#ive seen so many ppl bullied off of twitter for speaking up about ableist language and abkeism in general in kpop
5283 · 2 years
kpop stans really think "delulu" is...... just kpop slang? 💀
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there were way more similar answers to bm's question, i just picked out the first two. the rest were variations of "delulu pills" memes 😶
i'm not on the schizophrenic spectrum myself but i experience a similar set of ableism daily so i can't just keep quiet about this.
i'm also aware it's not every kpop stan and that twitter is a spawn place for those teens who are trained to believe that performing being politically correct as not to get "cancelled" is the way nowadays. i'm talking about the phenomenon of "being an ally" by putting pronouns in their bios and thinking it's all there is to being an ally for lgtbqi+ people and other similar examples. it's not exclusive only to twt though but it's not like i take screenshots everywhere i go because it's really just exhausting talking about this.
i don't care if you're an impressionable teen, using specific symptom-related terms of stigmatized conditions to talk about anything but actual said symptoms will always be simply disgusting and ableist behavior.
delusional is a word used to describe a specific experience people on the schizophrenic spectrum experience. people that don't experience delusions shouldn't use this word to name other things that are not related to a particular everyday experience of schizo-spec people. delusions are debilitating and are a part of what makes a person disabled. using the word devoid of its original meaning only further stigmatizes schizophrenic people + people with related conditions who also experience delusions. because it normalizes only the word describing a symptom without normalizing the symptom itself since all of you keep using it in wrong context by erasing the initial meaning behind the word. the word you were searching for was a belief, not a delusion.
other examples since you're in need of more varied vocabulary to say the most usual things: far-fetched dreams, illusion, parasocial, desperate, naive etc.
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