#ive been trying to figure out if its all my teeth
silversneasels · 9 months
my TOOTH!!!!!!!!!! =_=
update: i got a root canal
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electricpurrs · 1 month
fuckkkkkk i sant to soend time with people so much. i want to feel like i exist in the world snd like i matter to someone. i want to play videogames in voice call. fuck my lifeeeeeeeee
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hughiecampbelle · 3 months
The Boys Preference: Reacting To Your Symbiote
Requested: HEYY ive been eating UPP your head-canons for rhe boys, i would like to request one on how they would react w/ a reader that has a symbiote (venom basically) except it’s not like butcher’s case, but spouted from comp v when they were injected at a young age :D - anon
A/N: This idea is cool my love!!!! I hope you like it!! I did base it off clips from Venom/the Wikipedia just bc it's been ages since I saw the movie lol so apologies if anything is wrong!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Requests are open! 🔮
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Butcher thinks your symbiote is both gross and a great thing to have on the team. You didn't tell anyone about them, fearing you'd hear the same responses you'd always heard growing up. He interrogates you about your powers. You promise you would never hurt anyone, that it's pretty bad in terms of looks, but that you have everything under control. That's not good enough for him. He wants you to show him. After more yelling and assumptions, you snap. It's only your arms that you allow to be taken over, but it's enough to leave him feeling sick. Afterwards you're pretty quiet, avoiding him as well as you can. The look on his face was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Eventually he grows a little more used to them and even apologized, though it's a poor one at best. When he really sees you in action he's left speechless. The team needs you, both of you. You're strong, and powerful, and scary in the best way possible.
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Hughie was pretty freaked out the first time you showed him. You begged him to run, to save himself, but mostly you wanted him gone so he wouldn't have to see. When he didn't, you had no other choice. Your symbiote took over, giving you just enough control to apologize before, quite literally, annihilating your attackers. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He knew you were a Supe, you were pretty upfront about that, but you'd never gone into detail about what you could actually do. He understood why. Your symbiote was the thing of nightmares. It was malleable, and throbbing, and it could be as large as it wanted. It swallowed you whole, making itself a set of knife-sharp teeth. It smiled at him, telling him he was safe, which would have been endearing had it not been you standing in its place moments before. He has a lot of questions, all of them you're more than willing to answer. He deserves to know, especially coming face to face with them. You're an open book, the both of you are.
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Annie was pissed. You never told her you were a Supe in the first place. You couldn't tell her. She was everything good about Supes and you feared you were everything bad. You were afraid of her judgement. You had enough of that from M.M. You made sure no one told her, not until you thought she was ready. And then she watched you save Hughie. She felt like an idiot, watching them take over your body, in awe and horror. She felt lied to. Technically, you think but dare not say, it wasn't lying because she never asked you, she just assumed you were human. You apologize anyways, knowing it wasn't right. You show her your symbiote bit by bit, introducing them slowly, telling her as much as you think she can handle at a time. You've been told, if you wanted, you'd be a perfect villain, you'd fit right in with Homelander. You didn't want her to come to the same conclusion. Annie could come to rash decisions at times. You figured you and your symbiote were no exceptions.
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M.M isn't the biggest fan. It's nothing personal. Being a Supe is enough not to make him like you. On top of that you've got this thing inside of you that has a mind of its own. It could be capable of anything and you'd have very little control over it. You know this. You've been dealing with it since you were a kid. You and your symbiote grew up together. You've reached a level of mutual understanding and maturity that they aren't just going to start running around and rob banks or hurt people. That's not who either of you are. Still, he can't shake the feeling, the worry, that they could turn on your team at any moment. Your symbiote knows M.M. doesn't like them and, much like a dog, wants to give him extra attention because of it. You've had long talks about what not to do around him, keeping them in check so that you can gain just an inch more of trust. Anything helps to show him that you're not a monster.
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Frenchie is probably the most comfortable around your symbiote out of all The Boys. He has a lot of questions for the both of you, especially about your childhood. For many years you thought you were a monster. Your family was expecting powers that could save people, that would get you into The Seven. Instead there was this thing that took over your body, this creature that could control their child. They thought it was gross, unsightly, and forbid you from letting them out. Of course you didn't listen. When you fell off your bike and skinned your knee, they fixed it. When you couldn't reach something, they helped you. They weren't all bad, they just weren't willing to learn that. Still, there was a lot of shame and even now, you struggle to open up about them. There's absolutely no judgement from Frenchie. He's fascinated. Awestruck. He tells you constantly how cool and powerful he thinks you both are. He doesn't want you to think of yourself as some kind of monster or abomination. Ever.
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Kimiko watched your symbiote take over the first time you were really hurt. Homelander pushed you off the roof and you fell, breaking your bones, gasping for air, but magically alive. If she could have, she would have screamed. Your symbiote, as gently as it could, wrapped itself around your body, resetting your bones, putting your insides back together. It was excruciating. It only takes a few minutes before you're completely healed. She watches in awe, eyes wide, unsure of what the hell just happened, but eternally grateful you were okay. She stands you up, unsure of what to say. That night, you tell her everything. She's the first to really appreciate them. They're not the most attractive and have a wicked attitude, but they care about you. They saved you. Anyone who loves you that much is good in her books. She gives them names, asking how Kevin is or if Susan might be able to help her with something. It always makes you smile, knowing she isn't afraid of them or thinks of you any differently.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks your symbiote is disgusting and weird. He refused to have you be a part of The Seven, but without any other candidates, he eventually gave in. You do a lot of weird things that truly make him uncomfortable. Arguing with your symbiote is a big one. Only you can hear them when they're inside, so it just looks like you're talking to yourself all the time. He hates when you're "saving" someone and they come out, but only partially, like a hand or leg. Something about that, you and them together, makes him queasy. When it's one or the other, that's a little better. When he gets uncomfortable he gets angry, which is bad news for you. Like The Deep, you've become a scapegoat for Homelander. If anything goes wrong, it's your fault. Your symbiote doesn't like him and, as hard as you try to keep them in check, they make it known.
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budsofrose · 1 year
Okay uhh im having brainrot so bare with me
Modern au!Sanemi leaving the office, having finished up grading paperwork and having to rush home since he promised Genya he’d help with math.
He walks home so he could save up on money, and as he walks down the and passes by the halls he notices you in the school courtyard, sketchbook and pen in hand, doodling while simultaneously trying to focus on schoolwork.
He decides to walk up to you and ask what you’re doing out here since school hours have ended, but before he does he sees your pen drop and roll over near his foot. Abashed seeing him come into view as you try to pick up the pen, as he crouches down and gets up to give it to you. The pen looked like itd seen better days. Beat up with scratches, teeth marks, and the paint chipping off.
“Here.” He gestures, and you gratefully take it. Fingers brushing up against one another contrasting from his rough overworked fingers to your soft and delicate ones, eliciting a shiver from him.
“Im so sorry sensei, I hadn’t seen you were there.” You bow apologetically, your shirt showing cleavage and seeing it mushed up together in the process, being painfully flashed by sanemi.
He tisks with pink dusting his cheeks, he states “Well obviously. Why are you still here? Class hours ended a while ago, and the school’s closin up.”
You stammer, “Ah, well I usually stay a bit and study with friends, but they left a while earlier.” Looking down at your notebook and closing it off, as you start to pack your things.
“I’ll walk you home, its not safe for a student to be out for so long.” He offers. You try to protest but he’s already walking away, expecting you to follow him as you hastily pack your things.
As his figure slowly shrinks the farther he goes, you decided to just shove your items in your bag rather than put it in order. You can organize it later on right? Holding your bulky pencilcase in hand as you jog your way to catch up.
He glances at you for brief moment looking down at your shirt before slowing his pace so you could catch up to him.
“Thank you for offering to walk me home sensei, I really lost track of time today.” ‘Lost track of time daydreaming about you’ you internally thought.
He grunts out a ‘no problem’ before you two continue on your walk. Tension is seeping through the both of you, but its not long before the silence is broken again, but this time its surprisingly by Sanemi asking you a question.
“Whats up with your pen? Why’s it all fuck’- why’s it all beat up like that? Dont ya got other pens or something?” You chuckle at his little slip up, him having to withdraw from cursing since it wasn’t really professional, inside or outside of school campus, especially around a student.
“Oh? My pen? Well its my favorite pen ive had as a goodluck charm. I always try and stock up on refills since I like to write and draw a lot.” You say, gesturing to your pencilcase in hand.
“Im still finding a replica of it, since its really worn down now, it holds a special place in my heart. Not as special as my other pens though.” You fiddle with your pencil case, opening it up to showcase your pen.
“Didn’t know it meant that much to you.” He says before coming to an abrupt stop causing you to also stop just a few steps ahead of him.
“Why dont you tell me all about your pens, hm?” He says as he comes closer to you.
You didn’t know how long its been, but it felt like hours. God knows where you are, having to painstakingly explain to Sanemi about each an ever one of the pens you own as he slowly slides it inside you when finished doing so. Sobbing, as overstimulation hits you as he trys to bully one more pen inside your cunt from your bulky pencil case' as he rubs circles on your clit to sooth you.
You don’t know how you allowed yourselt to get roped into this, but you’re not complaining. as Sanemi strokes the insides of your thigh coaxing you to open up more.
“Good girl, such a good girl. how about just one more pen, just one more, alright? Maybe then ill take them out and give you something a bit bigger. Hows that sound?"
Genya never really got that help in the end.
I am by NO means a writer, like kudos to anyone (ao3 rizz) that writes at all, I just though abt this and said why not 🤷‍♂️
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lemon-russ · 2 months
A bit of an interlude segment, the girls are still fighting
Edit: woops, lost a paragraph somehow, ive edited it back in, just after the first break. Not super important but odd feeling without it.
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Part 12/ ???
< previous || next >
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Mentions of sex, slight? sexism
Summary: Dinner date :) just me and you and you and me and and us, and your nemesis Titus <3
word count: 1,730(ish)
Guilliman sat at his desk, doing paperwork, as he often did. He smiled up at a serf who came in. “Ah, there you are. Did you summon Captain Sicarius for me?” He asked.
The serf frowned and looked nervous. “Ah, Captain Sicarius isn't… available right now, My Lord.” They say.
Roboute scrunches his brow. “What? How? Is he on a mission? I had no word of one…” he frowns, shuffling through paperwork searchingly.
The serf shakes their head. “That's the thing, sir. He took his ship and just… left. Last coordinates are in this sector…” they show Guilliman their datapad.
He blinks at it. “… That's where I sent the Lady Ambassador and Commander Titus.” His brow furrows in confusion. “Why on holy Terra would Sicarius be there? How long has he been away?”
The serf shrugs. “At least a day, sir. He left no word, and the men aboard his ship said he took a Thunderhawk and hasn't returned.”
Guilliman frowns. It wasn't unlike Sicarius to take off without notice, but he was usually proper enough to at least send word after. And it wasn't like there were threats in that star system, that area is renowned for its peaceful and relaxing planets. They had no word of any warp disturbances or the ilk either. This was all very strange.
“He took a Thunderhawk alone?” He asks, expression confused. “Could you ask his men exactly which planet they are over?”
The serf nodded and scurried away. Guilliman had a suspicion about where Cato had gone, but it didn't make sense. Why would he sneak away to a vacation planet, where he knew Titus and the Ambassador were? It was unlike him to shirk duties to go gallivanting on vacations, and Guilliman was under the impression he did not particularly get along with either the Ambassador or Titus.
He sighs and turns back to his work. This whole thing was very odd, and it left Roboute uncomfortable.
Cato, Titus, and the Ambassador sit at a table in the resort’s dining hall. Cato is staring daggers at Titus, who is sitting directly beside the Ambassador on the other side of the table, politely eating.
The Ambassador pouts as she tries to cut a particularly tough piece of meat; the animals on this planet have tougher flesh than what they normally eat. Titus flashes a subtle smirk at Cato and reaches over to her plate to cut the meat for her into bite-size pieces.
“Oh- um, thank you, Commander-” she says with a bit of confusion but shakes it off and goes back to eating.
Cato’s eye twitches. All night, Titus has been the perfect, chivalrous gentleman, holding doors for her, helping her with small things, purposely staying between them because, as he alluded to earlier, he knows they are sleeping together and apparently does not approve.
He is going to strangle him. This oh-so-perfect asshole that everyone loves is now trying to get between him and his little ambassador. And his hands are tied. Titus was ordered by Guilliman to guard her, and they both know he isn’t supposed to be there in the first place. If he pushes it, Titus runs and tells on him to Dad like a child. His jaw tenses as he grinds his teeth.
The ambassador looks up at him and smiles affectionately, and he lets out a sigh, expression softening. It’s ok. this is fine. They’ll get through the next two days of this- because no way was he leaving her alone here with Titus after all this- and they can figure out what to do from there.
Titus looks unamused by their sweet glances. “Lady Ambassador,” He says, smiling down at her. “They are having a dance this evening in the ballroom. Are you going to be attending?” He asks.
She smiles and thinks. “I did bring gowns for it…” she glances at Cato again.
He smiles warmly at her. “A dance? I don’t think I've ever properly been, not as a guest. Since I'm not on guard duty, I’ll be your partner.” He shoots a wry smile to Titus, who’s grimacing again.
She smiles happily “Oh, thank you Captain, that would make it much easier for me.” she says warmly, then smiles up at Titus, “Thank you for the suggestion, Commander” she adds, making Titus’ eye twitch a bit. Cato smiles to himself and eats his dinner. He can guess Titus was about to suggest he bring her dancing, but he’s in armor, so he’d just be standing by a wall on guard anyway.
After dinner, The Ambassador heads back to her room, once again leaving them in the lobby. Titus purposely avoids looking at Cato, lips pursed and brow furrowed. What a grumpy child he’s being.
“What’s wrong, Commander?” he smirks at him. Titus’ jaw twitches as he grits his teeth. Cato grins a bit wider. “You wouldn’t happen to be stressed with The Lady Ambassador dancing with me, would you?” He says mockingly.
Just ignore him, Titus. He’s trying to goad you on, Titus thinks to himself as he grinds his molars to dust in restraint. He meant to ask the Ambassador if he could escort her to the dance alone, but Cato hijacked his idea. Now he’d have to go and watch them, because like hell he was going to leave them to run off alone again.
Cato grinned at him. With his stupid face. What kind of legendary Astartes has so few facial scars? He doesn’t even wear service studs. Too good for the traditions of the lower caste, probably. Or he’s just too vain to mar his precious visage.
“Grox got your tongue, Commander?” He asks, quirking a stupid eyebrow.
“I will not fall for your petty bait, Captain.” he grumbles. “Unlike some people, I don’t revel in causing fights.”
Cato rolls his eyes. “Please, you can just admit you’re unarmed for a battle of wits.” he chuckles.
Titus groans internally, but keeps his expression tight, ignoring the insults. This makes Cato bored, thankfully, and he just turns to pacing around the lobby instead. ”Women take so long to put on their stupid impractical clothes.” he complains. “I don’t know why she needs to put on layers of flimsy fabric, she could save time and be less of a hazard if she wore a standard uniform.”
Titus glanced at him with a half frown. “Because it looks nice.” he huffs. “What, like you’re immune to dressing up? Your armor is downright gaudy.” he grumbles.
Cato looks absolutely offended. “My armor is befitting my rank and status, Commander.” he snaps in annoyance. “It is the Mantle of the Suzerain, which incorporates pre-heresy pieces from Captain Orar’s own armor, symbols of the second company-” he’s interrupted by Titus.
“By the Throne, I don’t care. It’s gaudy. You look like a peacock in battle. All the better for me, since you draw all the War Bosses directly to you.” He snaps exasperatedly.
Cato huffs, pouting and crossing his arms as he goes back to pacing, now stomping and fuming a bit. Emperor, the cocky bastard, was so quick to get riled up. Titus wonders how he made the rank of Captain in the first place. He’s a good strategist, but his interpersonal skills left much to be desired. His men had a strained relationship with him at best. And he didn’t even seem to like it beyond the prestige of the title.
He prefers jumping headlong into battles, dueling whatever enemy looks strongest. Not behavior a decent captain should exemplify, especially not one of the Ultramarines. That nonsense might fly if he were a Space Wolf, but Cato should have been reprimanded ten times over for his behavior. Titus assumes he isn’t because, unfortunately, he wins. As cocky and unbearable as he is, Cato Sicarius always wins. Titus balled his fists at his side.
Thankfully, The Ambassador came back to free him of Cato Sicarius hell. She wore a beautiful ultramarine blue gown with gold accents, perfectly befitting a diplomat of Guilliman. Titus smiled warmly at her as she smiled and joined them.
“Radiant as always, My lady.” he said courteously to her. She smiled sweetly.
“You look like a tripping hazard.” Cato tacks on dryly. Her smile dropped, and she gives the captain a deadpan, tired look. “Would you have I go dance in a tunic and sandals, Captain?” she replies.
Sicarius smiles at that. “Yes, actually. Much more practical. And no one leering at you.” he says, nodding his head in approval.
She smirks and rolls her eyes. “And that is what you’re escorting me in?” she asks, raising a brow and gesturing at his outfit of a t-shirt and baggy fatigue pants.
He nods again. “Yes. I did not bring anything else but my armor.” he says nonchalantly.
Titus frowns. “You brought one set of clothes to a wet, hot, tropical planet that you planned to stay out of armor in for the whole time?” He asks incredulously. He knows Cato isn’t the brightest outside of battle, but…
Cato scowls. “Well, excuse me for not understanding the minutiae of civilian life. I’m not usually out of armor and away from my quarters for extended periods.” He grumbles.
Titus rubs the bridge of his nose. “You’re going to offend the locals, smelling like wet Astartes for three days. I have some spare clothes I can lend you so we don’t get kicked out…” he sighs. Emperor, was the captain dense sometimes.
Cato smiled, “Ah, excellent, I’ll take those now then Commander.” he said pleasantly, marching himself into Titus’ quarters. He frowns and follows him, watching Cato ransack his belongings with growing irritation.
“You’re welcome.” He bites.
“I did not say thank you, Commander.” The Captain says with a smirk over his shoulder. He steals a couple sets of clean clothes and changes right there, leaving his sandy, wet clothes right on the floor.
Assaulting a commanding officer is a grave offense, Titus. Assaulting your captain will end badly for you, Titus, He has to chant to himself like a mantra as they leave the room.
Cato walks over to the Ambassador and offers her his arm with a dramatic flourish and a smirk. She rolls her eyes, but giggled and takes his arm, letting him lead her down the corridor toward the ballroom.
Titus growls in his chest, slamming the door behind him so hard he hears the wood splinter. Assaulting a commanding officer will get you demoted, Titus, Assaulting a commanding officer will get you kicked off of guard duty forever, Titus…
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steifel · 3 months
The outsiders as conversations ive had
AN: all of these are real conversations. Also i don't necessarily ship all of the ships mentioned here but i thought that they would fit best with the conversations
TW: mentions of blood
TwoBit: dude im so high i lost my Baja Blast
twoBit: its ok though ive got a chicken in the oven so ill be ok in like 20 minutes
Dally: never in my life have i been High and thought damn i should put a chicken in the oven
Soda: ...... Hay Two can i have some high chicken
This takes place after soda gets his wisdom teeth out
Darry: Sodapop Patrick Curtis get your goddamn hands out of your mouth you're gonna get an infection
Soda:NO!!!!!!!how will i know that they're gone if i can't feel to check!!!!! *hisssss like a cat*
Twobit: Darry!!! Look what i drew
TwoBit: its a house not a Hitler mustache
Darry: (trying not to sound sarcastic) ooohhh.... Good job sweetie
Darry: no its ok i just need a quick power nap You know? no more than 3 to 5 hours and ill be ready to go
Ponyboy: after you said you had a crush on someone i figured you didn't like me so i took a long shower and cried while listening to sad music
Johnny: awe no pony your so silly the person i have a crush on is you
*cue me.... I mean Pony being all exited and confused because he didn't think it was possible that someone could know him and still have a crush on him*
Sodapop: is it gay to have gay thoughts?
Ponyboy: i don't think so i think it only becomes gay when those gay thoughts turn into homosexual experiences
Sodapop: oh ok..... Is it gay that i had a homosexual experience with Steve?
Dally: hay man are you ok?
Johnny: *standing over a a sink with an intense amount of blood gushing out of his finger* yeah why wouldn't i be ok
Dally: ok.... Do you need a bandaid or something?
Johnny: you know how i was ran over with a lawn mower when i was six well...
Ponyboy: wait what you cant just say something like that and move on
Ponyboy: man fuck you
Dally: what did i do
Ponyboy: i don't know yet but im sure you did something
Ponyboy: do you think Curly likes me i think he might
Sodapop: why do you think he likes you buddy?
Ponyboy: he bit me.
Sodapop: uh hu
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gh0st-author · 4 months
lover of mine
pairing: William James Moriarty x reader
tags: angst, hurt/comfort but very bittersweet
summary: when i take a look at my life and all of my crimes, you're the only thing that i think i got right
warnings: mentions of death, lots of sad thoughts
A/N: ha ha .. guess who's back ... jk jk i've been away for a little while and i dipped in true fanfic author fashion BUT HEY im back now. and i was craving a bit of pain so here is a lil something angsty. its more of a character study than anything... also could you tell that ive been listening to lover of mine lmao
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The serene silence of the night was interrupted by a strangled gasp, a broken intake of air momentarily cutting through the calm as a figure arose suddenly from their sleeping position, clutching their chest. Scarlet eyes flashed open, disoriented, hauntingly glancing around the room, the man trying to gather his bearings. He felt as if the walls were caving in around him, although the logical part of his brain was aware that those notions were only in his head. But lately, there was little difference between nightmares and consciousness to William.
And that was all that this was— a nightmare. A horrible fragment of his imagination seeping into his dreams and haunting his waking hours. Usually, the myriad of thoughts and emotions was kept tightly at bay in the furthest reaches of his mind, but at night when his defenses were lowered and his being slumbered, they seeped through and poisoned his dreams, his consciousness becoming a prison, caging him in. Faces flashed before his eyes, his own bloody hands, the weight of his own deeds and sins— oftentimes he felt less like a man and more like a whirling swarm of guilt, despair, and nihilty.
He directed his gaze at the ceiling, eyes tracing the veiny cracks weaving over it like spider webs, as his mind churned with thoughts. His soul was screaming out, but no sound seeped out. Power comes in response to a need, not desire. He felt no desire for bloodshed he dished out, found no enjoyment in it, yet he continued to drag himself further into hell, each step heavy as stone but unwavering, preserving what little hope was left at the cost of damning his soul. That was something he needed to do. He even abhorred violence, deeming it an absolute evil. Violence for violence was the rule of beasts, yet most days he felt as if it was the only language he knew how to speak. Maybe before long, he will become just like them, a violent animal of claws and teeth that did not know why it bit, crossing the blurry line of this dark gray area he roamed in and passing the point of no return. 
A minuscule movement and soft rustling of the sheets at his side drew his attention away from his musings. He gazed down at the figure sleeping next to him peacefully, face serene and bathed in moonlight. Shadows splayed over her skin making her look even more ethereal, hair draped over the silky pillowcase forming a halo around her head. An angel— or perhaps divine punishment for his sins. 
She was a being pure and unsullied by the darkness of the world; the darkness in him. Sometimes, he was almost afraid to touch her, in fear of tainting her pristine radiance with his stained hands. The mere fact that a person so far fallen like him was able to bask in the warmth she provided was as cruel as it was bitter-sweet. 
She was an existence that he shouldn't have been able to approach, and the reality of that seemed too harsh and unkind in actuality, yet he often found himself wondering if that was really true, though.
Reaching out to brush away a stray lock of hair from her forehead, he once again contemplated that thought. Maybe fate wasn't evil or cruel for sending him this brilliant shard of light. Perhaps it was actually merciful, providing him with a single taste of heaven— something he thought he had no hope of ever reaching. Maybe it was kind enough to gift him with this momentary reprieve. 
Her brows furrowed in her sleep as his ministrations disturbed her slumber. He slowly drew his hand back as her eyes opened, blissfully unaware of the turmoil in his. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
She shook her head and inched ever so closer to him. "Why are you not asleep? You have to teach early tomorrow." Her worried gaze ran over his face. "Did something happen?"
"No, nothing." His throat was tight, each word rasping out almost painfully. "I am just... pondering."
She hummed lowly, considering him, then rose to sit next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Hmm, a bad nightmare?" 
He sighed deeply, bone-weary, resting his cheek against her temple. "Don't concern yourself with it. I promise I am fine."
She let out another hum, and he knew what she was attempting, yet he was too weak to refuse her. She gently cradled his hands in her lap from where they'd been clutching the sheets and started tracing little patterns with her thumbs over them. "Tell me about it"
A small wry tilting of his lips, too fleeting to be called a smile, accompanied her actions. Exactly as he predicted. She knew precisely what to do to get him to talk. And that was no fault of hers, for he always acquiesced and yielded to her wants. "When I put my life into perspective, and all of my sins and crimes I committed, you are the one singular decision in it that I think I made right."
Her hands paused their movements and her gaze flew to his face, confused and slightly vexed. "What do you mean?"
Her face was so sincere, so unwaveringly loving, that he was barely able to endure the depth of her gaze. Yet he was unable to tear his eyes away from hers as the words spilled from his trembling lips. "My only right choice was meeting you, despite all of my wrongdoings. But your place is not with me, in the shadows. You should be out under the sun, never touched by our darkness."
Her brows furrowed once again, this time more severely, and he observed her face becoming even more confused and irked. "William you are talking nonsense." She clutched his hands tighter. "I chose you, William. Promised to be by your side through the good and the bad. No one else. You"
Another piece of his soul bloomed and withered away with her words, leaving its rot embedded deep in his chest. He slowly rose one hand from her grip to rest it gently on her cheek. "How I wish I could've loved you under different circumstances."
"Stop that!" she protested, shock subsiding, replaced with indignation. "You fight for equality. You are noble. You are not evi—"
"There is nothing noble about what I do." The look he gave her was cold and mournful, closed off. Any semblance of warmth leeched out of it. "Taking someone's life— even for a greater cause— is never justice." Dropping his hand from her face, he inched away from her, pulling away as the thick walls he usually built to keep these thoughts away crumbled in her presence. As he confessed to her the depths of his despair. "I never told you this before, but I plan to die." He didn't know if saying these words was a weight off his chest, or the last nail in his proverbial coffin. "I plan to atone with my death, to disappear as the last blight on society. To end the great evil that the masses depict me to be."
"Don't you dare!" Her words were a shocked gasp. And suddenly she understood— he saw it in her eyes that she did. She saw his guilt. Guilt, and grief, and resentment, and loathing. An inescapable torment weighing him down, trapping him, crushing him under the immense pressure of his deeds. A bottomless pit pulling him into its depths of despair. She understood why he condemned wrongdoings so harshly, why he mourned the loss of life. There was probably no one who valued human life more than him, yet was forced to extinguish it to save the majority. And he saw her terror. He saw her grief, her anguish, her heartbreak. 
With a sob, she threw herself in his embrace. She was shaking, trembling in his arms, and his chest caved in knowing he was the cause of her pain. Her plea was a broken whisper. "Don't you dare, William. Not like... that. Never like that. Remember our deal: Where you go, I go. If you die, I'll follow, since there is no me without you."
His mouth opened to protest, to refute her argument, to undoubtedly say something akin to her life holding more value than his, but she halted him with a firm grip on his shoulders. "Promise me!"
Her eyes were boring into his, and once again he found himself rendered speechless and unable to resist her. "I promise I won't." The falsehood tasted like ash on his tongue, and not for the first time he wanted to cut the lying appendage off. What good did it serve him if it only knew treachery and deceit? If it would only bring her more pain.
Her trembling hands wound around his figure as she hugged him tightly once again. "You are everything to me, William. I don't know what I would do without you. Please... Please never say something like that again."
A shuddering breath left his lips and he leaned completely into her, resting his head in the crook of her neck, feeling incredibly worn out and frail. "How do you not condemn me?"
Her hands slowly made their way up to brush through his hair, so achingly gentle. He couldn't remember when the last time that he'd been touched so lovingly was. Couldn't remember if he'd ever been before meeting her. "I love you, William, the broken parts and everything. Stained hands or not. I have always vowed to stay by your side. No matter how much our souls are tainted, we will spend the rest of our lives atoning for it— together. After all, is it better to just be born good or to achieve goodness through your own effort?"
She leaned back to smile at him, then brushed a soft kiss against his lips, still trembling from the onslaught of his raging inferno inside him. "Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone. Use the pain as a motive to continue forward. You will heal and you'll rise above it all."
Oh, she was so cruel, unintentionally so. Her sincerity was like bitter wine down his throat or a poison slowly making its way through his bloodstream. The simple fact that she truly believed there was any chance of redemption for him hurt more than death by a thousand papercuts. "I was correct." His hand lightly traced her cheek once again. Every word was a wound slowly bleeding out, draining his strength with it. "I really do not deserve you."
She shook her head, somber once again. "Stop saying that. I can't think of a man more worthy of my love and redemption." 
Darkness without light was an abyss. Light without darkness was blinding. You could not have a coin with only one side. Maybe they were like that. She was his perfect antithesis, his other side. The one that would grab and pull him out of the bottomless abyss of living hell, and he was the one that would ground her and shield her from flying too close to the sun. She would provide warmth to thaw away his frost, and he would keep her fire from burning out too fast. He only hoped he would be around long enough for her to not need him anymore. He hoped she wouldn't be too furious with him after he'd perished. What was another broken promise added to his ever-growing list of sins?
Because he couldn't stay with her in the light. She was still so incredibly radiant, not as far gone as he was. He knew that only the dead have seen the end of war. And that has always been his plan from the beginning. For how could he, a sinner as vile as the ones he was ridding the world of so diligently, be allowed to live in this new pristine world he was trying to create? How could she still see something good in him when he was the biggest evil that had to be eradicated? His fate has been set in stone since the first day he took Albert's hand, maybe even before that, yet with every new day he found his resolve on that matter wavering more and more. With each kiss from her; with every touch; with every love-filled glance— she made his icy determination crumble under her warm light. He was nothing but a coward wearing the face of a revolutionary, desperately clinging to life— to her— when he knew he couldn't. But for her, he almost thought it was worth it to live.
Sometimes he felt as if he could feel time moving, slipping through his fingers, and that dreaded moment of judgment creeping up closer and closer behind him, breathing down his neck. A walking dead man— that's what he was. The person currently cradling her, whispering sweet lies and false promises, was just his shell, a ticking time bomb or a lit candle only waiting for its fuse to burn out. That is precisely why he said nothing more as she urged him to go back to sleep once again. Said nothing as she draped the covers over them. Said nothing as the stifling silence threatened to pull him under once again. 
He would not be sleeping tonight, although she did not need to know that.
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
if gin and sanji crossed paths again what would happen........ would sanji figure it out.. would gin confess ...... who would move first or would it even be either of them?? do they stay in mayne pining forever?? would they ever have a first kiss???? shaking and trembling on the ground i miss them so much. oh fellow ginsan believer please share your visions 🙏
sanji would have no choice but to figure it out because IM HOPING when they meet again Gin is at least slightly less mangy and hobo-esque.
Sanji having an avalanche of Oh god Right you had Feelings for me and i didn't hate it 😳💘
Having someone who is so focused on YOU gotta made you feel some type of way. And Gin still calls him "Sanji-san" and no way that doesnt make Sanji tingle you know....thats a scary older man..
Confession comes from Gin but its not direct he is just very "ah yeah ive thought of you the whole time and never forgot what you did for me, meeting a kind man like you changed my life" but hes kind of subtle-ish about it - expressing those things as compliments that Sanji can be like thanks and move on - Gin very maturely giving Sanji an out (and it kinda pisses Sanji off because if Gin had been more persistent - Sanji would have an excuse ^^ But noo Gin is being annoyingly mature about it while not hiding his obsession at all...what the fuck
Gin feels crazy that he has Sanji within reach but he holds back because Sanji is amazing and important and he cant just jump him so Sanji has to....oh it makes him so mad to have to be vulnerable and confront Gin like "Are you done messing around or we will decide this like grown men" he cant Not recognize how Gin makes him feel - Gin is the only one who have ever been truly His and of course he is attracted to him (despite his best efforts. Gin couldn't be further from being a beautiful woman if he tried) but he is more shocked that this connection they've made in the brief time after they met, is still there and strong, stronger somehow because it's been tested.
my vision is that Gin kisses Sanji first once he confirms that Sanji does reciprocate his feelings somewhat (Sanji just got done bitching at him about acting like a vague weirdo) and of course all hell breaks lose because after Gin puts his hand on the back of Sanji's neck to kiss him - theres no stopping - Sanji's surprised faceis too cute and Gin waited too long for this - he held him in place cuz he didnt want to slam their mouths together suddenly and having their teeth clash - that'd ruin it! (he thought about it a lot) but holding Sanji by the nape is so intimate Gin is worried for a second he is about to get a rejection and a beating. But Sanji braces himself and allows it but starts kissing back few seconds later. Gin is trying his best not to rush, worried if he's a bad kisser (he is, Sanji will undoubtedly tell him so later) he waits for Sanji (who's got plenty impatience in him as well, it turns out) to take the lead while he wraps the other hand around Sanji's waist and admires his strong and lean body, knowing how deadly it is (getting hard cuz its SANJI!!! He is holding Sanji!!!! holy shit!!!)
When Sanji leans away to catch a breath he calls Gin a bastard and Gin is more in love than ever
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cali · 10 months
im a different anon but im just curious what advice you would give to someone whos been pillbugging it for um. over a year now
mmm i cant really answer how to stop having depression which im guessing is what u mean + i dont know how ur head works but ive been living mostly NEET-ly for more than 2 yrs now and everyday im getting a better curve at dealing with it so i can tell u what works for me.
half the time when im pillbugging hard im paralyzed by a nontangible fear and the only thing that could stop it is adressing wherever the fear is coming from but the confrontation of the topic, trying to figure out where its even coming from, is terrifying too so i dont do it and stay swimming in tar. theres a sentence people keep saying when they explain why they watch 2 hour video essays "it makes my head go quiet". thats the enemy, the thought, not the person saying it. long term i mean. when its short term anguish that can be bridged by pillbugging its fine i think but if ur "making ur head quiet" for more than a month i urge u to make it go really loud again but thats hard. the only times i can try and confront those thoughts is when i feel otherwise nice, if i got externally forced to have a fun day, hike with my papa, date day with my girlfriend, sometimes just got myself to make a nice meal and it helped, when u feel better its a little less scary and u can maybe try and think out of it a little better. also i think on those days youre generally more positively charged so u got more hope outlook. COOL. i think this is why some people do meditation. im not good at it so i dont really know but i think its a brave pasttime of tackling unpleasant ideas. i used to try and dope my way out of it with lsd cuz everytime i used it it kind of forced me to confront whatever trouble i had but ive forbad myself that cuz i didnt want to rely on it as crutch + it was just unpleasant to get hit over the head everytime. now i only do it when i feel good already (havent done it in half a year lol). sorry, drug tangent. also weed is synonymous with pillbugging 4 me.
otherwise, rituals.... mmmmm..... when therapists and whoevers say stuff like take daily walks daily exercise take daily shower i think all of those are like half about the direct benefits they give and half just about doing anything regularly. cuz it helps. during pillbug hours the point for me is kind of to have time pass as fast as possible so the timeframe to hurt is reduced which is counterproductive cuz if it flows u by rlly hard u cant really grasp onto anything to get off the ride easily. and its never going to come really easy theres no probable single action or event that is going to singlehandedly pull u out of the mire, no rapture, no healing vitamin, its always going to be slow and tedious and boring and stupid but a routine is a nice framework to start that. brushing ur teeth is nice. and when u do something daily the days start becoming more tangible again and u will be able to tell how many days ago tuesday was. maybe u can think abotu what factors motivate u and twist them to do your biddinggg. shame and dissapointment works really well for me if i tell someone i will have this done by then and i dont it usually overpowers the malaise or whatever other reason has been making me not do it prior. but this requires social bonds and i cant guarantee u have those. in summer i started doing therapy cuz in germany i need it for transgenderism and shes also a good beacon for that, if she says do something until next time we meet i dont want to dissapoint her. other than that, um idk, everyting else is just kind of part of that. take walks even if u dont want to think about things even if its scary. be brave like childrens book illustration of knight slaying dragon. and then maybe u get a princess kiss
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angelkissiies · 2 years
Ive had this image in my head all week and i need to excorcise it so im writing it here. Feel free to ignore.
I really think Abby should get to rip open a clicker's skull by jamming her hands into that... I have no idea how to describe it... you know that split up their faces where the two halves of their explodey mushroom heads meet... jam both hands in there and rip it apart like whichever Chris splitting that firewood in that MCU movie... where he... does that... I'm vaguely remembering a gif...There's a reason why you write and I send asks on anon and it's not cos I'm articulate.
But yeah, whoever plays Abby in the HBO show should get to do that, as a treat! :)
Also, for us Abby x Reader nerds, just picture it: You think you're fucked, there's a clicker crawling toward you, you lost your weapons somehow (stay with me). You're scrabbling backwards but its faster than you, there's nowhere to go and all you can do is accept your fate. Out of nowhere, Abby jumps on its back, grabs the motherfucker's face as its inches away from yours and pulls it into her chest to rip it apart. Blood everywhere. She's breathing heavy. You can't believe she'd be so stupid to put her hands IN a clicker's FACE. She can't believe you thought she wouldn't try everything to save you. Then you make out. You know?
Exorcism complete
i kinda just threw this out because you seriously inspired me !! i hope this is an okay rendition of your vision !!
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You’d run out of options, dodging behind a half wall to escape the roaming clicker that you’d gotten trapped with. The floor to the room you’d been searching caved in and left you empty-handed, scrambling around in the dark to gain your bearings- though before you’d had the chance to dig your flashlight out of your pack, you heard the telltale clicking noise come from down the hall. It was one bad situation after another, leading you to where you sat now, clutching the only useful thing you could find in the array of items you’d retrieved from the building.
The light from your flashlight bounced off of the ceiling, illuminating your surroundings as you peeked around the corner, seeing the cordyceps ridden being shuffling around the stairwell. So far, it only seemed like it was the one, which sounded easy enough right? Wrong, without a knife you were almost certainly fucked- seeing as their growths served as a king of armor for them. “Goddamn it.” You mouthed, hearing the floorboards above where you sat squeak- catching the clickers attention.
You quickly moved, taking refuge in a small corner, having no place else to go now. The room only had one exit and as you used a hand to cover your mouth, you saw the hypersensitive infected shuffle in- whipping its blinded head around as it made a hellacious screaming noise. It knew, somehow, that something was down here. Its legs drew it further and further into the room until it was just feet away from you. You knew this was it, do or die- and the circumstances had forced your hand to choose the latter- squeezing your eyes shut as you braced yourself for the inevitable lunge.
Abby had made it, just seconds before it was too late- not even thinking to draw her knife as she saw your unmoving figure coward under the clicker. She moved too fast for it to counter her, her heavy boot coming into contact with its knobby kneecap- causing it to fall before her. Her heart was racing, hands jamming inside the monster's mouth- fingers securing on the flattened beds of its teeth as she forced the bones apart- a sickening noise of pain emanating from its mouth as the pieces came apart in her hands. The blood from the kill didn’t phase her, not wasting a second as she threw the pieces of the skull onto the floor, coming to her knees before you. “Baby?” She whispered, rubbing the blood from her hands onto the legs of her cargo pants.
You could barely hear her over the sound of your heartbeat echoing in your ears, only jumping when you felt her calloused fingers brush the hair from your face back. Your eyes darted up, slightly blurry from how tight you’d screwed them shut- arms immediately latching around her shoulders as you launched yourself at the girl. “Fuck, oh god, Abby.” You shuddered, fingers digging into the dark blue of her jacket, burying your face in her neck. “I thought it was over.”
She let out a shaky breath, thinking the same, as she wrapped her arms around your waist- pulling you impossibly close. “I’d never let anything happen to you.” She said matter-of-factly, mind still racing as she took a deep breath- inhaling the sweet scent of your coconut shampoo. It had been a gift, something you only used once in a while due to its scarcity, and she thanked god you decided to use it today- feeling the nerves dwindle as she melted into you. “Would do anything to keep you safe.”
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
hi there !! i love your fics! i was wondering if i could request BEN w femboy streamer? humiliation + abduction maybe? also i’d die to give that ghost head 💔
Thank you so much! I hope ur having a great day and ur wish is my command hope u enjoy:>
(Name) let out a loud sigh as he closed off his stream, rubbing his eyes. He blinked and looked at the time, four am. He shook his head and let out a small laugh, he had to stop streaming so late. Lately he had been getting a weird chatter in his streams, he tried to ignore the overly sexual things they said but he couldn’t deny the pang of want he felt for it.
(Name) was too tired to even take off his hoodie and thigh highs as he made his way to his bed, flopping face first onto the sheets. He was so tired he didn’t even notice his TV turning on.
(Name) woke up surprised as his arms were forced above his head, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his wrists trying to figure out why wires were around him. A loud static filled the room as his head snapped to the TV, a figure came out of his TV along with two more wires.
(Name) had no chance of fighting back against them, the figure that had came out was all the more horrifying. He looked like a nightmare form of link, (Name) tried to not shake as it made its way to him.
“Helloo.” It sang in a glitchy voice, (Name) whimpered and pushed himself further into his bed. He closed his eyes tight and mentally began praying. Ben’s hands were quick to pull up his jumper, vicious grin on his cheeks.
“Gonna fill you up with my cum, bet you’d love that you whore. Ive seen the way you react to my messages.” (Names) eyes doubled, pulse speeding up. “You..” He trailed off and Ben let out a loud laugh. “Me!” He cheered, eyes lighting up at the recognition.
Bens fingers were quick to start teasing and playing with (Names) nipples, relishing in his squirms and moans. “So sensitive.” He showed off his sharp teeth, tongue darting out to lick up his lips.
(Name) couldn’t do much with the wires holding him down. “Gonna breed you up like a bitch, look at you, barley a man.” He chuckled, (Name) would violently deny that his cock was currently hard and leaking precum in his boxers.
“Shu-shut up.” He weakly muttered, eyes hazy and blown. Ben just chuckled, mouth coming to suck on one of his nipples. He circled his tongue around the bud until it was hard and quickly gave the same treatment to the other as (Name) squirmed and whined.
Ben moved to suck some bruises down (Names) stomach, stopping at his v-line to suck bruises into the flesh. (Name) bucked his hips letting out a moan as he threw his head back against his pillow. Stars danced in his vision as Ben flipped him over, arms crossed and legs spread as his face was buried into the mattress.
“I bet you’ll love this.” (Name) froze as a tongue lapped at his hole, Ben running his tongue all over his flesh. (Names) moans got more high pitched as Ben slurped on his hole, pushing his tongue in deep.
(Name) was completely at Ben’s mercy as he tongue fucked him. (Names) voice choked and he arched back into Ben’s tongue, tears of pleasure dripping down his cheeks. He let out a wail when Ben pulled away. “I barley even had to do any thing and look at how much of a slut you’ve turned into.” Ben was smug as he spoke, pushing two fingers into (Names) wet hole.
As much as it burned it felt so good, Ben’s fingers hitting deeper then his own could ever hope to. “Ben’s the name.” (Name) let out a moan as he repeated Ben’s name.
“Fuck.” Ben muttered quickly pulling his fingers out, pressing his cock against (Names) hole. “Gonna fuck this pretty boy pussy and leave it dripping.” He quickly slid deep into (Name), the latter gasping and letting out a broken cry.
It didn’t take long before (Name) was a sobbing mess, head buried into his pillow teeth clenched on the fabric as Ben raw dogged him. Ben’s hand gripped his cock and stroked him in time with his thrusts, (Names) head threw back as Ben leaned down. He pressed their body’s tightly together before moving back up, (Name) trapped by his arm being dragged with him.
Ben didn’t think (Name) could get any louder, he growled when (Name) began fucking back onto his thrusts. His mind ran rampant as he fucked (Names) brains out, relishing in every cry that left the boy.
“Gonna keep you locked up forever. Be my pretty little toy that rides my cock like a good boy.” (Name) whined, the idea kicking him over the edge. He came hard before flopping back onto Ben, Ben’s arms being the only thing keeping him upright.
(Names) body jolted with every thrust, mind floating away on cloud nine. Ben’s thrusts got sloppier and he could feel his end coming near. “Gonna fill you up so much. So much.” Ben gripped his hips and slammed him down for the final time, cum spilling deep as he rode out his high.
He flopped down pinning (Name) to the bed, wires slowly leaving. “So fucking pretty.” Ben muttered stroking the unconscious mans hair.
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l3x01d · 9 months
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these pics are from after i already did this a couple times so yours is gonna look a bit different. Ok so first undo these^^^^ four screws. take out the little half circle with teeth. it holds in a lot of the fur thats attached to an elastic band. theoretically you could use it to hold it back inplace after putting it back together but ive never actually gotten it to go in with the fur. you dont need to undo this one:
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i recommend keeping it inplace tbh. then youre gonna get to the six clips. theyre extremely hard to get out. i ended up cutting all of them along the bottom. it sucks. ive seen people say you can push them out with a screwdriver but i never got that to work. hopefully you can do it better. this is my first custom. ive also heard people say you can cut a thread or two and then theyre easier to get out but i didnt want to cut any threads so i cut the clips instead.
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then pull the fur up as high as itll go and undo all six housing screws. the top two are really far up almost ontop of their head. then undo the two clips on the side:
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then you can just lift the back housing cover completely off. this next picture already has one ear removed. ignore that sorry. unscrew the two screws with washers on the pink plastic. these are holding the ears inplace.
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using a flathead screwdriver you should be able to leverage out one side of the ear posts. after that you can just pull them out fairly easily. do this on both sides.
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^^^then you should be able to flip the front housing cover up just enough to push out the clips holding the front fur on. then remove the front housing and faceplate. this picture already has the faceplate removed. its held in by three screws. i took it off to paint it.then you want to unplug the ears from their little square connector dudes and remove them from the fur. try not to pull too hard on the wires. theres a small hole they go through the fur thats lined with plastic. its kinda tricky but doable. dont be afraid of this part just be careful of the wires.
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if you want to paint the eyes youre gonna have to scrape or sand off the current design and the white parts. its too slick to paint directly. it helps to prop them up with something while painting because theyre on a spring for when they open/close. i used the cover for my scrapey tool. dont forget to sand the lids if you want to paint them too! i forgot and my paint was kinda thick and now they dont always close all the way. most of all be careful not to get any of the dust in the internals.
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this is the fun part now you can paint whatever you like!! clear spray paint makes a good sealant ive found.
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the rest of this post is gonna be things to be mindful of when putting them back together that i wish i had thought of before i learned it the hard way. if you have to really force anything its probably not right. this long part in the back is gonna get in the way!! took me forever to figure it out. lay it flat in your hand as you put the housing on and make sure it lines up right.
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before trying to get the back housing back on make sure the silver top button is lined up correctly! it should fit in the two groves on the very top of their head. when screwing the housing toegther BE CAREFUL OF THE EAR WIRES. BE CAREFUL OF THE EAR WIRES!! i caught mine and accidentily shredded most of them the first time i put them back togeher and ended up having to resolder a bunch of it together and it was doable but a pain so just be careful when you put the holes into their notches that theres no wires in the way. the wires are right next to the pegs/holes that get screwed together. the four wires in the back are for the ears:
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i think everything else has already been documented better than i could do. i also carved a bit off of the ear poles to help but i did too much on one end and now that side doesnt move so thats probably not the best idea! i also highly recommend reading furbinthewoods' post on doing this i wish i had been able to find it when i was doing mine. ive reblogged it and put it under the "furby teardown" tag.
heres Feral my first custom ever and first furby since the 90s (I Love Them):
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have fun and dont be afraid to fail!!
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youngpettyqueen · 5 months
Hi! I'm back and saw the bad injury prompts you reblogged. 👀 Could you please do "I can't feel my legs" with Julian saying it? ❤️
thank you for your patience!! its been. a wild week. but I finally have the energy to sit and get this written out. ive been pondering it all week hehe
I went through a couple ideas before I settled on doing a missing scene style of thing set in The Siege of AR-558. this is set after battle, but before the conversation we see between Sisko and Worf right at the very end. ive talked about it on this blog before but it makes me absolutely feral that Julian gets shot and just. gets up and keeps going. forever chewing on that but I digress ill save my insane rambling for the tags
I hope you enjoy! I like writing Julian and Worf a lot, and I hope you enjoy reading them <3
Doctor Bashir can be a very difficult man to find.
Worf isn't surprised. This is a battlefield in its aftermath, naturally a doctor would be difficult to locate, especially one as quick and efficient as Julian. He stops to ask a few people who look to have been treated, and they all give generally the same answer; that they just saw him, and he went over that way.
Worf follows the general direction of all the pointing, and he finds himself in a tunnel leading to another part of the caverns. He starts to walk through, figuring he'll find the elusive doctor on the other side, where other wounded surely lie.
Instead he damn near trips over him.
Worf thinks it's a rock, or a dropped weapon, at first. But then, as he's taking a second to regain his balance, he hears a low, quiet groan. He looks down, expecting to find a wounded officer, and that's exactly what he finds.
Except the wounded officer is none other than Doctor Bashir.
Julian is half-concealed by the shadows, tucked right up against the tunnel wall and lying flat on his stomach. One arm is outstretched, like he was reaching for the other side, while he has his face buried in the crook of the other elbow. Worf had tripped over one of his legs, which is bent at the knee, like he'd fallen mid-step.
Worf drops to a crouch beside him. "Doctor Bashir," He says, but gets no response, "Doctor, can you hear me?" He places a firm hand on the doctor's shoulder, in case the touch might rouse him.
Julian flinches under his hand. Then he stirs, and he lifts his head, trembling with the effort of it. "Worf...?" He looks up at him, eyes squinted in the dark.
"Yes, Doctor," Worf replies, "What happened? Are you injured?" He questions.
Julian's head drops back against his arm, but he keeps it turned so that he's still facing Worf. "'Fraid so," He grimaces, "I was... I was shot. My side..." He manages to give a weak, indicative nod.
Worf nods. "I will assist you," He tells him. He gets a hold of Julian and, carefully, he maneuvers him onto his back. Julian grabs onto his arm, and there's a surprising strength to his grip. A strangled sound of pain escapes him, grinding out through tightly-clenched teeth. Worf can feel him trembling still, so he pulls him a bit closer, supports the doctor's weight against his own body, "Try to hold still. I must see the wound."
Julian nods wordlessly. He faces the pain well. It's difficult to make out, in the dark, but there's just enough light from the tunnel's exit for Worf to be able to see the large hole burnt away from Julian's uniform jacket. It's burnt right through, both jacket and undershirt gone, leaving raw, angry skin exposed to the dusty air of these caverns. He can see the glisten of blood, can feel it saturating the jacket as he places a bracing hand by the wound.
It's bleeding badly. Julian will have already lost a lot of blood, he needs to slow it until he can get him to one of the medical officers. He shifts his hand over and presses it firmly against the wound, and he keeps a firm grip on the doctor as his entire body jolts with the action. Julian continues to face the pain bravely, turning his face into Worf's chest and screaming against his teeth.
There's a part of him that threatens to get very, very angry at seeing Julian wounded. There's no honour in harming a healer, even some of the most bloodthirsty Klingons he's known would spit at the idea. It's an instinctual reaction, one he has to bite back. He has to remind himself that Julian was here not only as a doctor, but also as an officer. He was wounded as a warrior on the battlefield.
"I don't- I don't think I like that look, Commander." Julian wheezes, his weak voice drawing Worf back out of his thoughts. He's managing a small smile, teasing and boyish even in agony, but it's clear that he's struggling.
"The wound is severe," Worf replies. He doesn't see the point in trying to soften that information, he's sure that Julian, as a doctor, is all too aware of his current condition, "Why did you not seek medical assistance?" He asks.
"Didn't realize it was... this bad," Julian rasps, "My brain does this... funny thing, where I'll see people who need me, and... and nothing else really matters," He rests his head against Worf's chest, his throat bobbing as he swallows hard. He looks nauseous, his brow pinched tight and sweat glistening on his forehead, "I hardly felt it till I collapsed." He manages to finish.
"I fail to see how that is funny," Worf gruffs, "Your dedication to your patients is admirable, Doctor. But now, it is you who requires assistance. Are you able to stand?" He asks.
Julian shakes his head. "No, I... I can't," He replies honestly, "I'm... afraid I can't feel my legs, Commander." He admits.
"Then you will be carried," Worf adjusts his hold, gets an arm under Julian's knees and pulls him against his chest. He pushes himself up with ease, the doctor's weight inconsequential as he cradles him securely, "Hold on, Doctor." He instructs.
Julian's arms come up to wrap around his neck. His head drops against Worf's shoulder, his face half-buried in his neck. He can feel Julian's shallow, quick breathing against his skin. He doesn't have time to waste.
Worf sets off, ducking out of the tunnel and moving into the next open cavern. With the injured doctor in his arms, he makes a brisk pace as he seeks out the first medical officer he can find.
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beann-e · 1 year
Often times people always say how ‘ those who pretend they hate each other are actually just in love and don’t know how to show it ‘.
There are some days when you wish this were the case. When you wish that your hate for sunghoon wasnt as deep as it is now.
You wish that the both of you could come to an agreement that youre just wildly in love with each other. That instead of wanting to break his face in with your fist you would want to do it with your mouth in a long lasting kiss.
You deeply wish that everytime you yell at him it wouldnt be in a fit of rage but, in a cry of desperation to be loved but no you
“ —hate him “ you screamed as you drove your fist into jungwons chest repeatedly. “ I — I really really hate him won “
The black haired male staring straight ahead almost as if he was oblivious to the balled up fist that were pounding against his chest close to his heart. Tounge poking the inside of his cheek before his hands came up to wrap around your wrist.
Your eyes looking into his when you felt the defining grip of his thin fingers on your wrist. Mouth opening a bit when he flicked his eyes over your creased eyebrows before dropping to land on your own.
“ listen “ his voice sending shivers through your body as he sucked his teeth his own eyebrows furrowing the same as yours “ I can understand that really I can “
Apparent annoyance drawn ln his face as if it a white board “ but what I cant understand is your need to punch me “ he spit “ im not pretty boy — ok—im the leader — im an adult now y/n? “
Grip feeling a bit tighter “ im lost have we just forgotten that along the way or ? What huh ? “
Your mouth wide open as his face got closer to yours “ come on speak up ? You do it enough when sunghoon says something so why cant you do it now ? Like I said before im not one to throw my title around — all im saying is— im lost “
Small gasps leaving your mouth feeling his breath nearly collide with your own. Before letting out a small squeak at the next words that flowed into the room. A shiver moving through your body when you didnt see jungwons lips move “ yeah — how about we catch up because similar to yang here im a bit lost on why the pretty girl is in his arms and not mine “
Your eyes slowly moving over to the tall male leaning against the doorway. Arms folded a slight smirk on his face as he locked the door behind him picking up his duffle bag on the floor and walking over to the two people standing in his room.
Finger lightly grazing your arm as your body tried to flinch back but unable to from the tight hold of jungwons hands still latched to your wrist
“ you miss me that much princess or am I just lucky to walk in on such a sight tonight “ a wide smile spreading across his lips as his mouth came to your ear “ you wouldnt dare be snitching on me right ? “
Your body freezing at the implication for your visit mind racing trying to figure out what you actually were here for in the first place until you felt cold hands on your shoulder and a single breathe of a word in your ear “ y/n “
A small hm leaving you before he laughed “ did you come here for a “ he shook his head in confusion “ what did we agree to call it again ? Was it a massage ? “ he laughed “ did you come here for a massage princess ? “
eyes flicking over to jungwons suspecting ones “ shes been a bit tense lately so ive been helping her out its ok you can go back to what you were doing Yang “
“ why the hell would I allow her in your room at this time of night “
“ why wouldnt you ? “ he cocked his head to the side as if challenging the younger boy in front of him “ you are the leader right ? “
He shook his head as his lip jutted out “ so in what world would you not trust those under you ? Or as you like to say those older the you with your little sister ? Your mature hyungs? “
Jungwons eyebrows twitching as he stared at you not wanting to lock eyes with sunghoon. He in no way wanted to seem disrespectful but, he had questions about the two of you.
You hated each other.
He knew you hated each other
So why was he having the hardest time deciding on if he should listen to his hyung and leave you two alone or to take you along with him. He knew this decision would just come back and bite him in his ass when he got scolded for the mess you two would make in the argument you were bound to get into as soon as he left the room.
“ jungwon “ you let out softly a small smile gracing your lips “ its ok “
“ it’s not— you two will fight and I’ll be left to get in trouble you two never do I always receive the backlash from management “ he shook his head hand running down his face in exhaustion “ and from grandma……youre not even suppose to be here y/n — press would throw a fit of happiness if they catch you here “
“ but its my choice — my decision “ your eyes flicking to the dark ones near your neck “ my ex “
Jungwon nodding his head softly as he licked his lips slowly loosening the grip on your wrist before letting out a soft sorry rubbing your wrist slightly “ I’ll leave you two but “ his finger waving at you knowing you were the only one who would actually listen“ if grandma finds out about this I was knocked out thanks to the jet lag ok“
Nodding your head as you watched him suck his teeth mumbling under his breath as he grabbed his phone and made his way out of the hotel room leaving you to the quiet and long sigh that sunghoon let out against your neck “ I really — really — really hate you “
“ awe baby you know it hurts me when you say that “
Your face falling in sadness at the claim “ so? “ he spoke softly the room seeming to close in on itself “ you flew here for me ? “
“ sunghoon— “‘
“ did you fly here for me “
“ sunghoon no I saw — “
“ regardless “ he whisper yelled eyes glued to the floor as his fist tightned at your sides sides “ fuck all that — did you fly here for me “
Your eyebrows still stuck in the furrow they held from earlier a small puff of air leaving your mouth as your face turned and eyes traveled across his face “ no “ the air growing cold “ no hoon I didnt “
You shook your head sadly knowing him like the back of your hand “ I didnt sunghoon — not this time “
“ and whats so different this time huh ? “ his nails digging into his palms as he took a step back “ whats so different now compared to every other time “
Your eyes shutting in a blink “ what ? Is it that you don’t love me anymore huh ? You don’t care about me ? What if im high off my ass y/n ? You wont fly to sober me up anymore huh ? “ his voice starting to get a bit louder
“ if I get food positioning ? You wont rub my back when I spill my fucking guts over the toilet seat anymore huh ? “
His body shaking “ whats so different about this tim— “
“ sunghoon im getting married “
HIs mouth opening a bit at your words hands relaxing a bit from the attack that was happening on his palms “ i just came to deliver the invitation “ but— hah— you cant — you literally cant “
“ I am “
“ youre an actor “
“ yes and youre an idol “ a sigh leaving your mouth “ I thought we went over our occupations when we first met “
“ you cant get married— you cant even date your fans will— “
“ my fans already know hoon “
“ they ? They know “
You shook your head as his heart broke into pieces throughout the entirety of your relationship together , if you could Even call it that , he was never shown off.
Something that was Hard to endure for someone like him , a person who got off on being talked about , he enjoyed endless conversations and compliments but only when you were behind closed doors…
It was a bit harder to enjoy them the way he wanted but now here you are with the word husband and yeonjuns pretty face to match on a wedding invitation card.
“ but y/n”
“ no—- I didn’t come for anything else and I promised jun I would only come for closure nothing other then that “
“ and y/n I understand that and trust me I was an ass—“
“ hole yes we know but, I’ve heard it all before I don’t need to talk to you anymore I found closure in just knowing you were Invited “ a small smile playing on your face “ I know if I hadn’t have come here you would’ve lied to press and said you weren’t invited and I can’t have my brother dealing with our personal drama “
“Y/n I— “
“ you have nothing to say that you haven’t already and quite honestly I’m tired of the same old phrases whenever I try to leave this toxic situation for something better “
“ but y/n this is differ- “
“ no it’s just like all the times before “ you sigh moving to grab your bag and walking to the front door “ you just never remember you’ve said it because you’re high off your ass and you just don’t want me to leave “
“ y/n i do mean it this time really i do I — “ your hand twisting the knob and closing the door behind you as you softly let out a small sentence tears knocking on your closed lids praying to be free.
“ —love you “
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romanarose · 2 years
Ive seen TF boys on your page and I wanted to know you thoughts on how the moonboys would comfort and help a bulimic reader?
Hi love! Happy to give you come HC's for this <3
My inbox is currently closed as im working through old requests/ working on writing fics, but I wanted to do this one bc its a very important subject to my heart, with how bad my bulimia permanently destroyed my disgestive system and teeth
Moon Boys with a Bulimic reader
Warnings: Bulimia, vomit, food restriction, binging and purging NSFW refernces (bc its jake)
Steven Grant
He had to stay late tonight at work, some of his students were a little lost on the subject matter, so he held a study session before finals to allow everyone a chance to clarify. He had felt bad for missing dinner, of course, but he brought cake back as an apology
When you didn't answer, he saw the bathroom door was closed, and just figured you were in there bathing as you often did after diner
when he comes to the door to say hello and let you know there's cake, he hears you crying, and quickly opens the door, knowing your history with mental health problems and worrying you hurt yourself or were going to. He saw you crying against the wall, not even looking at him, and saw remnants of throw up in the toilet that hadn't all gone down with the first flush, he initially thought you were sick
"oh darling, here, let's get you to bed. Is it your stomach-" He paused as he saw your hand, red and scratched knuckles covered in throw up. Oh.
"I'm sorry" you cry "I'm fucking gross"
"No, no darling, you're not, here" Steven gets a wet towel and gently cleans your face and hands, as well as any mess you might have made. He washed his hands, then went to scoop you up. "C'mere love, lets rest, yeah?" And carried you over to the bed, not mentioning the cake he brought. Laying you down with a blanket and your favorite stuffed animal, he brought you water and asked you to drink it, knowing how purges dehydrate. He had read every book he could find on eating disorders, the health effects and treatment. He knew your addictive personality made things worse, harder to break out of habits.
"How long had this been going on again?" he asked
"Today was the first relapse" you answered, but he gave you a look like he didn't believe you "I swear! That's why I was crying... all the progress went to waste" You lip quivers trying to get the last few words out
Steven sits down with you, holding you tight, assuring you that this didn't detract from your progress, that progress isn't linear, and you are still his strong, beautiful girl.
He holds you tight that night, they two of you whispering with the sheets pulled over your head like children staying up too late at a sleep over, whispering about how much you loved each other
Will keep a careful eye on you, and definitely takes over the cooking to make you nutritious food, oh you want to help! Even better, love
Marc Spector
When you first approached Marc about going to the gym with him, he was elated! He was so excited about showing you around, teaching you how to use equipment, and of course spending more time with you!
So you started going with him every time he went, he even bought you cute workout clothes. That might have been a bit selfish on his part. He like checking you out, and he liked the way men stared at you, until they realized you were with him. The caveman part of his brain loved posturing, and he especially loved how you only ever had eyes for him, no matter the stronger, fitter men and women there.
Then you got really into it. Marc thought this was a bit odd, but was happy to spend the time training you.
First warning sign was when you started drinking protein shakes in lieu of breakfast. Not the end of the world, you were never a huge breakfast person. But when you stopped eating lunch in favor of the shakes, he confronted you. You insisted they were just easier, and tasted so good, you just preferred it.
Then there was the day he had to take you home early from the gym because you weighed yourself and found you hadn't lost weight, and you began crying, no matter how much he tried to explain that you were gaining muscle, which is denser than fat, and he was so proud of you for how much you could lift now!
You stuck to the treadmill and elliptical from then on, which Marc hated. He'd run with you for a bit, but then opted to do weights. although he stayed nearby in case anyone caused you problems, he missed working with you. He couldn't even really focus, watching you strain yourself and look miserable
The last straw was when he went to bring you water, and you refused to stop or slow down. In the middle of a argument while you ran, he watched your eyes go blank. Thinking quickly, he pressed the emergency button and caught you as you fell, the treadmill only managed to give a few rug burns on your legs and knees.
When you came to in his arms, you were greeted by his angelic face insisting you drink the water he had. He spoke soft, but obviously very distressed. He asked you how long it had been since you'd eaten. The frown on his face was deep as you watched his eyes start to tear up.
"Don't cry, please" you ask.
"You really scared me" He smiled at you.
Marc drove you insane after that. "did you eat today?" "what did you have?" "did you eat all of it?" this man did not know the meaning of sublty
He babied, and I mean babied the shit out of you
Fucker wouldn't even let you ride him
You gotta sit this man down and tell him to knock it off or you're gonna scream
You make a deal. You start going to counseling, he has to start taking you to the gym again (he wouldn't let you go alone, that's fir sure)
He agrees. You focus back on the weights, less on weight loss. (marc took the scale out of the house. You may or may no have found it shattered in the dumpster when you took the trash out. Marc has beef with all scales now.)
You enjoy the weights, you enjoy feeling strong, and you definitely enjoy using it to bring out Marc’s subby side
Jake Lockley
It's hard not to feel sexy with this man
The pet names and compliments are none stop. You've began to wonder if he forgot your actual name.
During sex, he takes the term body worship to a new level. This man's mouth and hands are e v e r y w h e r e
Why are his hand's all over your arms? Why is he kissing your calves when he's got your feet over his shoulders? Why does he suck hickies between your thighs? Why does he bite and squeeze your hip dip? you'll never know, but you love it
But you and him both know that sometimes, eating problems aren't about body image, but about control, and compulsions. And a little bit of body image because fuck, who doesn't struggle with that sometimes?
When he sees the warning signs, you hiding your body from him, not wanting to eat with him, generally being distant again, he always asks. He doesn't come on as intense as Marc with his protectiveness, but he will mentally keep track of your eating, and try to coax you into eating something if he see's you sipping meals. He has deficiently taken your car keys once, not because he was trying to keep you home, but because he didn't think you were safe to drive the busy streets.
Buys you literally anything he thinks might help. If its not about your body necessarily, he'll get you whatever you think might help you feel in control. Wanna craft? He'll build you a shelf and buy you all the fucking yarn in the world. Wana have a lil world you can control? Every sims pack you can imagine. Cat? Plants? A lizard? Fuck it, yeah, he'll buy you a lizard. Coolest lizard ever. He'll take lil charizard on a walk with you if thats what you want
All the boys
You're getting vitamins
And water!!! If you're throwing up, you're going to at least stay hydrated.
Bathroom lock is either taken out, or there's a spare key. Not out of control, no, they know you'll find a way to do it if you really want to, but in case of emergency
Will encourage therapy and medication, if you think it's right for you, maybe at least to try for a bit?
Never, ever, shame you for how you feel or act. You can tell them if you are having urges, need a distraction.
Steven and Jake make sure to keep Marc's protective nature in check, to make sure you aren't deterred from talking to them.
constantly shower you in praise and love and compliments
Always always always tell you how proud they are of you, even if you relapse, bc look how well you were doing! That means you can absolutely do it again!
I hope this was nice! I really love these 3 and I feel they would all be so supportive (even if marc might be a lil much sometimes XD It's okay, we love him <3 )
not tagging anyone today, but please be sure to comment/reblog if you liked this!
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kurtsascot · 9 months
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thank you @rockitmans for the tag <3
this year was kind of a rollercoaster. im definitely in a transitionary period of my life right now, and its simultaneously exciting and terrifying, but, more than anything else, im so grateful that this year i decided to get back into writing again, and, im very glad that, in the spur of the moment, i decided to make a tumblr over the summer and join this fandom more actively. i have loved participating in the events and talking to people all over the world. i never want to leave !!
klainepolls has also been a such fun project with @carsonphillips … shes so funny and makes me laugh so hard. we talk to each other nearly every day at this point and its been so lovely to have an internet friend !!!!!
but anywayyyy heres an excerpt from klaine!clueless au, klueless, ugh as if!, whatever we want to call this sucker…… and im not going to lie, ive been having fun googling 90s terms and trying to weave them into this guy. (its not six sentences but i seriously doubt you guys will be mad about that)
and, theres still news about something unrelated coming tuesday :^)
“Hey Dad?”
“Can we talk?”
Burt raises his head, his reading glasses hanging low on his nose. “Sure.” He sets his pile of envelopes to the side, on his mahogany end table and one of Elizabeth’s lace doilies. “What’s up, bud?”
Kurt worries his lip in between his teeth.
Burt’s eyes get a little wider. He takes off his glasses and sets them over top the pile of stationary. “What’s up?” He repeats as his eyes search Kurt’s face. “Is someone giving you trouble at school?”
“No.” Kurt turns to face him, shifts his one leg under himself, his other bent and hanging off the edge of the couch. “Did you ever have a problem that you couldn’t argue your way out of?”
Burt snakes his hand over the back of the couch. He looks down at his lap, and, calm yet firm, presses, “Tell me the problem, and we’ll figure out how to argue it.”
Wrong direction. That’s not- Kurt sighs. “No. It’s… It’s about a boy.”
tagging !!: @cryscendo @bitbybitwrites @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @fallevs @little-escapist @daisyishedwig (and….for a sketch maybe?? @esilher @warblercore )
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