coloured-africa · 5 years
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#IWD2020 We spoke with @lorddohertymr on #eachforequal, what it means for our present society, and what we can do in our spaces to achieve #genderequality. _ Although Doherty is not a fan of pictures, he was quick to show up for us. In his words, #EachforEqual means “equal opportunities for all people especially not delimited by gender.” _ It would be a world, a society where gender is not a basic of discrimination in any form, where #genderbasedviolence is nonexistent, and where people can reach their full potentials without the limitations of negative #stereotypes. _ Doherty says: “Although I've not carried a placard recently [lol!], I've been treating women the same way I have for the last 2 decades. As equals. Because I was never really felt superior to any woman.” _ The funnest part for me is when he asks, “What would you want me or other men to do more of?” - I respond: “Keep treating women as your equals and importantly. call other men out on their bullshit.” _ For us, it’s important that men prompt conversations on gender equality with other men, particularly to correct a behaviour, to point out unconscious bias, and to support women in feminist advocacy. If you’re also a man, here’s what we’d like to remember: the bro code is never an excuse to keep quiet where someone is harassing, abusing someone, or treating them less than equal. _ 📝-Ohotu for #colouredafrica #heforshe #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica #genderbasedviolenceawareness #brocode no to #stereotypes https://www.instagram.com/p/B99ZHfgBTcU/?igshid=1ts3brcq96sz5
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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A what? A boss!!! @heytobi_ tells us how much she’s doing to #smashthepatriarchy for our #iwd2020 #series here: #EachforEqual, to me, is the recognition and celebration of our individual roles in opposing patriarchy and achieving gender equality. It means that we all, in our spaces, must work towards creating an equal world for women everywhere. _ I'm contributing towards promoting gender equality by understanding and accepting my status as a full, worthy and equal human and encouraging every woman and girl in my circle to do same. _ I am unlearning and rejecting all I've been taught on my status, purpose and limits as a woman. _ I also deliberately push conversations on gender equality at work, family gatherings and meet ups with friends in order to drive engagement and correct false narratives on women, their status and roles. -Tobi Agbede _ Editor’s notes: It’s really hard steering conversations on gender equality with parents, siblings, extended family members, coworkers, ‘coworshippers’, neighbours, and so on. But it’s great to see people who we’ve featured on #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica act as examples that we can all follow. One thing to remember is this: no space is left out in the discussion of #genderequality. In every space where there are people, we must bring in gender equality. -Ohotu for #colouredafrica #feminism #feminist #africaforfeminism #iwd2020series https://www.instagram.com/p/B98rUdvBs-n/?igshid=um6akqaot0bl
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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On our #IWD2020 series, @debbykeys tells us her story: #EachforEqual for me represents a call for everyone to challenge bias, fight stereotypes and advocate more for a gender equal world. _ It is a call to understand that women rights are human rights. #womensrightsarehumanrights _ Women can be the best version of themselves. They can be anything they choose to be. _ #eachforequal means challenging cultural and societal myths that discriminates women because of their gender. _ During my #nysc year, I worked with the International Federation of Women Lawyers, Plateau Chapter. We actively put ourselves to the work of educating women on their rights and representing them in courts when their rights had been violated. _ I recognize that there is much to be done and I know my knowledge has empowered me to raise my voice, lend a voice and give a hand- this is what I do. Many years to come- we will be doing the same thing. -Deborah Nwanguma #colouredafrica #educateher #representwomen #advocacyforwomen #genderequality #feminism #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B97Hd94hG-6/?igshid=1ajl294rkhm6p
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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#IWD2020: To me, women are the most resilient people. In our societies, they have doubled as the pillar upon which families stand and the 'character' of a people. _ Gender equality should therefore be a non-issue; it should be a given, it should be the norm. _ We must recognize the works and efforts of women, in building foundations with the bricks others have thrown at them. This is Success. _ I believe that our generation must design a future shaped with the inclusion of women and girls at all levels; and we realize women’s rights, capabilities as well as aspirations. _ I urge that we all continue to strive to break down barriers against gender equality and the actualisation of women’s rights. - Terkuma Chia #colouredafrica #eachforequal #feminismisequality #womensrightsarehumanrights #heforshe #isupportwomen #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B96vFdphC8X/?igshid=1v0m0a0dz2leh
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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Hello again #Africa! Still on #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica, @toni.ajiboye says: To me, #EachforEqual is a society where women can equally contribute to the progress of the community. _ #EachforEqual is a society that adjusts equitably to ensure women are given access to as much opportunities as men. _ How I am contributing to this? I support each and every day, the woman's right to claim her space, to pursue her dreams and to break traditions which are known to limit the potential of women in achieving equality. -Jesutooni Ajiboye _ Editor’s notes: In the wake of the #corona #virus, please remember to take care of yourself, to breathe and keep calm. Practice personal hygiene and social distancing. Meditate. Read books. Drink water. Do what makes you happy (indoors 👀). Good night from Nigeria. 💖 #colouredafrica #feminist #feminismisforeverybody #togetherwecan #heforshe #riseafrica #anxietyawareness #iwd2020 #iwd2020series https://www.instagram.com/p/B943FEIhOIg/?igshid=1s09w27shhnj5
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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To me, #EachforEqual is- and should be- means the norm, the standard. We should never have been in a state of aspiring for gender equality but rather, strengthening the existing equality. _ But now that Society redefined the norm, celebrating #IWD2020 and #eachforequal, is a celebration of how far we have come and a reminder of what more is to be done. _ I will, at all times, stand for what I believe in- equality. _ In my place of work, I take up challenges and I will always strive to be better. . Never will I give in to the pressure of what the Society has defined me to be- weak. - I will also influence every one around me- girls and boys- to be a part of a system that smashes the patriarchy. - Feyisikemi Adeagbo @iamfeyisikemi_ #colouredafrica #smashthepatriarchy #genderequalitynow #feminist #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B93gz8jhODc/?igshid=19frykay29jm6
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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@ade_mufasa says: With #EachforEqual, we’re celebrating our peculiarities and differences, knowing that we all should have equal rights, opportunities and obligations/responsibilities irrespective of gender. _ I am consciously doing away with stereotypes and educating people I come in contact with on the need to have a society where all humans are treated as equal without prejudices. - ‘Banji Oladipo #colouredafrica #feminisminafrica #heforshe #feminist #equalpay #goals #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B916jxsJj23/?igshid=o8thb32dndw3
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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Our world would be so much better if women had the enabling environment to reach their full potential and truly become. Our economies would thrive, every sector would thrive and indeed the men would be grateful for it. _ But now, we have people fighting against the movement for equality because they don’t understand- people fight what they do not understand. _ In a society that works, we wouldn’t have to demand for inclusion, equal status and equal opportunities, but here we are. _ To get what we want, to achieve gender equality, we need to do more to engage men and boys in these conversations rather than cocoon ourselves. The day for action is today. The time is now. _ Equal pay today, more opportunities tomorrow, no sexual harassment the day after. Slowly but surely! - Miracle Okoro @mimsokoro #colouredafrica #feminisminafrica #eachforequal #iwd2020 #iwd2020series iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B91lkmGBHv4/?igshid=1aaeiuuo3z9he
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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For me, #EachforEqual means everyone standing up for not just equality but equity. No placing undue burdens on either gender in the name of equality and not debasing one gender in the name of equity. _ Finding a balance is and will always be key. _ A woman is a human with fundamental rights. Affording her those rights and respecting them would be a great place to start. _ In my own space, I'm ready to educate any man I find acting ignorantly. But also, I'm educating myself on what my rights are and how I should be treated, so I can give accurate lessons. - ‘Simi Adeoye @adeoye_peace_ #colouredfrica #genderequality #womensrightsarehumanrights #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B908_hlBcRs/?igshid=jcgk1t8i5kt0
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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I consider #EachforEqual to be more than just another hashtag (that ought to have ended with this year’s International Women’s Day). . It’s a mind set which we all need to strive to attain. _ #EachforEqual transcends equality for women & girls. For me, it includes, equality in the work place (superior--junior), equality at places of worship, equality in treatment at social gatherings, government offices, hospitals, everywhere. _ We are Humans before anything else and Each of us should stand for Equality in Humanity. If we don't, who will? _ I haven't been doing much to advocate for equality in my own space because I have been unduly held back by the fear of what I don't know. But I’m learning daily. And I speak my truth in the ‘little corner’ that I consider my safe place. _ I hope to take more active steps in advocating for equality now, more than ever before. _ This year, we are intentional about 'everything'. Be intentional about your advocacy for #genderequality Cheers! - ‘Tosho Ibrahim @fola_shayor #colouredafrica #heforshe #iwd2020 #feminismisforeverybody #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zVwf6Bbv7/?igshid=t1nbnb56uocw
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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#EachforEqual to me means that people should not have to be limited, judged, or punished for belonging to a certain gender. _ It means boys and girls can aspire equally and be given the opportunity to have their aspirations come through. _ I am contributing and will contribute by speaking up more about these issues and personally trying to fight the undertones of patriarchy I have been exposed to. - Hawau Abikan @hawau_abikan #colouredafrica #heforshe #feminist #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica #generationequality https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wxmRmBFY-/?igshid=1lnzv37xjh3gk
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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Hi!!! We’re still sharing our #iwd2020series because every day is a day to preach and respect women’s rights. Yes or Yes? _ @kingjesudunmolonge says: #EachforEqual to me means that as a general rule, human beings should be treated as individuals and not primarily on the grounds of gender as far as the circumstances of each case permits. _ _ Each person should be rewarded based on their conduct capacities and qualifications. People should NOT judged or punished solely on the grounds of gender. _ It means that equity and fairness reign supreme for all. _ In my space, as an event planner, I have accepted male and female vendors. My internal team consists on male and females even in the ushering arm @laushers where men aren't traditionally popular. _ As a social media user, #EachforEqual is me speaking against gender injustice on all my platforms including my YouTube channel. _ As a lawyer, it's me effortfully seeing that justice is done for all. _ As a human being, it is me treating all friends as full humans and calling them out for their biases especially misogyny. _ It's me telling children they are enough, so, they grow up knowing this and becoming fair, unbiased individuals. _ This is my investment into making the world a better, happier and saner place. -Jesudunmo Longe _ #colouredafrica #womensrightsarehumanrights #feminist #iwd2020 #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wEMj0B32T/?igshid=4ez39ftel3tr
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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The #EachforEqual campaign seeks to create a world where every woman is judged on a spectrum of her inherent abilities and not by her gender, and more especially; where every person can freely be whomever they choose to be without the fear of being tagged out of line by social norms or limiting narrative. _ In my community, I actively support campaigns and lend my voice at any given opportunity to ensure that women do not have to feel less than because I understand that, " the only real change that has ever occurred are small steps taken by a large number of persons" (Statesman Adman Burke) _ My name is Ijeoma Ngwu @the_aijayy #colouredafrica #feminism #feminist #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9t4t1yB9Af/?igshid=1nxlts7we93zv
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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For me, strength and capacity have no gender. For any role whatsoever, the best person should not be determined based on their gender but what the person is bringing to the table. If a lady can do the job better ,by all means give it to her and vice versa. _ #Let's all strive to do what is fair and give women equal chance at whatever table, whether in the boardroom, politics, in business and so on. _ As a woman, believe you can and go for it! Most importantly, women should support other women. Say no to Envy. - Tosin Adeagbo @a_toseen _ #colouredafrica #genderequality #womensupportingwomen #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9tS3qFhq65/?igshid=el2mmvl6ud0
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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#EachforEqual depicts a gender-equal society. For me, this translates into a more female inclusive society especially in the work force; hiring more women into managerial roles; providing women with the right skill sets, and to having women’s voices adequately represented across all sectors. _ I use my social media platforms-WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram- to communicate my stance to a larger audience. In my neighborhood, work and place of worship; I speak with individuals, couples and groups on the need for a gender equal society. _ I will continue to advocate for those whose voices are not heard, to fight for rights for women trapped in toxic relationships/marriages, to speak to parents to raise their kids equally and give both genders equal opportunities. _ I stand for/with all women, particularly those who continue to strive to get the society that we want: a patriarchy-free society with equal opportunities for men and women. -Queen Abutu @mara_cetera #colouredafrica #morewomen #equalityforall #feminism #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rtqp9hJEZ/?igshid=1p8z4g6hr8unu
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coloured-africa · 5 years
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I have intentionally celebrated #IWD for three years in a row now. This year I am in a totally different mind space about it. _ I am not trying to justify the reason for wanting a spot at the table. I am not explaining why I should be treated the same way. I am done with the mental gymnastics of providing context and insight as to why I should be here. _ I simply am going to show up every day for myself, when I want, and where I want. And I’m going to take what's mine because it's no longer theirs to give. _ I am. And that's enough reason. -Mojola Olaifa @j_for_jola _ #colouredafrica #boss #takingupspace #feminism #iwd2020 #iwd2020series #iwd2020seriescolouredafrica https://www.instagram.com/p/B9q_WQkhRpO/?igshid=1h2h8qaluuekf
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