ Streamers the leaders of their big bad cult and then also immediately introduced, in real life, the Twitch ECHOcast extension and invited a bunch of streamers to play their demo? they knew exactly what they were doing. Giving away a free cultist psycho mask to everyone who preorders a console copy of the game? that’s intentional. everyone who preorders the game gets a ‘gold weapon skin pack’? yeah! you know what gold weapons represent in-universe? higher standing in the cult!! gearbox is making commentary on how we are all just like the cultists!
all the trailers having something to do with Mayhem? ‘Mask of Mayhem’ ‘Mural of Mayhem’ ‘We are Mayhem’ ‘Mayhem is coming’. We’re all insane cultists because we’re all absolutely fucking rabid for this game and they KNOW IT.
oh also we’re all in love with each other lmao. 
in all seriousness, i think the game is going to focus a lot on the relationships we have with the people we care about- our found family, our romantic interests, our friendships- and that’s being expressed through the roses. 
i think that’s why all the characters are shown in the roses on the cover art. why the roses are so prominent in the So Happy Together trailer. why Zane is sitting at a bar with a rose between himself and his clone (as a joke, but still, it’s the intent). 
red roses are, like, the most obvious way to show your affection to someone. and we know the bl3 Vault Hunters are going to find family in each other in this game. that we’re going to watch the calypso twins’ relationship become warped as the game goes on. hell, we’re probably even going to have a whole plot about tina and mordy (and talon) and brick being a small family together, and maya and ava being one as well. plus ellie and vaughn have gotten together since commander lilith. shit, guys, even claptrap is building himself a girlfriend.
this game’s about love, guys.
anyway i have been working on this since 1:30am. it’s currently 6:06am. i am very tired and very wired and those never mesh well. im gonna go eat some motherfuckin pizza.
edit: i missed the obvious connection the first time around: of course we’re going to cure Krieg, he loves Maya. and this game is all about love.
that and/or one or both of them die and gearbox hurts us right in the softest parts of our hearts.
edit 2: also yeah at some point in the near future im writing that Hyperion-Twins theory because as much as i love Atlas, i have ~seen some things~
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chicgeekgirl89 · 5 years
The Liability: Chap. 2
Read Chapter 1 Here
It felt like there was a hole in his chest. Like a really, really big hole that someone had filled with fire. And knives. And acid. And….
His eyes cracked open and he took in the familiar sight (god when did it become familiar?) of the hospital ceiling. There was a strong smell of antiseptic and something was beeping nearby. Probably something keeping him alive.
He lifted a hand to rub his eyes and found it connected to an IV. Ah. Something bad had happened to him. There were flashes of it niggling at the corner of his mind but honestly, he was pretty sure he didn’t want to remember it.
“This is your fault!” someone hissed.
His fuzzy brain recognized his best friend’s voice, but the one that answered him was a bit more of a surprise. “I didn’t ask him to come with me!” Derek Hale spat back in a harsh whisper.
Stiles forced his eyes open a little wider to find the two werewolves on either side of his bed. They were glaring at each other and both had their hands clenched into fists. Apparently there was a whisper fight going on.
“He’s a human! He doesn’t have any way to protect himself!” Scott said.
“Well then maybe you shouldn’t let a member of your pack wander the woods alone in the middle of the night.”
“He wasn’t alone, he was with you. That makes him your responsibility!”
Stiles shifted in the bed and his breath caught in his throat as the fire in his belly burned even hotter. It caught the attention of both wolves. “Stiles!” Scott sat down next to him, all his attention turning to his friend. “Hey, are you okay?”
“If by okay you mean basically ripped in half then yeah, I’m good,” Stiles gasped. “Holy jeez that smarts.”
“Take it easy,” Scott said. “Do you want me to call my mom?”
“You lost a lot of blood,” Derek said. “Most of it’s in your car.”
“Really dude?” Scott asked.
“How bad is it?” Stiles asked. “How much time do I have? Are we talking days here? Weeks?”
“It’s just stitches,” Derek said. “There was barely any internal bleeding at all.”
“Barely any is too much for someone who’s mortal!” Scott snapped.
“I got him here in time didn’t I?”
“As touching as it is to have you both fighting over my deathbed,” Stiles began.
“You’re not dying!” they both snarled at the same time.
“Right okay, well it kind of feels like I am so maybe we could do something about the pain here since you both have, you know, a magical ability to suck away the agony?” Stiles asked, his breath coming in short gasps as sweat beaded on his forehead.
Scott immediately put a hand on his shoulder and the pain slowly began to ebb away. “Thanks,” he said, willing his body to stop shaking. “What happened?”
“You followed me. The omega attacked. But don’t worry. Isaac and Boyd caught up with him. He won’t be hurting anybody else.”
Stiles grimaced. A dead werewolf was better than dead citizens of Beacon Hills, but it still wasn’t a pleasant outcome. Scott wasn’t too happy either judging by the way his hand tightened on Stiles’ shoulder.
“Is uh, is my dad here?” Stiles asked. He felt pretty terrible and as nice as it was to have his best friend by his side, his dad was the one he really wanted to see right now, even if seeing him meant a pretty thorough argument about his involvement with the supernatural and its tendency to interfere with his health.
“He’s on his way. Should be here any minute,” Scott said.
“That’s good. Anyway we could not tell him about how I nearly bled out and died?”
“It’ll be all right,” Scott said.
“Thanks for that, by the way,” Stiles said, looking at Derek. “You kind of saved my life back there.”
“Yeah well, don’t let it happen again,” Derek said.
“Definitely not planning on getting disemboweled again anytime soon,” Stiles said. 
There was a scuffle of feet in the hallway and his dad appeared. There were dark circles under his eyes and Stiles felt a wave of guilt. He’d been all the way in Sacramento for a conference and being woken up at three am had clearly taken its toll. “Stiles,” he said, his voice weary. “What…?”
“We’ll give you a minute,” Derek said.
Scott let go of Stiles’ shoulder and the pain came back immediately, making his stomach roll unpleasantly. He swallowed it down as his dad took another step into the room. “Dad, I’m okay.”
“You sure as hell are not okay.” The sheriff sank down into the chair Scott had vacated. “Stiles…”
“I know what you’re going to say, but I’m not going to do it. Scott needs me. The pack needs me. I’m not going to stop helping them just because it might result in permanent disfigurement,” Stiles said quickly.
“Stiles come on! You can’t keep doing stuff like this. You’re not superhuman!”
“Neither are you!” Stiles shouted, wincing as his stitches pulled.
“I’m the Sheriff. I’m trained to deal with situations like this.”
“Like what? Things with fangs? Magical glowing eyes? Is that a course they offer at the police academy? Because as far as I see it, the only difference between me hunting this shit and you hunting it is that you have a gun. Which, in case you hadn’t noticed, turns out to be useless on a pretty regular basis.”
He was tired and in pain and the words came out sharper than he’d intended. His dad rubbed a hand across his face. “I just don’t want to lose you,” he whispered. “I can’t lose you Stiles.”
 “I don’t want to lose you either,” Stiles said, the fight draining out of him as the pain grew more intense. “That’s why I’m doing this. To keep Beacon Hills safe. To keep all of us safe.”
He winced and his dad leaned closer. “Are you hurting?”
“Nah, it’s not that bad.” That was a lie. It was like freaking being roasted on a hot poker.
“I’ll get the nurse.”
Stiles thought about arguing, but with his best friend/pain reliever gone things were starting to become a bit unbearable. And if he was hurting his dad wouldn’t go home. And if his dad didn’t go home, then they would either fight or sit in a super tense silence and Stiles just wasn’t up to either.
The drugs had him drifting in and out for most of the day. When he finally really woke up he guessed it was between midnight and one am. He blinked a couple times trying to clear his head, willing his body to shift in the bed without pulling at his stitches.
That was when his eyes found the corner of the room and his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. “Shit! What the hell Derek?!”
The werewolf was standing moodily in the darkened corner, his arms crossed over his chest. “God damn it you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Stiles croaked. Now his stitches were definitely pulling and his pain had doubled. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”
“You almost got shredded on my watch,” Derek said. “I wanted to make sure you were all right.”
“By standing in the dark and watching me sleep like some kind of stalker?”
  “It’s kind of my thing,” Derek said, cracking half a smile.
“Yeah well…it’s creepy,” Stiles grumbled. “Ow.” He put hand to his chest wishing it would alleviate the sharp agony that came with every breath he took. Or the ache in his head. Or the soreness of his muscles. He wasn’t picky. Any kind of relief would be welcome.
“You’re hurting,” Derek took a step toward him, his eyes flashing in the dark.
“Yeah, well, mortal and all that,” Stiles said, struggling to sit up a little more. “Aren’t visiting hours over?”
“Does that matter?” Derek asked.
“I guess you’ve never really been a rule follower,” Stiles said. “Why are you here Derek?”
 “I told you. I wanted to make sure you were all right.” Derek shifted against the wall and his eyes wouldn’t quite meet Stiles’.
 Stiles realized what was going on. “You feel guilty.”
“You feel bad that the omega got me. That you didn’t stop it.”
Derek glared at him for a moment. “Okay. Fine. Yes. I feel…a little guilt that I didn’t send you home when I first sensed you. I shouldn’t have let you follow me so far.”
“I make my own choices.”
 “And it’s my job to make sure they don’t come back to bite you in the ass.”
The words seemed to surprise even Derek. “Okay…” Stiles said slowly.
 “Look, you’re not my pack. But you’re part of Scott’s pack and Scott is…kind of like family. Which makes you kind of like family.” Derek’s jaw clenched. “I don’t let people mess with my family.”
Stiles didn’t have much to say to that. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Derek watching his back.
 “My turn,” Derek said, apparently done with the emotional stuff. “What did you mean when you said I stole your best friend?”
Stiles’ memory of the car ride to the hospital was hazy and part of him had hoped he’d imagined those words slipping past his lips in some kind of pain induced hallucination. Apparently not. “I don’t know,” he said uncomfortably. “Nothing. I was just mad and in pain.”
 “You’re lying.”
“Stop smelling me!”
“Can’t help it.” Derek raised his eyebrows. “So? What did you mean?”
  “I don’t know.”
“Yes you do.”
“God, Derek, just leave me alone!”
“Not until you tell me what you meant.”
 “Scott was my best friend!” The words tore from his throat and he swallowed hard, annoyed at the tears that filled his eyes. “He was my best friend because we were the same. We had the same problems. We had the same kind of life. And then you all came along and turned him into some sort of freaking super human and I’m just…me. Still human. Before, I could help him. Now I’m just…a liability. And someday,” he swallowed hard, “someday he’ll probably decide he doesn’t need me anymore. I’m not a wolf so I’m not really pack. I’m just a leftover.”
His headache was growing worse the longer he tried to hold back tears. Why the hell was he pouring his heart out to Derek? The guy didn’t even like him.
“You’re not a leftover,” Derek said quietly. “You are human. But that doesn’t make you a liability.”
“Says the one who healed from his injuries hours ago,” Stiles sniped.
“For what it’s worth, I’m not sorry that Scott received the bite.” Derek paused. “But I am sorry that it changed things between you.”
Stiles felt drained and he took in a sharp breath as pain stabbed through his chest. “Just leave me alone Derek,” he said between gritted teeth.
 Derek took three steps across the room and put a hand on Stiles’ shoulder. The pain began to ebb immediately and Stiles felt his eyes grow instantly heavy. “You don’t have to do that,” he mumbled as sleep began to take him away.
“I know,” Derek said. But he planted himself in a chair next to the bed and held on anyway.
“Thanks for saving my life,” Stiles said, his eyes closed.
“Don’t get used to it.” But Derek’s voice was soft and even had a teasing sound? Stiles’ brain must be making things up. But still, somehow, he felt better.
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shibuemiyuu · 6 years
Desires - Hakuoki Fanfiction - Chapter 12
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Hello guys!
What will Sannan do in this chapter??
Let’s get on to the next chapter! Less rambling more reading :D
May you enjoy this chapter also ;)
Chapter of the Stories:
Prequel - Prologue - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI
@hijichiweek @kirakirachiizuru
Gazing at the backyard covered with the snow, Chizuru continued her current activity, something that she did a lot recently. She would simply sit on the hallway and face the backyard while pondering on her thoughts. She always found herself doing this since she regained her health after the fever.
Although she had insisted to the others that she was fine and not a least bit unwell, none of them (namely the captains and some other members that she was acquainted with in the Shinsengumi) would give her any chores to do. They said that while she was regaining her health, the chores that she usually did had been divided among the other members. She didn't have to exert herself and should just take it easy. Even though she knew that the others' intention was for her well being, she couldn't help but think that the Shinsengumi didn't need her anymore. That thought was stuck on her mind.
'When… did everything go so wrong? Why… had all of this happened?'
The very same thought had lingered in her mind and she always asked these questions as she pondered her thoughts.
'I know it was my fault for all the unfortunate things that happened with the Shinsengumi.'
She blamed herself most of the time.
'Do I become a bother to them? Should I leave the Shinsengumi then?'
And in the end, she always reached the same conclusion.
'But I don't want to leave the Shinsengumi. It is not only because of my situation with him.' She remembered all the things that happened since the first time she joined the force till now. 'This place…. It's my home. But, can I stay with them?'
She felt her chest tighten and it nearly made her feel suffocated. The anguished feeling, not to mention the guilt that hadn't gone away since the incident in Nishihongwanji would slip in when she was alone to think.
She tried to be strong. She tried to always have a positive mind. She tried to always look forward. She tried and tried….
'Do I have a right to stay with them after all of the things that happened because of me?'
Many men of the Shinsengumi had lost their lives in Kazama's attack.
Then the monstrous thing that her so-called father had made, the one that he claimed was done for her, for the Yukimura clan, was slowly devouring the Shinsengumi. Not to mention the assassination of Itou Kashitarou. The previous advisor of the Shinsengumi knew about the Rasetsu and ochimizu matters. The assassination resulted in even more injured men than Kazama's attack on the Shinsengumi, during the Aburano Koji incident.
She closed her eyes.
She remembered that he hadn't answer that question when she asked him before. Did he dodge the question because he didn't want to make her feel any more worthless then she felt right now? Or was it because she was sick that he couldn't tell her in his usual blunt way that no, she couldn't stay with the Shinsengumi any longer and had to leave as soon as possible? If the one that she met that night had been the oni-fukuchou persona, she had no doubt that he would have told her to leave the force and compound. Sick or not.
But the one that she had met and that had stayed with her all the night (she knew he did stay) was the man that she found herself in love with. The caring and affectionate man that had made love to her that night in Shimabara.
When she met with Hijikata later, he never mentioned or addressed that 'particular' question. It was as if she had never asked him or he had never heard the question. For one, she didn't ask him the question again. She didn't know why the courage that she had when she asked him that question had gone somewhere else. In fact, she felt relieved that he didn't bring up the matter anymore. Maybe she was scared of the answer – of being told that she had to go away from the Shinsengumi.
Away from her home…
'Away from him…'
The thought of leaving him and her incomplete bond had made her, unconsciously, terrified to the point that she didn't dare to bring up the matter anymore.
She leaned her shoulder on one of the pillars. Her body was not tired; she hadn't even done anything that day except for helping Inoue to wash the dishes. Then again, that was cut off abruptly when Inoue caught Chizuru washing the dishes. She had done it without telling the elder captain. Inoue stopped Chizuru and told her to go back to her room. He didn't want to hear any of the excuses that she had prepared for the man. So no, she was not tired at all.
But her mind was something else. It was at the breaking point. The mental exhaustion and tiredness were being underestimated. It was nearly in the shutting down process. She sighed and gazed back to the backyard.
"I am… tired."
Even though the words were said in a soft whisper, he could hear it loud and clear. There was nobody else except her and him. And she didn't know that he stood not far from where she was.
He had watched her since she came out from the kitchen with a dejected expression. He had made it his personal job to watch over her. The fright that he felt when he saw her unconscious in front of him on that day had imprinted itself on his memories.
He was the one that told the others not to give Chizuru any work until further notice. The others (Kondou, all the captains and the rest of the Shinsengumi members) complied with his command. Even if some of the members wanted to ask about the command and were confused by it, no one dared to ask the fukuchou. No, he was not in his oni mode. But the authoritative tone and the aura that he emitted were enough to make people cower.
"He is like a mother hen," said Harada one day. The captains were in the common room. Okita, Sannan and Heisuke also joined in there. Hijikata was on the way to the designated room when he heard the talk.
"He is a mother hen. I almost called him kaa-san once. His nagging was at the point of annoying. If not for the constant coughing, I would surely call him that." That was Okita, remembering one particular day that Hijikata came to his room.
"Sano-san, don't tell me you have just realize it." Heisuke peered at Harada that sat next to him.
"No, I know that he is like that. All of the members know it. But… how should I put it?" Harada scratched the back of his head. He tried to find a suitable word to describe Hijikata's behavior toward Chizuru.
"His actions towards Yukimura-kun are on another level." Kondou put in his thought. "More intense than the ones he used to show."
"Yes, I agree. But… The vibes that I got from him, I've seen and felt it before." Harada still tried to think and get the exact word. "It is on the tip of my tongue."
"Like a master that cares for his favorite servant," Nagakura blurted out suddenly. But before he could finish his words (to tell that he was only joking), he felt the temperature inside the room drop to the lowest level. He also got many sharp glares from all the occupants of the common room.
He knew he was in trouble. But he was oblivious as to the cause of it.
"W-what's with the murder glare?" Nagakura said in nervously.
"It is true that Chizuru is Hijikata-san's page. But she is not a servant, Shinpatsu-san. How can you describe her like that?" Heisuke gave off an ominous aura. Maybe thanks to him becoming a rasetsu his emotions were on the negative side most of the time.
"Heh~~ Didn't know that you thought of Chizuru-chan that way, Shinpachi," Okita said in a singsong tone, but his eyes were looking at Nagakura coldly.
"Where do you put that smart brain of yours when you're not talking about politics, huh? You are better than that Shinpachi." Harada shook his head, looking a bit disappointed.
"Please don't ever put Yukimura-kun and the word servant in the same sentence, Nagakura-kun," Kondou said in the end, displeased with Nagakura's word. "She is one of us and even though she is a girl, I never thought her position is lower than any of you in the Shinsengumi."
Saitou and Inoue nodded their heads, agreeing with Kondou.
"Wait! All of you took me the wrong way! You didn't even let me finish what I want to say! It's only joking you know. I never thought of Chizuru-chan like that! It is just my opinion of how Hijikata-san acts to Chizuru-chan! And I never consider her lower than anyone in here!" Nagakura defended himself, but the others' faces were impassive. Inside, he already felt guilty from what he said. He just blurted out his comment without thinking.
"All the sake that you drank last night must still be in your system and not making you think straight, Shinpachi. I will spar with you after this meeting. Meet me in the dojo later." Saitou looked emotionless. But his tone of voice was promising a thorough beating session for the spar later.
"I know,” Nagakura said dejectedly. “And I'm sorry for what I've said."  Later at night, in one room of the Shinsengumi headquarters, a scream of agony from the sore muscles could be heard from the whole compound. Nagakura learned the hard way to think first before speaking whatever was in his mind.
Nagakura Shinpachi was a smart man but sometimes his mouth had its own mind and would get him into a trouble.
"It is like what a man would do for someone that he has feelings for." Sannan, who had remained quiet the whole time, suddenly spoke. All heads turned to him. "It is like what a lover would do for someone that he worries and cares for."
A pregnant silent stretched inside the common room. And before the conversation could turn further against him, Hijikata stepped into the room and the talk ceased and behaved as if they hadn't just been discussing him. No one asked if he heard what they were talking about before the fukuchou came to the common room.
All the captains in the Shinsengumi somehow knew that Hijikata and Chizuru had a special relationship. But as if they had made a silent agreement, they never talked about the topic out loud. Kondou was the only one that knew the details of what happened between Hijikata and Chizuru. And now, Sannan had said it. They were silent after what Sannan had told them because they knew in their mind that what Sannan had said was true.
Hijikata was a perceptive man. That's why he felt grateful toward his comrades regarding his and Chizuru's situation. They never asked him anything about the matter; except Kondō, but that was also because of his 'stupid antics' and he would never do it again.
It was his problem. He would take full responsibility of the matter. Not to mention that he could feel the urge to always be near Chizuru. The idea of any man getting close to her was not an option.
He wanted her for himself.
Was it lust?
Or was there something deeper in what he felt toward the only woman in the Shinsengumi?
Was it… love?
The thought of the 'l' word made him snort. His position and occupation did not permit him to have the luxury for that kind of thing. He would only bring disaster if he allowed himself to bring that feeling inside the Shinsengumi. He was, after all, the vice commander of the Shinsengumi. That was enough to make anyone to think a hundred times before they wanted to get near him in a serious relationship.
Except her.
Hijikata saw Chizuru leaning on one of the pillars in the hallway. After she regained her health from the fever, and after she wasn't allowed to do any chores (courtesy of him), he always saw that she would sit in the hallway in front of her room and would gaze in silence toward the snowy courtyard.
When he heard what she had said, his hands were itching to embrace and hug the petite woman. But he restrained himself and would only look at Chizuru from a distance. The urge to go to the woman was very strong, but he steeled his resolve and in the end he could hold it.
He didn't realize that his protective side had gone a bit overboard regarding Chizuru. He would do almost everything he could to ensure her safety.
Hijikata turned to the voice that called him. He found Saitou stood next to him, bowing his head.
"What do you want, Saitou?"
"Kyokuchou (the chief) is looking for you."
"Okay. I will go to him."
Saitou left Hijikata after that. Hijikata looked at Chizuru, who had not moved from her position leaning on the pillar, for the last time, before he turned the other way and went to meet with Kondou.
Several days later, Chizuru found herself walking to Sannan and Heisuke's room. Usually the one that would bring their meals was Saitou. But he was away on duty and would not back for a long time because of things that followed after the Aburano Koji incident.
Many of the members of the Shinsengumi didn't know that Hijikata had given Saitou a direct order to join Itou when he left the Shinsengumi. Only some of them (the higher-ranking members) knew the truth and all the details regarding why Saitou left the Shinsengumi. So, when Saitou came back to join the Shinsengumi again, many of the members of the Shinsengumi were not happy and thought that he was a traitor and a coward. To the members, Saitou had left the Shinsengumi to join Itou, and then betrayed his new master when he sensed a change in fortune. Honestly, Saitou didn't care much about the animosity that he received from the other members. He knew that he just followed his superior's orders. Chizuru had once asked Saitou about this. He said that he would rather stay silent than tarnish the honor of the vice commander and the chief who had ordered his actions. But Kondou and Hijikata thought that it was not good that Saitou got all the blame. Therefore, Hijikata decided that Saitou would leave the compound until tempers inside the compound cooled down. He was assigned to protect a man named Miura Kyutaro, an official of the Kishu Domain, and would stay at Tenma.
Miura Kyotaro was an important clansman of the Kii domain who was assumed had been behind Sakamoto's death. It was assumed that Miura had arranged for the Shinsengumi to kill Sakamoto because of some incident. Later Miura had learned that his life was in danger and had arranged through Aizu for the Shinsengumi to protect him. That's when Saitou came in.
"Heisuke-kun, I bring your meal." Chizuru announced her presence. Heisuke slid his door open a little and peeked from the gap between his door and the wall.
"Thank you, Chizuru. Just leave the food outside and I will take it later. I'm not that hungry right now." Chizuru could see through the little gap that Heisuke was smiling a little at her. She had heard that since he became a Rasetsu, Heisuke's mood was mostly on the negative side. Hearing the light and usual tone that he used when he talked to her made Chizuru feel happy and sad. Happy because she could talk to her friend again and sad because…
"Chizuru." Heisuke cut into Chizuru's inner thought. He had slid the door open further, making the gap bigger. He knew what Chizuru was thinking at that moment. This was not the first time a thing like this had happened. From Chizuru's face Heisuke knew that the woman was thinking about that topic again. Chizuru had asked Heisuke about this the day after he rejoined the Shinsengumi and became a Rasetsu.
"Ye-Yes, Heisuke-kun?" Chizuru stuttered a bit. She was surprised when Heisuke cut into her inner thoughts.
"I will say it as many times as it needed. It was my decision to become a Rasetsu. I know that becoming a Rasetsu is not a good thing. But, I don't want to die yet. I would regret many things if I just died like that. Just… be happy that I'm alive and can talk to you like now." Heisuke gave Chizuru a wry smile.
"I'm happy that you're still alive and we can talk like this again, Heisuke-kun."
'If only you know that my supposed father made the ochimizu for a dreadful and stupid purpose and nothing could ever return the rasetsu back to be a human….'
"Okay, okay. Stop with the heavy feelings. I don't want to talk about it anymore. The case is closed." Heisuke clapped his hands "Heavy matters are for Hijikata-san to think about."
Heisuke posed as Hijikata, folding his hands over his chest, scowling and furrowing his eyebrows. "He is always like this whenever I see him. Wonder why that face of his doesn't get any wrinkles because he always furrows his eyebrows like this."
Chizuru covered her mouth and let out a little laugh at Heisuke's attempt to pose as Hijikata.
"AH! Don't tell Hijikata-san about this okay? I would surely lose my head if he found out that I imitated him. He is more frightening than any oni I've ever met." He was that afraid of that the vice commander. Rasetsu or not.
Chizuru couldn't hold in her laugh and let it out a little again. Heisuke's antics were never old. Even though her friend had become a rasetsu, Heisuke would still be Heisuke. One of her dearest friends.
"I promise," she told him in the midst of regaining her composure. Heisuke gave Chizuru a lopsided grin.
"Okay, I will eat now. After those heavy talks, I'm hungry." Heisuke rubbed his stomach to emphasize his words.
"Hai. Here's your food." Chizuru gave a tray of food to Heisuke. "Do you know where Sannan-san is? I came to his room first but he isn't in his room."
"Nope. He always does whatever he wants. No one knows what he thinks these days. But, Chizuru, regarding Sannan-san, I want to give you some advice."
"What?" Chizuru asked, confused with the sudden change of Heisuke's tone.
"Don't get too close to him. Watch out and be careful when you are alone together in the same room." Heisuke spoke seriously.
Chizuru nodded her head, not sure why Heisuke would say something like that about Sannan. Sannan activities were indeed suspicious, not to mention with the rumors of the Rasetsu squad about what they did when they were 'patrolling'. She didn't want to think anything bad about Sannan, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.
Chizuru waited for Sannan about an hour after she gave Heisuke his meal. Then she decided to return to her room. She told Yamazaki, who was working in the kitchen, that she didn't meet Sannan. Yamazaki told her that he would be the one to give Sannan his meal later.
When she turned to the corner of the hallway that would lead to her room, she found the bespectacled man was standing in front of her door.
"Ah, there you are, Yukimura. I am looking for you." Sannan turned his head to Chizuru when she called him.
"It's still day time," Chizuru walked a few steps and stopped at an arm's length from Sannan. She was concerned with Sannan's condition. "Are you sure you are alright, walking in the day time like this?"
"It's okay." Sannan gave Chizuru a smile. But somehow, Chizuru felt uncomfortable and uneasy with Sannan's smile.
"I also was looking for you earlier. I came to your room to give your meal but you were not there."
"I have been waiting for you in here. There is something that I want to talk to you about." Sannan's smile was still on his face. He was somewhat happy about something, which was a rare sight to be seen these days.
"P-please come inside the room first." Chizuru was nervous with Sannan's behavior but she was also concerned with Sannan's body. Rasetsu were night creatures and they didn't adapt well to the sunlight. Even though the sun wasn't bright that day, it was still day time.
"Thank you," Sannan said politely.
They entered Chizuru's room but the door was left open.
"Please have a seat," Chizuru offered politely.
"No need. I've just had a revelation. And this has made me unable to stay still." Sannan's eyes glittered with... something. He was still smiling but slowly that smile gave Chizuru a cold feeling that she could feel seep in through her fingers and begin to poke at the base of her spine.
"Well," Sannan lowered his voice and looked at Chizuru in a menacing way, "will you listen to what I've found?"
Chizuru nodded her head unconsciously. Cold sweat was dripping down her back.
"You're an oni, aren't you?" Sannan began slowly. "As an oni, you are stronger, faster, and more resilient than humans like us. That power was displayed quite clearly by the onis who attacked us at Nishihongwanji months ago."
"T-That is true." Chizuru gulped. "But my knowledge about fighting or anything related to a battle is limited. Not like Kazama or his companions who excelled with those things."
"It's not about those things." Sannan shook his head but his eyes were looking straight at Chizuru. "It's about what you have as an oni, not about what you can do as it."
Sannan took a step closer to Chizuru.
"W-What are you trying to say?" Chizuru took a step back, almost tripping because of the nervous feeling she felt.
"An oni possesses immense power. And shouldn't it be a logical thought to follow that the blood which flows through your veins, the oni veins, should be similarly powerful?" Sannan asked a question, but looked like he didn't need an answer. "Perhaps it is even potent enough to completely counteract the madness of the rasetsu."
Chizuru didn't know how the ochimizu worked but from Sannan's explanation, she found that it seemed logical and maybe a solution for the rasetsu madness. Still, the eyes that were looking at her were… how could she describe it? The way Sannan had looked at her was a bit… manic.
"Is it true? How you can be so sure?" Chizuru took another step back.
"I have done research on the ochimizu since before I became a rasetsu. Your father left his research about the ochimizu and went missing before he finished it. I was the one that took over his job and I have been researching about it since then. I know more about it than anyone else here in the Shinsengumi." Sannan also took a step forward to Chizuru. "How could I be wrong, then?"
Sannan didn't get any closer to Chizuru but he didn't leave the room either. His main purpose for coming to meet Chizuru was not done yet.
"But again, I still have to test it for myself to be sure. It's worth testing after all."
Chizuru took another step back and felt her hand touch the wall surface behind her. If she took another step, she would be trapped between Sannan and the wall. She was sure that if she tried to escape from the menacing man in front of her now, her feet would not get her far enough to call for help… she doubted she would be heard. When she walked to her room from the kitchen earlier, she didn't meet anyone on the way.
'What should I do?'
Sannan continued to talk as if he didn't notice Chizuru's anxiousness and fright, although these were obvious from the look on her face.
"If I am correct on this thing," he paused and gave a big smile, "oh, it would be wonderful! Your very existence could save the entire rasetsu squad!
"...No, it could save the entire Shinsengumi!"
Sannan's eyes had grown painfully sharp and Chizuru thought that she could almost hear the barest edge of madness to Sannan's voice.
"And now…"
Calmly and purposefully, Sannan drew his sword from its scabbard on his waist and pointed the tip at Chizuru. There was no madness or blood-lust to his movements, and that only made them all more terrifying.
"Please don't be afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of." He tried in his way to sooth Chizuru, but it had the opposite effect on the frightened woman. "I'm not going to kill you or anything.
"I just want a small sample of your blood. That will be all…"
Chizuru forgot that if she took another step to back, she would hit the wall. She took another step and when her back hit the wall, she was startled. There was no way she could escape Sannan. Her body was overwhelmed with a dreadful feeling.
But… if what Sannan had said was true, then she could help the Shinsengumi. She could be a help for the Shinsengumi's members and would no longer feel useless or worthless.
The Ochimizu that Kodou had made gave the one that drank it a surge of immense power but it also took their sanity. Only a few that had survived could suppress the blood-lust that followed after drinking the ochimizu. Sannan and Heisuke were among them. Suddenly, she remembered the night when a rasetsu had escaped and come to her room. The man told her that her blood smelled very good and the sweet scent had lured him to her room. Maybe it was his instinct to find the thing that could save him from losing his insanity. Maybe her oni's blood was a cure that could save the Shinsengumi's rasetsu. That could save her friends from losing their sanity….
She only had to give Sannan a small amount of her blood. He said that he would not kill her and it's not that she would die from losing too much blood. Her wound would close immediately and it would not endanger her life.
Chizuru looked back at Sannan and the man had taken another step closer to her. He lifted his katana and the steel blade shimmered in the light. She was contemplating the idea of Sannan's suggestion when suddenly a gruff voice cut into her thoughts.
"What are you doing Sannan-san?"
To be continued
Note: Whose voice that had interrupted Chizuru's thought? Well... we do know whose voice it is. (It's canon with the story *hint-hint*)
This chapter is a filler. At first, I want to end this chapter with Chizuru find a resolve of her inner conflict to stay with the Shinsengumi. But the chapter will be twice longer then the usual length. So, I decide that the main part will be on the next chapter. The next chapter will be mostly focus on Hijikata and Chizuru.
I hope you enjoy this chapter. And reviews and feed-backs will always be appreciated.
See u on the next chapter.
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kunalkarankapoor · 5 years
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"Other actors just play their character but Kunal lives that character and makes it alive in our hearts n memories forever. Such is the magic of Kunal. We can't save ourselves from it and frankly speaking we don't want to." - Ruchi Gupta
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"Honesty, passion and connection. These words define Kunal. Are visible in each of his character." - Ruchi Gupta
I don't know where I stand with him. And I don't know what I mean to him. All I know  is that every time I think of  him, all I want to do is be with him. Do you ever just think about some one and immediately get really happy because their mere existence is a source of joy to you? 'HIM' - Just one word, yet one person comes to my mind, 'Kunal Karan Kapoor' People lets admit it. we love him.  we seriously do. Its crazy Kunal because I don't even know when you became so important to me. Its like watching a  snowstorm .  I see the flakes falling, but I didn't realise how they added up. Then suddenly my whole lawn  is covered . Every little thing of yours has added up, and you are my snowstorm, baby. When I first saw you I honestly had no idea that you would be so important  to me.. When I think , the whole world disappears  and, its just me and kunal. in my whole little world kunal love is broad ; If you love someone, you love all things , not just their looks. Love is narrow ; you love one and only one, compared to  you, no one else matters to me Have I told you yet... How much I love  you, how much you mean to me.. Have I told you yet.. About all the happiness you bring to me.. Have I told you yet.. That you mean the world to me. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.. Just in case I have not.. I want you to know.. I love u.❤ Kunal Mania 
vinitagill: “Each scene lingers in your mind because of what he brings to it !” k_mavourneen: “The more I see him, the more am in love with him.. gosh..” kunalisthan: “Kunal sir's natural acting never fails to connect us with the situations.it seems as if we are travelling through a web of various emotions and can feel the agony,happiness and any kind of emotions the character is experiencing. Mohan Bhatnagar was a character which was given life by kunal sir.I don't want to think mohan just as a character written by any writer.the character had a soul,voice,a real existence in our minds.and it could never have been possible without this powerhouse of talent, Kunal Karan Kapoor.”
pujam_andal22: “His eyes and actions speak more than his words... Love that part in whole season of nbt😘😘 No one can speak through eyes..😘😘 his eyes r Magical!!”
ipsita_kia_224: “His amazing acting brings to life every character portrays in screen”.  
ashapurna5: “Everyone's story is coming at a similar point.. 😍 When I 1st saw the promo of this show season 1 that was really an OMG moment.. Maine already kunal ji ko pratigya me as angad dekha tha.. So it was hard to believe that is this the same guy.. He's looking so handsome here.. Actually the show's promo was catchy and different.. It was released at a time wen all the TV Shows name was based on a song.. Nd I suddenly remembered this song.. But could nt watch at that time as my 12th board exams were approaching .. But managed to watch somehow as I had that craze ki nahi mujhe toh dekhna hi hai.. Dheere dheere became an everyday part of life.. The spiderman chawanni was the 1st bond which was like dil jeet lena type.. Nd then all was like heaven.. The scene in which mohan professes his love for megha in front of whole family seriously broke my heart.. It felt like it was kunal and not mohan.. If I watch that scene 100 times.. 100 times I'll cry just by watching it.. 2nd season is way more mature and good.. It just made megha and mohan cry so much.. That sometimes makes me sad.. Every year I watch both the seasons 1 nd 2 on voot♥️♥️😍 there's really once in a while a show like this comes..to make u drive crazy for years and decades to come. Thank you @kunalkarankapoor “.
ashapurna5: “Jiski aankhein ho ruhani.. Jo bole dil ki zubaani.. Adaaon me ikhtiyar.. Jisse karein poori duniya pyar.. Chehre me base noor.. Wahi toh hai Kunal Karan Kapoor😍 “
ashapurna5: “Some people express by their words.. Some people impress by their eyes... But only few people can express and impress both by their eyes... He's one among them♥️♥️😍”
ashapurna5: “Teri hasi dekh insan Dard me bhi muskuraye.. Jaise mili ho khuda ki inaayat ban jaye.. Toot kar bikhre huye raahi ki aakhri umeed ko.. Jaise mila ho aashna uske wajood ko.. Keep smiling always like this KKK♥️ “
ashapurna5: The person with a distinctive uniqueness.. With a golden heart.. Nd a genuine smile.. With a lively aura.. That's KKK... WHEN YOU SMILE THE WHOLE WORLD STOPS AND LOOKS FOR A WHILE♥️♥️♥️  His every reply or ans directly comes frm the heart.. Nd that's what shows his originality and genuineness.. His humble and down to earth nature is what makes him stand alone with pride frm the crowd♥️♥️
sumita_0227: “One of the reason we love his ivs is PURITY.dil mein jo jubaan mein woh.he never pretended to be the perfect.he presented himself the way he is(we have got many evidences).jo bhi karte ya bolte hai dil se hota hai ek chote bachche ki tarah.GENUINENESS HUMBLESS and INNOCENCE.this world is a very difficult place for innocent people.they often get hurt.but still he never stops to be innocent and genuine.so i call him brave as well.chahe duniya jo bhi bole....he is the best and wll remain the best.💕💕 “
duskyhues: “Omg.. what a performance. I have told it many times. Would like to reiterate dat kunal Karan kapoor carried the entire season 2... on his shoulders... with his impeccable performance”.
sumita_0227: “There are somethings which are difficult to express in words.it can only be felt and that's what kunal sir make us do.he makes us connected with every emotions of him or rather the character's.it seems as if we can see his soul through his eyes.dialogues are not needed when the eyes and body language can emote so much.it's soul exposing.it's like a magical song he sings to us and we get drown into it's melody.💕💕 “
ashapurna5: “The more I see you.. The more I admire you.. The more I fall for you.. Change is constant.. But you are the one who make that change worth of acceptance.. Love you KKK in all aspects ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍 “
vinitagill: “His voice sounds so husky n sexy in this scene!” 
paviviji: “Expression king I bet u no one can beat his expressions” 
k_mavourneen: “He's an amazing actor.. just too good..” 
priyark31: “Har scene main jabardast performance di hai kunal ne. Tareef ke liye saare words kam lagte hai. Thank you @kunalkarankapoor itne khubsurat itne memorable scenes ki gifts dene ke liye. These serials n scenes r an all time hit. Thankkkk youuuuu so much. 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕 “ 
sonalipahuja65: “Extremly talented kunal” 
priyark31: “Kunal ne har scene main jaan daal di hai, har baar utana hi maja aata hai scenes dekhane main jitna pahli baar aaya tha. #kunalkarankapoor you are the best . 💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍 “
kunal.kkk.admirer: “Kunal's Speechless acting without any word He expressed His all pain in this very short scene ❤ Every time He proved that He is truly a King of Expressions 👑❤”
priyanka.m58: “Everytime when I watching your face,or just even single actions from you I don't know what happened inside of me....It's more and more gives happiness and I started smiling like a child...love you..love you lot..Kunal. And special thanks to Ani..you're editing & your works👏 it's made me to feel good day by day...Hats off to you.💐”
priyark31: “Full of emotions, talkative n most beautiful eyes.💕💕💕💕”
shivangisainisimpleI: “guess not a single scene can describe his commitment...n dedication...all scenes r just magical” 
niveditha_niri: “His eyes speaks everything..no dialogues are needed for him❤️💕..his expressions tells everything”   
priyark31: “Brilliant,👏👏👏 what an actor he is. I think no words can describe him. He is above all appreciation.😍😍😍😍💕💕💕”
vinitagill: “He owns every role he does ...you feel it was meant for no one else but him ! “
sangeetha0606: “Having said that actor like @kunalkarankapoor is par excellence and even the story can be moulded not just because of TRP, but also should be because of a character's reach to the audience..this also challenges the writer and the director..this way the TRP will automatically go up...” 
kunalisthan: “Waiting to witness many more amazing chapters in this beautiful journey. Many more memories are yet to be made and so many new stories and adventures are yet to be unfolded by him. So many characters are waiting eagerly for him to get a life through him. Their emotions are waiting to be expressed through his eyes and expressions. And I am ready to discover him more and more through this wonderful journey.❤️😊”
priyark31: “Truely remarkable...It's a delight watching Kunal's acting, how an amazing actor can give meaning to three different characters and portrait their personalities with such perfection. @kunalkarankapoor is one and only... “
ruchi_kajalvarshney: “The best part is he completely dissolves in the character whether it's funny, intense romantic, sad Or shattered.. He lives that character❤️and makes it alive forever in our hearts ❤💞 “
arpitaoscar: “Kunal sir.. I think koi bhi aisa award abhi tk ni bana jo apke acting ko ja sake coz... Sab awards apke acting k liye kum hai.. Bestest actor... “ 
kunal.kapoor_22: “Hardwork never fails... For each and every scene he put lots and lots of effort and moreover sometimes the normal scene itself become the most beautiful scene because of his presence and effective effort... Such a wonderful brilliant actor 💞👏👏👏” 
Shweta Deshpande: “His ever talking eyes are his best assets. Love them and the gentleman who owns them.” 
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ruffsficstuffplace · 8 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 69)
Qrow noticed the beam, pushed Ruby out of the car before he and Taiyang jumped out themselves, just barely avoiding getting incinerated along with it.
The flaming, falling wreck kept on going, headed straight for the others still on the floor, Yang, Blake, and Weiss unable to run for exhaustion or their injuries.
Winter rocketed through the air, stopping the wreck with a tractor beam before she threw it away to a deserted area of the park. Then, she zoomed over their heads, taking Pyrrha and Weiss along with her while leaving the others behind.
Qrow, Taiyang, and Ruby rolled on the ground, and hauled ass to the others, Taiyang stomping his feet and raising up walls of rock, dirt, and concrete behind them. The Queensguard reacted by destroying them almost as fast as they went up, with magnetically-accelerated bullets, energy blasts, and high-explosives.
Cinder screamed and flied up into the air, started blasting fireballs, blinding beams of superheated light, and making magma erupt all over Goldleaf Park to give both the surviving Heralds and Council forces cover to get the hell out of there as the Queensguard pulled back.
Weiss looked around as Winter sent her and Pyrrha zooming across Candela, suspended just in front of her in bubbles of energy.
The streets were deserted but for the peacekeepers and AFA roaming around in squad vans and tanks, thundering through the forgotten booths and stalls, helping tourists and citizens still trapped, and warding off looters and other criminals trying to take advantage of the chaos.
She frantically turned back to Winter, her face hidden underneath her helmet. “Winter, is that you?!”
“Snow Queen to Castle: both VIPs secured, en-route to Marhalika Avenue, and need extraction ASAP!” Winter barked. “I don’t know what the hell else these Tangos are capable of, and I don’t intend to find out!”
Then, she spared a glance at Weiss, and said, “Yes, yes it is, Weiss!” She smiled underneath her helmet. “We’ll get you both back someplace safe, somewhere where we can undo whatever the hell it is those people have done to you….”
Weiss tried to beat at her armour, found herself turning round and round inside her bubble. “Take me back! Take me back! Those people are my friends!”
“Mine too!” Pyrrha cried.
Under the helmet, Winter’s eyes widened. “Sweet Shepherd, it’s even worse than I thought...” she muttered as she made a hard bank to the right, Pyrrha and Weiss’ internal organs spared from the laws of physics with the help of the fields.
“You’ve got it all wrong, sis!” Weiss screamed. “They’re not the bad guys! They were trying to help us get away!”
“I second that!” Pyrrha cried.
“You mean take you two back to wherever they’re holding you hostage and brainwashing you!” Winter cried as she sped up, straight to Maharlika Avenue. “I got your message from Kajiki, Weiss—I’ve got a pretty good idea of how badly they’ve screwed up your head!”
“I meant every single word of it!” Weiss screeched, her voice getting hoarse from the strain. “I’m not going back! The Valley is my home now, and if you’ll just listen to me, we can go back there together!”
“What the hell are they doing to you back there?!”
“Everything I told you! Feeding me! Keeping me safe! Giving me things to pass the time with! I’m on parole now, actually, and now I work on a farm… and… well… I’ve even fallen in love with Ruby!”
Pyrrha blushed. “… I have too but with Penny instead, so I would really appreciate it if you please turn us around, and back to them, if it’s not too much trouble...!”
Winter looked at the both of them in turn as she began to fly down to Maharlika Avenue, and to a waiting jet with well-armed guards waiting. She gave Pyhrra to them, before she set Weiss down on her feet, and gently put her armoured hands on her shoulders.
“Weiss, as soon as things quiet down, we are having that talk about Stockholm Syndrome again, okay...?”
Suddenly, their comms crackled with Ironwood’s voice: “All units in Maharlika Aventue: MOVE OUT! I repeat: MOVE OUT!”
“What’s wrong, sir?!” Winter asked.
“Tango coming in hot on your position, and she’s bringing serious firepower!”
She frowned. “What the hell do they have, sir?!”
“JUST MOVE! And if you have to engage, you’re authorized to use every single thing you’ve got!”
They all looked up to the sky as a missile rocketed up to their position, before it stopped, revealing itself to be Cinder, her entire body not covered in flames so much as made of them. They all stared as she raised her hands, and meteors began to rain down from the sky.
“RUN!” Winter cried as she blasted off towards her.
“WINTER, NO!” Weiss cried as soldiers hauled her and Pyrrha off.
The meteors crashed into the street, leaving molten craters in the ground, destroying gigantic chunks of the faces and sides of the buildings around them, turning the jet into twisted wreckage as the whole place began to burn.
Winter and Cinder clashed, dashing and weaved through the air, trading bursts of energy, fireballs, missiles, jets of flame, lasers of pure concentrated magic and superheated light, the flames around them growing ever hotter and larger as their surroundings began to collapse and crumble.
“How the hell are you flying and fighting like this?!” Winter cried as she fired a lance of energy at Cinder
“With the same magitech you’re using!” Cinder cried as she dodged it.
“That’s impossible!” Winter cried as she readied seven more of them. “My Mk. IV’s the only one of its kind in Avalon!” she yelled as she fired them all at once.
Cinder destroyed them with a giant wall of flame, before she rushed through the smoke and fire, tackling Winter and pinning her to the side of a building. “In the human territories, at least...” she growled, before she raised a hand of pure fire with molten magma claws.
The temperature alarms in Winter’s suit were going insane, she could feel Cinder’s heat begin to melt her armour, blister her vulnerable skin underneath. She scowled at her as Cinder pulled her hand back, prepared to plunge it into her.
Suddenly, she screamed in agony.
Winter watched as ice exploded over Cinder’s body before it almost instantly turned to steam. More and more blasts began to land on her, coming in at a steady, rhythmic pace, like a squad were firing two sniper rifles as quickly as they possibly could, one after the other.
Back down on the ground and in the nearest safe intersection, Ruby continued to fire her scythe’s farslinger, Blake feeding it a constant stream of every medium they had on them, Taiyang holding the barrel steady and keeping them from flying off from the recoil.
Beside them, Pyrrha did the same with Penny holding her energy lance steady, and Weiss’ gloved hand on the receiver feeding it a constant supply of her unsealed magic. Some distance away, Yang and Qrow loaded the last of the unconscious or severely injured AFA soldiers into an unmarked van from the Plushie Palace.
“Sorry, boys, girls, and NB’s: nothing personal,” Qrow said as he and Yang grabbed the doors.
“Trust us: you’re going to hear about the reports tomorrow morning and think to yourself, ‘Man, I am so glad I got the shit beat out of me, or else I would have been right in the thick of that shit!’” she added before they slammed them shut.
The van took to the skies and away from the scene as news teams, Queensguard, and AFA started to rush in all around Maharlika Avenue, erecting energy barriers, keeping their distance, and watching with long-range optics as they tried to figure out exactly how the hell they were supposed to engage Cinder and the others without getting killed.
All the while, the group continued to fire elemental bolts at Cinder.
From what little Winter could see of herfrom her darkened optics, she was writhing in agony desperately trying to drive her flaming claw into Winter, stopped only by the constant rain of ice, electricity, fire, and metal.
Finally, she could take no more, screaming in pain and frustration as she flew off, her body turning back to normal as she fell to the ground…
… And just in time, too, as Ruby had completely run out of mediums, and Weiss’ once full mana bar was finally dipping dangerously close to empty.
Winter pushed off from the crater she was stuck in, reactivating her wings and blasting through the burning street to the only safe haven in sight—ironically and unfortunately, where one of the very, very, very few things she was terrified of was standing with her companions.
“Will someone please tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?!” Winter screamed as she landed between Weiss and Ruby, frantically looking back and forth at them in turn.
“We’ll explain back at the Valley!” Weiss replied as they began to holster their weapons and pull out several air teleporation charms for all of them.
Winter blinked. “I’m sorry, you don’t mean the Viridian Valley, where the Keeper over there lives, right…? This is some other ‘Valley’ elsewhere in Avalon, right?!”
Weiss was about to reply, before they all saw a giant fireball heading straight for them.
Winter blasted forward and put up an energy barrier in front them.
Standing in the remnants of the broken and molten street in front of them, Cinder just sent another fireball, and another, and another, a constant rain of explosions erupting in front of Winter, her shield barely keeping it from the others.
“I hope you’ve got a plan, because I can’t keep this up forever!” she cried as she looked at her helmet’s HUD, noted the flashing red warning sign of her suit’s power supply.
“We’ll think of something!” Ruby cried. She turned back to the others. “Does anyone have anything?”
They ignored her and started thinking. Then, Taiyang snapped his fingers, sparks flying from his still metallic fingers. “I got it! Penny, Weiss: give me as much juice as you can possibly spare!”
“The hell are you planning, Tai?!” Qrow snapped.
Taiyang grinned. “Same thing we did for episode 38 of Rune Rangers: Guardians of the Grove!”
Qrow groaned. “You took seventeen takes to get that right!”
“That just means I have a lot of practice!”
Without much choice, Penny and Weiss grabbed either of Taiyang’s hands and began the transfer.
Winter’s energy barrier began to flicker, Cinder made a giant fireball and threw it at her.
The shield and Winter’s power core gave out, she rocketed past them and to one of the barriers further up the street; her fellow Queensguard rushed out to catch her and brought her back behind the wall.
“WINTER!” Weiss screamed.
She let go of Taiyang’s hand and tried to run after her, before Yang grabbed her and pulled her back.
“FOCUS!” she yelled. “We’re ALL fucked if we don’t stop her!”
Weiss screamed in frustration, before she put her hand back onto Taiyang’s
Cinder panted for breath, shivering and aching from the bolts still ravaging her system. Penny and Weiss fell into Pyrrha and Ruby’s arms, exhausted from the transfer.  Taiyang ran up, his ironbark arms now glowing golden.
Cinder let out a harsh, strained laugh. “The hell do you think you’re going to do, soft-skin?!” she barked.
“Why don’t you find out?” Taiyang called out, making the “come at me” gesture.
Cinder sucked in a deep breath, and let out a roar of pure rage as she sent a giant fireball at Taiyang.
He grinned as he snatched it out of mid-air, spinning around from the momentum before he sent it flying back at Cinder.
Her eyes widened.
Cinder staggered back, surprised.
Taiyang laughed. “Tsunami-Fist, baby! It’s a hell of a technique. Come on, give me all you’ve got, see what happens!”
Cinder growled, her ears pulling back as she began to circle a hand in the air, little flickers of light winking in front of her.
Taiyang’s smile disappeared. “Uh… you’re not casting more fireballs, are you...?”
Cinder chuckled as a halo of light appeared in front of her.
Everyone had to shield their eyes as a blinding, searing beam of light erupted from Cinder’s hands. Taiyang braced himself, his arms reflecting it away from him and the others. Aircraft began to take evasive maneuvers as he started to get pushed back from the sheer power, the laser veering all around searing the faces of the buildings and the scorching the air around it.
He stomped his feet into the ground, burying himself into the street for support. “Does anyone have anything else?!” he asked through gritted teeth. “Preferably a better idea than what I had!”
They all wracked their heads, their expressions growing more and more desperate as Cinder kept on intensifying the beam, Taiyang struggled to reflect it.
And suddenly, Weiss had an idea. “Can Taiyang use the Tsunami-Fist to absorb Cinder’s power then into Ruby’s farslinger like a conduit?!” she asked.
“Theoretically, he could, but blocking Cinder’s beam is taking all of his concentration!” Penny replied. “We’ll need someone to do it for him!”
“Can I do it?” Weiss asked.
Penny frowned. “All that energy going through your body at once will likely kill you… unless you can distribute the excess energy among the rest of us.”
Qrow nodded as he stepped up. “How do we do that?”
“I’ll put my hands on Weiss’ body, and you all hold onto me in turn. Brace yourselves—this is likely going to be extremely painful!”
“Beats getting finding out what a well-done steak feels like!” Yang cried. “I’m game!”
“Count me in!” Pyrrha called out.
<Me too!> Blake said.
“Let’s do this!” Ruby yelled as she rushed forward beside Taiyang, planted the head of her scythe back in the ground.
“Do you really think this is going to work?!” Cinder snapped.
“We’re going to find out!” Weiss called out as they all got into position.
She put her gauntlet hand on Taiyang’s back, and pointed Myrtenaster’s tip into Ruby’s farslinger. Penny grabbed her waist, the others held onto hers, and on the count of three, Taiyang began to absorb the full force of the laser, and Weiss siphoned it out of him.
It hurt.
Like every single inch of Weiss’ body, her very being was being incinerated. Cinder’s magic ravaged her system, chaotic, uncontrollable, a force of pure, absolute destruction; she almost let go of Taiyang, gave up before she burned to ashes, when she felt something:
Penny’s healing magic pouring into her and keeping her together and redirected the brunt of the damage to the others; sweat poured down their skin, their knees shook and buckled, their knuckles were ghostly white as they just kept holding on, refusing to let go, refusing to let Cinder win.
It still hurt, but now, Weiss could focus just long enough to transform the white-hot light into freezing-cold ice, then send it straight into Ruby’s farslinger.
And then, when they could all take no more, she pulled the trigger.
A giant beam of freezing cold water shot out from Ruby’s scythe, the air around it turning to frost, the molten and scorched ground turning to ice, Cinder’s eyes widening as she saw it coming just a little too late.
The farslinger attachment exploded in a cloud of icy blue magic.
Everyone but Ruby collapsed to the ground and on top of each other, overwhelmed and exhausted.
Cinder was trapped in a giant iceberg, her horrified expression clear for all too see under the several inches thick layer of pure, crystal clear ice surrounding her.
Ruby fished out all of their teleportation charms from their pockets, activated them all at once as a twister of green magic swirled all around them.
All of Avalon watched as they literally vanished into thin air.
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An Ephemeral Eternity in Seven Parts - Steve Rogers x Reader.
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MASTERLIST Warnings: Gifs aren’t mine. My English. Word Count~ 3.3k.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
How ephemeral life was? How was it that its fleeting beauty meant more as her life came to an end? Why hadn't she stopped to look around her before? Why had she been troubled with thoughts of suicide? Why did people come to value their lives just before they die? She felt so small in such a huge universe, she never liked being a pone to someone's game. But there she was; she would be their downfall. He had expected her to flee - he had planned everything so no one could ever leave. For the first time, she thought of herself as stupid enough not to have seen through. She hadn't question herself, she hadn't used her powers, she had listened to her mind and it turned out to be the stupidest of things. Never again, she thought but chuckled lightly. It wasn't going to be a next time. She wasn't worried she was going to die - maybe the opposite, really. She was worried about them. She knew they would all come, she knew what he wanted to see - an empire fall, he had said. All the years with Madam B. and HYDRA seemed to offer nothing now. She had already given up. If there was one thing she could wish for, that would be for her father not to over-react when he would found out. But she knew that it was just wishful thinking.  " If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. Did you really think I wanted more of you?" Zemo's cold voice pierced through the speaker and her entire body tried to stop the chills. They were here already. They didn't realize it was a trap, she thought.  "What the hell?" Bucky said confused but she tried to get his attention with a muffled scream. He turned his head towards the direction but saw nothing. It was too dark.  "I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here... Well, she plays a huge part too" his arrogant voice informed them while he appeared in the control room and illuminated one of the capsules with her inside, tied and muffled. Three pair of eyes were staring at her in terror. Steve hurled his shield to Zemo but it flied back. Tony tried to blast the capsule but it remained perfectly untouched.  "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets" he remarked, making her blood boil and little by little regaining fragments of her powers. She needed time to recover from whatever he had injected her with. "I'm betting I could beat that" Tony said without taking his eyes off of his daughter. "Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came" he went on, stalling them on purpose. She had to break free before he played the damn video. Concentrating every bit of her power to one sole thing - she had to break the capsule if she wanted to help them. She heard the video playing and she realized it would be now or never. For better or for worse, it was now. They heard the explosion and saw a purple color piercing through the room. The moment she got out, it was already too late. Tony lunged towards Bucky but Steve stopped him. She run towards them hoping she could help, but she just made it worst.  "Dad, stop" she tried to calm him down. He seemed happy she was okay but he was too lost in his own little world. He looked at Steve, with tears glistening in his eyes.  "Did you know?" he simply asked. How was she gonna tell him she knew too? "I didn't know it was him" Steve tried to smooth things over but he wasn't having it. Steve moved towards her, something that aggravated Tony even more.   "Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" he demanded again. She whispered a no but she wasn't heard.  "Yes" Steve answered truthfully with remorse in his eyes. Tony stepped back, his chin was jutting upwards twitchy. He reengaged the Iron Man helmet and punched Steve to the floor while deflecting gunfire from Bucky, disarming him. He grabbed Bucky and flied him across the chamber. "Tony stop, stop. He wasn't himself" she was screaming but her words meant nothing. An angry answer came back to hunt her. "You are not my daughter" he said coldly as he slammed Bucky onto the floor and proceed to jump on his arms. Steve's shield hit him and she used her powers to put some space between him and Bucky by pushing him away. A blast from Tony sent her flying across the room, hitting her head and causing her to remain down.  
Steve barged him backwards, Tony shouldered him to the floor and shackled his ankles. Bucky punched Tony, who just lifted him and slammed him against a machine. Tony raised a fist but Bucky twisted it. She got up, trying to regain her strength and decided to wait, just a moment. She had hoped that they would behave like grown up men, not like children, but no one was stopping. She didn't know if someone was to blame, but Tony wasn't making things easier. Neither was Steve. Bucky pushed them both from the walkway,  while Steve jumped into them to deflect their fall. Bucky landed on a platform while Tony and Steve landed on the concrete floor besides an opening in the wall where snow drifted in from outside. She followed them, using her powers to mild the fall.  "This isn't gonna change what happened" a bloody and messy Steve offered for the last time.  "I don't care. He killed my mom" Tony answered as if he was ten.  "What about my mom, huh? And what about my dad, Tony? What about me?" she asked him, out of the blue, distracting all of them with her wounded appearance but fierce eyes and jolts of power rushing through her veins, creating lightings in her fingertips. Steve looked at her as if she was God. One look like that could ruin or rescue, depending on which fairy tales they read, but she had never believed in them. Eyes like those could never lie, he thought, so when he looked at her, he saw all the devastation he would cause in her name, and all the inevitability of their demise, and all the people who chose peace over passion. To hell with peace. She felt like a hurricane or a lightning strike. Love should leave no survivors. He made a silent promise to her. If they got out of there alive, if they ever saw each other again, he wouldn't let her go. She saw that in a single glance.  "You chose your side when you slept with him" he simply barked at her and she felt all the anger in the world building up in her.  "You don't get to talk to her like that" Steve threatened him. They traded punches but Tony ended up pinning Steve down. Bucky picked up the shield and leaped down to help while he told her to get out. Tony managed to zap Steve who was thrown back into the wall and blow away Bucky's metal arm. Tony raised his left palm ready to fire but Bucky grabbed his leg and Tony spun, kicking him in the face. Steve grabbed Tony  and lifted him over his head, throwing him down, punching him and bashed his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core. Tony looked horrified and glowered fearfully at Steve who panted for breath. Both had blood spattered across their faces.  She couldn't stand it anymore. Every time she tried to push them apart, a blast sent her down. She took a deep breath and let out a cry of anger and agony, releasing every bit of her powers as Steve was sent flying away from Tony, with the concrete walls cracking from her powers. They looked at her in terror and awe. Steve's shield was stuck in the center of the Iron Man Suit. Looking at her, as if he was asking permission, Steve took hold of the shield, gripping the edge and pulling it free. She stepped closer to Bucky who was there, bloodied but conscious. She mouthed an apology but he was just looking at her, never wanting an apology from her. There was nothing she could do about it anymore. She knew things wouldn't be the same. But she had things to say before each took their separate ways. 
"You are all children, punching and throwing down one another because you cannot use your minds. How mature and heroic you guys are... Guess what Tony...  you're not the only who lost a mother but you don't see us running around looking for revenge now do you? I am sick of this. You have disappointed me and let me down with your stupid decisions. You were right, I am not your daughter, Tony. And Steve, I am not your girl. You had to fight for that, not fight my father. And Bucky, I am sorry" she poured her final thoughts and left them trying to understand how was it that she had become the wiser of them all. 
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With nothing but an idea, she walked away, never even daring to look back to what she might have lost. Her mind was empty but her heart was squeezing in a painful way that made her want to get rid of it all together. But she knew that they needed time and she was wiling to remove herself form the game if that meant they would come to terms with the past. She also knew, deep down, that they didn't have the time they needed but she chose not to say anything. Her powers were sensing a greater threat but her mind was always trying to help the situation already before her. She had to be the one to step back because no one else would. And it was too much watching her family fight one another. She felt the desperation sinking in. The darkness and the cold taking over. No one would tell her fairytale. Of how girls can be dangerous and still win. This world, she thought, is only capable of digesting the stories where girls are sweet and kind and reject all sin. Maybe it was terrifying, a tale about a woman who knew exactly what she was doing when she invited the wild in, a story of a powerful individual knowing when to retreat and when to attack. She smiled at the thought of Steve promising her a future just with his eyes. But the universe never promised her this would be easy. She knew it because she was the hero of her story. And heroes were meant to be forged golden from the blaze. She would rise again from the shards her family left of her. She would take on her demons and kill them. She would break all the chains that had been brutally placed on her. And she would do show while showing everyone else that she was the person they thought she would never be. She wouldn't  give up on herself, ever again. She was made out of steel. 
It had been months. She hadn't received any calls from Tony, not that she expected to. She kind of hoped that Steve would reach out but it hadn't happened. It was easy for her to hide in plain sight and nothing was quite new. Last month a weird looking guy had offered her to help her tame her powers. Ironically enough his name was Strange. She had nothing to lose and so she had agreed. It wasn't that bad, he was so tense all the time but other than, she didn't mind. He provided her with anything she needed and she was free most of the time to go outside Sanctum Sanctorum. She had to be honest; having the time-stone keeper to teach her how to master her powers had been helpful, showing her there were more to it than she believed. She had understood the origins of the powers, found out that she was just a host to them but somehow those ancient forces of nature liked her enough to let her use them. She understood Wanda's powers as well. 
She was strolling around the streets with a beer in her hand, trying not to think about them; it was just before midnight and the night was cold but she didn't really care. Why was it that difficult not to think of him? Why were his eyes constantly messing up her mind?  "Damn you, Rogers" she whispered to herself, but destiny had another plan. "You're right" a soft but ragged voice came behind, making her forget everything she ever learnt. She just froze, believing she would never hear that voice again. She didn't turn. "I am so sorry. Please, come back" his voice was softer and more broken this time as she finally turned to face him. It might have been dark but she would find his eyes even without her sight. He was different. It had cost him a lot.  "I like the beard" she commented shortly after. He offered her a small smile but his eyes were burning with one question while taking her figure in. She had changed to. She nodded to him to follow her as she disappeared into an abandoned building, one that she had found out it existed when she was looking for any relatives from  her mother’s side. He did, without asking why.  It was an old, aristocratic mansion, with elegant and delicate furniture. Everything seemed to be in place, like nothing had been moved in ages. She saw his puzzled eyes and smiled. How easy was to fall for him again? She climbed the huge, marble staircase to the attic. They didn't talk, not even a word but his eyes hadn't left her. He felt like they were invading, something she noticed.  "Don't worry, no one is gonna come here. You can sit wherever you like" she offered as she plopped down the bed. He carefully sat down too, so close to her, he could smell her perfume.  "We are not supposed to be here, are we?" he asked while he was still taking in his surroundings. Everything felt as if the owners were about to return from a walk in the park. She looked deep in his eyes. He was her Steve. She took a sip from her beer, offering the bottle to him. He gladly drunk.  "Well, the grandmother died a while ago, the mother was murdered and the daughter is right in front of you. So technically, I am exactly where I am supposed to be" she honestly told him, tired of hiding herself from the one person she wanted to talk to for hours. He was left looking at her in complete amazement. She chuckled at his perplexed expression and before she could think about it too much, she reach out and caressed his beard with her slender fingers. It was the luck of breath and the electricity that caused her heart to beat a bit too loud and his eyes to travel to her lips before settling on her eyes.  "Walking away was one of the hardest things I have ever done, Steve. How can I ever come back?" she finally told him, her hand still cupping his cheek. He glanced at her and all it took was one god-damn look for them to feel even more desperate the burning need. He gave in - her eyes were too intense for him, too honest.  "In my dreams, I am kissing you and you're whispering 'where have you been?' and if I try to answer you disappear. I know that it will be hard for you to come back. I know that what I am asking is selfish and by asking you to come back with me you would be against Tony. I never got the chance to apologize for the overwhelming amount of pressure I placed upon your arms which caused you to act like you did when Bucky found you. I am sorry for every scar I have caused" he rambled on and on. She knew he was stressed and she also knew that it wasn't his fault. They were so close, his breath falling hot upon her face, his new, darker look made her weak at the knees, all the time she spent trying to get over him meant absolutely nothing now that he was in front of her. He let down the bottle and played with strand of her hair. It was longer. "You know that I nearly missed every word you said?" she whispered, leaning in just a bit. She wasn't doing anything on purpose. His breath became deeper.  "And why is that?" he questioned, already knowing the answer, as he too leaned towards her. She knew it probably was stupid but she didn't really control herself that moment.  "I was wondering if it has change" she faintly said, out of breath with her heart hammering in her chest, loud enough for him to hear. His eyes were roaming her face, trying to carve every detail in his mind. She was still the person he first fell in love with, only stronger. Her eyes held secrets he knew that hurt her. He couldn't muster the strength to ask her 'what', he just mouthed it. His hand was already wrapped around her waist, bringer closer to him, heat and power radiating from her body.  "The way you kiss me" she replied before their lips collided into a battle of agony and lust. It had changed, she thought. They were more desperate, more needy, more angry, more passionate, more fierce. There was a burning anticipation in his tongue that slipped through hers and went right to her heart. They craved each other more than before and it took her by surprise how gentle but strong he was. To hell with peace, she thought.  His hands roamed her body, slowly undressing her - before he removed every piece of clothing, he looked at her for permission. It had been a long time since that night. He didn't want to rush things, he wanted to treat her exactly as she deserved but she wasn't having it. There was a burning need to feel him, to be with him, to hold him and love him. Her bones craved him. He hadn't planned it; he wasn't even sure she would talk to him. Seeing her for the first time in months was too much. She wore darkness and gold and she looked like the Goddess of the Underworld, like Persephone, with roses in her hair and magic in her veins. She was nor a God, neither a monster; she had indeed told him the truth that day, she was a monstrous God. With every kiss and every bite, every scratch that left behind a map to their bodies, the night gave its place to another morning, which for a while at least, was peaceful. Right before they fell asleep, she whispered five small words that would never leave his heart. Ever. And he said four in return but she was already asleep. "I think I love you". "I know I do".
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Taglist: @accio-rogers @coffee-with-orion @moli1497 @stydia-4-ever @smilexcaptainx
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medicatemedrmccoy · 8 years
Let the games begin - Ch. 3
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Photo created and gifted by the marvelous: @wonders-of-the-enterprise
Today were taking it back to the Enterprise to see how Jim and Leonard are coping. You get three guesses and the first two don’t count :)
2,364 word(s) of angsty, sad goodness.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
I think I have decided on around 7 chapters. SO, if you wanted to be tagged for the rest, yay! just shoot me a message. If you don’t want to be tagged, then shoot me a message and I will try to keep my tears to a minimum, and go to my room until further notice. Be gentle. I am a delicate flower.
Special thanks to: @outside-the-government for encouraging me to write again, and for being my beta and idea bouncer. Also @imoutofmyvulcanmind for being an idea bouncer, yay!
Tags: @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @feelmyroarrrr @fandomheadrush @yourtropegirl @bkwrm523 @trekkimagines201 @arrowsshootyouforwards @captian-hannah-kirk @hellhoundsandunicorns @kaitymccoy123 @starmission @kilismaiden @malindacath @starr-trekkk
Jim sat in his Captain’s chair, wound up tight, barely hearing all the commotion around him. He had all the crew looking and listening to anything and everything that could possible give him a hint or a clue as to where you and Jo had been taken.
“Were being hailed Captain” Uhura exclaimed as she punched away at a few buttons.
“On screen” Jim ordered, tearing his face away from his hands to glace up.
The face of the Romulan who took you captive filled the screen. Jims eyes narrowed with anger.
“Greetings, Captain Kirk. So nice to finally meet you.” Ajek said, giving Jim a smirk.
“Where is my sister?” Jim asked frostily, gritting his teeth.
“Ah, straight to the point I see. Well, no need to leave you suffering. Your sister is suffering plenty enough for you both.” Ajek said as his face disappeared from the screen and video of everything you’ve been through so far began to flash on the screen.
From Kujeth cracking you in the head, to being roughly examined, to being chained up in the middle of the forest, to you attacking the man, to running from the wolves, to you finally flinging yourself and Jo over the cliff. The video feed cut out and Ajek’s face came back on screen.
Jim didn’t realize he had stopped breathing and his fingers were dug into the chair so deep, that they started to leave marks. His lungs were screaming for oxygen as he struggled to take in breaths, trying not to make it obvious. He had to keep it together.
“As you can see Captain, she is still alive, at least I assume. That tumble off the cliff did look like a long way down” Ajek sneered, trying his best to dig into Jim.
“Who the hell are you and why are you doing this to my sister?” Jim eyed him, barely keeping himself contained.
“Your sister asked the same thing, Captain. I’ll save you the agony of waiting and get on with it. My name is Ajek, but you might be more familiar with my father… Nero.” Ajek finished, reveling in the hushed silence that fell across the bridge.
There was a pregnant pause before Jim leapt up from his chair, yelling.
“You sick son of a bitch! This is about revenge isn’t it?! We offered your father help and he refused! It wasn’t our fault he chose to die rather than swallow his pride. My sister has nothing to do with his decision or his death” Jim spat venomously, hands resting on the back of his chair for support, chest heaving after his outburst.
“Captain…” Spock said quietly, coming in slowly to Jim’s side.
That was all he needed to say to get Jim to realize that he needed to calm down. Jim came back over and sat down in his chair heavily, still trying to catch his breath.
“That doesn’t change the fact that you let him die, Captain. He’s still dead because of you, is he not? You took away everything from me on that ship. Now I have everything important to you!” Ajek sneered “You will watch her suffer until the end. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to it. Until next time, Captain.” Ajek’s face disappeared as the video cut off suddenly.
The bridge was grave silent as they either continued to stare at the screen or stare at the Captain waiting for instructions. Jim sat there staring at the screen before he snapped out of it.
“Trace that call, run algorithms on it, do whatever you need to do. I don’t care what it takes, you find out where that came from. That’s an order”
The bridge came to life with a bunch of “yes Captains, right away Captains” as people returned to their stations.
Jim was still planted firmly in his seat, trying his hardest to keep it all under control, failing miserably. He didn’t even notice when Spock came to stand beside him.
“Captain” Spock began cautiously. He placed a hand on Jim’s shoulder lightly. So lightly that if Jim wasn’t seeing it, he wouldn’t have realized it was there. Jim sat there, staring at the screen where you and Jo were seconds before, barely able to breathe, his mind reeling.
“We will find them, Jim”. Spock promised quietly, staring at his friend in concern.
“You have the conn, mister Spock.” Jim said quickly as he shot up out of his chair and made his way off the bridge.
Leonard. He needed to find Leonard.
Jim had been searching and trying to comm Leonard for an hour to no avail, giving him the time to cool off before he had this talk with him.
“Where the hell are you, Bones?” Jim muttered to himself. Suddenly he had an epiphany. Jim about faced and headed quickly down the hall. He stopped abruptly and punched in the code on the keypad.
As the door to your quarters opened, Jim could see Leonard sitting at the kitchen counter, staring at a tumbler filled to the brim with bourbon.
Jim made his way inside and approached Leonard. “Jesus Bones, how much have you had?” Jim asked eyeing the empty bottles on top of the counter.
“Not nearly enough.” Leonard mumbled, slurring his words, his drawl out in full force.
“Well I think you’ve had enough for now.” Jim said softly as he moved the glass and pitcher slightly out of Leonards reach. Leonard made no movement to protest, only staring at the now vacant spot the pitcher previously occupied.
“Talk to me Bones, what’s on your mind?” Jim asked sincerely, trying to get his friend to look at him.
“You don’t wanna know Jim.” Leonard replied, refusing to look Jim in the face.
“Sure I do. Let it all out, It’ll be good for you.” Jim told him. Leonard said nothing at first and only steeled his gaze at the counter.
“Where the fuck do I start, Jim? I just lost my daughter, she wasn’t even here 12 hours and she gets kidnapped! What kind of father lets that happen?! God dammit, Jocelyn is going to kill me, Jim!” Leonard yelled, then paused for a moment and continued in a hushed cracking voice “Joce is never going to let me see my little girl ever again, Jim.” Leonard finally finished, slouching his shoulders forward in defeat.
“Like hell you won’t, Bones. Joce will have to get through me and Y/N first if she even thinks about taking Jo away from you” Jim said threateningly “Y/N would murder her, she already hates her guts anyway. That would just give her a good excuse”
“What about Y/N, Jim?” Leonard asked quietly, changing the subject. Jim sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.
“Despite my obvious calm, cool, and collected exterior, I’m about to lose my fucking mind Bones. Were all each others got and I swear to God, if they hurt her or Jo…” Jim trailed off, taking Leonards grim demeanor into consideration.
“Bones, if anyone can protect Jo, its Y/N. You should be glad that she’s with her” Jim said, changing directions.
“Why is that, Jim?” Leonard asked, still looking the complete opposite of glad. Jim sat down next to Leonard, not looking forward to this conversation.
“I know I’ve told you some of our past, but never any details” Jim started, wringing his hands slightly.
“Details of what?” Leonard asked, finally looking over to Jim, knowing where this was probably headed.
“Tarsus IV.” Jim said quietly “this is going to require a lot of alcohol...” he trailed off as he made to grab  Leonards full tumbler. Leonard sat in silence as Jim drained the glass in a few long pulls. He sat the glass down softly and refilled it, placing it back in front of Leonard. Leonard ignored it, giving Jim his full attention.
“You know the surface details, all the stuff in the news and the articles. What you don’t know is the lengths we had to go to to survive. Jim said as he began to stare at the place Leonard was staring at previously, trying not to concentrate too much on what he was saying.
“They had put us all in a group, all the children. The ones who were too young to be of any good, just a waste of resources. They led us out into the woods, and we knew what was coming. We had heard the previous screams and gunfire, despite them trying to keep us separated in a building. As they led us out into the woods, Y/N and I made a break for it, a few of the other kids followed our lead. Thankfully it was getting dark so it was hard to see, but still some of us didn’t make it” Jim closed his eyes trying to keep it together, taking a breath before he continued.
“We were out there for two months, give or take. Y/N was the only girl and the youngest to make it in our little group of eight. She had to work twice as hard for everything, fighting, hunting, climbing, getting enough to eat, you name it”
Leonard was completely silent, eyes wide, barely daring himself to breathe. Jim and Y/N never talked about Tarsus IV, and here Jim was, spilling his guts, trying to make him feel better. He felt a twinge of guilt but decided to ignore it. He wanted to know, he needed to know.
“And boy did she ever. The first month was hard, we barely had enough to eat, almost froze to death multiple nights, or almost eaten by predators. The other kids would pick fights with Y/N over food, sleeping space, anything and everything. Even though it sucked, it ended up helping us, by the end of the first month, Y/N could outfight any of the others, hunt better than any of them, and climb trees faster than anyone. That’s when we decided to go off on our own, and spent the last month just the two of us. Y/N kept us both alive for the most part, Bones” Jim paused, staring vaguely in the distance, as if in another place.
“Jim...” Leonard said softly, trying to bring Jim back to himself.
“Sorry Bones, that’s enough of that” Jim said crisply, making it clear that the subject was closed “so Bones, if anyone can take care of Jojo, and keep her safe, its Y/N. She would do anything for that little girl” Jim finished, grabbing Leonard’s ignored glass and downing it in one long pull.
“I know, that’s what I’m afraid of Jim.”  Leonard replied softly, picking at the edge of a mat on the counter.
“What do you mean?” Jim looked up at Bones confused, sitting the glass down softly.
For a moment Leonard didn’t answer. When he finally went to speak, his lips parted but no words came out.
“Spit it out, Bones” Jim encouraged.
Leonard sucked in a deep, jagged breath. “I love her, Jim” Leonard finally spat out, looking Jim in the eyes.
“YOU WHAT!?” Jim’s eyes went wide in shock, practically leaping out of his chair.
“I love her, Jim.” Leonard repeated, the words tumbling out more freely this time.
“HOW, WHEN, WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” Jim proceeded to flip out, trying to think back and figure out when this all started and how the hell he seemed to miss it.
“Jim, calm down, please.” Leonard asked softly. Jim placed his hands on the back of the chair and lowered his forehead to rest on the edge of it.
“You love my sister?” Jim suddenly calm, lifting his head and slowly allowing a glare to overcome his eyes.
“Yes Jim, I do. I have for a while, mostly since working together in med bay. There’s just something about her, Jim. She’s like my rock. She keeps me calm, cool and collected when all I want to do is freak out. She makes me feel more like myself when I’m with her, more than I have in years. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I don’t know what I’ll do if we can’t get her back Jim, or Jo. I can’t lose them… My baby girl... I can’t…” Leonard confessed as a tear fell down his cheek, giving him the most heartbreaking look that Jim had ever seen on his face.
Any anger that he had for his best friend falling in love with his sister, immediately dissolved. If anyone deserved his sister, hell, it was Leonard. Jim poured Leonard another glass and handed it to him. Leonard took this one without question and quickly downed it.
“We’re going to get them back, Bones. I swear to you, we’re going to get them back” Jim said resolved “The whole crew is working on it. We all want them back”. Leonard just sat there and wiped his cheek with his hand.
“Alright, Bones. I’m cutting you off for the night” Jim said as he took the tumbler from Leonards hand.
“I know, you’re right, Jim” Leonard said defeated, not even arguing with Jim.
“Want me to walk you to your quarters?” Jim asked, moving to help Leonard stand.
“No” Leonard said quickly “I’d like to stay here”
Not having the heart to refuse his friend, Jim just nodded in agreement. “Alright Bones, go get some rest. I’m going back to the bridge to see if anyone has found anything yet.”
Leonard only nodded in reply as Jim clasped his hand on his shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.
“Hang in there Bones.” Jim said softly as he turned to leave and headed back to the bridge.
As the doors swished closed quietly, Leonard let out a large sigh and took a look around your empty quarters. Tears prickled at his eyes once more as he ran his hand over the back of the couch, where you all sat barely two days prior.
Leonard lowered his head in silent defeat as he rubbed his face with his hands as he staggered into your bedroom, maybe he did have enough he thought, as he leaned against the door frame for support. He slowly made his way over and crawled into your bed. He traced his hand over the sheets where you usually lay, still ruffled slightly from where you had slept last before leaving the ship.
Leonard looked over to your end table and saw Joanna’s favorite teddy bear that he got her for her fourth birthday sticking out of her backpack. He reached out for it and took it in his hands, looking into the teddy bears eyes for a few moments. He then placed his hand on the teddy bear’s head, feeling its softness, and closed his eyes. He pulled it close to him, squeezing it tightly, as the tears finally began to fall and soak into its soft fur. He buried his head in your pillow and inhaled deeply, letting your soft scent calm his frazzled and bourbon soaked mind as he slowly drifted off into a restless sleep.
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