#ive been trying to write lately and it all just goes in circles around the same topics
trans-spidey · 1 year
analysing my ao3 bookmarks easily would say some Truths about me id never admit to but i think analysing my writing would probably do the same rip
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey! idk if youre taking requests but i love your writing!
I was wondering how about some angst where the reader likes to make things like donnie does, she talks about it but donnie keeps talking about how he can make something better than that or add improvements and one day she comes in with something she made to show them but before she can show the whole group donnie just goes “thats it? i could make that in a hour, heck 2 hours to make it better than that” and it kinda just diminishes the reader and she leaves
you can add more! Ive just been thinking about this for a bit c: I hope you have a wonderful day!!
I Can Do It Better
Tumblr media
author’s note: awww tysm c: i love this idea though i didn’t know whether to keep it just angsty or throw in the comfort at the end so I just went for it!! i hope you enjoy~~~~ <3
warnings: angst, slight cursing, fluff
This time. This time for sure, you felt confident in your creation. “The bros are gonna loveee this,” you laughed to yourself as you fiddled with a controller. You had made tiny color coded racing drones. One for each turtle and then yours, they were small enough to all fit in your backpack as you carefully placed them inside, also stacking the controllers in as well.
Of course your miniature drones were nothing like Shelldon, and that was the first response you were expecting from Donnie, but maybe he’d be a little impressed by the mechanics and how mini sized everything was, you basically had to make everything yourself, propellers and engines not really coming in such a small size. But you thought it would be a fun way to hang out with the turtles, they all loved a good competition you had come to realize. Whether it was video games or DDR in the arcade, lately even pizza box stacking! The record being a total of 50 boxes on Mikey’s head.
As you locked your apartment door, sending a text to the group chat that you were heading to the lair. Raph had been the first to acknowledge so you deemed it fine to continue your journey. It took about 20 minutes by foot to get to the turtle’s manhole cover. Which left you with plenty of time to mull over how nervous you were becoming. It all stemmed back to when Donnie had first shown you his lab.
“Wow! This is incredible!” You said turning around in a circle taking in the entire place. Donnie held a smug expression on his face, “built entirely by yours truly,” he bowed dramatically and you continued to stroke his ego, gasping at that fact alone. “How long did it take you?” You asked curiously and Donnie waltzed over to his swivel chair, pushing a spare one towards you. The conversation had been you asking questions, him answering arrogantly and you praising his achievements. To someone like you, Donnie’s mind was just phenomenal, he was your very own genius you could badger with a billion questions trying to get a glimpse of his ingenuity. And Donnie didn’t mind all the questions he was used to his brothers not being interested so this was like a complete 180.
“I’m also interested in making tech,” you added shyly, it was your first non question. Donnie blinked, “well I doubt it’ll ever be better than anything I’ve ever created, but cool!” And then he turned to his work table and got busy, asking if you wanted to watch his skills at work. That had lessened the sting as you pushed your chair to roll closer, watching his steady hands.
That hadn’t been the last of Donnie knocking you down. The things you had brought to him, he’d recalibrate or completely dismantle saying, “Don’t worry I can fix this and it’ll be wayyy better,” Even though you hadn’t asked him to do it. At first you were just happy to have sort of collaborated but you soon fell out of the whole idolization.
“Don’t focus on Donnie just focus on Mikey, or Raph, maybe even Leo if it comes down to it!” You chanted to yourself as you descended into the sewers. You had started to visit Donnie less because you realized his words really hurt your feelings. You had yet to build up the courage to tell him that too. So you hadn’t seen him in a while, you doubted he even noticed, he was a busy turtle. “Knock knock,” you called out as you entered the abandoned subway that was transformed into a home. “Y/n!” Mikey hollered and ran over to pull you into a hug. Raph doing the same hugging the both of you, “It’s been a while!” Raph noted as he set the two of you down.
“Sorry about that! Nothing personal in fact, I was building something for you guys!” Raph and Mikey smiled at you,
“Ohhh really??” “What did you make??”
“I’ll show you!” And just as you were grabbing your backpack, opening up the zipper, Leo and Donnie walked in. “Lookie here! Just who we were-“ Leo had started but Donnie elbowed his brother in the plastron effectively making him double over. “OW!” Leo said after regaining his composure. You turned back to your backpack, shaking your head with a smile, they were always fooling around. With your back turned Donnie pointed at Leo, then dragged a finger across his neck. Meaning, ‘you’re dead if you keep talking.’
Leo rolled his eyes, “Guess what guys! Y/n made us something,” Mikey beamed and that had the twins coming to stand in front of you. “Well all of you,” you clarified and Leo rubbed his hands together excited to see what you would pull out. You decided to take yours out, along with the controller. “I made everyone tiny racing drones!” And you quickly went on, not looking at anyone’s face (for fear of seeing any disappointment). Placing the drone on the floor and flipping a switch on the controller, the drone powered to life and it raised slowly according to your controls.
“I thought it would be fun since you guys like to compete, and-“
“That’s it?” Your heart sank as you turned to Donnie, the turtle you had told yourself you would ignore. For some reason that was impossible for you to do. “It’s so tiny, you know Shelldon was a racing drone once, I could totally make-“
You sighed, “yeah never mind.” You surprised yourself and Donnie by cutting him off. Embarrassed you let the drone drop into your backpack, flinching at the clacking sound, but to prove your point you threw the controller in there as well. “I don’t know why I thought this would be a good idea,” you said grabbing your bag quickly and heading for the exit. “Y/n!” Mikey called out worriedly. Raph was glaring at Donnie who had his mouth open, watching you leave. “You might want to apologize for putting Y/n down like that, I mean really Don??” Raph reprimanded his purple brother.
Leo took out a sword, and started swirling, making a portal underneath Donnie’s feet. “Try speaking your actual mind,” his brother winked as Donnie fell through eyes wide with surprise since he had been looking at you and not at his feet. “wait!!” He hollered and reappeared in the alleyway, you stopped thinking that had been meant for you.
“Uh Y/n, what I meant to say was…” he fell short not knowing what to say at all. You turned your head, you hadn’t been expecting anyone to follow you, maybe Mikey if any of the turtles. But Donnie?! “You meant what you said.” You grumbled as you turned back to face the street. “Well yeah but not as bad as it sounded,” he said quickly and you decided to turn completely and face him. “How exactly am I supposed to take your criticism that comes with every single thing I show you, you never say anything positive and-“
You were so upset that you threw your backpack at him. He fumbled catching it as it hit him in the plastron. Then he noticed you rubbing your eyes, his own softened. “Y/n..”
“No!” You cried, hiccuping, “y-you hate all of my stuff, that’s fine but, I was just trying to show your brothers, not you.” Donnie chewed the inside of his cheek, “I don’t hate them,” he gently placed the bag on the ground. “I like that you’re into tech and building your own creations,” he was mumbling. “Sure, just throw it all away, it’s junk.” Donnie grabbed your arm before you turned away again, “I’m sorry, I’m not the best at apologizing and I know I messed up big time,” he sighed letting his grip loosen as his hand slipped to hold onto yours. You blinked and he continued, “I know you’ve been ignoring me, I don’t know why I keep putting you down, it’s like a very bad filter turning my real thoughts into egomaniac bullshit,”
He paused looking into your eyes, “What are your real thoughts?” you said softly. “Just how much I miss hanging out with you, because you’re really cool and actually like the same things I do,” Donnie squeezed your hand before letting go. “Come back, I wanna race with your drones,” he said and you blew out a breath, “fine but don’t cry when I beat your ass,” you said going for the bag. But he beat you to it, tugging it over one shoulder as he uncovered the manhole, “Scoff! We’ll see,” he said with a playful smirk and you stuck out your tongue going down the ladder again.
You won the first match, to which everyone called for a rematch saying they were getting used to the controller or mechanics. “AH HA!” Leo said as his tiny blue drone won the second race. Donnie groaned wondering how he could lose to Leo of all people in a drone race. Mikey had placed all kinds of cute orange stickers on his drone. You went over to him as Leo and Donnie bantered back and forth. “I’m glad you came back,” Mikey said smiling up to you from where he was sitting, the drone in his lap. “Me too.. sorry for the outburst,” you said as you sat next to him. “It’s okay, did he apologize properly?” You drew your knees up and rested the side of your head there as you talked to Mikey though you wondered if he was being Dr. Feelings right now. “Yeah, we’re good,” you smiled softly thinking of how he had grabbed your hand.
“Donnie has always had that kind of trouble, he doesn’t really say how he feels,” Mikey glanced over at his older brothers, Raph trying to break up the twin feud. You closed your eyes, “he kind of said that actually,” you spoke and you felt a hand pat your head. You peeked your eyes open and saw that Mikey had leaned in closer, “you know what I think?” He whispered, and you waited for him to continued, eyes confused. “I think Dee likes you more than he lets on,”
As if to prove his point you felt his hand suddenly leave your head. “Mikey keep your hands to yourself,” Donnie’s voice was suddenly close. Mikey gave you a wink as you turned your head to the other side to see Donnie was now sitting next to you. “I was just telling Y/n how much I appreciate my baby drone!” Mikey quipped as he got up to go ask Leo to race him.
“He’s so bad at lying,” Donnie shook his head as he looked ahead, “what was he really talking about?” He asked still not facing you. “You,” you said honestly and that made him look down, “what about me?” He seemed wary to even ask. “something along the lines of what you said in the alleyway,” it was the truth but you kept the other statement to yourself. “Oh!” Donnie nodded, relaxing as he took out his phone. You watched him, wondering how much more Mikey meant, like a really good friend… or?
You blushed and when you blinked clearing away your thoughts Donnie wasn’t looking at his phone anymore but at you. “What’re you pondering?” You shook your head giggling, “can’t say,” and that only piqued Donnie’s interest. “Oh c’mon we’re rekindling remember?” His phone all but forgotten as he tried to guess your thoughts. “Don I’ve always considered you a friend even though you were being a big meanie,” you teased trying to change the topic. “Not gonna work,” he smiled smugly knowing the tactic you were using very well. “Ugh,” you groaned turning your head straight into your knees as you closed your eyes. You felt him poke your cheek, “penny for your thoughts?”
“They’re worth more than that!” You sputtered keeping your eyes closed despite wanting to see him now. This was the second time he had touched you today. Then you felt his body move closer until he was brushing against your side. “How much are they gonna cost me?” He joked and you couldn’t resist turning your face back towards him eyes opened. He was still looking at you, eyes crinkled in a teasing smile. “A few compliments,” you replied and his eyes widened slightly before his facial expression went back to teasing, “that’s easy!” He said and you rolled your eyes thinking he had never done so the entire time the two of you knew each other. Other than today!
“You’re brain is above average,” he started and you snorted. “Wow thanks,” you said sarcastically, enjoying how he got flustered. “Mmm your style is next level,” he noted and that meant more to you as you let go of your knees, sitting normally, looking down at your outfit. “And you’re really pretty,” he said so quickly you almost did a double take. Your face heating up as he turned away and you could only see one side of his face turning a darker green. “I was pondering.. the idea of us being more than friends,” you said quietly, giving him the answer he ‘paid’ for.
“And that made you blush?” Donnie asked and you replied, “the same shade as you when you called me pretty,” both of you turned away too embarrassed to keep up the teasing. “I’d like that..” Donnie said his hand inched towards yours where it rested on the ground. “Me too,” your hand moving, meeting Donnie’s fingers shyly. Both of you whipped your heads back around, both blushing furiously. “Then it’s official?” Donnie whispered and you nodded. Mikey and Leo’s drones flew past the two of you and Mikey was jumping up and down in victory as Leo crumpled to the floor in defeat. Raph cheering his little brother on happily. But despite that you couldn’t seem to think of anything other than Donnie’s hand in yours, and the way his eyes were showing you so much emotion, how you affected him greatly and he utterly adored you.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hi!! So I was listening to paper rings by Taylor Swift today and the lyric 'I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings' made me think of coops and o'knutzy. Could you write a prompt about this?! <3
This song is so perfect for Coops and it’s the best way to start of the long-awaited wedding series! Yay! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Combined with:
1. Domestic Coops
2. Remus making fun of Sirius’ initials
3. Sirius trying to make Remus moan while he’s on the phone with his folks
4. From @colored-rain: Taking Hattie to the vet
TW for mild smutty content, taking a pet to the vet, and the inherent stress of wedding planning
I: Six Weeks Before the Wedding
“Where are we even going to do this?” Sirius asked, running a hand through his hair.
Remus shook his head silently, pressing his forehead into the wooden edge of the table. “What if we elope?”
“Celeste would skin us both.”
“True. Oh, god, my dad would cry if we did that.” Remus slid down in his seat and stared up with sad eyes. “Can’t we just be married already?”
“I could get tinfoil from the kitchen and just…” Sirius mimed wrapping it around his ring finger and Remus snorted.
“Baby, I would marry you with paper rings, but I think we want them to last.”
“You like shiny things!”
“I do, that doesn’t mean I want tinfoil on my hand for the rest of my life,” Remus laughed, pulling him in for a quick kiss. “Alright, let’s go through our list again. We agreed on small, right?”
“Just the team and families. We still want it to be outside?”
“Yep.” Remus checked off two boxes on the piece of paper they had been grappling with for the past four days. “Rings have already been ordered?”
“I’m doing that this afternoon. What kind of cake do we want?”
“Uhhh…an edible one?” Remus shrugged. “I don’t have a huge preference. Chocolate is really good but all the ones from the store are spongy.”
“Wow, an edible cake, so original,” Sirius teased. “We can ask Celeste what she thinks.”
“Good plan.” He paused for a moment. “Where outside will we do it? We need an actual venue. I think people would be upset if we just had a wedding in a public park.”
“The media would be all over it, too.” Sirius scrunched his nose up in thought just as their timer went off and both sighed as they headed for the door. “It’s going to be hard to focus on practice when we know next to nothing about the wedding we’ve been planning for over six months.”
“We’re disasters.”
II: Four Weeks Before the Wedding
“We’re not putting that on the cards.”
“Why not?” Sirius frowned and looked down at the mock-up invitation. “It’s our initials. It’s cute.”
Remus blinked at him. “Sirius. Your initials.”
“Do you not want my initials on our joint wedding invitation?”
“I would love to have your initials on our joint wedding invitation, except for the part where it’s the same acronym as ‘son of a bitch’.”
Sirius paused, then groaned and put his hands over his face. “Fuck, I forgot about that.”
“You forgot your own initials?”
“I forgot the son of a bitch thing!”
“Okay, I clearly don’t tease you enough for that,” Remus snickered, wrapping an arm around his waist to kiss his cheek. “Alright, attempt number eight is a bust.”
III: Three Weeks Before the Wedding
Sirius ran his fingers gently through Remus’ hair, feeling him shift in the darkness. “What’s on your mind, mon amour?”
“Are we changing our last names?”
“Did we…not discuss that?” Sirius wracked his brain, but it was so exhausted from wedding topics that he came up empty.
“I don’t think so.” Remus scooted around so he was on his side, facing Sirius. “Both our names are super connected to our jobs. Plus, Lupin-Black might be a little long for jerseys.”
“I’d rather not go through the whole name-change process.” There was a beat of quiet. “Though I do like the sound of Sirius Lupin.”
Remus’ breath audibly caught and he leaned closer to Sirius, nuzzling against his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
IV: Eighteen Days Before the Wedding
Remus’ back hit the mattress with a soft bounce that was quickly stilled by Sirius’ weight pressing him down by the hips, his mouth skimming along all the right places on Remus’ neck. “Yes,” he hissed as Sirius ground down, their bare chests bumping together. He dipped his hands beneath the waistband of Sirius’ sweats and he shivered, nipping the hinge of his jaw.
“Wait,” Sirius gasped, pulling back to straddle Remus’ waist.
“What? Is this a flamingo moment?” Remus panted, still buzzing with arousal.
“Did we invite your parents to the wedding?”
Remus stared at him in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“I don’t think we did.”
“Sirius, you are literally about to—holy fuck, did we invite my parents?”
“I don’t know!”
Remus groaned and let his head fall back against the pillows before tapping Sirius’ hip and swinging his legs over the edge of the mattress. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed his mother’s number, taking a few deep breaths to collect himself as it rang.
“Hey, mom, how’s it going?”
“Oh, it’s going fine out here. How’s wedding planning?” Hope asked. Remus could hear her smiling.
“That’s what I’m calling about, actually. Did you—” He bit his lip as Sirius’ fingertips trailed up his thigh. “Uh, did you get an invitation?”
Hope was silent for a moment, save for a few rustling sounds. “Now that you mention it, I don’t think so. Lyall! Honey, did Re send us a wedding invitation?” There was a low humming noise as his father responded. “He says we didn’t get one.”
Remus winced. “Sorry about that. I can text you the details, if you want.”
“Will you mail one as well? I want to put it in our memory box.”
Sirius’ hand slid further along Remus’ leg, growing closer to his inner thigh by the second and doing nothing to quell his frayed nerves. “Yeah—yeah, mom, we totally can.”
“Are you alright? You sound a bit out of breath.”
“Hattie was running around and being a little crazy.” Remus covered the speaker with his hand and turned to glare at Sirius, who grinned and kissed his cheekbone.
“Okay,” Hope sounded skeptical. “So you’re not getting sick or anything?”
“Nope. Healthy as a horse.” The last word came out a little breathless as Sirius licked a stripe up his neck and bit down on the junction to his shoulder, making Remus’ eyes flutter closed. He smacked Sirius’ hand halfheartedly and felt him grin.
“How’s Sirius doing?”
“Fine, he’s fine. We’re a little stressed with the wedding planning and everything, but things are good here.” Really good, he thought as the heel of Sirius’ hand pressed down just next to his dick. He swallowed down a moan and squeezed his eyes shut. “Alright, I’ll text the details to you this afternoon love you mom bye.”
“Love you t—”
A millisecond after the call ended, Remus slammed his phone into the nightstand and pushed Sirius into the sheets, bracketing his face with his elbows. “What the fuck was that?”
“I’m just keeping things interesting.” Sirius tugged his lower lip between his teeth and smirked, which really left Remus with only one option: kissing him senseless until he couldn’t even remember his own name.
V: Three Days Before the Wedding
Sirius’ leg bounced up and down nervously and he gripped Remus’ hand as they waited in the lobby of the vet’s office. “She’ll be okay.” His voice was noticeably higher than usual and he cleared his throat. “She’ll be fine. It’s just a cough.” A cough that’s been going on for four and a half days.
Remus hummed his agreement, though he hadn’t stopped twisting Hattie’s leash in his hands since they arrived. “Just a cough. Probably a cold, or—or something like that.”
The doors ahead opened and both of them stood as Hattie trotted out next to the vet tech, who looked rather amused. “What’s wrong with her?” Sirius asked, scanning her for any signs of illness. “Is she alright?”
“She is a very talented actress,” the vet said, rubbing Hattie behind the ears. She whined pitifully and cuddled into Sirius’ side. “Have you two been busy lately?”
“We’re planning for our wedding.” Remus looked as confused as Sirius felt. “Why?”
“Because Miss Hattie here is one of the healthiest, snuggliest dogs I’ve ever seen.”
“But she was coughing.”
“She was faking.” The vet knelt next to her and petted down her back, raising an eyebrow. “Weren’t you, munchkin?”
“Hattie!” Sirius exclaimed, torn between relief and shock. “You little monster!”
Remus frowned and tapped her forehead lightly as he slid her leash on over her head. “We were so worried about you! Why would you do that?”
“She’s probably been sulking because you’re busy with wedding stuff,” the vet said with a smile. “Quite the drama queen you’ve got there.”
“Tell me about it,” Sirius huffed as he kissed her head. “Don’t ever do that again, young lady. You’re in big trouble when we get home.”
“Thank you for your help,” Remus said, shaking the vet’s hand. “We really appreciate it and we’re so sorry for wasting your time.”
“Are you kidding? She was the best part of my day,” he laughed. “All the other techs can’t stop talking about Hattie cuddles now. Have a good one, you three.”
+1: The Lions, the Media, and the Locker Room
Word spread like wildfire in media circles, and the rumor mill had never worked harder once news of the Black-Lupin wedding came out.
Naturally, the Lions decided to have a little fun with it.
“Pots! Pots, what can you tell us about Black and Lupin’s wedding?” Four different microphones were shoved into his personal space, but James put on his best confused face.
“What wedding?”
A wave of murmuring spread through the reporters. “So you weren’t invited to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin’s wedding?”
“There’s a wedding?”
Across the room, two other interviewers mobbed Thomas Walker in his stall. “Talker, do you know anything about Black and Lupin’s wedding?”
“Who?” he asked with a perfect act of innocence.
“Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.”
He bit his lip. “I don’t think I know them, sorry. Are they fans?”
“Talkie!” Remus tossed him a towel from the adjacent stall, and he caught it with a grin.
“Heads up, Loops!” Talker threw it right back and headed toward the ice baths with a wink to the cameras. “Good chat, guys.”
One of the interviewers muttered under their breath and hurried over to Pascal, who was still unlacing his skates. “Dumo, when is the wedding between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin?”
Dumo frowned. “Quoi?”
“The wedding. You were invited, yes?”
“Desole, je ne parle pas l’anglais,” he said regretfully. “C’est un…wedding?”
“Yes, the wedding between your teammates.”
“These words, I don’t know them.” His French accent was almost comically thick as he shook his head. “Desole.”
Out of view of the cameras, Sirius gave him a thumbs-up and reached over to high-five Pots.
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dontaskmetodivide · 4 years
migraine days
summary: Y/N experiences a migraine and Harry does his best to comfort her. 
tw: total fluff
1,598 words !!
a/n: migraines really aren’t pretty, so this isn’t a very pretty one shot, but as someone who get them i really wanted to write something about what h would do to comfort his girl during them.
You knew the second that your vision went blurry and your face got tingly that you were having a migraine. The piercing headache that you could only describe as the feeling of going mad. You were used to them, they sucked but you were used to them. You got them every month or so, and usually when they happened you would shut off your phone, lie in bed crying and just try to focus on your breathing. But once you started dating Harry, they got slightly more manageable. Harry always knew exactly what to do and how you comfort you, which made the whole experience a little more bearable.
You called Harry over to your flat around 8 pm, you both deciding to watch a movie and eat ice cream until you fell asleep, but around 10 pm you felt the strain on your head. 
You get up from the couch and go to the kitchen calmly, excusing yourself for a moment so that you can take your meds, hopefully in time to break the migraine before it gets too bad. Along with the small dissolvable tablet you take, you also chug a bunch of water, refilling the bottle twice before Harry enters the room.
“Y/N? What’re you doing?” He asks with a groggy voice, clearly tired from the late hour and all the work in the studio earlier in the day. His hands remain in the pocket of his sweatshirt. 
You set the bottle down on the counter and squint your eyes, trying to see Harry’s face clearly as you speak. “I feel a migraine coming, is all.” You brush it off but he takes it more seriously, walking around the island to get closer to you. 
“Oh, muppet.” His hands come up and cup your cheeks as he looks into your eyes. “Has the aura started yet?” He asks with concern laced in his voice, referring to the weird visual changes you encounter when it comes to your migraines. 
You nod and close your eyes, the light beginning to cause a light pounding behind your eyes. He kisses your forehead and you grab onto the sides of his sweatshirt for balance. 
“Want to head to the hospital?” He asks, and that was one thing you didn’t appreciate from Harry as much when your migraines would occur. He always wanted to take you to the hospital immediately, have you protected and cared for by trained professionals, and while it was very caring, you were stronger than that and could usually last a while before absolutely needing to go seek help. You always wanted to wait until you felt like you couldn’t anymore before going to the doctor. 
“No, I’m okay H.” You tell him, shaking your head with your eyes glued shut. 
“Let’s lay down, yeah?” He asks and you open your eyes, only to see spots, and agree with him as he urges you out of the kitchen. He leads you down the hall and to the bedroom, careful not to move too fast. 
As you get into the bedroom he turns off the lights, only leaving on the soft glow from the bedside lamp as you crawl into bed and shuffle under the puffy comforter. The pain in your head has now grown tremendously, and the small throbbing behind your eyes has now turned to vigorous pulsating on the front hemisphere of your brain. 
You don’t register that he’s left the room until you hear the door close softly, signaling that he’s returned. The bed dips next to your hip, so you open your eyes and pull the covers from your face slightly. 
Harry is holding a cup of water and some aspirin, as if it would do anything to help, but you appreciate the gesture none the less. You sit up slightly and he places his hand on your hip as you grab the water and pills from him, throwing them into your mouth and chugging more water. 
“Are you hot? Want me to turn up the AC?” He asks as you snuggle back under the covers. 
“Yes please.” You squabble out as you squint your eyes shut and try to get comfortable. Harry has learned all the things he can possibly do to make you more comfortable when these things happen. 
He knows that you like to bury yourself in blankets to try and block out the world, so the air conditioner temp needs be lowered so that you don’t overheat.
He swiftly gets up and goes into the hall, returning after a long second, and after another second you hear the blast of the vents being turned up. Harry comes around the bed and lays down beside you, placing a hand on your back over the sheets and rubbling softly. 
You started having migraines at a pretty young age so you learned pretty early that going to sleep is the best way to endure the pain. Most times you can fall asleep and once you wake the migraine has turned to a small headache, but you aren’t always so lucky.
You manage to sleep for an hour and a half before you’re sitting up and hunching over the side of the bed, about ready to vomit all over the floor. Harry is already handing you the small trash bin from your bathroom, that he must’ve picked up whilst you were asleep, and holding your hair back, tying it in a loose low bun with a band from around his wrist. 
You gag a couple times before you’re throwing up all the water you had previously consumed. “It’s okay, baby. Let it out.” Harry hums behind you as he traces his bitten fingernails over your back, scratching lightly. “You’re okay, I’m right here.”
After filling up the bucket way more than you’re proud of, your body begins to rest so you place it back on the ground, heaving from exhaustion. A silent cry begins to fill your chest from frustration and pain. Tears fall from your face onto your lap as your boyfriend cradles you into his chest and you grip onto his sweatshirt for dear life. 
Crying always made the headaches worse, but you couldn’t help it. It just hurts so fucking bad. 
You take a deep breath and attempt to get up to go to the bathroom. Harry stands up with you and you’re grateful because as soon as you take a step you feel woozy and your knees start to buckle. He grabs your waist with one hand and the back of your head with the other, helping you stand.
“Woah woah woah, love. Baby?” Harry says with a panicked tone as he helps you sit back down on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m- I’m okay. Just exhausted.” You tell him, holding onto his forearms still holding your body
“I think it’s time to go to the hospital, love.” He says as he scratches your scalp, hoping to relieve the pain in any way possible, and you nod, succumbing to the inevitable destination of this deceitful journey. 
He slowly releases your body and stands straight, grabbing your shoes and sliding them on your feet as you remain hunched over the side of the bed. He helps you stand and walk out of the house to the car. The car ride is silent, Harry kindly turning off the radio aware that sound worsens the effects. He keeps his hand on yours the whole ride, circling his thumb on the back of your hand. 
You get to the hospital and Harry parks close to the front of the ER doors, helping you out of the car and to the waiting room. Harry pulls your head onto his lap as soon as you’re seated, and you cradle your temples in your hands, silently begging your mind to give you a break. 
You aren’t sure how long it is until they call you back and get your situated in a hospital bed, Harry helping you change into the gown and turning out the lights for you to rest. He sits on the chair next to your bed, not releasing his tight grip on your hand as you close your eyes and rest your head against the propped up cushion. 
The doctor comes in shortly after that, letting you know how they will treat you. She had been your doctor before and knows just how bad this pain is for you. She examines you briefly, which is more painful than helpful to you. As she shines the bright light into your eyes you see Harry visibly wince and clench his jaw, knowing just how bad it must hurt for you. 
Once she’s done she sets up the IV catheter, the needle piercing your hand not even fazing you compared to the mind blistering pain in your brain. 
The doctor speaks softly as she consults you and sets up the IV drip. “You know the drill. We’ll do a fluid drip since you’re more than likely dehydrated, while simultaneously doing the pain reliever, which as I’m sure you know, will make you slightly loopy.” 
You let out a breathy laugh and look at Harry who just smiles and shakes his head at you, knowing what you’re thinking. “You’re responsible for anything I say or do.” You tell him, your voice sounding strained. 
The doctor smiles at the two of you before putting a “FALL RISK” band on your wrist and exiting, telling you to get some rest. 
Before the door is even closed Harry is hopping on the bed to lay with you, facing you and making sure to not mess up the tubes going into your hand. He rests his hand on your cheek and you close your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hand rather than the pulsating in your head. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our movie night.” You tell him with your eyes closed, and you don’t hear anything after a second but feel his lips come into contact with yours. 
“Don’t apologize, pet.” He says, watching you carefully with compassion. “I’m sorry you ever have to go through this. If I could take it all away from you I would.” 
“I know.” You try to smile up at him. “Thank you.” You tell him, resting your forehead against his. 
i kinda wanna do a part two to this with loopy Y/N, so let me know if you’d like that lol thank you for reading, love you guys <3
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thebigqueer · 4 years
Any headcanons about Will helping Nico make friends at camp/ putting people in their place for judging him so harshly? I've been thinking about Nico being an extrovert lately but I'm too sleepy to write my own 😔
hell yeah i got you!!
first of all, i think will is really the only person nico’s actually comfortable with at first, so when will isn’t busy you’ll usually find the two of them hanging out. when will hangs out with his other friends, nico usually declines and goes off to like practice or something. 
part of that comfort has to do with the fact that i headcanon they had a friendship even before blood of olympus and before nico left camp the second time, because they already have a history together, so i think nico would find the most comfort with will if anyone
nico prefers to be alone when will goes off with his other friends, but i think will gets a little sad. he’s not like pitiful of nico because a) nico would hate being pitied and b) will understands that he’s been through a lot, so ofc he’s just gonna want some time to himself. but at the same time i think will just feels like he spends a little too much time on his own, and some part of will thinks that’s not always the best way to be, especially after you’ve been through so much shit
so he starts inviting to hang out with him and his friends, but this time a little more persistently. he’s not forcing nico or anything, but it’s like “hey, i’d really like it if you came by the beach tonight because we’re doing a small little thing there.” like, instead of being like “do you want to come?” it’s more like “i would like it if you came.” again, he’s not forcing - he’s just prompting nico. and at first nico is really hesitant to go, because he doesn’t know will’s friends that much. 
i think one more thing i should note is that nico is at camp half blood not only to make himself comfy, but also to truly take the time for himself and sort out his issues and figure out who he truly is. it’s his first break in a long time. so i think for this reason, he’s also looking to improve things for himself, and one way he probably thinks of doing that is by being a little more open to having friends & trusting each other. so when will starts being a little more persistent, nico starts coming around and hanging out with them
also one thing i want to note is that it’s not all will’s pushing that makes him an extrovert; it’s also his desire to be more open and, again, make things better for himself. will just prods him in the right direction, but in the end it’s nico who kind of works for himself
he doesn’t come every time will asks him, but he starts slow and steady. then he starts going a little more often, and then over the course of a few months, he actually gets closer to lou ellen and cecil, and probably even to will’s siblings.
they make a pretty strong friend group, and i think through them, nico starts being a little more open not only to people within his friend group, but also to others. he starts talking to more people outside of his inner circle and probably tries finding connections with other people.
when he first tries to make more friends, he’s obviously not going to be totally great at it. he just doesn’t really know what to talk about with other people, and i think at times this discourages him from making friends. but then he’s like “well, ive been through so much shit and made it through alive. if i can do that, then i should keep pushing to make friends. think of it like a quest!” 
he’s still a little slow on his people skills, but he gets a lot better and more open. 
and actually, if you remember chiara benvenuti from the hidden oracle, i think she’s also one of his first true friends outside of the small friend group. i think they’d get along because i totally think nico’s into art, and chiara seems like she’d be into art, so they meet in the arts and crafts room, and he finds out that she’s italian, so they hit it off completely and gossip with each other. and they form a pretty close bond, especially because they both remind each other of home and good memories from italy. 
and through his friendship with chiara, one of the first people outside of his inner circle, he feels a little more encouraged to go out and make friends
by the end, i think he’s still pretty reserved; he still has a bit of a hard time making friends. but even then, he’s come a looooong way from where he once was. and there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert! he still keeps that part of him, but now he’s just trying to trust people even more. after losing so many loved ones, i doubt it’s been easy for him to try to make connections after discovering that almost everyone he loves he ends up losing, so making these friends is kind of bittersweet to him. he’s nervous he’ll lose them, but he’s really excited that now he has more people to love and trust and support him, and he can do the same to them, too. 
i hope you liked that!! 
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badatjokezz · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Rare Pair Fic Recs
i’ve been so hype about some Hq rarepairs lately now imma list some of my fav fanfics, mostly OiSuga mwehehe.... 
(probably gonna add some more in the future)
Oisuga (Oikawa x Sugawara)
1. Stuck in the Middle With You by overlymetaromantic
It's not the kind of blossoming relationship either of them would expect, but maybe, just maybe, it could lead to something good.
1. In which Suga and Oikawa run into each other on a late night convenience store run.
2. In which Suga and Oikawa inadvertently switch bags and end up with the other’s uniform.
3. In which Suga gives Oikawa the lecture he doesn't want but probably needs, and Oikawa might accidentally be a little in love.
4. In which Oikawa won't shut up about Suga, and Iwaizumi plays matchmaker just to make him stop.
5. In which there is not a date, and Suga likes spicy things much more than sweet.
6. In which Karasuno and Aobajousai hold training camps in the same neck of the woods, and the trip back proves to be more revealing than it probably should.
7. In which there might just be a future to this after all.
(Dis is so fluffy i might die)
2. moving on (growing up) by _helios (neocitz)
‘I’ll do it,’ Suga says, walking into their prep school and dropping his bag on the floor next to Oikawa. He shoves the melon bun and drink forward into Oikawa’s hands, and stands there looking down at him because he knows that he needs to not chicken out.
‘You’ll do what?’ Oikawa looks up through his glasses, eyes wide and confused as the other students stream in around them.
‘The fake dating thing, I’ll do it.’
‘Fuck. Yes.’ Oikawa says with a fist pump.
(It’s been AGES since i read Fake/Pretend Relationship fic, this one is goood)
3. how strange, to be remembered by venusintwelfthFandoms
"He is not formed of the type of dust that makes up stars. Suga is not the type of person that stays in the mind of one like Oikawa Tooru, ten years later. He is formed of the type of dust you shake off, the type that settles into the ground."
Ten years after Suga last steps off a high-school court, Oikawa recollects a "Mr. Refreshing" in a post-game interview, and Suga is left scrambling.
(Cute one-shot, Oikawa still remember Mr. Refreshing from Karasuno)
4. all the small things by Authoress for lemedy
Sugawara Koushi.
Oikawa’s brain supplies the name of the person standing at the other end of the aisle before Oikawa can even register him, attuned to spitting out facts about other volleyball players on a second’s notice, even after all these years. Karasuno High vice-captain. 174 cm…no, more like 176 now. Skilled at raising morale and bringing an element of surprise to their strategy. Troublesome. Refreshing. Setter.
The enemy.
(Single Dad! Oikawa, cuuutee ugh)
5. Win Some by kingdra (aroceu) for Icie
Tooru does not have a problem, its name is certainly not Sugawara Koushi, and he is not going to the Karasuno practices just to watch him. Regardless of whatever Iwa-chan says.
(High school romane~)
6. Even as bright as you are? by BKAKCANON
That night when he goes to sleep, he includes "the safety of fairies" on his prayers, making a promise to whoever was listening him, that he'd protect all the fairies and keep their secret safe forever.
[Where Oikawa meets Suga when they are kids and Oikawa believes Suga is secretly a fairy and decides he has to protect his secret all costs.]
(This is basically matches my headcanon)
7. getting to know you by oisugasuga
Suga feels like he’s back on the court then, his heart thudding hard in his ears… so hard he almost misses what Oikawa says. Unfortunately, though, he doesn’t.
"My, my. What a surprise," Oikawa Tooru says. And then… "Hello, Mr. Refreshing."
(Haven’t finished yet but DAMN I LOVE OIKAWA AND SUGA IN HERE, single dad! oikawa, and Suga babysitting oikawa’s kid, def slow burn. Imma follow this fic till death)
8. Dear Reader by hyirule
No one seems to read the paper anymore. But Oikawa likes to for the sports section. One day he finds himself reading a section called "Dear Reader" and finds a submission he can relate to.
Basically messages sent through a page on a newspaper brings to unlikely souls together, who maybe have more in common than they first thought.
(Cannon compliant, simple and... refreshing(?))
9. rest by shicchaan
Tooru looks at the sleeping person beside him as he waits for the lights change into green. The growing fringe of his husband started to cover his eyes but he can still see the beautiful birthmark under the silver haired's left eye.
(Established relationship, fluff fluff!!!)
10. long is the road (that leads me home) by ichweissnichtauch
He thinks about himself, deleting contacts from his phone and throwing coffee cups away without even looking at the string of numbers scrawled in Sharpie ink underneath, and he’s tired of hiding, tired of carefully treading the lines he’d drawn for himself all those years ago.
Just this once, Tooru wants— he thinks he wants to be brave.
Oikawa Tooru is not a stranger to wanting.
(like... 20% Oisuga but i like the way this story follows the Cannon till he get to Argentina)
11. It's Always Been About You by mintycarrots
Every time Tooru had envisioned meeting his soulmate, it was a confession of love, filled with tears of happiness and a lot of making out. It would be a faceless petite girl that would support Tooru in whatever he chose to pursue and would understand when Tooru prioritized volleyball over all else.
It was never a boy on the rival team.
(Soulmate AU)
12. a play in three acts by venusintwelfth
"The first time Sugawara Koushi sees Oikawa Tooru play, he thinks that if he wasn’t so set on volleyball, he’d do well in theater."
the first seijoh x karasuno match through the eyes of suga.
(Kinda poetic i guess, well written af)
13. colors by dazeful
Sugawara Koushi's colorful life as an archer.
(this is like the perfect oisuga one shot ive ever read)
IwaSuga (Iwaizumi x Sugawara)
1. And so the moon cried by iwriteinpenFandoms:
The hillocks are the domain of unearthly creatures. Creatures of rot and fog, of music and dance. Like ghosts in the night they travel without leaving footprints, they disappear in a flurry of long dresses and pale hair. Those who are fated to see them risk curses far worse than death. You may hear them, a giggle in the wind. You may smell them, the smell of the fog rolling in through the trees. You should pray you never see them. Iwaizumi Hajime is a simple man. He works a simple farm job and enjoys simple things. After one morning where he woke next to a perfect circle of death and only the memory of brown eyes and cold hands, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to the forest. Will the tales of his childhood play out with him at the center or will he have to disregard all reason?
(Danish Folklore AU)
2. Cry Just A Little by DreadfulMind
Suga was whistling a tune to himself as he opened the door to the bathroom, so he didn't hear the muffled crying through the door. But he could hear it clearly once he was inside. He heard the sharp sob of someone trying to stop.
"Iwaizumi?" He asked, "are you sure you're alright?"
(Simple but c u t e)
3. Generations by Karasuno Volleygays (ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor), mozaikmage
Professional sports blogger Sugawara Koushi writes an article about a volleyball match that bears special meaning to him and his former kouhai: a showdown between Kitagawa Daiichi and Yukigaoka Middle School, ten years after the teams faced off for the first time. He doesn't plan on capturing the attention of the world of sports journalism, and he certainly doesn't expect himself to end up having a thing for one of the coaches involved, one Iwaizumi Hajime.
(Time-Skip, I loved it)
KuroTsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima)
1. Invictus by Chiru
Kuroo T. » So let me get this straight (gay?) Kuroo T. » You want me to pretend to be your perfect and fabulous boyfriend, so that your little freckled friend will stop trying to set you up with cute little highschool girls? Tsukishima Kei » yes Kuroo T. » Aha. Tsukishima Kei » you'll do it? Kuroo T. » I don't know. I missed the part where I get something out of it. Tsukishima Kei » you get to annoy me. Unfortunately Kuroo T. » Tempting, Tsukki, very tempting indeed.
(Fake/Pretend Relationship, some fluff, some angst, i read this in the middle of the night and cried, fortunately happy ending)
2. hold onto hope if you got it by nekolyssi
"Now, in the beginning of their third year of high school, the obnoxious hollering and incessant spirit of his teammates became normalcy to Kei. And now, normalcy is this. Weekly psych meetings. Pharmacy waiting rooms. Prescriptions. Refusal of prescriptions. More prescriptions."
(Not finished yet but yep prolly gonna put this one to one of those best haikyuu fics ive ever read. I wasnt so interested at first but i really like the idea of mental ilness etc, this is g o o d!!)
3. [KuroTsuki Fest Week 2017] Traces by Heartythrills 
Kuroo’s disappeared for a little over a week now, and suddenly a 4 year old who looks like him appears before Tsukishima’s apartment.
(Age regression, fluff)
4. I swear by xArtemisx
Like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there
"What are you doing here, Tetsu? It's cold." Kei asked softly. Tetsurou smiled. Hearing his name came out of Kei's lips is always music to his ears.
"Nothing. I just came to think that whatever memory we make, may it be happy or sad memories, the bright moon and the starry night sky is always there to be the witness. Did you notice?" The alpha answered and Kei nodded. He also noticed it.
"Yes, I did noticed it."
(I love agony and sad ending....)
5. Honeybee by ClosetGoblin
Tsukishima has trouble sleeping one night during a Third Gym Camping Trip. So, he takes his acoustic guitar and passes the time with some music, and gets a visitor. Maybe he doesn't mind Kuroo's voice as he does the screeching that Lev and Hinata call singing.
(Simple but sweet)
6. Say You Like Me by the_madame21
It's been three months. And Tsukishima Kei is going to see Kuroo Tetsurou.
(light angst and.. s m u t. Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamic)
7. trying to get to you by mytsukkishine
Everything came crashing down on Kuroo when Kei had left him alone with nothing but the moon shining down on him.
Wherein, Kuroo was struggling to move on and decided that he wouldn't mind being with Kei again.
(sad beginning? yes. sad ending? y e s. you’re a masochist? come get your juice)
8. Please Hold by ThemooncatFandoms
Kei was expecting Kuroo to do one of two things; Send a text to the office saying that they will have to call back another time and continue what they started, or excuse himself from Kei to answer the call, which was most likely. He shouldn’t have been surprised when Kuroo does neither of those things.
(short but hot. what’s hotter than quiet sex?)
Ushijima x Oikawa
1. This Insignificant Pride and Prejudice by Mysecretfanmoments, Pouler (poulerslashes)
Oikawa Tooru graduated high school with the burning desire to succeed in his college career. He'd hoped that might include taking down his arch-nemesis along the way, but when he finds that his college team hosts an offensively familiar face, he can't help but think that the universe might be conspiring against him. After all, what could be worse than playing on the same team as Ushijima?
(It was funny for me reading oikawa/ushijima fic with that “you should’ve come to Shiratorizawa” joke at first but somehow i found this one... endearing :3, cute poor ushiwaka)
Atsumu x Nishinoya
1. All the things I love about Yuu by KilluCoulomb
Atsumu Miya is fixated in Nishinoya. The way the boy acts, talks, plays. He Carefully observes from afar, but he slowly warms up to the Libero. Friendship becomes more and more intimate. Atsumu realizes Nishinoya is not that simple guy he met three years ago. And he loves it.
(pro volleyball players AU)
2. i'll see you then by noyabeans (snowdrops)
Nishinoya Yuu and Miya Atsumu build a rivalry and something more.
“Oh, it's Karasuno’s libero,” he says, mildly surprised to see Nishinoya’s face staring back at him from the brochure, grinning wide with his arms folded over his chest.
Contains spoilers for the current manga arc, up to chapter 380.
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the-artist-rae · 3 years
Trolls 4 au idea
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Edit: i just realised theres already a thistle (who apparently s real name is Dennis??) so i gotta rename my character 😭
So basically im writing a mock script for a trolls 4. I want to write one for trolls 3 but .... I WANT BROBBY CHILDREN, so here we are. Basically in my au, poppy and branch have a set of twins. A girl named Aster who is bright blue with pinkish purple undertones and a boy named Thistle. But, theyre shocked and suprized to find out thistle comes out of his bright purple egg, grey!
A time skip happens and a argument between him and his father causes branch to loose some of his colors.
The argument is set up like:
Branch finds his son in his pod sitting in darkness.
Branch- so ya like it dark, huh?
Thistle- yeah, so what of it.
Branch-Nothing i just was wondering if u wanted to-
Thistle- I dont.
Branch- look i just want you to be happy and find your true colors...
Thistle- sounds like you just want me to be like Aster!
Branch- Now hey now, i didnt say that! Ive been in your place before and i know how you feel, and i dont want someone i care and love to feel that way!
Thistle- You dont know what i feel! All you want me to be is the same happy annoying and insane troll... Just like everyone else!
Branch- Hey, No-
Thistle- I HATE YOU!
Thistle stops for a moment and looks at his father to see his skin darken, widening his eyes. He gets angry at himself and runs away.
Thistle runs to his friend Fern in hope of him knowing a way to get his true colors in hope itll reverse the color loss on branch. Fern tells thistle of a guardian troll of purity who live in a mountain who can give him his colors. Thistle tells his parents that hes going to travel and see aunt Barb, and they go on their adventure!
On the first day they run into a rock/classical troll who lives in the Forrest by herself because her parents are deceased and she had no idea there was other people (basically a tarzan situation but she knows how to talk and has basic understanding of most things) ... The situation is, Thistle and Fern stop to make camp, roasting marshmallows. And out of nowhere a arrow zings right in front of Thistle's face! Him and Fern crowd together to see a dark figure come out of a bush and she says "Who are you?" In a somewhat demanding tone. And they shiver in fear " We're just travelers!! Please dont hurt us!!". She sighs and and chuckles," Oh, i thought you were here to hurt ME!".... This all comes to a conversation that Fern leads and that she'll join them cuz she knows her way around the Forrest.
In the background through out the story, villain trolls are introduced into the story who gave Fern the map and everything about the purity troll who can grant only one trolls wish. And throughout the movie they follow the gang and get caught into their hijinks.
Having Button (the female troll) in the mix has gotten Thistle to come out of his shell and he slowly starts getting happier and sings throughout the movie.
When they finally reach the mountain they come to a cave with paintings and rural architecture. At the end of the cave is a clearing with a waterfall. The waterfall spreads to find a troll pure of white and glowing in a deep sleep in a coven.
The villain characters seep out of the darkness with evil laughter. " Nice job Fern you got us where we need to"
The rest of the gang gasps and gets tied up.
"Well take it from here". Turns out, the purity trolls was sleeping on a gem. And the gem was the wish granting miracle not the troll. They grab the gem and head to troll village where they plan using the gem to destroy it.
Thistle and button get into an argument over whether they should try to save the village. He believes its too late to save anyone. Button unties herself with and arrow tip that was seeping out of her back pack. And says," Well , i do!". She unties Thistle and makes her way out of the cave.
Thistle sits there and sings a song thinking about his family and Button which gives him the courage to start running also.
He makes it to the village before the fern and his crew. And runs straight to his mom and warns her of whats happening. Before he can explain she starts off saying how he looks so different and brighter and why hes back early. After he explains, she tells branch of whats happening and puts everyone in the bunker. The villains make it to the village and one says, " well isnt this a nice beaut, its about to get a whole lot MESSIER!".
Fern is shocked to hear their plans of wrecking the village, he just wanted to be the new ruler in a world where trolls respected him. They tie him up. And the villain crowd together to think of the exact words on how to word out the wish. The leader gets up and points the gem outward "alright get ready for my wish to destroy the village" and at this second and arrow hits the gem and falls down the hill they were standing on and lands into the village. She and the villains start running to gem. Alas, branch grabs it. Poppy stands beside him. "Not today!". The villains look at him and scoff. "You think we were the only ones?". They gasp and turn around to find villainous trolls surrounding them. They fidget before the leader says " dont even think about saying no" and two trolls come out holding button. Thistle, who had been sitting on the side lines murmurs to himself," no this cant happen! No, no,no..!!" And starts running and startles the villains grabbing the gem. Suprizing everyone. Branch says," Son.... Dont..!".
Thistle looks at him with scrunched eyebrows,"i have to." The leader says with a slight panicked voice,"i wouldnt do that boy...!"
Thistle whispers to the gem ," i wish for this gem to be destroyed" . the gem floats into the air, shining brighter than anything they've ever seen and deteriorates into glitter falling to the ground. The light from the gem had flushed through the crowd causing them to have a slight amnesia and questioning "hey,why are we here?".
The trolls in the bunker come out celebrating. Buttons runs to Thistle and hugs him and he hugs back. Poppy and branch run to him. Saying things things like ,"what were u thinking you couldve got hurt?!". Thistle looks into his fathers eyes and replies," Because, i love you.". His parents both look back at him shocked. And slowly but surely from top to bottom his true colors fill in. A bright purple pink. His parents exclaim in happiness and branchs colors get brighter as well. They get excited,hugging and laughing and crying. Thistle points out Button who had wondered a little father to give him space with his parents and brings her into the hug. In which poppy winces," ughhh whats that smell???" And button moves to the side chuckling nervously. "Uhhh... Shes been homeless for awhile give her a break." And chuckles.
The purity troll comes out flowing from the sky to everyone saying how she thanks Thistle for awakening her from her slumber by destroying the gem and continues ,"Ive been asleep for sometime, now lets paRTY!!".
Then theirs the end song where everyone sings. The purity comes up to Thistle and aster and gives them crowns of flowers and robes. Everyone cheers. And we fade to black with a circle transition popping up of fern tide up, " Uhhh hey guys anyone here??? Can someone please tell me whats going on??!!!" And the screen goes black showing the rest of the credits.
These are just the main points. Of course Aster is more involved in the story. I just didnt wanna type all that down cuz i have a big phone and small hands haha.
But as for my trolls 3 au ... Its basically the generic set up of branch trying to propose to poppy throughout the film...and id like to add a backstory of his parents and them not actually being dead and survived escaping the bergins.
But anyways here are some of my character designs!!
Soundtrack ideas-
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Aster design i havent yet finalised so yeahhhh but i plan on her having two ponytails!
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eberles · 4 years
i hate u, i love u
Rafe Cameron
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(gif by @toesure :)
Request: A Rafe fic based on the song “I hate u, I love you” by gnash (ft Olivia O’Brien) PLEASE MAJOR RAFE VIBES 🥺💖 @fav-imagines
A/N: I wanted to cry writing this lol idk why but it hit me right in the feels!! it’s kind of all over the place, if anyone is confused by, don’t worry bc i am too!!!! lol anyways enjoy!! (this is probably the first thing ive ever written that goes with rafe’s character) bold = lyrics, italics = flashbacks
Warnings: angst, mentions of drugs, cheating, lying, toxic relationship, swearing
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feelin used, but im still missin you and i cant see the end of it just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by, but i still cant seem to tell you why it hurts me every time i see you, realize how much i need you
I’ve spent months sitting in my room staring at the ceiling, and at the walls. I did a full Bella Swan from New Moon and let 3 months go by without being present for any of them. I didn’t care honestly...Even after spending all that time alone, i’m not still not healed from the heartache that was caused by him. I still miss him, his scent, his kisses, his clothes, everything. Rafe.
I went out once and he was the last person I wanted or planned to see, but of course, he was the only person I actually saw. Sure, there were other people around, but none of them mattered. Everyone else felt greyed out except for him. He was the only light I could see in those short moments. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, my breath hitched in my throat and it felt like there was no air left to breathe.
After months it still hurts to see him again. It hurts because I realized I still need him even after everything. I hate him. So why do I love him? The feeling of him being the only one I want, the one nobody could ever replace...it’s overwhelming and I can’t seem to shake it. But me? He replaced. It looked like it was easy from my point of view. He needed her, wanted her, and i’m not her.
i miss you when i can’t sleep or right after coffee or right when i can’t eat, i miss you in my front seat, still got sand in my sweaters from nights we don’t remember. do you miss me like i miss you? fucked around and got attached to you.
My head was consumed on thoughts of you. It was constant. Like the leaky faucet in the bathroom or the loose floorboard. Always running, always broken. I miss you. Maybe you’ll come around, but for now...I wish you were here instead. When it’s late and I can’t sleep, I think about you. When it’s early and I can’t eat, I think about you.
“Where are we going?” you giggled excitedly, grabbing my hand from across the console in my truck.
“Shh, I told you it’s a surprise baby, we’re almost there anyways.” I laughed at her giggling like a kid, she had so much excitement in her eyes. She was always ready for anything, even if it was 2 in the morning and I love that about her. I love everything about her.
“Ugh fine!” she groaned dramatically and rolled her eyes in a full circle looking up at the ceiling. “Why are we at the beach?” you didn’t even give me enough time to answer before jumping out of the truck and running towards the sand laughing the entire way to the water. Once I caught up with you, I grabbed your hands and pulled you close into my chest, kissing your forehead. When we broke apart I laid down a few blankets on the sand, noticing you were cold, I also gave you my sweater.
We stared at the stars and talked about anything and everything for hours. It felt magical. We stayed until the sun came up, watching the sunset before driving back to my house for some much needed rest.
Walking over to my closet, curious to know if that same sweater ended up back in my closet after that night. I reached in, digging around not finding anything and decided to look in my dresser instead. Of course, it was folded neatly in the drawer you used to call yours. Grabbing and shaking it out I noticed the light pieces of sand that fell from it. I brought it in to my nose wondering if it still smelt like your perfume. It did. I’m always tired lately, but never of you. Do you miss me too?
if i pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit, i put this reel out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit. i type a text then i never mind that shit, i got these feelings, but you never mind that shit. you’re still in love with me but your friends don’t know.
To Y/N: i wanna talk, i think...maybe i miss y-
To Rafe: I miss you so much, it hurt someti-
“Y/N...what’s going on? You’re off in never never land! Do you still miss him?” Kiara asked, gently shaking my knee to gain my attention back to the group. I looked at her and around at the rest of the pogues and put a smile on my face, shaking my head.
“Of course not, it’s been months! I’m so over him, guys. Besides even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.” I tried so hard to sound confident. I hope they bought it. Of fucking course, I miss Rafe. I’m still in love with him for gods sake. I hate that I want him.
Sure, i’ve moved on, but I think about y/n, just about everyday. I guess for me, moving on is finding someone new, but not actually wanting anyone new. I just couldn’t bare to be alone anymore with my thoughts. I deserve better than that, personally.
“Anyways Topper, if y/n wanted me still, she would say so right?” I looked at Topper, silently hoping he would lie to me, just tell me what I want to hear, man. “If I were her, I would’ve never let me go. She’s missing out.”
“Hell yea, dude! That’s the right attitude.” Topper said, jumping up to high five me. Of course, that was the statement he was on board with. I hate that I want you.
I haven’t been to a party in months, Kiara and Sarah thought that this would be the most fitting post-break up activity for me. Maybe meet a new guy or something. I tuned out when they were telling me about it and just agreed. What I neglected to listen to, was that it was a kook party. So now, i’m at a party alone, since my friends ditched me to dance with each other. And on top of that, I watch him watch her, like she’s the only girl he’s ever seen.
It took less than an hour of being at this party for us to end up in a room alone together.
“You don’t care! You never did!” Rafe shouted, running his hands through his hair, clearly exasperated with this conversation. I don’t even know how it started. One minute I was watching him with another girl, and the next he was hauling me off, away from everyone.
“You don’t give a damn about me, Rafe! How is it you never notice that you’re slowly killing me?” you wanted to yell back at him, to scream at him for putting you through this again, but you couldn’t. He didn’t say anything in return so you continued, “I hate you, and I hate that I love you, Rafe.” I’ve tried to move on, but even the simple thought of dating anyone but him, makes me physically ill. Why does it have to be like this?
“I don’t mean no harm, I just miss you on my arm, babe. Do you ever wonder what we could’ve been y/n?” He’s taunting me by asking dumb questions, as if I wanted this to happen, as if i’m the cause of all of this. Rafe’s the one that was closed off, not me. Of course, he switches the stories and i’m sure everyone at this damn party thinks I left him heart broken.
“You have a girlfriend, why are you even asking me that?” I was starting to get angry, I felt like he was toying with me.
He’s laughing. Of fucking course, he’s laughing at me. This is all one big fucking joke to him. “Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix. Isn’t that what you always told your friends Rafe?” I was furious, how could he act that way after everything? He’s still a child though, that will never change.
You were right. I did lie to you, multiple times. About where I was, who I was with, what I was doing. I didn’t want you to know I was such a fuck up. You didn’t deserve the pain of finding out I was lying and cheating and drugging. You did anyways though. Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed.
“Rafe! Come dance with me!” I downed the rest of my drink before throwing the glass down and walking away from the new girl I was seeing. I didn’t care anymore.
I don’t want you, Y/N. I shouldn’t fucking miss you. I don’t deserve to! Seeing you again is such bullshit. If you wouldn’t have shown up here, I wouldn’t have said those things to you. Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges, just to create some distance. You didn’t deserve that, I knew it, but at least now you might learn your lesson and stay away. It’s for the best, right?
I hate that I love her, but I can’t put nobody else above her.
I wasn’t sure if I had the closure I needed, but after that particular conversation with Rafe I felt a little better. I returned to the party with my head held high and danced with my friends. I hoped he was watching me too since i’m not sure what he was trying to do by joking around at my expense. But maybe if he thinks it didn’t bother me he will know how it fucking feels. 
I learned from my dad that it’s good to have feelings when love and trust is gone. I guess this is moving on. I hate you, I love you.
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rfamess · 4 years
This cured my boredom for a little bit. Was making a few new music playlists and thought.. hmm. I wonder what kind of music the RFA listens to? So, I made this. For no reason at all.
What Kind of Music the RFA + V/Saeran Listen To:
- (I always see people writing that he’d listen to all star or other cringe meme songs because that’s what seems to be his entire personality, but I like to think he has more substance than that and listens to songs that don’t have to do with memes.)
- He definitely listens to rap/hip-hop.
- Can you not imagine him driving down the road in his cars, windows down, music blasting?
- He listens to his music uber loud in his headphones while working.
- His favorite artist is probably Tyler the creator, i mean, how could you not love him.
- Listens to Mac Miller when he’s sad :(
Who Dat Boy - Tyler the Creator
Stutter - Freddie Dredd
Evil Fantasy - Freddie Dredd
Sweatpants - Childish Gambino
Bounce - Logic
Dead Wrong - Notorious B.I.G.
Movement - Oliver Tree
Stick to Your Guns - Watsky
Both - Gucci Mane
No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
Can I Kick It - A Tribe Called Quest
No Limit - G Easy
Circles - Mac Miller
Broke Bitch - TMG (lol)
Bonfire - Childish Gambino
I THINK - Tyler the Creator
Good News - Mac Miller
I - Kendrick Lamar
FACE - Brockhampton
King Kunta - Kendrick Lamar
Lovely Things Suite: Knots - Watsky
- (Similar to Saeyoung, I don’t believe Zens entire personality revolves around musicals, he probably doesn’t listen to them that often imo.)
- I like to think he’s a... well rounded individual when it comes to music
- Listens to anything and everything.
- I could see him listening to the same music as Seven, but is also very into 70s-90s rock like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the like.
- He runs listening to all of his music on shuffle and doesn’t have a specific playlist so there’s never a certain vibe to it— it really is all over the place.
- In addition to Seven’s playlist, here’s Zen’s
Funny Face - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Santeria - Sublime
Badfish - Sublime
The Luck You Got - The High Strung
Dedicated to the One I Love - The Mamas and the Papas
Heart of Glass - Blondie
Come as You Are - Nirvana
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Machu Picchu - The Strokes
Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
Love of Your Life - Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
Bailee - The Licks
Where is my Mind - Pixies
Hurt Like Mine - The Black Keys
Gap - The Kooks
Give it Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Hoops - The Rubens
Conquest - The White Stripes
Ten Cent Pistol - The Black Keys
- Yoosung likes more upbeat music, maybe more new age/alternative pop
- Listens to music every time he tries to study, but usually get distracted by it and starts to sing along instead of actually doing his work
- Is probably trying to branch out of his style, Seven and Zen try to convince him to listen to their favorite genres
- The three of them always argue about who has the best taste in music lol
- He’s constantly wondering if his music is “manly” enough (it’s okay yoosung it’s just music)
- If this dude gets drunk and hears any of this music he goes absolutely wild and dances all over the place
Bambi - Hippocampus
Turn - the Wombats
Paris - Magic Man
Chronic Sunshine - Cosmo Pike
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
Silvertongue - Young the Giant
Brazil - Declan McKenna
Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend
Baseball - Hippocampus
Australia - The Shins
Prune, You Talk Funny - Gus Dapperton
Honeypie - JAWNY
Alien Boy - Oliver Tree
Satellite - Guster
So Young - Portugal. The Man
Blinding Lights - The Weeknd
Circles - Post Malone
Unbearably White - Vampire Weekend
Tiny Umbrella - Coast Modern
Way it Goes - Hippocampus
Electric Feel - MGMT
- this guy has 2 modes and that’s it: classical bitch or music that has words
- He appreciates the fine art of classical music and listens to it when he has work to get done or when he’s trying to relax.
- If he’s in a good mood he’ll put on a playlist that includes “music with actual lyrics!”
- It’s a dad playlist. Billy Joel, Billy Joel, Billy Joel, Elton John, The Beatles, Billy Joel.
- He likes Billy Joel. Jumin has a dad personality you can’t convince me otherwise lol
- He tried to branch out but can get very picky in his interests. “I don’t like this guitar riff— change it”
- Either way his 2 modes are apparent in his playlists
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
California Dreamin’ - The Mamas and the Papas
Don’t Ask Me Why - Billy Joel
Starman - David Bowie
Miss You - The Rolling Stones
Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest
Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
It’s Too Late - Carole King
Movin’ Out - Billy Joel
A Horse With No Name - America
I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
Honky Cat - Elton John
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Stranger - Billy Joel
Waltz in A Minor - Chopin
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor - Brahms
Waltz No. 7 in C Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2 - Chopin
Souvenir de Paganini - Chopin
Solfeggietto in C Minor - Bach
Prelude in B Minor, Op. 32, No. 10 - Rachmaninoff
IV. Allegro Molto From Quartet - Yo-Yo Ma
La Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin - Debussy
Porz Goret - Yann Tiersen
Carnival of the Animals: VII. Aquarium - Camille Saint-Saëns
Carnival of the Animals: XIII. The Swan - Camille Saint-Saëns
- We all know her obsession with Musicals (specifically zens)
- Other than this she listens to...well honestly I don’t know
- Her music doubles as something she can get hyped up with and something she can listen to to relax.
- She loves to dance, so a lot of her songs and just songs that she’ll never be able to refuse to move her feet to!
- She likes the old classics and then she likes Doja Cat. Lizzo? Queen.
- She’s a barb let’s be real please. you can never convince me that she’s not
Adore You - Harry Styles
She - Harry Styles
Call Me - Blondie
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Hey Mickey - Toni Basil
Juice - Lizzo
Say So - Doja Cat
Voulez-Vous - ABBA
Waterloo - ABBA
Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack (LOL the memories associated with this song after Killing Stalking..... hahahaha BUT ITS STILL A GREAT SONG!)
Only - Nicki Minaj
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Beez in the Trap - Nicki Minaj
Woman - Harry Styles
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
Blame it on the Boogie - Michael Jackson
One Way or Another - Blondie
Tia Tamera - Doja Cat
Truth Hurts - Lizzo
- indie boy indie boy indie boy indie boy
- Cmon just look at him he’s an indie boy
- If you’ve ever met a film student that gatekeeps music, they have the same exact taste but V won’t say shit to make you feel stupid. It’s just music bruv
- If you’ve ever been to an indie concert you know the fuckin dance you know what I’m talking about. he does that.
- Rolls a joint, pops the music off and he paints, does photography, whatever. Either way he straight vibes every single time the tunes come on.
- Low key thinks he has the best music taste. that’s just how dem indie kids roll let’s be real here.
- For some reason knows everything about every type of music. will spew facts about artists and songs at random
Shuggie - Foxygen
Necessary Evil - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Homage - Mild High Club
Another One - Mac DeMarco
Plants - Crumb
What Once Was - Her’s
Heart and My Car - Summer Salt
Cottage Roads - The Walters
Moonlight on the River - Mac DeMarco
Work This Time - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Like Yesterday - Paul Cherry
Call it Fate, Call it Karma - The Strokes
Knowhere - Nick DeLaurentis
Escargot Blues - Guantánamo Bay Surf Club
A Side / B Side - Tipling Rock
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
That I Miss You - Vansire
Top Tier Love - Lonely Benson
Driving to Hawaii - Summer Salt
Taking Up Space - Mustard Service
She’s the Only One - King Guru
- emo boy emo boy emo boy
- We all know it
- As much as I’d love to say he listens to heavy death metal, there’s a part of my mind saying NO he’s not like that.
- Well he is, but he’s got more than a few single interest
- Probably listens to Nirvana, Cage the Elephant, anything similar
- Is always trying to listen to new music
- Kind of sick of Seven blasting his music all the time and listens to the opposite of hip hop whenever possible
- Honestly enjoys all types of music, but sticks to his favorites
- All Apologies - Nirvana
- Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Hozier
- Soma - The Strokes
- Black Madonna - Cage the Elephant
- Hysteria - Muse
- Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkeys
- I Got Mine - The Black Keys
- Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
- Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Back Against the Wall - Cage the Elephant
- Creep - Radiohead
- Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
- Demon Days - Gorillaz
- Bulls on Parade - Rage Against The Machine
- Matador - The Buttertones
- Holiday - Green Day
- RIP - The Licks
- London Calling - The Clash
- Loser - Beck
- What I Got - Sublime
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
Kissing Vermilion: Teaser
aslkdjal i am so much more late with this than i intended to be. getting the pace right on this is proving to be a challenge BUT! heres a small sample of what im trying to have completed by next weekend. this was meant to be up yesterday for joons BD but i was busy and couldnt write as much as i wanted to :((( you can all thank @jamaisjoons for the utter filth that this will become. happy birthday namjoon im sorry im late and will continue to be late *tosses confetti* (sorry theres no graphic im saving it for the full thing eep)
↠ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader ↠ Full Story Summary: It was never your intention to sleep with your brother’s best friend, but it happened. It was never your intention to fall in love with him, but it happened. It was never his intention to fall in love with you, either, but it’s happening. Against his better judgement, Namjoon just can’t seem to stay away from you. ↠ Genre: fwb!au; smut; angst; the full story is going to be the most filth ive ever written im so sorry ↠ Rating (teaser): R ↠ Warnings (teaser): nothing terribly smutty but she thinks about it...a lot...theres a lot of mature concepts here ↠ Tentative post date: 9/19
March, 2013
You really must remember to thank your roommate.
As the condensation rolls down the chilled glass of your vodka lemonade, the eyes of the man beside you do their best to stay focused on the lush crimson of your lipstick. Every now and then, at the end of a sentence or at the end of a joke that does not necessarily land, his brows narrow, ensuring his gaze does not fall, lower and lower still, to the provocative shape of the red dress that hugs your body. For the moment, he is nameless, an unintroduced stranger whose eye you caught just by standing next him and ordering a drink. You have not let him go, even as your mind wanders. Or, rather, it's the red that refuses to let him go, red and the way the shade kisses you with reverence.
All your life red has been your dearest companion, your first of many experiences and your best of even more. Red was your first lipstick, a scarlet transgression against your mother at twelve years old. It was sacred only because it was forbidden, the cream from the bullet now a fleeting memory of cracked concrete behind your middle school and the wide eyes of boys passing by, likely wondering if they should tell your brother. Red was your first Solo cup, and the first you’d crushed beneath your spine as you lost your virginity sophomore year. 
Red was not your first hickey, and also not your first scarf to cover the evidence, but it was your best one, your most favourite one. It was small, and it burned against your skin for days, the same way your nails ripped scarlet down your boyfriend’s back, the scratches stinging beneath all his shirts. He’d said he loved you, and you believed him, giving him red as a promise of your loyalty. Red was the wine you poured in his bed and the flush against your chest when you found him with another woman, her legs too slow in the effort of unwinding from his hips. Red was his lies, your slap against his cheek, and the paint of Yoongi's car, which you'd borrowed to not lose your campus parking spot.
Red has always been yours, oftentimes the only thing you trust, the only thing that has never let you down. Now, it sits on your skin like you belong to it. You chose the dress for the shade, your roommate made you buy it because of the shape. You don't usually toy with such a deep cut against your back, a low swoop as alluring as the moon and turning the line of your spine into a promise of treasure or victory. But this red turns you into something special, something dangerous.
And now, with his eyes on you, you really must remember to thank her.
The man beside you flashes you a smile he thinks he is dazzling, rolling the base of his whiskey neat in slow circles against the bar top. He waits for you to flush, anticipating a rush of blood to your cheeks or your lips, but you merely offer him a thin lipped smile, remembering to be polite. His eyes dart from your face to the seductive contour of your hips, and back again, and he tries to be respectful, tries to play it off like he's positively twitterpatted, but you can tell. You can always tell.
As his eyes flick away once more, admiring the supple skin of your shoulder, you wonder if you would be interested. Your mind starts to wander for a moment, and you envision yourself leaning close and letting him have his fill. It would be so terribly easy, and you'd let him feel like he'd won even if you had no intention of it going any further than this. If it was just you and just him, you'd be good. At the end of all his jokes, you would laugh and peer at him through the thick curtain of your lashes. At all the right places, you'd rest your hand on his arm and make him believe he mattered. For one night, you would be so good.
But his eyes are on you, the searing heat of Namjoon's intense and focused stare kisses at the small of your back from across the room. He sits at a table with your large group of friends, expression entirely neutral except for the power that lurks ominously in his jaw and dark irises. His gaze has walked from the small of your back to settle at the warm highlight of your cheekbone, and, now, you are aching. Feeling him all over you is just the same as feeling his hands at your throat, your heartbeat rattling in your chest as though lingering on a knife's edge. There's something different about it tonight, about him. There's something different about the way you feel under his unwavering attention, and somewhere amidst the laughing and the talking and the indiscernible number of drinks you have convinced this stranger to buy you, you have started to learn you want Namjoon to stay.
Tonight, you are learning that his attention makes a kingdom bloom beneath your skin, amongst your blood, and you are asking, silently willing, him to claim it.
You should not want him here. You should not want him nestling into crevices long untouched, and long unnoticed. Namjoon unfurls in the spaces between your bones and your joints, curling into the gaps between your ribs, and you wonder if he can feel it. Have you done the same to him, just by standing, and talking, and quietly wanting? If you're being honest, you've always wanted him, at least a little. If you're honest, you can distantly remember the time your brother brought him over their final year of high school and he had grown into the baby fat of his cheeks, his white shirt somehow battling the muscles of his chest for dominance, and his smile, and the dimples he so often kept a secret, felt sweeter to you than honey.
If you're honest, it was your family, the proximity of your relationship to him that decided he was not for you. There’s something forbidden about craving a person you’ve known all your life, someone your brother has spent his whole life calling his best friend. It was your family, and it was Yoongi, who made you turn away from your infatuation. You were eighteen when you finally swallowed your crush on Namjoon whole, convinced you had rid yourself of it while taking the appropriate lesson you were meant to learn: you no longer wanted a boy, you deserved a man, your hunger to be touched deserving of confident, unyielding hands. 
So you set your attention on other guys learning how to grow into their adulthood - even if they had never mastered the strength or dominance of it, even if they never tasted quite right against your tongue. It’s been a long time since you have wanted him to look at you like this, even longer since someone has done so without demanding you witness them, without expecting you to bend for them.
Namjoon looks at you like you matter, like you're something worth keeping. He watches you intently, refusing to look away until you are certain he could devour the very flesh of you, and still find away to take more, still find ways to keep all your lonely parts begging for him. He looks at you like he needs you, simultaneously uncovering the terrifying truth that you have always needed him, and as the man beside you slides his phone number over to you on a napkin, a number you know you will lose or forget as soon as it is out of your line of sight, you are certain you are toeing a line that, once crossed, offers no point of return.
'You should come see it.’ Abruptly, your thoughts are broken by the gruff voice of your conversation partner. Raising his voice slightly, he regards you knowingly, silently insisting your attention return to him. 'I think you'd like it.'
Ever since he started speaking to you the conversation has been mundane, likely because every topic of discussion has somehow revolved around or worked its way back to him. There’s an edge of pride in his voice, the sort that expects respect alongside awe for his, ultimately banal, accomplishments. Offering him a small, lopsided smile, you tilt your head to the side and feign interest, exposing more of your smooth skin. 
'Oh?' you hum, amused that even something as simple and unaffected as this noise of inquiry will provide him a sense of self-security. 
'Yeah, I can show you around.’ He takes a long, slow sip of his whiskey, as if his statement is a promise of something meaningful. ‘You can bring some friends, too, if you want. I admit, the frat is a mess but it's still a good time.'
You’ve forgotten which university he goes to, where he’s from, his name. Idly, you wonder if he’s a member of Namjoon’s friend group, though you doubt it. Over time, your college friends have merged together, Sunhee’s interest in Jackson bringing them together since she met him at the gym. You’re meant to be celebrating her birthday at the table, beside your friends and beside Namjoon. Removing yourself from his orbit has proven to be a test, but, at this angle, Namjoon sees all of you, keeps you rooted to this position at the bar just so he can have his fill, and this, you think, is hardly a sacrifice.
Having nothing to say, you simply nod, offering yet another generic question that will keep him talking and keep Namjoon watching you. 'All frat houses are a mess,' you shrug amiably. 'Do you like the campus?'
Immediately, he begins nodding, lips flattening into a sly grin. 'Yeah, it's a nice place. A little cloistered at times. If you stay too long you feel like you're in a bubble, you know? But I chose it because the law program...'
Tuning his voice out, your focus returns to the raised hair and gooseflesh that dimples along your arms. It’s been months of this, of your friend groups coming together to play matchmaker in the effort of being supportive, and through all of this you have become acquainted with who Namjoon really is when he’s liberated from the influence of childhood. Without your hometown, Yoongi’s deep laugh, or the distant chatter of your parents in the other room, Namoon’s identity has stretched and morphed into something almost unrecognizable in its alluring temptation.
Yoongi makes him warm, soft, a voice of wisdom and reason that has, more often not, left you feeling comforted and protected. At home, he is clumsy, sheepishly so, endearing in the way he trips over his own feet or drops things even if he’s being careful. Namjoon laughs first, even if his laugh is not always the easiest. He is the most curious and, simultaneously, the most distant, miles away in his thoughts even as he considers every word you say. And even tonight, he still is this way, the rich texture of his voice ringing out above the din when he laughs, genuine and encouraging, doing his best to make sure everyone feels comfortable. 
But the more you’ve seen him with friends he’s made by choice and by interest, university friends who both challenge and offer a mode of relating to his own adulthood, the more you have watched him separate from the things that made him Joonie. He has become someone who carries eroticism in their bones, his smile no longer just a comfort, but one that is altogether too full of temptation even in its patient inertia. 
The confidence in him has your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth every time he's with you, your walls clenching around nothing every time he looks at one of your friends with more than a little interest. Joonie has abandoned the childhood endearment in favor of his whole name, Namjoon a word that gets pressed against his neck and shoulders like a brand. He’s become fluent in more than one language and also in the destructive language of ruin, a single look from him and you feel naked all the way down to your nerves.
Reclining in his seat, his hand moves languidly up and down the glass of his cold beer while he remains poised in his consideration of you, your round ass, and the way you lick your lips to keep them moist when you presume no one is watching. His broad shoulders are rolled back and even when you aren’t looking at him, even when he is not directly in your line of sight, you still toy with the idea of getting on your knees and begging him. For what, you are not certain, but you think it is likely the simple request to stay with him, wherever your feet, your finger, or your bones rest.
You’d like him to invade you like that. You’re certain he’d excel at such a carnal delight.
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seonghwapapi · 4 years
Brother’s Roommate!Jongho
requested by anon-
Jongho x reader
Warning: smut smutt, a lil fluff and humor
Length: 935 words
a/n: ive been very ia. srry i havent been in the writing mood and life kinda sucks atm but anyways here! :)
There you were sitting on the porch waiting for your idiotic brother. You had already texted him, but he hasn’t responded yet. You didn’t know where he was or what he was doing but one thing for sure, you knew you would be waiting a long time for him. 
You decided to come back when you knew he was there as it was getting late. Just as you were gathering your things your brother’s roommate walked up to the porch. “What are you doing- wait you’re waiting for Hongjoong aren’t you?” You shyly nod.
Something no one knew or at least you thought was that you a huge crush on Jongho. It started a couple of months ago when you wanted to surprise your brother by making him dinner.
You were in the kitchen in your oversized sweater, shorts, and your fluffy socks dancing around while making the batter for the chicken when Jongho walks in. He goes right behind you and whispers in your ear, “that looks good.” You thought he walking about the food but Jongho was talking about the view of your backside.
You could feel his breath on your neck. Your body heats up at the sensation. Before things got any more “weird” Jongho pulls away. “It can’t look good...it’s raw flour and seasonings dumbass.” He turns you around to face him. “Watch the language baby, or I’ll punish you.” He smirked at your shocked expression and walked away to his room. 
Which leads you to now. You can’t keep your eyes off him. He pulled out his house key and unlocked the front door. You just stood there dumbfounded. “Are you just gonna stand there like an idiot or are you gonna come in?” You stand there for a couple of seconds before finally walking inside.
As soon as the door closes Jongho pushes you up against the door. “What are you-” “shut up. I’ve been waiting for months to do this” He leans in close until your lips are barely touching. “Ever since I saw you in that outfit months ago, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I wanted to bend you over the counter and spank your lil butt. God, you looked amazing. Not only that but everything about you drives me crazy. Your stupid laugh, how shy you are, your smile” Your face breaks into a beaming smile. “You’re such an idiot. You should have said this months ago. Your breath on my neck brought chills to my spine. I’ve never liked someone as much as I like your dumbass.” He chuckles. 
Jongho wraps his arms around your waist. You can feel his breath on your lips. Your gaze falling from his eyes to his lips. You wanted to feel his lips on yours already. “Jongho just-” He grabs your chin pulling you into a searing kiss. You’re lost in his taste. You wanted much more.
Your hands make their way to his shirt, trying to pull his body as close as possible. Your chests barely touching but Jongho could feel your hardened nipples through the thin fabric of your dress. You wrapped your leg around his waist trying to get some kind of friction. And he loved it. 
You were effectively dry humping his leg. His lips latch onto your neck. “Mhm Jongho” you whine out. He loved the way his name rolled off your tongue. He wanted more, more of you. While his mouth occupies yours, one of his hands slides underneath your dress to the waistband of your panties. 
Jongho teases your throbbing clit, “You’re already wet baby,” Your hips bucked against his as his thumb rubbed slow circles on your clit. “Do you like that baby?” He pulled back, panting for breath as his eyes found yours. “Yes, Jongho so….so good,” your mouth falls open as a breathless moan left your lips. Your toes curling as your thighs shut close on his hand. Jongho watches you through hooded eyes. Jongho licks a stripe up your neck as you feel a finger edge at your hole. Your hands tugging tightly on his hair causing him to let out a groan. 
Your body quivers as his thick fingers slid into you, starting off with one before inserting another, covering them in your juices as he thrusts them effortlessly. Your legs around his waist, thighs twitching with each thrust of his fingers. 
“M-More please fuck” Jongho’s finger were so good but you wanted more, you just couldn’t get enough of him.
“You’re already begging baby” he smirks, grazing his lips just above your lips placing kisses all over your face except for your lips, where you wanted him. Just as you were going to retort. The door bashed into your back. Jongho grabs you from the door to protect you only for it to be Hongjoong. You both look at each other and then at Hongjoong. “Joongie it’s not what it seems!!” you squeak out in panic as you scramble to fix your clothes. Jongho nods in agreement. 
“Look I don’t care. Just next time do “that” in his room and not on the fucking door idiots! Anyway, I’m tired as hell so goodbye.” he waves goodbye as he walks to the kitchen to grab some water and then to his room. As soon as his door closes, you and Jongho break into a fit of laughter. You couldn’t believe how embarrassing that was. Jongho smiles at you sweetly as he grabs your hand. “Come on baby we have some unfinished busy to take care of”, he says while dragging you to his room. 
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“Maybe we can find a place to feel good, and we can treat people with kindness” You watched Harry perform on stage with a smile on your face. You were so overly proud of him you were tearing up. He had accomplished so much in the past few years, so much more than critics had thought he would ever accomplish on his own. And now? Now, he was climbing in charts, performing a tour, writing music, and even connecting with his old band mates to make a special reunion project for fans. All while never missing a doctor appointment, ultrasound, blood draw, or trip to the local Baby’s R Us for clothes and furniture. You were a little over 8 months pregnant with your and Harry’s first child, a baby boy. You were both an excited and nervous wreck, Harry however was constantly stressing over you and how traveling was affecting the baby and your labor plans, which is why you had master minded this whole plan. Harry looked backstage to you and winked and you smiled back, blowing a kiss to him. Mitch looked over at you and grinned while the band finished up the song. “Find a place to feel good” as the performance ended and the band moved off stage to get water while Harry talked to the crowd you moved to your place on the couch in Harry’s dressing room and laid down. 
“You sure about this?” Mitch asked walking in.
“Yeah what exactly is going to happen?” Clare added looking slightly concerned.
“I don't know...” you looked at the two of them and smiled. “But think of all the pranks he's pulled. It’ll be a good one.” They nodded and took their places. Clare and Sarah moved over to the couch, kneeling and grabbing your hands. Mitch ran on stage. you watched from the tv in the room, Mitch whisper in Harry’s ear, take the mic and point backstage. Harry looked panicked. His eyes wide, he rand his hands through his hair and sprinted backstage. You heard his feet before you saw him. You started breathing louder, just like you had practiced in labor classes. Harry ran in out of breath and locked eyes with you. 
“What’s wrong love?”
“Its the baby...I’m just having- Ahhh” you groaned in pain, gripping Sarah and Clare’s hands. “I’ve just been having a lot of contractions lately. They have only been like 5 or 10 minutes apart...” Harry knelt by your side and took your hand from Clare’s. 
“Maybe you should try walking?” You smiled and nodded looking at Adam with the cue. This was working perfectly, he was playing into the part exactly the way you had intended. Harry helped you to your feet and walked you towards the door where Adam was. He scooted out of the way, holding his cup of water to your back. As you and Harry walked through the door, Adam tilted the water down and spilled it perfectly across your butt and down you legs. 
“Haz...” you whined looking down. Harry followed your gaze and paled. 
“Tell me that's not pee...”
“I think my water just broke.”
“Are you sure its not pee...”
“I think I would know if I peed Harry.”
“I mean there was that one time where-”
“Its not pee Harry.” you interrupted looking at him.
“Okay. Okay.” He looked around and then screamed “Ahhh okay.” You weren't expecting that and you jumped along with everyone else in the room. “We are having a baby. I mean what do we do now? The hospital. We need to get you to the hospital. Where even is the hospital from here?”
You grabbed your stomach and sunk to the floor.. “Ahhh” Harry looked down, kneeling at your side again. “I don't think theres time.” You fake whined. Harry took a deep breath.
“No time okay okay relax everyone we can do this. Ive done this before.” You looked at him.
“You have?”
“Yeah I mean kind of...it was like a false alarm and I was like 16 or 17 but its not that hard I mean you just kind of-”
“Harryyyyy” you interrupted with another burst of pain. He pulled you up and walked you to the couch. 
“We need towels. And water. And uh the other baby stuff...” He looked at the band and assigned roles. “Clare get towels. Sarah water for everyone this could be messy. Mitch can you get my camera I want this all on video. And Adam I need you to move the furniture so (y/n) can lay down flat on the floor.” Everyone moved out and Harry held you hand, whispering words to the bump. “I can't wait to meet you little man.” You frowned...maybe this was going too far. Adam moved the table and Harry looked at you. “Adam you've done this before right? Whats next?”
“I got the water!” Sarah yelled running back in the room with a bottle of water.
“Sarah that's not even enough water for me to drink.”
“We only have paper towels.” Clare answered walking into the room. “But I grabbed a whole roll.” Harry nodded.
“That will work. Okay love I need you to get on the floor and well I guess take your clothes off.” “You probably need to check how dilated she is Harry.” Adam said and you glared at him, this was not part of the plan.
“Okay we can do this. Babe the floor. Everyone places. My baby is on its way and we all have to look great.”
Harry helped you to the floor. “Harry.”
“Shh its okay love we got this.”
“We’ll just wrap him in my suit jacket-”
“Harry!” you screamed. He looked at you surprised and you smiled, reaching out to touch his cheek. He grinned back and kissed you. “Harry....I’m not in labor.”
You laughed and everyone joined in, circling him on the floor. “I’m not about to give birth, my water did not break..Haz it was just a joke.” He just stared at you and looked around.
“A joke?”
“Mhm..” Clare, Mitch, Adam, and Sarah nodded. “Sorry Harry, but (y/n) made us go along with it.”
Harry fell back onto the floor, arms spread out and feet spread out. “Oh my god.”
You laughed and rubbing his leg. “Sorry babe..”
He sat up and looked at you. “I’m going to get you back.” You smirked and nodded.
“I hope so.” 
“I guess we better finish the show huh?”
“I think you better.” He stood up, grabbing your hands and pulling you to your feet as well. 
“Little man your mum thinks she's a prankster.”
“Hey I am. I got you this time.” He kissed your nose.
“You did. But I’ll get you better next time.” The band walked out on stage and Harry grabbed your hand pulling you with him. 
“Everybody!” he said into the mic. “My girlfriend here just told me she was going into labor.” Everyone screamed. “I thought I was having a baby!” They screamed again. “BUT” he said looking at you. “IT WAS A PRANK!” Harry laughed hard and everyone in the audience was going wild. “I am having a baby just not today which means we better get back on track. This next song goes out to my beautiful lady here and our amazing little man inside her.” Harry put the mic in the stand and sat you on a chair Adam brought out. “I’d walk through fire for you, just let me adore you.” Harry and the crowd sang loud to the song and you smiled the whole time, rubbing your baby bump and feeling the little guy kick. Not a bad life to come into little man you thought singing along and enjoying the rest of the concert.
Got this request and I hope whoever wanted it enjoys! Message me with more requests and stay safe during quarantine everyone! xoxo
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Hi! Could you write a headcanon or oneshot about Todoroki Shoto where his s/o gets kidnapped or captured by the villains? Thank you so much!! 😘
todoroki shouto x reader
warning: small torture and blood, sadness, fluff
word count: 1,543
A/N: hey anon, this was actually one of the hardest things ive written because there was so much involvement and background to this that is even written and it made me actually think and plan out, it was really fun though! hope you enjoy it!!!!
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it was your third and final year at U.A. and you along with most of your peers were eyes deep into the hero internships. The Rabbit Hero: Miruko, had agreed to let you intern with her which collectively blew the minds of the entire Japanese country given Miruko’s notorious motto of working by herself
your quirk allowed you to use your energy to create enhanced speed, strength, and lessened quirks ability to hurt you by 60% so you were already in the limelight, a future pro-hero that would definitely make the top rankings.
you were patrolling one night with Miruko, the two of you quietly discussing the strange patterns of the underworld society when explosions went off
“go east, we’ll meet in the middle two blocks north from here!” Miruko commanded as you nodded your head taking off
your skin crawls with a bad feeling about the street you’re running through, and before you know it you’re overwhelmed, but you don’t give up, you manage to keep standing but suddenly someone sneaks up behind you and you blackout
back in the dorms, the class-a is staring at the news that flashes across the screen and lists Miruko as one of the first responders on the scene
shouto stays by the screen with slight anxiety.
y/n is strong, he thinks, they’re fine
it’s now fourteen hours after the explosion in the city you had been at, and the news is now confirming your disappearance along with four other sidekicks and this sends the class into chaos. what are they supposed to do?
so they freeze, turning to watch shouto who hasn’t moved from the common space’s couch and he stiffens entirely.
shouto is on the edge of hysterically laughing and crying, this couldn’t be happening to you
the class watches in silence as shouto stands up and walks away, head down, hair masking any emotion on his face.
“should someone talk to him?”
“it’s y/n, there’s no way they’re dead…”
“don’t say that!”
eventually, momo and izuku walk up to shouto’s dorm and see him sitting in the darkness of his room completely still
“I didn’t tell y/n that I loved them when they left that night.” shouto whispers as he glanced up at his two close friends his lips firmly pressed together. “I was talking to endeavor and didn’t respond back when y/n was leaving because I was so mad at him… I can’t even remember what for anymore…”
“y/n is coming back, we made it through three years of high school, there’s no way they’ll give up that easily…” momo tries to comfort shouto who is blankly staring at his floor
what was he supposed to do?
“let’s go find y/n!” izuku exclaims, his eyes swimming with undying conviction
shouto nods his head in agreement and izuku races downstairs to let everyone know
“where are we going?”
“to find and save y/n.”
“do we get to fucking kick some ass?”
“hn, I’m in.”
nineteen sidekicks are later reported at the scene of your kidnapping and shouto is slowly becoming more irritated as his worry grows
he’s going insane because no one is searching for you or the other missing sidekicks because while it’s important it wasn’t the highest priority, even miruko gritted her teeth in obvious agreement but said she couldn’t help.
you were like a pro-hero, you could handle yourself, these civilians couldn’t
shouto then sort of searches everywhere when he can, while of course helping out civilians because it was a responsibility but he’s feeling helpless and fearful
they spend the entire day assisting and can’t find you
day five soon comes around and they still have yet to find you
and shouto is now feeling nauseous
he can’t believe they can’t find you
where the hell did you go???
“todoroki-kun, you have to eat…” izuku says from shouto’s doorframe as shouto was beginning to neglect himself
shouto shakes his head, “I can’t,” he whispers as bitter tears pool in his eyes.
as far as everyone knew, they had no idea who abducted you because no one bore witness of the abduction nor was there any ransom note. it wasn’t like when bakugou was kidnapped
as the affected areas where now stable, pro-heroes were converged on finding you and the now two missing sidekicks as well, but there was nothing to go on now being five days later
“you can’t let yourself fall apart, you fucking idiot.” bakugou ridicules from the doorframe, his usual scowl on his face. “we get it, y/n is missing, but would you stop being fucking pathetic and get off your ass and take care of yourself? god, you’re embarrassing.”
“shut the fuck up Deku,” bakugou snaps as his eyes never leave shouto’s “if y/n was dead we would fucking know already, so instead of trying to kill yourself, fucking eat properly so you can fucking do your job and find y/n with the rest of us.”
shockingly bakugou’s words break through and shouto nods although he feels numb
so the class goes out that night, a new fire set under them
they search aimlessly for some sort of clue and then finally jirou and shouji pick something up, it’s your voice three blocks away due north underground
shouto runs the entire way where they pointed to, he doesn’t really know where he’s running but he doesn’t slow down. he won’t. slow. down.
you’re sobbing on a chair, blood coming out from your forehead and mouth, your dehydrated and malnourished body shaking as another load of electricity courses through your body as you were being tortured on the information you knew and they had some guy on the squad suppressing your quirk
“if you would just tell us what we wanted you’d be free to go!” the obvious mastermind grits his teeth as he walks up closer to you. “I know you want to tell me where the factory that creates Nomu’s was relocated,”
he whispers that in your ear and you shake your head.
“You will tell me, or else I’ll kill you.”
you laugh through the tears as you disagree as another round of electricity burns you from the inside out
but as you recover slowly you see shouto by the doorway, his eyes peering in as no one on the villains took notice and you feel your emotions soar in all different places
“what the hell are you looking at, y/h/n—“
ice quickly envelopes the entire floor, freezing in place the villains but leaving a wide circle around you, and before you knew it your classmates were fighting the villains while your vision went in an out
“it’s okay, we got you” a voice that most definitely was Shouto murmurs to you and you feel like it’s some higher deity speaking and you blackout from pain and exhaustion
you wake up in a hospital room, an IV drip in and bandages wrapping your arms. groaning you trying moving your body that feels as heavy as lead and pause seeing that Shouto was currently knocked out on your beside with his hand clutched to yours
you smile warmly as your boyfriend’s fingers stroke the back of your hand as if he was awake
you fall back asleep
later, when shouto wakes up he just stares at you
and you stare back when you wake up
he slowly gets up and hugs you tightly as you laugh, tears welling in your eyes as emotions slam back into you
“I was so scared, y/n, I thought something bad was going to happen and I was going to be too late to stop it…”
you wipe away a loose tear as you giggle, which honestly sounds more like a choked sob, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t strong enough”
“no, my love, you are.”
the two of you stay in the hospital room crying as pent up emotions are released in the safeness the two of you conceived for each other
there’s a knock on the door and in comes in the rest of class 1-A and soon enough brightness envelopes the hospital room
shouto presses a kiss on your temple
“I’m glad your safe,” he whispers softly to you and you can only smile in response tears in your eyes
“I love you…”
tadaaaa~! done! requests are open! and a three part series is coming soon that is like smutty so keep an eye out :D
“WELCOME HOME!” your classmates roared as you doddered through the door.
“I’m home!” you shouted back as you grinned
the dorms main floor was full of decorations, party games, and a huge banner with ‘WE MISSED YOU’ sown into it
“you guys,” you sniffle as tears form in your eyes, “this is so cute!”
shouto presses a kiss to your knuckles as you are then overwhelmed by the others into playing games and talking just to distract you
“hey, tsu-chan, who planned this?”
the frog hero laughed a bit before she smiled, “todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya if you can believe it. no one believed they could pull it off, especially bakugou.”
you smile as you stare at your boyfriend who was micro-adjusting the party as bakugou was yelling at Deku and Kirishima for ruining his set up and you felt your throat tightened
this was your family and you were grateful for them
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What You Deserve
A/N- This is not actually part of the story, its a unused story that I spent a couple weeks writing so I didnt have the heart to delete it although I scrapped it from the original story line. So please know that I did use some of these scenes in my rewrite. 
Summary- 5.7k Curtis Evertt and Y/N. Early Years. You sit with a dying member of the train and listen to her talk about her late husband, and the idea of Soulmates crosses your mind. Do they exist? 
Warnings- Death, Almost a Non Con situation. Curtis having doubts that hes good enough. Boom, got them all I think. 
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You sat with the older woman, Sheri for some time that day, perched on the end of her bunk, one leg folded underneath you and one dangling over the edge, her hand interlaced with your own. Sheri was dying your mother informed you that morning, and you simply couldnt let her pass off all alone. Your fingers interlaced with hers in that moment, yours young soft and supple, to her knobby jointed ones, age spots sprinkled across what felt like paper thin softness, like you press to hard it would fall apart. Every now and then a weak wet cough would spring forth, and you would lean forward to pat her mouth softly of any spittle that happened to escape. It was the least you could do for her, try to let her keep her dignity.
“Child, you shouldnt be here watching this.” Sheri would sputter, hazy eyes narrowing at you, knowing you wouldnt leave even if she was to send you away.
You shrugged, and resettled the blankets. “Where else would I go Sheri? Mom and Dad have everything all set in the medic bay, and I got lonely. Who better to keep me company?”
She snorted and coughed once more, raising her hand to wipe at her mouth before you could. “Hmmm, well Curtis comes to mind.”
You blush a bit and look away, which she grinned seeing your lovesick reaction. “Uh huh... Sheri, hes just a friend. And hes got better things to do. Like getting ready with McGregor.” Sheri rolled her eyes at you, and shifted to make herself more comfortable. “Child, ive see the way you two look at one another. I might be old, Im not blind. If you two would just admit your feelings are more then friends, then who knows. Might be the best thing you ever experience. I remember when I told Nathan how I felt. He was all stumbling over his words, spilling it as well.”
You chuckle at her memory, remembering Nathan well when you first came on the train, he was fiercly protective of his wife, and doted on Sheri, loved her with his last breath. You encourage her to speak more of her past, how Nathan and her had a whirlwind romance that ended with the two of them eloping. How when her father found out, he banned her from the house, and the first home she shared with Nathan was nothing more then a room with a bathroom, it was all they needed to start. “It got better, he was accepted to a university, and worked as a janitor at night, I was a waitress in a small off the interstate diner, along with babysitting. It was hard, but we appreciated all that we had.” Sheris eyes slipped closed and she mumbled. “Okay, Im gonna nap now, come back later Y/N, and we will talk some more.” the womans head tipped to the side, and you stayed long enough to be sure she was sleeping.
Drawing your way out, you are sure to slide the curtain closed for her privacy, and start making another round to see to other people, chat with them, just see if they need anything in general. You dont notice the wandering eyes following you, weaving through the people till you got to a quiter part of the tail end. You didnt notice, not until its to late when an arm shoots out in front of you, making you pause momentarily as it blocked you. “What the... Eric, what do you want?” You try to duck under his arm, but the mans grasp on your arm pauses you. A glance his way showed a handsome young man, blond locks curling around green eyes, that glinted coldly at you, and he firmly without any choice of your own backed you against the wall. “See youve been playing little home nurse again Y/N”
“Just helping mom and dad, can you please let go?” You try tugging your arm from his grasp and his other hand came up to your face to trace the curve, obviously not ready to loosen his hold, for whatever reason you would clam up around him, your heart fluttering and your breath quickening. Some would think it was innocent attraction. But it was more fear of what he would eventually do to you if given the chance. 
“When you going to let me kiss you huh? I dont see why you keep fighting me on this.” He hovered closer, his breath washing over your face and you wrinkle your nose at it. It was hot and sour to you, you tried to pull back but there was no where else to go, so the back of your head would thump against the cold metal wall.
“Im not, I dont want to and you cant change my mind.” You wriggle once more trying to get him to stop digging into your arm. “So how about you go find one of the other girls? I know there are plenty who want to be with you.”
“To easy, I rather like the one who denies me” His voice dropped deeper, making you panic sightly. His eyes, you hated the way he would stare at you, following you from wherever he was, like you were a prize to be had. "I figured it's about time I change your mind about it though." You strain out of his touch on your face and go to push against his chest to stumble him back.
"I said no! Fuck no would I ever be with you, let alone kiss you" you snap at him, turning to leave, put distance between you two, back in a crowd. Eric was to coward to try to anything with people around. He snarled though, wrapping an arm around you.
Effectively he pinned your arms helpless and your back against your chest, falling back harder then you expected, making you helpless, his hand clasped over your mouth, effectively muffling any protests you had. "What you think your to good for someone like me sweetheart. If your good enough to get Curtis's dick wet, think you can mine as well without this much of a fight." Your eyes widened at his words. I haven't, were not, stop... Your panic is washing over you, and he manipulated your head to fall back to his shoulder, lemmegolemmegolemmego, you try twisting out. Then he pressed his face in your neck, and bit you, what started as a sloppy kiss turned into a bruising bite, screaming at the shock of pain and you try kicking him hard enough in the leg behind you to drop him. The tread of your boot slid down the inside of his leg, and he pushed you away from him to crash you against the trains wall, hard enough to bounce you off, making you groan from the harsh impact.
Erics hand whipped you around, effectively pinning you with his body. No way to leverage a kick again, and hands pinned your arms down to keep from attacking. "Fucken shit head!" Your voice raised into yelling at him, where was everyone? It was eerily quiet and no one around, he smirked at your struggles, dawning on you when you saw how turned on, felt how turned on. That foreign bulge dug into your belly. "Keep struggling Y/N, just makes me hard for you, so cute thinking you don't want this."
"Your vile Eric, like those front end pigs" nothing but disgust dripping from your tone, trying to hide your fear. But he knows, it just widens his predatory grin knowing your words were masking the fear coursing through your veins. His lips hovered so close, mocking tone as he brushed them barely against yours, as you tried tilting your face away. “Come on Y/N, just one little kiss for me. Do it and I will let you go.”
You glare at him and spit, right in the fuckers face, it runs down his eyes and nose, and you smirk at him as he starts cussing and wiping his face on his sleeve. “You little fucken cunt whore! Nasty pig think you can get away with that shit?!” His hand releases you and goes to hit you when a grasp catches his wrist, wrenching it back. Both yours and Erics eyes go wide in surprise, and you see Curtis glowering behind him, firmly twisting Erics arm hard, then harder again he snarls out. “She sure as fuck is gonna get away with it. I think she told you no”
Curtis jerked Erics arm further and a crack was followed by Eric screaming and letting you go, you slid away from his grasp, Curtis jerking him forward to take where he had you pinned before. They were evenly matched in size, but Curtis had him crushed between his body and metal, his face distorted as you glanced up. It struck you in this moment just how opposite these two men were. Curtis never once raised his voice in the time youve known him,but he had to raise above Erics squealing out in pain and anger. “When a person tells you no, It fucken mean no. You owe Y/N an apology.” He pulled Eric off the wall, and kicked at the back of his knees to drop him in front of you.
Curtis loomed over him, his arm still firmly twisted up between his shoulder blades, and growled in the mans ear. “Say it, or Im going to wrench it right off your body.”
“Im sorry!” you could see the effort it took Eric to say it, but Curtis clearly wasnt satisfied.
“AGAIN!” This time he really roared, Eric cowering a bit, and remorseful, he started again.
“Im sorry Y/N, I promise to never touch you again!” Curtis glances at you and nods that its okay, he had him firmly and you stepped forward, grasping the mans hair, and tipping his head back.
“Touch me ever again, or ANYONE on this train, your dead, do you hear me Eric? I will have no problem watching you die, either by my hand or another. Am. I. Fucking. CLEAR?”
“Yes! god yes, just let me go, it wont happen again.” Eric pleads, and you step away from Eric, and circle around to Curtis’s side. Shoving him harshly away, Eric rolled to a stand and clutched his arm, racing away as fast as he could. The coward, would probably make up some lie to cover face when he made it to your father went to reset the arm. You stood next to Curtis, still fuming. Your fear from earlier forgotten, now you were just enraged watching where the coward disappeared.
“Hey, he aint gonna try messing with you again.” Curtis let his hand rest against your shoulder, looking down at you. He couldnt help but admire you in your rage and fury. Your cheeks were flushed red, and whisps of your hair curled around your face, your eyes bright as you dragged in air sharply to blow it out. Then you turned your gaze, softening just looking at him, and could see you start to loose that edge of your temper. He did that for you.. Curtis gaze softened in return and you turn into him, sliding your arms around his waist and pressing your face in against his chest.
“Thank you for looking out for me Curtis.” his hands braced against your back and seemed to envelope you. If possible he would just hold you like that for alot longer, but you pulled away, keeping it just friends. Maybe you noticed the way his heart jumped, or the way his throat caught in his throat. And it had been that way for monthes now, seeing you in this whole other way. Since that night you fought him, trying to defy that you would ever eat again. Something shifted that day, and yet he held back from telling you, mentioning it. Honestly he didnt deserve someone like you, for all the blackness in his soul. It was better you two just stay this. Stay friends. 
“Your welcome Y/N, I came to let you know Sheri, shes asking for you specifically. Your mom asked me to come get you.” Curtis was about to walk you back, but your eyes widened, and you sprinted up the aisle and out of sight before he could even think to catch up. Unsure of why you were rushing, he followed along behind, and hovered nearby, seeing glimpses of your hair as you were ducked in the bunk, and worried about intruding, he inched forward a bit enough to hear you, make sure it was all okay. Your voice was soft, almost sorrowed as you spoke. 
“Im here Sheri, Im sorry I didnt come sooner...” 
Unintelligible to Curtis at the moment, it only sounded older, raspier and you gave a small chuckle at whatever was said. 
“I already told you, were friends, Curtis and I.” your voice seems to be teasing at this, and guilt at eavesdropping, Curtis turned away from the two of them, those last words echoing in his minds. Friends. Thats all they were, and all they would ever be. He had to accept it. You werent really his, and he needed to stop feeling responsible for you.  The thought alone made him feel slightly depressed and heavy in his chest, hollow. It made him feel hollow, and he fell right in line with the others shuffling to the front to collect there daily rations. 
You curled up near Sheris side, in the time you left her, she just gotten worst, and the both of you knew it really was just a matter of time now. For a while Sheri fell back into stories of the past, mixing You and Nathan up, once in a while she will talk to you like you were her husband. Her soft knobby hands grasping yours, and a smile etching on her tired face. 
“Im so tired Nathan, whats it like?” She would say with her eyes closed, and you with your head slightly bowed, trying not to let your tears fall yet, you put on a smile instead and nod softly. 
“Yea Sheri Dear, its nice. All love and kindness. You never hurt, your always warm and we can be together.” 
“But is there Hershey Bars Nathan? And dont you lie to me, cause I always know.” 
You laugh slightly at it, barely remembering them yourself, but you do your best. “Of course, every day I will get you all the chocolate you want.” 
Sheri hums as if happy, and her eyes open, looking up at you. “Oh child you dont have to stay.” Back to herself again, she folded her hands around yours and patted them softly. “Thank you for sitting with me, Nathan told me hes waiting for me, and Im ready to go... Im ready to see him again, My Nathan.” She slowed her movements and drifted off to sleep. At some point your mother checks in on you. “Want me to sit with her and you go get some sleep?” 
A gentle shake of your head and smile, youve done this before... the silent wait, the death watch. “No, its okay. I will see you in the morning.” Your mother nods with understanding, life on the train, these past 10 years made you grow up faster then you should. It did for all of you. 
You sat there with her, refusing to leave this time, still holding her hand, that was limp and warm in your own, tracing over her knuckles and along the top of her hand, aged, weathered. Nothing really last forever, and in these thoughts Sheri drifted away, in her sleep. Just as she wanted. 
When you felt her just, become a body once more, you let your tears run free now, falling in the womans blankets, while you readjust her to cover her completely, shifting to a stand a bit weak legged from the hours you were there. You went to find your mother, but see shes sleeping, both your parents are. Looking up and down the aisle, you really dont want to be alone, not now. Not after having to say goodbye. It was moments like these you missed your little brother, having someone to hold in your arms and remember all the good memories through your sorrow.
Without even thinking about it, you wander, and soon your standing in front of a bunk youve never been into, but you knew who was there. You could hear him snore softly, and shift in his sleep. A soft rustle of his coat, a shadow in the darkness. Your heart catches, and it aches. It aches for your friend, for how excited she was to see her husband again. How you dont know if she really was though. “Curtis?” Your voice is soft, your not even sure you said it. But within seconds he sleepily stuck his head out, and hand wiping at his eyes and brows coming together in concern. “Y/N? Whats wrong? Are you okay?” 
You nod softly and maybe you shouldnt, it was such an odd request but it bubbles right out of your throat into words. “I dont... I dont want to be alone, please?” Your gaze lifts and it takes him a few seconds to register what your asking for, when it clicks, he doesnt even hesitate, his hand reaching out to grasp yours and help you up. Maybe he should send you home, send you back. But your looking so fragile in the dark, alone. 
When you settled in, Curtis felt the bunk warm up between you two, and you laid curled up near his side, not touching , but nearby. Your breathing was fast paced and uneasy. Nervous... Fuck shes nervous. He turned to his side, and reached out to grasp your chin lightly to look up at him, since you had your face tucked down. “Y/N, want to tell me whats going on?” Curtis figured it was best to get to the bottom of what was bothering you, why you came to seek him like this. 
“Do you believe in soulmates and such Curtis?” You start to loosen up, folding your hands under your head as you roll to your side as well, looking back at him. Curtis brow furrowed a bit at the very odd question from you, and gave a light shrug at it. “Im not entirely sure Y/N, I never thought about it honestly. My folks werent exactly the most loving towards each other, kinda like... “ He tried to think of how to compare them to that you might remember. “Al and Peggy Bundy from that comedy. I dont know if you would even know what Im talking about. But anyways, always kinda mean to one another, but they just stayed together. Soulmates? I dont know if they exist. Why?” 
You vaguely recalled what he was talk about, the theme song playing a bit through your mind, you remembered your dad watching it, but you never paid attention to what he was watching. “Yea I know what your talking about Curtis. I was sitting with Sheri during her last bit, and she thought I was her husband. It just... she talked to him like they hadnt missed a beat, although its been years. I did my best to give her answers for him. I just, think I witnessed what that would be.” Curtis reached out and wrapped you up in his arms, understanding now that you were saying Sheri was gone. Doing that sit was never easy. Clearly this one effected you. But certainly not in the way he fully expected. 
You let him pull you in close, twisting to lean in against his chest while he held you, his hand was rubbing up and down your back in a comforting manner. It lulled you to close your eyes, and after a few moments, you heard him speak. A rumble in his chest making you stir to look up at him. At this angle, you couldnt see his eyes. “Before this, did you believe in that notion? Soul mates, think they could find each other in a life like this?” Curtis question made you pull up to sit next to him, so you could properly see him. See if he was teasing you, although he didnt have that tone he did when he was, or if he was being serious in his question. Crystal blue eyes stared up at you, with nothing but seriousness, and maybe hope? 
You studied Curtis for a few moments, and as sometimes happened to you, your heart seemed to speed just a bit, and you smiled at him softly, nodding. “I do Curtis, call me a hopeless romantic but we have to have hope right? Why not hope that we can find something so complete in even this hell.” You shrug and tip your head against your shoulder in that optimistic way before dropping your shrug. It was then he pushed up to sit as well, and he pulled at his lip with a drag of his teeth, seeming to think. You waited him out, your hands folding in your laps and looking at him wide eyed. 
Why do you look at him like that. His resolve weakening. You were so innocent looking up at him, patient as always for him to find the words, for him to decide, for him to get rid of that guilt that he doesnt deserve you in a way more then this. You were probably the reason he hasnt done anything to reckless and gotten himself killed. Fuck it Curtis... Resolve sliding over his face and his hands cupped the sides of your face, so soft under his touch, just as he knew you would be. Soft for him, he only wanted you to ever be soft for him like this, wanting to feel you press against him, the warmth of your breath whispering into his ear that you needed him. How many times had he thought this, wanted this. And now, you were staring up at him just waiting for him to tell you all this. 
“Can I kiss you Y/N?” He asked, ready to pull back the moment you looked appalled by his request, and you never utter those words, nothing changes but a quickening of your breath, and a nervous lick of your lips. Curtis wonders, have you ever been asked before? He was patient, he could wait, would wait till your ready. Its something you never admitted to yourself, but yes... you really wanted that kiss. A dip of your head and a soft “Yes” was given. 
Thumbs circled over her cheekbones, and you held your breath, waiting with anticipation. His features grew soft looking at you, raking over your face for a moment, searching for a no from you before he lowered his head and pressed his lips to yours, they were softer then you been expecting, and a bit lost in what to do. But Curtis started a light nibble, a press of his tongue made you gasp in surprise. A tentative touch of his tongue against your own, and you finally started to relax into it, exploring in your own way. Although Curtis controlled your first kiss, you felt free, a rush of your senses making you pull in closer, your hands sliding up his chest and around the back of his neck. 
Your fingers buried into the back of his shirt, and his own hands slid off your face, and down to your hips to pull you in closer, flushing you into his chest, and a rumbling moan crept from him. You were everything he knew you would be and more. Already it was rushing to his head, feeding a deep seated hunger he had been ignoring for the past ten years since arriving on the train. If he wasnt careful, he was going to do something he might regret, and pulled away, leaving you stunned, and giving a whimper at the loss of his lips against yours. How flushed you looked, shocked, even dare he say a hint of pleasure dazing your eyes. Your lips were swollen from his kiss, and that made him pleased he could make you look like this, just a simple kiss. 
Staring at one another, it was apparent that there was no going back now, no more just best friends. You were still slightly in a daze and Curtis laid back down, his hand circling your arm to tug you to join him. “We should get some sleep.” in which you stretched out next to him. You wanted to say something, but didnt know what. The kiss, unlike anything youve ever experienced and in the dark, your fingers moved to touch your lips, smiling at the memory of it now. The feelings you had for him, had been there a long time, and until now, you never let yourself believe it was a true possibility. 
Curtis on the other hand, well he was cursing himself out for what he just done. You were far to good for him and he should have known better then that. He didnt deserve you, not your honey sweet kisses he just got lost in, or the way you were so sweetly curled up next to him, trying not to intrude. Oh he was fucked... completely fucked. Why did he have to kiss you? He groaned inwards, waiting, just waiting for you to come to your senses. He was a baby murderer, it would happen soon, he was sure. You would remember what he done, and push him away, shut yourself off from him, and then in that moment, Curtis would be all alone on the train. Long after you fallen asleep, Curtis laid wide awake with his thoughts poisoning his mind. 
That next day he had disappeared before you could talk to him, and kept expecting to see him, but you never did. Which was odd, cause he had a habit of finding you at various points in passing. Only place he could be was Gilliams, and that alone made you worry. Not that Gilliam was necessarily bad, but people plotted with him, talks of trying to escape was always so sush around the man, like a man of many secrets. You scolded yourself at your thoughts, knowing Gilliam was a good man. Hes helped all of you so many times, was the leader of your people. If anyone knew you felt this way, your throat closed at the idea of what could happen to you. 
You were soon distracted by a 5 year old named Joey. “Hey, Its almost time, right Y/N?” he said excitedly as he ducked into the medic bay as if he owned the place, pulling on your coat and looking up with a glimmer of hope passing his face, you wink down at him, and take care of the last of the supplies. Whatever was going on with Curtis was going to have to wait. And you pushed the thoughts from your mind.
“Of course, whenever Minister Mason announces that we are passing over bridge, that means its a whole new year, and every new years what do we get?” tapping your finger on your chin, you pretend to ponder. “Oh what is it. They are white, and inside is all that yummy goodness. Hmmmm.... Frog eggs? No way to slimey! maybe a dog egg? Wait dogs dont lay eggs... Maybe a... “ at this point Joey is just about bouncing excitedly, finally bursting out.
“Chicken? Right Y/N Chicken Eggs?! I think they lay eggs.” a slightly confused look crossed his face. “Im not even sure what a chicken is.”  
“Oooh! Thats what they are. And chickens run around on two legs, flap there wings and are big fluffy butts.” You cross your eyes at Joey and mimic flapping your arms, making him laugh.
“Like Miz Scarlett?” He asks, and he says it so innocently, you have a hard time not laughing, pressing a finger against his lips. “No no, she certainly doesnt look like a chicken.” Although she did that one time her nice feather down coat split down the back and feathers scattered through the tail end. You all still found the occasional feather fluttering through the aisle. Plus the woman had the tendency to be a bit over dramatic, flailing her arms around whenever she had to prove a point. Joey always had been an observant kid.
The two of you chatted about what else New Years brought, while heading out into the aisle to return him back to his mother. “were gonna have a cele-celebratition?” You chuckle and repeat the word properly. “Celebration, and it will be something like that yes.” It wasnt much, usually just a bunch of people sitting around the gate, waiting for there only treat Wilford ever gave them on the train. But it always turned into a good time, people sharing stories, and once in a while a game or two was played. “Gilliam is gonna tell us right?” Joey asks, now looking concerned.
Your brows come together, and nod, giving his little hand a squeeze. “Of course Buddy, were not gonna miss out on the best day ever, right? I will come make sure your there with everyone else.” You smile at him to assure, and he pulls up, leaping into a lower bunk to crawl over to his mom. “Mom! Y/N said its almost new years, and we get chicken eggs and maybe we get to hear stories and... “ he ended up running out of air and took a deep breath. “and Miz Scarlett doesnt look like a chicken.” You end up covering your mouth,while his mom puts him on her lap and shakes her head. 
“Now Joey, you cant be telling anyone they look like chickens! Jeeze child, what am I going to do with you?” She tickled his side and he went sprawling across the bed, and rolled back up, the excitement tinging his face. “I wont, I wont... I promise!” The PA systems crackles, and you put your finger up to your lip to sush Joey, all of you tipping your head to listen. Minister Masons nasal voice crackled and stated. 
“We just passed the bridge, and another year on Wilfords Miracle Train. How lucky we have all been to be here for this miraculous day. Mr.Wilford is providing everyone a treat to celebrate, be sure to come up to the front in a ORDERLY fashion, and be sure to thank him for his bountiful grace hes bestowed upon us.” 
You roll your eyes to yourself for the fucking dramatics, but you tilt your head and sound excited for Joey. “Come on Kiddo! I bet hes got something real good for us.” The child looks to his mother for permission and she nods, sending him flying out of the bunk to grasp your hand and practically tugging you down the aisle, since its quite a walk for his little legs, he wanted to hurry. “Slow down Joey, we will get there” You laugh, and then Curtis sweeps past you and hauls the kid up in his arms, grinning at you as he turned around, and walked backwards, Joey, wrapping his little arm around his neck. “We got places to be, Dont We Joe?” The little boy gave a very serious nod and looked down to Curtis. “Yes sir we do.” 
“Okay, okay... Im coming!” You pull up alongside Curtis with a sigh like they were being ridiculous, and once they were in sight of the front, Joey started wriggling to get down. “Put me down Curits, I want to go get in line!” in which hes swung down and as soon as his feet hit the grate, he bolts away from the two of you. The both of you hang back while others crowd to form a line. You let yourself lean against his shoulder and look up to catch his attention. “Feels like youve been hiding on me Curtis.” 
“No, just been busy.” He glances at you and away, watching to make sure Joey doesnt get lost in the mayhem. Liar, hes always been a bad liar. You see right through it, and you dip around to stand in front of him. “Say that again Curtis, and mean it this time.” Your mouth curls up in a grin, and he growls a bit under his breath that he had been caught. 
“Listen, yesterday...” he starts, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. “I took advantage and I shouldnt have.” 
“Curtis Everett, when have I ever done anything I didnt want to do?” You fold your arms over your chest and shake your head. 
“That doesnt count and you know it.” Giving him a silent warning and he snapped his jaw shut. You step in closer and take a hold of his jacket, fiddling your fingers in it. “Listen to me closely, You didnt take advantage, okay, and Im not going anywhere. It wasnt bad, right?” 
His eyes widened and a shake of his head to get rid of the notion, he couldnt help but touch you again, his hands moving along your arms, up to cup your face again. “Absolutely not, it was... the best kiss ive ever had.” his face softened when he said it out loud. 
A slight blush crept in your cheeks, but to hear him say that, just made you more bold, knowing you werent wrong. You were ready for this moment, and never thought it was possible. “Then why do you fight it?” You asked as you slid up against him, and move to your toes to reach him, cupping the back of his neck, you bring him down to meet you, and more confident this time, you kissed him slowly. This one was yours, and the people started cheering around them at the announcement of the new year. But for Curtis, his world narrowed to the woman in his arms, nothing else existed or mattered for him. You fit in his hold, like you were meant to be. the soulmates questioned flashed through his mind and then you moaned into his mouth, and all thoughts went away for good. 
He knew in that moment, there wasnt going to ever be anyone else. He might not deserve someone like you, but he wasnt going to let you go. 
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
Matchup for @nad-zeta! (Milestone Celebration)
Zeta, my sweet sweet Zeta, here’s your matchup! You have been such an angel, both in your patience and your general loveliness.💛 I’m sorry it took a little longer than expected, but I hope it was worth the wait! It’s pretty long (~3000 words lolllll) so it’s all under the cut. Sorry, I got carried away! :’) xx
So, without further ado, based on the information you gave me I matched you with...
take care of my bby pls
I feel like I need to say that I kept going back and forth between him and Zen. Zen was a VERY close second, so I kinda half match you up with him too. That being said, there were some things you mentioned that made me lean more towards Saeyoung, which will be explained below :))
Reasoning & General Headcanons!
“🥰 i am a aries, infp, ravenclaw female 🦊”
An Aries you say...?
Tumblr media
Need I say more? Absolute chaotic duo. The energy is buzzing, and the people you hang out are always amused by your shenanigans.
As an INFP, you are caring, loyal, and sensitive, which are traits that I believe Saeyoung would benefit from in a partner. He also hides his true emotions well, so someone with your personality type would be able to pick up on the signs that he is feeling low, even if he tries to hide it. Your loyalty and devotion also helps him feel secure, which considering everything he’s been through, is something I feel he would struggle with, particularly in the early stages of a relationship.
On the flip side, Saeyoung is also incredibly loyal. And whilst he does joke around and tease, he knows how sensitive topics and comments can affect someone, so he is never careless, especially since (as an INFP) you often take things to heart. As a team, you work well together because you view the world slightly differently. You’re an idealist, whereas he’s a realist; you focus on the big picture, whereas he has an incredible attention to detail. This is really helpful in difficult conversations, big decisions, plans for the future etc, because whilst your opinions may differ, you offer the other a different side of the story. You get the best of both worlds!
I don’t know my Harry Potter houses very well, but from my memory and a quick Google search, Ravenclaws value knowledge and are wise, intelligent and witty. Sounds familiar? ;) i mean wise is debatable lol. Your conversations are sooo interesting and natural, because you’re both very intelligent in many ways.
“i am pretty shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. I am pretty aloof and blunt, like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating.”
Okay, this was one of the key things that made me match you with Saeyoung. A huge reason why I love Saeyoung so much is that there is a high level of comfort in a relationship with him. By that I mean that he is so open and fun that there is literally zero judgment. Judgment is such a foreign concept to him in this kind of situation. He makes you so comfortable that it’s so easy to be yourself around him, and it doesn’t take long for him to get to know you.
GIRL HE’S THE SAME. The king of bottling up his emotions. This means that y’all know when something is up, you can see the signs. You are understanding of each other, so discussions happen and actions are put into place before things become too much.
Saeyoung sometimes just needs to be told when he’s being a lil prick. You are kind and gentle when he needs it, but also can be blunt with him when it gets silly. I mean, if MC was like you towards the end of his route, we would have got through the whole “i’M tOo dAnGeRoUs gEt aWaY” thing SO much more quickly.
Once you’re comfy with him, you become an absolutely unstoppable force. When he teases you, you tease him back. When he’s being playful, you’re his partner in crime. Y’all are so goofy. Your life is full of laughs and joy with Saeyoung.
Sarcastic comments, dark humour and self-deprecating jokes? Yep that’s also very Saeyoung. Sometimes you two have to reel it in a bit when you’re hanging out with others because YOU’RE OUT OF CONTROL TOGETHER.
“I love my friends and family and will fight anyone who threatens them, although when it comes to me, you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly can't stand up for myself).”
IT’S LIKE HE’S LOOKING IN A MIRROR. Seriously though, he knows the importance of self worth because he knows, firsthand, the damage that can be done when you don’t value yourself and your wellbeing. He makes it his mission to help you see how worthy you are of respect and give you confidence to stand up for yourself. Even if you won’t do it for yourself, he’ll stand up for you. He cares too much about his loved ones to let them be treated wrongly.
He feels how much you love him and your other friends/family which makes him feel so secure, and he also has a phenomenal amount of love in his heart to give and he ain’t afraid to do so.
“I swear like a sailor although I am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real.”
Finds your road rage and swearing SO amusing. Constantly teasing you about it and winding you up, but it’s all in good fun.
Absolutely has a swear jar for you. No doubt about it.
“You’ve corrupted my good, Catholic ears.” “Saeyoung shut the fuck up.”
“I love nature and animals (i love my lil bunnies and dogs), i love working out/going to the gym #gym is life”
I mean, we know he adores cats, and I imagine he loves other animals too.
I also imagine he loves camping, and I don’t even know why. He just gives me camping vibes. Weekends away spent in nature, sleeping in a tent and sitting round a fire in the evenings are pretty common for you.
I know this is ~controversial~ topic in the fandom, but I am of the opinion that Saeyoung also works out.
Do I think he’s completely ripped? No, probably not. But he’s strong, lean at the very least. Even Jaehee admits it! He makes working out so much fun and it’s always a bit of a laugh.
“i enjoy cooking (i am now officially a chef), wine tasting (fancy way of saying getting very tipsy of different wines most nights), spending time with friends (especially if there is tea to be spilt) although i do need lots of alone time to recharge my social battery”
The first time he tasted your food, he almost cried. Poor boi lived off eating crisps and soda for God knows how long.
“Wait, you’re not meant to constantly feel like you're gonna throw up? Food is meant to have...flavour???”
Help him
Saeyoung is pretty social, but also needs time to recharge like you, though he can go a bit longer than you and doesn’t easily get drained by social interactions. This may seem like a problem when you spend time with friends, but it’s actually such a blessing. If you’re feeling exhausted when socialising, he knows and will “take the wheel” if you will. There’s nothing worse than trying to keep a conversation going or seeming upbeat when you literally don’t have the energy, so Saeyoung is there to help you out. He’s also super good at politely and subtly taking you out of those situations if you are super drained and need to recharge.
He’s also such a gossip so if you got tea to spill he’s ready to hear it, and you know he ALWAYS has tea to spill. Sneaky man
“i like conspiracies, reading, writing (Fanfics and im busy with my Masters in nutrition >“<), rom coms, and  sleeping. As much as i love spending time outdoor i also enjoy lazing around the house being a lazy potato.”
Discussions about conspiracies over dinner lol. He is in possession of some...top secret information, so those conversations are very interesting and eye opening ;)
He LOVES to read your writing. It literally doesn’t matter what it’s about, he finds it truly fascinating. It’s a little glimpse into who you are, and it’s something you created!!! By yourself!!!! HE LOVES THAT. Always impressed with what you write, every time. He’s so proud.
He’s a cryer, he loves rom coms.
He works super hard, so he’s always down to have a lazy day with you!!
“I definitely zone out and daydream all the freaken time and tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club). I am a picky eater despite my degree in cooking (i basically only eat candy, carbs and protein)”
He. loves. Making. You. blush. I’m sorry, but it’s one of his favourite things. He thinks it’s so adorable, so prepare for all the teasing, lewd jokes and general flirtiness that’ll get your cheeks burning ;)
He’s not keen on crowds either, so that’s not a problem!! I imagine he occasionally goes on night’s out with the bois (and by bois I mean usually just Zen and Yoosung LOL) but he’s not often out until super late, and he’s super respectful of you. Would never ask you to do something or go somewhere that makes you uncomfortable.
“i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.   I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).”
CUDDLE MONSTER. I actually think he’s the biggest cuddler in the RFA. Controversial I know, but damn Saeyoung loves a cuddle. He’s a spontaneous cuddler. Like it doesn’t matter what the situation is, if you need a cuddle or he just fancies one, he’ll find a way.
He sees right through your calmness and confidence, because he’s exactly the same. This puts him in the perfect position to reassure you and lift you up. He’s a great hype man!
He finds your awkwardness adorable, and your sarcastic comments just make him love you even more! He has a good sense of humour and doesn’t take things too seriously if they don’t need to be, so he’s constantly laughing with you and easing your mind in the very early stages of your relationship.
“I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, like no matter how badly you hurt me.”
Based on what happens on his route, it’s very handy that you are a forgiving person hahah
But again, if Saeyoung thinks you are being treated wrongly and being hurt, he will stand up for you.
His dedication to protecting the ones he loves is STRONG. I mean, look at his relationship with Saeran and the way he is constantly looking out for you in ALL routes.
Of course, he won’t say or do anything to that person if that makes you uncomfortable. Instead, he will constantly reassure you of your self-worth and remind you that you deserve better, but will also support the decisions you make.
If you want to forgive and forget, he will respect that, even if he thinks differently.
“What am i looking for in a potential partner?.... well i definitely think i need someone that could bring me out my shell initially, also someone who isn't too sensitive cause like i said i can be super sarcastic and my jokes kinda match that (like in my family we show out affection for each other via playful insults and savage comments)😂😂”
As I stated above, I think Saeyoung is the best person to help bring you out of your shell. There’s no judgment and no shame with this man.
I find that someone being unapologetically themself is SO contagious, and Saeyoung is exactly that - unapologetically himself.
We’ve all seen his humour, he doesn’t seem to be particularly sensitive either so you’re all good there hahaha. Obviously everyone does have their limits, so whilst their are topics/jokes that would probably make him uncomfortable (e.g. stuff relating to Saeran), overall, he’s chill and ALWAYS ready to joke around with you.
The roast battle is so real with you two LOL
“i kinda want someone stable, hard working, decisive, ambitious and who can push me out of my confort zone and vice versa.🦋”
He goofs around, but there’s no denying that this man works HARD.
Once he leaves the agency and starts his new life with you, I can imagine him being super ambitious and also aiming for stability.
His life before had been so restrictive yet so uncertain. He had to do what he was told, but never knew what was just around the corner.
This makes me think that he would crave the stability and certainty that he never had (a ‘normal’ life, if you will), but also he’d want to try so many things that he hadn’t before. He strikes me as a ‘go big or go home’ kinda guy, so I think it’s safe to say that he would be ambitious in many ways.
The only thing I don’t think he ticks the box on is decisiveness, at least not at the beginning. I think he usually knows what he wants, but rarely acts on that.
“It’s up to you”, “whatever you want” and “I don’t mind” are very common phrases for him lol. I think he would learn to be more decisive once he gets comfortable. I also think he has his moments of assertiveness though, when he’s in the right mood.
“Also someone who is family oriented and loving (someone that can cuddle me when im having a bad day)☺ and someone who can make me laugh, cause i love joking around so i kinda think i need someone who could match that🌻”
Again, look at what he’s done for Saeran and how deeply he cares for and loves him. A ‘normal’ family was something that was absent in his life, so when he has his own family (whether that be a found family or one he made) he would cherish that so strongly, maybe more than most.
He could be working at his desk and suddenly think “you know what? It’s snuggle time” and then he would search the house for you to give you The Snuggle™
Again, he’s also VERY observant and his attention to detail is impeccable, so he can instantly tell if you’re having a bad day and will act accordingly - aka SNUGGLE TIME
I mean, need I say more? If you want someone who makes you laugh, Saeyoung is the guy. There is never a dull day when he’s around, and the house is always filled with laughter!
So yeah....that’s my reasoning :’)) now onto your very own drabble!! This is all yours, so if there’s anything you’d like me to change or add, PLEASE let me know!! I’m more than happy to edit anything to make it more personalised for you, just shoot me a message and I’ll be on it, same goes for anything I’ve said above!!🥰
“Saeyoung! Can you come here a second?”
You called out to him from the kitchen, stirring from a pot whilst its contents quietly bubbled away. You could hear the music blaring from his headphones all the way from the other room, with the occasional hum or drum on his desk. Evidently, he hadn’t heard you.
The music ceased, followed by rapid pattering as he darted into the room, nearly skidding round the doorway. 
“I heard ‘fine ass’ and here I am,” he smirked, sauntering over to you and snaking his strong, secure arms around your middle. He swayed you from side to side, planting a wet kiss on your cheek, much to your dismay. Saeyoung merely chuckled, resting his chin on your shoulder, “What do you need, witch lady?”
“Why ‘witch lady’?”
“Well, whatever you’re cooking is giving me witchy vibes. It looks like a potion in a cauldron. Look at you with your double double toil and trouble-OW! Don’t pinch me!”
“Sorry, it’s a witch thing,” you winked, spinning around in his grip so you were face-to-face. “You sure you’re not the witch? You do have the nose for it.”
“I’ve also got the dress and hat in the attic, shall I go put it on?”
“Try this for me first.” You held the wooden spoon out to him as he took a sip, chuckling at the way his brows furrowed in thought.
He smacked his lips a few times, hummed then finally looked back to you, “It’s good.”
“That’s it? That’s all you got?”
“You do realise that my taste buds have essentially been burned off by chips and soda, right? I have no idea if something’s bad or not.”
“You’re right. I should call Jumin.”
“You can’t,” he informed, his smirk growing ever wider as he moved towards the snack cupboard, “Mr Han has a date tonight.”
The spoon clattered against the counter, your mouth agape, “You’re shitting me.”
“That’s another coin in the swear jar.” Saeyoung chucked a packet of candy in your direction, though it only hit you in the face before falling unceremoniously onto the kitchen floor, “I think we need to get your reflexes checked, babe.”
“Tell me everything.”
He took a seat on a breakfast stool and chortled as you leaned over the counter, eyes showing your eagerness to hear the gossip. And he was more than happy to provide, “He appears to be really into her. Like, really into her. She seems to just get him, you know? I could hear his smile down the phone when he told me about her earlier.”
“Earlier? Why are you only just telling me this now?!”
“Do you wanna hear the rest of it or not?”
Huffing, you perched on the seat next to him, stealing a piece of his candy despite his look of horror, “Okay, well where did he meet such a woman?”
“You’re never gonna believe it.”
“Try me.”
Saeyoung was enjoying himself far too much. He couldn’t wait another moment to witness your reaction, “She’s Zen’s co-star.”
The tea had been spilt, and things were about to get very interesting within the RFA.
Your eyes were glued to his as he continued to disclose the details. At some point you had wrapped your arm around his, his other hand encompassing yours. He abruptly stopped halfway through describing the first encounter, causing you to quirk an eyebrow impatiently, “What?”
“Do you smell burning?”
“And another one for the swear jar.”
@nad-zeta​ there we go my love, I hope you enjoyed your matchup!! I am so grateful for your support, it never fails to make me smile when I see you pop up in my notifs. You are beautiful, kind, bright person and you deserve the world. Thank you again for all you’ve done and all you do💛💛 Take care of yourself, my friend! xxx
(Note for other readers: I usually don’t do matchups, this was for a special occasion! I doubt I’ll open up requests for them later on, but never say never!)
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
(1/2) Don't know when you'll reply to the other ask I sent kinda related to this, but I'm going to gush on about this idea anyway because. Yandere Nyarlathotep; honestly, I think he could be the most terrifying yandere ever. An eldritch god of pure evil (although how evil he is is kinda debatable), madness and chaos who is pretty much all-powerful falling in love with a smol helpless human? That human is screwed unless they're into loving and being loved by an eldritch horror from the beyond.
2/2) You can try to run and hide as much as you like, and you might even get a bit far if the god is feeling particularly playful, but in the end he'll always find you and drag you back into his loving embrace. Not to mention you literally cannot trust ANYONE. Nyarlathotep is a renowned shapeshifter and an excellent actor. He could be literally anyone you know and you'd never find out until it's already far, far too late. You're his precious little human mate and he's never letting you go))))
“Y-you aren’t my mom” your shaky voice spouts out, your pointing finger trembling as fear envelopes you and weighs down on your chest. No. No you couldn’t trust anyone! “Youre him! Youre...you’re not my mom!”.
Your mother, or rather the thing dressed as her form, gently grabs your hand and gives you a concerned expression, eyebrows furrowed in worry. “Honey you’re absolutely shaking! What on earth happened? Come on, sit down, sit down” She insisted.
You yank your hand away, backing away with fear and trepidation. Your mind is racing, unable to focus on anything other than suspicion and panic. “NO! NO! Stay away from me! Stay back!” You scream, dashing out of the door and down into the street, eyes darting around to every person on the street.
Their voices bounced in your head, murmuring about how sick and ill you looked and if they should call for help.
No. No if you get any sort of help nyarlathotep would easily take their form! What if everyone was him? Are you even you? You can’t tell anymore, you’re so tired and sleep deprived and unable to even breathe correctly. You haven’t eaten in days because you can’t trust the food not to be tampered with.
Your mind is breaking. You can’t take it anymore!
Slowly, your vision goes blurry as you collapse in the street, your body being so weak and exhausted it forced you to give in. The rush of people circling you was the last image you saw before your eyes closed and you could finally get some sort of rest. Comforting in a sense, obviously something you needed, but who’s to say how long it lasts?
The ringing sound of beeps wakes you up from your unconscious state. Your eyes pry open, trying to adjust to the bright room of what you can only assume is the hospital. You raise your head a bit to look over to the machine making all the noise, and try to find a way to at least turn the noise down a bit.
You feel a sharp pain in your arm when you reach up, seeing a fresh IV sight was just put in. IV? What were they giving you? Wait-what even happened? How long have you been here?
You squint your eyes to see the name of the fluid currently pumping into your veins, and sigh in relief as it was only saline and some vitamins. You flop back down and close your eyes again, swallowing as you try and keep your heart rate normal as to not make the machine go berserk again.
“Maybe he...maybe he doesn’t know I’m here” You mutter to yourself, running your hands down your face as you exhale. “Fuck...I bet I gave mom a heart attack...and the neighbors probably think I’m psycho”.
A soft laugh leaves your lips as you open yours eyes again, looking up at the ceiling. “Well. They aren’t wrong”.
A knock on the door causes your heart to spike in speed again, your fight or flight response kicking in on instint. “Y/N? I’ll be your nurse for the day. How are you feeling? Do you know why you’re here?”.
You nod your head, swallowing nervously as the nurse steps in and begins to write on the dry erase board in front of you. “Oh? Could you tell me then? Just so I don’t have to walk all the way down the hall and grab your chart again”.
Odd. Usually nurses already have that either memorized or on hand. “I...collapsed from exhaustion I think. And was brought here. From what I remember”. Your voice wavered a bit, watching the nurse places the marker down with a low chuckle, and turns to face you with a feral look in their eyes.
“No. You’re here because I want you to be. Because I love to play cat and mouse with you. I told you. I’m everywhere all at once”. Your heart leaps into your throat, and all you can manage is a weak cry for help before a hand covers your mouth.
“Ah ah ah! Wouldn’t want anyone to be hurt because of your misbehavior do you? Now be a good patient and let me play a little longer. The good stuff is coming later, just you wait!”.
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